The Contributions of John Thomas Jutson to Geomorphology

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The Contributions of John Thomas Jutson to Geomorphology ./ a lí 16i The ConÈributionê of John Thomas Jutson to GeomorPhologY By E. J. Brock VOLTIME I Copyright L977, Department of Minerals and Energy' VfctorLa. No material lncluded ín this volume which ls identifl-ed as part of the Jutson Documents nay be extracted or used in any way without the permission of the Dírector of Geological "ritt"ttSurvey, Department of Mlnerals and Energy, Victorl-a' É\rvr¡, rir',:,i !i' i\ .i ì '' ii Contents Page Líst of plates ar-l_ Surnmary iv Staternent of oríginalítY vi AcknowledgmenÈs vii 2 PROLOGUE PART ONE IntroducÈion 29 Chapter 1 Slope and planate surface development 36 ChapÈer 2 The "dry'r l-akes of I'Iestern Australia 61 Chapter 3 CoasÈal geomorphologY 115 PART TT,üO InÈroductÍon 175 4 A portral-ù of fteld work, 1915 177 ChapÈer 5 Dialogue between Ëhe late Dr. !ü. R. Browne and Mr. E. J. Srock 1n 1975 183 Chapter 6 Bibllography of J. T. Jutsonrs f-ibrary 202 EPILOGUE 299 Bíbllography 303 iii List of Plates Plate Page 1 J. T. Jutson and Lil-ian Jutson c. 1900. 1 2 01d and New Plateau surfaces. 35 3 t'Dry" Lake, I^Iestern AusÈralia. 60 4 UndercuËtlng of l-ake shore cltff by exsudation. 76 5 Shore platforms at Clovelly' N.S.l,I. 114 6 H. I^I. B. Talbot on field assignment. ]-76 7 "Traptr used by Jutson on field assignment. 180 l-v Summary This study of the contribuÈions of John Thomas JuÈson to geomorphology has drawn on his published vlorks as v¡ell as manuscrÍpts contained in the collection bequeathed by Jutson to the Mines Depart- ment of Victoria, now the Departnent of Minerals and Energy, and termed by the writer the ttJutson Documentstt. Volume I consists of two parts. In the first, some of Jutsonrs contribuÈions to semi-arid zone and coastal geomorphology are crit- cially examined. In chapter 1, the topic of slope and planate surface develop- ment are considered, and iÈ Ís shor.m that elt_hough thowing the i¡flu'eqgg. of Davislan thought, Jutson offers an origínal statement of slope reÈreat as a Process in slope- and- plana.te surface geneSis. In chapÈer 2, theories of the origín of the dry lakes of Inlestern AusËralia are examined ín relation to Jutsonrs study of them. Modern studies are shown to suPport Jutsonrs theory of their origin. In addítion, and related to Èhe lakes problem, the quesËion of the extenÈ of Ëhe Miocene transgression into I^Iestern Australia is examined through a series of conmunications between Dr. Dorothy Carroll, Professor E. deCourcy Clarke, and Jutson. These conrmunications are presented and critically appraised. In chapÈer 3, Jutsonts contributions Èo coastal geomorphology are examined in historical perspective, and in particular, his role in the developmenÈ of id'e¿s concerning shore platforms is shown to be ímportanÈ. v Part T\¿o consl-sts of orlginal documents that pertain to the history of AustralÍan geology and geomorphology. Chapter 4 ís an accormt of one of JuÈsonrs field Èríps ín 1915; chapter 5 consists of a transcript of a dialogue between the late Dr. I,rI. R. Browne and the writer; and chapter 6 is the blbIlo- graphy of Jutsonrs library. Voh¡me II ls an edited conpllatlon of Jutsonrs professíonal correspondence, being part of Èhe Jutson Documents, and consists of 378 letters spanning the years 1898 to l-950, and íncluding eorres- pondence wlth geologists and geomorphol-ogists from the UniÈed Klngdom, Europe, South Afrlca, North America, New Zealand, and Australia. The volume l-s introduced by a brÍef editorial statement, and closes with an author lndex. Historl-cally, Jutson ís placed by the writer outside of the malnstream of geologícal actívity durLng his long life. But desplte thls, his contributlons are Judged to be sf-gnifícant and orlglnal, and should earn for hfm a place in the annals of the hlstory of Australl-an geologlcal scfence. vi Staternent of oríglnality Thl-s thesis contains no material which has been subrnitted for any other degree or diploma in any universlty and contalns no material previously published, except where ackno¡¿ledged 1n the text. vli Acknowledgments The author is indebted to many for their willing provision of assistance, both tangible and íntangible, in the course of this study. Special thanks are due to Mr. J. L. Knight, AssisÈant Dírector' and Dr. D. Spencer-Jones, Director, of the Geologl-cal Survey Dívision of the Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria, for thel-r help and encouragement during visits to the library of the above Depart- ment where the Jutson Documents are located. Dr. Spencer-Jones also gave pennission to use Ëhe documents for thesis purPoses. In addition, permiêsion rùas kindly granted by Dr. I,l. R. Iairbrl-dge of Columbia