MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 RAJJAB 8, 1436 AH Turkey seeks Violence mars Sweets, soup Kipchoge to boost trade Baltimore vanish as Pak adds cooperation protest over aims for halal title with Kuwait custody death export14 boost to18 collection 2Aftershocks9 rock Min 21º Max 36º as quake toll tops 2,500 High Tide 07:20 & 17:45 Amir expresses sorrow over casualties Low Tide 00:10 & 12:35 40 PAGES NO: 16503 150 FILS

KATHMANDU/KUWAIT: Powerful aftershocks rocked Nafisi acquitted, Nepal yesterday, panicking survivors of a quake that killed more than 2,500 and triggering new avalanches at Everest base camp, as mass cremations were held in Saudi embassy the devastated capital Kathmandu. Terrified residents, many forced to camp out in the capital after Saturday’s sues MP Dashti 7.8-magnitude quake reduced buildings to rubble, were jolted by a 6.7-magnitude aftershock that compounded By B Izzak the worst disaster to hit the impoverished Himalayan nation in more than 80 years. KUWAIT: In a series of court decisions, the court of At overstretched hospitals, where medics were also cassation yesterday upheld the acquittal of Islamist treating patients in hastily erected tents, staff were academic and activist Abdullah Al-Nafisi from forced to flee buildings for fear of further collapses. charges of insulting Shiites. Nafisi, a former MP, was “Electricity has been cut off, communication systems charged with insulting Shiites under the national uni- are congested and hospitals are crowded and are run- ty law, which stipulates several years of imprison- ning out of room for storing dead bodies,” Oxfam ment for those convicted. He was accused of com- Australia chief executive Helen Szoke told AFP. mitting the crime at a lecture he addressed last year Meanwhile, HH the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al- about Iran’s ambitions in the Gulf region. Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a cable yesterday to In another case, the misdemeanors court set Oct 4 President of Nepal Ram Baran Yadav, expressing his sor- as the date to issue its ruling against liberal former row over the casualties that resulted from the devastat- MP Saleh Al-Mulla for allegedly insulting Egyptian ing earthquake, wishing that Nepal can overcome the President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi and undermining the effects of this natural disaster. HH the Crown Prince authorities of HH the Amir. Mulla wrote several Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and HH the tweets objecting to Kuwait giving more funds to Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- Egypt ahead and during a two-day visit by Sisi to Sabah sent similar cables. Kuwait a few months ago. The former lawmaker was Climbers reported that the latest aftershock caused detained for five days before he was released on bail. more avalanches at , just after helicopters The embassy of Saudi Arabia meanwhile filed a airlifted to safety those injured when a wall of snow hit lawsuit against Shiite MP Abdulhameed Dashti for base camp on Saturday, killing at least 18 people. The allegedly insulting the kingdom during an interview KATHMANDU: Nepalese rescue personnel rescue a trapped earthquake survivor as his friend lies dead next deadliest disaster in Everest’s history comes almost Continued on Page 13 to him in Swyambhu in the capital. — AFP Continued on Page 13 LOCAL MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets Iraqi Lawmaker Ibrahim His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- Mohammad Bahr Al-Uloum and Iraqi religious figure Mohammad Ali Bahr Al-Uloum, in presence of Iraqi Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Hussein Bahr Al-Uloum. — KUNA photos Amir receives Iraqi MP Bahr Al-Uloum

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Hussein Bahr Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Al-Sabah and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received yesterday at Al-Uloum attended the meeting. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. and Acting Minister of Justice Sheikh Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Seif Palace Iraqi Lawmaker Ibrahim Mohammad Earlier, HH the Amir received HH the Crown Separately, HH the Crown Prince received the Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah Minister Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah, Bahr Al-Uloum and Iraqi religious figure Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- visiting Bahraini Information Affairs Minister Isa attended the meeting. Minister of Finance and Acting Minister of Mohammad Ali Bahr Al-Uloum, on the occasion Sabah, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al- bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammadi. Minister of HH Sheikh Nawaf also received Ghanem, HH Commerce and Industry Anas Khaled Al-Saleh of their visits to Kuwait. Deputy Minister of Amiri Ghanem, HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- Information and Minister of State for Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak, Sheikh Sabah Al- and Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah and Iraqi Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and First Deputy Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Salem Al-Humoud Khaled, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Education Bader Hamad Al-Essa. — KUNA Turkish, Kuwaiti security, stability the same: Erdogan Turkey aspires to boost trade cooperation with Kuwait

KUWAIT: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Moderation policy would be held in second half of the current year. tion in the troubled country. Moreover, he Erdogan said that there was no difference Erdogan is set to hold talks today with His Turkey has already formed the team that would stressed that the Houthi militias should surren- between the security and stability of his country Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- take part in the forecast meeting, he said, der the heavy arms and take part in the aspired and Kuwait. Speaking in an exclusive interview Jaber Al-Sabah. The Turkish President praised HH expressing readiness to offer the Turkish experi- political process. with Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Erdogan the Amir’s external policy of moderation, also ence in defense and technological industries. labeled as excellent his nation’s ties with the lauding his UN designation as a Humanitarian Strategic dialogue State of Kuwait, calling for greater efforts to bol- Leader, expressing good wishes to Kuwait, also Investment opportunities President Erdogan re-affirmed Ankara’s solid ster further the economic and trade relations proclaimed as a Humanitarian Center. “Such an Elaborating on his mission in Kuwait, ties with all GCC states, noting that it launched between the two sides. award by the UN affirms that HH the Amir is a President Erdogan said he would inquire about the strategic dialogue with countries of the Erdogan, who is due to visit Kuwait today, wise personality,” he added. investment opportunities for Turkish companies region in 2008. Previous meetings had been held said these bilateral ties have been based primari- On the Turkish-Kuwait commercial ties, and promote feasible investment chances for the four times at this level, he said, adding that the ly on a ‘joint past,’ explaining that the Turks and Erdogan said the trade volume reached $569 Kuwaitis in his country, adding that he would fifth was scheduled in Qatar later this year. Kuwaitis share common religious and cultural million last year, affirming that Ankara would discuss with the top leaders regional affairs, On the Syrian crisis, he has confirmed that his values and jointly advocate regional stability and seek to increase the commercial exchanges in namely Yemen, Palestine and Syria. He re- country hosts 1.7 million Syrian refugees, stating prosperity. Turkey, which supported Kuwait in 2016. Political will, legal grounds and necessary affirmed support for the Saudi-led, Operation that his country has spent up to $5.5 billion for aid- face of the 1990 Iraqi aggression, has maintained mechanisms for attaining such a target are avail- Decisive Storm, in Yemen, noting that the second ing them. Turkey also hosts 300,000 Iraqi refugees. “the same spirit of solidarity with sisterly Kuwait,” able in the two countries, he said, noting that the operation, dubbed Operation Restoration of He criticized the international community for not Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan President Erdogan noted. 10th meeting of the joint economic commission Hope, was very significant, urging for reconcilia- doing much to resolve the Syrian crisis. — KUNA Kuwait, Turkey share deep-rooted relations

ANKARA: Turkish researcher in the from the Iraqi invasion in 1991, the rela- investments in Turkey amounting $1.4 Strategic Thinking Institute in Ankara tions between Kuwait and Turkey wit- billion. There were 160 Kuwaiti compa- Jahid Touz stressed important role nessed a remarkable improvement, as nies investing in Turkey, besides 260 Turkey and Kuwait play in resolving the HH the late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad branches of Kuveyt-Turk Bank, affiliated problems of the region. Touz said in Al-Jaber Al-Sabah visited Ankara in to Kuwait Finance House, bedsides remarks to KUNA yesterday that both November 1991, as he expressed his Burgan Bank’s possession of shares in a nations are considered as strong coun- appreciation and gratitude to the Turkish Bank. tries in the region and share deep-root- Turkish great support to Kuwait during Since 1992, both countries ed relations. the invasion. exchanged official visits at the presiden- He hailed the today’s visit of the Turkey condemned the Iraqi invasion tial level, parliament speakers, premiers Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Kuwait from its early hours and con- and ministers. The total number of to Kuwait, which falls amidst the ongo- sidered it as a violation of the Kuwaiti visitors to Turkey reached ing regional developments, especially in International law and legitimacy, declar- 130,000 in 2014. The Kuwait Fund for Yemen, Syria and Iraq, as both countries ing its solidarity with Kuwait in its Arab Economic Development’s (KFAED) share identical views and positions sought of regaining independence and cooperation with Turkey started since towards various issues. This visit will also sovereignty. Turkey also during the inva- 1979, as KFAED offered 12 loans to contribute to the exchange of military sion stopped pumping oil from Iraqi Turkey till November of 2009 at the val- cooperation and coordination, besides wells passing through the Turkish lands. ue of KD 101.1 million. Among the exchange of visits between military offi- In October 1997, the former Turkish biggest projects was a loan of $53 mil- cials to best serve the fight against ter- President Sulaiman Demirel visited lion to reconstruct road networks fol- rorism, he said. Kuwait and held talks with His Highness lowing the earthquake that hit Turkey in Encountering the terrorist organiza- the late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahamd Al- August 1999. tions, specifically the Islamic State (IS) Jaber Al-Sabah, as they discussed bilat- HH the late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al- which is considered a real threat to all eral relations and issues of common Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah offered a per- counties of the region, requires a mili- interest. During the visit, they signed a sonal donation of one million dollar to tary, economic and strategic coopera- financial agreement related to prevent- relief the victims of the earthquake and tion between the two countries, he ing double taxation, besides an agree- to alleviate the sufferings of the Turkish affirmed. The bilateral relations between ment to boost cultural cooperation. people, as other Kuwaiti charities also Kuwait and Turkey during the last three HH the late Amir visited Ankara in offered great donations and humanitari- years witnessed a great boost especially 2008 and signed seven agreements in an aid. In November of last year, the in the military and economic aspects, as various fields, besides other eight agree- Kuwaiti-funded “Humanitarian Leader” a large number of Kuwaiti businessmen ments. The Kuwaiti and Turkish sides village was opened in the eastern are investing in Turkey, he added. signed a number of agreements during Turkey city of Van by International the period from 2008 to 2013, at the lev- Islamic Charitable Organization’s (IICO) Great gap el of Ministries, including a memoran- Chairman and Amiri Diwan’s Advisor The withdrawal of the US troops dum of understanding in exchange of Abdullah Al-Maatouq. from Iraq left a great gap in the region, expertise, trainings and military cooper- In 2011, a destructive earthquake hit and indicated that international powers ation, as well as Joint military exercises. the city located on the eastern shore of are unable to fix its conflicts, he men- In 2009, HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Lake Van. It has a long history as a major tioned. This fact obliges the region’s Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah visited urban area. The IICO built the village at countries to further enhance the joint Istanbul, heading the Kuwaiti delega- the behest of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah cooperation, particularly the Gulf tion to the 25th conference of the Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to help vic- Cooperation Council (GCC) countries Standing Committee for Economic and tims of the quake. and Turkey, he added. Commercial Cooperation of the The ‘Humanitarian Leader’ village He stressed the importance of Organization of the Islamic Cooperation project was financed by the State of Operation Decisive storm led by the (COMCEC), as HH the Amir met former Kuwait and supported by Turkey’s Saudi forces against the Houthi militia in Turkish President Abduallah Gul, and Humanitarian Relief Foundation. The vil- Yemen, saying that such a move sends a they discussed bilateral relations and lage was set up on two phases; the first message to the world countries that the means to boost them at all levels. of which included houses to provide Islamic World is capable of resolving Gul has visited Kuwait three times in rapid shelters for the people afflicted by issues of the region. February 2009, February 2011 and in the quake, while the second stage The relations between Kuwait and March 2014, as both sides signed a includes four apartment blocks with 64 Turkey date back to 1969, recalling an number of agreements during those vis- flats. Kuwait also greatly contributed to agreement over establishing diplomatic its including an agreement on exchange the reduction of burdens inflicted on ties and representation, which was later of manpower, and a memorandum of Turkey which hosts more than 1.7 mil- followed by opening of embassies in understanding on environment protec- lion Syrian refugees, when it hosted both nations in 1070. tion, economic cooperation, and agri- international donors’ conference to raise In year 1975, they signed a joint cul- cultural cooperation, besides others. funds for UN humanitarian operations in tural agreement, followed by an avia- war-torn Syria for three sessions. tion cooperation agreement in 1977, Trade exchange Urdogan visited Kuwait in 2005 and later signed an agreement on eco- Meanwhile, the trade exchange and 2011 when he was assuming the nomic and industrial cooperation in between both countries in 2014 post of the Prime Minister of Turkey, 1982, then a post service agreement, reached around $700 million, while the and described the relations with and later an investment encouragement projects implemented by the Turkish Kuwait as prominent and distinctive, and protection agreement. real estate companies in Kuwait reached and plays a great role in the stability Following the Liberation of Kuwait $1.6 billion, besides Kuwaiti direct of region. — KUNA MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 LOCAL Amir orders relief campaign for Yemen

KUWAIT: A relief campaign has been launched for the Yemeni people, at the behest of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- Jaber Al-Sabah, Chairman of International Islamic Charity Organization (IICO) Dr Abdullah Al-Maatouq announced. This new initiative, titled ‘Merciful Among Themselves,’ is to add to HH the Amir’s humani- tarian record, Maatouq, also UN Secretary- General’s Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs and Advisor at the Amiri Diwan, told reporters yes- terday. KUWAIT: Education Minister Dr Bader Hamad Al-Essa listens as a student gives The noble initiative affirms Kuwait’s humani- her presentation about her entry project in the 2nd National Robotics tarian role and a desire to alleviate sufferings of Competition. — KUNA the Yemeni people amid the deteriorating politi- cal and security conditions in the country, cast- ing shadow on the people there, added Education Minister reiterates Maatouq, who is also the head of the Kuwaiti Higher Committee for Relief. support to talented students He expressed gratitude to HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- KUWAIT: Minister of Education and next academic year, the Minister said. Sabah for receiving members of the Higher Minister of Higher Education Dr Bader Certain errors will have to be rectified Committee for Relief, and for his support to the KUWAIT: Chairman of International Islamic Charity Organization Dr Abdullah Al-Maatouq (cen- Hamad Al-Essa emphasized material and after they emerged during teaching it in campaign. He also thanks state institutions and ter) is seen during a press conference yesterday announcing a relief campaign for the Yemeni moral support to talented students. Essa some schools. authorities for backing the Yemen efforts. The people. — KUNA made his statement on the sidelines of SACGC General Manager Omar Al- Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor has opened the 2nd National Robotics Competition, Bannai said meanwhile that they are the door for a fund-raising campaign over the meetings on the humanitarian situation in the Up to eight million children in Yemen are in held yesterday by Sabah Al-Ahmad seeking to bring to light talented people coming three months, after being notified by country. It hosted a Yemeni humanitarian activist dire need for humanitarian aid in 2015, IICO Center for Giftedness and Creativity through contests to represent Kuwait in the Foreign Ministry, Maatouq said. who offered an account on the situation. chairman said. He cited UN reports that Yemen is (SACGC) at the Kuwait Foundation for international competitions. He referred The campaign will focus on manifesting the one of the poorest countries in the region. In the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), in to plans to open Robotics workshops in Humanitarian situation size of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen through addition, internally displaced Yemenis hit collaboration with the Kuwait Teachers the six Kuwaiti governorates. A fabrica- Maatouq noted that since the eruption of Kuwait TV and other local channels, besides 330,000 people, and the situation is aggravated Society. tion laboratory (fab lab) is opening in Al- events in Yemen, an executive panel of the intensifying efforts to encourage benefactors to by hundreds of thousands of refugees from the The Minister lauded SACGC’s efforts Jahra soon. Up to 1,200 primary and Kuwaiti Higher Committee for Relief held several offer donations, the Amiri Diwan Advisor said. Horn of in the country. — KUNA caring for the gifted and creative stu- preparatory schools students have taken dents, the leaders of the future. part in the 2nd National Robotics Teaching Robotics will be applied on a Competition. Winner will be honored Kuwait inflation up by wider scale in all state schools as of the today, Bannai said. — KUNA 3.33% in March: Report Workshop on marine

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s consumer prices index (CPI) or prices index of tobacco and narcotics went up ation and culture rose by 0.93 percent year-on- pollution concludes inflation rate rose in March 2015 by 3.33 percent last month by 11.87 percent year-on-year and by year and dropped by 0.08 percent. While con- year-on-year compared with the same month of 0.13 percent month-on-month. sumer prices of education group soared by 5.23 last year, the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) The CPI of clothing and footwear dropped by percent year-on-year and by 0.15 percent KUWAIT: Ministry of Communications yes- shop was to review the laws related to announced yesterday. In its monthly report, the 0.31 percent year-on-year and by 0.08 percent month-on-month. The CPI of restaurants and terday wrapped up a workshop on marine marine pollution, he said, adding all exam- CSB stated however that the inflation rate rose month-on-month, however the CPI of furnishing hotels by 5.12 percent year-on-year and retreat- pollution in which a number of representa- iners on ships have the right to take legal by 0.74 percent month-on-month in March 2015 equipment and household maintenance ed by 0.15 percent month-on-month. tives from the GCC countries took part. measures if they find any cause of pollution. more than its levels last February. The index fig- increased by 3.95 percent year-on-year and by The CPI of miscellaneous goods and services Ahmad Al-Husseini, head of directorate of Mohamad Al-Zedjali, a senior member ure during the month of March 2015 recorded a 0,42 percent compared with last February, it not- rose by 2.59 percent year-on-year and by 0.15 public relation at the ministry, said in a at the memorandum, said meanwhile that rise of seven major groups with influential fig- ed. The CPI of the health went up in March by percent month-on-month, while the CPI of hous- statement that the workshop was held all ships come to the Gulf ports are inspect- ures in the movement and low standard of four 2.07 percent year-on-year and by 55 percent ing services soared by 6.35 percent year-on-year upon the recommendations of the Riyadh ed to make sure whether they abide by the groups, it said, adding that only one group month-on-month. The CPI of transport rose by and by 2.18 percent month-on-month, the Memorandum of Understanding on Port global standards of safety and security. He remained unchanged month-on-month. 0.81 percent year-on-year and by declined by 32 report made clear. State Control in the Gulf Region, known as added the laws of the memorandum, percent month-on-month, it said. Meanwhile, The Central Statistical Bureau issues a month- the Riyadh MoU. which includes all GCC countries, are com- Food and beverages the CPI of communications increased by 0.10 ly report on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), A number of specialists from GCC mar- patible with the international maritime The group of food and beverage rose in percent year-on-year and remained unchanged which gives indications of the rates of changes itime transport, coast guards and environ- laws. The Riyadh MoU was signed by the March by 1.72 compared with the same month month-on-month. in prices for the commodity groups influencing ment participated in the workshop and dis- GCC six countries: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, of 2014, while the group rose by 0.14 percent the families’ expenditure and the ability of con- cussed different issues and problems per- Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE. The MoU is an month-on-month compared with last February, Recreation and culture sumer spending. This index uses the year 2007 taining to marine pollution the Gulf region agreement to achieve safe, secure and effi- it added. The report showed that the consumer The report pointed out that the CPI of recre- as the base year. —KUNA is facing, he added. The aim of the work- cient shipping. — KUNA ‘Ibtikar’ seeks to develop female students’ scientific abilities

By Nawara Fattahova ing them to participate in the competition. the award ceremony. “There are many examples of young ladies through the inventions they presented. One of who have leading roles in various situations, them is saving energy, which is one of the KUWAIT: The Ibtikar initiative provides girls an Celebration of creativity Active role which reflect their strong will and hard work goals of the government; others seek to pro- opportunity to express their skills through This was the fifth edition of Ibtikar Al Women have played an active role in to achieve their goals. Tonight we are witness- tect the environment, while others aim to pro- their inventions. As part of its programs, the Kuwait. “Tonight we are celebrating the cre- Islamic culture through the ages. “Islamic his- ing women excelling in the field of innovation tect lives, and many other useful inventions. concluding ceremony of Ibtikar Al Kuwait for ativity and innovations of participating girls tory is full of evidence of the active role of and creativity, which is the weapon of the 21st Also, this competition is special as there are Research and Innovation was held on Saturday from Kuwait and GCC countries. We have the women in building culture and the world in century. And through Ibtikar Al Kuwait, we participants from GCC countries too and not at the Salwa Al-Sabah Hall, during which the opportunity to see their inventions, which various positions - as leaders, judges, warriors encourage innovation and creativity from the only Kuwait. I hope that their ideas and inven- winners of the competition were announced express a combination of education and think- and army leaders to jurists and others. early grades,” concluded Sheikha Fadiya. tions will be realized in projects from which and awarded. ing, skills and analysis and idea and applica- Presently, women are very active in the com- the government will benefit,” she pointed out. The Ibtikar Al Kuwait Competition was first tion. Their inventions show how an idea was munity. For instance, 17-year-old Malala Supporting youth “This competition encourages girls to learn held in 1999 and only included participants transformed into reality. Their inventions can Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female educa- Hind Al-Subaih, Minister of Social Affairs and invent. It also proves that inventing is not from Kuwait. It expanded to include other GCC serve the community and solve problems of tion, grabbed the attention of the whole world and Labor and State Minister of Planning and limited to men only. The participants in this countries in 2011. In 2014, the competition people. In addition, it also highlights the abili- over her activities and became the youngest Development said that this initiative can sup- competition are all younger than 17 years and became a part of a great initiative to develop ty of women and girls to positively develop ever Nobel Prize laureate for her leading role port youth and help them spend their free they are aware of many important issues. I the scientific abilities of female students at pub- the community,” said Sheikha Fadiya Al- in highlighting the issue of female education time in useful activities. “This initiative made hope that the number of participants next lic schools in Kuwait, with the intention of train- Abdullah, founder of Ibtikar Al Kuwait, during in her country,” Sheikha Fadiya said. the girls express their creativity and ideas year will be higher,” said Subaih.

KUWAIT: Hind Al-Subaih, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor (left) and Sheikha Fadiya Al-Abdullah, founder of Ibtikar Al Kuwait (right) honor Participating students from the United Arab Emirates with their project: a Yousuf Mustafa, Assistant Undersecretary for Television Affairs at the vehicle powered by an electric generator. Information Ministry. Students from Bahrain with a project that converts water into fuel. — Photos by Fouad Al-Shaikh

Omani students with their ‘Safe Driving System’ project. A Kuwaiti student with her project: a robot that can be used in beach cleaning. A Saudi student with her project: a floating vehicle. MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 LOCAL

In Brief Doctors’ pay Teachers’ license Vehicles insurance

By A Saleh By Meshaal Al-Enezi KUWAIT: The General Traffic Department announced coordination with the Border Security Department KUWAIT: Ministry of Health Undersecretary Dr Khalid Al- KUWAIT: Minister of Education and Minister of Higher and Customs General Department to make sure that Sehlawi announced that the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Education Dr Bader Al-Essa said that the World Bank is vehicles carrying license plates of Gulf Cooperation ‘understands’ doctors’ demands to put physicians on the top currently studying measures to adopt a teacher’s license Council (GCC) countries have valid insurance when of the ladder of the proposed strategic payroll system in the in Kuwait as a requirement to practice the profession in they come to Kuwait. Under Kuwait’s traffic law, own- public sector, and provide them with equal pay to judges. Dr the country. According to report, current ideas call for ers of vehicles passing through land border check- Sehlawi added that coordination is in place with the CSC to issuing a license valid for three years, and can be points must register with insurance companies who allow doctors to view the proposal before it is adopted. renewed after a teacher passes the required tests. have offices located at all checkpoints. Photo of the day

KUWAIT: A man prunes a palm tree at a Kuwait City suburb. — Photo by Joseph Shagra Kuwait portrays development experience in hard climate Expo 2015

KUWAIT: Thousands of people from Europe and rest of the world will be accorded the chance to get acquainted with Kuwait’s unique experience of coping with hard weather and climatic conditions to develop itself as a state of all features of modern country at the forecast Expo Milan 2015. Mohammad Al-As’ousi, the top man in charge of the Kuwaiti pavilion, said in an interview that Kuwait had delivered its scheme for participation in the inter- national exhibition, themed “challenging the nature,” with planned display of items and publications intended to provide visitors of the pavilion with a glimpse about achievements that have been made by the Kuwaitis to cope with all climatic and natural diffi- culties. Kuwaitis have overcome such natural problems, desalinating sea water, greening residential districts, building tree-rich public parks. Almost all indoor places in Kuwait are air-conditioned to cope with the summer heat. Onlookers of the Kuwaiti pavilion will be entertained with sketches and publications show- casing the Kuwaiti panorama and landmark sites. Expo-Milan is expected to lure some two million people, at a rate of 11,000 per day, said As’ousi, the assistant secretary general of the arts department of the National Council of Culture, Arts and Letters and the executive chairman of the Kuwaiti showcasing corner at the fair ground. Up to 12 Kuwaiti authorities have been working diligently for three years to pre- pare for participation in the international promotional event.

Humanitarian activities Visitors will learn firsthand about the developed Kuwaiti oil sector, the country’s global humanitarian activities that have prompted the United Nations to designate it as a Humanitarian Center, and its top leader, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as a Humanitarian Leader. The Kuwaiti pavilion will witness educational and promotional seminars, workshops and courses. Visitors will be entertained with the Kuwaiti arts, namely folkloric music, artifacts, photographs and local cuisines. A makeshift restaurant has been set up at the location to offer various Kuwaiti meals. History of the Kuwaitis’ struggle to secure clean water will also feature high at the activity, telling the narrative since the old times when the natives used to fetch water from Shatt Al-Arab waterway aboard wooden dhows. The Kuwaitis, in the old times, labored hard to scoop up, store and transfer the clean water to their homes, largely depending on their mus- cles. A large iftar meal grouping the teams at the Kuwaiti and American pavilions will be arranged dur- ing the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan to demon- strate the Kuwaiti people’s tolerance and tendency for interaction with peoples of different creeds. Expo Milan is a major international exhibition that has been held every five years since the 19th century. The hosting country must be able to make it different as compared to the previously held fairs. The event is due to begin on May 1 and proceed till October 31. — KUNA MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 LOCAL

Cultural exhibition supports Palestinians in homeland Held at Bayt Lothan

By Faten Omar cultural committee of the Palestinian Cultural to continue working. I received them at my Palestinian heritage Society in Jordan. “After the Nakba, when home in Amman to complete what we had Abu Ghazaleh is trying to get people KUWAIT: The Palestinian Culture Centre is everyone started talking about politics, I felt started, but my home could no longer accom- from all over the world to sign a petition to holding its 42nd exhibition at Bayt Lothan, that our heritage was stolen by the Zionists, modate them, so we decided to open the UNESCO to protect Palestinian heritage. displaying a large collection of traditional so I thought about how to protect Palestinian Palestinian Heritage Center in 1993. Our head- She also called on people to support handmade cross-stitch fabrics as well as pot- heritage and how could I introduce it to the quarters is in Amman,” she said. Palestine by supporting the exhibition, tery from Hebron and posters and books world. This idea came to me when I traveled “Our exhibition this year includes several “People can attend the exhibition without about Palestine in English and Arabic. “The to the US in 1962. At an international expo beautiful handmade works by 550 women and buying anything - it will be nice to tell centre motivates women by granting bonuses there, I saw the Zionist booth displaying girls in Palestinian camps, and 26 employees at these women that a lot of people enjoyed for excellent quality work. It also provides Palestinian dresses and traditional Palestinian the center do the cooking and sewing. It has and loved their work. I hope everyone con- support to Palestinians in the homeland by food as part of their heritage” she explained. also contributed to the graduation of 48 stu- tributes to and enjoys this exhibition and providing financial aid to needy families and dents, mostly in medicine, and some of them supports these women and the protection university scholarships,” Siham Abu Ghazaleh, Hiring women are studying to become pharmacists, Arabic lan- of Palestinian history and identity,” she in charge of the exhibition, told Kuwait Times. In 1970, Abu Ghazaleh hired 750 needy guage and various specialties. You can imagine said. Abu Ghazaleh is a Kuwaiti woman of Palestinian women living in Kuwait, and this how many families rely on the income from the The exhibition at Bayt Lothan in Salmiya Palestinian origin, who came to Kuwait after was the beginning of the Union of Palestinian project. But the main goals of this exhibition are will run for 4 days from today through marriage in 1958. She studied psychology and Women under the patronage of several to preserve the rich heritage and culture of Thursday, April 30. It is open to the public KUWAIT: Siham Abu Ghazaleh, in charge social science at Kuwait University in 1970, important figures in Kuwait. “When these Palestine and help empower women and their from 10 am to 1:30 pm and 4:30 pm to 8:30 of the exhibition, speaks to Kuwait and has been volunteering as the head of the women went back to Jordan, they asked me families in refugee camps,” Abu Ghazaleh said. pm. Times. —Photos by Joseph Shagra LOCAL MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Gulf Insurance and Re-Insurance announces new medical product

KUWAIT: Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Company, the leading insurance service provider in Kuwait, announced in a press conference held at its headquarters in Sharq, the launch of a new health insurance package ‘Fay’ which comprises 6 different products with insurance limits up to KD one million and which caters to the different needs of the customers. The company’s CEO, Tareq Al Sahhaf, declared that the launch of this new package of products meets the growing demand of the company’s customers for different health insurance plans. He pointed out that the new package combines diversity and flexibility, giving the client a chance to choose the most suitable product depending on his needs and budget. In addi- tion, the new product gives the customer the opportunity to enjoy the other services of the company including the 24/7 hotline throughout Ooredoo CEO Consultant Dr Hamad Alnuaimi, Corporate Communications the year supported by a qualified medical team Director Mijbil Alayoub, CSR and Social Media Manager Yousef Al-Shallal, and specialized in the health insurance fields. Sahhaf Government Relations Specialist Fawaz Hamadah are seen during their visit to said that this project is the first of various proj- Governor of Asimah retired Major General Thabet Al-Muhanna. ects to come for the development of the individ- ual insurance sector aimed at enhancing the coverage inside and outside Kuwait up to the ment in the hospital whether inside Kuwait or company’s leading position. About the product’s annual highest limit of the selected policy. The abroad. The exemption of deductible covers the name, Sahhaf explained that the word ‘Fay’ is a products cover pregnancy and delivery with a out-patient treatment outside Kuwait. colloquial word in most Arab countries meaning limit between KD 1200 to KD 3000 per year. As As for the global product, Hendal said that Ooredoo visits shadow and gives the impression of protection for the dentistry, he pointed out that the maxi- this product is the highest category in this pack- and comfort as the plan is aimed at providing mum limit for this benefit is between KD 300 age and it addresses the segment of clients protection and comfort to the Company clients. and KD 1000. With regard to the chronic dis- wishing to have the health insurance service all Asimah Governor Ali Al-Hendal, the Assistant General Manager eases, Al Hendal said that they are covered over the world including USA. In addition to the KUWAIT: A number of Ooredoo of the governorate. Commenting on for Life and Health Insurance, said that ‘Fay’ pack- under the terms and conditions of the policy above mentioned coverage, the product has Kuwait’s management visited the the visit, Ooredoo Corporate age comprises of six different products mainly: and subject to its maximum limits. other benefits including the routine and preven- Communications Director Mijbil Fay, Fay Plus, Fay Dual Market, Fay Regional, Fay The new products are characterized by flexi- tive checkups, mental treatment, speech and Governorate of Asimah (capital) last International and Fay Global. He explained that bility and variety of options as the customer can sight problems, extensive coverage of teeth week as part of the company’s routine Alayoub said: “We’re so happy to be the coverage limits of the package start from KD choose the suitable deductible when he applies including crowns and bridges in addition to visits to government entities to foster working alongside a governmental one hundred thousand up to KD one million for for the insurance. He pointed out that there is no many other distinguished services. It’s notewor- bilateral relations. The Governor of entity such as Asimah governorate. We the global product which covers all the world deductible for in-patient treatment giving the thy to mention that the customers can obtain Asimah retired Major General Thabet share the same objective, which is countries including USA and Canada. comfort and peace of mind to the customer and more details about the new package by contact- Al-Muhanna received Ooredoo CEO delivering the best to people, and we As for the insurance coverage of the prod- discarding the possibility of assuming heavy ing the call center at 1802080 or by visiting the Consultant Dr Hamad Alnuaimi, are positive that together we can fulfill ucts, Al Hendal said that the products include financial burdens in case of high cost of treat- company at KIPCO Tower in Sharq. Corporate Communications Director our mission of enhancing the lives of Mijbil Alayoub, CSR and Social Media our individuals.” Manager Yousef Al-Shallal, and Ooredoo previously worked along- Government Relations Specialist side the Asimah Governorate and oth- Fawaz Hamadah. er organizations to launch Yarmouk Kuwait to hold health Governor Muhanna was presented eco-friendly, the first of its kind in with a plaque of appreciation from Kuwait. Ooredoo is committed to Ooredoo, thanking him for his contin- sponsoring projects that enhance the insurance conference uous efforts and support of the com- lives of others as part of its corporate pany’s initiatives to serve the residents social responsibility program. GCC Health Ministers meet in Riyadh

KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti society for health infor- change for generations’ health,’ organized by ference groups consultants from Canada, the UK, matics is organizing a conference on health Kuwait Nursing Association (KNA), got underway Egypt, Jordan, GCC states including Kuwait. insurance on May 27 and 28, according to the yesterday with participation of consultants and society’s chairman of the board Nasser Al-Enezi. experts from several countries. Health ministers The conference will discuss governmental insur- Dr Jamal Al-Harbi, Assistant Undersecretary at In other news, the executive authority of the ance projects mainly for the retired and Kuwaitis, the Ministry of Health (MoH), said in an opening GCC Health Ministers is set to hold its 82nd and hospitals specialized in providing services statement that this convention constituted an meeting in Riyadh tomorrow in order to develop for expatriates, Enezi said yesterday. addition to the enormous scientific efforts for cooperation in the health sector between GCC The event will also showcase Dubai’s experi- updating the health sector and following up on states. The meeting will discuss preventing non- ence in providing insurance for both citizens and the approach for promoting health education communicable diseases, health conditions in the expatriates, while participants will exchange and elevating quality of the health services. GCC, expatriates, creating an electronic interface views and benefit from regional and internation- Kuwait has sought aid and consultation from between the GCC information centers, coopera- al expertise in the field, he noted. top-level international experts for promotion of tion between health information technology, The conference, to be held with the presence the sector. He assured the medical and nursing items sold in pharmacies, hospital equipment of local and international insurance companies, staff that the MoH “would spare no effort to cre- and other topics, said director general of the will include workshops on using information ate a comfortable work atmosphere to secure executive office of the GCC Health Ministers technology to connect hospitals and health clin- best service for patients and those in need for Council. Meanwhile, he noted that the partici- ics with the Ministries of Health and the insur- medical care.” pants will also discuss preparations for the 79th ance companies, Enezi added. Bandar Al-Enezi, the society chairman, said conference of the GCC Health Ministers Council the conference was the second to be held at this to be held in Geneva next month, as part of the Power of change level, noting keenness on encouraging the meeting of the General Assembly of the World Separately, a conference themed ‘power of youth to work in the nursing domain. The con- Health Organization (WHO). — KUNA Kuwait hosts formative art Gulf Bank concludes its exhibition for Gaza orphans Health Awareness Campaign KUWAIT: The Kuwait Writers’ Association the huge number of Gaza orphans who suf- (KWA) inaugurated yesterday a charity exhi- fer from acute shortage of their basic bition for Gaza orphans. The exhibition fea- needs,” she added. KUWAIT: In line with the bank’s com- tures 65 pieces and 40 vases of formative She said her paintings are marked by mitment to promoting healthy living artist Nahla Al-Shaiji. varied topics, noting there is a piece dis- Gulf Bank has concluded its Health Shaiji said that the revenues of the playing the map of State of Kuwait and Awareness Campaign which was three-day event will be allocated to the some pieces of marine environment and organized earlier this month to cele- orphans in the Gaza Strip which had been Arabian horses. She pointed out that oil brate World Health Day. Gulf Bank attacked by the Israeli aggression last year, and acrylic paints were used in pieces, encouraged both customers and leaving thousands of Palestinians dead and while the vases were decorated by water- staff to move towards a healthy injured, mostly children. “I was inspired by colors. —KUNA lifestyle by holding a number of internal activities. Gulf Bank was keen to deliver the best specialized products, services and consultation Alghanim Industries’ Director and based on that it hosted Royal Hayat Hospital and the Diet Center addresses hiring challenges for two weeks at the Head office at DUBAI: Andrew Finch, Director of the Development, and History and Legacy. Kuwait City, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Organizational Development at During the seminar, Finch also unveiled Street. Alghanim Industries’ brand new Careers Gulf Bank customers and staff Alghanim Industries gave a presentation enjoyed different offers on packages, on the theme of hiring quality talent. He Website for the first time. Explaining the gift vouchers, free checkups and used the opportunity to unveil the com- importance of the new site to Alghanim health consultations. The Royal Hayat pany’s brand new Careers Industries, he said: “We have offered special discounts on its Website http://careers.alg- developed the new Careers Family clinic services, dentist clinic, to 150 thought Website to help address the and Elements luxury Spa. In addition, leaders at the LinkedIn MENA challenges of attracting a number of tailored health care pro- conference, which was held at potential employees of the grams were offered on special rates The Meydanin Dubai on highest calibre, both now and such as Al Safwa, Executive, Women Thursday, 23 April. for the future. We are confi- and standard. Finch stressed the enor- dent it will be a major asset in The Diet Center was hosted in the mous competitive advantage helping us to reinforce second week offering free consulta- that talented employees Alghanim Industries’ position tions and special discounts on all its bring to companies world- as one of the leading compa- programs: Best life, Smart, Balance, wide, emphasizing the need nies in the Gulf region.” ProHealthy, Women’s plan, Gluten for companies in the MENA Omar Kutayba Alghanim, free, Cholesterol and Diabetes. It also region in particular to work CEO of Alghanim Industries, continued its ‘#Ekelny Campaign’ hard to get their ‘employee commenting on the seminar, within Gulf Bank and distributed value propositions’ communi- Andrew Finch and underlining Alghanim apples to employees and customers cated effectively to their tar- Industries’ commitment to as part of its strategy to encourage a get audiences. He said; attracting and retaining the healthy lifestyle and to support Gulf “Competition for the very best talent will very best talent, said: “World-class talent Bank’s Corporate Social only get harder in this market, as the Gulf is crucial for business development; if we Responsibility (CSR) activities. economies continue to rapidly develop don’t invest in the tools and provide the Gulf Bank’s ‘Health Awareness’ and diversify. Investing in the best talent right environment to attract the very campaign is an initiative designed to helps to ensure that companies can grow best people, we risk putting ourselves at encourage general wellbeing. Gulf Bank believes in delivering this mes- and maintain their edge in a rapidly a disadvantage to our competitors. It’s sage to its employees and employees evolving and fiercely competitive market that simple. The Careers Website is an to help them understand the poten- place.” important initiative for Alghanim tial long-term benefits of having Using Alghanim Industries as a case Industries, but its only part of our com- medical check-ups on a regular basis. study, Finch spoke about the company’s pany’s long-term commitment to ensur- Gulf Bank will continue to endorse one-and-a-half year journey to define its ing that we are able to access and retain and actively support activities that own core employee value propositions the very best talent available to continue promote a healthy lifestyle. of Diversified Businesses, Talent our growth.” MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015

Indonesia gives 72-hour Violence mars Baltimore protest over police custody death notice for executions

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ADEN: Militiamen loyal to Yemen’s fugitive President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi rest following reported clashes with Huthi rebels in the port city of Aden’s Dar Saad suburb yesterday. —AFP Saudi-led airstrikes hit Yemen rebels Aden residents say foreign ships shell near port

ADEN/CAIRO: Air raids, naval shelling and ground fight- armed opposition groups. ing to supply advanced weapons to the Houthis. weapons to Yemen that could be used to threaten ship- ing shook Yemen yesterday in some of the most wide- Other air strikes hit Houthi bastions in Saada province Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, quoted by the state news ping traffic. spread combat since a Saudi-led alliance intervened last along Yemen’s northern border with Saudi Arabia, and agency IRNA, said the ships had deployed to protect ship- The Gulf of Aden and the Bab el-Mandeb strait form month against Iranian-allied Houthi militia who have Saudi ground forces also shelled the city of Haradh in ping routes against piracy. The Islamic Republic denies one of the world’s busiest oil and shipping choke points. seized wide areas of the country. neighbouring Hajja province, residents said. giving military support to the Houthis. Sayyari said the 34th Fleet remained close to the Bab al- There were at least five air strikes on military positions Iran’s navy chief said on Sunday that it would keep The United States sent an aircraft carrier and a missile Mandeb, contradicting an account from U.S. officials on and an area near the presidential palace compound in the warships in the Gulf of Aden for at least several months, a cruiser to support seven U.S. warships already near the Friday that Iranian warships were heading eastwards Houthi-held capital Sanaa at dawn yesterday, while war- stance that could harden U.S. concerns about Tehran try- Gulf of Aden this week, and warned Iran not to send away from Yemen. —Reuters ships pounded an area near the port of the southern city of Aden, residents said. “The explosions were so big they shook the house, waking us and our kids up. Life has really become unbear- able in this city,” a Sanaa resident who gave his name as Jamal told Reuters. The strikes on Sanaa were the first since the Saudi-led coalition said last week it was scaling back a campaign against the Houthis. But the air raids soon resumed as the Houthis’ nationwide gains had not been notably rolled back, and there has been no visible progress toward peace talks. Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter and arch Sunni Muslim regional adversary of Shi’ite Muslim Iran, feels menaced by the Shi’ite Houthi advance across Yemen since last September, when the rebels captured the capital. The Houthis later forced President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi into exile. The Saudi-led intervention aims to restore Hadi and prevent Yemen disintegrating as a state, with al Qaeda militants thriving in the chaos and one of the world’s busiest oil shipping lanes off the Yemeni coast at risk.

