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Teaching Hatred: Patterns of Indoctrination of Logical Antisemitism

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of or

1 June 2020

Prepared by:

Dr. Elana Yael Heideman Executive Director, The Israel Forever Foundation, PhD in Holocaust Studies, Boston University University Professor Program, Chaired by Professor Elie Wiesel

Joseph H. Tipograph, Esq. Heideman, Nudelman & Kalik, PC

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Helping the World Celebrate and Strengthen the Personal Connection to Israel

The Israel Forever Foundation (IFF) wishes to thank the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief for his work towards eliminating intolerance and discrimination and the achievement of sustainable development goal 16.1

In this report, IFF aims to document patterns over the past century of indoctrinating students to create a logic to Antisemitism that otherwise does not exist, to illustrate how the extraordinary lethal communal violence against the Jewish people—specifically the Holocaust and the —have been fueled by -laced miseducation, connected to discriminatory practices, and characterized by false or incomplete portrayals of Jewish, Israeli and Zionist history and identity.

IFF further aims to demonstrate how similar patterns of logical antisemitic indoctrination continue to emerge throughout the world, including in the Middle East, the United States, and Europe. The Special Rapporteur highlighted this issue in his 20 September 2019 report, citing Antisemitic expressions in Saudi textbooks2 and hostility to Jews on college campuses in North America and Western Europe.3 Not coincidentally, rates of Antisemitism around the world are at epidemic proportions: in 2014 the ADL concluded more than one in four people worldwide hold Antisemitic beliefs, though 70% of those who do have never met a Jewish person.4

We humbly request the Special Rapporteur acknowledge that the Antisemitism spreading today in schools around the world is part of a larger pattern, as forth in this report. We seek recognition that education of hate—like current demonization of Israel on campus today—only leads to senseless acts of hate. Educational institutions that encourage students to perform acts of violence must be held accountable. When the incitement and misinformation is strong enough to motivate a student to commit murder, administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions should be considered. Lastly, we request that the Special Rapporteur acknowledge, in writing, the role that the United Nations itself plays in fostering logical Antisemitism around the world.

Education in Nazi Germany

From its very onset, the growth of the Nazi was reliant on addressing what it called “the Jewish problem” in Germany with logical, rational antisemitism, as outlined by Hitler in his letter of September 1919: “An antisemitism based on reason. . . must lead to systematic legal combating and elimination of the privileges of the Jews, that which distinguishes the Jews from

1 “to significantly reduce violence, abuse and exploitation; to promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development; to promote rule of law and equal access to justice, strengthen transparency and accountability of institutions; and to broaden and strengthen participation without discrimination on any grounds.” 2 Shaheed report, para.24; see 3 Shaheed report, para.23. 4

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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the other aliens who live among us (an Aliens Law). The ultimate objective [must] be the irrevocable removal of the Jews.”5

This logic, built on a rewriting of history explained as curing Jewish manipulations of media and government, strategically infiltrated public society through every medium and form. Whether visual or literary, the hatred of Jews inserted itself into every realm of German .6

What was depicted in films and imagery was echoed in the words of teachers, as “from the 1920s onward, the Nazi Party targeted German youth and educators as especially important audiences for its propaganda messages.”7 Through the classroom and extracurricular activities, the Nazis indoctrinated “millions of German children into the state’s ideology,” casting the party as “a dynamic, disciplined, forward-looking, and hopeful movement.”8

German boys would join the Hitler Youth program at age 13, graduate at age 18, and then join the party, state labour service or the armed forces.9 By 1935, the Hitler Youth included almost 60% of German boys and by 1936 the program had 5.4 million members.10

What started as a discriminatory boycott of Jewish goods eventually became socially accepted murder, as those indoctrinated with the Antisemitic Nazi narrative became some of the regime’s most violent henchmen. One such alumnus, Reinhold Hanning, was charged as an accessory to murder in the deaths of 170,000 people during his 18-month stint as a guard at Auschwitz.11

Trained to believe themselves racially superior, imbued with a national destiny that overrode any other moral or ethical argument, ordinary citizens became the arm of execution of a theory of hatred that ultimately resulted in the death of around 6 million Jewish people along with millions of other innocent victims.

