OFERTANT SRL ..Moncomtex"


1. Denumirea gi obiectul contractului: Sitel:"Re,habilitation of regional sports all in tht village of " fuIusaitu village, district, Site2: ,fartial rehubilitation the buitding of the kingergarden" village, I'aruclia district, 2. Numdrul gi data contractului Nr.ITBl7/1595 ,lin 2l/11/2017 3 . Denumirea/numele benefi ciarului UND P Mo ll dov a 4. Adresabeneficiarului 3l Awgust 1989 Street 5, fara Republica 6. Calitateain care a participat la indeplinirea contracttrlur anteprenor general (se noteaz:6 opliunea corespunzdtoare) antreprenorul sau antreprenorul general (lider de asociaJie) antreprenor asociat subantreprenor 7 . Y aloarea contractului exprimati in moneda exprimata in care s-a in echivalen incheiat contractul dolari SUA a) iniliald (la data semndrii contractului ) 2 435 98!).00 r43 293.5 b) finala (la data finalizdriicontractului) 2 435 98i).00 r43 293.s

8. Dacd au fost litigii Privind indeplinirea conl.ractului, natura acestora ul lor d, solufionare: -l/z

9, Perioada de execulie a lucrdrii (luni) a) contractatd 3 (trei) luni b) efectiv realizatd 3 (trei ) luni c) motivul de decalare a termenului contractat (daca este cazul), care va fi inut p, bazd de acte adiJionale incheiate cu benef,tciarul Nz 10. Numdrul gi data procesului-verbal de receplie la tenninarea lucrdrilor din 01 5120t8, 02 din 1911012018. 11. Principalele remedieri gi c,cmpletdri inscrise in procesul-verbal de receptie 12. Alte aspecte relevante prin care ofertantul igi susjine experienJa similard, c mod special la suprafete sau volume fizice ale principalelor capacitafl $i categorii de I prevdzute in contracte



prezenl *) Se completeazdfige distincte pentru fiecare contract, care este n3cesar sd fie confirmat prin conhactului de antreprizd sau subantreprizi, precum gi prin procesul-verbal de recepJie, la terminarea United Nations Development Programme


Date: November 1,2017

Dear SirlMadam, Ref.: structure Projects (LOT #1)

The United Nations Development Programme (hereinafter referred to as "UNDP"), wishes en9age 'MONCOMTEX' LLC, duly incorporated under the Laws of the Republic of Moldova (here referred to as the "Contractor") in order to perform: Site 1: " Rehabilitatiion of regional sports hall in village of Musaitu ", Musaitu village, Taraclia distrricU Site 2: "Partial rehabilitation of the of the kindergarten", Albota de Sus village, (hereinafter referred to as the "), in accordance with the following Contract: l.Contract Documents 1.1 This Contract is subject to the UNDP General Conditions lor Civil Works, attached hereto Annex L The provisions of such Annex shall control the interpretat:ion of this Contract and in no shallbe deemed to have been derogated by the contents of this letter and any other An unless othenruise expressly stated under section 4 of this letter, erntitled "Special Conditions".

1.2 The contractor and UNDP also agree to be bound by the provfsions contained in the llowing documents, which shall take precedence over one another in case of conflict in the fol order: a. this Contract; b. Annex | - The General Conditions of Contract for Civlil Works; c. Annex ll - Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications dated Septem 13,2017, including the Technical Design Documentation for this lot, not attached hereto but to and in the possession of both parties; d. Annex lll - the Contractor's Offer including the Price Schedule and Bills of Quantities tted by the Contractor as part of its Bid dated October 1r5,2017, not attached hereto but to and in the possession of both parties.

1.3 All the above shall form the Contract between the Contractor and UNDP, superseding contents of any other negotiations and/or agreements, whether oral or in writing, pertaining to the iect of this Contract.