Warships Eyewitnesses in Aden said foreign warships shelled Houthi emplacements around the city’s main commercial port and dockyard, the first time they had been targeted. Aden residents reported heavy clashes between local armed militia from Yemen’s Sunni south and Houthis backed up by army units loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Sources in the militia said they retaliated for the first time with tank and Katyusha rocket fire. Air strikes backed up local militia in clashes near Aden’s international air- port. In the southern province of Dalea, militia said they had fought for hours to retake several rural districts from the Houthis with the help of air strikes. The fighting left around 25 Houthis and six local militiamen dead. A grouping of armed tribesmen and Sunni Islamist fighters in the strategically important central Yemeni city of Taiz took back several districts from the Houthis in heavy fighting, according to residents there. Medics reported that four civilians were killed when a rocket landed in a street and shelling damaged a main hospital. The battlefield setbacks for the Houthis occurred in an area they held largely unopposed for more than a month, and suggest that the air campaign has emboldened MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Bahrain again extends top rights activist’s detention

DUBAI: Bahrain yesterday extended by “ordered that he remain detained for 15 state’s participation in the Saudi-led Arab Bahrain allies the United States and Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, was two weeks the period of detention for days” pending the results of further inves- coalition waging an air offensive against Britain have demanded Rajab’s release freed last May after serving two years in prominent rights activist Nabeel Rajab, tigation, the official BNA news agency Shiite rebels in Yemen, and “attacking a and the dropping of cases against him. jail for taking part in unauthorised accused of spreading false news, for the reported. Shiite-majority but Sunni-ruled state institution”. In January, the activist was sentenced protests. Bahrain, home to the US Navy’s second time this month. Rajab’s family Bahrain first extended Rajab’s period of It accused him of posting online “edit- to six months in prison for insulting pub- Fifth Fleet, has been rocked by unrest say he was arrested on April 2 for posting detention by 15 days on April 11. ed footage from television broadcasts on lic institutions in his tweets. He is await- since security forces crushed Shiite-led comments on Twitter denouncing A prosecution service statement said events in Syria and Palestine, unrelated to ing the result of an appeal in that case, protests in 2011 demanding a constitu- alleged torture in a prison where Shiite the Shiite activist was accused of “spread- military operations in Yemen”, said the expected on May 4. Rajab, who has led tional monarchy and an elected prime activists are held. The prosecution ing tendentious rumours” about the Gulf statement published by BNA. anti-government marches and heads the minister. —AFP Syrian warplanes pound insurgent-held town BEIRUT: Syrian government warplanes Horrific massacre pounded the northwestern city of Jisr al- State media said government troops had Shughur yesterday, a day after its capture redeployed outside the city “to avoid casual- by Al-Qaeda and its allies, a monitoring ties among innocent civilians.” group said. “Army units carried out night raids The Syrian Observatory for Human against a number of military positions infil- Rights said at least 20 air strikes hit the trated by armed terrorist groups in the area city, which had been one of the regime’s surrounding Jisr Al-Shughur,” the official last remaining strongholds in Idlib SANA news agency reported. province. It charged that “terrorist groups carried There was no immediate word on any out a horrific massacre of more than 30 civil- casualties from the latest raids, but the ians, mostly women and children, after Observatory said the death toll from sev- entering Jisr Al-Shughur.” eral dozen air strikes on the city on But it gave no further details of the Saturday had risen to 27. alleged killings, and the Observatory said it “At least two civilians and 20 fighters had received no reports of any massacre of were killed in the Saturday air strikes civilians. along with five others whose identities are On Saturday, the Observatory said its not yet known,” Observatory director Rami sources had seen the bodies of at least 60 Abdel Rahman said. regime loyalists in the streets of Jisr al- “The toll is expected to rise after the Shughur after the battle for the city. bombing continued overnight and into It said at least 23 prisoners had been Sunday.” summarily executed by government forces Fighting between rebel forces and before their withdrawal. regime troops continued south of the city Al-Nusra posted photographs on its offi- yesterday, he added, and opposition fight- cial Twitter account of what it said were the ers had captured at least 40 government bodies of the slain prisoners. forces. With the seizure of Jisr al-Shughur, “Ten members of the (pro-regime) regime forces hold just a few remaining National Defence Force were captured parts of Idlib province, and analyst Thomas yesterday by fighters, and today a group Pierret said the city’s capture marked a “turn- of 30 soldiers were found hiding in a ing point”. building near the southern entrance of “It’s the end of the loyalist counteroffen- JISR AL-SHUGHUR: Armed rebel fighters walk past bodies, reportedly belonging to government forces, in the northern Syrian the city,” Abdel Rahman said. sive that began in spring 2013,” said Pierret, town of Jisr al-Shughur yesterday. Al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate and other Islamist fighters made gains in a joint offensive on the last “The army launched a failed raid to res- a lecturer on contemporary Islam at the cue them.” University of Edinburgh. major regime bastion in the northwest province of Idlib, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. —AFP State television said regime forces had But he noted that while the regime is “in attacked an area by the southern entrance a position of weakness, that doesn’t mean to the city, “killing a group of terrorists,” it’s going to fall tomorrow. but made no mention of any captured “In 2012, the regime survived despite Eyeing Arab ties, Israel to troops. A rebel alliance including Al- experiencing greater disasters.” More than Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front seized Jisr 220,000 people have been killed in Syria al-Shughur on Saturday, less than a month since the conflict began in March 2011 with observe nuclear pact meeting after capturing the provincial capital Idlib anti-government protests that escalated city. into an armed rebellion. —AFP Israel avoided NPT review conferences since 1995

JERUSALEM: Israel will take part as an observer nuclear deal with Iran - a process Israel has resolved at the pending NPT conference - antic- in a major nuclear non-proliferation conference denounced, fearing it will not restrain Tehran’s ipating, instead, an “Arab proposal that would that opens at the United Nations today, ending atomic activities sufficiently. “We think that this not adopt the position of direct engagement” a 20-year absence in hope of fostering dialogue is the time for all moderate countries to sit and with Israel. with Arab states, a senior Israeli official said. discuss the problems that everyone is facing in Still, the official described the NPT confer- Assumed to have the Middle East’s sole the region,” the Israeli official, who requested ence as a chance to build on opposition Israel nuclear arsenal, and having never joined the anonymity given the sensitivity of the subject, shared with some Arabs to the April 2 outline nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Israel has told Reuters yesterday. nuclear deal between world powers and Iran. stayed away from gatherings of NPT signatories The conference “doesn’t contradict a broader since 1995 in protest at resolutions it regarded Good faith possible outreach,” the official said. Without as biased against it. Citing the example of dis- “I see this, coming as an observer to the con- naming specific countries, the official said armament talks in other regions, Israel says it ference now, as trying to demonstrate our some Arabs appeared less attentive to Israel’s would consider submitting to international good faith in terms of having such a conversa- non-NPT status as they were “too busy with nuclear inspections and controls only once at tion. We need direct negotiations between the bigger problems”. Among these might be peace with the Arabs and Iran. Those countries regional parties, a regional security conversa- Egypt, which had long been vocally opposed to want Israel curbed first. With Middle East tion, a conversation based on consensus. This Israel’s nuclear opacity but has recently closed upheaval and the disputed Iranian nuclear pro- (attendance at the NPT conference) is meant ranks with its neighbour against common gramme often pitting Tehran-aligned Shi’ite not to change our policy. It’s meant to empha- Islamist adversaries. “Our initiative for a Middle Muslims against Sunni Arabs, a senior Israeli sise our policy.” The question of sequencing-if East free of non-conventional weapons is a official saw in the April 27-May 22 NPT review peace should precede disarmament-has helped principle. It will not change. But nothing is conference a chance to stake out common mire negotiations on the creation of a Middle against Israel itself. It’s for everyone - Iran, causes. East free of weapons of mass destruction. An Israel, everyone,” an Egyptian official said on DBAYEH: Lebanese men hold a banner before taking part in a mile-long Israel deems Iran its top threat. The Islamic Egyptian plan for an international meeting lay- condition on anonymity. walk in women’s high heels during the “Walk a Mile in her Shoes” event to Republic has said it seeks only nuclear energy, ing the groundwork for such a deal was agreed “Will we go and pressure Israel (at the con- call to end violence against women yesterday in Dbayeh, north of the not bombs, from uranium enrichment. Six glob- at the last NPT review conference, in 2010. The ference)? I don’t think so. I don’t think the pres- Lebanese capital Beirut. —AFP al powers are negotiating a comprehensive Israeli official doubted the deadlock would be sure will be intolerable.” —Reuters Supporters of Senate Iran bill Syria changes passport rules for citizens abroad

swatting away amendments DAMASCUS: Syrian authorities will left them behind, and others have had allow citizens abroad, including their documents expire while they are WASHINGTON: Senate proponents of a bill empower- choking its economy. The parties will meet again this weigh in. If 60 senators vote to disapprove of the deal, refugees who fled the war, to obtain away. ing Congress to review and potentially reject any Iran week on the sidelines of a UN conference in New York. Obama would lose his waiver power altogether. passports without an intelligence serv- The document’s reference to “non- nuclear deal must first win a battle with some colleagues The bill was approved, 19-0, by the Senate commit- ice review for the first time, Syria’s Al- official passports” appeared to relate to determined to change the legislation in ways that could tee has 62 co-sponsors from both parties. Some lawmak- Security isssues Watan newspaper said yesterday. a January decision by opposition rep- sink it. “Anybody who monkeys with this bill is going to ers, however, want changes that could cost them the The president is betting he will not. If Congress disap- The daily, which is close to the gov- resentatives in Qatar to extend pass- run into a buzz saw,” Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of support of President Barack Obama, who grudgingly proves, the president will almost respond with a veto. As ernment, said the move would “create ports for Syrians in the Gulf country. South Carolina warned ahead of this week’s debate. backed the measure, and his fellow Democrats. long as he can get more than one-third of the Senate to an appropriate climate” for consulta- Syria’s regime no longer has an Also trying to discourage any changes, Democratic If there is a final deal with Iran, Obama can use his side with him, he can prevent his veto from being over- tions in Geneva next month on the embassy in Doha, which is a key Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey urged senators to executive authority to ease some sanctions on his own ridden. Backers of the bill are trying to keep lawmakers possibility of renewed peace talks. backer of the opposition. stick with the plan as it emerged from the Senate and work with the European Union and the United focused on how it would give Congress a say on a critical It also noted that the fees for the The new measures mean that those Foreign Relations Committee. Nations to lift others. Obama also can waive sanctions national security issue. They say the measure is not The high-profile debate comes as negotiators from that Congress has imposed on Iran, but he cannot for- meant to be about how Iran increasingly is wielding new procedures-which are being dou- seeking to obtain or renew passports the US and five other nations are rushing to finalize, by mally lift them. influence in the Middle East, its support of terrorist bled — would be “an important will no longer have to wait for their the end of June, an agreement requiring Iran to curb its The bill would block Obama from waiving congres- groups or human rights violations. They worry that source of foreign exchange”. documents to be reviewed by intelli- nuclear program in exchange for relief from sanctions sional sanctions for at least 30 days while lawmakers adding too many divisive amendments would cause The newspaper said the new meas- gence officials in Damascus. Democrats to drop their support. Even so, some senators ures were detailed in a document sent That measure has “long been called are proposing amendments to pressure Iran to end its on Thursday to Syrian embassies for by the opposition,” Al-Watan said, support of such groups, stop threatening to destroy around the world. and will allay “many of the concerns of Israel and recognize its right to exist, and release US citi- This authorised embassies “to whose who left Syria illegally and facil- zens held in Iran. issue or renew passports for Syrians itate their return”. Other amendments would prevent sanctions relief if abroad without having to go through It said the fees associated with Iran cooperates with nuclear-armed North Korea or until the department of emigration and obtaining a new passport or a renewal international nuclear inspectors are guaranteed access passports in Damascus”, Al-Watan would also be “an important source of to Iranian military sites. GOP Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, a reported. foreign exchange” for foreign curren- presidential candidate, has an amendment with Sen. Pat It said this meant applications cy-strapped Syria. Toomey, R-Pa., that would require Congress to sign off would no longer be subject to an Earlier last week, new fees for pass- on any final nuclear deal, not just disapprove of it. An intelligence services review as was ports were announced, with prices amendment from Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., would make often the case in the past. doubling to $400 for a new passport any deal a treaty, thus needing to be ratified by two- thirds of the Senate. Passports will be issued to Syrians and $200 for a renewal. “even if they left in an illegal manner Al-Watan linked the new move to Amendments or they hold non-official passports or separate talks between UN representa- “The president should have to get 67 votes for a travel documents”, the document tives and Syria’s rival sides in Geneva major nuclear arms agreement with an outlaw regime,” added. from May 4. said Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. Cotton wants to lower the Many of the nearly four million The talks will be bilateral discus- MONTEVIDEO: Former Guantanamo prison inmates Syrians Ahmed Adnan Ahjam (L) number of votes needed to reject a deal from 60 to 51. Syrians who have fled their country’s sions between each side and UN and Ali Husein Shaaban in front of US embassy in Montevideo, yesterday. Three for- That means opponents of any deal would only need conflict left illegally, fearing arrest or envoy Staffan de Mistura, who will mer Guantanamo Bay inmates who were released to Uruguay last year protested Republican votes to sink it. He also wants to see amend- conscription if they passed through an take “stock” of where things stand, over the South American country’s “broken promises”, complaining that they were ments requiring that Congress be notified of any viola- official crossing. after more than four years of con- tions of an agreement, not just ones that are legally Some have lost their passports or flict. —AFP suffering severe financial hardships and had been unable to see their families. —AFP defined as material breaches. —AP INTERNATIONAL MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Violence mars Baltimore protest over police custody death Twelve arrested, five police cars’ windows smashed

BALTIMORE: Protesters went on a rampage in downtown Baltimore on Saturday as the biggest demonstration yet over the death of a young African-American man in police custody turned violent. More than 1,000 people had joined an orderly 90-minute rally at city hall demanding justice for Freddie Gray, 25, who died last Sunday from spinal injuries, a week after his arrest in west Baltimore. But the mood shifted dramatically when scores of protesters moved to the vicinity of the WASHINGTON: People camp on the sidewalk outside the US Supreme Court yester- Camden Yards baseball stadium, scene of an day in Washington, DC, to attend the April 28, 2015, US Supreme Court session evening Baltimore Orioles-Boston Red Sox regarding gay marriage. The Supreme Court meets tomorrow to hear arguments on game. Twelve people were arrested, police com- whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to wed in the United States, missioner Anthony Batts told reporters. “My fam- with a final decision expected in June. — AFP ily wants to say: Please, please stop the violence. Freddie would not want this,” Gray’s twin sister Top US court appears on cusp of Fredericka said. She spoke alongside Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who said she was declaring right to gay marriage “profoundly disappointed” by violence she blamed on “a small group of agitators.” Live WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court’s large increases in support for gay marriage. A images from local television news helicopters arguments tomorrow over same-sex mar- ruling is due by the end of June. showed a crowd hurling traffic cones, soda bot- riage will cap more than two decades of liti- tles and trash cans at police officers, before ran- gation and a transformation in public atti- Key swing vote domly smashing store windows and looting tudes. Yet some questions remain. How much will merchandise. Based on the court’s actions during the Kennedy, a member of the court’s five-man past two years, a sense of inevitability is in conservative bloc who often casts decisive Varied targets the air: That a majority is on the verge of votes in close cases, show his hand in the 2-1/2 Targets included a 7-Eleven convenience declaring gay marriage legal nationwide. hours of oral arguments? Will he reveal a clear store, a Michael Kors fashion boutique, a finan- Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court’s piv- view that the Constitution gives gay people a cial services center and a cellphone shop in otal member on gay rights, has been march- right to marry or will he voice concerns for Baltimore’s landmark Lexington Market. ing in this direction with opinions dating to state interests in controlling marriage laws? Street signs were torn down, and one 1996. In his most recent gay rights decision An element of uncertainty hovers over motorist got a rock through her car window, for the court in 2013, rejecting a legal defini- Chief Justice John Roberts, who broke with the local news media reported. At least one city bus tion of marriage limited to a man and other court conservatives and cast the decid- was also struck. Five police cars were seen by an woman for purposes of federal benefits, ing vote upholding President Barack Obama’s AFP photographer getting their windows Kennedy deplored that US law for making healthcare law in 2012. Roberts voted against smashed, before riot-equipped police inter- gay marriages “unequal.” gay rights in the 2013 ruling. But he separated vened. Fans at the baseball game, which went That 5-4 decision did not address a consti- himself from the most conservative dissenters beyond the standard nine innings due to a tie, tutional right to same-sex marriage, but low- and declined to declare outright that states were told to remain in the stadium, “due to an er court judges interpreted the ruling as an may ban gay marriage. ongoing public safety issue,” before the gates endorsement of it and began invalidating He has demonstrated apprehension about were opened for them to leave. state bans. When states appealed rulings the reputation of the court that, by virtue of One police spokesman blamed the trouble striking down their same-sex marriage prohi- his service as chief justice, informally bears his on “isolated pockets” of individuals who were bitions, the Supreme Court declined to inter- name. In his opinions, he has sometimes tried believed to have come from out of town. BALTIMORE: A man is kicked as he attempts to get up after being knocked down, following a vene, most notably in October 2014 when it to lower tensions in controversial cases and Later in the evening, dozens of police formed march to City Hall for Freddie Gray, Saturday in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about denied appeals in seven cases on a single reassure people that the court is aligning with a cordon around the Western District police sta- a week after he was arrested and transported in a police van. — AP day. Instead, the nine justices are hearing in precedent and public expectations. The ques- tion, scene of nightly protests since Gray died. police officers and African-American men and tion. Gray died Sunday with 80 percent of his tomorrow’s oral arguments an appeal of the tion is not only how Roberts might vote but NBC affiliate WBAL reported two arrests, wit- boys. “It has to stop. It really has to stop because spine severed at the neck, lawyers for his family sole decision from a regional US appeals what he might write. In the 2013 ruling, he nessed from its news helicopter. it could have been any one of us,” a young male have said. His funeral is scheduled for today. Six court that went the opposite way. Last denounced the court majority’s sentiment that Tensions have been simmering in the blue- adult member of Gray’s extended family told the officers have been suspended with pay as the November, the Cincinnati-based US Court of federal lawmakers were deliberately harming collar Mid-Atlantic port city of 620,000 as investi- crowd. In a press conference Friday, officials police investigation inches closer to a May 1 Appeals for the 6th Circuit upheld gay mar- gay people with the limited definition of mar- gators try to establish the circumstances that led acknowledged Gray should have received med- deadline to submit findings to a Maryland state riage bans in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and riage. “I would not tar the political branches to Gray’s death. ical help at the moment of his arrest, when he prosecutor, who could decide to press charges. Tennessee. with the brush of bigotry,” he wrote. For the was seen by bystanders-and caught on video- Gray’s death is the latest in a string of With 37 of the 50 states now permitting other seven justices, expectations are clearer. Call for inquiry howling in apparent pain. high-profile confrontations between African gay marriage, many because of judicial The four liberals, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Speakers at the city hall rally called for They also revealed that Gray, contrary to police Americans and police, including the fatal orders, it seems unlikely the country’s high- Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena President Barack Obama to launch a national department policy, was not buckled into his seat shooting of unarmed teenager Michael est court would reverse course. Public opin- Kagan, have signaled their opposition to state inquiry into police misconduct, following a in the van, which made at least three unexplained Brown in August in the St Louis suburb of ion polls over the last decade have shown same-sex marriage bans. —Reuters series of fatal confrontations between white stops on its way to the Western District police sta- Ferguson. — AFP INTERNATIONAL MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015

Burundi president launches controversial re-election bid

BUJUMBURA: Burundi’s president was cial party congress in the capital, during “We will demonstrate from tomorrow In addition to banning all demonstra- the country in recent weeks to neigh- on Saturday nominated as the ruling which Nkurunziza was officially desig- (Sunday) morning, in silence and with- tions, the government has also threat- bouring Rwanda and Democratic party’s candidate for a third term in nated as the party’s candidate. out breaking anything,” he said, insisting ened to call out the army. Republic of Congo, according to the UN’s office, prompting complaints from the “We wish to announce to the national that only peaceful protests are planned. The influential Catholic Church has refugee agency, which has also warned opposition and drawing a sharp rebuke and international community that the Ex-rebel turned politician Agathon also spoken out against the president’s that the numbers of refugees could from the United States. member who has been selected to rep- Rwasa, an opponent of the president, plans to stay put, and earlier this month swell “with more political tension rising Opposition figures said the move was resent us in the elections is Pierre said Nkurunziza “risked plunging UN rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein and more acts of violence being report- unconstitutional and warned that Nkurunziza,” the head of the ruling Burundi into chaos”. warned that the country was at a “cross- ed.” Many are fleeing threats by the pro- President Pierre Nkurunziza’s effort to CNDD-FDD party, Pascal Nyabenda, road” between a fair vote and a route government militia Imbonerakure, the cling to power could push the central announced. Panic buying back to its “horrendously violent past”. youth wing of the ruling CNDD-FDD par- African nation back into violence. He said Nkurunziza “has the right to No Western ambassadors were pres- The US State Department accused ty. Rights groups allege that the militia They also vowed to defy a nationwide be elected” to a third term in the June 26 ent at the congress-a sign of unease the ruling party of disregarding the has been armed and trained over the ban on demonstrations and warnings presidential elections. among key donors over Nkurunziza’s bid term-limit provisions of Burundi’s peace past year in order help Nkurunziza stay the army could be deployed. The coun- But opposition groups say this vio- to stay put. Only the Russian ambassa- accords and said it was closely monitor- in office. try, situated in Africa’s troubled Great lates the constitution as well as the dor and several regional diplomats were ing the situation. Many residents of Bujumbura also left Lakes region, only emerged from civil peace deal that ended the civil war. present. “We specifically call on the Burundian the city for the weekend, amid fears of war in 2006. Nkurunziza, a former rebel leader, Delegates underwent thorough government to respect the rights of all violent clashes. Burundi’s constitution Washington also condemned born-again Christian and football fanat- searches before being allowed into the peaceful political parties and their candi- only allows a president to be elected Nkurunziza’s candidacy and warned that ic, has already served two terms as presi- venue. Police and soldiers have also dates to campaign, hold meetings and twice-for a total of 10 years in power-but the central African country “is losing an dent. been deployed on the streets of rallies and express their views,” acting Nkurunziza argues he has only been historic opportunity to strengthen its “This third candidacy is illegal, it vio- Bujumbura since Friday evening. State Department spokeswoman Marie directly elected by the people once. democracy.” lates the constitution,” said Rights An AFP reporter said many residents Harf said in a statement, hinting For his first term, beginning in 2005, There was tight security as the ruling activist Pierre-Claver Mbonimpa, presi- could be seen doing last-minute shop- Washington was prepared to act if nec- he was selected by parliament. The CNDD-FDD-which has been accused of dent of Burundi’s influential campaign ping in an apparent bid to stockpile sup- essary. opposition boycotted the last elections intimidating opponents-opened a spe- group Aprodeh. plies just in case unrest breaks out. Thousands of Burundians have fled in 2010, alleging fraud. — AFP

Ukraine’s ceasefire under pressure as serviceman killed KIEV: A fragile ceasefire between Ukrainian Donetsk and in the south-east near government forces and pro-Russian sepa- Mariupol, a government-held coastal city of ratists came under renewed pressure yes- half a million on the Sea of Azov. terday with the Ukrainian military reporting Mariupol is of strategic importance a serviceman had been killed and seven because of its position between rebel-con- others wounded in rebel attacks. trolled eastern regions and Russian- The casualties, which follow the death annexed Crimea. on Saturday of another serviceman in “An increase in the number of violations shelling in the south east, occurred as the of the ceasefire regime by (separatist) fight- Ukrainian military and the rebels accused ers has been noticeable in the past 24 each other of violating a peace deal signed hours,” Motuzyanyk said. in Minsk, Belarus, in February. The latest He said the rebels were also using Grad violence has revived concerns that the deal, rockets, again in violation of the Minsk deal brokered by the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, which calls for heavy weaponry to be Germany and France, could collapse, even pulled back from the conflict zone. though international monitors say viola- The Ukrainian military on Saturday tions were relatively limited. made similar accusations against the More than 6,100 civilians, separatists rebels, who in turn accused the military of and pro-Kiev service staff have been killed opening fire on an aid convoy from Russia so far in the conflict. Fighting erupted in and of firing indiscriminately in populated Ukraine’s Russian-speaking east after the areas. Moscow-backed president was ousted in a The Organization for Security and Co- public revolt and Russia annexed Crimea. operation in Europe (OSCE), which is moni- Ukrainian military spokesman toring the ceasefire, says the violations are Oleksander Motuzyanyk said the sepa- still limited and markedly down from pre- ratists had stepped up their attacks against ceasefire violence. “We are not in a phase government forces and were using large- of very active conflict like we have seen in calibre artillery, all in violation of the Minsk previous months,” OSCE Secretary-General agreement. Lamberto Zannier told Reuters on the side- He said attacks were largely focused lines of a security conference in Estonia on LONDON: Labour party leader Ed Miliband makes a speech as he meets Hindu devotees at the Shree Swaminarayan Temple during a celebration near the airport in the big regional city of Saturday. — Reuters ceremony in Willesden Green, London, yesterday. Britain will hold a General Election on May 7. —AP Benin votes in key test UK opposition leader narrows for President Boni Yayi options on SNP election deal

COTONOU: Benin headed to the polls yes- neighbouring Burkina Faso, which saw terday in legislative elections seen as a key long-serving president Blaise Compaore Alex Salmond dismisses Conservative attacks test for President Thomas Boni Yayi, whose toppled after he tried to abolish term limits. controversial plans to change the constitu- Boni Yayi has not voiced a desire to run LONDON: British opposition leader Ed Miliband Conservatives, facing accusations they have ports a minority government in House of tion to extend his rule may be crushed if again but “he has created the impression of appeared to go a step further yesterday in ruling fought a negative and insufficiently passionate Commons confidence motions and votes on the opposition makes gains. a president in a permanent campaign”, out a deal with the pro-independence Scottish campaign, increasingly emphasise what they government spending. About 4.4 million voters are eligible to fuelling opposition claims that he will not National Party (SNP) if he fails to win next describe as the dangers of an alliance between The Labour leader has already said he would cast their ballots to pick 83 lawmakers. Boni stand down, Yabi said. month’s election outright. Labour and the SNP. not enter a formal coalition with the SNP, much Yayi has led the small west African nation “I’m not doing deals with the Scottish Cameron’s party claims the SNP would pull of whose support is coming from former Labour since 2006 and his two-term limit expires Fractured opposition National Party... it’s not happening. I’m working Labour further to the left and put the United voters. That leaves the door open for a more next year. The president has said his consti- Boni Yayi’s Cowry Forces for an for a majority Labour government,” Miliband said Kingdom at risk by pushing for another referen- informal vote-by-vote arrangement where the tutional amendment project is aimed at Emerging Benin party (FCBE) has lost its in a BBC interview. dum. They are running a high-profile poster SNP could support Labour on an ad hoc basis in ending impunity for corruption by majority in the national assembly following Miliband leads the centre-left Labour party campaign depicting Miliband as Sturgeon’s pup- return for policy concessions. strengthening the justice system. a series of recent defections to the opposi- which is virtually neck and neck in opinion polls pet. Home Secretary Theresa May warned in an Cameron again stressed what he said would But the opposition insists his actual tion, but experts warn against attributing with Prime Minister David Cameron’s centre- interview in the Mail on Sunday newspaper that be the negative impact of a Labour-SNP alliance motive is to scrap term limits so he can run that to rising opposition strength. right Conservatives before May 7’s vote. a minority Labour government propped up by in an interview with Sky News yesterday. again in 2016. The battle over the proposed Politics in Benin are “very poorly struc- This indicates that neither of the two main the SNP could prompt the “biggest constitution- “If you want a non-socialist alternative to the amendment has shaped Sunday’s election. tured”, said Yabi, adding that “political parties will win outright and will have to team al crisis since the abdication” of King Edward VIII nationalists who want to break up the union “The challenge for the ruling party is to migrations” are common in campaign sea- up with one or more smaller parties to form a in 1936. (Britain), only the Conservatives can provide have a large majority in the national assem- son and lawmakers are happy to switch coalition or minority government. that,” he said. Meanwhile, Sturgeon’s predecessor bly, which would allow the president to sides if they think it will boost their re-elec- SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, whose party is ‘Best thing to do is laugh’ as both SNP leader and Scottish first minister, realise consitutional reforms and maybe tion prospects. expected to win most of Scotland’s House of With the Conservatives increasing their focus Alex Salmond, dismissed the Conservative authorise (his) third term,” said Gilles Yabi, a The opposition ranks are fractured, Commons seats amid surging support after last on the Scottish issue, Miliband yesterday attacks in another Sky interview. “I think the best west Africa specialist based in Dakar. more than 20 parties are fielding candi- year’s rejected independence referendum, wants appeared to rule out a “confidence and supply” thing to do is to laugh at this Tory campaign,” Political analyst Rock Sosthene Nepo dates, and the election has hardly gripped to do a post-election deal with Labour. agreement with the SNP. said Salmond, who is on course to return to the said the near total focus on the purported the nation. Miliband’s comments come as the This is a deal in which a smaller party sup- Commons as an MP on May 7. — AFP third-term plot has pushed major issues to Boni Yayi has tried to boost his interna- the back-burner. tional profile through his second term, “Serious debate on public projects is shuttling across the continent while serv- non-existent or at least diminished” ing as head of the African Union in 2012. Turkish Cypriots vote in poll because of the constitutional reform dis- But his administration likely attracted pute, he said. the most global attention during the so- Benin boasts a relatively strong demo- called Poison Plot of October 2012, when that could speed peace talks cratic record compared to other countries the government announced the discovery in turbulent west Africa. But it is grappling of an alleged plan to assassinate the presi- NICOSIA: Voters in the breakaway Turkish vides around a third of its budget. Voters said Greek Cypriots in simultaneous votes in 2004. with issues seen across the region: corrup- dent. Republic of Northern Cyprus went to the polls they hoped their next leader would end Turkish tion and the challenge of ensuring the According to official allegations, Boni yesterday to choose a new leader in an election Cypriots’ international isolation. ‘Unwanted developments’ poor see some benefits of economic Yayi’s doctor, conspiring with a prominent runoff that could speed UN-brokered reunifica- “We are under stress. There are economic Eroglu, in power since 2010, won 28.2 per- growth. business tycoon and others, tried to replace tion talks. problems and respect for each other has cent of the votes in the first round, ahead of Analysts said the emphasis on Boni his heart medication with deadly poison. Polls were due to close at 6 pm (1500 GMT) decreased due to our indefinite (status),” said Akinci and the TRNC’s first woman prime minis- Yayi’s possible third-term was to be expect- Most of those allegedly involved have been with unofficial results expected two hours later. Nazife Kunt, 65. ter Sibel Siber. Campaigning turned sour last ed after the revolution late last year in pardoned. — AFP Nationalist incumbent Dervis Eroglu won the The United Nations has put forward multiple week, with Eroglu accusing Akinci of seeking to most votes in a first round last weekend but is peace plans but they have all failed, notably a remove a giant TRNC flag from the mountains expected to be trumped by reconciliationist plan by then UN chief Kofi Annan that was overlooking Nicosia and alleging that he is challenger Mustafa Akinci after some three- approved by Turkish Cypriots but rejected by backed by Washington.— AFP quarters of the votes went to more compromis- ing candidates. Voters streamed steadily into polling stations in Nicosia from early morning, many bringing their children along to share the experience. “For our future and our children’s future it is important to vote,” said Arman Anik, 38. “We are entering a critical period and it is important to give the job to the right person.” Akinci is a former mayor of the Turkish Cypriot half of the island’s divided capital Nicosia and has been one of his community’s most out- spoken advocates of reconciliation with the internationally recognised Greek Cypriot gov- ernment. A UN-monitored ceasefire line has divided the Mediterranean resort island since 1974 when Turkish troops occupied its northern third in response to an Athens-inspired coup seeking union with Greece. The Turkish Cypriots, who had already pulled out of government institutions in the face of NICOSIA: Turkish Cypriot independant candidate for the presidential elections in the self-pro- VATICAN: A Swiss Guard stands as priests prostrate themselves during a mass cele- communal violence in 1963, declared their claimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Mustafa Akinci and his wife Meral (R) brated by Pope Francis during a priests ordination ceremony yesterday in St Peter’s breakaway state in 1983. arrive with their family at a polling station to vote for the second round of the presidential Basilica at the Vatican. — AFP But it is recognised only by Turkey, which pro- election yesterday in the northern part of Nicosia.— AFP

INTERNATIONAL MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Beijing poised for ‘de facto control’ of South China Sea

KUALA LUMPUR: Beijing is poised to take “de facto con- leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations edly been involved in tense territorial confrontations Reef damage trol” of the South China Sea, the Philippines warned yes- (ASEAN) during which the heated maritime issue was with China at sea, and have offered the harshest criti- Philippine President Benigno Aquino warned in a terday as it called on fellow Southeast Asian countries to expected to be a key topic. Malaysia is this year’s ASEAN cism. Manila is pushing Malaysia to come out with a recent AFP interview that China’s actions “should engen- “finally stand up” to their massive neighbour. chair and host of the summit. strong summit statement rebuking China, something der fear for the rest of the world”, and could threaten Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei claim that ASEAN historically has avoided largely due to freedom of navigation. parts of the strategic South China Sea, but Beijing claims ‘Stand up for what is right’ Beijing’s immense trade and diplomatic leverage. Manila also has accused China’s coastguard of incit- nearly all of it and its increasingly strident assertions of Satellite photos that emerged earlier this month A draft statement prepared before the gathering ing recent confrontations with Philippine fishing vessels. its territorial ambitions have caused concern in the showed huge amounts of sand being dredged and began calls for “self-restraint” but avoids direct criticism Del Rosario provided fellow ministers with data region and beyond. dumped onto fragile coral reefs claimed by the of China, a diplomatic source said previously. claiming Chinese land reclamation was destroying irre- “(China) is poised to consolidate de facto control of Philippines. The final statement could be different, however, placeable coral reefs vital to marine diversity. the South China Sea,” Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert Defence analysts say the works are creating land based on discussions in Malaysia. The satellite photos released this month by the del Rosario told his fellow Southeast Asian ministers at masses big enough for airstrips and other large facilities. ASEAN has pushed China for more than a decade to Center for Strategic and International Studies showed a an annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur. The strategic waterway is rich in energy reserves, fish- agree on a Code of Conduct at sea that would set rules flotilla of Chinese vessels dredging sand onto a feature Del Rosario singled out a campaign of land reclama- ery resources and is a vital conduit for much of world preventing rival claimants taking steps that could known as Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands. tion on disputed reefs that has raised the spectre of per- trade, and rising tension over who owns what has raised inflame the situation. Other photos showed a runway and ship harbour manent Chinese bases far out in the ocean. fears of potential armed conflict. Actual discussions only started in 2013 and have pro- taking shape on Fiery Cross, also in the Spratlys, “The threats posed by these massive reclamations are “Is it not time for ASEAN to say to our northern neigh- gressed slowly, with analysts saying Beijing is delaying to which was little more than a reef when works began real and cannot be ignored or denied,” he said, according bour that what it is doing is wrong and that the massive buy more time to consolidate its foothold. late last year. Similar work is taking place at a handful to a transcript of his remarks, warning of “urgent and far- reclamations must be immediately stopped?” del Rosario Del Rosario said China will likely complete its recla- of other sites. China has angrily rejected criticism, reaching” geopolitical implications. asked. “Is it not time for ASEAN to finally stand up for mation projects before ever agreeing to a code of con- saying it can do as it pleases in waters that are its Foreign ministers met a day ahead of a summit by what is right?” The Philippines and Vietnam have repeat- duct, which would be rendered “irrelevant.” “indisputable” territory. — AFP Scared to stay inside, Quake victims treated in car park

KATHMANDU: Nepalese doctors set up the disaster. “Electricity has been cut off, makeshift operating theatres in a hospital communication systems are congested and car park yesterday as they worked round the hospital are crowded and are running out of clock to treat the wounded from a monster room for storing dead bodies,” she told AFP. quake that has also left morgues overflow- ing with bodies. Foreign volunteers As disaster officials said nearly 6,000 peo- At the national trauma centre in ple were injured in Saturday’s 7.8 magnitude Kathmandu, senior surgeon Santosh Poudil quake, medics in the impoverished told AFP that his team had not slept since Himalayan nation told how they had been the disaster struck, as they tended to at least unable to save some of the most grievously 1,000 victims with a variety of wounded. Their efforts were being further injuries.”Almost 25 percent of these patients hampered by fresh aftershocks that were felt that I saw had serious trauma injuries on the throughout much of the morning, making back, legs, arms and head, often at the same many patients too scared to stay inside time,” he told AFP. “We are prioritising which medical facilities. Samir Acharya, a doctor at patients need immediate attention for sur- Annapurna Neurological Hospital, described gery and other procedures.” Medics were how medics were working out of a tent set being helped by an army of volunteers, up in a parking lot after being overwhelmed including foreign tourists who were in the by patients. Himalayan nation when the disaster struck. Even if there was room, some were too Heli Camarinha, a 28-year-old Portuguese scared to stay in the building, said Acharaya tourist, responded to a plea for help on local who together with his colleagues has been television. flat out ever since the earthquake struck on “I was really lucky to have not been Saturday lunchtime. injured during the earthquake yesterday. “We have treated many people since yes- Today morning when I saw the local news terday, the majority children,” said Acharya. that hospitals etc need volunteers I decided “Most patients have head injuries or frac- to come here to try and help,” Heli told AFP. tures. Two of our patients died, two are criti- “I have a first aid certificate and some cal,” he said, as people wept outside the hos- experience in social work back home. I have pital while they waited for news of loved been doing whatever I can, from cleaning ones inside. With the death toll from the dis- the patient wards, helping transfer them to NUSAKAMBANGAN: Cesar Veloso (2nd L) and Celia Veloso (front R), the parents of Filipina drug convict and death row prisoner Mary Jane aster rising above 2,200, hospitals were also different hospital floors on the stretcher, Veloso, are accompanied by embassy officials at the Cilacap river port of Nusakambangan after visiting the Nusakambangan maximumsecuri- struggling to find places to store the bodies. basically any way possible.” ty prison island yesterday. — AFP At the city’s oldest Bir Hospital, there One of those being treated at the trauma were around a dozen dead bodies placed on centre was 25-year-old Suresh Pariyar who the floor with relatives trying to swat away suffered back injuries when a building he Indonesia gives 72-hour the flies. A security guard said that around was walking past in the capital suddenly 100 bodies had been taken away for crema- pancaked. “I had gone to collect money tion since Sunday morning. “In some cases, from a friend in the market. A house col- there was a delay as the relatives or immedi- lapsed within seconds after the earthquake notice for executions ate family members were also injured in the struck and a cloud of dust enveloped the quake or couldn’t reach the city,” he said. entire area,” Pariyar told AFP. “The earth was Oxfam Australia chief executive Helen shaking and moments later I found myself Szoke said the nation’s creaking infrastruc- under the debris in pain and pleading for Aquino to appeal for Filipina’s life at summit ture was struggling to cope with the scale of help.” —AFP JAKARTA: Indonesia notified nine foreigners and Diplomatic consequences tricked by a compatriot into carrying illegal drugs a local man convicted of drug trafficking that French President Francois Hollande has in a luggage as she traveled in the hope of land- their executions will be carried out within days, warned of diplomatic consequences if Atlaoui is ing a job as a house helper. ignoring appeals by the UN chief and foreign executed, and said Saturday that there could be “Please save my life, I have two children who leaders to spare them. possible economic fallout as well. need the love of their mother,” Veloso wrote to Authorities also asked the four Nigerian men, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, whose Aquino. “We’re poor and I wanted to change our two Australian men, a Filipino woman, and one government has been pressuring Indonesia to life but I could never commit the crime they have man each from Brazil, France and Indonesia for spare the two Australians, arrived on a visit to accused me of.” their last wish, the spokesman for the attorney Paris on Saturday night and was expected to dis- About 100 left-wing activists from women’s general, Tony Spontana, said yesterday. cuss the situation with Hollande. and migrant workers’ groups carried Veloso’s por- He said the legal options of nine of them have Australian heroin traffickers Andrew Chan, 31, traits, lit candles and demanded that Jokowi been exhausted, while Frenchman Serge Atlaoui and Myuran Sukumaran, 33, were the ringleaders spare her life in a vigil late yesterday at the still has an outstanding legal complaint over the of a gang of nine Australians arrested in April Indonesian Embassy in Manila. They held up procedure followed in his request for clemency. 2005 while trying to smuggle more than 8 kilo- placards that read: “Stop execution” and “Mercy Spontana said he expects the Supreme Court to grams (18 pounds) of heroin from the resort and compassion for Mary Jane.” rule on it today. island of Bali to Sydney. Consular officials and relatives were arriving The 72-hour notice indicates the executions Philippine President Benigno Aquino III said yesterday at a town near Nusakambangan, the by firing squad in Besi prison on yesterday that he would again appeal the case of high-security prison island, for the last visit to the Nusakambangan Island will be carried out at the Filipino convict Mary Jane Veloso to Jokowi when convicts. earliest on Tuesday or Wednesday. they meet at an annual summit of Southeast Indonesia has extremely strict drug laws and The pending executions have caused an inter- Asian leaders in Malaysia today. often executes smugglers. More than 130 people national outcry, particularly in Australia, France are on death row, mostly for drug crimes. About a and the Philippines, which are opposed to the Tricked by compatriot third of them are foreigners. KATHMANDU: Nepalese residents walk past road damage following an earthquake death penalty. The Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila In January, six convicted drug smugglers, in Kathmandu yesterday. International aid groups and governments intensified UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged issued over the weekend Veloso’s handwritten including five from Brazil, the Netherlands, efforts to get rescuers and supplies into earthquake-hit Nepal yesterday, but severed President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to “urgently con- letters from her Indonesian prison where she Vietnam, Nigeria and Malawi, were executed at communications and landslides in the Himalayan nation posed formidable chal- sider declaring a moratorium on capital punish- pleaded to Aquino and other officials to continue the same prison, prompting the Netherlands and lenges to the relief effort. — AFP ment in Indonesia, with a view toward abolition.” efforts to save her. She repeated that she was Brazil to recall their ambassadors in protest. — AP Finding their roots: Babylift children return to Vietnam

HO CHI MINH CITY: In the chaotic last days of from their families or given up in a desperate bid tried to find out more about her mother, who adoptees, who she has connected with first on comfortable in Vietnam. “Australia is where I live the Vietnam War, the US airlifted thousands of to get them out of the war-torn country. gave her up shortly after childbirth. But with Facebook and then in Vietnam during a 40th but this is home... a lot of the adoptees say the children out of Saigon. Forty years later, many Carnie and his sister were adopted by a hardly any documentation to help her, she had anniversary reunion this month. same things.” Operation Babylift survivors have returned, look- Mormon family and grew up in rural Washington little success. “I just want to find a family mem- “I’m friends with so many adoptees from all For three decades-from Ho Chi Minh’s decla- ing for answers from a family or country they state. When he decided to return to Vietnam 15 ber,” she told AFP blinking back tears. “There’s over the world, and it’s fantastic,” she said. “I love ration of independence in 1945 to its eventual never knew. years ago, the first thing that struck him was that things I need to know.” But DoeckÎ said she has every one of them I’ve met... we all call each oth- realisation with the fall of Saigon and reunifica- During the controversial mass evacuation, everyone looked the same as him. found another family of sorts-other Babylift er brother and sister.” She now feels increasingly tion in 1975 — Vietnam endured upheaval and some 3,000 children were flown out of Vietnam “I didn’t stand out, I wasn’t being looked at or conflict. There are “uncountable” numbers of to be adopted by families from America to pointed at. I’m not saying that happens in missing people in Vietnam, said Nguyen Pham Sweden. The very first Babylift flight crashed America a lot but I came from a rural town and I Thu Uyen, a TV show presenter based in Ho Chi shortly after takeoff. knew I was different,” he said. Minh City. “Almost every family in this country “My (adoptive) parents received a telegram... In Ho Chi Minh City-as Saigon was renamed has suffered some kind of separation, with at saying they couldn’t find us... we were missing after Vietnam’s beloved founding president- least one person missing,” Uyen told AFP. and presumed dead,” said Landon Carnie, who ”nobody paid attention to me, I actually liked She hosts a hit show called “As If There Were was on the C5-A Galaxy plane on April 4, 1975. that,” he said. He liked it so much that he moved No Separation” which tries to reunite families Carnie and his twin sister Lorie were later back to Vietnam and has lived in HCMC for the separated by war. found floating in a rice paddy amid the smoul- last decade, where he works for Australian In the eight years they’ve been on air, they’ve dering wreckage of the crash, which killed 138 University RMIT. received 70,000 enquiries from American GIs people including 78 children. Carnie was told that his mother had died in seeking long-lost girlfriends to Vietnamese fami- “It was actually a rice farmer who found my childbirth. But all his original documentation was lies hunting for children taken from them during sister and I together, both in the same shoe box,” destroyed in the plane crash and he has not tried the war. The show has helped thousands of peo- he told AFP as he explored the site of the crash to trace his birth family since he returned to ple to find their relatives. earlier this month. Vietnam as he says he’s made peace with his Uyen’s team have worked on some Operation The twins eventually left Vietnam on another past. “I’m comfortable with exactly who I am... Babylift cases, and she says they have a unique flight, alongside thousands of other Babylift therefore I don’t need to pursue anything else,” perspective on their positions-rarely resentful of infants-who were taken from orphanages or hos- he said. their birth parents and accepting they were giv- pitals across what was then South Vietnam. They en up so they could have a better life. were part of a mass exodus of people. ‘Things I need to know’ “It’s very moving, this humane attitude,” she As it became clear Saigon would fall, America But other Babylift children are still looking for said. Babylift adoptee DoeckÎ agrees that the evacuated all remaining civilian and military per- answers. Chantal DoeckÎ, raised in Australia by HO CHI MINH CITY: This picture taken on April 11, 2015 shows Landon Carnie talking dur- burning questions she has for her birth family do sonnel. Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, adoptive parents who responded to an advert in ing an interview with AFP next to a memorial altar (R) set up near the site where the very not include ‘why did you give me up?’. many associated with the South Vietnam regime, their local newspaper, said she began asking first Babylift flight crashed on April 4, 1975, shortly after takeoff on the outskirts of Ho Chi “I don’t hold any grudges against my mother also fled. Some criticised the Babylift operation, questions after she had her own children. Minh City. In the chaotic last days of the Vietnam War, the US airlifted thousands of chil- or father-it was wartime, what choice did they questioning whether the children involved were Earlier this month, she returned to the hospi- dren out of Saigon. Forty years later, many Operation Babylift survivors have returned, have?” she said. “I’d just like to find somebody,” all really orphans or had just been separated tal in Ho Chi Minh City where she was born and looking for answers from a family or country they never knew. — AFP she added. — AFP NEWS MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Choppers rescue Everest avalanche victims MOUNT EVEREST, Nepal: Helicopters airlifted injured Many had travelled to Nepal for the start of the annu- climbers off Mount Everest yesterday after an avalanche al climbing season, which was cancelled last year after killed at least 18 people, an AFP team at the scene 16 sherpa guides were killed in what was previously the reported, even as a powerful aftershock hit the world’s deadliest disaster in the mountain’s history. Alex Gavan, highest peak. At least six helicopters landed at base a Romanian climber, said on Twitter “all badly injured camp in Nepal, the agency’s Kathmandu bureau chief heli evacuated”. Ropes, ice screws and snow pickets Ammu Kannampilly reported after weather conditions were being flown to a large number of climbers trapped improved overnight. “People being stretchered out as above the treacherous Khumbu icefall which was the choppers land - half a dozen this morning,” Kannampilly scene of last year’s disaster, he added. Snowfalls on said in a text message. “Weather clear, some snowfall.” Saturday had thwarted efforts to airlift survivors before Pictures taken by AFP’s South Asia photo chief the skies cleared on Sunday morning. Roberto Schmidt showed an enormous cloud of snow executive Dan Fredinburg was among the and debris cascading down the mountain as survivors handful of victims to have been identified so far. He was recalled the horrifying moment that disaster struck on with several colleagues who survived the tragedy, Saturday. “I ran and it just flattened me. I tried to get up Lawrence You, director of privacy at Google, said in a and it flattened me again,” Singapore-based marine blog post. You said was contributing $1 mil- biologist George Foulsham told AFP at base camp. “I lion to the response efforts. couldn’t breathe, I thought I was dead. When I finally US-based Madison Mountaineering said its doctor stood up, I couldn’t believe it passed me over and I was Marisa Eve Girawong had died in the avalanche. “Eve almost untouched.” perished in the aftermath of the avalanche that struck A spokesman for Nepal’s tourism department, the base camp area following the devastating Nepal which issues the permits to climb Everest, said the earthquake earlier today,” the company said in a state- An injured person is loaded onto a rescue helicopter at Everest Base Camp yesterday, a day after an ava- death toll had risen to 18 with more than 60 injured. ment. The earthquake dislodged a “huge block of ice” lanche triggered by an earthquake devastated the camp. The bodies of those who perished lie under orange “Deaths at the base camp have reached 18,” Tulsi above base camp on Saturday which sparked a “huge tents. — AFP Gautam told AFP. “Those who are able are walking aerosol avalanche” that slammed into the upper section down. Others are being airlifted to Pheriche.” Ang of base camp, blowing tents across the mountain, Aftershocks rock Nepal as quake toll tops... Tshering Sherpa, president of the Nepal mountaineer- another team said on its website, adding that its ing association, said the nationalities of those killed was climbers were uninjured. Continued from Page 1 with fractured and bloody limbs, who lay inside tents unclear, “but most of them would be foreigners”. Kanchaman Tamang, a Nepali cook who was work- made from hospital sheets. “We only have one opera- Sherpa said there were more than 800 people at dif- ing for the Jagged Globe tour group, said the latest exactly a year after an avalanche killed 16 sherpa tion theatre here. To be able to provide immediate ferent places when the avalanche, triggered by a mas- tragedy was particularly painful coming so soon after guides, forcing the season to be cancelled, and as treatment we require 15 theatres. I am just not able to sive earthquake, struck on Saturday lunchtime. Fearful last year’s deaths. “I was in the dining tent when the around 800 mountaineers were gathered at the start of cope,” said Dipendra Pandey, an orthopaedic surgeon, climbers again reported smaller avalanches on the avalanche hit - it sent the tent flying,” he told AFP. “After the new season. AFP’s Nepal bureau chief Ammu adding he had done 36 critical operations since mountain, at camp one above base camp, yesterday last year’s avalanche, I never worried about coming Kannampilly, who was on assignment at base camp, Saturday. Relief agencies and officials said most hospi- after a 6.7-magnitude aftershock hit Nepal around back - I told my family I work at base camp and it’s safe, reported that six helicopters had managed to reach the tals were overflowing and short on medical supplies. lunchtime. “Aftershock @ 1pm! Horrible here in camp 1. not like icefall. The season is over - the route has been mountain on Sunday after the weather improved. “Both private and government hospitals have run out of Avalanches on 3 sides. C1 a tiny island. We worry about destroyed, icefall ladders broken. I don’t think I will A stunning image captured by the agency’s South space and are treating patients outside, in the open,” icefall team below.. Alive?” UK-based climber Daniel come back next year - this mountain means too much Asia photo chief Roberto Schmidt showed a massive said Nepal’s envoy to India, Deep Kumar Upadhyay. Mazur tweeted. pain.” — Agencies cloud of snow and debris cascading onto base camp, At another hospital in Kathmandu, police officer burying scores of climbers and flattening tents. “People Sudan Shreshtha said his team had brought 166 corpses being stretchered out as choppers land - half a dozen overnight. “I am tired and exhausted, but I have to work this morning,” Kannampilly said in a text message. and have the strength,” Shreshtha told Reuters as an “Weather clear, some snowfall.” ambulance brought three more victims to the Offers of help poured in from around the world, with Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. Bodies, includ- dozens of nations or aid groups volunteering every- ing that of a boy aged about seven, were heaped in a thing from sniffer dogs to an inflatable hospital. India dark room. The stench of death was overpowering. dispatched 13 military aircraft to Nepal loaded with Outside, a 30-year-old woman who had been widowed tonnes of food, blankets and other aid. The Kathmandu- wailed: “Oh Lord, why did you take him alone? Take me based National Emergency Operation Centre put the along with him.” toll in Nepal at 2,430 while around 6,000 more people Some buildings in Kathmandu toppled like houses of had been injured. Officials in India said the toll there cards, others leaned at precarious angles, and partial now stood at 67, while Chinese state media said 18 peo- collapses exposed living rooms and furniture in place ple had been killed in the Tibet region. and belongings stacked on shelves. People wandered “We have deployed all our resources for search and the streets clutching bed rolls and blankets, while oth- rescues,” police spokesman Kamal Singh Bam told AFP. ers sat in the street cradling their children, surrounded “Helicopters have been sent to remote areas. We are by a few plastic bags of belongings. Rescuers, some sifting through the rubble where buildings have col- wearing face masks to keep out the dust, scrambled lapsed to see if we can find anyone.” The fresh after- over mounds of splintered timber and broken bricks in shocks forced Kathmandu airport to close for around an the hope of finding survivors. hour as air traffic controllers evacuated their centre. The first mass cremations were held at the Several flights had to be diverted in mid-air. The coun- Pashupatinath district of Kathmandu, with the smoke try’s cellphone network was working only sporadically, from the funeral pyres wafting across a swathe of the city. while large parts of the capital were without electricity. Samir Acharya, a doctor at Nepal’s Annapurna AFP correspondents in Kathmandu reported that Neurological Hospital, said medics were working out of a tremors were felt throughout the day, including one tent set up in a parking lot to cope with the injured, while strong aftershock at dawn before the 6.7-magnitude some patients were too scared to stay in the building. follow-up quake that struck in the afternoon. The his- Experienced mountaineers said panic erupted on toric nine-storey Dharahara tower, a major tourist Saturday at Everest base camp, which has been severely attraction, was among the buildings brought down in damaged, while one described the avalanche as “huge”. BHAKTAPUR, Nepal: A dead body of a woman is seen after rescue workers recovered it yesterday from Kathmandu Saturday. Police said around 150 people “We have airlifted 52 from the base camp so far, 35 have debris near Kathmandu following Saturday’s earthquake. — AP were thought to have been in the tower at the time of been brought to Kathmandu,” said Tulsi Gautam of the disaster, based on ticket sales. “At least 30 dead bod- Nepal’s tourism department which issues permits to ies have been pulled out. We don’t have a number on climb the world’s highest mountain. “Those who are Nafisi acquitted, Saudi embassy sues MP... the rescued but over 20 injured were helped out,” able are walking down. Others are being airlifted.” Bishwa Raj Pokharel, a local police official, told AFP. “We George Foulsham, a Singapore-based marine biolo- Continued from Page 1 Awdah said the proposed amendments aim to ensure haven’t finished our work there, rescue work is still con- gist, described the moment disaster struck. “I was out- more freedom for the media in the country. The first day tinuing. Right now, we are not in a position to estimate side, saw a white 50-storey building of white come at with a television station owned by Lebanese Shiite will be devoted to the electronic media draft law which how many might be trapped.” me. I ran and it just flattened me,” he told AFP. “I tried to militia Hezbollah. This is the second case filed by the consists of 27 articles and aims to regulate online media. As rescuers sifted through the huge mounds of rub- get up and it flattened me again. I couldn’t breathe, I Saudi Arabian mission against Dashti, who was accused Experts will discuss on the second and third days pro- ble in the capital, some using bare hands, hospitals thought I was dead. When I finally stood up, I couldn’t in the first case of insulting the kingdom and the Saudi posed amendments to the two existing media laws, were overwhelmed with victims who suffered multiple believe it passed me over and I was almost untouched. I monarch. During the television interview, Dashti strongly Awdah said. fractures and trauma. Morgues were overflowing with saved for years to climb Everest. It feels like the moun- lashed out at the Saudi-led Gulf airstrikes against the But MP Faisal Al-Duwaisan strongly criticized the bodies. At the city’s oldest Bir Hospital, an AFP corre- tain is saying it’s not meant to be climbed for now.” Shiite Houthi militia in Yemen. Assembly’s educational committee for ignoring amend- spondent saw grieving relatives trying to swat away Nepal and the rest of the Himalayas are particularly In another development, the Assembly will launch ments he had proposed to the media laws, saying that the flies from around a dozen bodies placed on the floor of prone to earthquakes because of the collision of the today a three-day debate on the proposed amendments committee took the government proposals only. He said the morgue after storage space ran out. Indian and Eurasia plates. A 6.8 magnitude quake hit to the press and publications and the audiovisual laws, the committee wants to provide legal cover to the govern- Outside the National Trauma Centre in Kathmandu, eastern Nepal in August 1988 killing 721 people, and a besides the new draft electronic media law. Head of the ment’s amendments, claiming that it has committed a patients in wheelchairs who had been under treatment magnitude 8.1 quake killed 10,700 people in Nepal and educational committee in the Assembly Awdah Al- constitutional violation by not including his proposals. before the earthquake hit joined hundreds of injured India in 1934. — Agencies MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 ANALYSIS


