The IBrowse "Plugins" PDF Come here to get all the latest IBrowse "plugins" and instructions on how to use them.

Animation Plugins These are all animation playback programs that can be configured to be used by IBrowse in the External Viewer section of the General preferences.

Readme Download () Installation Instructions CyberAVI.readme CyberAVI. (1.12) >>> klick <<< tapavi15.readme tapavi15.lha (1.5) >>> klick <<< aMiPEG_1.1_bin.readme aMiPEG_1.1_bin.lha (1.1) >>> klick <<< qt20.readme qt20.lha (2.0) >>> klick <<<

Document Display Plugins These are all picture and document display plugins that can be used by IBrowse in the External Viewer section of the General preferences.

Readme Download (Aminet) Installation Instructions xpdf-0.8-020-b.readme xpdf-0.8-020-b.lha (0.8) >>> klick <<< xpdf-0.8-040-b.readme xpdf-0.8-040-b.lha (0.8) ViewPDF Script ViewPDF script

Audio Plugins These are all audio playback programs that can be configured to be used by IBrowse in the External Viewer section of the General preferences.

Readme Download (Aminet) Installation Instructions GMPlay13.readme GMPlay13.lha (1.3) >>> klick <<< gmtones1.readme gmtones1.lha gmtones2.readme gmtones2.lha Play16.readme Play16.lha (1.10) >>> klick <<< unrealaudio.readme unrealaudio.lha (0.3) >>> klick <<< fifolib-bin.readme fifolib-bin.lha (38.4) Audio-Handler.readme Audio-Handler.lha (1.0) TBreak.readme TBreak.lha (1.4b) --- ixemul-49.17-m68k.lha (49.17)

Miscellaneous Plugins These are all miscellaneous plugins for IBrowse.

Readme Download (Aminet) Installation Instructions TachySearch.readme TachySearch.lha >>> klick <<< mail2yam18.readme mail2yam18.lha >>> klick <<< Easy YAM Mailer Plugin ib2yam.rexx >>> klick <<<

V43 Datatypes

The PictDT V43 was originally created for use with the CyberGraphX RTG system. However, there is a library included with this datatype system that allows you to use them on any AGA system as well.

The V43 datatypes will display on highcolor (15, 16-bit) and truecolor (24-bit) CyberGraphX screens in the highest possible color quality. This system actually replaces the picture.datatype with its own version. All your old datatypes will still work once picture.datatype is replaced. However, unless they are aware of the V43 extensions, they will not display in high or truecolor. The package includes V43 aware datatypes for GIF, JPEG, PBM and ILBM (even 24-bit ILBM's).

Although these datatypes are faster and dither better than the originals, it is recommended to use the internal image decoder of IBrowse so that you can see the images display as they download. As well, if you use datatypes to display graphics in IBrowse, GIF Anims will not playback.

Readme Download (Aminet) PictDT43.readme PictDT43.lha

CyberAVI Installation (Page 1)

The CyberAVI player will only work for CyberGraphX users. It is a fast AVI player which supports a number of formats and playback of sound.

The Viewer field in the table below assumes that you installed CyberAVI in the SYS:Utilities drawer of your .

The Arguments for the player as they are shown in the table below will bring up the AVI player using sound and a screen mode requestor.

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: video / x-msvideo Extension: Avi Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: SYS:Utilities/cyberavi Arguments: SOUND SMR %f

TapAVI Installation (Page 1)

The TapAVI 1.5 player will work for all Picasso II users. TapAVI 1.3 will work on AGA Amiga's. However, only TapAVI 1.5 is available on Aminet. It is a fast AVI player which supports a number of formats and playback of sound.

The Viewer field in the table below assumes that you have installed TapAVI in the SYS:Utilities drawer of your Amiga.

The Arguments for the player as they are shown in the table below will bring up the AVI player using sound.

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: video / x-msvideo Extension: avi Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: SYS:Utilities/tapavi Arguments: SOUND FILES %f aMiPEG Installation (Page 1)

The aMiPEG player will display MPEG files on any amiga.

The Viewer field in the table below assumes that you installed aMiPEG in the SYS:Utilities drawer of your Amiga.

The Arguments for the player as they are shown in the table below will bring up the mpeg player on the IBrowse public screen, use the CYBERGFX ditherer (this can be replaced by other dithering algorithms based on your computer).

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: video / mpeg Extension: mpeg mpg mpe Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: SYS:Utilities/amipeg Arguments: PS %p DITHER CYBERGFX FILE %f

Quicktime Installation (Page 1)

The qt player will display Quicktime files on any CyberGraphX or AGA Amiga. However, you need a powerful Amiga for this program. See the qt docs.

The Viewer field in the table below assumes that you installed qt in the SYS:Utilities drawer of your Amiga.

The arguments for the player as they are shown in the table below will bring up the quicktime player on a separate screen, use the CYBERGFX ditherer (this can be replaced by other dithering algorithms based on your computer), and not play sound.

