Breeding Conditions for Waders in Russian Tundras in 1993
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Breeding conditions for waders in Russian tundras in 1993 Pavel S. Tomkovich(compfier) Elena A. Lebedeva (translation) Tomkovich,P.S. (comp.) 1994. Breedingconditions for wadersin Russiantundras in 1993. WaderStudy Group Bull. 75: 27-34. The timingof springin 1993 was average. The weatherduring breeding period was goodin mostareas for whichthere is information:it was warm and dry in east-Europeantundras, at Yamal and in the Yenisey mouth,rather warm at the Indigirkaand furtherto the east. Rather cold or cold weatherwas observedonly at the Murmancoast and at the Taimyr. Lemming numbersin the majorityof areas in Europeantundras, at Yamal, at the Kotelnyisland, and at the Chukotkawere characterizedas low or at populationminima. At the Taimyr and Novaya Zemlya their numberin many study areas reached average levels. In 13 out of 32 areas an increasein numberswas reported. Numberand reproductiveperformance of predatorswas relatedto small mammaldistribution. Arctic Foxes Alopex lagopus were absentor scarce almosteverywhere west of the Yenisey, breedingwas observedonly at Novaya Zemlya. At Taimyr and Wrangelisland Arctic Foxes were comparativelyscarce, but occupiedon breeding up to 50% of dens (Pyasinariver mouth); single pairs bred also at the southof Anadyr'estuary. Breedingavian predatorswere mostlyalso scarce. Concerningestimates of breedingsuccess in waders,respondents consider that favourableweather conditions and low predationrate resultedin generallysuccessful breeding. Where exact data are presentestimates of breeding successrange from average to high;the latter seems true for the whole tundra zone of Russia. The increasein lemmingpopulations recorded in differenttundra areas in 1993 indicatethat by summer1994 their numbers will reach a peak in at least some areas. If weather conditions are stillfavourable this will resultin a noticeabledecrease of predationpressure and thus enable highwader breedingsuccess. Tomkovich, P.S., Departmentof Ornithology,Zoological Museum of MoscowState University, Herzen Street, 6, Moscow 103009, Russia. Summer 1992 was characterisedby bad weather and high but was highlysynchronous; numbers of migratingbirds predationrates (withdecreasing or low rodent were similarto usual. Other wader specieswere scarce populations)almost throughout the wholetundra zone on migration,some of them even occurringonly as from north-easternEurope to the PacificOcean. This individuals. resultedin low wader breedingsuccess everywhere. It was expected,that mass mortalityof ArcticFoxes Alopex L P. Tatarinko va lagopuswould take place in winter1992/93; therefore favourableweather conditions permitting, good wader breedingsuccess was forecasted in Eurasia (Tomkovich 2. WESTERN COAST OF KANIN PENINSULA 1994). Now, with the 1993 breedingseason over it is possibleto evaluatethe real situationin terms of lemming numbers,predator pressure and consequentlywader The timing of springwas similarto the average for the breedingsuccess based on informationfrom respondents recent decade: by 10 June snow remainedonly at the workingin varioustundra areas of Russia (see localities Kanin Kamen' elevationand in dune depressions;the on Figure 1). latter meltedat the coast by 20 June. The weather in the first half of June was cold with storms, rains and fogs. The majorityof waders laid eggs between8 to 14 June duringthe stormyconditions. The second half of June 1. AYNOVY ISLES (WESTERN MURMAN) and the firstweek of July were mostlywarm, storms occurringonly on 20-21, 24 and 26 June and on 1-2 July. Activesnow-melting started early, i.e. in the middle of The weatherbecame cold and rainyimmediately •fter April,and the snowmelted completely at the open areas. mass hatchingof waders started on 4 July, and it At the end of Aprilcold weather returned and springwas remained so untilthe middleof the month. Lemmings in generalcold and long. Lake ice melted at the end of and ArcticFoxes Alopex lagopus were both numerousin May, and snow remainedinland in hollowsuntil mid-June. winter 1992/93. However, most of the lemmingshad died The weatherin June remainedcold with prolongedstorms by the beginningof spring,and the ArcticFoxes left the and muchprecipitation; in contrastJuly was dry and area. There were high numbersof the large gulls (Lesser warm. Broodsof wadersgrew up successfullyand the Black-backedLarus heuglini and GlaucousL. hyperboreus overallreproductive success on the islandwas high. Gulls) in coastal Autumnmigration of DunlinCalidris alpina occurred later, 27 Figure 1. Location of study areas. areas, while the numbers of skuas (mainly of Parasitic breedingwas recordedalmost in all rodent-feeding Skua Stercorariusparasiticus) were rather low. These predators:in Rough-leggedBuzzard