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No. I. — Volumes I. to III. relating to India ; No. 2.— Volumes IV. to XI. relating to the Peninsula ; and, No. 3.— Volume XII. relating to the Low Countries, Waterloo, and Paius.

by LIEUT. COLONEL GURWOOD, esquire to his grace as knight of the bath.



~4 ' / LONDON: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street. INDEX. No. I.


Vols. I. to III.

A new edition of this work having been called for after Volume VIII. was published, the Dispatches, irregularly printed in the First Edition of Volumes I. to VIII., were placed in the New Edition of those Volumes, according to their respective dates. Volumes IX. to XII. combine both Editions. The dates, therefore, in this Index have reference to both Editions, whereas, the paging has reference to the New Edition only of Volumes I. to VIII., but to the combined Editions of Volumes IX. to XII. There are three separate Indexes of the twelve Volumes; No. 1. of Volumes I. to III., relating to India; No. 2. Volumes IV. to XL, relating to the Peninsula and the South of France ; and No. 3. Volume XII., relating to the Low Countries, Waterloo, and Paris.

A. and the Rajah of Berarupon (14 July, 1803), ii. 82. (See Stevenson.) Abkrcromby, Sir R. (8 Feb., 1801), i. Adjunt-e passes, arrangements to secure 289 ; probable course of the French them (7 Aug., 1803), ii. 190, note; on his commencing operations (9 pass, movements of the Chiefs and April, 1801), 315. the army towards, September (19 Absence, leave of, on unseasonable use Sept., 1803), 315, 316 ; ascent of, by of (26 May 1803), i. 592, 593 ; in General Wellesley (2 Nov., 1803), ability to grant permission for (2 466. March, 1801), iii. 112. Adowlut at Seringapatam, principle of Abuses, tendency to, in public establish the liability to its jurisdiction, and ments, when troops are employed at a restrictions to it required by policy, distance (24 June, 1804), iii. 370. &c (20 July, 1801), i. 341. , tendency in the service in India Advance towards the Chiefs (23 Aug., to admit (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 16. 1803), ii. 229. Action, mode of avoiding an (12 Oct., Advancing detachment, militory prin 1803), ii. 404. ciples by which to be guided with Adams, Lieut. Colonel, testimony to his reference to an (10 March, 1803), i, zeal and judgment (6 April, 1804), 427, 428. iii. 199. Agra, and the province of Malwa, cha Address. (See Henshaw.) . racter of the country between (12 Addresses to Major General Sir A. Wel- Sept., 1804), iii. 457. lesley on his quitting India (Feb., Ahmed abad, not ours, and Till not be March, 1805), iii. 677, et seq. (15 June, 1804), iii. 350. Adjuntee, hospital established at (29 Ahmedabad farm, proposed arrangement Sept., 1803), ii. 356; (3 Oct., 1803), respecting (28 Sept., 1803), ii. 351. 369 ; force to be sent thither (4 Oct., , rent from (14 May, 1804), iii. 1803), 373 ; camp at (8 Oct., 1803), 270 ; proposed settlement of the per- 387. gunnahs, 271,272; objections of the Adjuntee ghaut, advance of Scindiah Veshwuh to the arrangements respect- INDEX.

ing the Ahmedabad farm (25 May, 1804), 581 ; letter to the collector, pay 1804), 306, 307; its produce and ment to Hyder Khan of two months' allotment (14 Jan., 1805), 610. subsistence (27 June, 1805), 634. Ahmednuggur, wish for information re Alliance, disinclination of the Peshwah specting the nature of the fort (23 to the (20 June, 1803), ii. 22; its May, 1803), i. 587; movement to beneficial operation, 24, note. wards (5 June, 1803), 619. Allied governments, weakness of things , advance to (12 June, 1803), ii. 1, so called (8 Oct., 1803), ii. 387, 391. etseq. ; advantages to be derived from Allied troops, plunder by, on their own its capture (16 June, 1803), 10 ; (18 account (15 June, 1804), iii. 350,351. June, 1803), 12; opportunity for at Allies, frontiers of, curious state of (22 tacking (22 June, 1803), 32 ; no fear July, 1803), ii. 115. of the success of the project (24 June, Allyghur, dashing attack on (1 1 Oct., 1803), 39; to be tried only in 1803), ii. 399 ; a most extraordinary full force (4 July, 1803), 64 ; General feat (14 Oct., 1803), 414. Wellesley's proposed attack on, with Ambajee Inglia, intention of the Go his own corps (29 July, 1803), 142 ; vernor General not to adhere to his approach to (1 Aug., 1803), 159 ; (3 treaty with him (18 Feb., 1804), iii. Aug., 1803), 173 ; proposed attack as 83; like the rest of the Marhattas soon as circumstances permit (6 Aug., (21 Feb., 1804), 87 ; held Gwalior as 1803), 180 ; reduction of the fortress servant of Scindiah (17 March, 1804), (12 Aug., 1803), 193 ; return of the 167; breach by, of his treaty, 168; killed and wounded, 195 ; general or description by, of General Lake (1 der by the Governor in Council (8 April, 1804), 194; cession by, of Go- Sept., 1803), 196, note; estimate of hud to the company (20 May, 1804), the gross revenue of the conquered 304. provinces (21 Aug., 1803), 219, note; Ambition, effects of the demon on the letter to the officer commanding at, construction of the treaties of peace, 26 September, 1803,344; prize pro (13 April, 1804), iii. 221. perty at (4 Oct., 1803), 374 ; proposed Amildars and officers, rule of proceeding mint at (8 Jan., 1804), 643 ; remains between (15 Dec, 1799), i. 47 ; con in ,possession reasons for of selecting, the British, as the 644. situa duct of an amildar to Colonel Sher- brooke(24 Dec, 1799), 55 ; irksome- tion for posting the subsidiary force ness of disputes between (18 June, serving with the Peshwah (26 Jan., 1800), 154; disgust produced by their 1804), iii. 13; should have a British conduct (3 Aug., 1800), 195; (5 Aug., garrison (14 Feb., 1804), 68; bieach 1800), 196. of treaty by the killadar, 135; appli Amrut Rao, collecting troops (13 Sept., cation by a relation for the restoration 1800), i. 227 ; Holkar's intention to of property (12 March, 1804), 135, wards himself and his sou (4 Dec , 136; completion of glacis of the fort 1802), 385; civil letter to (17 April, (29 March, 1804), 192; miserable 1803), 500; proceedings of (\S April, state of the inhabitants of, from 1803), 503, et seq. ; engagement never scarcity of provisions (11 April, 1804), to have any intercourse with the 215 ; work to be performed at, 216 ; Peshwah's enemies (26 May, 1803), daily mortality there from famine (2 591 ; engagement to separate himself May, 1804), 248; excess of number from the Peshwah's enemies (27 May, of persons at work and fed (5 May, 1803), 593, 594; desire of the British 1804), 250; clearance of aqueducts Government for a reconciliation with leading to the fort or pettah (9 May, his brother, 594. 1804), 266; daily mortality at, and , application for protection (15 June, number of persons fed at (1 June, 1803), ii. 8, and note ; not one of the 1804), 329; augmentation of distress confederates (19 June, 1803),17; Ge at (2 June, 1804), 332; battering train neral Wellesley's letter to (16 July, sent to (7 June, 1804), 338; treasure 1803), 94 ; southern chiefs connected forwarded to (22 June, 1804), 358; with, wish well tp the British Go necessity of keeping the depot at, full vernment (lijuly, 1803), 123; pro (24 June, 1804), 367 ; amount of rice posed revenue to, and treatment of at (24 June, 1804), 368; amount of him by the Peshwah, 125; object of treasure at, 369 ; captured ordnance, the expedition against him (1 Aug., and stores for the heavy train, at (27 1803), 161; choute paid to (3 Aug., /une, 1804), 379; amount of the store of 1803), 175 ; particulars of a treaty be rice which ought to be there (25 Dec, tween Genera Wellesley and Sree INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 3

munt Amrut Rao (16 Aug., 1803), 205, seizing them (24 Aug., 1803), ii. 233; 206 (24 Aug., 1803), 229 ; demand by discharge by, of his troops (24 Nov., his vakeel to pay 10,000 men (2 Oct., 1803), 540 ; Rajah of, claims on (25 1803), 364; (3 Oct., 1803), 367; (5 Dec, 1803), 611. Oct., 1803), 377; memorandum re Animosity, oblivion of, when war is con specting his revenue and his engage cluded (12 March, 1804), iii. 136. ments (30 Sept., 1803), 379 ; on his AnundRao (2 Aug., 1803), ii. 166, 167; way to join General Wellesley (6 Nov., aid of his horse, 171 ; superintendence 1803), 479; historic notice of, and of the command of troops in his terri amount of his troops (12 Nov., 1803), tories (14 Sept., 1803), 299; inimical 505, 506, note; cession of Poonadur conduct of (27 Sept., 1803), 347 ; na (27 Nov., 1803), 553 ; horse and in ture of Anund Rao Guickwar's en fantry belonging to Amrut Rao (10 gagement with the Company (4 Sept., Dec, 1803), 572; (10 Jan., 1804), 1803), 269. 652 ; sum given to his son (12 Dec, Anund Rao Powar, proposed junction of, 1803), 577 ; state of the dispute be with Colonel Murray (31 May, 1804), tween him and the Peshwah (14 Dec, iii. 323 ; why not to be considered in 1803), 578-581 ; (22 Jan., 1804), 706; the light of an independent chief, ib. deceitful conduct of the Peshwah re Appah Dessaye, his visitto General Wel specting (15 Jan., 1804), 670; letter lesley, and detail of his affairs (14 to the Governor General on the ar July, 1803), ii. 86; (i4 July, 1803), rangements with Amrut (15 Jan., 126; serving with the British (24 1804), 671; justifiable complaints of Aug, 1803), 230; dispute about his (18 Jan., 1804), 690, 691. pay (26 Aug., 1803), 238 ; large ex Amrut Rao, release of servants of (24 pense of keeping him (1 Sept., 1803), Jan., 1804), iii. 9, 10 ; the Peshwah's 259, 260; promised monthly payment refusal to liberate Amrut's servants and to (4 Sept., 1803), 270; numbers of women (26 Jan., 1804), 17; mode of (28 , assistance Sept., 1803), asked 351. hy, to obtain pos arranging the matter, 18 ; his cha racter, objection to his having pos session of villages (20 March, 1804), session of the Peshwah's government, iii. 173; date from which to be paid and recommendation of his residing (7 April, 1804), 207; payments to, at Surat on his pension, 19, 20; ar arrangements respecting (25 May, rangements for discharging his troops 1804), 311; his claim to the choute (30 Jan., 1804), 35; danger of his of Aurungabad quite clear (5 March, attempting to deceive General Welles- 1805), 672. ley (13 Feb., 1804), 66 ; arrangements Appah Saheb (7 June, 1800), i. 144; for the payment ol his stipend (2 March, (3 Aug., 1800), 195; (13 Sept., 1800), 1804), 106; opinion on Amrut Rao's 226; (21 Jan., 1803), 399, 400; bond (12 March, 1804), 136; disin 3000 Pindarries in his service (29 clination of the Peshwah to perform March, 1 803), 453 ; engagement given his promise in respect to the release by Major General Wellesley to the of Amrut's servants and the restora vakeel of (29 March, 1803), 455; tion of his property (12 March, 1804), proposals respecting Futty Sing (8 135; (13 March, 1804), 137; to have April, 1803), 477; causes of his not no communication with the Pesh wishing to meet the Peshwah (11 wah's enemies (13 March, 1804), 141 ; April, 1803), 481, 482; (13 April, handed over to the Resident at Poo- 1803), 489; steps taken to prevent his nah (7 April, 1804), 207; claim on defection (24 April, 1803), 514; pro the Guickwar government (21 April, posed delivery to, of Zereen Putka for 1804), 233; nature of advances made a nuzzer of one or two lacs of rupees to him (25 May, 1804), 311; to be (26 May, 1803), 591 ; (27 May, 1803), allowed to proceed through Berar (2 593; does not wish for the proposed Jan., 1805), 590. honor (27 May, 1803), 596. Anakeery, situation of (10 April, 1800), , contents of his letter (23 July, i. 102; described (15 April, 1800), 1803), ii. 116; his time serving con 105; must be carried, 106; hand duct, 117; opportunity to be taken of grenades wanted for (21 April, 1800), bringing him to his senses (3 Aug., 108 ; succe?s at, and subsequent pro 1803), 175; contest between him and ceedings (7 May, 1800), 112. the Rajah of Kolapoor suspended by Anecdote of Mr. Pepper (21 Jan., 1804), General Wellesley (6 Aug., 1803), 187. ii. 701. , meeting between him and Rastia Angria's possessions, reasons against Q3 March, 1804), iii. 140; probability ii 2 INDEX.

of seeing, on the journey through Sa- 76 ; question of the policy of giving vanore (3 July, 1804), 388 ; visit of (5 up (18 April, 1801), 228. July, 1804), 395; (11 July, 1804), Assistant Surgeon, apology by an (15 408; arbitration of disputes between Oct., 1800), i. 262. him and the Peshwah (8 July, 1804), Assye, dispatches and papers relating to 398, et seq. the battle (24 Sept., 1803), ii. 323, Arabs, obstinate defence by, at Ahmed- et seq. ; number of cannon taken (24 nnggur (12 Aug., 1803), ii. 193; re- Sept., 1803), 328; (25 Sept., 1803), sistance at Baroach (12 Sept., 1803), 332 ; (3 Oct., 1803), 372 ; Memo- 290, note. randumon the battle (24 Sept., 1803), Arab troops, the bravest of all in the 329 ; return of ordnance of different service of the native powers (14 Oct., calibres taken (30 Sept., 1803), 333 ; 1803), 417; inquiries respecting, ib. number of the enemy killed, 335 ; Arbitration. (See Strachey, Mr.) mistake of the officer who led the Arcot, good appearance of corps at (1 piquets (1 Nov., 1803), 340; (24 Dec, 1804), iii. 555. Sept., 1803), 331; operations after Argaum, battle of (30 Nov., 1803), the battle (27 Sept., 1803), 349; ex ii. 555 ; distribution of prize taken in cellence of the Marhatta infantry (28 the battle (17 Jan., 1804), 687. Sept., 1803), 354; distribution of , further details respecting the bat prize taken in the battle (17 Jan., tle, and moonlight pursuit of the 1804), 687. enemy (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 6. 8. (See , battle of, narrative of events sub Scindiah.) sequent to (24 Jan. 1804), iii. 1, et Armistice between Scindiah and Major seq. ; troops have halted but one day General Wellesley (23 Nov. 1803), since the battle (9 Feb., 1804), 52; ii. 534 ; with Scindiah, causes of the doubt on men's minds respecting the departure from (21 Jan., 1804), 699. result of the war, till the battle (26 Arms, English, captured at Seringa- June, 1804), 372. patam (7 Mar., 1800), i. 84. Aston, Colonel (3 Oct., 1803), ii. 372. Army, necessity of Great Britain's Attavesy, the, observations on the mili having an army, and not the skeleton tary organization of troops in (29 Aug., of one (11 Feb., 1804), iii. 63; ques 1803), ii. 247. tion of the reform of (26 Feb., 1804), Avarice, the cause of the evils in the 99. (See Expense.) Soubah of the Deccan's territories, Arrack, Batavia, supply of an additional (16 Jan., 1804), ii. 677. quantity of (21 July, 1803), ii. 109. Auction, captured property to be put up arrangement, letter on (1 March, to (17 Feb., 1804), iii. 82. 1805), iii. 661. Aurungabad, Holkar's conduct at (27 Arsito Jah's remarks on closing people's May, 1803), i. 595. mouths (22 May, 1804), iii. 299. , (14 June, 1803), ii. 5 ; females of Artificers, nerrick of (25 Jan., 1800), the Nizam in (18 June, 1803), 14, 15 ; i. 67. objects attained by Mohiput Ham's , great loss sustained in (3 Oct., march to (21 June, 1803), 28 ; fort, to 1803),ii.370 ; excellence ofScindiah's whom to be intrusted (18 June, 1803), artillery (3 Oct., 1883), 371; injury 13, 14; (21 June, 1803), 28 ; refusal to the military spirit of the Marhatta of bullock owners to go farther than hy the establishment of artillery (18 (21 July, 1803), 110; General Wel- Nov., 1800), 518. lesley's arrival at (31 Aug., 1803), , powerful, of the Marhattas (14 254; loss of, in what case certain (4 Sept., 1804), iii. 465. (See Horse.) Sept., 1803), 267. Artillery officers, never satisfied with a battering train (4 JVut'., 1803), ii. 470. B. Asseerghur, movement on (8 Oct., 1803), ii. 387,389; taken (22 Oct., 1803), Badamy, a fortified pettah (30 Aug., 435; (24 Oct., 1803),447; detailsof the 1800), i. 215. capture of, requested (4 Nov., 1803), , fort, notice of (6 Sept., 1801), i. 47 1 ; detailed account of its capture 362. (6 Nov., 1803), 479 ; jewels taken at , only to be taken by a regular siege (17 Jan., 1804), 689. (11 .My, 1804), iii. 415. , the onlv mode of attacking (16 Baird, Major General (4 April, 1799), Feb., 1804)', iii. 75; order for the i. 25, note; (3 May, 1799), 31; as delivery of the pettah (16 Feb., 1804), sault on Seringapatam (5 jtfay, 1799) INDIA.— VOLS. I. TO III.

32 ; appointed to command the arma pairs required, specified (26 Oct., ment destined to the Red Sea (10 1803), 454; property captured at (31 Feb., 1801), 297; Colonel Wellesley's Oct., 1803), 460; case of property- letters to (21 Feb., 1801), ib. 298; captured there, claimed by merchants (9 April, 1801), 312, 319; (11 April, (15 Nov., 1803),516; number of lacs 1801), 320; (13 April, 1801), 323; from (5 Jan., 1804), 624. Memorandum enclosed to, on the ope Baroach, building used as a native hospi rations in the Red Sea (9 April, 1801), tal at (2 Feb., 1804), iii. 39. 314. Baroda, proper amount of garrison for Bajee Rao, the Peshwah (16 Sept., (2 Aug., 1803), ii. 168; letter to the 1800) i. 232; (17 Sept., 1800), 235; officer commanding the troops at (6 his deceptive policy (15 Oct., 1800), Aug. 1803), 183; military authority 262 ; his usurpation of the govern of the resident (12 Sept., 1803), 288 ; ment of the Marhatta dominions, manner in which the troops at, are 368. treated (15 Oct., 1803), 421 ; ruinous , treaty of Bassein concluded by guards at (15 Oct., 1803), 423. (6 Aug., 1 803), ii. 18 1 . (See Peshwah.) Basket boats, skins for (14 Feb., 1803), Bandies (18 July, 1800), i. 188. i. 407; to be covered with double skins Banditti, attempt to surprise and cut of leather (20 March, 1803), 445, up (21 Jan., 1804), ii. 700. twenty upon each river (27 March, , mode of repressing (17 Feb., 1804), 1803), 451 ; size, depth, and covering iii. 82; rout of (18 March, 1804), (8 April, 1803), 479 ; their diameter, 170 (tee Freebooters) ; cause of their and difficulty of managing (6 Jane, increase upon the western frontier (19 1803), 622; pioneers know nothing Dec, 1804), 573. about them (11 June, 1803), 637. Bangalore and Seringapatam, compara Bassein, proposed depot at (20 Jan., tive advantages of (1 Aug., 1801), i. 1803), i. 395 ; treaty of, its advantages 350, 352, 354; (6 Sept., 1801), 355, to Holkar and Scindiah (27 Man, 356. 1803), 5'J4. * — — , duties required from the officer , treaty of (12 June, 1803), ii. 2, stationed at Bangalore (3 April, 1804), note; reported confederacy to oppose iii. 197. its execution (14 July, 1803), 88; na Bangles, gold, bestowed as a mark of ture of the treaty (6 Aug., 1803), 180. favor (3 Oct., 1803), ii. 373, note. , corps to be landed at, from Goa Bankers of India, exchanges regulated (13 May, 1804), iii. 269; complaint by (14 Oct., 1803), ii. 420, note. against the Soubahdar of (27 May Banking. (See Shroffing). 1804), 317; treaty of, at length (Is Barclay, Captain (11 Feb, 1800), i. 78; Oct., 1804), 472; Memorandum on investigation of prisoners arrested on the treaty, 479. the island of Seringapatam (15 Feb., Bath, order of, General Wellesley created 1800), 80 ; (4 April, 1803), i. 470. an extra Knight Companion, 9 Aug , — — , , R., Deputy Adjutant General, 1804, iii. 682; original number of the Mysore (7 Aug.,1803), ii. 193; letter Order, date and number of its exten from, requesting details of the cap sion, 683, note. ture of Asseerghur (4 Nov., 1803), Batta to officers, arrangement of the 471 ; letter to Colonel Stevenson (22 payment of (23 May, 1804), iii. 300. Nov. 1803), 528, note. Battalion, estimate of the monthly ex Barclay, Major, on appointing an officer pense of a (7 Dec, 1799), i. 45. to fill his office of Deputy Adjutant Battering train, artillery officers never General in Mysore (23 Nov., 1804), satisfied with (4 Nov., 1803), ii. 470. iii. 518. (See Prize.) Batavia, proposed expedition against Bargeers, hiring of (7 Nov. 1803), ii. (27 May, 1800), i. 125. 484. Baye, consequences of thwarting her Baroach, proposed cession of (27 June, wishes (18 May, 1804), iii. 292. 1803), ii. 54, note; garrison for (2 Baynes, Captain, convoy under his pro Aug., 1803), 169; collection of re tection (2 Nov., 1803), ii. 466; de venues in districts depending on (27 tails by, of the repulse of its attempted Aug., 1803), 244; fort of, taken by interception, 467, 468, note; proceed storm (8 Sept., 1803), 282; detailed ing to Ahmeduuggur (13 Nov., 1803), account of the attack and capture 510; (\5 Nov., 1803), 513. (12 Sept., 1803), 289, et teq., note; Bazaars in camp, arrangements for sup claim to a proportion of the captured plying with grain (9 June, 1804), iii. property (28 Sept., 1803), 352; re 341. 6 INDEX.

Bearers, Mysore, reward for their at the council of Fort St. George (2 tention (21 Aug., 1800), i. 211. Feb., 1804), iii. 40; Governor of , arrangements respecting dooley- Fort St. George, letter to, on bills of bearers (9 Nov., 1803), ii. 491, 492. exchange (18 May, 1804),285,el teq.; Bednore, hanging of thieves in (2 letter to, public spirit of the house of March, 1800), i. 83; province of, Forbes and Co. (27 May, 1804) ; 315; practicability of its being overrun by letter to (20 June, 1804), 356; desire Marhatta horse (6 Sept., 1801), 363. to meet the Governor General (15 Beemah, river (17 June, 1803), ii. 11; Aug., 1804), 439; letter to, on the (18 June, 1803), 12; (19 June, 1803), augmentation and payment of the 19; (21 June, 1803), 27; want of military establishments (29 Aug., resources for the position north of 1804), 444; letter to (18 Oct., 1804) ; (24 June, 1803), 39. augmentation of the army of Fort St. , pursuit of the freebooters to (27 George, only four regiments, 471; Feb., 1804),iii. 104. (See Freebooters) communication to be made to, re Begum Sumroo, the only brigade that specting ihe force for Hyderabad (25 escaped ou the 23rd, part of his (21 Dec, 1804), 580, note; letter to (11 Oct., 1803), ii. 434. Jan., 1805), pacific intentions of the Behaudry pagodas, payment of (17 Jan., Rajah of Berar, 602; outline of his 1800), i. 64; preference for Behaudry political situation, and opinion on it, pagodas (11 May, 1803), 564. 603, 604; letter to, correspondence Bellingham, Captain, recommendation with Residents, to obtain a knowledge of (26 Feb., 1805), iii. 659. of passing events (17 Jan., 1805), Benares, death of the old lady at (30 612, 613; letter to (19 Feb., 1805), June, 1800), i. 169. 649. , measures to be adopted for its Berar, Rajah of, pretensions of, to the security against Holkar (15 Nov., supreme authority of the Marhatta 1804), iii. 542. (See Scindiah.) empire (19 Dec, 1802), i. 389; re Bengal, the ' Paradise of nations,' its ported death of (16 April, 1803), i. advantages over barbarous establish 498; not dead (3 May, 1803), 536; ments in possessing a civil govern his march towards Oomrawooty (9 ment (26 Feb., 1804), iii. 99; sailing May, 1803), 555. of detachments for (8 April, 1804), , Ha jali of, negotiations between him 21 1 ; little prospect of obtaining and Scindiah (12 June, 1803), ii. 1, specie from Bengal (28 April, 1804), note ; meeting with Scindiah (14 June, 243; necessity of sending money 1803), 5; on good terms with Scin round to Bombay from Bengal (15 diah (16 June, 1803), 10; General May, 1804), 275; causes of the dis Wellesley empowered to conclude re advantageous exchange on bills drawn lations with (26 June, 1803), 51, note ; by Bombay on Bengal (18 May, 1804), conduct to be pursueil towards him by 287, (tee Bills) ; exception of the Colonel Collins (27 June, 1803), 53, government of, from that of the rest note; interview between him, Scid- of India, in reference to civil govern diah, and Colonel Collins (6 July, ment (3 July, 1804), 390. 1803), 67, note; his letter to the Bengal army, commencement of opera Governor General, 69, note ; assembly tions by (10 Sept., 1803), ii. 288. of his army on the Nizam's frontier Bengal columns, march of (24 Dec, (14 July, 1803), 82, 83; inconsistent 1799), i. 55; no complaints (30 Dec, conduct with his friendly professions 1799), 58. 15 July, 1803), 93. (See Collins, Bengal sepoys, expediency of collecting Colonel.) Letter to Colonel Collins, six battalions of, at Midnapore (29 received 24th July, 1803 (26 July, July, 1803), ii. 144. 1803), 134, note; force of the Rajah Bengal troops, comparative advantages of Berar, 25th July, 136, note; (29 of employing, over the Coast and July, 1803), 142; Memorandum from Bombay troops (14 Feb., 1804), iii. Colonel Collins to the Rajah, 30th 69 ; reasons for a preference of Ben July (31 July, 1803), 154, note; the gal troops to those of the Madras esta Rajah's letter to General Wellesley blishment (17 March, 1804), 163. (6 Aug., 1803), 184, note ; enters the Bentinck, Lord William, part of letter Nizam's territories (30 Aug., 1803), to be communicated to (23 Nov., 251; distress in his camp, 253; ar 1803), ii. 532; (26 Nov., 1803), let rangements for an expedition into ter to, 551. Berar (4 Sept., 1803), 266, 271; , intention of calling Mr. Webbe to possible result of the invasion (8 INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III.

Sept., 1803), 284; (24 Oct., 1803), 1803), 472, 473, 474; arrangements 448; doubt of the propriety of the with, in what case will be confirmed expedition (28 Sept., 1803), 354. (See (2 Dec, 1803), 564; (6 Dec, 1803), Scindiah.) Reported quarrel of the 57 1 ; who the Bheels are, and way of Rajah with Scindiah (24 Oct., 1803), securing them (14 Dec, 1803), 582. 448; his march to the southward Bheels, attack by, on Powanghur (14 (25 Oct., 1803), 453; necessity of March, 1804), iii. 149; how to be carrying the war into Berar (2 Nov., considered (1 April, 1804), 195 ; strong 1803), 464; question of its possibility force to go against (27 Dec, 1804), unless the Soubah of the Deccan de 585; troublesome on the roads to fends his country, 465 ; attempt to the northward of Ahmednuggur, and intercept a convoy of 14,000 bullocks, effectual measures to check them in 466; treaty of peace between the dicated (12 Jan., 1805), 607. Company and the Rajah, 17 Dec Bhore ghaut, badness of the road down 1803, 588; revenues of Berar (17 the ghaut (20 April, 1803), i. 504, Dec, 1803), 592; ratification of the ghaut, badness of, for carriages treaty (9 Jan., 1804), 647, note; com (24 Nov., 1804), iii. 550. plete exclusion of Europeans from the Bhow's family, preference for (13 Aug., Rajah's service preferred, in peace and 1800), i 203. war, il,.; amount of his cessions Bhurtpoor, Rajah of, will be punished (15 Jan., 1804), 676. (14 Dec 1804), iii. 570; cost of time Berar, Rajah of, refusal to suspend hos and lives to subdue the Rajah (6 tilities with (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 4; March, 1805), 674. date of concluding the treaty of peace Bills, permission to draw, little benefit with, 7 ; delay of the Soubah's ser from, accounted for (21 July, 1803), vants in ceding districts near the hills ii. 109. (See Money.) Bills on Bom (26 Jan., 1804), 11; country pro bay, stoppage of the supply of money ducing annually four lacs of rupees, for (23 Oct., 1804), 441; difficulty of to be given over by the treaty (27 procuring money at Poonah for bills Jan., 1804), 24; villages possessed in on Bombay, drawn at thirty days' enaum by his servants (28 Jan., 1804), sight (28 Oct., 1803), 458 ; bills upon 26 ; cause of delay in withdrawing honor, when to be admitted (7 Nov., the troops, 27 ; construction of the 1803), 483. 8th article of the treaty of peace, (8 to the soucars at Poonah, pro Feb., 1804), 51; and of the 10th posed cessation of (28 April, 1804), (10 Feb., 1804), 57; to be ordered to iii. 244; fear of its being impossible withdraw his troops from Berar (16 to discontinue to draw bills on Bengal March, 1804), 153; treaties made with and Bombay (29 April, 1804), 246; the feudatories of the Rajah (30 bills at Bombay, difficulty of paying March, 1804), 193; arbitration of (15 May, 1804), 274; at Poonah, disputed boundaries (17 April, 1804), stopped, 275 ; good effects of ceasing 225 ; villages left in the hands of the to draw bills upon Bengal at Poonah ministers of the Rajah (7 June, 1804), (17 May,W4), 284; bills drawn by 336 ; claim of the Rajah to collect Lord William Bentinck on Bengal the revenues of the districts ceded by and England, bad effects of (18 May, the treaty of Deogaum (9 July, 1 804) 1804), 286; causes of the depreciation 406, 407; his armaments (11 Dec, of Bombay bills, 287 ; bills of Benares 1804), 563, 564; claims of the Rajah and Calcutta, comparative value of upon the Soubahdar's government for (22 May, 1804), 297; arrangements the revenues of the pergunnahs under for drawing no bills on Bengal or Gawilghur (19 Dec, 1804), 572; de Bombay in favor of soucars at Poonah fenceless state of the province, 573; (24 June, 1804), 370; rate at which march of British detachments into, bills are drawn, 370, 371; bills on 574; question of making him respon Bombay and Bengal, the only resource sible for the acts of others (27 Dec, to obtain money (12 Dec, 1804), 1804), 584, 585; disbands and dis 566. perses his troops (9 Jan., 1805), 600, Biparries, description of (3 Nov., 1804), 601. iii. 537. Bheels, mode of conciliating them (2 Bissolee ghaut (10 April, 1800), i. 102; Aug., 1803), ii. 173; to be beaten up attack on the post at (12 April, 1800), and destroyed (3 Sept., 1803), 263; 105. to be made friends of (16 Sept., 1803), Blowing open the gates of a lb it (14 305; engagements with (5 Nov., Oct., 1803), ii. 414. 8 INDEX.

Boats, Memorandum on (20 March, Braithwaite, Major General (3 June, 1803), i. 444, 445; pay to each boat 1800), i. 140; (8 June, 1800), 146. man, 446 ; size and number of basket , General Order by, thanking Colo boats (27 March, 1803), 451, 452; nel Wellesley for his service on the distinguishing flags for the boats frontiers of Mysore (11 Sept., 1800), (2 April, 1803), 461 ; number wanted, i. 224, 225, note; letter to, from Colonel their size, depth, and how to lie sewed Wellesley, announcing his appoint- . (8 April, 1803), 479 ; Memorandum ment to command the troops collected respecting boats, &c. (11 April,\80'ij, atTrincomalee (19 Dec, 1803), 275. 484 ; Memorandum on the manner of Breaching of walls, when to be dis laying abridge of boats across a river, pensed with (7 May, 1800), i. 551. 487; boats ou the river Beemah (11 Bribery, common, of ministers of a na June, 1803), 637. tive power (5 Aug., 1803), ii. 177; , bad consequences of a want of anecdote of an attempt by a Mar- (13 Sept., 1803), ii. 294. hatta agent to bribe General Welles- Borgne, M. de, norice of, i. 371, and note. ley (24 Nov., 1803), 544, note. Bombay, letter to tlie Governor of (13 Brickmakers, trouble with (5 Feb., 1800), April, 1801), i. 323. i. 74. concern, bad account of (21 June, Bridges. (See Basket boats and Boats.) 1803), ii. 27; letter to the Governor Bhnjarries, deficiency and delay of (25 of (2 Aug., 1803), 166; letter to June, 1800), i. 163; tardiness of (6 Governor of (25 Oct., 1803), 449; July, 1800), 172, 173; (8 July, 1800), establishment, parties into which 175; in what light to be regarded (20 divided (11 Nov., 1803), 494. Aug., 1800), 208; Dhoondiah leaves Occurrences for March, 1804 (14 behind him a tandah of 10,000 (1 March, 1804), iii. 143; address to Sept., 1800), 215, 216; his mode of Major General Wellesley, 144; asylum employing the brinjarries (7 Sept., afforded at, to persons escaping from 1800), 217; of the ceded districtsand the Peshwah (6 April, 1804), 203; Baramahl (3 MarcA, 1803), 415; (20 poverty of the government of, from the March, 1803), 444; receipts to, for expenses of the army (28 April, 1804), supplies furnished by (2 April, 1803), 243; inconvenience experienced at, 461; settlement of disputes with (4 from the draughts made upon their April, 1803), 470; description of the treasury, 244 ; caution against weaken brinjarries, and their mode of dealing ing Bombay too much ( 15 June, 1804), (18 April, 1803), 501 ; exhaustion of 350 ; letter to the Governor of (24 brinjarry cattle (18 May, 1803), 577; June, 1804), 365; Bombay battalions losses in cattle, and presents made to at Poonah, bad state of discipline and the brinjarry dealers (27 May, 1803), efficiency of (11 Jan., 1805), 605; 597 ; difficulties with them from their Bombay corps at Poonah, to be go practice of plundering, 598; quarrels verned by the regulations of the between them and the sepoys (8 June, Bombay army (15 Jan., 1805), 611; 1803), 630; mild treatment of brin Bombay infantry at Poonah, undisci jarries unavailing, 631 ; disinclination plined state of (24 Jan., 1805), 632; of the Poonah brinjarries to come for Bombay troops in the Deccan (15 ward in the service of the British Feb., 1805), 646. army (10 June, 1803), 635. Bombay troops, best mode of paying , desertion of, from Colonel Murray's (24 Dec, 1799), i. 54. corps, by whom occasioned (21 June, , distressing desertion of followers 1803), ii. 27 ; brinjarry tricks with rice of (17 Oct., 1803), ii. 429. (22 June, 1803), 32 ; disappointments , must have rice (14 Feb., 1804), from (14 July, 1803), 84; directions iii. 69. for packing rice, 85 ; unmanageable, Boundary between the states of the unless their profits are enormous (21 Soubah and the Rajah of Berar, dis July, 1803), 110; proposed payment putes respecting (17 April, 1804), iii. of, by the trip, 111; Soubahdars, not 224, 225. interfered with by General Wellesley Bowser, Colonel, thanks for his services (14 Sept., 1803), 298; number that (11 Sept., 1800), i. 225, note; favor ought to be at Hyderabad (16 Sept., able report of his conduct by Colonel 1803), 308; supplies furnished by Wellesley (13 Sept., 1800), 228; Ragojee Bhoonslah's brinjarries, 369 ; power of calling for his detachment encouragements and generosity to, by (16 Sept., 1800), 233; (17 Sept., General , their Wellesley, dishonest 372, character, note, 373. and 1800), 234. INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III.

mode of acting in case of their not draught bullocks in condition (24 attending the camp as dealers on their June, 1804), 369; peculiar fitness of own account (24 June, 1804), iii. 366 ; bullocks for the draught of ordnance detailed description of, and of their (16 Aug., 1804), 440. mode of conducting business (3 Nov., Bullum, never effectually conquered till 1804), 536, 537. military roads were opened through British Government, its glorious situa (5 Dec, 1804), iii. 558. tion in India by the late war (16 Jan., Bundelcund, preference for obtaining 1804), ii. 679, 680. (Sic Influence.) land there (21 June, 1803), ii. 27; British troops, conspicuous instance of wish of the people and chiefs to pass their good qualities (15 Dec, 1803), under the British Government (15 ii. 587. Aug., 1803), 203, 204; cession of , injury to the character of, in lands in lieu of those in Savanore (24 making them the means of carrying Aug., 1803), 231; policy of taking on unpopular acts of the native possession of (21 Oct. 1803), 432, 433. governments (26 Jan., 1804), iii. , expediency of having a corps in 17. (1 June, 1804), iii. 328. Buchan, Mr., letter on the subject of a Burhampoor, taken possession of (21 monument to Mr. Webbe (28 Jan., Oct., 1803), ii. 434; (24 Oct., 1S03), 1805), iii. 635, note. 446; contribution on (13 Jan., 1804), Bullock accounts, subject of (29 May, 660, 662; (17 Jan., 1804), 685; 1803), i. 600; (30 May, 1803), 601. amount of the contribution levied (17 Bullock department, expediency of ap Jan. 1804), 689. pointing some person to take charge , difficulty of getting the troops left of it (A Nov., 1803), ii. 469, 472; (5 in, to withdraw (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 12. JVou. 1803), 476. Bussora, appointment of Resident at (22 , gratuity of one month's pay March, 1804), iii. 181. to persons belonging to, recommended Buswunt rice (11 Nov., 1803), ii. 493, (2 Aug., 1804), iii. 435; (22 Aug., 494. 1804), 443; its extraordinary services, Bygurry system, not bearable, and al and trifling mortality among the cattle terations proposed (2 Oct., 1800), i. (2 Aug, 1804), 436, 437; (22 Aug., 244. 1804), 443. Bullocks, draught, order for, to be taken to Seringapatam (6 Oct., 1799), i. 42 ; C. arrangements for (24 Dec, 1799), 53; (31 Jan., 1800), 69; proposed reten Calamity, means adopted by natives of tion of them as an establishment in India to avert (2 Nov., 1803), ii. 465, the Company's service (3 Fti., 1800), note. 7 1 ; arrangements with gram agents Cambay, garrison for (2 Aug., 1803), (26 March, 1800), 91, 92; fanltiness ii. 169. of the bullock system (23 July, 1800), Camden, Earl, letter to Major General 188; daily consumption of (1 April, Sir A. Wellesley, 30 Aug., 1804 (9 1803), 458; number of bullocks to be March, 1805), iii. 683, note. sent to Panwell (2 April, 1803), 461 ; Camels, proposed disposal of all (24 advantages of a removal of I he re Dec, 1799), i. 54. striction on the sale of bullocks (10 , bought to carry the camp equi June, 1803), 634, 635; directions re page (12 June, 1803), ii. 3. specting (11 June, 1803), 638. Camp equipage, pressure from (22 , supplies of (25 June, 1803), ii. Sept., 1800), i. 236; (2 Oct., 1800), 44; (26 June, 1803), 46, 47; lo-s 244. of 3000 by the rain (19 Aug., 1803), Camp followers hired at Bombay, deser ii. 217; number of bullocks for tion of (17 Oct., 1803), ii. 428; pu- each regiment (16 Sept., 1803), 308; nishment of a camp follower for steal attempted interception of a convoy ing (2 Dec, 1803), 563, note. of 14,000 bullocks (2 Nov., 1803), Campaign, not to be entered upon at a 466. distance of seven hundred miles from , , white bullocks, of the same caste, our own resources (23 June, 1803), mtended for the Peshwah (16 May, ii. 36. 1804), iii. 278; hiringof 5000 bullocks Campbell, Major General (15 May, (5 June, 1804), 334; expediency of 1803), i. 574, note. separating large convoys of (9 June, , (30 July, 1803), ii. 147; (30 1804), 342, 343; necessity of keeping July, 1803), 149 ; consequences of 10 INDEX.

moving his corps up to Hyderabad 549 ; how to be attacked, 551 ; letter (13 Sept., 1803), 294; letter to (14 to the Killadar(8 May, 1803), 554; Sept., 1803), 296; letter to, on the the fort when taken to whom to be object and expediency of reducing delivered, 555; given up to the Pesh the number of troops under his com wah's officers by Colonel Murray (12 mand (20 Sept., 1803), 31 7 ; requested May, 1803), 566. to adopt measures for the protection Curnatic, movement of the army to of Appah Dessaye's country (9 Jan., wards, how to be facilitated, if requi 1804), 645, note; letter to (15 Jan., site (4 June, 1803), i. 619. 1804), 675. , necessity of some force in, to guard Campbell, Major General, letter to, re against the French designs (29 July, quest of assistance to the Peshwah's 1803), ii. 144. amildars (31 Jan., 1804), iii. 37 ; cau Carriage, distress for (25 June, 1803), tion against the Peshwah's involving ii. 43 ; loss in carriage cattle (26 June, the British Government in another 1803), 48. war, 38 ; senior to General Wellesley Carriages, badness of iron in (21 March, (7 Feb., 1804), 47; amount sent by 1803), i. 447, 448; dreadful destruc from the ceded districts (28 April, tion of wheel carriages (20 April, 1804), 244; requisition to, from the 1803), 504. Residency at Poonah, 245 ; period for , ordnance, transmission of from his withdrawal of the troops into the Seringapatam ( 1 0 June, 1 804), iii. 349. Company's territories (11 July, 1804), Caryghaut, plunderers assembled at (17 407. March, 1800^, i. 90. Campbell, Lieut. (Major General Sir Cassowly, victory at (12 Dec, 1803), Colin, K.C.B.) (30 Sept., 1803), ii. ii. 574. 360 ; his services, and recommenda Cattle, registering of, and instructions tion of, 361. for their speedy arrival (18 May, 1803), , Lieut. Colin, his services, and re i. 578; owners of hired cattle not to commendation of (6 March, 1805), be forced to go (2 June, 1803), 611; iii. 673. mode of obtaining, and shelter direct Canara, destruction of stores in forts on ed for them (10 June, 1803), 635; the coast of (13 June, 1800), i. 149; unfitness of weak cattle during a ruinous condition of the forts of (19 monsoon (11 June, 1803), 638. (See Dec, 1800), 275. Brinjarries.) , revenue of, paid in gold (1 Sept., , distress for want of (19 June, 1803), ii. 259; proposed destination 1803), ii. 16; (19 June, 1803), 19; of the money (4 Sept., 1803), 265 ; large purchase of (21 June, 1803), practice of the people to export their 30; great losses in (24 June, 1803), produce (12 Oct., 1803), 405; every 38; (26 June, 1803), 48; cause of the inhabitant is a rice merchant (15 mortality among, 49; cattle better Nov., 1803), 515; difference of the food for Europeans than sheep (3 Oct., rice of Canara from that of Bengal 1803), 371; mortality among cattle (20 Jan, 1804), 694. (11 Oct., 1803), 398. , transfer of the territory in Canara, Cavalry, Marhatta, consequences of a in what spirit made (27 Dec, 1804), want of, in the field (8 June, 1803), iii. 582. i. 628. Candeish, expected attack on Holkar's , Marhatta, not very formidable possessions in (9 June, 1804), iii. 342; when opposed lo our infantry (14 Sept., person to whose charge the territories 1804), iii. 465. in, ought to be given (24 Dec, 1804), Cavalry horses, in good order, (19 June, 578. 1803), ii. 19; inferiority of cavalry to Cannanore, inefficiency of the works of disciplined infantry (2 Nov., 1803), (1 Aug., 1801), i. 347 ; fort tumbling 468; observations on the raising of to pieces (6 Sept., 1801), 355. cavalry under the Government of Bom Capper, Colonel, takes Hooly (25 Aug., bay (7 Nov., 1803), 482, 483; expense 1800), i. 212. and tediousness of forming a body of Captain of the day, instructions for cavalry (16 Jan., 1804), 678. (Perinda), (4 Feb., 1804), iii. 42. , enormous expense of regular Captured property, directions to Colonel cavalry (14 Feb., 1804), iii. 71; Colonel Murray respecting (15 June, 1804), Wallace the only officer who can be iii. 351. (SeePioperty). trusted with the cavalry (18 Feb., Carnallah (3 May, 1803), i. 543; (4 18U4), 84; Mysore cavalry must not May, 1803), 545; (7 May, 1803), be exposed to the fire of any di-scrip INDIA. VOLS. 1. TO III. 11

tion of infantry posted (11 Dec, 1804), to Lord Clive on his remaining in the 562. Marhatta territory (16 Sept., 1800), Causes, time to which reference may be 2 SO; letter to Lord Clive from Colonel had for the decision of (7 June, 1801), Wellesley, acknowledging his Lord i. 327. ship's favorable view of his endeavors Cawnpore, march of the Commander to serve the public (11 April, 1801), in Chief from (14 Sept., 1804), iii. 320, 321 ; Lord Clive's letter to Lieut. 463. General Stuart, recommending the Celerity, advantages of, in operating continued employment of Major against a freebooter (27 May, 1804), General Wellesley (7 March, 1803), iii. 316; success of the late war de 419; letter to Lord Clive from General pendent on the utmost celerity (2 Aug., Stuart, on the strength of the ad 1804), 437. vancing detachment (10 iJ/arcA,1803), Censures on public servants, effects of 427; goes to England (13 March, (20*1)., 1804), iii. 547. 1803), 432; Lord Clive's letter to Ceylon, letters to the Governor of (27 Lieut. General Stuart, on his move Dec, 1800), i. 276; (18 Feb., 1301), ment into the Dooab (19 May, 1803), 296 ; difficulty of ships getting round, 581, note. after the middle of March (23 March, Clive, Lord (Earl of Powis), (18 May, 1801), 307. 1804), iii. 286.nOlf. , disgraceful issue of the folly in Clive, Lady, twenty elephants, &c, sent (29 July, 1803), ii. 143 ; effects of the for her use (3 Fei.,1800), i. 72. tragical result there (30 July, 1803), Close, Lieut. Colonel Barry (22 Feb., 146. 1799), i. 21; sunnuds for pensions Champagne, Colonel, (11 April, 1801), (2 Dec, 1799), 45; letters to (15 i. 320; Colonel W ellesley's letter to, Dec, 1799), 46, et teq.; letter to 321. Colonel Wellesley respecting the Chief*, Advance towards (24 Aug., Batavia service (29 May, 1800), 131 ; 1803), ii. 229. appointment to Poonah (6 Sept., Chittledroog, utility of visiting (15 Feb. 1801), 355; describes the extent of 1800), i. 80 ; attempts made to seduce General Wellesley's military autho the sepoys to desert (27 May, 1800), rity (12 May, 1803), 566, 567, note; 124; character of the inhabitants, and letter to the Governor General, on the refusal to take service, 125 ; proposed interview of General Wellesley with separation of the garrison and in the Peshwah (20 May, 1803), 582, habitants (1 June, 1800), 139; Chit note. tledroog why less preferable than , Colonel, letters to (13 June, 1803), Seringapatam (1 Aug. 1801), 350. ii. 4; (15 June, 1803), 8; Memo Choute, claim of (3 Aug., 1803), ii. randum transmitted by to the Gover 175. nor General, ih., note; illness of (23 , its nature, and the right to, in Jan., 1804), 709; (24 Jan., 1804), whom vested (5 March, 1805), iii. 672. 710. Cipher, and letters to Colonel Stevenson , Colonel, departure from Poonah (10 April, 1803), i. 480 ; inability to (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 9; settlement of read the orders for waut of the cipher the Peshwah's government to be left (11 April, 1803), 484. to (26 Jan., 1804), 18; improvement Civil Government of Bengal (26 Feb., in health (12 March, 1804), 136; 1804), iii. 99. quite well (3 April, 1804), 198; letter Civil Governments, advantages of the to, on supplying with provisions the establishment of, in India (3 July, subsidiary force with the Peshwah 1804), iii. 392, 395. (24 June, 1804), 366; bills to be Clinton, Colonel (Adjutant General of countersigned by Colonel Close (24 the Forces in India, afterwards Lieut. June, 1804), 371; his arrangement General Sir Henry), proposition for consequent on the supersession of the establishment of horse artillery, Colonel Wallace judicious and proper (16 Aug., 1804), iii. 440. (17 Dec, 1804), 571, 572, note; has Clive, Lord, letter of, to Colonel Wel a fever regularly every year (30 Dec, lesley, offering him the command of 1804), 588; ordered to proceed to the the land forces in the expedition to durbar of Scindiah (30 Dec, 1804), Batavia (26 May, 1800), i. 128; 590; letter to, 24 Feb., 1805, 652. presses for Colonel Wellesley's con Cloth, request to take the bales of, to tinuance in Mysore (31 May, 1800), pieces (11 May, 1804), iii. 266. }35, note; Colonel Wellesley's letter Clothing, instructions respecting (10 12 INDEX.

Feb., 1804), iii. 54; new, General spondence between Colonel Collins, Ja- Wellesley's mode of procuring for doon Rao Bhow, Major General Wel his army (15 May, 1804), 274, and lesley, and Dowlut Rao Scindiah, July note ; thanks for the intention of send and August, 1803 (31 July, 1803), 151, ing up (12 June, 1804), 349. et trq., note ; probable date of his quit Coast troops, food of (14 Feb. 1804), ting Scindiah's camp (3 Aug., 1803), iii. 69; question of their composing 1 75 ; letter to General Wellesley, 3rd the subsidiary force, 70. August (6 Aug., 1803), 184, note. Coins, not the currency of the country, Collins, Colonel, correspondence of the their value how fixed (2 May, 1803), Peshwah with Scindiah at the time i. 533. of Colonel Collins's negotiation with , nerrick of the rates at which Scindiah(17 Feb., 1804),iii. 80. issued to the troops (14 Oct., 1803), Colonel, rank of, from four new regi ii. 419; contract to supply the troops ments being raised for Fort St. George, with (20 Jan., 1814), 694. Memorandum on (Nov., 1804), iii. , directions for dividing the dif 526; on giving local rank of Colonel ferent (16 Feb., 1804), iii. 76, 77. to such Lieut. Colonels as should be (See Mohurs.) superseded by the regimental rise of Cole, Hon. Arthur, takes charge of Company's officers (24 Nov., 1804), Dhoondiah's son (10 Sept., 1800), i. 551,552. 219, note. Colonels of Artillery, when Major Gene Collins, Colonel, Memorial addressed by rals, Memorandum as to their being to the Maharajah Dowlut Rao Scin- competent to be placed on the staff diah, 12 June, 1803, ii. 1, note; effects of the army (Nov., 1804), iii. 527. of his pushing forward the negotia Commissary, false musters made by a tion (20 June, 1803), 23; demands (4 June, 1801), i. 326, et sea. his dismissal from Scindiah's camp Communication, means for facilitating (21 June, 1803), 28; desired by Scin- (I June, 1804), iii. 325. diah to stay (22 June, 1803), 32; Company, the transfer of the govern urged by General Wellesley to ac ment of countries to, why a cause of celerate bis negotiation (25 June, rebellion (2 Aug., 1803), ii. 169. 1803), 41; (30 June, 1803), 59; ac , territory obtained by, under the count of his interview with Scindiah partition treaty (21 May, 1804), iii. and the Rajah of Berar (6 July, 1803), 295 (.repartition Treaty); the Com 67, note; General Wellesley's letter pany's arms the only means of keeping to, of the 14th July, 1803, 82; the in order the discontented followers of General's letter to, on being intrusted the powers in India (27 Dec, 1804), with extraordinary powers, and in 583. (See Nizam.) structions to Colonel Collins in his Conahgull, place of Dhoondiah's defeat negotiations with the Marhatta Chiefs (10 Sept., 1800), i. 219; (11 Sept. (18 July, 1803), 99; Colonel Collins's 1800), '221. letter to General Wellesley, announc Conciliation, a system of, recommended ing his having communicated the to the Guickwar sirdars (10 Feb., letter addressed to Scindiah (20 July, 1804), iii. 56. 1803), 107, note; letter from Julgong, Conciliatory conduct towards the natives stating the result of the communi recommended (22 May, 1804), iii. cation of the contents of the letter 298. addressed to Scindiah by General Conciliatory language and policy to Wellesley (21 July, 1803), 110, wards the native powers, the adoption note ; letter announcing the con of, urged (11 Dec, 1804), 563. ference with the Rajah of Berar Conclusion of an engagement, nature of, (22 July, 1803), 113, note; note explained (10 Feb., 1804), iii. 57. addressed by Colonel Collins to Scin Concubines. (See Women.) diah on the 22nd July, 1803, 1 \4,noie; Confederacy of the Northern Chiefs (15 letter to the Governor General, for April, 1803), i. 496; (27 April, 1803), warding copies of letters passed be 520; (28 April, 1803), 525. (See tween General Wellesley and himself Wellesley, Major General.) Confede (23 July, 1803), 117, note; letters racy, into what subsided (2 June, of the 24th and 25th July (26 July, 180.)), 609. 1803), 132, note; 135, note; and 26th of Marhatta Chiefs (19 June, July (29 July, 1803), 137, note; Me 1803), ii. 17, 18; (20 June, 1803), morial addressed to Scindiah, 23rd 20. July (26 July, 1803), 133,note; corre Confederated Chiefs, probability of nego INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 13

tiations for peace being opened by Court Martial, General, inefficiency of, (24Oel.,1803),ii.445. in deterring officers, proposed pro Confederates, Advance towards the (19 ceedings in lieu of (1 June, 1804), Aug., 1803), ii. 216, et teq. iii. 324. Confidence of the natives in the govern Courts Martial, particulars relating to ment of the Governor General (10 Fib., (11 June, 1801), i. 329, 331; (7 July, 1804), iii. 58. 1801), 336, 337, 339. Confidence, letter on a discontinuance Courts Martial, General, private quar of (17 July, 1804), iii. 421. rels the chief subjects of (14 Sept., Conquests, Indian, error of Government 1803), ii. 300. respecting (3 July, 1804), iii 390. Cowle offered to the inhabitants of Contributions, proposed (8 Oct., 1803), Ahmednuggur (12 Aug., 1803), ii. ii. 391, 392; (12 Oct., 1803), 406; 193. (13 Jan., 1804), 662; observations on Cowle flags (6 May, 1799), i. 38. the levying of contributions, 663; Cowleydroog, ought to be destroyed amount of that levied at Burhampoor (17 Sept., 1801), i. 233. (17 Jan., 1604), 689; why levied, Cow pox, expenses attending the general 690. (See Burhampoor.) inoculation of the natives greater than Convoy, risk to, from disobedience to were expected (15 Aug., 1804), iii. orders (2 Nov., 1803), ii. 463 ; attempt 438. to intercept a large convoy, 466. Cradock, Sir John (now Lord Howden), , convoy attacked by the Rajah of (8 Feb., 1805), iii. 643, and note; let Berar with a body of 5000 horse (24 ter to (15 Feb., 1805), 645. Jan., 1804), iii. 3. Craig, Sir James, i. 2. Convoys, the safe arrival of, on what de Credit, efforts to bolster up that of the pending (14 Sept., 1803), ii. 298. Bombay Government (15 May, 1804), Coolies, number of, which an officer may iii. 275. call for from a village (24 Dec, 1799), Criminals, mode of trying, ordered by i. 55; refusal to carry the doolies (24 the Government of Bombay (I April, Jan., 1800), 66; coolies to assist in 1804), iii. 195. the removal of goods (2 April, 1803), Crisis at Poonah, earliest intelligence 462. requested respecting (2 Oct., 1800), , throw down their loads (30 Aug., i. 246 ; (3 Oct., 1800), 248, 252. 1803), ii. 249. Crops, failure of (12 Oct., 1803), ii. Cooly carriage, comparative cheapness 404. of (26 June, 1803), ii. 45. Cundalla, its unfitness for a depot (2 Corn wal lis. Marquis, i. 5,8. June, 1803), i. 610. Corps de reserve, proposed collection of, Currency. (See Coins.) and where to be placed (1 1 Jan., 1 805), Cutchery, application to the, on a ques iii. 604. tion of divorce (29 July, 1801), i. 340. Correspondence with the enemy, power Cuttack, frontier drawn to the province of ordering a General Court Martial of (19 Nov., 1803), ii. 522; definition for (11 June, 1800), i. 147. of the bounds of the cession of the , secret, with the enemy (9 Nov., province (17 Dec, 1803), 591; in- 1803), ii. 490. structions to the officer command Corruption, Marhattas famous for (23 ing the British troops advancing Oct., 1803), ii. 440. from Cuttack, into the territories of Cossier, advantage of possessing the the Rujah of Berar (20 Jan., 1804) port of (9 April, 1801), i. 316. 697. Cotaparamba, opening of a road from , doubt as to the extent of the pro (3 April, 1800), i. 98. vince, and territorial arrangements Cotiote district (26 Feb., 1800), i. 81; respecting (8 Feb., 1804), iii. 49, et (9 March, 1800), 85; state of the teq. ; doubts as to limits of Cuttack Company's affairs there, 86; (12 removed (10 Feb., 1804), 56,57; ex March, 1800), 88; road making in travagant construction by Cuttack (5 April, 1800), 100. gentlemen of general letters (1 1 Feb., Court Martial, General, power of order 1804), 64. ing, and of whom to be composed Cutwahl, dexterity of a (3 Oct., 1803), (11 June, 1800), i. 147; (22 June, ii. 372, note; mark of favor bestowed, 1800), 160, 161; nine members not 373, note. necessary (25 June, 1800), 162; how Cuyler, Major (12 Sept., 1803), ii. 291, held, 163; proceedings of (6 July, note; approbation of his valor and 1800), 173. judgment, 293, note. 14 INDEX.

D. nel Hallyburton's corps across it (18 Jan., 1805), 615 (see Wellesley, Major Dallas, Major (16 July, 1803), ii. 95; General); specification of troops in (22 July, 1803), 114; (23 July, 1803), the Deccan (15 Feb., 1805), 646. 119. Deceit, proneness of the natives to (10 , Major, orders to deliver the fort of June, 1804), iii. 348. Loghur (11 April, 1804), iii. 215. Deeg, investment of (14 Dec, 1804), iii. Darwar, necessity for having posssession 570. of (2 Oct., 1800), i. 246; practica Defence of the Marhatta country, proof bility of carrying (6 Sept., 1801), 359; of the ease with which it could be point where to be attacked, 360; to effected (2 Nov., 1803), ii. 464. be taken by a coup de main (1 Jan., Defensive, with Holkar, consequences of 1803), 392 ; siege of, why unadvisable standing on (7 May, 1804), iii. 264; in the advance to Poonah (9 March, (9 May, 1804), 266. 1803), 425 ; residence of Row Eao (13 Defensive principle, dash made upon a March, 1803), 434; advantages of the (11 Oct., 1803), ii. 402. fort in securing the rear (15 March, Defensive war, a long one ruinous (1 7 1803), 437; policy to be pursued re Aug., 1803), ii. 210. garding it (15 and 16 March, 1803), Delhi journey, dislike of (29 March), 438, 439. 1804), iii. 191. , arrangement for leaving the fort Departments of the service, preparations in the hands of Bappojee Scindiah (8 required for (3 July, 1804), iii. 395. July, 1804), iii. 404. Departments, difficulty in the trans Dawk runners, robbery of (3 June, 1804), ference of, in one day (15 Jan., 1805), iii. 333. iii. 612. Deccan, Nizam of, treaty of alliance with Deputies, war not carried on well by (24 the British Government, i. 8. Aug., 1804), iii. 444. , powers conferred on General Desert, difficulties in crossing (9 April, Wellesleyin the (26 June, 1803), ii. 1801), i. 316; how to be surmounted, 50, note ; strength in the Deccan, how 317. to be obtained (29 July, 1803), 144; Deserters, trial of (22 July, 1803), ii. succession of Secundar Jah (18 Aug., 112,113. 1803), 212; want of power and autho Desertion, attempts to seduce sepoys to rity in the government of the Soubah (27 May, 1800), i. 124; of dooley of (20 Sept., 1803), 319 (see Soubah) ; boys, and mode of checking it (5 June, complaint against an officer of the 1800). 142; of sepoys and followers Soubahdar (27 Sept., 1803), 346; pro (12 March, 1803), 431. posed arrangement for the furtherance of muccudums (21 June, 1803), of his interests (24 Oct., 1803), 446 ; ii. 30; of soldiers from the 84th regi dispatches and letters relating to the ment (20 July, 1803), 107; (24 July, affairs of, after the treaties of peace 1803), 130; of drivers, extensive (16 (5 Jan., 1804), 622. Sept., 1803), 307 ; of followers, com , the Deccan after the treaties of plaint of, general (13 Oct., 1803), 409. peace (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 1; danger of corps, caused by retreat (6 Sept., of moving the army from (20 April, 1804), iii. 451 ; from the Bombay bat 1804), 231 ; account of the strength talions at Poonah (11 Jan., 1805), and position of the troops in (23 605. April, 1804), 235; misery in, from Detachments, small, ruinous nature of famine (15 May, 1804), 274, 275, (2 Aug., 1803), ii. 169. (see Ahmednuggur, Soubah); impos Detail, dependence of all matters of, sibility of Holkar's bringing his army upon the Governor General's general into the Deccan (2 June, 1804), 332; arrangements (25 March, 1804), iii. General Wellesley's wish to relin 183. quish the command in (8 June, 1804), Detention of persons, case of justifiable 340; object to which the operations (3 Sept., 1803), ii. 260. in, ought to be directed (24 June, 1 804), Dewal ghaut, killadar of, deprived of his 361; deficiency of four lacs of rupees fort (16 Feb., 1804), iii. 74. in, to pay the troops (26 Nov., 1 804), Dharore, killadar of, conduct of towards 553, 554; disposable battalions in (27 Major Hill (16 Sept., 1803), ii. 306 ; Dec, 1804),583; General Wellesley's (28 Sept., 1803), 350; risk to a con reasons for not going into the Deccan voy from omission to march from (4 Jan., 1805), 592; its natural boun Dharore (2 Nov., 1803), 463. dary, and on the employment of Colo Dhoondiah Waugh, his character, and -VOLS. 1. TO III. 15

proceedings in Mysore (6 May, 1799), Disobedience of orders, risk to a convoy I. 41 ; effects of Goklah's falling a from, and officer tried for (2 Nov., prey to Dhoondiah (7 Jan., 1800), 61 ; 1803), ii. 463. his project to carry off Colonel Wel- of orders, by nominal servants of lesley while hunting (3 Feb., 1800), allies (25 April, 1804). iii. 241. 72 ; musselmann who paid Dhoon Divorce, legal consequence of (29 July, diah his allowance when a prisoner 1801), i. 340, 343. (8 Feb., 1800), 75 ; proceedings in the Doh ud claim for expenses incurred in the country of Gudduck (15 April, 1800), expedition to (20 Nov., 1804), iii. 546. 107 ; gets possession of Dummul (7 Don, Lieut. Colonel, captures Ram- May, 1800), 112; his probable plans, poorah (1 June, 1804), iii. 328. 113; use of his name among all the Dooah, necessity of providing for its Company's turbulent subjects(27jMay, defence (6 Sept., 1801), i 363. 1800), 123 ; endeavor to raise men ut , intended occupation of (26 June, Chittledroog. 124; his character as 1803), ii. 56, note : proceedings of the an enemy (29 May, 1800), 133 ; ne army serving in the Dooab (9 Jan., cessity for his destruction, 134 ; de 1804), 645, note. tails of the decisive campaign against , representation from the army on him (1 June, 1800), 138; his camp the subject of prize money (16 Feb., surprised (31 July, 1800), 191 ; 1804), iii. 77, note; capacity of the reaches the sources of the Malpoorba country, but disinclination of the in (7 Aug. 1800), 197; across the river habitants, (6 Nov., 1804), 531 ; reme (8 Aug., 1800), 199 ; pursued between dies for the evils in the Dooah, 531, the Gutpurba and the Malpoorba 532. (17 Aug., 1800), 205; escapes across Doodwar, proposed storming of (20 July, the latter river at Boodeyhaul (28 1800;, i. 187. Aug., 1800), 213; forward in the Dooley bearers, complaints about (24 Dooab (7 Sept., 1800), 216 ; his mode Jan., 1800), i. 66 ; desertion of dooley of giving the brinjarries the means of boys (5 June, 1800). 142. living, 217; attacked and killed (10 bearers, desertion of (17 Oct., Sept., 1800), 219, et seq. ; kind treat 1803), ii. 428; orders for doolies to ment of his son by Colonel Wellesley, carry away disabled soldiers (9 Nov., ib., note. 1803), 491. Dickson, Captain, recommendation of Dowlutabad, refusal of the killadar to (16 Sept., 181)3). ii. 307, 308. admit the hospital (27 Sept., 1803), ii. Diiectors, letter from the Court of, 347 ; (28 Sept., 1803), 354. characterized (27 May, 1803), i. , fort of, no intention to make use 595. of (15 Oct., 1803), ii. 421. . dispatch to the Secret Committee Dummul, stormed (26 July, 1800), i. 190. of the Court of (20 June, 1803), ii. Dundas, Mr. Secretary, extent of his de 23, note. mand of troops from India (18 Feb., , error of the Court of, in reducing 1801), i. 296 ; (21 Feb., 1801), 298. their armies, in proportion to their Durbars, kind of information picked up security abroad (3 July, 1804), iii. at (26 Feb., l804),iii. 103. 390. Duties, proceedings respecting, (10 June, Disaffection in the army (7 May, 1800), 1800), i. 146; (20 June, 1800,1,156; i. 114; utility of providing against duties levied ou goods coming to (17 May, 1800), 116; authority to Seringapatam (9 June, 1803), 329 ;, try the disaffected in Mysore by mili (13 June, 1801), 331. tary process (13 June, 1800), 149. , no duties except upon intoxicating Discerning men, abundance of in an drugs (15 July, 1803), ii. 92; levying army (28 June, 1804), iii. 383. of duties of grain for the army con Discipline of troops, cautions against trary to treaty (7 Oct., 1803), 386; allowing it to be relaxed (26 Jan., receipt for duties levied on grain 1804), iii. 15, 16 ; injunction to main coming into the camp (28 March, tain strict discipline (24 June, 1804), 1804), iii. 173. 360 ; especial necessity of maintain ing discipline in the detachment serving with the Peshwah (24 June, E. 1804), 369 ; injunction to preserve strict discipline in the Mar hat ta terri Efficiency, bad effects of the want of, tory (24 Nov., 1804), 550. among troops (26 Jan., 1804) iii. 16. Discussions, ill effects of (6 Feb., 1804), Egypt, French coming from (10 Oct. iii. 46. 1801), i. 258 ; co-operation of a force 16 INDEX.

from India in an attack upon (7 Feb., exchange on its former advantageous 1801), 286 ; destination of the arma rate (28 April, 1804), iii. 244; de ment at Trincomalee, 286; (8 Feb., preciation of bills of exchange, from 1801), 289; object of the expedition procuring them in two quarters in to, from India (25 March, 1801 ), 307. stead of one (18 May, 1804), 287 ; Elephants, instance of their extraordi causes of the loss on bills of ex nary sagacity in assisting the con change drawn on Bombay (26 June, veyance of cannon (15 Dec, 1803), ii. 1804), 371. 585, 586, note. Exchanges in India, how regulated, Elliott, Lieut. Colonel, his zeal and ex 14 Oct., 1803), ii. 420, note. perience (24 Nov., 1804), id. 552. Expeditions, comparative carelessness Elphinstone, Hon. Mountstuart, pro with which undertaken by the Mar posed mission of, as Resident at Rago- hatta Governments (2 May, 1804), iii. jee Bhoonslah's camp (20 Dec, 1803), 248, note. ii. 599 ; Hon. Mountstuart, letter to Expense of officers, exceeding their pay (7 Jan., 1804), 628; approbation of (17 Jan., 1804), ii. 685. his mission (9 Jan., 1804), 647, note; Expense of the army, desire to relieve character of his dispatches (23 Jan., the Bombay Government from (28 1804), 709. April, 1804), iii. 243. , with the Rajah of Berar, letter to, Expense of the troops under General (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 12; letter to (14 Wellesley, brief statement of (7 April, March, 1804), 152; his title to prize 1804), i:i. 207. money (22 March, 1804), 181; to Expenses, General Wellesley's statement share prize money as a Captain, 442. of (17 Jan., 1804), ii. 682; expenses Engagement, what constitutes one, con of the Indian war, rough estimate of cluded (10 Feb., 1804), iii. 57. (13 Jan, 1804), 661. English troops, favorable impression Expresses, intercepted (4 Nov., 1803), produced in the Marhatta territory, ii. 472. by their discipline and good conduct (3 April, 1803), i. 463. Equipped, caution as to the necessity of troops being fully (29 Jan., 1805), iii. 639. Faith, scrupulousness of British regard Escalade, forts always taken by (14 ing their (31 May, 1803), i. 606. Ocl., 1803), ii. 414. Family fund (2 Dec, 1799), i. 45; (15 European regiments, the loss of two, Dec, 1799), 47; (16 Dec , 1799), 49; will not be heard of with common pa (3 Jan., 1800), 59; (14 March, 1800), tience in England (23 Jan., 1805), iii. 88. 631. Famine, apprehended (11 Oct., 1803), Europeans, facility of their settling ii. 399. every thing, and dependence on their , sufferings from, and mode of al bayonets (10 April, 1800), i. 102. leviating (11 April, 1804), iii. 215, , bodies of, killed at Assye (21 Oct., 216 ; misery from, in the Deccan (15 1 803), ii. 434 ; proposed exclusion of March, 1804), 274, 275; rages in the Europeans from Scindiah's service Dtccan (1 June, 1804), 329. (18 Nov., 1803), 518; permission of, Fauams, gold, rate at which issued (14 in Scindiah's service, how far advis Oct., 1803), ii. 419. able (17 Jan., 1804), 684. Females, the Nizam's sensibility of in with Colonel Murray, sickness of jury to (18 June, 1803), ii. 14, 15. (28 June, 1804), iii. 380; a larger Fencible battalion, alteration of (19 Aug., body with Colonel Murray than the 1803), ii. 214. Commander in Chief or General Wel- Field, reasons for there being but little lesley ever had, 381. occasion to have the troops constantly Eustatia, St., case of property captured in the (3 July, 1804), iii. 393; ad at (15 Nov., 1801), ii. 516. vantages and disadvantages of a field Exaggeration, proneness of the natives force, 394. to, in the number of their troops (10 Field officer, rule that a, shall not hold June, 1804), iii. 347, 348. an office upon the staff, not a standing Exchange, effects of a fixed and fluctu regulation of the service (23 Nov., ating state of (28 Dec, 1799), i. 57; 1804), iii. 549. disadvantages of issuing gold coins at Finances of the British Government, a depreciated rate of (2 May, 1803), extent of the future demand on (7 533. April, 1804), iii. 207. Exchange, mode of re-establishing the Flour of dry grains, pecuniary advan INDIA. — VOLS. I. TO III. 17

tages from the Bengal troops subsist Jan., 1804), iii. 10 ; defeat of a band ing on (14 Feb., 1804), iii. 69. of, between Perinda and Toljapoor(5 Floyd, General, i. 22. Feb., 1804), 42 ; reassemblage of, and Followers, Bombay, distressing deser movement on (14 Feb., 1804), 66, 72 ; tion of (17 Oct., 1803), ii. 429. exaggerated accounts, and consequent Followers of the army, food to, when to terrible marches (15 Fri., 1804), 73; cease (24 June, 18t14), iii. 369 ; in (16 Feb., 1804), 75, 77 ; effectual mode junctions for repressing their licen of suppressing (17 Feb., 1804), 82; tiousness, ib. defeat of, by Lieut. Colonel Lang (23 Forage for horses, remarks on incurring April, 1804), 234 ; formation of another additional expense for (1 3 June, 1803), corps about Perinda (11 Dec, 1804), i. 3, 4 ; difficulties from want of, ib. 565; freebooters and vagrants of In , , scarcity of (9 May, 1804), iii. 249 ; dia, Holkar the chief of them (29 Jan., dreadful accounts of the want of (4 1805), 638. June, 1804), 333, 334. French, proceedings of, in India, in Forbes, Mr. (now Sir Charles), assist 1798, i. 7; exclusion of all French ance to Government (18 May, 1804), men from India by the Nizam of the iii. 289 ; General Wellesley will not Deccan, 8 ; coming from Egypt, fright be instrumental in forcing upon him occasioned by, at Bombay (10 Oct., a bargain that may prove disadvan 1800), 253 ; probability of their endea tageous (8 Feb., 1805), 643 ; letter to, voring to get possession of the Portu taking leave (4 March, 180.',), 670. guese settlements in India and China Force of the Sovereign of the country, (7 June, 1803), 623. crisis produced by reducing it (19 , consequences of another war with Jan., 1803), iii. 622. (20 June, 1803), ii. 21 ; why the Mar Fort St. George, address to the Governor iettas could never have any alliance of, respecting prize (6 and 7 Feb., with the French, 22 ; barrier to French 1804), iii. 46, 47 ; the Government of, interests to be obtained by the secu has no power beyond that of the sword rity of British interests in the Mar- (26 Feb., 1804), 99; provision by. of hatta empire (26 June, 1 803), 56, note ; peshcush, and pensions due at Hy departure of the French fleet (30 July, derabad (28 April, 1804), 243 ; dis 1803), 146 ; arrangements for frus advantageous plan of the Government trating, at Parneira and Damaun (21 of, to raise money at Poonah (15 May, Aug., 1803), 222. 1801), 275 ; want of opportunity of , measures to be taken in the event considering in detail the military of their invading India (3 July, 1804), establishments of (3 July, 1804), 389 ; iii. 392, 394. addition of five regiments to the esta French lady, knowledge by, of an in blishment of (29 Aug., 1804), 444, 446. tended expedition against Mauritius Fortified places, advantages of (1 Oct. (22 /aa.,1804), i. 2S2. 1803), ii. 362. Frenchmen, officer the armies of Holkar Fortress, none in India an impediment and Scindiah, i. 372. to the operations of a hostile army , arrest of, written for (30 Jan., (1 Aug., 1801), i. 353. 1804), iii. 32, 33; admission of at Forts on the sea coast in Canara, de Poonah (17 Feb., 1804), 78, 83; struction of (13 June, 1800), i. 149. (18 Feb., 1804), 84; measures to ar Forts on the sea coast, doubt of the rest them, 79; surrendered (20 Feb., policy of building (7 Nov., 1803), ii. 1804), 86. 486. Frissell, Lieut., his diligence and good Forward position, advantages of (14 Feb., qualities, appointed assistant on the 1804), iii. 69. establishment of Poonah (27 March, Freebooter, use of by every, of the Pesh- 1804), iii. 190; (6 April, 1804), wah's name (21 March, 1804), iii. 177, 204. 1 78 ; freebooter like Holkar, best mode Frontiers of the Allies, curious state of of distressing (27 May, 1804), 317. (2-2 July, 1803), ii. 115. system, its origin and risk from its existence (26 Feb., 1804), iii. 100 ; Memorandum relative to freebooter system in India (2 Nov., 1804), 520. Freebooters, call for assistance against Gates of a fort, blowing open the, Gene the (19 iVw., 1803), ii. 525. ral Wellesley never succeeded in (14 , intention of cutting them up (24 Oct., 1803), ii. 414. 18 INDEX.

Gawilghur, siege of, covered by the ex vance to the Godavery (17 Aug., pedition into Berar (28 Sept., 1803), 1803), 209; (21 Aug., 1803), 221; ii.354; siege of, recommended (8 Oct., prospect of striking a blow against 1803), 391 ; described, and requi Scindiah and the Rajah of Berar if the site preparations for the siege of (24 river should not be fordable (30 Aug., Oct., 1 803), 444 ; proposed attack of (1 9 1803), 251; reported arrival of the Nov., 1803), 523; order to march to chiefs, and pursuit of them (30 Aug. wards (23 March, 1803), 533 ; opera 1803), 252; (31 Aug. 1803), 256; tions against (3 Dec, 1803), 565; fordable in September (7 Sen*., 1803), siege of (11 Dec, 1803), 573 ; descrip 278 ; intended passage of {Jan., tion of the fort (15 Dec, 1803), 583 ; 1804), (21 and 22 Jan., 1804), 705, stormed, 585 ; (5 Jan., 1804), 624 ; 706. fate of the killadar, and of his wives Godavery, reluctant abandonment of the and daughters (15 Dec, 1803), 587, notion of posting the troops upon (26 note ; return of the killed and wounded Jan., 1804), iii. 17 ; necessity of form (18 Dec, 1803), 599, n-jte ; trifling ing the two subsidiary forces upon amount of treasure found in the fort (24 .Dec., 1804), 577. (20 Dec, 1803), 601 ; order for deliver Godra, its distance from Ougein (23 ing the fort to the officer of the Rajah Oct., 1803), ii. 436; revenue settle of Berar (8 Jan., 1804), 644 ; plate ment of the districts of (5 Nov., 1803, found at Gawilghur (17 Jan., 1804), 473. 689. (Juki. ill, consequences of his falling a , additional notices of the siege of prey to Dhoondiah (7 Jan., 1800), i. (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 7; revenue col 61 ; co-operation of, m the attack on lected from districts bordering near Dhoondiah (26 June, 1800), 166 ; de (27 Jan., 1804), 24 ; the fort restored feated (3 July, 1800), 171 ; and killed (29 Jan., 1804), 29; the axletrees of (6 July, 1800), 173; met the fate he every carriage broken, 30 ; anecdote deserved), ib. ; his cavalry joins. Colonel of Colonel Wallace at the siege of (28 Wellesley (20 July, 1800), 186 ; their June, 1804), 382, note. number 187 ; looked upon by the Ghauts, violence of rains in, ii. 37 ; prac Marhattas as invincible, and effects ticable , false for intelligence guns (24 June, of their 1803), practi 148. of his defeat and death (13 Aug. 1800), 202, 203. cability (27 Jan., 1804), iii. 23. , young, plunder of the Chittoor Goa, on sending thither British troops country (24 Sept., 1801), i. 340; (7 June, 1803), i. 623; situations letter from Goklah, containing a his which might be occupied with a view tory of the transactions at Poonah (2 to the defence of, 624 ; reasons for Dec, 1802), 383, 384 ; amount of his considering it safe, ii, force (4 Den,, 1802), 385 ; affairs re , necessity of providing for the lating to (16 Dec, 1802), 386, et tecl. ; security of (29 July, 1803), ii. 144; his sincerity (21 Jan., 1803), 399; detachment for the security of (30 letter, complimentaiy (11 March, July, 1803), 148; troops for the de 1803), 428 ; distresses under which fence of (1 Sept., 1803), 258. he labours (2 April, 1803), 459 ; (16 , necessity of increased number of April, 1803), 499 ; for money (5 April, troops in proportion to the number 1803), 471. required for the protection of (3 July, Golconda, proposed temporary resi 1804), iii. 389. dence in the fortress of, of the Sou- Godavery, operations on the (19 May, bah's brothers (7 Sept., 1803), ii. 1803), i. 581 ; movements towards 279. the (4 June, 1803), 618, 619 ; crossed Gold, revenues paid in (1 Sept., 1803), by Colonel Stevenson (5 June, 1803), ii. 259. Gold coins in the Soubah's country, 620. , detention till the filling of the ri difficulty in taking (14 Oct., 1803), ver (14 June, 1803), ii. 6 ; question of ii. 418 ; inutility of some of the gold crossing (23 June, 1803), 34 ; (26 June, coins sent with Major Hill (16 Oct., 1803), 48 ; operations to the south 1803), 424,425. ward of (18 July, 1803), 103 ; inten Gold mohurs. (See Mohurs.) tion to bring the enemy to action Good faith, instances of want of, in after the passage (29 July, 1803), native chiefs (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 13 ; 142 ; intention to pass the river im its advantages, and necessity of scru mediately (\3 Aug., 1803), 198; ad pulously maintaining it (17 March, INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 19

1804), 168; good faith and political 92 ; restriction on the sale of gram, moderation, principle of British po 93; non-approval of the agency sys licy to introduce among the native tem (24 May, 1800), 121 ; liberty powers (25 April, 1804), 241. everywhere for every body to purchase Gore, Lieut.-Colonel, letter to (10 Feb., gram (3 June, 1800), 141 ; copious 1804), iii. 53; letter from, to Sir A. supplies of (24 Sept., 1800), 237. Wellesley, in the name of the 33d Gram, method of increasing the quan regiment (28 Feb., 1805), 675. tity of, to be carried with cavalry (16 Government of the Peshwah, its weak Sept., 1803), ii. 308 ; expense and in and confused state (24 July, 1803), ii. efficiency of the Gram Agent Ge 121 ; of the Nizam and Peshwah, neral system, ib. peculiar and distinctive character of , facility of procuring cattle for the (5 Aug., 1803), 177. carriage of the gram for the horses of Governments, Indian, opinion on (20 the cavalry (3 July, 1804), iii. 393. Aug., 1800), i. 209. Gram agencies, intended re-establish Governor General, confidence reposed in ment of (21 May, 1804), iii. 294. his government by the powers of Gram Agent General, mode of regula India (10 Feb., 1804), iii. 58 (see Wel ting his issues (3 Nov. 1804), iii. 538. lesley, Marquis) ; letter to (7 March, Gra-s, want of (20 Dec, 1799), i. 51. 1804), 118; deception of, as to the Grass cutter establishment (28 April, Peshwah's inclination to agree to the 1803), i. 523. peace (22 March, 1804), 182 ; future Grass cutters. (See Forage.) inconvenience from General Welles- Gratuitous delivery of provisions, objec ley's ignorance of the Governor Gene tions to (1 1 April, 1804), iii. 215. ral's intentions and wishes (25 March, Guard, number of, with the officers at 1804), 183; notes of instruction by Baroda (15 Oct., 1803), ii. 424. the Governor-General, on Holkar's Guards, numerous, ruinous effects of (15 having been compelled to retire from Oct., 1803), ii. 423. the north-western frontier of Hin Guickwar, sketch desired of the territo dustan (25 May, 1804), 306, note, ries of, intended to be defended by et seq. ; his intention to leave India the troops (18 July, 1803), ii. 104; (4 Jan., 1805), 593; letter to, (21 command of tioops in, vested in Ge Jan., 1805), iii. 624. neral Wellesley (23 July, 1803), 117, Govind Rao, his services, and proposed note, reward for (9 March, 1804), iii. 131 ; Guickwar alliance (18 Aug., 1803), ii. reward to for services (9 Sept., 1804), 213; outlines of treaties (22 Aug., 451,452. 1803), 223. Grain, difficulty of procuring, and cases Guickwar chiefs, wish to see more con in which the interference of the civil ciliation towards (16 Jan., 1804), ii. government is necessary (10 May, 681. 1800) ; i. 1 15 ; movements stopped for Guickwar government, sums due by, to want of (30 June, 1800), 169, 170. the Peshwah (14 Al«y, 1804), iii. 271 ; , dearness of, in the armies of the claim of, for extra expenses in the chiefs (31 Aug.,\803), ii. 253 ; orders war (20 Nov. 1804), 544 ; justice of for laying in store as much as can their claim for expenses incurred in be procured (7 Sept., 1803), 280 ; dry, the expedition to Dohud, 545, 546. difficulties thrown in the way of col Guickwar Sirdars and troops, a system lecting, (27 Sept., 1803), 347 ; appre of conciliation towards, recommended hended scarcity of every kind of (11 (10 Feb., 1804), iii. 56. Oct., 1803), 398 ; caution against the Guickwar state, extent of the part which consumption of that brought by grain it is obliged to take in the war with dealers attached to the Nizam's troops the Marhatta chiefs (22 Aug., 1 803), (2 Nov., 1803), 464 ; mode of issuing, ii. 223 ; observations on the policy of to the sepoys (9 Nov., 1803), 489, the treaties with the Guickwar state note. (4 Sept., 1803), 269. , high price of, near Poonah, in . state, the Peshwah's rights at Ah- 1804 (2 May, 1804), iii. 248. medabad to be given to, for ten years Grain boats, flag for (2 April, 1 803), i. (14 Jan, 1805), iii. 610. 461 ; regulation for delivering grain Guides, native, utility of (11 Feb., 1800), with certainty, 462. i. 78. Gram, want of at Sera (20 Dec. 1799) i. , Captain of the, mode of obtaining 51 ; gram contract, 52 ; arrangements an accurate state of the roads by (23 with gram agents (26 March, 1800), Oct., 1803), ii. 441, note. c 2 20 INDEX.

Gun bullock department, remarks on, Gwalior, to be occupied by the Company (•29 May, 1803), i. 600-602. (26 June, 1803), ii. 54, note. Gun cattle (19 June, 1803), ii. 16. (See , question of ownership (29 Jan., infra, Guns.) 1804), iii. 28; General Lake's attack Gunny bags (18 July, 1803), ii. on (30 Jan., 1804), 30 ; intentions re 103.) specting Gwalior (17 March, 1804), Guns, ghaut practicable for (33 July, 155, 156 ; right to, 166; anticipated 1803), ii. 148 ; deficiency of guns with favorable decision of the Gwalior the Marhatta chiefs (30 Aug., 1803, question (29 March, 1804), 191 ; 253 ; mode of draught in India, and breeze about Gwalior (1 April, 1804), sagacity of elephants (15 Dec. 1803), 194; wish to have had the point re 585, 586, note; difficulty of dragging specting, clearly explained (22 May, through the mountains (1 1 Jan. 1804), 1804), 299; Sandiah's claim to the 655. possession of the fort (24 May, 1804), Gurrah Mundela, district of (26 June, 303. 1803), ii. 55, note. Gurrumconda (20 Nov., 1800), i. 270 ; II. necessity of having (21 Nov., 1800), 271. Hand grenades, none in India (21 April, Guzerat, invasion of (13 June, 1803), ii. 1800), i. 103. 4; (21 June, 1803), 26; disgrace of Hanging thieves in Bedaore (2 March, the English name there, 106; detail 1800), i. 83. of measures for the defence of (2 Aug. Hanging for plundering (27 March, 1803), 166; plan of operations in, 1804), iii. 186. (22 Aug. 1803), 227 ; unorganised Harcourt, Lieut. Colonel (29 Sept., state of the troops in (24 Aug. 1803), 1800), i. 241; (1 Oct., 1800), 243; 235 ; remarks on the proposed plan (7 Oct., 1800), 254; (3 Oct., 1800), \ for the defence of (29 Aug., 1803), 265 ; (13 Feb., 1804), iii. 66. 247 ; command in, relinquished by Harness, Lieut. Colonel, letters to (6 General Wellesley (31 Aug., 1803), Oct., 1799), i. 42,43; (28 Oct., 1799), 254 ; acquiescence of Mr. Duncan in 44, et seq.; removal of the 74th regi the arrangement of (6 Sept., 1803), ment (2 Feb., 1800), 70; letter to (20 276 ; disinclination to take a more April, 1803), 504. active part in the affairs of (5 Dec, , letter to (20 July, 1803), ii. 106 ; 1803), 569 ; military arrangements letter respecting Colonel — — (13 for (1 1 Dec, 1803), 573 ; letter to the Nov., 1S03), 507, 508 ; death of (5 officer in charge of the Revenue De Jan., 1804), 624. partment in the districts conquered , proposed sale of his commission from Scindiah (5 Jan., 1804), 626; (8 March, 1804), iii. 123 ; details of the weak point, proposed reinforce his illness (10 June, 1804), 345; re ment of (11 Jan., 1804), 657; obser commendation to sell his commission, vations on the mode of paying the 346 ; tribute to his memory, ih. troops in (20 Jan., 1804), lj95; ar Harris, Lieut. General, ordered to as rangements for sending a regiment semble his forces in the Carnatic, i. from, to Fort William (21 Jan., 1804), 9 ; assumes the personal command of 698 ; General Wellesley's intention to the army, 12; commendation by, of ask permission to resign the com Colonel Wellesley, 13; amount of mand in Guzerat, 699 ; on the future force under, 14 ; enters the Mysore military arrangements in, 701. territory, and powers with which in .reinforcement of (22 Feb., 1804), vested, 21 ; extract from his private iii. 92 ; sepoys at Poonah intended to Diary (4 to 8 April, 1799), 24, note; he sent into (17 March, 1804), 165; dispatch to the Earl of Mornington, necessity of reinforcing it, 166 ; a- announcing the fall of Seringapatam mount of reinforcement of the army (5 May, 1799), 32; amount of the in (22 March, 1804), 181 ; necessity army commanded by, 35. for a reserve in Guzerat (3 April, Healthiness of the troops (19 June, 1804), 196 ; nature of the command 1803), ii. 19. there (15 April, 1804), 223; appro Heavy body of troops, necessity of, to bation of the conduct of the troops support light troops (1 Oct., 1803), ii. serving in (24 June, 1804), 366, note; 362. insecurity to Guzerat from Colonel Henshaw, Mr., presents and reads the Murray's movements (7 Jan., 1805), address to Major General Wellesley 598. (See Murray, Colonel.) (14 March, 1804), iii. 144, 145, INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 21

Hindustan, eventual invasion of (28 Oct., Colonel Murray, not to interfere with 1803), ii. 459. (13 Oct., 1803), 412; movements of , probable result of marching troops (14 Oct., 1803), 414, et seq.; appre from the Deccan into (17 March, hensions of his attacking Scindiah 1804), iii. 165. (See Lake, General.) (12 Dec, 1803), 575; grounds for his Hinglisghur, proposed attack on (16 refusing to give up the Peshwah's Dec, 1804), iii. 570. territories, 576 ; letter from General Hiring of Marhatta troops (22 June, Wellesley to (5 Jan., 1804), 625 ; Scin- 1803), ii. 31. diah's cessions to, on Holkar's engag Hobart, Lord, i. 2 ; Right Hon. Lord, ing to join in the attack on the British letter to (10 May, 1803), 560. Government and their Allies (7 Jan., Holkar, Jeswunt Rao, i. 370 ; disagree 1804), 638; Scindiah's jealousy of the ment with Goklah (2 Dec, 1802), House of Holkar, and personal enmity 384; design of placing a son of Am- to Jeswunt Rao, 641 ; his ferocious rut Rao on the musnud (4 Dec, 1802), and superstitious character, military 385; captures Poonah (1 Jan., 1803), resources unimpaired, and reputation 391 ; advantages of a negotiation with as an able man, ib. ; letter on General (23 March, 1803), 449; goes to Ah- Wellesley's communicating with (17 mednuggur (29 March, 1803), 453 ; Jan., 1604), 662, note. movements dependent on his (30 Holkar, why a good measure to attack (29 March, 1803), 456; movements of Jan., 1804), iii. 29; anxiety of the (26 April, 1803), 517 ; (3 May, 1803), Governor General to avoid a contest 541, et seq. ; desired to withhold from with (10 Feb., 1804), 53; the do the plunder of the Nizam's country minions possessed by the Holkar (30 April, 1803), 528; his intention family not to be guaranteed to him of moving upon Hyderabad, 529 ; ill. ; improbability of a war with (2 amount of his cavalry (12 May, March, 1804), 111 ; demand of tribute 1803), 567; consequences of his con from the Rajah of Jeypoor (13 March, duct at Aurungabad (27 May, 1803), 1804),137;avoidshostilities(13ilfarcA, 595. 1804), 141 ; his conduct dubious (16 , Jeswunt Rao, negotiations between and 17 March, 1804), 152, 164; title him and Scindiah (2 June, 1803), ii. assumed by, on his seal (17 March, 1, 2, note; invasion of Guzerat (13 and 1804), 164, 165; probable scene of 14 June, 1803), 4, 7; (19 June, 1803), operations, in case of a war with, 16; movements of (15 June, 1803), 164, 165, 168; and steps to be taken 9, it seq. ; intention of seizing him (18 March, 1804), 171 ; (22 March, (16 June, 1803), 10; on the other 1804), 160 ; his suggestion to Scin side of the Taptee, and force under diah to attack the English (20 him (21 June, 1803), 26; Holkar's March, 1804), 175, 176; will not object to keep himself out of the con be attacked previous to the next test with the British (23 June, 1803), rains (3 April, 1804), 196; opens 33 ; crosses the Taptee (24 June, 1803), a negotiation with General Lake ( 7 37; unfounded assertion that General Zprit, 1804), 206; daily improbability Wellesley was to attack Holkar, ib.; of war with (13 April, 1804), 218 ; the policy to be pursued towards (26 June. operations of the war with, with whom 1803), 51, note; General Wellesley's they rest, and probable direction to letter to (16 July, 1803), 94; on his be taken by him (20 April, 1804), 232 ; march to join Scindiah (15 Aug., bad composition of his army, and 1803), 205; proposed combination of probability of his removing from the his interests with those of the British position near Ajmeer (30 April, 1804), Government (24 Aug., 1803), 233; 246 ; commencement of hostihties causes of his keeping aloof from the against (6 May, 1804), 255, note; in confederates, 235 ; his losses of cattle tention to delay the attack till the (26 Aug., 1803), 241 ; reasons for not rains have commenced (13 May, 1804), molesting (27 Aug., 1803), 244 ; 270 ; till the new grass has appeared hopes of his not joining the confede above ground (21 May, 1804), 295 ; rates (4 Sept., 1803), 265; his army Holkar no troops in the Deccan, ib. ; in the neighbourhood of the Taptee improbability of the war lasting (23 (15 Sept., 1803), 303; his position May, 1804), 300; Holkar's movement north of the Nerbudda (2 and 3 Oct., towards Ougein, t'6. / note of instruc 1803), 365, 371 ; probability of his tions on his being compelled to retire remaining neutral, 372; caution to from the north western frontier of 22 INDEX.

Hindustan (25 May, 1806), 306, note; 440 ; persons best adapted for drivers, best mode of operating against him 441 ; observations on horse artillery (27 May, 1804), 316; distress of his (14 Jan., 1805), 609. army, and desertion of his men (28 Horsemen, proper pay for (26 Aug., May, 1804), 318; probability of his 1803), ii. 242. force frittering away in his flight, ib. ; Horses of officers killed under them in ground of his being considered an in the battle of Assye (24 Sept., 1803), dependent chief (31 May, 1804), 323; ii. 328 ; (3 Oct., 1803), 372 ; payment object of military operations in the of officers lor horses lost (28 Sept., Deccan to deprive Holkar of his pos 1803), 355; on the restoration of (19 sessions (24 June, 1804), 361; opera Jan., 1804), 692. tions, if begun before the end of Au — — , payment required by Goklah for gust, will answer (27 June, 1804), horses killed in battle (16 April, 1804), 375 ; parties afraid of him (24 Aug., iii. 224; extracts from registers of 1804), 444; in what case Holkar regiments respecting horses drafted would have been in the tomb of all the (21 April, 1804), 233; horses in In Capulets, ib.; plan for closing him dia not hardy, and unfitness for the between a number of British corps (4 draught of guns (16 Aug., 1804), 440; Sept., 1804), 448; Memorandum rela sudden death of horses after first laud tive to the army under the Com ing (6 Jan., 1805), 596. mander in Chief, in his operations Hospital, establishment of (20 March, against Holkar (5 Nov., 1804), 530; 1803), i. 445 ; field hospital (1 April, possibility of the defeat of both his 1803), 457. divisions (15 Nov., 1804), 541 ; suc Hostages, seizure of persons as (3 Sept., cess of Generals Lake and Fraser 1803), ii. 260. against, and consequent conciliatory Hurryhur, force ordered to march on, policy and language enjoined to and to occupy (7 May, 1800), i. 113; wards the native powers to render depot for grain (17 Sept., 1800), 233, peace permanent (11 Dec, 1804), 563; 242; preference for (1 Aug., 1801), proposed pursuit of, with the offer of 550; force assembled at, under Gene a reward for his apprehension (14 ral Stuart (3 March, 1803), 416, note; Dec, 1804), 569 ; insecurity of the instructions for Major General Wel- territories of the allies, so long as lesley's march into the Marhatta Holkar exists, and is in strength (29 territory, with description and amount Jan., 1805), 638. of his force (9 March, 1803), 421; Holland, early services of Colonel Wel- demand on the Rajah's servants for lesley, i. 1. the keys of the fort (26 March, 1803), Honor of the British Government, neces 450. sity of preserving (2 March, 1804), Hyder Ally, his conquests, by whom di iii. 108. vided (1802), i. 373. Hook, Mr., remarks on his publication Hyderabad, necessity of being strong of " Memoirs of the late General on that frontier (31 Jan., 1800), i. Baird" (fi May, 1799), i. 39, note. 69; sole object of the court at (22 Horse, myriads of, with the Marhatta Sept., 1800), 237 ; Holkar's reported Chiefs (30 Aug., 1803), ii. 251; in dash on (30 April, 1803), 529. conveniences from invasions by horse, , effects of the esrablishment of how to be checked (31 Aug., 1803), the British troops at (1 Aug., 1803), 256 ; facility of checking a predatory ii. 163; Hyderabad and Puonah, dif war carried on by horse (1 Oct., 1803), ference between the constitution and 361 ; price at which Marhatta hor^e customs of the two governments (5 are to be obtained (22 Oct., 1803), Aug., 1803), 177; Scindiah and the 435; vast body of horse repulsed by Rajah of Berar's reported march on determined infantry (2 Nov., 1803), (30 Aug., 1803), 252; measures for 466 ; horse alone cannot make any securing its defence (7 Sept., 1803), impression on a country, 468. 279 ; arrangements for securing against x , consumption of revenue by Scin- the Confederated Chiefs(8 Sept. 1803), diah's horse (29 Jan., 1804), iii. 29; 285 ; disregard of the government of, formidable weapon in native horse to the defence of the country (2 Nov., against the British power (26 Feb., 1803), 464. 1804), 102. , mode of meeting symptoms of ill Horse artillery, proposition for the esta temper at (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 16; ob blishment of (16 Aug., 1804), iii. ject of posting the troops there, 17; INDIA. VOLS, I. TO III. 23

pensions due at, to be provided for by Independent little powers, bad policy of Fort St. George (28 April, 1804), establishing so many (9 April. 1804), 243 ; Resident at, announcement to, iii. 212. of the commencement of hostilities India, commencement of Colonel Wel- against Holkar (6 May, 1804), 256, leslcy's military career in, i. 3. note; copy of the Partition Treaty of , political view of its relations with (16 May, 1804), 279; claim of troops Great Britain (20 June, 1803), ii. 21, stationed at, in the distribution of 22; British Government in, a phe property captured during the war (19 nomenon (13 Oct, 1803), 411; the May, 1804), 293; arrangement of British Government, the sovereign troops at (20 June, 1805), 356; letter of a great part of, by the late war (16 to the Resident at, 24 June, 1804,361 ; Jan., 1804), 679, 680. augmentation of force at, whether , causes of the destruction of every advisable, and to what extent (25 power in ^14 Feb., 1804), iii. 72 ; ex Dec, 1804), 579, 580, note; augment tent of British power in, by our policy ation of the force in (9 Jan., 1805), and bravery (26 Feb., 1804), 101 ; 601, note ; principal object in view in conquests in, error of Government the increase of the force at (19 Jan., respecting (3 July, 1804), 390 ; little 1805), 618; (21 Jan., 1805), 626; apprehension of the attack of an crisis produced at by reducing the European army in India, 391 ; the sovereign's force (19 Jan., 1805), sword the main support of the Go 622. vernment, 392 ; prospective advantages from the introduction of the new sys tems of government, ib; measures to I. be adopted in the event of invasion of by the French, on the eastern or Jaghire lands, great propriety of re western coast, 394. suming (2 Dec, 1803), ii. 562. {See Indian empire, measure to be adopted Serinjaumy.) to prevent its crumbling to pieces (27 Jaghiredar system, its defects and reme Dec, 1804), iii. 583. dies (7 June, 1804), iii. 338. {See Indian Governments, nature of (20 Aug. , Southern.) 1800), i. 209. Jaghiredars, southern, conduct to be pur Infantry, at the battle of Assye, the sued respecting (7 March, 1804), iii. best in India, excepting the British 127; mode of settling indicated (21 (28 Sept., 1804), ii. 354; Scindiah's March, 1804), 177; proposed con French infantry better than Tippoo's fiscation of jaghires to pay for levies (3 Oct., 1803), 371 ; complete destruc of silladar horse (4 Jan., 1805), 595 ; tion of Scindiah's (23 Oct., 1803), bringing them into order without risk 441 ; proof of the superiority of dis of rebellion, 596. ciplined infantry to cavalry (2 Nov., Jaghires, from whom to be taken (30 1803), 468 ; the establishment of Aug., 1803), 249 ; question of the re infantry destructive of the military sumption of (16 Jan., 1804), 679. spirit of the Marhatta nation (18 Nov., , disapproval of the employment of 1803), 518. British troops in the resumption of , regular, Mysore, character of (11 (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 17 ; the resumption Dec, 1804), iii. 562. of, in what cases to be adopted (26 Influence, real strength (27 Jan., 1804), Feb., 1 804), 99. iii. 23 ; influence of the British Go Jauts, intended restoration of their vernment, points indicating its pre power as a state (14 Jan., 1804), ii. valence (19 Jan., 1805), 621 ; its de 664. cline and consequent evils, 622 ; re Jenkins, Mr., a clever young man (29 medies proposed, 623. Dec, 1804), iii. 587; violation of the Infringing of treaties by nominal ser laws of nations, in Scindiah's attack vants of our allies, necessity of pre on (4 March, 1805), 665 ; admiration venting (25 April, 1804), iii. 241. of his abilities and firmness (5 March, Inhabitants of villages, defence by, 1805), 673. against the Marhatta invaders (31 Jewels. {See Prize.) Aug., 1803), ii. 255. Impossible, anecdote relating to what Innovations, wish to introduce none was considered (28 June, 1804), iii. (5 Dec, 1803), ii. 569. 382, note. Insincere prince, consequences of enter Indecision of the Marhattas (14 June, ing into a treaty with (23 June, 1803), 1803), ii. 6. ii. 36. 24 INDEX.