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Focus Quake deals big blow to Nepal’s cultural heritage

By Paavan Mathema

educed to piles of rubble and splintered wood, Nepal’s rich cultural heritage has suf- Rfered a devastating blow from a massive earthquake that tore through the country, experts said yesterday. In the heart of Kathmandu, many of a cluster of temples and statues built between the 12th and 18th centuries by the ancient kings of Nepal have collapsed, killing scores and trap- ping others underneath. The nine-storey Dharahara tower, a major tourist attraction in the city’s Durbar square with its spiral staircase of 200 steps, was reduced to just its base when the 7.8- magnitude quake struck at lunchtime on IS or Al-Qaeda? Shabab mulls future Saturday. “I had just bought tickets to climb the tower omalia’s Shabab militants are divided over whether to and executed. It was an assault worthy in its thirst for blood Thomas, a Washington-based Somali expert and manager and was at its base when I felt a sudden shaking,” maintain their allegiance to Al-Qaeda or shift to of IS, which has distinguished itself through mass execu- of the respected Somalia Newsroom blog. Dharmu Subedi, 36, said from a hospital bed in SIslamic State, according to militant and security tions, many of which are recorded and distributed online. sources, analysts and clan elders. The division comes at a Financial Benefits Kathmandu. “Within minutes, the Dharahara had time when Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has become the ‘Corridor to Afghanistan’ Analysts say Shabab leader Ahmed Diriye, also known as crumbled to the ground with maybe more than jihadist franchise of choice, attracting fighters from abroad Some see Shabab’s vacillations as a sign of weakness. Ahmed Umar Abu Ubaidah, is an Al-Qaeda loyalist, while the 100 people in it,” Subedi told AFP. UNESCO was and other militant groups such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, “Shabab is desperate. They have lost ground in Somalia, powerful secret police chief, Mahad Karate, is the most senior trying to gather information on the extent of the while Al-Qaeda too has recently expanded its territory in they may be considering joining the so-called Islamic State proponent of a shift to IS. A shift to IS might bring financial destruction, including at three palace-filled Yemen. in Iraq and Syria so that they get funds and moral support,” benefits. “If Shabab were to align with IS it would mean an squares in the cities of Patan and Bhaktapur, both “Why is it a surprise to hear that Shabab may join the said Mohamed Ibrahim, a Somali security official. But others increase in money and resources that AQ cannot provide at former kingdoms in the Kathmandu Valley, as well Islamic State? All Muslims have to unite against their ene- suggest Shabab is still considered a valuable partner in the moment,” said a Western security source. It might also pro- as in Kathmandu. my,” said a Shabab commander, speaking to AFP on condi- jihad. “There’s a debate going on between the core leaders vide a political boost and a propaganda coup. “We understand the historic Durbar squares of tion of anonymity. The commander said Shabab “would be whether to switch to IS, whether to stay with Al-Qaeda,” “In some ways you inherit the strength of the group to more than happy to join forces to strike the enemy of Islam Somalia’s prime minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke whom you pledge allegiance,” said Roland Marchal, a terror- Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur have been bad- harder”. The admission comes at a time when Shabab is told AFP. “Both ISIS and Al-Qaeda are appealing to Shabab ism expert and senior research fellow at the National Centre ly damaged,” Christian Manhart, UNESCO’s repre- under pressure militarily but remains able to launch guerilla to join them,” he said. for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris. But for Marchal, the sentative to Nepal, told AFP. “Several temples have and terror attacks, seemingly at will, against civilian targets Sharmarke said that recent territorial gains in Yemen by long and strong links between Shabab and AQAP would collapsed. Two temples in Patan have been com- in Somalia and Kenya. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the strongest of make switching allegiance a financial and political wrench, as pletely collapsed, and Durbar Square (in This month Shabab killed 148 people, mostly students, Al-Qaeda’s franchises, might embolden and strengthen well as a tricky decision. “The Shabab leadership remains Kathmandu) is worse. Right now we are assessing during an armed assault on a university in Garissa, north- Shabab. “It’s really crucial now because this can spill over closely linked to AQAP and it’s hard to believe that they would the situation, and collecting information on what eastern Kenya, while suicide bombers and gunmen have from the Yemen conflict and easily come to Somalia,” he switch to IS just like that.” the damage is. All UN agencies have received a attacked hotels and a restaurant in Mogadishu and a United said. “The Gulf of Aden can become a corridor to And the extent of internal Shabab support for a move is not request from the (Nepalese) government for assis- Nations minibus in the northern Somali town of Garowe. Afghanistan and Pakistan.” known. “It is unclear how big and influential the pro-IS faction is Garissa echoed the 2013 Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi, Sources in southern Somalia, where Shabab fighters and and whether it would be able to shift broader opinion in tance,” he added. with just four gunmen and multiple accounts of the sin- commanders are now concentrated, confirmed that meet- Shabab, outside of a number of foreign fighters who are also He said it was too early to talk about recon- gling out of non-Muslims for murder, a tactic also used in ings have taken place to discuss the IS/AQ issue. “We have behind an IS alliance,” said Thomas. In any case, a simple shift of struction of the monuments and how much assis- Shabab attacks on a bus and quarry in Mandera, Kenya, late heard about a meeting by Shabab senior leaders,” said allegiance may do little to increase Shabab’s appeal to potential tance UNESCO could provide. Manhart said his last year. Hassan Nure, an elder in Lower Shabelle region. “They recruits. “While Shabab would like to see jihadists, particularly office was also trying to determine whether But Garissa was both Shabab’s most deadly and most haven’t agreed anything so far, some of them are still very those of Somali descent, come to Somalia instead of Syria and another UNESCO World Heritage site, that of brutal attack yet. The gunmen herded scores of young non- reluctant because they want to maintain relations with Al- Iraq, an alliance with IS would not change the fact that Shabab’s Lumbini, the place where Buddha was born more Muslim men and women into a university hall of residence. Qaeda.” “The dispute in Shabab over whether to remain loy- dwindling territorial control and urban attacks against civilians than 2,600 years ago, had also been hit. “We They were made to lie side-by-side on the courtyard floor al to Al-Qaeda or align instead with IS is very real,” says Tres are still a major disincentive for recruits.” —AFP haven’t received reports of severe damage in Lumbini, but we are still trying to collect informa- tion,” he said of the site, some 280 km west of Pakistan aims for halal export boost Kathmandu.

‘Irreparable Loss for Nepal’ By Guillaume Lavallee estimated to be worth up to $700 billion ity working under the Pakistan Halal author- reputation but needs better “halal brand- worldwide. ity,” he told AFP. ing”. “The top 10 exporters to the Middle In Kathmandu, residents were seen clawing ruity sweets and packets of chicken “Now there is awareness about (halal), However the main aim of the project is Eastern market, the main halal market, they through the rubble, using their hands, buckets soup that fall foul of halal laws are dis- people go through the composition, the not to restrict imports, but to boost exports. are not from Muslim countries,” he said. and shovels to try to find those feared trapped in Fappearing from Pakistan’s shop coun- contents. Earlier, the awareness was not Lying at the crossroads of the increasingly “Among the top 10 there is no Muslim Durbar Square, which had been crowded on ters as the country looks to clean up its there, nobody was aware of this non-halal wealthy Muslim countries in Central Asia country,” he added, noting that Australia, Saturday with local and foreign tourists. Large Islamic food credentials to boost exports to contents,” Mian Ijaz, a senior official at the and the rich Gulf states, where demand for New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, piles of bricks, wooden beams and other debris rich Gulf states. At the start of the year the Ministry of Science and Technology, told halal imports has boomed in the last France, India and Thailand are all among the were dotted throughout the historic square, government published a list of around 20 AFP. The science ministry is taking the lead decade, Pakistan is well-placed geographi- top exporters. where minutes earlier stood double-roofed tem- imported food products it said were not on the bill as it has laboratories for testing cally to increase its export in, for example, Under the proposed law, all food exports ples and other monuments built by the Malla halal, or permitted under Islamic law. Shops products. One of the architects of the pro- meat. “Pakistan has all these markets avail- will be tested by certification agencies in Pakistan, an Islamic republic where 97 posed federal halal authority, retired judge able... as far as shariah compliance is con- under a national halal authority - partly a kings. percent of the population are Muslims, Khalil-ur-Rehman Khan, said the plan would cerned credibility of Pakistan is already way of undercutting clerics who have set The monuments are the “social, religious and already do not stock pork or alcohol - with a mean products were clearly labelled and there-what we have to ensure is only the themselves up as lucrative halal-checkers. urban focal point of the city” which has a rich his- few extremely rare exceptions for foreigners should give Pakistani shoppers peace of quality,” Khan said, calling for the creation of Inspectors will be set up to make sure no- tory of Hindu, Buddhist and Tantrism religion and and the small Christian minority. mind. “Anyone importing for instance chick- a recognisable Pakistani halal-certified logo. one produces fake halal logos or sells prod- culture, UNESCO says on its website. “Kathmandu Now the government wants to crack en from sources that are dubious or which Zubair Mughal of Pakistan’s Halal ucts that do not conform to the new legisla- with its unique architectural heritage, palaces, down further on products using alcohol people have doubt, like from China... will Research Council agreed, saying the coun- tion, with wrongdoers facing six months in temples and courtyards has inspired many writ- and pork derivatives as ingredients. So have to have accreditation from the author- try has the products and a strong Islamic jail or fines of up to $6,000. —AFP ers, artists, and poets, both foreign and Nepalese,” amongst other things, Pop-Tarts are off the it says. shelves in many stores, along with imported jelly, sweets and several European brands of Expert P D Balaji cast doubt on whether the chicken soup. They have been found to con- monuments could be completely rebuilt, saying tain ingredients banned in Islam such as television footage showed extensive damage. wine or gelatine derived from pork, or “What I can say is that it’s an irreparable loss for extracts from chickens not killed in accor- Nepal and the rest of the world,” Balaji, head of dance with Quranic doctrine. the history and archaeology department at the There is so far no extra obligation on University of Madras, said. “Complete restoration shopkeepers to pull products from the is not possible on account of the extensive dam- shelves, but some have decided to act. “We age to the historical sites in Nepal.” According to heard about the new rules and decided not to take any chances,” one Islamabad shop- UNESCO, “two catastrophic earthquakes” in 1833 keeper told AFP. Other shopkeepers are put- and 1934 led to some monuments in the ting up signs warning customers to check Kathmandu Valley being rebuilt. —AFP the ingredients of imported products care- fully before buying. Some are even quietly telling customers not to buy certain prod- ucts over fears, sometimes misplaced, that All articles appearing on these they contain banned substances. pages are the personal opinion of Halal Certification the writers. Kuwait Times takes no A draft law seen by AFP and due to be responsibility for views expressed scrutinised by lawmakers in the coming months plans to sort out which products therein. Kuwait Times invites read- are halal and which are not, and set up an ers to voice their opinions. Please inspection service. The aim is to create a send submissions via email to: opin- Pakistani Halal Authority with the goal of [email protected] or via snail boosting food and agricultural exports to wealthy Gulf states. Pakistan has been mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. undergoing a process of Islamisation since The editor reserves the right to edit the late 70s, but it is a late arrival to the any submission as necessary. international market for halal products that Pakistani health inspectors certify meat by placing stamps at a government slaughterhouse in Lahore on April 9, has been growing in recent years and is 2015. —AFP MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 SPORTS

Marquez injured in training Paddon crashes Day, Compton share lead BARCELONA: Honda’s double MotoGP world champion Marc Marquez in Argentina NEW ORLEANS: Australian Jason Day and American Erik Compton were tied for the early underwent surgery on Saturday after fracturing the little finger on his left third-round lead at the weather-hit Zurich Classic of New Orleans on Saturday as the play- hand in a training accident while riding a dirt bike in Spain. BUENOS AIRES: New Zealander Haydon Paddon crashed ers prepared for a marathon late yesterday to complete the event. Honda said in a statement that the 22-year-old’s participation in his his Hyundai, injuring half a dozen spectators, at the start of World number six Day was one-under par after three holes and Compton four-under home Spanish Grand Prix in Jerez next week had not been ruled out. the second day of the Rally of Argentina on Saturday. after six, leaving the pair level at 13-under overall on a rain-softened layout at the Marquez is fifth in the championship with 36 points after three races, Paddon and co-driver John Kennard were unhurt but TPC Louisiana where thunderstorms have disrupted play for the last three with Yamaha’s Valentino Rossi leading on 66 points thanks to two victories. emergency services assisted injured fans including one days. Honda said the rider, who broke his leg in a crash who broke a leg, said the local sports daily Ole. England’s Justin Rose, Canadian David Hearn and Americans Blayne before the start of last season while training on a dirt Barber and Jerry Kelly were a further stroke back but no player in the field track bike, went to hospital in Barcelona on Saturday The day’s first stage, from Capilla del Monte to San had completed more than 12 holes when play was suspended for the day morning and a subsequent X-ray showed the fracture. Marcos in the hills of Cordoba province, was cancelled. At in fading light. “We decided to treat the injury, as we would in the the exit of a curve, Paddon lost control after a jump and Better weather is forecast for the New Orleans area on Sunday when case of any other patient, by fixing a titanium plate the car shot off the road into a tree, according to the organisers hope to conclude the tournament. Tee times for the final to his finger,” said doctor Xavier Mir. Cordoba newspaper La Voz del Interior. “This will allow us to initiate functional recovery Spectators disobeyed race regulations that did not per- round have been scheduled for between 10 a.m. local (1500 GMT) after 24 hours and give him a chance of racing at mit them to watch the race from the spot where the acci- and 12 noon. “Fifty-four holes is not in the mix,” Slugger White, the PGA Tour’s vice president of rules and competitions, told Jerez.” Marquez’s Repsol Honda team already dent occurred, added the report. reporters. have Spaniard Dani Pedrosa out of action Briton Kris Meeke led in a Citroen after Friday’s first leg after surgery to fix an arm problem, with White said the goal was to complete the tournament as with title holder and championship leader Sebastien Ogier scheduled but added that, if further bad weather inter- Japanese rider Hiroshi Aoyama standing in of France having pulled out with a fuel supply problem in for him. —Reuters vened on Sunday, “we would be here Monday if we have his Volkswagen. —Reuters (lengthy) delays.”—Reuters Warriors sweep Pelicans

NEW ORLEANS: Stephen Curry had 39 OJ Mayo finished with 18 points, includ- points, eight rebounds and nine assists and ing a 3-pointer with 1:42 left, while Dudley Golden State cruised to 109-98 victory over had 13 points and five assists while Bayless New Orleans on Saturday night, complet- had 10 points. ing a sweep of their first-round playoff series. Klay Thompson added 25 points for NETS 91, HAWKS 83 the Warriors, the NBA’s top overall seed, Brook Lopez had 22 points and 13 who will wait to host Game 1 of their sec- rebounds and Thaddeus Young added 18 ond-round series against the winner of the points and 11 rebounds as Brooklyn cut Portland-Memphis matchup. Atlanta’s lead to 2-1 in the Eastern Draymond Green added 22 points and Conference series. 10 rebounds for Golden State, which led The Nets seized control with an 18-0 run 67-54 at halftime and widened the gap to spanning the third and fourth quarters as many as 24 points in the second half after the Hawks grabbed their first lead before the Pelicans briefly cut the deficit to since the opening basket, then went on to single digits in the final minutes. beat the No. 1 seed for the first time in sev- Anthony Davis had 36 points and 11 en meetings this season. rebounds for the Pelicans and Eric Gordon Bojan Bogdanovic added 19 points for had 29 points. Golden State shot 50.6 per- the eighth-seeded Nets, who can tie the cent from the field, including 13 of 24 series with another victory here tonight in from 3-point range. Curry was 6 of 8 from Game 4. DeMarre Carroll scored a playoff deep, while Thompson was 4 of 7 and career-high 22 points for the Hawks, who Green 3 of 6. were denied what would have been their second 3-0 lead since moving to Atlanta in BUCKS 92, BULLS 90 1968. Paul Millsap added 18 points and 17 Jerryd Bayless made a layup at the rebounds. buzzer off an inbounds pass, lifting Milwaukee over Chicago, drawing the GRIZZLIES 115, TRAIL BLAZERS 109 Bucks within 3-1 in their Eastern Marc Gasol had 25 points and Memphis Conference playoff series. took a 3-0 lead in their playoff series with With 1.3 seconds left, Jared Dudley Portland. Courtney Lee had 20 points and threw a high-arcing pass toward the basket Mike Conley added 14 before leaving the from side court. Bayless caught the ball and game late in the third quarter with a facial quickly threw up the layup for the game- injury. Memphis was already thin at point winning basket. guard with reserve Beno Udrih sidelined Bulls guard Derrick Rose walked away in with a sprained right ankle. Game 4 is frustration after trying to guard Bayless. tonight at Portland. The Bucks won their first playoff game in Nicolas Batum’s 3-pointer got Portland five years. as close as 94-91 with 2:23 left. But Tony Chicago had a chance to win with the Allen’s basket ended Portland’s 9-0 run and game tied at 90. But Milwaukee’s Khris Randolph added free throws. Middleton tipped a dribble away from Rose Batum finished with 27 points for the CHICAGO: Jonathan Toews No. 19 of the Chicago Blackhawks celebrates after the game-winning goal gets past Pekka Rinne No. 35 of the to force a steal. Bucks coach Jason Kidd Blazers, who have dropped seven straight Nashville Predators in the third period in Game Six of the Western Conference Quarterfinals during the 2015 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. —AFP called a timeout to set up the final play. games, including four to wrap up the regu- Game 5 is today in Chicago. lar season, and CJ McCollum added 26. Jimmy Butler had a playoff career-high Zach Randolph had 16 points and the 33 points for the Bulls. Rose finished with Grizzlies won their seventh straight against Blackhawks stop Predators 14 points, while Pau Gasol had 16 points Portland, including a sweep of the four- and 10 rebounds. game regular season series. —AP CHICAGO: Duncan Keith scored with 3:48 left could still be the franchise’s final game at Nassau the young Mrazek, who had no previous NHL and the Chicago Blackhawks beat the Nashville Veterans Memorial Coliseum. Cal Clutterbuck playoff experience before being named Detroit’s Predators 4-3 on Saturday night to win the first- then got the loud crowd on its feet to seal the starter over veteran Jimmy Howard. The 23-year- round playoff series 4-2. win with an empty-net goal with 53 seconds old goalie blanked the Lightning 3-0 in Game 3 Keith beat a screened Pekka Rinne with a remaining. John Carlson scored for the Capitals, at home and also had the only shutout against laser from the left point. The defenseman, who who will host the deciding game Monday night. the league’s highest-scoring team during the had the winning goal in a 4-3 double-overtime The series winner advances to face the regular season. victory in Game 1, also had two assists. Presidents’ Trophy-winning New York Rangers. Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane and Patrick Jaroslav Halak made 38 saves to bounce back FLAMES 7, CANUCKS 4 Sharp also scored for Chicago, and Corey from a 5-1 loss in Game 5 on Thursday night. Matt Stajan broke a tie with 4:17 left and Crawford stopped 13 shots after replacing Scott Calgary beat Vancouver to win the Western Darling in the first period after the rookie gave RED WINGS 4, LIGHTNING 0 Conference playoff series 4-2. The Flames will up three goals. Chicago will face St. Louis or Petr Mrazek stopped 28 shots and Detroit face the Anaheim Ducks in the second round. Minnesota in the Western Conference semifinals. rebounded from a disappointing loss to shut Michael Ferland and Jiri Hudler each scored down Tampa Bay and take a 3-2 lead in the twice, and Sean Monahan and Johnny Gaudreau ISLANDERS 3, CAPITALS 1 Eastern Conference series. added goals for Calgary. Hudler tied it at 4 with a Nikolay Kulemin scored the go-ahead goal Riley Sheahan, Drew Miller, Pavel Datsyuk and power-play goal at 6:14 of the third period. with 9:27 left and New York beat Washington to Danny DeKeyser scored for the Red Wings. They Luca Sbisa, Brandon McMillan, Jannik Hansen force Game 7 in the Eastern Conference series. can close out the Eastern Conference matchup and Radim Vrbata scored for Vancouver. The Islanders captain John Tavares had a goal and by winning Game 6 at home Monday night. Canucks had a 3-0 lead midway through the first assist, and Nick Leddy had two assists in what The shutout was the second of the series for period. —AP Valverde grabs Ardennes win

BELGIUM: Alejandro Valverde’s Indian summer to a lead of almost eight minutes they were brought Chaves holding on. Inside the final 50km the pelo- an already glorious career continued with a third back at the start of the 3.6km Cote de Haute-Levee, ton was stretched out with riders dropping off the victory at Liege-Bastogne-Liege today. around 75km from the finish. back on every one of the 10 categorised climbs. Just four days ago the Spaniard, who turned 35 A new five-man break with Astana pair Michele A massive crash just over 40km from the finish on Saturday, had made it a treble of wins at Fleche- Scarponi and Tanel Kangert amongst them formed took out a host of riders including the last two win- Wallonne and he did it again in the third Ardennes just off the front of the peloton as the hostilities ners in Liege, Australian Simon Gerrans and Classic race within a week. kicked into gear. Ireland’s Dan Martin, although the worst affected Last Sunday, Valverde had been pipped only by Astana had promised they would push the pace were Irishman Nicolas Roche, Martin’s cousin, and world champion Michal Kwiatkowski in the sprint to give Tour de France champion Vincenzo Nibali Yukiya Arashiro of Japan, who both remained on finish at Amstel Gold but, that apart, he proved the best possible chance to win and they were true the ground for some time. imperious in the Ardennes. to their word. Crucially that crash came just before the Cote At the end of the 253km La Doyenne (the old- Scarponi and Tangert quickly dropped two of de la Redoute, one of the key climbs of the race at est) race, Valverde first chased down compatriot their companions with only Colombian Johan 35km from the finish.—AFP Dani Moreno on the uphill finish in Ans before then holding off all challengers in the final sprint. Young Frenchman Julian Alaphilippe took sec- ond, just as he had on Wednesday, with another veteran Spaniard in Joaquim Rodriguez taking third as he was unable to use Katusha teammate Moreno’s break as a springboard for victory. Having already done a Fleche-Liege double in 2006, Valverde continued his remarkable run of success in the Ardennes which has seen him claim another seven podium finishes, although he has never won Amstel Gold, where he was also second in 2013. The race really came to life in a wet and miser- able finish as a three-man breakaway group of Roman Kreuziger, Gianpaolo Caruso and Jakob Fuglsang threatened to get away to fight for the win. But a 12-15 man group formed at the foot of the final climb to the finish and when Moreno attacked, no-one seemed to want to chase him, with Rodriguez marking Valverde’s wheel. Eventually Valverde had to go for it and he proved strong enough not only to chase down NEW ORLEANS: Tyreke Evans No. 1 of the New Orleans Pelicans drives to the basket Moreno, but also kick on in the sprint finish. against Harrison Barnes No. 40 of the Golden State Warriors during Game Four in the An eight man breakaway had formed from just BELGIUM: Spain’s Alejandro Valverde (center) celebrates after winning ahead of France’s Julian first round of the 2015 NBA Playoffs. —AFP before the 40km mark, but although they built up Alaphilippe (right) the 101st Liege-Bastogne-Liege one-day classic cycling race. —AFP MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 SPORTS Hurricanes repel Reds challenge SYDNEY: The Wellington Hurricanes maintain their title challenge in Hamilton. repelled a Queensland Reds challenge to The 2012 and 2013 champions were in fight off the Waikato Chiefs and stay top of danger of blowing a 30-8 lead as their Super Rugby yesterday. renowned defence deserted them in the The Hurricanes stayed on track for their second half, leaking three tries despite hav- first Super Rugby title with a 35-19 win over ing a one-man advantage. the Reds in Brisbane and leapfrogged the Wallaby flanker David Pocock scored Chiefs back to the top of the standings. three tries as the Brumbies bounced back Wellington’s bonus-point win was with a bonus-point win over the enough to retain the overall lead after the Highlanders. Chiefs had gone top with a 35-27 win over Pocock scored three of the Brumbies’ the Western Force on Friday. four tries to return to the winners’ list after Under the tournament regulations, only back-to-back losses to consolidate their the leaders of the three national confer- lead at the top of the Australian confer- ences hold down the top three overall ence. spots, so the Chiefs have to be content with Stormers skipper Duane Vermeulen fourth spot after 11 rounds of the southern blocked a late drop-goal attempt by Bulls hemisphere provincial competition. fly-half Handre Pollard to help his team win Australian conference leaders ACT a pulsating clash at Newlands. Brumbies lie second overall following their Victory lifted the Stormers to third on 31-18 win over New Zealand’s Otago the combined championship standings Highlanders in Canberra on Friday. while the Bulls slipped to fifth. The The Western Stormers are third after Waratahs looked in control of their winning their South African derby over the Australian derby at Sydney’s Olympic stadi- Northern Bulls 15-13 in Cape Town to take um with a 13-0 lead, but wayward goalkick- over the South African conference lead. ing by Bernard Foley and the never-say-die The defending champions New South Rebels made for a gripping duel in the sec- Wales Waratahs hung on for a scrappy 18- ond half. 16 win over the Melbourne Rebels in The Sydneysiders prevailed as the Sydney to lie just outside the playoff posi- Rebels made an error with the ball in the tions in seventh place. fourth minute of added on time after the South Africa’s Golden Lions are next siren to trail the Brumbies by four points in after edging the Central Cheetahs 34-29 in the Australian conference. BALTIMORE: Starting pitcher Wei-Yin Chen No. 16 of the Baltimore Orioles pitches to a Boston Red Sox batter in the first inning during a base- an eight-try thriller at Ellis Park, while the The Waratahs scored three tries to one, ball game at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. —AFP Canterbury Crusaders kept the play-offs in but fly-half Foley could manage only one sight with a 29-15 win over the Auckland penalty goal from five attempts as Jack Blues in Christchurch. Debreczeni kept the Rebels in the contest The Hurricanes trailed the Reds 12-3 with three long range penalties and a con- Orioles edge past Red Sox after two Samu Kerevi tries in the opening version. The Lions made it six victories in 20 minutes before they hit their straps to seven games and climbed one place to lead 20-12 at halftime and go on to seal eighth on the combined standings with BALTIMORE: David Lough hit a game-end- Defending NL East champion Washington drove in two runs and George Springer victory. The win comes after the Hurricanes’ their win over the Cheetahs. (7-11) endured its fourth consecutive defeat homered for the Astros (10-7), who have first loss of the season against the defend- Giant Fijian wing Nemani Nadolo was a ing homer in the 10th inning to cap a two- ing champions New South Wales Waratahs central figure in the Crusaders bonus point run rally against Koji Uehara, and the and fell into a tie for third place with the won six of seven and are off to their best at home last week. They have now won five win, creating the space and firing the last Baltimore Orioles beat the Boston Red Sox 5- Marlins, who have put together their win- start since winning 12 of 17 games to open straight games on the road. pass for three of his team’s four tries. 4 Saturday night to end a five-game losing ning streak after a 3-11 start. the 2006 season. Fly-half Beauden Barrett became the The Crusaders now have five wins from streak. A crowd of 36,757 showed up for this Stanton had three hits, including his fifth Scott Feldman (2-2) allowed three runs Hurricanes’ all-time leading point-scorer 10 games with captain Kieran Read noting matchup of AL East foes. Outside the stadi- homer in nine games, and drove in two runs. and five hits in 6 2/3 innings to get the win. with a match haul of 15 points from three the seven-time champions had kept their um, thousands gathered to protest the Strasburg (1-2) allowed eight hits and four Oakland’s Kendall Graveman (1-2) allowed conversions and three penalties. The Chiefs play-off chances alive but had a lot of work death of Freddie Gray, who died in police runs in six innings. Opponents are batting six runs in 4 2/3 innings. The A’s (8-11) have held off a gallant 14-man Western Force to to do. —AFP custody after suffering an unexplained .317 against him, and his ERA rose to 4.88. lost three straight to fall three games under spinal injury. Koehler (2-2) gave up six hits in 7 1/3 .500 for the first time since July 2012. Several helicopters circled Camden Yards innings. Two relievers completed Miami’s as some of the protesters threw cans and first shutout of the year. PIRATES 2, DIAMONDBACKS 1 plastic bottles in the direction of police offi- Starling Marte singled home Neil Walker cers. Inside the ballpark, people watched the BRAVES 5, PHILLIES 2 with two outs in the ninth inning, helping protesters gather. Andrelton Simmons led off the seventh Pittsburgh to its fourth consecutive win. In the middle of the ninth inning, after with a homer, sparking a rally for Atlanta. Walker doubled to the center-field wall the Red Sox extended a game the Orioles The Braves scored three runs in the seventh against Addison Reed (0-1) before Marte hit seemingly had in hand, the public address and chased David Buchanan (0-4) while a grounder past diving shortstop Cliff announcer told the fans that the mayor and snapping a four-game losing streak. Chris Pennington. city officials requested no one leave the ball- Johnson had an RBI single and Eric Young Jr. Tony Watson (1-1) pitched out of trouble park because of “ongoing public safety delivered a go-ahead double that lifted in the eighth to earn the win. Mark issues.” Atlanta to a 3-2 lead. The Braves added two Melancon worked the ninth for his fifth save. By the bottom of the 10th, the restriction more in the eighth. Jason Grilli worked a on departing the stadium had been lifted. scoreless ninth for his seventh save. Shelby GIANTS 5, ROCKIES 4 But fans were warned against traveling in Miller (3-0) allowed two runs and three hits Nori Aoki scored from third on Joe Panik’s certain parts of the city. Brian Matusz (1-2) over six innings in his third straight win. bunt down the first base line in the 11th got the win. Uehara (1-1) recorded just one Ryan Howard hit a two-run homer for the inning, lifting San Francisco to the victory. out and was charged with two runs and two Phillies. Aoki reached on a leadoff walk from hits. Brooks Brown (0-1) and was sacrificed to ANGELS 4, RANGERS 1 second. Angel Pagan followed with a single CARDINALS 5, BREWERS 3 CJ Cron hit a tiebreaking two-run single to center but Drew Stubbs’ strong throw St. Louis lost ace Adam Wainwright to an in the sixth inning, leading the Angels’ rally forced Aoki to hold up. Panik then had a Beauden Barrett in action in this file photo. ankle injury, and then got a boost from to their third straight victory. Albert Pujols well-placed bunt down the line that allowed Mitch Harris. Wainwright was helped from tied it with a bases-loaded single for the Aoki to break for the plate, and he slid into the field by a trainer after injuring his left Angels, who scored three runs in the sixth the bag just ahead of the throw home. ankle while stumbling out of the batter’s despite having two runners thrown out at Justin Maxwell and Andrew Susac home- Schumacher Jnr box on his popup to first leading off the fifth the plate. red for San Francisco. Jean Machi (1-0) inning. He allowed three hits in four shutout Pujols also drew a bases-loaded walk in pitched 1 2-3 scoreless innings for the win. innings. The 29-year-old Harris then tossed 1 the seventh as Los Angeles climbed back to Troy Tulowitzki and Carlos Gonzalez went claims maiden win 1/3 scoreless innings in his major league .500. Vinny Pestano (1-0) got the win, and deep for the Rockies. debut after serving five years of active duty Huston Street saved his third consecutive BERLIN: Mick Schumacher Jnr enhanced season and I am looking forward to the in the U.S. Navy following his graduation game for the Angels. TWINS 8, MARINERS 5 the famous name yesterday by claiming next race.” Having started second on the from the Naval Academy. Colby Lewis (1-2) was charged with two Eduardo Escobar hit a solo home run and victory in only his third Formula Four race grid, Schumacher Jnr led from the front liv- Matt Holliday hit a three-run drive in the runs and four hits in five-plus innings as the six other Twins drove in at least one run. on his debut weekend in the sport. ing up to the famous name by controlling seventh for St. Louis, which has won four in Rangers lost for the fifth time in six games. Eduardo Nunez had two hits and two RBIs The 16-year-old son of seven-time world the race without any mistakes. a row. Matt Belisle (1-0) got five outs for the for Minnesota, which took advantage of champion Michael Schumacher posted a His place on the podium caps a success- win and Seth Maness pitched 1 1/3 innings TIGERS 4, INDIANS 1 three Mariners errors and two wild pitches. winning time of 30mins 59.920secs over ful weekend for the German, who won the for his first save. Milwaukee right-hander Victor Martinez drove in three runs, help- Austin Jackson hit a two-run homer for the 18 laps at the Oschersleben track, best rookie title on his debut behind the Wily Peralta (0-3) allowed seven hits in six ing Alfredo Simon and the Tigers get the Seattle in the seventh. Nelson Cruz also between Hanover and Berlin. Formula Four wheel when he finished ninth innings in his third consecutive loss. win. Detroit slugger Miguel Cabrera drew drove in two runs. Mariners left-hander His Van Amersfoort Racing team-mate on Saturday despite starting 19th on the four walks in a game for the first time in his James Paxton (0-2) was charged with four Joey Mawson, 18, of Australia finished sec- grid. Schumacher Jnr then finished 12th METS 8, YANKEES 2 career, three of them intentional. runs, one earned, and five hits in 4 2/3 ond at 0.518secs back. The next round of yesterday morning before winning the Matt Harvey finished one out shy of a Earlier this season, the two-time AL MVP innings. Tim Stauffer (1-0) earned the win racing will be held in Austria at the start of afternoon’s race. complete game, earning his first win against went 11 for 14 with six RBIs in a three-game and Glen Perkins worked the ninth for his June. After a successful karting career, the team he rooted for growing up and lead- series at Cleveland. Simon (4-0) gave up one fourth save. “Of course, I’m over-joyed, my first week- Schumacher Jnr has signed for the Dutch ing the New York Mets to an 8-2 victory run and six hits in 6 2/3 innings. Joakim end of racing couldn’t have gone any bet- Van Amersfoort Racing team in Europe’s Saturday over the crosstown Yankees. Soria pitched a perfect ninth for his sixth RAYS 4, BLUE JAYS 2 ter,” beamed Schumacher, who celebrated ADAC Formula Four season, which runs Kevin Plawecki hit his first major league save. Ian Kinsler drove in the other run for Tim Beckham hit a tiebreaking double his victory by spraying champagne he is until October. With Michael Schumacher not yet old enough to drink. still recovering from a serious head injury home run and drove in three runs, and Lucas the Tigers and Rajai Davis stole three bases. during Tampa Bay’s three-run eighth inning, “We had a good start, because I still had suffered during a skiing accident in Duda and Eric Campbell also connected off Cleveland’s T.J. House (0-3) gave up three and the Rays won their fourth straight game. fresh tyres and things went well from there, December 2013, his father Rolf an ineffective CC Sabathia (0-4). Juan runs and four hits in three innings. He start- James Loney tied it at 2 with a pinch-hit it only got a bit close at the end. “All in all, I Schumacher was at Oschersleben to watch Lagares went 4 for 4 with an RBI triple. ed in place of Trevor Bauer, who was RBI double before Beckham’s hit off Miguel am completely happy over the start of the his grandson race. —AFP Harvey (4-0) allowed two runs and five hits scratched because of an illness. Castro gave Tampa Bay a 4-2 advantage. as the Mets kept pace with the 1986 team Ernesto Frieri (1-1) struck out all three bat- for best start in franchise history at 14-4. ASTROS 9, ATHLETICS 3 ters he faced for the win. Brad Boxberger Mark Teixeira had three hits, including his Houston star Jose Altuve hit a three-run pitched the ninth for his fifth save. Toronto’s eighth homer for the Yankees. Sabathia (0-4) homer and extended his hitting streak Brett Cecil (1-2) faced one batter, giving up a was charged with seven runs and nine hits against Oakland to 28 games. Jed Lowrie two-out single to David DeJesus. —AP in five-plus innings.

DODGERS 11, PADRES 8 MLB results/standings Adrian Gonzalez hit his sixth home run against San Diego this year, a three-run shot, Detroit 4, Cleveland 1; Houston 9, Oakland 3; NY Mets 8, NY Yankees 2; Miami 8, Washington 0; Tampa Bay 4, Toronto and Andre Ethier, Howie Kendrick and Juan 2; Baltimore 5, Boston 4 (10 Innings); Atlanta 5, Philadelphia 2; St. Louis 5, Milwaukee 3; San Francisco 5, Colorado 4 Uribe each had a two-run drive for Los (11 Innings); Pittsburgh 2, Arizona 1; LA Dodgers 11, San Diego 8; LA Angels 4, Texas 1; Minnesota 8, Seattle 5. Angeles. American League National League Gonzalez leads the NL with seven homers Eastern Division Eastern Division and 18 RBIs. Brandon McCarthy (3-0) pitched W L PCT GB NY Mets 14 4 .778 - five-plus innings before departing with right Boston 10 8 .556 - Atlanta 9 8 .529 4.5 NY Yankees 10 8 .556 - Miami 7 11 .389 7 elbow tightness. Tampa Bay 10 8 .556 - San Diego’s Justin Upton homered twice Washington 7 11 .389 7 Toronto 9 9 .500 1 Philadelphia 6 12 .333 8 and drove in five runs. Wil Myers hit his first Baltimore 8 10 .444 2 Central Division Central Division career leadoff homer. Ian Kennedy (0-1), St. Louis 12 4 .750 - Kansas City 12 4 .750 - who was activated from the 15-day disabled Chicago Cubs 9 7 .563 3 list earlier Saturday, allowed eight hits and Detroit 12 6 .667 1 Minnesota 7 10 .412 5.5 Pittsburgh 10 8 .556 3 eight runs in 4 2-3 innings. San Diego has Chicago White Sox 6 9 .400 5.5 Cincinnati 8 9 .471 4.5 lost four straight. Cleveland 6 10 .375 6 Milwaukee 3 15 .167 10 Western Division Western Division MARLINS 8, NATIONALS 0 Houston 10 7 .588 - LA Dodgers 11 6 .647 - Tom Koehler outpitched Stephen LA Angels 9 9 .500 1.5 Colorado 10 8 .556 1.5 Oakland 8 11 .421 3 GERMANY: Mick Schumacher (left) of Van Amersfoort Racing team, son of former F1 Strasburg, Giancarlo Stanton homered and San Diego 10 9 .526 2 Seattle 7 10 .412 3 Arizona 8 9 .471 3 champion Michael Schumacher, drives in front of Jonathan Cecotto of Motopark the revitalized Marlins earned their fourth Texas 6 11 .353 4 San Francisco 8 11 .421 4 team during the first race of the ADAC Formula Four championship. —AFP win in a row. MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 SPORTS Henderson leads LPGA

CALIFORNIA: Canadian teenager Brooke Lydia Ko trails by three. Henderson clung to a one-stroke lead after Pressel birdied four of the final six holes a poor finish to the third round at the to surge into contention for what would be Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic in California her first victory since 2008. Henderson was on Saturday. unsettled after her group was put on the Henderson bogeyed the final two holes clock for slow play over the closing holes, and shot even-par 72 after squandering a but she nonetheless spoke positively about five-stroke lead on the Lake Merced course her position. in San Francisco. The 17-year-old betrayed “Overall it was a great day, and I’m really her nerves in attempting to save par at the happy to be where I am,” Henderson told last, her timid jab at a four-foot putt failing reporters. “If someone told me at the to even threaten the hole. beginning of the week I would be leading Henderson, who does not have exempt going into the final round, I would’ve taken status on the LPGA circuit after being it. “Back home in Canada I have received a denied a waiver due to her age, is nine- lot of pressure the last couple years. under with a total of 207. “If you have pressure it means you’re American Morgan Pressel (67) and doing something right. I try and use it to South Korean Kwak Min-seo (69) are one my advantage and try and use it to help me shot behind, while defending champion get better.” —Reuters

Westwood bags Asian Tour title

JAKARTA: Briton Lee Westwood made it an (my putt on) 18 for the playoff,” Westwood Indonesian Masters hat-trick by winning said. “It was a tough day out there.. but the Asian Tour title yesterday but only after managed to battle back. “It’s nice to have surviving a playoff with Thai Chapchai Nirat won here three times, it’s a good hat-trick.” after blowing a five-shot lead. Westwood had started the day seven clear The former world number one, winner of Chapchai at the Royal Jakarta Golf Club of the event on his two previous appear- after covering his back nine of the third ances in 2011 and 2012, could only muster round in just 29 shots, but gave encourage- a final round of one-over-par 73 and seven- ment to the chasing back with two bogey SHANGHAI: Tournament winner Wu Ashun of China kisses his champion’s trophy during the award ceremony of the Volvo China Open golf tour- under total of 281 after letting slip the fours on his opening nine. nament. —AP healthy overnight advantage. He seemed to find his game again with He had the opportunity to register vic- three birdies in four holes, including a long, tory on the par-five 18th only to fail with a snaking downhill putt on the par-four 11th Wu wins Volvo China Open birdie effort, meaning a playoff with to start his back nine but back-to-back Chapchai, who produced a sparkling 66 bogeys on 16 and 17 dropped him level after snapping an iron against a tree early with Chapchai. SHANGHAI: With two Chinese golfers tied for player to win on the tour and the first since missed a routine 3-foot par putt that caught the in Saturday’s third round. Australian Kalem Richardson finished the lead going into the final round of the Volvo Liang Wen-Chong took the title at the Singapore lip of the cup and curled away, drawing gasps The Englishman made no mistake on third after a strong 66 left him at six-under, China Open, there was a good chance one of Masters in 2007. from the gallery. the 18th in the playoff, however, notching a with Dane Thomas Bjorn (70) a further shot them would become the first from the country Howell missed a five-foot par putt on the It was just the start of an up-and-down day birdie on the first extra hole to edge out back in fourth and former U.S. PGA to capture a European Tour title on home soil. 18th that would have forced a playoff. It was just for the rising star. He made a 50-foot birdie putt the four-times Asian Tour winner Chapchai. Champion Yang Yong-eun (71) in a share of Most eyes were on Li Haotong at the start of one of four bogeys for the veteran Englishman, on No. 8 and then a tremendous approach and “I was lucky that I already had a read on fifth. —Reuters the round, the talented 19-year-old touted as a who also had four birdies in his round of 72. nervy putt for eagle on the par-5 No. 13, but also future golf star in China. Instead, it was Wu Emiliano Grillo of Argentina had a spirited run missed a number of relatively easy putts from Ashun, a player nearing 30 who had recently tak- on the final day, making four birdies in five holes close in, the frustration apparent on his face. en six months off to rebuild his swing and had on the front nine and two more on the back to He carded five bogeys - more than his first never had a top-10 finish on the tour, who took pull within one shot of the lead. But his chances three rounds combined - and finished tied for home the trophy. of winning a maiden European Tour title slipped sixth at 6-under 282. “It’s a great experience for Wu proved to be the steadiest player during a away with a tee shot into the water on No. 17, me, especially considering I still finished sixth, final round filled with momentum swings, leading to double bogey. He shot a 69 to finish which is much better than last year, so I learned delighting the crowd in his hometown of in a tie for third with defending champion a lot,” he said. Shanghai with a final-round 71 to secure a one- Alexander Levy of France (73) and Prom Howell had vastly more experience than the stroke victory over David Howell yesterday. Wu Meesawat of Thailand (71). Chinese players, with 523 starts on the European finished at 9-under 279 overall. Wu started the day in a four-way tie for the Tour compared to just 26 for Wu and 13 for Li. “I tried my best to play every shot well,” he lead with Howell, Levy and Li, but he had played Ten years ago in Shanghai, he fought then-No. 1 said. “I played very good today - not down, not the least recently. He was coming off a six- Tiger Woods in the final round of the HSBC up. Just simple golf today.” It was not only the month break to work on his swing with his Champions - and won the title. biggest title of Wu’s career, but also the biggest coach in California and didn’t make the cut at a But Howell missed when it mattered most, paycheck. He takes home nearly 500,000 euros Japan Tour event last week. trying to save par after his approach on the 18th ($543,000) - more than doubling how much he’s Li, on the other hand, nearly won his first left him with a long putt. When his shot skirted earned in seven years on the European Tour. European Tour title last week at the Shenzhen by the left side of the hole, thousands of Chinese “There’s a long journey in a golf career, some- International, losing in a playoff to Thailand’s fans around the Tomson Golf Club erupted in one can hit a low score in their 30s, 40s, so I have Kiradech Aphibarnrat. cheers. “Obviously a crying shame for me not to to just be patient and keep practicing, keep Li, however, didn’t look sharp from the first come home with the trophy, but there’s I don’t JAKARTA: This handout picture taken and released by the Asian Tour shows Lee playing the tournaments, and it will come,” Wu hole Sunday. With hundreds of excited fans lin- know how many billion people who are rather Westwood of England posing with the trophy after winning the Asian Tour’s said through a translator. Wu is the third Chinese ing the green, phones poised to snap photos, he pleased I made six on the last,” Howell said. —AP Indonesia Masters golf tournament.—AFP