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: video / quicktime Extension: qt mov Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: SYS:Utilities/qt Arguments: CYBERGFX NOSOUND FILE %f xpdf Installation (Page 1) xpdf will display Portable Document Format (also known as Adobe Acrobat format) on any Amiga.

The Viewer field in the table below assumes that you installed ViewPDF in the S: directory of your Amiga. ViewPDF assumes that you have installed the xpdf executable in SYS:Utilities/xpdf.

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: application / pdf Extension: pdf Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: S:ViewPDF Arguments: %f

GMPlay Installation (Page 1)

The GMPlay player will play MIDI files on any Amiga.

Replace the path in the Viewer field to where you have installed GMPlay.

A useful argument to use for GMPLAY is the FREQUENCY argument. GMPlay has to mix all the tracks of the song, and the default frequency is 28867 Hz (the maximum). This requires a heavy load for some MIDI songs, and since IBrowse is also a heavy load on the computer, you might want to try an argument of "FREQUNCY 20000 %f". Try different frequencies and see what works best for you.

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: audio / x-midi Extension: mid Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: GMPlay Arguments: %f Play16 Installation (Page 1)

The Play16 program can playback a number of different audio formats including au, aiff, and wav.

The Arguments field of the table below assumes that you have installed Play16 in your C: directory.

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: audio / basic Extension: au snd Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: C:Play16 Arguments: %f

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: audio / x-aiff Extension: aiff aif aifc Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: C:Play16 Arguments: %f

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: audio / x-wav Extension: wav Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: C:Play16 Arguments: %f unrealaudio Installation (Page 1)

The unrealaudio player can stream audio to your computer and play it back to you as you receive it.

It is actually rather easy to install if you follow the instructions in the archive closely, and install all the other tools required.

The Arguments field of the table below assumes that you have installed unrealaudio.rexx in your Amiga's Rexx: directory.

IBrowse Preferences: General/Ext. Viewer MIME Type: audio / x-gsm Extension: gsm gsd Action: Ext. Viewer Viewer: sys:rexxc/rx Arguments: rexx:unrealaudio.rexx %f

TachySearch Installation (Page 1)

TachySearch is a comprehensive form that contains every major search engine.

To Install TachySearch, simply make a fastlink to the Search. file on your hard drive.

Here are comprehensive instructions for installing TachySearch from the TachySearch manual.


1. Ok, copy the TachySearch directory into the same directory your IBrowse executable is in. Don't rename any of the files or you get to edit HTML yourself. 2. Next load up IBrowse. 3. Go to the Preferences menu and choose 'General'. 4. click on Fastlink. 5. click on ADD. 6. In the name entry fill in 'Search Engines' or whatever you want the button labled. (Hmm TachySearch might be a good button label ;') 7. In the location entry put: 'file://localhost/path:/more/path/IBrowse/TachySearch/Search.html' (Without the quotes and substitue in your path where you keep IBrowse.) Example: file://localhost/WorkI:communications/IBrowse/TachySearch/Search.html 8. click on OK 9. Go to the preferences menu item again and choose SAVE SETTINGS. 10. There should now be a 'Search Engines' fastlink button, click on it and make sure it loads the search page. If not, sell your computer cause this was so easy even a monkey could have done it properly the first time. Ok you could try reading thru this and having another go at it first I guess.

To use it, well, just choose your search engine and type in your search keywords and hit return.

Mail2YAM Installation (Page 1)

Mail2Yam is a program which allows you to easily use YAM as the mailer for IBrowse or any other Amiga .

Unfortunately, it will not work with the latest version of YAM (1.3.3a). Hopefully the author of Yam or Mail2Yam will remedy this soon.

Here are the installation instructions for IBrowse:

1. Simply copy from this archive "c/mail2yam" to your c: directory. 2. Then open a newcli and enter: "C:Mail2YAM prefs" 3. Reply to each answer (it is very intuitive). 4. Load Ibrowse and go on "Preferences" menu. 5. Select the "Network" item. 6. Select "E-Mail&" (last entry). 7. In the "Mailto" box, click on "External". 8. In the "Command:" string, type "c:mail2yam MAILTO %h" (without the quotes). 9. In the Sendmail box, select "External" and leave an empty string. 10. Click on OK, then save settings. ib2YAM Installation (Page 1)

This plugin will work with the current version of Yam without any problems.

This plugin will only work for the commercial version of IBrowse, since the demo versions each have disabled.

The instructions are in the script text, but here they are again if you need them.

Here are the installation instructions for IBrowse:

1. Put ib2yam.rexx in your YAM:Rexx dir. 2. Open the IBrowse Network Prefs window. 3. Goto the Email & Telnet preferences section. 4. Click on External under the Mailto: prefs 5. Enter "SYS:RexxC/rx YAM:Rexx/ib2yam %h" (no quotes) in the Command string for Mailto: 6. Click on External under the Sendmail prefs and leave the Command string blank. 7. Click on OK, and save the IBrowse prefs.

Version 1.0 / 28.11.2006 / aPEX