Buteo lagopus, birdspredated many clutchesduring the storms,although SnowyOwl Nyctea scandiaca,four speciesof skuas they preferredduck eggs, and to a lesser extent influenced (adultswith fledged young birds remainedthat time on largewader speciessuch as OystercatcherHaematopus breeding territories). At Gusinaya Land we also observed ostralegusand TurnstoneArenaria interpres. In general breedingof Short-eared Owl Asio fiammeus. On the waders bred rather successfully,there were few wholethe numbersof breedingpredators varied replacementclutches (most often in Oystercatcher),and noticeablyin differentareas. Numbers of Arctic Foxes average brood size did not differ from usual estimates. were extremelylow. Breedingwas successful(broods with unfledgedchicks)in Purple Sandpiper Calidris V.G. Vinogradov& V.O. Avdanin maritima,Turnstone, Ringed Ploverand Dotterel Eudromiasmorinellus, and was probablysuccessful also in LittleStint. Numerousrecords of one to three fledged 3. EUROPEAN ARCTIC (FROMKANIN NOS POINT youngRuffs at GusinayaLand indicatedprobable TO UGORSKYPENINSULA AND THE VAIGACH) breedingof Ruff in that area. Weather conditions in summer 1993 were favourable, and V.N. Kalyakin numbersof lemmingsand ArcticFoxes were extremely low. Predatorswhich feed on rodentsmostly did not breed. Duringaerial countson 4-5 June singlebirds and 5. NOVAYA ZEMLYA pairs of Oystercatcherswere few and recordedto the east up to Kolguyevisland and MedynskyZavorot. Between Weather conditionsin Augustwere favourable. During 20-25 July broods(/.e. successfulbreeding) of Red- shortvisits to the Southernisland (Belushya, neckedPhalarope Phalaropus Iobatus, Ruff Philomachus Besymyannaya,Gribova, Pomorskaya gulfs, and pugnax,Little Stint Calidrisminuta, Dunlin and Ringed Gusinaya Land) and to the Northernisland (Serebryanka Plover Charadrius hiaticula were recorded near Varandei Bay) an increase in numberof SiberianLemming was settlement. observed;breeding Snowy Owls were recorded(one nestlingfound). Breedingwas thoughtto have occurred V.N. Kalyakin also in Rough-leggedBuzzard (a pair of worriedbirds in the area of Besymyannayagulf), and in Long-tailedSkua StercorariusIongicaudus (several pairs mobbedobservers 4. NOVAYA ZEMLYA (FROMGUSINAYA LAND TO at the Southernisland). Breedingof three otherspecies of THE MATOCHKIN SHAR OF THE SOUTHERN ISLAND skuas was not confirmed,although immature birdswere AND AT THE SOUTH-WESTERN PART OF THE recorded. Short-earedOwls, includingtwo juveniles,were NORTHERN ISLAND) observedon 1 Septemberat GusinayaLand. ArcticFoxes were recordedin many places, but only at GusinayaLand was one inhabitedden fcund;these mammalsfed mostly Weather conditions in summer 1993 were favourable. In on the eggs of BarnacleGeese Brantaleucopsis and Bean Augustnumbers of lemmings(especially of Siberian Geese Anser fabalis. Waders were thoughtto breed LemmingLemmus sibir/cus)were increasing, and 28 successfully,although visits to the coast were too short to find any broods. 8. THE COAST OF BAIDARATSKAYA BAY OF THE KARA SEA (THE UGORSKYAND THE YAMAL A.B. Savinetsky COASTS) Springwas early and warm, and snow melted completely 6. SOUTHERN ISLAND OF NOVAYA ZEMLYA in the first ten days of June. The weather duringthe whole of June was calm, warm and sunny without At the westernpart of the MatochkinShar straitthe precipitation.July and Augustwere also warm but rainy numberof lemmingsafter the 1992 populationlow point with frequent strongwinds. Lemmingnumbers were reached average levels, and continuedto increase. In the average or a bit larger. As Arctic Foxes were actively Matochkariver mouthSiberian Lemmingsprevailed, while hunted duringthe 1992/93 winter, they were not observed CollaredLemmings Dicrostonyx torquatus were distributed in summerat all and appeared in small numbersonly in sporadicallyin suitablehabitats. Birdsfeeding on rodents September- October. Birdsthat fed on small mammals bred: one Long-tailedSkua chickwas found, glaciologists bred. Thus, seven nests of Rough-leggedBuzzard were observedSnowy Owl with one nestlingand Rough-legged foundin a 50 km2 areain the Yarayakha river mouth Buzzard further inland along Matochka river. (69ø15'N).Judging by the numberof birdsin the tundra, and from the numerousflocks of waders in September, L.G. Emelyanova breedingconditions for birds in summer 1993 were favourable. F.A. Romanenko 7. EASTERN PART OF BOLSHEZEMELSKAYA TUNDRA 9. WESTERN PART OF THE MIDDLE YAMAL Springpassed very quickly:semi-winter conditions, which (LOWER REACHES OF THE MUTNAYA AND MORDA- remainedby 29 May alteredabruptly to give warm and YAKHA RIVERS) sunny weather; such warm weather without even light frosts remained for about a month. At that time there was noprecipitation, temperature reached 17 - 23o C at mid- The timing of springwas average. Duringthe nesting dayand