Internal peace, probability of, in India and reasons for deprecating a contest (3 July, 1804), iii. 391. with him (6 Mag, 1804), iii. 252; Intelligence, exaggerated (26 Aug., character of the country and people 1803), ii. 239 ; intelligence hircarrah of Kittoor, 252, 253. (11 Oct., 1803), 401 ; (12 Oct., 1803), Koorg, Rajah, sickness of (6 and 15 404. ' April, 1800), i. 101, 105; proposed Intelligence department, Memorandum remuneration of. for his services on the system adopted for regulating (1 Jan., 1803), 390, and note; dis {Nov., 1804), iii. 538. tricts in Mysore claimed by him, Intrigues, British Government too strong 390,391. to need intrigues (30 Jan., 1804), iii. :, Rajah of, sword for (8 .Dec, 1804), iii. 561 ; gratitude of the Rajah at Intriguing disposition of the followers receiving a sword from the Governor of the powers of India (27 Dec, General (26 Jan., 1805), 633. 1804), iii. 583. Invalids, at Seringapatam, allowance L. made to (7 Jan., 1800), i. 61; (10 Jan., 1800), 63. Lake, General, Commander in Chief in Job, effects of any thing having the ap India, letter to (29 July, 1803), ii. pearance of one (3 Feb., 1800), i. 70. 140; his reported defeat of Perron Johnson, Captain, testimony to his use (1 Oct., 1803), 362 ; march tp Delhi fulness (17 Feb., 1804), iii. 78. (11 Oct., 1803), 399, 402 (see Ally- Jones, General, fitness of, to command ghur) ; victory at Cassowly (12 in Guzerat (15 April, 1804), iii. 223. Dec, 1803), 574; on the appropri Jowarry straw, the best kind of forage ation of prize (17 Jan., 1804), 687, for horses and cattle (6 Sept., 1801), note. i. 359. , General, copy of the only letter Iron, country, inferiority of (22 March, received from (29 Jan., 1804), iii. 28 ; 1803), i. 448; none to be got from insolence of Hulkai's letter to (17 Bombay (15 May, 1803), 576; sup March, 1804), 164, 169; cannot quit ply of (20 May, 1803), 583 ; (25 May, Hindustan (20 April, 1804), 231 ; 1803), 590. accounts desired by, of troops in the Irregular horse, advantages of a body Deccan, in case of an attack on Hol- of (14 Feb., 1804), iii. 71 ; question kar (23 April, 1804), 235; letter to, of the employment of irregular horse announcing the determination to permanently, 72. commence hostilities against Holkar Irton, Major (11 Feb., 1804), iii. 60; (6 May, 1804), 256, note; conse reasons for not distributing to his de quences of his standing on the de tachment any of the proceeds of the fensive against Holkar (7 May, 1804), prize property, 61. 264 ; (9 May, 1804), 266 ; period of Judicial procedure, criminal, observa his marching (22 May, 1804), 297 ; tions on (1 April, 1804), iii. 195. letter of thanks to (27 May, 1804), Jurisdiction of the court of Adowlut 315 ; in India, letter to (24 June, (29 July, 1801), i. 341. 1804), 364; takes the field to cany Justice, military mode of administering into execution a plan by General (2 Dec, 1803), ii. 563, note. Wellesley for hunting down Holkar (4 Sept., 1604), 448; ignorance of K. the mode in which he is supplied (3 Nov., 1804), 534 ; letter to (23 Kandi, ill fated expedition to (29 July, Nov., 1804), 548; probability of his 1803), ii. 143. bringing the war to a conclusion (4 Karkana, number of (3 Feb., 1800), 71. Dec, 1804), 556 ; success of, against Kistna(24 Sept., 1800), i. 238; opera Holkar (11 Dec, 1804), 563 ; results tions in the advance to the (2 Oct., of his victory, 564 ; permission by, 1800), 246; arrival on, in the advance to Major General Wellesley to go to to Poonah (30 March, 1803), 455. England (19 Feb., 1805), 648, note; , deficiency of boats on (13 Sept., created a Peer of the United King 1803), ii. 294 ; false reports among dom (9 March, 1805), 682, note. the posts on the (4 Dec, 1803), 566. Land, inconvenience of paying troops Kistna Rao, his services, and recom with (14 Feb., 1804), iii. 72. mendation of (14 Nov., 1804), iii. Lang, Lieut. Colonel, defeat of free 640. booters by, and commendation of Kiitoor, Rajah of, his valuable services, (23 April, 1604), iii. 234. INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 25

Laswarree, battle of (12 Dec, 1803), ii. 1801), 356 ; spread of rebellion in 574, note. Malabar (17 March, 1803), 441. Letters, nature of those written to Bri Malabar, military arrangements for its tish officers by natives (10 Feb., 1804), security (14 Feb., 1804), iii. 70; our iii. 57 ; arrangement to facilitate the weakest point in India against a earlier delivery of (1 June, 1804), 325. European enemy, 71 ; in what case Levies, new, advantages to the Com the military force may be weakened, pany of making (29 Aug., 1804), iii. ib. ; causes of rebellion in (20 March, 446. 1804), 176; military operations, in Licentiousness of the followers of the what case to be commenced in, ib. ; troops, earnest recommendation for scandalous system of piracy ou the its suppression (24 June, 1804), iii. coast (11 July, 1804), 416; Memoran 369. dum regarding the relief of the troops Light troops, will not act unless sup in (27 July, 1804), 431. ported by a heavy body (1 Oct., 1803), Malcolm, Captain John (Lieut. General ii. 362. Sir John), i. 13, and note. Line Con it Martial, thieves to be tried , Major, becomes Resident at My by (20 My, It 03), ii. 108. sore (1802), i. 3f6 ; his eminent fit Loans of the Government of Fort St. ness to discharge any political duties George, remarks on (18 Muy, 1804), (2 Feb., 1803), 405 ; employment of iii. 286, 288. (12 March, 1803), 430; joins Major Lumbago, a camp disorder (21 Jan., General Wellesley at Hoobly (17 and 1804), ii. 700. {See Rheumatism.) 20 March, 1803), 442, 443; letter to Lord Clive, from camp near Meritch (3 April, 1803), 462 ; i'rom camp near M. Poouah (24 April, 1803), 513; unwell, and proposed to go to Bengal (10 Macartney, Lord, Governor at the Cape May, 1803), 557. of Good Hope, i. 7. , Major, letters to (20 June, 1803) Mackay, Captain, bullocks (17 Sept., ii. 20 ; (6 Sept., 1803), 2/3; proposed 1800), i. 233, 235; his high charac mission of, with carte blanche, to Hol- ter, and consequences of his temper kar, 277 ; notice of the battleof Assyo (26 May, 1803), 590; influence of, to (28 Sept., 1803), 353; ill health over the people attached to the gun (9 AW, 1803), 488; remarks on his bullocks (30 May, 1803), 602. Memorandum on a proposed treaty of - — , Captain, objections made to his peace (23 Nov., 1803), 538; Memo accounts by the auditor (16 Sept., randum for, on his mission to the 1603), ii. 307 ; killed in the action durbar of Scindiah (7 Jan., 1804), of the 23rd September (13 Oct., 1803), 631 ; must go to England, from ill 407 ; answer for his integrity, 408 ; health (10 Jan., 1804), 652; on his attachment of the bullock drivers to , going home with dispatches (14 and (4 Nov., 1803), 469 ; appointment of 19 Jan., 1803), 665, 693; effects of his successor (5 Nov., 1803), 476 ; Mr. Pepper's ejaculation (21 Jan., defence of his character (9 Nov., 1804), 701. 1803), 492. , Major, letter to, improbability of Madeira wine sent in to the sick officers his going home on a public mission (26 Oct., 1803), ii. 457, note. (20 Feb., 1804), iii. 86; concludes a Magazines, places for the formation of treaty of defeusive alliance with Scin (2 Aug., 1803), ii. 171; state of (7 diah (16 March, 1804), 152; con Sept., 1803), 278 ; grain, adoption of gratulations on the treaty, and skill measures for ascertaining the state of with which managed (17 March, (IS Oct., 1803), 430. 180J), 155; letter to (17 March, Magistrates, insults to, how to be dealt lt-04), 166 ; cannot go into the sun with (1 June, 1804), iii. 324. (24 Nov., 1804), 553; requested to Malabar, mode of penetrating into the accompany General Wellesley to southern part of (5 April, 1800), i. camp (2 Dec, 1804), 555, 556. 100 ; number of troops in (20 June, Malcolm, Captain (Vice Admiral Sir P.), 1800), 158; considerations lor allow (30 Dec, 1800), i. 280 and note; let ing corps to march to (14 Sept., 1800), ter to (7 Feb., 1801), 286. 229 ; another mode of providing Malpoorba, character of the river (6 troops for, 230 ; plan for reconquering Sept., 1801), i. 362. (23 March, 1801), 306 ; dangers of Malwa, grants of land in (7 Jan., 1804), the western and eastern coast (6 Sept., ii. 633. 26 INDEX.

Malwa, Holkar must quit (30 May, 1804), Marhatta, territory, Memorandum on iii. 320; preparations for carrying on operations in the (6 Sept., 1801), i. in, urged (1 June, 1804), 328 ; 357. Scindiah to be put in possession of War in the Deccan, brief geogra Holkar's territories in (2 Jane, 1804), phical and historical description of 331; orders not to move the troops the country (1802), i. 367 ; ground of from Guzerat into (18 June, 1804), interference of the British Govern 352 ; necessity of active offensive ment in the affairs of the Marhatta operations carried forward to the states, 391 ; friendly reception of the heart of the province (15 Aug., British troops in their advance through 1804), 438; unwillingness of the the Marhatta territories (12 March, Commander in Chief to allow Ge 1803), 430 ; to what attributable (3 neral Wellesley to undertake the set April, 1803), 463 ; admiration by the tlement of affairs in (24 Aug., 1804), Marhatta chiefs of General Welles- 443; question of marching into, un ley's military character, 464 ; names der Scindiah's ambiguous conduct of Marhatta sirdars and jaghiredars (14 Dec, 1804), 568, 569; reasons who joined General Wellesley, and for delaying operations against (24 list of their forces, 466. Dec, 1804), 577; unfitness to at War, advance to Ahmednuggur (1 2 tempt the conquest of (6 March, 1805), June, 1803), ii. 1, et teq. ; Marhatta 674. chiefs to be driven out of the Nizam's Mamelukes, necessity and mode of ob territories (14 June, 1803), 5 ; remarks taining their co-operation in the Indian on the constitution and government expedition to Egypt, (9 April, 1801), of the Marhatta empire (20 June, i. 314, et seq. 1803), 20 ; reasons why the Mahrattas March, the greatest ever made by the never could have alliances with the Duke of Wellington (5 Feb., 1804), French, 22 ; control of all the political iii. 44; terrible, in pursuit of banditti and military affairs to be exercised (18 March, 1804), 170; march of by Major General the Hon. A. a detachment sixty miles in thirty Wellesley, 50 ; effective security of hours (2 Aug., 1804), 436. British interests in the Marhatta em of the army, how regulated bv pire, the strongest barrier to the pro General Wellesley (10 Oct., 1803), ii. gress of the French interests in India 394, 395, note. (27 June, 1803), 56, note ; steps taken Marches, all made at the rate of three on the reported confederacy of the miles an hour (6 Sept., 1803), ii. 276 ; northern Marhatta chiefs (17 July, (8 Sept., 1803), 284 ; terrible (26 Oct., 1803), 96 (see Collins, Colonel); 1803), 456. impracticability of the Marhattas car , severe, never known or thought of rying on a predatory war against the before those of General Wellesley (24 British (15 Aug., 1803), 203 ; aversion Jan., 1804), iii. 6. to the Nizam's government (17 Aug., Marhatta territory, escape of Dhoondiah 1803), 207 ; battle of Assye, (24 Sept., Waugh into, and prohibition by the 1803), 323 (see Assye, Scindiah); Governor General of any violation of Marhattas famous for corruption (23 the frontier (1799) i 41 ; good effects Oct., 1803), 440 ; the immediate and of the drubbing given to the Mar- remote causes of the war explained hattas (8 Oct., 1799), 44; Marhatta (25 Oct., 1803), 452 ; advantages to boundary to be no check to Major the Marhatta nation in the total ex Munro (2 March, 1800), 83 ; Colonel clusion of Europeans from their ser Wellesley authorized to enter the vice (18 Nov., 1803), 518; negotia Marhatta territory(31Miy, 18001,135 ; tions and suspension of hostilities (22 escape of Dhoondiah, from the Mar Nov., 1803). 528, 529; hauteur and iettas' fear of him (30 Aug., 1800), proueness to delay of Marhatta chiefs 214, 215 ; Colonel Wellesley intends (2 Dec, 1803), 561 ; mode of prevent leaving the Marhatta country (11 ing the Marhatta allies from plunder Sept., 1800), 221 ; ordered to remain ing (2 Dec, 1803), 563. (12 Sept., 1800), 225 ; (16 Sept. Marhatta. difficulty of a Marhatta set 1800), 231 ; arrangements of terri tling down to peace (29 Jan., 1804), tory by Colonel Wellesley, t'i. ; reve iii. 28, 29. nue in, collected only by force, 232 ; Marhatta horsemen, necessity of having character of the Marhatta chiefs, and a body of, in the field (8 June, 1803), policy to be pursued in the Marhatta i. 628. territory (9 Oct., 1800), 255. Marhatta sirdar, singular instance of zeal INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 27

and fidelity in (14 March, 1804), iii. number of his followers (3 May, 1803), 151. 539 ; recommendation to take him Marhatta troops serving with the British, into the Nizam's service (18 May, good conduct of, to what attributable 1803), 579, 580; objections to the (2 Nov., 1803), ii. 468. British Government's defraying any Marhattas, but little in the habit of ad part of the expense for hiring Meer hering to truth (26 Jan., 1804), iii. Khan and his troops (25 Mau, 1803), 12 ; capriciousness of Marhatta chief's 588-590; (30 May, 1803), 604; en (20 March, 1804), 173 ; mode of keep gagement with, to take into the ing them in a favourable disposition, Nizam's service 5000 horse and 5000 175; band of plunderers kept by a foot (29 May, 1803), 598, 600 ; advan Marhatta patel (27 March, 1804), tages of detaching Meer Khan from 186 ; no calling any Marhatta to Holkar (30 May, 1803), 605. account without an army (29 March, , movements of (16 June, 1803), ii. 1804), 192 (see Expeditions); the 10, (18 June, 1803), 13; misunder Peshwah not supported by a single standing as to the expense of hiring Marhatta horseman (12 May, 1804), (22 June, 1803), 31 ; negotiation with 268 ; conciliation of Marhattas recom him (14 Sept., 1803), 296 ; utility of mended (22 May, 1804), 298 ; abusing his services, and question of defraying and bullying them will never answer, the expense, 297 ; mission of, and pro id. ; two-fold mode in which Mar posed manner of receiving him (30 hattas carry on their operations (14 Oct., 1803), 459, 460 ; letter to (20 Sept., 1804), 464 ; requisites in an Nov., 1803), 460; intrigue with, 527. operation against a Marhatta power, , plunder of Bhilsa (14 Dec, 1804), ib. ; Marhatta cavalry not formidable iii. 567 ; threatened attack by, on the when opposed to our infantry, 465 ; Rajah of Berar (19 Dec, 1804), 573, powerful artillery of the Marhattas, 575. i6. ; advantage of the Company's col Memorandum upon Seringapatam (1 lecting a corps de reserve when en Aug., 1801), i. 343. gaged in a war with the Marhattas upon operations in the Marhatta (11 Jan. 1805), 604. territory (Sept., 1801), i. 357. Master's favor, construction put on (1 1 respecting Captain Mackay and Feb., 1804), iii. 64. Major Symons (May. 1803), i. 600. Maunkaries, ii. 26. transmitted by Colonel Close to Mauritius, attempt on, should not be the Governor General (June , 1 803 ), ii. made (22 Jan., 1801), j. 281. 8, note. Maxwell, Lieutenant Colonel, letters from Colonel Collins to Rajah to (13 June, 1803), ii. 3 ; (20 July, Ragojee Bhoonslah (30 July, 1803), 1803), 106; killed in the battle of ii. 154, note. Assye (24 Sept., 1803). 324; (30 by General Wellesley (6 Aug., Sept., 1803), 334. 1803), on commencing operations Measuring men for gram (2 April, 1803), against Scindiah (6 Aug., 1803), 181. i. 462. on the battle of Assye (1803), ii. Medical gentlemen serving in Guzerat, 329. claim of, to an additional allowance in answer to queries from Captain (21 Jan., 1804), ii. 698. Marriott, at Mysore (26 Sept., 1803), Medical stores, indents for (1 Sept., ii. 34*. 1803), ii. 258 ; to be carefully packed respecting Amrut Rao's reve (28 Oct., 1803), ii. 458. nue, and his engagement to join Medicines, how paid for (27 Nov., 1803), Major General Wellesley's army (30 ii. 554. Sept., 1803), ii. 379, Meer Allum (1798), i. 13, 14 ; sordid on the treaty of peace with the character of the court of Hyderabad Marhatta chiefs, and observations (22 Sept., 1800), 237; (27 Dec, 1801), thereon (18 AW., 1803), ii. 517,«r seq. iii. 584; objection to his mode of transmitted to Colonel Stevenson paying the silladar horse (4 Jan., (23 Dec, 1803), ii. 604. 1805), 595 ; proof of the pervading — — - for Major Malcolm on his mis influence of the British government sion to Scindiah (7 Jan., 1804), ii. in his appointment (19 Jan. 1805), 631. 621 ; question of his fitness, 623, 624. on captured property (Jan., 1804), Meer Khan, his movements on the ii. 686. Beemah (7 April, 1803), i. 474 ; treats submitted to Lieutenant General with the Nizam ( 1 5 April, 1803), 496 ; Stuart, regarding the relief of the 28

troops in Malabar, and settlement of Military tribunals, apprehended impu affairs in Wynaad (Aug., 1804), iii. 431. nity from defects in (1 June, 1804), Memorandum on the treaty of Bassein iii. 324. (1802), iii. 479. Military roads. (See Bullum.) on the formation of the subsidiary Mogul, fall of his person under British force at Poonah (12 July, 1804), iii. protection (26 June, 1803), ii. 54, 507. note ; to he taken under British pro submitted to the Governor General tection, 56, note. relative to the state of Dowlut Rao Mogul cavalry, in pursuit of Dhooudiah's Scindiah's government (2 Nov., 1804), fugitives (10 Sept. 1800), i. 220. iii. 516. cavalrv, conduct at Argaum (30 relative to the freebooter system Nov, 1803), ii. 559. in India (2 Nov., 1 804), iii. 520. Mogul horse, inactivity against the Pin- on the military establishments of dairies (7 Sept., 1803), ii. 281. India (Nov., 1804), iii. 522. Mogul troops, reluctance of, to withdraw . on the rank of Colonel, from four from a country belonging to their new regiments being raised for the employers (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 12. presidency of Fort St. George (Nov., Mohiput Ram, his misconception re 1804), iii. 526. specting Meer Khan's troops (25 May, as to Colonels of Artillery, when 1803), i. 588. Major Generals, being competent to Ram, Rajah, letter to (24 Oct., be placed on the staff of the army 1803), ii. 442; put in charge of the (Nov., 1804), iii. 527. whole of the Soubah's western fron relative to the army under the tier, iu. ; intrigue by (20 Nov., 1803) Commander in Chief, in his operations 527, 528 ; attempted bribe of General against Jeswunt Rao Holkar (5 Nov., Wellesley (24 Nov., 1803), 544. 1804), iii. 530. Ram, his intelligence proverbially detailing the system for regulat false (27 Dec, 1804), iii. 585; court ing the supplies of our army in the martial upon Captain , on his Deccan (3 Nov., 1804), iii. 535. complaint (22 Feb., 1805), 650; sen on the system adopted for regula tence illegal from the members and ting the Intelligence Department in judge advocate not being sworn, 651 ; the army under the command of Ma consequences on the natives, of Cap jor General Wellesley (Nov., 1804), tain , 's escaping with impunity, iii. 538. ib. ; suspended from the service till Military Board, Captain Mackay (13 the pleasure of the directors is known, Oct., 1803\ ii. 407; desertion of fol 652. lowers, 408. Mohurs, Bombay, gold, rate at which Military establishments, why not to be issued (14 Oct., 1803), ii. 419; Ben reduced (20 June, 1803), ii. 21. gal, requested (11 Nov., 1803), 496. Military establishments of the Soubah, , gold, complaints and regulations grounds of the sentiments on the respecting (15 April, 1804), iii. 222 ; reform in (26 Feb., 1804), iii. 98, et rate at which they have been paid teq.; military establishments of the (18 April, 1804), 229; orders for with allies, approval of compulsory reforms drawing them, 230; number of old in (7 April, 1804), 208, 209 ; error in and worn mohurs (24 April, 1804), reducing military establishments in 239 ; comparative value of Bombay proportion to the decrease of external mohurs, 240 ; loss incurred by issuing enemies (3 July, 1804), 390; Memo mohurs to the troops at a depreci randum on the military establish ated rate of exchange (26 June, 1804), ments of India (iVoo., 1804), iii. 522. 372. Military force of India, question in Money, effects of the want of (3 July, volving the entire extent of (20 June, 1800), i. 171 ; difficulty of procuring, 1800), i. 156. in the Marhatta country (16 Sept., Military process, what criminals to be 1S00), 232; (17 Sept., 1800), 234; tried by (11 June, 1800), i. 147; (22 want of (9 June, 1803), 631. June, 1800), 161. , direction for obtaining (12 June, Military service, the only mode of pro- 1803), ii. 1, 2 ; scarcity of, for bills (15 - curing subsistence among a nume July, 1803), 91, 92; difficulty from rous class of people in India (2 Aug., the want of (1 Sept., 1803), 259. 1803), ii. 169. , want ol, by every one in India (30 Military stores, captured in forts, how Jan., 1804), iii. 32; distress at Bom divided (31 Oct., 1803), ii. 461. bay for (15 May, 1804), 275; small -VOLS. I. TO HI. 29

amount of, left to pay arrears (5June, i. 519, notice of. ib., note; letters to 1804), 334 ; distress for, on both sides (7 May, 1803), 551 ; (8 May, 1803), of India (24 Nov., 1804), 553; not a 555 ; escorts the Peshwah (12 May, farthing of, at Madras, or in Mysore 1803), 566, note ; letter to, on the com (12 nee, 1804), 566. position of the detachment to be under Money tumbrils, bad state of (12 March, his command (26 May, 1803), 592. 1803), i. 431. Murray, Colonel, letter to(12 June . 1 803), Monson, Colonel, flight of Hulkar in ii. 1 ; letter to (14 Sept., 1803), 299 ; front of (1 Jane, 1804), iii. 328 ; mis difference between Lieutenant Colonel fortunes of, on the frontiers of Malwa W. and Captain H. (14 Sept., 1803), (15 Aug., 1804), 438 ; opinion on his 300; revenue arrangements made by advance and retreat (24 Aug., 1804), (5 Nov., 1803), 473 ; his revenue ar 443 ; details of his movements and of rangements ridiculous (1 1 Nov., 1803), his retreat (6 Sept., 1804), 450, et 494 ; difference between him and the teq.; his misfortunes to what to be paymaster of the army under his com attributed (12 Sept., 1804), 460 ; mand (11 Nov., 1S03), 497; remarks withdraws the army from the neigh on his letter to Major General Nicolls bourhood of Deeg (17 Jan., 1805), (5 Dec, 1803), 568; (6 Dec, 1803), 612. 571 ; on Colonel Murray:s revenue Monsoon, consequences of putting a re management of conquered districts in giment in the field during the (15 0el., Guzerat (5 Dec, 1803), 568; letters 1803), ii. 423. to (5 Jan., 1804), 626, 627 ; recom Monthly expense, amount of (7 April, mendation of the continuance of his 1804), iii. 208. correspondence with the Governor in Moor, Captain, his services and proposed Council through the accustomed chan reward (19 May, 1804), iii. 293. nel (8 Jan., 1804), 643; disputes with Mornington, Lord, appointed Governor the paymaster (21 Jan., 1804), 704. General in India, i. 3 ; conciliatory , letter to (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 15 ; letter addressed by, to Tippoo Sul- apology for writing his letter of the taun (14 June, 1798), 4; letters 12th Nov. (27 Jan., 1804), 25; letter written by, to Tippoo (8 Not,., 1798), to, on attending to the Resident's 9, et seq. ; declaration of the Governor application for military stores (10 Feb., General (22 Feb., 1799), 15; general 1804), 56; prepared to move against order by, on the fall of Seringapatam Holkar at au hour's notice (20 April, (15 May, 1799), 35 ; letter of the 1804), 232; mode in which Holkar Governor General, and consequent may be pressed by, from Guzerat (7 correspondence, respecting a proposi May, 1 804), 257 ; distress of, for want tion to Colonel Wellesley to be united of money (15 May, 1804), 275 ; means in the expedition against Batavia (13 of supplying him with money (17 May, May, 1800), 125, cl seq. ; letter to (4 1804), 285 ; directions to, to carry June, 1803), 614. {See Wellesley, into execution the instructions of the Marquis, and Governor General.) 7th May (22 May, 1804), 297 ; conci Mortality among the cattle, cause of (26 liatory policy towards the natives re June, 1803), ii. 49. commended, 298 ; urged to make pre Movements, rapid and well combined, parations for sieges in Malwa (1 June, to check predatory war (1 Oct., 1803), 1804), 328; amount of treasure with ii. 362. wliich be marches into Malwa (2 June, Munro, Major (Sir Thomas), letter to 1804), 331 ; letter to (15 June, 1804), (8 Oct., 1799), i. 43; (7 May, 1800), 350 ; to receive orders from the autho 1 14, et seq.; letter to, best mode of rities at Bombay (24 June, 1804), 366, getting rid of the thieves in Soonda note ; reasons for not withdrawing (2 March, 1800), 83. him from Malwa (27 June, 1804), 376, Munro, Lieutenant Colonel, letter to 377; sickness of his Europeans (28 (8 April, 1803), i. 479. June, 1804), 380 ; largeness of his , letter to, on the battle of Assye European force, 381 ; afraid of Holkar (1 Nov., 1803), ii. 338. 24 Aug., ,1804), 444 ; deficient state of Murder, hanging for (27 March, 1804), the equipment of his corps (14 Sept., iii. 186. 1804), 463 ; object for which his corps Murderers, court of inquiry on, letter was first advanced from Guzerat, ib. ; concerning (15 May, 1804), iii. 277. officer to be ordered to relieve (17 Murray, Colonel (afterwards Sir J. Mur Sept., 1804), 468; advantages of ray, Bart.), letter to (26 April, 1803), drawing his corps towards Guzerat 30 INDEX.

(20 Nov., 1804), 547 ; ordered to ad to the Rajah of the debt due to vance towards Kota (4 Dec, 1804), him by the Company (27 Feb., 1805), 556; more solid operations which 660. ought to be adopted by (16 Dec, Mysore cavalry, conduct at Argaum (30 1804), 570; running from General Nov., 1803), ii. 559. Jones and all his supplies (4 Jan., Mysore government, good conduct of 1805), 592 ; his advance to Kota, and during the war (9 March, 1804), iii. insecurity of the communication with 134. Guzerat ( 7 Jan., 1805), 597 ; observa Mysore horse, with Captain Baynes (2 tions on his leaving behind him Pur- Nov., 1803), ii. 466 ; good conduct of taubghur and Hinglisghur, 598; the Mysore horse under Bistnapah dangerous position of the corps at Pundit, 468. Kota (18 Jan., 1805), 616 ; apprehen horse, mode of insuring their ser sions of the consequences of his ad vices at a future period (14 Feb., 1802), vance, and leaving Guzerat defence iii. 72 ; their alacrity and cordiality less (23 Jan., 1805), 631 ; the orders (9 March, 1804), 133; utility of, and to, to advance, drawn forth by his im recommendation to keep them in the portunities (4 Feb., 1805), 642. field (20 March, i804), 173, 174; un Muster roll, objections to accounts from fitness of for service from want of food the want of (16 Sept., 1803), ii. 307. (2 May, 1804), 248 ; number of, taken Mysore, circumstances which gave rise with General Wellesley (4 Dec, 1804), to the second war in, i. 3, et teq.; 556. complete subjugation of, by the fall of Mysore troops never more than a tempo Sermgapatam and the death of Tippoo rary burden on General Wellesley's (1799), 40 ; commission for the settle finances (7 April, 1804), iii. 207 ; cha ment of the conquered territories, il,.; racter of the peons, regular infantry tranquillity of Mysore interrupted by and cavalry (1 1 Dec, 1804), 562. Dhoondiah Waugh, 41 ; improvement Mystery and silence defined (28 June, of the Rajah, and progress of the 1804), iii. 383. works, 56 ; authority to try the disaf fected in, by military process (13 June, 1800), 149 ; troops ni-cessary for gar N. risons in (20 June, 1800), 159 ; hope of establishing a strong government in Nana's widow, visit to, and conversation the country (7 Aug., 1800), 198; con with (18 May, 1 804), iii. 290 ; amount clusion of the war in Mysore (1 1 Sept., of her pension, 291 ; her beauty, 292 ; 1800), 224 ; repairs of granaries and lands and houses desired by (21 May, provision store-rooms (29 Sept., 1800), 1804), 296; security for her carkoons 241 ; side on which defenceless (1801), (22 May, 1804), 297; her pension 363 (see Seringapatam, Wellesley, must be paid by the company if nut Colonel) ; flourishing resources of My paid by the Peshwah (17 July, 1804), sore, and effects of a change in the 422, 423. system of government (13 March, National faith, neglect of, in treaties (11 1803), 432. Feb., 1804), iii. 64. , interference in support of the au Native armies, incapable of acting after thority of the government of, never a the filling of the rivers (3 May, 1803), trouble (3 April, 1804), iii. 198 ; ex i. 535. tracts from a report on the affairs of Native army, havoc caused in its pass Mysore (5 Dec, 1804), 557; pa age (31 Oct., 1803), ii. 463, note. rental care with which the authority Native corps,establishments of, at various of the government was guarded by places (24 Dec, 1799), i. 54 ; and mode General Wellesley, 559. of paying it, ib. Mysore, Rajah of, state of his govern Native governments, impatience of the ment, and remedy for the evil (14 Jan., delays in their transactions (18 June, 1804), ii. 666. 1800), i. 154. , Rajah of, his gross revenue, ex , chaotic state of them (26 Feb., penses, and peace and military esta 1804), iii. 99. blishments (18 July, 1804), iii. 424, Natives, tyranny and falsehood of (15 425 (tee Wellesley, Major General); Dec, 1799), i. 48; to be attentive to caution in interfering with the ser travellers (24 Dec, 1799), 55. vants of the Rajah, recommended (9 , means used by natives of India to Sept., 1804), 451 ; proposed payment remove calamity (2 Nov., 1803), ii. . INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 31

465, note; advantages from gratifying 249), note; novel mode of supplying the wishes of the natives (16 Jan., the army with clothing (1 5 May, 1804), 1804), 681. 274, note. Natives, injunction to encourage mild Ninth native regiment, on the expedi treatment towards the (24 Nov., 1804), ency of maintaining it (21 Feb., 1804), iii. 550. iii. 88. Negotiations with Scindiah (22 June, Nizam, extent of military force necessary 1803), ii. 32. for the new territory assigned by, to Negotiations with Marhatta chiefs, dis the Company (20 June, 1800), i. 156 ; patches relative to (26 June, 1803), ii. treaty with (28 Oct., 1800), '263 ; union 49, et setl.; probability of negotiations of his interests with those of the Com for peace being opened by both the pany (1801), 363; Soubahdarof the confederated chiefs (24 Oct., 1803), Deccan, extent of his dominions 445. (1802), 372 ; subsidiary force attached Negotiators, character of, and deviation to, under Colonel Stevenson (3 March, in apparently trifling points (24 June, 1803), 417, note; junction of his 1803), ii. 38. army at Aklooss (15 April, 1803), Nerbudda, troops northward of the (2 494 ; apprehended attacks from the Aug., 1603;, ii. 168. Marl.ailas (3 May, 180 i). 539, 540; and Taptee, military arrangements dangerously ill (19 May. 1803), 581 ; best adapted for clearing out the coun conduct of his troops in districts bor tries between (18 Jan., 1805), iii. 61t3. dering on the Beemah (7 June, 1803), Nerrick of exchange, observations on 627. (28 Dec, 1799), i. 56,57. , conduct to be pursued towards News writer, Holkar's proposition for Aiaihatta chiefs in the event of their sending to the British camp (23 May, entering his territories (14 June. 1803), 1803), i. 586. ii. 5; caution to be observed regarding Nicholson, Major General (16 Sept., places said to belong to (21 June, 1803), ii. 310. 1803), 29 ; expectation of his death Nicolls, General Oliver, advised of the (27 June, 1803), 56 ; (7 July, 18U3), extraordinary powers intrusted to 74; the enemies of the Nizam, the General Wellesley (23 July, 1803), enemies of the Company (15 July, ii. 116, note. 1803), 93; the garrisons on the Ni Nicolls, Major General Sir Jasper, ex zam's frontier in the hands of a traitor tracts from his Journal, brinjarries (22 July, 1 803), 115 ; nature of his go (3 Oct., 1 803), ii. 372,373,«olf; secrecy vernment (5 Aug., 1803), 177; letter of the march and of the army addressed by bis Highness to Major (10 Oct., 1803), 394, 395; order of General Wellesley (7 Aug., 1803), march, 395, note; value of coins (14 192, note; inutility of his horse (15 Oct., 1803), 419, 420, note; mode of Sept., 1803), 302 ; bad conduct of his ascertaining the state of the roads, troops (15 Sept., 1803), 303 ; ill be and of clearing a passage (23 Oct., haviour of his officers (28 Sept., 1803), 1803), 441, note; General Wellesley's 352, 354; nugatory powers from his attention to the sick and wounded (26 government (29 Sept., 1803), 358; Oct., 1803). 437, note ; rose gardens of equal participation of, with the Com India (31 Oct., 1803), 462, note; absti pany, in the conquered territory (2 nence of theBritish army from plunder Nov., 1803), 46fi. ing native villages, 463, note ; General , probable defalcation in his receipts Wellesley's attention to villages (2 for the next ten years (11 Feb., 1804), Nov., 1803), 465, note; ensuring grain iii. 65; disordeily condition of his for the sepoys, and mode of issuing it government, and sentiments on the (9 Nov., 1803), 489, note; historic state of his military establishments notice of Amrut ttao (12 Nov., 1803), (26 Feb., 1804), 99, 100; must be 505, note; military punishments for made to defend his own country thieving and other offences (2 Dec, against the common plunderers (29 1803), 563, note; description of the Dec, 1804), 587. park at the siege of Gawilghur (15 North, Hon. F. (27 Dec, 1800), i. 276; Dec, 1803), 585; General Wellesley's will require reinforcements (30 July, entry into the fort, 587, note. 1803), ii. 146. , Major General, extracts from his Northward, circumstances which prevent Journal, carelessness of the Marhattas the march of the troops to the (12 in providing for the subsistence of May, 1804), iii. 267; (15 May, 1804), their troops (2 May, 1804), iii. 248, 275. 32 INDEX.

Notes relative to the late Transactions in Patans, 4000 quit camp (13 July,l803), the Mathatta Empire, extracts from ii. 80; Patans the best troops in the (12 March, 1803), i. 430; 12 May, Marhatta armies, 81. 1803), 566, note. , proneness of, to deceit and false hood (10 June, 1804), iii. 348; cha racter of, as troops, ib. 0. Patronage of the army, equitable distri bution of (21 May, 1804), iii. 294). Obedience to orders, implicit, difficulties Pay, regular, advantages of, on the overcome by (28 June, 1804), iii. 382, Mysore cavalry (2 Nuv.,1W3), ii.4'J8. note. , injunction to pay for every thing O'Donnell, Captain, affair of (10 Oct., wanted by the troops in the Marhatta 1803), ii. 394. territory (24 Nov., 1804), iii. 550. Offensive operations, not expected, and Payment of Bombay troops, best mode risk of attempting (26 Oct., 1803), ii. of (24 O«e, 1799), i. 54. 459. of the troops, observations on the Officers and amildars, rule of proceeding (20 Jan., 1804), ii. 695,696, 704. hetween (15 Dec, 1799), i. 47. of troops in land, inconvenience of Officers of high rank, advantages of an (14 Feb., 1804), iii. 72 ; of the troops, increase in the number (1 1 Feb., 1804), remarks on (28 April, 1804), 244. iii. 63 ; suggested proceeding against Peace or war, speedy decision of the officers in case of riot (1 June, 1804), question of (14 June, 1803), ii. 5; iii. 324. movements dependent on, 6 ; in which Ordnance, Scindiah's, its excellence (3 way peace will relieve General Wel Oct., 1803), ii. 371. lesley's distresses (22 June, 1803), , heavy, extraordinary conveyance 32; negotiations for peace, manage of (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 7. ment of (4 Nov., 1803), 470; plan Ougem, invasion of (23 Oct., 1803), ii. proposed for peace (11 Nov., 1803), 438; (24 Oct., 1803), 448; ciiy de- 500, et teq. scribed (23 Oct., 1803), 439; move , desire to get rid of all anxiety ments upon (14 Nov., 1803). 511. about the treaties of peace (13 April, , dislike to trust there six battalions 1804), iii. 221 ; internal peace in In of British infantry (27 Jan., 1804), iii. dia, to what attributable (3 July, 22. 1804), 391; policy recommended, to P. ensure its permanency with the native powers (11 Dec., 1804). 563; esta Paddy, operation of beating out (24 blished in India (3 Feb., 1805), 641. Sept., 1800), i. 237, 238. treaty of peace with the Rajah of Pagodas, rates at which issued (14 Oct., Berar (17 Dec, 1803), ii. 588. 1803), ii. 419; Porto Novo, cannot be treaty of peace with Scindiah (30 passed (16 Oct., 1803), 425. Dec, 1803), ii. 612. Pagodas, Sultany, answer better than Peons, distribution of (3 Sept., 1803), ii. gold coin (11 May, 1803), i. 564. 263; defend their villages (8 Sept., Pakenham, Mr. Thos. (28 Sept., 1803), 1803), 283. ii. 349. , Mysore, their character (1 1 Dec, Palanquin, directions for making one 1804), iii. 562. (20 June, 1804), iii. 355. Pensioners, arrangement respecting (18 Palmer, Colonel (1 1 July, 1800), i. 178 ; Dec, 1800), i. 274. Resident at Poonah (20 Aug., 1800), Pensions, proposed arrangements of 209 ; Colonel Wellesley's request to, (19 Aug., 1799), i. 42; (2 Dec, 1799), respecting the crisis of affairs at 45; (17 Dec, 1799), 50; (22 Dec, Poonah (2 Oct., 1800), 246; Colonel 1799), 53; (3 Jan., 1800), 59. Wellesley's answer to (3 Oct., 1800), , persons recommended foi05 Jan., 248. 1804), ii. 674 ; pensions why the only Partition treaties, congratulation on the means of rewarding them, 675. ratification of the (15 May, 1804), iii. , amount to be laid out in (3 1 Jan., 276. 1804), iii. 38 ; recommended for na Partition treaty of Hyderabad (16 May, tive officers (9 March, 1804), 130- 1804), of Poonuh,iii. 279. (16 May, 1604), iii. 132 ; pensions to be granted in the manner recommend by General Wel- 281. lesley (9 Oct.,- 1804), 469, note. Party, on the existence of, in the army Pepper, Mr., anecdote of (2 1 Jan., 1804). (16 Sept., 1803), ii. 305. ii. 701. INDIA. — VOLS. I. TO III. 33

Pergunnahs in Ahmedabad, proposed ciliation with Amrut Rao (15 June. settlement of (14 May, 1804), iii. 1803), 8, note ; profusion in promises of his servants (19 June, 1803), 19 ; Perinda, detachment stopped at (16 extent and nature of his power (20 July, 1803), ii. 95; (22 July, 1803), June, 1803), 20,21 ; his disinclination 114; defeat of the Perinda detach to the alliance, 22 ; beneficial results ment (8 Jan., 1804), 643. of his restoration to power (20 June, , instructions for moving on (4 1803), 23, note; his incapacity and Feb., 1804), iii. 42 ; defeat of free dissimulation (23 June, 1803), 36; booters near (5 Feb., 1804), 43. opinion of the Peshwah's hostile dis Perron, M., notice of (1802), i. 371, position and duplicity (25 June , 1 803), 373. 42; number of troops which he is —r-, reported defeat of (1 Oct., 1803), bound to furnish, to act with the Bri ii. 362; blow struck by Perron's horse tish troops (14 July, 1803), 87; (24 at Shekohabad (11 Oct., 1803), 399. July, 1803), 128; his frontier seized Persia, bad progress of affairs in (22 by a rebel (22 July, 1803), 115; con March, 1804), iii. 181. sequences of the weakness and confu Persian papers, receipt of (19 Jan,, sion of the Peshwah's government (24 1804), ii. 692. July, 1803), 121; no minister, but Peshcush paid by the Rajpoots, to whom guided by his own caprices (5 Aug., it belongs (8 Oct., 1803), ii. 388. 1803), 177; (28 Sept., 1803), 351; , not accepted by the Governor seasonable time for him to declare General (15 Aug., 1804), iii. 439. himself (7 Aug., 1803), 189 ; caprice Peshwah, territorial arrangements agree and resentment in his conduct towards able to his wishes (16 Sept., 1800), i. Amrut Rao (18 Aug., 1803), 211 ; 231 ; a prisoner in the hands of Scin- smallness of the resources of the Pesh diah (24 Sept., 1800), 238; (3 Oct., wah's government (24 Aug., 1803), 1800), 248, 250; weakness and du 231 ; question of paying his ministers plicity of his character (2 Oct., 1800), on a great scale (28 Sept , 1803), 351 ; 247; (3 Oct., 1800), 249; conduct proposed memorandum by, stating showing his duplicity and the fear of what he wishes to be done (3 Oct , British influence, 253; (15 Oct., 1800), 1 803), 366 ; position placed in by the 262; no remonstrance from, against exertions of the British troops, 367; Colonel Wellesley's continuance in his conduct in settling with Sirdars his dominions (13 Oct., 1800), 261; (11 Oct., 1803), 400 ; his discreditable s (28 Oct., 1800), 263 {see Marhatta conduct (21 Oct., 1803), 433; secrecy War, Poonah) ; extraordinary instance of what passes in his durbar (23 Oct., of counteraction in, and conciliatory 1803), 440 ; non-participation in con policy which he ought to adopt to quests under the treaty of Bassein (11 wards the loyalists (11 April, 1803), Nov., 1803), 504; mode of settling 483 ; feeling of the jaghiredars towards the extent and boundaries of his terri the Peshwah (15 April, 1803), 495; tories (18 Nov., 1803), 520 ; guns conduct to be pursued to bring to a given to (26 Nov., 1803), 552 (see decision the question of a confederacy, Amrut Rao) ; confusion and disorder 496, 497 ; request from, to provide for in the Peshwah's government from his the safety of his family (21 April, oppressive and irrational conduct (14 1803), 507; period for re-establish Dec, 1803), 580; in what case the ing him in his capital (24 April, British government ought to be at the 1803), 514; waits for a lucky day to trouble of interfering in the Peshwah's make his entry (7 May, 1803), 549; affairs (10 Jan., 1804), 651 ; in what enters on Friday (9 May, 1803), 556; case military assistance can be best visited by General Wellesley (12 May, rendered to him (15 Jan., 1804), 669. 1803), 565; resumes his seat on the Peshwah, Colonel Close no orders to com musnud (12 May, 1803), 566, note; municate to his highness the treaties (14 May, 1803), 569, 571 ; results of of peace (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 9 ; general his interview with General Wellesley distrust of him, and objections to (20 May, 1803), 582, note; ill effects hold communication with him, but of his mistrust and indecision (4 June, through the British government, 10; 1803), 615; his incapacity and shuf assistance in what cases only to be fling (8 June, 1803), 628, et seq. rendered to him (26 Jan., 1804), 17; ', Marhatta sirdars waiting to take suspicion of his treachery, 19; his leave of (14 June, 1803), ii. 6 ; pro personal jealousy of General Wellesley, mises to write to Scindiah, 7 ; recon 17; {27 Jan., 1804), 21; (14 Feb., 34 INDEX.

1 804) , 73 ; adoption of measures likely troops withdrawn from the territories to lead to a settlement of his govern of the Peshwah (27 June, 1804), 378 ; ment (30 Jan., 1804), 33 ; rules for the settlement of disputes between the guidance of the Resident in granting Peshwah and the southern jaghiredars assistance to the amildars, 35; (31 (HJuly, 1804), 397 ; fact exemplifying /an., 1804), 37; (10 April, 1804), 213; the difficulty of settling the country (6 May, 1804), 251 ; his extraordinary (11 July,\S04), 411; benefits to him absence from Poonah (4 Feb., 1804), from the British connexion (18 Jan., 41; (10 Feb., 1804), 55; military 1805), 613; remonstrance to, on the stations for securing the Peshwah's deprivation of certain officers of their dominions from invasion (14 Feb.. posts, 613, 614; must he trained gra 1804), 68 ; infraction of the treaty by dually to adhere to engagements made the admission of Frenchmen (17 Feb., by himself or his predecessors (3 Feb., 1804), 78; detail of facts demonstrat 1805), 641. (See Subsidiary Force.) ing his treachery (17 Feb., 1804), Phoosdarry, court of (29 July, 1801), i. 79, 81; (18 Feb., 1804), 84; conse 342. quences of his not delivering up the Pindarries in the service of Appah three Frenchmen (18 Feb., 1804), 85; Saheb (29 March, 1803), i. 453 ; mode surrenders them, 86 ; services of the of subsistence, 454, 455. Putwurdun family in the cause of , invasion by(30 Aug., 1803), ii. 253; the Peshwah (23 Feb., 1804), 95 ; resistance to, by the inhabitants (31 hatred of them by the Peshwah for Aug., 1803), 255; expulsion of (6 acts which have nothing to do with Sept., 1803), 274; troublesome to the politics of the day, 97 ; disorgan Colonel Stevenson (8 Sept., 1803), ized state of his government (26 Feb., 284. 1804), 100; method of bringing the — — , unlucky escape of (20 Feb., 1804), proposed partition treaty with the iii. 85 ; threatened invasion of, into Peshwah to a favorable conclusion the province of Berar (19 Dec, 1804), (7 March, 1804), 117; his avarice 573. and love of revenge, ib. ; inefficient Pioneers, not expert when left to them police of his Highness's territories selves (11 June, 1803), i. 637, 638. (27 March, 1804), 185; amount of Piracy, scandalous system of, on the debt from the Peshwah (7 April, 1 804), coast of Malabar (11 July, 1804), iii. 5207; mode to be adopted when he 416. calls for assistance (10 April, 1804), Plunder. (S«Brinjarries.) 213; (6 May, 1804), 251; value of Plundering, steps taken by Colonel Wel- the districts to be ceded to the Pesh lesley for preventing, in Seriugapatam wah (25 April, 1804), 241 ; places of (6 May, 1799), i. 38; repression of which he wishes his amildar to be put plunderers at the Caryghaut (17 in possession (6 May, 1804), 252; March, 1800), 90. necessity of his settling his country , abstinence from on the part of the (12 May, 1804), 267; his total want (31 Oct., 1803), ii. 463, of revenue, and necessity of re-con note; plundering by the Marhatta quering his country to enable him to allies, how checked (2 Dec, 1803), carry on his government, 268; proofs 563. of incapacity in his government, 269 ; Police, lamentable state of, in the Pesh- proposed arrangement of the pergun- wah's territories (27 March. 1804), iii. nahs of Ahmedabad (14 May, 1804), 185. 270, 272 ; partition treaty (16 May, Politic bearing of the expedition to 1804), 281; Ahmednuggur obtained Poonah (16 March, 1803), i. 439; by (21 May, 1804), 295 ; attention to political questions requiring decision, the mode of supplying the subsidiary as the force approximates Poonah (3 force with money (17 May, 1804), April, 1803), 462. 289 ; white bullocks intended as a Political agents, extent of their power at present to (16 May, 1804), 278; sixty the durbars of the native princes (13 bullocks sent to (23 May, 1804), 302 ; Oct., 1803), ii. 411. entertainment for the Peshwah (27 Politics, Indian, hypothesis on which May, 1804), 314; Peshwah and Scin- they should all turn (20 June, 1803), diah consider themselves at times in ii. 21, 22. the relation of master and servant (30 Pondicherry, there must be troops in the May, 1804), 321 ; increasing confi Camatic when the French arrive at dence of the Peshwah in the British (4 June, 1803), i. 616. government (24 June, 1804), 363; — — , landing of French troops at (27 INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 35

June, 1803), ii. 56, note; (7 July, cause of General Wellesley's visit to 1803V 72. Poonah (7 March, 1804), 118; dis Pondicherry, rupees, rate per cent, at tress in the camp near, among all but which better than the Company'* (26 the fighting men (2 May, 1804), 248 ; June, 1804), iii. 372. copy of the Partition Treaty of (16 Poor, necessity of arrangements to feed May, 1804), 281 ; on raising money them (29 June, 1804), iii. 192. at (18 May, 1804), 286 (see Bills) ; Pontoons, details of the substitute for impossibility of fixing the demands (U April, \S03), i. 485; calculation at, till the payments under the treaty of the weight of a pontoon with its of peace, &c, can be regulated (23 equipment, 487 ; directions for pon May, 1804), 301 (nee Subsidiary Force); toons (2 June, 1803), 609, 610. camp at Poonah (24 June, 1804), 359 ; , bad account of (12 June, 1 803), ii. letter to the Resident at (24 June), 1; (21 June, 1803), 27,30. 1804), 361; necessity of keeping the Poonadur, question of the necessity of depot at, full (24 June, 1804), 367; possessing it (9 Nov., 1803), ii. 489. amount of rice at, 368 ; treasury at, Poonah, probable causes of the armament by what means always kept full (26 at (13 Aug., 1800), i. 202; state of af June, 1804), 372; serinjaumy sirdars fairs at (13 Sept., 1800),226, 227; ar of the Poonah state, arbitration of dis rangements in case of an advance on putes respecting (8 July, 1804), 398 ; (17 Sept., 1800), 234; affairs at (2 Oct., amount of the store of rice which 1800), 246, 247; (3 Oct., 1800), 248, ought, to be there (25 Dec, 1804), 250 ; Scindiah withdraws his troops 581; efforts of designing men at (18 from (3 Oct., 1800), 252; appoint Jan., 1805), 613; reasons why the ment of Colonel Close to (6 Sept., force at, is not in a fit state to be 1801), 355 ; fixed as the regal resi employed against the Southern Chiefs dence by Bajee Rao (1802), 368 ; pre (24 Jan., 1805), 632. parations for the advance to (12 Nov., Porto Novo pagodas, cannot be passed 1802), 376 ; grounds and preparations (16 Oct., 1803), ii. 425. for an advance on, by the British Positions, inaccessible, taken up by the army (Dec, 1801), 388, 389, */ seq. ; Marhattas (12 Oct., 1803), ii. 403. captured by Holkar (1802), 391 ; ad Powanghur, surrender of (21 Sept., vance to Poonah (3 March, 1803),416 ; 1803), ii. 322, note; proposed de effects on the Marhatta chiefs of the struction of the upper fort (18 Nov., establishment of British influence at 1803), 520. Poonah (11 April, 1803), 482; day , destruction of the works of the for General Wellesley's being at (11 upper fort (13 March, 1804), iii. 139; April, 1803), 489 ; intention of burn (14 March, 1804), 142 ; attack on the ing Poonah, and effurts to prevent the fort, 142, 143; by the Bhcels (14 execution of the horrible plan (17 March, 1804), 149; conduct of Scin- April, 1803), 500 ; General Welles- diah's servants to the people employed ley's arrival at (20 April, 1803), 505. in the destruction of (17 April, 1804), , rapid march to save it from de 227. struction (20 June, 1803), ii. 24, no/»; Powar family, its former rank and large depot at (24 June, 1803), 40; present decay (31 May, 1804), iii. doubt of the propriety of drawing the 323. (See Anund Rao.) coast native battalion from (7 July, Powers in India, reduction of to ciphers 1803), 72; state of affairs at Poonah by the British arms (27 Dec, 1804), (8 July, 1803), 75 ; nature of the go iii. 583. vernment established there (5 Aug., Powis, Earl of (18 May, 1804), iii. 286, 1803), 177; prospective settlement of note. the government of (24 Aug., 1803), Precious metals, disappearance of from 232, 233; revenge the principle of iis Bombay (7 May, 1804), iii. 265. government (14 Dec, 1803), 579. Predatory war, threat of, by the Mar (See Peshwah.) hattas (15 Aug., 1803), ii. 203; pos — — , departure of Colonel Close from sibility of checking predatory war by (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 9 ; proper situation defensive measures (1 Oct., 1803), for the force serving with (26 Jan., 361, 362. 1804), 13; absence of the Peshwah Pretenders in India, numerous followers from (4 Feb., 1804), 41 ; two battalions of (22 Feb., 1804), iii. 89,90. to be stationed at (14 Feb., 1804), 68; Principle, instances of want of, in Mar arrival of Frenchmen at (17 Feb., hattas (26 Jan., 1804), iii. 13. 1804), 78; (7 March, 1804), 117; Private quarrels, disapproval of their d 2 36 INDEX.

forming the chief subjects in General tured property to be put up to auction Courts Martial (14 Sept., 1803), ii. (17 Feb., 1804), 82; order for the 300,301. distribution of property captured Prize, merchants' property captured, in during the war (22 Aug., 1804), 441. what case lawful prize, ii. 516; plan Protection, British, conditions for enjoy for the distribution of prize (17 Jan., ing (10 Feb., 1804), iii. 57. 1804), 686 ; proceedings of the Prize Provision stores, directions respecting Committee, 688, note. (3 Jane, 1803), i. 612, 614. , address to the Governor of Fort Provisions, obtained for payment (16 St. George respecting, and amount Sept., 1800), i. 233. of prize taken by the troops under , one month's, to be with the troops General Wellesley's command (6 and at all times (7 Sept., 1803), ii. 277. 7 Feb., 1804), iii. 46, 47, 48; line of , objections to the gratuitous de distribution laid down (U Feb., 1804), livery of, in India (11 April, 1804), 61. iii. 215 ; necessity of having a plenti Prize agents, observations on (4 Oct., ful supply of provisions against any 1803), ii. 374. enemy (12 Sept., 1804), 462. Prize money, contributions, if raised, Public affairs, importance of silence on recommended to be given to the (28 June, 1804), iii. 383. troops as prize money (8 Oct., 1803), Public interest, not on all occasions the ii. 392 ; anxiety of an army respect cause of public measures (2 Feb., ing (6 Nov., 1803), 481, 482. 1800), i. 70. , extract from General Stuart's Punishments, military, enumerated (2 letter on the representation of the Dec, 1803), ii. 563, note. army of the Dooab respecting (16 Purneah (7 Dec, 1799), i. 45 ; (15 Feb., 1804), iii. 77, note; prize money, Dec, 1799), 47; gram contract (20 and jewels, of the army of the Deccan, Dec, 1799), 52; coolies, (24 Dec, arrangements for a division of, and 1799), 55; money for payments, 56 ; appointment of persons to conduct it residence with, an essential article {March, 1805), 685, 686. (29 Jan., 1800), 68; Colonel Wel Proclamation to all killadars of the lesley's obligations to, for ordering talooks of Beejapoor, &c (24 Nov., 2000 loads of gram to be collected 1804), iii. 551. (15 Feb., 1800), 80; orders to allow Proclamations by General Wellesley all provisions coming to camp to pass (7 Aug., 1803), ii. 192; (13 Aug., free of toll (26 May, 1800), 122; let 1803), 196; proclamations to British ter sent to in Persian (29 Sept., 1800), officers in Scindiah's service (8 Oct., 242; objects to having any thing to 1803), 392; proclamations issued do with the Company's concerns (10 after the peace with the Rajah of Oct., 1800), 258 ; wish of the Bhow's Berar(23 Dec, 1803), 607. family to have the amildary of a dis Procrastinating spirit at the court of trict under him (30 Oct, 1800), 265 ; Scindiah (20 July, 1803), ii. 108, orders for supplying sheep (1 Nov., note. 1800), 268; duties on articles of con Prominent, advantage of the British sumption levied by him, excepting appearing (27 Jan., 1804), iii. 22. on some kinds of grain (13 June, 180 1), Promise, no native ever trusts to a (5 332; elephants returned by him (15 Aug., 1803), ii. 177. June, 1801), 334; resides in the fort Property, disputes about (7 June, 1801), of Seringapatam, and jurisdiction to i. 327, 328. which liable (29 July, 1801), 341, , justifiable seizure of (3 Sept., 342; preparation of boats (20 March, 1803), ii. 261 ; captured in forts, dis 1803), 446; to procure boatmen (27 posal of, how settled (31 Oct., 1803), March, 1803), 452; harsh treatment 461 ; sentiments of the Governor of brinjarries recommended by Pur General respecting, requested (6 Nov., neah, 631. 1803), 481, 482; Memorandum on , never has with him a Company's captured property (17 Jan., 1804), sepoy (15 Oct., 1803), ii. 424. 686 ; proceeds of the sale of captured — — , selection by, of the person to be property recommended to be given to sent to the Southern Chiefs (9 Sept., the troops (17 Jan., 1804), 689. 1804), iii. 451; cause of his jealousy captured, line to be drawn in the of the intercourse between the servants distribution, between the troops en of his government and the European gaged and not engaged with the gentlemen, 452; impressions in his enemy (11 Feb., 1804), iii, 61; cap favor from his conduct, character, and INDIA. —VOLS. I. TO III. 37

abilities, ib. ; notice of Purneah, and Red Sea, arrangements for proceeding character as prime minister to the to (7 Feb., 1801), i. 286 ; (9 Feb., Rajah of Mysore (5 Dec, 1804), 558 1801), 291, et teq.; Memorandum on and note; letter of Sir A.Wellesleyto the operations in (9 April, 1801), 315. Purneah on taking leave (2 March, Redoubts, proposed construction of (20 1805), 662; presents him with his March, 1803), i. 444. picture, 663. Registering of cattle, at Poonah (18 May, Pursheram Bhow, family of, the most 1803), i. 578. . ancient friends that the British Remonstrance, violent, undignified (16 Government have in the Marhatta Dec. 1804), iii. 571. empire (23 Feb., 1804), iii. 95. Resident with the Peshwah, rules for his guidance (30 Jan., 1804), iii. 35; Resident, a favourite word in the diplo macy of the present day (22 March, 1804), 181. Rain, heavy, below trie ghauts (7 June, Residents at native courts, extent of 1803), i. 626. their authority to maintain their in mischief occasioned by heavy rains fluence (13 Oct., 1803), ii. 411. in India (19 June, 1803), ii. 18, and Retaliation, justifiable, case of (3 Sept., note ; violence of rain iu the Tenim 1803), ii. 260, 261. ghauts (24 June, 1803), 37; roads Retreats, discouragement of, to the rendered impracticable by violent rains allies (6 Sept., 1804), iii. 451. (6 Aug., 1803), 179; cattle lost by Retrograde movement always bad in rains (14 Aug., 1803), 202; loss of India (23 June, 1803), ii. 35. 30C0 bullocks by rains (19 Aug., Revenge, the only principle of the Pesh- (1803, 217; failure of rain in Sep wah's government (26 Jan., 1804), iii. tember and October, and consequent 17. scarcity (14 Oct., 1803), 414. Revenue, in the Marhatta territory, col — , delay to attack Holkar till the lected only by force (16 Sept., 1800), commencement of (13 May, 1804), i. 232 ; to whom it belongs (17 Sept., iii. 270; necessity of waiting for • 1800), 234. rains (23 May, 1804), 299; stay of Reward, public, for a man's life, dis operations for a fall of rain (27 May, tinction between it, and a secret bar 1804), 317; march after a fall of gain to have it taken away (6 July, some rain (1 June, 1804), 329. (See 1800), i. 174. Bivers.) Rewards, policy and justice of bestowing Rainier, Admiral (May, 1800), i. 125, (9 Sept., 1804), iii. 452. (9 Feb. 1801), 290 ; letter to (14 Feb., Rheumatism in the back, of General 1801), 291. Wellesley (8 June, 1804), iii. 339; , (30 July, 1803), ii. 146; (1 Sept., rheumatism hanging about him for 1803), 258. the last eighteen months (11 Dec, Raj poet chiefs, advantage of their inde 1804), 564. (See Lumbago.) pendence, (27 June, 1803), ii. 55, note; Rice, want of (3 July, 1800), i. 172; re communication to be opened with duction in the consumption of (8 July, Rajpoot chiefs (1 Oct., 1803), 362. 1800), 175; storing of rice at Hulli- Rajpoot Rajahs, remark on the proposed hall (7 Aug., 1800), 199; supplies independence of (17 Jan., 1804), ii. and consumption of (20 Aug., 1800), 684. 207, 208 ; mode of keeping the depot Rajpoots, peshcush paid by (8 Oct., at Poonah full, and of bringing the 1803), ii. 388, 389 ; bravery and faith rice on to the army in the field (18 fulness of the Rajpoots at Gawilghur May, 1803), 577. (15 Dec. 1803), 5S7, note; proposed , transmission of, to Coraygaum arrangements for Rajpoots (14 Jan., (25 June, 1 803), ii. 43; arrangements 1804), 666. for packing it (14 July, 1803), 85; , amount collected from the Raj supplies of, from General Stuart (24 poots by Scindiah (29 Jan., 1804), iii. July, 1803), 129; money given in lieu 28. of, to the Sepoys (29 July, 1803) Rear, quiet, the greatest of all blessings 145 ; exportation of, from Mysore (15 for troops (3 Aug, 1800), i. 195. Nov., 1803), 515; of Bengal and Ca- Rebellion in Malabar (17 March, 1803), nara, difference between (20 Jan., i. 441. 1804), 694; transmission of rice to , causes of rebellion against the Com Poonah stopped (24 Jan., 1804), 710. pany (2 Aug., 1803) ii. 169. , comparative expense of, as food 38 INDEX.

for the Coast and Bombay troops (14 by cholera (10 Sept., 1800). i. 219, Feb., 1804), iii. 69 ; bad food for note. cavalry horses (6 April, 1804), 199 ; Sandal wood, proposal for purchasing thanks for procuring (15 May, 1804), (27 May, 1804), iii. 315, 316. 276 ; service rendered in sending on Sartorius, Colonel, letter to (26 Feb., the 7000 bullock loads to Colonel 1800), i. 81 ; answer from (9 March. Hally burton (5 June, 1804), 334 ; 1800), 84, 85; dependence for sup price for which it sells in the camp plies on 1500coolies(12 March, 1800), at Chinchore (9 Jane, 1804), 344; 88. amount of, in depot at Poonah and Sattarah, Rajah of, and his descendants, Ahmednuggur (24 June, 1804), 368. nominal sovereigns of the Marhatta Riots, officers guilty of, how to be pro- dominions (1802), i. 368. ceededagainst (1 June, 1804), iii. 324. Savanore, Dhoondiah gets possession of Bivers, passage of, with basket boats (7 June, 1800), i. 143 ; (SJune, 1800), (20 March, 1803), i. 445 ; (27 March, 145; its ruinous condition (10 July, 1803), 451; filling of rivers unfavor 1800), 177; camp at Savanore (13 able to the operations of native armies July, 1800), 178; unfitness; of Sa (3 May, 1803), 535 ; General Wel- vanore to cover the boats and brinjarries lesly's inquiries respecting rivers dur (18 July, 1800), 183 ; loss in cattle at ing the rains (23 May, 1803), 587. (23 July, 1800), 188; reasons for , , chiefs to be forced to march after moving on (28 Oct., 1800), 263; the filling of the rivers (17 June, 1803), misery of the Nabob of (3 April, ii. 11. 1803), 465; his family, and relief of , impassable, fate of a detachment his distresses (5 April, 1803), 471, advancing to (12 Sept., 1804), iii. 461 ; 472; (7 April, 1803), 473. military caution to have a post and , reasons for delaying to attempt to boats upon a river likely to be full take possession of (16 June, 1803), ii. in the rains, 462. (See Boats.) 11 ; permission of the Nabob to re Roads, opening of (3 April, 1800), i. 98 ; side in Mysore (26 Oct., 1803), 454. progress of (5 April, 1800), 100. , difficulties attending the establish , mode of obtaining information as ment of the Peshwah's authority in to the state of, each day (23 Oct., (14 March, 1804), iii. 148, 149, 150; 1803), ii. 441, note. proposed bond fide relinquishment of Road making, how to be carried on to (26 May, 1804), 314; Savanore coun answer (20 Aug., 1800), i. 206. try, condition of Goklah's relinquish Robbers, necessity of a force for the ing (1 1 July, 1804), 409. pursuit of (31 Jan., 1800), i. 69. Scarcity, in all parts of Hindustan (12 Robbery, advice for the suppression of Oct., 1803), ii. 405. (27 March, 1804), iii. 185; robbery in Scindiah, Maharajah Dowlut Rao, ac camp, how to be tried (1 April, 1804), counts respecting (3 Feb., 1800), i. 195. 72, 73; improbability of his inten Robertson, Lieut. Colonel, recommenda tion ,to attack the Nizam (13 Aug., tion of (26 Feb., 1805), iii. 659. 1800), 202 ; his probable designs, Rodney, Lord (15 Nov., 1803), ii. 516. 203 ; lesson from Scindiah to the Rohillas, improbability of their following Kolapoor Rajah (7 Sept., 1800), Holkar a second time into the Deccan 217 ; his probable intentions on the (4 Sept., 1804), iii. 448, 449. Savanore country, and on the Bhow's Rose gardens, numerous in India (31 family (13 Sept., 1800), 226; his force Oct., 1803), ii. 462, note ; artillery south of the Kistna (16 Sept., 1800), driven through one, ib. 233 ; Colonel Wellesley's desire to cut Rupee, fall in the value of (14 Oct., off a detachment of Scindiah's troops 1803), ii. 419. on the Kistna (24 Sept., 1800), 238 ; , Company's rate of passing (18 difficulty respecting the time of the April, 1804), iii. 229; rates at which imprisonment of the Peshwah, from the issued to the troops (26 June, 1 804), wiliness of Scindiah's character (3 cfl Z. Oct., 1800), 249; withdraws his troops Ryots of Mysore, right of, to the straw from Poonah (3 Oct., 1800), 252 ; de (27 July, 1804), iii. 429. sirable removal of, to his own terri tories (9 Oct., 1800), 255; a contest with, to be entered on with a powerful S. body of troops (10 Oct., 1800), 259; Dowlut Rao Scindiah, succeeded his Salabut Khan, Dhoondiah's son, death * uncle Madajee, in 1791 (1802), 369.; INDIA. VOLS. I, TO III. 39

pretended to govern in the name of in his service (6 Nov., 1803), 480 ; Kundee Rao, 370 ; his ascendancy vakeel from, on his road to camp (6 oter the Peshwah and court of Poonah, Nov., 1803), 481 ; arrival of (9 Nov., 371 ; his infantry officered by French 1803), 488 ; conference with (11 Nov., men, 372 ; manifestations of his hos 1803), 496, 498; proposed demands tile disposition to the British govern to be made to Scindiah, 500 ; plan of ment, 372, 373; to be desired to re- exclusion of Europeans from his ser cross the Nerbudda, and consequent vice (18 Nov., 1803), 518; cavalry military arrangements (15 April, and infantry, comparative advantages 1803), 497 ; result of a peace between and disadvantages of the possession him and Holkar, (27 April, 1803), of, to the Marhatta?, 518, 519; sus 52 1 ; reported march of, to Poonah pension of hostilities (22 Nov., 1803), (3 May, 1803), 535; doubt of his 529, note; armistice (23 Nov., 1803), crossing the Godavery (3 May, 1803), 534; translation of a Persian letter 539; movements of (3 May, 1803), from, to General Wellesley (24 Nov., 542 ; (5 May, 1803), 545, et teq. ; his 1803), 548; battle of Argaum (30 claim to choute, and determination to Nov., 1803), 555 ; treaty for suspend support it (10 May, 1803), 558; day ing hostilities ratified (3 Dec, 1803), to be named for Scindiah to explain 565 ; treaty of peace between him and his intentions (4 June, 1803), 615. the Company and their allies (30 Dec, Scindiah, Memorial addressed to, by Co 1803), 612; amount of his cessions lonel Collins (12 June, 1803), ii. 1, et (5 /an., 1804), 624; (15 Jan., 1804), sea.; meeting with the Rajah of Berar 676 ; letter from General Wellesley (14 June, 1803), 5; distress in his camp to (5 Jan., 1804), 625 ; wish that he (21 June, 1803), 29; uncertain state of should have nothing south of the negotiations with (22 June, 1803), 32; Taptee, (14 Jan., 1804), 665. policy to be pursued towards (26 June, Scindiah, reasons for agreeing to a cessa 1803), 51, note; cessions to be re tion of hostilities with (24 Jan., 1804), quired from him (V7 June, 1803), iii. 4 ; none of the stipulations of the 54, note ; interview between him, the treaty performed by him before the Rajah of Berar, and Colonel Collins battle of Argaum, 8 ; desirableness of (6 July, 1803), 67, note; his letter to preventing communication between the Governor General, 69, note ; mani the Peshwah and Scindiah (27 Jan., festation of his hostile intention (14 1804), 21 ; subsidiary force and resi July, 1803), 82, 83 ; General Wel- dence for Scindiah, 22 ; his restless lesley's letter to, on his reported confe habits and nature (29 7a»., 1804), 28, deracy with other chiets to oppose 29 ; plundering his own pindarries, i6. ; the execution of the treaty of Bassein bribe to be given to, and to his mi (14 July, 1803), 88, 89; note addres nisters (31 Jan., 1804), 38, 39 ; if a sed to Colonel Collins (24 July, 1803), party to the defensive alliance, troops 1 34, note ; statement of force with Scin of which the subsidiary force serving diah (25 July, 1803), 135, note, 142; with him ought to be composed (14 correspondence with Colonel Collins Feb., 1804), 69 ; considered as a (30 and 31 July, 1803), 157, note ■ friendly power to the Company, and General Wellesley to (6 Aug., 1803), restoration of places to hiin by the 178; inferiority of his supplies (30 eighth article of the treaty of peace Aug., 1803), 250; enters the Ni (29 Feb., 1804), 105 ; application from zam's territories (30 Aug., 1803), his vakeel to obtain justice (29 Feb., 251, 252; seizure of principal in 1804), 106 ; refusal to agree to the habitants as security for payment of proposition that every thing south of money (3 Sept., 1803), 260; behavi the Company belongs to Scindiah (3 our of his infantry at the battle of March, 1804), 112; vacillating con Assye (24 Sept., 1803), 328; his duct of his ministers in their negoci- French infantry better than Tippoo's ations on the principle of Scindiah's (3 Oct., 1803), 371 ; answer to Bal- independence (13 March, 1804), 138; lojee Koonger (6 Oct., 1803), 381 ; to punish any hody for his conduct overtures for peace (5 Oct., 1803), during the war, will be a breach of an 384 ; proposed proclamation to Bri article of the treaty of peace (13 tish officers in his service (8 Oct., March, 1804), 139 ; letter to the 1803), 392; account of his force (26 Resident with (14 March, 1804), Oct., 1803), 456; brigades not de 142 ; treaty of defensive alliance con stroyed, 457 ; entering Berar (5 Nov., cluded with (16 March, 1804), 152; 1803), 476, 477; surrender of officers copy of the treaty (17 March, 1804), 40 INDEX.

156, et seq. ; impatience to have back Secret, awkwardness in a (iiJune, 1804), his forts (17 March, 1804), 169; iii. 383. weakened more than is politic (9 April, Secret correspondence with the enemy, 1804), 212; communication to Scin officers detected in (9 AW., 1803), ii. diah, on the commencement of hosti 490. lities with Holkar (7 May, 1804), Secunder Jah, succeeds to the musnud 260 ; ill temper at Scindiah's durbar (18 Aug., 1803), ii. 212; appoints (7 May, 1804), 263 ; translation of a Colonel Stevenson to command the Marhatta letter to Scindiah, on the army (1 Jan., 1804), 622. subject of his claim to the possession , succeeds to the musnud at the of the fort of Gwalior, and of the dis most critical period of British exist trict of Gohud (24 May, 1804), 303 ; ence in India (19 Jan'., 1805), iii. 621. going to Ougein (30 May, 1804), 320 ; Seizing of inhabitants, as security for ground of his being considered an in payment, unjustifiable instances of dependent chief (31 May, 1804), 323 ; (3 Sept., 1803), ii. 261. letter to the Resident with, on the em Sepoys, attempts made to seduce them ployment of troops in the reduction of to desert (27 May, 1800), i. 124. Nusseiabad (1 June, 1804), 325; con , Bombay, sentence for desertion, ference of, with Mr. Webbe (9 July, (flJuly, 1803), ii. 112; astonishing 1804), 405 ; Memorandum relative to bravery of Sepoys at the battle of the state of Scindiah's government (2 Assye (28 Sept., 1803), 354; Sepoys Nov., 1804), 516; hearty in his detest unfit for light troop services (2 Oct., ation of Holkar (1 1 Dec, 1804), 565 ; 1803), 363; daily issue of rice to the joins Holkar, for the purpose of de Sepoys, and quantity of food sufficient stroying his friend and ally (14 Dec., for them (9 Nov., 1803), 489, note. 1804), 567; policy to be pursued to Seringapatam (9 March, 1799); united wards him, 568; a violent remon movement on, i. 21 ; arrival of the strance with, unadvisable (16 Dec, British army on the ground for the 1804), 571; state of affairs at his siege, 22; stormed (4 May, 1799), durbar, with reference to the treaty of 30; and taken, 31, 32; Returns of defensive alliance (24 Dec, 1804), the Corps and Regiments at the 577; reason of the detachment of siege and assault, and of the Killed, cavalry attached to the Resident being Wounded, and Missing, 34 ; plan for made unusually large (30 Dec, 1 804), seizing the sirdars on the island (8 588 ; proposed appointment of a Re Feb., 1800), 75; amount of force re sident at Scindiah's court, ib.; his quired there (20 June, 1800), 158; pecuniary distresses, and difficult res large garrison required there (29 Sept., m relieving them (11 Jan., 1805), 1800), 241; objections to weakening 603; measures to be pursued in the Seringapatam (9 Oct., 1800), 257 ; event of his invading the Company's military arrangements for (10 Oct., territories (3 Feb., 1805), 641, 642; 1800), 259; return of Colonel Wel- his attack on Bopal and Saugur, and lesley, and investigations into the violatiou of the law of nations, in store department, &c. (1 June, 1801), the attack on Mr. Jenkins (4 March, 324, el set]. ; ruinous state of the fort 1805), 665 ; Scindiah weak in intellect, (7 July, 1801), 337 ; principle of 666. liability to the jurisdiction of the court Scindiah, Madajee, fifth son and succes of Adowlut (29 July, 1801), 341 ; Me sor of Ranojee, notice of (1802), i. morandum upon Seringapatam (Aug. , 369 ; to what indebted for his suc 1801), 343; sickness in, accounted for, cesses, 371. 352, 353. Scindiah, Ranojee, notice of (1802), i. , the assembling of a respectable 369. garrison there, recommended (14 Feb., Scindwah, eventual attack on (25 Dec, 1804), iii. 71 ; journey to (20 June, 1804), iii. 580. 1804), 357; large garrison at (3 July, Scott, Mr., assistant surgeon (8 July, 1804), 389; Seringapatam the main 1804), iii. 404. point of our strength in the peninsula Sebundy, in Scindiah's villages, inten 390; Address of the Native Inhabitants tion to pay the expense of (6 April, of, to Major General Wellesley (16 1804), iii. 199. July, 1804), 419; arrival at, and let Sebundy troops, proposed raising of (2 ters from (1 Dec, 1804), 554; Address Aug., 1803), ii. 169. of the Native Inhabitants of Seringa Secrecy, importance and necessity of (28 patam to Major General Sir A. Wel June, 1804), iii. 382. lesley (4 March, 1805), 677; of the INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 41

officers of the division of the army Sick, comparative paucity of (1 April, at Seringapatam (27 Feb., 1805), 1803), i. 457. 678. , attention to (26 Oct., 1803), ii. Serinjaumy lands, the tenure of, ex 457, note. plained, and difference from jaghires Signature, General Wellesley's, not a (21 Jan., 1805), iii. 627. voucher to the correctness of charges Serinjaumy Sirdars, necessity of making (2 March, 1804), iii. Ill; only an a settlement with (12 May, 1804), authority to pay, 112. i;i. 267 ; Serinjaumy Sirdars of the Silladar horse, why preferable to Pagah Poonah state, arbitration of disputes (16 Jan., 1804), ii. 679. relating to (8 July, 1804), 398 ; condi horse, proposed adoption of mea tion of the grant of Serinjaumy lands, sures suggested for their provision ib. (27 June, 1804), iii. 372, 373; pro Serwaddy, utility of renewing the con posed levies of Silladar horse, and tract with (17 May, 1804), iii. 285. mode of paying them (4 Jan., 1805), Sevajee, notice of the celebrated (1802), 595 ; Silladar horse of the Soubah, i. 368. in what manner to be commanded (5 Seventy seventh regiment, proposal that March, 1805), 671, 672. it should not be taken in the establish Silver, its preference to gold (11 May, ment of the government of Fort St. 1803), i. 564. George (15 Feb., 1800), i. 79. Sirsoubah, arrangements with the (11 Seyd Sultaun Aly, freebooter impostor July, , 1804), iii. 409,410. (20 June, 1804), iii. 357. Sixty fifth regiment, heartbreaking state Shah Mahmoud, vicissitudes of (17 of (15 Oct., 1803), ii. 421 ; (15 Oct., March, 1804), iii. 164. 1803),423; (23 Oct., 1803), 436. Shawe, Colonel (1799), i. 23. Skins, double, of leather, basket boats Shawe, Major, letter to (24 Aug., 1803), covered with (20 March, 1803), i. 446. ii. 231 ; letters to, on the battle of Soonda (8 Oct., 1799), i. 44; (15 Dec, Assye (24 Sept., 1803), 328; (25 1799), 48; (17 Dec, 1799), 50; mode Sept., 1803), 332; number of guns in of getting rid of the thieves there (2 the enemy "s camp (28 Sept., 1803), March, 1800), 83; instructions to 349 ; reasons fur generally writing clear out Soonda (20 July, 1800), 187; to (21 Jan., 1804), 700. taken possession of by the Marhattas , Major, letter to (16 Feb., 1804), (7 Aug., 1800), 198. containing an extract of a letter on , reception of the Rajah of, in the subject of prize money, iii. 77, and Canara (27 Dec, 1804), iii. 582. note; letters to (15 Nov., 1804), 541 ; Soomloor, of no consequence in revenue letter to, from General Wellesley, de (30 May, 1804), iii. 321. tailing his treatment in India, and Soubah, expedition in favor of (4 Sept., reasons for returning to England (4 1803), ii. 266, 271; reported com Jan., 1605), 591. munications between the Soubah's Sheep, wholesale price of (25 June, brothers and Scindiah (7 Sept., 1803), 1800), i. 164. 279 ; inactivity of the Soubah's horse , cattle better food for Europeans (8 Sept., 1803), 284 ; hostile conduct than sheep (3 Oct., 1803), ii. 371. of some of his servants (27 Sept., Sheer Shahy mohurs (10 April, 1804), 1803), 347; (28 Sept., 1803), 350; iii. 212 ; regulation of the rates of ex proposed resident officer from, to con change of, 2 1 3. trol all killadars,and others (29 Sept., Sherbrooke, Colonel (1799), i. 31 ; tri 1803), 358; complaints against the bute to (8 May, 1799), 34; complaint Soubah's servants in the levying by, of an amildar (24 Dec, 1799), of duties (7 Oct., 1803), 386, 387; 55 ; request to, respecting a dubash indisposition of the Soubah's ser (2 Oct., 1800), 245. vants to attend to requisitions for Shore, Sir John (afterwards Lord Teign- the public service, and remedy pro mouth), i. 3. posed (16 Oct., 1803), 427; proposed Shot, picked out of a breached wall (9 powers from the Soubah, to prevent Sept., 1803), ii, 287. delay (24 Oct., 1803), 446; the war Shroffing, principles of the system of in support of his government (25 (28 Dec, 1799), i. 56; diminished Oct., 1803), 452; admission into his profits of the shroffs by a fixed ex forts of small detachments and con change, 57. voys, an essential article of the treaty, Shroffs of India, notice of, (14 Oct, 452, 453; his neglect in defending 1803), ii. 420, note. his country (2 Nov., 1803), 465; (19 42 INDEX.

and 20 Nov., 1803), 525, 526; con Soucars at Poonah, recommencement of quered territory given over to him (2 the business of their profession (13 Nov., 1803), 465 ; manner in which Feb., 1804), iii. 66; exorbitant de he may participate equally with the mands by, of premium on bills of ex British Government in the advan change (26 June, 1804), 371. tages of the war (1 1 Nov., 1 803). 502 ; Southern chiefs, risk of involving Gene proposed amendments to the treaty of ral Campbell singly in a contest with defensive alliance, 503; necessity of (12 May, 1804), iii. 267. improving his military establishments Southern countries, opinion on warfare (2 Dec, 1803), 562; disgrace of his among the siidars of (6 May, 1804), servants (21 Dec, 1803), 603; ques iii. 253. tion of the augmentation of the Sou- Southern jaghiredars, increasing diffi bah's army, 603, 604; Marhatta in culty respecting (12 May, 1804), iii. terest in all branches of the adminis 268 ; arbitration of disputes between tration (9 Jan., 1804), 648; chaotic them and the Pcshwah (8 July, 1804), state of the country (10 Jan., 1804), 397. 650; amount of lacs gained annually Southward, consequences of moving the by him (14 Jan., 1804), 665 ; increas subsidiary force to, so long as Hulkar ing disturbances in his territories (10 continues in strength (29 Jan., 1805), Jan., 1804), 677; proposed establish iii. 638. ment of infantry for, 678 ; rapacity of Specie, not to be obtained from Bengal, his servants (19 Jan., 1804), 691. (28 April, 1804), iii. 243. Soubah of the Ueccan, shuffling conduct Speke, Mr. (7 April, 1804), iii. 209. of his servants in delaying the cession Staff of the subsidiary force with the of the districts near the hills (26 Jan., Peshwah, the same as that tor the 1804), iii. 11 ; difficulty in prevailing Soubah of the Deccau (11 April, upou his government to perform their 1804), iii. 214. stipulations, 12; non-execution by the Star pagodas, the standard coin (4 Oct., Soubah's government of the fifth 1803), ii. 374, 375. article of the treaty regarding the Stealing, how repressed (2 Dec, 1803), four lacs of rupees (11 Feb., 1804), ii. 563, note. 65; sentiments on the reform in his Stevenson, Colonel, advances into Bed- military establishments (26 Feb., nore (1799) i. 41 ; information from, 1804), 98; irregularities of his ser respecting attempts to seduce the vants, and disputes about a boundary sepoys to desert (27 May, 1800), 124; (16 March, 1804), 153; his rapacity correspondence with, on the subject and faithlessness (13 April, 1804), of and the Postmaster (2 June, 218; willingness to consent to an 1800), 140; (5 June, 1800), 142; ad arbitration to settle the boundary vance on Mussoor (28 and 30 June, (17 April, 1804), 221; copy of par 1800), 168, 169; crosses the Mal- tition treaty (16 May, 1804), 279; poorba in boats (10 Sept., 1800), 218; territory obtained under (21 May, thanks for his services on the Mysore 1804), 295; communication to the frontier (11 Sept., 1800), 224, note; Soubah's government of the intention takes the enemy's remaining cannon, to attack Holkar (5 June, 1804), 335; &c (13 Sept., 1800), 227; approba peshcush relinquished by, not ac tion of, by Colonel Wellesley, 228; cepted by the Governor General (15 the Governor in Council's approbation Aug., 1804), 439; act of injustice of the services of Colonel Stevenson against the Rajah of Berar (19 Dec, in Mysore, during the absence of 1804), 572, 573 ; mode of increasing Colonel Wellesley (11 April, 1801), and reforming his military establish 322, note; subsidiary force under ment (4 Jan., 1805), 595, 596; pro Colonel Stevenson, in the advance priety of his immediately paying the to Poonah (3 March, 1803), 417, iiaj.ih the sum of money due to him note; General Stuart's instructions (8 .Aw., 1805), 599; prospective nego to (9 March, 1803), 425; Major tiation with the Soubah, for the pur General Wellesley's letter to, from pose of placing his military force on Deogerry (14 March, 1803), 435; an efficient footing, and importance proposed junction with (1 April, of the person who commands it (28 1803), 459 ; cipher not received by, Jan., 1805), 637; nature of the force and ordered to march to Gaidoon (1 1 that should be furnished by him, April, 1803), 481; joins General under the treaty (5 March, 1805), Wellesley at Aklooss (15 April, 1803), 671. 491 ; movements of, and letteis to INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 43

(16 April, 1803) 499; (21 April, King's service (7 Feb., 1804), 47; 1803), 509; (23 April, 1803), 511, tt (11 Feb., 1804), 63; letter to, 11 tea. Jan., 1805 ; victories over Holkar, Stevenson, Colonel (13 June, 1803), ii. 4 ; 605 ; amount of shares of prize money, requested to move on Aurungabad (14 and of gratuity (11 Jan., 1805), 606 ; June, 1803), 5, 8 ; necessity of reinforc voyage to England, disgrace of Cap ing him, and objection to the measure tain , and General Wellesley's (26 June, 1803), 46; (30 June, 1803), remembrance to his godson, ib. 52; (4 July, 1803), 64; distresses Store department, examination respect from want of grain (14 July, 1803), ing, at Seringapatam (1 June, 1801), 84 ; instructions to, in what case to i. 324; (4 June, 1801), 326; (d June, take up a position near the Adjuntee 1801), 329 ; (18 June, 1801), 335. ghaut (\8July, 1803), 103; number Store establishments, when they may and quality of his troops (30 July, be reduced (27 June, 1804), iii. 1803), 147; orders to move forward 379. (6 Aug., 1803), 179 ; unpleasant ac Stores, directions for procuiing (3 June, counts from (17 Aug., 1803), 208; 1803), i. 612. mode by which to keep his rear quiet , military, captured, half granted from pindarries (20 Aug., 1803), 219; by charter to the Company (31 Oct., exposed singlehanded to the united 1803), ii. 461 ; proposal of giving the armies of Scindiah and the Rajah of troops a sum of money for (17 Jan. Berar (26 Aug., 1803), 241 ; supplies 1804), 685. cut off by, ib. 243; instructions to , arrangements for transmittin him for driving the Marhatta chiefs (10June, 1804), iii., 349; out of the Nabob's territories (31 Strachey, Mr. (30 Jan., 1804), iii. 32; Aug., 1803), 257 ; takes the fort of appointed to conduct the negotiation Jalnapoor (4 Sept., 1803), 264; in between the Peshwah and the south- structions respecting an invasion of em jaghiredars (8 July, 1804), 397; Berar, 266; amount of his monthly (11 July, 1804), 414, 415; letter expenses (6 Sept., 1803), 272; to to, on the results of his mission to give the chiefs an alert (7 Sept., 1803), the southern chiefs (5 Dec, 1804), 281 ; his guns and field equipment 560. (9 Sept., T803), 286; night attacks Straw, belongs to the ryots in Mysore on the enemy (13 Sept., 1803), 294; (27 July, 1804), iii. 429. battle of Assye (24 Sept., 1803), 323 ; Stuart, Lieut. General, (1799), i. 13; Colonel Stevenson not detached, and number of fighting men under, 14; relative strength of his corps (1 Nov., march of the Bombay army under 1803), 338 ; detailed plan of offensive (21 Feb., 1799), 20; letters to (2 operations recommended to (8 Oct., March, 1803), 409, *l teq.; Memo 1803), 391; three lines of operation randum submitted to, by Major pointed out (12 Oct., 1803), 403; General Wellesley (3 March, 1803), takes Asseerghur (23 Oct., 1803), 414; letter from, to Lord Clive (3 435 ; detailed account of its capture March, 1803), 416; force assembled (6 Nov., 1803), 479; instructions for at Hurryhur under General Stuart, garrisoning (24 Oct., 1803), 443; 416, and note; General Stuart's in ill health (4 and 6 Nov., 1803), 470, structions to Major General Welles- 477 ; suspension of hostilities against ley (9 March, 1803), 421, et teq.; Scindiah (22 Nov., 1803), 528; Gawil- military principles by which guided ghur (15 Dec, 1803), 584; Memo in reference to the advancing detach randum transmitted to, 23 Dec, ment (10 March, 1803), 427, 428; 1803, 604 ; appointed to command the Major General Wellesley's letters to, aimies of the late Nizam, and Se- in the advance to Poonah (13 March, cunder Jah (1 Jan., 1804), 621, 622; 1803), 434, et teq.; proceeds to Bel- number of shares of prize money pro lary, from ill health (15 May, 1803), posed for (17 Jan., 1804), 687; dan 574, note. ger from ill health (21 Jan., 1804), 700. , letters to (14 June, 1803), ii. 6, , extraordinary junction of, with et tea.; crossmg the Toombuddra General Wellesley, at the battle of (23 July, 1803), 118; letter to the Argaum (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 6; diffi Governor General (8 Aug., 1803), cult and extraordinary operation in 189, note; to the Governor General his match through the mountains, 7 ; (9 Jan., 1804), 645; letter to, con General Wellesley's opinion relative taining an outline of operations after to Colonel Stevenson's entering the the battle of Argaum (11 Jan., 1804), 44 INDEX.