Pobedy street 26, Comrat city, Republic of Moldova,

2, Obligations of the Contractor

2.1 The Contractor shall commence the Works within 5 (five) days from the date on which he been given access to the Site and received the notice to cornmence from the Engi Substantially complete the Works in not more than 18r0 calendar days, in accordance with the Contract. Ihe Contractor shall provide all rnaterials, supp,lies, Iabor and other services ary to tnat end. (-ontrar-tor 2.1 I he shall subrrrit to the: [:nclineer the Proqrarnnre of Work referred to in Clause 13 ofthe (.:cilerirl Conditions l>y 27 I 11 12017 .

t+ /- Ihe Contrar-l.or represents and wdrrants the ar:curacy of etny infclrmation or data provided tO UNDP for the ptlrpose of entering into tlris Contract, as well as the quality of the Works foreseerr nder this (-ontract irr accordance with tlre hiqhest industrial and prrfessionalstandards,

3. P-ri !!d p-aym-e-n! 3.t lhc total estimated price of the-. Contract is contained in the Uillof euantities and amoun ro uss 143,293.51(one hundred forty-three thousand two hundred ninety-three dollars, 5 cents). (-lotalSitrr#1 (MLrsaitu)-53477,54USD;Totalliite#2(AlbotadeSus)-89815,97USD.)

51 1-he price of this Cc"rntract is not subject to an)/ adjustmerrt or revision because of price or ency fluctttations or the actual costs incufred by the Contractctr in the performance of the Contr 3.J Ihe final pric:e of tlre Contract will be determined on the basis of ttre actual quantities of rk and tratelrials utilized in the complctc and satisfarctory perfc)rmance of the Works as certi by the [:r]gineer and the unit prices contained in the Contractor's financial proposal. Such unlt tces are f ixc.d and ;rre not sultject to any variation whatsoever.

34 lf the Contractor foresees that the final price of the Contl'act may exceed the total esti pflce r r:ntairre inforrn the Engineer without delay, in order for UNDp dpridp , al its dis(retion, 1o increase'-. the-. estirnated price of the Contract irs a rc.sult ofa largc_.r qr ntity of urrtrlVnraterial or to re.cluce the c;ua n titl,of work to be perfornred or materials to be used. U DP shall rrot be responsible for payrnent of any amourrt in excess of that stipulated in :1,1 above u less this latLer atrr>unt has been increased by means of a written amendmernt of this Contract in d.inCe with its paragraph 8 below. l5 Invoices for the work perfornrt-.d ancj rnaterials utilized shall be suLrmitted everv 15 davs; a final invrtice wilhitt 15 days fronr thc issuance of the Certificitte of Final Completion by thc t ngrneer. Payrnents will bet nrade in MDL at t"JNORE on the day of payrlent, l6 IJNDP sfrall effec-t payrnent of tfrc invoicos after rec-eipt ol'tlte certificate of payment issu by the [nqinr:c-'r, approvinq the amount contained inr the invoicr. Tlre Errgineer may make ons to that anrount, in which case LJNI.)P rnay'effect payrnent fc,r the amount so corrected. The rgrneer rnay also withhold invoices if the work is not peformed at any time in accordance with the ms of thc Contract or if the nccessary insurance policies or pcrlorntance security are notvalid ncj/or in

ortjer.'[-ht: [:nginer:r shall process thr: invoiccs submittecl lty tlre Contractor within 10 cj of their ' ri..r.r.ipll, whert nr) objer-tions for the ;tetrfornted works exist. l/ l);rytnents e'ffcctecl tty I,JNDP 1o the Contractor shall be deented neither to relieve the Con actor of its oblig.ttions urtrler this Contract nor as acceptance by UNOp of the Contractor's perfor nce of the-. Works.

}B F';iyrnettt o1'tht: final invoice in the arnount of not less tharr 5% (five) and not more than 1 (ten) olttter tcttal estirn.rted pric-e of thc r,ontrar:t shall be effecterl by UNDrP after issuance of the C ificate :inal of f Corrplertiorr by the Enc;irrccr. l9 Allfunds pititi to lhe Contractorfor works perJormed unoerthis contractare carried out er tne [][,] funclccl lccltnic.rl ,rssistarrcr: [)roject "Supplort in Agricultural and Rural Developnten in ATU ( :;) Qi) r Jri

2r For the purposes communications with the Engineer, the address of the [ngi follows:

Alexandru URSUL

Le Roi Business Center, #29 Tarii Street, off .403, Chisinau, Moldova e-mail: Alexandrul Ursul ru.u rsul65@g>

UNDP may appoint person as Engineer as will be notified in writing to the (ontractor. lf the above terms and itions meet with your agreement ars typed in this letter and in the Contract Documents, please initial page of this letter and its attachnrents and return to this office original of this Contract, duly signed