Dongfeng bounces back from broken mast in Ocean Race ALICANTE: Dongfeng Race Team, the Chinese-backed crew whose hopes of victory in the Volvo Ocean Race were rocked when they had to quit the fifth leg because of a broken mast, have bounced back by taking the lead yesterday in the next 5,010-nautical mile stage from Brazil to the US. Dongfeng mast broke about 200 nautical miles from Cape Horn last month and they were forced to limp to Argentina for some makeshift repairs before a new rig was fitted in Itaja√≠, Brazil. The sixth leg from Itaja√≠ to Newport, Rhode Island, is promising to be even more closely fought than the previous stages since the race started in Alicante, Spain, last October. After approaching 1,500 nautical miles of sailing in a week, all six boats in the fleet are bunched within 20 nau- tical miles of each other with Dongfeng protecting a nar- row 5.7 nautical-mile advantage early yesterday over Dutch boat, Team Brunel, with Spanish challengers MAPFRE 1.3 nautical miles further adrift. For the first time, the all-women’s crew of Team SCA (Sweden) are serious challengers for leg honors, 9.5 nautical miles off the pace with Saturday’s pace-setters Team Alvimedica (Turkey/U.S.) 6.2 nautical miles behind them and overall race leaders, Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing, bringing up the rear, 19.7 nautical miles off the lead. This leg, unlike the previous stage that was contested in the roughest of conditions in the Southern Ocean, is a mainly tactical battle in shifting winds, but is no less chal- lenging. SCOREBOARD Dongfeng skipper Charles Caudrelier (France), whose boat is second in the overall standings and seven points ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada: Scoreboard on the fifth day of the second behind leaders Abu Dhabi before leg six, admitted in his Test between the West Indies and England at the National Cricket latest blog on Sunday that he was feeling the pressure. Stadium in Grenada on Saturday: “The wind is very light and unstable and each of the West Indies 1st Innings - 299 all out (Marlon Samuels 103) boats has good and bad phases,” he wrote. “It’s hard on England 1st Innings - 464 all out (Joe Root 182 not out, Gary the nerves, no gain is ever for keeps. Ballance 77, Alastair Cook 76) “This Volvo Ocean Race is really something else. The move to a one-design boat has really changed the race West Indies 2nd Innings (overnight 202-2) and made it even tougher. The permanent contact with K. Brathwaite c Root b Anderson 116 GRENADA: England’s cricket team captain Alastair Cook (left) and his teammate Gary Ballance (second right) cele- our competitors is tiring and stressful.”—AP D. Smith b Anderson 2 brate defeating West Indies during the final day of the second Test cricket match between the West Indies and D. Bravo c Buttler b Broad 69 England. —AFP M. Samuels c Buttler b Anderson 37 S. Chanderpaul c Cook b Anderson 7 J. Blackwood c Anderson b Jordan 10 D. Ramdin not out 28 England clinch second Test J. Holder run out 2 K. Roach c Anderson b Ali 10 D. Bishoo not out 15 S. Gabriel lbw b Ali 0 Extras (b8, lb2, nb1) 11 Anderson takes four for 43 Total (all out; 112 overs) 307 Fall of wicket: 1-3 (Smith), 2-145 (Bravo), 3-224 (Brathwaite), 4-238 GRENADA: A devastating spell from seam bowler James 2012. “It was a lot of effort on that wicket,” Cook told the rising delivery and was caught by Joe Root in the gully. (Chanderpaul), 5-239 (Samuels), 6-257 (Blackwood), 7-260 (Holder), Anderson set England up for a nine-wicket triumph in the presentation ceremony. “It was a slow wicket throughout In addition, the paceman removed Shivnarine 8-282 (Roach), 9-307 (Ramdin), 10-307 (Gabriel). Bowling: Anderson 22-7-43-4, Broad 21-2-71-1, Ali 24-9-51-3, second test against West Indies on Saturday as the tourists and a pretty flat one. Chanderpaul for seven and Marlon Samuels for 37. Jordan 21-6-69-1 (1nb), Stokes 8-0-34-0, Root 16-7-29-0. went 1-0 up in the three-match series. “To get 20 wickets the way we did was a great effort. We Anderson also caught Jermaine Blackwood at mid-off for A fiery Anderson ripped through the West Indies middle showed a lot of character and obviously a lot of skill.” To 10 off Chris Jordan, ran out Holder for two and snaffled up England 2nd Innings order in the opening session of the fifth and final day, mak- add to West Indian misery promising all-rounder Holder Kemar Roach’s chip to mid-on as he fell to spinner Moeen A. Cook not out 59 ing excellent use of the new ball to record figures of four was stretchered off the field after landing badly on his Ali for 10. J. Trott b Gabriel 0 for 43. ankle in his delivery stride. Moeen also trapped skipper Denesh Ramdin lbw for 28 G. Ballance not out 81 The Lancastrian also claimed two catches and ran out and removed last man Shannon Gabriel in identical fash- Extras (w1, nb3) 4 Total (1 wicket, 41.1 overs) 144 Jason Holder as the home team were bowled out for 307 CARIBBEAN INQUEST ion. Jonathan Trott was the only batsman to fall in Did not bat: Ian Bell, Joe Root, Moeen Ali, Ben Stokes, Jos Buttler, having resumed on 202 for two. While there will be a Caribbean inquest into the way the England’s second innings. He went for a duck after chop- Chris Jordan, Stuart Broad, James Anderson. That left England chasing a small target of 143 to win home team collapsed, most of the credit for the momen- ping a delivery from Gabriel on to his stumps. Fall of wickets: 1-2 (Trott) and captain Alastair Cook (59 not out) and Gary Ballance tum shift must go to Anderson. “We fought hard for the first four days but that one ses- Bowling: Roach 7-1-18-0, Gabriel 7-3-20-1, Holder 1.4-0-11-0 (1w), (81 not out) helped them clinch their first test victory on He claimed the important wicket of Kraigg Brathwaite sion (before lunch) where we lost six wickets really cost us Samuels 12.3-1-54-0, Bishoo 8-0-32-0 (3nb), Brathwaite 5-1-9-0. foreign soil since beating India in Kolkata in December for 116 after the centurion could not keep down a sharply the match,” said Ramdin. —Reuters Result: England won by 9 wickets. MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 SPORTS Castroneves grabs IndyCar pole : Helio Castroneves, Will Power race in 2010 and captured the pole two years and Team Penske will start from a familiar later. Power said qualifying spot is “huge” at position at the Indy Grand Prix of Alabama: Barber, where there are fewer than normal Up front. good passing spots. He won at the 2.3-mile, Now, the challenge will be finishing there, 17-turn road course in 2011 and 2012. too. Castroneves is confident of a happy end- Power’s strong qualifying was a nice rebound ing for someone on his team Sunday at from his 20th-place finish at Long Beach. Barber Motorsports Park, he’s just not sure “It’s kind of apparent that it’s going to be a who. “Whatever happens, we’ll make sure that race between the teammates, then you have one of the guys wins the race,” the Brazilian kind of Kanaan and Dixon in the mix as well,” said. Castroneves turned in the fast lap of 1 he said. “I feel like we’ve got a little bit of an minute, 7.1925 seconds with rain starting to advantage. We’ve been stronger. You have to come down at the end of a day dominated by keep that in mind when you’re racing those Penske and Chevrolet. He earned his second guys. Every time they get points on you, it’s pole in the Alabama race and second in a row going to add up at the end of the year. this year after finishing No. 2 at Long Beach. “Got to be smart and treat your team- IndyCar officials put up the checkered flag mates as well as you can, but you’ve also got with 1:40 left in the Fast Six with lightning in to win. That’s what’s on my mind.” the area, leaving no one with a chance to Ryan Hunter-Reay, the 2014 Indianapolis make a late run at him. 500 winner, will start 18th. Hunter-Reay will “You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do,” have to play catch-up after winning the last Castroneves said. “I went for it. I saw some two Alabama races. Power and Castroneves very thick drops of rain coming. I’m the first combined to win the first three. Hunter-Reay run out there because I had the first pit. I’m said he got caught behind rookie Francesco just pushing as hard as I can. Dracone and couldn’t finish with a strong “In the end it paid off. I took some calcu- qualifying lap. lated risk. I went out again, then it was a little “We just caught slower traffic there,” bit slippery. Since we were in a very good Hunter-Reay said. “I gave him a huge gap to position already, I didn’t have to take any oth- begin with knowing that he was way off the er chance. “ Power, a two-time winner in pace and just caught him over and over Alabama, will start second, followed by Simon again. “It’s our own team’s fault to put our- Pagenaud for a Team Penske sweep of the top selves in that position.” Points leader Juan LONDON: Britain’s Prince Harry poses for a picture with winners of the Men’s race Wilson Kipsang who came second (left), Eliud Kipchoge who three spots. A Penske driver has started seven Pablo Montoya qualified 15th, well behind his came first (centre) and Dennis Kimetto who came third (right) at the 35th yesterday. —AP straight races from the pole and nabbed the Penske teammates. “It’s tough because on first four starting spots in the opener at St. these tires you really only get one lap and I Petersburg. The rest of the top six includes missed it on that lap,” said Montoya, who won Kipchoge adds London title Scott Dixon, Josef Newgarden and Tony at St. Pete. Making his way up front will be Kanaan. Dixon has podium finishes in all five hard since the lowest starting spot for a win- Barber races in the series, including four run- ner was No. 9 for Power in 2012. Kanaan ners-up but no wins. called Barber “a hard, hard place to pass.” to marathon collection Chevy, which has won two of the first “In my opinion, it’s going to end up on fuel three races, has the top seven qualifiers and strategy and pit strategy,” Kanaan said. “We’re 10 of the first 12. Honda’s only win came from so close. Such quality drivers this year in the Shock win for Tufa in women’s race James Hinchcliffe in the rain-shortened field. We’ll have to see if there’s an opportuni- Louisiana race. ty to pass. We’ll put on a good show for the Castroneves won the inaugural Alabama fans. Barber is always good for that.” —AP LONDON: Eliud Kipchoge led a Kenyan clean sweep of the podium places as he won the men’s London Marathon yesterday in a time of two hours, four minutes and 42 seconds. Kerber shocks Wozniacki The final mile saw former world 5,000 metres champion Kipchoge sprint clear of Wilson : Germany’s Angelique Kerber Stuttgart in her fourth appearance at the Kipsang, last year’s London winner, with world extended her winning streak to 11 matches German venue. record-holder Dennis Kimetto finishing in third with a three-sets win over Caroline The first set of Sunday’s final was all place. Wozniacki to win the Stuttgart claycourt Wozniacki, who broke Kerber in the fourth Victory saw Kipchoge add the London title to title yesterday. game then held her serve to take a 4-1 lead his wins in last year’s Rotterdam and Chicago Having knocked out three-time champi- before the set was eventually served out. and was his fourth victory in five runs on Maria Sharapova in the second round, The German rallied to control the sec- at the distance. Kerber recovered from losing the final’s first ond, blasting her way out to a 3-0 lead “It was a tough race. My training paid off and set to earn a 3-6, 6-1, 7-5 victory over for- before breaking the former world number it went to plan,” said Kipchoge. Some pundits mer world number one Wozniacki. one in the sixth game for a 5-1 lead to had billed the men’s event as a ‘Clash of the “I fought hard until the end and drained serve out the set. Champions’ between Kipsang and Kimetto, their all my reserves of energy,” beamed Bremen- Both players traded breaks in the third first meeting over the marathon. “I was really born Kerber. “I am mega-proud to have before Wozniacki looked to be heading for under-rated,” said Kipchoge. “Everyone was like, won here in front of a home crowd.” Since her second tournament victory of 2015 at ‘Wilson and Kimetto, who will win’?” Kipsang winning the Charleston tournament a fort- 5-3. But Kerber made her shots count and added: “I tried to keep a close watch on him, but night ago, Kerber carried her impressive with the Dane under immense pressure on he had more fuel than me.” recent form onto Stuttgart’s clay courts. the base line, Wozniacki was broken in the The 30-year-old Kipchoge, who went up in Her win over Sharapova was the first ninth and 11th games to give the German distance after his world title success on the track time the Russian had tasted defeat in victory in just over two hours. —AFP in Paris in 2003, beat a field featuring the three- fastest marathon runners of all-time. His winning time was outside Kipsang’s London record of 2hrs 04 mins and 29 secs set last year. Kipsang’s time of 2:04:47 yesterday made him the quick- LONDON: Tigist Tufa of Ethiopia poses with the trophy after winning the women’s race in the est-ever London runner-up, surpassing Stanley 35th London Marathon yesterday. —AP Biwott’s 2:04:55 last year. Kimetto came in third this year in a time of 2:05:50, with Biwott in overcast and cool conditions. blighted by a series of injuries in recent years, fourth place. In the women’s race, there was a “I’ve always dreamed about winning the with illness and fitness problems helping deny shock win for Tigist Tufa as the Ethiopian, who in London Marathon and I can’t say how happy I her an Olympic title. common with Kipchoge was making her London am that this has come true,” said Tufa who beat a Radcliffe crossed the line on Sunday in a time debut, ended four years of Kenyan domination. field featuring the Kenyan quartet of defending of 2:36:55. “Down the last mile I thought, ‘I don’t Tufa was only the ninth-fastest competitor in champion , Keitany, half-marathon care about the time’. I just wanted to thank as the elite women’s field but pulled clear just over world record holder Florence Kiplagat and many people as I could,” Radcliffe said after a mile from the finish. The 28-year-old won by , the London winner in 2013. Edna embracing husband Gary Lough and their two some 18 seconds from Kenya’s Mary Keitany in a Kiplagat finished down the field in 11th place. children, daughter Isla and son Raphael, at the time of 2:23:22. Keitany, the winner of the race in finish. “There was a big sign at Embankment say- 2011 and 2012, just did enough to hold off Tufa’s RADCLIFFE BOWS OUT ing ‘we will miss you’, but it won’t be as much as I compatriot, Tirfi Tsegaye, in the battle for second The race also marked British distance-running will miss you.” place. heroine ’s farewell to the event. In the wheelchair races there was an Tufa, the 2014 champion, No longer among the elite competitors, but run- American double, with Joshua George holding was the first Ethiopian to win the London ning among the main field, the 41-year-old was off Britain’s six-times London champion David women’s race since in 2001, with a bowing out on the same course where in 2003 Weir in a sprint finish, while Tatyana McFadden 25th mile completed in just 5mins 07 secs she set a women’s world record of 2:15:25 that surged away in the women’s event to win the enabling her to make a decisive breakaway in still stands. However, Radcliffe’s career has been event for a third successive year. —AFP Klitschko extends reign STUTTGART: Germany’s Angelique Kerber poses next to the winner’s prize, a Porsche 911 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, after winning against Denmark’s Caroline Wozniacki in NEW YORK: Wladimir Klitschko used fell to 19-1. the final of the WTA Tennis Grand Prix. —AFP his big jab to extend a nine-year reign “There were more exciting and less as world heavyweight champion with exciting wins,” he said. “This one a unanimous points decision over a belongs to ones that were not as Nishikori wins Barcelona title game but limited Bryant Jennings at exciting.” The challenger and his camp Madison Square Garden on Saturday. felt they belonged in the world title Returning to the United States and class despite a relative lack of experi- BARCELONA: Japan’s Kei the Garden for the first time in seven ence, with Jennings boxing for just six Nishikori claimed his second years, the 39-year-old Ukrainian years. consecutive Barcelona Open title regretted not being able to overpow- Jennings, 30, said he proved yesterday with a hard-fought 6- er the American challenger as he out- detractors wrong. “This fight does not 4, 6-4 over Spaniard Pablo boxed his opponent in an 18th con- penetrate my confidence. I’m hoping I Andujar. secutive successful title defence. gained some respect and I know I Andujar had upset Rafael The pro-Klitschko crowd, which gained some fans,” he said. Klitschko Nadal’s conquerer Fabio Fognini numbered more than 17,000, lavished piled up points with his jab, while and David Ferrer on his route to cheers and chants on the champion Jennings scored with rights to the ribs the final and made the perfect and his older brother, former champi- when the champion clinched and start by breaking the world on and now Kiev mayor Vitali caught him a few times with leaping number five’s serve in the first Klitschko, who helped warm up the left-hand leads. game. winner prior to the bout. The champion threw a massive 383 However, Nishikori broke “Bryant Jennings was really mobile jabs according to CompuBox statis- straight back and then sealed and really tough to hit,” said Klitschko, tics, scoring on 92 of them. Jennings the set by breaking once more in sounding apologetic for not supply- connected on 16 jabs. ing a knockout finish to a bout in Jennings fought defensively for the the 10th game. The second set which he was defending five versions first third of the bout with his gloves followed a similar pattern as of the world title. held high over his face, only occasion- Andujar moved into a 4-2 lead, “I couldn’t find the key to land ally springing into action. but Nishikori then upped his lev- punches I wanted to land, punches In the middle third of the 12- el to race through the final four landed on his arms. Unfortunately, I rounder, the American turned more games to seal his ninth career didn’t defend as impressively as I usu- aggressive and by the ninth had title. ally do.” caused a cut under Klitschko’s left eye. “Finally yes, I am the champi- Two judges scored it 116-111 and Klitschko responded with more on, but in the beginning (of the the third judge made it 118-109 for combinations, following up his jab week), I was just playing one Klitschko, despite the champion being with a dangerous right. Jennings was match at at time with so many docked one point in the 10th for hold- unmarked and neither fighter tough players and all the ing. Klitschko, who tied the heavy- appeared in trouble at any point, Spanish players playing here,” SPAIN: Kei Nishikori of Japan lifts his trophy weight record set by Joe Louis in con- though Klitschko finished strong said Nishikori. “I tried to do my after winning the Barcelona Open tennis tour- testing his 27th heavyweight title with a big right hand in the final sec- NEW YORK: Bryant Jennings punches Wladimir Klitschko, of best and I am very happy.” —AFP nament. —AP fight, improved to 64-3 as Jennings onds. —Reuters Ukraine, during the sixth round of a boxing match. —AP MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 SPORTS

Italian League results/standings

Atalanta 2 (Gomez 43, Denis 90+3) Empoli 2 (Saponara 41, Maccarone 60); Genoa 3 (Bertolacci 38, Perotti 45+3-pen, Pavoletti 53) Cesena 1 (Carbonero 69); Lazio 1 (Klose 45+1) Chievo 1 (Paloschi 76); Torino 2 (Darmian 45, Quagliarella 57) Juventus 1 (Pirlo 35); Parma 1 (Nocerino 22-pen) Palermo 0; Verona 3 (Juanito Gomez 30, Toni 63, 71) Sassuolo 2 (Moras 35-og, Floro Flores 89); Fiorentina 1 (Gilardino 74) Cagliari 3 (Cop 7, 59, Farias 90+2).

Playing later Napoli v Sampdoria

Played Saturday Udinese 2 (Pinzi 58, Agyemang Badu 74) AC Milan 1 (Pazzini 88); Inter 2 Hernanes 15, Icardi 88) Roma 1 (Nainggolan 63).

Italian Serie A table after yesterday’s matches (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points):

Juventus 32 22 7 3 60 17 73 Sassuolo 32 8 12 12 39 49 36 Lazio 32 18 5 9 59 31 59 Empoli 32 6 17 9 34 40 35 Roma 32 15 13 4 43 25 58 Atalanta 32 6 13 13 29 44 31 Napoli 31 15 8 8 53 37 53 Cagliari 32 5 9 18 38 62 24 Sampdoria 31 12 14 5 38 31 50 Cesena 32 4 11 17 29 56 23 Fiorentina 32 13 10 9 44 38 49 Parma 32 6 5 21 27 58 16 Genoa 32 12 11 9 46 37 47 Note: Parma deducted three points and four Torino 32 12 11 9 38 34 47 Inter Milan 32 11 12 9 48 38 45 points for financial irregularities and non-payment AC Milan 32 10 13 9 45 39 43 of salaries. Palermo 32 10 11 11 44 46 41 NB. Top two qualify automatically for the Hellas Verona 32 10 9 13 40 56 39 Champions League, third goes into the play-offs. Udinese 32 9 11 12 36 43 38 Fourth and fifth carry Europa League places. The Chievo 32 9 10 13 24 33 37 bottom three sides are relegated. Juve suffer rare derby defeat

MILAN: Juventus will have to wait at least a Alberto Paloschi to volley the visitors level few more days before they can celebrate with quarter of an hour remaining in the winning a fourth consecutive Serie A title capital. Lazio are 14 points behind Juventus as Massimiliano Allegri’s side lost 2-1 to city in second place, and a win at home to bot- rivals Torino yesterday. tom club Parma on Wednesday will force Fresh from winning through to their first the leaders to wait even longer before Champions League semi-final in 12 years wrapping up the scudetto. after beating Monaco in midweek, Juve However, if they slip up at all, Juventus GERMANY: Moenchengladbachís Oscar Wendt from Sweden jumps for the ball during the German First Division Bundesliga soccer match took their eye off the ball domestically and will secure the title with a win at home to against Wolfsburg. —AP suffered a second defeat in three Serie A Fiorentina. Lazio are a point clear of rivals matches. Andrea Pirlo put the visitors in Roma in the chase for Champions League front at the Stadio Olimpico with a trade- qualification after Rudi Garcia’s men contin- mark free-kick that went in off the bar 10 ued their poor second half to the season by Bayern crowned champions minutes before half-time, but Torino pro- losing 2-1 to Inter at the San Siro on duced a tremendous fightback to claim a Tuesday. BERLIN: Bayern were confirmed as League semi-final, first-leg at his ex-club hopes of avoiding a first relegation from first win in the city derby since 1995. Europa League semi-finalists Napoli can German champions for the 25th time yesterday Barcelona on May 6, with the return leg six days Germany’s top-flight with a dramatic 3-2 win Fabio Quagliarella was the hero for the close the gap on Roma in third to just two as Wolfsburg’s 1-0 defeat at Borussia later. “At some point we’ll gather on the town over Augsburg, to climb off the bottom and up Granata against the club he left last sum- points with a win at home to Sampdoria, Moenchengladbach meant Pep Guardiola’s hall balcony and then really party hard with our to 16th. mer as he set up Matteo Darmian to who are fifth, late yesterday. Bavarians can no longer be caught. Gladbach’s fans,” promised Bayern captain Philipp Lahm. Schalke’s 2-0 defeat to Mainz on Friday and equalise just before half-time and then net- Elsewhere, Parma earned themselves a Germany striker Max Kruse sent the title to While the celebrations kicked off in Munich, Augsburg’s loss in left both ted what proved to be the winner from reprieve from relegation for now after Munich as his 90th-minute winning goal at Gladbach also had reason to cheer as Kruse’s Hoffenheim and Borussia Dortmund within strik- close range 12 minutes into the second Antonio Nocerino’s first-half penalty Borussia Park saw Bayern finish the weekend last-gasp goal put them third and a step closer ing distance of the Europa League places. half. secured a 1-0 win at home to Palermo. with an unassailable 15 point-lead with four to an automatic Champions League place. Dortmund eased to a 2-0 win at home to In any case, even a win for Juve would Genoa remain in the running for a games left. Bayern had picked up their 24th vic- Earlier yesterday, Paderborn blew a two-goal Eintracht Frankfurt thanks to goals by Pierre- not have been enough to clinch the title Europa League place after defeating rele- tory in 30 league games on Saturday when lead to stay in the relegation places after their 2- Emerick Aubameyang and Japan’s Shinji Kagawa with six games to spare as second-placed gation-threatened Cesena 3-1 while Luca Bastian Schweinsteiger’s late goal sealed a 1-0 2 draw with Werder Bremen and had midfielder while Hoffenheim won 2-1 at Hanover. Lazio drew 1-1 with Chievo at the Stadio Toni scored twice in Verona’s 3-2 win at home win over Hertha Berlin at the Allianz Michael Heinloth was sent off. Bayer Leverkusen drop to fourth after their 1- Olimpico in Rome. home to Sassuolo and German Denis net- Arena. “It’s already something just to have Paderborn remain 17th with VfB Stuttgart 1 draw with as Julian Brandt’s first-half The veteran Miroslav Klose put Lazio ted in stoppage time to secure a 2-2 draw defended the title,” Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz bottom despite their 2-2 draw at home to goal was cancelled out by Bard Finne’s late ahead on the stroke of half-time only for for Atalanta at home to Empoli. —AFP Rummenigge, who promised a “big celebration” Freiburg. On Saturday, Hamburg boosted their equaliser in the Rhine derby. —AFP when the season is over, told “But I have to compliment the coach and the team, they did a great job in the season after a German League results/standings World Cup, in which many of our players were involved.” Paderborn 2 (Vrancic 26, Stoppelkamp 27) Werder Bremen 2 (Selke 45, Hajrovic 76); Borussia Moenchengladbach 1 The Bavarian giants have now won three con- (Kruse 90) VfL Wolfsburg 0. secutive German league titles with Guardiola winning the Bundesliga title in each of his two German Bundesliga table after yesterday evening’s match (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, seasons in charge. points): The Spaniard has won a total of 19 titles as a coach, after lifting 14 trophies during four years Bayern Munich 30 24 4 2 77 13 76 Hertha Berlin 30 9 7 14 34 46 34 - champions Freiburg 30 6 12 12 31 41 30 as Barcelona boss, and has already claimed five VfL Wolfsburg 30 18 7 5 63 32 61 Hanover 96 30 7 8 15 33 51 29 more since joining Bayern in July 2013. M’hengladbach 30 16 9 5 45 22 57 Hamburg 30 7 7 16 19 46 28 There is no time for Bayern to rest on their Leverkusen 30 15 10 5 57 32 55 Paderborn 30 6 10 14 27 58 28 laurels, however, as they face a busy few weeks Schalke 04 30 11 9 10 38 34 42 VfB Stuttgart 30 6 9 15 34 55 27 and are still in the running to repeat their 2013 Augsburg 30 13 3 14 38 40 42 treble of European, league and cup titles. Hoffenheim 30 11 7 12 45 4840 Note: Top three qualify automatically for the Champions They host arch-rivals Borussia Dortmund on Borussia 30 11 6 13 40 37 39 League, fourth goes into the play-offs. Fifth and sixth Tuesday in the German Cup last four clash for a Werder Bremen 30 10 9 11 46 59 39 carry Europa League places. place in the final at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium on Mainz 05 30 8 13 9 42 41 37 The bottom two sides are automatically relegated, while Eintracht 30 9 9 12 51 59 36 the side finishing 16th faces a two-legged play off May 30. With the league secure, Guardiola’s Cologne 30 8 11 11 30 36 35 against the third-placed side in the second division. Bayern face a mouth-watering Champions Monaco blank Lens

PARIS: Monaco moved a step closer to a return to the Champions League yesterday with a comfortable 3-0 win away to a Lens side who are now all but relegated. Yannick Ferreira Carrasco, Anthony Martial and Bernardo Silva got the goals for the Principality club at a rain-soaked Stade de la Licorne in TURIN: Juventus’ Angelo Ogbonna is challenged by Torino’s Marco Benassi during a Amiens as Monaco reclaimed the third place that had briefly been tak- Serie A soccer match at the Olympic stadium yesterday. —AP en from them earlier in the day by Saint-Etienne. Leonardo Jardim’s side, who were eliminated from the Champions League at the quarter-final stage by Juventus on Wednesday, have been outstanding in Ligue 1 since December, losing just once and conceding Celtic within sight of title a miserly five goals. This result leaves them two points clear of fourth-placed Saint- DUNDEE: Leigh Griffiths second hat-trick in Commons and Johansen returning to the Etienne and five ahead of Marseille in fifth in the race to secure third 11 days spurred Celtic to a 3-0 win away at starting line-up while Mackay-Steven had spot, which carries with it a place in the third qualifying round of next Dundee United yesterday and ever closer to settle for a place on the bench. season’s Champions League. to the Scottish Premiership title. Muirhead, in his first start since signing But it also keeps alive their chances of finishing in the top two and Robbie Muirhead came close to opening for United from Kilmarnock in January, qualifying directly for the group stage of Europe’s elite club competi- the scoring for United in a goalless first-half came close to opening the scoring in the tion, with the gap to second-placed Lyon three points before OL visit before Griffiths fired home the opener just 21st minute with a first-time left-foot shot Reims on Sunday evening. over 90 seconds after the restart. from 20 yards that Craig Gordon did well to “Our objective for the season is the podium,” said Jardim. “This victo- United ‘keeper Radoslaw Cierzniak tip over. Cierzniak had to be alert in the ry was important for us to maintain our position.” “I think we didn’t play made superb saves to deny Kris Commons United goal to turn a deflected Commons very well in the first 20 minutes but after that we controlled the match. and Stefan Johansen before he was beaten shot round the post before blocking a The players are in good condition despite having played 50 matches for a second time with a close range finish snatched shot from Virgil van Dijk. this season.” from Griffiths. It took Celtic just 90 seconds of the sec- A Carrasco free-kick, intended as a cross, hit the woodwork before Former United player Gary Mackay- ond half to open the scoring. A good pass- the Belgian opened the scoring nine minutes before the break after tak- Steven hit the crossbar before earning ing move ended with Johansen laying the ing advantage of a lucky ricochet off Lens defender Abdoul Ba. France Celtic an 84th minute penalty that Griffiths ball off for Griffiths, who took a touch under-21 striker Martial then increased the lead a minute before the expertly despatched to complete his hat- before rifling an angled shot into the bot- interval, running through to score after the Lens defence was undone trick - coming hot on the heels of the treble tom left-hand corner. by a long ball forward by Carrasco. he scored in the 4-1 win over Kilmarnock. Cierzniak stopped Celtic from immedi- It was Martial’s eighth league goal of the season, and his seventh in Celtic are now eight points clear of ately doubling their lead when Commons his last eight games. The visitors then made sure of the points with 18 Aberdeen, who won 2-1 away to Inverness connected with Johansen’s cross to power minutes left when Portuguese dynamo Silva converted a Geoffrey on Saturday, with just four matches remain- a header towards goal, but the ‘keeper Kondogbia cutback from close range for his fourth goal in three games. ing. Celtic manager Ronny Deila was made a tremendous save from point-blank Lens, who have won just once in 2015, remain rooted to the foot of unhappy with his side’s first half perform- range. the table and are now 12 points adrift of safety with only 12 points left ance. “It was one of our poorest this sea- The Polish keeper then made another to play for. son,” the Celtic boss said. fabulous stop to keep out a stinging strike Earlier, Saint-Etienne moved above Marseille into the top four as “The second half was good and we got from Johansen from 20 yards. However, he they extended their unbeaten run to nine league games with a 1-0 the tempo up, started to play forward and could do nothing to prevent Griffiths grab- defeat of Montpellier at the Stade Geoffroy-Guichard. started to get some runs and aggression bing his second of the game in the 65th The in-form Max-Alain Gradel scored the only goal of the game in into our team.” His Dundee United counter- minute. Van Dijk headed Mackay-Steven’s the first half for his eighth in eight league appearances since helping part Jackie McNamara was disappointed at corner against the post but the Scotland the Ivory Coast win the Africa Cup of Nations in February. the speed his side conceded in the second striker was in the right place to knock the Lyon travel to Champagne country later to face struggling Reims half. ball over the line from a couple of yards out. knowing a win will move them back to the top of the table on goal dif- “I was pleased with a lot of things in the Mackay-Steven came within inches of scor- ference from Paris Saint-Germain, albeit having played a game more. first half and I thought we were causing ing when his powerful strike from the edge PSG bounced back from their Champions League exit to Barcelona them problems,” McNamara said. “I was dis- of the box smacked off the crossbar before by beating 10-man Lille 6-1 at the Parc des Princes on Saturday with appointed obviously to lose the first goal he earned Celtic an 83rd minute penalty Ezequiel Lavezzi scoring a hat-trick and Edinson Cavani netting twice so soon in the first half and from that point when John Rankin hauled him down as he after Maxwell had got the opener with just 25 seconds on the clock. Marseille’s hopes of qualifying for Europe suffered a blow as they col- on they got their tails up.” burst into the box at pace. Griffiths then FRANCE: Lens’ French defender Patrick Fradj (left) vies with Monaco’s lapsed to a 5-3 defeat at home to Lorient on Friday, the loss their fourth The Hoops made three changes for the sent Ciernziak the wrong way from the Belgian midfielder Yannick Ferreira Carrasco during the French League in succession. There were also wins for Rennes, Guingamp and Evian on trip to Tannadice with Adam Matthews, penalty spot to seal his hat-trick. —AFP football match. —AFP Saturday. —AFP Wu wins Volvo Klitschko China Open extends reign

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 17 18 Bayern crowned German champions Page 19

LONDON: Arsenal’s Hector Bellerin (right) tackles Chelsea’s Eden Hazard during the English Premier League soccer match at the Emirates Stadium. — AP Chelsea’s coronation put on ice

who kept their 10-point lead intact. injured and Didier Drogba not fully fit, ball over the onrushing David Ospina, first real chance, with Willian steering a with a high boot. The Brazilian escaped Victory would have enabled Jose Chelsea manager Mourinho sprang a who poleaxed him, but Bellerin headed pass into the path of his countryman with a booking, but Chelsea were Arsenal 0 Mourinho’s team to secure the league surprise by fielding a starting XI that his shot off the line and Oliver did not Ramires, but the Chelsea number sev- almost punished from the ensuing free- by winning at Leicester City on contained no recognised strikers. deem the Arsenal goalkeeper’s chal- en’s prodded shot was comfortably kick. Wednesday, but they can now claim Oscar was the nominal number nine lenge a foul. saved by Ospina. Courtois could only pat the ball into the title in front of their own fans by and he was involved in the day’s first In the 24th minute, it was Fabregas Mesut Ozil took aim at the other end the path of Per Mertesacker, but the big beating Leicester and then defeating two penalty incidents, firstly going to turning a plaintive face to the referee after a sharp passing sequence, but put German centre-back skewed his shot Chelsea 0 Crystal Palace at Stamford Bridge next ground when Hector Bellerin ran across after he had tumbled over Santi his shot straight at Thibaut Courtois. wide, and when Koscielny teed up Sunday. the back of his legs. Cazorla’s outstretched leg. Oscar, apparently feeling the effects Cazorla moments later, the outcome The draw ended a run of nine There was fleeting contact between But Oliver again was unmoved and of his collision with Ospina, left the fray was the same. LONDON: Chelsea must wait at least Arsenal wins in all competitions, but the players, but it appeared accidental to the delight of the home fans, booked at half-time, with Drogba coming on. Wenger gambled by sending on for- another week for the Premier League while Arsene Wenger’s record of match- and referee Michael Oliver waved play the Spaniard for diving. On the touch- The first half had at times been frantic, ward Danny Welbeck for midfielder title after drawing 0-0 with Arsenal in a es without victory over Mourinho now on. Back at the club where he had pre- line, Mourinho’s scowl tightened, but but Chelsea looked to draw the sting Francis Coquelin, but still Chelsea niggly, physical encounter at the stands at 13, his side remain well placed viously spent eight years, Chelsea mid- 10 minutes later it was Wenger’s turn to from the game in the second, inviting refused to buckle, prompting chants of Emirates Stadium yesterday. in the race for the Champions League. fielder Cesc Fabregas was booed at lament the officials’ clemency. Arsenal to attack them and looking to ‘Boring, boring Chelsea!’ from the frus- Chelsea had three penalty appeals They remain third, below every turn. After striding onto Bellerin’s volleyed break forward on the counter-attack. trated home fans. There was one last turned down in the first half, and City on goal difference and The second penalty appeal cross, Cazorla saw a shot strike the After Drogba had put a shot straight chance for Arsenal, Nacho Monreal Arsenal one, and while the home side two points above Manchester United, stemmed from his pass from deep that raised arm of Gary Cahill, but again at Ospina, there was another wince- threading a cross into the box from the procured clearer chances after half- but have games in hand on both. sent Oscar sprinting into the Arsenal Oliver let it go. inducing moment when Willian almost left, but neither Ozil nor Welbeck could time, the result favoured the visitors, With Diego Costa and Loic Remy box. The Brazil international lofted the Moments later Chelsea created the kicked Laurent Koscielny in the head apply a finishing touch. — AFP United facing revival EPL results/standings Arsenal 0 Chelsea 0; Everton 3 (McCarthy 5, Stones 35, Mirallas 74) Manchester United 0. mission after defeat English Premier League table after yesterday’s matches (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points) Liverpool but having played a game cent header flew past de Gea and into Chelsea 33 23 8 2 65 26 77 more, ensuring an anxious end to the the net, despite an attempted goal-line Man City 34 20 7 7 70 36 67 Everton 3 campaign. clearance by Ashley Young. Arsenal 33 20 7 6 63 32 67 It would have been a mystery to United should long since have been van Gaal, given the amount of chances on at least level terms. Marouane Man Utd 34 19 8 7 59 34 65 created by his team, how United found Fellaini, returning to his former club, dis- Liverpool 33 17 7 9 47 36 58 themselves trailing by two goals inside possessed Barry within two minutes of Tottenham 34 17 7 10 55 49 58 Man United 0 the opening 35 minutes. the opening goal but fired a disappoint- Southampton 34 17 6 11 47 26 57 The first Everton goal, after five min- ing shot over the bar from 16 yards with utes, was the culmination of a breathtak- no defender near him. Swansea 34 14 8 12 41 44 50 LIVERPOOL: Louis van Gaal and his ing counter-attack and some indecisive That set the tone for a half of waste- Stoke 34 13 8 13 39 42 47 Manchester United side need to discov- United defending as Juan Mata’s ball ful football from the visitors. Ander Everton 34 11 11 12 44 43 44 into the home area was cleared by Herrera’s lay-off was directed straight at er a late-season improvement in form if West Ham 34 11 11 12 42 42 44 they are to secure a top-four finish fol- Gareth Barry. Seamus Coleman broke Tim Howard by Daley Blind, Crystal Palace 34 11 9 14 42 47 42 lowing a lacklustre 3-0 loss away to upfield and his cross found McCarthy via the Everton goalkeeper saved brave- Everton at Goodison Park yesterday. a deflection off the legs of Paddy McNair ly at former Toffees favorite Wayne West Brom 34 9 10 15 32 46 37 James McCarthy, John Stones, with who then compounded the error by fail- Rooney’s feet and then saw Chris ing to tackle the Everton midfielder. Smalling plant an unmarked set-piece Newcastle 34 9 8 17 36 57 35 his first-ever Everton goal, and Kevin Aston Villa 34 8 8 18 26 48 32 Mirallas were on the mark for the Coleman maintained his balance and header straight at him. Merseyside club in a fixture which momentum impressively as he bore And, just before Everton doubled Hull 33 7 10 16 31 45 31 down on goal and slipped the ball past their lead, Young also curled an effort marked the end of David Moyes’s disas- Leicester 33 8 7 18 35 51 31 United keeper David de Gea. over from a promising position. trous reign as United manager a little Sunderland 33 5 15 13 26 49 30 over a year ago. And from the third of three consec- Everton’s second goal seemed to deflate Although the Reds have shown great utive corners, all taken by Leighton the visitors and United manager van QPR 34 7 6 21 38 59 27 LIVERPOOL: Manchester United’s Wayne Rooney improvement under his Dutch succes- Baines, Everton-who kicked-off 24 Gaal took action at half-time, removing Burnley 34 5 11 18 26 52 26 (right) takes a shot as Everton’s John Stones jumps points adrift of United — doubled their Fellaini, who had been cautioned in the sor, consecutive defeats for United have Note: top four teams qualify for next season’s Champions in to block during the English Premier League soccer left them fourth in the Premier League lead in the 35th minute to the delight of first half, and bringing on striker League; bottom three teams relegated to Championship. match. —AP table, seven points clear of fifth-placed the home crowd when Stones’s magnifi- Radamel Falcao. — AFP Islamic reinsurance moves to displace conventional finance

Page 22 Business GCC will strengthen thanks to China’s soft landing MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Page 23 Behbehani continues toreign as top Al-Babtain Co holds aftersales course ‘N-STEP3’ GMC dealership Page 26 Page 25

KOLKATA: Indian laborers work on machines inside a jute mill at Jagatdal some 75kms north of Kolkata. While Narendra Modi may be the toast of India’s titans of industry, bosses of the army of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are beginning to grow impatient for change a year into his premiership. — AFP Pro-business Modi yet to convince India’s SMEs ‘PM pushing only big business, not entrepreneurs’

NEW DELHI: While Narendra Modi may be the toast of tions”. “Small to mid-size companies haven’t been able to decade as chief minister of Gujarat, the thriving coastal formers business called Kanohar Electricals, says doing India’s titans of industry, bosses of the army of small and gain much from this government except for a positive state that he governed before winning last year’s general away with administrative hassles is key to Indian business medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are beginning to grow image for India which might be very beneficial for a few election. Major companies flocked to Gujarat to take being able to compete against Chinese competitors. impatient for change a year into his premiership. With the people,” said Sethi. advantage of various tax breaks, cheap power and relaxed “There is openness from the central government, he’s economy now outpacing even China, Modi has won big- rules on land acquisition, including over environmental ready to listen but policies have not taken place for the name plaudits for transforming the climate with a series of Growth speeds up hurdles. moment,” he said. One eagerly awaited reform is the intro- reforms and pledges that have burnished his business- Modi has made changing the rules on buying land a Tycoons such as Adani and Mukesh Ambani-India’s sec- duction of a goods and service tax (GST) which is aimed at friendly credentials. major part of his plans to kickstart industrial projects and ond wealthiest man-were among those drawn to Gujarat unifying the myriad levies imposed by the federal and state In a paean to Modi for the latest edition of Time maga- accelerate economic growth, which the International and were early champions of Modi’s quest to become governments. zine, US President Barack Obama hailed the prime minister Monetary Fund predicts will rise to 7.5 percent this year. prime minister. After overcoming resistance from state governments, for pursuing “an ambitious vision... to unleash India’s true But Sethi said Modi’s prioritizing of the land bill, which is Business empires like Ambani’s Reliance Industries and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley is hoping to steer the bill economic potential”. fiercely opposed by farmers, is symptomatic of his desire to the sprawling Tata group still dominate vast sectors of the through parliament in the current session, arguing it will His domestic cheerleaders include some of the biggest please big business while doing little to help SMEs. Indian economy. While most SMEs are seeing their busi- increase GDP by up to two percent. names in Indian business such as the industrialist Gautam “Think about it from my point of view, how much land ness grow faster than the economy as a whole, they only “If GST comes in, it will be a major boon,” said Sethi. “It Adani who rarely left Modi’s side during the premier’s could I possibly want to acquire?” he told AFP in his account for around eight percent of Gross Domestic will make life very easy because right now a lot of business- recent trip to France and Germany. Since Modi’s election cramped office in the Delhi business suburb of Noida. Product, according to a recent survey. es have to deal with sales tax, service tax, VAT (value added victory last May, big business has been delighted by his “This land acquisition bill and the fact that he’s given a ‘Scrap the old rules’ tax)... GST will be a blessing.” pledges to slash bureaucracy, streamline the tax regime lot of these bigger businesses free reins with environmen- Anil Bhardwaj, secretary general of the Federation of Samiron Ghoshal, an analyst for Ernst & Young, agreed and make it easier for companies to acquire agricultural tal clearances. Who do you think it benefits? Big corpora- Indian Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises, said the GST would make a big difference but said SMEs have to land. But the reception of SMEs has been significantly more tions. Who do you think can afford this land? It doesn’t help pace of economic growth had improved the mood among temper their expectations. “Once we see actual institution- circumspect, with many complaining that Modi is far more small to medium size companies anyway.” SMEs but acknowledged a degree of impatience for al changes like the GST, land bill and such, it’ll trickle down interested in pushing the cause of big business rather than “His promises have been on a large level for the big reforms, especially over vows to scythe through the jungle to every sector of the economy,” he said. encouraging entrepreneurs. guys, but on the micro level, when you come down to of bureaucracy. “The progress is encouraging but expecta- “But yes, it’ll take years for it to happen. It won’t happen Ankit Sethi, the founder and managing director of the actually dealing with these situations for small players like tions are higher,” said Bhardwaj. overnight. In all honesty, this whole faster-than-China VibeTech India outsourcing firm, said Modi was concentrat- me, it has had zero impact.” “Ease of doing business is crucial. Old rules must be growth is probably mostly because China has slowed ing too much of his efforts on “benefiting giant corpora- Such comments echo a common refrain from Modi’s scrapped.”Dinesh Singhal, who runs an electronic trans- down, making India look quite good.” —AFP Serbia seals deal with Ukrainian-born Blavatnik Abu Dhabi developer tops Britain’s rich list BELGRADE: Serbia sealed an agreement less than 400 euros per month. They say with an Abu Dhabi investor yesterday for it is an expensive gamble, rammed a multi-billion-dollar, Dubai-style river- through with little public consultation side development that has drawn fire and scant care for the character of the Queen falls out of top 300 from some Belgraders worried about the historic city. Several hundred protesters scale and cost of the project. Belgrade gathered outside the venue where the LONDON: Ukrainian-born billionaire Len number one this year, was worth 13.17 bil- Waterfront marks the first foray into cen- contract was signed. They were pushed Blavatnik has become Britain’s wealthiest lion pounds, the newspaper said, up 3.17 bil- tral and eastern Europe by developer into a side street by police and kept out man, a “rich list” published annually by The lion on 2014. With investments in music, Eagle Hills and Emirates real estate of the view of dignitaries by two parked Sunday Times newspaper showed yesterday, industry and media, it said it would take the but Queen Elizabeth slipped down the rank- average Briton, on 25,000 pounds a year, tycoon Mohamed Alabbar. trams. ings despite her net worth growing. 526,800 years to match the 57 year-old’s Eagle Hills plans to spend $3 billion “It’s like having a leaking roof and, Boosted largely by rising stock markets, wealth. The Indian-born Hinduja brothers, Sri (2.8 billion euros) building a glass forest instead of fixing it, deciding to build a the newspaper said the super-rich had dou- and Gopi, who headed the list last year, were of hotels, office buildings and apart- swimming pool in the backyard,” said bled their collective wealth since the 2009 placed number two with 13 billion pounds. ments for 14,000 people, the largest protester Vesna Milunovic, an unem- economic crisis and that the wealthiest 1,000 They have interests in industry and global shopping mall in the Balkans and a cur- ployed journalist. people based in Britain were now worth 547 finance. vaceous 200-metre tower on 2 million sq Under the agreement, Serbia must pay billion pounds ($830.67 billion), up from 258 The Anglo-Canadian Weston family, who metres of wasteland by the River Sava. for all infrastructure work up to the borders billion in 2009, an increase of 112 percent. own a retail empire, were third with 11 bil- The agreement stipulates that con- of the proposed site, a cost authorities esti- The figures are likely to be seized upon by lion pounds. The newspaper said new money struction will take a maximum of 30 mate at 300 million euros. The deal is the politicians less than two weeks before a close was “flooding” into Britain, pushing Britons years, and that half must be finished latest collaboration between Serbia and national election. The opposition Labour down the rich list. The Queen increased her within 20. The conservative government the UAE under Vucic, after deals on cheap Party accuses Prime Minister David Cameron wealth by 10 million to 340 million pounds, of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says credit, weapons, agriculture and airlines. of governing in favor of the wealthy at the but dropped out of the country’s richest 300 the project will put Belgrade on the map It gives the UAE a toehold-while costs expense of the poor. for the first time, it said. as unofficial ‘capital’ of the Balkans. It remain relatively low-in a country that Cameron rejects that charge, but the If it wins power on May 7, Labour has Len Blavatnik expects up to 20,000 workers to be hopes to join the European Union, the widening gulf between those on the list and pledged to scrap tax rules that allow wealthy employed in the construction, set to world’s biggest single market, in the showed, more than any other country except most Britons, whose living standards have individuals to legally reduce the amount of next decade. It can also avoid the tough the United States and China, and London has begin in September. only recently begun to return to where they tax they pay on money earned overseas. The Yet critics question the viability of public procurement rules, transparency were before the crisis, is awkward for his re- more billionaires (80) than ever before and change would affect about 116,000 people such an ambitious project in a country and regulation demanded of EU mem- election campaign. more than any other city in the world. who live in Britain, some of whom figure on bers but more easily circumvented in Britain has 117 sterling billionaires, the list Blavatnik, who shot from number four to the rich list. — Reuters where one fifth of the workforce is unemployed and the average wage is Serbia. — Reuters MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 BUSINESS Islamic reinsurance moves to News in brief

