GP's LP by Neil Tennant∗ Department of Philosophy The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 email
[email protected] November 8, 2018 Abstract This study takes a careful inferentialist look at Graham Priest's Logic of Paradox (LP). I conclude that it is sorely in need of a proof- system that could furnish formal proofs that would regiment faithfully the `na¨ıve logical' reasoning that could be undertaken by a rational thinker within LP (if indeed such reasoning could ever take place). ∗Please do not cite or circulate without the author's permission. Invited paper for the volume Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency, edited by Can Baskent, Thomas Ferguson, and Hitoshi Omori, to appear in Springer's `Outstanding Contribu- tions to Logic' series. I am grateful to Graham for a helpful email exchange, and for his comments on an earlier draft. Thanks are owed to Matthew Souba for a careful reading of an earlier draft. I am grateful to Julia Jorati and Florian Steinberger for vetting my translation of the German passage quoted in footnote 8. 1 1 Introduction Graham Priest first put forward his Logic of Paradox, now known by the acronym LP, in Priest [1979]. Subsequently LP was one of many paraconsis- tent logics that he considered in his survey article Priest [2002]. (Unsourced page references will be to the latter.) By definition, a paraconsistent logic is one that does not admit (hence certainly does not allow one to derive, let alone have as a primitive rule) the inference known as Explosion: A; :A : B: Priest's LP was a creature of formal semantics.