654; letter to (17 Jan., 1804), ii. to Colonel Wellesley in his operations 682. on the Mysore frontier (10 Sept., Stuart, Lieut. General, letter to, stations 1800), i. 220, and (11 Sept., 1800), and composition of subsidiary corps(14 225, note; abundance of supplies, to Feb., 1804), iii. 67 ; cavalry in the Com what attributable (1 April, 1803), pany's service (14 Feb., 1804), 71; 458. jfalousy by the Peshwah of General Supplies, British troops never to depend Wellesley, 73; General Wellesley's on their allies for (12 Sept., 1804), thanks to, for the handsome manner iii. 462; Memorandum detailing the in which he noticed his services, system for regulating supplies of an in his dispatches home (7 April, army in the Deccan (3 Nov., 1804), 1804), 205, 206; just distribution by 535 ; best mode of obtaining supplies General Stuart of patronage of the in a country, by having it believed army (21 May, 1804), 294; letter to that you are not in want of them (24 (18 June, 1804), 351; tribute to (8 Nov., 1804), 550. Dec, 1804), 561. Surat, districts to the south of, ceded Subsidiary alliances, benefits of (14 to the Company (14 Jane, 1803), ii. Jan., 1804), ii. 667; objection to 7 ; defensive measures for the districts framing them upon the Hyderabad depending upon (2 Aug., 1803), 166; model, 668. arrangements for securing the city of, Subsidiary force serving with the Pesh 168; recommendation for its defence wah, proper situation for (26 /an.,1804), (13 Oct., 1803), 413; unhealthy state iii. 13; reasonsfor preferring station of the troops at (7 Nov., 1803), ing it on the Godavery, and not at the 485 ; policy of defending, ib. ; proposal capitals (14 Feb., 1804), 67, 68; troops for strengthening (14 Nov., 1803), best calculated to compose it, 69 ; staff 513; each of the confederates an eye appointments in (21 Feb., 1804), 87; on it (2 Dec, 1803), 564; conduct of question of payment for an increase the military at (5 Dec, 1803), 567 ; in, by the Soubah and the Peshwah provision fur the security of (8 Jan., (26 Feb., 1804), 100; at Poonah, 1804), 642; opinion on the best ar what officers were fixed upon to per rangements for (16 Jan., 1804), 681; form the duties in (11 April, 1804), necessity of providing for the secu 214; mode of supplying with money rity of (21 Jan., 1804), 703. (18 May, 1804), 289; of Poonah, to , liability of all native inhabitants be composed of Bombay troops (18 to the jurisdiction of the magistrate June, 1804), 353; with the Soubah- (1 June, 1804), iii. 324. dar of the Deccan, recommendation Surgeon, on the Madras establishment of an immediate equipment of, for how paid (21 Jan., 1804), ii. 698. active service (24 June, 1804), 361; Survey of the Company's territories (3 mode of supplying the subsidiary force Jan., 1800), i. 59. with the Peshwah, with provisions Surveyor's allowances, when to be given (24 June, 1804), 366; at Poonah, (1 Nov., 1800), i. 268. Memorandum on the formation of (12 Swamies, brass, arrangements respecting July, 1804), 507; subsidiary force payment for (24 Dec, 1799) i. 56. serving wilh the Soubah, its amount, Sword, no power but that of, in India and of what it ought to consist (15 (13 Oct., 1803), ii. 411; dependence Feb., 1805), 645; with the Peshwah, of the subordinate governments on 645, 646 ; at Poonah and Hyderabad, the sword (14 Jan., 1804), 668. strength and position for (24 Feb., , of what governments the only 1805), 653,655 ; department in which power (26 Feb., 1804), iii. 99; de reduction of expense may be made, pendence of all governments in India, 654. except that in Bengal ,on the sword Subsidiary treaties, bad consequences (3 July, 1804), 390, 392. of (20 June, 1803), ii. 21. Sword of the value of 1000 guineas, Subsistence, want of, by Scindiah and voted to General Wellesley (7 April, the Rajah of Berar (30 Aug., 1803), 1804), iii. 209; sword presented to ii. 253. the Rajah of Koorg (8 Dec, 1804), , mode of providing, in case of fa 561; (26 Jan., 1805), 633. mine (11 April, 1804), iii. 216 ; fore Sydenham, Captain, letter to, necessity sight in providing subsistence lor the of his early arrival at Scindiah's dur troops (2 May, 1804), iii. 248, 249, bar (1 Dec, 1804), iii. 554; anxiety note. to have him sent to take charge of the Supplies for the troops, efficiency of, Residency (5 Dec, 1804), 559 ; ordered INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 45

to proceed to Poonah to take charge leslcy, i. 1 ; its destination changed of the Residency (30 Dec, 1804), from the West Indies to India, 2; 590; letter to, march of Bombay arrival at Madras (1793), 12. native infantry from Gon to Poonah Tigers, request to have them removed (26 Jan., 1805), 632, 633; letter to (5 May, 1799), i. 36; destruction of (29 Jan., 1805), 638 ; (3 Feb.), 640. tigers in the neighbourhood of Chittle- Syed Saheb's elephants (19 Dec, 1799), droog(15 Dec, 1799), 49. i. 51; and camels (24 Dec, 1799), Time, everything in military opera 54. tions (30 June, 1800), i. 170. Symons, Major, utility as Persian inter , everything in conducting con preter (4 March, 1803), i. 418. voys (15 Nov., 1803), ii. 514. Tippoo Sultaun, apprehensions of his mvasion of the Carnatic, i. 2 ; de struction of his power, no part of British policy (1798), 7 ; hostile mea Talooks, list of (12 May, 1804), iii. 268. sures adopted by him, 7, 8; letters Tanjore, unpleasant situation of officers written to, by Lord Morningtou (8 travelling through the country (15 Nov., 1798), 9, et teq. ; declaration Dec, 1799), i. 48. of the Governor General (22 Feb., Tappall to Poonah (17 Dec, 1799), i. 1799), 15; Tippoo passes his frontier, 50; tappalls in Malabar (15 April, and attacks a detachment of the Bom 1800), 107; into the ceded districts bay army (6 March, 1799), 21 ; ope (13 Nov., 1800), 269. rations for the siege of Seringapatam, Taptee, the natural boundary of the ib. ; fresh overtures made by Tippoo Deccan (18 Jan., 1805), iii. 615. (1799), 29 ; determination of the Teak trees, solid boats cut out from, Governor General entirely to over of the Malabar coast (11 April, 1803), throw his power, ib. ; amount of his i. 485. forces on the 4th of May, 34 ; Colonel Temporary expedients, failure of (11 Wellesley present at the discovery of Feb., 1804), iii. 63. his body alter the assault, 36 ; im Tenim ghaut (24 June, 1803), ii. 37. postor assuming to be one of his sons Tent allowance, propriety of allowing, (5 April, 1800), 99, 100. when tents not produced at muster , arrangements respecting his family (15 July, 1803), ii. 92. (26 Sept., 1803), ii. 345, 346. to the Bombay corps at Poonah, Toka, where situated (14 June, 1803), letter on (15 Jan., 1805), iii. 611. ii. 6. Tents, repairing of (8 Dec, 1799), i. Tolfrey, Lieutenant Colonel (23 Jan., 46 ; impossibility of carrying officers' 1800), i. 65 ; defeat of (10 April, tents in bad weather (22 Sept., 1800), 1800), 101; (11 April, 1800), 103; 236. ordered to post runners to Uustara , receive damage at sea (10 June, (12 April, 1800), 104, 105; ordered 1804), iii. 349. not to attack the post of Anakeery Territory, conquered, given over to the (21 April, 1800), 108; number of men Soubah of the Deccan(2 Nov., 1803), fit for duty (24 May, 1800), 122. ii. 465. Toombuddra (20 Dec, 1799), i. 52; pro Tew, Mr. (17 Aug., 1803), ii. 209; (30 jected passage of the (31 May, 1800), Sept., 1803), 335, note. 136; camp on the bank of (23 June, Thieve?, remedy against (25 Jan., 1800), 1800), 161 ; breaking up from the i. 67 ; (31 Jan., 1800), 69 ; extirpation banks of (21 Nov., 1800), 270; pass of thieves from Bednore (2 March, age of, for Seringapatam, 272 ; the 1800), 83; punishments for (2 Dec, Toombuddra river the Company's 1803), 563, note. northern boundary (6 Sept., 1801), , necessary punishment of (21 363; probable assembly of an army Oct., 1803), h. 433; roads infested by, on the Toombuddra, tor operations 434; ordered execution of (26 Oct., in the Marhatta territory (12 Nov., 1803), 455. 1802), 376; crossed on the advance , profits of. shared by the Pesh- to Poonah (12 March, 1803), 430, 431. wah's ministers (27 March, 1804), , crossing of, by General Stuart (18 iii. 185; application from the Pesh- and 20 July, 1803), ii. 102, 105. wah to catch them (12 May, 1804), Treason, persons found guilty of (6 July. 268. lbOO), i. 173. Thirty third regiment, landing of, at Treasure, difficulties and duties in con Ostend, in command of Colonel Wel- veying (14 Sept., 1803), ii. 298. 40

Treasury in camp, convenience of its emption of villages from plunder (31 being the medium of remitting money Oct., 1803), 462, 463, note; care taken (24 June, 1804), iii. 371 ; treasury at for their security (2 Nov., 1803), 465, Poonah, how kept full (26 June, 1 804), note. 372 ; treasury notes, proposed permis Vincatjee Bhoonslah's jewels, value of, sion to issue (23 May, 1804), 301. taken at Argaum (17 Jan., 1804), ii. Treaties, want of influence to carry them 687. into execution (11 Feb., 1804), iii. 64. Treaty,consequences of entering into one W. with an insincere prince (23 June, 1803), ii. 36 ; principle for construing Walker, Major, character of his intelli an article in a (7 Jan., 1804), 629. gence (26 Aug., 1803), ii. 239 ; ill — — , the signing of, that which binds consequences of his attempt to seize the parties (30 March, 1804), iii. 193. Futfy Sing (16 Sept., 1 803), 304, 309 ; Trevor, Mr. (30 March, 1800), i. 95. proposed judicious management by, Trial of criminals, general rule respect of districts belonging to Sciudiah in ing (1 April, 1804), iii. 194. Guzerat (28 Sept., 1803), 355; his Trincomalee, armament at (19 Dec, cordiality for the pood of the service 1800), i. 275. (13 Oct., 1803), 412 ; appointment as , arrival of the Royal Artillery at collector (4 Nov., 1803), 471. (29 July, 1803), ii. 143. , application for military stores (10 Troops, desirableness of keeping them Feb., 1804), iii. 56; letter to (12 separate from the inhabitants (27 May, March, 1804), 136. 1800), i. 124. Walker, Captain (1798), i. 13. .healthiness of (19 /«n«,1803),ii. 91. Wallajahbad, assembly of the army at , readiness of, nothing in compari (Nov., 1798), i. 12; (3 July, 1804), son with the preparations required for iii. 394. the departments of the service (3 July, Wallace, Lieut. Colonel, letter to (20 1804), iii. 395. July, 1803), ii. 106; favorable re Truth, disregard of, by Marhattas (26 port of (5 Jan., 1804), 624 ; proposed Jan., 1804), iii. 12. appointment of, to command the Pesh- Tumbrils, heavy disbursements from (15 wah's subsidiary force, his character July, 1803), ii. 91. (10 Jan., 1804), 651; (21 Jan., 1804), Tuncaws, explained (16 Sept., 1800), i, 700. 232, note. — — , requested to move on Perinda (14 Feb., 1804), iii. 67; letter to, camp V. atTankly (18 Feb., 1804), 84; letter to, on appointments in the subsidiary Uhtoffe, fright of (10 Oct., 1800), i. 258. force (2 March, 1804), 110; letter to Umbar, district and town of (21 May, (27 March, 1804), 186; letter to (17 1804), iii. 296. April, 1804), 226; promotion of (27 Ungentlemanlike conduct, what is re May, 1804), 315; letter to (24 June, quired by the Articles of War in a 1804), 368; letter to (28 June, 1804), charge of (14 Sept., 1803), ii. 301. 382; necessity of secrecy in his pro Useful men, watchfulness not to lose ceedings, ib.; anecdote of his implicit their services (10 Feb., 1804), iii. 54. obedience to orders, ib., note; opera tions for, in the pursuit of Holkar (4 Sept., 1804), 449; to continue to V. command the subsidiary force at Veerajundrapelt, arrival at, description Poonah (12 Sept., 1804), 456; letter of the country, and visit from the to, on being superseded in his com Hajah (30 March, 1800), i. 95. mand (24 Nov., 1804), 551 ; conse- Vellore, army assembled at (1798), i. 12, quent arrangement by Colonel Close (17 Dec, 1804), 571, note; letter to 13. , doubt of being able to send grain (12 Jan., 1805), 606; objections by to, at a comparatively cheaper rate the Peshwah's minister to receive him (1 Feb., 1805), iii. 640. with the usual marks of distinction Verbal communication to be preferred (13 Jan., 1805), 608 ; services of (2 Aug., 1803), ii. 164. Colonel Wallace, and remonstrance to Village, practice of fortifying every, in be addressed to Suddasheo Mun- the Deccan (18 Nov., 1803), ii. 519. kaiseer, 609; giievance as to promo Villages, fortified, utility of, and means tion (19 Jan., 1805), 617; letter to of defence (1 Oct., 1803), ii. 362; ex (Feb., 1805), 655. INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 4-7

Wandering Europeans, arrest of two (4 direction and control of all political May, 1803), i. 543. and military affairs in Hindustan War, in which way it will relieve Gene and the Deccan, and in the territories ral Welleslev's distresses (22 June, of the Nizam, the Peshwah, and of the 1823), ii. 32" Marhatta chiefs (26 June, 1803), 49, Ware, Major General (17 Jan., 1804), note, et sea. ; special notification of ii. 687, note. the Governor General's views, with re Waring, E. S., Esq., letter to (8 March, ference to the conduct of Scindiah 1804), iii. 129; extent of his appoint and the Rajah of Berar (27 June, ment at Poonah (6 April, 1804). 204 ; 1803), 53, note; of Holkar, 55; requested to take charge of Major Cashes Rao Holkar, 56 ; the Mogul, Graham's office (30 Dec, 1804), 590 ; occupation of the Dooah, arrival of letter to (13 Jan, 1805), 608; letter the French at Pondicherry, ih. ; letter to, advisable that he should not incur to Major General Wellesley (23 Dec, any extraordinary expense at Ahmed- 1803), 609, note ; letter from, remarks nuggur (16 Feb., 1805), 648. on the treaty with the Rajah of Berar Water-course, directions respecting (21 (9 Jan., 1804), 647, note; letter from, Dec, 1799), i. 52. (17 /on., 1804), 682; letter to Major Wausim ghaut, ii. 511. General Wellesley, approval of the Webbe, Mr., plan for the survey of the treaty, and readiness to ratify (11 Company's territories (3 Jan., 1800), Feb., 1804), iii. 62, note; letter from, i. 59 ; letter to Colonel Wellesley (24 16th April, 1804, announcing his de May, 1800), 127; Colonel Wellesley's termination to commence hostilities letter to, respecting the expedition against Holkar (6 May, 1804), 255, to Batavia, 131; letter to (7 April, note. {See Mornington, Lord, Gover 1801), 311; proposed destruction of nor General.) Seringapatam (6 Sept., 1801), 355; Wellesley, Lieutenant Colonel the Hon. appointment to the court of Nagpoor Arthur. {See Wellington, Field Mar (1802), 376 ; (3 Feb., 1803), 406. shal, post.) , day of his leaving Hurryhur (10 Wellesley, Hon. Henry (now Lord Feb., 1804), iii. 55; goes to Ougein Cowley), arrival of, in India (3 March, (3 April, 1804), 198 ; distress experi 1801), i. 300, 301 ; letters to, from enced by, in passing with his small Colonel Wellesley (23 March, 1801), escort (7 May, 1804), 262 ; conference 305 ; letter to Colonel Wellesley (28 with Scindiah and his ministers (9 March, 1801), 307. July, 1804), 405; illness of, and de , letter to, containing a narrative termination to go home (20 Nov., of events from May to September (17 1804), 546; has an intermittent fe Sept., 1803), ii. 311 ; letter to (3 ver (24 Nov., 1804), 553; his death, Oct., 1803), 371. and merits (5 Dec, 1804), 559; a , letter to, containing narrative of public loss (11 Dec, 1804), 564; pro events subsequent to the battle of posed monument to his memory, docu Assye (24 Jan., 1804), iii, 1 ; letter to ments relating to (28 Jan., 1805), 635, (18 March, 1804), 170. 636, note. Wellesley, Hon. Dr. Gerald (23 March, Wellesley, Marquis, succeeds Sir John 1801), i. 305, note. Shore as Governor General of India Wellington, Field Marshal the Duke of, (17 May, 1798), i. 3 ; intended jour Dispatches and Letters of, i. 1. ney through Mysore (30 Dec, 1800), , Lieut. Colonel the Hon. Arthur 280 ; letters to Colonel Wellesley, re Wellesley,his early services in Holland specting the armament destined to the (1794) and India, i. 1 ; embarks for Red Sea (10 Feb., 1801), 297; and (3 the West Indies, 2. March), 299; permits Colonel Wei , Colonel the Hon. Arthur, arrival lesley to return to Mysore (28 at the Cape of Good Hope and at March, 1801), 308; letter to the Go Calcutta (1797), i. 2; circumstances vernor in Council, Foit St. George, which gave rise to the commencement approving the selection of the Hon. of Colonel Wellesley's military career Major General Wellesley for the com in India, 3, et teq. ; command of the mand of the troops detached towards Nizam's contingent given to (1799), Poonah (4 April, 1 803), 467. 14 ; employed in a political and , Dispatch to the Secret Commit diplomatic commission, 21; attack on tee of the Court of Directors (20 Jane, Tippo Sultaun, at Mallavelly, 22; on 1803), ii. 23, note; dispatch from, the Sultaunpettah tope, 23, 24; let conferring on General Wellesley the ters written by, to General Harris, 4S INDEX.

after the attack (6 April, 1799), 26, et King of the Two Worlds (11 Sepl.. seq. ; Seringapatam, 31; enters the 1800), 223 ; thanks hy General Braith- fort after the assault, and discovery waite, 224, 225 ; ordered to remain in of the body of Tippoo Sultaun, 36 ; the Marhatta territory ( 1 2 Sept., 1 800), ordered to command within the fort, .225; arrangement of the countries (5 May, 1799), ib.; letters to General which passed through his hands Harris, ib. et seq. ; efforts to prevent during the contest with Dhoondiah excess, 38 ; appointed to the com Waugh (16 Sspt., 1800), 231; wish mand of a regular garrison for Serin- ta move forward to the Kistna (24 gapatam, 39; provinces of the Mysore Sept., 1800), 238; prospective opera territory formed into a distinct com tions in an advance to the Kistna (2 mand under Colonel Wellesley, 40 ; Oct., 1800), 246, et seq.; reflections appointed to command the troops on the Marhatta empire, and the line serving above the Ghauts, 42; or of conduct to be pursued (9 Oct., ganization of the civil and military 1800), 255, et seq.; amount of his establishments, and letters from Se- force in the field, ib. ; movement on ringapatam (19 Jug., 1799), 42, et Savanore, and dejection of the allies seq. ; system of shroffing (28 Dec, on his withdrawing (28 Oct.. 1800), 1799), 56; project to carry off Co 263; (30 Oct., 1800), 265; ordered to lonel Wellesley, while hunting, by a enter the Ceded countries (30 Oct., gang from Dhoondiah (3 Feb., 1800), 1800), 266; order of his followers 72, 73; plan for seizing the Sirdars (1 Nov., 1800), 267; desire to be al on the island of Seringapatam (8 Feb., lowed to conduct the Wynaad expe 1800), 75 ; attacked by fever (9 March, dition (20 Nov., 1800), 270; appoint 1800), 87; design of going down to ment to the armament at Trincoma- the Malabar coast (23 Marth, 1800), lee (19 Dec, 1800), 275, et seq.; ob 91 ; formation of roads by the nairs ject of the armament (7 Feb., 1801), (3 April, 1800), 99; inquiries rela 286 ; arrangements for proceeding to tive to the mode of penetrating into the Red Sea, ib ; regret at not being Malabar (5 April, 1800), 100; neces at Wynaad (8 Feb., 1801), 288; de sity of taking the field in earnest (7 termination to-proceed to Bombay (9 May, 1800), 115; proposition made to Feb., 1801), 290; appointed second in Colonel Wellesley, while in command command of the armament destined of Mysore, to be united in an expedi to the Red Sea (10 Feb., 1801), 297, tion against Batavia, and motives et seq. ; letter, lamenting the ruin of which induced him to decline the ser his prospects from his supersession (23 vice (13 May, 1800), 125, et seq., 131 ; March, 1801), 305, 306; authorised authorized to enter the Marhatta ter to return to Mysore (28 March, 1801), ritory (31 May, 1800), 135 ; proposed 307 ; seized with a fever, when about operations, 136 ; desires Lord Clive to join the Egyptian armament (31 to accept of the Batavia command March, 1801), 310; (11 April, 1801), for him, or not, as he may find most 320, 321; under a course of nitrous convenient for the public service (3 1 baths (9 and 11 April, 1801), 312, May, 1800), 137 ; details of the de 322 ; letter to General Baird (9 April, cisive campaign against Dhoondiah 1801), 312,313; Memorandum on the (1 June, 1800), 138; letter to Lord operations in the Red Sea, 314, et Clive, on a question involving the seq.; purposes to leave Bombay for whole military system in India (20 Malabar (11 April, 1801), 321 ; gene June, 1800), 156, 157 ; troops required ral order directing him to resume the for garrisons in Mysore, 159; state command in Mysore, 322, note; Se ment of troops under his command, ringapatam (1 June, 1801), 324; ar 160; delay in crossing the Werda rangements concerning the levying (30 June, 1800), 170; intention to of duties on goods (13 June, 1801). dash at Dhoondiah (11 July, 1800), 331, 332 ; question of jurisdiction (29 178 ; establishes an opinion in his July, 1801), 341, 342; Memorandum own people of their superiority over upon Seringapatam (1 Aug., 1801), Dhoondiah's (19 July, 1800), 186 ; 343, et seq.; Memorandum on opera blow struck at Dhoondiah, by the tions in the Marhatta territory (6 surprise of his camp (31 July, 1800), Sept., , Major 1801). General 357. the Hon. A. Wel 191; victory over, at Conahgull (10 Sept., 1800), 219, et seq.; liberal lesley, journal of arrangements, &c, treatment of his son, ib., note ; reasons with a view to operations in the Mar for his mode of operating against the hatta territory (12 Nov., 1802), i. 376 ; INDIA. VOLS. I. fO III. 49

letters relating to the war in the rains (23 May,1803), 587,594 ; treaty Deccan (2 Dec, 1802), 383, et teq. ; ad of Bassein (27 May, 1803), 594, 596 vance to Poonah (Jan., 1803), 389 ; 597; necessity of having a body of and enumeration of food and stores to Marhatta cavalry in the field (8 June, be provided for the troops (20 Jan., 1803), 628. 1803), 396 ; selected by Lord Clive to Wellesley, Major General the Hon. command the detachment into the Arthur, Marhatta war, advance to Marhattaterritory (2 Feb , 1803), 409 ; Ahmednuggur (12 June, 1803), ii. 1, hope that he may be allowed to ac et seq.; Holkar (16 June, 1803), 10; company the army, in case General constitution of the Marhatta empire Stuart should take the command him (20 June, 1803), 20, 21 ; effects of self (3 March, 1803), 413; Memoran subsidiary treaties, 21 ; restoration of dum submitted to General Stuart, 414; the Peshwah (20 June, 1803), 23, force composing the advancing divi note; saving of Poonah from destruc sion under Major General Wellesley (9 tion, 24,33 ; extraordinary powers con March, 1803), 421, note; instructions ferred on, over the military and political to him from General Stuart, explana affairs in the territories of the Nizam, tory of the principal objects m his the Peshwah, and the Marhatta proceedings, 421, 422, et teq.; march states (26 June, 1803), 49, et teq., from Hurryhur, and passage of the note; (18 July. 1843), 104 ; selection Toombuddra (12 March, 1803), 430; of officers for the subsidiary force at ability of his movements, and skill in Poonah (3 July, 1803), 63; confeder conciliating the inhabitants in his ation of the Marhatta chiefs (17 July, route, 430, 431 ; his influence in the 1803), 96; (19 July, 1803), 99; im Mysore country, and consequences of provement of parts of the country in a change in the system of govern which the British army has been (24 ment (13 March, 1803), 432 ; willing July, 1803), 122; confederacy of the ness to resign the command in My greater powers, how regarded by sore as soon as the campaign is over, themselves, 123; delay of Scindiali 433 ; character of the expedition, and to engage to depart beyond the Ner- negotiation respecting Darwar (16 budda (31 July, 1803), 149, 150; March, 1803), 439; Memorandum on approach to Ahmednuggur (1 Aug., boats (20 March, 1803), 445, 446 1803), 159; (3 Aug., 1803), 173; (tee Boats); Memorandum on the Salabut Khan (1 Aug , 1803), 159, number of bullocks to be sent to Pan- 160; Trincomalee (29 July, 1801), well (2 April, 1803), 461 ; admiration 143; (2 Aug., 1803), 165; defence of of General Wellesley's military cha Surat and Guzerat (2 Aug., 1803), racter by the Marhatta chiefs (3 April, 166; forces for garrison, 168; sub 1803), 464 ; act of charity to the Na sistence derived from military ser bob of Savanore, 465 ; (5 April, 1803), vice among the Marhattas. 169 ; con 472 ; names of Marhatta sirdars, and stitution and customs of the govern list of their forces, with General Wel ments of Poonah and Hyderabad (5 lesley (3 April, 1803), 466 ; joined by Aug., 1803), 177; letter to Dowlut Colonel Stevenson (15 April, 1803), Rao Scindiah (6 Aug., 1803), 178; 492 ; plan of operations with the statement of force under the imme Peswah, &c.,494, in case of the sup diate command of Major General posed confederacy, 496 ; means taken Wellesley (7 Aug., 1803), 188, note; by him to prevent the burning of treaty with Sreemunt Amrut Rao (16 Poonah (17 April, 1803), 500; his Aug., 1803), 206; advance to the rapid march and arrival at Poonah Godavery (17 Aug., 1803), 209; (20 April, 1803), 505; (24 April, Guickwar alliance (22 Aug. 1803), 1803), 513 ; arrangements for re 223; (4 Sept., 1803), 269; Advance establishing the Peswah (24 April, towards the Chiefs (24 Aug., 1803), 1803), 514; (25 April, 1803), 516, et 229, et teq. ; excellent marching con teq.; objects committed to the con dition (28 Aug., 1803), 245; want of duct of General Wellesley by the Go officers to command corps. 245 ; hope vernor General (12 May, 1803), 566, of being able to strike a blow against note ; the Peshwah resumes the powers the myriads of the Marhatta horse of his government, 566, note; (13 (30 Aug., 1803), 251 ; relinquishment May, 1803), 569; arrangements with of the command in Guzerat (31 Aug., his Highness (15 May. 1803), 574; 1803), 254 ; (6 Sept., 1803), 276 ; un Peshwah reviews the lines (22 May, justifiable seizure of some of the 1803), 585 ; state of rivers during the principal inhabitants by the coufede- 50 INDEX.

rated chiefs (3 Sept., 1803), 262; ing the state of the roads (23 Oct., good order of the troops, and rate at (18031, 441; immediate and remote which they marched (8 Sept., 1803), cause of the Marhatta war (25 Oct., 284 ; shot obtained by picking it out 1803), 452 ; liberality to the sick and of a breached wall (9 Sept., 1803), wounded (26 Oct., 1803), 457, note; 287 ; attack and capture of Baroach exemption of villages from plunder (12 Sept., 1803), 2b9 ; directions for (31 Oct., 1803), 462, 463; (2 AW, convoying treasure (14 Sept., 1803), 1803), 465, note; ill consequences 298; observations on Courts Martial, from the want of means of defence, and on party in the army (16 Sept., 464; rule of partition of conquest, 1803), 305; battle of Assye, (24 Sept., 466 ; instance of the superiority of 1803), 323, et seq.; horse shot under disciplined infantry to horse (2 Nov., General Wellesley (24 Sept., 1803), 1803), 467, 468; good effects of the 328; cannon taken (24 Sept., 1803), regularity of pay to the Mysore 328 ; (25 Sept., 1803), 332 ; (29 troops, by their government, 468; Sept., 1803), 356; (3 Oct., 1803), the Bheels (5 Nov., 1803), 473; bills 372 ; Memorandum on the battle on honor (7 Nov., 1803), 483; pro (24 Sept., 1803), 329; behaviour positions for peace, and conference and excellence of Scindiah's infan with Jeswunt Rao Goorparah (11 try (24 Sept., 1803), 328; (28 Sept., Nov., 1803), 496; enumeration of 1803), 354; mistake of officer com cessions demanded from Scindiah (11 manding piquets (24 Sept., 1803), Nov., 1803), 500; proposed amend 331 ; (1 Nov., 1803), 340 ; colours ments to the treaty of defensive al taken (30 Sept., 1803), 34; (29 Sept., liance with the Soubah, 502, 503 ; 1803), 356; account of the battle in excellent state of equipment, and a letter to Lieut. Colonel Munro (1 want of money (13 Nov., 1803), 508; Nov., 1803), 338 ; pensions to the opinion on the claim by merchants of princes (26 Sept., 1803), 345 ; opera property captured at Baroach (15 tions after the battle of Assye, 347 ; Nov., 1803), 516, 517; concordance possibility of checking by defensive in the plan for peace with the Gover measures a predatory war carried on nor General's, 517; restriction of the by horse only (1 Oct., 1803), 361 ; ex employment of Europeans by the cellence of Scindiah's French infantry, Marhattas(18 Nov., 1803), 518; com of his artillery, and of his ordnance parative view of the Marhatta cavalry, (3 Oct., 1803), 371; number of the infantry, and artillery ib. : why the enemy killed, 372; mode of obtain Marhattas should be encouraged to ing supplies by encouragements to the have infantry, 519; observations on dealers, 372, 373, note; prize money various articles of the Memorandum, (4 Oct., 1803), 374; reasons for re 517, 521 ; negotiations (22 Nov., 1803), fusing to send a British officer to the 528, et seq.; intrigues of the officers enemy's camp (6 Oct., 1803), 381. of the Soubah's government to bring consequences of a movement to the the negotiations for peace into their northward (8 Oct., 1803), 388; pro own hands (23 Nov., 1803), 530; posed plan of offensive operations motives for agreeing to a cessation of against the enemy's territories (8 Oct., hostilities, 531 ; (24 AW., 1803), 546 ; 1803), 391 ; secrecy in his time for copy of the armistice (23 AW, 1803), marching and halting (10 Oct., 1803), 534; remarks on Major Malcolm's 394, 395, note ; usual order of march Memorandum on a proposed treaty of detailed, 395, note ; apprehended ne peace, 538; basis of the proposed cessity of a union of offensive with treaty (24 AW, 1803), 541 ; notice defensive operations (11 Oct., 1803), of General Wellesley's proceedings 402 ; three lines of operation pointed of the conferences, 544, note; anec out to Colonel Stevenson (12 Oct., dote of Mohiput Ram's attempted 1803), 403 ; directions for not attack bribe, 545, note; battle of Argaum ing the enemy's position, 403, 404; (30 Nov., 1803), 555; operations remarks on the British Government against Gawilghur, (2 Dec, 1803), in India (13 Oct., 1803), 411; rate 563; manner of repressing plunder at which coins are issued to the ing and stealing, 563, note; cowardice troops (14 Oct., 1803), 419; melan of native infantry at the battle of choly state of the troops in Guzerat Argaum (3 Dec, 1803), 565 ; incon (13 Oct., 1803), 423; weakness from veniences of war in imagination (4 a fever (21 Oct., 1803), 432; General Dec, 1803), 566 ; siege of Gawilghur Wellesley 's precautions in ascertain (11 Dec, 1803), 573; necessity of INDIA. VOLS. I. TO III. 51

makingwar on Holkar (12 Dec, 1803), could have received orders (7 Feb., 574; hope of speedily resigning his 1804), 47, 48; general nature of the charge in the country (14 Dec, 1803), letters of natives, and constituent 580; assault and capture of Gawil- principles of a concluded engagement ghur (15 Dec, 1803), 583 ; discovery (10 Feb., 1804), 57; necessity of of the killadar, 587, note; copy of the Great Britain's having an army, not treaty of peace between the Com the skeleton of one (11 Feb., 1804), pany and their allies, and the Bajah 63 ; character and comparative ad of Berar (17 Dec, 1803), 588; copy vantages of the Bengal, the coast, and of the treaty of peace with Scindiah Bombay troops (14 Feb., 1804), 69; (30 Dec, 1803), 612, et seq.; contrast military principles for the security between Scindiah and Holkar (30 and reconquust of Malabar, the (Dec, 1803), 618; the Deccan after weakest point in India against a the treaties of peace (5 Jan., 1804), European enemy, 70, 71 ; advantages 623, et seq. ; congratulation of Gene and inconveniences of regular and ral Lake on the success of the troops irregular horse, 71, 72; desire of under his command in Hindustan (5 leaving the country, 73; captured pro Jan., 1804), 624; remarks on the perty to be sold by auction (17 Feb., treaty (7 Jan., 1804), 628; difficulty 1804), 82; question of assisting the of dragging the guns through the Peshwah to obtain the possessions of mountains (11 Jan., 1804), 655; the chiefs of the house of Pursheram threatened loss of the campaign from Bhow (23 Feb., 1804). 93, et seq.; the deficiency of funds to cany it on arrival at Poonah (24 Feb., 1804), 98 ; (13 Jan., 1804), 659, 660; causes of sentiments on the reform in the mili the vast increase of the expenses of tary establishments of the Soubah the army (13 Jan., 1804), 660; rough (26 Feb., 1804), 98, et seq.; necessity estimate of them, 661 ; contribution of his quit ing the country, except in at Burhampoor, 662 ; subsidiary al the case of a war witli Holkar (2 liances (14 Jan., 1804), 667; Memo March, 1804), 111; subscription for a randum on prize property (17 Jan., gold vase, with the proposed inscrip 1804), 686; number of shares re tion (4 March, 1804), 114; letter ceived by General Wellesley in the written by the officers of his division, war against Tippoo, 687; proposed 115; answer by General Wellesley, sale of prize, and distribution of the 116; Bombay Occurrences for March, proceeds to the troops, 689 ; payment 1804, 143; Presentation of a public of the troops, and Serwaddy's con address, 144; Reply, 146; fete, 148; tract (20 Jan., 1804), 694, et. seq.; conduct and movements of Holkar (21 Jan., 1804), 705; causes of the (17 March, 1804), 164; (18 March, departare from the armistice with 1804), 170; preparing the orders Scindiah (21 Jan., 1804), 699 ; annoyed and arrangements for breaking up by lumbago, 700; deputation from (6 April, 1804), 199; sword of the Bheer (23 Jan., 1804), 709. (See value of 1000 guineas voted by the each name and article passim.) British inhabitants of Calcutta (7 Wellesley, Major General the Hon. April, 1804), 209; detail of ideas Arthur, the Deccan after the treaties regarding the operations of the troops of peace (24 Jan., 1804), iii. 1. et seq.; in case of a war with Holkar (23 narrative of events after the battle of April, 1804), 236, et seq.; not con Assye, to the conclusion of peace,l — 8 ; firmed iippointment to the staff (23 reasons for agreeing to the suspen April, 1804), 239; foresight in pro sion of hostilities with Scindiah, 4; viding food for the troops (2 May, inconsistent conduct of the Soubah 1804), 248, 249, note; announce (26 Jan., 1804), 11; observations on ment to, of the determination to com the strict maintenance of military mence hostilities against Holkar (6 discipline and efficiency (26 Jan., May, 1804), 255, note; distance of 1804), 15, 16; objects of the 7th the army from Madras, and mode of article of the treaty of peace (27 Jan., supplying clothing to his army (15 1804), 21 ; opinion of the necessity May, 1804), 274; observations on the of his speedy withdrawal from India plan proposed for raising money at (4 Feb., 1804), 41 ; destruction of the Poonah (18 May, 1804), 286 ; recom freebooters (5 Feb., 1804), 42, et seq.; mendation of conciliatory policy to amount of prize taken by troops under wards the Marhattns (22 May, 1804), his command (6 Feb., 1804), 46; 298 ; no intention of resigning the General Officers from whom alone he situation held under the government 52 ISDEX.

of Fort St. George, to return to Europe, bability of its being necessary for him until the service on which the troops again to take the field (9 Sept., 1 804), are entering is brought to a conclusion 451; opi lion of what is necessary (27 May, 1804), 315; reasons for in consequence of Monson's reverses wishing to go to Europe (8 June, f9 Sept, 1804), 453; (11 Sept.,1804), 1804), 339; rheumatism in the back, 455 ; misfortunes to what to be attri Hi. ; period during which he has been buted (12 Sept., 1804), 461 ; important a Major General, and appointed on lessons from this campaign, 462 ; na the Staff at Fort St. George, ■'&.; hope ture of Marhatta warfare, ami instruc of being able to quit the army on the tions for encountering a Marhatta 22nd of June, 1804,374; ordered to army (14 Sept., 1 804), 464, 466 ; ina proceed to Bengal (20 Jane, 1804), dequacy of his allowances on the Stair, 355; object to which the military ope . and request to be reimbursed the ex rations ought to he directed (24 June, traordinary charges incurred in the 1804), 361 ; takes leave of Colonel discharge of his public duty (9 Oct., Close (24 June, 1804), 363; letter of 1804), 469; renewal, on his return to thanks to the Governor of Bombay on the Deccan, of the civil and military taking leave (24 June, 1804), 365; powers vested in him by orders of the approbation of the conduct of the 26th of June, 1803 (Nov., 1 804), 538, troops serving in Guzerat, 366, note ; note; refusal of his servants to return attention to the treasury at Poonah, into the Deccan (8 Dec, 1804), 560 ; and mode by which it was kept full acknowledgment of obligations to (26 June, 1804), 372; letter to the General Stuart (8 Dec, 1804), 561 ; Governor General, detailing the mode attacked with fever and ague (11 Dec, in which his instructions have been 1804), 563, 564; (12 Dec, 1804), carried into execution (27 June, 1 804), 566 ; vet prepared to go northward, .376 ; acknowledges the receipt of his if requisite (1 1 Dec, 1 804), 563 ; indis sword (29 June, 1804), 384; detailed pensable requisites in the event of go opinion on the military establishments ing to war with the Rajah of Berar, t6. ; of India (3 July, 1804), 389, et seq. ; breach by Scindiah of the treaty of affairs of the southern Marhatta defensive alliance, and policy to be chiefs (8 July, 1804), 397, et seq. ; pursued by the British government anecdote of his confidence in a Mar- (14 Dec, 1804), 567, 568; (16 Dec, hatta killadar (8 July, 1804), 405, 1804), 571 ; invested with the control note; return to Mysore (13 July, over the Residents at the court of 1804), 419 ; address of the native in Sciudiah, and at Nagpoor (19 Dec , habitants of Seringapatam, ib. ; an 1804), 576, note; state of the Indian swer, 420 ; date of his resignation of empire, and measures to prevent its the military and political powers vested crumbling to pieces (27 Dec, 1804), in him on the 26, June 1803 (1 7 July, 583, 584 ; objects of his journey into 1804), 422, note; question whether the Deccan (4 Jan., 180^), 591 ; the expenses incurred by the Rajah advantages of his presence there, and of Mysore in his co-operation against reasons fur not going, 592; conduct the confederated chieftains equalled of the Court of Directors and of the the amount to be paid und t the pro King's Ministers towards him, 593 ; visions of the subsidiary treaty of might have expected to be placed on Mysore, and information by General the Staff in India, it; consults the Wellesley as to the extent of the public service by going to England, Rajah of Mysore's resources, the fixed 594; his presence unnecessary in the disbursements of his government, and Deccan, and abrogation of the powers the expenses incurred by the Rajah vested in him by the instructions of for the prosecution of the war (17 July, the 9th of November, 1804 (23 Nov., 1804), 422, note; 423 et seq. ; order 1805), 631, note: his anxiety to go to for the distribution of property cap England (3 Feb.] 1805), 641 ; applica tured during the war (22 Aug., 1804), tion to Lieutenant General Sir John 441 ; as Commander in Chief entitled Cradock for leave to go to England, to one-eighth of the property captured, and resignation of all his appoint 442 ; in what case no objection to go ments (19 Feb., 1805), 64S, 649; cre back to the Deccan (24 Aug., 1804), ated an extra Knight Companion of 443 ; military establishment of Fort the Order of the Bath (26 F,-b., 1805), St. George (29 Aug, 1804), 444, 445; 658, note; (9 March, 1800), 683, details of Monson's operations and note. retreat (6 Sept., 1 804), 450, et seq. ; pro Wellesley, Major General the Hon. Sir INDIA. — VOLS. I. TO III. 5.J

Arthur, K.B., letter to Lieutenant Sept., 1803), 322; queries to (15 Nut., General Sir John Cradock (26 Feb., 1803), 516 1805), iii. 658; letter from Lieutenant Woodington, Lieut. Colonel, his charac Colonel Gore, in the name of the ter as an officer (17 Sept., 1804), iii. officers of the 33d Regiment, and 468 ; question of prize money (13 Oct., answer (28 Feb., 1805), 675, 676; ad 1804), 470. dresses and answers (2 March, 1805), Wounded inhabitants, at Seringapatam, 677, etteq.; general order on taking arrangements respecting (10 Jan., leave of the troops (9 March, 1805), 1800), i. 62. 681 ; general orders by the Governor , General Wellesley's liberality to General in council, approbation of the the (26 Oct., 1803), ii. 457, note. King, and thanks of the House of Wurda river, to be Ragojee's boundary Lords, 682, 683, note; letter to the (12 Dec, 1803), ii. 574; claim of residents at Poonah, Hyderabad, and districts, by the Rajah of Berar, to the Nagpoor, 685 ; appointment of per east of the (9 Jan., 1804), 646; (10 sons to conduct the prize affuirs of the Jan., 1804), 649, 653 ; abandonment army in the Deccan, ib.; sails for of claims beyond the river (19 and 21 Europe; parting letters to Major Jan., 1804), 691, 698. Shawe (29 March, 1805), 686 ; (2 , Rajah of Berar's abandonment of April, 1805), 687. claim to the east of (29 Jan., 1804), Welsh, Captain, recommendation of iii. 29. (26 Feb., 1805), iii. 659. Wynaad, district (14 June, 1798), i. 4; West, Captain (4 Feb., 1800), i. 73, and country (11 Feb., 1800), 78; (15 Feb., note. 1 800), 79 ; proceedings for establish Wheel carriages, dreadful destruction of ing the Company's authority in Wy (20 April, 1803), i. 504. naad (26 Feb., 1800), 81; (9 March, Wheels, carriage, instructions for mak 1800). 85 ; war (11 Sept., 1800), 2(22 ; ing (3 June, 1803), i. 611. reflections on the expedition to Wy Wilks, Captain, appointed Resident in naad (14 Sept., 1800), 229 ; rebellion Mysore (20 Feb., 1804), iii. 86 ; con in (10 Oct., 1800), 260; Wynaad ex gratulation on his appointment (21 pedition (20 Nov., 1800), 270 ; ar Feb., 1804), 87; letter to (27 June, rangements in Wynuad (18 Dec, 1804), 375. 1800), 273; prosperous state of things , Major, able report by, on the af there (8 Feb., 1801), 288; plan for fairs of Mysore (4 Dec, 1804), 556 ; conquering (23 March, 1801), 306. extracts from it, 557; recommenda , entry into Malabar by (14 Feb., tion of, for the salary of a Resident 1804), iii. 71; Memorandum regard while acting for Colonel Malcolm (27 ing the settlement of affairs in (27 Feb., 1805), 660. July, 1804), 431. Wine, sent to the sick (26 Oct., 1803), ii. 457, note. Y. Women, European, request to continue allowance to (27 Dec, 1800), i. 278. York, Duke of, extract from his letter, Women, as wives or concubines, un respecting Colonel Wellesley's being restricted number to be allowed to placed on the staff in the East Indies native princes (26 Sept., 1803), ii. (3 March, 1801), i. 301, note. 345 ; wives and daughters, Rajpoot Young, Lieut., recommendatiou of (21 mode of saving them from destruc May, 1804), iii. 294. tion (15 Dec, 1803), 587, note. Young, Mr. Henry, recommendation of Woodington, Lieut. Colonel, storms (23 Nov., 1804), iii. 548. Baroach (8 Sept., 1803), ii. 282 ; pa pers containing a detailed account of the attack and capture (12 Sep., 1803), 289, et tea., note; General Zemaun Shah, defeated and blinded (17 Wellesley's letter to (14 Sept., 1803), March, 1804), iii. 164. 299; surrender of Powanghur (21 Zereen Putka (26 May, 1803), i. 591.



question of destroying the works (14 Feb., 1811), 261 ; Portuguese govern Ai;attis. olive trees cut down for (16 ment required to provision it for four March, 1811), vii. 364. months (15 Feb.. 1811), 264; ap Abduction of a young lady, arrest of an proaching fate of (23 Feb., 1811), officer lor (19 March, 1813), x. 209. 282 ; bridge of, restored (16 March, Abercromby, Lieut. Colonel Hon. A., ac 1811), 364; 10,000 more pairs of tion near Fuente del Maestro (9 Jan., shoes to be sent to (27 March, 1811), 1812), viii. 539, 544. 408 ; request to know whether the Abrantes, construction of works to de bridge has been removed to (31 March, fend the passage of the Tagus at (1 1811), 418; hospital, number of beds May, 180'J), iv. 289; causes of de- in (31 March, 1811), 419. lav at (27 June, 1809), 470; (8 July, Abrantes, seizure, for the conscription, of 1809), 496, 497. persons employed in transporting corn, , unreasonable quantity of provi by the Capitao Mor (3 Oct., 1811), sions collected at (12 Aug., 1809), v. viii. 320. 30; artificers required at (2 Jan, Abrantes, Due d', passage of his corps 1810), 401. for (15 Jan., 18 10), v. 428. (See , proposed construction of bridge at Junot) (29 Oct., 1810). vi. 561 ; enemy's in , Duchesse d' (20 /an., 1811), vii. tention to attack (8 Nov., 1810), 597 ; 162. importance of the boats at, 598 ; Absence, leave of, in what case granted boats at, when to be destroyed (11 (3 Oct., 1809), v. 204; leave of ab Nov., 1810), 609; desire not to lose sence to be granted when change of (13 Nov., 1810), 618,619. air is necessary (13 Oct., 1809), 222 ; , boats of the bridge at, brought to British officers in the Portuguese ser the left bank of the Tagus (27 ,Vu, vice, absent without leave, why they 1810), vii. 10; impracticability of an cannot be punished (20 Oct., 1809), attack on, if the people at do their 240 ; course recommended relative to duty, 11 ; bridge of, taken up (15 Dec, such officers, 241 ; leave of absence, 1810), 45; reports at (24 Dec, 1810), on what ground to be granted (26 68; doubt of the enemy's attacking, Nov., 1809), 309; case of justifiable 69; garrison of regidar troops at (8 refusal, 16. Jan., 1811), 118, 119; state of the , preliminary to go through to ob magazine at, 119; paucity of means tain leave of absence (22 Dec, 1810), for making bread at, for the garrison, vii. 61 ; causes for which admitted (4 120; additional supplies of provisions Jan.. 1811), 103; incoveuience from for (12 Jan., 1811), 131 ; neglect of leave of absence in the army (2 Feb., duty in replenishing the magazines of 1811), 218; leave of absence for (13 Jan., 1811), 139; only apprehen health to be granted on the usual sion there, a want of provisions (16 certificate (10 Feb., 1811), 250. Jan., 181 1), 148; distressing sickness , absence of General officers, incon at (1 Feb., 1811), 217; measures to venience from (29 June, 1811), viii. prevent the enemy getting intelligence 59 ; absence from duty, on account of through the town (4 Feb., 1811), 229 ; health, for more than two months, to expediency of abandoning (13 Feb., forfeit emolument (20 July, 1811), 1811), 259; (15 Feb., 1811), 262; 129; inconvenience from absence of 56 INDEX.

officers (]3Aug., 1811), 189; absence is clear of the enemy (30 Nov., 1809), fur more than two months, officers of v. 325. the general staff to forfeit their staff Advance, imprudent, beyond orders, an pay (\bAug., 1811), 201 ; refusal of imadversions on (15 May, 1811), vii. leave of absence on the plea of busi 560. ness (7 Sept., 1811), 262. Advance of money for captains of com Absence, refusal of, a most painful duty, panies, rule for (27 Nov., 1809). v. (2.2 April, 1812), ix. 75. 311. , three months' leave of, sufficient Ainu io, Portuguese, thorough reform in, (5 June, 1813), x. 418. necessary (19 March, 1813), x. 213 ; Absent soldiers, scandalous number of, mode in which the jKrario receives the from their regiments (16 Jane, 1809), collector's returns, and proposed im iv. 423. provement (20 March, 1813), 219. Abuses, which have sunk Spain, de Affairs, Battles, Sieges. (See under each scribed (14 May, 1812), ix. 146. head, and name, passim.') Accommodation, half the business of Affrays between Portuguese inhabitants the world done by (20 Sept., 1809), and British soldiers (26 Jan., 1813), v. 166. x. 37. Account with the Portuguese govern Agents of foreign corps appointed by ment, statement of (19 Feb., 1811), the War Office (1 April, 1810), vi. 2. vii. 277; (20 Feb., 1811), 279. Agents of regiments, responsibility of Account office, suggestions for giving it colonels for (31 Jim., 1813), x. 69. a more efficient control over the ex Agnew, General, appeal to the Court of penditure and accounting for money Directors in favour of (30 March, than it possesses at present (13 April, 1813), x. 2J4. 18131, x. 289. Agricultural cattle, alleged slaughter of, Accounts, Commissary of, impossibility for food (15 July, 1810), vi. 271. of obtaining the signature of two wit cattle, purchase and distribution of, nesses to the accounts of staff officers to the distressed districts (17 June, (20 Nov., 1809), v. 304. 1811), viii.31. , quantities of vouchers required by Agriculture, mode of restoring, in Por the auditors of (8 Muy, 1810), vi. tuguese Estraiuadura (4 July, 181 1), 96. viil 73, 74. of soldiers, early settlement of, Agueda, examination of the course of essential to discipline (13 Sept., 1812), (3 Jan., 1810), v. 407 ; repulse of the ix. 427. French in an attack on a post on (23 Acland, Brigadier General, instructions March, 1810), 588,592. to proceed along the coast of Portu , operations indicated, in case the gal (6 Aug., 1808), iv. 65 ; reasons enemy should cross in force (28 March, for this movement (8 Aug., 1808), 1810), vi. 149 ; proposed destruction 70. of the bridge on chevalets (8 June, Adaja, instructions for General Hill's 1810), 177; outposts on, when to be junction on the river (27 Oct., 1812), withdrawn (14 June, 1810), 194 ; ix, 518. crossed by the French (4 July, 1810), Address to the Spanish army, by the 242, 244. Marquis of Wellington, as its com , the French all across, 5th April mander (1 Jan.. 1813), x. 14. (6 April, 1811), vii. 432, 433; the Adjutant General of the Forces, letter French across, in full march for the to, exchange of prisoners with the Tormes (10 April, 1811), 452; as enemy (8 April, 1811), vii. 441. sembly of the enemy in force on (29 Adour, possibility of establishing the April, 1811), 511. army on (8 Aug., 1813), X. 614. , military features of the river , right of the British army placed (6 Nov., 1811), viii. 386 ; bridge on on the (18 Dec, 1813), xi. 376; loaded chevalets for (22 Nov., 1811), establishment of British posts on the 421. upper part of (21 Dec, 1813), 387; , passage of, towards Salamanca duty levied on imports into ports to (UJune, 1812), ix. 235. the south of the river (31 Dec, 1813), Aids, sum proposed to be given in addi 409 ; directions for placing a bridge tion to, for the use of the Portuguese across (7 Feb., 1814), 505 ; crossed government (4 Jan., 1810), v. 424 ; (2 March, 1814), 541. proportion of the monthly supply Advance, heedless practice of the applied to Portuguese aids (23 Feb., Spaniards to advance when their front 1810), 519; amount due, on account PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 57

of, to February (13 March, 1810), nel of communication with any Spanish 571. authority (10 Oct., 1813), xi. 182; let Aids, nominal list of British officers ters to (14 Oct., 1813), 189 ; wish to paid from, required (14 May, 1810), be sent Spanish ambassador to the vi. 112; British officers in the Portu Hague (19 April, 1814), 659. guese service to be paid by the pay Alba de Tormes, castle of evacuated, master of (27 July, 1810), 304. and the consequences (24 July, 1812), , sum ordered to be paid into the ix. 308; (25 July, 1812), 310; bad chest of, by Mr. Dunmore (7 May, consequences of blowing up the bridge 1811), rii. 520. (9 Nov., 1812), 548 ; a good post, , Spanish aid, of one million ster ib. ling, conditions of its distribution (3 Alberche, accurate account of the course May, 1810), ix. 108, 109; proposed of, requested (4 July, 1809), iv. 491 ; mode of distributing the aid to the crossed by the French (6 July, 1809), Spanish government (6 May, 1812), 493 ; ought to be crossed by both 125 ; (14 May, 1812), 146 ; conditions armies at or near the same place (18 on which to he applied (28 May, July, 1809). 519; (19 July, 1809), 1812), 178, 179; sum ordered to be 520 ; intended attack on the enemy, paid into the chest of aids (2 Aug., on the Alberche (24 July, 1809), 1812), 326 ; British officers in the 524. Portuguese service to be paid from — — , discontinuance of co-operation the chest of aids (5 Aug., 1812), 343. after the removal of the enemy from Aide de camp, rations allowed to (12 the (30 Oct., 1809), v. 254. Sept., 1809), v. 140 ; pay for one Albuera, repulse of Soult at (19 May, aide de camp only can be drawn 1811), vii. 572 ; loss of the enemv at by a major general (7 Nov., 1809), the battle (22 May, 1811), 580; 'de 271 ; rule for extra aides de camp tails of the battle, 587, et acq. receiving bat and forage (15 Nov., , dispatches from (14 June, 1811), 1809), 283 ; recommendation of an viii. 19; thanks of the two Houses officer as aide de camp to a general, for the battle of (28 June, 181 1), 58. hojv to be regarded (23 Jan., 1810), Albufera. {See Suchet.) 439. Alburquerque, Duque de, his conduct , of Lord Wellington, how paid (15 at Talavera (29 July, 1809), iv. May. 1810), vi. 117. 542. , of Massena, taken in the disguise , Duque de, aversion of the Central of a peasant (29 Dec, 1810), vii. 84 ; Junta to place a large body under (1 extra aides de camp who are to re Sept., 1809), v. 108; will be found ceive the allowance of bat and forage, out (21 Sept., 1809), 169; observa &c. (18 April, 1811), 479. tions on his requisition to Sir A. YYel- , aide de camp to the King, rule lesley to remain in his position for respecting (24 March, 1813), x. 228. twenty five or thirty days (27 Sept., Aire, affair at (4 March, 1814), xi. 548 ; 1809), 189 ; his deficiency as a com concentration of the army near (20 mander (17 Nov., 1809), 292; his March, 1814), 596. corps to be made up to 20,000 men Alagon, difficulty of the enemy in mak (26 Nov., 1809), 309; letter to, Lord ing any impression on that side (30 Wellington not able to enter into any • March. 1810). v. 607. arrangement with, to defend theGua- Alava, Colonel Don Miguel de, (1 June, diana (27 Nov., 1809), 311; 6000 1809). iv. 382. stand of arms given to (3 Jan., 1810), , letter to and notice of (27 Nov., 409. 1809), v. 310, and note; letter to (2 Alburquerque, to be taken from the Jan., 1810), 400; letter to (23 Jan., French (25 March, 1811). vii. 399; 1810), 439. taken (27 March, 1811), 410; aban , doubt how to employ him (11 doned by the enemy (2 April, 1811), May 1810), vi. 105. 426. , Brigadier Don Miguel de, letter to , Castafios' promise to garrison and (1 Jan., 1811), vii. 93; letter to (3 refit (13 July, 181 l),viii. 100 ; plunder Feb., 1811), 225. of, by the French (15 Aug., 1811), 199. , his services, and recommended for Alcanhede, piquet carried off at (11 the Salamanca medal (1 1 Feb., 1813), Feb., 1811), vii. 253. x. Ill; ought to have the cross, his AlcaSices, Marquesa de (4 Jan., 1813), name (16 March, 1813), 200. x. 21. Alava, General Don Miguel de, the chan Alcantara, nature of the fort, and in 58 INDEX.

what case the garrison to be with 1811), 112; probable early invasion drawn (1 May, 1809), iv. 289; pas of, and want of preparation for, by sage of Lapisse through (3 May, the Portuguese government (8 Jun., 1809), 296; bridge of, its possession 1811), 120; consequences of their obtained by the French (19 May, neglect, 121 ; expected immediate ad 1809), 345 ; reasons for not placing vance of the enemy into, and measures a British detachment at (10 June, to be pursued (12 Jan., 1811), 130; 1809), 407 ; bridge at, blown up by danger approaching it (13 Jan., 1811), the officer commanding at (11 June, 139 ; possible manoeuvre of the 1809), 411. French, by which it might be lost Alcantara, bridge at, time required to (15 Jan., 1811), 145; in safety, ib. ; lay it down (11 June, 1812), ix. 231. all danger to, removed by Mortier's Alcoy, attack on the enemy's post at passage of the Tagus (16 Jan., 1811), (31 March, 1813), x. 249. 147; troops in, necessitated to be sup Alcobaca, disposable French force at plied from the magazines on the right (11 Aug., 1808), iv. 82; arrival of of the Tagus, 148; expediency of the the army at (13 Aug., 1808), 88 ; (16 government's still persevering in pro Aug., 1808), 94. curing a removal of property within , convent of, burnt by order from the lines, and out of the enemy's reach, the French head quarters (14 March, 149 ; report and map of the frontier 1811), vii. 358. sent (20 March, 1811), 374; to be Aldea da Ponte, affair of (29 Sept., kept supplied with provisions for 1811), viii. 307. 25,000 men (27 March, 1811), 408; Aldea Galega, boats for the bridge over importance of operations on the fron the creek at (5 Jan., 1811), vii. 106; tiers of (31 March, 1811), 421; means passage of the Tagus at (6 Jan., of transport to be brought forward in 1811), 113, 114. the province, or the troops will be Aldea Velha, position when to be taken withdrawn, 422 ; warrants for the or up at (16 April, 1811), vii. 473. dinaries, by whom to be signed (6 Alemquer, houses pulled to pieces at, by April, 1811), 431. the Lusitanian legion (25 Nov.. 1810), Alentejo, inutility of employing the mi vii. 6 ; request of one church in, for litary power in, to check robbery (9 divine service (27 Dec, 1810), 77; June, 1813), x. 427. (31 Dec, 1810), 91. All'ayates, post of observation to be at Aleut ijo. loss of Spaniards in (6 Aug., (27 Jan., 1810), v. 461. 1808), iv. 63. , retreat of the French to (1 April, , carriages and mules from (21 1811), vii. 424. Aug., 1809), v. 62; a poor country , entry of the British patroles into (1 Sept., 1809), 103; directions in (22 April, 1812), ix. 75. case of retiring for the (27 Feb., 1810), Algarve, impossibility of the Portuguese 528. troops retreating into (31 Jan., 1810), , General Fane sent into, to com v. 483. mand the cavalry (11 May, 1800), vi. , force to be sent into (12 July, 100; probable sickliness of troops in 1811), viii. 96. (15 June, 1810), 195; probable at Algiers, desirable to send some person tempted passage of the enemy into to (6 May, 1810), vi. 94 ; tonnage (23 Oct., 1810), 533; folly and required to fetch corn from (4 Nov., inexpediency of sending arms and 1810), 584. cannon into, 534; delay of the Por » , transports allowed to go to, for tuguese government in sending the corn (28 Nov., 1810), vii. 11. gentlemen destined for (26 Oct., 1810), , subscriptions for Portuguese 539. captives at (24 July, 1811), viii. 142. , questions as to property in, Alhandra (20 Oct., 1809), v. 234, note; being secured, in case of an invasion fort at, 237 ; damming up estuaries by the French (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 63 ; at, 239. arrangements against the enemy's , position at (6 Oct., 1816), vi. 489; operations in (25 Dec, 1810), 70, 72 ; (8 Oct., 1810), 499; (11 Oct., 1810), prospect of the advance of a Fiench 502 ; streets of, to be barricaded, corps into, from the south (31 Dec, 504. 1810), 88 ; probable place of entry by , passage of troops to, from the left the French (3 Jan., 1811), 99; letters bank of the Tagus (3 Jan., 1811), vii. upon the removal of property in, 102; 100. probable march of Soult into (5 Jan., Alicante, number of troops required to PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 59

save it (1 Feb., 1812), viii. 589 ; sum ordnance to go from (27 May, 1810), moned by General Montbrun (26 Feb., 148 ; salt provisions at, taken by Ge 1812), 636. neral Cox (29 May, 1810), 156; mea Alicante, proposed detachment of troops sures to secure communication with ( 1 3 from (17 May, 1812), ix. 151 ; General July, 1810), 264; possible siege of by Maitland lands at (15 Aug., 1812), the French (1 8 July, 1810), 277; attack 360 ; cautions for its security (24 on General Craufurd near (24 July, Aug., 1812), 377; (25 Aug. 1812; 1810), 289; (25 July, 1810), 29.'); the 381; (29 Aug., 1812), 384; conse French not to be allowed to make the quences of weakening the forces at siege of, without keeping their army (14 Sept., 1812), 431. collected (26 July, 1810), 299 ; no in Allied armies, starving situation of, in tention of the enemy to attack (27 Portugal (11 May, 1810), vi. 102. July, 1810), 301; (29 July, 1810), Allies, state of affairs among (13 Aug., 305; feeble operations of the enemy, 1813), x. 633; (14 Aug., 1813), 636 .; 306; Lord Wellington, having no in four parties among, and view of their tention of engaging in a general ac pretensions, 639 ; leading principles tion to prevent the enemy's investment in which they might coincide, 640. of, withdraws from the Coa (1 Aug., Almada to Trafaria, defensible ground 1810), 315; mortar battery constructed of (23 March, 1810), v. 591, 592. by the enemy near the windmill (15 , proposed removal of the people Aug., 1810), 360; Flench break and their riches from (25 Oct., 1810), ground at ( 1 7 Aug., 1810), 363 ; efforts vi. 536. to impedetheenemy'soperatiuns,363 ; , reconnaissance at (5 Dec, 1810), (19 Aug., 1810), 367; folly of (he vii. 31. French in delaying their operations, Almaraz, retreat of the French across and probable protracted defence by the Tagus at (1 July, 1809), iv. the Governor (20 Aug., 1810), 374; 485. formidable preparations at (23 Aug., , inutility of success to the French 1810), 380 ; in possession of the enem v above (8 Aug., 1809), v. 1 ; arrange (27 Aug., 1810), 383, 387; disastrous ments for breaking up the bridge, and effects of the explosion of the maga for defending the passage, 2 ; boats at zine (31 Aug., 1810), 396; (1 Sept., to be taken out of the water (9 Aug., 1810), 400; (5 Sept., 1810), 404; the 1809), 17; post must be occupied by whole of the 24th regiment, with the Cuesta, unless the British troops are exception of the Major and the Eng supplied with provisions (11 Aug., lish officers, go into the French ser 1809), 25 ; advantages from the pos vice (31 Aug. 1810), 396; treachery of session of (15 Aug , 1809), 46 ; heavy the artillery major (31 Aug., 1810), guns required for batteries at the 397; (5 Sept., 1810), 404; French Puente de (16 Aug , 1809), 48 ; arri soldiers loaded each with fifteen days' val at Merida of the pontoon bridge biscuit, which the greater proportion at (31 Aug., 1809), 102. throw away (27 Oct., 1810), 546. •^— , operations for destroying the bridge Almeida, advantage ofthe enemy's blow and enemy's stores, &c (28 Jan., ing orgiving up (SOMarch, 1811), vii. 1812), viii. 572. 413; chance of getting the Fiench , instructions for General Hill's out (30 March, 1811), 418; probable striking his blow at (24 April, 1812), destruction of, by the French (4 April, ix. 80 ; details of the destruction of 1811), 428; Lord Wellington trying the enemy's works at, by Sir R. Hill to frighten Regnier out (6 April, (28 May, 1812), 183, and note. 181 1), 433; endeavor to obtain if, by Almeida, French force at (21 July, 1808), cutting off the enemy's communica iv. 40 ; intention of turning towards tions (9 April, 181 1), 448; communi (28 May, 1809), 367 ; stores and pro- cation with, cut off (10 April, 1811), sions sent to (20 June, 1809), 440; 454; no movement of the army can depot formed at (24 June, 1809), 462. take place so long as it holds oitt (13 , temporary storehouses to be con April, 1811), 460; the French hut structed at (15 Nov., 1809), v. 282; little provisions in, 461 ; the British eventual destruction of the bridge at army blockading (14 April, 1811), (1 March, 1810), 535 ; attack on, pre 463; being mined by the French (18 ferred (26 March, 1810), 596. April, 1811), 4S3 ; impracticability of , provisions for the garrison at (13 the enemy withdrawing from ('25 April, 1810), vi. 36; three months' April, 1811), 507 ; escape of the provisions in (13 May, 1810), 109; enemy's garrison from (11 May, 1811), 60 INDEX.

544; blown up, 545; its condition to his three queries (18 Oct., 1811), described, 546 ; disgraceful military viii. 349. event to the British army (12 May, Amarante, General Conde d', object of 1811), 547; measures for occupying his being placed in Tras os Monies it as a post (29 May, 1811), 617; (26 April, 1812), ix. 86; requested to works at, destroyed by General Pack blockade Zamora (1 Aug., 1812), 324 ; {10 June, 1811), 652. makes good his retreat from Zamora Almeida, in what case to have been (7 Sept., 1812), 403. abandoned (H June, 1811), viii. 1 ; its , positive refusal to feed his troops state when left by General Brenier (1 May, 18 1 3), x. 337. after the explosion of the mines (5 Ambassadors at the Courts of Spain and Aug., 1814), 173; want of money and Portugal, all communications to he people by the engineer at (27 Aug., made through (9 Feb., 1810), v. 492. 1811), 228; conveyance of ordnance Ambigu, L', distribution of copies of stores to (14 Nov., 1811), 401; little (16 Sept., 1813), xi. 116. damage done to, by the explosion America, proposition for out aining horses (4 Dec, 1811), 437; battering train in (11 Nov., 1810), vi. 606. placed there (18 Dec, 1811), 472; , date when theport3 will have been powder brought to (IB Dec, 1811), closed (1 March, 1811), vii. 324. 473. , steps taken to fill the stores on the Almeirim, plunder by soldiers in the stoppage of communication with (3 neighbourhood (18 Dec, 1810), vii. May, 1813), x. 343. 53 ; troops to remain at (28 Dec, , military observations on the topo 1810), 80. graphy of (22 Feb., 1814), xi. 525; Almendralejo, movements on (9 Jan., and on her proximity to Canada, 526. 1812), viii. 542. American naval successes, uneasiness Alorna, Marquez d', prosecution of (20 about {6 Feb., 1813), x. 92.. June, 1810), vi. 214; his proclama American navy, serious effort making tions and conduct (8 S

want of means of transport (13 Aug. Anglo-Sicilian corps, number of officers 1809), v. 33. who have commanded it since it has Ammunition, mode of supplying and re been in Spain (9 Aug. 1813), x.620. gulating this branch of the service , the seventh change of hands in (8 May, 1810), vi. 97. the command of (7 Sept.. 1813), xi. , impossibility of a soldier fighting 91, 92; and probability of an eighth without (4 June, 181 1), vii. 641. and ninth change, 92. , and rifle, amount of at and the 1st army, reasons why Abrantes and Elvas (7 March, 1812), they cannot have a line of opera viii. 653. tions common to both (11 Nov., , deficiency of, felt by the French 1813), 276. in the Peninsula (6 May, 1812), ix. Anglona, Principe de, route proposed for US; bad effects of the want of musket his cavalry (24 Sept., 1809), v. 181 ; ammunition at the siege of the Castle (27 Sept., 1809), 188; hint that he of (2 Oct., 1812),465 ; (9 Oct., should have a commissary (24 Sept., 1812), 479; gun and inusket ammu 1809), 181. nition, how transported in Spain (IS , distress of his troips (19 Sept., Oct., 1812), 506. 1813), xi. 121; arrives at the blockade , want of, by Spanish troops (3 of Pamplona, 122. June, 1813), x. 412; remedy for it (4 Angouleme, Due d', expediency of his June, 1813), 413, 414. passing under the name of Count de Amnesty, general, to Spaniards in the Pradel (2 Feb., 1814), xi. 494; arrives service of the French, arguments for at Lord Wellington's head quarters (MJune, 1813), x. 431. (3 Feb.. 1814), 49.'); letters to (21 , general, proposed publication of Feb., 1814), 524, et seq. ; principles of (16 Jan., 1814), xi. 434. conduct laid down by Lord Welling Amposta, affair at (10 Sept., 1813), xi. ton (29 March, 1814), 608; letter to 104. (24 ^f, 1814), 671. Anchors of burnt boats, utility of, for Animals, number of, maintained by the other boats (11 Nov., 1810), vi. French fur two months, in front of 609. the lines of Torres (21 Dec, Andalusia, weakness of the enemy to 1810), vii. 60. penetrate into (1 May, 1809), iv.287. Anonymous letters received (1 March, , French unable to penetrate into 181 11. vii. 324; by whom written (3 (26 Nov., 1809), v. 307, 308. March, 1811), 332. , dissatisfaction of the French at , observation on sending back to their position in (20 June, 1810), vi. any body (3 J.ily, 181 1), viii. 66. 211. Austruther, Brig., off Peuiche , probable withdrawal of the French (18 Aug. 180S), iv. 100; arrival of force from, to introduce it into the (20 Aug. 18118), 105. southern parts of Portugal (21 Dec, Answers, readiness and character of 1810), vii. 57; French will not be de those of the Portuguese government tained by the operations of the Spa (6 May. 1812), ix. 121, 124. niards (3 Jan., 181 1), 99; Spaniards Anti- Anglican party in Lisbon (1 Jan., in, fear of their being weary of the 1811), vii. 98; (5 Jan., 1811), 108; war (17 April, 1811), 476. expediency of suppressing it (21 Jan., , operations in relief of (20 March, 1811), 169. 1812), ix. 3, 4 ; expedition into pre Anti-Gailician principle of action of the vented by Spanish neglect (11 April, people of the Peninsula (4 Aug., 1810), 1812), 54; (29 April, 1814), 98; (21 vi. 328. A/uy,1812), 164; military reasoning on Antwerp, why desirable that Holland which the expedition was abandoned should have it (10/«n., 1814), xi. 434. (26 May, 1812), 170, et sen.; possible Apolices Grandes. respecting the arrears evacuation of, in consequence of Lord of interest on (29 Oct., 181 1), viii. 365, Wellington's operations (16 Aug. et seq ; scheme for discriminating be 1812), 361; south-west part of, eva tween the old holders and new pur cuated by the French (!) Sept., 1812), chasers characterized (10 Dec, 1811), 416. 446 ; interest on, from what period to , army of reserve of, detained from be paid (22 Dec, 1811), 479. neglect of subsistence (4 June, 1813), Aracena, battle at (6 June, 1810), vi. x.414, 415. 173; (11 Jane, 1810), 186. , object in sending the Spanish ca , march of a French corps from; valry into (30 Oct., 1813), xi. 231. in April (9 May, 1809), iv. 319. G2 INDEX.

Aragon, inexpediency of having any Arms and clothing, thrown away by the thing to do with wars in (19 Dec, Spaniards in their flight (15 Aug., 1809), v. 386. 1809), v. 46; arms, thrown away by , Supreme Junta of, Utter to (5 Feb., the Spanish troops before an enemy 1811), Tii.232. (25 Aug., 1809), 85; incapability of Arapiles. (See Salamanca.) the Spanish government's supplying Archduke, armistice concluded by, not their soldiers without assistance from approved of by the emperor (30 Aug., Great Britain (7 Dec, 1809), 343 ; no 1809), v. 100. manufacture of arms in Portugal (28 Aremberg, Prince d', his position at Dec, 1809), 398 ; stands of arms, dis Moguer attacked (6 Sept., 1810), vi. tribution of, expected from England 410. (3 Jan., 1810), 409 ; necessity of , Prince d', moves on Moguer (9 having an answer to requisitions for April, 1811), vii. 447. arms for the militia of Portugal (24 — — , Prince d\ capture of (6 Nov., Jan., 1810), 448; arms, sent from 1811), viii. 383, note; a great card England, how disposed (8 March, (8 Nov., 1811), 389. 1810), 559. , Prince d\ proposed exchange of and accoutrements, men not al (20 AW, 1811), viii. 413. lowed to join the army without (5 Arentschildt, Colonel, good conduct of April, 1810), vi. 14; 30,000 stand of his regiment (5 July, 1810), vi. 244 ; arms for the Portuguese troops, 16. complaints against his soldiers (6 , stands of arms sent to the Tagus, Aug., 1810), 332. how disposed of (12 Jan., 1811), vii. , omission of his name corrected (7 135; stands of arms to be delivered Sept., 1812), ix. 403. to the Spanish troops (28 Jan., 1811), , Colonel, promotion of (10 Feb., 204 ; loss of arms and accoutrements 1813), x. 104 ; appointed aide-de-camp accounted for (25 March, 181 1), 402 ; to the Prince Regent (24 Feb., 1813), distribution of arms to the Spaniards 228. (10 April, 1811), 451; further calls Arevalo, movement from (7 Sept., 1812), for, 454 ; loss of arms and appoint ix. 403. ments accounted for (6 June, 1811), Areyzaga, General, congratulation on his 645. appointment to the command of the arms and accoutrements, purchase army of La Mancha (28 Oct., 1809), of at Lisbon by Spanish agents (14 248 ; probability of his having fought Dec, 1811), viii. 459. a general action (16 Nov., 1809), 291 ; Army behave terribly ill (31 May,lS09), grounds of his asserting an expected iv. 380. • co-operation (19 Nov., 1809), 294; his , none in the Peninsula capable of danger (20 Nov., 1 809), 298 ; totally contending with the enemy but that defeated at Ocana, not surprised at it of Lord Wellington (29 Dec, 1810), (26 Nov., 1809), 307, and note, 308 ; vii. 85 ; important departments for detail of the affair (30 Nov., 1809), keeping an army in the field (26 319 ; movements of his corps, after the March, 1811), 405. passage of the Sierra Morena (9 Feb., , the raising and paying an army 1810), 495 ; flight and dispersion of the first measure for a country to his army (28March, 1810), 606. adopt in resistance of the tyranny of Arlanzon, passage of the (21 Sept., 1812), Buonaparte (24 Dec, 1811), viii. ix. 442. 483. Armies, difference between those of the order in which paid (1 4 May, 1812), present day and of former times (17 ix. 146; importance of subordination June, 1809), , iv. 435. and habits of obedience in the forma , French, indiscipline and disorgani tion of an army over mechanical dis zation of, in the Peninsula (3 Nov., cipline (14 May, 1812), 147. 1810), vi. 580. Army, British, can bear neither success Armistice, effects of a lengthened re nor failure, proved (31 May, 1809), iv. newal of (18 Aug., 1813), xi. 12; re newed to the 15th of September (22 , British, contrast of with that of Aug.. 1813), 29 ; broken off (3 Sept., France, and drawn only from the bad 1813), 74. classes of the population (26 Jan., Armourer, inutility of, without his tools 1811), vii. 195. (23 June, 1809), iv. 459. Army, French, extraordinary instance of Arms, great number of broken by the what it can do, in staying so long in French (27 May, 1809), iv. 365. their position in Portugal (21 Dec, PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 63

1810), vii. 59; a wonderful machine (2 Dee., 1809), 329; reasons for break (26 Jan., 1811), 194, 195 ; its peculiar ing down the bridge of (9 Dec, organization, discipline, losses, and 1809), 346 ; advantages of destroying, authorized plunder, 195. 364, note, 365 ; bad behaviour of the Army, French, its gross amount and cost French at. the bridge of, 359, note. (31 Jan. 1812), viii. 584, 585. Arzobispo, French force that passed on Army, Portuguese, the whole machine of, the 13th June (21 June, 1810), vi. 218. falling to pieces (8 Jan., 1811), vii. Assault, nothing to be done in the way 122. of, excepting by a British soldier (27 Aroza, Island of, preference of to the Sept., 1812), ix. 458. Bayona Islands lor a depot (I March, Assistant Adjutant General, number of 1812), viii. 646. rations of forage mouey received by Arrears of pay of the army seldom less (11 Aug., 1808), iv. 83. than three months' (9 June, 1812), Assistant Provost Marshals, entitled to ix. 221 ; four months' (30 June, 1812), the same advantages as Staff officers 264 ; five months' (28 July, 1812), (20 AW., 1811), viii. 411. 319. Astorga, reported capture by storm (27 Arrest, length of time an officer had March, 1810), v. 599. been in, from the difficulty of col . invested (15 April, 1810), vi. 40; lecting witnesses for a Court Martial unimportance of the relief of (21 (3 Feb., 1813), x. 83. April, 1810), 52 ; surrender of to the Arroyo Molinos, detailed account of the French (1 May, 1810), 73 ; for want aflair at (6 Nov., 1811), viii. 379, of ammunition (3 May, 1810), 88; et seq. works at destroyed by the French Arronches, the most unhealthy place in after the surrender (9 May, 1810), 99. Alentejo (29 Sept., 1811), viii. 300. , siege of, by General Santocildes ( 25 Arsenal, Portugal, proposed reforms in Jane, 1812), ix. 254 ; (7 July, 1812), (12 June, 1811), viii. 8; improvements 274; doubt of the Spaniards storming m (25 June, 1811), 48. (9 July, 1812), 278; slow progress in Artillery, letter to the officer command the siege by the Galician aimy (18 ing (8 July, 1809), iv. 497. Aug., 1812), 367 ; failuie of the , reasons for not bringing away Spaniards to take, after a three from Portugal, in the event of an em months' siege (23 Aug., 1812), 374; barkation (14 Nov., 1809), v. 278. capitulates to the Spaniards (30 Aug., , absurd notion of precision of the 1812), 389. fire of, in a siege, being unnecessary Asturiiis. incapacity for duty required in (18 Feb., 1812), viii. 61(5. (5 Sept., 1808), iv. 139; to secure the. equipment, arrangements and state Asturias the first object in Spain, 144, of, previous to the campaign of 1813 145. (27 Jan., 1813), x. 49. , defeat of the Spaniards in (12 July, , British, dependence of the allied 1810), vi. 261. armies in Spain on (18 Oct., 1812), , evacuation of by the Freuch (4 ix. 505. July, 1811), viii. 77 ; little opposition Artillery, Spanish, unexceptionable, the made by the Spaniards to the French Portuguese excellent (25 Aug., 1809), entering into (7 Dec, 1811), 441. v. 84. Atalaya, affair near, vi. 333. Arzobispo, Spanish force at the bridge , Fort, expediency of occupying, (15 July, 1809), iv. 513; propriety of and of placing guns of large calibre crossing the Tagus at (6 Aug., 1809), (6 May, 1812), ix. 117, 118. 563. Auction, objections to the sale of com , reasons for retiring to the bridge missariat articles by (25 Dec, 1809), of (8 Aug., 1809), v. 7 ; and its re v. 390. sults, 8 ; question of destroying the , captured horses sold by (13 July, bridge of (9 Aug., 1809), 17 ; surprise 1810), vi. 266. of the Spanish outposts at, by the Auditor General of Account*", desirable French, and capture of the bridge, 18 ; to attach one to the army (13 April, loss of the Spaniards (12 Aug., 1809), 1813), x. 289. 30 ; flight of the Spaniards, throw Austria, peace of, with France, and pro ing away, as usual, their arms and bable results upon Portugal and Spain clothing (15 Aug., 1809), 46 ; leave (18 Nov., 1809), v. 280, note; peace their cannon behind them, loaded and with (20 Nov., 1809), 302. unspiked (25 Aug., 1809), 85; ad , Emperor of, informed of the exact vantages in destroying the bridge of state of affairs in Spain (19 Jan., 04 INDEX.

1813), x.32 ; consents to an armistice 235; (6 Oct., 181 \\ 324; (27 Feb., with Russia (2 April, 1813), 251 ; 1812), 638. basis proposed by for peace (13 Aug., , intended march to (14 June, 1813), 633. 1809), iv. 424; letter to the Junta Austria, awkward position of, after the (17 June, 1809), 429. termination of the armistice (24 and , intention to move towards (31 25 Aug., 1813), xi. 37, 39 ; takes part Aug., 1809), v. 102; summoned by with the allies (3 Sept., 1813), 74 ; the enemy (15 Feb., 1810), 500. letter of thauks to the Emperor, for , reconnaissance of, by the French the order of Maria Theresa (24 Jan., (16 May, 1810), vi. 120; movements 1814), 475. of the French, for the probable siege Austrian contest, saving of Portugal of (6 Sept., 1810), 406. during the (19 Aug., 1809), v. 5i. , intended siege of, by the French — marriage, a terrible event (4 April, (10 Jan., 1811), vii. 124; investment 1810), vi. 12. of (31 Jan., 1311), 214; melancholy officers, should have been taken state of its affairs (3 Feb., 1811), 226 ; bodily into the pay of Great Britain hopes of its holding out, and assist (24Z>ec, 1811), viii.484, ance to, why not given (12 Feb., 1811), Authorities, Portuguese, strong desire of 254; obvious object of the French to have the management of money (25 in the siege (13 Feb., 1811), 25S; Feb., 1812), viii. 635. progress of the siege of, and details Authority, necessity of the control of, of affairs on the Gevora (16 Feb., for British officers (28 Jan.. 1811), 1811), 269; Lord Wellington's inten vii. 206. tion to have detached a force thither , jealousy with which all proposi to raise the siege (23 Feb., 1811), tions for an extension of, are received 290; surrenders to the French (14 in England (3 May, 1812), ix. 111. March, 1811), 359, by the treachery , only tube maintained by influence of General Imaz. 360 ; (16 March, (2i July. 1813), x. 565. 1811), 367; particulars of the sur Axletiees at Oporto (22 Nov., 1811), render, and state of ammunition and viii. 415; directions for mounting, provisions (16 March, 1811), 371; 416 ; instructions for adopting (21 proposed attack of, by Lord Welling Dee., 181 1), 477. ton (27 March, 1811), 408; proceed Ayamonte, money obtainable on bills at ings of the council of war previous to (3 Feb., 1810), v. 485. the surrender of the p'ace (10 April, Aylmer, Colonel Lord, application of, 1811), 454, 455 ; invested by Marshal for a medal (1 Dec, 1810), vii. 20; Beresford (18 April, 1811), 482; pre (11 Dec, 1810), 40; desires to be re parations for besieging (20 April, moved to Cadiz (13 Jan., 1811), 140. 1811), 485 ; Memoranda for the siege , desired by Lord Wellington to re (23 April, 1811), 490; strength of commend to Mr. Perceval the widow the enemy in (25 April, 1811 ', 506 ; and children of General Mackinnon Memorandum for the immediate siege (20 Jan., 1812), viii. 559. of (24 May, 181 1), 601 ; preparations , instructions to proceed to Pa- for breaking ground (29 May, 1811), sages (20 July, 1813), x. 548. 618 ; progress of the siege (4 June, , instructions to proceed to Santofia, 1811), 638 ; age of some of the guns to close in the blockade (16 Oct., used at the siege (6 June, 1811), 648 ; 18I3), xi. 196. siege ordered to be raised (10 June, Azava, crossed by the French (4 July, 1811), 652. 1810), vi. 242, 244; passed by the , reasons for raising the siege (13 French in force (11 and 13 July. 1810), June, 1811), viii. 13, 14; blockade 255, 264. maintained, 16 ; disposable strength of the garrison (14 June, 1811), 20 ; entry into of 1500 or 1600 men of the B. enemy (20 July, 1811), 36 ; blockade raised, 37 ; a garrison of 6000 men Bacalao, inutility of the Junta de Viveres ordered to be placed in, by Buona sending (8 April, 1811), vii. 435. parte (10 Oct., 1811), 332; throwing Bacellar, General, congratulated on the in a convoy cannot be prevented (16 evacuation of his country by the Oct., 1811), 344 ; garrison of, composed enemy (10 April, 1811), vii. 449; principally of German troops (18 Dec, letter to (14 May, 1811), 554. 1811), 466; General Philippon, go , letters to (28 Aug., 1811), viii. vernor of (22 Jan., 1812), 566 ; me PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 65

ditated attack on (28 /an., '1812), Remond, and disperses his detachment 571 ; Memorandum on the operations (27 March, 181 1), 41 1 ; not to be de against, for Major General Borth- pended on, and operations not to be wick, &c (28 Jan., 1812), 574 ; day planned in conjunction with his ( 1 1 for investing the place (25 Feb., 1811), April, 1811), 458. 1812), 633; (13 March, 1812), 664; Ballesteros, General, retires under the ground broken (18 March, 1812), 668. guns of (30 Oct., 181 1), viii. Badajoz, prubable relief of Andalu 373 ; his success between Bornos and sia by the operation on (20 March, Xerez (20 Nov., 1811), 412; reasons 1812), ix. 3 ; progress of the siege (27 why the results of his expedition could March, 1812), 12 ; instructions for not have been different (12 Dec, the attack (6 April, 1812), 32; taken 447. by storm (7 April, 1812), 36; made , General, neglects to move into La over, with all it contains, to the Mar Mancha (28 Oct., 1812), ix. 521 ; and ques de Monsalud (8 April, 1812), to take the position at Alcaraz (1 Nov., 46 ; put into a state of defence by 1812), 529; disobeys the orders of the Lord Wellington (11 April, 1812), government to march into La Mancha, 52; risk of losing by Spanish indo because the Regency and Cortes had lence (28 April, 1812), 95; 80,000 offered the Marquis of Wellington the men the amount which the French command of the Spanish armies (19 could have brought to raise the siege Nov., 1812), 561 ; succeeded by Ge (26 May, 1812), 172; the troops at neral Virues, i6.; the only man among the siege work up to their middles in the Spaniards who ever did anything mud in the trenches (28 May, 1812), (24 Nov., 1812), 570; consequences 181 ; dreadful nature of the assault of his intriguing, 573. ib ; works to be executed at by Colonel , General, brought to Algexiras (18 Fletcher (5 June, 1811), 211 ; Spanish Dec, 1813), xi. 375. garrison at (11 June, 1812), 232 ; re Bank, inutility of establishing (27 April, ported siege of, by the French (8 1812), ix. 92; at Lisbon, absurd no July, 1812), 276. tion of establishing (25 June, 1812), , proposed payment of the garrison 247 ; error in employing the Bank to of (31 Jan., 1813), x. 68; amount of make purchases of bullion (18 Aug., troops with which the siege of was 1812), 369 ; depreciation of Bank of made (16 July, 1813), 533. England notes, how estimated (8 Sept., , rule for the distribution of medals 1812), 408. for the storm of (16 Nov., 1813), xi. Baiios, Puerto de, occupation of, by 295 ; siege of, carried on with 11,000 Spanish infantry, desired (4 July, men (5 il/arcA, 1814), 550. 1809), iv. 491; occupied by a small Baggage money, allowed (21 Sept., Spanish corps (17 July, 1809), 518; 1809), v. 168. passage of Soult through the pass (3 Baggage, officers of the army not to be Aug., 1809), 556, 558; amount of the sent away from their duty to arrange French force which entered by the their baggage (27 March, 1811), vii. pass, its results (4 Aug., 1809), 561 ; 408 ; arrangements for. in the transports (8 Aug , 1809), 567. (30 March, 1811), 415; reasons for , amount of troops brought through which regimental baggage should by the French (8 Aug., 1809), v. 1; remain afloat, 416. pass thought to have been secure, 4; , of artillery officers, only, carried Puerto de, carried by the French (15 by the public (27 Sept., 1812),ix. 454. Aug., 1809), 43, 47; (21 Aug., 1809), Balearic islands, proposed security of 66, 67; abandoned by the Spanish (27 March, 1810), v. 600, 601. troops without firing a shot (30 Oct., Ball, grand, on the investiture of Mar 1809), 262. shal Beresford with the order of the , occupied by 5000 French (9 April, Bath (4 and 5 AW., 1810), vi. 585,' 1810), vi. 28. 590. Barba de Puerco, affair at (23 March, Ballesteros, General, retires with loss 1810), v. 588; particulars of the affair from the Sierra Morena (29 April, at (28 March, 1810), 605, 606. 1810), vi. 70; battle at Aracena (6 , passage of the bridge at, by an June, 1810), 173;(11 /im*,1810), 186. officer, contrary to his superiors in , General, letter to (31 Jan., 1811), tentions (21 Sept., 1811), vui. 294. vii. 214 ; letter to (1 6 Feb., 181 1), 268 ; Barbaresque powers, mode of overcom unfounded complaint against him (20 ing their fears in the supply of cattle March, 1811), 3b2; surprises General (15 April, 1810), vi. 41. 66

Barbary, mules and bullocks there to be knighted and invested by a person bought (21 Aug., 1809), v. 60. authorized by the Crown (20 Nov., , projected attack on (7 Jan., 1812), 564. 1812), viii. 536. Bath, order of resigned (21 March, , desirableness of an attack on, and 1813), x. 221 ; precedent of a British probable effort of the French to pre subject holding it with another British vent its capture (20 March, 1812), ix. order (12 May, 1813). 376 ; power of 3 ; its character and garrison (24 appointing unlimited extra knights, ib. March, 1812), 5. Bathurst, Lord. (See Secretory of State.) , garrison of, on what basis to be Battalions, French, effective strength of allowed to capitulate (17 March, (18 July, 1810), vi. 279; at Nantes, 1814), xi. 589 ; to be made over to strength of (29 Aug., 1810), 392. the Spanish troops (18 April, 1814), Battles, Affairs, Sieges (See under each 655. head and name, passim.') Barley, suffering of horses for want of Bautzen, loss of the French in the battle (10 Aug., 1809), v. 22; consequences of (17 June, 1813), x. 442. of the want of (16 Aug., 1809), 47. Bavaria joins the allies (30 Oct., 1813), , deficiency in the crops of, in xi. 229. England in 1811 (17 Dec, 1811), viii. Baygorry, opposition of the inhabitants 462, note. to the Spanish troops (16 Jan., 1814), Barnes, General, gallant affair in the xi. 455. valley of the Bidasoa (4 Aug., 1813), Bayona Islands, proposed occupation of x. 597. (12 May, 1810), vi. 107; proposed at Mouguerre (14 Dec, 1813), xi. survey of the islands (22 May, 1810), 370. 142. Barquinha, raft at, constructed by the , importance of securing (31 Oct., French (31 Oct., 1810), vi. 567 ; expe 1811), viii. 370. dition to destroy their little establish Bayonne and Santoua, measures to pre ments at (1 Nov., 1810), 569. vent the maritime communication be Barrio, General, Governor of Ciudad tween (22 April, 1813), x. 318; (6 Rodrigo, arrival of (6 Nov. 1811), May, 1813), 361. viii. 385 ; taken prisoner in the Cita , retreat of the French to the en del (20 Jan., 1811), 554, note. trenched camp at Bayonne (12 Nov., Barrosa, battle of, 5 March, 1811 (25 1813), xi. 283; narrow escape of Soult March, 1811), vii. 393, note. (18 Nov., 1813), 298; possibility of Basque language, proclamations issued taking it (21 Nov., 1813), 306 ; pos in (1 Nov., 1813), xi. 237, note. sibility of obtaining possession of the Basques wear sandals, not shoes (23 entrenched camp at (9 Jan., 1814), Aug., 1813), xi. 34. 429; movements on (25 Feb., 1814), Bassano, Duke of, facts in his report to xi. 528 ; citadel of, invested by Sir J. the Emperor, worth an ounce of gold Hope (1 March, 1814), 538 ; strength a letter (31 Jan. 1813), x. 69. of the garrison (2 March, 1814), 542; Bat and forage money issued (11 Aug., force requisite for the siege (5 March, 1808) iv. 82; bat and forage allow 1814), 550, 551; Plan for collecting ance, order upon which regulated (9 the stores for the siege (6 March, Sept., 1808), 150, 151; issue of bat 1814), 554 ; number of troops at (8 and forage to naval and marine offi March, 1814), 564 ; observations on cers employed to garrison the forts on the number of men required as work theTagus (8 May, 1809), 316; bat ing parties for the siege of the citadel, and forage given to Marshal Beres- ib. ; account of sortie from (19 April, ford's English officers ( 14 July, 1809), 1814), 661,nole. 510. Baztan, expulsion of the French from (8 Bat and forage to officers, rule laid down July, 1813), x. 512 ; operations in (10 for (17 Sept., 1809), v. 161. July, 1813), 520. bat and forage claimed by officers Beef, state of the contract for the supply of marines and of the navy in service of. to the army (15 Sept., 1808), iv. on shore (10 Fei.,1813), x. 105. 154. Bath, mode of investing a knight (6 arrangement with Marshal Be- April, 1812), ix. 31; installation of resford (24 May, 1810), vi. 147; Lord Wellington as a knight in West arrangements i'dr supplying numbers minster Abbey, with the names of his of rations, 148 ; consequences in proxy and esquires (26 April, 1812), Portugal from the increased consump 86, and note ; a knight of, must be tion of (15 July, 1810), 271. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OK FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 67

Beira, confidential memorandum for the battering train of artillery to Gibral Governor of the Province of (1 March, tar, to be put in order for him (1 1 1810), v. 534. April, 1812), 55; (16 April, 1812), , heads of cattle for agriculture and 61 ; guns to complete his ordnance food (15 July, 1810), vi. 272 ; Upper, equipment (10 May, 1812), 131 ; (5 complete destruction in by the French, June, 1812), 209 ; transports ordered where they passed (29 Oct., 1810), to convey troops to the eastern coast, 565; evacuation of the country in 210 ; belief that he will not come to (1 Nov., 1810), 572; reinforcement of Spain (9 July, 1812), 277; goes to the enemy, on the frontier of Beira the coast of Italy (14 July, 1812), Alta (15 Nov., 1810), 624. 285; letter to (30 July, 1812), 320; , movements of the French through resumes the expedition to the eastern Lower Beira (24 Nov., 1810), vii. 4 ; coast (4 Aug., 1812), 338; intention unaccountable retreat of the French to send 5000 men to the coast of troops from, into Spain (17 Dec, Spain, and to take the command him 1810), 52 ; measures for opening a self (9 Dec, 1812), 614. communication between the troops Bentinck, Lord W., recalls Sicilian troops in Beira and those on the Guadiana from Spain (6 April, 1813), x. 259, (31 March, 1811), 418; measures 260; (7 April, 1812), 272; ought not to against an invasion of Lower Beira land in Italy with less than from by1811), the 643. entry of Sabugal B (6l, June, 30,000 to 40,000 men, well equipped (16 May, 1813), 384; instructions to, Bejar, repulse of the enemy at (22 Feb., to obtain the open country of Valencia 18l3),x. 130; (23 Feb., 1813), 133; (1 July, 1813), 479 ; force under him, (24 Feb., 1813), 139. 481 ; in what case authorized to em Belem castle, consequences of not in bark from Spain, 482; arrives at Ali sisting on having (5 Sept., 1808), iv. cante (3 July, 1813), 505 ; reasons for 147 ; regiments to be encamped on not separating his army from the sea the high ground above Belem (28 coast (8 July, 1813), 515; letters to June, 1809), 472. (20 July, 1813), 552, 555; recom , proposed establishment of British mended to attack (4 Aug., hospitals in the rope walk at Belem 1813), 594 ; letter to (9 Aug., 1813), (17 June, 1811), viii. 29 ; hospital at, doubts of the destruction of Tarra for 800 men (30 July, 1811), gona, 617; entire freedom of the in 160. terior details of the Spanish army Bemposta, palace of, not used by Lord from control by British authority, Wellington (12 Aug., 1811), viii. 188. 618; history of General Roche's divi Bemquerenza, bread furnished by the sion, ib. ; desirable to keep clear of people of, for the French (6 Aug., the details of the Spanish service, 619; 1810), vi. 333. organization of Spanish armies, 620; Benavente, causeway at, impracticable about to attack (11 Aug., in rainy weather (6 Jan., 1811), vii. 1813), 631. 113; river, proceedings on in the case , letter to (25 Aug., 1813), xi. 38 ; of the enemy's approach (12 Jan., raises the siege of Tarragona, 40 ; ac 1811), 130, 131, 137; causeways of, count of, 43, note ; detaches the 3rd to be marked with good posts (16 Jan., urmy from (5 Srpt., 1813), 1811), 146; description of a sketch 84; caution not to interfere with the of the causeway there (18 Jan., 1811), subordination of the Spanish army, 150, 151 ; possibility of troops passing 86 ; going to Sicily (7 Sept., 1813), by boats guided across the stream by 91; may he tumbled hack again to lopes. 152. the Jucar (19 Sept., 1813), 124 ; letter Bentinck, Lieut-General Lord Wm., io (23 Sept., 1813); doubt of Suchet's letter to (24 Dec, 1811), foreseen detaching largely, and instructions for general resistance throughout Europe his operations, 132; probable vigorous to Buonaparte's disgusting tyranny, effort by Suchet to relieve Tortosa, and and mode of hringing the contest to a instructions for operating against the successful issue, viii. 482. place, 1 33 ; advantage of using some of , operations on the eastern coast hisordnance and stores against some of of Spain (20 March, 1812), ix. 3 ; the small posts blockaded in Valencia, doubt of the sufficiency of his force 135 ; induced to go to Sicily (24 Sept., to besiege Barcelona (24 March, 1813), 140; account of the retreat 1812), 5 ; probable success at Tarra from the Pass of Ordal (26 Sept., gona, 6 ; Lord Wellington sends his 1813), 147, note; embarks for Sicily y 2 68 INDEX.

(9 Oct., 1813), 179 ; letter to (10 1810), 355; mode in which he has Jan., 1814), 431. performed the arduous duty which he Bereslbrd, Marshal, letter to (6 May, undertook, 356 ; cordial understand 1809), bad s'ate of his officers and ing between Marshal Beresford and men, iv. 303, 304 ; letter to (7 May, Lord Wellington (11 Sept., 1810), 1809), detail of a friend respecting 428 ; regidating officers in the lines the parties in the French army, 308 ; of Torres Vedras, to whom the officers occupation of the banks of the Douro, of militia, ordenanza, and regular ar 309 ; proposed attack for, on the tillery, are to report themselves (7 enemy at Villa Real (11 May, 1809), Oct., 1810). 496 ; Memorandum for 320; must not be beaten, t'i. ; wish (26 Oct., 1810), 537 ; order of the that he would resign his English Bath conferred on (3 Nov., 1810), Lieutenant General's rank (19 May, 578; invested (4 Nov., 1810), 1809), 346 ; consequences of his local 585. rank (30 May, 1809), 370 ; want by, Beresford, Marshal Sir W., when asked of officers of superior rank, to com to command the Portuguese army, it mand the Portuguese troops (11 June, was settled that the Commander 1809), 414 ; and of medical officers, in Chief of the British army should ib.; list of arms and military equip direct the general operations of ments required for his troops, 415; the combined force (5 Dec, 1810), dispatch to (27 June, 1809), 467; vii. 32 ; instructions to, on the proper position for his corps, 469 ; expected advance of the enemy into letter to (29 July, 1809), 542. the Alentejo (12 Jan., 1811), 130; , operations for, in case the enemy's (13 Jan., 1811), 137 ; Lord Welling columns moving towards Plascncia ton disburthens his mind to Marshal should enter Portugal (12 Aug.. 1809), Beresford on his accumulating diffi v. 27 ; letter to (14 Aug., 1809), 37 ; culties (26 Jan., 1811), 190 ; his alarm movements prescribed in the event of at the increasing difficulties of the the French invading Portugal from Portuguese government, 192 ; instruc Plasencia, 39 ; nature and charac tions to strike a blow on the boats at ter of his corps, and object for which Montalvao (28 Jan., 1811), 199 ; collected on the frontier (15 Aug., French boat equipment at Santarem, 1809), 45 ; necessity of rest and lei and proposed destruction of it (24 sure for his troops (19 Aug., 1809), 53, Feb., 1811), 313; night attack, and 54; proposed report to be made by, size of his party (26 Feb., 1811), 319 ; 54, 55 ; letters to (26 Aug., 1809), (1 March, 1811), 323; operations for, 90 ; (30 Aug., 1809), 94 ; observations in case of the enemy's retreat (5 on Sir A. Wellcsley's mode of em March, 1811), 338, 339; amount of ploying British officers with the Por his force (16 March, 1811), 362; in tuguese army (8 Sept., 1809), 132; structions to attack Soult at Campo letter to, on rations and forage (12 Mayor, and recommended to keep his Sept., 1809), 140 ; payment to British troops very much en masse (20 March, officers in the Portuguese service, how 1811), 374 ; instructions to act against to be made (15 Sept., 1809), 151 ; Mortier (25 March, 1811), 399; ar reforms introduced by him into the rangements for attacking Badajoz Portuguese army (14 Nov., 1810), (30 March, 1811),413; recommended 276; must have the power of ap to construct two good redoubts on his proving the sentences of Courts Mar ground at Badajoz (17 April, 1811), tial exclusively in his hands (15 Nov., 476 ; passage of the Uuadiana (18 1809), 283 ; peculiar nature of his April, 1811), 482 ; invests and takes rank, and heart-burnings occasioned Olivenja, 482; not to be induced to by it (21 Dec, 1809), 385; pains depait from his plan of securing taken by, to bring the Portuguese Badajoz (20 April, 1811), 485; Me army into a state of discipline (4 morandum to, during the siege of Jan., 1810), 411 ; dispatch to (23 Feb., Badajoz (23 April, 1811), 490; in 1810), 518. structions for the siege (24 April, , concurrence by, in opinion with 18 1 1), 502 ; to proceed with caution, Lord Wellington in his views respect until the Spanish Generals positively ing Portugal (2 April, 1810), vi. engage to co operate with him in the ' 10 ; stipulation with him, that he siege of Badajoz (9 May, 1811), 541 ; should exclusively have the power of (22 May, 1811), reward and punishment, and grounds 587, *l teq. ; made a Marquis of Cas- for conferring it upon him (14 Aug., tille (1 June, 1811), 631. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 69

Beresford, Marshal Sir W., receives the in Galicia, and responsibility of Cap title of Conde tie Trancoso, and the tain General (15 May, 1813), 379 ; Grand Cross of the Tower and Sword state of the Spanish armies, and pre (7 Sept., 1811), viii. 264. diction of the consequences of not , fifth in command in the British having realized the resources of the army (3 June, 1812), ix. 206 ; wounded country, 380, 381. at the battle of Salamanca (24 July, Bessieres, Marshal, defeats the Spani 1812), 303; (25 July, 1812), 311; ards at Kio Seco (21 July, 1808), iv. letter to (8 Sept., 1812), 406; on his 35 ; amount of his force at the battle rank in the army, as Marshal of the of Kio Seco (10 Aug., 1808), 78. Portuguese army (2 Dec, 1812), 591, , appointed to the 6th government 593. of Spain (21 March, 1811), vii. 385. , his rank in the army how fixed — , retreat of. upon Valladolid (7 July, (26 Jan., 1813). x. 40 ; Lord Bathurst's 1811). viii. 85; brings 10,000 or opinion (S Feb., 1813), 90, 91 ; every 12,000 men to Benavente (26 July, thing settled to his satisfaction (12 1811), 153; returns to France (8 Feb., 1813), 111, 112; (16 Feb., ;%., 1811), 185. 1813), 121 ; mudeMarquez doCampo Biiiarry, operations at (16 Jan., 1814), Mayor (22 April, 1813), 317. xi. 455 ; proclamations to the inha , omission of his name in the letter on bitants of Bidarry and Baygorry (28 the battles in the an oversight Jan., 1814), 484. (25 Sept., 1813), xi. 141 ; march on Bidasoa, passed by the French (3 July, Bordeaux (7 March, 1814), 556, 557 ; 1813), x. 498 ; affairs in the valley of arrives there (13 March, 1814), 577, (4 Aug., 1813), 597. note; battle of Toulouse (12 April, , necessity of strengthening the 1814), 635. position between the Bidasoa and Berkeley, Vice Admiral Hon. G., letters Oyarzun (15 April, 1813), xi. 1 ; to (25 April, 1809), iv. 271, et seq. passage of the Bidasoa by the enemy . , letter to (26 Oct., 1809), on the to relieve San Sebastian (2 Sept., means of securing the embarkation of 1813), 67 ; delay in crossing, by what the British army in the event of the occasioned (19 Sept., 1813), 123; pas enemy gaining possession of Lisbon, sage of with the left of the army (9 v. 245. Oct., 1813), 176. i , power given him by the Carta B idolize, retreat of the enemy to the (15 Regia (20 Aug , 1810), vi. 372 ; pa Feb.. 1814), xi. 518. triotism of the Admiral, and probable Bilbao, vessels of small draught recom inducement to act with Don Miguel mended for (9 July, 1813), x. 518. Forjaz, 373 ; request to bring a flotilla , , refusal of the use of convents at, of gun boats up the eastern channel for hospitals (19 Aug., 1813), xi. 61; of the Tagus (16 Oct., 1813), 513 ; number of prisoners at (21 Aug., proposition to, for a brigade of sea 1813), 28; claim by Spanish custom men (10 Nov., 1810), 601, 602. house officers to examine the cargoes , Oporto salvage (27 Feb., 1811), of all vessels importing stores for the vii. 320. army (14 Oct., 1813), 192 ; not ob . , cordiality between him and Lord jected to, 194. Wellington (4 Dec, 181 1). viii. 433 ; Billet, unjust complaint of a Portuguese successor for (12 Feb., 1812), 606. person of rank, respecting a billet to ,pay stopped for ordering a passage an officer (23 Aug., 1810), vi. 381. to England for a general officer in a Billeting, how managed in England (31 gun vessel (20 Dec, 1812), ix. 63.'. Dec, 1810), vii. 91 ; Dom Miguel Berlings, notice of (31 Jan., 1810), v. Forjaz's mode, 92 ; directions for bil 483 ; (30 May, 1810), vi. 161. leting officers at Lisbon, with fines Btmadotte, extent of his security for for refusal by the inhabitants (3 Jan., peace (14 Aug., 1813), x. 636. 1811), 101. Berri, Due de, answer to his letter (8 , observations on billets in private Aug., 1813), x. 613; proposal of, to houses in Portugal (24 July, 1811), viii. join the British, with 20,000 men, 140; unreasonable notion of the Por 615. tuguese respecting the desire of the Berthier, appointed Major General of English for billets (4 Feb., 1812), 591. the army of Spain (2 Jan., 1801), v. , orders respecting, why made pur 400. posely strict (29 Dec, 1812), x. 13; Bertram, Don L., letter to (12 May, billeting of ladies, ib. ; procured by a 1813), x. 373, 375; state of finances trick (10 .May, 1813), 369, 70 INDBX.