University to include his letters to the late Dr. J. T. Jutson ín Volume II of this work. An¿l Èo Èhose from whom the author, Èhrough ignorance of whereabouts, has not received personal permlssion to Ínclude thetr letters ín this volume, the author exËends sincere apologles. In Perth, I,rlestern Australía, Mr. J. H. Lord, Director of the Geological Survey, kindly made available the library resources of the Department of Mines and the services of Survey Personnel during the authorrs visit there. Mrs. Vera Donaldson of North Caulfleld, Vlctoria, graciously receíved the author at her home, on very shorÈ notice, and her reminiscences of her late uncle, Dr. JuËsonr hTere most valued. She also assisted by providing photographs of Dr. and Mrs. Jutson, and by her hTrltten cortrnunications ín response to later enquirl-es. The auËhor r,ras especially privileged to meet and converse vrl-th the late Dr. I,I. R. Browne, of Edgecllff , New South llales. Hís spiríted vili recollectíons of AusÈralian geologlsts did much to bring to llfe for the author the hlstory of Australian science. And it was through Dr. Bro¡nme that the author met hrith Dr. D. F. Branagan and Dr. T. G. Vallance of the DeparÈment of Geology and Geophysics at the Sydney Universíty. These, through conversatlon and theír several lmportanÈ published works on the history of Australian geology, have provided invaluable help. The author receíved the cheerful assl-stance of Mr. P. Taylor and Miss K. Glenn in performl-ng the arduous task of bibltographíc checkÍng, and ì'fr. D. I^Iebb and Miss K. Korff painstakingly assísted ín proof readl-ng. And appreciat!-on is here expressed for the work of Mr. M. Pitcairn who prepared the photographic p1aÈes. SpecJ-al Ëhanks are extended to typlst Mrs. D. C. Fitzpatrick who patíently met the demands of the writer. Flnally, the author J-s grateful Èo the Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, for allowing an extended study leave, and for financial support. And the Research Couunittee of the University of Adelaide, South Australia, also made funds available to help defray cosÈs l-ncurred in Australfa without which help the authorts progra.nme would have been seríously handicapped. I I Plate 1 John Thomas Jutson ancl Lllian Jutson, c. 1900. Reproduced from photograph, gift of Mrs. Vera Donaldson of North Caulfield, Victoria, to the author. Y() 2 VOLI]ME I PROLOGUE It is contrary Èo the usually accepted ideas of justice and fitness that the romance of our early geological grop- ings in AusÈralia should be neglected by us - heirs to all that picturesque past - for Èhe history of geological pro- gress ín Austialia is bound up wiËh a wealth of heroic deeds; rith h"r"ulean struggles with Nature when in unbending and savage mood; it is a record of triumphs won in Èhe teeth, as it were, of grí:n and armed antagonisms. so wrote E. c. Andrews ín 1942 in hís clarke Memorial Lecture entitled "The Heroíc Period of Geological I^Iork in Australia" (Andrews, Lg42), referring to Èhe pioneering explorers who prePared the way for the establishment of geological surveys and uníversities in the Colonies. The fírsÈ appointment of a Geological Surveyor in Australia was made in 1850 r¿hen Samuel Stutchbury filled the post in New South I,'Iales on the recommendation of H. T. de la Beche, first Director-General of the Geological Survey of GreaÈ Britain. Ralph Tate, first Professor of Natural History at Adelaide Univer- sity, South Australia, provides insight into the focus of attention of early geologícal r¿ork when he staËes: "Geologists have been too busily engaged in reaplng the golden harvesÈs in the domains of palaeontology and straÈigraphy to be much tempted by the alluremenËs of chemical geology or microscopíc petrology." (Tate, 1893). This focus is not surprising si-nce geology Èo that time was primarily a field discipline.l 1 In a taped interview with the writer, the late Dr' !{' R. Brovrne (see part Two) remarked whímsícally (Dr. Bror^rne being a petro logíst) Èhat Farquharson as petrologl-st to the Geo logical the appol-ntmenÈ of R. A. ttr^ras Survey of llestern Australia in the early part of this century a sign thaÈ they were go ing to do Èhings in detail.'r This serves to illustrate the subordinate role that laboraÈory studies had, vas a vas f ield studies, in geology at that ti-me. 3 But in addÍtion to the emphasis that Tate recognized, geological survey work gained a fundamental írnpetus from the need for the colonies Èo find economically exploítab1e deposits, Particularly of coal and gold, as well as other metal ores. A. R. C. Selwyn's journey from Cape Jervis to Mount Serle ín South Australia (Selwyn, 1860) is one example of such a search for the resource base so necessary to the coloniesr future.
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