Memories Since 1975 Fall Issue 1982

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Memories Since 1975 Fall Issue 1982 :, J I MEMORIES SINCE 1975 FALL ISSUE 1982 THE SHADOW IN COMIC STRIP FORM, BY WALTER GTUSON, VERNON GREENE AND FHAHING SEQUENCE BY EHIL J. '''''c.'",\\~. NOVAK JR ;:::::::::::::::.=.: THE SHADOW M E M 0 R I E S Published by The Old Time Radio Club o T R C 100 Harvey Drive Lancaster, New York 14086 The Old Time Radio Club meets the second Monday of the month (September through June) at 393 George Urban Boulevard, Cheektowaga, New York. Anyone interested in the "Golden Age of Radio" is welcome to attend and observe or participate. Address. all mail inquiries to the Lancaster address above. * * *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This issue is dedicated to the memory of Bret Morrison who played The Shadow for over a decade on radio. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CON TEN T S The Comic Strip Shadow...•••••• . Page 1 The Shadow of a Doubt . • . • . Page 18 Crime Out Loud. Page 20 The Shadow in Hollywood. • • • . • • . • . Page 22 MEMORIES STAFF Editor: Emil J. Nowak Jr.•• • • . Pages 1-16 Editor: Richard A. Olday•• . .Pages 17-23 Production: Arlene, Millie Dunworth, Dom Parisi. 1'1 MEMORIES, Volume 8, Number 2, Fall 1982 is copyright 0 by The Old Time Radio Club. All rights are assigned to the contributors. MEMORIES is published by The Old Time Radio Club. Price $1.00 GRANT BOOKS & COMiCS est.1956 1419 HERTEL AVE. NEW * USED it RARE COmics Paperbacks- Books -Mags- Pulps SC i --:- Fi VISit ·OU,r new department Past to Present Movie Me morabilia Itlc:HA.U DI~D. private de"ctive. YOUIS 'nULY. JOHNH'I DOLLAR on is a tough private eye, played to CBS stan that venatile gentleman, perfection by a former crooner. Dick John lund. Besides being a tal.nted Powell. Before he darted specializing actor, lund has written many radio in rugged roles such as the famous scripts, including "Fashions in Ra. CBSsleuth. Did: had built up a wor4d­ tions" and thll "Jack Pepper Show." wid. reputation as a singer. 80nI For the stage, he wrote lyrics and in Mountain View, M., h. was sketch.s for Leonard Sillman's "New spotted by Hollywood in 1933 and Faces of 1942....3... In Holl,ywood h. speot the next ten yean starring in collaborated on the screenplay for musicals. He wonted a c;hange--ond "Appointment With Danger:' John got it in "Murd.r, My Sweet." his hails from Rochester, N. Y. In 1942, h. fi rst detective role. In 1.-.5. Dick morried actress Marie Charton. with marriecl June Altyson: has two kids. whom h. oppeared in "N.w Foces." ftUl DlTlCtm MYSTIaIIS. the popu' 1HI TO' SUY on ABC ston that w.1I lor Mutual series' about a noted known radio racket-bust.r Joy' Jostyn detective magazine. stars Richard '\I~'"-r:, 'of "Mr. District Attorney" fame. Joy Keith in the role of ,John Shuttleworth, ;s a student of crim. in his 'spore the editor. Dick was born in N.w York tim., too: in Manhass.t, L. I.. City in 1908. His 'fint job after 9rad. h. lives. h. is .ngag.d in community uation from the High School of -activities aimed at deCl'8asing juv.n­ Cemmerce was driving the ponies il. d.linquency.