Billeting, billets not granted for unmar communications with (27 ried women (12 Jan., 1814), xi. 439. March, 1810), v. 600. Bills upon England, impossibility of Blake, General, arguments why his in I rocuring specie for, in the Peninsula tended operations would be injurious (16 May, 1810), vi. 181 ; inexpediency to the general cause (20 June, 1810), of employing more than one person to vi. 210, et seq. negocnte bills upon the Treasury , not to commit his corps (17 April, at Cadiz (13 June, 1810), 191. 1811), vii. 476; corps under in the Bisbal, Conde de la, removal of the Condado de Nieb.a (18 April, 1811), army of reserve to Seville, and the 483 ; arrival of, in the mouth of the neighbourhood of Cordova (10 Jan., Guadiana (25 April, 1811), 507; ex 1813), ix. 27; recommendations of in- pediency of his returning to the Re tendants general, 28 ; an able and well- gency (22 May, 1811), 583. intentioned man (31 Jan., 1813), 67 ; , provisions prepared for his corps letters to (7 Feb., 1813), 93, et seq.; in its way through Portugal to the discretionary power to march, accord Condado de Niebla (12 June, 1811), ing to the state of the army (1 May, viii. 3 ; letter to, arrival of the enemy 1813), 339 ; decision and dispatch at Plasencia, and request to maintain with which he takes Pancorbo (3 discipline, 4 ; rations for (14 June, July, 1813), 503; charged with the 1811), 19, 20; letter to (15 June, blockade of Pamplona (14 /Bly, 1813), 1811), 24 ; diversion of in Castille(20 528 ; relieves the British and Portu June, 1811), 38; thanks to, of the two guese (19 July, 1813), 546; instruc- Houses, for the conduct of the Spanish tious for spiking his guns in the re troops in the battle of Albuera (28 doubts, if necessary (20 July, 1813), June, 1811), 58, 59; fails in an attack 550. on Niebla (5 July, 1811), 80; defeat . proposes to command the Anglo- of, atSag\mtum(20 AW, 1811), 411; Sicilian army in Catalonia (7 Sept., (27 Nov., 1811), 425; attacked by 1813), xi. 92 ; letter to (30 Oct., 1813), Suchet (21 Jan., 1812), 560; taken announcing his resignation, and move (5 Feb., 1812), 593, with 16,000 ments after the fall of Pamplona, 230 ; prisoners, 595. conduct of the Spanish government Blankets, service suffering from the respecting the reports after the assault want of (3 Ao».,l810), vi. 584. at San Sebastian, ib. ; letter to (3 , necessity of soldiers keeping them Feb., 1814), defects of the constitu in summer (9 June, 1812), ix. 221. tion, 496. Blaye, fort of, xi. 572. Biscay, danger from the people of, to the Blindages, preferance to, over casemates, vagabond soldiers marchmg through (1 June, 1812), ix. 196. (29 Jane, 1813), x. 473 ; refusal of Blues, the Marquis of Wellington ap the people in 1812 to accept the con pointed Colonel of (31 Jan., 1813), x. stitution, 475. 69, 71 ; band of, to be paid as hitherto Biscuit, 1,500,000 lbs. requested (31 (14 Feb., 1813), 117. May, 1809), iv. 378. Board of Trade, answer to a letter from, , want of wood to bake (6 Feb., on the purchases of corn in Brazil and 1811), vii. 235; for three weeks in Egypt (3 May, 1813), x. 342. each regiment of the French army (24 Boards, only create delay (13 April, Feb., 1811), 314; necessity of tracing 1813), x. 290. a biscuit from Lisbon into the man's Boats, plan for registering (19 Dec, mouth on the frontier (25 March, 1809), v. 375; directions for regis 1811), 406; difficulty of the Portu tering, removing, hiring, and paying guese government in baking, 407. for (30 Jan., 1810), 465 ; instructions Bishops, and other deputies, detained in for removing out of the way of the France, intercession for (12 Sept., enemy (27 and 28 Feb., 1810), 528, 1809), v. 144. 530. , proposed return of, to their dio , preparation of, for constructing ceses (6 April, 1811), vii. 433. bridges on the Tagus (23 Oct., 1810), , inutility of money being distri vi. 533 ; arrangements for numbering buted by, to the distressed Portuguese and registering all the boats on the • (11 Oct., 1811), viii. 388. Tagus (25 Oct., 1810), 535. Blake, General, inefficiency of the Gali- — — , registry and superintendence of, cian army under (10 Aug., 1808), iv. in the Tagus (17 Jan., 1810), vii. 149, 78. 150; on the Tagus, placed under Por , army of, operating on the enemy's tuguese authorities (21 Jan., 1811), PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 71

168; English mode of applying for Brazil, Government of, arrangement to (22 Jan., 1811), 171; on the Tagus, weaken the British influence over the object of the regulations of the Por army (1 Oct., 1809), v. 202; impo tuguese government respecting (23 verishment of Portugal by the emi Jan., 1811), 176. gration of the Court to (14 Nov., Boats, or carts, how obtained for the 1809), 277. service of the army (11 Oct., 1811), , determination of the Government viii. 336. of, to annihilate the influence of the Bombardment, doubtful effect of (23 British in the Peninsula (12 Aug., Aug., 1813), xi. 32. 1811), viii. 187; effect in, from the Bomb proof, not absolutely necessary,/ absence of the Prince Regent of Portu for any place in the climate of Portu gal (11 Sept., 1811), 275; policy to gal, alter the season of rains (15 Feb., be pursued towards, 276 ; revenues of, 1811), vii. 262. made over io the asistance of Portu Boots, strap ancle, recommendation of, gal, proposed mortgage of (29 Oct., instead of long or hussar boots (18 1811), 368, 369. April, 1811), vii. 478. Brazils, Princess of, observations on her Bordeaux, tocsin sounded at, X. 538. right of succession to the throne — — , march of Marshal Beresford to of Spain (29 April, 1810), vi. 67; (7 March, 1814), xi. 556, 561. consequences of her being appointed Bourbon, House of, question with, of Regent of Spain (4 Nov., 1810), 588 ; involving their partisans in France, cause of Lord Wellington's change of upon any thing short of a declaration opinion respecting (21 Nov., 1810"* from the Northern Powers (8 Aug., 628. 1813), x. 615. , reasons for not apprehending any , House of, opinion of the French evils from her being called to the Re respecting (21 Nov., 1813), xi. 305; gency (24 July, 1811), viii. 143. certainty of a prince of the House — — , question of conferring the Re of Bourbon succeeding in France, gency on, decided by the mob of 306 ; general inclination of the people Cadiz (21 April, 1813), x. 311; indis of France for (7 March, 1814), creet conduct of, respecting the Eng 562; the whole country in favor of lish alliance (25 June, 1813), (1 April, 1814), 618. 460. Bourke, Lieut. Colonel (Major General , a woman of the worst character Sir R.), mission of, to Cuesta (30 May, that exists, expediency of neutrality 1809), iv. 371 ; Memorandum for, respecting her claims (5 Sept., 1813), 372; letter to (8 June, 1809), 399; xi. 88, 89 ; letter to (3 Feb., 1814), Sir A. Wellesley's opinion on his 495. plans, of the 4th and 6th June (9 Bread, troops to march with three days' June, 1809), 401 ; letter to (11 June, (2 May, 1809), iv. 294. 1809), 410; alteration of plan, in con , want of, for the soldiers, and the sequence of the contents of his letter inevitable consequences (8 Aug., of the 11th June (13 June, 1809), 1809), v. 13; extravagant project of 419; wish that he should join the saving, in the supply of to the troops army, and satisfaction with all his (22 Dec, 1809), 388. communications (18 June, 1809), 437 ; , none delivered to the French regret at his departure, and queries troops since their arrival in Portugal enclosed to him (21 June, 1809), 443, (29 Dec, 1810), vii. 84; deficiency 444; returned to the army (1 Ju/y, and badness of, in the French army 1809), 485. (24 Feb., 1811), 313; want of, by Bowel complaints, issues of rice to coun Brig. General Pack's brigade (26 Feb., teract them (27 Oct., 1810), vi. 181 1), 318 ; six days' bread to troops 550. in cantonments, io.; suffering of the Bowes, Brig. General (27 Feb., 1810), v. Portuguese troops for want of (15 523. April, 1811), 472. , Major General, his eagerness , the troops to have six days' bread for success at the forts at Sala in contonments (11 iVoti., 1811), viii. manca, and killed (25June, 1812), ix. 3?5. 253. , number of days', carried by the Braga, retreat of the French to (14 May, English, Portuguese, and French sol 1809), iv. 332. diers on a march (9 June, 1812), ix. Braganza, plunder of (8 July, 1809), iv. 222. 499. , corn and wine, arrangements for 72 INDEX.

distributing to the troops of the dif Brunswick, Duke of, proposed appoint ferent nations, x. 4 1 9. ment of, to command the Portuguese Breakfast, soldiers supplied with by army (27 Aug., 1810), vi. 384 ; inuti commanding officers of regiments (9 lity of his corps (29 Aug., 1810), June, 1812), ix. 222. 393. Breniur, General, stntagemof, to obtain , letter to (4 Jan., 1811), vii. 105. ; news (29 April, 1811), vii. 510; blows intrigue to substitute him for Mar up Almeida (11 May, 1811), 545. shal Beresfurd in the command of the .state in which he left Almeida (5 Portuguese army (25 May, 1811), Aug., 1811), viii. 173. (See Almeida.) 608. Bridge of boats, approved mode of fix , letter to (29 Aug., 1811), viii. 240 ; ing (17 .My, 1809), iv. 518. wishes his regiment to goto Germany , directions for preventing the (9 Oct., 1811), 329. enemy repairing (1 March, 1811), v. Brunswick Oels, desertion from (4 Aug., 535; for destroying bridges, ib. 1813), x. 597. , destruction of, a measure of great Brunswick Legion, large desertions from importance (9 Nov., 1812), ix. 548. (19 Jan., 1811), vii. 162. Brigade Major, want of power to make the Buffs, pass the Douro (11 May, 1809), appointment of (8 Aug., 1808), iv. iv. 323 ; furious attack made on them 71. after landing (12 May, 1809), 326. Brigade, injury to the service from bring , request to wear the word " Douro" ing officers from their regiments to on their colours (3 March, 1813), x. command brigades (16 Sept., 1811), 163. viii. 284. Bugio, tower of (20 Nov., 1809), v. 300, , practice in the army not to move 301. officers from their regiments to com , proposed retention of (12 May, mand brigades, unless certain that 1810), vi. 106; proposed occupation they will uot he obliged to return to of (30 May, 1810), 162. their regiments (1 May, 1813), x. 338; Bullion, profitable trade carried on in, soundness of the principle (10 May, between Falmouth and Lisbon (12 1813), 370; conduct of the Duke of March, 1810). v. 588. Wellington on such occasions, ib. Bullock carts of Portugal, weight car Brigadier, English, cannot be made by ried by them, and daily journey of ( 11 Lord Wellington (12 Feb., 1811), vii. Aug., 1808), iv. 85. 254. Bullocks, draught, never allowed to be Brigadiers, Portuguese, rank of, not consumed for food (18 Dec, 1810), permanent (30 May, 1809), iv. 369. vii. 53. Briscall, Rev. S., certificate to, of his , given in charity to Portuguese assiduity, &c (30 Jan., 1810),v.4G6. villages (28 March. 1812), ix. 18, , his constant attention to his duty 19. (6 Feb., 1811), vii. 238. , draught, answer equally well with Brissot, levee en masse in France adopted horses (14 May, 1813), x.378. from (31 Jan., 1812), viii. 581. Bunbury, Colonel Sir Henry, miscalcu British army, must be regularly paid, lations in his abstract of military ope and why (25 Jan., 18 10), v. 453; time rations in Portugal (25 March, 1811), it is in an ear, 454. vii. 402. British officers for forming the Spanish — — , thanked for his map of France troops, case only in which they would (19 Sept., 1813), xi. 121; Memoran be of much use (23 Dec, 1810), vii. dum for (1 Feb., 1814), 492. 67 ; necessity of the contiol of autho Buonaparte, Joseph, junction of with rity to keep themselves in order and Sebastiani (1 July, 1809), iv. 486, 487 ; in a slate of subordination (28 Jan., (8 July, 1809), 500. (See Joseph.) 1811), 206. Buonaparte, , necesily to, of , objections to the employment of, large armies to carry on his operations with the Spanish troops (3 May, 1812), in Spain (21 July, 1808), iv. 38 ; pro ix. 109; in the Portuguese service to bability of his attempting to reach the be paid from the Chest of Aids (5 Astmias by sea, 39; without sufficient Aug., 1812), 343. force in Spain to strike a permanent British troops, 40,000, for the campaign blow (26 July, 1808), 47, 48 ; arrives of 1813 (31 Jan., 1813), x.67; always in Spain at the end of 1808 to super fight (25 July, 1813), 569. intend the operations in Spain (28 Broke, Captain, takes the Chesapeake Jan., 1809), 260 ; dissatisfaction (20 July, 1813), x. 556. throughout the French army in Spain PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO Xr. 73

at his measures (27 April, 1809), nally, and consequent fall if confined 273. to the limits of France (SAug., 1813), Buonaparte, Napoleon, steps to be taken 615 ; necessity of obtaining from the in case his whole attention should be Allies a declaration how far they will turned to the Peninsula (6 Oct., U09), persevere in the contest, with a view v. 212 ; sick, time before he can rein to Buonaparte's dethronement, before force his armies in Spain (20 Nov., the Due de Berri should be allowed to 1809), 302 ; his intention of coming join the British army, ib. ; remarks on into Spain, and speech to the Senate the proceedings of the Allies in their (2 Jan., 1810), 400. negociations with (13 Aug.,' 1813), , his system hollow and inconsistent 633 ; has the Allies exactly in the state with the interests of civilized society he would wish (14 Aug., 1813), 639; (4 April, 1810), vi. 12; making great the best security to be found in the naval exertions, and expediency of reduction of the power and influence having a large fleet in the Tagus (2 of the grand disturber, 640. July, 1810), 240 ; guards stationed at Buonaparte, Napoleon, apprehension Burgos to protect his journey (13 July, that he may detach a large force to 1810), 266; his probable arrival in Spain, by a lengthened renewal of the Spain (14 July, 1810), 269; proof of armistice in Germany (18 Aug., 1813), his want of means to support his armies xi. 12; his designs on the Russians in Spain (20 Aug., 1810), 373. and Prussians alter the expiration , unfounded report of his intention of the armistice (27 Aug.. lt>13), to marry Ferdinand to an Austrian 47 ; removes to Erfurt (29 Sept., princess (6 Jan., 1811), vii. 115. 1813), 153; if driven to the French , gigantic efforts made by him to frontier, the Allies might force him subdue Spain, and reasons why this is to make peace on their own terms imi racticab'.e (5 July, 1811), viii. 81 ; (18 Oct., 1813), 207; reinforces his symptoms of his coming into Spain loss with Augereau's corps (26 Oct., (9 Aug., 1811), 186; consequences of 1813), 220 ; distress of, for experienced his arrival (28 Aug., 1811), 235; officers and soldiers (9 Nov., 1813), must lower his tone with the world if 272; his ariival at Pari", having no he'does not remove the British from rhe head-quarters and no army ( 1 1 Nov., Peninsula (29 Sept., 1811). 300, 301 ; 1813), 275; retreats too rapidly even leaves Paris to take the command of for the Cossacks (1 3 Nov., 1813), 279 ; his nrmy in Germany (9 Oct., 1811), ruins equally his ally and his enemy 329; hisconquest of the Peninsula, even (14 Nov., 1813), 290; description of of that part of which he has military the class of his adherents (18 AW. possession, still distant (4 Dec 1811), 1813), 299; universal desire of the 436 ; general resistance to his fraudu people to get rid of him ('21 Nov., lent tyranny, and measures indicated 1813), 304; his power stands upon to ensure success ("24 Dec, 1811), corruption, 305 ; policy of making 482 ; financial causes of his extending peace with him, tb. ; near approach to the dominion of France beyond her the termination of his disgusting natural limits, and impolicy of the tyranny ('22 Nov., 1813), 310; conti measure (31 Jan., 1812), 582, 583. nued desire of the people to shake off , at Moscow (1 Nov., 1812), ix. his yoke (1 Jan., 1814), 413; makes 530; would send out a fleet if he had peace with Ferdinand, and probable money, but has none (10 Dec, 1812), result in Spain if he had had less pride 616,620. and more common sense (10 Jan., , reconciled to the Pope (10 March, 1814), 431; (13 Jan., 1814), 445; 1813), x. 176; difficulty of, in form military error at Leipsic (10 Jan., ing another army without the prison 1814), 435 ; prevailing hostility to the ers in England and Russia (24 March, Buonaparte dynasty (4 March, 1814), 1813), 230; at Dresden (13 June, 546, 547; defeat at Soissons (18 1813) 437 ; his losses in the battles March, 1814), 591 ; false reports con of Lutzen and Bautzen, and offer of cerning^ April, 1814),617; abdica a congress at Prague (17 June, 1813), tion of, and pension assigned to (13 443; intends to make peace with April, 1814), 640; prevailed on to Russia and Prussia, but to pursue bis abdicate (14 April, 1S14), 643 ; Mar objects in Spain, i'6. ; sends Soult from shals and Generals quit him on his Dresden on hearing of the passage of abdication being pronounced(14 April, the (25 July, 1813), 567; bases 1814), 643; pension to be received on which he rests, internally and exter by him (16 April, 1814), 648. 74 INDEX.

Burghersh, Lord, examined on the Court Cacadores, inefficiency of (9 April, of Inquiry (1808), iv. 230. 1810), vi. 28; conduct of, at the pas , letter to, (28 Oct., 1809), v. 251 ; sage of the Coa (29 July, 1810), 306, nature of his report from the south 307; (1 Aug., 1810), 317. eastern provinces (31 Oct., 1809), 268. , defective strength of (8 April, , letter to (8 March, 1814 ), xi. 567. 1811), vii. 437. Burglary, legal sentence for (27 March, Caceres, intention to halt there (30 Any., 1813), xi. 320. 1809), v. 100. Burgos, flight of the French to (11 , cause of the French taking their March, 1812), ix. 348. position at (2 April, 1810), vi. 5; (4 , castle of, its position, and attacks April, 1810), 12. and siege of (20 Stpt., 1812), ix. 437, Cadiz, proposed security of (15 July, et seq.; siege raised (22 Oct., 1812), 1808), iv. 28. 511; causes for raising it (26 Oct., , rooted jealousy of the Spaniards re 1812), 514; fault in the expedition specting, and garrison requisite for it in not taking the best troops (23 Nov., (25 Aug., 1809;, v. 90; necessity of a 1813), 573; failure from disobedience British garrison's being there, if the of orders, 573, 574; indiscipline of the south of Spain is to be defended (3 troops on the retreat from Burgos (28 Sept., 1809), 113; means of putting Nov., 1813), 582. in security 4000 or 5000 men, from a , castle of, blown up by the French coup ilc main by the inhabitants (4 in their retreat (13 June, 1813), x. Sept., 1809), 119; possession of, iu 435; (\4June, 1813), 437. what case absolutely necessary (5 Borne, Colonel, recommendation of, and Sept., 1890), 125; defence of, and reward bestowed (22 Aug., 1808), iv. preparations for (22 Dec, 1809), 115, and note. 387; Lord Wellington's visit to, and Burrard, Lieut. General Sir Harry, ap jealousy of the inhabitants, ib. ; ex pointed second in command to Sir Hew pediency of disarming batteries on Dalrymple (15 July. 1808), iv. 30; the north side of the harbour (30 Jan., (20 July, 1808), 33 ; letter to (8 Aug., 1810), 471 ; possibility of its holding 1808), 66 ; letter to, on the resources out against the French (31 Jan., of Portugal (11 Aug., 1808), 84 ; calls 1810), 480; instructions to detach an Sir John Moore's corps to the assist adequate force to assist in its preserva ance of Sir A. Wellesley's army (21 tion, 481 ; requisition for assistance, Aug. 1808), 107; lands, and approves and embarkation of General W. Stew Sir A. Wellesley's dispositions at art (5 Feb., 1810), 487; conditions to Vimeiro, 108 ; Sir A. Wellesley's ac be made with the governor previously knowledgments to, for allowing him to landing, 488 ; acceptance of the offer to bring the action of the 21st August of a Portuguese regiment for service to a close (17 Sept., 1808), 158; ex at (9 Feb., 1810), 492; its amount tract from the narrative of his pro (10 Feb., 1810), 497; satisfaction ceedings, read at the Court of Inquiry, there at the arrival of British and Por and examination of (1808), 221. tuguese troops (28 Feb., 1810), 532; Busaco, Convent of (21 Sept., 1810), vi. advantages of continuing the contest 460; battle of (30 Sept., 1810), 470; at (1 March, 1810), 539 ; cavalry and number of the enemy killed at (27 Oct., ordnance sent to (9 March, 1810), 1810), 555; amount of French force 560 ; probable withdrawal of the at the battle of (3 Nov., 1810), 582. French from (21 March, 1810), 587 ; , British force at, and subsequent expediency of removing every Spanish operations (23 Feb., 1811), vii. 306. ship of war from (27 March, 1810), , why the cavalry cannot be returned 600 ; floating and marine defences for the battle of, for medals (16 Nov., for, 602, 603 ; distressing want of pro 1813), xi. 295; principle of distribu visions at (30 March, 1810), 608; tion of medals for(28AW., 1813), 332. propriety of sending a Portuguese Byng, General, distinguished conduct regiment (30 March, 1810), 610. atMouguerre (14 Dec, 1813),xi. 370. , diversion of money resources at (15 April, 1810), vi. 37; (29 April, 1810), 66; corps stationed at, to be considered part of Lord Wellington's army, and orders consequent thereon (13 May, 1810), 108; arguments Cacadores, explained (1 May, 1809), iv. against removing the army to Cadiz, 287, note. in the event of an evacuation of For PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 15

ttigal (30 May, 1810), 163 ; real Cadiz, climate unfavorable to disorders strength of the enemy before (20 of the lungs (23 Oct., 1813), xi. 216; Jane, 1810), 210 ; impolicy of remov infamous attempt of the libellers of ing the army to Cadiz, without mak (6 Nov., 1813), 258 ; proposed with ing an effort to maintain the position drawal of the garrison from (8 Nov., in Portugal (14 July, 1810), 268 ; risk 1813), 267 ; withdrawal of the British in attempting to raise the siege (10 troops from (7 Dec., 1813), 350; Aug., 1810), 345 ; accurate account of grounds of their being sent thither, batteries and works at, inserted in the 352. English newspapers, 346 ; ruin to the Cadogan, Hon. G. (now Earl Cadogan), army in Portugal, by the French (21 July, 1808), iv. 35, note. raising the siege of Cadiz (11 Sept., Cadogan, Lieut. Colonel Hon.H .,missiou 1810), 4J9, 430; safety of withdraw of to Cuesta (30 May, 1809), iv. ing all the Biitish troops from Cadiz 371. (12 Sept., 1810), 431; supplies of , death and conduct after his wound specie obtained by the British army (22 June, 1813), x. 447; wounded in from Cadiz, and effects of the Spanish the spine, 454 ; his professional anxiety government obtaining 600,000l. there when dying (24 June, 1813), 455. for bills of exchange on England (3 Calibre of guns, the oue best adapted Oct., 1810), 481 ; probable relief of for all purposes indicated (6 May, Cadiz by the operations in Portugal 1812), ix. 118. (3 Nov., 1810), 5S\, etteq. Calvo, SeCur, Don Luis de, letter to (20 Cadiz, proposed attack of the enemy on Aug., 1809), want of foud, and not (I Dec, 1810), vii. 24 ; doubt of the motives of a political or military relief of Andalusia causing the raising nature, the cause of Sir A. Weilesley's of the siege (21 Dec, 1810), 58; withdrawing from Spain, v. 57 ; want troops marched with Soult from the of confidence in Suuur Calvo's assur siege (31 Dec. 1810), 88; sortie from ances, 58 ; insulting insinuation in (31 Jan., 1811), 212; force which his letter of the 19th (21 Aug., 1809), ought to have been stationed at Cadiz 63; proof of his want of good faith, (23 March, 1811), 391. 64. , troops that can be spared from Cambridge, Duke of (1 May, 1810), vi. (24 June, 1811), viii. 44; probability 73; letters to (7 May, 1810), 9 j ; of a serious attempt on, by the French (14 3%, 1810), 115. (20 July, m\), 123; (22 July,lSU), , letter to (11 Jan., 1811), vii. 136; probable submission of to the 129. French (14 Aug., 1811), 192; bad Cameron, General, desirous of a baron spirit at (15 Aug., 1811), 199; con etcy (24 Nov., 1810), vii. 5 ; his ser ditions under which the king's troops vices, to.; condoled with on the death were placed under the orders of the of his sou (15 May, 1811), 558. governor (12 Dec , 1811), 452; inuti , Lieut. Colonel, mortally wuiurded lity of demonstrations towards the at Fuentes de OBoro (8 May, 1811), French lines (29 Jan., 1812), 57j ; vii. 532. effectual raisiug of the blockade by Caminha, voluntary offer of bullocks by an expedition against Seville, 576. the inhabitants of (27 June, 1811), — — , expediency of drawing to Lord viii. 53. Wellington's army the division at (20 Camp equipage, Memorandum of ar March, 1812), ix. 3, 4; break up of ticles of, required from England (2 Soult from (29 March, 1812), 19; Dec, 1809), v. 341. plan by Lord Wellington for attack Camp kettles, carriage of, must be paid ing the blockading troops (16 Aug., by the public (28 Sept., 1809), v. 1812), 361; (25 Aug., 1812), 381; 195; answer from the Treasury re blockade raised (9 Sept., 1812), 414; specting, requested (24 Jan., 1810), recommendation to keep in repair the 448 ; consequences of delay in sup works at the Isla, and at Cadiz, 417; plying (14 March, 1810), 572. state of the works abandoned by the , new tin introduced (19 Sept., French before Cadiz and the Isla (13 1813), xi. 123. Sept., 1812), 428, and note. Campaign, one half of the French sol , confused state of affairs at (27 diers who take the field lost in ever y Jan., 1813), x. 53; expediency of the campaign (26 Jan., 1811), vtt. removal of the Cortes from (21 April, 195. 1813), 311 ; effects of the jealousy of in the Peninsula in 1810, cost the democracy at (9 Aug., 1813), 620. of (23 March, 1811), vii. 388. 76 INDEX.

Campaign of 1812, its great success (23 Campo Mayor, Romana directed to Nov., 1812), ix. 573. place a good garrison in (6 Sept., of 1813, proposed opening of, on 1810), vi. 406. the 1st of May (28 March, 1813), x. , its insignificance (23 Feb., 1811) 239. vii. 282 ; proposed security of against Campbell, Brig. General Alexander, let a coup de main, 283 ; (2 March, 181 1), ter to, conduct of the Marquis 325, 326 ; importance for Badajoz in absenting himself without leave that the enemy should not obtain (26 (24 , obliged May, 1809), to go iv.home, 362. from the bad Feb., 1811), 316 ; march to attack the French at (18 March, 1811), 372; ness of his wound (4 Sept. 1809), v. fall of (27 March, 1811), 407, 410; 117; letters given to him (10 Sept., retaken by Marshal Beresford (30 1809), 138 ; (Lieut. General Sir Alex March, 1811), 418; possibility of ander), wounded at Talavera (3 Dec, making it tenable (4 April, 1811), 1809),332; arrival in good health (14 429. Feb., 1810), 500. * Canada, observations on the defence of , letter to (1 April, 1810), vi. 2; (22 Feb., 1814), xi. 525. recruits taken from the prisons (8 Candour and fair dealing, necessity of April, 1810), 22; Memorandum for, preserving a character for (13 Jan., on the surrender of 1811), vii. 138. (2 July, 1810), 238. Canning, Right Hon. G., contemplated . , Major General, letter to (25 Nov., arrangement for making Lisbon the 1810), vii. 6 ; the only general officer depot of all the stores intended for with the army, who came out with it the Peninsula (13 April, 1809), iv. (26 Jan., 1811), 190. 264; letter to (7 May, 1809), on — , letter to, respecting a narrative of using the King's name in the grant of complaints of a Lieut. Colonel (21 the mcrease of pay to the officers of Sept., 1811), viii. 294; letter to the the Portuguese army, 314. Adjutant General, respecting (3 Oct., , observations ou his dispatch of 18il), 317; letter to, on his departure the 12th August to Marquis Welles- for the East Indies (22 Nov., 1811), ley (5 Sept., 1809), v. 123; letter to 419. (6 Oct., 1809), 211. , Lieut. General Sir A., command , letter to (15 May, 1810), vi. 117. at the Isle of France (22 April, 1812), , letter to (13 March, 1814), xi. ix. 75 ; proxy for Lord Wellington at 575. the installation of the knights of the Canning, Captain (30 Nov. 1809),. v. Bath (18 June, 1812), 237; urged 324. to go to the Isle of France, 237, , (15 May, 1810), vi. 117. 238. , aide de camp, sent to do duty Campbell, Lieut. General (Governor of with his regiment (13 Aug., 1811), Gibraltar), to delay sending from viii. 189. Gibraltar troops to Malta (26 Dec, , sent with the dispatches on tho 1812), x. 4. capture of Badajoz (7 April, 1812), Campbell, Major General, at Alicante, ix. 44. directions for striking a blow against Cannon, left loaded and unspiked by the French (4 Jan., 1813), x. 20; Spaniards in their flight (25 Aug., approval of his declining to supply 1809), v. 85. the wants of the Spanish troops (28 , 3000 pieces of, taken from tho Jan., 1813), 56 ; approval of his mea enemy in the campaign of 1812 (23 sures respecting the 2d Italian regi Nov., 1812), ix. 573. ment (25 Feb., 1813), 142. Cantabria, operations on the coast of Campbell, Captain (Major General Sir (22 April, 1813), x.318. Colin), recommendation of (20 Aug., Capital punishment, observations on 1808), iv. 105. the commutation of to transportation , promised promotion of (18 Feb., (14 June, 1808), iv. 12. 1810), v. 505; wishes for his promo Capitafis Mor, directions for their an tion (31 March, 1810), 611. noying the enemy with their orde- , , made a major by brevet, by the nanza (28 Fib., 1810), v. 530 (I Duke of York, vi. 442; promised March, 1810), 534. a Lieutenant Colonelcy by brevet, , expediency of a proper selection ii. of(10.4,n7, 1811),vii. 452. , his great utility (22 Oct., 1811), Capitulations with the enemy in Ger viii. 353, many should extend to the Allies PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE.' — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 77

in the Peninsula (9 Nov., 1813), xi. aid is to be applied (23 May, 1812), ix. 271. 179 J instructions for (31 Auy,, 1812), Caps, consequences of having them 391 ; letter to (3 Sept., 1812), 393 ; like those of the French, (6 Nov., to withhold the pay from the garrison 1811), viii. 379; advantage of the of Ciudad Rodrigo till punishment be narrow top caps of infantry, ib. inflicted for murdering prisoners of Captains of companies, expediency of war (26 Sept., 1812), 451 ; amount allowing them to ride (29 Sept., and expense of his corps (17 Oct., 1809), v. 198. 1812), 496, 497; conditions on which Captains General of provinces, new pay to his troops was advanced (2 organization of (27 Dec, 1812), x. Dec, 1812), 596. 10 ; responsible for the realization Carlos de Espaiia, Don, announces the of the revenues of the provinces (15 surrender of Pamplona (1 Nov., 1813), May, 1813), 379 ; powers with xi. 242, note; congratulated, and which they should be armed to con medals for Salamanca transmitted (5 trol the conduct of the intendants, Nor., 1813), 255, 380 ; necessity of an increase of the Carlota, La, by law cannot be Regent powers of Captains General (9 Aug., of Spain (29 April, 1810) vi. 69 (3 1813), 620. Oct., 1810), 483. , in Castille and in Estremadura, , not wished by the Prince Regent clashing of authorities by the ap that she should be Regent of Spain pointment of, independent of the Cap (25 Feb., 1813), x. 14t,; fails in her tain General of the armies (14 Sept., object at Cadiz (31 March, 1813), 1813). xi. 109; defective authority 247. of Captains General (7 Dec, 1 8 1 3), 349. Carriages, defective supply of, by the Captured property. {See Prize.) Portuguese people (14 May, 1810), Caraccas, consequences of the successful vi. 114. rebellion in (14 Sept., 1810), vi. 439, , numbering and registering of (23 440. Jan., 1811), vii. 117. Carlos de Kspaiia, Don, carries one of Carrion, arrival on the (26 Oct., 1812), the enemy's posts (8 Aug., 1810), vi. ix. 516. 342; numbers of (3 Nov., 1810), 579; Carthagena, British garrison to be sent a good man and officer (8 Nov., 1810), to (12 Dec, 1811), viii. 448; detailed 597; provisions for (11 Nov., 1810), instructions 1'or.and engineering, artil 607; issue of tents to (12 Nov., lery, and medical information to be 1810), 615. transmitted from, to Lord Welling , , in what case to command General ton, 449, 450 ; assistance rendered, Fane's detachment (24 Nov., 1810), in what light to be represented to the vii. 2 ; trouble with him and his pro Spaniards, 453; the British called on visions (29 Nov., 1810), 12; Lord to garrison (1 Feb., 1812) 589; ex Wellington's determination respect pediency of securing the communica ing him, 13; supplied from the ma tion of the town with the sea (25 Feb., gazines of Abrantes (13 Jan., 1811), 1812), 632, 633. 139 ; wounded (16 Feb., 1811), 269. , expediency of strengthening the , sent into Castille (13 July, 181 1), posts during the crisis (24 Aug., viii.100; appointed to command all Spa 1812), ix. 377 ; yellow fever at, (29 nish affairs in Castille (20 July, 1811), Aug., 1812), 384. 122; supply of to (30 Aug., , troops at, under whose directions 1811), 247; clothing requested lor (9 May, 1813) x. 365. (23 Oct., 1811), 334; directions to , withdrawal of the British troops collect his infantry at San Felices from (7 Dec, 1813) xi. 350; ground (22 Nov., 1811), 420; impossibility of their being sent thither, 352. of extending permanent posts into Carts, obstacles by the Civil Govern the Sierra de Francia (25 Nov., ment to Sir A. Wellington's obtain 1811), 422 ; instructions for prevent ing (8 July, 1809), iv. 501 ; abuses of ing the enemy throwing in convoy the mode in which carts are taken into Ciudad Rodiigo (28 Nov., 181 1), (9 July, 1809), 502; consequences of 427 ; desire to relinquish his situation seizing carts for the Portuguese army (4 Jan., 1812), 530 ; distresing repoit army (13 July, 1809), 504. on Ciudad Rodrigo, and statement of , unjust seizure of, for private pur what Lord Wellmgton has done for poses (11 Oct., 1609), v. 214, 215; the place (20 March, 1802), 668. hiring of with rations, and a fixed , conditions on which the English piice (19 Oct., 1809), 230; drawn by ■78 INDEX.

bullocks in Portugal, rate nt which viii. 99; a visionary (20 July, 1811), they move (30 Oct., 1809) 254; di 127; letter to (24 July, 1811), 137; rections for moving out of the ene dispatch to (20 Dec, 1811) 473; my's way (27 Feb., 1810), 528. fixes himself in Ciudad Rodrigo, and Carts, bribes by owners of, to quit the rations drawn by his head quarters convoy (2 Nov., 1810), vi. 575. (19 Feb., 1812), 621 ; Memorandum , impossibility of the Portuguese for (24 Feb., 1812), 629; orders to Government procuring 130 (15 Feb., pay him every attention in his pass 1811), vii. 264; consequences of the age to Galicia (5 March, 1812), 652. deficiencies of carts (8 April, 1811), Castanos, General, request to advance to 440, 441. Valladolid (3 Sept., 181 2), ix. 394; and , , penalty for non-attendance of of a conference with him (9 Sept., owners (28 Nov., 1811), viii. 427. 1812), 414; letter to (7 0cl., 1812); re , hired fee for producing them (6 quested to decide whether the Retiro Dec, 1811), 439; empty, two days shall be delivered over to the Spanish going ten miles on a good road (7 Brigadier, 477 ; cordial co-operation Jan., 1812), 536. of, with the Marquis of Wellington Carvajal, Don J. de, difficulties of realiz (1 Nov., 1812), 528. ing the resources of the country by the , pecuniary arrangements (1 Jan., Intendments of the armies (1 1 April, 1813), x. 16, note; letter to (12 Feb., 1813), x. 280 ; exclusive allotment of 1813), money and clothing supplied to the ninetenths to the maintenance of Spanish troops, 112, 113; organization the armies, 281. of the 4th army (2 March, 1813), Cascaes Bay, impracticability of the 157; and of the 6th and 7th, 159; attack on (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 69. letter to, unwillingness to interfere , ordnance in, to be removed, (8 in affairs which do not belong to him, Oct., 1810), vi. 497. and case of General Giron (13 MarcA, — — , its occupation, when an object of 1813), 186 ; remarks on his proposed importance (5 June, 1811), vii. 642. organization for the infantry (19 Casemates, inferiority of to blindages March, 1813), 210; arrives at Sala (1 June, 1812), ix. 196. manca (28 May, 1813), 404 ; recalled Castalla, defeat of the French at (13 to the Couucil of State at Cadiz (28 April, 1813) (5 May, 1813), x. 352, June, 1813), 470 ; his public services 353. (30 June, 1813), 476 ; why recalled, Custanheira, river, proposed damming 477 ; recommended to obey the Go up the mouth of, and its results, (20 vernment (5 Aug., 1813), 602; when Oct., 1809), v. 237. removed (6 Aug., 1813), 607; inex Castanos, General, - defeat of Dupont pediency of removing him (7 Aug., (30 July, 1808), iv. 50; (1 .*«?., 1808), 1813), 608. 56 ; force under (5 Sept., 1808) 142. , letter to, does well to continue his , deserving of confidence, (7 Feb., journey to Cadiz (13 Sept. 1813), xi. 1810), v. 489 ; his opinion of the 117. French war in Spain (1 March, 1810), Castello Branco, movements ordered in 539. case the French should attempt an , extraordinary notion of the French invasion of Portugal (8 Aug., 1809), soon retiring from the Peninsula (11 v. 9. May, 1810), vi. 101. , letter to the Bishop of (25 Nov.. , arrived at Lisbon (6 March, 1811), 1811), viii. 421. vii. 345; letter to (16 March, 1811), Castille, pretty little expedition into (30 362 ; letter to (15 April, 1811), 469 ; Aug., 1809), v. 94 ; the enemy will appointed to command in Galicia strike there a blow of importance (2 (16 April, 1811), 473; letter to (24 Dec, 1809), 328 ; line of operations April, 1811), inclosing a Memoran on the frontiers indicated (9 Dec, dum of a plan of operations, 500 ; co 1809), 345, 346; movement to the operation of in the seige of Badajoz frontiers (19 Dec, 1809), 382 ; col (13 May, 1811), 550; 20,000 stands lection of the French in (30 Jan., of arms given to (14 May, 1811), 1810), 467. 552; Lord Wellington transmits , movement into, to bring Marmont copies of two intercepted letters to to a general action (26 May, 1812), (10 June, 1811), vii. 653; and an ix. 174; practical evils from the ap nounces his raising the siege of Bada pointment of a Captain General and joz, 654. Staff to the province (11 Dec, 1812), , Memorandum for (13 July, 1811), 623. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 19

Castlereagh, Viscount, letter to, from are to be allowed to capitulate (17 Lord Cathcart (8 Sept., 1807), iv. 5, March, 1814), 589. note. (See Secretary of State.) Cathcart, Lord, commands the land ex letter to, probability of his being pedition to Copenhagen (1807), iv. 1 ; out of office; enclosing letters from dispatch to, affair of Kioge (19 Aug., Lord Burgliersh and Captain Rmnan 1807), 2 ; letter from, to Lord Castle- (31 Oct., 1809),v.268 ; his unbounded reagh (8 Sept., 1807), 5, note. kindness, and concern at his misfor Cathcart, Lieut. Colonel Hon. C. M. tunes (28 Nov., 1809), 317; character (Major General Lord Greenock), letter of the officers employed by him in to (\S Jan., 1814), xi. 464. Spain (19 Dec, 1809), 380. Cattle, quantity of consumed in Portu , mediation between the Spanish gal (15 July, 1810), vi. 271 ; cheap- colonies, and subsidy to the Spaniards ness of in Spain, and number brought (27 April, 1812), ix. 93 ; his probable into Portugal by the army, 272. answer on the next proposition for , cattle for food, British soldiers peace (23 Aug. 1812), 375. never allowed to collect, vii. 53. , entertained by Caulincourt at , stealing of from the British army, dinner (14 Feb., 1814), xi. 518 ; Secre impunity for, by the Portuguese tary for Foreign Affairs, letter to, authorities (9 June, 1813), x. 428. embassy to Paris (21 April, 1814), Cavalry to carry three days' corn (3 668. June, 1809), iv. 385; number with Castrejon, affair at (21 July, 1812), ix. which Sir A. Wellesley will enter 295, 298. Spain (27 June, 1809), 470; difficulty Casualties after a battle, return of, how of keeping up their number in the cli collected (12 April, 1814),xi. 638, note. mate of Portugal, tb. Catalans, the least to be depended on — , amount of, in Spain, Spanish and of any of the Spaniards (19 Dec, English (25 Aug., 1809), 83; charac 1809), 381. ter of the Spanish, v. 84 ; reasons for , hatred of the French to, from their not bringing away the horses of, from unquenchable spirit (20 July, 1813), Portugal (14 Nov., 1809), 278; dis x. 552. asters suffered in the first years of the Catalonia, proposed mission of an officer revolutionary war by the French ca into (19 Nov., 1809), v. 295; inex valry from their flight and misbeha pediency of any partial operation (19 viour (9 Dec, 1809), 345; inefficiency Dec, 1809), 381. of Spanish cavalry from want of dis , amount of French army in, June, cipline, ib. ; blow of essential import 1810 (18 and 19 July, 1810), vi. 279, ance prevented being struck from 283 ; French force in (2 Aug., 1810), their not being iu order (27 Jan., 319. 1810), 459. , increasing interest in the war in , liability of cavalry to panic, and (15 Aug., mi), viii. 200. kept out of uction as long as possible , , expediency and advantages of the by Lord Wellington (23 Feb., 1811), expedition to(l 1 April, 1812), ix. 55, 65. vii. 286 ; the most delicate arm we , reinforcements shipped for at Co- possess (21 Murch, 1811), 374 ; in ruiia (1 and 2 March, 1813), x. 156, structions for the management of, 157 ; reinforcements sent to, from in the field, 375 ; excellent, falling off Coruiia(15 March, 1813), 188, 189; of (8 April, 1811), 440; want of food directions for conveying to, the regi for (9 April, '181 1), 448; superiority ments of Pontevedra and El Principe of the French in (23 May, 1811), (21 March, 1813), 220 ; letter to the 597. Spanish General Officer commanding , cavalry affairs near Elvas (27 June, in (29 March, 1813), 243. 1811), viii. 57; difference between , , march of the 3rd army from (5 the old and new cavalry, 58 ; British, Sept., 1813), xi. 83 ; changes of hands amount of (11 July, 1811), 92 ; causes in the command of the troops in (7 why they were in bad order (4 Aug., Sept., 1813), 92; numerically stronger 1811), 170 ; advantages from an aug than the enemy (1 1 Nov., 1813), 276 ; mentation in the Penmsula (27 Aug., causes of the paralysed state of affairs 1811), 231; mules attached to each in (14 Nov., 1813) ; thoughts of going regiment (31 Aug., 1811), 251; pro into (22 JVou., 1813), 309; British posed reduction of all regiments to troops ordered to march from, to the three squadrons (17 Sept., 1811), 289. south of France (8 March, 1814), , trick of officers of, in galloping at 563; basis on which the garrisons every thing (18 June, 1812), ix. 238; 80 INDEX.

directions fur cavalry charging, ib.; 69 ; troops it might hold (1 Jan., 1811), Portuguese, flight of (13 Aug., 1812), 94; a cantonment of the army (24 351 ; desire of having the British ca Jan., 1811), 183. valry in good order early in the cam Chaplains, army, remarks on the esta paign of 1813, and how to be can blishment of (6 Feb., 1811), vii. toned (9 Dec, 1812), 613. 238. Cavalry, new organization of, in one insufficiency of half pay for (4 July. corps (2 Jan., 1813), z. 19 ; calcula 1811), viii. 75. * tion for the demand of a regiment of, Charities, amount in dollars sent out by for horses (10 Feb., 1813), 103 ; num the Committee of, and difficulties in ber of men to be mounted, in the the way of its distribution (8 Dec, army, and horses to mount them, ib. ; 1811), viii. 444. Spanish, contemplated reforms in (24 Chatham, Lord, extent of his success Feb,, 1813), 137 ; reorganization of (13 Sept., 1809), iv. 568. (27 Feb., 1813), 149 ; British, arrange Chatillon, Congress at (8 March, 1814), ment of into one division under Sir xi. 562. S. Cotton (7 April, 1813), 268. Chest, robbery of by soldiers (24 Jan., , vedettes placed under the protec 1810), v. 448. tion of infantry (18 Oct., 1813), xi. Children's schools at Belem, visit to (24 207 ; why not to receive medals for Feb., 1813), x. 138. the battle of Busaco (16 Nov., 1813), Choumara, M„ perversion of, respecting 295. the battle of Toulouse (12 April, Ceira, directions for putting the bridges 1814), xi. 638. on in a state of repair (30 June, 1811), Church lands, impolicy and inutility of viii. 63. attempting the sale of (1 Oct., 1812), Celorico, complaints against the magis ix. 462 ; (17 Oct., 1812), 500 ; advan trates and people of (1 May, 1810), tage of land being in the hands of vi. 76 ; precautions for destroying the clergy, 501. telegraph at (3 Sept., 1810), 402. Cintra, convention of (30 Aug., 1808), , entered by the French, 18th Dec, iv. 127 ; extent and character of Sir 1810 (25 Dec, 1810), vii. 71 ; re A. Wellesley's concurrence in the treat of the French from (25 March, convention (20 Sept., 1808), iv. 161 ; 1811), 393. Court of Inquiry ordered by the King, , magazines at, saved (24 April, the Royal warrant, and proceedings on 1812), ix. 83. it (29 Oct., 1808), 163, et seq. ; inquiry Central Junta, political intrigue more into the convention commonly called attended to by, than military opera of Cintra, but framed and signed at tions (1 Sept., 1809), v. 108 ; error of Lisbon, held at Chelsea (14 Nov., the Central Junta in their mode of 1808), 165, note ; report made by the providing supplies for the British General officers forming the Court (22 army (30 Oct., 1809), 253 ; inefficacy Dec, 1808), 253; the King's decision of the orders to the Provincial Juntas, (20 Jan., 1809), 255 ; the convention, 256. why erroneously called of Cintra, 260, Certificates for money borrowed, re note. marks on the proposed alteration of healthiness of Cintra (8 Jan., 1 8 1 1 ), (30 June, 1812), ix. 263. vii, 119. ' for the proposed loan, red ink alter Cipher, key of French letter in, obtained ations in (4 Feb., 1813), x. 86, and (13 Nov., 1811), viii. 400. note; will not answer for the loans (24 , undiscoverable, letters in sent to March, 1813), 227; never been able London (25 June, 1812), ix. 254. to issue even one (28 March, 1813), Circular letter to General Officers com 239. manding divisions, on the enlistment Ceuta fixed upon for an hospital (13 of Spanish soldiers (18 and 27 May, May, 1810), vi. 108 ; (20 June, 1810), 1812), ix. 153, 176; to Gentral Offi 208. cers commanding divisions, on the saved from the Moors by a British state of discipline of the troops (28 garrison (27 Abo., 1813), xi. 327 ; pro Nov., 1812), 582. posed withdrawal of British troops Civil and military powers, union of, in from (15 Jan., 1814), 450. Spain (27 Jan., 1813), x. 52; (10 Feb., Chamusca, communication from (24 1813), 101. V Nov., 1810), vii. 3; troops drawn back Civil department of the army to be to (16 Dec, 1810), 50; operations placed under military law (25 June, with the brigades at (24 Dec, 1810J, 1811), viii. 49. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FHANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 81

Civil government scarcely exists in Por 1810), 218; probable treating for tugal (25 Aug., 1809), v. 88. surrender, ib.; orders in the event of a Ciudad Rodrigo, letter to the junta of, surrender (22 June, 1810), 220; (24 proposed payment to their agent in /««c,1810),221 ; great explosion heard i Lisbon for articles received by the at (25 June, 1810), 225; progress British army when under Sir J. of the siege (27 June, 1810), 227; Moore (20 June, 1809), iv. 440 ; siege desirable to relieve the place, 227, of meditated by the French (13 Sept., 228; the town in flames (28 June, 1809), 568. 1810), 231 ; arrangements for the -, siege of by the French to be pre British troops on its surrender (2 July, vented (30 Aug., 1809), v. 96; mis 1810), 238; governor of, told by the chief accruing from the French ob Marques de la Romana that it is his taining (1 Sept., 1809), 108; Sir A. duty to hold out to the last moment Wellesley's announcement to strain (5 July, 1810), 244 ; capitulates to the every nerve to relieve the place if at French (11 July, 1810), 254; brief tacked by the French (2, 4, and 7 Sept., historic notice of the siege (11 and 1809), 110,114, 115, 127; good op 12 July, 1810), 257, 260; and grounds portunity for their attacking (12 Sept., for not attempting its relief, 257 ; 1809), 142; march to save, why de sullen silence of the Spaniards towards layed (22 Sept., 1809), 171; every the British after the fall (19 and 25 effurt will be made to save (29 Sept., July, 1810), 282, 295; milder treat 1809), 199, 201 ; fear of being too late ment of the Spaniards by the French to save it (6 Dee., 180'J), 335; sum after the fall of, 295 ; unmilitavy ef moned by the enemy (15 Feb., 1810), fects of its fall on the Spanish troops 500; arrangements for relieving (11 (11 Nov., 1810), 611. March, 1810), 566; ignorance of the Ciudad Rodrigo,no movement of the army governor of the enemy's movements can take place so long as it holds out near (20 March, 1810), 579. (13 April, 1811), vii. 460; the French , preparations by the enemy for an but little provisions, 461 ; inutility of attack on (ll^ori7,1810),vi. 31; inten blockading, the enemy having got in tion of the enemy to invest (27 April, provisions (14 April, 1811), 464; 1810), 60 ; governor of able to relieve amount of the enemy's force in, ib. ; himself (1 May, 1810), 74; investment arrangements for attacking (18 April, of, might be' raised (2 May, 1810), 1811), 483. _ • 80 ; invested by the French, 83 ; pre proposed siege of (18 July, 1811), parations for its relief, ib. ; extract of viii. 118; blockaded by Don Julian, a letter to the governor (7 May, 1810), 120; intended mode of blockading 94; determined answer of the gover and attacking (8 Aug., 1811), 180; nor when summoned by Mermet (14 relieved by Marmont (29 Sept., 1811), and 16 May, 1810), 115, 120; extract 300; affairs near for the relief of of a letter to the governor (6 June, the place (29 Sept., 1811), 303, et 1810), 171; complete investment of sen. ; General Reuaud, governor of, (9 June, 1810), 178; the worst fur taken prisoner (16 Oct., 1811), 347; tified place in the world, delay of arrival of the new governor, General the French in their siege of it, and Barrie (6 Nov., 1811), 385; prepa grounds for not risking a general ac rations for the siege (1 Jan., 1812), tion in the plains to relieve the place 521 ; proposed investment, and break (11 and 12 June, 1810), 187, 189; ing ground (3 Jan., 181i), 529; risk to be incurred, to supply it instructions to General Officers em with musket ammunition, 188; doubt ployed in the siege (8 Jan., 1812), of the people at making a vigorous 537 ; probable time in which it defence (15 June, 1810), 195 ; enemy will be taken (7 Jan., 1812), 536; break trround at (17 & 18 June, 1810), taken in half the time proposed (20 200, 201 ; abundance of food at (1 9 Jan., 1812), 557; ground broken (9 June, 1810), 203 ; probability that the Jan., 1812), 540; details of the cap place will be lost, ib. ; letter to the go ture of the place by storm (20 Jan., vernor, ib. ; every thing will be done to 1812), 519, et seq.; new principle in relieve it (20 June, 1810), 213 ; review sieges, nature of the battering ord of strength, and inexpediency of risk nance at, and number of days con ing an action to relieve it, 21 4, 216,(27 sumed by the French in taking the June,\Sl0), 228; delivery of biscuit by place (29 Jan., 1812), 580; expense the governor, 216 ; extravagant notion of the works at defrayed by the Bri by the French of its strength, 21 June, tish (9 Feb., 1812), 599; given over, 82 INDEX.

with all its contents, to the Spanish Clausel, General, retreat after the battle of government (16 Feb., 1812), 612; Vitoria (24 June, 1 8 13), x. 456, 457 ; his Lord Wellington created Duque de force, and pursuitof by Lord Welling Ciudad Rodrigo (19 Feb., 1812), 620; ton (27 and 28 June, 1813), 464, 471 ; measures adopted by Lord Welling (1 July, 1813), 477 ; road to France ton for the security of the place (5 why left open to him, 478; retreats March, 1812), 649; apathy and neg into France (14 and 19 July, 1813), ligence of the Spaniards, and amount 528,545. of provisions supplied to it by Lord Clergy, proposed return of to their pa Wellington (20 March, 1812), 669. rishes (6 April, 1811), vii. 433. Ciudad Rodrigo, impossibility of the ene , advantages of land being in the my making any impression on, with a hands of (17 Oct., 1812), ix. 501. determined garrison of 3000 men (24 , war of the Cortes against the (28 March, 1812), ix. 9, 10; apprehended and30/«ne, 1813),x. 472,477; clergy loss of the place by Spanish " Maiiana" of Spain, fatal consequences of having (4 April, 1812), 29 ; blockaded by the them against the British army (2 French (11 April, 1812), 53; place July, 1813), 491. must be destroyed if the Spanish go Clerks, wives and children of, rations vernment will not garrison it, 54 ; to (12 Sept., 1809), v. 143. would have been lost but for Lord Cbmate and service, proof of the advan Wellington's return (26 April, 1812), tage of troops being inured to (27 87; apathy of the Spaniards in the Nov., 1811), viii. 426. works (27 and 28 April, 1812), 93,95; Clinton, Captain Lord, brings home the provisions lodged in (29 April, 1812), account of the battle of Salamanca 97 ; impediments to the movement into (24 July, 1812), ix. 299. Andalusia from the neglect of provi , ground of his receiving two steps sioning, 98 ; mutiny of the ganison (3 of promotion at once (4 Aug., 1813), and 7 May, 1812), 107, 129; notice x. 599. by Lord Wellington, that if not pro Clinton, General W., commands at Ali perly garrisoned by the Spanish go cante, and force of Suchet near him vernment he will destroy it (3 May, (7 Nov., 1812), ix. 540 ; inferiority of 1812), 108 ; dislike of the Spaniards to strength toSuchet (9 Dec, 1812), 614. stay in garrison (AMay, 1812), 114; , line of operations for the Anglo- causes of the dissatisfied temper of Sicilian army (26 Oct., 1813), xi. 221 ; the officers of the garrison (6 and 14 salt provisions on the way to him (14 May, 1812), 124, 146 ; mode in which Nov., 1813), 286 ; desirous to quit the Lord Wellington proposes to pay the command in Catalonia (25 Dec, garrison (14 May, 1812), 148 ; 1813), 397; letter to (7 Feb., 1814), neglect of the Spaniards in transport 502 ; directions for breaking up his ing to Ciudad Rodrigo the provisions army on the removal of Suchet from furnished by Lord Wellington (26 Catalonia (4 March, 1814), 544; May, 1812), 171 ; portion of the offer to, of the command of a division English aid applied to the payment in the south of France, 546 ; testimony of the garrison (28 May, 1812), 179, to his merits (19 April, 1814), 664. 180; (2 June, 1812), 203; murder of Clinton, Major General II.. observations prisoners of war by the troops, and on his proposition for a levy of men of filthy state of the city (26 Sept., inferior size and strength, to perform 1812), 451. certain duties (15 April, 1812), ix. , desertion of Spanish garrison from 58 ; conducts the operations against (2 April, 1813), x. 250. . the forts of Salamanca (18 June, , little loss occasioned in the English 1812), 239 ; conduct ofhis division at trenches by the 13,000 shells thrown the battle of Salamanca (24 July, by the French in the siege (23 Aug., 1812), 305; consequences of his not 1813), xi. 32. moving to Olmedo (25 Aug., 1812), Clarence, Duke of, letter to (27 April, 380; proposed absence (9 Dec, 1812), 1812), x. 332. 614; interference with men in hospi Clarendon, Earl of (19 Feb., 1810), v. tals (11 Dec, 1812), 622. 507, note. {See Villiers.) , Lieut. General Sir H., appointed a Clausel, General, aide de camp of taken Knight of the Bath (14 July, 1813), x. prisoner (22 Feb., 1811), vii. 280. 527 ; congratulated on receiving his ri , wounded, and takes the command band (22July, 1813),560; illnessof.ii. of the army, after the disaster of Mar ——, satisfaction with, and the 6th divi shal Marmont (28 July, 1812), ix, 320, sion on the 10th (13 Nov., 1813), xi. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FKANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 83

279, &c, and (16 Nov., 1813), 295 ; Coa, expediency of relieving the suffer night enterprise (17 and 18 Jan., ing districts on its banks (16 Sept., 1814), 460, 462; conduct of the divi 1811), viii. 289; suggestions for the sion under his command at the battle relief of the people on the (11 Oct., of Toulouse (12 April, 1814), 635. 1811), 337. Clothing and necessaries supplied to , movements of Marmont (11 April, Portugal, what quantity ought to he a 1812), ix. 51; passed, in consequence charge against its Government (29 of disobedience of orders (15 April, May, 1810), vi. 157. 1812), 57. , army, remarks on proposed alter Coast, policy and plan of operations of ations in (6 Nov., 1811), viii. 378. the French do not lead them to the , clothing for Spanish troops, requi coast (30 Oct., 1811), viii. 370. sition of (23 April, 1812), ix. 79. Cobbett (1 March, 1810), v. 542; (10 , directions for packing and sending Feb., 1813), x. 101. to the Tagus (24 Feb., 1813), x. 138 ; Cocks, Captain Hon. C. Somers (14 July for 100,000 men, when first given to 1810), vi. 267. Spain (9 Aug., 1813), 619; clothing , letter to (26 Feb., 1811), vii. 314 ; fur the army in the Peninsula, conve going home (1 March, 1811), 323. nience in sending it to Falmouth or , killed at Burgos (11 Oct.. 1812), Plymouth (10 Aug., 1813), 626. ix. 482. , when placed in store, at Lisbon, Coffee houses at Lisbon, regulation for in what manner to be replaced (28 closing at a certain hour every even Nov, 1813), xi. 331. ing (15 Aug., 1811), viii. 199. Coa, examination of the couise of (3 Coghlan, Major, 6 1 st regiment, recom Jan., 1810), v. 407; directions for mended for promotion (30 Nov., 1809), withdrawing from, if requisite (30 v. 327; his escape, note. Jan., 1810), 466 ; precautionary mea , recommendation of, for promotion sures of defence in the event of an (14 May, 1811), vii. 557. invasion by (1 March, 1810), 535; , Lieut. Colonel, killed at the battle positions to be occupied by the troops of Toulouse (12 April, 1814), xi. 635.. (8 March, 1810), 553, 554; arrange Coimbra, preparations at, to receive the ments for defence on the (11 March, British and Portuguese troops (27 1810), 566. April, 1809), iv. 277; a six days' , operations indicated on the pass depot for 30,000 men and 5000 horses age by the enemy (2 July, 1810), to be formed at (2 May, 1809), 295. vi. 239 ; orders to General Craufurd to , distance of, from Lisbon (28 retire from the other side of, after April, 1810), vi. 62 ; safe (18 Sept., having destroyed Fort Concepcion (16 1810), 452; advauce of the French July, 1810), 275 ; desire of maintain on, with a view to the resources of ing the position on a little longer, the town (20 Sept., 1810), 457 ; road and repulse of the enemy's efforts to by which the British army may be storm the bridge over (25 July, 1810), cut off from (21 Sept., 1810), 460; 293 ; posts withdrawn from (27 July, taken possession of by the enemy (3 1810), 304, 305; motives for with Oct., 1810), 482, 483; French pri drawing from (1 Auy, 1810), 315, soners taken at, by Colonel Trant (20 316 ; inutility of destroying the Oct., 1810), 527. bridges of (9 Abe., 1810) 601. , communications with, after Mas- , Lower, appearance of the enemy sena's retreat (14 March, 1811), vii. on (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 64; passage 357 ; no provisions found at. for Portu of (25 Dec, 1810), 71 ; French force guese infantry (27 March, 1811), 409. on (26 Jan., 1811), 190; retreat of. , University of, disapprove the de the French to the (25 March, 1811), mand for payment of the suppliea 399) ; crossed, 401 ; position on (2 and bedding provided for sick of the April, 1811), 425; retreat of the British army (6 Feb., 1812), viii. 596. French to the (30 March, 1811), 417; Colborne, Lieut. Colonel (Lieut. General crossed by them (31 March, 1811, Sir John), sent to the armyof Venegas 419; bridge over, at Almeida, de (28 Oct., 1809), v. 250 ; and with the stroyed (1 April, 1811), 424; position army of Areyzaga at the defeat at of the French on (2 April, 1811), Ocarla on the 19th Nov. 425 ; passage of, forced at Sabugal, , commands a brigade at the battle and losses of the French at (4 April, of Albuera (22 May, 1811), vii. 590. 1811), 428, 429; detail of affairs on , storms the redoubt of San Fran the (9 April, 1811), 443. cisco (9 Jan., 1812), viii. 540; a 2 84 INDEX.

wounded at the storming of Ciudad Colors, desertion of, names of Portu Rodrigo (20 Jan., 1812), 551. guese officers and soldiers guilty of, Colborne, Lieut. Colonel (Lieut. General to be published throughout the coun Sir John), conduct in command of a try (10 April., 1811), vii. 450. brigade in the Light division (13 Nov., Colville, Major General the Hon. C., 1813), xi. 285, &c conduct of, beyond all praise at El Cole, Major General Hon. L., to have a Bodon (29 Sept., 1811), viii. 308. See post of observation at Alfayates (27 Battles and Sieges ; also dispatches of Jan., 1810), v. 461 ; directions for his the sieges and battles, Ciudad Rodrigo, withdrawing from the Coa (30 Jan., Badajoz, Vitoria, Nivelle. 1810), 466. , reports the capture of Sir J. Hope , instructions to move (31 May and 1 (19 April, 1814), xi. 661, note. June, 1810). vi. 164, 165 ; instructions Combermere, General Viscount (3 June, to (24 June, 1810), 223 ; Memorandum 1809), iv. 385, note. {See Cotton.) for, on the surrender of Ciudud Rodrigo Commander in Chief, letter to. on the (2 July, 1810), 238 ; pencil note to, drafting of weak battalions (15 Dec from the top of the Sierra of Busaco 1813), xi. 372. (See York, Duke of.) (28 Sept., 1810), 467. Commander of the. Forces, allowance of in command of the 4th division at (24 Aug., 1812), ix. 378. the battle of Albuera (22 May, 1811), , responsible for every thing that vii. 5S8, note. passes (26 Jan., 1813), x.41. , Lieut. General, at the battle of Commander of the Spanish army, opi Salamanca (24 July, 1812), ix. 302. nion respecting the appointment to (25 , made a Knight of the Bath (7 Aug., 1809), v. 89, 90. March, 1813), x. 167 ; his conduct at Commissariat, difficulty in organizing Sorauren, and enthusiastic bravery of (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 72 ; Memorandum the 4th division (1 Aug., 1813), 578— of an arrangement for (2 May, 1809), 590; cause of his retreat in the Py 294 ; delay and failure from want of renees (4 Aug., 1813), 596. experience in (27 and 28 June, 1809), conduct at the passage of the Ni- 470, 473 ; neglect and incapacity of velle (13 Nov., 1813), xi. 279, &c ; the officers of (15 July. 1809), 511. at Orthes (1 March, 1814), 535; at , extraordinary project of one to Toulouse (12 April, 1814), 635. save thousands to the public (22 Collectors in England,mode of returning Dec, 1809), v. 388; British, grounds their balances (20 M«rcA,1813),x.2 19. of objections to throwing the civil Collier, Captain Sir G., per centage for concerns of the Portuguese army on conveying treasure (29 May, 1810), (10 March, 1810), 5S1. vi. 156. — — arrangements of the British and , requested to prevent the enemy's Portuguese armies, proposed amalga communication from Bayonne to Sa- mation of (5 May, 1810), vi. 91 ; vofia (22 April, 1813), x. 318 ; re commissariat department, reasons for quested to station a frigate off Cape the difficulty of framing a code of Finisterre (6 Feb., 1813), 360. regulations for (20 May, 1810), 129; , superiority of the French force to Memorandum on General Craufurd's (20 Aug., 1813), xi. 20; directions purposed Commissariat Regulations, to, for co-operation in the attack on 130, et seq. ; establishment of the the enemy's position on the Nivelle commissariat as settled by the Trea (1 Nov., 1813), 237 ; inefficient block sury, 131 ; a regular commissariat ade of Santoiia (30 Dec, 1813), 406. establishment quite new in the Bri Colonels of regiments, responsibility of tish service, 132; Commissary Gene- agents to (31 Jan., 1813), x. 70. • ral forbidden to give money in lieu of , extent of their responsibility for rations, to give back rations, &c, the clothing of their regiments (28 133 ; British, number of persons fed Nov., 1813), xi. 330. by (13 July, 1810), 2/2; observations Colonial produce, licence for importing on the promotion of officers of the into France refused (29 Jan. 1814), commissariat (7 Sept., 1810), 414; xi. 486. commissariat officers require encou Colonies and Spain, mediation between ragement (13 Sept., 1810), 433. (14 July, 1811), viii. 106; American, , expediency of preventing thti of mismanagement of, by Spain (2 Aug., fices in, from becoming objects of par 1811), 165; financial consequences liamentary patronage (19 Dec, 1810), of the disputes between them and the vii. 54 ; inefficiency and expense of mother country (18 Dec, 1811), 468. the regulation that prescribes promo FENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 85

tion in, after a number of years' ser Commissariat bills, origin of, (22 April, vice, 54, 55 ; prejudices of society 1812), ix. 76, 77; remarks on, 250 ; against a commissariat, and prin commissariat bills and debts, pur ciple of forming it on a civil rather chasers of, the worst enemies in the than military establishment, with Peninsula (2 Dec, 1812), 597. reference to pay and half-pay, 55, , bills, purchased at a depreciated 56 ; temporary commissariat appoint rate by merchants, michief worked ments, remarks on (16 Feb., 1311), by the system, and remedy adopted 271; British, plan for feeding the fur it (21 4pril, 1813). x. 312, 314. Portuguese army by (5 March, 1811). Commissaries of Sir J. Moore's army, by 340, 342; commissariat affairs, in whomsupplied (9 June, 1809), iv. 406. accuracy of the Portuguese transla , not considered as prisoners cf war tion of the arrangement respecting (9 Sept., 1809), v. 137 ; promotion of (21 April, 1811), 488; demands by, (22 Sept., 1809), 173; necessity of on the Portuguese Government (4 diligence and expertness of (19 Oct., June, 1814), 63!). 1809), 230, 231; English, efforts Commissariat, Memorandum for the ap made by to obtain supplies for the pointment of a board of commissariat British army (30 Oct., 1809), 252. (25 /tint, 1811), viii.48 ; commissariat , deputy, recommended increase of for supplies to the Portuguese troops, pay to (6Ocl., 1812), ix. 476. amount of demand of (17 Dec, 1811), Commissary, British, but one for provi 465. sions in the villages (20 Aug., 1809), , singular mode of giving vouchers v. 59. by (22 April, 1812), ix. 76 ; order for , Assistant, a good one not made by settling accounts before the commis a good clerk (19 Dec, 1810), vii. 54. sariat officers quit a town, 77 ; extent , duty of, to store articles in proper of the duty of a General and his staff order (4 Dec, 1812), ix. 602. with reference to the commissariat Commissary General, Memorandum for (7 July, 1812), 270, 271. the (1 Aug., 1808), iv. 57; (3 Aug., , neglect by, of the sixth division 1808), 59 ; Memoranda for, on the ex {W Aug., 1813), xi. 14. pedition into the north of Portugal Commissariat, Portuguese, absurd mode (2 May, 1809), 295; letter to (8 July, of settling their accounts (10 June, 1809), 495. 1809) iv. 409 ; Portuguese, its just , Memorandum for (12 Aug., 1809), adaptation, and management (22 June, v. 29 ; Commissary General of the 1809), 449 ; Memorandum of an ar British army, objections to his hav rangement for the Portuguese com ing the responsibility of managing missariat (10 June, 1809), 450 ; Por the Portuguese commissariat (7 Feb., tuguese, recommendation to take it 1810), 490 ; accounts to be furnished (13 Jul), 1809), 504. of sums issued to the King's ministers , duties of the Portuguese troops at Lisbon (3 March, 1810), 543; rea must be conducted by the Portuguese sons for his drawing for all money commissaries (8 May, 1810), vi. 96 ; required for the service in Portugal inexperience in the execution of the (•20 March, 1810), 580. detail of duty, 97. , Memorandum for (6 Oct., 1810), , Portuguese, impracticability of vi. 488. taking charge of (2 March, 1811), , Memorandum for (20 Nov. 1811), vii. 328; commissariat board, or viii. 406,408; Memorandum for (21 ganization of, recommended for Por Dec, 1811), 476. tugal (26 March, 1811), 404. , nature and extent of his responsi , Portuguese, causes of its mise bility (13 April, 1813), x. 288. rably inefficient state (12 June, 1811), Commission, rate of tenure of, in the viii. 5 ; remedy for its inefficiency, by British and Portuguese armies (7 an arrangement which provides for June, 1803), iv. 393 ; how regulated the expense being substracted from in the Portuguese service, 395 ; com the subsidy, 7 ; observations on the mission by the Prince, in what case plan proposed for the Portuguese com necessary (13 July, 1809), 504. missariat (3 July, 1811), 67; com , by the Prince Regent of Portugal, missariat arrangements, Portuguese, arbitrary manner in which given (25 further remarks on (8 and 9 July, Aug., 1809), v. 87, 88. 1811), 87,88, 90. from a foreign power not to be Commissariat arrangements for the Spa accepted withiut his Majesty's per nish armies (5 June, 1813), x, 419. mission (29 April, 1810), vi. 66. 8a INDEX.

Commission, in what case a gentleman gal raised by (4 Aug., 1811), viii. recommended for (12 Jan., 1811), vii. 172; Portuguese, seizure of persons 134. by (3 Oct., 1811), 320. Common Council of London, dash made Conscripts, arrival of 5000 to 7000 in upon Lord Wellington (2 Jan., 1810), Spain (7 April, 1813), x. 270. v. 403 ; probable answer which the , French, general desertion of (17 King will make to their address, March, 1814), xi. 588. 404. Conspirators, mobs are the troops of (13 Communication with the enemy, persons June, 1810), vi. 192. having to be hanged (4 and 11 Aug., Constant, Baron, letter to (31 Jan. 1810), vi. 324, 352. 1812), plunder the cause of the con by water, means to prevent (9 tinuance of the war by the French, Feb. 1811), vii. 244. and of their carrying the war beyond • with the enemy's posts, cannot their own frontiers in the early days be without orders from head quarters of their revolution, viii. 581 ; war (15 Oct., 1813), xi. 194. why a financial resource with the Communications, arrangements to faci French, 582; causes of Napoleon's litate (6 May, 1809), iv. 304, 305. extending the dominions of France — — with the Spanish ministers, rule beyond her natural boundaries, 582, for (8 Aug. 1809), v. 12, 13. 583 ; devastated condition of Spain, — — with the enemy from Lisbon (6 583; estimate of the French force, Feb., 1811), vii. 237;(8i*6.,1811),242. 584 ; calculated expense of the French Companies, Captains of, permitted to army, 585; amount of the French ride (29 Sept., 1809), v. 198. force in Spain, in 1812, 586. , officers commanding, robberies of Constitution of Spain, proclamation of by by soldiers (2 Nov., 1813), xi. 247. the Marquis of Wellington (23 Aug., Company, East India, the native army 1812), ix. 373 (12 Sept., 1812), to be theirs, if the company continue 422. to be sovereign of the territory (12 , Spanish, its impracticabilty and March, 1812), viii. 657. follies (27 Jan., 1813), x. 53,54; pro Complaint, to encourage it (20 posed alteration in, so as to connect March, 1811), vii. 382. the legislative assembly with the exe , Portuguese, specimen of the cha cutive government, 55 ; besotted con racter of one (9 Dec, 1812), ix. 615. duct of the Government at Cadiz as Concepcion, Fort, ordnance for (27 and to (29 June, 1813), 474. 28 Mat,, 1810), vi. 148, 151; works at, , Spanish, its defects (3 Feb., 1814), 149 ; instructions for the officer com xi. 496. manding the troops destined to oc of Buonaparte, de cupy, 150 ; artillerymen to be sent to fined (13 May, 1810), vi. 111. 153 ; inutility of holding (19 June, Contractors, English, dishonesty of (11 1810),203; fort to be blown up (22 and May, 1813), x. 373. 24 June, 1810), 220,222; instructions Contribution, heavy, levied by the for destroying La Concepcion when French (23 May, 1810), vi. 146. necessary (16 July, 1810), 275 ; left , extraordinary, by the French in in the situation in which first found Spain (28 Aug., 1811), viii. 237. (25 July, 1810), 293. Convalescent dep6t, arrangemeut for (1 Conciso newspaper, remarks on a state Feb., 1811), vii. 217. ment in (23 Feb., 1813), x. 133. depots at Lisbon, proposal for Confederation of the Rhine, end of (30 field officers to take charge of (7 Oct., 1813), xi. 229, 234. Sept., 18 11), viii. 263. Confinement, length of, in what cases Convenio, the term explained (30 Aug., to be a ground of recommendation 1813), xi. 51,55. by a general court martial (15 Sept., Convention, proposed basis for a (23 1810), vi. 444. Aug., 1808), iv. 120, and note. Congreve rockets, request of to be sent of Cintra (30 Aug., 1808), iv. with some seamen to General Fane 127. (1 and 3 Nov., 1810), vi. 577; Lord . of Toulouse (18 April, 1814), xi. Wellington's bad opinion of them, an 653. imitation of those in the East Indies Cooke, Major General, approbation of (6 Nov., 1810), 591. his conduct by the Prince Regent (25 Conscription of the Portuguese army Zfcc,1811),viii. 485; affairs at Tarifa (25;%., 1809), v. 88. (29 Dec, 1811), (21 Jan., 1812), 561, , the whole military force of Portu note, et sea. ; order to, to relieve the PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 87

troops at Tarifa (14 March, 1812), in America, for bills on England, 665. 343. Cooke, Major General, member of a j unta Corporal punishment, not extending to of Generals (30 March, 1812), ix. 20; life or limb, for what crimes to be in ordered to occupy Tarifa (9 April, flicted by the Mutiny Act (18 Feb., 18 1 2), 49 ; account of the works at Ta 1811), vii. 273. rifa ordered (16 April, 1812), 59; pay Corporal, pay of (10 June, 1812), ix. bf commanding officer at Tarifa, 60 ; 226. extravagant expenditure at Cadiz (1 Corps, French, organization of (2 May, June, 1812), 193; improvements of the 1810), vi. 81 ; effective strength of the works at Tarifa, and mode in which battalions of French corps (18 July, the soldiers should be paid according 1810), 279; (19 May, 1810), 283. to the work performed, 195 ; plan for , number of, brought against Lord attacking the blockading troops be Wellington (21 and 23 Dec, 1810), fore Cadiz (16 Aug., 1812), 360; to vii. 58, 66. operate with heavy artillery (20 Aug., Correspondence with the enemy, how 1812), 371; troops to be withdrawn managed (6 Feb., 1811), vii. 237 ; per from Tarifa, and those to be embarked sons at Lisbon, by whom conducted or to march through the country (9 (8 Feb., 1811), 242; correspondence of Sept., 1812), 414. officers with their friends, injustice ,„ , to obtain General Vasquez' consent and impossibility of preventing (16 for the relief of troops at Cadiz March, 1811), 369. (6 April, 1813), x.258 ; to send orders , suggestions for confining corre for the embarkation of troops for spondence to one channel (1 June. Alicante, 159 ; goes to England (21 1812), ix. 198. , correspondence of inferiors through April, 1813), 308. Cooking of food, superior celerity of the superiors, object of (14 Nov., 1813), French in (28 Nov., 1812), ix. 584. xi. 291. Copenhagen, expedition against (1807), Correspondents, Spanish and Portu iv. 2 ; articles of capitulation, 5. guese, on the frontier (6 May, 1809), Cork, expedition assembled at (June, iv. 304. 1808), iv. 10. . , , errors to be corrected by corre Corn, importation of, from Algiers mto spondents (I Jan., 1811), vi. 95. Lisbon (4 Nov., 1810), vi. 584. Corsica, inexpediency of an attack on , attention to importations of, re (7 Feb., 1814), xi. 503. quisite (6 Feb., 1811), vii. 236. Cortes, wish by the junta of Galicia to , expedient to obtain a store of unite in a general, and advantages (31 Aug., 1811), viii. 251; improper of separate juntas (21 July, 1808), use of corn sacks (9 Oct.. 1811), 328, iv. 39. 329 ; deficiency of the crops of corn , fears from the assembling of (22 in Great Britain in 1811, and expe Sept., 1809;, v. 172. diency of procuring supplies of in becoming a National Assembly Ireland (17 Dec, 1811), 463; from (21 Oct., 1810), vi. 530; probable America and Africa, 464. course of its proceedings (4 Nov., , information communicated to sel 1810), 587. lers of, by which to regulate their , national boasting and indolence sales (bAug., 1812), ix. 344; licences of the Cortes (2 Dec, 1810), vii. 25; given to American ships to import mischievous character of their pro (4 Sept., 1812), 395; purchase of in ceedings (13 Dec, 1810), 44, 45 ; con EgyP4 (14 0ct., 1812), 489; mode of duct to the late Regency (31 Dec, paying duties on (26 Nov., 1812), 578. 1810), 90 ; total neglect by, in rais , remission of duties on, in what ing, disciplining, paymg, or supporting case to be applied for (13 Jan., 1813), an army (26 Jan., 1811), 193. x. 29 ; proceedings to be adopted, on , unpopularity of, and absurdity of a refusal of remission by the Portu their decrees (1 Nov., 1812), ix. 530 ; guese government, 30; in Egypt, indiscreet decree of (25 Nov., 1812), desirableness of obtaining by barter 676. for military stores (6 Feb., 1813), 92 ; , the Marquis of Wellington's speech obtained by money, 92, 93 ; advan in (30 Dec, 1812), x. 14; constitution tage to the military chest from the formed by, characterized (25 Jan., purchase and sale of (3 May, 1813), 1813), 53, 54; plan by the enemy of 343 ; purchases of in Brazil and Egypt, assembling (3 March, 1813), 162; on what founded, 344 ; purchases of conduct on the change of the Re 88 INDEX.

gency (15 March, 1813), 195 ; revolu Courts Martial, causes of the difficulty tionary conduct of, at Cadiz (21 April, of collecting a Court Martial (4 Aug., 1813), 310; probability of a Town 1811), viii. 169. Cortes and Country Cortes (4 May, , nature of the return of courts mar 1813), 348; composition of the new tial (31 July, 1812), ix. 322. Cortes, 349; war against the clergy — — , difficulty of collecting witnesses QMJunc, 1813), 472. for (26 Jan., 1813), x. 38 ; suggested Cortes, democratical principles and mea improvements in the mode of holding sures of (5 Sept., 1813), xi. 90 ; delay (10 Feb., 1813), 107; unwillingness of of, in respect to the resignation (23 Portuguese magistrates to attend as Oct., 1813), 216. witnesses (22 Feb., 1813), 131 ; irre Coruna, General Wellesley's intention gular proceedings in a court martial to proceed to (7 and 8 July, 1 808), iv. (16 March, 1813), 196, 197 ; obser 24, 25 : arrival at, and dispatches vations on the clause for receiving from (21 July, 1808), 35 ; battle of, on written testimony (16 March, 1813), the 16th January, 1809, and death of 200 ; remedy required for the refusal Sir John Moore, 260 ; evacuated by of Portuguese magistrates to attend the French (1 and 17 July, 1809), to give evidence at, 201 ; proceed 486,519. ings returned for the insertion of — — , Coruna and Tagus, request to se the names of members (20 March, cure maritime communication between 1813), 217 ; reasons forpassing a "le (6 May, 1813), x. 361; arrangement nient sentence'' to be omitted from the for the supply of the prisoners of war sentence of one (29 March, 1813),241; at Coruna (5 May, 1813), 379; de Regimental, injury to the prisoner, by tention at of 100.000 dollars for want a postponement of the sentence (11 of a ship of war to carry them (20 April, 1813), 279; General, mischief July, 1813), 558 ; vessels waiting at, produced from recommendatious by for convoy (22 July, 1813), 562. (22 April, 1813), 315. Cotton, Admiral Sir Charles, Bart., let , habit of. in recommending pri ter to (30 July, 1808), iv. 50; letter to soners to mercy (18 Aug., 1813), (\Aug., 1808), 61. xi. 10. Cotton, Major General (General Vis Court Martial, Portuguese, how con count Cumbermere), letters to (3 June, ducted (6 May, 1810), vi. 94 ; defective 1809), iv. 385; Sir A. Wellesley's proceedings of (28 Oct., 1810), 557. wish that he should be made Lieut. bound to receive the written testi General in the Peninsula (23 June, mony forwarded to them by a magis 1809), 461. trate (15 March, 1813), x. 192. , Lieut. General Sir S., next in Cox, Lieut. Colonel, application from command after Sir Thomas Graham (20 Oct., 1809), v. 240; staff pay of, (3 June, 1812), ix. 206; wounded recommended to be made equal to that by a sentry at Salamanca (23 July, of a Brigadier General in the British 1812), 299; opinion of his supe service (20 Nov., 1809), 301 ; the king rior merit in the command of the consents respecting his rank (27 Nov., cavalry, and anxiety that a mark 1&09), 314; letter to (25 Jan., 1810), of Royal favor may be conferred on 451. him (24 July, 1812), 308; nature of , Brig. General (1 April, 1810), vi. his wound (25 July, 1812), 311 ; re 1, et seq. ; observations on his letter to ceives the Order of the Bath (7 Sept., Marshal Beresford, respecting coin- 1812), 396. plaints of the Portuguese (14 May, Council of State, its defects, and proposed 1810), 113, 114: Memorandum fur, improvement (29 Jan., 1813), x. 65. for Fort Concepcion (27 May, 1810), Councils of War, discontinuance of (26 148 ; three sentences to be telegraphed Jan., 1813), x. 41. to him (5 Aug., 1810), 331 ; communi Courier, expense of sending avoided cation to be made to him, for prepar when possible (30 Aug., 1809), v. 96. ing upright telegraphs (20 Aug. ,1810), , French, difficulties experienced 371; probable obstinate defence of by in Spain (4 March, 1812), viii. 649. Almeida by him, 374; Almeida in Courts Martial, General, on a foreign possession of the enemy (27 Aug., station, the Duke of York's observa 1810), 383, 385; number of rations tions on (UJune, 1808), iv. 11, 12; which he hat!, and which will enable Court Martial, Regimental or Detach the enemy to iuvade Portugal (28 ment, its inefficiency as a control Aug., 1810), 387 ; particulars of the upon the soldiers (17 June, 1809), 433. surrender (29 Aug., 1810), 390 ; re PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE.— VOLS. IV. TO XI. 89

potted loss of his arm, 393 ; his brave 303; repulse of the enemy in their conduct (31 Aug. 1810), 396 ; (1 Sept., three efforts to storm the bridge over 1810) 400; impossibility of his conti the Coa (25 and 27 July, 1810), 293, nuing the defence after the accident 295, note, 303 ; defeats Loison's attack (5 Sept., 1810), 404; money sent to at Busaco (30 Sept., 1810), 473; in him for the officers (7 Sept., 1810), structions for him at Anuria, and the 411. defence of the pass of Matos (11 Oct., Cradock, Lieut. General Sir John (now 1810), 502, 503 ; Memorandum for (23 General Lord Howden), appointed to Oct., 1810), 531 ; reinforcement of his the command of the remaining forces division (12 Nov., 1810), 614 ; French in Portugal (1809), iv. 260; letter to account of his defeat of Loison at (23 April, 1809), 266. Busaco, 615. , day on which he gave the com Craufurd, Brig. General R, (1 Dec, mand to Sir A. Wellesley (9 Dec, 1810), vii. 20; objections to his going 1809), v. 348. home upon leave (9 Dec, 1810), 39 ; Craufurd, Brig. General Catlin, com leave to go home (26 and 28 Jan., mands a brigade at the battle of Vi- 1811), 190, 198. meiro (21 Aug., 1808), iv. 108-112. , Major General R., instructions for .death of, by fever (30 Nov., 1810), (14 Aug., 1811), viii. 191; wounded vii. 14. at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo Craufurd, Mrs. Catlin, application of, for (20 Jan., 1812), 551 ; his death, and someprovision (30 Nov., 1810), vii. 14. funeral (29 Jan., 1812), 576 ; tribute Craufurd, Colonel R. (Brig. General), to his memory, 577. strength and junction of his brigade Credit of the Portuguese government, (27 and 28 June, 1809), iv. 470, 471 ; mode of re-establishing it (29 Oct., arrival of, letter to (1 July, 1809), 479. 1811), viii. 364; consequence of a loss , letter to (8 Aug., 1809), v. 1 ; of credit in the enhancement of prices, letter to (9 Aug., 1809), 19; on the 3G8. proposition of exchanging the iron Crimes, measures taken to prevent (6 camp kettles for tin, afterwards April, 1810), vi. 18, 19. adopted, and permitting captains Criminal outrages, general rule of pro of companies to ride on the march, ceeding in cases of, required (9 July, (29 Sept., 1809), 197, 198; directions 1809), iv. 502. to, in withdrawing from the Coa (31 Crisis, approaching, of the Portuguese Jan., 1810, and 4 Feb., 1810), 473, affairs (26 Jan. and 15 Feb., 1811) 486 ; Memorandum for (1 1 March, vii. 192,264. 1810), 565. Croaking, disgraceful, in the army (8 , (4 and 5 April, 1810), vi. 12, 13; Sept.. 1810), vi. 417. command of outposts (9, 15,20 April, Croft, Mr. (Sir John), on his way to 1810), 28, 37, 51 ; removal to Viseu, distribute the Parliamentary bounty, (17 April, 1810), 42; inexpediency orders for his reception (6 March, of his proposed expedition (20 April, 1812), viii. 652,653. 1810), 50; protection of the Spaniards Cross, sign of, made by the soldiers to their own concern (23 April, 1810), induce people of the country to give 51; remarks on his proposed regula them wine (8 Sept.. 1809), v. 135. tion for the Commissariat Department Crown, proposed nomination by, of the (20 May, 1810), 129; Memorandum governors and commanders in chief on them, 130, etseq.; Memorandum at all the settlements in the East for (28 May, 1810), 149; Commis Indies (12 March, 1812), viii. 657. sariat discussions (29 May, 1810), Crown lands, arguments against the 155; measures for his retreat upon sale of (17 Oct., 1812), ix. 499. Almeida (19 June, 1810), 203; Me Crown estates in Spain, from which a morandum for, in the event of the tenth is paid, rents of received in surrender of Ciudad Rodrigo (22 and kind, and handed over to the British 24 June, 1810), 220, 222; danger of commissariat (25 Nov., 1812), ix. 577. risking his corps (28 June, 1810), Cruzado, new, for how much current 230; Memorandum for, on the sur (25 June, 1812), ix. 250. render of Ciudad Rodrigo (2 July, Cuesta, General Don Gregorio, victory 1810), 238; fall of Ciudad Rodrigo, of (25 July, 1808), iv. 43 ; amount of (1 1 July, 1810),259; patrole of cavalry his force, and operations (ot (2

observations on his letter to Don An 553 ; request to, to obtain carts to re tonio Cornel (20 May, 1809), 348, move the hospital at Talavera (3 Aug., 349; letter to, from Sir A. VVellesley 1809), 555; recommendation to send (22 May, 1809), 353; letter to, an his heavy artillery through the moun nouncing the mission of Colonel tains (7 Aug., 1809), 564. Bourke, and Colonel Hon. H, Cado- Cuesta. General Don Gregorio, answer to gan (30 May, 1809), 371 ; advance his proposition to move half the army of his army to the Guadiana (7 June, to the rear to oppose the enemy 1809*1, 398; proposed co-operation (8 Aug., 1809), v. 5; safety of the with (8 June, 1809), 399 ; recommenda British army, if Cuesta had occupied tion to, to avoid a general action with Bauos as it ought to have been, 8 ; the enemy (12 June, 1809), 417; ar amount of his army which crossed the rangements for the proposed co-ope Tagus, although he had lost but 500 ration with (13 June, 1809), 420, et men in action with the enemy, 12; seq.; consequences of the obstinacy of (21 Aug., 1809), 73; disaster to his the old gentleman, 422 ; remarks on troops at Arzobispo (9 Aug., 1809), his conduct, in a letter to Lord Castle- 18; letter to (10 Aug., 1809), 21; reagh (17 June, 1809), 430; takes crosses the Ibor, 21, 22; his refusal possession of Merida, and crosses the to give draught mules after the battle Guadiana at Medellin, 431 ; posi of Talavera, 22; great loss of artil tion for him in the movement of the lery, 23; retort of his complaint of British army towards the Spanish the British troops plundering (1 1 Aug., frontier (1 July, 1809), 480; crosses 1809), 24 ; satisfactory answers re the Tagus at Almaraz (1 July, 1809), quired from, as to the provisioning 487 ; recommended to throw a bridge the British troops, 25; letter to (12 over the Tagus, below theTietar, ib.; Aug., 1809), 29; want of good will to reasons for recommending a defensive the British, 32 ; letter to, on the neg system for the Spanish armies on the lect and ill treatment of the British frontiers of Andalusia (3 July, 1809), army (13 Aug., 1809), 32, 34; falla 489 ; called upon to occupy the Puerto cious plan of dividing between the de Banos, and the Puerto de Perales two armies all the provisions received (9 July, 1809), 501; large detach atTruxillo, 34 ; has a paralytic stroke, ment of British troops on Avila de his movements, and resignation (14 clined (13 July, 1809), 505, 506; and 21 Aug., 1809), 42, 69; his army confidence of the army in Cuesta, lost 10,000 men since it crossed the 506; declines speaking French, ib.; Tagus (21 Aug., 1809), 73; had he amount of the army under, and state held the post at Talavera, according of their discipline and clothing (15 to agreement, Sir A. Wellesley would July, 1809), 513; pass of BaSos oc have been able to remove his hospital cupied by (17 July, 1809), 518 ; ac- (30 Oct., 1809), 260. quainted with the passage of the , reward for French soldiers brought Alberche, by divisions of the British in prisoners (29 April and 1 May, army, and announcement of its being 1810), vi. 67, 79. his understood intention to cross Currycombs and brushes, measures for simultaneously with the British (23 supplying (1 Dec, 1812), ix. 589. July, 1809), 522 ; advancing upon Sta. Curtis, Rev. Dr., Rector of the Irish Col Olalla, and probability of his being lege at Salamanca, request to see him in a scrape (24 July, 1809), 523 ; in (26 Jan., 1813), x. 36 ; letters to (2 utility of any movement to his assist Feb., 1813), 74; recommended to the ance, 525 ; his impracticable character, Regency (22 Feb., 1813), 130. its consequences, and change of opi Curzon, Ensign (Hon. William), (20 nion in his army concerning him, 526 ; Aug., 1808), iv. 107; killed at Water caution to direct his army towards loo, ib., note. Toledo (25 July, 1809), 529 ; deter Customs, Portuguese, proposed reforms mination to support him (26 July, in (5 Jan., 1811), vii. 108; frauds 1809), 531; urged to detach towards committed in (15 Feb., 1811), 263. the pass of Bauos a division of infan Custom house, Lisbon, necessity of reform try, with its guns QllJuly, 1809), 546; of abuses in (12 Feb., 1812), viii. his being exposed to be attacked by 605. the enemy when alone, his own fault, , proposed reform in, ix. 212, 213. not Sir A. Wellesley's, 548; impossi- Cutting tools, superiority of the French, hility of managing him, from his bad (11 Feb., 1812), viii. 602. temper and disposition (l Aug., 1809), PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 91

D. ning away at the (8 Aug., 1809), v. 12 ; (24 Aug., 1809), 80. Dalhousie, Lieut. General the Earl of, Dedication of a work to Lord Welling letter to (4 Dec, 1812), ix. 601. ton, in what case to be formally sanc , conduct at the battle of Vitoria tioned (6 Jan., 1810), v. 414. (22 June, 1813), x. 450, et seq.; in Defence, plan of operation of, recom structions for a strict blockade of mended for the Spanish nation (8 Pamplona (2 July,\ 813), 489 ; conduct Aug., 1809), v. 12. in the Pyrenees (1 Aug., 1813), 583. Defensive operations for the allies, ne , at the Bidasoa(2 Sept., 1813), xi. cessity of (15 Oct., 1809), v. 224. 68 ; receives the Order of the Bath Delay, Spanish, extraordinary instances (23 Sept., 1813), 131 ; letter to (16 of (23 Aug., 1812), ix. 373. March, 1814), 583. Democracy of Cadiz, recommendation Dalmatie, Due de. (See Soult, Marshal.) to keep clear of (5 Sept., 1813),xi. 91. Dalrymple, Lieut. General Sir Hew, ap Democratical character, unfortunately pomted to the command of a division given to the proceedings of the people of the army on a particular service ofthe Peninsula (iAug., 1810),vi.328. (15 July, 1808). iv. 30, 31, note; Democratic principles, the adoption of, (20 July, 1808), 33; letter to (8 Aug., the natural course of all popular as 1808), 73; arrives, and takes the semblies (4 Nov., 1810), vi. 587. command of the army (25 and 26 Democratical party of Spain, intention Aug., 1808), 119, 125. of giving it a shake (7 Aug., 1813), Danes, cede Norway, and employed x. 612. against Davoust (17 Jan., 1814), xi. Democratical system of the Cortes (23 460. Oct., 1813), xi. 216. Danish ships at Oporto, not to be lost Denmark. (See Copenhagen.) hold of, till legal opinion be taken Deserters from the enemy, encourage respecting (12 Sept., 1809), v. 144; ment given to (31 March, 1811), vii. permitted to sail, taking security in 424. case they should be deemed prizes Detachment of 40 men to be sent under (3 Jan., 1810), 405. an officer (10 Feb., 1813), x. 107. , non interference by Lord Wel Detachment courts martial, observa lington in the disposal of (24 April, tions on the new bill for holding (13 1810), vi. 58. April, 1813), x. 291. Dastardly conduct of the Spanish troops, Dickson, Major (Major General Sir to what attributed (26 Jan., 1811), Alexander) (25 July, 1811), viii. 151 ; vii. 195. his merits (26 July, 1811), 152; (8 De Lancey, Colonel, Assistant Quarter April, 1812), ix. 47. Master General, mortally wounded at Dillon, Commissary, report of the good Waterloo (19 Oct., 1809), v. 230. treatment of the wounded at Talavera , Lieut. Colonel, application of for a (21 and 22 Aug., 1809), v. 69, 74. medal (1 and 11 Dec, 1810), vii. 20,40. Diplomatic matters, mode of settling by , chief of the Quarter Master Ge Ministers at courts (14 Dec, 1811), neral's department at the battle of viii. 459. Salamanca (24 July, 1812), ix. 306 ; Discipline, bad state of in the army (and see other battles, Vitoria, San (17 June, 1809), iv. 432; defect of Sebastian, Nivelle, Nive, &c. ;) Co the law to maintain it, 433 ; sugges lonel, letter to (14 Dec, 1812), 627. tions for enforcing it, 434. De Sousa, Coutinho, Dom Domingos , properly so called, not that which (Conde de Funchal), letter to (13 is required by the Spanish and Por April, 1809), iv. 263. tuguese armies (8 Sept., 1809), v. 133. De Sousa (Conde de Villa Real), (19 , strict, of the British army, the Aug., 1809), v. 54. cause of the tendency of foreign re Dead, loss of the army in (2 Jan., 1810), cruits to desert (23 April, 1811), vii. v. 404. 497. Debate in Parliament, and a debate in of an army, its effects on the the newspapers, difference between soldier (29 Aug., 1811), viii. 245; (11 Oct., 1813), xi. 184. discipline of the army in the East Debts of the British army, amount of Indies, the Court of Directors to be (30 May, 1809), iv. 373, 374. prevented from interfering with (12 Decima, observations on the remission March, 1812), 658. of (23 Sept., 1811), viii. 299. , mechanical, of soldiers, essential Decimation of Spanish troops, for run to the formation of an army (14 92 INDEX.

May, 1812), ix. 147; English, su D'lvernois, Sir Francis, observations on periority of not admitted by the his buok " Offrandes a Buonaparte," Spaniards (17 Oct., 1812), 496 ; want (31 Jan., 1812), viii. 581. (See Con of, in the Galician troops (1 Dec, stant.) 1812), 528; extraordinary relaxation , financial ruin caused by Buona of in the British army, m the cam parte, and reasons for the difficulty in paign of 1812, and means of restoring obtaining specie for aiding the allies it (28 Nov., 1812), 582. (14 Nov., 1813), xi. 290. Discipline, mode of restoring, indicated Divisions and Brigades, letter to Offi (10 Feb., 1813),x. 106, 107; measures cers commanding, on going into can for restoring in the Spanish armies (27 tonments (28 Nov., 1812), ix. 582. Feb., 1813), 150,151; fatal relaxation Dobbs, Captain (1 May, 1811), vii. 515 ; of after the battle of Vitoria (2 July, ib., note. 1813), 496; if meaning habits of obe , killed at Ciudad Rodrigo (22 Jan. dience as well as military instruction, 1812), viii. 557, note. but little of it in the army (18 July, Dollars, proposal for supplying the army 1813), 539. with (29 Oct., 1810), vi. 5b0. Disembarkation, Memorandum for (29 , received at the exchange of. July, 1808), iv. 48. 5j. 8d. the dollar (2 April, 1812), ix. Disgrace, punishment of Spanish troops 26; four millions of, carried away by (SAug., 1809), v. 12. from Gibraltar (18 Aug., 1812), 370 ; Dismissal of officers, power of in all rate at which paid to the troops (29 armies independent of cashiering by Oct., 1812), 522; Mint price of the trial (25 .Dec, 1812), x. 2. dollar, and value in Portuguese reis Dismounting cavalry, rule for (7 Oct., (25 Nov., 1812), 575. 1811), viii. 326. , rate at which issued (25 Feb., Disobedience of orders, failure at Burgos 1813), x. 143; proposed rate of issue from (23 Nov., 1812), ix. 573, 574. in Spain, 144. Disorganization of troops produced by Dona Maria, movement of the enemy loose, desultory operations (23 June, on (1 Aug., 1813), x. 575; affair at 1809), iv. 457, 458. (1 Aug., 1813), 585. Dispatches, written by Sir A. Wellesley Donkiu, Colonel (Lieut. General Sir without making a draft (2 May, Eufane), letter to (16 June, 1809), iv. 1809), iv. 292. 427 and note ; commands a brigade at , invariable practice to send them the battle of Talavera (29 July, 1809), home by an aide de camp (25 March, 534. 1811), vii. 401. Dos Casas, position taken up on by the , marking passages in, not to be allied army (9 April, 1811), vii. 447. published (10 Jan., 1813), x. 28. Douglas, Major (Major General Sir Dissatisfaction, its generating character James), communication from a French (30 May, 1809), iv. 370. officer (27 April, 1809), iv. 273. — in the French army (29 April, , conduct of the brigade under his 1810), vi. 67. command at Busaco (30 Sept., 1810), Distress, frightful, in the Portuguese vi. 473. army (26 Jan., 1811), vii. 192; worse , Colonel, at Toulouse (12 April, of the Spanish, 193. 1814), xi. 636. Distressed Portuguese, mode of reliev Douglas, Colonel Sir Howard, recom ing, indicated (11 Oct., 1811), viii. mendation of to General Abadia (20 338 ; money sent for, and obstacles to Aug., 1811), viii. 209. its just distribution (8 Dec, 1811), 444. , disposal of arms (28 April, 1812), Districts in front of Lisbon, distribution ix. 94 ; expediency of his abstaining of troops for (6 Oct., 1810), vi. 488, from making remonstrances on the 489. detachment of troops from Galicia to Disturbances in Ireland, grounds for America (fi May, 1812), 115. their1808),iv?22. frequent exaggeration hh K(7 July, " (Sir H. Douglas acted under orders re ceived direct from the Secretary of Disturbing the peace and harmony State. See Note prefixed to the first among the officers of the 5th bat paye of vol. ix.) talion, 60th regiment, Lieut. put Douro, measures for preventing the in arrest for (13 Dec. 1809), v. 368. French from crossing (7 May, 1809), Disunion among the allies, satisfaction iv. 308, 309 ; passage of, by Sir A. of the enemy at any prospect of (5 Wellesley (12 May, 1809), 322. March, 1811), vii. 341. , measures for rendering it navi PKNINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 93

gable (29 Nov., 1811), viii. 429. (See in, by whom published (22 AW., Duero.) 1813), 313. Downie, Mr. (afterwards Sir John), his Duero, position of Marmont on (14 character, and death (11 June, 1809), July, 1812), ix. 284 ; crossed (16 iv. 4 1 3, and note ; observations on his July, 1812), 293 ; passage of (29 Oct., conduct (25 June, 1809), 463. 1812), 521. , Colonel, Spanish legion to be — , crossed by the French (2 June, raised by (15 Dec, 1810), vii. 47. 1813). x. 411. , 2000 stands of arms to be forwarded Dumouriez, General, letter to, discoura for his Estremadura legion (20 Aug , ging prospect of an offensive war, and 1811), viii. 209; success against his wish to see him (28 Aug., 1811), viii. legion (28 Aug, 181 1), 237; character 238. of, as an officer (1 Oct., 1811), 313, — , political and military advantages of 315. taking Madrid (1 3 Sept., 1812), ix. 424. Doyle, General, proposed mission of , letter to, Due d'Oileans (3 Feb., into Catalonia (19 Nov., 1809), v. 295. 1813),x. 79. Drafting dragoon horses (13 Oct., 1809), , retreat of Soult by the Bidasoa, v. 223. xi. 7. of horses from one regiment Dundas, Sir David, president of the into another (2 Feb., 1813), x. 76, Court of Inquiry on the Convention 77 ; drafting of men and horses of Cintra (AW., 1808), iv. 166; dis from hussars (5 Feb., 1813), 89, 90; patch to (7 June, 1809), number of drafting horses, regiments in which officers receiving one step of British to take place (10 Feb., 1813), 103; promotion, who are permitted to serve drafting regiments of cavalry, opposi with the Portuguese troops, 393. tion made to (17 March, 1813), 202 ; Dupont, General (15 July, 1808), iv. drafting of horses, cause of delay in 28; said to be taken prisoner (21 (24 March, 1813), 228 ; drafting horses July, 1808), 37 ; defeated by Castafus from regiments, order for (6 and 7 (30 July, and 1 Aug., 1808), 50, 56. April, 1813), 257, 268. D'Urban, Major General Sir B. (20 Dragoons, 1 st, fine condition of (1 1 Oct., Nov., 1809), v. 299, note. 1809), v. 215. , his services at the battle of Al- , unfitness of dragoons for much buera (18 May, 1811), vii. 592. service in the first season after their , flight of Portuguese cavalry (13 arrival , remarks (8 AW., on their 1810), disorder vi. 596. in action Aug., 1812), ix. 351. Dysentery, prevalence of among the (30 , worthlessness March, 1811), of, vii. when 412. their horses officers and soldiers, from their priva tions (21 Aug., 1809), v. 71, 72. and accoutrements are neglected (9 Nov., 1811), viii. 395. Dresden, repulse of the allies at (19 K. Sept., 1813), xi. 124. Drill, its ohject described (14 May, 1812), Eagles, French, of the 39th regiment, ix. 147. found in the Ceira (4 July, 1811), viii. Drivers, enormous number of baggage 78. horses, &c, attached to officers of (27 and colors taken at Salamanca Sept., 1812), ix. 454. (24 July, 1812),ix.307; Eagles of the Drouet, General, march of his division 13th and 15th French regiments found within the Spanish frontier (13 Sept., in the Retire (15 Aug., 1812), 359. 1810), vi. 438. , colors and baton taken at Vi- Drunken party, honorable acquittal of toria (22 June, 1813), x. 452. a person concerned in (20 March, taken at San Sebastian (1 Sept., 1810), x. 217. 1813), xi. 66; of the 52nd French quarrel, outrage from (22 Aug., regiment taken in Pamplona, request 1813), xi. 31. that they may be laid before the Duende, The (9 Oct., 1813), xi. 171, Regency (14 Nov., 1813), 289. note; libel in, if published in Eng Ease, unconquerable love of, in tha land the printer will be prosecuted people of Portugal (3 Jan., 1811), vii. (11 Oct., 1813), 185; libel in, re 102 ; its consequences depicted (8 specting San Sebastian (30 Oct., Jan., 1811), 121. 1813), 232; proposed prosecution of Eastern coait of Spain, expediency of (2 Nov., 1813), 217; acquitted for having a squadron of men of war and the libel (18 Nov., 1813), 298; libels victuallers there(8^., 1810), vi. 340. 94 INDEX.