5 Eberhard Jäckel (ed.), Hitler. Sämtliche Aufzeichnungen 1905­1924. (Stuttgart, 1980), pp. 88­90. Translated by Richard S. Levy available at 6 7 %20Propaganda.pdf 8 %20Propaganda.pdf 9 10 11

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Helping the World Celebrate and Strengthen the Personal Connection to Israel

Hate in the Palestinian Educational System

In the final years of the Holocaust, as it became apparent that the efforts to re-establish the Jewish homeland and to create a Jewish state in the ancestral areas identified for that purpose by the League of Nations and included in the British Mandate of Palestine would endure, the surrounding newly established Arab states convened to form the . Predominantly featured on the agenda was the shared goal of preventing the Zionist enterprise through a boycott.12 From early on, the Arab League resolved to create propaganda “to convince the Arab peoples of the necessity of boycotting Zionist goods, so that the boycott becomes the firm creed of every Arab which he may most enthusiastically preach to all and which he may defend faithfully and genuinely.”13

This discriminatory anti-normalization propaganda cartel is responsible for much of the Antisemitic demonization of Israel that exists around the world today.14

After the 1967 Six Day War, Israeli officials found that and Egypt had introduced textbooks and curricula into the and Gaza that were hostile to Israel and Antisemitic.15 UNESCO was drawn in to help mediate with respect to UNRWA schools, and Israel conducted its own review.16 Utilizing similar logic employed by the Nazis, Arab propaganda in schools and elsewhere painted the Jew as the animal-like,17 all-powerful controller of media and governments, usurper of land and rights, and devoid of morals and ethics.18

The issue of education became critically important following the ’ creation of the Palestinian Authority, which assumed control over education in certain territories in 1994 and was expected to help further the ongoing efforts towards peace.

12 Arab League Res. 16, session 2, at 6 (December 2, 1945), 6, translated in Muhammad Khalil, The Arab States and the Arab League: A Documentary Record, vol. I, Constitutional Developments (Beirut: Khayats, 1962), The translated text of the Arab League Boycott resolutions (initially written in ) was included in Khalil’s book, which was reviewed in Middle East Journal 19, no. 3 (summer 1965) by the Middle East Institute, one of the oldest and most credible Washington, DC-based, nonpartisan think-tanks that focus exclusively on the Middle East. 13 Arab League Res. 70, session 4, June 12, 1946, 18–19, translated in Muhammad Khalil, The Arab States and the Arab League, 162–63, 14 David May, War by Other Means: A History of Anti-Israel , From the Arab League to BDS, Foundation for Defense of Democracies (Jan. 20, 2020) 15 16 17 (casting Jews as descendants of apes and pigs); see also; demonization-of-jews-as-pigs-and-apes-theological-roots-and-contemporary-implications-by-neil-kressel/ 18

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Helping the World Celebrate and Strengthen the Personal Connection to Israel

Unfortunately, Palestinian textbooks and curricula continued to deny Israel’s legitimacy, preach the use of violence to liberate the areas known as Palestine from those depicted as thieving Jewish conquerors, and include other Antisemitic themes.19 Consequently, a section was included in the 1998 Wye River Accords in which the PA agreed to “issue a decree prohibiting all forms of incitement to violence and terror” and participate in a committee with Israel to monitor cases of incitement including in education.

But the issue did not subside. In 1999, US President Bill Clinton wrote that "a real and durable peace in the Middle East. . . demands a consistent effort to eliminate all instances of incitement in the media and, most importantly, in the textbooks…we are deeply troubled by remaining instances of Palestinian incitement. . . books and newspapers continue to include anti-Semitic language.”20 US Senator Connie Mack identified some examples, including references to the “Zionist enemy” in third grade text books, “evil attempts of the Jews” in seventh grade books, and 12th grade books labeling Zionism and as the “clearest examples of racial belief and racial discrimination in the world.”21 Even UNRWA in a report to the US Congress acknowledged that its textbook review revealed “anti-Semitic characterizations and content.”22

In 2000, the PA introduced new textbooks that were supposed to address the concerns of incitement to violence and Antisemitism, but while some of the more explicit language was removed, the narrative continued to defame Israel and implicitly call for her destruction just as effectively as before.23

Meanwhile, in Palestinian schools “kindergartners have performed at graduation exercises with blood-soaked hands while toting plastic AK-47s and dedicating their lives to jihad, and older children have been recruited to hide explosives on their bodies to transform themselves into shahids - a new generation of kindling for radical Islam’s of death.”24

The impact of the indoctrination of Palestinian youth was evident in the Second Intifada, a wave of unimaginable violence including heinous murder by suicide attackers that coincided with the PA’s rejection of Israel’s peace offers and decision to abandon US-sponsored talks entirely. Guided by the PA’s education system, Palestinian Arabs willfully sacrificed their lives as suicide bombers, not to strategically attack military targets, but rather to callously mass murder innocent Israeli civilians, including children, as they went about their daily lives.