displace conventional finance US dollar down to KD 0.301, euro up KUWAIT: The exchange rate of the US dollar against Swiss Re, Lloyd’s, others adding retakaful capacity the Kuwaiti dinar was down yesterday exchanging at KD 0.301 while the euro went up to KD 0.328 com- DUBAI: Islamic reinsurance (retakaful) is Papp, head of the retakaful unit of Swiss Re, IMPETUS that sharia boards of takaful operators are pared to Thursday’s exchange rates, said the daily bul- getting a face-lift because of new entrants told Reuters. Some retakaful firms have struggled to increasingly insistent on the use of retakaful letin of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK). The sterling and a widening market for sharia-compli- “The Malaysian regulator is supporting cater to large and specialised risks: one of capacity,” said Prem Sagar, chief executive of pound exchange also went up to reach KD 0.458, the ant insurance products, helping move the this initiative. In addition, upcoming stricter the oldest, BEST RE, faced heavy losses Bahrain-based ACR ReTakaful MEA. Swiss franc to KD 0.316 and the Japanese Yen industry away from long-standing reliance regulation on takaful, especially in the GCC stemming from the 2011 Thai floods and a “There is even regulatory impetus in remained unchanged at KD 0.002. Meanwhile, reports on conventional reinsurance lines. Takaful (Gulf Cooperation Council), should be ben- Labuan court ordered it to be wound up some markets to help support this channel- indicated slowness in recovery of the US economy, is a bellwether of consumer appetite for eficial for the retakaful industry.” because of a legal dispute. BEST RE, a unit of ing of takaful risks to retakaful channels.” while in Europe, traders are shifting to stocks buoyed Islamic financial products; its largest mar- Lloyd’s of London is also building its Dubai-based Salama Islamic Arab Insurance Dubai’s government, which launched a by positive sentiments, amid continuing incentives kets include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab capacity in the sector - it has opened an Co , settled out of court last year. drive to develop Islamic businesses in 2013, offered by central banks worldwide, thus leading to Emirates and Malaysia. office in Dubai and is in talks with regula- The prospects for retakaful are improv- has identified the shortage of retakaful noticeable liquidity in the financial markets. But since the launch of the first takaful tors to access the Malaysian market. This is ing as entrants into the takaful market capacity as a business opportunity for the firm in Sudan in 1979, the sector has strug- helping ensure there is price parity of increase demand. Salama plans to launch a emirate. gled with a lack of sharia-compliant rein- retakaful to conventional lines, said James takaful firm in Egypt this year, Oman saw There are no official figures on the use of Egypt’s Eastern Co surance capacity to help manage excess Bagshawe, chief operating officer at Cobalt two such firms open in 2014 with a third darura, which makes it difficult to measure net profit up 19% risk. Underwriting, a firm specializing in Islamic one on the way, while Turkey’s Doga Group any shift to retakaful, but the practice is So takaful firms reinsure a considerable insurance and a coverholder in the Lloyd’s plans to enter the Turkish market in coming widespread. “My feeling is that the great CAIRO: Egypt’s top cigarette maker Eastern Co said yes- part of their risk through conventional insurance market. months. majority, well above 80 percent of ceded terday its nine-month net profit rose by 19.4 percent lines, a practice allowed under the concept Dubai-based EmiratesRe, a retakaful firm “In the past few months, we noticed an premiums, is placed with traditional reinsur- compared with the same period last year. The compa- of darura, or necessity. That approach, how- with paid-up capital of $120 million, aims increased interest in takaful in new markets ers,” said Vasilis Katsipis, Dubai-based gener- ny’s net profit from July 1 to March 31 reached 841.760 ever, is gradually being challenged as the to conduct a capital increase next year to in Africa and Europe which should lead to al manager for market development at million Egyptian pounds ($110.39 million), up from industry expands. Gross written contribu- add new retakaful lines. new business opportunities,” said Papp at insurance rating agency A M Best. 704.705 million pounds in same period last year, it said tions in takaful will reach $20 billion global- PineBridge Investments, a New York- Swiss Re. This varies across regions and business in a statement. Nine-month revenues rose to 5.250 mil- ly by 2017, the EY consultancy estimates. based asset manager, is exploring the Takaful firms can still invoke darura, but lines, with Gulf-based takaful firms facing Swiss Re, the world’s second largest rein- launch of a retakaful firm in Dubai, their choices are being influenced by reli- greater difficulties in handling excess risk as lion Egyptian pounds from 4.462 million pounds in surer, is in talks with Malaysian market play- although plans are at an early stage, said a gious scholars and by regulators keen to they write more non-life business and in same period last year. ers and the Malaysian Takaful Association source familiar with the matter. The firm develop their domestic markets. “One of the many cases larger risks compared to to set up a market retakaful pool, Marcel declined to comment. strongest reasons giving rise to this trend is Malaysia, he said. —Reuters Egyptian pound steady at official market Yellow metal keeps CAIRO: Egypt’s central bank kept the pound steady at 7.53 to the dollar at a foreign exchange auction yes- downward trend terday while the currency strengthened on the black KUWAIT: The gold price kept falling for the third week, hitting market. The central bank has kept the official its lowest level of $1,175 per ounce since mid-March, an eco- exchange rate steady for more than two months since nomic report showed here yesterday. The dip was affected by letting the pound weaken at the beginning of 2015. selling operations at world gold prices late last week as the This step and other measures have helped to reduce price broke the $1,193 per ounce mark, said the recent report black market trading significantly. The bank said it had released by the Kuwaiti Sabaek Company. Although the US offered $40 million at auction yesterday and sold dollar fell against European currencies, mainly the euro and $38.3 million at a cut-off price of 7.5301 pounds per pound, major companies’ positive results have drawn liquidity to shares once more and sent gold prices to further drops, it dollar, unchanged from Thursday’s auction. The rates said. The yellow metal is forecast to continue dwindling away at which banks are allowed to trade dollars are deter- due to the continuing strength of US shares and flight of fluid- mined by the results of official auctions, giving the ity to high-reward investments, even though the current central bank effective control over exchange rates. prices are viewed as a good opportunity for purchasing, the Two traders in the black market said the pound was report added. trading at 7.71 pounds to the dollar yesterday, The report even predicted further high demand for gold in stronger than the 7.75 quoted on Thursday. April and May when actual orders mark the key catalyst for ris- ing prices, noting that the US Fed will remain the main destina- tion for dealers at markets to determine the gold trend. The Investcorp appoints gold price will be traded beyond the $1,200 per ounce level Kirdar as new chairman until the end of this year should the US Fed make a relevant decision in the second quarter or at the advent of the third DUBAI: Investcorp, the alternative investment firm, has quarter of this year, the Sabaek’s report suggested. appointed Nemir Kirdar as chairman of its board of Comparatively, silver maintained its decline for the fourth directors, effective from July 1, it said in a statement yes- week in a row, shedding 2.5 percent of its opening prices as terday. Kirdar will replace Abdul-Rahman Salim Al- the price closed down at $15. 67 per ounce at the New York Ateeqi, who will retire as chairman at the end of the cur- Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), it showed. The silver price was rent fiscal year on June 30. Ateeqi has served as chair- affected by the positive trend of US stocks and came under pressure due to liquidity flight, the report concluded. —KUNA SHANGHAI: sets behind the financial district of Lujiazui in Shanghai yesterday. —AFP man since the company’s inception in 1982. Bahrain- based Investcorp announced in October that Kirdar would retire in June 2015 from his positions as executive chairman and chief executive. Mohammed Al-Shroogi, Ending Egypt’s currency black president of Gulf business, and Rishi Kapoor, chief finan- cial officer, will become co-chief executives from July 1, subject to regulatory approval. Mohammed Al-Ardhi, a market brings new challenges non-executive board director since September 2008, will succeed Kirdar as executive chairman.

CAIRO: Egypt’s currency black market, a thorn in the side of succes- Black market traders say volumes have fallen dramatically since computers and telecommunications equipment, said the central sive governments, has virtually disappeared in the past two months the cap on deposits was introduced, with those who exchanged dol- bank’s failure to supply currency to importers like him has slowed PetroRabigh starts following a central bank crackdown. Yet, while the authorities hope lars outside official channels deprived of a place to keep their funds. down business. “We are importing, nobody will stop,” he told Reuters. maintenance work this will signal to foreign investors that the economy has returned to “(The) measures massacred the currency exchange companies,” the “(But) I’m spending most of my time finding ways to bypass the rules normal after four years of turmoil, Egyptian businesses are suffering. manager of a Cairo exchange bureau said. “There is no demand (for and regulations instead of concentrating on my business,” he told ABU DHABI: Saudi Arabia’s PetroRabigh said yester- Importers and exporters in particular say official measures to cap dollars).” The International Monetary Fund welcomed the central Reuters, referring to the cap on dollar deposits. day that it had started unscheduled maintenance dollar deposits at Egyptian banks have reduced foreign exchange liq- bank’s measures as a step that will make Egypt more attractive to for- work on its vacuum distillation unit (VDU) that was uidity and stifled business activity-without achieving long-term sta- eign investors. But many local businesses are struggling to cope. SQUEEZING BUSINESS expected to last until May 10. The firm, a joint ven- bility in the currency market. The black market had flourished as a Mohamed Abu Basha, economist at EFG Hermes, said the deposit The IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia director, Masood Ahmed, ture between Saudi Aramco and Japan’s Sumitomo slump in tourism and investment since the overthrow of Hosni cap has made it harder for businesses to open letters of credit. said last week that the central bank’s measures to stamp out the Chemical, said the effect of the work on its financials Mubarak in 2011 limited supply of hard currency-undermining an Demand for dollars from banks has outpaced supply, which busi- black market “would help to create the basis for more investment, image of relative price stability that authorities have sought to por- nesses say is squeezing the market. “Since companies cannot really and better functioning of the exchange markets.” Black market trad- was unclear and would be announced at a later date. tray for decades. access the parallel market at large, your place on the central bank’s ing helped drive down the official exchange rate by 22 percent since “We cannot at the moment pinpoint the financial After promising for months to eliminate the black market, the priority list becomes really important,” said Abu Basha. late 2012 when the central bank introduced an auction system for effect accurately due to the changing prices of prod- central bank in February placed limits on dollar-denominated bank The central bank, which declined to comment, emphasizes dollars to ration hard currency. Sharp currency depreciations jeop- ucts and the need to make sure of maintenance deposits of $10,000 a day and $50,000 a month, soon after weaken- strategic needs such as food and energy in weekly dollar auctions. ardize Egypt’s ability to import staples like wheat and gas. However, needs,” a statement by the company said. Vacuum ing the pound by 5 percent over a few weeks. The spread between Hard currency for other products is lower priority, which business- the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, which counts 800,000 importers distillation, part of the refining process, helps to pro- the official and black market rates, above 10 percent two years ago, men complain has hurt commercial enterprises, especially those that among its members, says introducing a deposit cap has reduced the duce petroleum products from heavy oils left over sank to virtually zero. Since then, the pound has been officially trad- import costly goods like cars and electronics goods. supply of items like fertilizers, or forced companies to raise consumer from atmospheric distillation. ing between banks at 7.53 to the dollar. Medhat Khalil, chief executive of Raya Holding which imports prices, and has called for its removal. —Reuters EXCHANGE RATES

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. GOLD Saudi Riyals 80.803 US Dollars Mint 0.299050 0.303250 20 gram 243.470 Jordanian Dinar 426.763 Asia ASIAN COUNTRIES 10 gram 124.430 Egyptian Pound 39.550 Bangladesh Taka 0.003546 0.004146 Japanese Yen 2.544 5 gram 62.900 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.264 Chinese Yuan 0.047399 0.050899 Indian Rupees 4.770 Indian Rupees 4.845 Hong Kong Dollar 0.036936 0.039686 Pakistani Rupees 2.977 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Pakistani Rupees 2.978 Srilankan Rupees 2.259 Bangladesh Taka 3.885 Indian Rupee 0.004652 0.005053 Philippines Pesso 6.822 Nepali Rupees 3.011 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000019 0.000025 Cyprus pound 742.159 Singapore Dollar 228.160 COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Japanese Yen 0.002462 0.002642 Japanese Yen 3.539 Hongkong Dollar 39.052 Australian Dollar 237.10 Kenyan Shilling 0.003348 0.003348 Canadian Dollar 250.71 Syrian Pound 2.599 Bangladesh Taka 3.888 Korean Won 0.000271 0.000286 Swiss Franc 321.80 Nepalese Rupees 4.028 Philippine Peso 6.848 Malaysian Ringgit 0.080344 0.086344 Euro 328.14 Malaysian Ringgit 84.045 Thai Baht 9.341 Nepalese Rupee 0.003035 0.003205 US Dollar 303.00 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 49.187 Pakistan Rupee 0.002820 0.003100 Sterling Pound 455.35 Thai Bhat 10.329 Philippine Peso 0.006730 0.007010 GCC COUNTRIES Japanese Yen 2.57 Turkish Lira 113.136 Saudi Riyal 80.739 Sierra Leone 0.000067 0.000073 Bangladesh Taka 3.890 Singapore Dollar 0.224286 0.230286 Qatari Riyal 83.180 Indian Rupee 4.816 South African Rand 0.018963 0.027463 Omani Riyal 786.610 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.265 Bahrain Exchange Company Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001878 0.002458 Bahraini Dinar 786.610 Nepali Rupee 3.012 Taiwan 0.009625 0.009805 UAE Dirham 82.443 Pakistani Rupee 2.983 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT UAE Dirhams 82.37 Thai Baht 0.008976 0.0009526 Europe ARAB COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 804.24 Belgian Franc 0.007895 0.008895 Egyptian Pound - Cash 40.650 Egyptian Pound 39.60 Arab British Pound 0.453417 0.462417 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 39.591 Jordanian Dinar 430.52 Bahraini Dinar 0.796322 0.804322 Czech Korune 0.004005 0.016005 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.413 Omani Riyal 785.82 Egyptian Pound 0.038717 0.041815 Danish Krone 0.040120 0.045120 Tunisian Dinar 156.410 Qatari Riyal 83.44 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000085 Euro 0.324126 0.332126 Jordanian Dinar 427.230 Saudi Riyal 80.72 Iraqi Dinar 0.000192 0.000252 Norwegian Krone 0.034956 0.040156 Jordanian Dinar 0.422863 0.430636 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.031 Romanian Leu 0.086817 0.086817 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Syrian Lira 2.158 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Slovakia 0.009018 0.019018 Lebanese Pound 0.000151 0.000251 Morocco Dirham 30.883 Swedish Krona 0.031161 0.036161 Moroccan Dirhams 0.021737 0.045737 Swiss Franc 0.311174 0.321374 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Nigerian Naira 0.001248 0.001883 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Turkish Lira 0.113635 0.120635 US Dollar Transfer 302.650 US Dollar 302.350 Omani Riyal 0.780091 0.785771 Canadian Dollar 247.406 Euro 331.860 Australasia Qatar Riyal 0.082419 0.083635 Sterling Pound 462.150 Sterling Pound 451.816 Australian Dollar 0.229182 0.240682 Saudi Riyal 0.080070 0.080770 Canadian dollar 249.710 Euro 326.933 New Zealand Dollar 0.224388 0.233888 Syrian Pound 0.001283 0.001503 Turkish lira 111.130 Swiss Frank 288.209 Tunisian Dinar 0.152676 0.160676 Swiss Franc 319.250 Bahrain Dinar 801.346 America Turkish Lira 0.113635 0.120635 Australian Dollar 237.730 UAE Dirhams 82.645 Canadian Dollar 0.243621 0.252121 UAE Dirhams 0.081419 0.082568 US Dollar Buying 301.450 Qatari Riyals 83.875 US Dollars 0.298550 0.303250 Yemeni Riyal 0.001368 0.001448 MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 BUSINESS GCC will strengthen thanks to China’s soft landing

Asiya Capital Investments Company Report

By Camille Accad that consumption’s contribution to lending in renminbi rose 19.7 per- also intervening less in cross-border GDP growth remained relatively cent YoY, much higher than the five- cash flows, as was reflected in their KUWAIT: China’s authorities are robust at 64.1 percent, compared to year average of 7.0 percent. The widening of the trading band last working hard to control the deceler- its first quarter historical average of PBoC is being successful in promot- year. More importantly, tackling the ation of the country. Last week, the 66.6 percent between 2010 and ing credit growth through the offi- issue of local government debt and People’s Bank of China (PBoC) 2014. cial sector while keeping a lid on source of revenue remain important, announced that it would reduce the The efforts to inject liquidity in non-official lending. In April, as however the recent tripling of the amount of cash banks must keep on the first quarter have produced expectations of a RRR cut rose and quota for local government bond reserve, the Reserve Requirement mixed results in the financial sector. materialized, the interbank rate fell sales is a positive step towards more Ratio (RRR), by 100 basis points. The On the one hand, interbank liquidity more markedly, to 2 percent, the transparency. RRR currently stands at 18.5 percent WASHINGTON: Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko posing prior to a for large banks, 16.5 percent for small banks and 15 percent for rural meeting at the Treasury Department in Washington, DC. As its troops face banks. The latest cut, the largest off against pro-Russian separatists, Ukraine is also manoeuvring on the since the global financial crisis, is financial front, scrambling to stave off financial collapse by renegotiating its already the second this year: it was foreign debts. —AFP lowered for all banks by 50 basis points in February. In parallel, the PBoC reduced twice in the last six Embattled Ukraine fights for months the main policy rate, the rate that serves as a reference for debt deal on financial front banks to borrow money from the central bank. Until last November, China’s monetary policy stance had KIEV: As government troops face off be seen as attempts to gain an advantage been relatively neutral for over two against pro-Russian separatists, Ukraine is in the negotiations,” said one senior years. But the global economic envi- also manoeuvring on the financial front, Ukrainian official who asked not to be ronment has deteriorated and this scrambling to stave off disaster by renego- named. year it is broadly expected that the tiating its foreign debts. Kiev’s pro-Western PBoC will continue to pump money government owes billions of dollars to US Debt to Russia into the financial system to ensure and London-based investors, among oth- Russia meanwhile holds a $3.0 billion that the deceleration takes place ers, as well as Russia, its rival in the current bond due for redemption in December, smoothly. conflict that has pushed Ukraine’s reces- which it is refusing to renegotiate. Russia is The Chinese economy just regis- sion-hit economy to the brink. not taking part in the current debt talks, tered its lowest growth rate since The International Monetary Fund has but analysts say its bond could be used to 2009. In the first quarter this year, stepped in with a $17.5 billion rescue loan. pressure Ukraine over its standoff with pro- real GDP decelerated to 7.0 percent As part of that deal, Ukraine must save a Russian separatists in the east, the coun- YoY, from 7.3 percent in the last three further $15 billion over four years by try’s industrial heartland. months of 2014. Only in 2011, annu- restructuring its debts. “Most creditors and the IMF and EU will al growth stood at 9.5 percent. The “If the debt operation fails, Ukraine will do whatever they can to help Ukraine mud- slowdown came mostly from the lose a big share of the package,” said dle through this, but Russia is another sto- investment side, whose contribution Konstantin Kucherenko, a fixed-income ry. It wants to be repaid in full,” said Liza to GDP growth fell to 17.4 percent, has been in good shape, stable at lowest in twelve months. Financial The Chinese leadership is orches- trader at Kiev-based investment group Ermolenko, an emerging markets econo- compared to a historical average of around 3 percent. On the other conditions have loosened consider- trating a necessary gradual econom- Dragon Capital. mist with Capital Economics research 36.3 percent in the same quarter hand, total social financing in the ably more in the last few weeks, sug- ic transition while supporting short- “The funds that other multilateral and group in London. between 2010 and 2014. The crack- economy, which includes renminbi gesting potentially greater credit term economic growth in order to bilateral donors provide will not be suffi- Jaresko said she hoped to reach an down on off-balance-sheet lending, loans, declined 18.3 percent YoY and domestic demand growth in the meet its 2015 GDP growth target of cient to keep the Ukrainian economy run- agreement with the other lenders by the which has tightened financial condi- compared to a five-year average upcoming quarter. 7.0 percent. So far, China is in line ning for the next four years,” he said. The IMF time IMF inspectors come to Kiev in late tions and raised financing costs for expansion rate of 5.6 percent. This is Looser monetary policy will boost with both its objectives, but may has so far dished out $5.0 billion to Ukraine May. They will assess Ukraine’s progress in companies, and the deterioration of partly the result of government poli- growth in the short-term. In the need to inject more liquidity in order and must decide in June whether Kiev has reforms before a June deadline for approv- the housing sector have had a cy to control off-balance-sheet meantime, China will continue to to meet the latter. Given the low met the terms for the next slice. With that ing the next tranche of the rescue loan. notable negative effect on the coun- financing, such as trust loans, which gradually implement structural inflationary environment, Chinese deadline looming, Ukraine is trying to per- Among its reforms, Kiev has set up a state try’s investments. The decline in fell more than 50 percent YoY in the reforms. So far, the central bank has authorities will likely introduce fur- suade investors to cut it some slack. anti-corruption body and is cleaning up the investment is not totally provoked last quarter compared with an aver- already begun to loosen its control ther stimulus, both monetary and banking sector, cracking down on irregular by market forces: China aims to age 40 percent growth rate in the over interest rates, which may be fully fiscal, which will benefit the GCC as Investors fear ‘haircuts’ “insider” lending by banks to their own become a more consumer oriented last five years. Credit growth was liberalized as soon as this year accord- the country’s demand for energy Among Ukraine’s biggest creditors are executives. economy. The latest GDP data shows robust during that period: official ing to the governor. Authorities are gains momentum. five US investment firms led by California- Ukrainians are suffering from soaring based Franklin Templeton. They risk a “hair- inflation and the weakening of their hryv- cut”-a potential reduction in the payback nia currency, which has fallen by two thirds on their principal investment. against the dollar since early 2014. A’amal Holding Co Chairman Alabdali “The government is aiming to finalize Ukraine’s total public debt was $70 billion everything by June. It’s not going to be in 2014, according to the government. Its easy,” Kucherenko said. “The question now proportion of public debt to gross domes- wins ‘Manager of the Year’ award is principal haircuts. The creditors are resist- tic product is expected to reach 94 percent ing, particularly the top five who hold a this year, from 40 percent in pre-crisis 2013, KUWAIT: Ahmad Saleh Abdulrahman worthy peers. The recognition by blocking stake in the negotiations.” according to the IMF. Alabdali, Chairman and CEO A’amal the Europe Business Assembly, Ukraine’s Finance Minister Natalie Ratings agencies Moody’s and Standard Holding Co has been awarded the which is a highly reputed industry Jaresko in Washington last week tried to & Poor’s have cut Ukraine’s credit score to coveted Europe Business Assembly body underscores the hard work of pressure investors to give ground, warning their lowest ratings, one step above default Award for Manager of the Year and all our employees whose core value they may face greater risks over the coun- status. Best Enterprise Award. The award was of respect and entrepreneurial spirit try’s future if they do not. “They’re misun- Ermolenko said the question was now presented to Ahmad Alabdali will continue to propel our business derstanding... the depth of the economic- whether Ukraine would have an “orderly” Founder at a glittering event held for even greater leadership ahead.” financial distress that the country is in,” the default agreed with creditors, or a “disor- recently by the Europe Business “This accolade stands not only Wall Street Journal quoted her as saying. derly” one where it simply stops paying Assembly in London. as a stamp of Aamal Holding Co’s Her ministry said it “does not agree” with them. “If the default is disorderly, Ukraine Over a decade since founding success but also as a continued certain counter-proposals by the five credi- would be locked out of international finan- A’amal Holding Co, Ahmad Saleh assurance of our commitment tors, who hold $10 billion of Ukraine’s debt. cial markets for some time, all of which Abdulrahman Alabdali transformed towards excellence. This has helped During the talks, “we can expect all would cause the recession to be even the company tremendously and us set an even higher quality kinds of declarations, but those just should longer,” she said. —AFP has achieved significant investment benchmarks for ourselves for the milestones encompassing a diversi- future. Our business is primarily fied portfolio of Kuwaiti companies. driven on quality and innovation. A’amal Holding Co is a renowned We are committed to this promise Key Jordan trade route cut and trusted enterprise that strives and aim to constantly excel at it,” to achieve excellence across all its concluded Alabdali. after Syria border closure businesses. Under the excellent The Europe Business Assembly industry reputation of and leader- recognizes and brings together AMMAN: When security fears forced and are gradually bringing goods out. ship of Alabdali along with his effec- organisations and high level Jordan to close its last border crossing But when what the Jordanians know as tive strategy and continuing expan- achievers. The Manager of the Year with Syria this month, it severed its most the Jareb crossing was captured from sion of the enterprise, Alabdali has award recognises CEOs, company important trade route to the outside, fur- troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, been honoured with the prestigious owners and top-managers who ther straining an economy already hit by it was not only the traders who faced award. give a significant input to the suc- fallout from war. immediate problems. Commenting on the awards, cess of their companies by advanc- But the damage to heavily import- Hundreds of truckers were stranded on Alabdali said: “It is an honour and ing the best management practice reliant Jordan is not just hypothetical- both sides of the frontier with their car- privilege to receive this award espe- and service for employees and cus- hundreds of importers and exporters lost gos, impacting Jordan’s wider population, cially when judged among many tomers. millions of dollars worth of goods when not just its entrepreneurs. Romman said rebels pillaged the vast free trade zone the “Jaber crossing is a vital artery that straddled the border, most of it on between us and Europe. Seventy percent the Syrian side. of what we eat, of everything we import Whoever wins, Britain faces Car importer Mohammed Bustnje says and export, passed through Syria.” he was among the lucky ones, losing only Goods were brought in and exported tens of thousands of dollars when looters by sea from Lebanon, or even travelled more austerity medicine sacked his offices and made off with tele- overland through Turkey farther north. visions, air conditioning units, even doors Mohammed Daud, president of the and windows. Jordanian truckers’ union, estimates that LONDON: In the cacophony of slogans ahead between Conservatives and Labour is over the manifesto. The Institute for Fiscal Studies, an Bustnje said he had had a premonition the long-term damage from lost trade of Britain’s general election on May 7 one thing timing of the deficit reduction in the future. independent think tank, said that all the main there would be trouble at the 700-hectare with not only Syria, but also Iraq, could is for sure-the country faces more austerity The Conservatives promise a surplus by parties “leave much unanswered” when it (1,730-acre) Jordanian-Syrian Free Zone, reach $500 million. whichever party wins. 2018-2019, while Labour says this would hap- comes to public finances. “Labour’s plans and moved all the vehicles he had ware- He said around 2,500 trucks crossed Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron pen before the end of the next parliament- include some small net tax increases and their housed there into Jordan. the Syrian border daily before a pro- positions himself as a savior who rescued the meaning by 2020 at the latest. commitments to increase certain areas of pub- “Thank God,” he said, “because the rest democracy uprising broke out four years debt-ridden economy he inherited when com- With a more gradual rate of deficit cutting, lic spending are no bigger than the of the importers lost hundreds of cars” in ago and degenerated into civil war. That ing to power in 2010. With economic growth experts say Labour may be able to spend a bit Conservatives,” it said. looting after rebels seized the Syrian side number was down to “a couple hundred picking up to 2.8 percent in 2014 and the more. Neither of the two main parties has come of the crossing this month. when the border was closed. Now it is unemployment rate falling to 5.6 percent, his “In practice though, we doubt that the dif- out with any major proposal for new ways of Nabil Romman is chairman of the zero.” Labour rival Ed Miliband has an uphill task. ferences would be quite that large,” said Samuel raising funds and both are promising to do Jordanian investment commission for the Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur said ear- But Miliband’s centre-left party says the Tombs from research firm Capital Economics. more to fight tax evasion. zone, which contains not only warehouses lier this week that Jordan was in a “state of headline numbers mask an uneven recovery Tombs said the Conservatives could be pushed Another key point is that neither the but even assembly plants for some goods. siege”. that has mostly benefited the rich. Labour to loosen the purse strings to keep their word. Conservatives nor Labour are expected to win He said there were more than 1,000 Not only is it effectively cut off from point out the average wage of a British worker “The Tories have committed to a series of an overall majority, which means they will have traders doing business there-Syrians, Syria to the north, it has also seen com- has fallen by £1,600 ($2,429, 2,234 euros) a year costly promises... At the same time they have to seek allies to govern. With a growing frag- Jordanians, even Iraqis-with a combined merce with Iraq severely curtailed since Cameron took office-and that many new also pledged not to raise income tax, national mentation of the vote, “the British government inventory of more than $1 billion (917 mil- because of the conflict between the gov- jobs being created are badly paid and offer lit- insurance or VAT (value added tax). is about to become much less stable and pre- lion euros). ernment and the Islamic State group tle security. “There would therefore appear to be a rela- dictable and with a significantly weaker man- He said it is estimated that $100 million there. Miliband has pledged to crack down on tively high chance that they would have to soft- date,” said Ross Walker, an economist at RBS in goods was stolen. abuses of so-called zero hour contracts, under en their ambitious fiscal targets,” he said. bank. ‘Serious consequences’ which employees have no minimum guaran- Big business leaders overwhelmingly sup- Knock-on effect Jordan is a relatively poor desert king- teed hours. Cameron has meanwhile halved the ‘Cocktail of uncertainty’ port the Conservatives, but many are con- The Syrian side of the border was dom and has virtually no oil reserves. Its budget deficit since 2010, when it was above 10 In both cases, Britain would still be left with cerned about the referendum on Britain’s EU seized on April 1 by rebels with links to major exports are phosphates, potash and percent of gross domestic product (GDP) due to a mountain of debt. The government currently membership that Cameron has promised to the local Al-Qaeda affiliate, Al-Nusra Front, limestone, as well as textiles and veg- exceptional measures taken by the then Labour has an overall debt of £1.48 trillion-some £500 hold by 2017 if he wins. and the situation on the ground was etable produce. Economist Mazen Al- government in the global financial crisis. billion higher than 2009/10. Labour say all their John Cridland, head of the Confederation of volatile. More recently, however, the secu- Rashid said “the longer the borders are Labour says Cameron broke his promise to promises are carefully costed, and that they will British Industry (CBI), Britain’s main business lob- rity situation has become more stable, closed, the more serious the conse- balance the books, although new data out last not take on any new debt and slash the existing by, is even more stark in his assessment of what and there are reports that Jordanian quences will be for the Jordanian econo- week showed the coalition government beat its debt. will happen after the May 7 vote. “It could end traders are now able to get into the zone my”. —AFP own deficit-cutting target for the 2014-2015 “Labour’s plan to balance the books means up with a cocktail of uncertainty and uncertainty financial year to March. The real difference making tough, but fairer choices,” reads their is damaging for investment,” he said. —AFP BUSINESS MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Central banks’ ability to pilot economies in doubt


LONDON: Most central banks have been easing The Fed shut its quantitative easing (QE) pro- make it clear in its policy statement on German stocks have soared more than launched,” wrote Mark Williams, Chief Asia policy since the start of the year and are set to gram just over six months ago. But it seems like- Wednesday that it is inclined to take the first sol- 20 percent this year in anticipation of Economist at Capital Economics, an inde- do more, but it still isn’t clear whether that new ly it will be forced to wait until later this year, id opportunity it can find to set extraordinarily European Central Bank sovereign bond pendent consultancy. activism, which has pushed stock markets to instead of June as was expected a short time accommodative interest rate policy back on a purchases, which began last month and The BOJ is likely to trim its inflation fore- record highs, will help the global economy ago, before raising rates from record lows. more normal path. “Further labor market have hammered the euro and bond yields cast for the current fiscal year, according to much. A disappointing start to the year from anoth- progress, moving to a ‘more balanced’ outlook about as much as they have boosted share sources familiar with its thinking. Further Several meet this week to set policy, includ- er punishing winter and trade disruption at West and gaining confidence in the inflation outlook prices. stimulus is still likely, but not until later this ing the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan Coast ports, together with a rally in the dollar would send clear smoke signals that lift-off is The euro-zone outlook certainly has year, perhaps in October. and Sweden’s Riksbank, which all have turned to that is now restraining inflation and US exports, only shortly ahead,” wrote analysts at BNP brightened over the last several months. Sweden’s Riksbank, which has slashed government bond purchases as stimulus after is chiming a familiar refrain: low rates for longer. Paribas in a note to clients. But the still-modest growth will not bring its main policy rate to below zero and is running out of interest rates to cut. Few expect the Fed to use its two-day meeting What does not appear any more balanced is down high unemployment, and the risk conducting asset purchases to ward off Yet recent easing-and the halving of oil as a launching pad for what will eventually be the global growth picture, nor does trading remains real Greece, which is running out deflation but also has solid growth and prices, which was meant to be a windfall for the first interest rate hike in nearly a decade. behaviour in world financial markets. Just this of cash to pay its debts, may be forced to soaring house prices and household debt consumers-have not changed the global out- Wages and inflation still are not rising signifi- week, Wall Street re-captured its record high on default. to contend with. If that were not enough to look much, according to Reuters polls of hun- cantly and even hiring has had a setback. the Nasdaq struck during the last technology ECB data due next week will show at least give the impression to outside dreds of economists published last week. Many, however, expect the central bank to stock boom. whether private lending by euro-zone observers that central bankers are not banks to companies is really on the up. In entirely in control of the economies they Japan, where the central bank has been oversee, Brazil’s central bank meets next printing money for about a decade and a week facing a completely different dilem- half to escape deflation, questions about ma. the effectiveness of further aggressive While most other banks are cutting, monetary easing there will be on full dis- including its peers in emerging markets play. Two years after the authorities like China and India, Brazil’s central bank is ramped up stimulus in a multi-trillion yen grappling with an economy in recession volley to boost inflation, the economy has and runaway inflation. Brazil’s rate-setting escaped a self-imposed recession via a Copom, according to the latest Reuters sales tax hike and is now left with a price poll, is expected to raise by another 50 outlook very similar to 2013. basis points to 13.25 percent, already one “Wage and price-setting behavior have of the highest key interest rates in the changed little since the program was world. — Reuters BUSINESS MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015

KUWAIT: Bader El-Houssami, Regional Manager, GM with Mohammed Reza Behbahani and Adel Behbehani. Kuwait’s Behbehani continues reign as top standalone GMC dealership in the world GMC customers in Kuwait demonstrate unwavering loyalty to the auto brand

DUBAI: For the fifth year running, the Marketing Director for GMC. “This marks yet best-in-class standards. Without them, our Mohammed Saleh & Reza Yousuf Behbehani another key milestone in our longstanding success and unparalleled growth would not Company - General Motors’ dedicated GMC collaboration. Over the years, our partnership have been possible.” dealer in Kuwait since 1967- has achieved the Built on the philosophy of ‘Commands highest sales volume of GMC vehicles globally. Respect’, GMC has built pickups since 1902. The impressive feat was accomplished across With a rich heritage in the Middle East and three categories: Largest Sierra Retail, Largest an impressive 111 years of presence, innova- Sierra Total, and Largest GMC Retail. tion and engineering excellence is built into The dealership’s leadership position and all GMC vehicles. The brand is evolving to outstanding sales performance are attributed offer more fuel-efficient pickups, crossovers to the GMC brand’s ability to create powerful, and SUVs. advanced, and refined trucks that embody tai- The GMC portfolio in the Middle East fea- lored toughness and passionate craftsman- tures Terrain small SUV and Acadia crossover. ship. GMC first entered the Middle East market The Sierra half-ton pickup is the most power- in the 1930s. Since then, the brand has res- ful light duty pickup on the market, and the onated strongly amongst Kuwaiti consumers, first full-size pickup to receive the highest pos- most of whom are staunch fans of crossover with Behbehani has significantly grown thanks sible five-star Overall Vehicle Score for safety SUVs and heavy-duty pickups.GMC is strongly to a shared leadership vision and a solid com- since the National Highway Traffic Safety embedded into the Kuwaiti culture, as the mitment to high-quality products, industry Administration changed its New Car quintessential desert companion. best practices, and customer satisfaction.” Assessment Program for the 2011 model year. “We are proud that Behbehani has, once Adel M R Behbehani, Behbehani’s Sales Every GMC model, including Yukon and Yukon again, stood out as one of the highest per- Director, echoed Barwegen’s statement and styling and quality. Since it first made its benchmark for pickup safety and refinement. XL full-size SUVs, is available in Denali luxury forming GMC dealerships worldwide,” said added: “This achievement is a testament to debut in the region decades ago, the GMC We would like to thank our discerning cus- trim. GMC also offers customers a high-level Jeroen Barwegen, Regional Sales and GMC’s reputation as an industry leader in brand has continued to set an important tomers in Kuwait for repeatedly recognizing aftersales service experience.

Cuts to pay and perks trigger flight from Quantitative easing delivering China’s state banks growth in Europe; dollar stable SHANGHAI/HONG KONG: Bankers at China’s top state lenders are quitting in increasing numbers because of cuts to their pay and perks, and moving to a new breed of financial firms such as leasing companies, trusts and online platforms, NBK WEEKLY MONEY MARKETS REPORT bankers and headhunters say. As part of an austerity, anti-graft drive, Beijing last year KUWAIT: It was not an encouraging week for being a non-event for 2015 supply. Speaking after a private meeting which she tion posted earlier in the week. As a result, the dictated pay cuts of up to a half for senior-level state bankers. global growth with disappointing Chinese and described as “constructive” with Tsipras, Merkel economy is well positioned for a continuation of Some state-owned lenders have since quietly cut salaries European PMI’s followed by a spree of weaker New home sales said they had agreed to keep the contents of a consumer lead recovery. across the board. US data. With US jobless claims at 295,000, New home Sales in the US plummeted in their discussion confidential. When asked how If the UK data continues to hold up, mone- The declining popularity of bank jobs could make it diffi- Market PMI at 54.2, and new home sales down March, as the spring buying season opened with great the risk was of Athens running out of cash tary policy re-pricing could quickly cover for state lenders to hire and retain talent, making them 11 percent, US yields continue to drop and the sharp declines in the Northeast and South. New- before any deal was reached with the euro-zone, political risk when the immediate uncertainty of less able to compete with newer lending institutions. “In the US dollar remained under pressures in a consoli- home sales fell 11.4 percent last month to an the International Monetary Fund and the the UK election passes. It remains a fact that past we wouldn’t see CVs from the state sector, but now we dation phase. annual rate of 481,000. This marks a payback European Central Bank, she said: “Everything most of the employment growth has been in do,” said Maggy Fang, managing director of executive com- Jobless claims edged higher this week and from the strong 543,000 number in February, must be undertaken to prevent that”. Still, the low quality or low paying jobs, however it is pensation Asia Pacific at Towers Watson, a professional serv- the four-week average on claims is 285,000, the strongest performance in seven years. French president Hollande after his meeting said worth noting that full time employment growth ices company, noting that most of these resumes are from which compares to 305,000 for the March Winter storms in January and February closed that Greece needs to show decisions on reforms. has now reached the highest level since records mid-level, thirtysomething bankers. employment survey period. As long as the four- construction sites and probably pushed back Strong Europe PMI began. And they are good news for the newer finance firms. “If an week average remains below 300,000, payrolls potential March sales to later in the year. In France, both services and manufacturing applicant is from one of the big five (state banks), they will should remain above 200,000 according to ana- On the other hand, sales of existing homes disappointed. The figure for manufacturing China losing momentum have good training and are likely to have experience of trad- lysts. In parallel, US equity markets continued to This week started with the People’s Bank of ing systems and customer credit,” Zhao Shen, deputy general rise on expectations that the interest rates rise China (PBoC) cutting the reserve requirement manager of the risk management department at the leasing will be delayed and the S&P index made a new ratio (RRR) by 100bp for all the banks, and an arm of shipbuilder China CSSC Holdings, told Reuters, adding high for 2015 as volatility dropped to the lowest extra 100bp for certain rural financial institu- his firm has hired from banks and plans to hire more. “We can level in 2015. tions and 200bp for the Agricultural guarantee we’ll pay them more.” Investors have been wondering whether the Development Bank of China. According to the rise in USD has come too far and the time for bank, the RRR for rural cooperative banks will PERFORMANCE-RELATED PAY consolidation is upon us for the remaining of also be lowered to rural credit cooperatives’ lev- At Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co Ltd (SPDB), 2015. The fact remains that major Central Banks el. The policy will become effective Monday one of China’s top-10 listed banks, a broad 10-20 percent pay remain committed to an easy monetary policy. April 20. The cut this time is the biggest RRR cut cut at headquarters this year triggered a rush for the exit and Indeed, the ECB is likely to continue their QE in magnitude since the end of 2008 but is better-paid positions elsewhere, said two bankers still at program until the second half of 2016, People broadly in line with market expectations. SPDB. “You only find out someone’s left when you don’t get Bank of China has just started adopting bolder Chinese HSBC PMI data, dropped to a 1-year low an email reply,” said a junior banker who plans to quit once moves in order to avoid a Chinese hard landing, at 49.2 while expectations were for 49.6. The he has found somewhere to go. The bankers didn’t want to and the Bank of Japan is contemplating taking output index also moderated to 50.4 from its be named for fear of losing their jobs. additional easing measures into 2015. For the final reading of 51.3 in March, touching a 3- They said most teams at SPDB had been impacted, with moment, markets attention seems to stay month low. fixed income and the foreign currency trading desk at head focused on the potential shocks that could stem Australia unemployment rate office the hardest hit, both losing four employees this year, from Greece, a worsening outlook in China or Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Stevens taking their numbers down to around 20 and 46 respectively. from Fed-induced financial instability resulting was dovish this week, trying to talk the AUD A spokesman for SPDB said there had been no change in from rates hikes. lower, but AUD ended the week little changed policy, and salaries had increased as well as fallen. He On the foreign exchange side, the USD after the country’s inflation was stronger than declined to detail banker departures. Fifth-ranked Bank of entered into a consolidation phase whether forecasted. Indeed, Australia’s CPI data released Communications Co Ltd said in January it would link larger against the G10 or emerging markets currencies. this week was slightly higher than expected, portions of pay to performance, prompting “many” to leave, After dropping to a low of 1.0660 on Tuesday, bringing back the rates market pricing of a fur- bank employees said. the worst than expected stream of data coming ther easing by the RBA in May back close to 50 Working at a big state lender has traditionally been seen from the US gave the euro some hopes despites surged 6.1 percent in March to an annual rate of dropped further into recession territory at 48.4 percent, and giving AUD a modest boost. as highly prestigious and, for some, a stepping stone to a the long and agonizing Greek negotiations. The 5.19 million. A separate report from the Federal and the figure for services fell to 50.8. The fig- In his speech, Governor Stevens warned the political career. But the newer finance firms are proving euro consolidated and ended the week at Housing Finance Agency said US house prices ures for manufacturing and services were at 48.8 government had “little choice” but to accept a attractive rivals. A mid-level banker at a state-owned lender 1.0880. rose 0.7 percent in February from January. and 52.4 respectively last month, while analysts slower return to surplus in coming years, saying can typically earn 600,000-800,000 yuan a year (approx. After a fragile start of the week, the Sterling’s had expected an improvement to 49.2 and 52.4 a huge fall in Australia’s terms of trade has hit $97,000-$129,000), according to Tower Watson estimates, pound outperformance was driven by the reve- Consumption higher In Germany, at 54.4 and 51.9, for services and state and federal government revenues hard. He though bankers said the range on average was lower. Staff lation that the BoE minutes showed that all The euro-zone economic data have contin- manufacturing respectively, Germany disap- said Australia’s economy was still trying to adjust get 5 days annual leave. In contrast, online finance platforms, members now agreed that the next move in ued to surprise to the upside over the past two pointed markets as well. In March, the figures to the largest terms of trade shock it has faced in trust firms and leasing companies offer more than double rates was probably to the upside, which was tak- months mainly due to the drop in the euro cur- were 55.4 for services and 52.8 for manufactur- 150 years, with a huge drop-off in investment in those salaries, longer holidays and fewer travel curbs; staff at en as hawkish news. Additionally, the committee rency and oil prices. Consumption has picked up ing, and an improvement was expected to 53 the resources and energy sector “exerting a state banks have to hand in their passports and request highlighted that the ongoing recovery in the and financial conditions eased mainly due to the and 55.6. Despite the declining German PMIs, major dampening effect on demand. approval to travel abroad, which can take up to a month. Euro-zone was more important and would over- delivered stimulus by the ECB’s quantitative eas- the underlying German growth remains strong. Japan stimulus Even senior bankers at Bank of China Ltd (BoC) , for example, shadow any persistent strength in Sterling’s ing program. The further improvement in the employment may only travel abroad once a year on business, two bank trade weighted value. Although the short-term European April PMI’s, however, were a disap- outlook in the manufacturing sector was The board of the Bank of Japan will conduct employees said. news have been to the positive side, the curren- pointment this week with composite PMI down encouraging. the semi-annual review of GDP and inflation cy remains vulnerable if the upcoming general to 53.5 while expectations were for 54.4. Both The aggregate euro-zone services PMI forecasts. The BoJ is likely to lower its 2015 infla- PROMOTION? NO THANKS election produces a weak minority government France and Germany missed by a non-negligible dropped to 53.7 and the manufacturing PMI fell tion forecasts based on the recent inflation President Xi Jinping’s clampdown on graft and extrava- in the UK amid widening deficits. The pound margin. However, the aggregate Euro PMI level to 51.9, missing expectations too. Analysts were downtrend. It will also likely lower its 2015 GDP gance has also eaten away at traditional perks at state banks. ended the week on a strong note reaching a generally remained above the Q1 average and expecting a small jump from 52.2 and 54.2 for growth forecast given soft economic momen- “Before, over Chinese New Year, we used to get coupons for high of 1.5135. in line with a rising GDP forecasts for Q1. manufacturing and services. The relative tum in Q1. The expected inflation revision indi- food, fruit or money, but now there’s almost nothing,” said a In Asia, the Japanese Yen continue to range resilience of the euro-zone PMIs compared to cates the need for the BoJ to take action to meet BoC branch banker, adding that team outings to Hainan trade against the USD between a low of 118 and Greece negotiations Germany and France suggests that economies its 2 percent inflation target. The market now Island, a popular holiday destination, have been replaced by a high of 120. Investors remain in a wait and see This week, Greek sourced headlines outside of the big two performed well on aver- expects the BoJ to increase the size of its current away-days to cheaper destinations. mode for the BoJ to release the economic out- remained positive that a deal was imminent. age in April with rises in both manufacturing annual monetary expansion and extend the “Now we go somewhere within an hour’s drive,” the look report on April 30. Greek Prime Minister Tsipras called for a speed- and services PMIs. timeline to achieve the inflation target. On April banker said. Bank of China could not be reached for com- In the commodity complex, Oil rallied over ing up of the process and he asked for an inter- 30, Japan will also release March industrial pro- ment. Some of the top-level pay cuts mean that senior 17 percent in April, while the inventory in the US im agreement by the end of April, to be imple- UK strong recovery duction data. branch employees can now earn more than those at group has been piling up. Factors, which contributed mented. Merkel on the other hand stated that The UK labor market continues to thrive with headquarters, and that has led some at branch level to turn to the rally, include strong demand in the US in everything must be done to prevent Greece run- unemployment hitting its lowest level since Kuwait down promotion to more senior, but lower-paid roles, said the first quarter, falling US production, higher ning out of money before a reform-for-cash deal 2008 and wages rising to 1.8 percent, which is Kuwaiti dinar at 0.30180. The USDKD opened Tower Watson’s Fang, disrupting the flow of talent. — Reuters than expected gasoline demand and Iran deal is reached with its international creditors. markedly higher than 0 percent headline infla- at 0.30180 yesterday morning. BUSINESS MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015

Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Co holds aftersales service course ‘N-STEP3’ Training held in collaboration with Nissan Middle East

KUWAIT: Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain checks with other components, conventionally Co Wll, the sole distributors of Nissan vehicles done in “hit and miss” method. Learning in Kuwait, conducted the “N STEP3” Advanced through practical tasks as well as soft skills technical training for its Aftersales - Service training, help to resolve the technical issues to staff in cooperation with Nissan Middle East the satisfaction of the customers and as per Co, Dubai, which was held at the Al-Babtain Nissan Standard norms. Training Academy - Shuwaikh from March 11 Elaborating on the subject, Mohammad 2015 till April 2, 2015. Shalaby, COO, Al-Babtain group said “This Conducted by Learning & Development advanced training is important as it benefits to Division in coordination with the Aftersales improve the quality, productivity and customer Service division. Gilbert Galinato, Regional satisfaction.” Aftersales Technical Training Manager and a The training concluded with the course certified NISSAN MASTER TECHNICAL TRAINER completion certificate awards ceremony and from Nissan Motor Limited, Japan was the the pledge to continuously strive to offer best principal trainer. customer service to the Nissan owners. Nissan N-Step Trainings are based on the Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain, Group Nissan Global Technical Training templates to rately identify the problems in the vehicle. ond) ; NISSAN SCAN Tool - CONSULT III plus (to machines. Training helped Technicians to ana- General Manager - HR & Administration, Al- upgrade the knowledge & skill of the engi- “N STEP3” Advanced Training deals with the record data parameter as it happen); Fast lyze recorded data, as and when the problem Babtain Group summed up “Al-Babtain group neers & technicians employed with the distrib- use of highly advanced tools and equipments Fourier Transform (Vibration Meter), Sirometer occurs they could isolate the problem quickly, places great emphasis on the development of utor. It aims to promote their diagnostic skills, like Multi-probe Digital Oscilloscope (to know (Vibration meter), Sonic Caster (Wind Noise narrow down on the possible root causes / its staff to meet the growing customer expec- establish standard operation procedures and & analyze input data & different engine signals Leak Detector); Sound Level Meter, Noise components, thus minimizing the diagnosis tations. We enable our staff with required skills focus on their capabilities to quickly & accu- received by the ECM, up to fraction of a sec- Tester, Wheel balancer and Wheel Alignment and repair time. It also eliminates unnecessary & knowledge to be the best in the industry.” Mercedes-Benz Kuwait keeping cars cool this summer

KUWAIT: While the Gulf summer is renowned for challenging both people and vehicles, A R Albisher & Z Alkazemi, the Authorized General Distributor of Mercedes-Benz in Kuwait, prom- ises its customers comfort and peace of mind with a complimentary visual inspection and air-conditioning check-up, during its Service Week from 25-30 April. Taking place at author- ized Service Centres in Shuwaikh, Alrai and Ahmadi, Mercedes-Benz customers can enjoy air-conditioning maintenance packages start- ing from KD21 as well as a 35 percent discount on related parts. ATCO conducts event with “If the Air conditioner in your car is not main- tained properly, it may lead to a very unpleasant Alcatel Lucent Enterprise driving experience,” said Michael Ruehle, CEO, Abdul Rahman Albisher & Zaid Alkazemi Co. “We KUWAIT: Sultan Telecom’s Subsidiary tions. Another factor driving up IT costs is encourage our customers to make the most of ATCO and Alcatel Lucent Enterprise held hiring and training skilled staff that can the complimentary service, to maximise per- an event on the 31st of March 2015 at the effectively manage disparate, multi-ven- formance and comfort and ensure the heat Crowne Plaza Hotel - Kuwait, highlighting dor solutions. won’t slow you down this summer.” Unified Communications and Networking Furthermore, advancements in con- Appointments can be pre-booked by calling Solutions Portfolio of Alcatel-Lucent. sumer technologies and shifting user the service centres or by visiting the website: Service cen- Businesses increasingly acknowledge preferences are driving the influx of con- tres numbers are: Shuwaikh 1-833-111 Ext. that advanced communications technolo- sumer devices and applications into the 200/254, Alrai 1-833-111 Ext. 806/832 and workplace. Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) gies can provide a competitive advan- Ahmadi 2398-2111. Pre-booked appointments tage. Today’s business users leverage a trends are adding complexity to the com- avail priority handling. All service centres are growing arsenal of communications tools munications environment while raising open from Sat-Wed 07:30 am to 06:00 pm & on to stay connected with co-workers, cus- security and IT control concerns. Thursdays from 07:30 am to 12:00 pm. tomers and partners. Long gone are the Implementing and managing complex Customers can browse through the latest collec- days when employees relied on voice and unified communications solutions and tion of lifestyle items and car accessories and email alone to collaborate on projects and integrating various consumer technolo- enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi while waiting to get complete their daily tasks. The move to gies on the customer’s premises threatens cars checked. converged IP networks and software- the organization’s ability to focus on its based communications, and increasing core business, compete effectively in the competition among communications marketplace and be responsive to cus- providers has led to the proliferation of tomers. Warba Bank raises Qard Hasan to unified communications solutions. To Therefore, businesses are exploring address new and changing user require- new deployment models that provide ments, businesses are deploying an ever- greater flexibility, reduce costs and future- KD 5,000 Available to all citizens growing range of capabilities from the UC proof technology investments. Sultan tool set-including telephony, presence, Telecom, with its broad portfolio of offer- KUWAIT: Warba Bank announced the re-launching services including immediate issuance of ATM card, Warba Bank provides many discounts and exclu- instant messaging, audio, video and Web ings and professional services, intends to Qard Hasan (Free Profit loan) in Kuwait after increas- free SMS service as well as other special benefits for sive offers to the customers through a discounted conferencing, mobility, social networking provide these solutions that business of ing its amount to KD 5000 with flexible repayment Safwa and Lamar accounts holders enabling them coupon booklet which customers can enjoy inside and more-that help boost worker produc- today demand. In line with this require- period up to 18 months to all Kuwaiti Nationals as to get into VIP lounges in key regional and interna- and outside Kuwait. tivity, foster information-sharing and ment from customers, Sultan Telecom has per the credit terms and conditions for individuals. tional airports. Customers can also get “My Box” For more information about Qardh Hassan and improve business agility. partnered with Alcatel Lucent to provide Two years ago, Warba was the first bank in service which provides them with a local P.O Box other services, Customers can contact the Customer Proliferating communications tools can state of the art solutions to organizations Kuwait to launch Qard Hasan initiative, not bearing address in the USA, UK and UAE when applying to Service Center on 1825555, or visit one of the Bank improve business performance, but can in Kuwait. any profits in line with the rules of Islamic Sharia. get one of Warba Bank’s credit and prepaid cards. branches. also create a more complex IT environ- Within Kuwait, ATCO-a subsidiary of This initiative aims at supporting national cus- ment and new challenges for IT staff. Sultan Telecom and The Sultan Center, is tomers working in the government sector, any of its Rapid technology evolution and acceler- becoming a fast growing Networking& associated institutions or the private sector. For Oil buoys markets; ating refresh cycles are raising IT costs Smart Solutions company in Kuwait offer- Warba’s strong belief of its role in supporting the and risks associated with product obso- ing its solutions to both the government community and helping Kuwaiti citizens in meeting lescence in premises-based implementa- and the private sectors. increasing demands of living, the Bank is reintro- Dubai, Saudi jump ducing Qard Hasan after enhancement and raising its amount in a way that provides optimal benefit DUBAI: Most major Gulf stock markets, led by with the March peak. Strong trading turnover in without any extra burden on citizens as the loan is Dubai, rose yesterday after the Brent oil price hit a recent days suggests the resistance may break Al-Tijari announces winners not bearing any profits or administrative charges. 4-1/2-month high, while the bourse of energy cleanly. Qard Hasan is offered by Warba Bank to Kuwaiti importer Egypt closed in the red. of Al-Najma Account draw nationals of 21 years old in accordance with credit Brent crude climbed to $65.80 a barrel on UAE, EGYPT terms and conditions and the current retail financ- Friday because of continued fighting in Yemen Dubaiís index jumped 2.1 percent to 4,172 KUWAIT: Commercial Bank of Kuwait mega prizes during the year worth KD ing policy. New segments have been added to avail and, although US crude fell on concerns about points, its highest close in nearly five months. The held the Al-Najma Account draw yester- 100,000 each on different occasions: The from Qard Hasan: Warba’s Kuwaiti customers another upcoming stock build, both benchmarks benchmark has risen 29 percent from a trough hit day. The draw was held under the super- National Day, Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha and whether in service or retirement or customers of posted weekly gains. The main Saudi equities exactly one month ago. vision of the Ministry of Commerce & on June 19 which is the date of the other banks can obtain Qard Hasan as per the terms index gained 1.2 percent yesterday to a 5-1/2- Trading focused on Bahraini investment firm Industry represented by Abdulaziz bank’s establishment. month closing high of 9,725 points as petrochemi- Gulf Finance House, which surged its daily 15 per- and conditions of that product with a ceiling of up Ashkanani. With a minimum balance of KD 500, cals giant Saudi Basic Industries (SABIC), which cent limit, extending its recovery from record lows to KD 5000 repaid on 18 months maximum. Qard The winners of the Al-Najma daily draw customers will be eligible for the daily would benefit from stronger oil, was the main sup- hit last month. The company completed a capital Hasan amount will be directly deposited into the are: draw provided that the money is in the port, jumping 3.5 percent. reduction last week, opening the way for possible customer’s account. The customer will have the Rashida Ben Mahbob - KD 7000, account one week prior to the daily draw Saudi International Petrochemical Co (Sipchem) dividend payments in future. choice of either opening a Warba Bank salary Mohsen Al-Ziheiri — KD 7000, or 2 months prior to the mega draw. In rose 4.0 percent, extending gains since it said last Property developer DAMAC surged 7.1 percent account or investment saving account at no Saad Saif Al-Hadab — KD 7000, addition, for each KD 25 a customer can week that it had finished testing a new plastics after announcing yesterday it had a development charges thus enabling the customer to benefit from Naela Khurshid Mahmoud— KD 7000, get one chance for winning instead of plant owned by an affiliate. Petrochemicals and site on Al Reem Island in Abu Dhabi and the project all the additional services and advantages offered metals firm National Industrialisation Co (Tasnee) there, which was awaiting approvals, would have a Shafakat Hussain Singapur — KD 7000. KD 50. by Warba Bank to such account holders. added 2.8 percent after announcing it had picked sales value of about 1 billion dirhams ($272 million). Commercial Bank of Kuwait takes this In addition to Qard Hasan, Warba Bank also pro- contractors to build a titanium sponge plant for its It provided no further details. Sanyalak The Commercial Bank of Kuwait opportunity to congratulate all lucky vides personal financial services that help fulfill cus- majority-owned Cristal subsidiary. Manibhandu, manager of research at NBAD announces the biggest daily draw in winners and also extends appreciation to tomers’ financing needs in a smooth and Sharia- Retailer Jarir Marketing, which said on Sunday it Securities in Abu Dhabi, said Dubai investors were Kuwait with the launch of the new Najma the Ministry of Commerce and Industry compliant manner. This way, customers can fulfill all had launched a new showroom in the city of Jazan, encouraged by strong results from United Arab account. Customers of the bank can now for their effective supervision of the their various needs. climbed 1.9 percent. Saudi Arabiaís index still faces Emirates banks which were mostly ahead of analyst- enjoy a KD 7,000 daily prize which is the draws which were conducted in an Warba Bank continues to make difference for its major technical resistance in the 9,572-9,745 point sí forecasts and showed that the level of deposits highest in the country and another 4 orderly and organized manner. area, where the 200-day average roughly coincides had not suffered from oilís plunge. —Reuters customers by providing them with a wide range of MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 technology Russian hackers read Obama email: Report

NEW YORK: Emails to and from President Barack even working for-Moscow. Obama’s BlackBerry and the White House has said account itself did not appear to have been hacked. Obama were read by Russian hackers last year in a The hackers, who also got into the State that no classified networks were compromised. “But “Still, the fact that Mr Obama’s communications breach of the White House’s unclassified computer Department’s unclassified system, obtained access officials have conceded that the unclassified system were among those hit by the hackers-who are pre- system, The New York Times said Saturday. Earlier to the email archives of people inside the White routinely contains much information that is consid- sumed to be linked to the Russian government, if this month, US officials admitted there was a cyber House, and perhaps some outside, with whom ered highly sensitive: schedules, email exchanges not working for it-has been one of the most closely “event” late last year, but refused to confirm reports Obama regularly communicated, the Times said. It with ambassadors and diplomats, discussions of held findings of the inquiry,” the newspaper said. “It’s Russia was behind the attack. However the incursion was from those accounts that they reached emails pending personnel moves and legislation, and, the Russian angle to this that’s particularly worri- was “far more intrusive and worrisome” than publicly that the president had sent and received, according inevitably, some debate about policy,” the Times some,” a senior official was quoted as saying. Most of acknowledged, the newspaper said, citing senior to the officials. reported. Obama’s classified briefings are delivered orally or American officials briefed on the investigation, and The hackers did not appear to have penetrated It was not clear how many of Obama’s emails on paper and are usually confined to the Oval Office saying the hackers were presumed to be linked to-or the servers that control the message traffic from were read, the Times said, adding that his email or the Situation Room, the Times said. — AFP

MEA smartphone market rockets as cheap devices demand increases KUWAIT: Smartphone shipments to devices increasing 34% year on year in the Middle East and Africa saw Q4 2014. “Vendors such as Samsung unprecedented year-on-year growth and HTC launched variants of their of 83% in 2014, according to - Q4 2014 flagship S5 and HTC One M8 models Handsets Tracker released by with dual-SIM capabilities,” says Isaac T. International Data Corporation (IDC). Ngatia, a senior research analyst at IDC Spurred by the increased availability of Middle East, Africa, and Turkey. cheaper models and dual-SIM devices, “Demand for such devices stems from the global advisory and consulting the fact that a growing band of con- services firm announced that smart- sumers want to enjoy cheap cross-net- phones accounted for 41.9% of all work calls and offers from multiple tel- mobile handset shipments to the cos and therefore retain more than region in 2014, up from 27% in 2013, one SIM card for their personal use.” with the overall handset market The majority of the growth in the expanding 19.6% in volume year on smartphone category was witnessed year. in countries that have larger popula- Feature phones have been hit hard tions but previously had low penetra- by the increased availability of more tion rates. For example, smartphone shipments to Nigeria and Kenya increased 135% and 112%, respective- ly, year on year in 2014, while Pakistan saw growth of 105% over the same period. “The increased appetite for smartphones in Pakistan is being driv- en by a combination of the deploy- ment of 3G networks across the coun- try and the wider availability of more affordable devices,” says Popal. Meanwhile, the more mature GCC smartphone market expanded 31.8% SAN FRANCISCO: A presentation is made in the Symantec booth during the RSA Conference. — AP year on year in 2014, contributing to the region’s penetration rate reaching an impressive 72.6%. The overall handset market’s ven- Feeling safe? Try attending the dor dynamics also changed by the end of 2014. Although Samsung main- tained its number-one position in Internet security conference MEA, its smartphone share fell from 51.5% in 2013 to 43.8% for 2014. Nabila Popal, IDC’s research manager Huawei and Apple followed in second for handsets and display solutions in and third place with shares of 8.9% Hackers are outmaneuvering safety measures the Middle East and Africa. and 7.8%, respectively. The same trend can be seen quarter on quarter, with SAN FRANCISCO: A conference of Internet secu- error, especially people falling for bogus phish- tion and other safeguards, the tests found others affordable smartphones, with ship- Samsung’s share dropping 7.8 points rity experts is not for the faint of heart. Hallway ing emails, text messages or websites that were vulnerable to hackers eavesdropping on ments down 4.5% year on year in from Q3 to Q4 2014, while Huawei and chatter and keynote speeches are peppered appear to come from acquaintances or trusted data signals and learning residents’ habits, such 2014. Indeed, smartphones priced Apple saw their shares increase 5.1 with scary stories of increasingly sophisticated companies. Phishing attacks are a favored tactic as what time they leave the house and when under $100 captured 20% share of the points and 2.7 points, respectively, hackers siphoning off valuable personal and cor- of hackers working for foreign governments and they come home. MEA smartphone market in 2014, up over the same period. porate data. In the words of one expert, the bad criminal groups because they trick their targets from just 5% in 2013. Additionally, “Apple’s growth is primarily due to guys are outmaneuvering those charged with into handing over passwords or clicking on links More sophisticated hackers market share of smartphones in the the incredible success of its iPhone 6 keeping the wired world safe. This despite that install malicious programs. Verizon Hackers are sharing information about soft- $100-200 price bracket increased eight and iPhone 6 Plus models, which final- repeated vows from CEOs and government offi- researchers estimate one in five phishing emails ware vulnerabilities in a variety of industries, faster percentage points in just one quarter, ly placed the vendor in the large cials to tighten security after high-profile were read by their targets and one in 10 per- than many companies install “patches” to repair from 25% in Q3 2014 to 33% in Q4 screen size segment that had previous- breaches at Sony Pictures, health insurer suaded someone to open an attached file. them, several researchers said. Cyber-attackers are 2014. Meanwhile, smartphones priced ly been dominated by Samsung,” says Anthem and retailers Target and Home Depot. Security firm Proofpoint says middle managers also increasingly using programs that can scout a in the higher-end $250-500 bracket Popal.”Many users that had made the The recent wave of corporate data breaches are increasingly being targeted with emails con- computer network and change behavior depend- have seen their share of the overall switch from Apple to Samsung specifi- and cyber-attacks provided plenty of fodder for taining seemingly “official” attachments such as ing on what defenses they encounter. Even novice market fall from 23% in Q3 2013 to cally for the larger screen sizes have a weeklong cyber-security conference in San fax or voicemail alerts. “It only takes one person hackers can get their hands on tools to carry out 18% in Q4 2014 now started to switch back. Francisco. Some 28,000 threat analysts, security to click” on a link or attachment and put their sophisticated attacks. “Writing malware is not the “Many new vendors have been Meanwhile, Huawei has experienced a vendors and corporate IT administrators gath- employer’s entire network at risk, said Verizon hard part anymore. You can buy it” from other eager to get into the region’s burgeon- wave of growth in the mid to low-end ered to talk about malicious software, spear- senior analyst Marc Spitler. As for hackers, “they hackers online, said Ryan Olson, intelligence direc- ing smartphone space, with a number segment, with its Honor 3 and Ascend phishing and other attacks that can steal money don’t need a high rate of clicking because they tor at Palo Alto Networks. of them launching phones in this Y series enjoying great success. The or secrets from companies and consumers. can just churn out the emails.” One common refrain at the conference is that growing price band,” says Nabila Popal, vendor has struck the right balance Growing concern over cyber-threats has been companies must get better at detecting and con- IDC’s research manager for handsets between quality and price, particularly good for business, driving up revenue and stock Connected devices, easy targets taining computer breaches once they occur, and display solutions in the Middle in some of the region’s more emerging prices for many security firms. But researchers As more home appliances are connected to since old methods of prevention aren’t working. East and Africa. “This strategy of target- markets where it is even killing the say the dangers are real: Last year saw a record the Internet, experts warn they are vulnerable to The breaches of 2014 showed “that we’re losing ing the mid and low end of the market local competition.” Like in other global number of commercial data breaches and hackers intending mischief or worse. While actu- this contest,” RSA president Amit Yoran said in a has contributed significantly to the markets, the MEA market witnessed a “denial-of-service” attacks, aimed at shutting al hacking incidents have been rare, researchers keynote speech. “The adversaries are outmaneu- success of vendors like Huawei and massive 58% increase in the shipment down websites by flooding them with bogus warn that manufacturers aren’t considering vering this industry.” The conference also drew Lenovo.” of iOS devices in Q4 2014 compared to traffic. Here are some highlights from this year’s security in connected devices. In separate federal officials who urged more sharing of infor- Q3 2014. Android shipments increased RSA conference, named for its chief sponsor, the reports, experts at security firms Veracode and mation about hacking attacks. US Homeland Growing popularity by only 3.8% over the same period, RSA security division of tech company EMC Inc. Laconicly said they found vulnerabilities in Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said his depart- The growing popularity of dual-SIM while Blackberry OS continued its home systems that control lights, thermostats ment will open a Silicon Valley office to build smartphones is also helping shape the declining trend after a temporary Phishing works and garage door openers from a smartphone or partnerships and recruit government workers market, with shipments of such increase in Q3 2014. Many data breaches are the result of human other device. While some systems use encryp- with cyber-skills. — AP Google executive Solar costs fall by 80% in last decade among dead SINGAPORE/TOKYO: One by one, Japan is turning off the “Just as shale extraction reconfigured oil and gas, no other lights at the giant oil-fired power plants that propelled it to the technology is closer to transforming power markets than dis- from Nepal quake ranks of the world’s top industrialized nations. With nuclear tributed and utility scale solar,” said consultancy Wood power in the doldrums after the Fukushima disaster, it’s solar Mackenzie, which has a focus on the oil and gas industry. Oil NEW YORK: Dan Fredinburg, a Google executive who energy that is becoming the alternative. Solar power is set to major Exxon Mobil says that “solar capacity is expected to grow described himself as an adventurer, was among the hun- become profitable in Japan as early as this quarter, according by more than 20 times from 2010 to 2040.” Investors are also re- dreds who died in a massive earthquake that struck Nepal to the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF), freeing it discovering solar, with the global solar index up 40 percent this on Saturday. Google confirmed his death. Lawrence You, from the need for government subsidies and making it the last year, lifting it out of a slump following the 2008/2009 financial the company’s director of privacy, posted online that of the G7 economies where the technology has become eco- crisis, far outperforming struggling commodities such as iron Fredinburg was in Nepal with three other Google employ- nomically viable. ore, natural gas, copper or coal. ees climbing Mount Everest. The other three, he added, Japan is now one of the world’s four largest markets for solar are safe. panels and a large number of power plants are coming Cheaper panels Google would not give further details. According to the onstream, including two giant arrays over water in Kato City By starting mass-production of solar panels, China is the technology blog Re/Code, Fredinburg was an experienced and a $1.1 billion solar farm being built on a salt field in driving force in bringing down solar manufacturing costs by climber who co-founded, in his spare time, Google Okayama, both west of Osaka. 80 percent in the last decade, according to Germany’s Adventure. The project aims to “translate the Google Street Fraunhofer Institute. In Japan, residential solar power produc- View concept into extreme, exotic locations like the summit Replacing fossil fuels tion costs have more than halved since 2010 to under 30 yen of Mount Everest or the Great Barrier Reef off Australia,” “Solar has come of age in Japan and from now on will be ($0.25) per kilowatt-hour (kWh), making it comparable to aver- according to Startup Grind, a global startup community. replacing imported uranium and fossil fuels,” said Tomas age household electricity prices. Wood Mackenzie expects Fredinburg also helped start Save the Ice, an organiza- KÂberger, executive board chairman of JREF. “In trying to pro- solar costs to fall more as “efficiencies are nowhere near their tion dedicated to raising awareness about global warming tect their fossil fuel and nuclear (plants), Japan’s electric power theoretical maximums.” “through adventurous campaigns and events around the companies can only delay developments here,” he said, refer- Solar is already well-entrenched in Europe and North world,” according to its website. Fredinburg started at ring to the 10 regional monopolies that have dominated elec- America, but it is the expected boom in Asia that is lifting it Google in 2007. He served as product manager and the tricity production since the 1950s. out from its niche. China’s new anti-pollution policies are mak- head of privacy at Google X, the company’s secretive arm Japan is retiring nearly 2.4 gigawatts of expensive and pol- ing the big difference. Because of these policies, Beijing is best known for “moonshot” projects such as the self-dri- luting oil-fired energy plants by March next year and switching seeking alternatives for coal, which makes up almost two- ving car. to alternative fuels. Japan’s 43 nuclear reactors have been thirds of its energy consumption. China’s 2014 solar capacity Google said it has launched a “person finder” tool for closed in the wake of the 2011 meltdown at the Fukushima was 26.52 gigawatt (GW), less than 2 percent of its total capac- Nepal to help people find loved ones in the aftermath of the power plant after an earthquake and a tsunami - since then, ity of 1,360 GW. quake and “is working to get updated satellite imagery to renewable energy capacity has tripled to 25 gigawatts, with But the government wants to add 17.8 GW of solar power aid in the recovery effort.” Google says it is committing $1 solar accounting for more than 80 percent of that. this year and added 5 GW in the first quarter alone, with plans million to the quake response. The actress Sophia Bush, who Once Japan reaches cost-revenue parity in solar energy, it to boost capacity to 100 GW by 2020. Coal-dominated India, has appeared in photos with Fredinburg posted by enter- will mean the technology is commercially viable in all G7 coun- with its plentiful sunlight, could also take to solar in a big way. tainment outlets, called him “one-of-a-kind” in a post on tries and 14 of the G20 economies, according to data from gov- Despite this boom, fossil-fuelled power is far from dead. Instagram. “A dancing robot who liked to ride dinosaurs and ernments, industry and consumer groups. A crash in the prices “Additional generating capacity, such as natural gas-fired chase the sun and envision a better future for the world. His of photovoltaic panels and improved technology that harness- plants, must be made available to back up wind and solar dur- brain knew how to build it,” she wrote. “His heart was con- LOS ANGELES: File photo shows Sophia Bush, (left) and Dan es more power from the sun has placed solar on the cusp of a ing the times when the sun is not shining and the wind is not stantly evolving to push himself to make it so.” — AP Fredinburg arriving at the Do Something Awards. — AP global boom, analysts say, who compare its rise to shale oil. blowing,” Exxon says. — Reuters MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE Scientists convinced of tie between earthquakes and drilling

LOS ANGELES: With the evidence coming in from one released this week alone - has added to the body of evi- times greater than it was before 2008, state geologists they can be overcome,” EPA Administrator Gina study after another, scientists are now more certain than dence implicating the US drilling boom that has created reported. Oklahoma historically recorded an average of McCarthy said Thursday at an energy conference in ever that oil and gas drilling is causing hundreds upon a bounty of jobs and tax revenue over the past decade 1.5 quakes of magnitude 3 or greater each year. It is now Houston. hundreds of earthquakes across the US. So far, the or so. On Thursday, the US Geological Survey released seeing an average of 2.5 such quakes each day, accord- For decades, earthquakes were an afterthought in quakes have been mostly small and have done little the first comprehensive maps pinpointing more than a ing to geologists. Angela Spotts, who lives outside the central and eastern US, which worried more about damage beyond cracking plaster, toppling bricks and dozen areas in the central and eastern US that have Stillwater, Oklahoma, in an area with a number of waste- tornadoes, floods and hurricanes. Since 2009, quakes rattling nerves. But seismologists warn that the shaking been jolted by quakes that the researchers said were water disposal wells, said the shaking has damaged her have sharply increased, and in some surprising places. can dramatically increase the chances of bigger, more triggered by drilling. The report said man-made quakes brick home. She pointed to the cracked interior and The ground has been trembling in regions that were dangerous quakes. tied to industry operations have been on the rise. exterior walls, and windows and kitchen cabinets that once seismically stable, including parts of Alabama, Up to now, the oil and gas industry has generally Scientists have mainly attributed the spike to the are separating from the structure. Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, argued that any such link requires further study. But the injection of wastewater deep underground, a practice Oklahoma and Texas. rapidly mounting evidence could bring heavier regula- they say can activate dormant faults. Lives at risk The largest jolt linked to wastewater injection - a tion down on drillers and make it more difficult for them Only a few cases of shaking have been blamed on “There’s been no doubt in my mind what’s causing magnitude-5.6 that hit Prague, Oklahoma, in 2011 - to get projects approved. The potential for man-made fracking, in which large volumes of water, sand and them,” Spotts said. “Sadly, it’s really taken a long time for damaged 200 buildings and shook a college football quakes “is an important and legitimate concern that chemicals are pumped into rock formations to crack people to come around. Our lives are being placed at stadium. The uptick in Oklahoma quakes has prompted must be taken very seriously by regulators and industry,” them open and free oil or gas. risk. Our homes are being broken.” Yet another study, state regulators to require a seismic review of all pro- said Jason Bordoff, founding director of the Center on “The picture is very clear” that wastewater injection this one published Tuesday in the journal Nature posed disposal wells. Global Energy Policy at Columbia University. He said can cause faults to move, said USGS geophysicist Communications, connected a swarm of small quakes The Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which reg- companies and states can reduce the risk by taking such William Ellsworth. Until recently, Oklahoma - one of west of Fort Worth, Texas, to nearby natural gas wells ulates the oil and gas industry, has ordered dozens of steps as monitoring operations more closely, imposing the biggest energy-producing states - had been cau- and wastewater disposal. disposal wells to stop operating or change the way they tighter standards and recycling wastewater from drilling tious about linking the spate of quakes to drilling. But The American Petroleum Institute said the industry is are run because of concerns they might be triggering instead of injecting it underground. the Oklahoma Geological Survey acknowledged earlier working with scientists and regulators “to better under- earthquakes, said spokesman Matt Skinner. “There are this week that it is “very likely” that recent seismic stand the issue and work toward collaborative solu- far more steps that will be taken,” Skinner said. Last year, Body of evidence activity was caused by the injection of wastewater into tions.” The Environmental Protection Agency said there regulators in Colorado ordered an operator to tem- A series of government and academic studies over disposal wells. no plans for new regulations as a result of the USGS porarily stop injecting wastewater after the job was the past few years - including at least two reports Earthquake activity in Oklahoma in 2013 was 70 study. “We knew there would be challenges there, but believed to be linked to several small quakes. — AP Experts gathered in Nepal last week to ready for earthquake ‘It was a nightmare waiting to happen’

KATHMANDU: Nepal’s devastating earthquake was the disaster experts knew was coming. Just a week ago, about 50 earthquake and social sci- entists from around the world came to Kathmandu, Nepal, to figure out how to get this poor, congested, overdeveloped, shoddily built area to prepare better for the big one, a repeat of the 1934 temblor that leveled this city. They knew they were racing the clock, but they didn’t know when what they feared would strike. “It was sort of a nightmare waiting to hap- pen,” said seismologist James Jackson, head of CHILE: View of the Calbuco Volcano in La Ensenada, southern Chile yesterday. — AFP the earth sciences department at the University of Cambridge in England. “Physically and geo- logically what happened is exactly what we Flights disrupted as Chile thought would happen.” But he didn’t expect the massive quake that struck Saturday to happen volcano spews more ash so soon. The magnitude 7.8 earthquake killed nearly 1,400 and counting and caused wide- PUERTO VARAS: Ash from Chile’s spewing return to my land,” said Carolina Bayern, spread destruction. Calbuco volcano threatened Saturday to who took refuge in a school with other “I was walking through that very area where spell travel misery in the region and evacuees. Raul Rangel, who also was stay- that earthquake was and I thought at the very beyond after it triggered the cancellation ing at the school, said he was no longer time that the area was heading for trouble,” said of domestic and international flights in sev- afraid of the volcano after it took out his Jackson, lead scientist for Earthquakes Without eral cities. A sleeping giant for more than home. “I respect it,” he added. “My house Frontiers, a group that tries to make Asia more 50 years, the volcano sprang to life in spec- collapsed, and everything is destroyed, and able to bounce back from these disasters and tacular bursts of ash and lava Wednesday I feel such great sadness.” was having the meeting. A Kathmandu earth- and Thursday, forcing 6,500 people living quake has long been feared, not just because of KATHMANDU: An elderly injured woman is taken to her home after treatment in Bhaktapur nearby to evacuate and blanketed south- Blanketed in ash the natural seismic fault, but because of the near the capital. — AP ern Chile in suffocating volcanic debris. Southern Chile’s verdant landscape has local, more human conditions that make it It coughed out more fire and ash turned gray as ash has settled over vast worse. this is the fifth significant quake there in the last inflicted.” And for years there were no building Saturday, with an ash cloud drifting east- expanses of farm land, especially in the 205 years, including the massive 1934 one. “They codes and rampant development so homes and ward over Patagonia and Argentina, reach- immediate disaster zone around the vol- Man-made consequences knew they had a problem but it was so large other structures could be built without any ing Buenos Aires 2,000 kilometers away, cano. “There are fields that will be unusable The same size shaking can have bigger they didn’t where to start, how to start,” said Hari regards to earthquakes, the report said. There where some airlines canceled flights to and for a long time,” Agriculture Minister Carlos effects on different parts of the globe because of Ghi, Southeast Asia regional coordinator for are now building codes, but that doesn’t help from the United States and Europe. In the Furche told Radio Cooperativa. The govern- building construction and population and that’s Geohazards International, a group that works on the older structures, and the codes aren’t overly Chilean capital Santiago, domestic flights ment said it is weighing whether to provide something the US Geological Survey calculates worldwide quake risks. Ghi, Jackson and Wald strong, Ghi said. operated normally but some international emergency payments to the hardest hit ahead of time. So the same level of severe shak- said Nepal was making progress on reducing its It’s actually even made worse because of local flights were scrubbed. A handful of flights farmers, who fear they face financial ruin. ing would cause 10 to 30 people to die per mil- vulnerability to earthquakes, but not quickly or inheritance laws that require property be split were scrapped at Montevideo’s Carrasco On the other side of the expanding lion residents in California, but 1,000 maybe big enough. equally among all sons, Jackson said. So that International Airport, and authorities urged security perimeter, the evacuation area was more in Nepal, and up to 10,000 in parts of means buildings are split vertically among broth- people to use face masks to avoid inhaling turned into a scattering of ghost towns Pakistan, India, Iran and China, said USGS seis- Growing risk ers making very thin rickety homes that need ash particles. “The volcano remains unsta- blanketed with ash up to one meter (three mologist David Wald. Ghi’s group on April 12 updated a late 1990s more space so people add insecure living space ble and eruptions, principally ash, will con- feet) thick, an AFP photographer said. In La While the trigger of the disaster is natural - an report summarizing the Kathmandu Valley risks. on additional floors, he said. “The construction is tinue for now,” Chile’s National Geology and Ensenada, a town of 1,500 people that was earthquake - “the consequences are very much “With an annual population growth rate of 6.5 appalling in Kathmandu,” Jackson said. Poverty Mining Service said in its latest report. the first to be evacuated, workers used man-made,” Jackson said. Except for landslides, percent and one of the highest urban densities and pollution make the problem worse, Jackson Experts have cautioned that a third erup- heavy trucks to plow the roads clear as a which in this case are a serious problem, “it’s in the world, the 1.5 million people living in the said. That’s because people don’t spend time wor- tion could still follow. handful of residents ignored the evacua- buildings that kill people not earthquakes,” Kathmandu Valley were clearly facing a serious rying about some future earthquake because A state of emergency has been in place tion order to shovel the ash and debris off Jackson said. If you lived in a flat desert with no and growing earthquake risk,” the report said, they have more pressing problems. “If you live in since Wednesday and authorities emptied a their rooftops. water, an earthquake wouldn’t harm you, but laying out “the problem” the valley faces. “It was the Kathmandu Valley you have other priorities, 20-kilometer radius around Calbuco, which The 2,000-meter volcano last erupted in then few people want to live there. also clear that the next large earthquake to daily threats and daily nasty things happen to you is located in Los Lagos, a region popular 1961 and showed light activity in 1972, “The real problem in Asia is how people have strike near the Valley would cause significantly in terms of air quality, water quality, pollution, with tourists for its scenic mountain land- according to official data. There have been concentrated in dangerous places,” Jackson said. greater loss of life, structural damage, and eco- traffic and just poverty,” Jackson said. “But it does- scapes dotted with volcanoes and lakes no known fatalities from this week’s erup- Kathmandu was warned, first by the Earth itself: nomic hardship than past earthquakes had n’t mean that the earthquakes go away.” — AP with black-sand beaches. More people tions. It is the second volcano to erupt in were ordered out from towns near Calbuco Chile since March 3, when the Villarrica vol- that were deemed at risk of flooding from cano emitted a brief but fiery burst of ash snow and ice melting high in the moun- and lava. Chile has about 90 active volca- US announces efforts to tains due to the volcano’s heat. Authorities noes. The long, thin country has been hit by said they planned to evacuate about 4,000 a series of natural disasters in recent months, sheep and cattle. from flooding in its usually arid north, home “I’m afraid and still thinking about leav- to the world’s driest desert, to wildfires in its reduce carbon emissions ing, but over the long term, I would still drought-hit southern forests. — AFP DETROIT: Federal agricultural officials announced rally occurring bacteria to break down organic waste Republican from Oklahoma who’s the chairman of the Thursday voluntary programs and initiatives for farm- to produce biogas, a fuel similar to natural gas. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, New avian virus sends ers, ranchers and foresters meant to build on Vilsack’s department estimates that if all steps are called that agreement “hollow and not believable,” President Barack Obama’s efforts to combat global followed, it would reduce emissions and enhance car- and has previously vowed to block Obama’s moves. warming - and they don’t require congressional bon sequestration by roughly 120 million metric tons White House senior adviser Brian Deese said although scientists scrambling approval. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack unveiled of carbon dioxide equivalent - akin to taking 25 mil- there’s “a lot of focus on climate change here in the plans at Michigan State University, where Obama lion cars off the road a year. Already, Obama has Washington,” the issue becomes less rancorous and CHICAGO: Three highly pathogenic avian based on their ability to infect and kill poul- signed the sweeping farm bill into law last year. The moved to cut US emissions through tougher fuel political elsewhere. “One of the things that is striking flu viruses that have infected poultry and try. The highly pathogenic avian flu viruses efforts, many of which have their roots in that law, are economy standards and has set a target of reducing when you get out into different parts of America and wild birds in the US Midwest appear unlike- currently killing US poultry first originated aiming to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions, overall greenhouse gas emissions by up to 28 percent you talk to people about their business, communities ly to present a significant risk to humans. as a single H5N8 virus in Asia, and quickly boost carbon capture and storage and come with vari- below its 2005 level by 2025. Last year’s landmark and how a changing climate is affecting the way they But the presence of the viruses in North spread among wild birds along migratory ous enticements, including grants, low-interest loans agreement that commits the U.S. and China - the No. 1 do business, the issue is not partisan, it’s practical,” he America has scientists scrambling to under- pathways in the Pacific flyway. and technical assistance. Vilsack said the agriculture and No. 2 greenhouse gas emitters - to dramatic said, adding that the many of the steps being taken by stand their potential long-term threat. industry accounts for about 9 percent of US emissions, action on carbon emissions in the coming years drew the USDA stem from the farm bill passed with biparti- One of the viruses, H5N2, has already Mixed origins adding that compares favorably with the rest of the sharp criticism. Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe, a san support. — AP led to the slaughter of millions of turkeys Once the virus reached North America, globe but can be improved. and chickens, as commercial farms try to it mutated, mixing with North American “American farmers and ranchers are leaders when control the spread of the virus. No humans avian influenza strains to create the new it comes to reducing carbon emissions and improving have yet become infected, but scientists viruses now being seen. The H parts, which efficiency in their operations,” he said in prepared say it is possible that someone in direct are highly pathogenic in poultry, originated remarks. “We can build on this success in a way that contact with sick birds might catch the in Asia, and the N parts come from North combats climate change and strengthens the virus, though it is extremely unlikely that an American, low pathogenic, avian flu virus- American agriculture economy.” Before the event, infected human could pass the disease on es, said Dr Rubin Donis, an associate direc- Vilsack said officials “want to do this in a way that will to another human. tor for policy and preparedness in the help not only the environment but also improve agri- “Most of the time, these viruses don’t Centers for Disease Control and cultural productivity with improved yields, and we can have human disease potential, but obvi- Prevention’s influenza division. also improve the bottom line of producers with ously you need to be very careful,” said Dr The US Department of Agriculture is still greater efficiency.” Stephen Morse, an expert in emerging seeing the original H5N8 virus, but it has infections at Columbia University. also identified two strains of mixed-origin Changing mindsets “Nowadays, you can’t say anything about viruses, both of them highly pathogenic. Obama administration aides have said the issue of flu with certainty.” Avian flu, which infects One is the deadly H5N2 virus. The other is climate change became even more attractive after the poultry, is caused by an influenza A type an entirely new H5N1 virus that has so far November election, because the Democrat has con- virus and is often spread by free-flying been found in only a handful of the recent siderable leverage to act without Congress. Such waterfowl, such as ducks, geese and shore- cases. Because much is still unknown about actions, though, have drawn fierce objections from birds. The viruses are classified by two these new viruses, the USDA and the CDC Republicans and the energy industry. Specific actions types of proteins. Hemagglutinin or “H” are conducting detailed analyses that include reducing the unnecessary use of fertilizer and proteins, of which there are 16, and neu- include sequencing the viruses’ genomes. A methane emissions from cattle and swine, reforesting raminidase or “N” proteins, of which there key question they hope to answer is areas damaged by wildfire and disease and encourag- are 9. Avian flu viruses are also classified as whether the viruses might mutate and ing tree planting in urban areas. For methane reduc- DETROIT: US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announces a partnership with farmers and low pathogenicity or high pathogenicity become human viruses. —Reuters tion in particular, the federal program promotes ranchers to address climate change issues at the Kellogg Center on the Michigan State installing more anaerobic digesters, which use natu- University campus. — AP MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE Loose buffaloes that crossed New York highway are killed ‘It was turning into the Wild, Wild West’

COEYMANS: Fifteen buffaloes that escaped from a farm were intentionally shot and killed Friday after they dashed past a group of police, crossed a major highway and ended up near some schools, authorities said. “The last thing we wanted to do was put these animals down,” Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said. “But it wasn’t a safe scene.” Three men hired by the farm opened fire on the animals Friday afternoon in woods in the town of Coeymans, about 10 miles south of the capital. Bethlehem police Lt Thomas Heffernan WASHINGTON: This photo shows a photo of a rare pocket shark in October 2013 tak- said the decision was made after experts agreed en out of the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, and discovered in a National Oceanic and tranquilizers would not be effective and no Atmospheric Administration freezer and identified as a rare species in 2013. — AP portable corrals or trailers could hold the ani- mals. They escaped Thursday from a farm across Jaws meets kangaroo: Cute the Hudson River in the Rensselaer County town of Schodack. The owner believes they swam across the river to the town of Bethlehem, where pocket shark found in deep they wandered across a busy stretch of Interstate 87 and into neighboring Coeymans as WASHINGTON: Think Jaws meets a kanga- Grace has spent more than 30 years going a police helicopter tracked them. roo, with maybe a touch of cute kitten, and through bags upon bags of fish to identify you’ve got the aptly named pocket shark - them. It took him more than three years to ‘It was ridiculous’ the newest and rarest species found off the get to near the end of the freezer, when he The killing of the buffaloes, which were con- US coast. Surprised scientists found a tiny, plopped a bag on the table and let it thaw. fined in a stream bed, turned chaotic at the start, young version of the extraordinarily rare “I wasn’t really sure what it was,” Grace said. with deputies detaining a hunter who refused shark that was fished out of the deep Gulf “That pocket over on the pectoral fin, I had their order to finish off one of the three buf- of Mexico in 2010 with lots of other crea- never seen anything like that on a shark.” faloes that were initially shot. Apple said the tures in a government research trip. It’s a small miracle that he was not thrown wounded animal was floundering in the water. The dead specimen spent more than away. A couple of times, the lab with the “We wanted that animal down,” he said, and the three years in a giant freezer waiting to be freezer lost power. Once identified, the shark man continued instead to shoot blindly into the identified. It turned out to be only the sec- was shipped to New York and France for brush at the other retreating buffaloes. “It was ond of its species ever seen. The first pock- high-tech examinations that wouldn’t punc- turning into the Wild, Wild West,” Apple said. “It et shark was found 36 years ago in the ture the specimen. The shark also has unusu- was ridiculous.” The hunter was detained but hasn’t been BETHLEHEM, New York: A herd of buffalo cross a road. About 15 of the animals got loose Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru and it’s al belly patches not seen in most sharks. The Thursday from a farm in the Rensselaer County town of Schodack. — AP been sitting in a Russian museum since. only other pocket shark was a female adult charged, Apple said. It’s not clear why the hunter This pocket shark was a male, maybe a about 17 inches long; it is believed that adult refused to shoot the wounded buffalo. The buf- Thursday night and a seventh at the park Friday. Cornell Cooperative Extension large animal few weeks old, about 5.5 inches long. females may be larger than males. faloes came from GEM Farms, an operation that Heffernan said the owner had the right to kill expert who has worked with GEM and who con- Strangely, this type of shark has two pock- But the truly strange thing about this has been raising buffaloes for their meat since the buffaloes. A phone message left at the farm sulted with authorities Friday, said tranquilizers ets next to its front fins; their purpose is not species strange is its twin pockets. While no 1973. Authorities said some buffaloes that was not immediately returned. are not effective against buffaloes because of known. It’s not quite like a kangaroo, which one knows what they are for, based on the escaped with the others were killed earlier, six The carcasses of the escaped animals cannot their thick hides and doses need to be so high uses its pouch to carry young, but few Russian specimen Grace and Doosey spec- on the grounds of Schodack Island State Park on legally be sold for meat. Thomas Gallagher, a they are generally lethal. — AP species have pockets this large - about 4 ulated that they may secrete some kind of percent of the shark’s body. glowing fluid or pheromones. The Gulf specimen has umbilical scars, New steps taken towards ‘I’ve never seen anything like it’ showing he’s probably a few weeks old, “It’s cute,” said Tulane University biolo- Grace said. Because of that they think he gist Michael Doosey, who co-authored a was born in the Gulf. He was captured in study in a zoological journal identifying the February 2010 by the ship Pisces about 190 bringing Mammoths back shark. “It almost looks like a little whale.” miles off the Louisiana coast. “There’s oth- National Oceanic and Atmospheric ers” out there, Grace said. “We just haven’t NEW YORK: Scientists are getting their best look One ethical drawback, he said, is that elephants Ontario, who is another study author, said the new Administration fisheries biologist Mark caught them yet.” — AP yet at the DNA code for the woolly mammoth, would be used as surrogate mothers to carry the work “gives us at least a blueprint to work from.” thanks to work that could be a step toward bringing genetically engineered mammoth embryos. That Poinar said mammoths could be a welcome addi- Rallies in Germany over back the extinct beast. Researchers deciphered the species mismatch might lead to problems that tion if re-introduced to the wild, but if they were complete DNA code, or genomes, of two mam- cause the mothers to suffer, he said. Hendrik Poinar made just for exhibition at zoos, “I don’t see any moths. The new genomes are far more refined than of Canada’s McMaster University in Hamilton, good in that at all.” — AP coal power plants fate a previous one announced in 2008. One new genome comes from a mammoth that FRANKFURT: Thousands turned out in ates 40 percent of the country’s electricity. lived about 45,000 years ago in northeastern Germany Saturday for rival rallies for and However his plans are opposed not only by Siberia. The other comes from a creature that lived against the closure of coal-fired power plants, the producers and the IG BCE energy union about 4,300 years ago on Russia’s Wrangel Island in as debate on the issue rages. Some 15,000 but also by members of Chancellor Angela the Arctic Circle. The results are announced in a people protested in front of the Chancellery Merkel’s coalition government. The govern- paper released Thursday by the journal Current in Berlin against government plans to gradu- ment plans would mean the closure of the Biology. The DNA was extracted from a tooth and a ally close down coal-powered plants. Another oldest coal-fired gas stations, around 10 per- sample of soft tissue. Woolly mammoths, which 6,000 people from throughout Germany and cent of the total according to the authori- were about as big as modern African elephants, elsewhere in Europe demonstrated against ties, 40 percent according to German power sported long curved tusks and thick hairy coats. the use of coal, answering the calls of envi- giant RWE. They are the best-known species of mammoth, with ronmental groups such as Greenpeace and As a main industrialized nation, environ- information coming from frozen and often well-pre- Bund to create a 7.5-kilometre (four-mile) mental campaigners are looking to Germany served carcasses in Siberia. The Wrangel Island pop- long human chain around the huge to set an example for others to follow. Magda ulation was the last of the creatures to go extinct. Garzweiler open mine in the west of the Stoczkiewicz, director of Friends of the Earth Some scientists have suggested that mammoths country, organizers said. Europe, said in a statement that “a successful could be created anew through genetic engineer- “A large part of the population supports German energy transition including a phase ing, an idea not everybody favors. a gradual and socially acceptable withdraw- out of coal is of great international impor- Love Dalen of the Swedish Museum of Natural al from coal, in order to achieve the (govern- tance. Failure would make the rest of the History in Stockholm, an author of the new study, ment) objective of reducing carbon dioxide world wonder: Why should we even try, if the said re-creating mammoths is not a goal of his emissions by 40 percent by 2020,” from 1990 Germans can’t do it?” Anne Stauffer, deputy research team. He also said it’s “very uncertain” that levels, the campaign groups said. To reach director of the Health and Environment it’s even possible. Still, he wrote in an email, “Our this objective Germany’s Economy and Alliance of over 70 medical and health organ- genomes bring us one critical step closer to re-cre- Energy Minister Sigmar Gabriel wants to end izations said that Merkel’s “climate leader- ating a mammoth.... I think it would be cool if it STOCKHOLM: Love Dalen inspects a woolly mammoth tusk to identify potential sites for DNA the reliance on coal which currently gener- ship... will echo in Europe.” —AFP could be done, but I’m not sure it should be done.” sampling, in the ancient DNA lab at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. — AP WHAT’S ON MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Pepper Steakhouse at Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel and Spa with new menu launch and ‘Churrasco Tuesdays’

epper Steakhouse, one of the signature dining ven- ues in Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, has The grace helbig show is set to Penhanced its culinary offering and unveiled a new menu including a selection of starters, mains and desserts. premiere only on OSN’s E! channel Brazilian themed Churrasco evenings have been intro- duced and takes place every Tuesday. Diners can choose ouTube star and internet sensation Grace Helbig’s new hybrid, comedy talk show, from succulent ‘Churrasco’ skewers including grilled meat, officially titled The Grace Helbig Show, is set to premiere on OSN’s E! Channel on chicken and seafood. Pepper Steakhouse offers delicious Y2nd May, 2015. The half-hour series, helmed by Grace, will feature all the comedy, steaks in classy surroundings and has introduced new veg- entertainment and interactivity that her over two million subscribers have come to love etarian, seafood, chicken and meat options to suit all about her It’s Grace YouTube channel. Joining her as she geeks out with friends and fans tastes. Dishes on the new menu include veal rossini, teriya- over all things pop culture, will be a wide array of celebrity guests ranging from actors, ki short ribs and pan seared duck breast. Renowned for comedians, YouTubers and popular reality stars. Saturday nights their tenderness, guests can also enjoy the Wagyu or will never be the same when The Grace Helbig Show premieres on Australian Black Angus beef in addition to poultry and the 2nd May at 23:30 KSA following The Soup on E! which is avail- seafood choices grilled to perfection. able on OSN, the leading pay-tv network in the MENA. For the ultimate sharing dish, guests can choose the The internet talk show that television has been waiting for, The table side meat carving served with seasonal vegetables Grace Helbig Show, delivers Grace’s “uber fan” take on all things pop and a choice of two side dishes and a sauce. For the grand culture while enlisting fans to help drive the direction of the show finale, guests can try the classic crËme br˚lÈe, Pepper’s through social media. In addition, the series will feature guest chocolate extravaganza, cheesecake, ice cream or a fresh interviews in an assortment of everyday locations, ranging from fruit platter. Located opposite the seafood restaurant Salt grocery stores to Grace’s own living room, her car and everywhere on the lower lobby level, Pepper offers two floors of seat- in between, providing an environment where her guests can let ing, with a private dining room on each level. This steak- loose and be themselves. Saturday nights will never be the same house combines quality ingredients with a vibrant atmos- when The Grace Helbig Show premieres on 2nd May, 2015 at 23:30 phere and it is the ideal dining option for business or KSA following The Soup only on OSN’s E! channel. leisure.