Eastern coast of Spain, objects on, most El Bodon, gallant affair of (29 Sept., advisable to attack (20 March, 1812), 1811), viii. 305. ix. 3 ; eligible places for operations . medals mot granted for (13 May, against (24 March, 1812), 5 ; utility of 1812), ix. 144, note. , some diversion there in favor of Lord Eldon, Lord, letters to (25 May, 1811), Wellington (11 and 16 April, 1812), vii. 609 ; (25 Julv, 1811), viii. 149; 55, 60 ; proposed plans of ope (21 March, 1813),*x. 221. rations on (1 July, 1812), 265 ; Elley, Lieut. Colonel (Lieut. General Sir utility of an expedition to, proved John), (31 May, 1809), iv. 377. (28 July, 1812), 319; remarks on , Colonel, application of, for a 's opinion that the Spanish medal (1 and 11 Dec, 1810), vii. 20, cause would derive no real aid from 40. the expedition (3 Aug., 1812), 329 ; , claim of promotion (28 July, advantages of the expedition indi 1812), ix. 317; wounded in a bayonet cated by Lord Wellington, 330 ; land charge (7 Sept., 1812) 403. ing of General Maitland at Alicante Ellis, Colonel (20 May, 1811), vii. 576; (15 Aug., 1812), 360. killed at Waterloo, ib. note. , directions for striking a blow on, Elvas, a fortress of the second order against the French (4 Jan., 1813), x. (1808),iv. 198; a detachment of the 20; operations on (29 March, 1813), garrison of, directed to take the field 212, 243 ; Eastern Coast of the Penin (29 April, 1809), 283; amount of its sula, Memorandum on the operations garrison (7 May, 1809), 312. to be carried on (14 April, 1813), 297. , movement of the British army to , little good effected on the eastern wards (19 and 21 Aug., 1809), v. 54, coast by the Sicilian troops (11 Nov., 62 ; removal of the hospital from (20 1813), xi. 275. Feb., 1810), 509. Ebro, the French will defend it as long , firmness and ability of the go as they can (21 June, 1809), iv. 444. vernor (18 Sept., 1810), vi. 451. , Spanish provinces north of, an , supply of powder for (14 Feb., nexed to France (30 Jan.,\8 11), vii. 209. 1811), vii. 260 ; ordnance and powder « , passage of by the allied army (17 sent to (30 March, 1811), 413 ; boats and 19 June, 1813), x. 442, 444; impo in, 414 ; debts incurred at, directed licy of allowing France to make it the to be settled (6 April, 1811), 431. Spanish frontier (12 July, 1813), 524. , bustle at Lisbon occasioned by its Economy, overcomes the fears of minis danger (17 June, 1811), viii. 30; mea ters (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 64. sures for putting it in a suitable state Effingham, Lieut. General the Earl of of defence (18 June, 1811), 33. (21 Jan., 1811), vii. 167. (See Howard.) , risk of its loss, by neglecting to Eguia, General, letterto (14 Aug., 1809), carry stores up to it (9 April, 1812), congratulation on his succeedmg to ix. 48 ; directions to General Victoria the command of the Spanish army, v. for lodging stores, &c, in (13 April, 4 1 ; letters to(15 Aug., 1809), 43, et seq.; 1812), 56. requested by Sir A. Wellesley to re Embargo, means of transport procured lieve his outposts on the Tagus, in con by (21 Oct., 1810), vi. 529. sequence of his soldiers being unsup- of boats, mode substituted for (17 plied with provisions (18 Aug., 1809), Jan., 1811), vii. 150; literal meaning 49 ; troops to be withdrawn; whether of, and regulations to prevent its relieved or not, 50 ; close of cor necessity (23 Jan., 1811), 176, respondence with his Excellency (19 177. Aug., 1809), 55 ; insulting and injuri , abolition of the oppressive system ous assertion by (21 Aug., 1809), 63; of (25 June, 1811), viii. 49. date when the command of the army Embarkation of the British army, the devolved upon him, 69 ; recommended main question in the defence of Por not to move to the rear (24 Aug., tugal (25 Aug., 1809), v. 89. 1809), 76 ; ordered to retire upon , amount of tonnage required for Villa Nueva de la Serena, 82 ; amount (22 April, 1810), vi. 54; measures of force under him and Venegas (25 preparatory to, and mode of executing Aug., 1809), 83; his plan rank non them (6 May, 1810), 93. sense (14 Sept., 1809), 150; unwar Embezzlement, punishment for (28 Feb., rantable act in detaining a French 1813), x. 153. officer (26 Sept., 1809), 185. Emigration, general, from Portugal, Egypt, purchase of corn in, on what doubt of the expediency of encourag founded (3 May, 1813), x. 344. ing (1 March, 1810), v. 537; general PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE VOLS. IV. TO XI. 95

disposition for, in Portugal (10 March, Estimate of expenditure of the army, 1810), 563. how formed (16 May, 1810), vi. 122. Emplacement des Troupes, statements Estrada Nova, directions for breaking from (18 July, 1810), vi. 279. up the road (18 Feb., 1810), v. 503. Employes, Portuguese, disapproval of, Estrella, French ransack of the Seria d' (5 Aug., 1812), ix. 344. (8 Feb., 1811), vii. 242; property Enemy, shameful misbehavior of Spa likely to be saved in (19 Feb., 1811), nish troops before(24 Aug.,\ 809),v. 80. 277. Eugineers, abilities and diligence of the Estremadura, dissatisfaction of Spanish officers in constructing the works in officers from the army of (20 Sept., front of Lisbon (21 Nov., 1810), vi. 1808), iv. 160. 631. , French Marshals assembled in (8 , British, works superintended by Aug., 1809), v. 8 ; amount of the op paid for (4 Jan., 1811), vii. 104; wil posing forces in (14 and 15 Aug., 1809), lingness of French and English to 38, 46 ; importance of the Spanish construct a work, which costs nothing Government having a strong corps in but the labour of the soldiers (27 Feb., (1 Sept., 1809), 107; scanty supplies 1811), 320; corps of with the army, of bread to the British army (22 Sept. expediency of increasing (31 March, 1809), 170; orders to the Junta for 1811), 423. flour from the British magazines, 171; — — , in general call for more men than only good passage for the invasion of they can employ in sieges (8 March, Estremadura (13 Dec, 1809), 365; 1814), xi. 563; and see observations breaking up of the French corps in 564,565,566. (28 March, 1810), 604. England, ignorance in of military ope , French troops detached into from rations (6 Aug., 1813), x. 604. Andalusia (2 May, 1810), vi. 83; English, not a military people, the bu movements of Mortier in (8 Aug., siness of an army foreign to their 1810), 342. habits (30 May, 1809), iv. 371. , line of French operations in Englishman, impossibihty of a Portu (23 and 25 Dec, 1810), vii. 65,71; guese opposing anything in the shape no horses to be got out of (9 Jan., of an (30 Nov., 1812), ix. 587. 1811), 122; neglect of the Spaniards Enthusiasm, an excuse for irregularity in the advance of the French into and indiscipline, and misapprehension (12 Jan., 1811), 136; consternation of of people in its effects on the French all the towns of (19 Jan., 1811), 160; in carrying them through their revo situation of affairs in (2 Feb., 1811), lution (25 Aug., 1809), v. 86. 220; concern at the recent transac of the people in favor of any in tions in (23 Feb., 1811), 286; Spa dividual never saved any country (8 niards in, fear of their being weary of April, 1811), vii. 439. the war (17 April, 1811), 476. , so called, in France, defined (24 , Portuguese, expediency of mea Dec, 1811), viii. 483; effect and sures to restore agriculture in (4 July, issue of enthusiasm in Spain, ib. ; 1811), viii. 73; resources drawn by enthusiasm, Spanish, specimen of (9 the French from the exhausted coun Feb., 1812), 599. try of (21 Aug., 1811), 215. Enxabarda, affair at (9 Feb., 1811), vii. Etape, Spanish, valuation of (23 April, 249. 1813), x. 321. Escorts, to every convoy of grain or , a Spanish soldier not entitled to, bread, inconveniences of (2 Nov., when he receives his full pay (20 1810), vi. 575. Sept., 1813), xi. 126. Espana, General Don Carlos de, letter Etat General de l'Armee Francaise en to (29 April, 1812), provisions Espagne, 1 June, 1810 (19 July, 1810), lodged in Ciudad Rudrigo by Lord vi. 283. note. ,Wellington, ix. 97; weeks notice to Etat Major, Spanish, officers of ex provide for the soldiers of his division cellent (14 Sr/X.,1813), xi. 109, 110. inPortugal, 99.(S« Carlosde Espana.) Evidence, reluctance of the Portuguese Estal'ette, French mode of securing the to give against criminals (13 Sept., services of, in Spain (4 March, 1812), 1811), viii. 279. viii. 649. , English law of, the best general Estimate' of the expense of the British rule for the discovery of truth (15 army in Portugal for a month, and of March, 1813), x. 192. the Expense of the army in Spain and Exaggeration, disposition to, in the Spa Portugal, if it were in England (23 niards (5 July, 1811), viii. 83. Sept., 1809), v. 177. t. - Exchange of prisoners, proposed flag of 9G INDEX.

truce for, to Soult (3 May, 1809), iv. ble, on the left of the Zezere (13 Nov., 296.- 1810), 618 ; cannonade of the boats Exchange of prisoners, proposed to at Santarem, 619 ; instructions to, on Marshal Monier (22 Aug., 1809), the French withdrawing to Santarem v. 74; Marshal Soult's answer to (15 Nov., 1810), 624. the proposition (7 Sept., 1809), 131; Fane, Major General, illness of, and proposed cartel for (5 Oct., 1809), leave of absence for three months (23 205, 206; how frustrated (6 Oct., Dec., 1810), vii. 65 ; anxiety that 1809), 210, 211; names of officers he should resume his situation when to whom cartels have been given (13 his health permits him (29 April, Nov., 1809), 273; obstacles by the 1811), 510. Spanish government (27 Jan., 1810), , resigns his situation on the staff 463, 464. (24 Nov., 1813), xi. 314. , of the civil department of the Farriers, instructions for making them French army, proposal for (27 Nov., do their duty (1 Aug., 1310), vi. 1811), viii. 423, 424. 313. of officers (27 Jan., 1813), x. 45. , difficulty of in making shoes and , no persons to return to France shoe-nails (7 Dec, 1810), vii. 35. without (15 Sept., 1813), xi. Ill ; pro Feast at Mafra, cost of (12 Aug., 1811), posed exchanges of several French viii. 187. officers, 1 1 2 ; of prisoners at Morlaix Felony, a sentence of restitution in cases (3 Oct., 1813), 157; proposed to Ge of, contrary to law (16 March, 1813), neral Gazan (2 Nov.. 1813), 244; ar x. 197. guments against (9 Nov., 1813), 271. Fenwick, Colonel, when delirious, forced Exchequer bills, mode in which it is in bv the French to sign his parole (15 tended to use them (12 Feb., 1812), Sept., 1813), xi. 111. viii. 607. Ferdinand VII., respecting his position Exertion, want of in the Portuguese (29 April, 1 8 1 0), vi. 69 ; arrangement (15 Feb., 1811), vii. 263. respecting (20 June, 1810), 213. Expenditure, discontents following re , unfounded report of his intended forms in (5 Jan., 1811), vii. 108. marriage to an Austrian princess (6 Expenses, monthly, of the army in Por Jan., 1811), vii. 115. tugal (5 May, 1809), iv. 302. , Buonaparte's treaty of peace with ,(21 Aug., 1809), v. 61; (23 Feb., (10 Jan., 1814), xi. 433; observations 1810), 519. on Buonaparte's treaty with (16 Jan., , care bestowed in reducing the 1814), 453; Ferdinand VII. and Na expenses of the army (16 May, 1810), poleon, refusal of the Regency to vi. 122; estimated expense of the ratify the treaty between (27 Jan., army from 25 May to 24 June (6 1814), 480; on his way to Spain (25 June, 1810), 174. March, 1814), 606; arrives atGerona (3 April, 1814), 625. F. Ferguson, Major General (Sir Ronald), conduct of, at the battle of Vimeiro Failure, incapability of the armv bear (21 Aug., 1808), iv. 112; leave of ab ing (31 May, 1809), iv. 374, 380. sence requested for (6 Sept., 1808), — — and defeat, fatal consequences of 148 ; examination of on the Court of in war (21 April, 1812). ix. 73. Inquiry, 228. False reports, general circulation of Fever cases, increased danger from re where British armies and officers are moval when in the crisis (13 Oct., concerned (17 June, 1810), vi. 200. 1811), viii. 339. Fane, Brig. General, Memorandum for Fidalgo, Portuguese, fear of by the go the march of the brigade commanded vernment (27 July, 1810), vi. 305. by (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 75 ; conduct of Field, service in, removal of General at the battle of Vimeiro (21 Aug., Officers when incapable of performing 1808), 112 ; wish for him to join the (22 Jan., 1813), x. 32, 33 ; habit and brigade of heavy dragoons (4 May, training required tor officers and men 1809), 298. for (2 Feb., 1813), 77. , Major General, instructions to Field officers, additional, to the Portu cross the Tagus, and objects in send guese army, chosen from officers ing him (1 Nov., 1810), vi. 568; in serving with the Portuguese troops structions to (11 Nov., 1810), 607; (27 Nov., 1809), v. 314. instructions to for mining bridges and Figueira, post occupied at (25 and 26 iauseways (12 Nov., 1810), 615; di July, 1808), iv. 43, 46; letter to the rections for striking a blow, if possi Juizde Fora at (1 Aug., 1808), 57; PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 97

arrival of convoy of provisions at (8 Fletcher, Lieut. Colonel (3 Juty, 1809) May, 1809), 3 lfi. iv. 384. Figueira, doubts whether the harbour , Memorandum for (20 Oct., 1809), of can be used throughout the winter v. 234 ; stores required by, from the (9 Jan., 1810), v. 415. Commissary General (31 Oct., 1809), , inutility of having 800,000 rations 264; all orders for workmanship, of rice at (15 June, 1810), vi. 198. lahor, or materials drawn by, to be , contents of the vessels arrived at paid without the intervention of for the Portuguese troops (22 March, an officer of the Commissariat (18 1811), vii. 388; deposit of provisions Feb., 1810), 502 ; order for placing at at (26 March, 1811), 406 ; no provi 'his disposal four Portuguese engineers sions there (27 March, 1811), 409; who understand French (18 Feb., inutility of the returns of provisions 1810), 505. sent to (8 April, 1811), 440. , letter to (1 May, 1810), vi. 75; Finances, cause of the neglect of regu Memorandum for (6 Oct., 1810), 488 ; lating in Portugal (12 June, 1811), testimony to his abilities and zeal in viii. 6 ; neglect of finances by the constructing the works in front of Spanish Government (24 July, 1811), Lisbon (21 Nov., 1810), 631. 143; speedy flourishing state of, in , the best eye for a distance (7 Jan., Portugal, ib. ; Memorandum on Portu 1811), vii. 118; and the Commissary guese finances (29 Oct., 1811), 363; General, Memorandum for (9 April, unwise and pernicious tendency of the 1811), 443. plans of the Portuguese Government , letter to (3 May, 1812), suggested (10 Dec, 1811), 445; of Great Bri improvements in the works at Bud.i- tain, more than a match fur Buona- joz, ix. 106; request to, of engineers I arte (24 Dec, 1811), 483. for the eastern coast (13 May, 1812), , Portuguese, remedies for the de 141 ; made a baronet for his services ficit in (17 Oct., 1812), ix. 497. at the sieges of Ciudad ltodrigo and Financial difficulties of the Portuguese Badaioz, ib., note. Government (26 Jan., 1811), vii. , killed at San Sebastian (2 Sept., 192. 1813), xi. 61 ; recommendation of his Financial policy and measures of Portu family to the Earl of Liverpool (27 gal, reasonings on (22 Dec, 1811), Sept., 1813), 149; family of, will be viii. 477, et teq. suitably provided for (4 Dec, 1813), Financial system of Spain, arrangements 342. for bringing it under the view of the Food, necessity of an army being regu Captain General (27 Jan., 1813), x. larly supplied with (8 Aug., 1809), v. 52,53. 11; consequences of the want of (18 Finisterre, Cape, request to have a fri Aug., 1809), 49. gate stationed off (6 May, 1813), x. , literal want of, where the army is 361. obliged to carry on operations (11 Fire at Lisbon, conduct of two regiments May, 1810), vi. 102. of militia on occasion of (9 and 13 , consequences of the want of (12 Sept., 1810), vi. 422,434. Feb., 1811), vii. 256 ; outrages com Firewood, roofs of houses burnt by sol mitted from want of (3 March, 1811), diers for (15 Dec, 1810), vii. 50; 333 ; deaths from the want of, in the barren wood cut for by the troops Portuguese infantry (18 March, 181 1), in royal parks (16 March, 1811), 363. 373 ; impossibility of one Portuguese Fixed principles, want of, in the move brigade moving from province to ments of the French (30 Dec, 1810), province from want of (4 June, 1811), vii. 86. 640. Flag of truce. See Exchange of pri , daily weight of, for the army soners. (9 June, 1812), ix. 221; inattention , Lieut. Colonel Waters sent on to, on the part of non-commissioned (9 Aug., 1809), v. 16 ; several sent officers and soldiers (27 Sept., 1812), (26 Sept., 1809), 185; (5 Oct., 1809), 457; attention to the cookmg of, bv . i 05—209. the French soldiers (28 Nov., 1812), , Portuguese, probable disregard of 584. by the French (13 Aug., 1811), viii. Forage money to officers of the staff, 190. (See General Order, 1 Aug., rates at which issued (11 Aug., 1808), 1810, repeated 20 Jan., 1814.) iv. 82. Flank companies, disapproval of detach , rule for an officer's drawing forage ing (27 March, 1810), v. 598. (12 Sept., 1809), v. 140; forage and 98 INDEX.

provisions, expense of, nearly the Forjaz, Dom Miguel Pereira, obser same in the Peninsula and England vations on his light manner of treat (23 Sept., 1809), 175; sale of, to ing the difficulties of the army (11 British Commissaries prevented (15 May, 1810), vi. 103; interference Nov., 1809), 286. with the carriages (20 June, 1810), Forage, green, ungrounded complaint of 215 ; the only man in Portugal fit for a consumption of all, atEstremoz (21 the situation he fills (24 June, 1810), March, 1812), ix. 4.; precautions for 225; support given to (4 Aug., 1810), securing a winter's supply (19 April, 328; letter to (14 Aug., 1810), 355; 1812), 70; difficulty of procuring, for determination to support him in his a large number of horses in any town authority (20 Aug., 1810), 373; ex in the Peninsula (9 Dec., 1812), 613. aggerated assertion by, of the army's , supplies of to be obtained by pro means of transport (21 Ocl.,1810),529. clamation (2 Feb., 1813), x. 73. (31 Dec, 1810), vii. 91 ; observa Foraging, measures taken by the Spanish tions on his plan for billeting, 92; officers and troops to prevent the Bri dates of his letters for the removal of tish army from (18 Aug., 1809), v. 50. property in Alentejo (3 Jan., 1811), Force, the instrument in effecting the 102; erroneous assertion respecting conquest of Europe by the French the prisoners that "it was agreed" (25 Aug., 1809), v. 86. (2 Feb., 1811). 219; error in attri Foreign officers, objections to employing buting the distresses of the Por in the Portuguese service (7 May, tuguese army to Lord Wellington 1810), vi. 95. and the British Commissariat (16 Foreign troops in the British army, Feb., 1811), 267 ; his fallacies respect Lord Wellington's reasons for not ing Abrantes (18 Feb., 1811), 275; being desirous of increasing their respecting boats, 277 ; necessity of number (23 April, 1811), vii. 498. his formally recalling the asser seldom or never used on the duty tions of his note of the 14th (26 of outposts (25 Feb., 1813), x. 142 ; Feb., 1811), 317; hint to, respecting utility of in Spanish garrisons, and accumulation of large quantities of fatal consequences of excluding them provisions at Figueira (26 March, (2 April, 1813), 249,250; desertion 1811), 406; observations on his note of foreign troops in the north of of the 29th of March respecting his Spain (4 Aug., 1813), 597. asserted supplies to the troops (8 Foreigners in the Peninsula, suspicion April, 1811), 435; his loss irreparable attaching to (13 Sept., 1810), vi. 434. if called away to answer for delays .objection to, from their tendency complained of (6 May, 1811), 519; to desert (16 Sept., 1811), viii. 284; letter to (7 May, 1811), tribute to his (18 Sept., 1811), 292; observations faithful execution of the duties of his on the policy and necessity of employ office, 520. ing in Portugal (27 Oct., 181 1),359. , unfounded assertion respecting the Forge carts, caution for securing (1 Aug., magazines of Elvas (23 June, 1811), 1S10),vi. 313. viii. 42; efforts to screen inefficient Forges, portable, mules given for carry departments (27 June, 1811), 55; ob ing (10 Feb., 1813), x. 99. servations by Lord Wellington on bis Forgery of papers, measure for prevent Commissariat regulations (3 July, ing (25 Oct., 1811), viii. 358. 1811), 67, et seq. ; unfounded assertion Forjaz, Dom Miguel Pereira, (3 and 4 respecting the subsidy being in arrear May, 1 809) , iv. 297, 300 ; his office and (22 July, 1811), 135; weekly dis character (5 May, 1809), 301, note. patches transmitted to, from which to .letter to (3 Sept., 1809), v. 113; obtain the names of officers who have uniform kindness of the Government distinguished themselves (1 1 Sept., and people of Portugal to the British 1811), 265; alteration of opinion troops, 114 ; letter to (8 March, 1810), respecting him, on experience of his character and issue of the contest in zeal and ability, 266; inconsistent Portugal ; impregnable position of the and contemptible accusations against British army ; incapability of England him, 266, 267 ; favorable reception by reinforcing her troops by 10,000 or the Prince of Brazil of his services 15,000 men, and deficiency of the Por (21 Oct., 1811), 351 ; in what case he tuguese army, 556 — 559 ; observations will have Lord Wellington's support on his letter respecting the defence of (30 Oct., 1 8 1 1), 372 ; line to be pursued Lisbon (23 and 24 March, 1810), 590, in his justification (8 and 16 Nov., 594. 1811), 392, 393, 404. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 99

Forjaz, Dom Miguel Pereira, letter to, re refusal of the Spanish Government specting Major Das Neves (24 April, to exchange (27 Jan., 1810), 462. 1812), ix. 81 ; unsoundness of his pa Franceschi, General, confinement of by pers (18 May, 1812), 155; his readi the Spaniards (8 Aug., 1810), vi. 337. ness to make complaints (5 Aug., 1812), Francis, Archduke, unflinching policy 343 ; letter to, on the proposed scheme which he ought to adopt (24 Dec, for finding funds for paying the sub 1811), viii. 484. sidy to Portugal (14 Nov., 1812), Frank, Dr., Inspector of hospitals, letter 552. to (5 Nov., 1810), vi. 590. ,ietterto (U April, 1813), x. 292; , letter to (7 Jan., 1811), vii. 116; the Marquis of Wellington unwilling notice required by, for sending home that his letter to the Prince Regent the invalids (27 March, 1811), 408. should be sent, were there any proba Freedom, impossible to establish in any bility of his object being accomplished country where there is licentiousness (26 April, 1813), 331; must be sent of the press (10 Jan., 1814), xi. 431. if the army is not paid before he Free Masonry, existence of, contrary to marches, ib. the law in Portugal (4 Jan., 1810), v. , the ablest statesman and man of 410. business in the Peninsula (11 Oct., Free press, injury from the establishment 1813), xi. 184; mode in which he ofin Spain (31 March, 1813), x. 247. wishes the Portuguese army to be Free trade, injury effected by to Por mentioned (6 Nov., 1813), 257. tugal QOAug., 1810), vi. 349. Fortresses, Spanish, destitute of maga Freire, Bernardiu, murder of (29 Aug., zines (2 April, 1813), x. 250. 1811), viii. 245. Foy, General, movements of his troops Fremantle, Captain (7 Nov., 1812), ix. through Lower Beira (24 Nov., 1810), 539. vii. 4 ; goes to Paris (1 Dec , 1810), , carries home the dispatches of 22 ; on his way to Andalusia with Vitoria, with colors and baton (22 orders for Soult (29 Dec, 1810), 86 ; June, 1813), x. 452. arrival at Salamanca with an escort , Major, carries home the dispatches (9 Feb., 1811), 248, 249; effect upon of Orthez (1 March, 1814), xi. the French of his arrival (13, 16, and 540. 17 Feb., 1811), 259, 270, 272. French army in Portugal, amount of , carries off the garrison of Zamora (11 Aug., 1808), iv. 82 ; soldiers, bar (7 Sept., 1812), ix. 403. barous treatment by, of the Portu , attempted surprise at Bejar (24Feb., guese peasantry (18 May, 1809), 344 ; 1813), x. 139; pursuit of, by SirT. Gra result of their spreading themselves ham (27 June, 1813), 465. (8 June, 1809), 400; accurate know Foz d'Arouce, affair at (16 March, ledge by, of all the movements of tho 1811), vii. 370. army under Sir A. Wellesley {13 Sept., France, arguments for carrying the war 1809), 568. into, in the event of the French with , amount of their force in Estrema- drawing from Spain (7 Nov., 1812), dura (15 Aug., 1809), v. 46; amount ix. 542. and position of in the Peninsula (25 , in what case Lord Wellington Aug., 1809), 83 ; analysis of the power proposes to enter (20 July, 1813), x. that carried them through their revo 553, 554. lution, 86 ; convinced that they are , rules to be observed on the army's not the first military nation in the entering (8 Oct., 1813), xi. 169, note; world (30 Aug., 1809), 98 ; amount of Invasion of by the British troops, and their disposable force in Spain and in kind reception by the people (18 and the field(l Sept., 1809), 104; number 21 Nov., 1813), 298, 303. of corps in Spain, 105; force, amount Franceschi, General, taken with his two of, with a computation of their losses aides de camp (6 and 8 July, 1809), iv. (19 Sept., 1809), 163; their evacua 493, 498, 500 ; intelligence to be con tion of Galicia, by what occasioned veyed to Madame Franceschi (17 July, (28 Oct., 1809), 249; army, discon 1809), 516. tent in (20 Nov., 1809), 302 ; small , proposed exchange of (7 Sept., advance made by them, after destroy 1809), v. 131 ; proposed exchange of, ing two Spanish armies (9 Dec, 1809), how delayed (6 Oct., 1809), 210, 211 ; 361, note; difficulty in conquering confined in the , efforts Spain (1 March, 1810), 539 ; army, made for his exchange (28 Oct., 1809), stations ofin Spain (21 March, 1810), 251 ; exchange of (7 Nov., 1 809), 271 ; 586. ii 2 100 INDEX.

French, perpetually in motion (5 April, country, its oppressive character (21 1810), vi. 13 ; secrecy with which March, 1813), 222; necessity of de they keep their plans and designs stroying their system of making war (21 April, 1810), 53; army, dissatis support war (9 May, 1813), 367 ; faction in, and murder of French sol troops, will do nothing unless regu diers how to be prevented (29 April, larly paid and fed (25 July, 1813), 569. 1810) 67; improbability of the allies French officers, no inducement to desert succeeding iu obliging the French to ever held out to (25 Aug., 1813), xi. evacuate the Peninsula, £9; loss to, from desertion (1 May, 1810), 79; Frere, Right Hon. J. H., Ambassador to probable outburst of discontent the court of Spain, letter to (24 April, against, whenever their weakness 1809), iv. 266 ; to be the only channel should offer opportunities (14 May, of communication with the Spanish 1810), 115; inadequacy oC their force Government (29 April, 1809), 281; to complete the conquest of the Penin letter to, on his removal (22 May, sula (11 June, 1810), 187; army in 1809), 353; letter to (31 July, 1809), Spain, amount and distribution of, Sir A. Wellesley's observations on in June, 1810 (18 July, 1810), 279, Don Martin de Garay's letter, 547; 283, 290 ; adopt a milder treatment his determination to disperse his towards the Spaniards after the fall of army, till supplied with provisions Ciudad Kodrigo (25 July, 1810), 295; and means of transport, 549. prisoners, humane treatment of by Frere, Mr. B., acts as Minister Plenipo Lord Wellington (8 Aug., 1810), 336; tentiary in Spain (15 Nov., 1809), V. caution in their movements (10 Aug., 286, note ; letters to, 286, 287. 1810), 349. Freyre, General Don Manuel, repulses , army, a wonderful machine (26 the French on the heights of San Jan., 1811), vii. 194, 195; at Torres Marcial (2 Sept., 1813), xi. 66 ; re Novas, accurate information obtained commended for promotion (3 Sept., by, of affairs of England (6 Feb., 1813), 73, note; object in sending his 1811), 237; army, entire amount of cavalry into Andalusia (30 Oct., 1813), (20 Feb., 181 1), 306 ; its effective force 231; wants of his army supplied by in November, 1810, 307; army, in Lord Wellington (3 iVw.,1813), 250; July, 1810, amount of (25 March, instructed how to prevent his soldiers 1811), 403. from plundering (14 Nov., 1813), 287; — — force, in the Peninsula in July, directions for passing the Adour (26 1811, statement of (12 July, 1811), Feb., 1814), 531; complaints of the viii. 97; (13 July, 1811), 105; neces conduct of his troops, and necessity sity of the British troops being alto of maintaining discipline (5 March, gether different from the French (6 1814), 551 ; at the battle ot Toulouse Nov., 1811), 379; internal plunder (12 April, 1814), 636. the cause of their anxiety to carry Frivolous complaints from officers of the the war beyond their own frontiers Government, encouragement of at (31 Jan., 1812), 581 ; mode of subsist Lisbon (25 July, 1811), viii. 144. ing their armies in foreign countries, Fuente de Cantos, affair near (20 Sept., and war a financial resource, 582; 1810), vi. 458, 459. total plunder and annihilation of cul Fuente del Maestre, affair at (9 Jan., tivation in Spain by their presence, 1812), viii. 539 ; details of it, 544. 583; necessity of deriving from Paris Fuentes de OSoro, battle of (8 May, pay in specie for the troops in Spain, 1811), vii. 528. and statement of the gross amount of Funchal, Conde de, inaccurate informa the French army, 584; expenses of tion on Portuguese finances (17 Oct., the French army, 585 ; amount of the 1812), ix. 497. French force in Spain, 586. Funds, impossibility of increasing (25 — — , unprovided with ordnance and Jan., 1810), v. 452. ammunition for the attack of strong — — , lamentable state of distress in the places in Spain (6 May, 1812), ix. Portuguese army for want of (26 118; force in Spain (12 Nov., 1812), /an., 1811), vii. 192. 571. Funeral expenses, that cannot be reco troops, employment given to be vered (10 Jane, 1810), vi. 181. tween 150,000 and 200,000 in Spain, Furloughs, granted to Portuguese sol by the British (19 Jan., 1813), x. 32; diers (1 Dec, 1812), ix. 588. French system of government in any PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 101

posing of the Portuguese troops (I Sept., 1809), 109; observations on his extraordinary propositions (27 Sept., Gabion, requisite diameter of, to cover a 1809), 190; observations on his note man (23 Feb., 1812), viii. 626 ; inte of the 3d October, 1609 (30 Oct., rior diameter of (25 Feb., 1812), 631. 1809), 252. Galicia, inexpediency of a movement of Garonne, operations on the (12 March, the British force into (24 April, 1809), 1814), xi. 572; movements on the iv. 267 ; to enter on an offensive plan (1 April, 1814), 615 ; passage over (7 in, would be madness (23 June, 1809), April, 1814), 626. {See Hill, Sir R.) 458. Ganison, dislike of the Spaniards for , the evacuation of by the French, in {3 May, 1812), ix. 107. - what manner occasioned (28 Oct., , Spanish, impolicy of excluding 1809), v. 249 ; how best to be defended foreign troops from (2 April, 1813), (13 Dec, 1809), 366; doubt of the x. 249; a garrison the last place to ability of the Spanish government to which a Spanish soldier would go, 250. defray the expense of fortifying posts Gave d'Oleron, dislodgment of the French at (9 Jan., 1814), xi. 428; , causes of the Spanish army in not passage of (25 Feb., 1814), 527. making any movement (21 Dec, Gave lie Pau, crossed (26 Feb., 1814), 1810), vii. 58. xi. 529. , operations by the French in, Gaz..n, Graeral, relieves Marshal Soult checked by Lord Wellington's position (10 March, 1813), x. 177; letter to (12 Aug., 1811), viii. 219.221 ; mode (6 June, 1813), 421 ; expelled from of raising a revenue in (22 Nov., the Baztan (8 July, 1813), 512. 1811), 417. , exchange proposed to of several , mode of eating up the revenues of a French officers (15 Sept., 1813), xi. kingdom in (6 and 14 May, 1812), ix. Ill; permission to Spanish and 125, 146 ; security of with Lord Wel French families to go into France (21 lington on the frontier (25 May, Sept., 1813), 128; exchange of pri 1812), 169 ; advantage of troops soners (24 Sept., 1813), 138, 139; marching through, from there being fidelity to his engagements (29 Sept., no new wine there (4 Aug., 1812), 1813), 152. 340 ; state of affairs at the head Gendarmes, prisoners of war, like other quarters of the army of (23 Aug., soldiers (18 Sept., 1810), vi. 454. 1812), 375; Galician army, amount General Courts Maitial, frequent ne of, that joins the Marquis of Welling cessity of assembling (24 Jan., 1810), ton (12 Sept., 1812), 422; badness of v. 448. the Galiciang, yet the finest body of General Officers, serving with the Por men and the best movers ever seen (10 tuguese troops, rule laid down re Dec, 1812), 617. specting (15 Nov., 1809), v. 284; ill , clothing furnished to the army of provision of the army with (21 Dec, (12 Feb., 1813), x. 113; measures 1809), 384. for the complete equipment of the , not one to spare for any service army of (25 Feb., 1813), 144; desti (14 July, 1810), vi. 270. tute condition of the army (22 and 23 , seven gone home from the March, 1813), 224 ; proposed ar army (26 Jan., 1811), vii. 190; in rangements of the resources of the convenience of their going home on province (15 May, 1813), 379; regi leave of absence (28 Jan., 1811), 204; ments of the army of, have received Generals coming out with the troop, no pay since the month of January observations on their characters (9 (16 May, 1813), 384; resistance in, Feb., 1811), 245 ; consequences of the to the revolutionary decrees of the want of in the army, in the operations Cortes (29 June, 1813), 474. when pursuing Massena (23 March, , murder committed in, by inhabit 1811), 392,393; absenting themselves ants of Portugal (27 Nov., 1813), xi. from the army to lose their cummands 321 ; plunder of biscuit by the army (29 April, 1811), 510. of Galicia, 322. . inconvenience from the absence of Gallegos, operations at (28 June, 1810), (29 June, 1811), viii. 59; nine gone vi. 230, 233. on leave of absence (25 July, 1811), Gaols. {See Jail.) 144, 146; number of, now with the Garay, Don Martin de, observations on aimy. who came out with it (30 Oct., his" sophistical dispatches (8 Aug., 1811), 373; full supply of (2 Dec, J£09), v, 13; arbitrary mode of dis 1811), 431. 102 INDEX.

General Officers, Junta of, proceedings Dec, 1809). 381 ; surrender of (28 of (30 March, 1812), ix. 20 ; mode in and 29 D-e., 1809). 399, 400. which a Spanish general first pays Gevora, proposed destruction of the himself (1 4 Afay, 18121, 146. brHge of (13 Feh., 1811), vii. 257; , three requisites in, indicated (13 affair at the passage of (9 and 16 Feb., Sept., 1812), ix. 427. 1811), 243, 269. , observations on the removal of , reconnaissance of the wood be (22 Jan., 1813), x.33'; the Marquis of yond (23 June, 1811), viii. 41. Wellington has nothing to do with Girard, General, expedition against (23 the choice of (26 April, 1813), 330; Oct., 1811), viii. 355; advance to of the day, inconvenience of having in Caceres (29 Oct., 1811), 362 ; rout of, allied armies (8 June, 1813), 424. at Arroyo Molinos (6 Nov., 1811), of the British army, badly paid, 379. and receive less than they did fifty Glacis, importance of covering a place years ago (10 Oct., 1813),xi. 182, 183. well with (29 Jan., 1812), viii. General Officers, Spanish, observations 580. on (9 Aug., 1813), x. 620. Glanders, stables at Lisbon infected by General Orders, Toulouse (16 April, (18 June, 1809), iv. 416. 1814),xi. 651 ; (21 April, 1814), 668. Gold, French, difficulty in passing it (30 Note. — The General Orders of the Nov., 1809), v. 324. armies under the command of the Duke — — , price of falling rapidly (30 March, of Wetlington are published in a sepa 1813), x. 245. rate volume. Golden Fleece, order of, conferred on Gentleman, English, ridiculous objection Lord Wellington (20 Aug. 1812), ix. to making one an officer (30 Aug., 372; (30 Aug., 1812), 388. 1809), v. 95. Gordon, Capt. the Hon. A. (5 Oct., 1 809), Gentlemen of family, fortune, and in v. 206. fluence, claims of to promotion, on , Major (16 Jan., 1811), vii. 148. what grounds urged (4 Aug., 1810), , carries home the dispatches of vi. 325; (15 Sept., 1810), 442. Ciudad Rodrigo (20 Jan., 1812), viii. German deserters at Gibraltar, proposed 556, and note. formation of into a temporary bat Gore, Lieut. Colonel (Major General), talion (2 Feb., 1813), x. 76. letter to, presenting the band of the 33d German Legion Hussars, fine order of regiment with another set of instru (27 Jan., 1810), v. 459. ments (14 Oct., 1812), ix. 491. , to what extent authorized to give , Colonel, anxiety for the welfare of bounty to recruits deserting from the the 33d (3 Feb., 1813), x. 81. enemy (31 March, 1811), vii. 424. Gouache, Captain, of the 22nM de ligne, German officers and troops, prejudice gallant conduct of (13 July, 1810), vi. against employing, throughout the 263, note. Peninsula (7 May, 1810), vi. 95. Governments of the Peninsula, decre German soldiers, in the French ser pitude of, before the French invasion vice, desertion of (11 Oct., 1809), v. (12 June, 1811), viii. 6. 218. Graham, Lieut.General (Lord Lynedoch) Germans, not inclined as a body to (21 Dec, 1809), v. 384; succeeds Ge quit the French service, and objections neral Sherbrooke (15 March, 1810), to take them as recruits by the com 575 ; appointed to command at Cadiz, manding officers of the German regi his character as an officer (30 March, ments in the British service (27 Nov., 1810), 609 ; consequences of his being 1809), v. 315; incorrect statement of ordered to supply the Spaniards there their deserting from the enemy, and with provisions from the Mediter greater loss by the British army from ranean, 608; confusion likely to ensue their desertion than by the French from his instruction?, 609. (30 Nov., 1809), 324. . , appointed to command the in the British service, proposed troops at Cadiz (5 April, 1810), vi. killing of by the Portuguese on account 1 5 ; letter to, arrangements ot de of their plundering (6 Aug., (1810), vi. partments if the corps at Cadiz ooZ. m was intended to form part of the ninth French corps composed of army (8 April, 1810), 23; provision (1 Dec, 1810), vii. 23. ing of Cadiz, and operations of the Germany, opportunity for insurrection enemy, 23, 25; arrangements for in (21 March, 1813), x. 223. sending back the Portuguese troops, Gerona, siege of raised (15 Nov., 1809), if necessary, 25 ; arrives at Cadiz, and v. 285; expediency of relieving (19 takes the command (11 April, 1810), PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 103

34 ; pay of the 20th Portuguese regi tugal (24 June, 1811), viii. 44, 45; ment (13 April, 1810), 35; purchase complaint against an officer and some, of fresh meat (15 April, 1810), 38; soldiers in enforcing a billet for (24 commissariat and pay department (29 July, 1811), 140; letter to (27 July, April, 1810), 64 ; bat and forage, and 1811), designs of Soult on Cadiz, 155 ; rank of officers in the two services invested with the Order of the Bath how decided, 65; his situation in the (10 March, 1812), 654 ; marches for army, by being at Cadiz, and im Llerena (16 March, 1812), 667. portance of his services there (3 May, Graham, Lieut. General Sir Thomas, 1810), 85, 87; his situation in the march towards Llerena (20 March, British army, and recommendation for 1812) ix.2; plan for obliging the ene his hospital (13 May, 1810), 108 ; pur my to retire ou Zalamea (24 March, chase and payment of beef, and avoid 1812), 9; movements in front of Al- ing discussion respecting money with buera (1 April, 1812), 22; affair with certain authorities (16 May, 1810), the enemy's rear guard near Llerena 119; directions for purchasing articles (16 April, 1812), 62, note; effects of for the British troops, not afforded by General Hill's operations (25 May, the Spanish magazines (11 June, 1810), 1812), 168 ; disorder in his eyes (3June, 183; objections to the proposed ope 1812), 206 ; second in command, ib. ; rations from Cadiz (20 June, 1810), Lord Wellington's regret at losing 208, 210, 212; approval of his mea him (3 July. 1812), 267; quits the sures for the accommodation of the army (7 and 9 July, 1812), 273, 277. sick officers (6 July 1810), 248; , letter to, on his return to the Pen question of superseding him at Cadiz insula, state of the British army, and (14 July, 1810), 268, 269; letter speedy opening of the campaign (31 to, on the expediency of depriving the Jan., 1813), x. 67 ; arrival at Lisbon euemy of their establishments on the (7 and 23 April, 1813), 270, 317; Me Trocadero (2 Aug., 1810), 317; risk morandum for (18 May, 1813), 386; in attempting to raise the siege (10 battle of Vitoria (22 June, 1813), 446; Aug., 1810), 345; thanks for sending detached to Tolosa (26 June, 1813), round reinforcements to Lisbon (30 463; affairs with the enemy on the Aug., 1810), 394 ; not at liberty to 24th and 25th June (28 June, 1813), call him to Portugal (21 Oct., 1810), 465, note; Memorandum and instruc 530 ; his probable course in the event tions to, for the siege of San Sebastian of the siege of Cadiz being raised (4 (13 July, 1813), 525, etseq.; storms Nov., 1810), 586. the convent of San Bartolomeo (19 Graham, Lieut. General, application July, 1813), 546, note; account of the for assistance from Gibraltar (1 Dec, attack of the breach in the line wall 1810), vii. 24 ; to detain any troops sent on the left flank (1 Aug., 1813), 588, by General Stuart (2 and 13 Dec, note. 1810), 25, 43; letter to (2 Dec, 1810), , ill health of (15 Aug. 1813), xi. 1; 26 ; march of a detachment under Soult authorized to use mortars and howit from the siege of Cadiz (31 Dec, 1810), zers (23 and 24 Aug., 1813), 31, 35 ; 89 ; his anxiety to come to' Portugal (28 progress of the siege of San Sebastian Jan., 1811), 206; request for him to (27 Aug., 1813), 45 ; account of his join the army in Portugal, in case his capture of the town by assault (2 sortie should succeed (23 Feb., 1811), Sept., 1813), 61, et seq.; his report, 285 ; amount of troops with him (18 62, note; capitulation of the castle by March, 1811), 372; sails on his ex General Rey (9 Sept., 1813), 94; re pedition (21 March, 1811), 385; vic port, and terms of capitulation (10 tory of Barrosa (25 March, 1811), Sept., 1813), 100, note; succeeded by 393, note, et seq. ; the hardest action Sir J. Hope (24 Sept., 1813), 1 37, 1 38 ; that has been fought yet, his captures establishes the troops within the and losses (25 March, 1811), 400; his French territory, and resigns the promptitude in attacking, and deci- command to Sir J. Hope (9 Oct., siou iu retiring to the Isla de Leon 1813), 177; allowance to, inadequate (27 March, 1811), 411; letter to, to his expenditure, as well as that of portion of officers of the Chasseurs other General Officers (10 Oc/,,1813), Britanniques to be detached to Cadiz 183; letter to, respecting the libel on (23 April, 1811), 496; letter to (29 the San Sebastian affair (18 Nov., May, 1811), instructions to alarm 1813), 297 ; appointed to command the enemy before Cadiz, 620. in Holland (19 Dec, 1813), 377; • , directed to join the army in Por request of officers from Lord Wei 104 INDEX.

lington's army (18 Jan., 1814'), 464; Guadiana, reasons why it is not necessary unfortunate night attack uf Berg-op- or desirable that the British army Zoom (1 April, 1814), 618. should be involved in the defence of Grain, to what extent can he imported the Guadiana (24 Aug., 1809), v. 79 ; into Portugal (27 Dec, 1809), v. 394 ; amount of French force on the river Portugal never produced sufficient for (28 Feb., 1810), 530, 531. its consumption (28 Dec, 1809), 398. , recommendation to destroy the , measures for obtaining supplies bridges of (11 Jan., 1811), vii. 125 ; of, for Lisbon (15 June, 1810), vi. passage of by the French, on the 12 198 Jan., 1811,129; French force upon , want of (3 March, 1811),vii. 333. (26 Jan., 1811), 190; emplacement for • , directions for the regulated issues field pieces to be made on the right of, for the Portuguese army (23 Feb., of {13 Feb., 1811), 258; instructions 1812), viii. 628. for laying down a bridge on (9 March, , steps taken to obtain supplies, of, 1811), 351, 353 ; passage of, when to in anticipation of the American em be made (27 March, 1811), 408; bargo (12 May, 1813), ix. 138 ; ob water conveyances with which it may ject of the Portuguese regulations be passed m safety, described (30 regarding the entries of (5 Aug., March, 1811), 414; passage of, by 1812), 344. Marshal Beresford (18 April, 1811), Grammont, M. de, mission of (22 Dec, 482. 1813), xi. 390. operations on (24 March, 1812), Grant, Colonel (17 Sept., 1809), v. 161. ix.8. , attack on General Foy's escort (9 Guarda, enemy's movements on (26 Feb., 1811), vii. 249; satisfaction at July, 1810), vi. 297; not desirable to his operations (19 Feb., 1811), 277; fight a battle for (29 July, 1810), 305 ; withdraws from Covilhao (23 Feb. probable attack of (29 Aug., 1810), and 2 March, 1811), 289,330. 388 ; precautions for destroying tele Grant, Major, Colquhoun, 11th foot, em graph at (3 Sept., 1810), 402; en ployed in observation (18 Aug., 1811), tered by the French (10 Sept., 1810), viii. 205 ; taken prisoner (1 Dec, 4-6; French reconnaissance on (11 1811), 312; retaken (30 Dec, 1811), Sept., 1810), 429; possession of by 374. the enemy in earnest (15 and 16 Sept., , unable to recover him except by 1810), 445, 446,448. force (19 May, 1812), ix. 155, and , French division posted at (12 note. Jan., 1811), vii. 135; proposed ma , Colonel (Lieut. General Sir Col noeuvring on (27 March, 1811), 408 ; quhoun Grant, K.C.B.), report of the enemy manoeuvred out of (30 March, gallant affair of the 10th Hussars at 1811), 412; one of the strongest posi Morales (2 June, 1813), x. 422. tions in the country, 417 ; move Greenock, Lord (8 April, 1810), vi. 23, ments on, and retreat of the enemy note; (18 Jan., 1814), xi. 464, note. (2 April, 1811), 425. Greig, Admiral, proposition from, on the — — , the most treacherous position in part of the Emperor of Russia (14 the country (17 April, 1812), ix. 66.' Feb., 1813), x. 118; mistake of (19 Guards, brigade of, the example and March, 1813), 215. admiration of the whole army (13 Grenville, Lord, possible employment May, 1809), iv. 332 ; conduct of in of in the Ministry (1 March, 1810), the battle of Talavera (29 July, 1 809), v. 542. 535, 537. , the King may be able to form a , hospitals of (20 June, 1810), vi. Government without (4 April, 1810), 209. vi. 13. , arrangements for the command of Grey, Earl (23 Feb., 1811), vii. 287. two brigades of (7 Sept., 1812), ix. Grey, Major (Colonel), letter to, modes 400. in which officers were permitted , historic notice of their privileges to serve in the Portuguese army (22 (17 Feb., 1813), x. 123; question of Aug., 1811), viii. 216. privileges laid before the Duke of Guadiana, and the Tagus, directions for York (10 March, 1813), 176. obstructing an enemy in an invasion Guards, French, when in Spain and between (1 May, 1809), iv. 288; number (1 Aug., 1810), vi. 315; col movements on the (7 May, 1809), lection of 25,000 at Salamanca, to re 313 ; retreat of the French from the lieve Ciudad Rodrigo (4 Sept. 1811), (l/«ly, 1809), 485. ' viii, 256. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS, IV. TO XI. 105

Guarena, movement of concentration on Guineas, remittance of, to the Peninsular (21 July, 1812), ix. 294; formed by army (29 Oct., 1812), ix. 522 ; rate at four streams, '295. which issued to the troops, and value Guerrillas, proposed employment of, to in Portuguese reis (25 Nov., 1812),575. wards Madrid (8 Aug., 1809), v. 9, 12. , rate at which issued (25 Feb., .activity of (11 April, 1810), vi. 1813), x. 143. 35 ; depredations of on the French , English, rate at which it is to cir communications (23 May, 1810), 146 ; culate in France (16 Dec, 1813), xi. loss inflicted on the French (10 June, 374. 1810), 186; activity of the war car Guns, necessity of horses to draw them, ried on by (20 June, 1810), 216; ex being sent with a corps to any part of tensive operations of (27 June, 1810), Europe (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 73; num 229.; difficulties of the enemy from ber lost by the French in the expedi (19 Aug., 1810), 368; daring pro tion iuto Portugal (1 June, 1809), 382. ceedings of (27 Oct., 1810), 554. , number of, in the fieid, of the — — , successes of against the French French army (27 Jan., 1813), x. 49. (1 Dec, 1810), vii. 34 ; communica tions with, through the Marques de la II. Romana (13 Dec, 1810),43 ; increas ing daring and success of (21 Dec , Hacienda, inexperience of the officers of, 1810), 58 ; arguments why the war in in the different provinces (1 1 April, Spain cannot take a regular shape, 1813), x. 28 J. but must be confined to guerrillas, 59 ; , neglect of duty by (30 Aug., 1813), and reasons for leaving the war in xi. 58 ; no person employed in, enti Spain to them, ib.; complaints by in tled to military quarters (14 Sept., habitants of villages of their conduct 1813), 108;, evil consequences of the (3 Jan., 1811), 100; active operations want of ability of the officers of, at of (23 Feb., 1811), 290; Portuguese, tached to the armies, 109. necessity of putting down (10 April, Hallowell, Admiral, witnesses required 1811), 452. by, against Sir J. Murray CI 4 Jan., , increasing activity and boldness 1814), xi. 448. of (4 July, 181 1), viii. 77 ; dispersal of Hamilton, Lieut. General (Sir John), at Penaranda (11 July, 1811), 93; question of his promotion and pay corps, expediency of supplying with (15 Nov., 1809), v. 284 ; can only re mountain artillery (i Oct., 181 1),31 1 ; ceive the pay of a Major General (27 recapture Lieut. Colonel Grant (30 Nov., 1809), 313. Oct., 1811), 374 ; successes of (12 Dec, , at Alba (10 Nov., 1812), ix. 549 ; 1811), 458; take Daroca (18 Dec, detail of transactions at (19 Nov., 1811), 469; successes of (4 March, 1812), 558. 1812), 648. Hanover, expedition to (1805), iv. 1. , proposed grant of aid to being Hanoverians, real, excellence of as sol coupled with an arrangement for their diers (27 June, 181 1), viii. 56. following a certain system of opera Hardinge, Captain (Major General Sir tions (3 May, 1812), ix. Ill; chiefs, Henry), employed with the Portur draft of letter to be sent to, with the guese service (1 July, 1809), iv. 483. swords and pistols presented in Lord , request that Marshal Beresford Wellington's name (2 June, 1812), will send him or other staff officer to 201 ; inutility of in serious operations British head quarters (13 April, 1811), (21 Sept., 1812), 443. vii. 460 ; talents and exertions at the Guides, util ty of a Captain of, in Portu battle of Albuera (18 May, 181 1),593. gal (5 Sept., 1808), iv. 140 ; forma Hare, Major, carries home the dispatches tion of a corps of (2 June, 1809), of the fall of St. Sebastian (1 Sept., 383 ; essential necessity of a corps of 1813), xi. 66, 70. {I July, 1809), 483. Harispe, General, defeats O'Donnell , corps of, requisite qualities for a and Roche (4 Aug., 1812), ix. 338. Captainof (13 Match, 1810), v. 571. , why brought to the army in the , promotion of, and commissions for South of France (2 Jan., 1814), xi. officers of (5 Feb., 181 1), vii. 233 ; ex 416 ; forces Mina to retreat from Bay- pediency of promotion of officers, to gorry (16 /««., 1814), 456. ensure them (8 Feb., 1811), 242. Harrison, Lieut. Colonel, success of (22 , corps of, from whom composed, Feb., 1813), x. 129 ; (21 Feb., 1813), and service rendered bvthem (24 Feb., 139. 1813), x. 140, 141. Harrison, Mr., observations on his letter 10G INDEX.

to Lieutenant Colonel Bunbury (16 done for him (12 Sept., 1809), v. 147 ; ami 30 May, 1810), vi. 122, 159. removal of sick of his division (3 Nov., Hatred, irreconcilable, between the Spa 1809), 270. niards and Portuguese (12 June, Hill, Lieut. General, letter to (18 Dec, 1811), viii. 7. 1809), offering him the command of Hay, Major General, conduct of the a corps for the Tagus and Alentejo, troops at San Sebastian (23 Oct., 1813), v. 373; instructions to, for checking xi. 214; killed near Bayonne (19 the enemy's plans on the frontiers of April. 1814), 661, 664. Portugal (9 Jan., 1810), 418; weekly Hay, 3,000,000 lbs. requested (31 May, money for his corps (15 Jan., 1810), 1809), iv. 378. 428 ; instructions to, in case the enemy , supply of, and to be pressed (11 should invade Portugal by Castello Nov., 1810), vi. 605, 606. Branco, or the Estrada Nova (17 Jan., , collection of in Lower Beira (17 1810), 431; letter to (24 Jan. ,1810), Jane, 1811), viii. 30. 443 ; directions to destroy the boats , instructions for securing a supply at Villa Velha (31 Jan., 1810), 477; for the .winter (19 April, 1812), ix. instructions to (12 Feb., 1810), 497; 70; (23 April, 1812), 94; (2 May, et seq.; strength of his position at 1812), 103; precaution for providing Portalegre (20 Feb., 1810), 508; let 35,000 rations of, defeated (30 Nov., ters to (27 Feb. 1810), 528. 1812), 586. (1 April, 1810), vi. 2; (9 April, 1810), Health, bad state of that of the troops, by 28 ; completion of his cavalry (24 what occasioned (4 Aug., 1 8 1 2), ix. 39. April, 1810), 56; intended movement Healthiness of the army (23 May, of, through the Sierra de San Mamed, 1810), vi. 144. (26 April, 1810), 59; its effect (2 , extraordinary, of the British army May, 1810), 82, 83; approval of his (16 Feb., 1811); vii. 270. movement (3 May, 1810), 85; caution Heard, Sir Isaac (10 May, 1813), x. to, against being involved in the 370 ; makes a present of a spy glass, operations of the Spaniards, and cha 371; requested to say over which racter of the assistance to be rendered shoulder the riband of the Order of the to them (17 May, 1810), 124; dis Garter is to be worn,ii. ; referred by engages Ballesteros (23 May, 1810), Lord Wellington to the Secretary of 145; inexpediency of a diversion by, State's office, for copies of documents into Estremadura (28 May, 1810), relating to his different titles and or 152 ; to have a sure communication ders of Knighthood(9/«ne,1813),429. with Le Cor (15 June, 1810), 195 ; in Heavy cavalry, comparative value of, structions to (24 June, 1810), 223; and light dragoons (7 Dec, 1810), Memorandum for (2 July, 1810), 236 ; vii. 34. arrangements for an attack by, on Helmet, the best cover a dragoon can General Regnier (5 July, 1810), 247; have (6 Nov., 1811), viii. 379. instructions for, in case the enemy Henri Quatre, saying of, respecting should detach upon Castello Branco the carrying on war in Spain (5 July, (9 and 18 July, 1810), 253, 278; 1811), viii. 81. movements for, in the event of Reg- Herrasti, Don Andres, brave defence by, uier's crossing the Tagus (13 and 23 of Ciudad Rodrigo (11 July, 1810), Aug., 1810), 354, 379, et seq.; troops vi. 257. {See Ciudad Rodrigo.) under his command to be the right of Highway robbery, frequency of by the the army, and occupy the position of soldiers (6 April, 1810), vi. 18. Alhandra (8 Oct., 1810), 499; in Hill, Major General (General Lord), structions for his guidance at this letters to (23 June, 1808), iv. 13 et seq. ; place (11 Oct., 1810), 504; measures instructions to march on Leyria (9 for the security of his right flank Aug., 1808), 76 ; instructions to, in the (16 Oct., 1810), 513; Memorandum operations against the enemy on for (23 Oct., 1810), 531. Oporto (8 May, 1809), 315 ; assumes , movements of the enemy on the the command, after the wounding of Zezere (22 Nov., 1810), vii. 1 ; ar General Paget, ou the Douro, (12 May, rangement of his corps if he should 1809), 324; wish that he should be return to the lines (24 Nov., 1810), 3; made Lieut. General iu the Peninsula serious indisposition of (2 Dec. (23 and 26 June, 1809), 461, 466; 1810), 26 ; movements for his corps wounded at Talavera (29 July, 1809), in Alentejo (25 Dec, 1810), 70; 535. command of his troops on the left of — , deserves every thing that can be the Tagus, taken by Sir W. Beresford PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 107

(29 Dec, 1810), 82; anxiety for the event of the King meditating an in re-establishment of his health (30 vasion of Portugal along the valley of Dec, 1S10), 86; recommended a the Tagus by Plasencia (11 July, change of air (8 Jan., 1811), 119; 1812), 281 ; not to attend to Lord returns to the army in good health Wellington in any manner (16 Aug., (27 May, 1811), 612. 1812), 364 ; instructed to drive Drouet Hill, Lieut. General, caution to the out of Estremadura, and to threaten officer conveying the letter for Andalusia (18 Aug., 1812), 368; or Marmont (4 Aug., 1811), viii. 166; dered to cross the Tagus at Almaraz amount of his force (23 Sept., 1811), (7 and 8 Sept., 1812), 398, 405; in 300 ; instructions to, in the event structions for opening his communica of Soult's advance (10 Oct., 1811), tion with the Marquis of Wellington 332, 333 ; assistance to Castunos through Madrid (20 Sept., 18 1 2), 435 ; (17 Oct., 1811), 348; sent on an ex to have the banks of the Tagus ex pedition against General Girard (23, amined for fords (2 Oct., 1812), 464; 29, and 30 Oct., 1811), 355, 362, instructions for, in case the King and 373; forms for his attack within two Soult should march out of Valencia hundred yards of the French sentries, (10 Oct., 1812), 480, 481; bridges to without their seeing the British troops be mined (12 Oct., 1812), 485 ; retreat (3 Nov., 1811), 377; affair of Arroyo of the Marquis of Wellington from Molinos (6 Nov., 1811), 379, et seq. ; the castle of Burgos, and instructions his services, wound, and recommenda to Sir R. Hill for his junction on the tion by Lord Wellington (6 Nov., Adaja(27 Oct., 1812), 518; force fol 1811), 388; Lord Wellington's con lowing him (7 Nov., 1812), 540 ; in gratulations on his success (7 Nov., structions to, m his movements on the 1811), 389; instructions for striking Tormes (9 Nov., 1812), 545,ettey. ; a blow in favour of Ballesteros (18 to canton in the province of Coria and 23 Dec, 1811), 465, 467, 480; (26 Nov., 1812), 578; in what case ordered to take a position with his to retire on Castello Branco ( 1 Dec, corps at Portalegre, and Castello 1812), 588; difficulties of procur Branco (9 Jan., 1812), 539 ; arrives at ing food in the provinces of Coria Merida to surprise Dombrowski, 541, and Plasencia (8 and 9 Dec, 1812), 542; instructions for destroying the 611,613; commands the troops in the bridge and enemy's stores at Alma- Marquis of Wellington's absence at raz (29 Jan., 1812), 571, (4 and 12 Cadiz (10 Dec, 1812), 618. Feb., 1812), 592, 603; invested with Hill, Sir Rowland, why originally ap the Order of the Bath (10 March, pointed to the command on the south 1812), 655; directions for communi ofthe Tagus (26 Jan., 1813), x. 43 ; in cating with Sir Thomas Graham by vests Pamplona (27 June, 1813), 464 ; Almendralejo (16 March, 1812), 667. measures for a close and strict block , , Sir Rowland, march upon Almen- ade (28 June, 18 13), 469; dislodges the dralejo (20 March, 1812) ix. 2; in French from the Baztan (10 July, structions for destroying the bridge of 1813), 521 ; troops in front of him at Merida (1 April, 1812), 24; instruc Lizaso (28 July, 1813), 571 ; affair near tions for striking his blow at Almaraz Lizaso (1 Aug., 1813), 584 ; at the pass (24 and 30 April, 1812), 80, 101; of Dona Maria, 585 ; moved to the ex transactions on the Tagus (25 May, treme right of the army (11 Aug., 1812), 166; brilliant success of his 1813), 629. operations at Almaraz (25 May, 1812), , up to his knees in snow (1 Nov. 169 ; details of the destruction of the 1813), xi. 235 ; orders to march (5 enemy's works (28 May, 1812), 183, Nov., 1813), 255 ; passage of the note; his characteristic qualities in Nivelle (13 iVbu., 1813), 279; passage confining himself to the objects of his of the Nive (14 Dec, 1813), 365— instructions, 186, 187 ; fourth in com 371 ; report on the affair at Aire (4 mand (3 June, 1812), 206 ; amount of March, 1814), 548; Memorandum to, force under him (6 June, 1812), 215 ; on being left in charge ofthe army on position of Albuera recommended for the Garonne (30 April, 1814), xi. 677. -him, 216; instructions for, in the Holland, wish of the allies to restore to event of Soult's manoeuvring upon the House of Orange (22 Aug., 1813), him (11 June, 1812), 230, 231; di xi. 30; state of affairs in (19 Dec. 1813), rections to fall upon the enemy if it 378; question of removing the scene can be done with advantage (28 June, of operations to (10 Jan., 1814), 1812), 257; instructions to in the 434. 108 INDEX.

Home politics, observations on (1 claims for loss of horses and baggage, March, 1810), v. 542. how to be decided (17 Sept., 1809), Honorable acquittal, in what cafe ob 160; of dragoons, drafting of (13 jectionable (12 Oct., 1809), v. 221. Oct., 1809), 223; remount, arrange , on the inaccurate use of the terms ments for taking care of, on their (9 Nov., 1813), xi. 268, 269. arrival at Lisbon (16 Nov., 1809), Hope, Lieut. General Sir John (created 289; only the best to be brought Lord Niddry, afterwards succeeded to away from Lisbon (21 March, 1810), the Earldom of Hopetoun), succeeds 584, 585. Sir T. Graham (24 Sept., 1813), xi. Horses, expediency of saving, by sending 137, 138; the ablest man in the to Cadiz (13 June, 1810), vi. 190; army (25 Sept., 1813), 143 ; instruc will not eat in the middle of the day tions to (8 and 9 Oct., 1813), 168, (1 Aug., 1810), 313; dragoon, unfit 170 ; receives the command of the ness of for service in the first season troops within the French territory (9 after their arrival (8 Nov., 1810), 596 ; Oct., 1813), 177; to take the com thirty guineas paid for by Government mand if any accident should happen (11 Nov., 1810), 606; loss of horses to Lord Wellington (18 Oct., 1813), on the voyage trifling, ib. 204 ; might be made Marshal General — — , number wanting to complete regi by the Portuguese government (18 ments (7 Dec, 1810), vii. 34 ; age at Oct., 1813), 208; instructions to for which they should be sent, 35 ; fifty moving in echeton on Ste. Barbe or sixty requested for officers, of a su- (11 Nov., 1813), 274; his coolness perior description, ib ; advantage taken and gallantry, and receives a contu of the drafts ot(\6 March, 1811), 366; sion at the passage of the Nive (14 attention to feeding and watering en Dec, 1813), 368; his excessive ex joined (27 May, 1811), 613; on their posure to the enemy's fire (15 Dec, arrival to be taken charge of by Sir 1813), 371; laid up with his wound Stapleton Cotton (2 June, 1811), 631 ; (2 Jan., 1814), 416 ; congratulated on price of horses to be paid by officers, his success of the 27th (2 March, 632. 1814), 541; details of his capture at .price paid for (14 July, 1811), viii. Bayonne (19 April, 1814), 661, note. 105 ; expense of feeding in the Penin Horse Guards, Royal Regiment of, Mar sula, not greater than in England (27 quis of Wellington appointed Colonel Aug., 1811), 231 ; price in England, of (31 /an., 1813), x. 69, 71. and cost of passage to Portugal (16 Horses, do not lose their condition at Sept., 1811), 282; inexpediency of sea (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 73; total in procuring horses from America, 283 ; efficiency of for artillery (16 Aug., for cavalry officers, price of (15 Oct., 1808), 96 ; cavalry, causes of the 1811), 342; supplies for 7000 de deficiencies of (7 May, 1809), 305; manded by the Portuguese, without no horses to be procured in Por having 700 fit for service (17 Dec, tugal, 305, 306 ; description of horses 1811), 465. to be sent to the army, 306 ; artillery, , wear and tear of, in marches and consequences of their arriving in an skirmishes (13 Aug., 1812), ix. 351 ; unserviceable state in the Tagus (5 proposed mounting of dragoons on Jane, 1809), 387 ; complaints of their French horses, 351, 352. want of forage, &c to be inquired , drafting of, from regiment to into, 388, 389; directions to enable regiment (2 Feb., 1813), x. 76,77; them to join in a state fit for service inconvenience of- too many (10 Feb., (12 Jane, 1809), 415; best mode of 1813), 103; preference for drafting disembarking in the Tagus (21 June, those of new, to those of old sol 1809), 442; of cavalry and artillery, diers (17 March, 1813), 202; de speedy falling off of (22 June, 1809), ficiency of, and its consequence (14 456 ; relief to, by water carriage of April, 1813), 295; price paid for a the artillery and stores (28 June, dragoon horse, and suggestion for 1809), 472; English, in possession purchasing at a higher price, and five of many of the Spanish troops (1 years old, 296 ; case of a remount of Aug., 1809), 551. horses of one regiment dying of one — — dying by hundreds in the week day's work, ib; remount of between (19 Aug., 1809), v. 54; number 30,000 and 40,000 collected by the wanted to complete the cavalry and French in three months, ib. ; proposed artillery to.; loss of, from being fed purchase of in Brazil (31 May, 1813), with wheat (28 Aug., 1809), 93; 408. " PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 109

Hospital, excellent order of that at manded by an officer of their own Oporto (8 June, 1809), iv. 400 ; sick corps (7 April, 1813), 269. of the, at Talavera (3 Aug., 1809), 555. Houstoun, Major General (General Sir , regimental, of the Guards, how W.)(21 Dec, 1809), v. 385. managed (11 June, 1810), vi. 182; , conduct at Fueutes de Ouoro (8 at Lisbon, detention of soldiers in, May, 1811), vii. 530. (23 Oct., 1810), 531 ; number of sick , concern at his having quitted the in (27 Oct., 1810), 555. army in 1811 ; excess of General Offi , neglect of the Portuguese sol cers (23 March, 1813), x. 224. diers iu (26 Jan., 1811), vii. 192; (12 Howard, Major General (Lieut. General Feb., 1811), 256; decrease of the Por the Earl of Effingham), vii. 167. tuguese effective strength from want , conduct at Arroyo Molinos (30 of means (3 March, 1811), 334; Por Oct., 1811), viii. 383, &c. tuguese, destitute state of the men . conduct at the forls at Almaraz when they return from them (5 March, (21 May, 1812), ix. 185. 1811), 340; necessity of steps to get , details the capture of Sir J. Hope the Portuguese troops out of (31 (19 April, 1814), xi. 662. March, 1811), 419; retention of sol Howorth, Brigadier-General, letter to diers in (6 April, 1811), 431. (3 June, 1809), iv. 3S5. , 14,000 in (8 Nov., 1811), viii. 391. , leave of absence for an officer of , men in, to be interfered with only the 9-pounder brigade (15 April, by the commandant (11 Dec, 1812), 1811), vii. 468; mortar beds and how ire 622. itzer carriages in Almeida to be put , troops absent in, in the Spanish into a state for service (16 May, 1811), service, receive no pay (8 Jan., 1813), 569. x. 24 ; portable, recommended (10 Hull, Major, recommendation of (29 Frf.,1813), 110. Aug., 1808), iv. 126; killed in the , at Fuenterrabia, conduct of the affair at the Coa, ib. note. Spanish authority at (27 Nov., 1813), Hulse. Major General, death of (7 Sift.. xi. 326 ; buildings for, supplied by 1812), ix. 400. the Spanish government to the Portu Hunting season, hopes Waters will re guese troops (28 Jan., 1814), 485 ; por cover for (14 Oct., 1812), ix. 490. table, utility of (1 March, 1814), 540. Huskisson, W. Esq., money concerns of Hospital mates, increase of required (14, the army of Portugal (5 May, 1809), 16, 29 Nov., 1809), v. 282, 288, 318 ; iv. 302; aggravation of distress, and thirty required (14 Dec, 1809), accumulation of debt (30 May, 1809), 370. 373 ; not a line received from on tho mates put at the bottom of hospi subject of money (22 June, 1809), 456. tal mates, no punishment (20 March, Hussars, 1st K.G. L., in fine order (27 1813), x. 218. Jan., 1810), v. 549. Hospital ships, want of (7 Dec, 1809), , complaints of their plundering v. 341. (6 Aug., 1810), vi. 332. , none sent by Government (1 April, , handsome affair of the 10th (2 and 1810), vi. 3 ; fitted up by Admi 4 June, 1813), x. 411, 415. ral Berkeley (7 April, 1810), 21; Hutchinson, Lord, extent to which he spare tonnage to be fitted up as (22 withheld payment to the troops (25 April, 1810), 54 ; utility of sea voy Jan., 1810), v. 453. age of (23 May, 1810), 144. Hutted, troops to be (16 June, 1809), iv. Hospital stoppages, '.Id. for all ranks (7 428. June, 1809), iv. 397. Houghton, Major-General, killed at the I and J. head of his brigade at Albuera (18 May, 1811), vii. 590. Jackson, Lieut. Colonel (Lieut. General Hounds on the road as the hunting Sir , R.)called (25 to March, do the duty 1811), of vii. amounted 395. season is coming on (14 Oct., 1812), ix. 490; at Arevalo, precaution for officer with a battalion of Guards (6 moving (3 Nov., 1812), 532. Dec, 1812), ix. 610. House of Lords, of the Spanish Gran Jail, confinement in of a soldier, nearly dees, suggested (29 Jan., 1813), x. 65. two jails years of (20 Portugal, Feb., 1811), miserable vii. 278. state of Household brigade, number of horses wanted to complete (10 Feb., 1813), x. prisoners in (20 July, 1813), x. 556. 104; letter to the Officer commanding Imaz, General, succeeds to the command (19 March, 1813), 208 ; must be com of Badajoz (14 March, 1811), vii. 110 INDEX.

360 ; signals made to him that Mas- Information, total destitution of, in the sena had retired, and that he might French army (30 June, 1811), viii. 62. expect assistance, ib. ; surrenders lest Inns, none in Portugal in which an offi the garrison should prevent the sur cer could be billeted (31 Dec, 1810), render when certain of Massena's re vii. 91. treat (16 March, 1811), 367; his ac Inquisition, danger of hurrying the pro count of the afl'.iirs of Badajoz (20 posed abolition of, and the results (29 March, 1811), 380; opinion of, in the June, 1813), x. 474. council of war, previous to the surren Inspectors of Spanish cavalry and in der of Badajoz (10 April, 1811), 455. fantry, power of (8 July, 1813),x.516. Immorality, punishment for, by the Mu General of cavalry and infantry, tiny Act and Articles of War (18 importance of their presence at head Feb., 1811), vii. 273. quarters (4 Oct., 1813), xi. 159. Imperial Guards, withdrawn (2 May, Insurrections in Italy, schemes of (2 1 1810), vi. 81; amount of in Spain March, 1813), x. 222; scene for in (13 July, 1810), 283, note. ' Germany, 223. , ordered back to France (27 March, Intelligence, employment of officers to 1811), vii. 411. give (6 May, 1809), iv. 304. , amount of (28 Aug., 1811), viii. — , proposed pay to persons for pro 236. curing (22 Jan., 1810), v. 444, 445; Income, in what way to be made to money to be expended in procuring yield a surplus (21 Dec. 1813), xi. 383. (25 Jan., 1810), 451; supposed, com Income tax, not to be deducted from the munication of by Spanish general bat and forage (11 March, 1810), v. officers (30 March, 1810), 607. 565. from the armies, unreserve in pub , Portuguese, a real tenth proposed lication (17 June, 1810), vi. 200; (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 64; objectionable Spaniards cease to give any to the manner in which laid on in Portugal British army (25 July, 1810), 295. (27 Dec, 1810), 79 ; for the year , mode of conveying to the enemy in 1811, expediency of calling upon the Portugal (6 Feb., 1811), vii. 237,238; mercantile body of the kingdom to means to prevent the enemy getting pay it into the Treasury, in the course (7 Feb., 1811), 240; persons through of the month of April (31 March, whom obtained (8 Feb., 1811), 242; 1811), 420. pay of officers for procuring (23 Feb., , of ten and even twenty per cent, in 1811), 283. Portugal, not a hundredth part paid , offer of payment for (14 Feb., (12 June, 1811), viii. 6. 1813),x. 116; from Paris, difficulty of , necessity of an equal collection of, conveying (16 March, 1813), 197,198. on the commercial property of Portu Intendant, Spanish, inefficiency of his gal (6 May, 1812), ix. 123 ; Portuguese, power to realize the resources of the proposed experiment for levying it country (4 Dec, 1812), ix. 606. (5 June, 1812), 213; refusal of the Intendants General of provinces, pro Portuguese Government to adopt a posed organization of (27 Dec, 1812), plan of collection assimilated to that x. 1 1 ; Intendants of provinces, in the of England (17 Oct., 1812), 498. days of Louis XIV., assimilation to Indian corn, the common consumption of the Spanish Intendants (27 Jan , of Portugal (11 Aug., 1808), iv. 84. 1813), 53 ; general instructions to be Inftmtado, Duque del, proposed employ issued to (7 Feb., 1813), 94, 95. ment of in the army (28 March, 6 and Intercourse of life, necessity of courtesy 14 April, 1813), x. 238, 263, 292 ; re in (18 Aug., 1811), viii. 206. fusal of the Regency (28 April, 1813), Intermittent disorder of some of the 334. troops in •Portugal (18 Sept., 1811), , government of destroyed by the viii. 293. Liberates (5 Sept., 1813), xi.90, 91. Interpreters, discontinuance of expense Infantry, Spanish, bad state of (25 Aug., for (I July, 1809), iv. 483. 1809), v. 84. Intoxication, similarity of disposition in , division, French, has no cavalry the British and Portuguese to (4 belonging to it (2 May, 1810), vi. 81. Aug., 1811), viii. 171. , Spanish, improved organization of Invasion of Portugal, by the French, (27 Feb., 1813), x. 149. warnings and recommendations to the Information, measures taken on the left, government to alleviate its evils, and to prevent the French obtaining (16 to impede the enemy's progress (18 Feb.. 1811), vii. 265. Oct., 1810), vi. 521, 522. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. Ill

Invasion of Great Britain, certainty of, Irish Legion, wish of the officer com if the French government were freed manding, to quit the French service from the pressure of continental mili (8 May, 1811), vii. 537. tary operations (23 March, 1811), vii. Irish militia, those who are principally 392. deserters from the British army (12 Invincibility of British troops, belief of the Nov. 1810), vi. 618. Spaniards in (6 May, 1812), ix. 119. — — , volunteers from, the cause of great Joseph, King, enters Spain (23 July, misery, from no provision being made 1808), iv. 41 ; arrival in Madrid (8 for their wives and families (24 Scut., Aug., 1808), 68; gone to Madrid (19 1813), xi. 141. July, 1809), 521. Irregularities of the soldiers, impossi , reported insurrection against, at bility of remedying, without an alter Malaga (28 March, 1810), v. 604. ation of the Mutiny Law (9 June, , returns to Seville (29 April, 1810), 1812), ix. 222; irregularities of the vi. 63 ; arrival at Madrid (30 May, troops the cause of their ill health 1810), 161 ; discordance in his military (4 Aug., 1812), 339. arrangements (11 June, 1810), 188. Irun, bridge of, destroyed by the French , departure of, from Madrid, on his (10 July, 1813), x. 520. road to France (1 and 6 May, 1811), , directions for strengthening the vii. 516, 518. position in the neighbourhood of (21 — — , intercepted letter from, to Napo Aug. 1813), xi. 24. leon, remarks on (18 June, 1811), Isla de Leon, proposed defence of (22 viii. 35. Dec, 1809), v. 388; if lost, Cadiz , appointed Generalissimo of the cannot hold out a week (27 Feb., 1810), French armies in Spain (13 May, 526; proposed construction of works 1812), ix. 143. at (1 March, 1810), 539, 540. , takes the command of the three , proposed defences for (15 April, armies at Madrid (27 Jan., 1813), 1810), vi. 38, 39. x. 50; informs Napoleon that the Italian troops, at Cadiz, desertion of (24 people prefer the orders of a sove April, 1810), vi. 57. reign of his family to the theories of , at Alicante, conduct of (25 Feb., the Cortes (29 Jan., 1813), 62, note,- 1813), x. 142. quitting Madrid to establish his head Italy, supposed insurrections in (21 quarters at Valladolid (13 March, March, 1813), x. 222, 223; south, tho 1813), 187; retreat of, from Spain, best scene of operations for a British after the battle of Vitoria (24 June, army, excepting the Spanish Penin 1813), 456; sword of, taken in the sula (16 May, 1813), 385; impolicy battle of Vitoria, presented to the of an expedition to (1 July, 1813), Prince Regent (10 Aug., 1813), 626. 481 ; in what case to be undertaken, ,, pictures found among his bag 482. gage (16 March, 1814), xi. 586. Julian, Fort St., impracticability of si Jourdan, Marshal (27 May, 1809), iv. lencing (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 69. 364. , works there, no persons to be al , defeated at Vitoria, and his Mar lowed to inspect them (9 Sept., 1810), shal's baton sent home to the Prince vi. 418. Regent (22 June, 1813), x. 446-452. , construction of four jetties in tho Ireland, exportation of grain from, to be bay ordered (20 March, 1811), vii. encouraged (15 June, 1810), vi. 198. 380 ; prisoners or galley slaves not to , early marriage in, and observa go to (4 April, 1811), 429; ruinous tions on recruiting in (28 Jan., 1811), state of the bridge (13 May, 1811), vii. 202; expediency of having some person in, capable of giving his coun Junot, General (Due d'Abrantes),amount trymen an account of the real state of of his force at Lisbon (21 July, 1808), affairs in France and in the armies iv.40; probable effort to reinforce him (8 May, 1811), 538. (10 Aug., 1808), 79; defeated at Vi- , articles that might be supplied meiro (21 Aug., 1808), 108-1 12 ; army by, for the distressed Portuguese (12 landed from Portugal at La Rochelle June, 1811), viii. 9. {Oct., 1808), 260. Irish College at Salamanca, letter on , passage of his corps for Spain (15 (2 Feb., 1813), x. 74. Jan., 1810), v. 428; and Loison, force Irish deserters, twenty, from the French of, about to attack the Spaniards at service, wish to enter the navy (9 Astorga (19 Feb., 1810), 506 ; amount April, 1810), vi. 29. of their corps, 507. 112 INDEX.

Junot, General (Due d'Abrantes), force ledgment for his kindness (20 Aug., brought by, into Spain (2 May, 1811), 210. 1810), vi. 81; amount of his corps Kettle (see Camp Kettles), kind of, (6 and 9 June, 1810), 171, 179; best adapted for the soldier (29 Sept., amount of his corps (1 July, 1810), 1809), v. 197; and tin substituted in 234 ; effectives of (8 July, 18 10), 25 1 ; consequence (see General Order, 1 strength and position of (19 July, March, 1813). 1810), 283. King George III., his right to choose his , reported to be wounded at Rio own servants (1 March, 1810), v. 542. Mayor (21 Jan., 1811), vii. 167; , better iu health (4 Dec, 1811), vii. wounded (26 Jan., 1811), 198; re 30 ; anxiety to receive accounts of the ported death (28 Jan., 1811), 205; good King's health (11 Dec, 1810), return of his corps in April, 1810 (25 40 ; physicians of, under examination March, 1811), 403; goes to France before the two Houses (5 Jan., 181 1), (24 May, 1811), 604. 107; continued illness of, and pro ceedings for a Regency (6 Jan. 1811), K. 115; majority by which the Prince of Wales was appointed Regent, and Keith, Admiral Lord, his request for a nature of the restrictions (10 Jan., line of battle ship unnoticed (19 Aug, 1811), 125. 1813), xi. 17; letter to (21 Aug., Kioge, affair of (19 Aug., 1807), iv. 2. 1813), 25. Knapsacks, bad quality of ('20 June, Kfllermann, General (22 Aug., 1808), 1810), vi. 217. iv. 116 ; sent to propose a suspension Knighting by patent, letter respecting of hostilities (25 Aug., 1808), 119. (18 Nov., 1813), xi. 297. , Sir A. Wellesley recommends to Kruse, Colonel, comes over to the Allies him the care of his wounded at Tala- (11 Dec, 1813), xi. 357. vera(9 Aug., 1809), v. 16. Kutusoff, proclamation of (12 Feft.1813), Kempt, Major General (Sir James), high x. 1 14. opinion of him (2 Dec, 181 1), viii. 431. , attacks and carries La Picurina (27 March, 1812), ix. 12 ; wounded in Laborde, General, his force and position the assault of Badajoz (7 April, 1812), at Rolica, defeat of (17 Aug., 1808), 36 ; state of his wound (20 May, iv.96; his loss (18 Aug., 1808), 103. 1812), 158. La China, capitulation of (14 Aug. 1812), , repulses the enemy on the Bidasoa ix. 357. (2 Sept., 1813), xi. 68; wounded in La Mancha, plan of offensive operations the attack of the enemy's works at in (9 May, 1809), iv. 317, 318. La Petite La Rhune (13 Nov., 1813), difficulty of the French operating 285. on, if the combined armies were in a Kennedy, Mr. (Sir Robert), Commissary situation to undertake anything (21 General, representations of the want of Aug., 1809), v. 70; line of operation to sufficient escorts for his stores (2 Nov., be recommended for the troops assem 1810), vi. 575 ; character of his suc bled in, considered (28 Sept. 1809), cessor (6 Nov. 1810), 595. 192 ; collection of troops in under letter to, court of inquiry on the General Eguia (6 Oct., 1809), 212; conduct of Mr. (3 Dec, 1810), invasion of, by the French, by what vii. 27 ; number of rations issued by, occasioned (22 Oct., 1809), 243 ; daily (25 Jan. 1811), 187; boats to be General Areyzaga appointed io com made over to the Portuguese commis mand the army of (28 Oct., 1809), sariat (15 Feb., 1811), 263; dollars 248 ; amount of French force in, 251 ; "sent by (27 March, 1811), 408. withdrawal of the French troops from , relieved from his situation (25 (28 Zfcc, 1809), 399; continued aug June, 1811), viii. 50; ability with mentation of the enemy in (24 Jan., which he conducts the transport de 1810), 449. partment (4 Aug., 1811), 171. , instructions in case the enemy , Sir Robert, Memorandum to (5 should advance from Valencia into June, 1813), x. 419. (13 Oct, 1812), ix. 487. , wishes for a baronetcy (23 April, Lake, Lieut. Col. the Hon. G. A. F., 1814), xi. 671. killed in the attack of the pass of Kent, Duke of, letter to (4 July, 1811), Rolica (18 Aug., 1808), iv. 1 03 ; tribute viii. 76; Lord Wellington's acknow to his merits and memory, 104. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 113

Lake, General Lord, death of (18 Aug., Legislative assemblies, their tendency 1808), iv. 104, note. to acts of injustice (29 Jan., 1813), x. Lakes of America, expediency of a naval 65. superiority on (22 Feb., 1814), xi. Leipsic, military error of Buonaparte at 525. (10 Jan., 1814), xi. 435. Lambert, Colonel (Lieut. General Sir Leite, General, his kindness to the John), instructions for his guidance at wounded British (21 Aug., 1809), v. Carthagena (12 Dec, 1811), viii. 449. 66; instructions to, to occupy the , conduct in the passage of the Ni- fort of Campo Mayor, &c. (9 Jan., velle (13 Nov., 1813), xi. 284; at Tou 1810), 419; confidential Memoran louse (12 April, 1814), 636. dum to (28 Feb., 1810), 529. Langwerth, Brigadier General, killed at , signals to Badajoz the retreat of Talavera (29 July, 1809), iv. 536. Massena (14 March, 1811), vii. 360. Lansdowne, Lord, effects of his death Leith, Major General (Lieut General Sir (30 Nov., 1809), v. 325. James, K.B.), his corps to be in reserve Larpent, Mr., observations on the New (7 Aug., 1810), vi. 333 ; order for the Military Law Bill (13 April, 1813) disposition of his troops, 334 ; pay by x. 290 ; with the Marquis of Welling to officers employed to procure intel ton's observations on these, 291. ligence (22 Aug., 1810), 375 ; Pre , considered a prisoner of war (4 sident of General Court Martial, letter Sept., 1813), xi. 78; money trans to (15 Sept., 1810), 444 ; instructions mitted to, 79. for moving, 450 ; at the battle of Bu- LaRhune, rock of (8 Oct., 1813), xi. saco(30 Sept., 1810), 471. 168; carried in a most gallant style , preliminary to go through, to ob by Colonel Colborne, 52d regiment tain leave of absence (22 Dec, 1810), (9 Oct., 1814), 177. vii. 61. Lavaos, proclamation issued at (2 Aug., , conduct at the battle of Salamanca 1808), iv. 58 ; landing and concentra (24 July, 1812), ix. 299-308. tion of the forces (4^«y.,1808),61. , passage for, in a man of war, re La Merced, fort, stormed (30 June, quested (19 Jan., 1813), x. 32; letter 1812), ix. 259. to (4 April, 1813), 255. Le Cor, Colonel, instructions for de , at the assault of San Sebastian fending the passage of the Zezere (18 (1 Sept., 1813), xi. 60-66; appointed Feb., 1810), v. 503. to the command in the West Indies , active and intelligent, must be (21 Dec, 1813), 383. written to in French (2 April, 1810), Le Marchaut, Major General, killed at vi. 5 ; the enemy's probable operation the head of his brigade (24 July, on, after their capture of Ciudad Ro- 1812), ix. 303; proceedings of Court drigo (15 June, 1810), 198, 199. Martial unsigned by, when killed (4 , desire of the Government to ap Nw., 1812), 536. point him to the Minho (3 March, Letter, dangerous faculty of stringing 1811), vii. 331; sufferings of his bri offensive words in (4 Feb., 181 1), vii. gade for bread (16 April, 1811), 474. 230. , the gallant conduct of the division Letters, the British the most indefati under his command on the 13th Dec. gable writers of, in the world (17 June, (14 Dec., 1813), xi. 369. 1810), vi. 200. Lecumberri (28 July, 1813), x. 571. intercepted, written to mislead (5 Ledesma, evacuated by the French (25 June, 1811), vii. 642. May, 1813), x. 399. Leyria, reasons for objecting to send any Lee, Brigadier General, letter to, on the troops to (6 Aug., 1808), iv. 63; in nature and circumstances of the com structions for operating on (9 Aug., mand he is about to exercise in Li 1808), 76, 77 ; safety of a magazine merick (7 July, 1808), iv. 22. at (11 Aug., 1808), 85; halt at, to re Lel'evre, Lieutenant Colonel, killed (2 fresh the horses (30 April, 1809), May, 1810), vi. 83. 285. Left, the British army necessarily so, , head quarters of General Diouet throughout the operations (9 Dec, (12 Jan., 1811), vii. 135; the whole 1809), v. 359, note. town burnt by the French (14 March, Legion, defined, and question of the ad 1811), 358. vantage of training troops in a (11 , complaint against two soldiers at Oct., 1809), v. 219. (13 Set,!., 1811), viii. 279. Legislation, theory of all, founded in Liar "of the first magnitude," arrival of justice (29 Jan., 1813), x. 65. at Lisbon (21 Aug., 1811), viii. 211. 114 INDEX.

Libels in newspapers, observations on Lisbon, difficulties of bringing the contest (7 , Jan., Spanish 1811), law vii. of, 116. difficulty of pro for the capital to extremities, and afterwards embarking the British ceeding under it (30 Oct., 1813), xi. army (25 Aug. 1809), v. 89; Lord 232; libel in the Duende, proposed Wellington's arrival at (10 Oct., prosecution of (2 Nov., 1813), 247; 1809), 216; plan of defence for (20 Spanish law of, its difference from the Oct., 1809), 235; orders regulating English (19 Nov., 1813), 301. the reinforcements and recruits ar Liberales of Spain, caution to (31 riving at Lisbon (24 Jan., 1810), 440, March, 1813), x. 247 ; conduct of, at et seq.; probable line of attack on, Cadiz (21 April, 1813), 310; cha and proposed system of defence (10 racterised by La Vega (4 May, March, 1810), 562 (26 Oct., 1809), 1813), 347; impolicy of a declaration 244 ; outline of a police establish against, by the British Government ment , tranquillity for (24 March, at, when 1810), the 594, inhabit 595. (12 July, 1813), 524; natural ten dency of their violent and democrati- ants found they were not to be aban cal principles, 52 5. doned to the French (1 April, 1810), , revolutionary conduct of at Cadiz vi. 3 ; claim of the merchants of the (5 Sept., 1813), xi. 90, 91. factory at, to be exempt from military Lies, encouragement given to by the billets (29 April, 1810), 71 ; direc fashion of the times (17 June, 1810), tions for collecting grain, and prospec vi.200. tive necessity of a great consumption Lieutenant Generals in the Peninsula, there (15 June, 1810), 198 ; exchange proposal for making Major Generals at, 20 per cent, loss (20 June, 1810), Cotton and Hill such (23 and 26 June, 212; reinforcement of disposable in 1809), iv, 461, 466. fantry to, urged (14 July, 1810), 270 ; Life Guards, bad condition of the horses precautionary plan of police to be en landed at Lisbon (1 Dec, 1812), ix. forced at, against the mob (9 Sept., 589. 1810), 423; mob at, nattered (13 Light division, satisfaction at its con Sept., 1810), 435; lines in front of, duct (6 April, 1811), vii. 430. districts and troops for, (6 Oct., 1810), Light Dragoons, to be mounted on 488, 489 ; volunteers, post for (12 Oct., French horses (13 Aug., 1812), ix. 351. 1810), 507. {See Lines.) Limh, loss of, by a volunteer, pension not , shameful wants of the inhabitants, claimable for (9 Dec, 1812), ix. 615.| under the wealth and means collected Limerick, High Sheriff of, letter to, ap there (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 62; the probation by the county of Lord Wel possession of, by the French, worth lington's services (4 July, 1811), viii. the loss of half their army (29 Dec, 75. 1810), 84; people of, supported by Lines, in front of Lisbon, Memorandum importations of provisions from foreign to the Chief Engineer how to form countries, 85 ; quartering of officers (20 Oct., 1809), v. 234, 239. at (31 Dec, 1810), 91 ; anti-English , arrangement of into districts (6 party formed at (1 Jan., 1811), 98; Oct., 1810), vi. 489 ; French retreat provisions in for a year (25 and 26 from , the (15 Spanish Nov., 1811), army 623,and the &c. Portu Jan., 1811), 187, 192; roads to, from every part of Portugal (23 Feb., guese militia, fed in, besides the whole 1811), 306, note; amount of the Bri British army (23 Jan., 1811), vii. 179. tish army when it reached its fortified Lisbon, amount of French corps concen positions in front of Lisbon, 307; trated at or about (25 July, 1808), iv. works in front of, completion of (16 43 ; preparations for a march on (29 March, 1811),364; guns bearing upon July, 1808), 48 ; reasons for making the entry of the harbour at, to be a landing to the northward of ( 1 Aug., pointed toward the sea (14 May, 1808), 53; the possession of the har 1811), 553; withdrawal of British bour and city of, the immediate object and German artillery from the works of operations, 54; objections to land in front of (29 May, 1811), 616. ing south of the Tagus (4 Aug., 1808), , causes of the large quantities of 61, 62; French force disposable for provisions at (4 July, 1811), viii. 76 ; its defence (8 Aug., 1808), 67 ; sup reasons why the works in front of plies of shoes, hay, oats, aud money, should not be inspected by any body requested to be sent to (31 May, (21 Aug., 1811), 214. 1809), 378; discontinuance of works , fortunes made by the mercantile at (22 June, 1809), 454, classes of, by war, without contribut- PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 115

ing anything to alleviate its burthens and temporary (7 June, 1809), 394 ; (6 May, 1812), ix. 123; proposed ex effects of this local rank when the periment for levying the income tax British and Portuguese troops are in (5 June, 1812), 213. serving together. 395 ; question in Liverpool, Earl of, succeeds Lord Cas- what manner is the relative rank of tlereagh as Secretary of State for those officers to be settled with the War and Colonies (13 Nov., 1809), rank of officers senior to them in the v. 273, note. {See Secretary of State.) British service, although junior to , letter to (7 Sept., 1812), arrange them as to their Portuguese commis ments of the Administration, ix. 401 ; sions, 396. thanks to, for the proposed grant of Loison, General, crosses the Tagus with 100,000l., ib.; proposed disposal of a corps of 4000 men (8 Aug., 1808), the public grant in land (15 Sept., iv. 67; at Elvas (10 Aug., 1808), 1812), 432; thanks to, for kindness 80; joins Laborde at Torres Vedras to his sister (3 Nov., 1812), 536 ; ef (18 Aug., 1808), 102. fects of the evacuation of Madrid, ib. ; , amount of his corps (2 May, 1810), review of the state of affairs at the vi. 81; detached, to look for provi close of the campaign of 1812 (23 sions, or to open the road for retreat Nov., 1812), 570. (27 Oct., 1810), 553, 555. , letter to, respecting the Wellington , capture of his baggage (4 April, estate, and disposal of the parliament 1811), vii. 428; sets out for France ary grant (27 Jan., 1813), x. 47; (24 May, 1811), 604. letter of thanks for the Blue Riband London Gazette, permission to accept (16 March, 1813), 199; suggestion honors and distinctions, published in to keep the order of the Bath, and (12 Dec, 1811), viii. 451, 455. precedent of a British subject holding Long, Major General, directions for two British orders (12 May, 1813), moving on Villa Franca and Zafra 376 ; answer to his letter, on the de (11 April, 1812), ix. 51. fence of the Pyrenees, the state of the Longa, Colonel, affair of, and proposed Spanish armies, and the reduction of promotion (10 and 27 Jan. and 3 Feb., expenditure (12 July, 1813), 567— 1813), x. 28, 50, 79; attack of a con 570; result of the attempt to defend voy, under General Rouyer (25 May, the passes of the Pyrenees (4 Aug., 1813), 399; proposition to go to the 1813), 596. rear for want of pay and food (25 , acquainting him with the senti July, 1813), 569. ments of the French people against Lords, House of, thanks to Lord Wel the Buonaparte dynasty (4 March, lington for the operations in the 1814), xi. 546. late campaign in Portugal (25 May, Lizasso, affair at (1 Aug., 1813), x. 580, 1811), vii. 609. 584. Los Cayetanos, siege of (25 and 26 Lerida, garrison of, capitulates (1 March, June, 1812), ix. 253, 255; stormed 1814), xi. 539. (30 June, 1812), 260. Llerena, success against the French divi Los Santos, doubt of the enemy being sion stationed at (29 Dec,\ 8 1 0), vii. 38. at (13 June, 1811), viii. 10; the , cavalry affair at (16 April, 1812), French in strength at (14 June, 1811), ix. 62. 19; affair at (5 July, 1811), 83. Lloreute, Memoires pour servir, &c. (9 Louis XVIII., under what circumstances Oct., 1813), xi. 171, note. to be proclaimed at Bordeaux (7 Lloyd, Capt. (Major), killed at the pas March, 1814), xi. 558 ; proclaimed sage of the Nivelle (4 Aug., 1810), King of France (14 March, 1814), vi. 325 and note. 581 ; acknowledged King of the Loan, proposed assistance to the Spanish French by the Provisional Govern government in the form of (26 Jan., ment (14 April, 1814), 643. 1811), vii. 194; advantages of loans, Lower orders, error to suppose that they without interest (1 June, 181 1), 629. are always right in their complaints , certificates for the proposed (4 (13Sept., 1812), ix. 426. Feb., 1813), x. 86. Lumley, Major General the Hon. Sir W., , Spanish, in England, observations coming out (1 Sept., 1810), vi. 399; on (13 Dec, 1813), xi. 364. Memorandumfor (23 Oct., 1810), 530. Local rank, dissatisfaction created by , anxiety whether he sees the road (30 May, 1809), iv. 370 ; step of Por from Santarem to Torres Novas (22 tuguese rank to British officers serv Nov., 1810), vii. 1 ; irregular mode of ing in the Portuguese army, only local obtaining food for his brigade (18 I 2 116 INDEX.