Yours s

Sitefan Deputy Resident Repr{sentative L,NDP Moldova For "Moncomtex" Agreed and Accepted:

Signature Name Title Date INVESTITOR (UNDP Moldova) BENEFICIAR (Primaria Musaitu) nr. I la Regulamentul recepji a constructiilor gi i iit afe


Privind lucrarea: Reparatia capitald a cladirii salii sportivet din s. A,[usaitu rn. Taraclia executatd la obiectul: Sala sportiva a gimnaziului din s. Mu'saitu rn" Taraclia, in cadrul nr. lTB17 lI5g5 din2l.II.2017 incheiat intre IJNDP Moldlova si ztntreprenor SRL ,, pentru lucrdrile de; Reparatia capitald a cladirii salii sportivea girnnaziului din s. M' Taraclia l. Lucrdrile au fost executate in baza autorizaliei nr.09), din 04.12.2017 eliberata Primari s.Musaitu cu valabilitate pind Ia04.12.20181, 2. Comisia de recepJie gi-a desfbgurat activitatea in intervalul24.05' 2018, fiind formatd

c : Pr e S e dintel e omi siei Primar s. Musaitu - Raisa Tasnicenco Membrii comisiei: Consilier - Ion Sevcenco Consilier - Anatolii Calcev Responsabil tehnic - Andrei Tanov Inginer consultant - Ion Ceban UE - SARD

3. Au mai particiPat la recePlie :

Administrator SRL Moncomtex - Mavrodi Oleg Diriginte de santier SRL Moncomtex - Topal Veaceslav

4. Constatdrile comisiei de receplie cu privire la terminartta lucrdrilor: Reparatia capit da cladirii salii sportive din s. Musaitu rn. T'araclia sunt cup,"inse in anexele nr.l, 2, 3, la process verbal; Anexal: piesele din documentaJia scrisii gi desen'at6, prezentatd, cate au lipsit Eiisau si incomplete; Anexa 2: lucrdrile din caietul de sarcini care nu au lbst executate (in caz cd sunt lucrdri); Anexa 3: lucrdrile, la executarea c[rora nu s-au respectat prevederile proiectului. 5. Comisia de receplie, in urma constatirilor fbcute, propune: Organizarea procedurii de receptie a ohiectului lu terminarea lucraeilor 6. Comisia de receplie motiveazdpropunerea frcutd prin: Finalizarea lucrarilor de constructie - montaj prevazute in contract 7. Comisia de receplie recomandd urmdtoarele: Expl u at ar e a o b i e c t iv ului c o nfo r rn de s t in at i e i 71. Descrierea obiectului recomandat spre receplie: Obiectul cu numdrul cadastral _, adresa pogtald; s. M Taraclia, destinaJia conrpus din urmdtoarele , suprafafa la sol , suprafala totald, numdrul de etaje 1, conform certificatului despre rezultatele inspectirii bunului imobil, anexat prezentul proces-verbal.

8. Prezentul proces-verbal, conJinind 2 frle gi 3 anexe numerotate, cu un total de 5 file, a fl incheiat astdzi 24.05. 2018 laora 1 0:00 in 6 exemplare.

iZ.Jv 'ose'+/c1eiqd:'ifeAKlrt.- Pregedi Raisa T


( Ion Sevcenco

Anatolii Calcev

Andrei Tanov

Ion Ceban

Reprezentant antrepreno Mavrodi Oleg Topal Veaceslav

9. Concluzia Inspecliei de Stat in Co Lucrarea Zz--e-e-

201 8 W -/qrrD P (func1ia, numele, prenunrele)

10. Lucrarea Reparatia capitald a cladirii salii sportive din s. Musaitu rn. Taraclia:


tl e c2018

L.$. I

La procesul-verbal de ve la :rminarea Lucrarilor Din .05. 2018

din documentalia scrisa si desenata a o care sunt lipsa sarrr incomplete.

s. Musaitu

istrator SRL Moncontex

Ion Ceban Consultant UE SARD AN nr.2 La procesul-verbal de receptive la inarea Lucrarilor nr. din 2 .05. 2018

cuprinse in Documenta[iaTetrnica ce n-au fost executate.


Ra s. Musaitu

M Administrator SRL Moncontex

Ion Ceban 5r Consultant UE SARD