FLM610 Cine-Museology: Theorising Cinema and the Museum Course Outline Syllabus and Module Programme 2019/20 Semester: 6 Level: 6 Credit Value: 15 Pre-requisites: FLM003 Module Convener: Dr Jenny Chamarette (
[email protected]) Course structure: 150 hours comprising 10 hours of scheduled lectures; 10 hours of scheduled seminars; 4 hours of external visits; 126 hours of independent study. Lectures and seminars will be complemented by film screenings Assessment: 1) one 1500 word critical evaluation of an exhibition (40%), due via QMplus by 23:55pm on Sunday 1 December 2019; 2) one 2500 word essay responding to one of a range of either set or free questions. (60%), due via QMplus by 23:55PM on Sunday 8 January 2020 (ASSOCIATE STUDENTS ONLY: 23:55pm on Sunday 13 December 2019) Module description This module explores the relationships of cinema (as an institution, as a space, and as a concept) to the institutional, spatial and conceptual contexts of the museum. The museum has in recent years become a repository for film as a museum object in its own right; however, film has haunted the corridors of museums since its earliest invention. In this module, we explore the connections and disconnections between cinematic and museal spaces, using theoretical concepts from museology, the archive, exhibition and curatorial theory to make sense of the plurality of film and the moving image in museums, and indeed the 'museum' in the moving image. Making use of London as an ideal base for interrogating some of these encounters between cinema, the moving image, and museums, the module will also explore the interventions of film across other disciplines, including Art History, Museum Studies, Anthropology and the Digital Humanities.