•Born in Milwauk.e. and carnages for children's rides in Wis.. Joy majored in dramatics at Central Park. A port in "DiamOnd Marqu.tte University, then moved ,to lil" on Broadway was the beginning Hollywood, where, he made good cif a successful career behind foot­ as a radio actor. A N.w Yorker since lights and microphones~ Richard the middle 30's, .Jay has .done as onc" played Santa Claus on radio. many as 48 roles in 36 shows a week. ..ICIlY SPlLLANI mystery series stan ' S9U~D ROOM, on Mutual, features Larry Haines, who hails from Mount os its star six-footer Jo. O.Santis. Vernon, N. Y: lorry's flair for acting, N.w York City born, Joe att.nded began to show, even· in grammar the Colleg. of the City of New York school, where he took the leads in where he majored in languages and class plays at the age of sev.n. was active in school dramatics. He. Aft.r graduation from colleg., he started his acting career with Wolter join.d the Play.... a Hampden's company in 1931, has summ.r stock group, th.n turned to appeared in many Broadway plays. a small radio station on Long Island.' In Hollywood, he played the h.avy Sinc. that tim.. 36-year-old Lorry in "Slattery's Hurricane." Joe and his hal starred on .v.ry major radio and wife, radio adress Margaret Oraper, TVshowin N.w York. Hiespore time is live in a Manhattan apartment. In d.vot.d to his hobb~hotograp!ly. his spare time, he is 0 fin. sculptor. IN 1940 STREET 8 SMITH PUBLISHERS DEC­ -IDED TO AOO COMIC BOOKS TO THEIR LINE OF PULPS, THE SliAVOIJ/ WAS TO BE THE LEADER. WALTER REDUCED EXCERPTS FROM MY SHA.VOW STORIES TO SHORT cenc SCRIPTS ANV THESE WERE THEN TURNED OVER TO VERNON, THE FOLLOWING ADVENTURE IS ONE OF IIY ALL TIllE CLASSICS ••• THE SHAOOW-The SealM Bozi. St,,",n BII MazweU Grant 1 (J " By LJlaxu'('1l Grnnt THE SHADOW-A l'isitor 1:1"1:1-1.\ •. 1 t ' ..... 1',11":1' 111'"·" -'ND ~IS PERSON il-l\;Y-)-------=r. - ..... \ vou ARE SURE ( MR RUFUS VOSGLc I:> A ~ ~ERE SEALED BO)(, il-lA.T WHILTON I AM, ............ CALL il-l.E SI-lADOW 2 --' I CONSIDER ~IM~ ) WITl-l MISS TAKEN BY n-te WAS KILLED -n-IAT 15 WHY "<, -- - ----1/ . INNOCE"iT. WI-lILTON lJ~r,,-~~,S~/1 MURDERER or:­ 8ECA.USE OF I SUMMONED TI-IE I' GSAID I-lE WA.S A.I=QIEND, RICHA.RD WHILiON Tl-lE BOX ~ POLICE CHIEI= Al=iEQ .. ' . il-IE MAN 1 SUSPECT 15 ~ ~~~--~ W~ILTON'S CONTAINS I LEFT ,J ~ WI-lILTON'S LA.\,NYEI'I.. E\/IDENCE ~..".>J"oAI\;';) ------,..~I V056LE. EXPOSING l~~{/- . GRAFT IN SOUTI-lBURY. MISTAKEN "'OR WI-IILTON'S MURDERER, 1l1E SH,e..oov.I DISAPPEARS. NE){T DAY, JAMES BELVE"R, S0tJn.4BlJAY SURPR.lSED ~AT 'IOSGLE SHOULD BE CA:"LING ~~~~~R·lr _'~'~"~ ON l-IIM, J"MES BELVER WOULD BE EVEN MORE •.. AMA'ZED "Ttl KNOW iI-lAT CRI>.N5TON 15"'Tl-4E S>1/lDOIN THE SHAOOW-Some Srupicion8 I'.·I::I:-t."r.·.' t ' :'. 1',lto III 1·111.· By Maxu:ell Grant r.-------------."....----------.. I :&7 7 I ASQEE BE;L\lER,TIlAT...... I oj--------~• ...,...,.....-------:::---" ~T BOX WAS STOLEN ¥MICI-I MIGrrr L -nE SH.t.Oow IS INNOCENT, BY SOMEONE W~O MEAN ME, I UNLESS ~ POLICE SHOULD MIXED IN CROOKED 5UPP05E. BUT FINO ~IM Wl'TH "'n-IE POLITICS 1oER.E INlOW"'! Tl-ERE IS ANOT\olER SEA\..5iD BOX ..• •r--' ANGL.E ..• THE SHADOU'-Surpr;sing Discovery I;. L::l~l. r •• l I ~ ";110'111 I I'h•. Jly ,Jlaxu'ell Grnn: ----. Ii I 1 f LOST _ A SPANISH GOLD COIN _ ("TI4E I LAMONT DATED 1824.BRING TO ROOM CRANSTON, 604,CENTR"L BLDG. REWARD ( SEALE!J] IN REALITY _._ • ::::=::;;;:0::= Jj ==== ~ BOX' THE SI1ADOW. I-IAS Tl-lE -" " ' RARE COIN DROPPED 8 BY Tl-lE MURDERER WHO S'OLE TI-lE SEALED BOX. READING ll-tE SOlJil.-lBURY "JEWSPAPER n-tE 5i-1ADOW REJ>CI'ES 1'""1 II I .,., n-tE Si-I...OOW· TI-iE CENiI'l.AL BUILDING MAKES UNSEEN AND SCALES ANan-tER FIND TO Tl-lE SIX"'" I=LOOR·· - VJ q I •• L',· •. I "I , !