Progress Report

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Progress Report GOVERNMENT OF ROMANIA NATIONAL AGENCY FOR THE ROMA 14 Viitorului St. Tel: 40 – 21 – 211.30.37 Bucharest 2 Fax: 40 – 21 – 211.05.95 PROGRESS REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GOVERNMENT STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE ROMA APRIL 2003 - JUNE 2005 -- Bucharest, September 2005 -- 1 Table of contents: TABLE OF CONTENTS:.................................................................................................................................................................. 2 THE ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT’S POLICY OF IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE ROMA............................. 3 EVALUATING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVES STATED IN THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE ROMA ...................................................................................................................... 7 INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 EU FUNDS FOR THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE ROMA ........................................................... 13 IMMEDIATE GOVERNMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY : CENTRAL AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES ...................................................................... 16 1. Local Public Administration and Community Development .............................................................................................. 16 2. Housing .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 3. Social Security.................................................................................................................................................................... 18 4. Health................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 5. Economic Issues ................................................................................................................................................................. 20 6. Justice and Public Order.................................................................................................................................................... 22 7. Child Protection ................................................................................................................................................................. 23 8. Education ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24 10. The Activity of County Offices for the Roma .................................................................................................................. 26 THE NON -GOVERNMENTAL DIMENSION : PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN THE AUTHORITIES AND NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL NGO S27 FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE ROMA ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 31 2 The Romanian Government’s policy of improving the condition of the Roma The Romanian Constitutions of 1991 and 2003 1 enshrined the principle of the equality of all citizens before the law; several laws and regulations in force 2 also specify the concrete ways of enforcing this constitutional provision. Romania has also signed and ratified the main international documents concerning the defence of human rights and minority rights, including the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the UN Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, the European Convention on human rights (and all subsequent protocols), as well as the UN Covenant on civil and political rights 3. It is the Romanian Government’s enduring belief that the Roma issue is a political priority whose achievement requires coherent measures for promoting social, civic, economic and political inclusion, as well as active measures for the prevention of and fight against discrimination 4. Therefore, the government has repeatedly emphasised the need for a genuine and direct involvement of all Romanian citizens, Roma ethnics included, in the democratic developments of Romania; naturally, this requires free, non-discriminatory access to the entire range of social services, to employment in accordance with individual skills and professional training, and to a decent standard of living. Furthermore, in order to enhance Roma involvement in nation-wide decision-making processes, one objective was to facilitate the organisation and mobilisation of the Roma (as well as of other national minorities living in 1 The 2003 Romanian Constitution is strictly a republication of the 1991 Romanian Constitution with updated names and changes in article numbers and headings, revised under Law 429/2003, approved through the National Referendum of 18- 19 October 2003. The Referendum was validated by Decision 3 issued of the Constitutional Court, issued on 22 October 2003. See articles 4, 16, 20 etc. concerning the equality of all Romanian citizens. 2 See the Penal Code, Law 68/1992, Law 48/2002 and many other instruments. 3 Article 20 para. (2) of the Constitution: “If there is any discrepancy between domestic legislation and the international conventions and treaties on human rights to which Romania is part, international regulations shall prevail, except for the case in which the Constitution or other domestic legislation contains more favourable provisions”. 4 For a comprehensive account of this field, see Legislatie in domeniul nediscriminarii (Anti-Discrimination Legislation) , National Council for Fighting Discrimination, ALL Beck Publishing House, Bucharest 2003 (488 pages). Governmental Decision HG 430/2001 is included in the volume. 3 Romania) with a view to establishing non-governmental structures allowing for their direct involvement in political processes and structures 5 via affirmative action. In essence, the Romanian Government’s political commitment in this regard could be summarised as follows: it is an imperative necessity that a significant (therefore, perceptible – possibly quantifiable) improvement should take place in the condition of Roma in Romania, in a reasonably short period of time. The government programme of the party formerly in office (PSD, the Social Democrat Party) included a special chapter dedicated to public policies meant to improve the condition of the Roma. As far as the political coalition currently in office is concerned, its Government Programme 6 for 2005 – 2008 deals with Roma issues in chapter 25 (on national minorities in general); the improvement of Roma condition is also dealt with in chapter 7 (on social policy) of the same programme. The National Strategy for Improving the Condition of the Roma was prepared over a period of several years by a partnership made up of central and local authorities, on the one hand, and civil society, represented mainly by Roma non-governmental organisations, on the other hand; European experts on the protection of human rights and of national minorities also had a direct contribution to the drafting of the Strategy. The contribution of international experts ensured the consistency of the Strategy 5 According to article 4 of Law 68 / 15 July 1992 on the election of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate: “(1) Legally established civic organisations belonging to national minorities which failed to obtain an MP or senator mandate in elections are entitled, according to art. 59 para. (2) of the Constitution, to a joint MP mandate, if the organisation obtained at least 5% of the national average number of valid votes required for the election of an MP. (2) For electoral purposes, the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities are the legal equivalent of political parties. (3) The organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities who participated in elections on the joint list shall fall under the scope of para. (1); in this case, if no candidate from the joint list was elected, one MP mandate shall be granted to all the organisations proposing the list, in compliance with the provisions of para. (1). (4) The provisions of para. (3) are not applicable to organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities which run in the elections on a joint list together with another party or political group or both on joint lists, according to para. (3), and exclusively on its own lists. (5) The MP mandate granted according to para. (1) or (3) shall be counted apart from the total number of MPs resulting from representation quotas.” The provisions of art. 4 of Law 68/1992 are unique in Europe as far as affirmative actions for national minorities are concerned. According to these provisions, after the elections of November 2000 the Chamber of Deputies included 18 representatives of non-governmental organisations of Romanian citizens belonging to national minorities, including an MP from the Romanian Social Democratic Roma Party. There are other MPs with various ethnic backgrounds, Roma
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    A Service of Leibniz-Informationszentrum econstor Wirtschaft Leibniz Information Centre Make Your Publications Visible. zbw for Economics Bommera, Christian; Dreher, Axel; Pérez-Alvarez, Marcello Working Paper Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief Discussion Papers, No. 266 Provided in Cooperation with: Courant Research Centre 'Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing and Transition Countries', University of Göttingen Suggested Citation: Bommera, Christian; Dreher, Axel; Pérez-Alvarez, Marcello (2019) : Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief, Discussion Papers, No. 266, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Courant Research Centre - Poverty, Equity and Growth (CRC-PEG), Göttingen This Version is available at: Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. personal and scholarly purposes. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle You are not to copy documents for public or commercial Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, If the documents have been made available under an Open gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.
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