Dec, 1810), 53, 54 ; brigade to remain Macdonald, Marshal, strength and posi at Almeirim (28 Dec, 1810), 80; tion of (19 July, 1810), vi. 283. noise heard by in Santarem (19 Feb., Maceira, arrival of French advanced 1811), 277; request to, to know early guard at (29 Dec, 1810), vii. 83. if he perceives any difference at San M'Grigor, Dr. (Sir James), letter to (9 tarem (4 March, 1811), 338; conduct June, 1812), ix. 221; approbation of at the battle of Albuera (18 May, the diligence and attention of the 1811), 591 ; gallant affair at Usagre medical department (25 July, 1812), (30 May, 1811), 623. 311. Lumley, Major General, the Hon. Sir W., Mackenzie, Major General, instructions goes to England (4 Aug., 1811), viii. to, for watching the enemy's move 168. ments on the eastern frontier of Por ' Lusitanian Legion, evacuates Alcan tugal, and for guarding the passes on tara (20 May, 1809), iv. 347; good the right of the Tagus (30 April and behaviour of (21 May, 1809), 350. 1 May, 1 809), iv. 286, et seq. ; proposed , its inferior efficiency (24 Jan., correspondence of Mr. Villiers with 1810), v. 445 ; how composed, and (3 May, 1809), 296 ; to send an officer, probability of its willingness to em post, with communication of import bark, in the event of the British being ance (6 May, 1809), 304; instructions obliged to embark, 446. to (21 May, 1809), 349; injunction to relief of, out of the mountains (2 act boldly on his instructions, 351; April, 1 8 1 0) , vi. 5 ; accounts of, referred be given to General Cuesta, to Marshal lleresl'ord (7 June, 1810), in the event of a request for a junc 175; raised by requisition, ib.; pay tion (24 May, 1809), 361 ; all that he ment of, if one of the subsidised regi has done perfectly correct in every ments (19 June, 1810), 207; claims part (28 May, 1809), 368; killed at of the English officers of, how charge Talavera (29 July, 1809), 536. able, ill. Mackenzie, Major General, instructions , complaints of their misconduct to, to obtain the town and kingdom of and indiscipline (25 Nuv., 1810), vii. Valencia, in case Soult and the King 6 ; proposed augmentation of (26 should advance into La Mancha (13 Nov., 1810), 9; inspection of (26 Feb., Oct., 1812), ix. 487. 1811),319; great decrease in strength Alackinnon, Major General, conduct of (5 March, 1811), 341; letter to an his brigade at the battle of Busaco officer belonging to the corps (25 (30 Sept. 1810), vi. 473. March, 181 1), 393 ; victualled by the , blown up at the storming of Ciudad British (30 March, 1811), 416; dimi Rodrigo (20 Jan., 1812), viii. 551 ; his nished effective strength of (8 April, widow and children recommended to 1811), 437. Mr. Perceval, 539. , recruits for, hnw, and where Madden, Brig. General, his brigade de raised (4 Aug., 1811), viii. 172. tached to the Marques de la Romana Lutzen, battle at (31 May, 3 and 10 (10 Aug., 1810), vi. 344. June, 1813), x. 407, 410, 430. , to act with confidence (11 Jan., Lyceria, doubt whether it should be 1811), vii. 126; ground of his sepa protected (3 Nov., 1810), vi. 578. ration from the Spanish corps (13 (26 Nov., 1810), vii. 7; impracti Jan., 1811), 138; unfounded com cability of marching upon the roads in plaint of his marches and counier- the wet season, 8 ; passage across the marches (24 Jan., 1811), 181 ; terms island in all weathers (4 Dec. 1810) ; under which the Portuguese brigade passage across (25 Dec, 1810), 71 ; of cavalry is attached to the'Spanish dyke roads, 72 ; construction of bridge army, 182; allowed to return to the to, from Cjamora Correa (3 Jan., 1811), army with the rank he would have 100; impracticability of marching held, had he not quitted it (13 May, troops across in wet weather (4 Jan., 1811), 550, 551. 1811), 105. , complaint of starvation (18 July, Lynch, Mayor of Bordeaux, proclamation 1811), viii. 114. by (14 March, 1814), xi. 572, note. Madras army, regard for by Lord Wel Lynedoch, Lord. {See Graham.) lington (3 Dec, 1809), v. 331. Madras Establishment, observations on M. the state of party and indiscipline at (3 Dec, 1809), v. 329. M'Bcan, Colonel (Major General Sir Madrid, queries as to the possibility of an ,William), (19 Jan., 1811), vii. 161. action on this side of (21 June, 1809), PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 117

iv. 443; proposed diversion to, to Aug., 1812), 330; lands at Alicante divide the French force (lAug., 1809), (15 Aug., 1812), 360 ; plan for ope 562. rating, keeping the sea on his flank Madrid, entered by Lord Wellington (13 (16 Aug., 1812), 363; to remain on Aug., 1812), ix. 354; effects of its the Eastern coast till further orders evacuation (3 Nov., 1812), 536 ; entry from the Secretary of State, ib. ; cau of Joseph into (7 AW, 1812), 540; tioned against Alicante and Cartha- indiscipline of the troops on the retreat gena falling by a coup de main (24 from (28 Nov., 1812), 582. Aug., 1812), 377 (25 Aug., 1812), , letter to the principal civil magis 381 ; instructions transmitted to (29 trate, urging the Government to send Aug., 1812), 383; ordered to secure to the capital the principal civil and Alicante, 384; instructions (30 Aug., military authorities, on the passage of 1812), 386 (2 Sept., 1812),", 392 ; in the Pisuerga (9 June, 1813), x. 428. structions for maintaining his post, , influence of the mob at (26 Jan., and for embarking at the last extre 1814), xi. 498; conduct of the press mity (20 Sept., 1812), 433. at (3 Feb., 1814), 496. Malcolm, Colonel (General Sir John), Mafra, march to (20 Aug., 1808), iv. letter to (2 Dec, 1809), affairs at 105, 106. Madras, v. 329; lamentable state of , cost of the feast at (12 Aug., the Spaniards, 331 ; Lord Welling 1811), viii. 187. ton's determination not to shrink from Magazines of provisions and forage, ne the contest, 331, 332. cessity of forming (8 Aug., 1809), v. Malcolm, Captain Pulteney (Vice Ad 10; principal," of the British army, miral Sir), testimony to his zeal and where situated (1 Sept., 1809), 103. abilities (26 Aug., 1808),iv. 124, 125 ; , neglect of the allies in forming examination of, on the Court of In (20 Jan., 1811), vii. 166. quiry, 191. Magistrates, punishment in England Manoeuvring army, proof of the British for their refusal of a warrant to the being (8 April, 1811), vii. 434. owners of a boat or cart for the service March, Earl of (Duke of Richmond) (2 of the army (1 1 Oct., 181 1), viii. 336. July, 1810), vi. 240; appointed to the , Portuguese, reluctance of to attend 13th Light Dragoons (13 July, 1810), as witnesses at Courts Martial (22 261 ; can do without his helmet for a Feb., 1813), x. 131; refusal of to at little while (10 Aug., 1810), 347. tend lo give evidence on Couits Mar , goes to England with Lord Wel tial (16 March, 1813), 201. lington's dispatches (4 Aug., 1812), Maguilla, affair at (18 and 30 June, ix. 332. 1812), ix. 243,263. Marching in large bodies, practice in Mahou, importance of securing (15 wanted (20 March, 1811), vii. 376. March, 1810), v. 574. , soldiers not sufficiently exercised .force detached to (1 July, 1812), in, and its consequences (27 Sept., ix. 265. 1812), ix. 457. Majalahonda, affair at (13 Aug., 1812), , superiority of the French in, to ix. 353, 356. the British (25 Aug., 1813), xi. 40. Majorca, number of troops to be con Maria Theresa, knights of assume the veyed from to the Eastern coast of title of Sir (10 Feb., 1813), x. 109. Spain (17 May, 1812), ix. 151. Marines, proposed employment of, in aid Majors commanding battalions, in the of the movements of the army (10 late service in Portugal, intended pro- Nov., 1810), vi. 602. motiou of (17 June, 1809), iv. 429. , bat and forage allowed to officers Maitland, General, observations on his of, in land operations (26 Dec, 1812), paper on the transference of the army x. 6 ; claim of officers to bat and fo in India to the Crown (13 March, rage (10 Feb., 1813), 105. 1812), viii. 661. Marmont, Marshal, commands the Maitland, Lieut. General F., operations Army of Portugal, and moves towards of on the Eastern coast of Spain (1 Avila (24 May, 1811), vii. 602, 603; July, 1812), ix. 265, 266 ; advantages letter to, reasons for not liberating to be derived from his operations on non-combatants (25 May, 1811), 606. the Eastern coast (30 July, 1812), , force under (11 July, 1811), viii. 321 ; letters to (2 Aug., 1812), 325 ; 92 ; relieves. Ciudad Rodrigo, and af his dissatisfaction with his force, fairs with (29 Sept., 1811), 300; but prospective advantages from the plunder of tbe 6th and 7th Govern expedition to the Eastern coast (3 ments allotted to his tioops (15 Jan., 118 INDEX.

1812), 548 ; amount of his force on not consistent with justice (8 April, the Tormes (21 Jan., 1812), 560; po 1811), 440. sition of five of the eight divisions Mascarenhas, hanged (1 Oct., 1811), under his command (19 Feb., 1812), viii. 312. 618. Masonic procession in Lisbon, illegality Marmont, Marshal,reconnaitres Almeida of (4 Jan., 1810), v. 410. (7 April, 1812), ix. 43; movements on Mass, soldiers of the army permitted to the Coa, and approach to Penamacor go to (8 Sept., 1809), v. 134; soldiers (1 1 April, 1 8 12 ), 5 1 ; blockades Ciudad cannot by law attend mass except in Rodrigo (11 April and 26 May, 1812), Ireland, 135. 53, 171 ; enters, and retreats from, Massena, Marshal, proclamation to his Castello Branco (16 April, 1812), 65; soldiers on taking the command of plunder and murder in his expedition the Army of Portugal (12 May, 1810), 65 (24 April, 1812), 84; state and vi. 105, note; arrives at Salamanca strength of his army, and its probable to command the army in front of Lord operations against Lord Wellington Wellington (22 and 23 May, 1810), on an advance into Andalusia (26 142, 145 ; collecting for an attack May, 1812), 172; proposed march (bJune, 1810), 170; collects 50,000 into Castille to bring nim to a general men, but which are insufficient for action, 174; line chalked out to him his purpose (15 June, 1810), 198; by his instructions (3 June, 1812), proclamation to the Portuguese (4 204 ; unwillingness to risk an action, Aug., 1810), 330, note; letter to, on unless he has an advantage (3 July, his order to shoot prisoners of the 1812), 268; dismounts his infantry Ordenanza (9 Sept., 1810), 419 ; letter officers to remount dragoons (9 July, to, respecting Captain Percy (17 Sept., 1812), 277; crosses the Duero (16 1810), 449; non-combatants not to be July, 1812), 293, 294; movements on considered prisoners of war, 450 ; se the GuareSa (21 July, 1812), 296; lects one of the worst roads in Por battle of Salamanca (24 July, 1812), tugal for his march (18 and 20 Sept., 299, et seq. ; could not stop to have his 1810), 454, 458; letter from, to the arm amputated (28 July, 1812), 319. Prince of Neufchatel (22 Sept., 1810), Marshal General of the Portuguese 461, note ; marches through a desert, army, appointment of Lord Welling not a soul seen, everything abandoned, ton (1 Oct. 1809), v. 203. 462, note; letter to (24 Sept., 1810), , date and objects of Lord Welling justification of the Ordenanza, barba ton's appointment (1 Jan,, 1811), vii, rous treatment of them by the French 97. army, 464 ; and violation by Massena Marshals, French, host of in Estrema- of the capitulation of Almeida, 465 ; dura (8 Aug., 1809), v. 8. intercepted letters for, showing that , their reciprocal hostility (13 Nov., the enemy have means of acquiring 1811), viii. 400. intelligence in England (27 Oct., Martin, Admiral G., weakness of his 1810), 545 ; their distress for provi squadron to keep up the communica sions, 553, 554; amount of sick, 555 ; tion on the coast (28 April, 1813), x. state of his army, and military error 334 ; expediency of putting the whole of his advance after the battle of Bu- coast of Portugal and Spain under saco (3 Nov., 1810), 580, 581; possi his command (6 May, 1813), 361. bility of reinforcing him, 581 ; amount Martin, Rear Admiral Sir T. Byam (16 of men under him at the battle of Bu- Sept., 1813), xi. 115,noie; letter to (17 saco, his loss, and present force, 582 ; Sept., 1813), 118. dispatches of, captured, loss at the Mascarenhas (6 Nov., 1810), vi. 593; battle of Busaco (8 Nov., 1810), 599 ; aide de camp to Junot, taken (8 Nov., letter to, refusal of the Regency to 1810), 599; best method of disposing liberate the Marqueza d'Aloma (14 of him (10 Nov., 1810), 603, 604 ; Nov., 1810), 621 ; retreats to Santa- why liable to be hanged as a spy (12 rem (15 and 21 iVoo.,1810),623,629. Nov., 1810), 617. , movements of, on the Zezere (22 — — , taken in the disguise of a Spanish Nov., 1810), vii. 1; concentration of peasant (5 Jan., 1811), vii. 107; con his army at Torres Novas, Golegao, struction of the 18th article of the &c(26 Nov. and 1 Dec, 1810), 7, 23 ; Convention, and under what charac return of reinforcements from Cardi- ter he should be hanged (14 Feb., gos to Sobreira Formosa (1 Dec, 1811), 260, 261; the hanging of for 1810), 21; retains his position in serving the French, in what respect Portugal only from the difficulty of PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 119 his retreat into Spain (17 Dec, 1810), May, 1811), 515 ; letter to, cause of 53; his possible movements by ope the retention of Captain Salles (11 rating on the supplies of the British May, 1811), 543; goes to France (23 army (21, 22, 23 Dec, 1810), 57, 63, May, 1811), 597. 65 ; arguments for not attacking his Matagorda Fort, lost (2 May, 1810), position (21 Dec, 1810), 57, 59; ex- vi. 81, 82; loss of the enemy at, 83. traordinary retention of his position, Mathieu, General, repulse of (18 May, not having brought provisions with 1813), x. 457, note; force brought by, him, 59, 60; number of men and ani from Barcelona (1 July, 1813), 478. mals maintained by him, for more Mat os, pass, importance of (11 Oct., than two months, 60 ; position at San- 1810), vi. 503. tarem (22 Dec, 1810), 64; doubts of Maya, Puerto de, loss of (24 July, 1813), his being able, with the addition of x. 570 ; guns lost in (1 Aug., 1813), reinforcements, to establish himself 588. on the left of the Tagus, and measures , loss of guns at, attributed to acci taken to prevent his crossing (24 Dec, dent (13 Sept., 1813), xi. 107. 1810), 68, 69; will not attack unless Medal, applications of officers for (1 he receives a reinforcement of 30,000 Dec, 1810), vii. 20; to wear it on men (27 Dec, 1810), 78 ; no commu ordinary occasions at the button-hole, nication with France, and ignorance instead of round the neck (11 Dec, of the march into Lower Beira of 1810), 40 ; how to be worn (3 Feb., General Gardanne, in November (29 1811), 225. Dec, 1810), 83 ; amount of his army, , observations on the distribution of 50,000, 84; intention of retiring with medals to British officers, for distin out large reinforcements, ib. ; plunder guished merit on such occasions as being the object of the expedition, the battles of Vimeiro, Corona, &c Massena will make an attack on the (11 July, 1811), viii. 94; improved allied army if he receives the order mode of granting (1 Oct., 1811), 315. from Paris, ib. ; amount of reinforce , improvements in, and awkward ments which joined the army in the ness in riding with round the neck end of December (12 Jan., 181 1), 135 ; (16 March, 1813), x. 199 ; should be French force on the Guadiana and worn at the button-hole by those on Coa, and disbelief of Massena's being horseback (20 April, 1813), 307. left where he is, till death shall have , principle on which conferred, and swept away his whole army (26 Jan., medal for Ciudad Rodrigo (6 Nov., 1811), 190; soldiersof his army made 1813), xi. 256; rule for the distribu to move about and work (30 Jan., tion of to officers of corps which have 1811), 209; efforts making to send been 'engaged with musketry (16 him some cavalry (4 Feb., 1811), 229; Nov., 1813), 294 ; priuciple of distri effect of Foy's arrival (13 Feb., 1811), bution of, for Busaco (28 Nov., 1813), 259 ; his unaccountable stay, and in 332 ; to Portuguese officers, applica creasing difficulties (15 Feb., 1811), tion to accept the distinction to be 262 ; state of the troops according to made to their own Government (30 Clausel'saidede camp(24 Feb., 1811), Nov., 1813), 337; distinction in the 314 ; evacuation of Santarem (6 mode of distributing for a general ac March, 1811), 344 ; detail of the pur tion, and one in a defensive position suit, aud of actions with his troops (7 (1 April, 1814), 620. March, 1811), 345, et seq. ; mode in Medellin, cause of Victor's inactivity after which he conducts his disastrous and the victory at (4 Sept., 1809), v. 120. barbarous retreat (14 March, 1811), Medical Board, pernicious consequences 358; retreat to the Coa (25 March of their mode of promoting to vacan and 2 AprU, 1811), 399,425; manoeu cies (27 Sept., 1812), ix. 456. vred out of Guarda (30 March, 1811), Medical officers, want of in reserve (13 412, 425; forced over the Coa (4 Sept., 1812), ix. 425. April, 1811), 428 ; loss at Sabugal (8 Medical staff, necessary augmentations April, 1811), 429, 441; instance of of (14 Nov., 1809), v. 282. his ill faith in an exchange of prison , improved mode of paying (6 Dec, ers, 441 ; expulsion from Portugal, 1812), ix. 608. his loss, and force still left (9 April, Mellish, Captain, strong recommendation 1811), 448; information sent to, from of to the Commander-in-chief (31 July, Paris, derived from Lord Wellington's 1809), iv. 549. dispatches (25 April, 1811), 508 ; his Melville, Viscount, opinions transmitted head-quarters at Ciudad Hodrigo (1 to, by Lord Wellington, on the subject 120 INDEX.

of the controlling power of the Euro Memorandum for the Commissary Ge pean and Native armies in the East neral (12 Aug., 1809), v. 29. Indies (12 March, 1812), viii. 656; for ****** (13 ^., 1809), v. 36. the naming of Governors and Com for Lieut. Colonel Waters (14 Aug., manders in Chief at all the settle 1809),v. 41. ments, the vesting all authority, civil opinion on points referred to in and military, in the Governor in Mr. Villiers' dispatch of 2nd Oct., Council, extent of control to be exer 1809(11 Oct., 1 809), v. 216. cised by the Company, 657 ; and on of OPerations in the Defence of the latitude to be lodged in the Go the lines at Lisbon, 1809 (9 Dec, vernor in Council to promote officers 1809), v. 347, et seq. for meritorious services, 658; cause - left with Sir J. Sherbrooke, incase of the mutiny at Vellore (13 March, of an attack in front, during Lord 1812), 661 ; motive for the desire of Wellington's absence (31 Jan., 1810), gain in the officers in India, 662 ; v. 474. causes of the evil in the local armies, of Official Instructions, for making 662, 663; advantages of Company's communications with the Spanish and officers being brought into the King's Portuguese Governments (9 Feb., service, and of their having the power 1810), v. 492. of exchanging, 663. , confidential, to Lieut. General Melville, Viscount, letter to, respecting Leite (28 Feb., 1810), v. 529. the stoppage of Admiral Berkeley s — — , confidential, for the Governor of pay (20 Dec, 1812), ix. 632. Beira (1 March, 1810), v. 534. , letter to, on the want of naval — — to the Corregidor of Aveiro (3 means on the north coast of Spain March, 1810), v. 543. (21 Aug., 1813), xi. 26. for Generals Picton, Cole, and Memorandum for Disembarkation (29 Craufurd, regarding outposts (11 July, 1803), iv. 48. March, 1810), v. 565. for the Commissary General (1 — — on Brig. General Craufurd's pro and 3 Aug., 1808), iv. 57, 59. posed Commissariat regulations (20 for the march of the brigade com May, 1810), vi. 130, et seq. manded by Brig. General Fane (8 for Brigadier General Cox, Go Aug., 1808), iv. 75. vernor of Almeida, for Fort Concep- for Colonel Trant (8 Aug., 1808), cion (27 May, 1810), vi. 148. iv. 76. for Major Generals Picton and Cole, handed to Sir Hew Dalrymple for and Brig. General Craufurd, vi. 149. Lieut. Colonel Murray, charged with for Major General Picton, and the negotiation fur a Convention (23 Brig. General Craufurd, in the event ^,1808), iv. 120. of the surrender of Ciudad Rodrigo on the Defence of Pobtuqal {28 May, 1810), vi. 220. (London, 7 March, 1809), iv. 261. for the 14th Light Dragoons (29 Memoranda of an arrangement June, 1810), vi. 232. for the Commissariat (2 May, 1809), for Lieut. General Hill (2 July, iv. 294. 1810), vi. 236. . for the Commissary General on for Major General Picton (2 July, the expedition into the north of Por 1810), vi. 238. tugal (2 May, 1809), iv. 295. for Colonel 'Murray (22 Aug. for Colonel Trant (14 May, 1809), 1810), vi. 375. iv. 336. for Lieut. Colonel Fletcher, and for Lieut. Colonel Bonrke, on his the Commissary General (6 Oct., mission to Cuesta (30 May, 1809), 1810), vi. 488. iv. 372. for Lieut. General Sir Brent on an arrangement for the Portu Spencer (11 Oct., 1810), vi. 505. guese Commissariat (10 June, 1809), for Colonel Murray, Quarter Master iv. 450. General (13 Oct., 1810), vi. 507. for the Officer commanding the for Lieut. General Hill, Brig. Ge Artillery (24 June, 1809), iv. 462. neral Craufurd, and Major General on the battle of Talavera (29 July, Lumley (23 Oct., 1810), vi. 531. 1809), iv. 535. , for Marshal Beresi'ord (26 Oct., - plan of operations to be adopted 1810), vi. 537. in case the enemy's columns moving to Marshal Beresford, respecting towards Plasencia should enter Por Dr. and the Phisico Mor (15 tugal (12 Aug., 1809), v. 27. Nov., 1810), vi. 622. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 121

Memorandum to the Marques de la Ro- Memorandum for General CastaSos (24 mana;(20 Jan., 1811), vii. 163. Feb., for 1812), the attack viii. of629. Badajoz (6 April, - of Ofhrations in Portugal, 1810 (23 Feb., 1811), vii 291, et seq. 1812), ix. 32. , plan for subsisting the Portuguese to General Santocildes (5 Aug., troops by the British Commissariat 1812). ix. 344. (5 March, 1811), vii. 342. for Baron Alten and Don Carlos for Colonel Fletcher and the de Espaua (31 Aug., 1812), ix. 390. Commissary General (9 April, 1811), for the Commissary General (10 vii. 343. Sept., 1812), ix. 418. for Sir Brent Spencer (14 April, for the Quarter Master General 1811), vii. 464. (12 Sept., 1812), ix. 419. to Marshal Beresford (23 April, for the explosion of the mine under 1811), vii. 490. the castle of Burgos (29 Sept., 1812), to Marshal Beresford, Colonel ix. 460. Fletcher, and Major Dickson (23 for Lieut. Col. Burgoyne, on the April, 1811), vii. 493. explosion of the mine, and the storm to the officers in command of ing party (4 Oct., 1812), ix. 468. corps in Estremadura (23 April, 1811), to Col. Burgoyne, for the attack vii. 494. of the second line (18 Oct., 1812), ix. for Lieut. General Sir Brent 502. Spencer (15 May, 1811), vii. 567. for General Pack, for the blockade for Colonel Murray, respecting of Burgos (20 Oct., 1812), ix. 507. the siege of Badajoz (24 May, 1811), for Colonel Robe, for the removal vii. 601. of guns from the castle of Burgos - for Captains General Castaiios (20 Oct., 1812), ix. 509. and Blalce, &c, for breaking ground for Captain Todd, and Lieut. before Badajoz (29 May, 1811), vii Piper (22 Nov., 1812), ix. 567. 618. for an improved organization of for Lieut. General Hill, &c (5 Spanish infantry (19 March, 1813), June, 1811), vii. 641. x. 211. for Major Generals Campbell and to Sir John Murray on the opera Slade (17 June, 1811), vhi. 27. tions to be carried on on the Eastern for the appointment of a board of coast of the Peninsula (14 April, 1813), Commissariat (25 June, 1811), viii. x. 297. 48. for Sir T. Graham (18 May, for General CastaSos (13 July, 1813), x. 386. 1811), viii. 99. to Sir Robert Kennedy, arrange for Colonels Framingham and ment for the distribution of bread, Fletcher, and Mr. Kennedy, prepara corn, and wine, to the troops of the tory to the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo different nations (5 June, 1813), x. (19/«/y, 1811), viii. 121. 419. for Lieut. Colonel Framingham for Sir T. Graham for the siege of (27 Aug., 1811), viii. 227. San Sebastian (13 July, 1813), x. on Portuguese finances, and on 525. the amelioration of the credit of the of instructions to Lord Aylmer Government (29 Oct., 1811), viii. 363. (20 July, 1813), x. 548. for the Commissary General (20 for the Quarter Master General, Nov., 1811), viii. 406; id., 408; (21 and for the Adjutant General (28 Dec, 1811), 476. Aug., 1813), xi.50. for the Commissary General and for Lord Aylmer, to proceed to Major Dickson, and the officer in Santofia (16 Oct., 1813), xi. 196. charge of the powder (25 Dec, 181 1), for Colonel Bunbury (1 Feb., viii. 487. 1814), xi. 492. , for the Commissary General and , Plan for collecting the stores for Quarter Master General (25 Dec, the siege of Bayonne (6 March, 1814), 1811), of Oferations viii. 488. in Portugal, 1811 xi. 554. Mendizabal, General, his value as an (28 for Dec, Mr. 1811), Bissett, viii. &c 494, (1 Jan., et tcq. 1812), officer, and comparative inferiority to Romana (13 Dec, 1810),vii.43; ope viii. for 521, Major 523. General Borthwick, &c. rations for on the Guadiana (11 Jan., 1811), 125; at Badajoz (13 Jan., (26 Jan., 1812), viii. 568. 1811), 141; requires 600,000 rations 122 INDEX.

of biscuit (19and 20 Jan., 1812), 158, Military law bill, new, observations on 166; letter to, death of the Marques (13 April, 1813), x. 290. de la Romana (24 Jan., 1811), 183; Military operations, ignorance of in departs; from the plan laid down for England (6 Aug., 1813), x. 604. the late Marques de la Romana (9 Military profession, backwardness of the Feb., 1811), 248 ; conduct at Badajoz Spaniards in the (25 Aug., 1809), v. 85. (10 Feb., 1811), 251 ; measures of Military system of the Spaniards, deep- defence recommended to (13 and 17 seated abuses of (6, 14, and 19 May, Feb. 1811), 257, 272 ; powderwanted 1812), ix. 125, 146, 156. by (14 Feb., 1811), 260; strength of Militia, Portuguese, amount of, mode of his position, and surprise anil defeat'of, disciplining, and calling out (30 by the French at San Christoval (23 June, 1809°, iv. 478. Feb., 1 8 1 1), 286, 288 ; superiority of his Militia, advantages of soldiers of, over force to the French in his defeat near those of the line (28 Jan., 1811), vii. Badajoz (3 March, 1811), 335. 202; volunteering of (6 June, 1811), Mendizabal, General, retires from Bilbao 645. (3 Feb., 1813), x. 85 ; blockades San- army, large, doubt of its utility in tona (13 July, 1813), 525. the field, and why (24 Sept., 1813), Mequinenza evacuated (1 March, 1814), xi. 140 ; wonder at the Irish militia xi. 539. being found to volunteer, 141. Merchant Tailors' Company, thanks to Mills, magistrates to be directed to for the freedom conferred on Lord render useless (7 Sept., 1810), vi. 412, Wellington (15 Oct., 1813), xi. 198. 413 ; to be rendered useless by carry Merida, number of the enemy at (1 May, ing off the sails (23 Oct., 1810), 533 ; 1809), iv. 287 ; taken possession of on the Coa and the Mondego, ren by Cuesta (17 June, 1809), 431. dered useless (1 Nov., 1810), 572; , good conduct of the governor of contrary conduct of the people in (1 Oct. 1809), v. 203; junta of, im front of the British army, ib. proper conduct of (1 Dec, 1809), 327. Mina, General, successful activity of , collection of Regnier's corps near (4 March, 1821), viii. 648. (17 June, 1810), vi. 199. , arms, accoutrements, and clothing and Medellin, directions to break supplied to (17 Oct., 1812), ix. 496. the bridges of (2 and 11 Jan., 1811), , attacks General Paris (19 July, vii. 99, 126 ; entered by the French,' 1813), x. 545 ; instructions to (20 on the 8th Jan. (12 and 18 Jan., July, 1813), 551; requested to move 1811), 129, 151; Spanish engineers, on Sanguesa (5 Aug., 1813), 603. strange conduct in not destroying the , detention of his family in France bridge (13 Jan., 1811), 138, 141. (21 Sept., 1813), xi. 128 ; forced to , directions for a movement in fa retire to Les Aldudes (16 Jan., 1814), vor of Ballesteros upon (18 Dec, 455, 456. 181 l),viii. 466 ; movement of General Minister, foreign, allowed to make no Hill, 468; arrival at (9 Jan., 1812), reference to any authority excepting 542. the King (23 Feb., 181 1), vii. 287. Mesa de Ibor, line of operations in case Minister at War, his irrregular pro the enemy should have passed (24 Jan., ceedings (31 March, 1813), x. 247 ; 1810), v. 444. explanation to, of the grounds of Methodism, spread of in the army (6 inexpediency in removing General FA, (1811), vii. 239. Castanos, and of the non-promotion of Mexico, proposed method of raising officers recommended by Lord Wel money, by bills, on the Government lington, (7 Aug., 1813), 608. of (3 Oct. 1811), vi. 481. , exculpation of the Alcalde of Military law, its defects (8 Sept., 1809), Tudela (22 Aug., 1813), xi. 30; dis v. 136 ; its inefficacy in restraining patch to, nature of the engagement outrage (24 Jan., 1810), 449. with the late Regency, right to decline , denned (19 April, 1810), vi. 46; or accept the command of the army its objects, 47 J of that of Portugal, (30 Aug., 1813j, 52; the ordenanzas, (6 May, 1810), 93 ; its defective ad- concession in regard to extraordinary ministration (28 Ocr.1810), 558. promotions, 53 ; channel of commu , alteration of, recommended (8 nication through superiors, 54 ; con April, 1811), vii. 439. fusion from clashing of authority, ib. ; , proposed improvements in (12 weekly reports made to the Govern June, 1811), viii. 8; to be altered, ment of movements, &c, of the Spa according to Lord Wellington's sug nish army, 55; necessity of making gestions (25 June, 1811), 49. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 123 a new arrangement for the command Ministers, in England, alarm of at the of the armies, if the Government re affairs of the Peninsula (21 April, fuse to ratify the agreement made by 1810), vi. 51 ; weakness of their go their predecessors, ib. ; conditional re vernment (5 June, 1810), 170. signation of, 56 ; view of the financial Ministry, expected to be changed imme and civil arrangements, ib. ; Spanish diately (3 Feb., 1811), vii. 228 ; pro armies paid and provisioned by the bable resignation of (4 Feb., 1811), British, 57 ; proof of the insufficiency 229 ; complaint by, of the expense of the power of realising the resources of the war in the Peninsula (30 March, of the country, ib.; neglect of duty 1811), 416. by the officers of the Hacienda, and Minorca, defence of, urged (27 Feb., cost in collecting the revenue, 58 ; 1810), v. 527 ; proposed security of necessity of serious attention to the (27 March, 1810), 600, 601. state oi public authority and of the Mirabete, Puerto de, military features financial system in the provinces, in of (28 Jan., 1812), viii. 571 ; opera connexion with the military, 58, 59 ; tions at (1 Feb., 1812), 586. removal of the Duque del Parque, 59 ; , probable abandonment of by the thanks for the grant of the Soto French (25 May, 1812), ix. 166 ; in de Roma (2 Sept., 1813), 60 ; re convenience from French garrison commendations to, of Spanish offi there (28 May, 1812), 190; probable cers for promotion (3 Sept., 1813), evacuation of (5 June, 1812), 207 ; 73, and note; starving state of the fort abandoned and destroyed by the troops on the day of the action, 73 ; French (21 July, 1812), 298. formation of magazines (5 Sept., Miranda de Corvo, abandoned by the 1813), 81 ; march of the 3rd army enemy (16 March, 1811), vii. 369. from Catalonia to join the army in the Misbehaviour, mode of punishing Spa north, 83, 84; letter to, opinion on a nish troops for (8 Aug., 1809), v. 11 ; new scheme for the organization of instead of decimation, 12 ; shameful, the Spanish armies (14 Sept., 1813), of the Spanish troops before the ene 108; discontent produced by the Re- my (24 and 25 Aug., 1809), 80, 85. glamento of the 8th of May, 1812 (26 Mobs, plan for preventing their col Sept., 1813), 144; importance of In lection (13 June, 1810), vi. 192; of spectors General of cavalry being at Lisbon flattered by the Portuguese head quarters (4 Oct., 1813), 159; Regency (13 Sept., 1810), 435; con difficulties in consequence of the sequences of the Regency refusing to Reglamento of 8th May, ib.; re coerce, 436 ; outrages by on British ceives directions to lay before the officers (14 Nov., 1810), 440; to be Cortes the Marquis of * Welling appeased by the imprisonment of a ton's resignation of the command of few French partisans (18 Sept., 1810), the Spanish armies (5 Oct., 1813), 454 ; popularity with courted by the 163 ; definition of the power vested in Government (1 Nov., 1810), 572. him, ib.; continues to exercise the Moita, operations at (21 March, 1811), command till further orders, 164; vii. 383 ; pursuit of the enemy in his referred to the ambassador at Cadiz, retreat from (27 March, 1811), 410. respecting the conduct of the allies Monasterio, advance of the enemy on at San Sebastian (9 Oct., 1813), the post of (26 Oct., 1812), ix. 513. 170; acquainted with the destitute Mondego, post occupied on the (25 and condition of the Spanish armies in 26 July, 1808), iv. 43, 46; Memo- the north of Spain (8 Nov., 1813), TJrandum for disembarkation in the 262 ; requested to lay the eagle bay (29 July, 1808), 48; cavalry and colors of the 52 m0 before the landed in the (7 May, 1809), 307; Regency (14 Nov., 1813), 289; ex best mode of effecting the landing, cessive supplies drawn from Navarre 308; directions for receiving troops (5 Dec, 1813), 347; annihilation of and stores at the mouth of (4 June, public authority in Spain, and want 1809), 385; formation of a depot of means of transport (7 Dec, 1813), afloat at (7 June, 1809), 390. 349 ; 150 pieces of cannon made over , march towards the (13 Dec, to the authorities of the 4th Spanish 1809), v. 368; march of the British army (12 Jan., 1814), 440; letter to, army for (21 Dec, 1809), 384 ; Oder basis on which the garrisons of the to send transports and victuallers to eastern coast should be allowed to (22 Jan., 1810), 433. capitulate (17 March, 1814), 588, , inutility of great magazines in 589. (15 June, 1810), vi. 198, 199; hos 124 INDEX.

pital ship to be ordered up to the Dec, 1810), vii. 33; Lord Welling mouth of (1 1 July, 1810), 259 ; valley ton's position in front of Lisbon, how of, entered by the French (15 Sept., considered by (21 and 23 Dec, 1810), 1810), 441, 448. 56, 65. Mondego, slow progress of the enemy in Monthly estimate, amount of (\Z June, the valley of (28 Dec, 1810), vii. 80 ; 1810), vi. 192. arrival of French reinforcements on, Monthly expenditure and deficiency, and operations against them (29 Dec, statement of (30 May, 1810), vi. 160. 1810), 83 ; march of the French rein Moore, Lieut. General Sir John, troops forcements in the valley of (5 Jan., under arrived from the Baltic, ordered 1811), 111; position of the British to proceed off the Tagus (15 July, troops in (27 March, 1811), 408. 1808), iv. 28; enumeration and , owners of boats on, cause of their amount of his corps (20 July, 1808), unwillingness to serve the British 32; arrival of Sir Harry Burrard (23 June, 1810), viii. 4? 44; com with a corps of 10,000 men, lately plaint by the Portuguese Government under the orders of Sir John Moore of the want of boats on (29 June, (8 Aug., 1808), 66 ; letter from Sir 1811), 60. A. Wellesley to Sir John Moore on Money, necessity of transmitting from the removal of obstacles to his be England, if the war is to be carried on coming commander-in-chief of the (22 May, 1809), iv. 352 ; necessity of, army in Portugal (17 Sept., 1808), from England, to continue operations 156 ; the greater partof the army de (30 May, 1809), 373; distress for tached into Castillo, under Sir John (31 May, 1809), 374. Moore, who is killed at Coruna (16 supply, allotment of to the Por Jan., 1809), 260; debts of his army, tuguese troops (21 Jug., 1809), v. which Sir A. Wellesley is called 61 ; application for to Lord Liverpool upon to pay (22 June, 1809), 456; (2 Jan., 1810), 403; want of for the detachments from all the regiments of Portuguese Government (14 March, his army proposed to be sent to Eng 1810), 572 ; arrears of the army for land (1 July, 1809), 479, 480. want of (20 March, 1810), 581 ; and , biscuit unjustly seized at Ciudad its consequences, 582, 583. Rodrigo by the Cabildo, to pay debts , distress for (11 April, 1810), vi. due by his army (1 and 2 Sept., 33 ; probable necessity of evacuating 1809), v. 109, 110; claim on Sir A. the Peninsula for the want of (16 Wellesley for his debts (23 Sept., May, 1810), 119, 121 ; to be supplied, 1809), 175; debts still due on account or the army to be withdrawn (23 May, of his army (24 Jan., 1810), 447. 1810), 147; difficulty of procuring , his opinion of the indefensibility more at Cadiz or Lisbon (30 Aug., of Portugal by the army under his 1810), 395; obtained by bills on the command, from not knowing the state Treasury, drawn by the Commissary of it, vi. 6. General (29 Oct., 1810), 560. Morales, cavalry affair al(6 June, 1813), , the want of, the source of all the x. 422. failures of the Government of Por Morillo, Brigadier, proposed employment tugal (27 Dec, 1810), vii. 79 ; not to of his troops in the Condado de Nie- be given by the commissariat for the bla (25 Feb., 1812), viii. 633. use of the Portuguese Government , destitute state of his troops (11 without Lord Wellington's consent March, 1813), x. 181. (13 April, 1811), 462. , General, letter to (23 Dec, 1813), , most pressing want of (9 Aug., xi. 390; answer to his unfounded 1811), viii. 185. assertions (8 /on.,M814), 419. , total want of by the Spanish ar Morocco, refusal of the Emperor of to mies (11th March, 1813), x. 181; allow of the exportation of mules (6 money and supplies, time required to March, 1810), v. 547. give experience in the business of , proposed leave of for the export procuring (20 July, 1813), 557, 558. ation of cattle and mules (16 Sept., Money accounts of the army, unsettled 1813), xi. 114. state of (6 Sept., 1808), iv. 149. Mortality in the British army, amount Moniteur, charge in, of Lord Welling of, from April 1809 to January 1812, ton's promise to endeavor to raise the (VJune, 1812), ix. 221. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo (27 Oct., Mortars, of large size, inexpediency of 1810), vi. 551. sending (17 and 19 May, 1810), vi. , contradiction of falsehoods in (7 126, 128. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 125

Mortars, French, incredible projectile and proposed exemption of from force of (29 Feb., 1812), viii. 644. serving as soldiers (16 Dec, 1810), and howitzers, never used by Lord vii. 51 ; the only means of transport Wellington against a besieged Spa iu Lord Wellington's army (30 nish town (20 July, 1813), x. 558. March, 1811), 417; would refuse to and howitzers, inutility of in a attend the Portuguese, ib.; refusal of siege (23 Aug., 1813), xi. 32. to attend a Portuguese brigade (8 Mortier, Marshal, promises that every April, 1811), 436; arrears of pay to care shall be taken of the British (13 April, 1811), 459. wounded atTalavera (21 Aug., 1809), Muleteers, disinclination of, to carry for v. 68 ; answer of thanks, and request the Portuguese (12 June , 1 8 1 1 ), v iii. 7. to, to permit the distribution of money , ill usage of by corrupt Portuguese sent (22 Aug., 1809), 74; Lord Wel magistracy (16 May, 1813), x. 382. lington's letter to, announcing his re , cause of their stay with the Bri monstrances to the Spanish Govern tish army (7 Dec, 1813), xi. 349; ment respecting the unjust detention of 26 months in arrear (21 Dec, 1813), Captain Thevenon (6 Oct., 1809), 208 ; 387 ; payment to, by bills on the letter to, transmitting money for the Treasury (27 Jan., 1814), 483. English officers (1 AW., 1809), 268; Mulgrave, Lord (First Lord of the amount of troops under (16 Nov., Admiralty), letter to (26 Aug., 1808), 1809), 291 ; detached through the iv. 124. pass of Mouasterio (21 Feb., 1810), (Major General of the Ordnance), 511; reported capture from of 1000 letter to (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 61. men by the guerrillas (30 March, , Earl of, letter to, on the enormous 1810), 609. number of horses, &c, allowed to an , approach of his corps to Estre- officer of drivers (27 Sept., 1812), ix. madura (3 May, 1810), vi. 89 ; crosses 454. the Guadalquivir (20 June, 1810), , advantages of the attention to ar 308 ; his strength and position, June, tillery officers (24 Aug., 1813), xi. 1810 (19 July, 1810), 283; move 36. ments in Estremadura (9 Aug., 1810), Murat, on his siding with the allies, 343 ; marches to reinforce Victor (28 line of operations to be pursued (1 Oct., 1810), 560. July, 1813), x. 482; conduct to be , (5 Jan., 1811), vii. 113; march pursued towards him (20 July, 1813), of a division under into Estremadura 555. (8 and 12 Jan., 1811), 120,136; best , probable conclusion of the treaty line for him to pursue in his advance (3 Sept., 1813), xi. 76. intotheAlentejo(12 Jan., 1811), 130; Murder of French soldiers, measures proposed operations on his advance to taken by General Cuesta to prevent the Benavente (13 Jan , 1811), 137 ; (11 Oct., 1809), v. 218. probable date of his being on the Ze- of soldiers by banditti (26 Jan., zere (16 Jan., 1811), 147 ; takes Oli- 1813), x. 35. venca (26 Jan., 1811), 189, 190. Murray, Lieut. Colonel (Lieut. General Moscow, burnt on the 14 September (1 Sir George), draws up articles of capi Nov., 1812), ix. 530. tulation at Copenhagen (7 Sept., Mule establishment, necessary increase 180S), iv. 5'; mission to negociate a of (15 /une, 1810), vi. 197. convention for the evacuation of Por Mules, African, excellence of (28 Sept., tugal (23 Aug., 1808), 120; signs the 1809), v. 195. definitive convention, 131. dependence of important results , Colonel, Memorandum for (13 on 50 or 60 (23 Nov., 1812), ix. Oct., 1810), vi. 507. 574. , recommended to be made a Bri , cost per day of the hire of (10 gadier General in the Peninsula (25 Feb., 1813), x. 99; proposed brigades April, 1811), vii. 505. of mules for the army of reserve (28 , Major General G., relinquishes his March, 1813), 237; 60/. paid for situation in Lord Wellington's army each (21 April, 1813), 310. (28 May, 1812), ix. 180. Muleteers, Spanish, Portugal must have , passage of the Nivelle (13 Nov., been evacuated but for their services 1813), xi. 279 (and see Battles and (21 Oct., 1810), vi. 529; would not Sieges, passim). submit to the violence of a drunken Murray, Major General Sir John, deci English soldier (2 AW, 1810), 575. sive flank movement on the enemy, at , number of with the British army, the passage of the Douro (11, 12, 126 INDEX.

and 13 May, 1809), iv. 321, 323, 331 ; Commissariat (24 and 25 Dec, 1809), cause of his determination to resign 389 ; low price obtained for them, (30 May, 1809), 370; wish to have 390. had him appointed a Lieut. General, Murray, J., Esq., Commissary General, if he had not quitted the army (26 testimonies to his abilities and zeal, June, 1809), 467. and regret at his being relieved (19 Murray, Major General Sir John, Oporto June, 1810), vi. 205. claims (10 Sept., 1809), v. 138. Murviedro, garrison left in by Suchet , makes no opposition to the claims (\1July, 1813), x. 525. of the ships employed in the blockade Myers, Sir William (2 Dec, 1809), v. of the Douro (3 April, 1810), vi. 12. 328 ; killed at Albuera, to., note. , his professional character, and his desire to be employed in Portugal N. (9 Feb., 1811), vii. 245. , Lieut. General Sir John, in Napier, Major (Major General, C.B., formed there is no vacancy (7 Sept., Governor of the Cape of Good Hope), 1812), ix. 399; desirable that he commands the storming party at the should be sent to Alicante to com assault of Ciudad Rodrigo (20 Jan., mand the troops on the Eastern coast 1812), viii. 552, note. (3 Nov., 1812), 535. , Lieut. Colonel G., earnest recom , wish to have his assistance on the mendation of (1 April, 1814), xi. 619. other side of the Peninsula (3 March, Napier, Lady Sarah, letter to, announcing 1813), x. 162; operations and pro the wounds of her two sons Charles ceedings on the Eastern coast (29 and George (30 Sept., 1810), vi. 470. March, 1813), 242, et seo. ; Memo , letter to, communicating the randum to, on the operations to be wounding in action of her two sons, carried on, on the Eastern coast, and George and William (16 March, for the siege of Tarragona (14 April, 1811), vii. 367. 1813), 297, 299; raises the siege of , letter to, conduct of her son Tarragona, leaving his cannon and George at Ciudad Rodrigo (20 Jan., stores behind him (1 July, 1813), 1812), viii. 558. 478; probable sensation at his mis Napoleon, desire of to revenge the fortunes, 481 ; details by, of his blows inflicted on him and his mar raising the siege, 482 ; information re shals in Portugal and Spain (25 quired from, by Lord Wellington, Aug., 1809), v, 89. on eleven points, 487; consequences , discordance with Soult in his of the transaction, 488 ; character of arrangements for Spain (11 June, his account (3 July, 1813), 498; ex 1810), vi. 188. tent and construction of his instruc , his tyrannical conduct to his own tions of the 14th and 23rd April, 507, relations (18 June, 1811), viii. 35. 508 ; review of the instructions to , distressed for money (7 April, him, and to what extent acted on (8 1813), x. 272. (See Buonaparte.) July, 1813), 513, 514; his ill judged Nassau, two battalions of the regiments and unnecessary loss of his cannon of, come over to the allies (11 Dec, (19 July, 1813), 543 ; desirable that 1813), xi. 357. he may not return to the command of Navy, testimony to their zeal (26 Aug., the army, 544 ; proposed locality for 1808), iv. 124. trying him (4 and 7 Aug., 1813), 599, , Portuguese, proposed discontinu 611; his singular opinions on aban ance of (26 March, 1811), vii. 406. doning his guns at Tarragona (8 Aug., , Portuguese, useless expense of 1813), 616; acquainted with the in (8 Dec, 1811), viii. 444. tended Court Martial on him, and , claim of officers of to bat and plan indicated (9 Aug., 1813), 623. forage (10 Feb., 1813), x. 105. , orders to bring him to trial (14 New soldiers, inutility of (2 Feb., 1813), Jan., 1814), xi. 448 ; letter to (16 x. 77. Jan., 1814), opinion on the nature of News, the British the most indefatigable his operations, 451 ; Spanish officers writers of, in the world (17 June, permitted to attend on his trial 1810), vi. 200. (4 March, 1814), 547. Newspapers, English, information ob Murray, J., Esq., Commissary General, tained by the enemy from, of the urged to join the army (4 Sept., position, &c, of the army (21 Nov., 1809), v. 116; Commissariat articles 1809), v. 305; instance of its mis* to be delivered ovet to the Spanish chievous operation, 306. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 127

Newspapers, misleading by of the public Nive, impediments to an extension of mind (5 June, 1810), vi. 170 ; inform posts beyond the (28 Nov., 1813), xi. ation gained by the enemy of the 333 ; passage of the (13 and 14 Dec, strength of the allied armies from (3 1813), 362, 365. July, 1810), 241 ; officers to request Nivelle, proposed attack on the enemy's their friends not to publish their let positiononthe(l Nov., 1 8 1 3), xi. 23 7 ; ters of information in (10 Aug., 1810), movement of the troops on the right 346 ; in England, injury done to the of (11 Nov., 1813), 274; passage of character of the army and of the the (13 Nov., 1813), 279, 285; cannon country by foolish observations in (1 1 and prisoners taken (14 Nov., 1813), Abu., 1810), 611. 287. libels, remarks on (7 Jan., 1811), Non-combatants, considered prisoners of vii. 116; deception of the British war (4 Sept., 1813), xi. 78. public by, respecting the privations of Non-commissioned officers the founda the army (11 Jan., 1811), 128, 129; tion of every system of discipline (10 enclosed, giving an account of Lord June, 1812), ix. 225; smallness of Wellington's works, guns and men their pay, 226 ; and proposed re in each (19 Jan., 1811), 162; cou- storation of the former proportion be Teyed . to the French from Torres tween their pay and that of the private Novas (6 Feb., 1811), 237; disad soldiers, ib. vantages under which operations are , the improvement of their situation carried on, from information conveyed the only way of preventing crime and in (16 March, 1811), 368. punishment (10 Feb., 1813), x. 107; , Portuguese, indiscreet publication non-commissioned officers and pri in of intelligence received from Sala vates losing their necessaries when manca (25 Aug., 1811), viii. 225 ; mi prisoners of war more than four litary inconveniences of (9 Feb., 1812), months, have no claim on the public 600. (21 Feb., 1813), 129 ; and soldiers, , Madrid, information furnished to unfitness of to be trusted alone (24 the enemy by [(22 Sept., 1812), ix. Feb., 1813), 141; indiscipline of, and 449. causes (2 July, 1813), 496. , English, possibility of communi cating intelligence by (16 March, 1813), x. 198 ; Spanish, proposed mea sure of getting a control over (2 April, 1813), 251 ; early intelligence Obidos, retreat of the enemy to (14 obtained from, by the French, in the Aug., 1808), iv. 90; affair of ad opposite camp (19 July, 1813), 544. vanced posts at (16 Aug., 1808), 94. , follies and untruths of (11 Oct., , evacuation of (18 Oct., 1810), vi. 1813), xi. 184, 185 ; English, harsh 522. treatment in of foreign Governments Ocana, defeat of the Spaniards at (30 (19 Nov., 1813), 301. Nov., 1809), v. 319. Ney, Marshal, movement of a corps Oeyras, equipment of soldiers at (27 from Aragon to reinforce (9 May, Aug., 1811), viii. 228. 1809), iv. 319; in the Asturias (7 Officers, British, of the army in Portugal, June, 1809), 391 ; consequences of his effects on the nerves of some of detaching (8 June, 1809), 400. them at the magnitude of the concern , British only to be depended on for (11 Sept., 1810), vi. 429; the army checking (21 Auy,, 1809), v. 73 ; gone would have been in their transports if to Salamanca (22 Aug., 1809), 74; some of them had held the command movements of his corps (19 Feb., (13 Sept., 1810), 436. 1810), 506 ; summons Ciudad Rodrigo of the British army, paid too little (21 Feb., 1810), 512. (19 Dec, 1810), vii. 55. takes Ciudad Rodrigo (11 July, , necessity of their acting, when 1810), vi. 257; his strength and po with the army, according to the opi sition, June, 1810 (19 July, 1810), nion of the Commander-in-chief (11 283 ; note respecting his nephew (4 Sept., 1811), viii. 267, 268. Oct., 1810), 484. , expediency of habits of subor , return of his corps in April, 1810 dination, obedience, and some in (25 March, 1811), vii. 403; gone to formation in (14 May, 1812), ix. Salamanca in arrest (30 March, 147. 1811), 412, 413; left the army in Olivenca, utility of in the hands of the arrest (9 April, 1811), 448. French (12 Feb., 1810), v. 498. 128 index:

Olivenca, cession of (29 April, 1810), Oporto, claim of the army to salvage for vi. 67. British ships and cargoes (27 Feb., , blockaded by the French (14 1811), vii. 320 ; movements to secure, Jan., 1811), vii. 142; corps placed in against Massena's retreating army by Mendizabal (19 Jan., 1811), 160 ; (8 March, 1811), 347,348. Spanish inconsistency at, and troops , fortunes made by the mercantile ordered to its relief (20 Jan., 1811), classes of, by war, without contri 165 ; captured by the French (26 buting anythmg to alleviate its bur Jan., 1811), 188, 189, 191 ; particulars thens (6 May, 1812), ix. 123; pro of the surrender of the garrison (2 posed experiment for levying the in Feb., 1811), 221; its unimportance, come tax at (5 June, 1812), 213. 222 ; invested by Marshal Beresford Oporto Wine Company, refuse to assist (18 April, 1811), 482; taken (20 Sir A. Wellesley with money (1 June April, 1811), 484. 1809), iv. 383. , enemy's cavalry at (25 June, , quadrupled amount of their pur 1811), viii. 47; blown up by the chases under their monopoly (31 French (5 July, 1811), 80; question March, 1811), vii.421. of Portuguese claim to (8 Nov., 1811), Opinion, consequences of commanding 392. troops held together solely by (11 Ophthalmia, care to be taken to prevent Nov., 1810), vi. 611, 612. its spreading (5 April, 1810), vi. 14. Orange, Prince of, letter to, Lord Wel Oporto, interview with the Bishop (26 lington would be happy to see him July, 1808), iv. 46; letter to, not with the army (29 June, 1811), viii. responsible for the stipulations in the 60 ; proposed visit to Cadiz (25 July, (6 Sept., 1808), 181 1), 147 ; appointed by Lord Wel 148 ; march of the troops towards lington his aide de camp, and wish (2 May, 1809), 295 ; French blowing to afford him the opportunity of seeing up magazines of (4 May, how the detail of the army was con 1809), 299 ; advanced guard will be ducted (8 Aug., 1811), 183; his con in possession of in a few days (7 May, duct when the first time in fire (29 1809), 307 ; paucity of British troops Sept., 1811), 309. to drive the French from, and to cut , medal requested for (10 June, them off at Villa Real, 309 ; move 1812), ix. 230. ments on, 309, 312 ; expulsion of the , wishes to join the King of Prussia French from (12 May, 1809), 322; (4 April, 1813), x. 256 ; motives for dispatches and letters from, ti., et consenting to his going to Prussia, seq.; letter of congratulation to the and character of the Prince (18 May, Bishop (13 May, 1809), 331; enemy's 1813), 390; arrives in England (20 sick, wounded and prisoners, taken May, 1813), 393; brings home the at (15 May, 1809), 337; vessels dispatch relating to the battles of the found at, ib., observations on the Pyrenees (1 Aug., 1813), 588. property captured at (23 and 31 May, , passage of the Nivelle (1 3 Nov., 1809), 358, 376; advance of money 1813), xi. 285; attacked by ophthal made by the merchants and senate to mia (22 Nov., 1813), 313; goes to Sir A. Wellesley (1 June, 1809). England (28 Nov., 1813), 334. 382. Ordal, pass of, unfortunate occurrence , lines at did more harm than good at (23 and 26 Sept., 1813), xi. 132, (30 Aug., 1809), v. 99 ; how to be de 148. fended, ib.; non claim of the army Ordenanza, take Colonel Pavetti pri to prize or salvage, and grounds on soner (9 Sept., 1 8 1 0) , vi. 4 1 8, note ; re which the opinion is founded (10 presentation to Massena of his impo Sept., 1809), 138, 139; opinion of . litic order to shoot the prisoners of the General Sherbrooke and of Lord Wel Ordenanza, 419; justification of the lington respecting the right of the Ordenanza (24 Sept., 1810), 464; ad navy (12 Jan., 1810), 420, 421 ; de vantage of employing them against termination of Sir John Sherbrooke the French marauding parties (23 and of Lord Wellington to forego all and 29 Oct., 1810), 534, 562. opposition to the claims of the navy , observations on the best organiza for prize (23 Jan., 1810), 438. tion of (10 April, 1811), vii. 451. , groundless excessive alarm at (1 1 Ordenanzas of the Spanish army, per Aug., 1810), vi. 350, 351; hope of fection of, with exceptions (30 Aug., preserving the communication with 1813), xi. 53. (18 Sept., 1810), 454. Ordnance, inadequacy of assistance in PENINSULA. AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 129

the civil department of (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 298 ; wounded at the passage of iv. 71. the Douro (12 May, 1809), 324 ; tri Ordnance, alteration in the system of bute to (13 May, 1809), ib., 329; (22 ^i#., 1811), viii. 218. right arm amputated, 328 ; nature of establishments with the army, re his wound, 329. view of the state of (18 Oct., 1812), ix. Paget, Lieut. General the Hon. Edward 504. (21 DeC, 1809), v. 385. equipment of the French armies , Sir Edward (9 July, 1812),ix. 278; for the campaign of 1813 (27 Jan., route for reaching head quarters, and 1813), x. 49; heavy, requisition for state of affairs detailed (20 Sept., (10 Feb., 1813), 104; arrangement 1812), 436 ; concern at his misfortune, with Sir W. Beresford for the next and French general officer to be sent campaign (27 Feb., 1813), 147. in exchange fur (19 Nov., 1812), 556 ; Orleans, Due d', arrives at Cadiz (6 and notice of his capture (19 Nov., 1812), 11 July, 1810), vi. 248, 257; respect 561; nature of his situation in coming shown to (27 July, 1810), 302. out to the army (2 Dec, 1812), 592. , encouraged to come to Spain, and , money advanced to him by Baron conduct to him of the Cortes (3 Feb., Maucune (27 Jan., 1813), x. 44. 1813), x. 80; his estimable character, and one or two others, the only 80, 81. prisoners of importance in the hands Orthez (26 Feb., 1814), xi. 529 ; defeat of Buonaparte (9 Nov., 1813), xi. of Marshal Soult at (28 Feb., 1814), 272. 532. Pakenham, Major Gen. the Hon. E., ac Ouguela, occupied by 200 men (20 and curacy with which he made his ma 21 June, 1811), viii. 36,39; provisions noeuvre in the battle of Salamanca (7 to be sent to (2 July, 181 1), 64. Sept., , offered 1812), the ix. vacant 398, 399. situation of Ad Oviedo, entry of the French into (20 Nov., 1811), viii. 412. jutant General (10 April, 1813), x. Outrages, General Order on (8 Oct., 273; accepts it (14 April, 1813), 293. 1813), xi. 169, note. Palmella, occupation of as a place of re fuge (3 April, 1810), vi. 10. Pamplona, retreat of the French from (24 June, 1813), x. 456; blockade of, by the allied army (25 June, 1813), Pack, Brig. General, instructions to (12 459 ; proposed siege of (26 June, 1813), 461; invested by Sir It. Hill Oct., 1810), vi. 506. , his brigade left in the rear for (27 June, 1813), 464; measures for a want of provisions (31 March, 1811), strict blockade (28 June, 1813), 469 ; vii. 421. reasons for only blockading (3 July, , instructions to, for blockading the 1813), 506. castle of Burgos, and for evacuating , sorties from (19 Sept., 1813), xi. the trenches (20 Oct., 1812), ix. 507, 122 ; reported mining of the works at 509. by the French (17 Oct., 1813), 202 ; , prefers service in the Peninsula garrison living on eight ounces of (29 April, 1813), x. 336. bread and four ounces of horse flesh, , battle of Toulouse (12 April, ib.; sinister object of the French in 1814), xi. 632. mining the place (20 Oct., 18 13), 211 ; Packets, proposed arrangements for the negotiations for a surrender (27 and dispatch of (13 and 28 Dec, 1809), 28 Oct., 1813), 225, 227 ; surrenders v. 370, 395 ; pecuniary advantages of (1 Nov., 1813), 235, 241, 242; arti a regular dispatch (24 Jan., 1810), cles of capitulation (8 Nov., 1813), 264 ; eagle and colors taken at (14 447. , time for sailing (28 April, 1810), Nov., 1813), 289; proposed erection vi. 62. in the city of a statue to the Marquis , proposed security of against Ame of Wellington (18 Nov., 1813), 300. rican privateers (11 Aug., 1812), ix. Pancorbo, taken (3 July, 1813), X. 497, 349. 503. , proposed weekly arrival of at Pa- Paper currency, proposed for the Spa sages (11 Aug., 1813), x. 631. nish patriots (30 June, 1808), iv. 20. Paget, Lieut. General the Hon. Ed Paper monev, Portuguese, amount of in ward, letter to (4 May, 1809), ope circulation (29 Oct., 1811), viii. 365 ; ration against Soult, and wish for observations on the proposed payment him to join the corps on the Tagus, of interest on, and on the scheme of K 130 INDEX.

creating new paper (10 Dec, 1811), Parque, Duque del, failure of to hold 446; necessity of stamping (22 Dec, the pass of Banos (15 Aug,, 1809), 1811), 477; half paper and half mo v. 44 ; action with the enemy at ney a legal tender, 478 ; mode of giv Salamanca (22 Sept., 1809), 170; ing the paper money a rising value in his madness and presumption (24 the market, ib. / plan proposed by Sept , 1809), 179; observations form Lord Wellington, for adoption, or the ing the foundation of Sir A. Wel- trade in paper to be stopped, by re lesley's determination to decline giving fusing to receive it in payment of him assistance (25 Sept., 1809), 182; bills of exchange, 479 ; when to be real amount of his corps, and advan stamped, and interest when, and how tages of his not exposing it to be much to be paid at a time (2 Jan., destroyed (27 Sept., 1809), 189, and 1812), 527; necessity of first provid of prudent management, 191 ; moved ing funds to pay the interest, and in to Campillo (29 Sept., 1809), 200; what case the Commissariat will be appointed to command the corps lately prevented from receiving the govern under the orders of the Marques de la ment securities in payment for the Romana, ib. ; request of assistance, purchase of bills upun England, 528. and reason for not granting it, 201 ; Paper money, Portuguese, pnyment of not pursued by Marshal Ney (6 Oct., interest on, compelled by Lord Wel 1809), 212; co-operation with of the lington (25 June, 1812), ix. 249 ; pro Portuguese corps on the frontiers of posed buying up and destroying (8 Castille, desired (15 Oct., 1809), 223 ; Sept., 1812), 408; reason why the pay defeats the French at Tamames (28 ment of the interest has not materially Oct., 1809), 251; in the Puerto de affected the discount, ib. ; impractica Banos (16 Nov., 1809), 287, 290; his bility of materially raising its ex critical situation (17 and 19 Nov., changeable value (1 Oct., 1812), 462; 1809), 292, 293; his rash advance unjust scheme of liquidating by the (30 JVon., 1809), 325; defeated (6 sale of quit-rents (14 Nov., 1812), Dec, 1809), 332; repulses the enemy 555. at Carpio (7 Dec, 1809), 342 ; line Pardaleras, its nature and object (15 of operations proposed for (9 Dec, Feb., 1811), vii. 263; attacked by the 1809), 346; panic and dispersion French (16 Feb., 1811), 269. of his troops, 364 ; application by, for , attack of, at the siege of Badajoz biscuit at Almeida (28 Dec, 1809), (7 April, 1812), ix. 36. 396 ; his force, and request of a loan Parliament, thanks of, to Sir A. Welles- of British cavalry (28 Dec, 1809, ley, in his place, for the battle of Vi- 2 Jan., 1810), 399, 400, 401 ; (6 and meiro (27 Jan., 1809), iv. 25/. 15 Jan., 1810), 412, 429; letter to (27 , observations on proceedings in (1 Jan., 1810), directions given to facili March, 1810), v. 542. tate his march through Portugal, 460, , thanks of the two Houses, for the 461 ; separation and condition of his battle of Albuera (28 June, 1811), viii. army (19 Feb., 1810), 506. 58 , provinces allotted to (1 Jan., 1813), , thanks of, for the battle of Sala x. 15, note; junction waited for by Lord manca (21 March, 1813), x. 221. W. Bentinck (11 Aug., 1813), 631. Parole, never violated by British officers , insolent letter said to be written (20 Oct., 1809), v. 233; inviolability by (20 Aug., 1813), xi. 22; repulses of by British officers (1 Nov., 1809), the French at Amposta (10 Sept., 269. 1813), 104. broken, by French officers, in Pasages, surrender of the garrison at stances of (30 June, 1811), viii. 62; (3 July, 1813),x. 502; Captain of the French officers who went to France port at, requested to regulate matters on parole, but did not return (8 Nov., to ensure the easy use of the port 1811), 390; consequences of the (22 July, 1813), 563; boats at navi French not leaving British officers at gated by women (4 Aug., 1813), 600; liberty on parole (12 Nov., 1811), packet arrangements at (11 Aug. 397. 1813), 631. , hundreds of French officers allowed , claim of visit by Spanish authori to go from England on, who never re ties at (14 Oct., 1813), xi. 192; diffi turned (11 Sept., 1813), xi. 104, 105. culty of packets getting in and out Parque, Duque del, letter to (2 July, from (20 Oct., 1813), 210; exemption 1809), iv. 487 ; occupies the pass of at from the revenue laws of vessels at Perales (17 July, 1809), 518. tending the army (23 Oct., 1813), 213. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 131

Patriarch and Forjaz, hatred of each Pellew, Admiral Sir E. (20 and 24 March, other (8 April, 1810), vi. 25 ; Pa 1812), ix. 3,5. triarch, a necessary evil (26 Oct., Peniche, proposed attack on (30 July 1810), 538. and 1 Aug., 1808), iv. 50, 53. , improper conduct of (1 Jan., 1811), , question of its eligibility as the vii. 98: plot by (5 Jan., 1811), 107; place of embarkation for the army in observations on his sentiments re Portugal, in the event of an evacua specting the inutility of laying fresh tion of the country (26 Oct., 1809), v. burthens on the people, to enable the 245 ; to what extent useful after an country to carry on the war against evacuation of Portugal (26 Jan., 1810), the French (18 and 21 Jan., 1811), 458 ; possibility of making it impreg 152, 169; -indiscretion of (18 Feb., nable (1 March, 1810), 540, 541 ; 1811), 276. how far useful as a place for embarka , anonymous letter from (27 June tion (10 March, 1810), 562. and 3 July, 1811), viii. 54, 66. , reasons for giving up as a place of Patrolling, directions for (30 July, 1810), embarkation (2 April, 1810), vi. 8, et vi. 310. sea. ; directions for executing works at, Pay of the British army, in what order so as to make it a place of refuge made (14 May, 1812), ix. 146 ; seldom (3 April, 1810), 11; permanent occu less than three months in arrear (9 pation of, and garrison requisite (1 June, 1812), 221 ; of soldiers and non May, 1810), 5, 78; rations deposited commissioned officers in the British at, 77 ; recommendation to occupy army, expediency of augmenting (10 it (30 May, 1810), 161. June, 1812), 226. Peninsula, Campaign in, and dates of , regular, its influence on armies battles when fought, iv. 9. (-25 July, 1813), x. 569. , compromise of the honor of the Paymasters "of regiments, profits made country in abandoning the Peninsula by (20 April, 1813), x. 305; remedy (28 Nov., 1809), v. 31 7 ; uniform unfa for the accumulation of money in their vorable appearance of affairs in, and hands (23 April, 1813), 388. continuance of the contest in urged , take the profits from the exchange (27 March, 1810), 599. in remitting credits of deceased offi , prejudice against military opera cers (18 Sept., 1813), xi. 120. tions in (2 April, 1810), vi. 6; inade Payne, Lieut. General, scanty supply of quacy to complete its conquest felt by barley for his cavalry (16 Aug., 1809), the French (11 June, 1810), 187; v. 47, note; exertions by, to supply continued enmity of its inhabitants the troops and horses (19 Oct., 1809), to the French (27 June, 1810), 229; 231 ; attacked by the gout (2 Jan., distresses of the French army (3 Nov., 1810), 402. 1810), 580. , recall of (14 May, 1810), vi. 116. , extraordinary aud inconsistent Peace, general report of in Spain (20 character of the people (16 Jan., 1811), June, 1810), vi. 213. vii. 148; estimates of expense of the , probability of a proposal for war in for 1810 (23 March, 1811), (13 Feb., 1811), vii. 259; anxiety of 388, 389 ; complaint by ministers of the French for (16 Feb., 1811), 271. the expense of the war in (30 March, Peacocke, Colonel, not allowed by the 1811), 416. regulations a brigade major or an Penrose, Rear Admiral, directions to, for aide de camp (20 Sept., 1809), v. 165. placing a bridge across the Adour , indiscretion in checking by order 7 Feb., 1814), xi. 505. the circulation of report (17 June, Perales, Puerto de, expediency of occu 1810), vi. 200 ; orders to, respecting the pying (8 July, 1809), iv. 449; Cuesta works at St. Julian (9 Sept., 1810), 41 8. called upon to occupy it (9 July, (5 Dec, 1810), vii. 31; recom 1809), 501 ; its importance, and dan mended for the appointment of Bri ger to the French in venturing through gadier General in the Peninsula (15 (17 July, 1809), 518. Dec, 1810), 50; made a Brigadier , march of the French on (8 June, General (28 Feb., 1811), 321; Bri- 1811), vii. 651. gadier General, guns of forts to be Perceval, Right Hon. Spencer, proposes pointed towards the sea (14 May, a six months' regency (6 Jan. 1811), 1811), 553. vii. 115 ; letter to, recommendation to , Major General, his official com his favor of the widow of Lieut. munications to whom to be directed Col. Barclay (22 May, 1811), 586; {IJan., 1812), viii. 525. subscription raised by Lord Welling k2 132 INDEX.

ton's soldiers as a compensation to the British army to (9 June, 1809), iv. inhabitants of Fuentes de Oiioro, for 403 ; request for orders on the magis loss s. from their village having been trates about, to furnish supplies of the field of battle, 587. provisions and forage 405 ; move Perceval, Right Hon. Spencer, murdered ments to (17 June, 1809), 429 (18 June, in the lobby of the House of Com 1809), 436; the British army in full mons on the 11th May (28 May, march for (1 July, 1809), 480 ; letter 1812), ix. 178. to the Junta of (18 July, 1809), 519 ; Percy, Captain (Hon. H.), request to arrival at, of Soult, through the pass Marshal Massena for information of Baiios (3 Aug., 1809), f,56, 558. respecting (17 Sept.. 1810), vi. 449. Plasencia, amount of force brought to, by Pernes, bridge at, destroyed by the the French, after the battle of Tala- enemy (6 March, 1811), vii. 344. vera (8 Aug., 1809), v. 1 ; return of the Philippon, General, Governor of Badajoz enemy towards (11 Aug.. 1809), 26; (28/an., 1812), viii. 566. Memorandum (12 Aug., 1809), 27; Picton, Major General, wish to have probable object of the French in him (21 Dec, 1809), v. 385; coming moving on, 30 ; amount of their force to the army (18 Feb., 1810), 502; (14 Aug., 1809), 37; advantages to Memorandum for (11 March, 1810), the French of their position there (15 555. Aug., 1809), 46 ; date of the march of , Memorandum for, in case the the British army from (30 Oct., 1809), enemy should cross the Agueda (28 255. May, 1810), vi. 149; in the event of , rations for 15,000 men ordered at, the surrender of Ciudad Rodrigo (22 by the French (19 June, 1810), vi. June, 1810), 220; conduct at the 202. battle of Busaco (30 Sept., 1810), Plunder, the object of the French expe 470; occupies the redoubts at Torres dition into Portugal (29 Dec, 1810), Vedras till the arrival of General vii. 84. Sontag (8 Oct.. 1810), 501. , the cause of external war by the , probable damage to the batteries French (31 Jan., 1812), viii. 581. at the first siege of Badajoz, from the Police establishment for Lisbon, sketch enemy's fire (1 June, 1811), vii. 627; of (24 March, 1810), v. 594, 595. proposed terms of capitulation (3 , plan to be adopted in Lisbon (9 June, 1811), 635. Sept., 1810), vi. 423. , directions for disposing the Spa , formation of police corps, to be nish troops (14 June, 1811), viii. 20. denominated the Cavalry Staff' Corps , Lieut. General, conduct at Ciudad (24 Feb., 1813), x. 140; (24 March, Rodrigo (20 Jan., 1812), viii. 549. 1813), 229; slight assistance from the , attack of the castle of Badajoz by cavalry for police (8 June, 1813), 424. escalade (7 April, 1812), ix. 37, 40. Political and military power, union of , SirT.,K. B., conduct at the battle under the Spanish constitution (27 of Vitoria (22 June, 1813), x. 416; Jan., 1813), x. 32. conduct of troops at Ariiiez, 21st June Pombal, ancient castle of, French driven (\6Ju/y, 1813), 529. from (14 March, 1813), vii. 355. , prefers staying with the army Ponsonby, Lieut. Col. (Major General in France (25 Dec, 1813), xi. 397; Hon. Sir F.), Adjutant General of ca attack of Les Minimes at the battle of valry (17 April, 1810), vi.44, undnnte. Toulouse (12 April, 1814), 632. , wounded at Monasteiio (26 Oct., Picurina, La, taken by Sir 1812), ix. 513 (27 March, 1812), ix. 12 ; remarks on Pontoon bridge, requested from England the cut from, to the inundation (25 (31il/arcA, 1811), vii. 422. May, 1812), 168. master from the Ordnance (22 Pinhel, taken possession of by the enemy AW, train, 1811), pay viii. and 420. clothing to Portu (1 Aug., 1810), vi. 316. — — , French division at (5 Jan., 1811), guese seamen for (29 Jan., 1813), x. viii. 112. 6 1 ; number of horses required to draw Pisuerga, passage of, afier iraising the (4 May, 1813), 346; dependence of siege of the castle of Burgos (26 the operations of the army on its effi Oct. 1812), ix. 517; French force on ciency (18 May, 1813), 388. (28 Oct., 1812), 519. , delay with, how caused (17 Sept., Pitt, Mr., foundation of his plans of 1813), xi. 117. finance (13 Nov., 1811), viii. 398. Pope, sent back to Rome (3 Feb., 1814), Plasencia, preferred for the march of the xi. 495. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 133

Popham, Captain Sir Home, draws up successful, the practicability of em articles of capitulation at Copenhagen barking the British army, with Lord (8 Sept., 1807), iv. 5, note. Wellington's detailed opinion (14 , telegraph vocabularies (15 June, Nov., 1809), 280, et seq. note, 274 ; 1810), vi. 196; code (20 Aug., 1810), Great Britain has undertaken a larger 371. concern in than she has the means of , operations on th Spanish coast, executing (14 Jan., 1810), 425; af (28 July, 1812), ix. 318 ; congratulated fection of the people for the Bri un the success of his operations (4 tish nation (24 Jan., 1810), 449; Aug., 1812), 333; request to for a extent of the military resources of signal book (11 Aug., 1812), 348 ; re (31 Jan., 1810), 480; precautionary quisition to, for gunpowder (26 Sept., defensive measures taken against the 1812); great object of his operations invasion of by the French (27 Feb., indicated (2 Oct., 1812), 464;ill effects 1810), 528, etseq. of his leaving Spain (12 Oct., 1812), Portugal, efficiency of the manner in 486 ; sends stores and ordnance from which the kingdom is divided (1 April, Santander (26 Oct., 1812), 513. 1810), vi. 3; practicability of defend , advantage of his stay at Santan- ing Portugal, military advantages to cler (26 Dec, 1812), x. 6 ; blockade of Spain by retaining possession, and Saatoiia raised (3 Feb., 1813), 85. preparations for bringing away tho Purtalegre, magazine if at, to be re army, on the occurrence of a military moved (24 Jan., 1810), v. 445. necessity (2 April, 1810), 6; efforts healthiness of (15 June, 1810), vi. made by, in proportion to its means 195. (29 April, 1810), 68; threatened , its position, and liability to infec withdrawal of the British army from, tious fevers (14 May, 1812), ix. 145. for want of subsistence (1 May, 1810), Portland, Duke of, letter to Sir A. Wel- 77 ; proofs furnished by the enemy of lesley announcing his creation of Vis its value to the allies, and of the mis count (12 Sept., 1809), v. 145, note; chief done to themselves by its conti answer to the above, ib. nuance in the British possession (19 Portugal, expedition to (14 June, 1808), Aug., 1810), 368; appeal to the benevo iv. 10; arrival of the expedition from lence of the people of Great Britain, Cork off the coast (1 1 Aug., 1808), in behalf of the people of Portugal, 80 ; amount of the French army in, suffering from the French invasion (27 82 ; never fed itself during more than Oct., 1810), 547, 548 ; political and seven months out of twelve (1 1 Aug., financial character of the French ex 1808), 84 ; Memorandum on the de pedition into Portugal, its unmilitary fence of (London, 7 March, 1809), proceeding, and probable successful 261. issue of the contest to the British, by , measures adopted in case the delay (3 Nov., 1810), 579, et seq. French should invade, after assembling , its wealth, and precautions for at Plaseucia (12 Aug., 1809), v. 30, securing it from plunder by the 32 ; saving of, when the French were French (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 63; suf involved in the Austrian contest (19 ferings of parts of, occasioned by Aug., 1809), 55; question of the de neglect to adopt the means recom fence of, considered (25 Aug., 1809), mended by Lord Wellington (29 Dec, 89 ; how best defended (5 Sept., 1809), 1810), 85; fatal effects in, of the 124 ; principle on which assistance love of ease and tranquillity (3 Jan., given to, by his Majesty's Govern 1811), 102; historical importance of ment (1 5 Sept., 1809), 151 ; plan of de the war in (15 Jan., 1811), 144; kind, fence for (20 Oct., 1809), 235; cha- indolent, and loyal character of the racter of the country as to its military people, and its consequences (16 Jan., defences (26 Oct., 1809), 245 ; amount 1811), 148; expediency of taking of its military establishment, and ex its whole civil, military, and financial tent of the British army requisite for management out of the hands of the its defence, with expense of it (14 Government (18 Frb., 1811), 276; Nov., 1809), 275 ; expense, civil and the whole country frontier, every military, of its Government, 277 ; de road in it leading to Lisbon (23 Feb. ficiency of its revenue, ib.; questions 1811), 306, note. put by Lord Liverpool as to the hypo , difficulty of the situation of the thetical invasion of the country by British in (5 Aug., 1812), ix. 342; tl.e French, the prospect of successful works which saved, kept in the most resistance, and if resistance prove un perfect state (9 Sept., 1812), 417; 134 INDEX.

necessity felt by the French of making ful state of, 256 ; expediency of taking this country the seat of war, and of it entirely out of the hands of the subduing the allied forces before they Government (18 Feb., 1811), 275; can ensure the conquest of Spain (19 effectives in 1810 (23 Feb., 1811), Air., 1812), 562. 307 ; extraordinary thinning of, by Portugal, French army of, statement of privations (5 March, 1811), 341 ; (14 June, 1812), ix. 236; sick, and Lord Wellington's plan for feeding it number of horses, 237. (5 March, 1811), 340; Memorandum, Portuguese, distressed, enumeration of 342 ; miserable state of, at the com materials best suited for (12 June, mencement of the campaign of 1811, 1811), viii. 9; and British, perfect and patience under privations (18 amalgamation and concord of, in all March, 1811), 373 ; alarming falling military qualities and conduct (4 Aug., off in strength of regiments (25 March, 1811), 171. 1811), 401; number of effectives , suffering, sum placed at the dis with Lord Wellington, and under Sir posal of Lord Wellington for their W. Beresford (8 April, 1811), 437; relief (28MarcA,1812),ix.l7 ; territory, increasing inefficiency of (30 April, wild notions of people as 'to its secu 1811), 511, 513; state of (9 May, rity (25 June, 1812), 247; mode of 1811), 539. relieving the Portuguese from their Portuguese army, causes of its miserably financial difficulties, 251. deficient state (11June, 1811), viii. 5; , their merits to what owing (25 the two modes in which officers have July, 1813), x. 569. been permitted to serve in (2i Aug., Portuguese army, prospect of ameliorat 1811), 216; monthly demand of the ing (7 May, 1809), iv. 314; proposed commissariat for supplies for the Por increase of pay to the officers, ib. ; tuguese army (17 Dec, 1811), 465. Sir A. Wellesley's opinion respecting , exaggerated amount of (30 June, the expenses of it (5 June, 1809), 389 ; 1812), ix. 258. British officers serving in, to receive , arrears of pay to, previous to the one step of Portuguese rank above campaign of 1813 (26 April, 1813), that in the British army (7 June, x. 331. 1809), 395 ; amount of, regulars and , impossibility of its keeping the militia, when complete (30 J«ne,1809), field, separated from the British (11 478. (See Portuguese Troops.) Oct., 1813), xi. 185; Dom Forjaz's — — , its character and composition (25 desire that the Portuguese should Aug., 1809), v. 88 ; better than Lord have the reputation of possessing a Wellington ever expected it to be (14 good army to a greater degree than Jan^ 1810), 426 ; its value, and expe they have (6 Nov., 1813), 257; sug diency of bringing off as large a pro gestions for gratifying the Govern portion as possible in the event of the ment, 260. British being obliged to evacuate (15 Portuguese cavalry, misbehavior of at Jan., 1810), 427 ; their readiness to San Christoval (23 Feb, 1811), vii. evacuate the country with the British, 289 ; undisciplined ardor of (30 and impolicy of leaving them (24 March, 1811), 412. Jan., 1810), 446 ; amount of in the , flight of (13 Aug., 1812), ix. 351. field (22 Feb.,\810), 517; practicability 353; reasons for not sending to the of bringing them all off (1 March, rear, and how to be employed for the 1810), 541 ; principle on which the future (8 Sept., 1812), 406. payment for the additional 10,000 men Portuguese charity, application of the and officers was granted (17 March, proceeds of flour to (29 June, 1811), 1810), 577, 578; scandalous defici viii. 60. ency of (Z3March, 1810), 592. Portuguese forces, number of paid for , its provincial organization, and by Great Britain (30 June, 1809), impossibility of drafting men from iv. 478. one regiment to another (30 April, Portuguese Government and people, good 1810), vi. 72. will of (1 Sept., 1809), v. 103 ; amount • , extent of control over it, vested in of the whole pecuniary resource re Lord Wellington (5 Dec, 1810), vii. ceived by from Great Britain (3 Jan., 32; one cause ot its excellence, in 1810), 409 ; case in which they should the control of superior British au be informed that the King will with thority (23 Dec, 1810), 67; gross draw his assistance, both pecuniary amount of the army, and proportion and military (3 March, 1810), 545; sick (12 Fcft.,1811), 255, 256; fright sum they are to receive in payment PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 135

for 30,000 men (24 March, 1810), Portuguese nation, sum voted to by 595. Parliament (6 May, 1811), vii. 519. Portuguese Government and people, Portuguese officers, paid only by Bri £ 40,000 per month to be given to, tish gratuity (22 Dec, 1810), vii. 63. in addition to the £80,000 (.13 May, Portuguese regiment, pass over to the 1810), vi. 110; may have half the enemy (31 Aug., 1810), vi. 396, 397; money that arrives, and the French its effects on the English officers serv coins (13 June. 1810), 193; grounds ing with the Portuguese army (11 for their being entitled to the full Sept., 1810), 427. subsidy (15 July, 1810), 274 ; finan Portuguese service, an officer entering cial embarrassment of, and causes not to be allowed to quit it wheu he (8 Jug., 1810), 338; interference of, chooses (4 June, 1811), vii. 637. with the appointments of Marshal Portuguese troops, proof that they will Beresford's staff (7 Sept.; 1810), 412. fight (21 May, 1810), iv. 350; dis , mode by which they should show tress of. and monthly sum required their alleged debt due from Great for (21 June, 1809), 448. Britain (26 Nov., 1810), vii. 9; ex , allotment of money supplies to cess of money received by, under his (21 Aug., 1809), v. 61; ill treatment Majesty's engagements (4 .Dec,1810), of, by the Spanish Government (1 30; daily inefficiency of (22 Dec, Sept. 1809), 109; under what cir 1810), 62 ; loss of the cause, unless cumstances advisable to send them the Government raise and realize a for an operation into Spain (19 Oct., revenue from the country, 63; me 1809), 231, 232 ; arrangement of the thods proposed, 64 ; its failures to monthly pay of 20,0u0 men, detailed what ascribable (27 Dec, 1810), 79 ; (19 Dec, 1809), 377; its amount, and impoverishment of (25 Jan., 1811), that of the pay and allowances of the 187 ; gloomy apprehensions from its British officers in the Portuguese inert proceedings (26 Jan., 1811), service, 378 ; favorable progress of 190 ; approaching crisis, 192 ; in in discipline (4 Jan., 1810), 411. utility of their looking to England , in Cadiz, best mode of settling the for assistance ( - 8 Jan., 1811), 201; pay for (5 April, 1810), vi. 16 ; direc absurdity of talking of efforts by tions for paying (13 April, 1810), 35 ; them, and necessity of their raising officers employed to serve in, to per an adequate revenue, if they wish to form their engagement (7 June, 1810), save their country from the enemy, 176; to be embarked in no vessels but ib.; wants of, and character of their those of the same description with the orders respecting the evacuated coun British (.30 Sept., 1810), 478. tries (25 March, 1811), 401; exer , 12,000 or 14,000, on the right of tions making by, to increase their the Tagus, literally starving (26 Jan., means (26 March, 1811), 404. 1811), vii. 192 ; inefficiency of, when , evil from the mistaken principle not united with the British, 194; diffi on which it has proceeded (12 June, culty of moving for want of means of 1811), viii. 6. supply (3 March, 1811), 334; money , always created difficulties, on ap supplied for, by the King's Govern plications to facilitate business (26 ment, ib. ; desertion occasioned by Nov., 1812), ix. 578. their wants (5 March, 1811), 341; , its obligations to the British Go terrible diminution of (25 March, vernment for the daily subsistence of 1811), 400,401 ; Portuguese regulars, the people (13 Jan., 1813), x. 30 ; in in July, 1810, amount of, 403; terri gratitude from, towards the British ble falling off of (27 March, 1811), army (20 July, 1813), 557. 408; number of under arms, 409; , folly in attending to newspaper proposed communication respecting representations (11 Oct., 1813), xi. the civil departments (31 March, 184 ; supplies to be furnished to, at 1811), 418, 419; reduction of their some of the northern ports of Spain effective strength, from the numbers (17 Oct. 1813), 202; subsidy in spe in hospital, 419. cie, to be provided as near the seat of , steady conduct at Alba de Tormes war as possible, ib. ; engagement of, (19 AW, 1812), ix. 558, note. with the king, to keep up 30,000 men , strength of, with the Marquis of in the field (28 Jan., 1814), 486. Wellington for the campaign of 1813 Portuguese levies, their gallantry at (31 Jan., 1813), x. 67; of the operating Busaco (30 Sept., 1810), vi. 473, army, arrears of pay of (7 March, 475. . 1813), 168 ; monthly sum required 136 INDEX.

for paying, 169; distinguished con Sir W.), conduct of his brigade in the duct at Vitoria (22 June, 1813), 449. pass of Maya (1 Aug., 1813), x. 579. Post, military, enormous expense in on the 13th Dec. (14 Dec., 1813), curred for (17 Aug., 1811), viii. 203; xi. 370. proposed management of, by Lord Prisoners, wounded, care taken of by Wellington (29.Sfpt., 1811), 301, 302. the French (8 Aug., 1810), vi. 336; Post of honor, history of the giving up French, in the neighbourhood of Lis to the Spaniards (9 Dec, 1809), v. bon, to be sent to England (19 Aug., 359, note. 1810), 366 ; prisoners of war, allow Prague, arrival at of plenipotentiaries ance required for carrying home (12 (M Aug., 1813), xi. 47. Oct., 1810), 506; taken from the Press, freedom of the, extent to which it enemy, by Portuguese, considered as is a benefit (11 Nov., 1810), vi. 610. English (17 Oct., 1810), 518; mode , liberty of, injury from, at Cadiz in which prisoners are managed by (8 Nov., 181I), viii. 392; inconve Lord Wellington, ib.; mode of ma niences of the licence of, to publish naging them, when handed over to anything on military operations (9 the navy (19 Oct., 1810), 522; good Feb., 1812), 600. treatment of prisoners by the French, , restrictions on, in France (1 6 March, and wish to avoid their falling under 1813), x. 198; licentious, mischief oc the care of any officer of the Portu casioned by the establishment of, in guese government, 523 ; French, ton Spain (31 March, 1813), 247 ; control nage required to convey 3800 to Eng exercised by over tbe Cortes (21 April, land (26 Oct., 1810), 541, 542 ; to go to the Cape de Verde Islands (6 Nov., 1813), , retarding 311. effects of its licentious 1810), 592. ness (10 Jan., 1814), xi. 431 ; effects — — at Oporto, objection to their being of, at Madrid (26 Jan., 1814), 478. sent to England (22 Dec, 1810), vii. Prevost, Sir G., a strong defensive sys 60; inconvenience in having so many tem recommended for(10 Feb., 18131, to take care of (5 Jan., 1811), 111; x. 108. " French, not another to be sent to Priests, objections to their interference England (29 Jan., 1811), 207; great in inducmg soldiers to go to mass (8 accumulation of prisoners, and method Sept., 1809), v. 135. of getting rid of them, ib., 208; no Prince Regent, His Royal Highness, agreement made to send Portuguese letter to (3 Feb., 1813), conveying ex prisoners to England (2 Feb. 1811), pressions of acknowledgment and 220; French, thousands of at Lisbon gratitude, x. 81, 82 ; letter of the 3rd and Oporto, and necessity of removing July, from his Royal Highness to them (21 and 25 March, 1811), 386, the Marquis of Wellington, accom 400 ; not to be sent to Bordeaux (27 panied with the Marshal's staff (16 March, 1811),408 ; ill conduct of the July, 1813), 532, note; the Marquis French commander in chief, 409 ; of Wellington's acknowledgment, 532. increasing number of (8 April, 181 1), Prince Regent of Portugal, letter to, 434 ; with the enemy, not the smallest from Lord Wellington (30 Nov., chance of their being exchanged (8 1810), vii. 15. April, 1811), 441; French, not to be • , representations to be made to him, employed on works on the left of the as to the true nature of the war, and Tagus (15 April, 1811), 471. the necessity of further financial ex — — and deserters to be sent to Eng ertion on the part of Portugal (26 land (25 Jane, 1811), viii. 50; French, April, 1812), ix. 91. necessity and expediency of adopting , letter to (12 April, 1813), x. 283; a system of rigor towards (30 Jane, wish for his return to his Kingdom, 1811), 62. •287. , 20,000 since Januarysent to Eng Prince Royal of , wishes well to land (23 Nov., 1812), ix. 573. the Bourbons (4 March, 1 8 14), xi. 547 ; , reported exchange of, and number joins the allies (8 March, 1814), 562. and value of French prisoners (24 Principal, the anti-English party formed March, 1813), x. 230. by (1 Jan., 1811), vii. 98 ; plot by (5 Privacy, inconsistent with every just Jan., 1811), 107; indiscretion of (18 notion of punishment (21 Sept., 1809), Feb., 1811), 276. v. 167. ground for the inexpediency of his Private affairs, officers going home on, removal (5 Feb., 1812), viii. 593. not returning in time, how to be dealt Pringle, Major General (Lieut. General with (3 Oct., 1809), v. 204. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 137

Private quarrels, proper subjects for the home accounts of victories (4 Aug., investigation of a court martial (20 1810), vi. 326 ; system of, by senior Sept., 1813), xi. 125. ity, exploded in other armies, 327 ; Private soldiers, pay of (10 June, 1812), promotions by the Prince Regent, in ix. 226. the Brazils, proposed suspension of (1 4 Privateers, American, necessity of secu Aug., 1810), 355; their impolicy rity against (11 Aug., 1812), ix. 349. and injustice elucidated, 356 ; Lord , mischief clone by, on the coast of Wellington without the power of Portugal (7 April, 1813), x. 273. rewarding a single officer by (7 Privations, mine suffered by the troops Sept., 1810), 414; objections to rules (11 /an., 1811), vii. 128. which prevent the promotion of offi Prize, legal argument for discriminating cers of merit, and abuse of unlimited what is to be considered and dealt power of, to be prevented (6 Nov., with as such (23 May, 1809), iy.359; 1810), 594. principle upon which all claims to Promotion of officers of Guides, expe prize are founded (31 May, 1809), diency of (8 Feb., 1811), vii. 242; 376 ; claim of the navy to share in of English officers in the Portuguese that at Oporto (1 June, 1809), 382 ; service, remarks on (12 Feb., 1811), ground of distinction between property 253, 254. found at Lisbon belonging to the , obtained by intrigue (13 Jan., French and the Russians, and the 1813), x. 72. property captured at Oporto (7 June, , difficulty of, to a troop or com 1S09),391. pany, without purchase (12 Oct., Prize questions, principles on which 1813), xi. 186; in a bad regiment, they rest (10 Sept., 1809), v. 138, 139. question of its being the wav to im Procession, surprise of a piquet when prove it (12 Oct., 1813), 189.' looking at one (18 Aug., 1811), viii. Property, directions for removing (3 Jan., 205. 1811), vii. 102. Proclamation, intended (5 April, 1810), , private, insecurity of, under a Le vi. 15; alterations made in it (21 gislative Assembly (29 Jan., 1813), April and 2 May, 1810), 51, 82 ; de x.65. scribing the omissions of the people Provisional battalions, formation and in respect to the transport of the advantages of (6 and 20 Dec, 1812), army (11 May, 1810), 104; early pub ix. 609, 631. lication of (13 May, 1810), 109; pro , formed (2 Feb., 1813), x. 76; re bable inerhcacy of that from Dom luctance to part with men formed Miguel Forjaz (14 May, 1810), 110, into, 77 ; motive for detaining them 114 ; bombastic character of the Por (9 March, 1813), 174, 175; some tuguese proclamations, and a state of the best in the army (11 Aug., ment of what is wanted, ib. ; by Lord 1813), 629. Wellington to the people of Portugal Provisional Government, proceedings of (4 Aug., 1810), 329; Massena's pro (14 April, 1814), xi. 643. clamation, 330. Provisions, unwilling supply of to the , inutility of (16 Jan., 1811), vii. army, by the Spaniards (16 July, 149; to the Portuguese nation (10 1809), iv. 516. April, 1811), 455. , plentiful supply of to the Spanish , unauthorised, issued by Mr. troops (11 Aug., 1809), v. 24 ; Gene Mackenzie (5 Aug, 1812), ix. 342; ral Cuesta to occupy the post opposite to the Spaniards, issued at Madrid Almaraz, unless the British army is (29 Aug., 1812), 385. supplied with provisions, 25; provi , by Marshal Soult, to be read at sions procured for the British army the heads of companies, 23rd July, sent to the Spanish head quarters (21 1813(1 Aug., 1813), x. 576. Aug., 1809), 64. , to the French, on entering the , none brought by the French army French territory (1 Abe., 1813), xi. with them into Portugal (21 Dec, 237 ; fixing the rate of currency of 1810), vii. 60; and forage, supplies guineas in France (16 Dec, 1813), of for the Portuguese army applied 374 ; regulating trade in the ports of for from the British magazines (8 French Navarre (1 8 Dec, 1813), 376 ; Jan., 1811), 121 ; in Lisbon for a year further proclamations, 384, et tea. (25 Jan., 1811), 187 ; distress for, by Promotion, rule in selecting an officer the Portuguese troops (25 and 26 /an., for (24 of Sept., aides de1809), camp, v. 179. for carrying 1811), 188, 192; (8 Feb., 1811), 243; (12 Feb., 1811), 253, 255; (3 March, 138 INDEX.

