1 ORGELPARK RESEARCH REPORTS VOLUME 1 VU UNIVERSITY PRESS VU UNIVERSITY ANTON BRUCKNER ANTON BRUCKNER Herman Jeurissen Peter Planyavsky Orgelpark Research Report 1 THIRD EDITION (2020) EDITOR HANS FIDOM VU UNIVERSITY PRESS Orgelpark Research Report 1 Contents [§1] Practical information 11 [§11] Introduction 13 Herman Jeurissen [§21] Anton Bruckner, builder of symphonic Cathedrals 17 Peter Planyavsky [§70] Anton Bruckner’s organ improvisations 51 VU University Press De Boelelaan 1105 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands www.vuuniversitypress.com
[email protected] © 2012 (first edition), 2017 (second edition), 2020 (this edition) Orgelpark ISBN e-book (epub) 978 90 818696 2 1 (available at www.orgelpark.nl) ISBN paper edition 978 90 8659 716 1 NUR 664 English translation: Chris Bragg Recording examples (e-book only): Bert van Dijk, January 3, 2012 Organist & organ (e-book only): Henk Verhoef, Sauer organ (1922), Orgelpark All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Orgelpark Research Reports Practical information Orgelpark and VU University [§1] The Orgelpark is a concert venue in Amsterdam. Its aim is to integrate the organ into musical life in general. The Orgelpark initiated the Orgelpark Research Program in 2008. [§2] The Orgelpark Research Reports are published in cooperation with the Chair Organ Studies at VU University Amsterdam. E-books [§3] Publications about music gain when they include sound examples and short movies. Therefore, the Orgelpark Research Reports are “electronic books”: e-books, to be read online on tablets, computers and comparable devices.