A Fiber, 9, 10, 66, 67 Abdomen, 221 Visceral Afferent, 222 Absolute
INDEX A fiber, 9, 10, 66, 67 all-or-none law, 62 Abdomen, 221 current during propagation, 62, 63 visceral afferent, 222 current loop, 64 Absolute temperature, 26 definition, 40 Acceleration depolarization phase, 38 angular, 183 duration, 38 linear, 183, 184 effect on contraction, 144 negative, 184 frequency, 50 positive, 184 generation, 88, 89 Accommodation, excitability, 60 inactivation, 48 Acetic acid, 74, 78 inhibition, 96 Acetylenoline ion current, 42, 43 cycle, 78 ion shift, 40, 42, 43 end plate, 74, 75 kinetics, 44-52 fate, 77, 78 mechanism of propagation, 62 intestinal muscle, 237 membrane conductance, 49 membrane receptor, 77-79 muscle, 129 muscarinergic transmission, 223, 225 overshoot, 38 nicotinergic transmission, 223, 225 peak, 38 quanta, 82 phase, 38 receptor, 78, 79 potassium conductance, 41 Renshaw cell, 100 propagation, 61-68 smooth muscle, 230, 231 refractory period, 50 transmitter function, 100, 101 refractory phase, 49, 50 Acetylcholinesterase, 101 repolarization, 38 ACh, 74, 75, s.a. acetylcholine rising phase, 38 Acid, fatty, 225 saltatory conduction, 64-66 Actin, 131-133, 139, 147 smooth muscle, 230, 231 Actinomycin, '312 sodium conductance, 41, 42 Action potential, 37-43 sodium deficiency, 43 Action potential tetrodotoxin, 52 after-potential, 39 threshold, 39 327 328 Index Action potential (cont.) Anion, 21 time course, 37, 38 Anococcygeal muscle, 233 trigger, 39 Anoce,58 triphasic current, 64 Antagonist inhibition, 109, 212 upstroke, 38 Anterior pens, micturition center, 241 velocity of conduction, 61 Anticholinergic substance, 313 Active transport Antidiuretic hormone, 259 membrane, 32 Aphagia, 264 sodium, 35 Aphasia Activity clock, 288 motor, 305 Adaptation, hormonal, 259 sensory, 305 Adenohypophysis Apoplexy, 196, 310 feedback system, 259 ARAS,295 hormone control, 257-259 Areflexia, 170 hypothalamus, 254 Arousal, 295 Adenosine triphosphate, 132-134, 147, 226 Arterial pressure, 247, s.a.
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