Fiscal Years 2020-2024
Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years 2020-2024 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Lester D. Smith, Jr., Chief Financial Officer Aaron Saxton, Deputy Director Barbara McGrue, Manager of Budget Management Diana Bolden, Budget Officer Florence Fitzgerald, Budget Analyst Quanita Washington, Budget Analyst Derrick Gray, II, Budget Analyst The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the City of Birmingham, Alabama for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. MAYOR RANDALL L. WOODFIN CITY COUNCIL VALERIE A. ABBOTT, PRESIDENT, DISTRICT 3 WILLIAM PARKER, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, DISTRICT 4 CLINTON P. WOODS, DISTRICT 1 HUNTER WILLIAMS, DISTRICT 2 DARRELL O’QUINN, DISTRICT 5 CRYSTAL N. SMITHERMAN, DISTRICT 6 WARDINE ALEXANDER, DISTRICT 7 STEVEN W. HOYT, DISTRICT 8 JOHN R. HILLIARD, DISTRICT 9 DEPARTMENT HEADS AUDITORIUM ..................................................... Faye Oates, Commissioner of Sports and Entertainment CITY CLERK ..........................................................................................................
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