19 20 21 22 23 24 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 131 (Freedom Center 2016)

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Helping the World Celebrate and Strengthen the Personal Connection to Israel

Success was not measured by towards establishing Palestinian sovereignty but rather by the death toll.25 On 9 August 2001, a 22 year-old Palestinian named Izz al-Din Sheheil al- Masri denoted an explosive belt around his waist in a Sbarro pizza shop, killing 15 civilians-- including eight children and a pregnant woman.

The coordinator of the attack, Ahlam Tamimi, can be seen smiling proudly upon learning in an interview from jail that eight children were killed. The video of this interview is posted, among other places, in a 2012 open letter from a victim’s mother to Israel’s Prime Minister, after Tamimi was released from prison along with more than 1,000 other perpetrators of violent terrorism in exchange for the release of a single kidnapped Israeli soldier.26

Tamimi currently lives in Jordan as a free person and a celebrity, notwithstanding an outstanding extradition warrant for Tamimi’s arrest demanding her transfer to the US to stand trial. The attack itself was commemorated in an attraction called “The Sbarro Cafe Exhibition” at Al-Najah University in Nablus. 27 The exhibition included scattered pizza slices, Israeli body parts, splattered blood and further calls to martyrdom. 28

Today, as the families of the victims of the Sbarro’s bombing and the numerous other attacks that occurred during and after the Second Intifada continue to live with the eternal pain of losing their parents, siblings and children to senseless violence, Palestinian textbooks and curricula continue to portray the Jewish presence as illegitimate, make no effort towards steering Palestinian youth towards tolerance, coexistence or peace,29 and fuel hatred and incite violence.30

25 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 129 (Freedom Center 2016) (citing Matthew Levitt director of The Washington Institute’s Stein Program on Terrorism, Intelligence, and Policy: “During Student elections at Bir Zeit University in 2003 . . candidates reenacted suicide bombings by blowing up models of Israeli buses, In one Bir Zeit campus debate, a Hamas candidate taunted his challenger by boasting ‘Hamas activists in this University killed 135 Zionists. How many did Fatah activists from Bir Zeit kill?”) 26 27 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 129 (Freedom Center 2016) 28 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 129 (Freedom Center 2016) 29 (“No advocacy of peace and coexistence with Israel is found in any of the PA schoolbooks. . . Nor can any reference to the option of solving the conflict peacefully be found in any of the books. On the contrary, the only option there is a violent struggle for liberation.”); (2017) (“PA school books' to the Jews, Israel and peace is based on three fundamentals: de-legitimization, demonization and indoctrination to violent struggle. There is no call for peace or coexistence with neighboring Israel. A Palestinian narrative has been constructed based on the fundamentals. It represents the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a distorted manner historically and does not leave any hope for ending it in peaceful coexistence of the two parties involved.” 30 observations-on-the-combined-initial-and-second-period-reports-of-the-state-of-palestine-cerd-c-pse-co-1-2/

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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Antisemitism in Western schools today

The Holocaust and the Second Intifada illustrate that effective hate-teaching propaganda campaigns, especially those targeting the youth, can turn ordinary into murderers and in both instances their acts of extraordinary violence were directed towards Jewish people.

The dangerous success of this pattern raises concern about the wide range of Israel and Jewish hatred and demonization expressed on US and Europe college campuses, particularly as it begins to extend to primary schools including in Arab schools within Israel.

Unlike other causes, Palestinian activists on Western campuses, websites and social media largely avoid discussions about the causes of the conditions facing the Palestinian Arabs31 and ignores potential solutions that do not entail weakening or destroying Israel.32 Thus, violence is excused as legitimate resistance.33 Arguments to the contrary are aggressively shouted down34 or rejected as being based on the of the influential Zionist lobby—the modern incarnate of the government and media controlling Jew.35