-­ 1'.00,., ••,..... By Maxll'eli Gra"t Il-lE (,UY ) l -­ -- , ~IN BlAeK' :" THE' T H E R E \ ~ .> f. ~ElLOW : SEEKING ( HE IS I I \I' 'T1-<A', THE I -, / \ \ KllL.f D I MURDERER "\:" r::-"'. "iiIIIiiio;,. WHILl ~)'< ' WHO lOST "L .... ~ ....,... .--­ Il-lE RARE SPANISH COIN,. Il-lE SI-IAOO'N ""NDS,. INSTEAD,. ~ESEALED BOX ""Tl-lAT 1'\-IE KILLER STOLE! 10. TN I!: SHADOtt"-Letll'es False Trail 1:, "'_I.,.., ,. ~ "..,.'" ..II,.. By :JlaxlCell Gra"t i1'iIiW".I" '\:<..:., oJ.!. ,I!. 1l-I 1 S IS 1l-IEWAYI-lE WENT.WELlGET \~~ TRAPPED HIM BEI=ORE ~E GOES DOw..., ....RQUGoH INA ~~E <, DEP....RTMENT S? "TOP STORY N::::J OFFICE WI"Tl-I~E SEAlEO BOX,. STOLEN BY A MURDERER, IN HIS POSSESSION,. -n-tE SHAOOW CAN CLEAR >-lIMSELI= ONLY ey I=LIGHT WI'Tl-l'Tl-lE BOX II TNA' SNADOH'-J)owllloord Plunge! 1:''''1 I., .1 I :-: I· ... t,! '1111.. By Maxwell (;'-0,,1 'f ; '< 1/"'---------------,:&.-----, REvERSING ,,----" HIS ROUTE /: TOGO DOWN THROUGH Of-<='CE &04, n.<e 5~DOW MEETS NEW OPPOSITION. NOT =OM -n-1E POliCE, BUT I=ROM CROOKS W>-lO fOOLlOWED It' ThEIR ·11"....E ! +:­ /2 e " f' " TilE SH/1IJmr-ti'ho Got th« Box? I;, !. I· d I ~ "<1.1,1 • 1111' 1111 ,lla.w:"ll (;ral" PLLJNGI'JG DOWN A 60 I=OOT ~L~VAIOR. S~A~" !HE SHADOW CL_U'CHE5 AT !HE STEEL CABLE BlY, HE 5l.ACKENS ~g~t(~JJ~'lJlj 00' ~ I C''JL''·· I 4 ~- I~"" , I 1"--- r...J.w" I.,..__ht'~"._ .. --- - --' THf: S/I.AIJ()Jr-llaltles HiH tray Out 1: . .: ·1 I ;'" 1',1,',1",11.. By Maxwell (;ra"t A f .... • _i.'. I -_ ..-- ----. 1'-- < - ---.-,------ DE LAVED 'roo LONG SUSPECTING TO OVERTAKE Ii-lE MAN ~E5PEEDY IN~E MAS'ER ELEVATOR CIlOOK, TO BE"TI--lE lHE SHADOW MURDERER, MAKES HIS "T\-4E S~A(XlW OWN DE­ ~RUST >-lIM PARTURE "!\-IE SEALED LEAVING 60X .CAu6I-IT ~E FIE'L.D WI~i1--4E TO -n-lE EVIDENCE, POUCE 714E KILLER FLED BY -n-lE "n-1IRD I=LQOR /4­ f,' Til ."11" IJOU"-!\nO/t'H llu: Cu.llll"il /,.t.
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    No. 1 * 50.• cover d esjg n t w ill kvenne EDITOR' S NOTES Why a fanzine about old time radio? BA DIOHERO In science fiction circles a fanzine N Q. I is properly a fan magazine about SF. Editor: Purists like Robt Bloch? insist this Jim Harmon is the only type of legetimate fan­ zine. Yet there are others about Contributing Editors: comic books, folk singing, evenFan- Ron Harydock dom itself. I think a fanzine about Redd Boggs the art of radio drama is. a valid addition to this group... Even i m Don Glut the purest sense, a radio fanzin e Publication Director:Redd Boggs would qualify because radio is link­ CONTENTS ed to imaginative stories more than any other" dramatic form. Because FLYING HEROES DEPT. there was liberty in audio plays, it was almost always taken by even the SS-3L OF THE SECRET SQUADRON most mundane-. (Even the Lone Ranger by Ron Haydock ...••• helped discover atomic energy with Project Andromeda.) ... Of course , THEY ALSO FLEW the main reason for a radio fanzine ...................................................... 7 is because I want to do it, and fan. publishing offers one of the last FOR THE LOVE OF JIMMIE ALLEN areas for the luxury of such person­ by Redd Boggs ....................... 11 al. freedom. JOHNNY DOLLAR: RADIO'S LAST HERO RADIOHERO is the name because I ........................ 15 think it implies, that now virtu ally vanished medium. It is a name to THE SHADOW RETURNS TO RADIO conjure with, not to be stuck with. by Jim Harmon ...... 18 The magazine won't be only about male adventurers.
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