1811), 334; fictitious cause of the ment required in the management of want of (6 Feb., 1811), 235; inutility (4 Dec, 1812), ix. 603. of to troops intlie field, without means Quartering of officers at Lisbon (3 1 Pec, of transport (30 March, 1811), 417; 1810), vii. 91. admirable supply to the whole of the Quit rents, unjust proposal of selling infantry (6 April, 1811), 431. (14 Nov., 1812), ix. 555. Provisions, what understood by (2 July, 1811), viii.64. , total want of by the Spanish R. troops (11 March, 1811), X. 181. Provost establishment, necessity and Rains, inactivity caused by (6 — 9 May, utility of (17 June, 1809), iv. 434. 1810), vi. 94, 98,99; periodical in Provost Marshals, Assistant, necessity Portugal, and impediments from to of appointment of (1 July, 1809), iv. Massena's progress (13 Oct., 1810), 483. 510; destruction of roads by (21 Nov., , seven or eight in the army (8 1810), 628, 630. Sept., 1809), v. 137 ; authority to ap , effects of, on the roads in France point only one Provost Marshal (27 (22 Nov., 1813), xi. 311; impossi Feb., 1810), 524. bility of moving troops in the south , office of, not adverted to in the of France after a violent fall of rain Mutiny Act and Articles of War (8 (21 Dec, 1813), 384. Sept., 1812), ix. 406,407. Rank between English and English-Por , Provost Marshal, necessity of a tuguese officers, delicate nature of the legalization of his power (10 Feb., question of (19 May, 1809), iv. 345 ; 1813), x. 107; doubt of the legality arrangement for, 346 ; of British offi of his authority (8 June, 1813), 424; cers m the 'Portuguese service, its extent of the assistant provost's power nature explained (30 May, 1809), 3 69 ; to punish capitally, ib. rank of officers how to be decided Prussia, King of, joins the Emperor of (5 June, 1809), 389. Russia (2 April, 1813), x. 251. of British officers in the two ser Public credit, mode of establishing (25 vices how decided (29 April, 1810), J«ne, 1812), ix. 249. vi. 65. Public houses, none in Portugal, in between the two services, not one which soldiers can be billeted (31 question of, requiring decision (9 Feb., Dec, 1810), vii. 91. 1811), vii. 245; jealousies introduced Puuhete, formation of bridge at (29 about, by promotion (12 Feb., 1811), Oct., 1810), vi. 561. 253. , enemy's bridge above (24 Nov., of British officers, with superior 1810), vii. 3; detachment of 4000 Portuguese commissions, how fixed men at, 4 ; church of, fortified by the (26 Jan., 1813), x. 40. French (27 Nov., 1810), 10 ; state of Ration, deduction for full (7 June, 1809), ground at (5 Jan., 1811), 106; new iv. 397 ; difference between the Bri bridge for (16 March, 1811), 364; tish and Portuguese (22 June, 1 809), bridge to be laid over the Zezere at 450 ; rates at which to be paid (10 (31 March, 1811), 418. June, 1809), 451. Purchase, officers not purchasing must , number of required daily by the wait their turn to be promoted (15 British army (14 Aug., 1809), v. 41 ; Sept., 1810), vi. 442. allowance of, for aides de camp (12 , difficulty of promotion without Sept., 1809), 140; half the sum (12 Oct., 1813), xi. 186. usually stopped for, remitted (30 Oct., Pyrenees, could be held as easily as 1809), 256 ; for cavalry, objections to Portugal (12 July, 1813), x. 524; an increase of (27 Jan., 1810), 459. seventy passes through, and reasons , number of rations on the Douro why they could not be fortified like and Mondego (1 May, 1810), vi. 73 ; the lines before Lisbon (25 July, belonging to the British army, 76 ; 1813), 568; battles of (1 Aug., 1813), ration to the Portuguese troops, pro 576, et seq. ; the French lose 20,000 position for augmenting (5 May, men, small loss of the British (3 and 1810), 89 ; amount of, 90. 4 Aug., 1813), 591, 592. , 70,000 issued daily (25 Jan., 1811), vii. 187; for each officer and Q. soldier (5 March, 1811), 343. of bread, Portuguese, estimate of Quarter Master General's stores, amend (12 Feb., 1812), viii. 604. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE.— VOLS. IV. TO XI. 139

Rations delivered daily to the soldiers, ex 1810), 323; change of conduct and cept on marches (9 June, 1812), ix. clamorous proceedings of (7 Sept., 222; to Spanish officers or soldiers, 1810), 413; its change of conduct to in what cases granted (23 Aug.,\812), wards Lord Wellington (13 Sept., 376. 1810), 435; observations on the ap in wine and rum, quantity of pointment, character, and duties of issued to the British and Portuguese (26 Oct., 1810), 538. (3 May, 1813), x. 346. Regency, Lord Wellington not a member issued to the Spanish troops (23 (1 Jan., 1811), vii. 98. Dec, 1813), xi. 393; price of, in Regency, in Spain, reflections on the France, for infantry and cavalry appointment of (4 Nov., 1810), vi. (1 April, 1814), 617. 586. Receipts, irregular, signed by commis , approval by, of Lord Wellington's saries, remarks on (16 Oct., 1809), conduct (23 Dec, 1810), vii. 67. v. 228. , apathy, and inefficient appoint Receiver of stolen goods, advantage of ments of (23 Aug., 1812), ix. 373. the exemplary punishment of (6 Feb., , extent of their powers (27 Jan., 1811), vii. 236. 1813), x. 54; proposed re-organiza Recommendations by General Courts tion of, under one person, of the blood Martial, mistaken lenity of (22 April, Royal (29 Jan., 1813), 63; informed 1813), x. 315. of the proposed employment of Russian by Courts Martial, excessive (18 troops in the Peninsula (15 Feb., Aug., 1813), xi. 10. 1813), 120; powerless state of (2 Recruiting the army, reflections on (28 April, 1813), 251 ; violation of its Jan., 1811), vii. 202; the line, and engagements with Lord Wellington militia, Portuguese, necessity for (7 Aug., 1813), 609; dissatisfaction adopting measures for (11 April, of, with the arrangement relating to 1811), 451. the communication between the Go from the Portuguese, observations vernment and the army, 610. on (A Aug., 1811), viii. 172; laws, , good conduct in the case of the persons to be exempted from (12 Sept., treaty of peace (26 and 27 Jan., 1814), 1811), 277. xi. 478, 480. laws of Spain and Portugal, liabi Regency Bill, going up to the House of lity to, of natives of the one country Lords (3 Feb., 1811), vii. 228. residing in the other (27 Nov., 1813), Regent of Spain, who ought to be ap. xi.321. pointed such, in the event of the cap Recruits, depot of, necessary for an tivity of the king (4 Nov., 1810), vi. army actively employed in the field 588. (14 May, 1812), ix. 147; objections Regent, in England, Prince of Wales to laying out the Aid in depots of appointed by bill, and extent of his recruits, 148. powers (10 Jan., 1811), vii. 125; re Recruits, Spanish, paucity of obtained ports respecting the ministers (23 Feb., (7 July, 1812), ix. 272. 1811), 287. Redinha, defeat of the French at (14 Regimental hospitals of the Guards, how March, 1811). vii. 356. managed (11 June, 1810), vi. 1»2. Re-enlistment of British soldiers, esti Registry of all cattle and provisions, mated demand on the military chest proposed (5 Sept., 1809), v. 124. for bounty on (30 March, 1813), of carriages and mules, advantages x. 246. of (17 Oct., 1810), vi. 521 ; of boats, of soldiers, when to take place its advantages (25 Oct., 1810), 535. (25 Aug., 1813), xi. 42,43. of means of transport, expediency Regency, at Lisbon, Sir A. Wellesley's of (27 Dec, 1810), vii. 79. views respecting (9 Sept., 1808), iv. of animals, and subsequent exemp 151 ; make Sir A. Wellesley Marshal tion from service, objections to (29 General of the armies of Portugal Feb., 1812), viii. 645. (5 May, 1809), 301. Reglamento of 8th May, difficulties and , inexpediency of shaking the foun discontents from (26 Sept. and 4 Oct., dation of their authority (17 March, 1813), xi. 144, 159. 1810), v. 577. Regnier, General, movement of the , recommendation not to fill up va 20th June (25 June, 1810), vi. 225 ; cancy in, and why (28 April, 1810), ordered by Buonaparte to cross the vi. 62 ; persons to be called to by the Tagus (1 July, 1810), 234, 235 ; move Prince Regent's authority (3 Aug., ment to Zafra (4 July, 1810), 243; 140 INDEX.

arrangement for an attack on his posi Reward for extraordinary services, defi tions in Estremadura (5 July, 1810), ciency of (6 Nov., 1810), vi. 594, 247 ; march of his corps to dislodge 595. Ballesteros and Imaz (11 July, 1810), Rey, General, capitulates (9 Sep!., 256; passage of the Tagus (18 ami 1813), xi. 94 ; states that San Sebas ID July, 1810), 276,281 ; his strength tian was on fire in six different places aud position, June, 1810 (19 July, when the assault commenced (23 Oct., 1810), 283 ; his force (23 July, 1813), 215. 1810), 288 ; movement across the Ribera, cavalry affair at (4 Aug., 1812), river a false one (13 Aug., 1810), 354. ix. 335, note* Regnier, General, aide de camp of, de Rice, not a bad substitute for bread (21 scribes the state of the French soldiers May, 1810), vi. 141. (30 Jan., 1811), vii. 209; probable Richmond, Duke of, letters to (22 May, movement of his corps from Santarem 1809), iv. 565— 568. (20 Fel... 1811), 278; defeated on the , handsome conduct towards Lord Coa (4 April, 1811). 429; rations re Wellesley (3 Jan., 1810), v. 405. quired by at Banos (9 June, 1811), , will like the command in Ireland 652. {7 April, 1810), vi. 22. Regulating officer, directions to (6 Oct., , letter to (29 Jan., 1812), viii. 579. 1810), vi. 488; who, 492. {See March, Earl of.) Reille, Count, letter to (27 Jan., 1813), Riflemen, Portuguese, good behaviour exchange of prisoners, x. 44 ; takes of (11 May, 1809), iv. 321. the command of the Army of Portu Rifles, companies of, repulse the French gal, 50. at a post on the Agueda (23 March, Removal of officers incapable of per 1810), v. 588, 592. forming service in the field, observa Rio Mayor, river, poor inhabitants of all tions on (22 Jan., 1813), x. 32, 33. the towns on, fed by British soldiers Renaud, General, Governor of Ciudad (16 March, 1811), vii. 363. Rudrigo, taken prisoner (16 and 23 Rio Seco, battle of (21 July, 1808), iv. Oct., 1811), viii. 347,355; going to 35; date of the battle (3 Aug., 1808), England, on his parole (19 Oct .,1811), 60. 349 ; robbery of his servants in the Roads and bridges, fund for the con house of a Juiz de Fora (9 Nov., 1811), struction and repair of in Portugal 393. (31 Aug.. 1811), viii. 252. Reports to Government, observations on , bad state of in Portugal, and by (22 Fei.,and 10 March, 1814), xi. 526, what caused (26 Jan., 1813), x. 34. 568. Robe, Colonel, instructions to, for re Requisition, the whole army raised by, moving guns from the castle of Bur in Portugal (7 June, 1810), vi. 175. gos (20 Oct., 1812), ix. 509. Restoration, Portuguese, consequences , wounded, and recommended (27 of, in Portugal {\2June, 1811), viii. 6. Jan., 1813), x. 45. Retiro, capitulation of (14 Aug., 1812), Robinson, Major General (Lieut. Gene ix. 357, 358 ; directions for taking ral Sir F.), conduct of his brigade at the palisades in the ditch (29 Sept., the battle of Vitoria (22 Jan., 1813), x. 1812), 458. 449. Retreat, disastrous, of Soult, a pendant , at San Sebastian (1 Sept., 1813), for that of Coru5a(17 May, 1809), iv. xi. 64; near the mayor's house at 341. Biaritz(14 Dec, 1813), 367. , timely, Spaniards prevented from Rock of Lisbon, inconveniences attending making by national pride (22 Sept., a landing in any of the bays near (8 1809), v. 171. Aug., 1808), iv. 69. from Burgos and Madrid, conduct Rocket machines, trial of by General of the troops on (28 Nov., 1812), ix. Fane (8 Nov., 1810), vi. 597 ; direc 582. tions to General Fane for investigating , the grossest outrages committed (11 Nov., 1810), 608. in Q6 March, 1813), x. 200. — — , of no use but to set fire to towns Revolution, French, good effects of its (22 Nov., 1813), xi. 314. {See Con- example before our eyes (22 Sept., greve.) 1809), v. 172. Rolisa, its topographical description, , Spanish, result of (12 June, 1811), and victory over Laborde (17 Aug^ viii. 6. 1808), iv. 96; return of killed and , its deteriorating influence on the wounded, 100 ; loss of the French (18 nation (20 July, 1813), x. 554. Aug., 1808), 103. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 141

Romana, Marques de la, letter to, an supplied to, on his entering Portugal, nouncing the march on Oporto (9 477; marching route laid down for May, 1809), iv. 318 ; informed of the him, 478 ; to proceed as soon as pos motives for discontinuing the pursuit sible by the marching route indicated on the 18th (23 May, 1809), 356; (5 Oct., 1810), 486; arrangements amount of his force in the Asturias, for paying, feeding, and providing his and at Vigo, 359 ; his total deficiency, troops on their entry into Portugal and desire of a junction to carry on (27 Oct., 1810), 544; amount of his operations in Galicia (23 June, 1809), corps (3 A'ot;., 1810), 582; letter to, 457 ; inutility of his loose, desultory Spanish officers killing deer in the operations, ib. ; letter to, describing park of Malra (6 Nov., 1810), 592; the positions of Spanish and English distress by paragraphs in the Cadiz troops (2 July, 1809), 488; pro newspapers (11 Nov., 1810), 610; posed co-operation between him and Lord Wellington's reflections on his Marshal Beresford on the eastern junction with him, 612. frontier of Portugal (29 and 30 July, Romana, Marques de la, proposal that 1809), 543, 545. he and his corps should go to , with numbers, but without ca Cadiz (13 Dec, 1810), vii. 42; ar valry or artillery (21 Aug., 1809), v. guments for the necessity of his re 73 ; amount of force under him and maining in the part of the Peninsula the Duque del Parque (25 Aug., with Lord Wellington, 43; the mea 1809), 83 ; arrival of his corps, 13,000 sure of calling him to Cadiz on what men, in the neighbourhood of Ciudad founded, 44 ; horrible libel against Rodrigo (13 Sept., 1809), 150; an (6 Jan., 1811), 115; letter respect noyance about the situation of his cor ing horses (9 Jan., 1811), 122; very morants (15 Sept., 1809), 155; de ill (19 Jan., 1811), 158; Memo livers a letter from Sir A. Wellesley randum to (20 Jan., 1811), 163; to Marquis Wellesley, ib.; his cha his last illness, and death (23 Jan., racter, ib. ; doubt of his talents at the 1811), 175, 179; total destitution of head of an army, but a sensible man his army (26 Jan., 1811), 193; post (21 Sept., 1809), 169; proof of there mortem examination (28 Jan., 1811), being no connexion in the operations 205; interment at Majorca (5 Feb., of his army with the operations of the 1811), 232. British and Spanish armies in the Rome, King of, birth of announced to month of Aug., 1809 (30 Oct., 1809), the Army of Portugal (4 April, 258; his knowledge of Galicia (13 1811), vii. 428 ; (8 April, 181 1), 442, Dec, 1809), 366; appointed to com 443. mand the army under the Duque del Roncesvalles, movement of the enemy Parque (9 Feb., 1810), 49j; pursuit on (25 July, 1813), x. 566, 567 ; Ge of Mortier (27 March, 1810), 600. neral Byng's post at, attacked by , his honorable character, and pro the French with between 30,000 and pensity to pervert facts (8 April, 40,000 men (1 Aug., 1813), 579. 1810), vi. 26; caution against intel Ronda. Sieira de, advantage of a corps ligence communicated by (17 May, there (20 July, 1811), viii. 126. 1810), 124; position of his corps on Ross, Major General, expediency of his the frontiers of Estremadura and occupying fort Atalaya (6 May, Alentejo (5 July, 1810), 245; con 1812), ix. 117; inexpediency of his vinced of the impossibility of the Bri attending to the invitations of Gene tish relieving Ciudad Rodrigo (II ral O'Donnell for co-operation in the July, 1810), 256; arrangements tor field, 119; warrant to hold General removing his army (27 July, 1810), Courts Martial, 120; instructions to 303; letter to, conditions on which put himself under General Maitland General Madden's brigade of cavalry (5 Aug., 1812), 341 ; to keep his was detached to (10 Aug.. 1810), 346 ; troops on the island (29 Aug., 1812), fears for, in the event of his trying 384. another action (12 Aug., 1810), 35^; Ross, Colonel, 20th reg. (Major General) mode of supplying him with provi (1 May, 1813), x. 338; conduct at the sions on his removal within the Por battle of Sorauren (1 Aug., 1813), tuguese frontier (15 Aug., 1810), 359; 5S2. letter to, reasons for believing the Ross, Lieut. Colonel, 52d reg. (Major enemy is going to lay siege to Ba- General), conduct at Vimeiro (21 dajoz (6 Sept., 1810), 406; letter to Aug., Ib08),iv. 111. (30 Sept., 1810), money and shoes , on Massena's letteat, at Redinha 142 INDEX.

(14 March, 1811), vii.357 ; atSabugal Sabugal, Conde de, extraordinary ac (9 April, 1811), 445. quittal of (13 Aug.,\8l\), viii. 189. Ross, Captain R. H. A. (Colonel Sir Saguntum, repulse of Suchet at (23 Oct. Hew). See Sieges and Battles and 6 Nov., 1811), viii. 355, 386; where the Light Division is engaged. capitulates (27 Nov., 1811), 425; Rufrm, General, taken prisoner (25 castle blown up (12 Dec, 1811), 458. March, 1811), vii. 395, note. St. Cyr's force, amount of (25 Aug., Rum, its comparative cheapness over 1809), v. 83. wine, in purchasing it by bills drawn St. Jean de Luz. permission to the on England (3 May, 1813), x. 345 ; mayor, Sic to return home (18 Nov., one third of a pint a British soldier's 1813), xi. 300; address from the no ration, 346 ; use of rum, why pre tables of the commune to the Marquis ferable, ib. of Wellington (21 Nov., 1813), 304, Ruman, Captain, thanks to for intelli note; proclamation to the inhabitants gence (25 Jan., 1810), v. 450; pro (22 Nov., 1813), 307; import trade of posed payment to, 451. (27 Jan., 1814), 482; and Bayonne, , promotion of (15 Aug., 181 1), viii. communication between, stopped (13 200. Feb., 1814), 516. Russia, anticipated failure of Buonaparte St. Jean Pied de Port, movement of the in (25 July, 1812), ix. 313. enemy at (22 and 24 July, 1813), , Emperor of, improbability of his x. 559, 563, 564. having it in his power to spare troops St. Julian, its advantages as a position for the Peninsula (10 March, 1813), for embarking, and reasons for pre x. 178. ferring it to Peniche (2 April, 1810), Russian fleet, neutrality of, in the Ta- vi. 8. gus, recognized by the armistice, after Salamanca, collection at of 34,000 the battle of Vimeiro (22 Aug., 1808), French, under three marshals, without iv. 117; proposed arrangement for the knowledge of the Governor of Ciu- (23 Aug., 1808), 120; consequences dad Rodrigo (4 Sept., 1809), v. 121. of the convention, respecting the Rus , projected attempt on the maga sians (5 Sep/., 1808), 147. zine at (21 April, 1810), vi. 52 ; force Russian ships of war, application for the of the enemy at, ib. ; enemy's heavy ordnance, &c belonging to (6 March, guns at (1 May, 1810), 73; question 1810), v. 548. of getting possession of them (2 May, Russian troops, proposed employment 1810), 80. of, in the Peninsula (14 Feb., 1813), , information from (15 Aug., 1811), x. 118; mistake as to the supposed viii. 198; danger of correspondents at offer of, to serve in the Peninsula being discovered (25 Aug., 1811), 225 ; (19 March, 1813), 214. object of French force collected at (30 Russians, observations and explanations, Oct. and 1 Nov., 1811), 373—375. by Sir A. Wellesley, concerning, in , entered by the British army (18 the armistice and convention of Ciu- June, 1812), ix. 238; forts invested, tra, iv. 205, et s*q. number of convents destroyed by the , reported to be making peace (1 French, and joy of the people, 239 ; Nov., 1812), ix. 530. siege of the forts (25 and 26 June, enter the Prussian frontier (12 1812), 253, 255; taken by storm, and Feb., 1813), x. 114 ; in pursuit of the capitulation (28 June, 1812), 256; French on the Vistula (10 March, return of the killed, wounded, and 1813), 176; advancing to Hamburgh missing (30 June, 1812), 262, note; (31 March, 1813), 248. battle and victory near (24 July, 1812), Rye, horses fed on (27 Jan., 1810), v. 299 ; hospitals at (31 July, 1812), 323 ; 460. refusal by the correspondents at Sala manca of remuneration from Lord Wel S. lington, and claim on the Spanish Government (5 Aug., 1812), 342; ap Sabugal, cannon moved upon by the pointment of to the Inten- enemy (4 Sept., 1810), vi. 403. dancy of the province ( 1 8 and 23 Aug., , retreat of the enemy on (2 April, 1812), 365, 372; sick and wounded 1811), vii. 425 ; defeat ol'Regnier, and officers at Salamanca obliged to sell passage of the Coa forced at (4 April, their clothes to get money (18 Aug , 1811), 429. 1812), 369. , retreat of Marmont from (2 1 April, , thanks of Parliament for the vic 1812), ix. 73,74. tory (1 Jan., 1813), x. 17; further PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 143

destruction of large buildings at, by x. 502 ; proposed siege of (4 July, the French (10 Feb., 1813), 109; 1813), 509 ; blockade by sea (9 July, officers recommended for the medal of 1813), 519; instructions to Sir T. (11 Feb., 1813), 111; thanks of Par Graham for the siege (13July, 1813), liament for the battle (21 March, 525; failure at, on the 25th July 1813), 221 ; arrival of the British (1 Aug., 1813), 576 ; account of the army at, and loss to the French in attack of the breach in the line wall their retreat from (26 May, 1813), on the left flank, 588; siege waits for ordnance and ammunition from Salamonde, defeat of the French rear England (11 Aug., 1813), 630; in guard at (18 and 19 May, 1809), iv. effectual naval blockade of, 633. 343, 346. San Sebastian, delay in the attack on, Salvaterra, directions for ascertaining from want of the battering train (18 what places of the Tagus are fordable Aug., 1813), xi. 12; daily intercourse of near (I May, 1809), iv. 289 ; necessity the enemy with, by sea (ISand 20 Aug., of securing the boats as far down as 1813), 13, 19; doubtful effect of a Salvaterra, 290; boats to be either bombardment of (23 Aug., 1813), 32; destroyed, or carried down the river preparation for the assault (27 Aug., below (2 May, 1809), 291. 1813), 46 ; town of, account of its cap , materials for a bridge near (15 ture by assault (2 Sept., 1813), 61, et Dec, 1810), vii. 45 ; boats for the teq. ; prisoners at, kept in the yard of transport of 2000 or 3000 men. to be the magazine, "sans blindayes" (5 stationed at (12 Jan., 1811), 133; em Sept., 1813),79; castle of capitulates barkation of troops under (16 Jan., (9 Sept., 1813), 94 ; directions for se 1811), 146. curing it against a coup de main, 96 ; Sampayo, Mr., contracts with (17 Dec, convention at length (10 Sept., 1813), 1809), v. 372 ; proposed loan through 101, note; lights above to be lighted (25 Jan., 1810), 453. every night (28 Sept., 1813), 150 ; , letter to (28 Nov., 1810), vii. 11. justification of the conduct of the , purchases commissariat paper (2 allies inthestorm (9 Oct., 1813), 171 ; Dec, 1812), ix. 597. further remarks on the libel about (16 Sanchez, Don Julian, leaves Ciudad Oct., 1813), 200 ; groundless nature Rodrigo (27 June, 1810), vi. 227; of the charge against the allied troops attached to the British army (10 Aug., (23 Oct., 1813), 214; inhabitants co 1810), 348; case of the German (13 operate with the enemy in the de Aug., 1810), 353; advance made to fence, ii. ; town on fire in six different him (15 Aug., 1810), 359 ; advance places before the assault commenced, made to, of 4000 dollars (28 Oct., 215 ; letter to the magistrates of (2 1810), 559. Nov., 1813), 246; correction of Spa , convoy of biscuit captured by (23 nish words in the statement relative to Feb., 1811), vii. 290. the conduct of the soldiers (6 Nov., , carries off General Renaud (23 1813), 258; libel, Duende acquitted Oct., 1811), viii. 354; destroys an for (18 Nov., 1813), 298; duty of enemy's detachment near Salamanca properly attending to the lighthouse (4 March, 1812), 649. at, 299. San Christoval, defeat of the Spaniards Santander, operations at (12 Oct., 1812), on the heights of (23 Feb., 1811), vii. ix. 486 ; impossibility of making it 285 ; details of the affair, 286, 288 ; the post of communication (17 Oct., destruction of the Spanish troops at 1812), 495. the battle of, and its results (1 1 March, , refusal of the Ayuntamiento at, 1811), 359; failure of the attack on to supply a quarter for the superin (10 June, 1811), 652. tendent of the army post at (14 Oct., , attempt to carry by storm (13 June, 1813), xi. 190; British hospital at, 1811), viii. 12. placed under quarantine (14 and 30 San Francisco, redoubt of, stormed (9 Jan., 1814), 446, 488; object of the Jan., 1812), viii. 540. authorities (16 Jan., 1814), 452 ; con San Julian, reasons for not occupying duct of the Xefe Politico (19 Jan., the heights of (6 May, 1812), ix. 117. 1814). 465; letter to the Board of San Marcial, gallant repulse of the Health (22 Jan., 1814), 469; to the French on the heights of, by the minister at War (23 Jan., 1814), Spaniards (2 and 3 Fept., 1813), xi. 472. 67, 73. Santarem, proposed march of corps on San Sebastian, blockaded (3 July, 1813), (8 Aug., 1808), iv. 70 ; advantages of 144 INDEX.

the position (10 Aug., 1808), 78, Sappers and Miners, the want of an esta 79 ; depot of military stores at (1 blishment of, the chief cause of the May, 1809), 289 ; water carriage of great loss in the sieges (7 April, 1812), reserve stores to (11 June, 1809), 410. ix. 45, note, Santarem, sick to be embarked at (6 Sarre, entrenched carrfp evacuated by Oct., 18 10), vi. 491 ; loss of forty boats the French, and affair at (9 and 10 at (16 Oct., 1810), 512; accounts of, Oct., 1813), xi. 178, 180; taken from unfounded (17 Oct., 1810), 519, note; the Spaniards in the night (13 Oct., French establishments at, of boats, 1813), 189; surprise of the Spanish &c, expedition to destroy (1 Nov., piquet at (18 Oct., 1813), 206. 1810), 568; cannonade of boats at Scheldt, why the expedition to would (14 Nov., 1810), 619; proposed de not have been better in Spain (25 struction of depot of materials at, 620 ; Aug., 1809), v. 86. retreat of the French to, from the , proposed arrangement respecting, lines of Torres Vedras (1 5 Nov. , 1 8 10), in making peace (10 Jan., 1814), xi. 623; directions to rocket it, 624; great 434. strength of the position (21 Nov., Schwarzenberg, Prince, character of his 1810), 628. movement into Switzerland (1 Jan., — , impossibility of attacking the 1814), xi. 413; object of his coming enemy at, in front (8 Dec, 1810), into Switzerland (10 Jan., 1814), 435. vii. 37; movement at (2 Feb., 1811), Scott, Sir William, doubt whether his 218 ; communication with a friend at opinion respecting the Danish ships (16 Feb., 1811), 265, 266 ; noise heard at Oporto will apply (7 June, 1809), and lights seen in (19 Feb., 1811), iv. 391. 277 ; French boat equipment at (24 Sebastiani, General, corps of retreats Feb., 1811), 313,314; evacuated by towards the Tagus (1 July, 1809), iv. the French (6 March, 1811), 344. 485 ; amount of his corps, when joined Santocildes, General, leaves Astorga (7 by King Joseph (8 July, 1809), 500. July, 1812), ix. 274 ; arrives at Bena- , his strength and position in June, vente (24 July, 1812), 307; requested 1810 (19 July, 1810), vi. 283. to take Tordesillas (1 Aug., 1812), Second in command, inutility and in 324 ; Memorandum and letters to (5 convenience of the office (2 Dec, Aug.,\$V2), 344; to collect his troops 1812), ix. 592 ; inutility of the office in at Palencia (12 Sept., 1812), 419; a modern army (10 Dec, 1812), 617. request to come with his troops to , inutility and injury of the office Quintana del Puente (14 Sept., 1812), (26 /an., 1813), x. 41. 430. Secretary at War, letters to, on the settle Santona, proposed occupation of (26 ment of soldiers' accounts (25 April, May, 1811), vii. 611. 1813), x. 327; profits of paymasters , expediency of taking (2 and 17 (23 April, 1813), 328. Oct., 1812), ix. 465, 495. Secbetauy of State (Viscount Castle , blockade of raised (3 Feb., 1813), reagh), 8 Sept., 1807, Lord Cath- x. 85. cart's dispatch — capitulation of Co , supplies received at by sea, by the penhagen, iv. 5, note. enemy (3 Oct., 1813), xi. 155; in — , 21 June, 1808, dispatch to Lieut. Ge structions for obtaining possession of neral Hon. Sir A. Wellesley, affairs of Laredo and Puntal (16 Oct., 1813), Spain, and transports at Cork to be 197; facility of the enemy's vessels kept fully victualled, 12, 13. entering during the blockade (28 — , 30 June, 1808, cause of the expedi Dec, 1813), 403; mischief done by tion to the Peninsula — to proceed to a national armed vessel from (1 Jan., Cor una, 17 ; basis on which the Spa 1814), 413; capitulation of, why not nish nation should be prevailed on to agreed to (1 April, 1814), 621 ; sti treat, or lay down their arms, 19. pulations respecting (18 April, 1814), — , 30 June, 1808, to proceed off the 654. Tagus — proposed paper currency in San Vicente, fort, siege of (25 June, Spain, secured on the South Ame 1812), ix. 253; capitulates (30 June, rican finances, 20, 21. 1812), 260. — , 7 July, )808, arrival of Sir A. Wel Sappers and Miners, expediency of a lesley at Cork — proposes joining the corps of (11 Feb., 1812), viit. 601; fleet off Cape Fiuisterre or the Ta men subsequently employed in the gus, 24. new establishment (14 Feb., 1812), — , 8 July, 1808, decides on proceeding 609, and note. to Coruiia, 25. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 145

Secretary ov State. — 10 July, 1808, conjunction with the British to save embarkation of artillery and cavalry Portugal from the grasp of the French, horses at Cork, 26. 55; surrender of Uupont — advance of — , 15 July, 1808, dispatch from — money for the Junta of Seville, 56. motives for sending additional troops Secretary of State. — 8 Aug., 1808, — attack on the Tagus to be the arrival of General Spencer in the first object, 27, 28 — parts of the Mondego, and disembarkation of his coast indicated, north and south troops, 65 ; intended march, leaving of the Tagus, for a position, incase a letter for Sir H. Burrard, 66. direct attack on the defences of the — , 8 Aug., 1808, bad state of the com Tagus should be impracticable, missariat, 72 ; junior of the Lieute — , 15 July, 1808, appointment of Sir nant Generals, 73. H. Dalrymple, with Lieut. General — , 16 Aug., 1808, enclosing copies of Sir H. Bun-ard, second in command, letters to Mr. Stuart, and Sir H. Bur 30. rard, 91. — , 21 July, 1808, Sir A. Wellesley's — , 16 Aug., 1808, march from La- dispatch to — arrival at Coruna — vaos, 91; causes of the separation of rising of the people against the the Portuguese army, 92 ; affair at French — battle of Rio Seco, 35 ; Obidos, 94 ; retreat of Laborde and number of French troops in Por Loison on Lisbon, 95. tugal — intention to proceed to Oporto, —,16 Aug., 1808, high order of the 36. army — affair of the advanced posts, — , 21 July, 1808, arrival at Coruua, 95 ; character of the Portuguese gene 36 ; extent of the insurrection in ral and troops, 95, 96 ; inefficiency of Spain against the French, 37 ; results the artillery horses, 96. of the defeat at Rio Seco — cordiality — , 17 Aug., 1808, affair of Roliqa, of the Spaniards in their detestation 96. of the French — necessity of large ar — , 18 Aug., 1808, enclosing a return of mies to Buonaparte to carry on his the killed and wounded on the 15th, operations in Spain — importance of the 100. Asturian provinces, 38 ; disinclination — , 18 Aug., 1808, General Anstruther of the Junta of Galicia to receive the ordered to land — assembly of the whole assistance of British troops — policy of French army between Torres Vedras each province having its own junta, and the capital, 101. 39 ; force of Junot at Lisbon — confi — ,18 Aug., 1808, desperate fight in the dence of success if once ashore, 40. pass — loss of the French — want of ca — , 25 July, 1808, arrival at Oporto — valry to complete the destruction of state and amount of Portuguese the French, 103. troops, 42 ; intention to proceed to — , 20 Aug., 1808, recommendation the Mondego — amount of French of Captain Campbell, 105 ; dispatch force concentrated about Lisbon — ex from, 19 August, containing the pediency of supplies of arms and King's approbation, ib. note. money for the people of the country, — , 20 Aug., 1808, disembarkation of General Anstruther, and position of — , 26 July, 1808, Oporto— state and the enemy, 105. amount of Portuguese force, 46 ; — , 21 Aug., 1808, determination of Sir proceeds to the mouth of the Tagus, H. Burrard to call Sir John Moore's 47. corps to the assistance of the army, — , 1 Aug., 1808, orders to General and paucity of the opposing French Spencer to re-embark, and form a — position of the enemy, 107. junction — supply of money to the Junta — , 22 Aug., 1808, battle of VrMEmo, of Seville, 51; reasons for deter 115; loss of the French, and arrival mining on a disembarkation to the of SirH. Dalrymple, 116. northward of the Tagus, 53 ; pro — , 30 Aug., 1808, Convention of Cintra, posed line of operations to gain pos 132 ; position of the army after the session of Lisbon— disembarkation in action of the 2 1 st — desire to quit the the Mondego — issue of arms for the army, 133. Portuguese regular troops, 54. — , 4 Sept., 1608, dispatches from, — , 1 Aug., 1808, plan of operations, conveying his Majesty's approbation, whether continued in command of the 138. army, or not — amount of Portuguese — , 5 Sept., 1808, state and amount of troops which ought to be raised and the French army, and military and organized by Great Britain, to act in political considerations on the mode 146 INDEX.

of operating against the French in Secretary of State 15 May, 1809, Spain, 141 ; representations made by further detail of the conspiracyjagainst the Ashman deputies, 144; Sici Soult, , 337. seizure and escape of Captain lian corps, 145 ; reasons fur objecting to go on the mission into the Astu- — , 18 May, 1809, affair at the bridge rias. 146. of Amarante, 342; affair at Sala- Secretary, of State. — 5 Sept., 1808, moude, 343 ; disastrous and destruc grounds of his dissatisfaction, and tive retreat of the enemy to Monte- wish to return to England — alterations alegre, 343, 344. in the Convention — Russian fleet, 147. — , 20 May, 1809, loss of Alcantara, — , 9 Sept., 1808, recommendation of 347 ; march of the army to the south, Lord Robert Fitzgerald to be Am 348. bassador at Lisbon — arrangements for — , 23 May, 1809, claim of Captain assembling the Regency, 151. on the bounty of the British Govern — , 12 Sept., 1808, dissatisfaction of the ment, 357. French with the mode in which the — ,31 May, 1809, insufficiency of am Convention is executed, 153; Madrid munition, 377. mission, 154. — , 31 May, 1809, requisition of shoes, — , 6 Oct., 1808, arrives in London, and biscuits, hay, and oats, 378. explains the extent of -his participation — , 31 May, 1809, position of the two in the Convention, 161. forces, 378 ; march of the army to — , 13 Oct., 1808, dispatch from — wards Coimbra, 379. Sir A. Wellesley's letter of the 6th — , 31 May, 1809, step of promotion to laid before the King, and a copy officers allowed to serve with the Por will be communicated to Sir Hew tuguese troops, 379. Dairy mple, 163. — , 31 May, 1809, transports sent home, — , 29 Oct., 1808, Lord Castlereagh's 379 ; movement into Spain, and pos letter to H. R. H. the Commander in sible destruction of Victor's corps — Chief — Court of Inquiry into the Con bad behaviour of the army, 380. vention of Cintra, 163. — , 7 June, 1809, transports sent to — , 24 April, 1809, Sir A. Wellesley's England for the conveyance of 3000 arrival at Lisbon — positions of the horses, 397. English and French tbrces, 269 ; ope — , 7 June, 1 809, officers serving with ration to the northward, 270. the Portuguese troops, 398. — , 24 April, 1809, transports sent to — , 7 June, 1809, retreat of Victor over Cork for horses, 271. the Tagus — position of Cuestaon the — , 27 April, 1809, assumes the com Guadiana, 398; arrival of the troops mand of the army — movement to at Abrantes, 399. the northward, 272 ; subsequent in — , 11 June, 1809, want of money, tended operation against Victor, 273. 413. — , 27 April, 1809, projected revolt of — ,11 June, 1809, want by Marshal the French army, and seizure of Soult, Beresford of superior officers to com 273. mand the Portuguese troops, and — , 27 April, 1809, effects of the suc of medical assistance, 414; cavalry cessful revolt of one French army, 276. equipments required for Marshal Be — , 29 April, 1809, bad state of artillery resford, 415. horses, 281. — , 12 June, 1809, authority to extend — , 7 May, 1809, state of the cavalry his operations in Spain ; plan of co horses in Portugal, 305. operation with General Cuesta against — , 7 May, 1809, transport arrange Victor, 419. ments, 306. — , 14 June, 1809, expected reinforce — , 7 May, respecting 1809, communicationsSoult and the dis by ment of seven battalions of infantry, 425; battalions of detachments to content in the French army, 311. be sent to England — horse transports — , 7 May, 1809, army assembled at sent to Cork — reinforcements to pro Coimbra, and positions of the French ceed to Lisbon, 426. army on the Guadiana, 312, 313. — , 16 June, 1809, General . 's ob — , 7 May, 1809, proposed latitude in jection to serve with the Portuguese his instructions to continue his ope troops, 428. rations in Spain, 313. — ,17 June, 1809, consequences of Ge — , 12 May, 1809, Passage of the neral Cuesta's obstinacy, 430. Doubo, defeat of Soult, and capture of — , 17 June, 1809, retreat of the French Oporto, 322. towards Madrid — position of Cuesta PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. U1

on the Guadiana, 431 ; intention of corps from Ireland and the islands, moving towards Plasencia, 432. 513. Secretary of State. — 17 June, 1809, Secretary of State. — 24 July, 1809, discipline of the army, and insuffi advance of the combined armies from ciency of the present state of the mi Oropesa, 627 ; deficiency in means of litary law, 432 ; comparative view of transport in Spain, and determination the difference between British armies to enter on no new operation after of the present day and of the scale removing the enemy from the Al- of operations, from those which have berche, unless fully supplied, 528. hitherto been in the field, 435 ; effects —,29 July, 1809, battle of Talavbra, of either success or defeat, 436. 532. — , 19 June, 1809, ordnance required — , 1 Aug., 1809, movements of the by Marshal Beresford, 439. enemy after the battle, and appre —,22 June, 1809, conveyance of Me hension of their passage of the Puerto rino sheep from Cadiz to England, de BaSos, to the rear of the British army, 552. — , 22 June, 1809, distribution and — , 1 Aug., 1809, march of the whole transference of regiments, 454. French army to the Guadarrama, 553. — , 22 June, 1809, positions of the — , 1 Aug., 1809, critical situation of French and allied forces — causes of the British army, 553; conduct of delay on the Tagus, 455 ; distress Cuesta — want of provisions — misera for money — rapid falling off of the ble state of discipline of the Spanish cavalry and artillery horses, 456. troops, and reasons for not bringing — , 23 June, 1809, General reap them forward to relieve the Bri pointed to a brigade, 462. tish — expedition to the Scheldt, — , 26 June, 1809, question of the em 554. ployment of Major Waters, 466. — , 8 Aug., 1809, narrative of the passage — , 26 June, 1809, appointmentof Lieute of the Puerto de BaSos by the French, nant Generals in Portugal to take the conduct of the Spanish General command of divisions, 466. Cuesta, and reasons for retreating to — , 27 June, 1809, arrival of money, a defensive position on the Tagus, march into Spain — causes of delay — leaving 1500 of the wounded at Tala strength of the army entering Spain, vera, v. 4. 470. — , 8 Aug., 1809, neglectof the Spanish — , 30 June, 1809, thanks for reinforce General to occupy Banos — both ar- , ments — fallacy in returns of nu mies saved by retiring to Arzobispo— merical strength, 477 ; real effective assembly of the whole host of mar strength of the army — amount paid shals in Estremadura, 8 ; possible by Great Britain to the Portuguese operations of the enemy — accuracy of Government — view of the Portuguese the information possessed by the forces, 478; doubt of the expediency French of the movements and inten of marching the Portuguese troops tions of the British army, 9. beyond their own frontier, 479. — , 21 Aug., 1809, operations of Sir R. — , 1 July, 1809, retreat of Marshal Wilson, 66. Victor from the Guadiana towards — , 21 Aug., 1809, intention of the Spa Talavera, 485; Cuesta — march of nish Government to appoint Sir A.Wel- the British army by Zarza la Mayor lesley a Captain General in the Spa — arrival of Colonel R. Craufurd at nish service, 67 ; declines the pay, Lisbon, 486. 68. — , 1 July, 1809, movements of Joseph — , 21 Aug., 1809, promise of Marshal Buonaparte towards Talavera — posi Mortier that every care shall be taken tion of General Cuesta at Arzobispo of the wounded at Talavera, 68 ; in and Navalmoral — movements recom tended cartel of exchange, 69. mended to him for a junction, and for — , 21 Aug., 1809, resignation of Gene the security of Venegas, 487. ral Cuesta, the command devolving — ,15 July, 1809. Plasencia — junction of on General Eguia — success of Vene KiugJoseph with Sehastiani — amount gas, 69 ; defeat of Sir R. Wilson in of the French army under Victor — the Puerto de BaSos — distribution of . position aud plan of operations of the French force — sickly state of the the allied armies, 512 ; number and British army, and outline of their dis state of the Spanish troops — arrival of tresses from the want of provisions, reinforcements from Ireland, 513. 70, 71; reasons for falling back on — , 15 July, 1809, bad account of the the frontiers of Portugal, 72. 148 INDEX.

Secretary of State.— 21 Aug., 1809, and recruits — battalions of detach diminution of Cuesta's corps— imprac ments ordered to Lisbon, 170. ticability of acting on the offensive — Secretary of State. — 23 Sept., 1809, state of the Marques de Romana's army estimates, 174. corps, 73. — , 29 Sept., 1809, Ditque del Parque — 25 Aug., 1809, facts explaining the appointed to the corps lately under state of the war in Spain — amount, the Marques de la Romana, 200; im- - composition, and distribution of the prudent movements of the Duque — French force— comparative numbers, expediency of tranquillity to the Por and inferiority of the allies, 82, 83; tuguese troops, 201 ; Soult's move review of the Spanish army, its de ments defensive — collecliunof a corps ficiency of numbers, its composition, at Talavera, 203. discipline, and efficiency, 84, 83; en — , 6 Oct., 1809, movements of Ney and thusiasm at the — Soult — collection of Spanish troops reasons why the troops in the expe in La Mancha — General Bassecourt, dition to the Scheldt would have been 212. unavailable in Spain, 86 ; review of — , 6 Oct., 1809, reasons for keeping the economy and management of the coppered tonnage in the Tagus, 212, Portuguese army — capricious and 213. anomalous chatacter of Portuguese — , 7 Oct., 1809, battalions of detach rank, 87 ; question of the military ments to proceed to England, 213. retention of Portugal, and considera — , 20 Oct., 1809, application from tions on the practicability of em Lieut. Colonel Cox to accept the com barking the British army— proposed mission of Brigadier General in Spain command of the Spanish armies being — wish of British officers in the Por given to a British commander in tuguese army to join their regiments chief, 89 ; question of the occupation in England — case of Lieut. Colonel of Cadiz, 90. Macdonell — officers absenting them — , 4 Sept., 1809, halt at Merida, selves from the Portuguese service 117; positions of the enemy — their without leave, not punishable, 240. possible attempt on Ciudad Ro- — , 20 Oct., 1809, request for Colonel drigo, 118; position of the Spanish Trant to retain his appointment in the troops opposite Almaraz, 119. Quarter Master General's department, — , 4 Sept., 1809, approbation by the 241. King's ministers — garrison required — , 20 Oct., 1809, want of clothing and for Cadiz, 119. accoutrements by the Portuguese — ,4 Sept., 1809, reasons for declining troops, 241 ; articles for the Portu the command of a Spanish corps of guese army to be inspected by a board 12,000 men— prospective expediency of officers in England, 242. of the whole Spanish army being un — , 22 Oct., 1809, invasion of La der the command of the officer en Mancha by the French, 242. trusted by His Majesty to command — ,31 Oct., 1809, repulse of General his troops — reasons for Marshal Vic Marchand at Tamames by the Duque tor's inactivity after the defeat of del Parque, 267. the Spanish army at Medellin, 120; — , 31 Oct., 1809, transmitting papers grounds justifying Sir A. Wellesley's illustrating the presumption of the declining to co- operate again with Spanish character, 268. the Spanish armies, 121 ; difficulty of — , 1 AW, 1809, enclosing returns of dislodging the enemy in the event of provisions, &c.,in charge of the Com his retiring to the Ebro, 122. missary General, 270. — , 9 Sept., 1809, case of Mr. Dillon, an — , (Me Earl of Liverpool), 13 Nov., Assistant Commissary, 137. 1809, enclosing cartels of exchange, — , 12 Sept., 1809, returns thanks for 273. being created a Viscount — recruits for — , 14 Nov., 1809, considerations on the the 29th regiment, 146; merits of possibility of defending the king General Hill, 147. dom of Portugal, 274 ; amount of the — , 13 Sept , 1809, positions and move army which should be employed in ments of the Spanish Generals, 149. Portugal — annual expense of the Bri — , 21 Sept., 1809, Marshal Soult at tish army in Portugal — amount of the Plasencia — probable bad consequences Portuguese army, expense incurred of the disposition of the Spanish for it by Great Britain — abuses of the forces, 169. Portuguese service, 275 ; beneficial re — , 21 Sept., 1809, arrival of remounts sults of the appointment of Marshal PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 149

Beresford — suggested augmentation Secretary of State.— 30 AW, 1809, of pay to the Portuguese officers — esti enclosing copy of private letter to Mr. mated expense, civil and military, of Frere — desire of the people of Seville the Government of Portugal, revenue, to attend in future to Lord Welling and deficiency — effects of the emigra ton's recommendations, 323. tion of the Court to the Brazils, 277 ; — , 30 Nov., 1809, expediency of latitude loss to Portugal of the produce of the respecting the disposal of the trans Customs, by the transference of the ports in the Tagus, 323. Brazil trade to Great Britain, and — , 7 Dec, 1809, blankets, &c, for the suggested relief to the Portuguese Portuguese army, 340 ; want of me Government by an engagement to dical assistance — request for hospital maintain 10,000 additional troops — ships, 341. facility of embarking the British — , 7 Dec, 1809, articles of camp equi army in case of a military necessity — page required from England, 341. inexpediency of embarking the ca — , 7 Dec, 1809, defeat and dispersion valry and artillery horses, "278 ; con of the corps of the Duque del Parque, sequences of an evacuation of the Pe 342 ; movement of the British army ninsula — suggestion for bringing to the north of the Tagus — proposed away such of the Portuguese officers assistance to the Spanish Government and troops as may be desirous of to arm the troops, 343. emigrating, 279. — , 9 Dec, 1809, Memorandum of Ofe Secretary of State. — 14 Nov., 1809, rations in 1809, 347. detailed answers to the questions — , 13 Dec, 1809, request of specie for transmitted by Lord Liverpool, after the use of the British army, 369; the peace between France and Austria, expediency of regularity in the packet on the hypothetical subjugation of communications, 370. Spain, the invasion of Portugal, and — , 14 Dec. 1809, collection of the dis the successful embarkation of the persed Spanish troops — march of the British army, 280 and note ; amount British army to Beira — state of health of the British army — reasons for a of the army — requisition of hospital relief of the bad second battalions, mates, 370. 281 ; necessity of an augmentation of — , 17 Dec, 1809, returns of stores and the medical staff, 282. provisions, 371. — , 16 Nov., 1809, returns of stores and — , 17 Dec, 1809, subsistence to pri provisions, 290. soners of war — pecuniary assistance — , 16 Nov., 1809, retreat of the Duque by the French to the English officers del Parque, 290 ; French force in Old at Talavera, 371. Castille, under Marshal Mortier — — , 17 Dec, 1809, request of the Mar movements of General Areyzaga, 291. ques de EspaSa to transfer himself — , 20 Nov., 1809, enclosing Memo and corps to the British service, 372. randum on a dispatch to Mr. Canning — , 18 Dec, 1809, to have a copy of of the 2d of October, 304, 305. Memorandum of Operations in 1809, — , 21 Nov., 1809, complaint of the 375. publication of military intelligence — , 19 Dec, 1809, payment of the Por in the newspapers, 305. tuguese troops, 376. — , 27 Nov., 1809, German deserters. — , 19 Dec, 1809, question of an expe 315. dition into Aragon and Catalonia — — , 28 Nov., 1809, accordance with character of the reports made by offi Lord Liverpool in the policy of not cers on missions to the Spanish Geue- giving up Portugal, and conveying rals, 380 ; relief of Gerona, 381. his opinion of its being against the — , 21 Dec, 1809, advance of the French honor and interests of England not to the Sierra Morena — reassembly of to continue their efforts in the Penin the Spanish army, 383; position of sula — concern at Lord Castlereagh's the enemy on the Tonnes — advance misfortunes, 317. of the British to the Mondego, 384. — , 29 Nov., 1809, want of assistant — , 21 Dec, 1809, deficiency of General surgeons and hospital mates, 318. Officers — successor to General Sher- — , 30 Nov., 1809, defeat of General fa rooke. 384 ; difficulties from the rank Areyzaga at Ocana, 319, 320; move of Marshal Beresford, 385. ment of the Duques del Parque and — , 28 Dec, 1809, refusal of His Ma de Alburquerque, 321 ; anxiety to sta jesty's Government to supply the tion the army on the frontiers of Old Portuguese cavalry with arms, 397 ; Castille, 322. difficulties of Portugal supplying its r 150 INDEX.

own provisions — necessity of assisting of the enemy to complete the conquest Portugal with both money and arms, of the south of Spain — attention 398. drawn to the harbour of Cadiz, on Secretary of State. — 28 Dec, 1809, the northward, 470, 471. causes of the French withdrawing Secretary of State. — 30 Jan., 1810, from La Mancha — force, and want of returns of stores, 471. provisions of the Duque del Parque, — , 31 Jan., 1810, loss of the passes of 399. the Sierra Morena — Spanish troops — , 28 Dec, 1809, requisition of pick left to garrison Badajoz — movement axes and mattocks, 399. of the Duque del Parque into Es- — , 29 Dec, 1809, surrender of Gerona, tremadura, 478; preference by the 400. enemy for his line of operations, by the — , 2 Jan., 1810, regular transmission of left ofthe Peninsula — gross amount of the weekly states, 403; loss of the force which might be raised in Portu army in dead since Lord Wellington gal, and request to know whether it is took the command — inquiry into his the intention of the Government that conduct by the Common Council of the country should be defended to the London — necessity of keeping the last, in the case ofthe French throwing spirit of party out of the army, 404. their whole strength on it — question — 3 Jan., 1810, Portuguese troops paid of detaching " an adequate force" to by Great Britain, 408 ; total expense Cadiz, 481. incurred in aid of Portugal, 409. — , 31 Jan., 1810, probable line of ope — , 4 Jan., 1810, improved state of Por rations, by the enemy against Portu tuguese regiments, 411. gal, after completing the conquest of — , 4 Jan., 1810, positions of the enemy the south of Spain, and arrangements and of the allied forces, 411. for embarking such of the Portuguese — , 6 Jan., 1810, reports of Colonel Car as might wish to leave the country, rol, 414. 482 ; necessity of an augmented num — , 15 Jan., 1810, threatened attack by ber of officers of engineers, 484. the enemy on the kingdom of Valen — , 9 Feb., 1810, appointment of Re cia — fortifying the Retiro — refusal to gents of Spain, with the seat of Go allow British cavalry to co-operate vernment at Cadiz — entry of the with the Duque del Parque, 429 ; can French into Seville, 494 ; position of tonments of the British army on the the Spanish Generals — precautionary frontiers of Bcira, 430. measures of defence at Cadiz, 495 ; — , 24 Jan, 1810, transport tonnage in force that passed the Sierra Morena, the Tagus for no more than 22,000 and amount on the Tagus and in Old men — policy of bringing away a large Castille, 496 ; expediency of leaving portion of the Portuguese army in the the decisiou of the period for evacua event of an evacuation of the country, tion, as a military question, to the 446; expediency of a regular dis officer commanding the troops, 496 ; patch of packets from Falmouth, in works constructing at Lisbon, 497. facilitating the raismg of money by — , 21 Feb., 1810, want of money, and bills on England — necessity of an consequences of a failure in the regular early answer to the requisitions of payment of the troops, 510, 511. supplies for the British and Portu — , 21 Feb., 1810, operations of Marshal guese armies, 447 ; request of an early Mortier in Estremadura, 511; town answer respecting the mode of carry of Ciudad Rodrigo summoned by Ney, ing the camp kettles of the army — 512;- divided state of the French outrages by the soldiers, and frequent army, and facility of uniting it, 513; assemblies of General Courts Martial, request for an augmentation of the 448 ; unwillingness of the Portuguese transport tonnage in the Tagus to to prosecute — prevalence of perjury, 45,000 tons — cheerful embarkation of 449. the Portuguese regiment for Cadiz, — , 24 Jan., 1810, collection of the 514. enemy's force in La Mancha, 449 ; — , 22 Feb., 1810, abstract of the returns corps in Old Castille, 450. ofthe Portuguese army, 517. — , 27 Jan., 1810, reasons for sending — , 28 Feb., 1810, positions ofthe armies, home Lieut. Veron de Farincourt with 531 ; number of troops assembled for a cartel of exchange, 461 ; deten the defence of Cadiz, 532. tion of Captain Thevenen by the — , 28 Feb., 1810, suggestion for send Spanish general, 462. ing a fleet of ships of the line to the --, 30 Jan., 1810, probable endeavor Tagus, 532. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 151

Secretary of State. — 1 March, 1810, Secretary of State. — 30 March, 1810, bounty to encourage desertion from confusion likely to arise from the Go the enemy, 538, vernment instructions to General Gra — , 1 March, 1810, reasons for not send ham, 609. ing to Cadiz any additional rein — , 30 March, 1810, national hatred of forcements, 538; difficulties of the the Spanish and Portuguese — motives French in conquering the Peninsula for sending the Portuguese regiment to — Cadiz — expediency of constructing Cadiz, 610. works for the defence of the Isla de — , 2 April, 1810, practicability, and ad Leon, 539 ; reasons why the British vantages to Spain, of contmuing the army ought to remain in the field in contest in Portugal, vi. 5, 6 ; under Portugal as long as practicable — de standing that the country is not to be fensive measures recommended to the evacuated without a military neces Spanish Regency — importance and sity — correctness in the chorce of a advantages of Peniche, 540; practi place for embarkation, 7 ; view of the cability of bringing away all the Por comparative advantages of St. Julian tuguese army, 541; home poUtics, and Peniche, 8, 9 ; conviction of the 542. world in the Peninsula of the sound — , 6 March, 1810, position of the enemy ness of Lord Wellington's proceed on the Guadiana — affairs of Cadiz ings, 9, 10. and of the Isla, 551, 552; advan — , 6 April, 1810, mode of settling the tage of the British army in Portugal, subsistenceof the Royals and 9th Foot, for the defence of Cadiz, 553. 19. — , 8 March, 1810, distribution of arms — , 6 April, 1810, subsistence of officers to the Portuguese, 559. and soldiers who have escaped from — , 12 March, 1810, requisition of gun the enemy, 20. powder, and 2,000,000 musket ball — , 6 April, 1810, movements of the cartridges, to be sent to the Tagus, French, 20; risk of General Balles- 567. teros, 21. — , UMarch, 1810, want of camp kettles — , 11 April, 1810, returns of sick — — of money for the monthly demand amount of the hospital at Talavera, for the Portuguese Government, 572. 32 ; state of discipline — want of money — ,14 March, 1810, movements of the — corps at Cadiz not to form part of enemy, 572; Fort Matagorda — prac the army in Portugal, 33. ticability of entering Cadiz harbour — , 11 April, 1810, indications of an at between the Diamond Rock and Los tack on Ciudad Rodrigo or Almeida — Puercos, 573. movement of Soult to Medellin — — , 15 March, 1810, ill health of Sir J. arrival of General Graham at Cadiz, Sherbrooke — proposed arrangement 34 ; activity of the guerrillas, 35. for General Graham's arrival at Lis — , 19 April, 1810, increasing spirit of bon, 575. insurrection against the French, 48; — , 20 March, 1810, want of money, retreat of General Contreras, 49 ; 581 ; dependence of the constitution, squadron of light dragoons sent to discipline, and efficiency of the army Cadiz, and brigade of six-pounders, on regular payments, 583. 49. — ,21 March, 1810, loss of Spanish and — , 19 April, 1810, requisition of water Portuguese vessels of war in a gale of decks, 49. wind, 587; distress for money, and — , 26 April, 1810, attack of Regnier at suggested purchase of bullion in Lon La Roca — Mortier on the Guadal don, to be sent to Lisbon, 588. quivir, 59. — , 28 March, 1810, movements of the — , 1 May, 1810, defence of Peniche, gar- corps of MortiertowardstheSierraMo- rison necessary there, and rear guard rena — of Soult to Truxillo — proceed required at for an army embarking, ings of the French on the Trocadero — 77. operations of Major Gen. W. Stewart, — , 1 May, 1810, desertion from the 604 ; positions and force of the enemy foreign corps in the French service, in Leon, the Asturias, and Old Cas- and chief impediment to removed, 78, tille — positions of the British army 79 ; tonnage in the Tagus to embark on the Agueda — affair at Barba de the whole British army, 80. Puerco under Colonel Beckwith, 605, — , 2 May, 1810, effect of General Hill's 606. movement through the Sierra de San — , 28 March, 1810, flight and dispersion Mamed — Badajoz reconnaitred by the of Areyzaga's army, 696, enemy — Fort Matagorda taken — 152 INDEX.

French troops detached from Andalu spondence with Admiral Berkeley and sia into Estremadura — Ciudad Ro Colonel Fletcher, on the subject of drigo invested and movements for its Peniche — character of the Berlingas relief, 82, 83; surrender of Astorga — as a military post, 161 ; of the Bayona successes of the Spaniards on the - islands, and the Bugio, 162. eastern coast, 84. Secretary or State. — 30 May, 1810, Secretary of State. — 9 May, 1810, preference of Gibraltar or Ceuta, to positions of the enemy and the allied Cadiz, in the event of an evacuation troops, 08. 163. — , 9 May, 1810, case of Colonel Trant, 99. — , 1 June, 1810, General Payne's unre — , 14 May, 1810, request of permission mitting attention to the cavalry, 1 66. for Major General W. Stewart, and — , 1 June, 1810, his supersession how re others, to accept of rank in the Spanish garded by him, and wish for a govern army, 116. ment, 166, 167. — , 14 May, 1810,recall of Lieut. General — , 2 June, 1810, bounty to deserters, and Payne, 116. question of the enlistment of them — , 14 May, 1810, acknowledgment for into His Majesty's service, 167 — 169. the King's approbation, 117. — , 6 June, 1810, assembly of the enemy in — , 16 May, 1810, Ciudad Rodrigo sum the neighborhood of Ciudad Rodrigo moned by General Mermet — Massena — movement of Massena — collection expected to join the army, with rein of troops in Castillo for operations forcements — Badajoz reconnaitred, against Portugal, 172; arrangements 120. for Spanish and Portuguese troops to — , 16 May, 1810, difficulty of obtaining act on the enemy's rear and flank — money for bills on England, and im General Regnier at Merida — affair at possibility of continuing the army on Araceua — French withdraw from the its present scale without remittances, Trocadero, 173. 121 ; observations on Mr. Harrison's — , 6 June, 1810, enclosing an estimate letter, and mode of making up the of the expenses of the British army in army estimates, 122. the Peninsula, with the deficit, 174. — , 22 May, 1810, Commissariat and — , 7 June, 1810, state and organization Paymasters General departments of of the Lusitanian Legion, 175 ; neces Cadiz not branches of the departments sity of officers serviug with the Por with the armv in Portugal, 143. tuguese troops performing their en — , 22 . May, 143. 1810, conduct of Colonel gagements — suggestionsfor improving discipline, by the power of rewards, — , 23 May, 1810, transports sent to 176. England, 145. — , 13 June, 1810, operations of the ene — , 23 May, 1810, arrival of Marshal my on the Agueda — dispersion of Massena to take the command — object Echevariia's troops at AlcaEizes, 193; of the reconnaissance of Badajoz — the march of Junot and Bonet to join town disengaged by General Hill's Massena — operations near Badajoz, movement, 145; heavy contributions 194. levied by the French, and increasing — , 19 /«,i

dajoz and Campo Mayor, 228; rea direct the operations, 269 ; doubt of sons for moving the head quarters to Sir John Stuart's sending off troops, Almeida — increasing activity of the and request for reinforcements of all guerrillas, and continued enmity of the disposable infantry — deficiency of the inhabitants, 229. superior officers, 270. Secretary of State. — 27 June, 1810, Secretary of State. — 18 July, 1810, requisition of 2000 additional barrels operations of the enemy on the Tagus of gunpowder, 229. — boats left at every ferry by the — , 27 June, 1810, proposal from Marshal Spaniards — position and movements Beresford to send materials, instead of the British army — General Balles- of made up clothing, for 30,000 men, teros, 278: 229, 230. — , 18 July, 1810, returns of French bat — , 3 July, 1810, intercepted letter from talions and corps, from the " Em the Prince of Neufchatel io Massenn, placement des Troupes de P Empire conveying information respecting the Frangau" intercepted, 279. allied armies, extracted from the —,25 July, 1810, destruction of the Fort English newspapers, 241. of La Concepcion, and affair under — , 4 July, 1810, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, General Craufurd — failure of the 242 ; movements of Regnier's corps — enemy to storm the bridge over the formation of corps under Generals Coa — the Tagus crossed by General Seras and Kellermann, to commu Regnier with his whole corps, 292, nicate with places in Massena's rear, 293. 243 ; passage by the enemy of the — , 25 July, 1810, report of the affair of Agueda and Azava, in strength, 244. the advanced guard under General — , 1 1 July, 1810, enclosing weekly state, Craufurd near Almeida, 294. and abstracts, showing the disposable — , 25 July, 1810, change of conduct of force — difference between returns of the French to the inhabitants after the the sick accounted for, 255. fall of Ciudad Rodrigo — dissatis — , 11 July, 1810, gallant charge of faction of the Spaniards with the Captain Krauchenberg and Cornet British nation, 295. Cordemann on the enemy at the — , 25 July, 1810, correction of French passage of the Azava, 255 ; uni returns, 296. form good conduct of the light — , 29 July, 1810, Mr. Under Secretary dragoons — continued siege of Ciudad Harrison — army estimates, 307 ; dif Rodrigo — conference with the Mar ference between the estimates by ques de la Romana— effects of Reg what occasioned, 308. nier's movements — General Imaz, — , 1 Aug., 1810, arrival of reinforcements 256 ; arrival of the Due d'Orleans from Halifax — troops for Portugal at Cadiz, 257. from Sicily not ordered to embark, < — , 1 1 July, 1810, surrender of Ciudad 315. Rodrigo — notice of the siege, and ho — , 1 Aug., 1810, motives for withdraw- norable conduct of the Governor, Don ingfrom the Coa, 315 ; positions of the Andres Herrasti — motives forjiot at British army — ground not broken by tempting a relief of the place, 257 ; the French before Almeida — stations amount of the enemy's force collected of General Seras in the north, 316. for the siege — affair of piquets and — , 1 Aug., 1810, conduct of the 1st loss of Lieut. Colonel Talbot, 258. cacadores on the 24th July, 317. — , 13 July, 1810, detail of the affair of — , 5 Aug., 1810, enclosing army esti piquets, near Villa de Puerco, 262. mate to the 24th August, 332. — , 14 July, 1810, object of the letter of — , 8 Aug., 1810, weekly state of the the 30th May, with reference to the de army, sick absent, 337. fence of Cadiz — dissatisfaction of the — , 8 Aug., 1810, Lieut. Colonel Wynd- people of Spain with the services of ham taken prisoner, 337. His Majesty's troops — consequences — , 8 Aug., 1810, augmentation of pecu of transferring the army to Cadiz with niary resources — apprehended failure out making an effort to retain the of those of Portugal — error in the esti position in Portugal, 268. mate of the original subsidy for — , 14 July, 1810, injustice of superseding 10,000 men of the Portuguese army, General Graham at Cadiz, 268 ; awk 338 ; high character of the local Por ward position in which Lord Wel tuguese Government — its weakness to lington would stand at Cadiz — column effect the reforms of abuses from the of Guards at Burgos, and probability control exercised by the Brazilian of Buonaparte's coming to Spain to party, 339; deficiency in revenue 154 INDEX.

occasioned by the loss of the Bra comes from England to find the army zilian trade, 340. embarking — measures recommended Secrbtary of State. — SAug., 1810,ex. to Ministers if earnest in the contest, pediency of naval means on the East 370 ; necessity of a large fleet in the ern coast of the Peninsula, 340, 341. Tagus, 371. — ,6 Aug., 1810, operations on the Coa — Secrbtary of State. — 22 Aug., 1810, Almeida— distribution and positions requisition of powder, canister shot, of Generals Hill and Regnier, 341; and shells, 376. affair on the Rio del Monte — move — , 22 Aug., 1810, progress of the siege ments of Mortier towards Estrema- of Almeida, 376 ; position of Regnier dura — French shut up in Puebla de at Zarza la Mayor — defeat of Romana Sanabria, 342. at Bienvenida, 377. — ,8 Aug., 1810, state of the Portuguese — , 27 Aug., 1810, requisition of entrench army — request of reinforcements of ing tools, 385. British infantry — advantage of with — , 29 Aug., 1810, surrender of Almeida, drawing three fourths of the garrison 389 ; affair of piquets at Freixedas — from Cadiz, 343. affair under Captain White, 391; — , 15 Aug., 1810, state of health of the General Graham about to send 2,000 army — suggested withdrawal of a men round to the Tagus, 392. large proportion of the force at Cadiz, — , 29 Aug.. Is 10, correctness of intelli 358. gence sent home of the enemy's move — , 15 Aug., 1810, advance of money to ments — amount of the enemy's force Colonel Don Julian Sanchez — pro in Spain — French corps acting ex bable removal of the troops under clusively against the British, 392 ; the Marques de la Romana within grounds why little is to be expected the Portuguese frontier, and mode of from the Spanish troops — Marques de supplying them with provisions in la Romana — inutility of the Duke of Portugal 359. Brunswick's corps, 393. — , 15 Aug., 1810, preparations of the — , 29 Aug., 1810, requisition for 10,000 enemy for the siege of Almeida — with blankets, 393. drawal of Regnier's advance guard to — , 5 Sept., 1810, circumstances which Salvatemt — difficulty of the enemy in occasioned the early surrender of Al procuring subsistence — movements in meida — treachery of Portuguese major Estremadura, 360; Marques de la of artillery, 404. Romana reinforced with a brigade of — , 6 Sept., 1810, enclosing army esti Portuguese dragoons under General mates, and state of sick, 409. Madden — surrender of the enemy's — , 6 Sept., 1810, collection of the Army detachment at Puebla de Sanabria — of Portugal in front of the allied army, spirit and prudence of General Sil- 409, 410; aflair at Moguer, under veira, 361. General Lacy, 410 ; movements of — , 16 Aug., 1810, Treasury instructions the Marques de la Romana, to co to Mr. Drummond, 362. operate with the British army — ar — , 18 Aug., 1810, request that detained rival of troops from Cadiz, 411. transports, lent to the Portuguese — , 7 Sept., 1810, deficiency in the power Government to bring cargoes of corn to reward zeal and activity by promo in lieu of money, may be allowed to tion — letter received by the Commis return, 364, sary General, 414. — , 18^«^.,1810, publication of intelli — , 12 Sept., 1810, uncleanliness of ca gence in the Sun newspaper, 365. valry transports, 431. — ,19 Aug., 1810, military and pecu — , 12 Sept., 1810, troops that maybe niary difficulties of the enemy in called from Cadiz, 431. Spain, evinced by intercepted letters, — , 13 Sept., 1810, recommendation of 368 ; prospective favorable issue to the Mr. Ogilvie — necessity of encourage contest in Portugal, if the army can ment to officers of the Commissariat, be maintained in the field — repeti 433. tion of request to send supplies to the — , 13 Sept., 1810, suspicions of Colonel Tagus — ground broken by the enemy , 433 ; causes of the non-success before Almeida, and movements to of the measures to encourage deser increase his difficulties, 369. tion, 434. — ,19 Aug., 1810, expression by Lord — , 13 Sept., 1810, intention of militia Wellington of his private feelings on regiments at Lisbon to seize the the irksome operations in Portugal, " towers," 434 ; change of conduct in 369 ; expectation of every officer who the Portuguese Government — Princi PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 155

pal Sousa — imitation of the fatal con pairs of soldiers' shoes of the best duct of the Central Junta by the Por quality, 528. tuguese Regency, and attempted in Sbcrbtary of State. — 27 Oct., 1810, terference with the military operations, arrangements for subsisting the Mar 435, 436 ; certain result of offensive ques de la Romana's troops, 543. operations, and of the movement into — , 27 Oct., 1810, intercepted letters, Spain, 436, 437. showing that the enemy must derive Secretary ov State. — 13 Sept., 1810, their information from the weekly movements of the enemy on Guarda, states transmitted home — Massena's 437 ; of two divisions under Reiile and requisition for assistance — distresses Drouet — 24th Portuguese regiment of the enemy for want of provisions, quit the enemy, 438. and doubt of their being able to remain — , 20 Sept., 1810,arrival of General Reg- long in their then position, 545 ; con nier at Sabugal and Alfayates — pas sequences of the neglect of the Por sage of the Coa by Junot — movements tuguese Government in driving the of the enemy to obtain Coimbra, 457 ; country and rendering the mills use concentration of the whole disposable less — necessity of removing Principal British force in Portugal — Massena Souza, 546. selects one of the worst roads in Por — , 27 Oct., 1810, prospective distress of tugal — successes, and retreat of the the inhabitants of Portugal from the Marques de la Romana, 458 ; gallant French invasion, and suggested public affair under General Madden at Fuente subscriptiou for them in England, de Cautos — zeal and intelligence of 547, 548. the British cavalry in the duty of — , 27 Oct., 1810, calumnious reports re outposts, 459. specting the arrests of certain indivi — , 21 Sept., 1810, conveying the Mar duals by the Portuguese Government, ques de la Romana's sentiments on the and disapproval of their conduct, 548, conduct of General Madden and the 549. Portuguese cavalry, 461. — , 27 Oct., 1810, requisition of engineers' — , 30 Sept., 1810, battle of Busaco, 470. stores, &c, and of ",rV inch iron how — ,5'Oct., 1810, cavalry affair at Fornos itzers, 549. — retreat of the British army to Leyria — , 27 Oct., 1810, issues of riee to the the army in high spirits — at no great troops to counteract bowel complaints, distance from the position to receive 550. the enemy — distress of the French — , 27 Oct., 1810, successes of detach from the inhabitants deserting the ments from Peniche, 550. country, 487. — , 27 Oct., 1810, refutation of the — , 13 Oct., 1810, continued retreat of the charge in the Moniteur of having pro army to Castanheira, Sobral, and mised to raise the siege of Ciudad Torres Vedras, 509 ; obligations to Rodrigo, 551. the cavalry— effects of the periodical — , 27 Oct., 1810, same positions of the rain — distinguished conduct of Por enemy — Loison detached, 553 ; dis tuguese regiments — intention to bring tress for provisions — collecting boats matters to extremities — march of the on the Tagus — operations on his rear Marques de la Romana to share the — failure of guerrillas in carrying off fortunes of the British, 510 ; opera a convoy of money — Mortier at Se tions on the rear of the enemy, 511. ville — arrival of General Carrera at — , 19 Oct., 1810, claim of extra allow Lisbon, 554. ance by officers and seamen employed — , 27 Oct., 1810, impossibility of the on shore with telegraphs, 525. enemy's remaining in his position — — ,20 Oct., 1810, reconnaissances by the losses and sickly state of his army — enemy and affair at Sobral de Monte contrast of the British — reasons for Agrago, 526 ; utility of gun boats on not attacking, 555 ; request that sup the Tagus — General Bacellar — cap plies may be hurried out — wish to be ture by Colonel Trant of 5,000 pri relieved from Principal Sousa, 556. soners at Coimbra — operations iu the — , 3 Nov., 1810, political and finan enemy's rear — difficulties of the cial character of the French expedi French from their invading Portugal tion into Portugal, and impossibility without magazines, 527 ; movements of forming an opinion on the probable of Mortier and Ballesteros — arrival of course of the enemy's operations, from the Marques de la Romana at Mouta- their being founded on no military chique— Sir W. Dalliug,528. principles, 5 79 ; motives for the French — , 20 Oct., 1810, requisition of 100,000 expedition, 580; modes in which 156 INDEX.

Massena might be reinforced, 581 ; General Silveira's attack at Pinhel, comparative strength of the British vii. 4. and French armies, with the force Secretary of State. — 24 Nov., 1810, under the Marques de la Romana, requesting a matk of the King's favor and military reasons for delay in on General Cameron, 5. offensive operations, 582, 583. — , 30 Nov., 1810, recommendation of Secretary of State. — 3 Nov., 1810, the widow of General Catlin Craufurd, delay in the transmission of clothing 14. and military stores, &c. — sufferings — , 30 Nov., 1810, enclosing the copy of from the want of blankets, and in a draft of a letter to the Prince Regent trenching tools, 584. of Portugal, 19. — ,8 ATou.,1810, recommending the com — , 1 Dec.,1810, corps composing the re pletion of cavalry regiments in the inforcement under General Gardanne country, with horses or mares, rather which moves towards Castello Branco, than sending out fresh troops — want 22 ; ninth corps, Germans, from of horses for the artillery, 596. Nantes, stationed in Castillo — position — , 8 Nov., 1810, capture of Massena's of the enemy at Santarem — motives dispatch on the battle of Busaco, on for not risking a general action on the person of Mascarenhas, Junot's ground chosen by the enemy, and aide de camp, 599. operations on his flanks and rear, 23, — , 10 Nov., 1810, case of Mascarenhas 24 ; meditated attack on the position — tenor of the Prince Regent's pro of the allies at Cadiz — application clamation in 1807, when he quitted for assistance from Gibraitar, and Portugal, 603. proposed detaching of troops from — , 10 Nov., 1810, movements of the Portugal to that quarter, 24. enemy through Lower Beira towards — , 7 Dec, 1810, refutation of falsehoods Villa Velha — his bridge on the Zezere, in Intendant General Lambert's letter 604 ; operations of General Silveira — in the Monileur, 33. march of reinforcements to Massena, — , 7 Dec, 1810, return of the number 605. of men and horses required to com — , 12 Nov., 1810, proceedings of the plete regiments of British cavalry, Portuguese Government against Mas 34 ; preference of mares to horses — carenhas, 616 ; liable to be hanged as requisition of horses or mares of a a spy, 617. superior description as a remount for — , 12 Nov., 1810, state of health of the officers of cavalry — of 4,000 sets of army — unaccountable prevalence of horse shoes and nails, 35. the crime of desertion, 617 ; the de — , 8 Dec, 1810, detachment under Ge serters chiefly Irishmen, 618. neral Gardanne enters Spain, 35 ; its —,21 Nov., 1810, Retreat of the Ene precipitate retreat, 36. my towards Santareh, and move — , 15 Dec, 1810, same position of the ments of the British army in pursuit, enemy, and his distress for provisions 629 ; tribute to the ability and dili — death of Captain Fenwick — as gence of Lieut. Colonel Fletcher and sembly of a large body of troops at the officers of the Royal Engineers in Madrid, and retreat of Gardanne's the construction of the works in front detachment from the frontiers of Por of Lisbon — increase in the effective tugal, 46. strength of the army, and trifling — , 15 Dee., 1810, Colonel Downie and amount of sickness— acknowledgment the legion raised by him, 47 ; reasons for the assistance rendered by the for disapproving the employment of navy, 631; assistance rendered by the British officers with the legion raised Marques de la Romana — cordiality in Estremadnra, 48. and regularity in the British and al — , 15 Dec, 1810, transports sent to lied armies in the lines — aid received England, 49. from the General Staff, 632. — , 15 Dec, 1810, inutility of sending — , 21 Nov., 1810, halt of the enemy at soldiers' shoes of a bad qualitv, 49. Santarem, and by what occasioned, _, 15 Dec, 1810, Lieut. L. Victor Kunch- 632; recommendation to apply se ler, a Swiss, taken prisoner, wish that riously to measures for reinforcing the he may be sent to France on his pa British army, in the probability of role, 49. another campaign in the Peninsula, — , 15 Dec, 1810, increased sickness of 633. regiments from Walcheren, occasioned — , 24 Nov., 1810, operations at Santa by their own irregularity, 49, 50. rem — movements of General Foy — — , 21 Dec, 1810, military reasonings PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 157

against withdrawing the transports in crossing the Guadiana at Merida, the Tagus, 56 ; motives for not attack 159 ; blockade of Olivenga, and ap ing the enemy in his position, 57 ; plication of Mendizabal for assistance melancholy picture of the Spanish — degraded condition of the military armies, and of the prospects in the system of the Spaniards — Ballesteros Peninsula — causes by which the then detached into the Condadode Niebla, state of affairs in Spain was occa 160 ; proceedings of Claparede's divi sioned, 58, 59 ; extraordinary instance sion, and of Generals Bacellar and of the French army subsisting 60,000 Miller, and Colonel Wilson, in the men and 20,000 horses in the district north, 161. occupied by them, 59, 60; march of Secretary on State. — 19 Jan., 1811, Gardanne's division towards Celorico, Spanish reasons for not breaking the 60. bridge at Merida, 161; desertions Secretary of State. — 22 Dec, 1810, from the Brunswick Legion — infor enemy continue at Santarem, and col mation derived by the French from lecting boats on the Zezere — his move English newspapers, of. the British ments on the Lower Coa, 64. works, number of guns, &c, 162. — , 29 Dec, 1810, muvement of Gar — , 26 Jan., 1811, enclosing a copy of a danne's division, and of the 9th corps letter from a member of the Junta of into Upper Beira — detachment of Ciudad Rodrigo, explaining the nature cavalry and infantry towards Castullo of assistance alleged to have been Branco to gain intelligence — success promised to the Governor of that against Mortier's corps, 83 ; number place, 196. and distressed state of Massena's — , 26 Jan., 1811, blockade of Olivenrja army, derived from one of his aides — probable design of attacking Ba- de camp taken prisoner — the posses dajoz — death of the Marques de la sion of Lisbon an object worth the Romana, and tribute to his memory, loss of half the French army, 84 ; 196; affairs of General Silveira with Lord Wellington's reasons for deter Claparede — position of Massena, and mining to persevere in his system, affair at Rio Mayor, 197; reported and certainty of the final success of death of Junot — operations of the his measures, 85. light detachments, 198. — , 29 Dec, 1810, the enemy construct — , 28 Jan., 1811, the French in posses ing another bridge on the Zezere, 85 ; sion of Olivenga — arrival of the Chas will do what has been ordered from seurs Biitanniques — intended attempt Paris — passage of General Foy to to raise the siege of Cadiz, 205 ; dis Soult — request for reinforcements, 86. posal of General Graham, and his — ,5 Jan., 1811, transmission of Merino anxiety to come to Portugal — reasons sheep in transports, 109, 110. for not sanctioning the employment — ! 5 Jan., 1811, inconvenience from the of British officers in the Estremadura number of French prisoners, 111. Legion — unauthorised assertion of the — , 5 Jan., 1811, arrival of reinforce want of arms and accoutrements for ments for Massena — operations of the Legion, 206. Colonel Wilson, 111; march of Mar — , 2 Feb., 1811, enclosing accounts of shal Soult from Cadiz with 4,000 or the issues of stores to the Portuguese 5,000 men — collection of troops at and Spanish troops, 221. Seville, and probable march into the — , 2 Feb., 1811, relative to sums ad Alentejo, 112; request to General vanced to the Marques de la Romana, Graham to send to the Tagus troops 221. from Sicily, 113. — , 2 Feb., 1811, state of the garrison of — , 12 Jan , 1811, disposal of arms sent Olivenca when it surrendered, 221; to the Tagus in the Sovereign and approach of the enemy to Badajoz in Flora, 135. strength — movements recommended to — , 12 Jan., 1811, amount and composi- the Spanish General, 222; defeat of t tion of the reinforcements which join Ballesteros at Castillejos — General Massena — General Drouet at Leyria, Copons — operations of Claparede — 135 ; possession of Merida by Mar movements by Massena in the inte shal Slortier, and his intention to rior of his position, and his distress penetrate into the Alentejo, 136. for provisions, 223 ; necessity of a — , 19 Jan., 181 1, improper state of de detachment to escort a courier, tachments sent from England, 159. 224. — , 19 Jan., 1811, contradictory accounts — , 2 Feb., 1811, expected offer to Lord of the progress of the enemy after Wellington of the command of the 158 INDEX.

Spanish armies, and his reflections on Secretary of State. — 14 March, it, 224. 1811, retreat of Massena from San Secretary of State. — 9 Feb., 1811, re tarem on the 5th, and details of the quisition of articles of camp equi pursuit by the British army, 354 ; page, 247. affairs at Pombal and Redinha, 355, — , 9 Feb., 1811, ground broken by the 356 ; on the Deixa, 357; result of the enemy before Badajoz, 247 ; affair at operations — barbarous conduct of the the passage of the Gevora — departure French in their retreat, 358 ; their by General Mendizabal from the plan vain boasting promises to the Portu of movements ordered by the Marques guese on invading their country with de la Roman.! — account of the action 110,000 men — surrender of Badajoz fought by General Ballesteros — Cla- —arrangements for saving the place, parede at Guarda — arrival of General 359 ; effects of the battle of the 19th Foy with letters for Massena, 248 ; February, 360; places lost by the operations of Colonel Grant, and Spaniards in two months without affair at Enxabarda, 249. sufficient cause, 361. —, 16 Feb., 1811, details of the affairs — , 16 March, 1811, communication with on the Gevora — redoubt of the Parda- Coimbra opened, and troops destined leras carried, 269 ; same position of to relieve Badajoz ordered off— troops Massena, and distress for subsistence and movements in the Alentejo, 368. — gallant piquet affair under Cornet — , 16 March, 1811, information in the Strenuwitz, 270. newspapers whence derived — know — , 16 Feb., 1811, extraordinary health ledge of Lord Wellington's positions of the British army — orders brought and intentions communicated by Foy by Foy to Masseua not to retreat — to Massena, 368 ; right of officers to the enemy's want of intelligence, 270 ; correspond with their friends, 369. report of peace among the French — , 16 March, 1811, Lieut. Burke joins army — Lord Wellington's wish for his the army, and placed in arrest, reinforcements — enclosing letter from 369. the Commissary General, and com — , 16 March, 1811, the enemyforced to plaint of ill treatment on the subject abandon Miranda de Corvo, and pic of the temporary appointments, 271. ture of the road in his line of retreat, — , 23 Feb., 1811, rout of General Men- 369 ; affair of Foz d'Arouce — bridge dizabal on the heights of San Chris- on the Ceira destroyed, 370 ; halt toval, and consequent alteration of the of the army — supplies exhausted, to position of the allies — progress of the feed the starving Portuguese troops — siege of Badajoz, 288; misbehavior particulars respecting the surrender of Portuguese cavalry — state of the of Badajoz, 371; movement of the garrison of Badajoz — Clapardde at enemy towards Campo Mayor, 372. Guarda, and affair of Colonel Grant — — , 21 March, 1811, loss to the enemy capture of Clausel's aide de camp by in the affairs on the Ceira — rapid re Comet Strenuwitz, 289 ; increasing treat from the position of Moita, 383 ; hostility of the people of Spain towards further particulars of the loss of Ba the enemy — convoy captured by Don dajoz, and spirit in which the capitula Julian Sanchez — removal of baggage tion was made — ground broken before by the enemy to Santarem, 290. Campo Mayor, and movement to re — , 23 Feb., 1811, daily improvement of lieve it, 384 ; success of General Gra the army in efficiency — intended ham's expedition — affair at Chiclana, operation to raise the siege of Badajoz, and capture of General Ruffin — arrival 290 ; nature and effects of Mendiza- of Sicilian troops at Tarifa — move bal's misfortune, 291. ment of Soult to Seville after the — , 23 Feb., 1811, Memorandum of fall of Badajoz — Marshal Bessieres Oferations in 1810, 291. appointed to command the 6th Go — , 2 March, 1811, transmitting returns vernment of Spain, and threatens of stores, and army estimates, 329. Galicia, 385; probable consequence — , 2 March, 1811, orders of 5th Ja to General Mahy, 386. nuary, not to send home any more — ,21 March, 1811, inconvenient col prisoners of war, 329. lection of French prisoners at Lisbon — , 2 March, 1811, operations against and Oporto, 386. Badajoz — Mendizabal re-organizing — , 21 March, 1811, improbability of the his corps at Villa Vigosa — retreat of British army being under the neces Colonel Grant to Alpedrinha — de sity of embarking, and consequent sertion of Lieut. Burke, 330. transport arrangements — wish to PENINSULA AND SOUTH OP FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 159

know to what extent the force in Por Guard ordered back to France — gal tugal should be reduced, 386. lant patrole action between Alverca Secretary of Statb. — 23 March, and Guarda, 411 ; enemy withdraw 1811, expenditure and situation of from Pinhel across the Coa, 412. the army in Portugal, compara Secretary of State. — 31 March, 1811, tive cost of the campaigns of 1808, requisition of 80 pontoons, &c, with 1809, 1810, in the Peninsula, and horse harness, 422. the alleged increased expense ana — , 3 1 March, 1811, requisition of 150,000 lysed and accounted for, 388 ; amount pairs of shoes, of the best quality and of the British army — the Portu largest size — shoes wanted for the Por guese subsidy — advances to the Por tuguese troops — requisition of 100,000 tuguese Government, 389 ; high pairs of soles and heels, 423. per centage for procuring specie — — , 31 March, 1811, expediency of an monthly advances in Portugal — trans augmentation of the corps of Engi ports and stores, 390 ; saving of ex neers, 423. pense that would have arisen in having — , 2 April, 1811, detailing operations a stronger army by 10,000 men — loss by which the enemy are manoeuvred in sending to Cadiz more than 2,000 out of Guarda, 425 ; Campo Mayor or 2,500 men— on what grounds Lord regained by Marshal Beresford — Wellington will carry on either offen greater success prevented by unrea sive or defensive operations — recom sonable ardor of Portuguese cavalry, mendation to Government to increase 426. the force in Portugal as much as — , & April, 1811, fabricated story of a possible, and motives for the sugges communication from Massena, of his tion, 391 ; prospective invasion of intention to fire a feu de joie on the England, in the event of the Govern birth of the King of Rome, 442. ment withdrawing from the contest in — , 9 April, 1811, detail of affairs with the Portugal on account of the expense, French army on the Coa, and returns 392. of killed and wounded from the 16th — , 23 March, 1811, injury to the service March to the 7th April, inclusive, from the absence of General Officers 443, et seq. during the late operations, and multi — ,9 April, 1811, loss of the enemy in farious duties imposed on Lord Wel his expedition to Portugal, and force lington in consequence, 392, 393. left — dispirited state of his army, and — , 25 March, 1811, line taken up hy the prospect of obtaining Almeida, 448. enemy on the Coa, their left on — , 18 April, 1811, request for two more Guarda — enclosing General Graham's companies of the Staff Corps, and ten dispatches on the action of Barrosa, warrant artificers to accompany the 393. pontoons — deserters from the enemy's — ,25 March, 1811, erroneous statements army enlisted by General Campbell, hy Colonel Bunbury of the comparative ' 480. strength of the contending armies in — ,18 April, 1811, detention of trans Portug al, 402' ; total effect ives of J u not ports, for regimental baggage, 480. and Ney's corps in April, 1810 ; total — , 18 April, 1811, blockade of Almeida British, and Portuguese regulars and — reported retreat of the enemy to Za- militia, 403. mora andToro, 481; motives for not — , 26 March, 1811, troops not sent hy attempting the blockade of Ciudad Sir J. Stuart, 407. Rodrigo — provisions introduced into — , 26 March, 1811, enclosing a letter on Badajoz and Olivenca — surprise of a the clothing of the Portuguese army, piquet under Major Morris — positions 407. of Soult and Marshal Beresford, 482 ; — , 27 March, 1811, reasons for halting corps of Blake in the Condado de on the Mondego, after the pursuit from Niebla — Castanos appointed to com Moita — affairs on the enemy's rear — mand in Galicia, 483. retreat to Guarda — capitulation of — , 18 April, 1811, strength of the gar Campo Mayo — loss of Alburquerque rison, and state of provisions in Al and Valencia de Alcantara, 410 ; Gen. meida — preparations for blowing it up Graham's glorious action of Barrosa, — impracticability ofobtaining Ciudad and his judgment in retiring to the Rodrigo without a siege, 483 ; prepa Isla de Leon— misinformation as to rations by Lord Wellington for the the arrival of the Sicilian troops — Ge attack of Badajoz, and eventually of neral Ballesteros disperses the detach Ciudad Rodrigo, 484. ment of General Remond— Imperial — , 25 April, 1811, returns to the troops ICO INDEX.

stationed between the Agueda and the defeat of one Spanish corps, 523 ; Coa, from the visit to Estremadura arguments against undertaking mari — surrender of Olivenca to Major Ge time operations on the coast of Spain neral the Hon. L. Cole, 505 ; affair at upon which an opinion had been Los Santos — retreat of General Ma- asked — destitute condition and per ransin, and preparations by Marshal versity of the Spaniards, 524 ; reasons Beresford for the siege of Badajoz — why Portugal must be the foundation strength of the garrison, 506 ; bridge of all operations in the Peniusula — all constructed over the Guadiana — plan operations must cease if the battalions of operations proposed for the Spanish mentioned in the dispatch No. 19 are corps, in co-operation with Sir Wil- sent home — plan for drafting and re liamBeresford — impracticability of the organising line battalions, and for in enemy withdrawing the garrison from corporating the ten companies of a Almeida — arrival of Blake in the regiment into eight or six, sending mouth of the Guadiana, 507. home officers and non-commissioned Secretary of State. — 25 April, 1811, officers to recruit, 525. superiority of the British in Estre- Secretary ov State. — 8 May, 1811, madura, and facility of obtaining battle at Fuentes de Ofioro, 528. Badajoz, if the Spaniards act rea — , 8 May, 1811, details of the state of sonably — expediency urged on Lord the Portuguese army, and of the Liverpool of not publishing the dis check to the successful issue of mili patches sent home — information ac tary operations, by its defects of con quired from them by Massena, 508. stitution, and the disobedience and — , 25 April, 1811, request that Colonel neglect of those employed, 535. Murray may be made a Brig. General — , 8 May, 1811, statement respecting — services of Colonel Murray in Por of the Irish Legion, 537 ; tugal, and representation on the ap recommended to the Prince Regent pointment of Quarter Master General for a pardon, 538. in Great Britain, 508,509. — , 10 Ma,/, 1811, retreat of the enemy — , 1 May, 1811, repulse of the enemy in across the Azava and Agueda, leaving an attack of piquets on the Azava — Almeida to its fate, 542. head quarters of Massena at Ciudad — , 15 May, 1811, removal of prisoners Rodrigo — comparative strength of the to England, 561. opposing aimies, and intention of pre — , 15 May, 1811, affair at Barba de venting the enemy from relieving Al Puerco, 562; progress of the siege of meida, 515 ; reported departure of Badajoz, and sorties by the enemy, King Joseph from Madrid, and conse 564. quent augmentation of the enemy's — , 15 May, 1811, Almeida blown up, disposable force, 516. 565; regret at not being on the spot, — , 1 May, 1811, remarkable healthiness 567. of the British army, 516; extraordi — ,22iMrny,1811,battleof Albuer*,587. nary diminution in the efficient strength — , 22 May, 1811, point of seniority of of the Portuguese army, 517. Marshal Beresford, satisfactorily set — , T May, 1811, opposition on the part tled by Cast.inos' remaining in Kstre- of the Portuguese Government to all madura, 594. measures recommended for the ameli — , 22 May, 1811, loss of the enemy at oration of their army — radical defect Albuera, computed from an inter both in Spain and Portugal — reasons cepted letter from General Gazan, why the increase of the subsidy would 595. have no effect in increasing the pecu — , 22 May, 1811, intended resumption niary means of the Portuguese Go of the siege of Badajoz, 595. vernment, 522; in what case 30,000 — , 22 May, 1811, measures for rendering effective British troops would be suffi battalions of the army more effective, cient in the Peninsula — details the use 596. to he made of the existing force in the — , 23 May, 1811, horse transports to then state of the Peninsula, 522; lines go to Cork, and mode of supplying of operation in the event of the capture the casualties in the cavalry, 597 ; of Badajoz — plan of pushing into the the Peninsula the grave of horses, heart of Spain, and opening the com and number lost by Lord Wellington, munication with Valencia — removal of 598. the King from Madrid — junction with — , 23 May, 1811, confines himself to a Massena of all the French cavalry, and relation of facts in his dispatches, eventual overthrow of all plans by the and proposes marking with pencil PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 161

pacts which ought not to be pub Secretary of State. — 18 June, 1811, lished, 598. wish for employment in Russia by a Secretary of State. — 23 May, 1811, French aide de camp, deserter, 35, 36. General Hill must resume his com — , 20 June, 1811, blockade of Badajoz mand on his return — wish to have Ge raised, and passage of the Guadiaua, neral Graham, 598; number of effec 37 ; comparative strength of the enemy tives under Soult — total ignorance by and of Lord Wellington, 38 ; grounds the French of the positions of their for not risking an action, 38, 39. armies, and knowledge possessed — , 25 June, 181 1, approves the not pro by Lord Wellington of all that posing a vote of thanks in Parliament passes on both sides — intended ope for the battle of Fuentes — character rations against Ciudad Rodrigo, of General Abadia, 51. after the siege of Badajoz — conse — , 25 June, 1811, measures for recruit quences to the British army, of the ing the Portuguese army adopted — want of discipline in the Spaniards, financial improvements of the Portu and anxiety on their account, 599 ; guese Government — military conse congratulations on the good accounts quences of the misconduct of the Por of affairs in the north, and prospect of tuguese Government, 52. an overthrow of Buonaparte's dis — , 27 June, 1811, reconnaissance by the gusting tyranny, 600. enemy on Elvas and Campo Mayor, — , 24 May, 1811, retreat of Soult to 56 ; consequences to them, of draw - Llerena, and close investment of Ba ing their whole force into Kstrema- dajoz, 604. dura — wish that the Spaniards would — , 24 May, 1811, approaching junction avail themselves of the enemy's con of Marmont with Soult, and Lord centration, 57 ; defence and pro Wellington's arrangements for ob visioning of places on the frontier, taining Badajoz, or fighting a battle — 58. request to send the reinforcements — ,27 June, 1811, superiority of old to speedily, 605. new troops — good condition of the — , 26 May, 1811, proposed occupation cavalry, 58. of Santofia, 611. — , 2 July, 1811, operations recom — , 30 May, 1811, ground broken before mended to General Abadia, 65; ap Badajoz, 623 ; necessity of obtaining pointment of commissary for Curuiia, possession speedily, 624. 66. — , 30 May, 1811, increase of Portu — , 4 July, 1811, position of the enemy guese subsidy, and refusal of local near Badajoz — withdrawal of their Government to make the reforms re train of artillery — increasing bold commended, 624; arguments fur a ness of the guerrillas near Valladolid, change of system by the local Go 77. vernment, 625, 626 ; Portuguese com — , 4 July, 1811, field equipment re missariat, 626. quested, 78. — , 6 June, 1811, drafting of regiments, — , 4 July, 1811, eagle of the 39th 645. French regiment sent home, 78. — , 6 June, 1811, breach in the outwork — , 4 July, 1811, reported entry of the of San Christoval — march of the Army Spaniards into Seville, 78 ; additional of Portugal from the Tormes, 646. pressure thrown on the army in Por — , 6 June, 1811, request of 4000 barrels tugal by the abandonment of the of gunpowder, 647. siege of Cadiz — probable separation — , 6 June, 1811, date by which the of the great army in front, 79. siege of Badajoz must be raised — age — , 5 July, 1811, failure of Blake on of some of the guns used, 648. Niebla, and projected expedition — re — , 13 June, 1811, desertion of the Chas treat of the French towards Valla seurs Britanniques, viii. 11. dolid, 84. — , 13 June, 1811, failure on San Chris — , 11 July, 1811, approves the grant of toval, 12 ; siege of Badajoz raised, a medal to Sir R. Wilson, 91. and motives for so doing, 14; block — , 11 July, 1811, movements of the ade maintained, 16 ; object of the enemy towards theGevora, 91 ; return enemy's march in that direction, 17 ; of Soult into Andalusia, and com list of killed, &c, from the 30th May parative strength of the armies of to 11th June, 18. Marmont and Lord Wellington, 92; — , 13 June, 1811, sick returns, 18. failure of Blake on Niebla — return of — , 18 June, 1811, tyranny of Napoleon Bessieres to Valladolid — dispersal of towards his family, 35, . guerrillas — slight advantage to the 162 INDEX.

Spaniards from the collection of the Secretary of State. — 5 Aug., 1811, enemy's troops in Estremadura, 93 ; condition in which Almeida was left fatal consequences of the indiscipline by the French, and in what event to and want of organization of the Spa be destroyed, 173, et seq. nish armies — necessity of watching — , 8 Aug., 1811, appoints the Prince for opportunities for important ope of Orange one of his aides de camp, rations of short duration, 94. and proposes attaching him to a bri Secretary ov State. — 11 July, 1811, gade, 183. observations on the distribution of — - , 8 Aug., 1811, fatigue of young medals, 94. troops in marching — healthiness of — , 18 July, 1811, detailed account of the old soldiers, 183. the regiments composing the Army of — , 8 Aug., 1811, force of Bessieres, Portugal, 115; weekly state of the collection of magazines at Vitoria, British troops — question of operations doubt of the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, for his fine and well equipped army, and movement to strike an advan 117; proposed siege of Ciudad Ro tageous blow, 184; insignificance of drigo, 118. the corps under Santocildes, 184, — , 18 July, 1811, movement of the 185 ; General Dorsenne commands enemy towards Truxillo, 119; em the troops in the north, 185. barkation of Blake — French troops in — , 14 Aug., 1811, position of the enemy Estremadura and Granada — return of — Soult gone to Granada— canton King Joseph — march of troops from ments of the allied army — train Salamanca120. to relieve Ciudad Rodrigo, g moving up the Douro — French rein forcements at Bayonne, 194. — , 20 July, 1811, request of 2000 — , 14 Aug., 1811, sickness among the barrels of powder, 129. newly arrived troops, 195. — , 20 July, 1811, augmentation of the —,21 Aug., 1811, departure of Sir H. number of medical officers attached Douglas for Galicia — staff allowance to the Portuguese army, and rule for Captain Douglas, 213. respecting absence on account of — , 21 Aug., 181 1, 15,000 sets of accou health, 129. trements requested, 213. — , 20 July, 1811, offer of the Spanish — , 21 Auy,, 1811, sent to Eng Government to appoint Sir W. Beres- land as a spy, 213, 214. ford a Captain General in the Spanish — , 21 Aug., 1811, enemy's reinforce army, 130. ments in Spain, 214 ; arrival at Gata — , 21 July, 1811, Tarragona taken by of infantry and cavalry — resources storm, 132; expediency of trans drawn by the French from the ex mitting the Cadiz correspondence hausted country of Estremadura, 215 ; through Lord Wellington — troops at arrears of the French troops how made Cadiz to be considered a distinct up, 215/216. command, 133. — , 27 Aug., 1811, inferiority to the — , 25 July, 1811, morning state of French in cavalry, and inutility of the troops in the field — leave to General Portuguese, 230 ; separation of the Spencer to go to England, 149. cavalry to obtain food, and expediency — , 25 July, 1811, march of the enemy of an augmentation — doubt of being on Almaraz — King Joseph on his able to maintain the blockade of Ciu journey towards Madrid, 150. dad Rodrigo, 23 1 ; intention of bring —.25 July, 1811, request of 2000 addi ing the enemy to action, on a favor tional barrels of powder, 150. able opportunity — reports of peace — , 1 Aug., 1811, want of money, and among the French officers — alteration increased difficulty in subsisting the of the character of the war in Spain, army, 160; expense of land carriage, and probable necessity of the French 160, 161 ; expediency and utility of drawing their resources from France, an occasional remittance of 100,000 232 ; liability to sickness of officers and dollars in specie, 161. men, and carelessness of themselves, — , 1 Aug., 1811, blockade of Ciudad 233. Rodrigo — arrangements for the Alen- — , 28 Aug., 1811, march of French tejo, 162; retreat of General Santo- troops towards Rio Seco, 236 ; posi cildes — inarch of French troops with a tion of Marmont — junction of the convoy towards Ciudad Rodrigo, 163. French forces, and intended operation — ,4 Aug., 1811, enlistment of Portu agamst: the allied army — success of guese recruits for the British regi the French against General Morillo ments, 171. and Col. Downie's legion — extraor PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 163

dinary contribution by the French in of Portugal, and inutility of the return Spain, 237. of the Prince of Brazils, 279, 280 ; Secretary of State. — 28 Aug., 1811, conduct of the Conde de Linhares, and force of the division of Guards in impracticability of saving the country, Castille — indications of the approach if his sentiments should be predomi ing arrival of the Emperor in Spain, nant, 280. 239. Secretary ov State. — 18 Sept., 1811, — , 1 Sept., 1811, employment of Her concentration of the Army of Por bert Taylor, 253. tugal near Plasencia, and of the — , 3 Sept., 1811, accepts the title of Army of the North on the lower Conde de Vimeiro, and of the Grand Tormes, and intention of the enemy Cross of the Order of the Tower and to introduce a convoy into Ciudad Sword, but declines the pension of Rodrigo — reinforcements to the Army 20,000 cruzados, 254. of Portugal, 290 ; affairs of Galicia — — , 4 Sept., 1811, collection of French retreat of General Abadia, and conse Guards at Salamanca, and movement quences of its being made too late, to relieve Ciudad Rodrigo, 256 ; des 291 ; state of the army of Murcia, titute condition of the Galician army 291, 292 ; operations of Soult, 292. — exaggeration of General Wathier — — , 18 Sept., 1811, inconveniences from proposed position on the left of the the number of foreigners in the army '. Agueda, 257 ; General Hill desired — check given to desertion from the to detach a body of troops to Castello enemy by their unfounded accounts of Bianco — movement of a division of the the manner in which deserters are dis 5th corps on General Ballesteros near posed of in the British service, and Ayamonte — affairs in Murcia — retreat proposed formation for the battalion of General Abadiato Astorga, 258. of foreign detachments at Cadiz, 292, — ,7 Sept., 1811, requests permission _293. for Marshal Heresford to accept the , 18 Sept , 1811, continued sickness of title of Count of Trancoso, and the the newly arrived troops, and nature Grand Cross of the Order of the Tower of the disorder, 293. and Sword, 264. , 29 Sept., 1811, the army one of con — , 11 Sept., 1811, proposes lodging in valescents, 302 ; proposed plan, of the hands of the Commissary General drawing all the enemy upon himself, 100,000/. in exchequer bills, for occa and relieving other parts of Spain, 303. sional issue, 268 ; payment of 400,000/. — , 29 Sept., 1811, convoy of provisions in advance of the subsidy, and inuti for Ciudad Rodrigo, and affairs of £1 lity of an increase of subsidy, without Bodon, and near Aldea da Poute, 303, an al'eration of the Government, 269. et seq. — conduct of the Prince of — , 11 Sept., 1811, necessity and expe Orange when the first time in fire — diency of some maritime strength at amount of the enemy's force collected, Cadiz or Lisbon, 269. 309. — , 11 Sept., 1811, recallof troops by the — , 1 Oct., 1811, observations on the plan Duke of York, 270. of Brig. General Carroll for rais — , 1 lSept., 1811, alteration of plan by the ing an Irish Brigade in the Spanish French, 270 ; Souk's success against service, 313 ; reasons for not allowing the army of Murcia, 271 ; movement British officers to serve with the Spa of the enemy on Llerena, 272 ; repulse nish troops, 314, of the enemy at Paymago — success of — , 1 Oct., 1811, improvement in the the Conde de Penne Villemur at Ca- system of granting medals, 315. ceres — relieved from anxiety respect — , 2 Oct., 1811, sickness of troops, the ing the Salamanca correspondents, 273. disorder, and its causes, 315, 316; — , 11 Sept., 1811, necessity of a change 4th dragoon guards, paucity of men of Government in Portugal, and opi fit for the field, 316. nion on the extent to which affairs — ,2 Oct., 1811, retreat of the enemy might be affected by the return of the from Ciudad Rodrigo — Girard — Foy — Prince Regent of Portugal, 273 ; effect cantonments of the allied army on the on the Brazils of his absence there, Coa — Marshal Soult on his return to 275. the westward, 316. — , 1 1 Sept., 181 1, sickliness of the young — , 9 Oct., 1811, position of the Army of soldiers, and effects of the Walcheren the North on the Duero — division at fever, 276. Alba — return of Soult to Seville — de — , 13 Sept., 1811, nature of the com feat of the French near San Roque by plaints against the local Government Ballesteros — derangement of the ene m2 164 INDEX.

ruy's plans by the position of the Bri force in Valencia, 386 ; distress of tish troops, 331. General Blake for provisions, 387. Secretary of State. — 9 Oct., 1811, Secretary of State. — 6 Nov., 1811, Order of the Tower and Sword con recommendation of Captains Hill and ferred on Brig. General Trant, Currie, 387 ; services and zeal of 332. General Hill, and anxious recommen — , 16 Oct., 1811, cantonment of the dation of him to the Prince Regent, Army of Portugal beyond Plasencia — 388. Army of the North — enemy fortifying — , 13 Nov., 1811, retreat of the enemy posts in front of the army of Gahcia, from Algeziras and San Roque, 398 ; 346; intended introduction by the ene Colonel Skerrett — Murcia — augmenta my of a convoy into Badajoz — Gen. tion of enemy's force in Estremadura, Henaud, Governor of Ciudad Rodrigo, to introduce a convoy into Badajoz — made prisoner, 347. Benavente — country on both banks of — . 1 6 Oct., 1811, request of ships o f war, the Tagus made over to Marmont, and and coppered transports, that could distress of the King, 399. pass the bars of the Mondego and — , 13 Nov., 1811, request of directions Douro, 347. for the payment of a balance of the — , 16 Oct., 1811, astonishing number of sum of 577/. 10*., 400. sick — seizure of Dr. Curtis, aud the — ,13 Nov., 1811, intercepted letter from Providor of the Bishopric of Sala Marmont to Foy, showing the recipro manca, 348. cal enmity of the French Marshals, —,23 Oct., 1811, request of 10,000 great 400; request of Exchequer bills, 401. coats — 20,000 stands of arms and sets — , 15 Nov., 1811, transmitting copy of of accoutrements — blue clothing for a letter to Major General Cooke, 403. corps under Don Carlos de Espaua, — , 20 Nov., 1811, second successful at 435. tack of Ballesteros, between Bornos — , 23 Oct., 1811, capture of the Gover and Xerez — defeat of General Mahy nor of Ciudad Rodrigo, General Re- by Suchet — enemy enter Oviedo, naud, by Don Julian — plundering ex 412. cursion of the enemy beyond theTor- — , 20 Nov., 1811, regiments sailed for mes — expedition of General Hill, to England, 413. force Girard's division to retire from — , 20 Nov., 1811, proposed exchange of Caceres — repulse of Suchet from Sa- the Prince d'Aremberg, 413. guutum — General Blake arrives in — , 27 Nov., 1811, movement of the ad Valencia with 23,000 men, 334, 335 ; vanced guard across the Agueda, 424; expected reinforcements to the enemy defeat of General Blake — capitulation in front — Col. Skerrett detached with of Saguntum — -fatal consequences of 1200 men to Tarifa, 356. the Spaniards' insatiable desire of — ,30 Oct., 1811, collection of theenemy fighting pitched battles with undis at the Sierra de Francia — movements ciplined troops — passage of the ene of General Hill — retreat of Balleste:os my into Asturias, with the probable in under the guns of Gibraltar, 373 — tention of dispersing the troops under French take possession of Algezins — Mendizabal, 425 ; General Ballesteros arrival of Colonel Skerrett at Tarifa — — probable retreat of Colonel Skerrett delay of General Copjns — increasing to Tarifa, 426. boldness of guerrillas, and recapture — ,27 Nov., IS 11, sickness of troops from by them of Colonel Grant — successes exposure to night air — inefficiency of of the Empecinado, Mina, and Longa, the newly arrived dragoons, 426. 374. — -, 4 Dec, 1811, concord with Admiral — , 30 Oct., 1811, application for Brig. Berkeley, 433. General Wilson to wear the Order of — ,4 Dec, 1811, withdraws theadvanced the Tower and Sword, 374. guard across the Agueda, and extends — , 30 Oct., 1811, encloses Memorandum the cantonments of the army — im respecting Don Carlos de Espana's practicability in the present season clothing, 375. of offensive military operations, 433; — , 6 Nov., 1811, details of the affair at attack of the French by Don Carlos de Arroyo Molinos, under Gen. Hill, 379 ; Espaua — entry of General Bonet's di arrival of the new Governor, General vision into Asturias, 434. Barrie, at Ciudad Rodrigo, 385 ; mili — , 4 Dec, 1811, increase of deaths in tary featuresof the Agueda — Tarifa — the hospital, 434. Saguntum — retreat of Suchet — faci — , 4 Dec, 1811, reported success against lity of the French increasing their Suchet, the probable forerunner of a


serious disaster to the Spaniards — sion of Badajoz — protection to Aba- probable conquest of Valencia, and dia — expediency of secrecy,on account military and political consequences of of Buonaparte and his officers, 472 ; the loss of the province, 434, 435 ; rea thanks fur kindness to his little boy, sons for not despairing of the result 473. of the contest — distance of the con Secretary ov State. — 25 Dec, 1811, quest of the Peninsula by Buonaparte unexpected march of the 6th division —devastated condition of the country, towards Navalmoral — Valencia, 485 ; and contrast of the position of the operations against Ballesteros — medi French and British, 436 ; Douro tated attack on Tarifa — failure of the being rendered navigable — anticipated enemy to penetrate the pass of La speedy re-establishment of Almeida PeSa, 486. as a military post — increased finan — ,25 Dec, 1811, doubtful movement cial resources for a forward opera of the 6th division — troops from Bou tion — measures for improving the Por logne under Ney, coming into Spain, tuguese paper, and good effects if the 486 ; movement of the 1st division Spaniards still hold out, 437. into La Mancha — battle at Valencia — Secretaby of State. — 7 Dec, 1811, desertion from Suchet — active prepa enclosing letter from Marshal Beres- rations for attacking Ciudad Rodrigo, ford containing demands of the Por 487. tuguese Government against officers — ,28 Dec, 1811, Memorandum ov Ofe of the Lusitanian Legion, 443. rations in 1811,494. — , 12 Dec, 1811, request to see rec — , \Jan., 1812, movements of the ene tified the mistake respecting Brig. my northward — proposed attack on General Wilson's Order, 455. Ciudad Rodrigo — Valencia — Suchet — , 12 Dec, 1811, recommendation of ,— movement of Gen. Hill for Merida officers for medals, 456. 524; Colonel Skerrett embarks at — , 12 Dec, 1811, Colonel Skerrttt— de Algeziras, but returns to Tarifa, 525. tachment to Carthajrena — lacility of — , 7 Jim., 1812, enclosing copy of an withdrawing the troops from this place answer to a letter from Gen. Cooke, before the return of the sickly season, on th« want of guns, &c at Cadiz, 535. 456,457. — ,7 Jan., 1812, empty carts two days — , 12 Dec, 181 1, head quarters of Mar- travelling ten miles on a good road — uiont at Talavera — practice of the investment of Ciudad Rodrigo, and French of collecting considerable probable time in which it will be taken quantities of provisions in store for a — employment of a detachment on the sudden movement — General Balleste- Eastern coast — practicability of an at ros, 457 ; Valencia — successes of the tack by land and sea on Barcelona, guerrillas, and retreat of Suchet, 536. 458. — , 9 Jan., 1812, Ciudad Rodrigo in — , 18 Dec, 1811, capture of Daroca by vested on the 8th January — redoubt the guerrillas — perseverance of Su on San Francisco stormed, 540 ; pro chet in his endeavors to obtain Va bable return of Marmont — movements lencia, 460 ; instructions to General of General Hill to surprise General Hill to make a diversion in favor of Dombrowski, 541 ; affair of Fuente Ballesteros, and to attack Drouet — del Maestre — retreat of General Drouet collection of the enemy at SanMunoz, on Llerena, 542 ; Tarifa invested, 543; 470. return of Gen. Hill to Portalegre,546. — , 18 Dec, 1811, expected fall of Va — , 15 Jan., 1812, progress of the siege lencia, 470 ; continued blockade of of Ciudad Rodrigo — surprise by Gen. Ciudad Rodrigo — causes of no other Graham of the enemy's detachment operations being undertaken, in the in the convent of Santa Cruz — con unhealthiness of the troops, the want vent of San Francisco taken — retro of provisions, and unwillingness of grade movement of the enemy from the Spaniards to furnish any, but for La Mancha, 547 ; return of the divi ready money, 47 1 ; military advantages sion of the Army of Portugal towards of continuing on the frontier — Almeida Valladolid — collection of troops at becoming a place of security, and fa Salamanca — determination to continue cility of attacking Ciudad Rodrigo on the siege till success is rendered hope any day, without risk or inconve less — state of affairs in Valencia, 548 ; nience — expediency of removing ope the French unable to get their guns rations to the southward in February up to Tarifa — reinforcement of Drouet or March — possibility of getting pos- and advance again to Zafra, 549. 166 INDEX.

