The Dispatches of ... the Duke of Wellington
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El programa de Búsqueda de libros de Google ayuda a los lectores a descubrir los libros de todo el mundo a la vez que ayuda a autores y editores a llegar a nuevas audiencias. Podrá realizar búsquedas en el texto completo de este libro en la web, en la página 1 This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. IHI I 60001 8803Q I INDEX. THE INDEX DISPATCHES FIELD MARSHAL THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. IN THREE PARTS. No. I. — Volumes I. to III. relating to India ; No. 2.— Volumes IV. to XI. relating to the Peninsula ; and, No. 3.— Volume XII. relating to the Low Countries, Waterloo, and Paius. by LIEUT. COLONEL GURWOOD, esquire to his grace as knight of the bath. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. MOCCCXXXIX. ~4 ' / LONDON: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street. INDEX. No. I. INDIA. Vols. I. to III. A new edition of this work having been called for after Volume VIII. was published, the Dispatches, irregularly printed in the First Edition of Volumes I. to VIII., were placed in the New Edition of those Volumes, according to their respective dates. Volumes IX. to XII. combine both Editions. The dates, therefore, in this Index have reference to both Editions, whereas, the paging has reference to the New Edition only of Volumes I. to VIII., but to the combined Editions of Volumes IX. to XII. There are three separate Indexes of the twelve Volumes; No. 1. of Volumes I. to III., relating to India; No. 2. Volumes IV. to XL, relating to the Peninsula and the South of France ; and No. 3. Volume XII., relating to the Low Countries, Waterloo, and Paris. A. and the Rajah of Berarupon (14 July, 1803), ii. 82. (See Stevenson.) Abkrcromby, Sir R. (8 Feb., 1801), i. Adjunt-e passes, arrangements to secure 289 ; probable course of the French them (7 Aug., 1803), ii. 190, note; on his commencing operations (9 pass, movements of the Chiefs and April, 1801), 315. the army towards, September (19 Absence, leave of, on unseasonable use Sept., 1803), 315, 316 ; ascent of, by of (26 May 1803), i. 592, 593 ; in General Wellesley (2 Nov., 1803), ability to grant permission for (2 466. March, 1801), iii. 112. Adowlut at Seringapatam, principle of Abuses, tendency to, in public establish the liability to its jurisdiction, and ments, when troops are employed at a restrictions to it required by policy, distance (24 June, 1804), iii. 370. &c (20 July, 1801), i. 341. , tendency in the service in India Advance towards the Chiefs (23 Aug., to admit (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 16. 1803), ii. 229. Action, mode of avoiding an (12 Oct., Advancing detachment, militory prin 1803), ii. 404. ciples by which to be guided with Adams, Lieut. Colonel, testimony to his reference to an (10 March, 1803), i, zeal and judgment (6 April, 1804), 427, 428. iii. 199. Agra, and the province of Malwa, cha Address. (See Henshaw.) . racter of the country between (12 Addresses to Major General Sir A. Wel- Sept., 1804), iii. 457. lesley on his quitting India (Feb., Ahmed abad, not ours, and Till not be March, 1805), iii. 677, et seq. (15 June, 1804), iii. 350. Adjuntee, hospital established at (29 Ahmedabad farm, proposed arrangement Sept., 1803), ii. 356; (3 Oct., 1803), respecting (28 Sept., 1803), ii. 351. 369 ; force to be sent thither (4 Oct., , rent from (14 May, 1804), iii. 1803), 373 ; camp at (8 Oct., 1803), 270 ; proposed settlement of the per- 387. gunnahs, 271,272; objections of the Adjuntee ghaut, advance of Scindiah Veshwuh to the arrangements respect- INDEX. ing the Ahmedabad farm (25 May, 1804), 581 ; letter to the collector, pay 1804), 306, 307; its produce and ment to Hyder Khan of two months' allotment (14 Jan., 1805), 610. subsistence (27 June, 1805), 634. Ahmednuggur, wish for information re Alliance, disinclination of the Peshwah specting the nature of the fort (23 to the (20 June, 1803), ii. 22; its May, 1803), i. 587; movement to beneficial operation, 24, note. wards (5 June, 1803), 619. Allied governments, weakness of things , advance to (12 June, 1803), ii. 1, so called (8 Oct., 1803), ii. 387, 391. etseq. ; advantages to be derived from Allied troops, plunder by, on their own its capture (16 June, 1803), 10 ; (18 account (15 June, 1804), iii. 350,351. June, 1803), 12; opportunity for at Allies, frontiers of, curious state of (22 tacking (22 June, 1803), 32 ; no fear July, 1803), ii. 115. of the success of the project (24 June, Allyghur, dashing attack on (1 1 Oct., 1803), 39; siege to be tried only in 1803), ii. 399 ; a most extraordinary full force (4 July, 1803), 64 ; General feat (14 Oct., 1803), 414. Wellesley's proposed attack on, with Ambajee Inglia, intention of the Go his own corps (29 July, 1803), 142 ; vernor General not to adhere to his approach to (1 Aug., 1803), 159 ; (3 treaty with him (18 Feb., 1804), iii. Aug., 1803), 173 ; proposed attack as 83; like the rest of the Marhattas soon as circumstances permit (6 Aug., (21 Feb., 1804), 87 ; held Gwalior as 1803), 180 ; reduction of the fortress servant of Scindiah (17 March, 1804), (12 Aug., 1803), 193 ; return of the 167; breach by, of his treaty, 168; killed and wounded, 195 ; general or description by, of General Lake (1 der by the Governor in Council (8 April, 1804), 194; cession by, of Go- Sept., 1803), 196, note; estimate of hud to the company (20 May, 1804), the gross revenue of the conquered 304. provinces (21 Aug., 1803), 219, note; Ambition, effects of the demon on the letter to the officer commanding at, construction of the treaties of peace, 26 September, 1803,344; prize pro (13 April, 1804), iii. 221. perty at (4 Oct., 1803), 374 ; proposed Amildars and officers, rule of proceeding mint at (8 Jan., 1804), 643 ; remains between (15 Dec, 1799), i. 47 ; con in ,possession reasons for of selecting, the British, as the 644.