The Congregational Historical Society
The Congregational Historical Society Fourth Annual Meeting The fourth Annual Meeting was held in the Memorial Hall, in the Council Chamber of the United Temperance Council, on Wednesday, May 11, 1904, at 3 p.m., Rev. Dr. Brown in the chair. Between 30 and 40 members were present. Prayl!r was offered by Rev, C. H. DAVIES. The. minutes of last meeting, having been already published, were taken as read. The HONORARY SECRETARY read the report, of which the following is a summary :- · "During the year one issue of Tramactio11s has been published; also a reprint of Browne's Treatise of Rcfonna/io11 williout Taryi11g for A11ie; and the hitherto unpublished 1Vew Years Gu(ft, lately identified in the British Museum. This document had been carefully edited by Mr. Burrage, by whom it was discovered ; and the publication was somewhat costly owing to his care for minute accuracy. One of our members, Mr. Dixon of Northampton, has also discovered the register of Browne's burial, in the parish of St. Giles in that town, October 8, 1633. At our meeting at Bournemouth in October Mr. Brciwnen read a paper on .V 011co11for111ity i II Halllpshire, which has been published in the Transaclio11s. This paper is an excellent sample of what sh_otild ba! done for most or all of the counties, so that maps might be prepared of each, similar to that which has been done of Hamp shire. During the year we have lost one member by death, Rev. C. Knibbs of Torquay, and seven by resignation. Nineteen new members have been enrolled, makiag the present number 175.
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