Some Material for a History of the Name and Family of Rentoul--Rintoul--Rantoul [
<• »l C/ SOME MATERIAL FOR A HISTOKY OF THE NAME AND FAMILY OF RENTOUL—RINTOUL—RANTOUL. COMPILED BY ROBERT S. RANTOUL. IReprinted from Historical Collections olr the Essex iNSTn&TE, Vol. XXI,Nos. 10, 11, 12.] SALEM: PRINTED AT THE SALEM PRESS, 1885. O&tf&asn SOME MATERIAL FOR A HISTORY OF THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BENTOUL—EINTOUL—BANTOtJL. > COMPILED BY ROBERT S./ RANTOUL. *>' [Reprinted from Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. XXI,Nob: 10, 11, 12:] • ii SALEM: PRINTED AT THE SALEM PRESS, 1885. c-S7y .K"a-P~ |2Si~ to* M SOME MATERIAL FOR A HISTORY OF THE NAME AND FAMILY OF RENTOUL—RINTOUL—RANTOUL. COMPILED BY RQBERT S. RANTOUL. [Reprinted from Hist.Coll. Essex Inst., Vol.XXI,Nos. 10, 11, 12.] " In an Antient Boke of Records, lately discovered in Stale Papers" Office in London and brought to Scotland in 1793 the following entry appears, showing that be tween 1362 and 1367, the dates covered by this purloined and restored volume now to be seen at Edinburgh, there was, in the County of Kinross, Fifeshire, a clausum, close, or enclosed estate bearing the name" "Rentoule." "These are among the entries under Kynros :" Pendant In Manu Domini Walteri de Haliburton de voluntate, ut supra, lerre de Seghy. In manu eiusdem, (Jragok Fermour. In manu eiusdem Cragok domini. In manu eiusdem Lardenach Rentoule et Ladglassy, cum per tinenciis, que valebant XXVIIlibras" i 2 NAME AND FAMILY OF " Ihave also a lithographed fac-simile of the Original Drawing" in the Advocates' Libraryat Edinburgh" lettered Koanrosse-shyre descrybed, Oct.
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