31 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 154 (Freedom Center 2016) (“It turns out that being pro-Palestinian on campuses today does not necessarily mean that one is committed to helping the productively nation-build or create a civil society with transparent government, a free press, human rights and a representative government. Being pro-Palestinian on campuses involves very little which actually benefits or makes more likely the birth of a new Palestinian state, living side by side in peace with Israel.”) 32 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 190 (Freedom Center 2016) (“As journalist Khaled Abu Toameh has contended, . . . ‘instead of investing money and efforts in organizing Israel Apartheid Week, for example, the self-described ‘pro-Palestinians’ could dispatch a delegation of teachers to Palestinian villages and refugee camps to teach young Palestinians English.”) 33 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 158-60 (Freedom Center 2016) (“In 2012, Northeastern Univeristy’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP),…sponsored a November 15th Boston rally in support of Gaza and, presumably, its genocidal thugocracy, Hamas… Several of the morally self- righteous protesters, for instance, shrieked out, to the accompaniment of drumbeats, ‘Long live Intifada,’ a grotesque and murderous reference to the Second Intifada, during which Arab terrorists murdered some 1,000 and wounded more than 14,000 others… Another deadly chorus emanated from protesters during the rally: ‘When people are occupied, resistance is justified.’ This is an oft repeated but disingenuous and false notion – that stateless terrorists have some recognized human right to murder civilians whose government has purportedly occupied their territory… The fact that so many demonstrators feel comfortable with openly supporting a terrorist group with the single purpose of murdering Jews indicates quite dramatically how prevalent, and acceptable, genocidal Jew-hatred has become.”) 34 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 184 (Freedom Center 2016) (“SJP has characteristically tried to insure that no pro-Israel voices are heard, either by disrupting or shutting down pro- Israel events and speakers or urging administrators to disinvite speakers they deem to be Islamaphobic, too pro- Israel, or critical of their own tactics and .”) 35 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 195 (Freedom Center 2016) (discussing Harvard Kennedy School of Government Professor Stephen Walt, whose book The Israel Lobby “accused the Israel lobby, what they described as an powerful, manipulative cabal of pro-Israel Jewish individuals and organizations, of having gained a ‘stranglehold’ on US policymakers, an influence that they said explained America’s longstanding support of Israel.”).

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Helping the World Celebrate and Strengthen the Personal Connection to Israel

Ironically, we now see that in fact it is the countries that despise Israel that have most heavily invested in controlling the American public’s heart and mind.

On 12 February 12 2020, the US Department of Education announced probes into Harvard and Yale, two of the most prestigious institutions in the United States, for failing to report hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign and contracts as required by law.36 The release explains such money “can come with strings attached that might compromise academic freedom.”37

Since last July, more than $6 billion in unreported gifts from countries including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates has been uncovered at some of the largest and most prestigious public and private universities across the United States.38 Qatar and Saudi Arabia in particular are known for promoting, fueling and sponsoring Antisemitism and violence against Jewish people, including through their textbooks in ways that are similar to the PA and the other Arab countries that wrote the initial textbooks.39

Coinciding with unreported income from these countries with documented Antisemitic and Anti- Israel agendas, US universities have hired a significant number of professors and admitted a significant number of students who harbor and espouse the same hateful rhetoric taught to Palestinian children.40 They superficially authenticate their Anti-Israel narrative by citing to the annual resolutions adopted against Israel at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).41

The Special Rapporteur has acknowledged the UN as having antisemitic parts at his 8 January 2020 appearance at the US Commission on International Religious Freedom hearing. There he also acknowledged UNHRC’s permanent Agenda Item Seven is a "problem" in that it is "used to vilify Israel," conceding it has proven "counterproductive in many ways."42

36 37 38 39 40 Hamid Dabasih, an Iranian studies and comparative literature professor at Columbia, for example, has a history of posting about Israel, bashing leadership and aggressively criticizing the country as a whole. The CEO and national director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), wrote that Dabashi ‘employs all the sleights of hands by those on the political left who engage in anti-Semitic tropes against Jews.’ decries-columbia-profs-disturbing-israel-isis-comparison/ 41 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 26 (Freedom Center 2016) (“One of the early academic voices to have assigned the Nazi epithet to Israel was heard in a November 2000 speech by Francis A. Boyle, a law professor at the University of Illinois… ‘The paradigmatic example of a crime against humanity is what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jewish People . . . and this is what the UN Human Rights Commission is now saying that Israel is doing to the Palestinian People.’”). 42 at 32:50;;