AUK holds panel discussion on child abuse

he Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at AUK, in collaboration with the TAmerican Business Council of Kuwait, is proud to offer a panel discussion on Child Abuse. The presentation will cover such topics as how to identify and evaluate suspected cases of child abuse; the effects of child abuse on the brain and behavior; and the use of psychotherapy and other treatment options with victims of child abuse. The speakers include Dr. James Rose, Chair of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, AUK; Dr. Nicholas Scull, Assistant Dean, AUK, Dr. Tahira Khokhar, Family Doctor, Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute; and Dr. Sulaiman Al Khadhari, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Kuwait Kuwait Diabetes Society organizes University. The discussion will take place on Monday, April 27th at 6 pm - American University of Kuwait Auditorium. 2nd Future Diabetes Camp for kids Free medical camp ith the growing prevalence of diabetes in the coun- condition. Kuwait Diabetes Society have organized this available to teach and guide carbohydrate counting during riends Welfare Trust (FWT) plans 12th free try, Kuwait Diabetes Society in partnership with camp in collaboration with Sanofi, and both organizations the mealtimes. The team was medically equipped with glu- medical camp in Salmiya. on Friday, 1st May, WSanofi organized the 2nd Future Diabetes Camp are glad that they have been able to make a significant cose meters, glucose testing and ketone strips, as well as F2015 from 1 to 7 pm at Pakistan School & for Kids from Thursday, 23 April to Saturday, 25 April 2015. A contribution towards increasing the children’s awareness, glucagon pens, in case of hypoglycemia. The three-day College, Salmiya, Area #10, Essa Alqatami Street. team of diabetes management professionals consisting of and ability to cope and manage diabetes. camp also consisted of activities, like an outdoors movie physicians, nurses, dieticians and volunteers supervised the Mohammed Ismail, Medical & Regulatory Affairs night and a visit to the traditional Bait Al-Othman Museum. Different specialist doctors will give their expert participants, primarily young girls in the age group of 9-13 Director for Sanofi Gulf indicated that being a global The children also went shopping for healthy food in SAVE- opinion regarding the problem of the patients. years with diabetes. There was a special focus on important healthcare leader focused on improving the lives of CO and with the help of diabetes nutritionists, cooked their Facilities of ECG, blood sugar screening, blood topics, such as monitoring blood glucose levels, knowing patients around the world, SanofiI acts with their partners own meal. The children also attended diabetes educational group and blood pressure monitoring will be avail- what affects these levels and learning the principles of to protect health, enhance life, provide hope and respond sessions, like undertaking diabetes tests before and after able in the camp. All patients are requested to insulin administration. The initiative is a part of Kuwait to the potential healthcare needs of diabetes people exercise, as well as before meals and at bedtime. Outdoor bring their previous report and investigations with Diabetes Society and Sanofi’s regular outreach activities on around the world by creating new approaches to their activities included an Arts and Crafts session, a Treasure them. diabetes, directed mainly at the goal of diabetes awareness activities and work sectors, and are mobilized for their pri- Hunt and time allocated for swimming. and care that works “Towards a Better Tomorrow”. ority goal of bringing medicines and committed to trans- A closing ceremony with several entertainment seg- Nubian Architecture KDS board member Dr Naela Al-Mazeedi has stated that forming this new knowledge into healthcare solutions for ments, like a photo slide show and a talent show by the as an organization, Kuwait Diabetes Society believes in patients with Diabetes. children also took place. The camp provided the children oin us for a fantastic journey through time and place generating awareness and care of diabetes. There is a spe- He also stated that Sanofi are very glad that through with an opportunity to increase their knowledge about cial focus on children with diabetes and an importance is their partnership with Kuwait Diabetes Society on the ini- diabetes, to interact with each other, and learn from one to the cradle of civilization; Egypt. This journey leads placed on implementing diabetes camps both in Kuwait tiative, have been able to support these children living another’s experiences. Kuwait Diabetes Society’s First us South to the Egyptian Jewel known as Nubia. Our J and abroad. These camps aim to provide the children with with diabetes. The camp provided the participants with 24- Future Diabetes Camp for Kids was held in June 2014. It spotlight will focus on the unique culture of Nubian archi- the unique care they need to grow up in a normal environ- hour access to diabetes experts who helped them under- brought together boys with diabetes and was received tecture & our tour guide is Architect, Salah Abdullah. This ment while coping with the day-to-day challenges of this stand different aspects of the disease. The dieticians were with immense enthusiasm and highly benefitted them. event begins on Tuesday, April 28 at 7pm. Mappila Kala Vedi Kuwait (MKVK) to hold ‘Pathinaalaam Raav 2015’

South African appila Kala Vedi Kuwait (MKVK) will conduct its 2nd annual mega event ‘Pathinaalaam Raav 2015’ on May 1, Embassy M2015 at Indian Community School, Khaithan. Grand Finale of the WhatsApp Mappila Song Competition, the first of its kind in Kuwait, organized by MKVK will also be conducted at n the occasion of the Freedom Day of the Republic the event. of South Africa, the Embassy will be closed on The prestigious Moinkutty Memorial Award installed by Otoday, 27 April 2015. The Embassy will resume it Mappila Kala Vedi Kuwait for the contributions made in the field normal working hours on Tuesday, 28 April 2015. For emer- of mappila art forms will be presented to Faizal Elate, who has gencies please contact: 94924895. played a key role in guiding a new generation of mappila song artists by leading them through the traditional flavor of mappila songs. The awardee will be selected by a jury comprising of EMBASSY OF INDIA renowned music director Vidyadharan Master, writer and mappi- la song lyricist Jamal Kochangadi and social activist Abdul Salam he Embassy of India in Sana’a, Yemen has been closed (Focus Mall). Popular social activist Musthafa Classic and famous temporarily and relocated to Djibouti with effect from 15 musician Basheer Koyilandi will be honored at the event consid- TApril 2015. The Embassy is functioning from Hotel ering their contributions to the expatriate society in Kuwait. The Djibouti Palace Kempinski. Their contact number is Tel: 00253- formal function will be followed by cultural show and Isal night 325555 Ext-2755. The officers and staff members of the led by Master Adil Rahman (Media One Pathinalamrav fame). Embassy can be contacted on the following: Mappila Kala Vedi, Kuwait (MKVK) is a socio cultural non-profit (1) AmritLugun, Ambassador-00967 736 333 786 (or) 00253- organization with an aim to promote and foster the traditional 77199669. (2) T. Rajagopal, SS (PPS) to Ambassador 00967-764 Islamic literature, music and art forms and to safe guard it with its entire traditional flavor. MKVK exist to popularize Islamic art 000658 (or) 00 253 77199369. (3) S.L. Vaiphei, GA - 00 253 forms beyond the cultural limits. 77196685 (4) Mohd Tariq, Accountant - 00 253 77196875 E-mails [email protected] (or) [email protected], [email protected] (or) [email protected], [email protected] ICSK excels in Holy Quran anniversary

he students of the Indian Community What’s On - Submission Guidelines School Kuwait performed commend- Tably in the Holy Quran recitation com- Announcement petition and won many prizes in various cat- egories. The competition was held on 15th, from embassy All photos submitted for What’s On 16th and 17th Feb, 2015 at Oxford Pakistani English School. of Albania should be minimum 200dpi. From ICSK Senior, Mohammed Yaasin of he Albanian embassy in the State of Kuwait class XI and RaheelMukadam of class XII won would like to remind Kuwaiti citizens on the Articles must be in plain text and the 1st position, Fatima Parkar of class XII Trecent decision of the Albanian government to got the 2nd position and IsraaHussainDalwi remove visa regime to Albania which entered in force should include name and phone of class XII won the 3rd position. From ICSK in the beginning of February of this year. So, despite Amman, Mohammed Shabith of Class I won some concerns encountered in the airports in the first numbers. Articles and photos that 2nd position, Abdul RahmanShuaib of Class weeks of February related to the enforcement of this II won 3rd position and ShoibIlyaas of Class fail to meet these requirements will decision, after the contacts of the Albanian embassy IX won 3rd position. From ICSK Khaitan, with the Directorate General of Kuwait Civil Aviation, LuthfiyaLubna Mohammad of class IX got not be published. the problem is solved. The citizens of Kuwait and UAE 1st position, SaharRaoofParkar of class III got are welcome to travel to Albania with just the identifi- 3rd position and AyishahWafiyathMidhath of cation document of a valid passport and can stay up Please send them to class VIII also bagged 3rd position. to 90 days within a period of six months. Also, the for- All the winners received certificates and eign citizens who have Schengen, USA or UK visa and [email protected] prizes. The ICSK family is proud of their have travelled at least once to these countries, don’t achievements and congratulates them on need visa to Albania as well. their success. WHAT’S ON MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 KNES participates in Big Tree Society Competition

uwait National English School achieved this delightful honor. As to save energy for the future genera- has been participating in The part of the project KNES hosted sev- tion. Finally, an installation of a solar KBig Tree Society Competition eral events in and off at Kuwait panel and wind turbine in the school, organized by the Boubyan Bank and National School, such as an energy which was donated by Mr Nakki. UNESCO for past three 3 years. In survey and data analysis where the Kuwait National English School is 2014-15, they chose an efficient use school had an hour power off for a planning to install more of this type of power as the topic for the project week to estimate the energy saving sustainable energy device to protect and achieved second place in the per hour. The Annual Science and the environment. competition. They also received a cer- Technology Fair - Efficient use of On top of all these events, the tificate of appreciation, a trophy and Power was our theme for the fair. Kuwait National English School team cash prize from The Boubyan Bank. Pupils from year 6 to Year 12 involved made an attractive poster and pre- Kuwait National English School has in various activities such as poster sented it to all the participating chosen this topic for our project, designing, making models etc. The schools on the exhibition day in the because Kuwait consumes a lot of oil project team with the guidance of Big Tree Society Competition, held at to generate electricity. The Kuwait Madame Chantal and Abdul Majeed, the Students Environmental Centre, Energy program set plans to build Science teacher, visited Mr Al Nakki in South Surrah, Kuwait. Kuwait several renewable energy projects in Salwa, a member of EWEA (European National English School take this regions to solve the issue of high con- Wind Energy Association) and AWEA opportunity to thank UNESCO and sumption of oil in the near future. (American Wind Energy Association). Boubyan Bank for the joint venture The project team has worked very This visit encouraged our team to and giving our young pupils to take hard for the past 6 months and had spread environmental awareness and part in Environmental initiatives.

Al Radwan celebrates yearly lunch l Radwan International Group auto spare parts section celebrated their yearly lunch & awards party at Hawally Mughal Mahal restaurant yesterday. The company managing partner and managing direc- Ator Nassif Jabbour & Elias Jabbour were present at the party and declared the awards for 2014 for all the branches. Earth day celebrations at India International School

ndia International School Kuwait takes pride in joining the World Earth Day ICelebrations by putting this year’s slogan - ’It’s Our Turn to Lead’- into practice. IISM walks an extra mile to demonstrate our sup- port for environmental protection. Highlight of the celebrations was the cam- paign “AN HOUR FOR OUR PLANET EARTH”. All electrical and electronic appliances in the school campus were switched off for an hour to remind everyone about energy conserva- tion. Mr Nabeel from the Ministry of Private Education did the honor of switching the MGM Alumni Kuwait lights off. Parents and friends also were urged to join us in this venture. An assortment of activities and competi- chapter inaugurated tions were conducted. ‘Just Go Wild’ was organized for the tiny-tots of Kindergarten ar Gregorious Memorial Higher MahaEdavka, Kuwait).Varghese Puthukulangara where all the children were clad in animal Secondary School (MGHHSS)is a covet- (Director Non-resident Keralites Welfare Board) costumes. It was a well thought out plan to Med center of learning, located in proper KS Varghese (Advisor MGM Alumni Kuwait develop a sense of responsibility and com- Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta District, Kerala State, Chapter), John Thomas (Administrative passion towards animals who share this India. Former students of MGMHSS residing in Manager United Indian School Kuwait) beautiful planet with us. The beautifully dec- Kuwait formed the Alumni association Kuwait The program was fittingly explosive with orated corridors conveyed the impression of Chapter in the beginning of 2015. AK Srivastava various musical, dance programs and caricature a real jungle safari. -Second Secretary Indian Embaasy Kuwait offi- presentations. The program ended with a Special assemblies were conducted by all cially inaugurated the Alumni Kuwait chapter coupon draw and a variety of wonderful the sections starting from KG to the Senior on April 17th at United Indian School Abbasiya. prizes/mementos was handed out to the win- Secondary level with the themes-’Protect The Marvelous evening started with the ners of the raffle. Event convener Shibu Johney Animals’, ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’, Protect National Anthems of Kuwait and India. A warm delivered the vote of thanks. The other office the Mother Earth and ‘It’s Our Turn to Lead. welcome is followed by Renju Vengal General bearers and executive members of MGM The themes were further reinforced by songs, Secretary of the Alumni and the president Ajith Alumni Sanil John Cheriyil, Shibu Cherian, Iype speeches, skits, and poems. Jacob chaired the function. The program was Puthupally, Jojy V Alex, Jose P Joseph, Kavitha The children were reminded that every- enriched by the speech of the chief guest KO Jose, Jency Jiji, Susil Chacko,Rinu T Zachariah, one can make a difference and contribute to Varghese and other dignitaries like Rev Raju Manoj Abraham, Thomas Varghese, Jiji V Alex protect the earth by keeping their surround- Thomas(Vicar St Gregorios Indian Orthodox lead the program in its entirety. ings clean. Students of classes l-V cleaned their class rooms and a beach cleaning activi- ty was conducted for the students of classes IX-XII in order to spread the message that the conservation activities are not to be confined within the school or houses. Class l students were taught to make head gears with the picture of Mother Earth, and an AV show was conducted. Class ll students made Book Marks with slogans regarding conservation. The students of classes III-VIII did activities like Poster Making, Collage Making Slogan writing and Elocution. The School Director, Malayil Moosa Koya planted a sapling in the school campus in the presence of the Principal, Sr Vice Principal and World record holder in presenting caricatures to the most number of per- Section Vice Principals. On the whole, it was a satiating day for India International School sonalities Artist Johnarts Kalabhavan presenting a caricature to Indian film Family as an Earth friendly ambiance was suc- actress Manju Warrier at American International School, Hawally during the cessfully created within the school and Prathibha School of Dance program last Friday. friends circle. ICSK Khaitan celebrates world book day

ooks are the treasure trove of knowl- of ICSK Khaitan provided glimpses into the edge. This dictum came true when invigorating lives of famous authors like Bthe Indian Community School Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Kuwait, Khaitan celebrated ‘World Book Conan Doyle, Enid Blyton, JK Rowling and Day’ on 23rd April, 2015. While the world many more who have added extensive grumbles that reading is on its death bed, chapters to English literature through their the young learners at ICSK Khaitan organ- creativity and imagination. ized various activities on ‘World Book Day’ The Principal KG Shirsath addressed the to promote reading. Among others, a fancy gathering and, in his inspiring speech, dress competition gave life to famous liter- emphasized the glory of reading. He reiter- ary characters. Characters like Cinderella, ated that books can become our best Sherlock Holmes, Hardy Boys, Little Women friends in this hectic world where everyone and many more came to life. It was a phe- lives in isolated compartments. He appreci- nomenal day for ICSK Khaitan students as ated the hard work of the school librarian they journeyed through different worlds Shaheen Khan in organizing the World with these legendary characters from the Book Day at ICSK Khaitan. Such events will world of fiction. surely motivate many children to take up Through various activities, the students the highly fruitful hobby of reading. MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 TV PROGRAMS

12:15 Wheeler Dealers 18:40 Liv And Maddie 13:05 Storage Hunters 19:05 H2O: Just Add Water 13:30 Dallas Car Sharks 19:30 Violetta 13:55 Auction Hunters 20:20 Binny And The Ghost 14:20 Alaska: The Last Frontier 20:45 H2O: Just Add Water 00:35 Mr Selfridge 00:35 Pride And Prejudice 15:10 Kindig Customs 21:10 Good Luck Charlie 01:30 Celebrity Exposed: Photos 01:25 Up The Women 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 21:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place Of Richard Young 01:55 The Town 16:50 How It’s Made 22:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 02:00 Emmerdale 02:40 The Town 17:15 How It’s Made 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 02:25 Emmerdale 03:30 The Town 17:40 Close-Up Kings Teenage Witch 02:55 04:15 The Weakest Link 18:30 Gold Rush 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 03:25 Who’s Doing The Dishes 05:00 Nuzzle & Scratch: Frock n 19:20 Gold Divers Teenage Witch 04:20 Love And Marriage: A 20th Roll 20:10 Dallas Car Sharks 23:10 Wolfblood Century Romance 05:20 Teletubbies 20:35 Auction Hunters 23:35 Wolfblood 05:15 The Chase 05:45 Gigglebiz 21:00 Gold Rush 06:10 Big Star Little Star 06:00 Nina And The Neurons: In 21:50 Gold Divers 07:05 Paul O’Grady: For The Love The Lab 22:40 Alaska: The Last Frontier Of Dogs 06:15 Nuzzle & Scratch: Frock n 23:30 Close-Up Kings Roll 07:30 Who’s Doing The Dishes 06:35 Teletubbies 00:00 The Soup 08:25 Love And Marriage: A 20th 07:00 Gigglebiz 00:30 The Drama Queen Century Romance 09:20 Keep It In The Family 07:15 The Weakest Link 01:25 The Drama Queen 10:15 May The Best House Win 08:00 The Impressions Show With 02:20 E! News Culshaw... 11:10 Emmerdale 03:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 11:35 Emmerdale 08:30 Come Fly With Me 00:05 How It’s Made: Dream Cars 03:40 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 12:00 Coronation Street 08:55 Doctors 00:30 Sport Science 04:10 E!ES 12:30 The Chase 09:25 Eastenders 01:20 How Do They Do It? 05:05 E!ES 13:25 May The Best House Win 09:55 Casualty 01:45 How Do They Do It? 06:00 Keeping Up With The 14:20 Paul O’Grady: For The Love 10:45 New Tricks 02:10 Through The Wormhole With Kardashians Of Dogs 11:40 The Weakest Link Morgan Freeman 06:55 Keeping Up With The 14:45 Big Star Little Star 12:25 Come Fly With Me 03:00 Moon Machines Kardashians 15:30 Eggheads 12:55 My Family 03:48 The World’s Strangest UFO 07:50 Style Star 16:05 Eggheads 13:25 Roger & Val Have Just Got In Stories 08:20 E! News 16:30 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 13:55 New Tricks 04:36 Space Pioneer 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 17:25 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 14:45 The Impressions Show With 05:24 Alien Encounters 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 18:20 The Chase Culshaw... 06:12 How The Universe Works 11:10 Eric And Jessie: Game On 19:00 Coronation Street 15:15 Casualty 07:00 Game Changers 19:30 Eggheads 16:05 Doctors 07:25 Gadget Show - World Tour 11:35 Eric And Jessie: Game On 20:00 Eggheads 16:35 Eastenders 07:50 Superships 12:05 E! News 20:30 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 17:05 My Family 08:40 Food Factory 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 21:25 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 17:35 Roger & Val Have Just Got In 09:05 Food Factory 13:35 E!ES 22:20 Coronation Street 18:05 New Tricks 09:30 How It’s Made: Dream Cars 14:30 Style Star 22:50 Emmerdale 19:00 Doctors 09:55 How It’s Made: Dream Cars 15:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take 23:15 Emmerdale 19:30 Eastenders 10:20 How The Universe Works The Hamptons 23:45 May The Best House Win 20:00 Blackout 11:10 How Do They Do It? 16:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take 20:50 Watson & Oliver 11:35 How Do They Do It? The Hamptons 21:20 Only Fools And Horses 12:00 Game Changers 17:00 Christina Milian Turned Up 21:50 Pride And Prejudice 12:25 Gadget Show - World Tour 17:30 Christina Milian Turned Up 22:40 Mistresses 12:50 Mighty Ships 18:00 E! News 23:30 The Weakest Link 13:40 How It’s Made 19:00 Keeping Up With The 14:05 How It’s Made Kardashians 14:30 How It’s Made: Dream Cars 20:00 House Of DVF 00:00 D-Day Sacrifice 14:55 How It’s Made: Dream Cars 21:00 Fashion Bloggers 01:00 Inside World War II 15:20 Through The Wormhole With 21:30 Fashion Bloggers 02:00 Situation Critical Morgan Freeman 22:00 Good Work 03:00 Air Crash Investigation 16:10 How Do They Do It? 23:00 E!ES 04:00 Japan’s Wild Year 00:40 Bargain Hunt 16:35 How Do They Do It? 05:00 Britain’s Greatest Machines 01:25 Bargain Hunt 17:00 How The Universe Works 06:00 America’s Lost Treasures 02:10 Extreme Makeover: Home 17:50 Sport Science 07:00 Money Meltdown Edition Specials 18:40 Food Factory 07:30 Money Meltdown 03:30 Come Dine With Me 19:05 Food Factory 08:00 D-Day Sacrifice 03:55 Come Dine With Me 19:30 Battle Factory 09:00 Inside World War II 04:20 Come Dine With Me 19:55 Battle Factory 00:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 10:00 Situation Critical 04:50 Come Dine With Me 20:20 Moon Machines 00:30 Siba’s Table 11:00 Japan’s Wild Year 05:15 Come Dine With Me 21:10 How Do They Do It? 01:00 Siba’s Table 12:00 Untamed Americas 05:40 New Scandinavian Cooking 21:35 How Do They Do It? 01:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 13:00 Banged Up Abroad 06:05 Come Dine With Me: South 22:00 Battle Factory 14:00 D-Day Sacrifice 02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Africa 22:25 Battle Factory 15:00 Megastructures 07:00 Bargain Hunt 22:50 Through The Wormhole With 02:30 Rev Run’s Sunday Suppers 16:00 Money Meltdown 07:45 Come Dine With Me Morgan Freeman 03:00 Siba’s Table: Fast Feasts 16:30 Money Meltdown 08:10 Beat My Build 23:40 How It’s Made 03:30 Best In Chow 17:00 Family Guns 09:00 Antiques Roadshow 04:00 Best In Chow 18:00 Doomsday Preppers 09:50 Come Dine With Me 04:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 19:00 Megastructures 10:40 Masterchef: The 05:00 Chopped 20:00 Money Meltdown Professionals 06:00 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 20:30 Money Meltdown 11:30 Masterchef: The 21:00 Family Guns Professionals Basics 22:00 Doomsday Preppers 12:00 Come Dine With Me 00:00 Violetta 06:30 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 23:00 Japan’s Wild Year 12:25 Beat My Build 00:45 The Hive Basics 13:15 Antiques Roadshow 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 14:05 Bargain Hunt Teenage Witch 07:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 14:50 Come Dine With Me 01:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 08:00 Chopped 15:40 Masterchef: The Teenage Witch 09:00 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Professionals SHANGHAI NOON ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD 01:40 Wolfblood 00:00 Enlisted 16:30 Masterchef: The Basics 02:05 Wolfblood 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 08:00 Bringing Down The House 13:35 Zou Professionals 09:30 Farm Kings 02:30 Violetta Stewart 10:00 28 Days 13:50 Jake And The Neverland 17:00 Come Dine With Me 10:30 The Big Eat... 03:15 The Hive 01:00 Hot In Cleveland 12:00 Walk Of Shame Pirates 17:25 Beat My Build 11:00 Mexican Made Easy 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 02:30 You’re The Worst 14:00 Oscar 02:00 Snooker World 14:15 Doc McStuffins 18:15 Beat My Build Teenage Witch 11:30 Chopped 03:00 Cristela 16:00 Bringing Down The House Championship 14:45 Limon And Oli 19:05 Food Glorious Food 03:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 12:30 Siba’s Table 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 18:00 10 Years 07:00 Golfing World 03:00 True Crime With 14:55 Loopdidoo 19:50 Come Dine With Me Teenage Witch 13:00 Guy’s Big Bite Jimmy Fallon 20:00 The Art Of The Steal 08:00 LPGA Tour Aphrodite Jones 15:10 Sofia The First 20:40 MasterChef 04:10 Wolfblood 13:30 Guy’s Big Bite 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 22:00 Elektra Luxx 11:30 Gillette World Sport 03:45 Extreme Forensics 15:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 21:35 Antiques Roadshow 04:35 Wolfblood 09:00 Cristela 12:00 Champions Tour 04:30 Solved 16:00 Cars Toons 22:35 Come Dine With Me 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 05:00 Violetta 09:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 15:00 Live Snooker World 05:20 Forensic Detectives 16:05 Lilo & Stitch 23:00 Beat My Build 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 05:45 The Hive 10:00 Men At Work Championship 06:10 Forensic Detectives 16:30 Adventures Of The 23:50 Food Glorious Food 15:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 05:50 Mouk 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 19:00 PGA Tour Highlights 07:00 Deadly Affairs Gummi Bears 15:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 06:00 Dog With A Blog Jimmy Fallon 20:00 PGA European Tour 07:50 Fatal Encounters 17:00 Chip n Dale Rescue 01:15 Chasing Mavericks-PG15 06:25 Binny And The Ghost 16:00 Chopped 14:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Highlights 08:40 Murder Shift Rangers 03:15 The Bag Man-PG15 06:50 Girl Meets World 17:00 Guy’s Big Bite 15:00 Men At Work 21:00 Live Snooker World 09:30 Great Crimes And Trials 17:25 Ducktales 05:15 Five Thirteen-PG15 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 17:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon Championship 09:55 Stalked: Someone’s 18:00 Art Attack 07:00 Knife Fight-PG15 07:40 Jessie 18:00 Siba’s Table Stewart Watching 18:30 Sofia The First 09:00 Great Expectations-PG15 08:05 Wizards Of Waverly Place 16:00 Hot In Cleveland 10:20 Forensic Detectives 18:55 Cars Toons 00:45 Misfit Garage 18:30 The Big Eat... 11:15 Five Thirteen-PG15 08:30 H2O: Just Add Water 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 11:10 True Crime With 19:00 The Adventures Of Disney 01:35 Misfit Garage 18:55 The Big Eat With Ching 13:00 Heaven’s Door-PG 08:55 H2O: Just Add Water 18:00 Cristela Aphrodite Jones Fairies 02:25 Misfit Garage 19:00 Chopped 15:00 Nebraska-PG15 09:20 H2O: Just Add Water 19:00 About A Boy 07:00 Snooker World 12:00 Blood Relatives 19:30 Jake And The Never Land 03:15 Misfit Garage 20:00 Andy Bates American Street 17:00 Great Expectations-PG15 09:45 Jessie 20:00 Mulaney Championship 12:50 On The Case With Paula Pirates 04:05 Misfit Garage 19:15 Capital-PG15 10:10 Jessie Feasts 20:30 Enlisted 11:00 Golfing World Zahn 19:45 Doc McStuffins 05:00 Deadly Dilemmas 21:15 I, Anna-PG15 10:35 Evermoor 20:30 Andy Bates American Street 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 14:00 Super Rugby Highlights 13:40 Who On Earth Did I 20:00 Adventures Of The 05:30 Deadly Dilemmas 23:00 Inside Llewyn Davis-PG15 06:00 Alaska: The Last Frontier 12:15 Austin & Ally Feasts Stewart 17:30 Top 14 Highlights Marry? Gummi Bears 06:50 Kindig Customs 12:40 Jessie 21:00 Barefoot Contessa 21:30 Last Week Tonight With John 18:00 Golfing World 14:05 Who On Earth Did I 20:30 Sofia The First 13:05 Good Luck Charlie 07:40 Fast N’ Loud 21:30 Barefoot Contessa Oliver 19:00 WWE Experience Marry? 20:55 Cars Toons 13:30 Good Luck Charlie 20:00 WWE Afterburn 14:30 True Crime With 08:30 Storage Hunters 22:00 Jonathan Phang’s Caribbean 22:30 Silicon Valley 21:00 Chip n Dale Rescue 13:55 Gravity Falls 21:00 WWE This Week Aphrodite Jones 08:55 Dallas Car Sharks Cookbook 23:00 Togetherness Rangers 14:20 H2O: Just Add Water 23:30 Mulaney 21:30 Top 14 Highlights 15:20 Great Crimes And Trials 21:30 Ducktales 09:20 Auction Hunters 22:30 Jonathan Phang’s Caribbean 09:45 How It’s Made 15:00 Liv And Maddie 01:15 Six Degrees Of Separation 22:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 15:45 Stalked: Someone’s 22:00 Lilo & Stitch 10:10 How It’s Made 15:20 Evermoor Cookbook 03:15 Life Happens 23:00 PGA Tour Highlights Watching 22:25 Art Attack 10:35 Fast N’ Loud 15:45 Girl Meets World 23:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 05:00 The Damned United 16:10 Murder Shift 22:55 Limon And Oli 11:25 Misfit Garage 16:10 Violetta 23:30 Chopped 07:00 Atlas Shrugged 17:00 Blood Relatives 23:05 Zou 17:00 Go Figure 12:00 Emmerdale 09:00 Hope And Glory 17:50 Fatal Encounters 23:20 Mouk 12:30 Coronation Street 11:00 The Portrait Of A Lady 18:40 Forensic Detectives 23:35 Jungle Junction 16:00 Emmerdale 13:30 All Is Lost 01:30 Indian Premier League RPT : 19:30 On The Case With Paula 23:50 Art Attack 16:30 Coronation Street 15:15 Life Happens DD v RCB Zahn 00:15 Julius Jr. 19:00 Red Band Society 17:00 Hope And Glory 17:30 Live Indian Premier League : 20:20 The Will: Family Secrets 00:30 Calimero 20:00 Revenge 19:00 Buried KXIP v SH Revealed 00:45 Henry Hugglemonster 21:00 Helix 21:00 Raging Bull 21:00 Indian Premier League H/L : 21:10 Who On Earth Did I 01:00 Zou 22:00 Game Of Thrones 23:30 The Patriot RR v RCB Marry? 01:15 Jungle Junction 22:00 Indian Premier League RPT : 21:35 Who On Earth Did I 01:25 Art Attack KXIP v SH Marry? 01:50 Julius Jr. 22:00 True Crime With 02:00 Calimero Aphrodite Jones 02:15 Henry Hugglemonster 01:00 Think Like A Man Too-PG15 22:50 Extreme Forensics 02:25 Zou 03:00 Call Me Crazy: A Five Film 23:40 Dates From Hell 02:40 Mouk 05:00 High Moon-PG15 00:05 Dates From Hell 02:50 Jungle Junction 02:00 Good Morning America 07:00 Philomena-PG15 00:30 Swamp Murders 06:00 Good Morning America 09:00 Safe Haven-PG15 01:20 Nightmare Next Door 07:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Getaway-PG15 00:45 Secrets Of The High Street 02:10 True Crime With 10:30 Coronation Street 12:00 The Hobbit: The Desolation 01:10 Secrets Of The High Street Aphrodite Jones 14:00 Live Good Morning America Of Smaug-PG 01:35 Long Island Medium 20:00 State Of Affairs 15:01 Epic-PG 02:00 Breaking Amish 22:00 Bates Motel 17:00 Safe Haven-PG15 02:50 Say Yes To The Dress 06:00 Kid vs Kat 18:30 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 03:15 Something Borrowed, 06:10 Zeke & Luther 21:00 Decoding Annie Parker Something New 06:35 Kickin’ It 23:00 Filth-R 03:40 What Not To Wear 07:00 Phineas And Ferb 04:30 Cake Boss 03:00 Art Attack 07:25 Phineas And Ferb 05:00 Little People, Big World 03:25 Julius Jr. 07:50 Supa Strikas 00:00 Urban Justice 05:30 Extreme Couponing 03:35 Calimero 08:15 The 7D 02:00 Grave Halloween 06:00 19 Kids And Counting 03:50 Henry Hugglemonster 04:00 The Aggression Scale 06:50 Your Style In His Hands 08:40 Ultimate Spider-Man 04:00 Zou 06:00 A Common Man 07:40 Something Borrowed, 09:05 Star Wars Rebels 04:15 Mouk 07:30 The Lone Ranger 01:00 Barbie As The Princess And Something New 09:55 Ultimate Spider-Man: Web 04:25 Jungle Junction 10:00 Red Sky The Pauper 08:05 Say Yes To The Dress: The Warriors 04:35 Art Attack 12:00 A Common Man 02:45 The Happy Cricket Big Day 10:20 Ultimate Spider-Man: Web 05:00 Julius Jr. 13:30 Shanghai Noon 04:30 The Happets 08:55 Little People Big World: Warriors 05:10 Calimero 15:30 Red Dawn 06:00 Hatching Holiday Surprise 10:45 Lab Rats 05:25 Henry Hugglemonster 17:30 Red Sky 08:00 Wizards And Giants 09:45 Cake Boss 11:30 There’s A Storm Coming 05:35 Zou 19:30 The Lone Ranger 10:00 Hammer Boy 10:10 Little People, Big World 12:15 Star Wars Rebels 05:50 Mouk 22:00 Shanghai Knights 11:30 Barbie Magic Of The 10:35 Extreme Couponing 06:00 Jungle Junction 12:40 Star Wars Rebels Rainbow 11:00 Toddlers & Tiaras 06:10 Art Attack 13:05 Star Wars Rebels 13:00 The Happy Cricket 11:50 The Next Great Baker 06:35 Julius Jr. 13:30 Avalon High 14:30 Barbie As Rapunzel 12:40 Your Style In His Hands 06:45 Calimero 15:00 Mighty Med 16:00 Jelly T 13:30 The Next Great Baker 07:00 Jungle Junction 15:45 Phineas And Ferb 18:00 Hammer Boy 14:20 Secrets Of The High Street 07:15 Zou 16:10 Supa Strikas 00:00 Grave Halloween-PG15 20:00 Casper’s Scare School 14:45 Secrets Of The High Street 07:30 Calimero 16:35 Pair Of Kings 02:00 The Aggression Scale-PG15 22:00 Barbie As Rapunzel 15:10 Cake Boss 07:45 Loopdidoo 17:00 Lab Rats 04:00 A Common Man-PG15 23:30 Jelly T 15:35 Little People, Big World 08:00 Limon And Oli 05:30 The Lone Ranger-PG15 16:00 Toddlers & Tiaras 17:30 Mighty Med 08:10 Jake And The Never Land 08:00 Red Sky-PG15 16:50 Say Yes To The Dress 18:00 Kickin’ It Pirates 10:00 A Common Man-PG15 17:15 Something Borrowed, 18:25 Kickin’ It 08:35 Doc McStuffins 11:30 Shanghai Noon-PG15 Something New 18:50 Supa Strikas 09:05 Art Attack 13:30 Red Dawn-PG15 17:40 19 Kids And Counting 19:15 Cars Toons 00:00 Insidious: Chapter 2-PG15 09:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 15:30 Red Sky-PG15 18:05 Extreme Couponing 19:20 Phineas And Ferb 02:00 Austenland-PG15 10:00 Sofia The First 17:30 The Lone Ranger-PG15 18:30 What Not To Wear 19:45 The 7D 04:00 The Hot Flashes-PG15 10:25 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 20:00 Shanghai Knights-PG15 19:20 Secrets Of The High Street 20:10 Ultimate Spider-Man 06:00 Planet 51-PG 10:55 Calimero 22:00 End Of Days-18 19:45 Secrets Of The High Street 08:00 All In Good Time-PG15 11:10 Jake And The Never Land 20:35 Phineas And Ferb 20:10 Your Style In His Hands 10:00 The Philly Kid-PG15 Pirates 21:00 Lab Rats 21:00 Breaking Amish 11:45 The Book Thief-PG15 11:35 Limon And Oli 21:25 Kickin’ It 21:50 Born Schizophrenic: Jani & 14:00 Legendary Amazons-PG15 11:45 Loopdidoo 21:55 Marvel Avengers Bodhi’s Journey 16:00 All In Good Time-PG15 12:00 Justin Time Assemble 00:00 Freeloaders 22:40 Long Island Medium 17:45 Pacific Rim-PG15 12:15 Sofia The First 22:20 Star Wars Rebels 02:00 Chalet Girl 23:05 Breaking Amish 20:00 The Wolverine-PG15 12:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 23:00 Programmes Start At 04:00 Walk Of Shame 22:15 The Purge-PG15 23:55 Breaking Amish END OF DAYS ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD 06:00 Hope Springs 13:10 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 6:00am KSA Classifieds

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015


SHARQIA-1 LAST KNIGHTS 10:30 PM BARELY LETHAL 11:00 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 1:00 PM BARELY LETHAL 12:45 AM BARELY LETHAL 1:15 AM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 3:15 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 5:45 PM FANAR-3 AVENUES-3 ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 8:00 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 1:00 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 12:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 10:15 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 3:15 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 3:00 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 12:30 AM TRACERS 5:30 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 5:30 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 7:30 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 8:00 PM SHARQIA-2 TRACERS 9:45 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 10:30 PM Special Show “BARELY LETHAL” 2:30 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 11:45 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 1:00 AM BARELY LETHAL 11:30 AM Special Show “AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON -3D” 8:00 MATRIMONIAL PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 1:30 PM FANAR-4 PM BARELY LETHAL 3:30 PM THE FORGER 12:00 PM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON -3D 11:00 PM Marthoma girl 31, 151cm, PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 5:30 PM THE FORGER 2:00 PM MA, teacher divorcee seeks BARELY LETHAL 7:30 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 4:00 PM AVENUES-4 alliance from boys educat- FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:30 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 6:00 PM BARELY LETHAL 12:30 PM ed graduate and above. Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant BARELY LETHAL 12:05 AM THE FORGER 8:15 PM THE FORGER 2:45 PM Member of: ICCRC, CAPIC & CommissionerCommissioner for Oath AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 9:30 PM THE FORGER 10:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 5:00 PM Kuwait/India. Email: WED THE FORGER 12:15 AM BARELY LETHAL 7:15 PM [email protected] AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON -3D 12:15 AM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON -3D 12:15 AM THE FORGER 9:30 PM (C 4973) BARELY LETHAL 11:45 PM 25-4-2015 SHARQIA-3 FANAR-5 AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 9:15 PM THE FORGER 12:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 12:15 PM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 12:05 AM Parents invite suitable pro- THE FORGER 2:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 3:00 PM TRACERS 4:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 5:15 PM AVENUES-5 posals for their daughter THE FORGER 6:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 7:30 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 11:30 AM (RCSC, 24yrs, 163cms, fair, TRACERS 8:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 10:00 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 1:45 PM B.Com, MBA) hailing from THE FORGER 10:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 12:30 AM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 4:00 PM ancient family, TRACERS 12:45 AM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 10:00 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 6:15 PM Changanacherry archdio- AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 12:45 AM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 8:30 PM cese, and wo rking in Ku wait MUHALAB-1 Special Show “BIG GAME” 8:30 PM BARELY LETHAL 11:45 AM MARINA-1 ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 10:45 PM - from parents of well set- PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 1:45 PM TRACERS 11:30 AM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 1:00 AM tled BE/B.Tech RCSC boys of THE AGE OF ADALINE 4:00 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 1:30 PM reputed family working in PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 6:15 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 3:45 PM 360º- 1 India or abroad. Email: BARELY LETHAL 8:15 PM TRACERS 6:00 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 11:30 AM [email protected] THE AGE OF ADALINE 10:15 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 8:00 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 1:30 PM Deepika BARELY LETHAL 12:30 AM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 10:15 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 3:45 PM ID: DM - 26205 Bethlehem TRACERS 12:30 AM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 6:00 PM MUHALAB-2 PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 8:15 PM ID: TRACERS 11:30 AM MARINA-2 PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 10:30 PM BETH53863 ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 1:15 PM BARELY LETHAL 12:45 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 12:45 AM (C 4968) ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 3:30 PM BARELY LETHAL 2:45 PM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 8:15 PM 17-4-2015 TRACERS 5:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 4:45 PM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON -3D 11:00 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 7:45 PM BARELY LETHAL 7:30 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 10:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:30 PM 360º- 2 TRACERS 12:15 AM BARELY LETHAL 12:15 AM THE FORGER 12:15 PM ACCOMMODATION AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 12:15 AM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 9:30 PM THE FORGER 2:30 PM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 12:30 AM THE FORGER 4:45 PM A separate room available MUHALAB-3 THE FORGER 7:00 PM THE FORGER 12:00 PM MARINA-3 THE FORGER 9:15 PM with bathroom and good THE FORGER 2:00 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 12:15 PM THE FORGER 11:30 PM location for an Indian small THE FORGER 4:00 PM THE FORGER 2:30 PM family or a working lady FAST & FURIOUS 7 6:00 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 4:30 PM 360º- 3 near Al Rashid Hospital in THE FORGER 8:30 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 6:30 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 1:00 PM Salmiya from April 25th FAST & FURIOUS 7 10:30 PM THE AGE OF ADALINE 8:30 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 3:15 PM onwards. (Preferably vege- AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 10:30 PM THE FORGER 10:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 5:30 PM tarian). Contact: 99838117 THE FORGER 1:15 AM THE FORGER 12:45 AM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 7:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 10:00 PM or 99315825. (C 4974) FANAR-1 AVENUES-1 ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 12:15 AM 25-4-2015 ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 11:30 AM TRACERS 12:00 PM Prayer timings ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 1:45 PM TRACERS 2:00 PM AL-KOUT.1 ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 4:00 PM TRACERS 4:00 PM THE FORGER 11:45 AM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 6:15 PM TRACERS 6:00 PM THE FORGER 1:45 PM Fajr: 03:47 ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 8:30 PM TRACERS 8:00 PM THE FORGER 3:45 PM ZANKET AL SITAT-Arabic 10:45 PM TRACERS 10:00 PM PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 5:45 PM 112 Shorook 0510 TRACERS 1:00 AM TRACERS 12:05 AM THE FORGER 7:45 PM Duhr: 11:46 FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:45 PM Automated FANAR-2 AVENUES-2 THE FORGER 12:15 AM Asr: 15:21 BARELY LETHAL 11:30 AM BARELY LETHAL 11:45 AM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 9:45 PM enquiry about the BARELY LETHAL 1:30 PM BARELY LETHAL 2:00 PM AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON -3D 12:15 AM Maghrib: 18:21 BARELY LETHAL 3:45 PM BIG GAME 4:15 PM Civil ID card is LAST KNIGHTS 6:00 PM BARELY LETHAL 6:30 PM AL-KOUT.2 Isha: 19:43 BARELY LETHAL 8:30 PM BARELY LETHAL 8:45 PM BARELY LETHAL 12:45 PM 1889988

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Arrival Flights on Monday 27/4/2015 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 Departure Flights on Monday 27/4/2015 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 Airlines Flt Route Time SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 Airlines Flt Route Time UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 KAC 564 Amman 00:05 KAC 788 Jeddah 14:55 AIC 988 Hyderabad/Chennai 00:05 IRC 6508 Shiraz 14:15 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:55 UAL 981 IAD 00:25 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 THY 772 Istanbul 00:15 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 DLH 635 Frankfurt 01:35 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 FDB 068 Dubai 00:55 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 KAC 513 Tehran 15:40 JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 SVA 503 Jeddah 15:45 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 JZR 787 Riyadh 16:35 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 741 Dammam 15:55 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 792 Madinah 16:50 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:50 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:00 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 OMA 643 Muscat 02:35 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 QTR 1077 Doha 04:05 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 QTR 1076 Doha 03:05 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 CEB 7695 Manila 04:40 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 CEB 7594 Manila 03:10 KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 17:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 GFA 944 LCA 18:00 JZR 560 Sohag 05:00 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:40 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 FDB 065 Dubai 18:05 THY 765 Istanbul 05:05 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 JZR 483 Istanbul 18:20 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 QTR 8632 Lahore/Doha 06:35 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 DHX 170 Bahrain 04:20 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 AXB 393 Kozhikode 18:55 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 GFA 944 Bahrain 18:45 QTR 8632 Doha 05:05 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 FDB 066 Dubai 18:55 BAW 157 London 06:35 KAC 166 Paris/Rome 19:00 BAW 156 London 08:30 JZR 124 Bahrain 19:20 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 KAC 742 Dammam 19:00 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:30 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 KAC 171 Frankfurt 08:30 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 SVA 512 Riyadh 07:50 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:50 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 AXB 394 Kozhikode 19:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 MSR 606 Luxor 19:30 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 JZR 482 Istanbul 09:30 MSR 619 Alexandria 20:30 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 KAC 117 New York 09:40 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:30 KAC 102 New York/London 19:55 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 KAC 1543 Cairo 20:55 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 IRC 529 Ahwaz 10:15 KAC 343 Chennai 20:55 IRC 528 Ahwaz 09:15 KAC 514 Tehran 20:10 IRA 664 Shiraz 10:25 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 KAC 288 Dhaka 09:25 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 DLH 636 Dammam 21:00 IRA 665 Shiraz 09:25 DLH 636 Frankfurt 20:20 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 KLM 417 21:05 KAC 677 Abu Dhabi/Muscat 10:50 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 GFA 943 LCA 10:55 KAC 283 Dhaka 21:05 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 GFA 943 Bahrain 10:10 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 KLM 417 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:05 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 KAC 172 Frankfurt 21:50 KAC 791 Madinah 12:00 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 JZR 561 Sohag 11:25 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 JZR 125 Bahrain 22:15 KAC 103 London 12:10 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 SAW 701 Damascus 12:35 AIC 981 Chennai/Ahmedabad 22:25 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 BBC 044 Dhaka/Dammam 22:40 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:50 IRC 6508 Shiraz 13:15 JZR 185 Dubai 22:55 JZR 786 Riyadh 13:10 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:25 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 FDB 071 Dubai 23:35 SAW 702 Damascus 13:35 FDB 060 Dubai 23:50 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 PIA 205 Lahore 23:40 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 KAC 415 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 23:50 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 CROSSWORD 885 STAR TRACK

Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You will find that emotional experiences are more intense than usual and you This morning you will find appropriate energies to accomplish whatever is set could be drawn to unusual people and events. Fresh insight comes to you through mass media- before you. You are filled with creative ideas as well as the opportunities that will help you to broadcasting, publishing, advertising-giving you a whole new perspective. Although this may push these ideas through to a successful end. Your personal paper work is easy to complete. not be the best time to go public with your ideas; family members support you in whatever you Mildly deceptive trends indicate that you should take care in any financial dealings. This after- want to do. You can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support or recognition from those noon you are apt to spend a considerable amount of time and effort to create opportunities around you. This afternoon you could be helping your friends. Someone could be moving, get- that will help improve finances-perhaps extra work through physical or manual activity. There ting married, traveling, etc. All of this should go rather smoothly and this evening, time is are opportunities to make phone calls and line up some of those jobs. There is good news in returned to you once again. Young people and loved ones can be quite enjoyable to be with this connecting with young members of your family today-this may come in the form of achieve- evening. ments and awards.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

If you have been considering a new business venture lately, today is the day you You could find that, along with almost anything else, that toothpaste tube may be able to put your plans together and see the possibilities come together. Additionally, squeezed in the wrong place is very irritating right now. Be patient, but be aware as you could you may find it favorable to voice your ideas. You have good support. Travel may be an option create an enemy with sharp words-this is a very fast moving time. Exercise, listen to a medita- soon. Your communication skills are at a peak and ideas that need expression or paperwork that tion or spiritual music or attend some sort of self-improvement class. If you do not feel like needs finishing is handled efficiently. With the possibility of a business of your own, your mind becoming involved with sports or exercise this afternoon-wash the car, walk the dog or sing to may be preoccupied. However, this afternoon creates opportunities to rededicate your heart to the cat. Anything to move the spirit will move the mood. Changes at home are encouraged in the one you love. Put your heart first and the rest will follow. You will have an enjoyable time order to secure everyone’s peace of mind and this may mean a sharing of responsibilities or with your loved ones most of this afternoon. Get ready for the fun. just plain old pats on the back. Do away with your expectations and enjoy the opportunity to make someone smile.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Your mind takes a turn today and the needs and desires of others take prece- Smile today! This is a positive time that accents your inner life. The life you live and dence over your own desires. It is a good time to sit down with a loved one and the way you express yourself reflect the inner self. You find ways to make your surroundings more discuss what each of you need from the relationship. Reality is the key, making this day a favor- ACROSS sebaceous glands of the skin. comfortable. This may mean that you move furniture, frame a picture, nurture a plant, etc. able one for business or creative pursuits. Be sure to keep an open mind about all ideas or pro- 1. An accountant certified by the state. 6. Used in former classifications to include Certainly, you will tend to the necessary chores before your workweek begins. Unexpected news posals today, paying attention to all the details. If you maintain a practical, realistic outlook at 4. A monoamine oxidase inhibitor (trade all ratite bird orders. could lead to a change in some plan today-but you adjust and may in fact, enjoy the interruption. this time, you may help a loved one greatly. You will enjoy a bit of time with your friends this name Marplan) that is used to treat clini- 7. Of structural members especially of con- There is talk of a social gathering soon and you may enjoy combining your efforts to help plan this afternoon-perhaps a movie. You are in tune with the needs of your friends and family. This is an cal depression. crete. future event. This is a time when your powers of creativity are great. This can be an expansive, cre- appropriate time to engage in activities with members of the opposite sex. It’s also a good time 11. A landlocked republic in northwestern 8. (Irish) The sea personified. ative and even a romantic phase, a time you will look back on with pride. to give mom a call. Africa. 9. (Welsh myth) The other world. 15. Canadian hockey player (born 1948). 10. (meaning literally `born') Used to indi- 16. Mite or tick. cate the maiden or family name of a 17. Toward the mouth or oral region. married woman. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 18. Any of various long-tailed rodents simi- 11. A port city in southern Kenya on a coral lar to but larger than a mouse. island in a bay of the Indian Ocean. Adjustments and compromises must be made in the interests of harmony. A common interest in spiritual and mystical values among family members may 19. An advanced student or graduate in 12. A particular geographical region of Whatever the goal-keep your eye on the goal, not whether or not it is achieved your way. occur today. You should find a constructive manner in which to release the tremendous energy medicine gaining supervised practical indefinite boundary (usually serving Considering all sides may be most beneficial at this time. There are many things you want to that you feel inside. This is a good day to throw yourself into the work around your living quarters. experience (`houseman' is a British some special purpose or distinguished accomplish and with patience and a list, you will be able to successfully complete one thing at a You should check the desire to complain about others who do not want to lend a helping hand. term). by its people or culture or geography). time. This afternoon you are able to express appreciation for music, sensual pleasures and the fin- Being told to do something would not set too well with you either. If you must put forth any er things in life. This is aesthetic and artistic to be sure, but it is also practical and materialistic: you opinions or explain any motivations today, be sure you are on solid ground. Be self-critical-and be 20. Cry weakly or softly. 13. The first of three divisions of the sure to clarify any questions. You could be challenged later. Keep your ear to the ground so you 21. Not breathing or able to breathe except Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first develop a keen appreciation for the value of things, including the money it takes to buy them. This evening could be a good time for imagination and creativity. will know who is with you and who is not. A day of intrigue! Today is not dull!! with difficulty. five books of the Old Testament consid- 24. The 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. ered as a unit. 25. A crisp smooth lustrous fabric. 14. Not in action or at work. 28. A heavy brittle metallic element of the 22. Husband of Elizabeth II of Great Britain Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) platinum group. (born 1921). 29. (Hindu) A manner of sitting (as in the 23. A highly unstable radioactive element Your energy and confidence are high, making this a super day to interact with Energy and self-confidence abound! You are not afraid to take on a mentally diffi- practice of Yoga). (the heaviest of the halogen series). others, no matter what the age group or background. If you should gather a group together, cult project. Past fears should melt away. You may have flashes of intuitive brilliance. Today is a 30. Piece of solid food for dipping in a liq- 26. King of Saudi Arabia from 1964 to 1975 everyone will feel a mutual benefit. It is a great time to expand your horizons, learn new things good day to set aside a little time to talk about future plans or to evaluate present ones. This could uid. (1906-1975). and meet new people-especially if their enthusiasm matches yours. Communication with oth- include a vacation, professional changes, shared responsibilities or even a move. As you concen- 34. Using speech rather than writing. 27. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. ers, particularly the young people around you, may spur memories of your own youth. You may trate on important issues, try to avoid ignoring anyone. Your selflessness will reap rewards. A new friend may be made today; you are smart to reinforce all your relationships. Expressing affection 39. A white or colorless vitreous insoluble 31. (Greek mythology) One of the moun- find yourself reflecting some past event. This afternoon you may find that your high level of energy will help you become caught up in maintaining household items, cleaning, etc. There is comes easily and can do positive things for your disposition. Social activities get a plus and family solid (SiO2). tain nymphs. a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature this afternoon. Enjoy a leisure walk with and friends could come together to enjoy an outdoor event. 41. An antidepressant drug that acts by 32. A historical region on northwestern a loved one. blocking the reuptake of serotonin so India and northern Pakistan. that more serotonin is available to act on 33. Hot or warm and humid. receptors in the brain. 35. A long noosed rope used to catch ani- Virgo (August 23-September 22) 44. The compass point midway between mals. Pisces (February 19-March 20) northeast and east. 36. American filmmaker and comic actor 45. A high-crowned black cap (usually (1935- ). What is required today is a belief in you. Have confidence in your own ability to For a while today, you may feel out of touch. You may feel insensitive towards take on the problems and opportunities of life. Coming to a new understanding about some those who expect you to feel warmly towards them. This is a time when communication seems made of felt or sheepskin) worn by men 37. West Indian evergreen with medium to lifelong idea brings puzzling situations to an end. You may even find yourself telling others choked and misunderstandings happen easily. Don’t get down on yourself-this phase will pass in Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus. long leaves. about your discovery. Keep your plans for today’s social affair light and easygoing. Negative quickly. Any ongoing project that you are working on today should gain your attention. After a 48. Goddess of criminal rashness and its 38. Destruction of heart tissue resulting things can happen, particularly if you get too carried away with your plans. Someone has time of concentration and hard work, perhaps you are writing or composing, you will be ready punishment. from obstruction of the blood supply to offered to help and you would be wise to let them. Creating a relaxed time this evening could for friendly visits. This evening is an excellent time for taking part in social activities with friends. 49. The district occupied entirely by the city the heart muscle. be as simple as home-made hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream. You may find this get-togeth- There is a chance you may hear from a long-lost friend. The desire for intimacy and love with a of Washington. 40. Offensively discourteous. er a great opportunity for relationships to heal, grow and mature. Someone may announce an partner is great this evening. The expression of affection is most satisfying to you. 50. (pathology) An elevation of the skin 42. The visual property of something that engagement. filled with serous fluid. shines with reflected light. 51. Mild yellow Dutch cheese made in balls. 43. A ribbon used as a decoration. 52. Nearly cosmopolitan family. 46. A soft silvery metallic element. WORD SEARCH PUZZLE Yesterday’s Solution 55. Situated in or facing or moving toward 47. Small genus of mediterranean shrubs. the east. 53. Afflicted with or characteristic of mental 57. Minor or subordinate. derangement. 58. A hard malleable ductile silvery metallic 54. An international organization of element that is resistant to corrosion. European countries formed after World 61. Exaggeratedly proper. War II to reduce trade barriers and 66. Having a woven pattern. increase cooperation among its mem- 69. Flightless New Zealand birds similar to bers. gallinules. 56. A cylindrical drawstring bag used by 70. A self-funded retirement plan that sailors to hold their clothing and other allows you to contribute a limited yearly gear. sum toward your retirement. 59. Worn or shabby from overuse or (of 72. An indehiscent fruit derived from a sin- pages) from having corners turned gle ovary having one or many seeds down. within a fleshy wall or pericarp. 60. The capital and largest city of 73. Originally a stronghold captured by Bangladesh. David (the 2nd king of the Israelites). 62. Radioactive iodine test that measures 74. Shrubby or herbaceous low-growing the amount of radioactive iodine taken evergreen perennials. up by the thyroid gland. 77. A rotating disk shaped to convert circu- 63. A visual representation of an object or lar into linear motion. scene or person produced on a surface. 78. A ridge of sand created by the wind. 64. Not only so, but. 79. A bag used for carrying money and 65. Trace the shape of. small personal items or accessories 67. Someone who works (or provides work- (especially by women). ers) during a strike. 80. A loose sleeveless outer garment made 68. God of love and erotic desire. from aba cloth. 71. Someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one market DOWN for immediate resale in another in the 1. Cotton trousers made of corduroy cloth. hope of profiting from the price differ- 2. Colonial siphonophore of up to 130 ft ential). long. 75. An intensely radioactive metallic ele- 3. An honorary arts degree. ment that occurs in minute amounts in 4. A resident of Maine. uranium ores. 5. An inflammatory disease involving the 76. A state in midwestern United States. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution


Feehily not in contact with Westlife arkus Feehily is not in contact with his old Westlife bandmates. The singer insists he doesn’t “hate” Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, or Kian Egan but they are all leading separate lives now they are no longer a part of the group. He explained to BANG Showbiz: “We don’t Mkeep in touch as much as we used to. People just assume that means we must hate each other. One day people will believe it. “It would be much more exciting if I said I hated them but it’s not the case. The boring fact is we all like each other. “I don’t have a bad word to say about any of the Westlife lads. We all live in different cities if not different countries.” The ‘Love is a Drug’ singer thinks it is normal for them not to be in constant contact any more as they are able to focus on themselves and their own careers for the first time. He said: “The difference is we all gave each other 100% for so long, now we are giving ourselves as individuals a 100%. That means we are not giving ourselves up to be quarter of a team anymore. “We are focusing on our lives. Of course that means we don’t see each other as much. But there is no badness.” And Markus doesn’t think he will be working with any of his former bandmates again any time soon. He added: Someone asked me if I’d like to do a duet with Shane and I was like, I’ve pretty much duetted with Shane for 14 years. I don’t think any is going to be working with each other. “We are all on our first album or this that and the other. “But, I’ve always loved singing with the lads and that’s something that wouldn’t change if I sang with them again.” Markus’ new single ‘Love Is A Drug’ is out now and his solo LP is due for release later this year.

Harding has ‘productive’ day in studio arah Harding had an “amazingly pro- ductive” day in the recording studio. SThe former member has been busy working on new songs for her solo album and she is very happy with the Maynard wants Malik duet tracks she has laid down so far. In a post on onor Maynard wants to duet her Twitter account, Sarah wrote: “Another with Zayn Malik. The 22-year- long but amazingly productive day in studio Cold singer recently met the for- writing and recording yesterday! Can’t wait mer One Direction hunk in the for you guys to hear what I’ve got cookin recording studio while he was work- (sic)” The 33-year-old singer has been ing on solo material and thinks he has extremely busy of late, having landed a role an “amazing” voice. Conor said: “I met in ‘Coronation Street’ as the love interest of Zayn today - he was at the studio Tracy Barlow’s long-lost ex-husband Robert with Naughty Boy working on new Preston. Speaking about her upcoming four music. He seemed very quiet but real- episodes in July, she said: “I can’t believe it. I ly nice. “Would I like to work with found out a few weeks ago but it was in the him? He’s got an amazing voice, so pipeline for a while. The producers know that’d be really cool. It’s funny - One that I love the show. I do charity work with Direction fans once made up a fake them and, at an event, they could tell I was a track list and one of them was a duet fan as I was going mental at the cast.” It was between Zayn and me so maybe it’s announced Sarah - who previously meant to be.” However, Conor isn’t appeared in the two ‘St. Trinian’s’ films - sure if Zayn would share his excite- would be making a guest stint last month ment. He added: “It might be pretty and she’s now hinted she may be set to awkward though - before today, the appear for more than just four episodes. only communication I’d had with him She added: “I didn’t have to do an audition - was when someone Tweeted him to ask who he preferred out of me and Justin Bieber - and they YouTubed me and saw what I did, so I he said Bieber!” The ‘Talking About’ singer thinks Zayn’s departure from the ‘Little Things’ was lucky. And it might just turn out to be a group was inevitable. He told Now magazine: “I think him leaving One Direction had to longer stint. Watch this space!” happen at some point. When he left they were absolutely killing it - it’s not like they’re on a downward spiral, so it shows he wasn’t in it for the money. “It must have felt like the time was up on that era of his life. It must have been really stressful for him.” Richards was Azalea’s dance refusal ‘40 per cent drugs’ ggy Azalea refused to dance in her new music video because she thought it would be “obnoxious”. The ‘Fancy’ hitmaker was encouraged by her ‘Pretty eith Richards was “40 per cent drugs” while IGirls’ collaborator Britney Spears to join her and perform a little number dur- making ‘’. ing their music video but she politely declined. She said: “I didn’t dance! She Kguitarist caused concern with his habit while wanted me to. Since I was co-directing the video, the way I explained it was, it recording their 1971 LP, with those close to the would be kind of obnoxious for me to direct a video and give myself a dance band admitting he was using narcotics “just to break as well. “Like, ‘Here’s the video! And I gave myself a dance scene!’ I don’t exist”. The group’s financial manager, Ronnie know if it necessarily fits my identity, but I think Britney’s identity is really Schneider, said: “Keith at the time was maybe 60 per embedded in being a dancer, and that’s something she really wanted to do as cent music and 40 per cent drugs. You start off tak- well. So there’s a lot of dancing in the video, but I wouldn’t say it’s centred around ing them for your own enjoyment, but eventually that.” And the 24-year-old singer also let slip a few details about the highly antici- you’re taking them just to exist. Keith did it all.” And pated video, revealing it is inspired by the 1980s. She told USA Today: “You know Ronnie knew the easiest way to contact his client in me, I like having a narrative. So if it was just like, ‘80s!’ that would be kind of those days was to seek out his drug dealers. He boring for me. But what Britney made clear to me is that she really want- added to NME magazine: “There were times when if ed to do a video where she got to dress up and play a character. “I think I wanted to contact him, I’d have to go through his Geena Davis just like the ultimate ‘80s pin-up hot, cool type of girl, so I dealers to find him.” However, while Keith showing told Britney to check her out, and she was like, ‘Yes, I up for recording sessions “wasted” caused some love Geena Davis!’ So we based our characters on a problems, his bandmates Sir , Charlie lot of stuff like that. But there’s definitely a nar- Watts and didn’t share his issues. The record’s assistant engineer, Chris Kimsey, rative. I don’t want to give it away, but it’s said: “Keith was occasionally wasted. But Mick wasn’t nor Charlie and Bill.” And Chris quirky and funny.” learned a lot while working on the LP. He added: “The big thing I learnt about working with the Stones was the magic of recording as a band, not doing things separately.”

Dave Bautista: I play a missing The Chemical Brothers announce new album stereotypical baddie in Spectre ave Bautista’s character in ‘Spectre’ is a “stereotypical bad guy”. The 46-year- Orange ahead of tour he Chemical Brothers have announced the release of their new old actor, who’s previously starred in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’, has been cast ake That are missing ahead of their 42-date tour. album. The duo of Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons are set to release Din the Sam Mendes-directed movie and revealed he’s set to play a typical The ‘These Days’ hitmakers, , and Ttheir eighth LP - their first in five years - entitled ‘Born In The Echoes’, Bond villain, when he appears in the role of Mr Hinx. He told BANG Showbiz: “When I TMark Owen, have revealed its taken time to get used to the on July 17. To coincide with their summer appearances at Glastonbury, first met with Sam Mendes about playing Mr Hinx, I asked if Mr Hinx is a badass. He departure of Jason - who exited last Sonar and Bestival, the band have unveiled details about the 11-track said, ‘Oh, yeah!’ “He’s a different type of character to who I’ve played before. He’s very, year - but they are still hoping to put on the album, which promises machine driven music from one of the world’s very Bond-ish. He’s very true to the legacy [of other Bond villains].” Dave is similarly best show they can for fans when they most famous electronic music duos. Packed with collaborations with some well known for his stellar career as a wrestler, but finds making movies - and playing kick off their Take That Live 2015 tour in top names including Grammy Award winner Beck and ‘Digital Witness’ hit- the bad guy, in particular - to be more fun. He admitted: “I was a professional wrestler today Howard explained: maker St Vincent, the album promises music which is sure to excite and for a long time and I’ve had a lot more fun being a bad guy. I think it’s more interest- “Sometimes you think you’re used to impress fans of the group. The band also dropped the audio for their first ing. I make an interesting bad guy. A stereo- it then a new thing comes along, and single from the album, ‘Sometimes I Feel So Deserted’, a rhythm track typical bad guy. “It’s something new and we do miss Jason.”But we are a three- which leads the way with its Escher-esque style. During the band’s hiatus, fresh and something completely differ- piece. This is what we’ve got to do.” they were honored with an Ivor Novello Award for Outstanding Song ent.” This comes shortly after Christoph Mark added: “It’s our biggest arena Collection in recognition of their “innovative and popular songwriting”. The Waltz denied he will play Blofeld in tour. In the energy of the show you’re duo also recorded a track with Lorde and Miguel for ‘The Hunger Games: ‘Spectre’. The Oscar-winning actor has aware that J’s not there. But you don’t Mockingjay Part 1’ soundtrack as well as creating music specifically for the been cast as a baddie - with the name want people to feel it’s missing him. Velodrome at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Franz Oberhauser - and dismissed “That said, we’re respectful of J as well. speculation his character’s alter We’re not trying to take his place. There are ego is actually the iconic vil- things we haven’t done because it was J’s thing.” lain Blofeld, who’s Gary said: “This is the biggest test and challenge for us.” The trio appeared in several earli- admitted they always hoped Jason, 44, would return to the group er films. Asked about the and even left space to fit in his vocals on their new album ‘III’. Howard speculation, Christoph said: “I don’t think there’s a massive difference vocally. On the album said: “That is we left that little space for Jason in the hope he would come back.” absolutely untrue. Having seen both Jason and come and go from the That rumor started band over the past 20 years, Gary, 44, admitted the thing he misses on the internet, most about working as a five piece is spending time with his pals. He and the internet told The Sun newspaper: “It’s important to remember we’ve been is a pest. The friends for years. It’s fun with three of us, it’s more fun with four and name of my even more with five. We miss them because they’re friends, not character is Franz because we go on stage and perform.” Oberhauser.” LIFESTYLE37 MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 Gossip Delevingne is an‘ amazing actress’ ohn Green thinks Cara Delevingne is “an amazing actress”. The best-selling author - who penned J‘Paper Towns’, which has been transformed into a film featuring the model-turned-actress - has lavished praised on Cara, 22, saying her performance in the movie will change the public’s perception of models. He told the New York Post newspaper: “Cara is an amazing actress.”Legitimately. All of the constructions we have of supermodels are deconstructed by Cara in the course of the film.” Although she is best known for her modeling work, Cara has previously admitted act- ing is her true passion and she has been lined up to star in a number of new films over the coming months. The Lovato loves London-born star is reportedly eager to secure a role in the much-discussed ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ movie. Cara is a huge fan of the show - which was created by comedian Jennifer Saunders - about two selfish middle-aged women Jenner’s lips and is desperate to get a cameo in the film. A source shared: “Jennifer has not yet finalized the script, which will see her emi Lovato loves Kylie Jenner’s lips. The 22-year-old singer resume her role as Edina and Joanna Lumley play Patsy.”Fashion praised the ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ star for her world stars are bound to be making cameos.” What’s more, she is D“amazing” full pout but says she feels as though she looks set to appear in the eagerly-awaited comic book movie ‘Suicide “ridiculous” with bigger lips. When asked if she took part in the Squad’, alongside Will Smith and Margot Robbie, while Cara has also #KylieJennerChallenge, which sees Twitter users try to get fuller lips been linked to a role in the next film in the ‘Fifty Shades’ series. like the 17-year-old star, she told Shazam: “Oh my God, I totally have. I look stupid. “She [Kylie] looks great. I don’t know how she can do it, but I draw lips on and I look ridiculous.”Meanwhile, Demi previously admitted she uses social media to inspire her make up choices and enjoys copying the “random beauty looks” she finds online. She said: “I look for inspiration on Instagram and Pinterest. I love finding ran- dom beauty looks on there and showing them to my make-up artist. “My signature beauty looks are pretty simple. I love a smoky eye or a red lip, but it’s funny because I don’t like to wear make-up unless I go all the way in - it’s all or nothing!” Demi is also a huge advocate for positive body image, after previously suffering from an eating disor- der. She said: “Learning to love yourself isn’t just one thing. It’s a mat- ter of taking care of yourself. One thing that helped me to gain body confidence is realizing that I only get one body, so every time I go to eat something I think, ‘Is this benefitting my body?’ Sometimes it’s not, but that’s OK. “Taking care of myself makes me feel better on Sam Claflin for days when I feel gross or when my clothes aren’t fitting like I want Rogue One them to, I know I’m doing what I can.” am Claflin is in talks to star in ‘Rogue One’. The 28-year-old actor is reportedly set to join ‘The STheory Of Everything’ actress Felicity Jones in the first installment of the ‘Star Wars: Anthology’ films. Daisy Lowe: I am a In addition to the ‘The Hunger Games’ star, ‘Nightcrawler’ actor Riz Ahmed is also said to have useless selfie taker entered into negotiations, a source has told The Wrap. Meanwhile, director Gareth Edwards recently shed aisy Lowe is bad at taking selfies. The 26-year-old model is some light on the new series of stand alone films, used to having her picture taken for fashion shoots and by with ‘Rogue One’ being set in the Star Wars uni- Dher legion of admirers, but admits she’s no good when it verse in between Episode III and IV and running comes to taking a selfie. She said: “I’m not great at taking them. I parallel to the franchise’s main storyline. He take them in the mirror and end up with a picture of the back of said: “It’s basically in an era where there are no my phone.” And even with the advice of her make-up artist, Daisy Jedi, where they’re all but extinct. It’s about the still hasn’t got the hang of the increasingly-popular type of photo- fact that God’s not coming to save us. “We’re on graph. She told Metro newspaper: “My make-up artist always says, our own and we have to do this ourselves. The ‘Never be anywhere with overhead lighting or side lighting. Never absence of Jedi is omnipresent in the film, it take pictures in a changing room either.” When asked if pouting hangs over the whole movie. It comes down to a was essential, she confessed: “No, I’m more of a dorky smiler, unfor- group of individuals who don’t have special tunately.” Despite her poor selfie technique, Daisy admitted she powers but have to bring hope and justice to the has a love of photography and is an avid user of the photo-sharing galaxy.” The movie is due to be released in website Instagram. The brunette beauty said: “I love looking at December 2016, which is a year after ‘Star Wars: images so Instagram is my favorite.” She also thinks it’s important The Force Awakens’. to follow people who “make you feel good” or “teach you things”, and she advised: “Rihanna is always great to follow.” Upton has body Mendes is the face ‘insecurities’ of Estée Lauder’s ate Upton has “insecurities” about her body. The Sports Illustrated model is considered to ‘New Dimension’ line Kbe one of the world’s most beautiful women but she insists she suffers from a lack of confidence va Mendes is the face of Estée Lauder’s ‘New about her curvaceous figure and has the same hang Dimension’ line. The 41-year-old actress stuns in the ups as every other woman. In an interview with ES Ebeauty brand’s latest campaign which promises users Magazine, she said: “Every person has insecurities. a “positive transformation” with the help of two new prod- But this is the body I was given, I appreciate it and I ucts. Jane Hertzmark Hudis, the company’s global brand try to take care of it every day as best I can, but I president said of the line - which consists of the New always enjoy my life. So I’m not going to let my inse- Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum and the New curities stop me from enjoying life.” When asked Dimension Expert Liquid Tape: “Women have many dimen- whether she has ever been body-shy, she said: “I sions. The new vision of beauty goes beyond skin to the always am.” Kate - whose vital statistics are 36-25-34 - whole face. “The notion of structure and volume being the does follow a healthy eating and rigorous fitness new beauty and wanting to look good from every angle regime to stay in shape. Her menu consists of low fat are big ideas in our industry. It’s not about problem-solu- foods like grilled chicken, salmon, quinoa, scrambled Tom Hardy: tion, it’s about positive transformation.” The ‘Hitch’ star is a eggs, nuts and fruit and vegetable juices. However, huge fan of Estée Lauder’s products and swears by the col- Kate has confessed she does on occasions satisfy her lection - which also features two new contouring com- appetite with “fried salty food” and insists her ultimate pacts, the Shape + Sculpt Face Kit and the Shape + Sculpt goal is not to be thin but to be fit. The 22-year-old Eye Kit - to ensure she looks picture perfect on the red car- Franco loves making I bored pet. Eva - who has seven-month-old daughter, Esmeralda, blonde beauty said: “For me it’s about being strong, having the strength to work 10-hour days, and eating with her partner Ryan Gosling - told WWD: “When you’re healthily.” —Bang Showbiz on a red carpet, you’re photographed from every angle ‘uncomfortable’ films and you can’t control that. But if you have products you Mel Gibson love, once you go out ames Franco enjoys making films that “make us uncom- there, you don’t fortable”. The 37-year-old actor stars in the American om Hardy thinks Mel Gibson was “bored” by him worry as much. Jdrama movie ‘I Am Michael’, which is based on Benoit during a recent meeting. The 37-year-old actor, It’s a confidence Denizet-Lewis’ New York Times Magazine article ‘My Ex-Gay Twho appears in ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’, has con- booster.” Friend’, and admits he’s a fan of movies that cause its audi- fessed that Mel - the original Max Rockatansky - wasn’t ence to think. Reflecting on the movie, James - who plays a impressed by him, despite his best efforts. Tom told gay rights activist who later denounced his homosexuality - Details magazine: “I met Mel. I needed to meet Mel said: “There’s the coming out narrative, the fighting for purely from a young man’s perspective. “I want to rights narrative, the closeted secret affair narrative, like we touch base with the previous Max and just say hello. saw in ‘Brokeback Mountain’. “All of these films are very And is it okay? Because I’m taking on Max, I have to important, but not every movie needs to be like that. Once meet Max. “He was bored with me. He said, ‘All right, those stories are told, we can tell unexpected ones that buddy, good luck with that’. Bless him. I made him a might challenge us or make us uncomfortable in some bracelet. And then we talked for a couple of hours ways.” However, James thinks there are certain aspects to about all kinds of stuff. “I left, and that was that. And his film that distinguishes it from other movies made in then he called up my agent and said, ‘I think you found recent years. He told BlackBook: “What I think is so innova- someone that’s crazier than I am’.” Meanwhile, Tom tive about ‘I Am Michael’ is that we’re watching a man go in recently confessed he’s not an easy actor to work with. an unexpected direction, and that direction brings up a lot He shared: “I have a reputation for being difficult. And I of questions about identity, and what identity consists of, am. I am, actually but I’m not unreasonable. “It used to and how it’s defined, and who gets to decide. “And this film be that if somebody hurt me I’d lash out a bit, in order tackles faith versus sexuality, and the tensions there, in an to get them to stop. It ultimately comes from fear.” important way.” lifestyle MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 FEATURES

Members of the Sudanese security forces guard the historic Meroe pyramids in Al-Bagrawiya, 200 kilometers Local tourists visit the Meroe pyramids in Al-Bagrawiya. north of Khartoum, Sudan. — AP photos Sudan’s pyramids, nearly as grand as Egypt’s, go unvisited

Tour guides wait for Berlin show explores 12 nations’ tourists to offer them experience after WWII camel rides. oy and despair, punishment and announcing the end of the war, juxta- denial, devastation and rebirth: a posed with pictures of people’s reactions: Jnew exhibition in Berlin delves into a crying boy, soldiers celebrating, liberat- 12 European countries’ experiences in ed prisoners. the immediate aftermath of World War II. A central room detailing some of the Ahead of the 70th anniversary of Nazi grim statistics of the war in Europe - 45 Germany’s surrender May 8, the show million dead and at least 20 million chil- that opened Thursday at Berlin’s German dren who had lost one or both parents - Historical Museum offers a snapshot of leads into sections on each country, with the impact of defeat, victory and libera- tiny Luxembourg and the Soviet Union tion in Germany, the surrounding coun- getting equal attention. Peers said cura- tries it occupied or annexed, as well as tors wanted to let visitors choose rather Norway, Britain and the Soviet Union. than imposing a “hierarchy” of nations. Personal stories of heroes, villains and Presenting the exhibition, organizers victims; photos, videos, posters; and faced repeated questions over why they objects such as a Danish bride’s 1946 left out countries further afield such as wedding dress made of silk from a British Greece and Yugoslavia that also suffered parachute illustrate the process of build- Nazi aggression, at a time when Athens ing the future. “After the war ended, prac- has revived calls for German reparations. tically all the countries that were affected “We had to limit ourselves to a certain by the war faced a new beginning,” cura- number for space reasons,” Peers said, tor Maja Peers said. “None of the coun- adding that the first priority was tries, neither those that had suffered for Germany’s immediate neighbors. Each years under German occupation nor the section is illustrated by the stories of allies, were in a situation where they three people representing part of their could return seamlessly to pre-war life.” country’s experience - people as diverse as Norwegian collaborationist leader Vidkun Quisling; Pierre Godfrin, who sur- vived the 1944 Nazi massacre in Oradour- sur-Glane, France; and Katharina Brandstetter, found at a home in Austria he small, steep pyramids rising up from by US troops and believed to be the child the desert hills of northern Sudan resem- of a forced laborer from eastern Europe. Tble those in neighboring Egypt, but unlike the famed pyramids of Giza, the Sudanese site is Economic courses largely deserted. The pyramids at Meroe, some The show examines the period up to 200 kilometers north of Sudan’s capital, around 1950, by which time the 12 coun- Khartoum, are rarely visited despite being a tries had taken very different ideological UNESCO World Heritage site like those in Egypt. A child’s notebook with autographs of and economic courses. In the west, a Sanctions against the government of longtime allied forces soldiers, among others camping kit from Norway illustrates that President Omar Al-Bashir over Sudan’s long-run- like the signature of Bing Crosby, bot- nation’s quick return to prosperity, while ning internal conflicts limit its access to foreign tom left, on display. new governments in Denmark and aid and donations, while also hampering Britain built up the welfare state. tourism. To start with, nations faced the task of Across the Iron Curtain, Poland faced The site, known as the Island of Meroe how to deal with Nazis and their collabo- the daunting task of rebuilding a nation because an ancient, long-dried river ran around rators. A Dutch poster demands quick that was devastated - a set of tablets to it, once served as the principle residence of the punishment for Nazi collaborators and a sterilize water illustrates the dangers that bulky cabinet from Denmark is full of lurked in the ruins - and shunted west- rulers of the Kush kingdom, known as the Black information on “traitors.” ward, forcing many into new and unfa- Pharaohs. Their pyramids, ranging from 6 miliar homes. Germany was stripped of meters to 30 meters tall, were built between General view of the historic Meroe pyramids site. Zero hour its eastern regions and later divided in 720 and 300 BC The entrances usually face east But the exhibition also notes that it two, a split symbolized by a cart used to to greet the rising sun. The pyramids bear dec- took German society decades to address transport new western mark banknotes orative elements inspired by Pharaonic Egypt, many aspects of the Nazi past, and con- in 1948. Still, a French medal commemo- Greece and Rome, according to UNESCO, mak- tains artifacts such as an Austrian conser- rating the 1950 proposal to found the ing them priceless relics. However, overeager vative party’s 1949 election poster fish- European Coal and Steel Community, an archaeologists in the 19th century tore off the ing for votes from former Nazi support- early forerunner of the European Union, golden tips of some pyramids and reduced ers. “We are far from saying that there points to a happier future. some to rubble, said Abdel-Rahman Omar, the was a zero hour or an empty sheet from German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter head of the National Museum of Sudan in which there was a new beginning,” co- Steinmeier said he was particularly Khartoum. curator Babette Quinkert said. “We look moved by a dress in France’s national col- On a recent day, a few tourists and white in every country at where there is conti- ors, made by a mother for her daughter camels roamed the site, watched by a handful nuity, what were the effects, where are to wear when her husband returned of security guards. Sudan’s tourism industry has the breaks.” from the war. “This beautiful dress was been devastated by economic sanctions The show is part of low-key commem- never worn,” he said. “Yet a friendship imposed over the conflicts in Darfur and other orations of the war’s end in Berlin, which grew between France and Germany, a regions. Al-Bashir’s government, which came to friendship that is the foundation of also include an open-air exhibition at six power following a bloodless Islamist coup in locations depicting everyday life after the Europe.” The exhibition, “1945. Defeat. 1989, has struggled to care for its antiquities. fighting ended. Visitors are greeted by Liberation. New Beginning,” runs until radio recordings from the 12 countries Oct 25. — AP Qatar has pledged $135 million to renovate and support Sudan’s antiquities in the last few years. But Omar said Sudan still receives just 15,000 tourists per year. — AP A tour guide walks his camel as he waits for tourists at the historic Meroe pyramids.

A view of the his- toric Meroe pyra- mids in Al- A festive dress in French national colors with the symbol of the French Bagrawiya, 200 Resistance, the Cross of Lorraine, appears on display at the exhibition ‘1945 kilometers north Defeat. Liberation. New Beginning. — AP photos of Khartoum, Sudan. lifestyle MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 FEATURES

prah Winfrey is selling the furniture, artwork, Ohousehold items and clothing that once filled her Chicago home. How about a hand-painted porcelain soup tureen valued at $6,000 to $8,000? More than 500 items with price points from $50 to $120,000 are going on the auction block. The low estimate for every- thing in the sale is about $800,000. Colleen Gleason, director of estates and appraisals at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, says there’s no Household upper limit on the bidding. items from Proceeds will benefit the Oprah Oprah Winfrey’s Winfrey Leadership Academy Chicago Foundation. apartment are Winfrey announced last seen on display month that she’s closing Harpo in a showroom Studios in Chicago, where she at Leslie made “The Oprah Winfrey Hindman Show.” She’s transitioning pro- Auctioneers in duction for her cable network Chicago. —AP to a studio in California. — AP Liotta recalls Scorsese discussion before ‘Goodfellas’ shoot Maya Angelou he Tribeca Film Festival ended Saturday night of the three or four greatest movies ever made, and with a bang - a special 25th anniversary if you get to do that in your career, you’re pretty stamp features Tscreening of the Martin Scorsese gangster flick lucky.” Based on the nonfiction best-seller “Wiseguy” “Goodfellas.” On the red carpet, star Ray Liotta written by Nicholas Pileggi, the story traces the life recalled something Scorsese told him before filming of Henry Hill - a mobster-turned-informant - from his misattributed quote began that made him believe he was going to be childhood and life of petty crime to rise and fall in part of something special. “He said, ‘I want to shoot the underworld. The film also stars Robert De Niro as this like a gangster,’” Liotta told The Associated Press. James “Jimmy The Gent” Conway. “‘If I want to freeze frame, if I want to voice over, if I De Niro is one of the film festival’s co-creators. want to whatever ...’. And that’s what he did. It gave “The fact that he helped put it together right after him a lot liberty to just be him.” 9/11 and bring Tribeca back as well as New York - That mindset paid off. Many regard the Oscar- that was just honorable in itself. And to sustain it for nominated mob tale as more than just a great film of so long now, it represents a great thing in movies, the genre, but also one of the greatest movies of all that’s great for movies, and a great thing for the city,” time. Scorsese used a compelling narrative with Liotta said. strong visuals married by a powerful rock sound- De Niro, Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff found- track to reinvent the gangster film. “I don’t know if ed the Tribeca Film Festival in 2002 as a means of he reinvented it as much as he just created his own stimulating the lower Manhattan neighborhood version of it,” Liotta said. Paul Sorvino, who por- after the Sep 11 attacks. But Lorraine Bracco, who trayed Paulie, the mob capo that takes Liotta’s Henry played Henry’s wife, Karen, thinks the festival did under his wing, thinks Scorsese went beyond rein- more than revitalize the city. venting the genre. “It’s for the world to see that we’re still standing “It’s not even part of a genre; it’s like tearing off strong,” Bracco said. Scorsese couldn’t make the First lady Michelle Obama participates in the unveiling of the that wall and taking a look inside to see what it real- screening because he was out of the country, but he Maya Angelou Forever Stamp, Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at the ly is,” Sorvino said of the gritty depiction of life as a recorded a message introducing the film to the audi- Warner Theater in Washington. — AP Robert De Niro, left, and Grace Hightower, right, attend low-level mobster. The 76-year old actor expressed ence at the Beacon Theatre. After the screening, out- he US Postal Service stamp,” Anglund said. “I love her a Tribeca Film Festival closing night special screening of gratitude to have a part in the film. “It’s part of the going “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart moderated a issued a new limited edi- and all she’s done.” “Goodfellas” at the Beacon Theater on Saturday. — AP iconography of American film,” Sorvino said. “It’s one panel discussion with the cast. — AP Ttion “Forever” stamp, hon- The quote has been attrib- oring the late poet, author and uted to Angelou before. Last civil rights champion Maya year, while presenting the Angelou, but it carries a quote National Medal of the Arts and Sid Tepper Dies at 96; Wrote songs that apparently originated else- Humanities, President Barack where. Angelou rose from Obama attributed the quote to poverty, segregation and vio- Angelou while honoring other lence to become a force on artists. Postal Service for Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles stage, screen and the printed spokesman David Partenheimer page. She died last May at her said Tuesday that the quotation id Tepper, who wrote over 300 String,” “Stairway of Love,” “Nuttin’ for “Glad All Over,” Don’t Come Running Ann-Margret duet “The Lady Loves Me.” Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was included because it’s some- songs that were recorded by Christmas,” “The Woodchuck Song,” Back to Me,” “New Orleans” and the Elvis- Tepper and his writing partner home at 86. The stamp dedicat- thing Angelou referenced fre- artists including and adjusted well to the advent of rock ‘n’ S ed at a Washington ceremony quently. (45 songs), died April 24 of roll: In 1961, their song “The Young showcases Atlanta artist Ross “Maya Angelou cited this natural causes at his home in Miami Ones” was instrumental in boosting the Rossin’s 2013 portrait of sentence frequently in media Beach, Florida. He was 96. Tepper also U.K. career of , for whom Angelou, an oil painting in the interviews and other forums wrote songs for , Jeff Beck, they wrote 21 compositions. Smithsonian’s National Portrait and it provides a connection to Herman’s Hermits, the Dave Clark Five, They went on to write 45 songs for Gallery collection. her first memoir ‘I Know Why the Beatles, Perry Como, Andy Williams, Elvis Presley for his movies, including The stamp includes the quo- the Caged Bird Sings,’” he said. Ray Charles, Louie Armstrong, Cliff “It’s a Wonderful World” from the movie tation: “A bird doesn’t sing “The sentence was chosen to Richard, Eddie Arnold, Marty Robbins, “Roustabout.” because it has an answer, it accompany her image on the Slim Whitman, Bert Kaempfert, Wayne In 2002, he was honored in Memphis sings because it has a song.” stamp to reflect her passion for Newton, Robert Goulet, , for his part in Presley’s stellar career. He Children’s book author Joan the written and spoken word. Dinah Shore, won a BMI Award for 1 million plays of Walsh Anglund told The The sentence held great mean- Nancy Wilson, Connie Francis, Sarah “Kiss of Fire”and a Country Music Award Washington Post the quotation ing for her and she is publicly Vaughn, Guy Lombardo, Eartha Kitt, the for Eddie Arnold’s rendition of “Red is in her book of poems “A Cup identified with its popularity.” Ink Spots, Louis Prima, Arthur Godfrey, Roses for a Blue Lady.” of Sun,” published in 1967. Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, Tommy Dorsey and Lawrence Welk. Tepper had been a member of Anglund, 89, said she didn’t Maryland, designed the stamp Among the songwriter’s hits were “Red ASCAP since 1947. He served in WWII in know about the stamp but that based on Rossin’s portrait, the Roses for a Blue Lady,” “The Naughty the Special Services singing and enter- she hopes it is successful. “It’s an postal service said. Angelou was Lady of Shady Lane,” “Kiss of Fire,” “Say taining troops. Tepper’s wife Lillian died interesting connection, and a longtime professor of Something Sweet to Your Sweetheart,” a decade ago. Survivors include his five interesting it would happen and American studies at Wake “Kewpie Doll,” “G.I. Blues,” “Suzy children, seven grandchildren, and already be printed and on her Forest University. — AP Snowflake,” “Travelin’ Light,” “Puppet on a Sid Tepper three great-grandchildren. — Reuters Oprah Winfrey’s household items going to highest bidder

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 39

Bleisure For Dubai biz travelers, soak up the sun and souq

f you’re visiting Dubai for a long stopover or business trip, make sure to leave a little space in your bag for a Ibathing suit, flip-flops and souvenirs. For business trav- elers with just a few hours or half-day to spare in the emi- rate, head to the Dubai Mall. There pick up a cold drink or frozen yogurt and head outside to watch one of the world’s most beautiful dancing fountains and be mesmerized by base views of the world’s tallest tower, the Burj Khalifa. If you feel like getting some exercise in, skip the hotel gym and head out for a run or brisk walk by Kite Beach, where a safe 3-mile-long (5-kilometer) track runs along the coast. Don’t forget to stop and take a selfie on the beach with the sea and Dubai’s iconic sail-shaped Burj Al-Arab hotel behind you. For spinning enthusiasts, head to Fly Dubai where there’s no membership cost. Just call ahead to book a bike at one of Fly Dubai’s two locations for indoor spin- ning classes, but make sure to order a taxi ahead of time if With the worlds tallest tower, Burj Khalifa, in background, tourists and visitors watch and take photos of the Dubai Fountain. — AP photos

Tourists visit the Souk of the Madinat Jumeirah. Tourists and visitors enjoy riding boats by the Souk Al-Bahar fountain lake Tourists and visitors cross a bridge to Souk Al-Bahar. in Dubai. you go during peak rush hours. The metro does not con- nect to either location and taxis are hard to find between 4 pm and 8 pm. For a quieter afternoon, head to Dubai’s man-made island The Palm. Go for a day pass at the Atlantis or the Jumeira Zabeel Saray hotel. A day pass during the work- week, which in the Middle East runs from Sunday to Thursday, is significantly cheaper and the beach quieter than the weekend days of Friday and Saturday. Most hotels that offer day passes also include lunch. If what you need is a few, short hours of complete serenity to clear your head, go for the ultimate pampering experi- ence and head to the spa at the One & Only Royal Mirage across from Dubai Media City or the Talise Spa in Madinat Jumeirah. Once at Madinat Jumeirah, shop in its famous souq where you can pick up some reasonably priced sou- venirs like postcards and Middle Eastern-inspired printed artworks at Gallery One.

Best restaurants Unlike most Middle Easter markets, this souq is indoors and there isn’t too much haggling over prices. The upside Tourists and visitors of different nationalities enjoy walking and dining out at ‘The Tourists and visitors watch and take photos of the Dubai Fountain in Dubai. is that what the market misses in authentic folkloric experi- Beach’ in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ence it makes up for in air-conditioned comfort between the hot months of April and October. Also at the souq are some of Dubai’s most popular restaurants with views of the Burj Al-Arab and a man-made waterway that connects the three hotels that comprise Madinat Jumeirah. If you are in Dubai between November and March, when the weather is great outdoors, visit The Walk at Jumeirah Beach Residence, better known as JBR. There, vis- itors can soak up some sun on the beach, enjoy a lavish meal and shop for unique finds at boutiques like Sauce - a homegrown chain of edgy concept stores in Dubai. The hotels along The Walk are home to some of Dubai’s best restaurants, but meals there don’t come cheap. For some- thing a little less formal, enjoy a bite to eat at one of JBR’s many outdoor cafes and restaurants. At night on the week- ends, JBR turns into a bustling street for people watching. The Gulf’s wealthy cruise along the strip in their Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Rolls-Royces and Bentleys. Nearby are some of the world’s most architecturally stunning skyscrapers in Marina. There, too. you’ll find a mall, outdoor cafes and some of the city’s most expensive real estate overlooking the yachts. — AP Tourists and visitor enjoy walking at the open space of Dubai Mall by the fountain. People enjoy dining out at ‘The Walk’ in Dubai.

Visitors watch and take photos of the Dubai Fountain. A woman passes by a Ferrari at the entrance of Madinat Jumeirah. With Burj Al-Arab hotel in background, tourists visit Madinat Jumeirah.