What are the Goals of the What are the Penalties for Violating Ordinance? the Ordinance? Unlawful Use The Beaverton Police Department, in partnership with the community, seeks to OFFENSE PENALTY avoid tragedies such as these that have of a occurred around the : Display in a Not less than public place $250 ► “Deputy Shoots Teen Wielding Replica Gun” Altered replica Not less than in public place $500 ► “Florida 8th Grader Wielding Pellet Gun Shot Down” Second offense within Class A misdemeanor ► “Man With Fake Gun Killed by 5 years Police” Possession on or within 1,000’ of Class C misdemeanor school property

Why is there a Replica Firearm Ordinance? There have been many incidents where the display of a replica fi rearm has caused public A Guide to Safe Airsoft Use alarm, including school lock downs. With the increase in popularity of replica fi rearms, in Beaverton, Oregon there is a need to ensure the safety of the community, including the safety of citizens who enjoy using replica fi rearms. These fi rearms look very much like actual fi rearms, For additional information, please contact the and by removing their orange tips can look Beaverton Police Department at 503-526-2260 even more realistic. The ordinance assures or visit us at the Beaverton Police Department’s that users of replica fi rearm may continue to website at: www.beavertonpolice.org do so safely and without causing public alarm. Chief David G. Bishop What is a “Replica Firearm”? Where can Replica be used? What are the Dangers of Modifying a A replica fi rearm is “any device Generally, the use or display of a replica Replica Firearm? that substantially resembles a fi rearm or fi rearm on private property is lawful. Beaverton’s Replica Firearm Ordinance Commercially sold replica fi rearms come with can reasonably be perceived to be an actual forbids the display of a replica fi rearm in a a blaze orange tip mandated fi rearm.” This applies to Airsoft guns and public place and the pointing or discharging by the Federal Government. other replica fi rearms that copy or look of a replica fi rearm at another person if the This marking helps to very similar to a real gun. A replica fi rearm other person is in a public place. A fi rst identify a real fi rearm from does not include a clear plastic or brightly offense is punishable as a civil violation. a replica fi rearm. Removing Repeat offenses, and any offense involving a colored imitation gun. These obvious toy the orange tip or modifying a replica fi rearm guns, can also include an if it is replica fi rearm committed on or within 1,000 feet of school premises, are punishable as to make it appear more realistic is dangerous. made of clear plastic or is brightly colored. misdemeanors. The absence of an orange tip increases the risk that a replica fi rearm will be mistaken for a real fi rearm.

How Does one Safely Transport a REAL Replica Firearm? Replica fi rearms may be transported in What Changes with this Ordinance? How are Replica Firearms used? opaque containers, so that the replica fi rearm is not visible. For vehicles, the trunk of a car Replica fi rearms are used for entertainment is a safe place to transport a replica fi rearm. The ordinance prohibits a person from by people of all ages. Professionally, some Within the passenger compartment, a replica displaying a replica fi rearm in a public police agencies use replica fi rearms for fi rearm may be transported inside a case kept place, as well as from discharging a replica training because of their close resemblance away from the driver and any passenger. If the fi rearm from private property to a public to real fi rearms. Airsoft guns are the most replica fi rearm is place. Possession of a replica fi rearm on or being transported common replica fi rearm, and may expel a near school property is also prohibited, and by foot, it may there are enhanced penalties for modifying small plastic pellet at a low velocity. More be concealed a replica fi rearm to more closely resemble information on Airsoft guns can be found at from view in a an actual fi rearm. http://en.wikipedia.org/Wiki/Airsoft_guns. sack, briefcase, backpack or other opaque container.