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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Over time, Anti-Israel professors have entrenched themselves in leadership positions within key associations wielding broad influence such as the Modern Language Association and the American Studies Associations.43 In turn, these associations have elected to participate in the Anti-Israel Boycott Campaign, which helps limit the presence of pro-Israel faculty, empowers the Anti-Israel student voice and isolates the pro-Israel student.44

This environment fostered by the faculty positions anti-Israel groups like Students for Justice in Palestine to align with other progressive social justice groups and assert influence over student governments.45 This leads to the passage of schoolwide discriminatory boycott resolutions, funds allocated towards bringing anti-Israel and Antisemitic speakers to campus, pro-Israel speakers disinvited or shouted down and other activities that spread the Anti-Israel, Antisemitic and Anti-Zionist messages to the broad student population.46 Among these activities is the annual Israel Apartheid Week, in which anti-Israel student groups are allowed, and in some cases funded, to set up in central locations on campus false and misleading displays intended to build the impression that Israel is an apartheid, racist, criminal state; and to foster hatred of the Israeli military, government and people, notwithstanding Israel’s commitments to basic human rights.47

43 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 100 (Freedom Center 2016) (“In 2013, the American Studies Association voted to approve a boycott of Israeli universities, at that time the largest academic group to do so. When asked why, of all the nations on earth, many with abysmal records on human and civil rights and educational opportunities, Israel had been singled out for condemnation, Curtis Marez, ASA’s then- president and an associate professor of ethnic studies at the University of California, San Diego, disingenuously answered that ‘one has to start somewhere.’”) 44 A number of faculty members at Pitzer College have been resisting student requests to study abroad in Israel. The article describes these professors as “acting on political grounds” in order to avoid writing letters of recommendation or withdraw support from students who wish to study in Israel. This follows a 2018 incident in which two University of Michigan professors also declined to write letters of recommendation for students wishing to study abroad in Israel, but indicated they would write the letters if the students were to chose to study abroad elsewhere. declines-write-recommendation-letter-student 45 Richard L. Cravatts, Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel & Jews at 55 (Freedom Center 2016) (describing a circumstance when “the chair and vice chair of Columbia’s student government, who not conincidentally are members of Columbia’s SJP chapter” ordered the removal of a pro-Israel display during the school’s Israel Apartheid week). 46 For example, recently, a student at the City University New York was driven to drop out of her school due to extensive harassment on the part of pro-Palestinian groups, students, faculty. She expressed her concerns regarding the way leaders go about supporting Israel and the lack of understanding concerning antisemitism’s prevalence in society and politics. She also called attention to discomfort many have with the subject that stands in the way of productive conversation and change. harassment/ 47 Year-Report.pdf

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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Consequently, there has been an increase in Antisemitic and anti-Israel incidents over the past several years. The progressive Anti-Defamation League's 2019 audit of anti-Semitic incidents revealed the highest year on record seen since 1979.48 According to the report, “171 antisemitic incidents in 2019 involved references to Israel or Zionism. Of those, 68 took the form of white supremacist right-wing groups’ propaganda efforts, which attempt to foment anti-Israel and antisemitic beliefs. Most of the remaining incidents were expressions of anti-Israel animus that incorporated antisemitic imagery or harassment and demonization of Jewish students for their real or assumed connection to Israel.”49


The continuation of the pattern documented here will spread hatred for generations to come to unpredictable ends, unless it is identified, recognized, and altered as a part of any effort towards peaceful coexistence around the world.

The rewriting of Jewish history and Jewish identity for the purpose of indoctrinating unacceptable teachings under the guise of “logical Antisemitism”, has grown too unwieldy to rectify on an incident-by-incident, school-by-school or textbook-by-textbook basis. Broad unequivocal recognition of the presence and dangers of the Antisemitic demonization of Israel and Jews in classrooms around the world, and the role that multilateral diplomatic institutions have played in supporting these trends is badly needed.

In his appearance in Washington DC, the Special Rapporteur noted that the United Nations "is composed of many parts, differently configured, where different states have different levels of influence," suggesting that while some parts contribute to Antisemitism, there are other parts that may be helpful in fighting it.50

The Israel Forever Foundation appreciates the important recognition by the Special Rapporteur of various manifestations of Antisemitism and implores the Special Rapporteur to consider the history of how hateful education begets hateful violence against the Jewish community and against people of all faiths, in preparation of his report in furtherance of sustainable goal 16.51

48 49 50 51 See fn1.

The Israel Forever Foundation 1146 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 280-7668 © 2020 The Israel Forever Foundation. All Rights Reserved.