Secretary of State. — 15 Jan., 1812, Secretary of State. — 12 Feb., 1812, defeat of the Toulon squadron under cantonment of Marmont on the Duero, Emeriau, 549. 605; intended attack by Abadia on — , 20 Jan., 1812, Storming of Ciudad Aslorga, 606. Rodrioo, with details of the siege, 549. — , 12 Feb., 1812, successor to Admiral — , 22 Jan., 1812, enclosing returns of Berkeley, 606. killed and wounded, 556. — , 12 Feb., 1812, expediency of the ex — , 20 Jan., 1812, successful termination periment with the Exchequer bills, and of the siege in half the time pre use to be made of them, 607; fluc viously announced, and in less than tuations in the value of Portuguese half spent by the French in taking paper how effected — contemplated the place from the Spaniards — Mar- measure of the notes of the Bank of mont collecting his army to raise the England being taken as cash, 608. siege — not a single man of Marmont's — , 19 Feb., 1812, position of the French or Dorsenne's army gone to Valencia, troops on the Tagus, and near Tala- 557. vera — sufferings of Bonet in eva — , 21 Jan., 1812, 50,000 men collected cuating the Asturias, 621 ; fall of by Marmont on the Tormes, 560 ; Valencia and march of Suchet to re defeat of Blake by Suchet, 560, 561 ; lieve Tarragona — Soria in possession no part of the Army of Portugal enters of the guerrillas, 622. Valencia — failure of the French at — , 19 Feb., 1812, paper by Major Da- Tarifa, 561 ; General Hill at Castello chenhausen, 622. Branco, 563 ; Drouet, 564. — , 19 Feb., 1812, thanks of the Cortes — , 26 Jan., 1812, request of reinforce for the taking of Ciudad Rodrigo — ments of horses of artillerymen and of requests permission to accept the gunner drivers, 569. honor of Grandee of Spain, and title — , 29 Jan., 1812, regret and sorrow at of Duque de Ciudad Rodrigo, 623. the death of General Craufurd, 576. — , 19 Feb., 1812, preparations against — , 29 Jan., 1812, movements of Mar Badajoz — request of reinforcements, mont, Souham, and Bonet — Ciudad and intention to push success as^far as Rodrigo made secure from a coup de possible early in the year, 623. main, 577 ; junction of Montbrun's — , 26 Feb., 1812, reconnaissance by cavalry with Marmont — reported cap Bonet and Foy — security of Ciudad ture of Valencia, 578. Rodrigo and Almeida, 635 ; march of — , 29 Jan., 1812, request of tents for the troops towards the Alentejo, to at 30,000 men, 578. tack Badajoz — activity of the Regency — , 29 Jan., 1812, progress of works at in equipping reinforcement for Balles- Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida, 578 ; teros — march of troops from the Army arrangements for attacking Badajoz, of Portugal upon Alicante, and with and advantages of commencing in drawal of Montbrun — march of Suchet March — healthiness of the troops at into Catalonia — siege of Tarragona the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, 579. raised by General Lacy, 636. — , 1 Feb., 1812, transmits copy of a — , 26 Feb., 1812, enclosing copy of letter to General Cooke, respecting dispatch to General Cooke, 636. withdrawing the detachment from Ta — , 4 March, 1812, cause of delay in not rifa, 589. moving till the 6th — defeat of Ge — , 5 Feb., 1812, no communications neral Maransin by Ballesteros— cap from badness of the weather, 594 ; ture of Huerta by the guerrillas, 648 ; Bonet, Porlier, Abadia — Blake taken defeat of the French in the valley of with 16,000 prisoners, 595. Rocaforte — of an officer, carrying or — , 5 Feb., 1812, request of 20,000 ders, by Don Julian — difficulties in the stands of arms, and accoutrements, passage of a courier and of an esta- &c, 595. lette, in a country which the French — , 11 Feb., 1812, expediency of send pretend to have conquered and set ing reinforcements before the end of tled — genuineness of all papers trans April — of horses for the artillery — mitted by Lord Wellington to Lord and expediency of a corps of Sappers Liverpool, 649. and Miners — badness of articles sup —.12 March, 1812, misfortune of plied by the Storekeeper General, 60 1 ; Gen. C. Stewart — grain sent by Lord superiority of the French cutting Liverpool, 658; recruits at Mafra tools, 602. kept back for want of knapsacks — — , 11 Feb., 1812, request of 1000 trifling injury produced by Shrap- scythes, with their handles, 602. nell's shells— doubt of the expediency PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 167

of sending to Cadiz an officer to transport, and consequent delay in confer with General O'Donnell, 659 ; the operations, 14 ; expediency of a futility of the proposed military con compulsory law for the equipment of vention by the Spaniards for a plan armies to defend the country, being of operations, 660; course of pro carried into execution — operations of ceeding in] communicating his own Sir T. Graham and of Sir R. Hill- plans, and in suggesting operations impracticability of a coup de main for the Spanish troops in aid of his on Ciudad Rodrigo, 15 ; neglect of own — battalion of marines sent to the Spaniards to transport thither the England — thanks to the Regent's provisions furnished by Lord Wel Government for his promotion in the lington—march of troops from Seville Peerage — Lord Wellesley's resig on Cordova, 16. nation, 660. Secretary of State. — 2 April, 1812, Secretary of State. — 12 March, 1812, disapprobation by the Treasury of Mr. enclosing list of names of General Bissett's receiving 400,000 dollars from Officers of the British and Portu Gibraltar, at the exchange of 5j. 8d. guese army omitted in the vote of the dollar, 25 ; want of money, 26. thanks of the two Houses for the — , 3 April, 1812, sorlie from Badajoz — taking of Ciudad Rodrigo, 661. retreat of the enemy towards Cor — , 13 March, 1812, Spanish shot foun dova — Marshal Soult breaks up in dries — hesitation of a Lieut. Colonel front of Cadiz — approaching recon of artillery to furnish estimates, 663. naissance of Ciudad Rodrigo and — , 13 March, 1812, arrival at Elvas, Almeida by the enemy, and appre and proposed investment of Badajoz hension of the necessity of his return on the 16th — regiment detached to to ensure the safety of those places, the rear, for want of means of trans 27, 28. port to bring up clothing and equip — , 3 April, 1812, destruction from ments — arrival of Marmont at Sala Shrapnell shells in Badajoz, and di manca — hussars ordered to remain on rections for remedying their defective the Yeltes — enemy's troops in the disabling power, 28. field in Estremadura, 664 ; improve — ,7 April, 1812, Storbinooi' Badajoz, ment of the works at Badajoz by with the details of the siege, 36 ; con the enemy — Soult in the lines before tinued failure of the civil authorities Cadiz, 665. to supply means of transport; — arrival — , 20 March, 1812, investment of Ba of Soult at Llerena, 42 ; Almeida re- dajoz on the 16th, and repulse of a connaitred by Marmont — intended at sortie, ix. 1 ; movement of General tack on Soult if he remains in Estre Graham on Llerena, and of General madura, or return to Castille, if he Hill on Almendralejo — retreat of Gen. should retire into Andalusia, 43 ; re Drouet on Hornachos — enemy's plun turn of the killed and wounded at dering detachment to Bejar — march Badajoz, 44. of the 6th and 4th divisions on Val- — ,7 April, 18 12, request of 4000 barrels ladolid — probable withdrawal of the of gunpowder to be sent to the Tagus, Guards, or northward movement of 46. the enemy to divert from Badajoz, — , 8 April, 1812, wounded doing well 2 ; loss of their trains, 3. — attention paid by Dr. M'Grigor, — , 20 mMarch, 1812, opinion on the and hopes of the eventual loss not projected attack on Tarragona and being great, 46. Barcelona, and impossibility of as — , 9 April, 1812, relief of 2d battalions sisting Lord W. Bentinck from Cadiz, — inexpediency of drawing away the 3 : expediency of drawing to his old soldiers of 2d battalions — Tarifa army the division at Cadiz — request occupied by General Cooke — objection of positive orders for reducing the of the Spanish Government to send a garrison of Cadiz, and what regi detachment, 49. ments are to be sent to Lord W. Ben , 15 April, 1812, objectionable effect tinck in case the Andalusias should of the Order in Council, 4th March, not be relieved by his operations- relative to the residence of the part danger of exposing the Walcheren ners of British commercial houses in troops to the weather, 4. parts of Spain occupied by the enemy, — , 27 March, 1812, progress of the 58. siege of Badajoz — La Picurina taken — , 15 April, 1812, requests permission by storm, 12 ; neglect of the Portu to accept the title of Marquez de guese authorities to furnish means of Torres Vedras, 58. 16S INDEX.

Secretary of State. — 16 April, 1812, which Lord Wellington would insist destructive effect of spherical case on its application to the disciplined shot proved, 61. troops — claim for part of the money — , 16 April, 1812, retreat of Soult into for the garrisons of Ciudad Rodrigo Andalusia after the fall of Badajoz, and Badajoz, 126. 62 ; affair with the enemy's rear Secretary of State. — 6 May, 1812, guard near Llerena, 62, note ; retreat unpleasant discussions between Sir of the Conde de Penne Villemur — H. Douglas and General Abadia on blockade of Ciudad Rodrigo, 64; the subject of troops embarking from disobedience of orders by Major Ge Galicia for America — pertinacious neral robbery and murder obstinacy of the Spanish Government by the enemy in his expedition — good — the sending of troops to America conduct of Brig. General Le Cor — insisted on by the city of Cadiz, 126, British army put in motion towards 127. Castille, 65 ; position of troops in — , 6 May, 1812, collecting provisions Estremadura — momentary garrison of aud stores for Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, 66. Almeida — successes of Mina, 127. — ,23 April, 1812, Marques de Mon- — , 12 May, 1812, anxiety at the Ame salud's request of 8000 suits of cloth rican embargo, 137 ; augmentation ing, &c. 70. of the three months' stock to one for — , 24 April, 1812, full retreat of the six months' consumption — additional enemy towards the Tormes, 82 ; con purchases to meet the Portuguese de duct of the militia at Guarda — maga mands for grain instead of money — zines at Celorico saved, 83 ; fruits of hostile measure of the American Go his expedition — General Abadia — vernment why adopted — causes of the Brigadier Moreno — Don Julian San failure of supplies on the coast of chez — Ballesteros — return of the Barbary, 138 ; supplies from the Bri Conde de Penne Vdlemur into Estre tish colonies in North America — offer madura — -Drouet in Cordova — Soult from America to supply 60,000 bar at Seville — cantonments of the army rels of flour at an advance of fifty per till Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida are cent., 139 ; money brought by the tilled with provisions, 84. Standard — dependence for the even — , 24 April, 1812, disobedience of tual success of the campaign on orders by Major General , having a sum of money in hand — ex and enclosing copy of instructions pediency of appointing a person there which he received, b '>. to conduct the financial concerns of — , 20 April, 1812, continued retreat of the army — three months' arrears of the enemy — little progress in the pay to the troops, 140. works of Ciudad Rodrigo — magazines — , 13 May, 1812, movements of the of provisions ordered into Almeida enemy to connect the Army of the and Ciudad Rodrigo — Drouet in Cor South with that of Portugal, 142; dova — Penne Villemur in Eslrema- appointment of King Joseph as Ge dura, 100. neralissimo of the French armies in — , 29 April, 1812, permission for Brig. Spain — distress of the enemy for pro Geneial Wilson to accept the Order of visions — Sir R. Hill moving agaimit the Tower and Sword, not sent, 101. Almaraz — Sir T. Graham at Por- — , 20 April, 1812, encloses list of offi talegre — filling of the magazines of cers entitled to the medal for Al- Ciudad Rodiigo and Almeida — re buera, 101. pairs of damagesto Badajoz — neglect — , 30 April, 1812, requests permission of the Spanish engineers at Ciudad to accept the Grand Cross of the Rodrigo — good conduct of General Order ot San Fernando, 102. Vives, 143; activity of guerrillas — — , 2 May, 1812, proposed alteration in surprise by Ballesteros of General the certificate lor 1000 dollars trans Rey — reported entry of General Co- mitted by Lord Liverpool, with form, pons into Malaga, 144. 103, 105. — , 13 May, 1812, return of Royal Mi — , 6 May, 1812, mutiny at Ciudad litary Artificers to Cadiz, 144. Rodrigo, and probable causes, 124; — , 13 May, 1812, lists of officers en reasons why the supplies for the Spa titled to medals for the action at E1 nish Government ought to be in the Bodon and the capture of Ciudad Ro hands of the commander in chief, drigo, transmitted, 144. 125; distribution of money to the — , 19 May, 1812, allowed to make pri idlers of the army, and mode in vate bargains for bills on England, 157. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 169

Secretary of State. — 20 May, 1812, tageous rate of exchange on bills at account of wounded officers and sol Gibraltar, 220. diers — General Walker and Colonel Secretary or State. — 10 June, 1812, Elder — Generals Kempt, Colville, and passage of the Agueda — position of Bowes, 158. General Hill in Estremadura to se — , 26 May, 1812,military reasoning for cure his right flank — collection of the abandonment of the expedition enemy's troops in Castille, 224; Mar into Andalusia, and for the march mont at Salamanca — arrival of Soult into Castille to bring Marmont to a at Seville, 225. general action, 170, et seq. — , 10 June, 1812, outrages by British — , 28 May, 1812, state of wounded soldiers — non-commissioned officei s officers, 182. the foundation of discipline for the — , 28 May, 1812, details the operations prevention of crimes, and proposed of General Hill against Almaraz, and augmentation of their pay, 225, 226 ; results of the expedition, 182-187; observations on the difficulties of re renewal of the bombardment of Cad iz, pressing crimes,227. 187; movement of Soult to El Carpio — , 10 June, 1812, assistance rendered — Foy and Darmagnac, to relieve the to Lord W. Bentinck, 228 ; round shot post at Mirabete — Marmont at Fonti- ordered from Cadiz to Gibraltar, 229. veros — lionet enters the Asturias, , — , iOJune, 1812,estimateof theforceof 188 ; Mendizabal in possession of the the Army of the South — force which town of Burgos — increasing boldness Lord Wellington could take into An of the guerrillas — Major Curiie, 189. dalusia, and amount of that of the — ,28Muy, 1812, cause of General Hill's Army of Portugal, 229, 230. attacking the garrison of Mirabtte, — , 10 June, 1812, requests the medal 189. for the Prince of Orange, 230. — , 30 May, 1812, early transmission of , — , 12 June, 1812, mortality of regiments scythes requested, 192. — expediency of sending recruits and — , 1 June, 1812, difficulty in raising remount horses out in winter before money, inconsequence of the extrava the spring equinoctial gales, 234. gant rate of exchange in the Mediter — , 18 June, 1812, passage of the Agueda ranean and Gibraltar, 199. on the 13th instant, 238; entry into — , 1 June, 1812, requests to know Salamanca — forts invested — joy ol the whether restriction as to pay is to be people — convents and colleges de applied to officers serving in the Por stroyed by the French — retreat of the tuguese army, 199. enemy to Toro — return of the Army — 1 June, 1812, question of defraying of Portugal, 239 ; comparative strength the expenses of the foundries on the of the English and French — precaution Isla de Leon, orof sendingthe articles to prevent the enemy collecting their from England, 200; Lieut. Colonel forces against him, 240 ; King Jo Duncan's calculation of the quantity seph's plan, 241 ; ailiiir of Major Ge of shot required, why extravagant, neral Slade, 242 ; action of Ballesteros 201. at Bornos, 244. — , 3 June, 1812, troops collecting on — , 25 June, 1812, collection by Mar the Aguedn — magazines in Almeida mont of his army on the Duero, and and Ciudad Rodrigo, supplied, 204; affair on the heights of Villares— Marmont at Salamanca — retreat of movements on the Tormes, 251, 252; the enemy from Truxillo — Soult still reasons for not attacking the enemy at Cadiz — General Hill's position between the 20th and 22nd, 252; south of the Guadiann, 205. progress of the siege of the forts of — , 3 June, 1812, erasure of the name Salamanca — death of General Bowes of Captain Mitchell for the medal of — cipher of King Joseph's orders to Ciudad Rodrigo, 205. Drouet discovered, 253 ; loss of Bal — , 3 June, 1812, enclosing list of offi lesteros at Bornos — investment of As- cers entitled to the medal for Ciudad torgaby Santocildes — successes of the Rodrigo, and a return of officers at guerrillas, 254. tached to divisions at Rolica and — , 25 June, 1812, enclosing Utters in Vimeiro, Talavera and Busaeo, 206. an undiscoverahle cipher, 254. — , 3 June, 1812, disorder in the eyes of — , 30 June, 1812, Cafture of the Sir T. Graham — reasons for re forts at Salamanca, 259 ; expected questing that no officer may he sent reinforcements to Marmont — affairs in but as second in command, 206. Estremadura, 261 ; Astorga attacked — , 7 June, 1812, excessive disadvan by Santocildes — Cabrera — General 170 INDEX.

D Urban — Return of the killed, proposes first to try another plan on wounded, and missing at the forts of the coast of Italy, 285. Salamanca, and on the heights of Vil- Secretary of State. — 14 July, 1812, lares, 262. disappointment from 's de Secretary of State. — 30 Jane, 1812, termination to land in Italy, 285 ; gallant affair of Lieut. Strenuwitz at permanent good effects of the capture Maguilla, 263. of Tarragona, and Valencia, and pro — , 30 June, 1812, remarks on proposed bable result of the Italian expedition, alteration of the certificates for money 286. borrowed, 263 ; impossibility of ob — ,21 July, 1812, passage of the Duero taining any thing but for ready money by Marmont, 294; affair atCastrejon, — arrears of pay of the troops, of the 295 ; concentration of the troops ou Staff, and of the muleteers — impos the Tormes- — object of the enemy to sibility of remaining any length of cut off the communication with Sala time in his forward position, 264. manca and Ciudad Rodrigo, 296 ; — , (Earl Balhursl) 4 July, 1812, satis insulation of the Army of Portugal, faction at his being placed at the head abundant supplies of provisions of the of the War Department, 269 ; terrible French from plunder, and their ex distress for money — power of coping traordinary discipline — reasons for not with Marmont, and anxiety to get Cas- fighting a battle, unless absolutely taiios's Galician corps forward, 270. necessary — junction of troops to Mar — , 7 July, 1812, enclosing copies of mont, 297, 298 ; intended movements, letters relating to operations on the and position of the Spanish and Eastern coast of the Peninsula, 272. French armies — destruction of the — , 7 July, 1812, return of General Gra fort of Mirabete on the Tagus, 298. ham to England, on account of a dis — , 24 July, 1812, Battle of Salamanca, order in his eyes, 273. 299 ; eagles and colors transmitted to — , 7 July, 1812, movement from the the Prince Regent — junction of Ge Guarena — affair at Rueda — obtains neral Santocildes with Cabrera's di possession of the ford over the Duero vision at Benavente, 307. at Polios, 273 ; efforts to discover the — , 24 July, 1812, complete rout of the fords of the Duero — expected arrival enemy — misfortune that prevented of General Santocildes from Astorga their total destruction — request of — Conde de Amarante — Brig. General the Red Riband for Sir S. Cotton, D' Urban — Bonet — General Hill mov 308 ; request of remount horses — wish ing to attack Drouet, 274. to equip more artillery, and of a — , 9 July, 1812, observations on the larger calibre — anxiety of the King proposed arrangements, on Sir T. to collect every thing — probable eva Graham's leaving the army — question cuation of Andalusia if the Anglo- of 's sanity — belief that Lord Sicilian army had appeared ou the W. Bentinck will not come to Spain, Eastern coast — loss of the enemy in 277 ; Bonet joins Marmont — Palom- General Officers, 309. binito move to Valladolid, and cha — , 25 July, 1812, slight character of the racter of his troops — Marmont dis wounds of the British — request for mounts the officers of the army to re additional- medical assistance — -ar mount cavalry — detaches to Astorga rival, and retreat of the King, 312. — Drouet retires to Ribera, 278 ; ru — , 25 July, 1812, halt to recruit the mored siege of Badajoz, 279. troops- — inconvenience of the At — , 9 July, 1812, French retiring from torney and Solicitor General's opinion Usagre into Cordova, 279. on the 24th section of the Articles of — , 14 July, 1812, junction of General War — annoyance from the misbeha Bonet — proposed passage of the vior of a few of the troops — charac Duero at Toro — collections of troops ter required in the person to be sent by the King, at Madrid — strength of by Mr. Suttou, 312; proposed increase the Army of the Centre, 283 ; move of pay to non-commissioned officers, ment of General Hill after Drouet — to depend on their having been two protracted siege of Astorga — strong years in their situation — explanation position of Marmont on the Duero — of the Order in Council respecting superiority of the enemy in artillery, Spanish merchants, satisfactory — pre 284 ; orders for bringing forward the dicted failure of Buonaparte in Russia, remainder of the army of Galicia to the 313. Esla — reinforcements of recruits and — , 28 July, 1812, pursuit of the enemy convalescents — Lord W. Bentinck after the victory, 317; General San PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 171

tocildes requested to move forward to Long, 335, note; position and state the heights of San Roman — retreat of Gen. Ballesteros, 336, 337 ; return of King Joseph on hearing of the of Gen. Roche to Alicante, 338 ; defeat of Marmont — removal of Ge defeat of O'Donnell and Roche by neral Hill to Zafra — report of Balles- Harispe — junction of the 16th French teros's march on another expedition regiment of the Army of the Centre, towards Malaga — effects of Sir H. at Madrid — Lord W. Bentinck re Popham's operations, 318 ; advan sumes the expedition to the Eastern tages that might have accrued from coast — General Espert withdraws the concerted expedition to the East from Segovia, 338. ern coast of the Peninsula — , formi Secretary of State. — 4 Aug., 1812, dable army under Suchet, 319. bad state of health of the troops, and Secretary of State. — 28 July, 1812, by what occasioned, 338,339. request for medical assistance, horses — , 4 Aug., 1812, regret at seeing the for the cavalry and artillery, and finest and bravest soldiers in the money — troops five months in ar world falling victims to their own ir rears of pay — report that Marmout regularities, 339 ; request for regi could not stop to have his arm ments of infantry to come to Coruaa — amputated, 319; loss of the French Staff surgeon and an hospital mate in the battle, and total destruction to accompany them — advantages of of the enemy, if there had been there being no new wine in Galicia — an hour more daylight — General cavalry and artillery horses, and re Clausel in command of the army — , cruits, to go to Lisbon, 340. apprehension of the enemy being too — , 4 Aug., 18 12, duplicates of dispatches strong, after the junction of their sent by the Earl of March by Coruna, forces — convinced that their infantry 341. will make no stand, 320. — ,11 Aug., 1812, clothing of Portuguese — , 31 July, 1812, supply of General army, 350. Mazaredo's regiment with aims and — , 13 Aug., 1812, retreat of the enemy clothing, 324. to Burgos, and movement on the — , 3 Aug., 1812, thanks for the supply King, 352; affair at Majalahonda — of money, and its effects on the cost flight of Portuguese cavalry, 353; for grain, 329. capture of Colonel de Jonquieres — — , 3 Aug., 1812, observations on good conduct of the Portuguese ca 's opinion, in his letter to the Earl valry officers — capture of the Visconde of Liverpool, that the Spanish cause de Barbacena — conduct of the brave would derive " no real aid" from the German cavalry, and of the horse ar expediiion to the Eastern coast, with tillery, 354 ; entry into Madrid, 35J, remarks on the disadvantage with 355; the Retiro — surrender of Torde- which every service is carried on by sillas — defeat of O'Donnell — good officers who are of opinion that their conduct of the troops under General efforts will be useless, 329 ; advantages Roche, 355. to be derived from the expedition, — , 13 Aug., 1812, siege of Zarnora — pointed out, 330 ; proposed original Xoro — good political effect of moving design of only a short service on the to Madrid — security of packets against East coast, but expediency of an ex American privateers, 356 ; improve tension of the first plans under the ment of the health of the troops, present position of Lord Wellington 357. in Castile, 331 ; maritime operations — , 15 Aug., 1812, capitulation of the for the expedition indicated, and re Retiro, 358 ; eagles of the 13th and quest that the Sicilian troops may not 15th regiments — operations on the be withdrawn from the Peninsula in East coast against Suchet — Balles the second week in September, 332. teros, 359; Sir R. Hill— movement — ,&Aug., 1812, object of the enemy in of a detachment of the army uf Por returning to Segovia, 333 ; entry into tugal towards Valladolid — killed and Valladolid — operations to prevent a wounded at Majalahonda and the Re junction of the Army of the Centre tiro — landing of General Maitland at with the Army of Portugal — retreat Alicante — junction of General Ross of the latter towards Burgos — siege with the troops at Carthageua, or of Astorga, and communication of dered, 360. Santocildes with the left of the Bri — , 18 Aug., 1812, request of a heavy tish — movements in Estremadura — brigade of 24 pounders, 366. cavalry affair at Ribera, under General — , 18 Apg. 1812, retreat of the King 172 INDEX.

from Ocafia — abandonment of Toledo Valencia, 388 ; movements on the — movement of the troops to the Kscu- Eastern coast — General Maitland re rial — surrender of Guadalaxara, 366 ; tires upon Alicante — O'Donnell moves enemy's movement on Valladolid — to the northward — Astorga capitulates advantages in the enemy's withdraw — arrival of Foy at Zamora — assem ing the garrisons from Astorga, Torn bly of the troops at Arcvalo, 389 ; pro and Zamora — General Clinton — Sir posed communication with the army R. Hill— Gen. Villatte returns to the of Galicia, and expulsion of the parties blockade at Cadiz — Ballesleros takes of the Army of Portugal from the 300 prisoners at Osuna, 367 ; Sir R. Duero — reported evacuation of Anda Hill released from the necessity of at lusia by Soult — operations of General tending to the movements of the La Cruz— expected junction of Sir army in Castille, 367, 368 ; directions R. Hill — repairing the bridge at Al- to Maj. Gen. Cooke to attack the maraz, 390. blockading army before Cadiz, 368. Secretary of State. — 7 Sept., 1812, Sbcrbtahy of Statu.— 18 Aug., 1812, thanks for the provision made for him, inadequate expenditure of ammunition 402. at Cadiz, 368. — , 7 Sept., 1812, rectifies the omission — , 18 Aug., 1812, bills drawn on the of General Bock's name, and of the Treasury, 368 ; evil consequences of names of other officers, 402. the want of money — efforts made by — , 7 Sept., 1812, movement from Arevalo the Government — error in employing — Gen. Foy carries off the garrison of the Bank to make the purchase of Zamora — zealous conduct of the Conde bullion — advantages of a monthly re de Amarante, 403; remnant of the mittance of 100,000l. in specie, 369 ; Army of Portugal cross the Pisuerga — Lord W. Bentinck to be prevented Castanos requested to put himself in from carrying off dollars from Gibral communication — intention to push the tar — necessity of taking Zamora and Army of Portugal preparatory to ope Toro — intended direct movement on rations to the southward — reported Soult — must have possession of the raising of the siege of Cadiz — garrison whole course of the Duero — Beresford of Cuenca taken prisoners — Generals to command the Galician army- Maitland and Ross, 404. little expectation from the Spaniards, — , 8 Sept., 1812, expediency of ap 370 ; opinion that the Government pointing a Board to consider claims in and Cortes should come to Ciudad the Peninsula for supplies furnished Roclrigo or the frontiers of Galicia, to the British army, 409. 370. * — , 8 Sept., 1812, allies enter Seville — — , 20 Aug., 1812, requests permission to General Hill will move to the bridge accept the Order of the Golden Fleece, of Almaraz — congratulations, 409. 372. — , 8 Sept., 1812, dispatches sent by the — , 24 Aug., 1812. inadequacy of the pay messenger, Mr. Vick — detention of the as Commander in Chief, 378. Earl of March at Coruna — security of — , 25 Aug., 1812, march of the King packets, 410. towards Valencia — movements on the — , 8 Sept., 1812, thanks for the heraldic East coast — General Anson on the Du honor — conduct of at re ero- — Gen. Foy carries off the garrison ceiving the Order of the Bath, 410; of Toro — Zamora blockaded by the General Fane — General Bock, 411; Comic de Amarante — -French expedi his son's title, 412. tion to Astorga, 379 ; motive for sug — , 12 Sept., 1812, misled by Sir H. gesting to General Santocildes being Popham in sending the Earl of March on the Esla — Spanish inefficiency, in to Coruna — evacuation of Andalusia, not taking Astorga — consequences of and military backwardness of the Spa Gen. Clinton's not moving to Olmeilo niards — strength of the Galicians — expedition against Niebla, 380 ; which join under Santocildes — slow movements of the Army of the South, progress of operations northward — and caution to General Maitland to delay in General Hill's receiving the secure Alicante and Carthagena order to cross the Tagus, 423. against a coup de main — Major Gen. — ,13 Sept., 1812, incompleteness in dis Cooke to make a direct attack on the covering the cipher of the intercepted enemy 'b posts before Cadiz, 381. letters, 427 ; request to have those — , 30 Aug., 1812, encloses a return of deciphered, 428. intrenching tools required, 388. — , 13 Sept., 1812, pursuit of the Army — , 30 Aug., 1812, march of the King into of Portugal — junction of the Galician PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 173

army — detail of the Raising the the Tagus, between Aranjuez and Blockade of Cadiz — attack made on Toledo — Ballesteros at Granada, Soult's rear guard by Gen. La Cruz and 473. Colonel Skerrelt, 428 ; march of Soult Secretary of State. — 5 Oct., 1812, upon Granada, of Drouet on Jaen — accepts the command of the Spa Ballesteros and La Cruz in pursuit — nish troops, if approved by H. R. H. instructions to General Cooke to send the Prince Regent, 474 ; unmilitary troops to join the Marquis of Welling composition of the Spanish troops — ton — General Cooke to remain at Ca mode of improving them, by the ap diz — movement of troops to Seville plication of subsidy to the pay orders to Sir R. Hill to cross the ment of those troops actually em Tagus, and move on Oropesa, ployed in co-operation with the allied 429. British and Portuguese army — -pre Secretary of State. — 20 Sept., 1812, caution against the pretensions of the copies of letters transmitted, 434. Spanish Government to direct the — , 21 Sept., 1812, junction of por operations of the war, 475. tion of the army of Galicia, and arri — , 11 Oct., 1812, sorties by the enemy val of Castauos — retreat of the enemy from Burgos — Major Hon. C. Cocks to Briviesca, 440; report of the Prince killed, 482 ; want of musket ammuni of Kssling coming to take the com tion, and progress of the siege — rein mand of the Army — position of the forcement of the enemy on the Ebro, Castle of Burgos — assault and capture 483 ; junction of Soult with the King, of the hurnworkof San Miguel, 441 ; and occupation of Albacete — list of passage of the Arlanzon — march of killed and wounded at the Castle of Hill to Toledo — retreat of Bu-gos, 484. Soult's corps through Valencia, and — , 17 Oct.. 1812, arms, &c, furnished to possibility of their endeavoring to Mina, 496. pass through La Mancha, 442. — ,17 Oct., 1812, observations on the dis — , 21 Sept..\S12, letters from Gen. Mait- ciplining of Spanish troops by British land — reinforcements for the Army of officers — proposed mode of paying the Portugal — hope of driving the enumy effective operating Spanish army, by beyond the Ebro — insignificance of the an application of the subsidy, 496. Spaniards ,— , General Paget — Spa — , 17 Oct., 1812, deficit in Portuguese niards no cavalry — inutility of guer finances, aud remedies proposed for it rillas in serious operations — cause of in augmentations of revenue, 497 ; im the loss on the 19th, 443. practicability of the plan of selling — ,21 Sept., 1812, deficiency of reserve Crown lands, 499 ; impolicy of putting officers in the civil departments — rule Church lands up to sale, 500,501. for absent Staff officers, 444. — , 18 Oct., 1812, review of the state of — , 27 Sept., 1812, operations against the the Ordnance Establishment with the Castle of Burgos — position of the Army, 504. enemy on the Ebro — march of Soult — , 26 Oct., 1812, escalade of the second to Valencia— Sir R. Hill, 455 ; Gen. line of the Castle of Burgos, 512; Kii.i takes the command of O'Don- movements of the enemy, and raising nelTs troops, 456. the siege, 513, 514; arrival on the — , 27 Sept., 1812, delay in supplying Carrion — junction of the Guards from medical assistance — bad consequences Coruna, 516 ; passage of the Pisuerga, of the practice of the Medical Board in promoting to vacancies, 456 ; ad — , 28 Oct., 1812, arrival of the enemy vantages of promoting those on the opposite, and comparative strength of spot, 457. the French and allied forces, 519 ; — , 27 Sept., 1812, recommendation of Dr. consequences of the evacuation of An M'Grigor — sickness and mortality of dalusia — and doubtful result of a bat the new regiments — neglect of food tle to save the siege of Burgos, 521. by the noncommissioned officers, 457 ; — , 29 Oct., 1812,remittauce of guineas, difficulties of taking the Castle of and proposed rate of paying them to Burgos, 457, 458. the troops, 522. — , 5 Oct., 1812, explosion of the mine, — , 31 Oct., 1812, operations of the ene and troops established within the exte my, and of the British army, to the rior line, 472 ; enemy on the Ebro — passage of the Duero, 524; Sir R. movements of Soult and King Joseph Hill on the Jarama, 525 ; killed, — relinquishment of command by Gen. wounded, and missing from the 22d Maitlaud — position of Sir R. Hil Ion to the 29th Oct., 526. 174 INDEX.

Secretary of State. — 31 Oct., 1812, war, 562 ; probability of the enemy's escapes from the worst military posi cantoning in Old Cast ille, and waiting tion he ever was in — foreign officers the arrival of reinforcements, 563. recommended for the medal, 526. Secretary of State. — 19 Nov., 1812, — ,3 Nov., 1812, position of the enemy killed, wounded, and missing, from on the Duero, 533 ; arrival of General the 15th Nov. to the 19th, 563. Hill on the Adaja, and Spanish troops — , 25 Nov., 1812, head quarters of the with him — instructions to Elio, Villa King at Valladolid, Soult's at Sala Campa, Bassecourt, and Freyre to cross manca, 575 ; indiscreet decree of the the Tagus at Toledo, and join Balles- Cortes — cantonments of the allies on teros, 534; re-entry of the French into the Agueda and Coa — return of miss Madrid — paucity of enemy's force in ing men, and death of stragglers, 576. Valencia, and proposed attack on — , 25 Nov., 1812, opinion on the supply them by General Mackenzie — Suchet of Portuguese troops from the Royal — Longa — Santona — Catfarelli, 535. magazines in Spain, 576. — , 3 Nov., 1812, expediency of Sir J. — , 2 Dec, 1812, on the rank in the Murray being sent to command the allied array of Sir W. Beresford, as troops on the Eastern coast, 535. Marshal of the Portuguese army, — , 5 Nov. 1812, case of Mr. , who 593. left the army without leave, 538. — , 2 Dec, 1812, passage of the Tormes — , 7 Abv.,1812, arguments for carrying by the enemy, and cantonments of the the war into the South of France, in army in Coria, on the Douro and the event of the French withdrawing Mondego, and on the Agueda, 598, from Spain, and inexpediency of trans 599 ; positions of the Spanish armies, ferring the army to the North of Eu 599. rope, or to Italy, 542. — , 2 Dec., 1812, proposes taking the — , 8 Nov., 1812, reasons against the field in the spriug, and requests all junction in front of Tordesillas, and reinforcements may be sent by the 1st march of Sir R. Hill tq Alba de Tor- of February — proposed visit to Cadiz, mes, 543 ; corps of the army in want 599. of rest — reinforcements to the enemy's — , 9 Dec, 1812, encloses a return of army, and its then strength — return field equipment required, 616. of Caffarelli to the north — force — , 9 Dec, 1812, Soult in the valley of brought from Valencia to the Tagus, the Tagus — Spanish troops at Madrid 544 ; position on the Tonnes, and in — General W. Clinton not strong tention of bringing the contest to a enough to attack Suchet — Caffarelli crisis at San Christoval — question of reported to be gone to France with the necessity of General Clinton's hav the division of the Imperial Guard, ing possession of Alicante, 545. 616. — , 19 Nov., 1812, passage of the Tormes — , 11 Dec, 1812, request of 10,000 by General Hill, and position of the great coats, 632. army on the heights of San Christo — , 20 Dec, 1812, arrival at Badajoz— val, 557 ; transactions at Alba, 558, no alteration in the situation of note ; march to attack the enemy, 559 ; affairs, 634. strong post of the enemy atMozarbas, — , 26 Dec, 1812, bat and forage to and movement of the British army to marines aud naval officers serving on Ciudad Rodrigo, 560 ; Sir E. Paget the North coast of Spain, x. 6, 7. taken prisoner — Caffarelli remains with — , 26 Dec, 1812, expediency of rein the Army of Portugal — evacuation of forcing his arm v rather than the one Madrid by King Joseph and his civil on the Eastern coast, and request to authorities — cause of Ballesteros' dis General Campbell to suspend the obedience of orders — the whole of execution of the order to send troops the enemy's disposable force, proba to Malta, 7. bly 90,000 men, on the Tormes, 561 ; — , 26 Dec,,8. 1812, complaint of Colonel amount of the British and allied forces, and inexpediency of risking — , 26 Dec, 1812, request of a report on an action on ground selected and the practice of Mr. Roebuck's ord strengthened by the French — prevail nance, to judge of the expediency of ing sense in the French army of the giving them to the Spanish troops, 9. inutility of attempting the conquest — , 27 Dec, 1812, alteration in the or of Spain till the allied army is ganization of the cavalry, 11. subdued — impracticability of the — ,29 Dec, 1812, clothing and accou French making Portugal the seat of trements for 40,000 men to be for PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 175

warded to Lisbon, and 10,000 to Secretary of Spate.— 3 Feb., 1813, Cadiz, 13. movement of a division of the Army Secretary of State. — 1 Jan., 1813, of Reserve to Seville — Mendizabal arrival at Cadiz — removal of head forced to retire from Bilbao — blockade quarters by King Joseph to Madrid — of Santona raised — garrison at Salinas Soult's at Toledo — Duquedel Farque, de ASana taken by Longa — Alicante, 17. 85. — , 1 Jan., 1813, thanks of Parliament — , 10 Feb., 1813, anticipated sieges in for the battle of Salamanca — acci the north of Spain, and request of dental omission of names of General heavy ordnance and stores to be sent Officers present, 17. to Corufia, 104. — , 1 /im.,1813, requests to know whe — , 10 Feb., 1813, claim of officers of ther two companies of the Chasseurs the navy, as agents of transports, and Britanniques ordered from Cadiz to of officers of marines employed in es Lisbon shall be replaced by enlisted corting stores, to bat and forage, 1 05. deserters at Gibraltar — intended visit — , 10 Feb., 1813, requests permission to Lisbon to invest Sir C. Stuart, for officers to accept the Order of the 17, 18. Tower and Sword, 106. — , 18 Jan., 1813, arrangements, and — , 10 Feb., 1813, discipline of the disposal of his time, at Cadiz — pro troops — outrages of the soldiers, and ceeding to head quarters, 31 ; French measures for punishing and prevent preparing for a movement — army ing them, 106 ; proposed alteration in gaining strength, 32. the military law, 107. — , 19 Jan., 1813, sends Count Nugent — , 10 Feb., 1813, march of Palombini's to Vienna, 32. Italian division northward, 107. — , 26 Jan., 1813, improbability of an — , 10 Feb., 1813, collection of Watte- insurrection in France and Holland, ville's regiment previous to going to and detention of the Prince of Orange, America, and clothing wanted— strong 39 ; Lord Temple's motion on affairs defensive system recommended for Sir in the Peninsula, 40. G. Prevost, 108. — , 26 Jan., 1813, decision respecting — , 10 Feb., 1813, increase of pay to Dr. Sir W. Beresford's rank in the army M'Grigor, 109. requested, 40. — , 10 Feb., 1813, assumption of title of — , 27 Jan., 1813, blockade of Santona — Sir by knights of the Tower and operations on the Northern coast, 48. Sword, 109. — , 27 Jan., 1813, ordnance equipment — , 10 Feb., 1813, destruction by the for the army, 48 ; state of that of the enemy of the remaining colleges and French army, 49. other large buildings at Salamanca, to — , 27 Jan., 1813, junction of the three obtain firewood, 109; recommenda French armies at Madrid, under King tion of portable hospitals for the sick, Joseph — names of the Generals of 110. the Armies of Portugal, Centre, and —,11 Feb., 1813,listof English officers South — movement of the division from for the medal of Salamanca, and Spa Avila — Mina and Longa — arrival of nish officers recommended, 111. reinforcements from Alicante — can — , 1.4 Feb., 1813, Spanish and Portu tonments of the British and Portu guese Governments apprized of the guese, 50 ; prospect of taking . the proposed employment of Russian field early, with a greater force than troops in the Peninsula, 120. hitherto — hope of bringing into the — , 14 Feb., 1813, Mr. Mackenzie, 120. field some efficient Spanish troops, — , 17 Feb., 1813, 50,000 stands of 51. arms in the course of the year a suffi — , 27 Jan., 1813, reduces the 2d bat cient supply for all the allied armies, talion, 58th reg., to four companies 124. — value of old soldiers over those — , 17 Feb., 1813, incomplete equip newly arrived, 51. ment in horses, and expediency of — , 27. Jan., 1813, review of the arrange attending, in preference, to the equip ments made with the Spanish Govern ping of Tiis army — restricted opera ment for the organization of the army, tions of the army on the Eastern 52 ; defects of the constitution, 53 ; coast, 125. provision for the subsistence of the — , 17 Feb., 1813, capture and ransom military, 55. of the Canada horse transport, 125. — , 2 Feb., 1813, enclosing a letter from — , 17 Feb., 1813, Polish cavalry gone Don Diego Correa, 78. into France — Italian infantry going 176 INDEX.

to France — horses of infantry officers Secretary of State. — 16 March, taken by Soult to mount cavalry, 1813, proposed omission of the ' 125; passage of the Tormes by the clause to enable Courts Martial to French troops on a plundering expe receive written testimony, which dition, 126. makes the presence of the accused Secretary ov State. — 24 Feb., 1813, necessary when the written depo re pulse of the enemy in their attempted sitions are taken against him, 200 ; surprise at Bejar — collection of 5000 remedy required for the defeat of or 6000 of the enemy at Benavente justice, when a witness is unwilling — iucursion beyond the Esla, 139. to attend, not when ho is not capable — , 24 Feb., 1813, requisition of 10,000 — proposition that all summonses of stands of arms for the Portuguese witnesses to attend a British Court troops, 140. Martial should proceed from the Go — , 24 Feb., 1813, formation of a Staff vernment — refusal of Portuguese ma Corps of cavalry for the purposes of gistrates to attend to give evidence — police — Corps of Guides' formed, 140 ; Mr. Larpent, 201. and services performed by them, 141. — , 17 March, 1813, arrival of detach — , 24 Feb., 1813, requisition of 20,000 ments of De Watteville's corps ut sets of black accoutrements for the Cadiz — -clothing not arrived, 207. Spanish army, 141 ; horse appoint — , 17 March, 1813, march of Soult to ments for 40L'0 Spanish cavalry, 142. the northward — of troops to Avila — — , 3 March, 1813, encloses a letter retreat of the troops from the Esla — from General Campbell respecting affairs of Longa, 207. the 2d Italian regiment, 163. — , 21 March, 1813, Mr. Mackenzie, — , 3 March, 1813, daily state— 2000 and the Russian troops, 221 ; refusal Portuguese infantry returned on of German troops — unfounded insur command, who are on furlough rections in Italy, 222. with their friends — stronger than — , 24 March, 1813, certificates for loan, ever since he commanded the 229. army — 1500 horses wanted to com — , 24 March, 1813, movements of the plete the aitillery equipment, 163 ; Armies of the South and Centre, 230. progress with the Spanish army- — , 24 March, 1813, exchange of pri improbability of realizing any re soners — difficulty of Buonaparte's sources from the country— appro forming another army, without the priation of half the subsidy — -advan old officers and soldiers, prisoners in tages of the monthly 100,000/.— England or Russia — paucity of Eng requisition of clothing for 100,000 lish and Portuguese prisoners with Spanish troops for the year 1813, the French — worthlessness of Spanish 164; military agents could be dis prisoners, 230. pensed with, 165. — , 30 March, 1813, copious supply of — , 3 March, 1813, proposed re-attack on money — price of silver come to its the post at Bejar — movements on the standard, gold falling rapidly — slight Esla, 165. realization of revenue from the Spa — , 9 March, 1813, motives for detain nish provinces — dependence of the ing second battalions and forming result of the campaign on a large them into provisional battalions, 174 ; efficient force of Spaniards — debts to inefficiency of troops from all coun muleteers, and desertion by them, tries, till acclimated — amount of 245 ; new head of expense, bounty on troops of the second battalions, and re-enlistment of British soldiers', 246. willingness to obey orders with ala — , 31 March, 1813, dispatch No. 105— crity, 175. applications by French officers, de — , 10 March, 1813, recall of Caffarelli, serters, to be provided for, 248. relieved by Clausel, and of Soult, — , 31 March, 1813, arrival of the King relieved by Gazan — reinforcement of at Valladolid — position of the Army 4000 men arrived at BuTgos — expedi of Portugal and of the South, 248 ; tion beyond the Esla for plunder, 177. Sir J. Murray's success at .Alcoy, — , 10 March, 1813, conduct of the 249. Cortes respecting the Russian troops, — , 4 April, 1813, Prince of Orange 178. wishes to join the King of Prussia, — , 16 March, 1813, improvements in 256. the medals — cross and star — how to — , 7 April, 1813, iutentiou of Sir J. be worn, 199; names of Alava and Murray to detach General Roche to O'Lawlor, 200. the rear of the enemy, 271 ; recall of PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 177

Sicilian troops by Lord W. Bentiuck south of Madrid — positions of the —encloses extract of answer respect other armies — time for putting in ing feeding the Spanish troops by the motion the British and Portuguese British Commissariat, 272. army — orders for commencing ope Skcbkiaby of State. — 7 April, 1813, rations on the Eastern coast, 309. position of the King, and of the Army Secrktauy of State. — 21 April, 1813, of the South — Suchet at San Felipe surplus in animals by the purchase of •le Xativa — affairs of Generals Whit- mules — difference in the account of tingham and D.mkin, 272. horses explained — want of drivers, and — , 7 April, 1813, distress of Napoleon inexpediency of taking them from the for money, 272 ; Emperor of Austria infantry — advantage in the purchase of suspected in the beginning of March horses in England over mules in Spain — no rain, and no appearance of grass — strength in cavalry, but inferiority to — movement early in May — losses of the French — revolutionary proceed equipments on the coast from pri ings of the Cortes, 310; intended vateers — will have more than 40,000 endeavor to get them removed from British infantry and cavalry, 273. Cadiz, 311 ; proposed recurrence, with — , 10 April, 1813, ought not to issue regard to the Spanish colonies, to the warrants for bat and forage allow principles in Lord Liverpool's dispatch ances to officers of the marines and to the Government of Curagoa, 312. navy, except under special command, — , 21 April, 1813, injury to the mili 276. tary chest by the merchants' pur — , 13 April, 1813, accounts of the Com chasing the Commissariat securities missary General, Sir R. Kennedy, — remedy adopted for the evil, and 287. request that the system may be con — , 13 April, 1813, bill to enable officers tinued of compelling the holders to commanding detachments to assemble lodge a sum in the military chest Courts Martial — Mr. Larpent's ob equal to the amount of the Com servations on it, 290 ; with the Mar missariat bill, 312 — 314. quis of Wellington's observations on — , 22 April, 1813, requests leave to the preceding, 291. accept the title of Duque da Victoria, — , 14 April, 1813, recommendation of 316. General Pakenham to be Adjutant — , 22 April, 1813, requests leave for General, 294. Marshal Beresford to accept the title — , 14 April, 1813, movements of the of Marquez de Campo Mayor, 3 1 7. enemy and positions of their armies, — , 28 April, 1813, same cantonments of 295. the enemy — closing of cantonments of — , 14 April, 1813, proposed movement the British and Portuguese, 336. of the troops on the 1st of May — — ,30 April, 1813, successful affair of dryness of the winter and spiing, and Sir J. Murray with Suchet, 337. probable effects on the new cavalry — — , 5 May, 1813, Sir J. Murray defeats consequences of the want of horses, Suchet at Castalla — enemy's detach 295; inferiority to the enemy in ar ment to Toledo — rain delays the ar tillery — remount in France of between rival of equipments, but the troops 30,000 and 40,000 horses — proposed march immediately, 352. price and age for horses, 296. — , 5 Mny, 1813, detail of the trans — , 20 April, 1813, danger from pri actions of the 11th, 12th, and 13th of soners at Coruiia, and proposed re April, 353, note; healthiness and moval of them to England, 306. strength of ihe British army — gained — , 20 April, 1813, General Alteu's opi in strength 25,000 men since going nion of the expediency of keeping into cantonments, 357. the German Legion in the Peninsula — , 5 May, 1813, opinion of the British — medal should be worn at the button merchants at Lisbon, and discon hole by the military, 307. tinuance of the purchases of com, — ,21 April, 1813, leave of absence to 357. Major General Couke, 308. — , 6 May, 1813, imporlance of security — , 21 April, 1813, certificates for loan, to the navigation of the coasts of 308 ; reasons for iusisting on for Spain and Portugal — Sir G. Collier malities in transfer — proposition of requested to station afiigate off Cape Mr. Costello — not one granted, 309. Finistene, 361. — , 21 April, 1813, evacuation of To — , 7 May, 1813, state of clothing sup ledo by the enemy — Leval in Ma plied to the Spanish armies, in 1812 drid — General Baron Soult to the and 1813,362, 17S INDRX.

Secretary OF State. — 10 May, 1813, arrival of Sir T. Graham on the Esla, reasons for agreeing to the purchase of and passage of the river, 409 ; retreat corn in Brazil and Egypt, 371 ; Sir J. of the enemy on Toro — junction of Murray proposes to execute the pre French troops, their probable re scribed plan for the attack on Tarra treat across the Duero, and evacuation gona — proposed operations to turn the of Madrid — reported evacuation of enemy's position on the Duero — can Castro Urdiales by the Spaniards, never have a better opportunity of 410; P. S. entry into Toro, ib. trying the fate of a battle — delay by Secretary of State. — 4 June, 1813, the bridge, 372 ; dishonesty of Eng number of transports in the Peninsula, lish contractors — will send the Prince and where employed, 416. of Orange home, 373. — , 5 June, 1813, justice of the claims of — , 12 May, 1813, encloses Sir J. Sir N. Trant, 418. Murray's report, and requests the — , 6 June, 1813, arrival of the army at attention of His Royal Highness may Toro — particulars of the affair at be drawn to the conduct of Sir J. Morales, 421 ; surprise of enemy's Murray and his troops, 377. post at Castro Nuiio — movements on , — , 16 May, 1813, force with which the Duero — magazines and ammu Lord W. Bentinck ought to embark nition left at Valladolid and Zamora in Italy, 384; south of Italy the — passage of the Carrion, and retreat best scene of operations for a British to Burgos— garrison of Castro Ur army, 385. diales brought off, 423. — , 18 May, 1813, requisition of car — , 6 June, 1813, Mr. Dawkins sent to riages and pontoons, 388. examine and pass Sir R. Kennedy's — , 18 May, 1813, character of the accounts, 424. Prince of Orange, and causes of de — , 13 June, 1813, enclosing the report laying his departure for Prussia, 390. of the capture of Castro Urdiales, 434. — , 19 May, 1813, movement of all the — ) 13 June, 1813, passageof the Pisuer- troops for the Duero — movement of pa, and reconnaissance of Burgos, 434 ; the Duque del Parque, 391. destruction of the castle by the ene — , 24 May, 1813, key of the cipher, my, and proposed passage of the and encloses parts made out by Lieut. Euro by the allied forces, 435 ; posi Colonel Scovell without reference to tion of the Spanish armies on the the key, 397. Eastern coast, and sailing of Sir J. .— , 25 May, 1813, movements of the Murray — proposed repair of the castle left of the army, 398 ; evacuation by of Burgos, 436. the enemy of Ledesma, approach to — , 13 June, 1813, healthy and orderly the Tormes, precautions to secure the state of the army, 436. junction of the right of the army — , 19 June, 1813, passage of the Ehro, with the left — enemy at Madrid — and pursuit of the enemy to the Sir J. Murray — army of reserve of Bayas, 444 ; Pancorbo dismantled by Andalusia, under the Conde de la the enemy — return of the killed, Bisbal, to cross the Tagus at Al- wounded, and missing, from the 12th maraz — attack by Longa of a convoy to the 19th June, 1813,445. under General Rouyer, 399. — , 22 June, 1813, Battle of Vitoria, . — , 25 May, 1813, requisition of field 446 ; return of the killed, wounded, equipment, to be sent to Corufia, and missing, and of ordnance, &c, 399. captured, 453. — , 25 May, 1813, the morning state — — , 24 June, 1813, pursuit to Pamplona, troops healthier than ever known to and retreat of Clausel, 456; affair he — equipments captured at sea, and of Colonel Llauderin Catalonia, 457 ; insecurity of coast navigation — Duke General Mina's accounts of the land of York's decision to take four regi ing of Sir J.Murray iu Catalonia, and ments of cavalry, and expediency of capture of the Coll de Balaguer and of an increase of cavalry at the close of Tarragona, 458. the campaign, 400. — , 24 June, 1813, fallacies of the Com — , 31 May, 1813, proposed purchase of missary in Chief — insecurity of the horses in Brazil, and amount of the communication by sea, and capture of hire of transport for each horse, 4U8. vessels on the coast of Portugal — want — , 31 May, 1813, arrival of the troops of ammunition and magazines, 458 ; at Salamanca, and cavalry affairs necessity of increased naval force at with the enemy, 408; attack on Lisbon for the transport of money Alba, and retreat of the_ enemy — 409. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 179

Secretary ov State. — 26 June, 1813, the instructions to Sir J. Murray, nature of Mr. Sampayo's grain con 507. tract, 462, 463. Secretary of State. — 3 July, 1813, — , 26 June, 1813, retreat of the enemy publication of the dispatches to Sir J. by Koncesvalles — investment of Pam Murray of the ,14th and 23d April, plona — Colonel Longa captures six requested, 508 ; siege of San Sebastian pieces of artillery — General Graham cannot be undertaken till known whe to the left towards Tolosa, 463 ; ope ther secure at sea, 509. rations at Tarragona, 464. — , 9 July, 1813, detachmentsof cavalry — , 26 June, 1813, request of battering and infantry to be sent to Santander trains to be sent to Santander — about — expediency of forming a dep6t for to use the 12 pounder ordnance taken the army at Falmouth, or at Ply from the enemy, 464. mouth, 517; proposed transmission — ,29 June, 1813, request to send rein of money to Santander, 518. forcements to Santander, 472 ; disor — , 9 July, 1813, convenience from five derly conduct of the troops on the or six well found transports, draw night of the battle of Viloria, and ing not more than twelve feet water, consequent loss of men — disgraceful being attached to the depot, to ascend conduct of the new regiments, 473. the river of Bilbao, 518. — , 29 June, 1813, state of the parties — , 9 July, 1813, want of means of com in the Cortes — removal of Castanos, munication with England with cele and appointment of General Lacy rity and certainty — Sir G. Collier in Galicia — foolish proceedings of obliged to quit his station, to block the Government at Cadiz respecting ade San Sebastian by sea — 12,500 the Constitution ami the Inquisition men less under arms, than on the ,— resistance of the clergy, 474 ; expe day before the battle of Vitoria — diency of putting down the Repub concealed in the mountains, 519. lican system, 475. — , 9 July, 1813, encloses copy of a — , 2 July, 1813, inconveniences from private letter of the 7th, and a dis want of sea communication with Lis patch of the 9 th, from Sir J. Murray, bon — use of French ammunition — 519. two months required to convey the — , 10 July, 1813, march of Clausel from money by land, 495. Zaragoza — bridge of Iran destroyed — , 2 July, 1813, indiscipline of the by the enemy — preparations against army, and consequent diminution of San Sebastian — dislodgment of the strength by it, with a comparative French from the Baztan by Sir R. statement of the British and Por Hill, 520 ; retreat into France — tuguese before and after the 17th of blockade of Pamplona — pro! able ter June, 495, 496. mination of operations or the siege of — ,2 July, 1813, consents to Lord W. San Sebastian — Lord W. Bentinck Bentinck taking the Anglo Sicilian proposes to move forward — unfortu corps from Spam, 497. nate event of Sir J. Murray not — , 3 July. 1813, application for resti proceeding immediately from Tarra tution of property lost in captured fri gona to Valencia, 521 ; return of the gates at the commencement of the killed, wounded, and missing from war, 500. the 4th to the 8th July, 1813, 522. — , 3 July , 1813, march to intercept the — , 10 July, 1813, request for security retreat of Clausel, 501 ; retreat of the for the coast, and difficulties in for enemy into France by the Bidasoa — ac warding stores from Corufia to San tions of SirT. Graham — good conduct tander — if the ship with the shoes of the Spanish and Portuguese — eva should be taken, they must halt for cuation of Guetaria, and blockade of six weeks, 522. San Sebastian, 502 ; capitulation of — , 12 July, 1813, prospect of speedily Puncorbo, 503, note ; raising of the obtaining San Sebastian — advantages sie^e of Tarragona by Sir J. Murray of getting well settled in the Pyrenees, — Lord W. Bentinck brings back the 523 ; inexpediency of his going to army to Alicante, 505 ; Duque del Germany— question of the Ebro settled, Parque — apprehended withdrawal of and recommendation not to give up an the enemy from the Fast, and throw inch of Spanish territory — can hold ing his army on the right flank of the Pyrenees as easily as he can Por the British, and military reasons for tugal — Gahcia submitting to the de a blockade only of Pamplona, 506. cree about the Inquisition — impolicy — , 3 July, 1813, extent and nature of of any declaration against tiieLiberalei. ISO

524 ; political crisis to be waited for killed, wounded and missing from the — Sucliet retires towards the Ebro, 25th July to the 2d Aug., 599. 525. Secretary of State. — 4 Aug., 1813, Secretary of State. — 18 July, 1813, question of the Court Martial on Sir Pasages appointed lor infantry detach J. Murray on the Eastern coast. 599. ments, Bilbao for cavalry — equipments — , 4 Aug., 1813, promotion of Captain and intrenching tools with which each Fremantle for bringing home tidings man should be provided, 540. of victory, 599. — , 19 July, 1813, Sir J. Murray's un — , 4 Aug., 1813, promotion of Major necessary and ill-judged loss of his Canning, 600. cannon, 543 ; desirable that he should — . 4 Aug., 1813, sea communication be not return to command the army, 544. tween San Sebastian and the French •— , 19 July, 1813, intelligence obtained army — boats at Pasages navigated by the enemy from the newspapeis, by women, 600. and from the dispatches — statement — , 4 Aug., 1813, requisition of 5000 of the diminution of the army — defi stands of arms and accoutreifients — cient protection to the coast, 544. healthiness of the troops — diminished — , 19 July, 1813, occupation of Vera — number of British troops in propor storm of the Convent of San Bartolo- tion to the foreigners, 601. meo — attack by Mina on General — , 7 Aug., 1813, eligibility of the coast Paris, 515; Sucliet evacuates Valencia of the Mediterranean for the tiial — Lord 1V. Bentinck — garrison ' of of Sir J. Murray, 611. Segorbe withdrawn — Akauiz blown — , 7 Aug., 1813, violation of the agree tip by General Severoli — Uritish and ment in appointing successors to Gen. Portuguese troops relieved in the Castauos and Giron, not in removing blockade of Pamplona by the Condi) those generals, and expediency and de la Bisbal — repulse of two sorties policy of suspending the execution of — P.S. — Sir T. Graham's report on the the orders delivered by Sir H. Wel- attack of the couvent near San Sebas lesley, 611,612. tian, 546, note. — , 7 Aug., 1813, ordnance equipments , — , 20 July, 1813, inconvenience from required for the siege of San Sebas the removal of Mr. from Lisbon, tian, 612. andoi Mr.Bissett from Gibraltar — lime — , 3 Aug., 1813, proposition of the Due required to give experience in the bu de Berri, and question of the policy of siness of procuring money and supplies, an immediate invasion of France, 613, 557. 614 ; line of conduct for the House of —,20 July, 1813, march of Lord W. Bourbon, and expediency of a decla Bentinck to the Ebro, with battering ration from the Northern Powers, of train — intends to blockade Murvie- the extent of their perseverance in the dro and Pefiiscola — Suchet collecting contest, with a view to dethrone Buo his force in Catalonia — -want of naval naparte, 615. means, 558. — , 9 Aug., 1813, increase of the army /-- 1 Aug., 1813, failure at San Sebas within 2000 or 3000 of the number in tian on the 25th July — siege converted the ranks before the late battles — sur iuto a blockade for want of ammuni render to French peasantry of 70 or 80 tion — Marshal Soult appointed Lieu soldiers who had wandered — desertion tenant de f Empereur, 576 ; Battle of foreign troops — regular daily pay to of Sorauren — affairs in the Pyre every non-commissioned officer and nees, 577. et teq. — Sir T. Graham's soldier- — nothiug done about a naval account of the attack on the breach in force, 624. the line wall on the left flank of San — , 11 Aug., 1813, diminution since the Sebasiian, 588, note; killed, wounded, 16ih July, 628; expediency of recon and missing at the siege of San Se sidering the Duke of York's decision bastian, from the 7th to the 27th July, respecting the provisional battalions — 1813, 590, note. enclosing a list of General Officers — , 3 Aug., 1813, Captain Cardoso, 589. whose names have been omitted in the — ., 3 Aug., 1813, Red Riband to Lord Parliamentary vote of thanks, 629. Dalhousie, 590; loss of the French, — , 11 Aug., 1813, Sir R. Hill placed on 20,000 men, 591. the extreme right of the army, 629 ; .— , 4 Aug , 1813, affair of Gen. Barnes movement of the Conde de la Bisbal — in the valley of the Bidasoa, 597 — siege of San Sebastian waiting for good conduct of the Spanish troops — ordnance and ammunition — consump Lord W. Bentinck, 598 ; Return of tion of musket ammunition — political PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 181

and military motives for not attacking cessity for economy in the lives of his the enemy, 630 ; surrender of Zara- troops — not tired of success, 35. goza to Mina — Lord W. Bentinck Secretary of State. — 24 Aug., 1813, about to attack Tarragona, 631. probable renewal of the armistice by Secretary of State. — 11 Aug., 1813, Buonaparte, and part which Austria want of maritime protection on the intends to take, 37; number of pri Northern coast, 631. soners and the enemy's loss, in the — , 11 Aug., 1813, cavalry equipments late battles — lateness of the reports wanted by the Conde de la Bisbal, accounted for — reported at Plymouth, 631. that he was taken prisoner, and the — , 11 Aug., 1813, arrangements for a army defeated, 38. weekly packet, 631 ; inefficiency of the — , 25 Aug., 18 i3, reinforcements of the naval blockade of San Sebastian, 63J. enemy — Gen. Paris at Oleron — enemy — , 14 Aug., 1813, dissatisfaction with strengthening their works — recom the state of affairs in the Nurth of mencement of fire against San Sebas Germany, 638 : parties of the allies, tian — account of Lord W. Bentinck's and viewof their conflicting interests, retreat from Tarragona, 43; approval in relation to Buonaparte, 639 ; lead of his retiring, 45. ing principles in the political state of — , 25 Aug., 1813, morning state — gain Europe on which all parties might in strength from the hospitals — no coincide — the best security to be found sickness, 45. in reducing the power and influence — , 27 Aug., 1813, relief of two compa of the great disturber — shall enter nies of artillery at Cadiz or Cartha- France, or not, as he may think best gena, 50. for his own operations, 640. — , 2 Sept., 1813, Assault and Caf — , 18 Aug., 1813, Mr. Sampayo — ter ture of San Sebastian, 61, et rible desertion among the British, xi. seq.; operations of the enemy to re 11; causes why no desertions from lieve the place, and attack of the po the French for the last three years — sition of San Marciai., 66 ; killed, increase of strength — delay in the wounded and missing in action with attack on San Sebastian for want of the enemy on the 31st Aug. and 1st , the battering train — a British Minister Sept., 71. cannot have too often under his view — ,3 Sept., 1813, requisition fur addi the element by which he is surrounded tional heavy ordnance and stores, 75. ,— hazard of Buonaparte's detaching a — , 3 Sept., 1813, Lord W. Bentinck large force against Lord Wellington, authorised to take his army from by a lengthened renewal of the ar Spain, 76. mistice — no increase of naval force, 12 ; — , 3 Sept., 1813, request for a return all the intelligence of San Sebastian of a selection from Joseph's papers — comes from the French head quarters, omission of the name of Sir VV. Beres- 13. ford for the battle of Sorauren, 76. — , 18 Aug., 1813, necessity of Sir T. — , 3 Sept., 1813, Court Martial on Sir J. Graham's going home fiom ill health, Murray to be formed of officers of the 13. army in the north of Spain, 76 ; offi — , IS Aug., 1813, enclosing three charges cers not to be prevented from flocking against Sir J. Murray, 17. to England in the winter — augmenta — , 19 Aug., 1813, convoy of ordnance tion of the fleet on the coast — receipt store ships in the offing — inconve and transmission of parcels — scanty niences and disadvantages to the supply of money from Lisbon, Cadiz, army, from the want of an adequate or Gibraltar — loss of men in the 51st naval force, 17 ; sea communication and 68th regts., 77; advantage of old of the French with San Sebastian — soldiers — distance of Lesaca from Pa- advantages of a joint attack by sea sages, 78. and land — expediency of impeding the — ,4 Sept., 1813, number of prisoners cabotage, 18 taken at San Sebastian — conditions of — , 19 Aug., 1813, request for Cassini's surrender proposed by the Governor, map of France, and a map of the Py 79. renees, 19. — ,5 Sept., 1813, nullity of influence over — ,23 Aug., 1813, inutility of the shoes the councils of Spain, 88 ; character sent for the Basques and Navarrois, of the Princess of Brazil, nnd expe 31. diency of being neutral in her claims, — , 23 Aug., 1813, observations on the 89 ; policy to be pursued towards the scheme of a French officer, 34 ; ne Cortes, in the selection of a Regent — 182 INDEX.

question of discountenancing the de nean packet by an American privateer, mocracy of Cadiz — defeats by the 143. Liberate; 90 ; Generals who intended Secrbtary of State. — 25 Sept., 1813, to overturn the system, and speedy appointment of Sir J. Hope — question overthrow to it, by the return of the of next in seniority to command the King — request of instructions for army — nobody to send into Catalonia striking at the democracy, 91. — check given to Lord W. Bentinck — Secretary of State. — 7 Sept., 1813, Catalonia must be relieved either by Lord W. Bentinck goiug to Sicily, marching the army into France, or by 9 1 ; necessity for the appointment of going there himself, 143. some permanent commanding officer — , 26 Sept., 1813, dispatch from Lord for this corps — question of O'DonneU W. Bentinck, retreat from the Pass of taking the command, and of placing Ordal, 147, note; killed, wounded and the corps in the hands of auy Spanish missing in actions with Marshal Su- General Officer who has appeared for chet, on the 12th and 13th Sept., 148, the last 150 years, 92 ; 3d army de note; slight diminution of force under tached from Catalonia — French pre Marshal Suchet in Catalonia, 149. parations to relieve Pamplona, 93. — ,4 Oct., 1813, cause of the Portuguese — , 10 Sept., 1813, further requisition of vessel running on shore between Pa- ordnance ammunition stores, 100. sages andFuenterrabia, 159; enemy's — , 10 Sept. 1813, capitulation of the sea communication with Santona, 160. Castle of San Sebastian, 100, et seq. ; — , 4 Oct., 1813, return of engineers' killed, wounded and missing, from the stores required to complete the siege 1st to the 8th Sept., 102, note; diffi equipment, 160. culties in sieges from the Trench — , 4 Oct., 1813, time for the garrison of ordtmnanct — march of Gen. Decaen Pamplona holding out, 160. into France, and affair at Amposta, — , 5 Oct., 1813, resignation of his com under the Duque del Parque, 104. mand of the Spanish armies, and — ,'\1 Sept., 1813, naval arrangements grounds for it, 164. for the security of the coast, 106. — , 5 Oct., 1813, expediency of fixing an — , 18 Sept., 1813, profits taken by pay agent of transports at Santona, 165. masters, arising from the exchange — , 9 Oct., 1813, Passage of the Bida- in the remittance to England of the soa, 176; affairs in Catalonia — depar credits of deceased officers, 120. ture of Lord W. Bentinck for Sicily — — , 18 Sept., 1H13, request of provision return of killed, wounded and miss for a French officer, a deserter, 120. ing, in action on the 7th and 8th Oc — , 19 Sept., 1813, sorties from Pamplona, tober, 1813, \79,nole. its expected surrender in October — — , 9 Oct., 1813, proposition for forming arrival of the 3d Spanish army, 122. iuto four companies battalions falling — , 19 Sept., 1813, on tin camp kettles, below 350 rank and file, and forming 123. two reduced battalions into one, 180. — , 19 Sept., 1813, want of arrangements — , 10 Oct., 1813, pecuniary situation of for obtaining equipments from Eng Sir R. Hill and Sir J. Hope, 182 ; in land, 123. adequacy of their pay as General Offi , — , 19 Sept., 1813, intention to have cers, and proposed allowance to each moved the left of the army across the Bi- —Sir T. Graham, 183. dasoa, 123 ; reasoning and statements — , 14 Oct., 1813, supply of fresh meat on which is founded the disinclination to the crews of ships on the northern to enter the French territory— will put coast of Spain — Commissariat cannot himself in a situation to menaie a se , obtain vegetables, 194. rious attack — extravagant expectation — , 18 Oct., 1813, expediency of placing of the public — preference for turning the clothing and necessaries for the his attention to Catalonia, 124. Spanish army in depot at Plymouth, ,— , 24 Sept., 1813, drafting of men from 205. one regiment to another — hardship of , 18 Oct., 1813, movement of General keeping the 51st and 68th regiments Paris to the neighborhood of St. Jean as they are — doubt of the utility of a Pied de Port, 205 ; probable surrender large militia army — proposed drafting of Pamplona in a few days — surprise from the militia for the old regiments, of the Spanish piquet atSarre — repulse 140 ; measure for aiding the volun of the enemy by General Giron — te- teering from the Irish and Scotch, inforcements of the enemy by the re 141. cent conscription, 206. — , 25 Sept., 181 3, capture of a Mediterra — , 18 Oct., 1813, concurrence in PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 183

plan fixed by Government, respecting Secretary of State. — 8 Nov., 1813, Buonaparte — if got to the French fron proposed withdrawal of the garrison tier, would be forced to make peace from Cadiz, 267. on the allies' own terms — arrangement — , 9 Nov., 1813, proposition for secur by the French of their cavalry vedettes ing the communication of the north under the protection of their infantry and west coasts 270 ; paucity of losses — doubts of the advantage of a fur in the harbour of Pasages, 270, 271; ther forward movement, and little want of vesselsto transport supplies for good to the allies, without a complete the Anglo Sicilian corps, 271. victory over Soult — fall of Pamplona — , 9 Nov., 1813, capitulation in Ger within a week, 207; Sir S. Auchmuty many with the enemy to include the going to the Eastern coast — pro allies in the Peninsula, 271. posed arrangement with the Portu — , 9 Nov., 1813, arguments against agree guese Government in the event of Sir ing to an exchange of prisoners, 271 ; J. Hope's succeeding to the command distress of Buonaparte for experienced of the arm)- — in what case he ought officers, 272. to go into Catalonia to put matters on — ,9 iVoo.,1813, reduction in regiments, a better footing, 208. and proposed mode of strengthening Secretary of State. — 20 Oct., 1813, them by drafts from the militia, 272; packets to be sent to San Sebastian, desertion of the German troops, 273. 211. — ,11 TVot;., 1813, inutility of the garri — , 20 Oct.. 1813, vessels w'.th clothing son at Cadiz — retention of a garrison run into SantoCa, 211; request at Carthagena recommended — Sicilian information may be given of SantoSa and Italian troops requested to be al being an enemy's port, 212. lowed to return to Sicdy during the — , 24 Oct., 1813, equipment to be sent, winter — little good effected by the 217. Anglo Sicilian army, and proposed — , 25 Oct., 1813, packet arrangement, * transmission of the British infantry to 217. the army in the north of Spain, 275 ; — , 25 Oct., 1813, clothing for the Spa inefficiency of the Spanish armies nish army, to be brought in complete from defective equipment, 276. assortments, 218. — , 13 Nov., 1813, Passage of the Ni- — , 25 Oct., 1813, state of affairs of the velle, 279 ; return of killed, wounded armies, 219. ard missing, 285. — , 1 Nov., 1813, alleged irregularities in — , 13 Nov., 1813, co-operation of Sir applications for convoys, 238 ; proposed G. Collier with the army — Baron appointment of a Staff officer to apply Alten and Maj. General Kempt, 285. fur convoys — great coats waiting for — , 14 Nov., 1813, lists of officers entitled convoy, 239, 240 ; suggested improve to a medal, for the battles of the Py ment in the sailing of convoys, 241. renees, 292. — , 1 Nov., 1813, proposals for the sur — , 21 Nov., 1813, want of money — sol render of Pamplona, 241 ; movements diers' great coats at Oporto, waiting of the army prevented by the weather, for convoy, 302. 242. — , 21 Nov., 1813, proceedingt on enter — , 1 Nov., 1813, surrender of Pamplo ing France, and kind reception by the na to Don C.irlos de Espaiia, 242. people, 303 ; plundering by Spaniards — , 1 Nov., 1813, applications by Knights repressed — universal desire of the of the Order of the Tower and Sword, French people to get rid of Buona to assume the appellation of an Eng parte — address from the Notables of lish Knight, 243. St. Jean de Luz, 304 ; on the House of — , 2 Nov., 1813, robberies by soldiers of Bourbon, and policy of making peace officers commanding companies, 247. with Buonaparte, 305; the army the — , & Nov., 1813, desire of the Portu most complete machine for its num guese Government for a good reputa hers in Europe — certainty of success tion for their army, 259 ; suggestions of a Prince of the for accomplishing the object, 260. coming forward in the field— success — , 8 Nov., 1813, articles of capitulation of the British on what it depends — of Pamplona, 264 ; movement of Sir what could be accomplished by bring It. Hill's corps from Roncesvalles to ing forward 40,000 Spanish troops, the valley of Baztan, 265, 266 ; orders 306. for attacking the enemy counter — , 22 Nov., 1813, Commissariat on the manded, 266, 267. Eastern coast, 311. 184 INDEX.

Secretary of State. — 22 Abe., 1813, Secretary of State. — 15 Dec, 1813, Spanish troops sent into cantonments want of means to transport money \\ it 1 1 1 ii tile Spanish frontier — position from Cadiz and Lisbon — two more of the British at Cambo and Espelette, British vessels run into Santofia, 374. .'ill ; Marshal Beresford at Urdoins — — , 17 Dec, 1813, arrival of General movement of the Anglo Sicilian corps Donkin, and requests directions re-^ to Villa Franco, 312. specting the Court Martial on Sir — , 22 Nov., 1813, Sir S. Cotton's appli J. Murray, 375. cation for the medal for Busaco, 312. — , 19 Dec, 1813, import duties to be — , 22 Abu., 1813, the same, 312. levied in the ports of French Na — ,22 Abr., 1813, San Sebastian libels, varre, 379. 313. — , 19 Dec, 1813, accounting in the — , 22 Abe., 1813, ophthalmia of the Commissariat, 379. Prince of Orange, 313. — , 19 Dec, 1813, arrival of money and — , 22 Not'., 1813, Rocket brigade, 314. great coats — money detained at Ca — , 24 Abu., 1813, want of convoy to diz — detention of French prisoners at bring money from Cadiz, 316. Lisbon, 380. — , 24 Abe., 1813, unfitness of — , 19 Dec, 1813, movements on the to command the troops on the Eastern Adour — failuie of the enemy at Ordal, coast, 316* 380,381. — , 27 Nov., 1813, libels by servants and — , 21 Dec, 1813, further advanced on officers of the Spanish Government — the French territory than any of the plundering by Spanish troops, and allied powers — position of the enemy refusal by Spanish magistrates to fur on the Adour — impossibility of mov nish assistance even for payment. ing during a violent fall of rain — ques 323 ; hospital at Fuenterrabia — hos tion of the scene of operations for the tile proceedings of officers of the Spa army, 384 ; the British establishment nish Government, 326 ; proposed alter not equal to the maintenance of two ation of political relations with Spain armies in the field — formation of the — places protected be British garri Hanoverian army — amount of force in sons — admission of a British garrison the field — deficiency in naval means, into San Sebastinn, 327. and in the supply of clothing, 386 ; — , 28 Abu., 1813, extension of posts be vast amount of debts, 387. yond the Nive prevented by the wea. — , 22 Dec, 1813, arrangement for iher, 333 ; loss from a too forward bringing money to the north coast of movement, 334. Spain — money at Cadiz waiting for a — , 28 Abe., 1813, wants of General W. ship, 389. Clinton, 334. — , 22 Dec, 1813, arrival from the inte — , 28 Abu., 1813, Prince of Orange go rior of France of M. de Mailhos — ing to England — request of 3000 or mission of M. de Grammont, 390. 4000 stands of arms — arms in Portu — . 26 Dec, 1813, weakening of the gal, but no ship to remove them, 334. entrenched camp at Bayonne, 401; — ,, 1 Dec, 18 13, appearance of a better affairs in Catalonia, 402. disposition in the Cortes, and proposed — , 31 Dec, 1813, cannot take upon modification of the suggestions in the himself to order the Deputy Paymas letter of the 27th Nov., 338. ter General to act as banker, 410- — , 5 Dec, 1813, money and great coats — , \Jan., 1814, visit of M. of waiting for convoy, 348. Bayonne — sea passports, 412. — , 5 Dec, 1813, no movement of the — , 1 Jan., 1814, capture of vessels by troops, 348. the French from Santofia and the — , 8 Dec, 1813, captured vessels at San Adour — money for the Spanish army, Sebastian, and St. Jean de Luz, 354. on its way from Cadiz, 413. — , 8 Dec, 1813, intended passage of the — , 1 Jan., 1814, Buonaparte's speech to Nive, 35 j ; want of money, 356. the Legislative body — Austrian move — , 12 Dec. 1813, battalions of the Nas ment on Switzerland — desire of the sau and Krancfort regiments pass over people to shako off the yoke of Na to the allies, 3C0. poleon, 413. — , 14 Dec, 1813, Passage of thb Nive, — , 2 Jan., 1814, request of permission 365; return of killed, wounded and for officers to accept the Order of the missing, 371. Tower and Sword, 416. — , 15 Dec, 1813, impossibility of main — ,2 Jan., 1814, distress of the enemy taining his post, under a reduction of for provisions in Bayonne — General his force, 373. Harispe joins the army, 416. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 185

Secretary of State. — 8 Jan., 1814, Secretary of State. — 26 Jan., 1814, construction of the Proclamation No. 1, thanks for permission to accept the 423 ; requests authority to issue a Order of Maria Theresa, 479. Proclamation explanatory of the pre — , 27 Jan., 1814, trade of St. Jean de ceding, 424. Luz, 482 ; payment of muleteers in — ,8 Jan., 1814,statementof the finances bills on the Treasury — distress for of the allied armies, and accumulation money, 483. of arrears, 425 ; prepared to push the — , 30 Jan., 1814, attacks on piquets on enemy to the Garonne, with every La Joyeuse and L'Arran — good con thing but money, 427. duct of the troops under General Mo- — ,9 Jan., 1814, unsuccessful result of rillo — hostility of the peasantry of Gen. W. Clinton to communicate with Bidarry — proceedings on the Llobre- the Nassau regiment in Catnlonia, 428. gat, 489, 490. — , 9 Jan., 1814, operations on the Gave — ,31 Jan., 1814, escape in Catalonia of d'Oleron, and repulse if the French, officers and men of the Nassau and 428 ; possibility of obtaining posses Westphalian regiments, 490. sion of I he entrenched camp at Bay- — , 6 Feb., 1814, badness of the weather, onne — reinforcements to the enemy, 502. 429. — , 7 Feb., 1814, request of necessaries — , 10 Jan., 1814, proposed removal of for General Clinton, 504.' ordnance from Gibraltar to Tarragona, — , 13 Feb., 1814, request for Flanders 432. tents, 517. — , 10 Jan., 1814, soldiers of the Nas — , 13 Feb., 1814, movement of Sir R. sau regiment sent to Trieste, 433. Hill from the Adour — retreat of Su- — , 10 Jan., 1814, treaty of peace be chet from the Llobregat, 517. tween Ferdinand and Napoleon, 433 ; — , 20 Feb., 1814, affair on the Gave policy of a separate possession of the d'Oleron, 521 ; killed, wounded and banks of the Scheldt — observations on missing from the Nth to the 17th Feb., the operations on the Rhine, 434; 524. character of Prince Schwarzenberg's — , 22 Feb., 1814, observations on the movements in Switzerland — military defence of Canada, 525 ; colonial ba imprudence of Buonaparte at the bat lance to the power of America — cer tle of Leipsic, 435; question of peace tainty of Buonaparte's renewing the with Buonaparte, and of putting for war by interfering as a neutral — ward one of the Bourbons, 436. ample supplies of money — reports, 526. — , 14 Jan., 1814, patterns for Portu — , 1 March, 1814, Battle or Orthez, guese clothing, 449. 533 ; killed, wounded and missing, — ,16 Jan., 1814, hostile conduct of the 540. peasants of Baygorry, and retreat of — , 1 March, 1814, utility of portable General Mina, 455, 455. hospitals, and proposed improvements — , 16 Jan., 1814, requisition for 10,000 to make them weather tight. 540. blankets, 457. — , 4 March, 1814, Spanish officers per — , 16 Jan., 1814, Briiish hospitals at mitted to give testimony at the Court Santamler, placed under quarantine by Martial on Sir J. Murray, 547. the Spanish authorities, 457. — , 4 March, 1814, swelling of the Adour — , 16 Jan., 1814,disposal of transports, — affair at Aire, with Sir R. Hill's . 457; want of transports to convey report, 548 ; killed, wounded and miss Portuguese troops from Lisbon, 45S. ing, from the 28th Feb. to the 2d — , 16 Jan., 1814, arrival of 482,000 dol March, 549, note. lars in the Medina — Brunswick hus — ,7 March, 1814, admission into Spa sars, 458 ; want of money, and pro nish ports of provisions and effects posed appropriation of the Spanish destined for the use of the British subsidy, 459. army, 561. — , 16 Jan., 1814, Napoleon's treaty with — , 7 March, 1814, detachment sent to Ferdinand, 459. Pau — march of Marshal Beresford — , 17 Jan., 1814. requests thirty more for Bordeaux — General Freyre called moveable hospitals, 461. up with 8000 Spaniards, 561 ; Gene — , 17 Jan., 1814, request to accept the ral Clinton ordered to break up his Swedish Order of the Sword, 462. army — inclination of the French to — , 17 Jan., 1814, prefers the military wards the Bourbons — arms supplied to distinction, 462. Bordeaux, 562. . , 23 Jan., 1814, removal of the French — , 11 March, 1814, treaty with Buo troops from Bayonne to Peyrehorade, naparte, and neglect of Spanish inter 474. 86 INDEX.

csts — movements on the Seine ami withdraw the garrison of Barcelona, Marne — advantages to the Royalist &c, 626; arrival of Ferdinand with cause, in breaking up the Congress at his uncle and brother — amount of the Chatillon, 571; march of Marshal French gar.- isons, relative force of the Beresford on Bordeaux — comparative French and allied armies, 627 ; troops state of force — necessity of bringing sent to Holland, and hazard to the more Spaniards into the field, 572. ; brave army in the South of France, Secretary of Statu. — 13 March, 1814, 628. retreat of the euemy from the Adour, Secretary of State. — 12 April, 1814, towards Tarbes — detachment to take Battle of Toulouse, 632 ; killed, possession of Pan — arrival of Marshal wounded and missing, 638. Beresford at Bordeaux — junction of — , 12 April, 1814, arrival in Tuulouse, General Freyre — reinforcement to and proceedings of the authorities, Soult of 1U.0UU mm from Catalonia, 639. 576. — , 13 April, 1814, requests a decision — , 13 March, 1814, Sir W. Beresford's respecting property captured at Bor private letter, 577. deaux, 641. — , 16 March, 1814, clothing and equip — , 18 April, 1814, enclosing letter re ments for the Spanish army detained specting Paymaster acting as banker, at Coruna, 587. 652. — , 18 March, 1814, basis on which Su- — , 19 April, 1814, embarkation of chet's proposition to withdraw the horses, and suggestion for marching garrisons from the Eastern coast is to the cavalry across France, 659. be received, 532. — , 19 April, 1814, transactions with — , 20 March, 1814, disposal of the Marshal Soult, and Convention of troops under General Cliuton, 592; Toulouse, 660; sortie from Bayonne amount of troops which Lord W. Ben- — General Hope wounded and taken tinck could land at Rosas — compara prisoner, 661 ; affairs of Catalonia, tive statement of the strength ot the and testimony to the conduct and enemy and of the British and allied merits of General W.Clinton — killed, troops, 593. wounded and missing, on the 14th — , 20 March, 1814, proclamation issued April, 1814, 664, note. by the Mayor of Bordeaux, 594. — , 23 April, 1814, SirW.Beresford de — , 20 March, 1814, affair at Vic Bigorre, clines the appointment to Gibraltar — and at Tarbes, 596. services of Sir R. Hill — Sir R. Ken — , 21 March, 1814, refusal to take a nedy recommended for a Baronetcy, Spanish officer as aide de camp, 601). 670. — , 25 March, 1814, arrival of the enemy — , 30 April, 1814, transmitting a copy at Toulouse, 6U4 ; seizure of an Ame of the deliberations of the Agricultu rican privateer in the Garonue — killed, ral Society of Toulouse, 681. wounded and missing, from the 7th — , 30 April, 1814, announcing the re to the 20th March, 605. ceipt of a copy of the Convention, for — , 25 March, 1814, King Ferdinand a suspension of hostilities by sea and on his way to Spain, 606. land, and the evacuation of the French — , 25 March, 1814, General W. Clin territory by the allies, 682. ton's impossibility of removing the Seduction, inexpediency of bringing troops from Tarragona, for want of cases of, under the cognizance of mi transports, 606. litary tribunals (8 April, 1811), vii. — , 30 March, 1814, clothing purchased 440. of the Governor of Santoua, 614. Seniority of officers, how to be decided — , 1 April, 1814, movements on the (29 April, 1810), vi. 65. Garonne, 620. , questions of, prevented (9 April, — , 1 April, 1814, papers respecting the 1811), vii. 245. declaration in favor of Louis XV ill., Serviles, rule for their guidance (26 Jan. 621. 1814), xi. 479. — , 1 April, 1814, announcing dissent to Setuval, on the choice of, as a place of the capitulation of Sautona, 621. embarkation (26 Oct., 1809), v. 246 ; — , 7 April, 1814, passage of the Ga how far useful as a place for embark ronne — Soult at Toulouse — Suchet in ation (10 March, 1810), 562. Catalonia — arrival of Ferdinand at , arrangements to hold it as a place Geroua — Admiral Penrose enters the of refuge (3 Aprils 1810), vi. 10; its Gironde, 626. ineligibility as a place for embarka — , 7 April, 1814, Suchet's proposition to tion (6 May, 1810), 93. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. — VOLS. IV. TO XI. 187

— — , water communication between the Shoes worn in the north of Spain, of port of, and the Tagus (1 March, what made (23 Aug., 1813), xi. 34. 1812), viii. 647. Shot, French, picked up for ammuni Seville, Junta of, sum drawn for on tion in the English camp (1 1 May, Eugland (26 July and 1 Aug., 1808), 1811), vii. 546. iv. 45, 51,56; aid not received (8 Aug., , French, at sieges, provided only 1808), 74; proposed appointment, by with that fired by the besieged, persons in authority at, of Sir A. picked up for a reward (6 May VVellesley to the command of the 1812), is. 118. Spanish armies (12 June, 1809), 417. , wanted, and every thing else sent , anxiety for the security of (30 but shot (6 Aug., 1813), x. 604. Nov., 1809), v. 322, 323; probability Shrapnell shells, iuefficacy of (12 March, of the French soon being in posses 1812), viii. 659. sion of (31 Jan., 1810), 479; date of , remedy to increase their disabling the French, and of King Joseph ar power (3 April, 1812), ix. 28, (and see riving at (9 Feb., 1810), ,94. Spherical case shot). , reported entry of the Spaniards Sicily, transports required to convey into (4 July, 1811), viii. 78; depend dragoons with their horses (21 June, ence of the siege of Cadiz on the 1809), iv. 441. foundry and arse.ial at, 79 ; proposed , brief observations on the politics expedition against (29 Jan. and 16 of (24 Dec, 1811), viii. 484. Feb., 1812), 576, 614. ,iuno danger (1 July, 1813), x.480. , entered by the allies (8 Sept., Sick, left at Corticada by the com 1812), is. 409. manding officer of the 24th regt., Sharks, money jobbers, greediness of (3 contrary to orders (28 June, 1809), iv. Sept., 1813), xi. 77 ; at Pasages (21 471 ; ten per cent, to be deducted lrum Dec, 1813), 387. returns for (30 June, 1809), 477. Shells, incredible range of 5000 toises of the army, ammunition carriages (29 Feb., 1812), viii. 644. taken for their removal (21 Aug., , slight damage done by (23 Aug., 1809), v. 63 ; want of six carts for 1813), xi. 32. their removal, 65 ; at Lisbon, appli Sherbrooke,t Lieut. General Sir J. K.B. cation for additional accommodatiun conduct of, at Oporto (12 May, 1809), for (17 Sept., 1809), 162; and effec iv. 325 ; at Talavera (27 July, 1809), tives, in the French army, amount of 532, &c. (19 Sept., 1809), 163; men of one , ,illstateof health of (21 Dec, 1809), regiment not to be employed as order v. 384 ; Memorandum left with, of the lies to men of other regiments in the points to be attended to, in case the hospital (29 Sept., 1809), 199 ; small enemy should collect in front for the amount of, in the army (11 Oct., 1809), purpose of an attack (31 Jan., 1810), 217; dread of removing (19 Oct., 1809), 474. 230 ; decimal proportion of, in an army Shoes, want of (24 May, 1809), iv. (14 Nov., 1809), 281 ; Plan for remov 360 ; number of carts required to ing from the out stations to Elvas and bring up 20,000 pairs, 361. Estremoz (20 Nov., 1809), 302. , sale of by soldiers (20 March, benefited by sea voyage (23 May, 1810), v. 579; supply of 800 pairs, 1810), vi. 144 ; in hospital, and sick ib. I sent to Ceiorico (23 March, in the army, difference in the returns 1810), 589. of, accounted for (11 July, 1810), , 100,000 pairs of soldiers', of the 255 ; increase of, from levers (15 best quality, requested (20 Oct., Aug., 1810), 358 ; number of, in the 1810), vi. 528. hospital (12jVoi,., 1810),617. , inutility of any but those of the , good number always in a Portu best quality (15 Dec, 1810), vii. 49 ; guese garrison (29 Jan., 1811), vii. increasing demand for, and necessity 207 ; amount of in the Portuguese of 150.000 pairs bring sent to the army (12 Feb., 1811), 256; and com Tagus (31 March, 1811), 423 ; bad parative paucity of the British, ib. ; quahty and small size of those sent paucity of in the British army (16 out, ib. ; extraordinary wear of by Feb, 1811), 270 ; Portuguese, number a division (10 April, 1811), 450; of (27 March, 1811), 408, 409. rate per pair at which to be charged to • in Portugal, fund for the relief of, the regiments (17 April, 1811), 476. where to be distributed (16 Sept., , the capture of the ship with, will 1811), viii. 2S8 ; disastrous conse cause a halt for six weeks ( 1 0 July, quences of inattention to their re- 1813), x. 522. moval (13 0c/., 1811), 339. - 188 INDEX.

Sick, the only mode of removing to the 1809), 342 : delicate question of his rear, in spring waggons (9 Jane, 1812), advance (23 June, 1809), 457. ix. 222 ; in hospitals, French, in Silveira, General (Conde de Amarante), April, 1812, 223, note. his success at Puebla de Sanabria Sickness, augmentation of, in the Bri (9 and 13 Aug., 1810), vi. 342, 353; tish army, from its privations (21 prudently retires (15 Aug., 1810), 301 ; Aug., 1809), v. 71. corps to be considered one of obser i of regiments which had been at vation (9 Nov., 1810), 600. Walchinn, hv what occasioned (15 , attacks the French at Pinhel (24 Dec, 1810), vii. 50. Nov., 1810), vii. 4; operations in , tendency to, of officers and soldiers Upper Beira (25 Dec, 1810), 71; of the British army (27 Aug., 1811), compelled to retire from the Ponte do viii. 233 ; extraordinary, of the army Abade (19 Jan., 1811), 161 ; obliged (8 Aire., 1811), 391. to retire upon Lamego (26 Jan., of soldiers, causes of, in marching 1811), 197; mode of strengthening and inattention to food (27 Sept.. (9 Feb., 1811), 246; force of, to be 1812), ix. 457. sent into cantonments of refreshment Sieges, advantage of having materials (18 F,b., 1811), 274; Silveira, Traut, prepared beforehand (24 March, and Wilson, amount of their divisions 1812), ix. 6 ; mode of cariyiug on (8 April, 181 1), 438. See also Ama sieges with guns only, and reasons rante, General Conde de, 60. against the me of mortars and how Silver, exportation of by the Americans, itzers, 6, 7 ; great losses in sieges occa mode of preventing (25 Oct., 1811) sioned by the want of a corps of Sap viii. 357. pers and Miners (7 April, 1812), 45, Simon, General, taken prisoner (30 Sept., note ; expedient adopted by the French 1810), vi. 474. to obtain shot at, in Spain (6 May, Sinecure offices, majority in favor of 1812), 118; necessity, and hope, of abolition of (6 June, 1810), vi. 201. future better equipment for (28 May, Sinking fund, in Portugal, proposed esta 1812), 181. blishment of (29 Oct., 181 1), viii. 367. , anticipated in the north of Spain, Skerrett, Colonel, expedition to Tarifa and heavy ordnance required (10 Feb., (23 Oct., 1811), viii. 356; order for I813),x. 10 J. his withdrawal (15 Nov., 1811), 402; , inutility of mortars and howitzers operations at Tarifa (9 Jan., 1812), in (23 Aug., 1813), xi. 32 ; French or- 545, 546 ; repulses the French at dnnnance on the operations of (10 Tarifa (21 Jan., 1812), 561; approba Sept., 1813), 103. tion by the Prince Regent (14 March, Sieges, Battles, Affairs. See under each 1812), 666. head in alphabetical order. , troops with which he is to come Sierra Morena, doubt of the French in command, to Lisbon, or to march being strong enough to make a se through the country (9 Sept., 1812), rious attempt upon (28 Oct., 1809), ix. 415; attacks Soult's rear guard v. 248 ; sufficiency of the Spanish (13 Sept., 1812), 429. army to defend the passes (21 Dec, Slade, Major General, Memorandum for, 1809), 383 ; French troops left to ob on the surrender of Ciudad Rodrigo serve the Spanish corps in (4 Jan., (2 Jul,l, 1810), vi. 238. 1810), 411 ; carried by the enemy (30 , affair near Llera, (11 June, 1812), Jan., 1810), 467 ; probable conse ix.242. quence of (31 Jan., 1810), 470; Smith, Capt, (Col. Sir C. F.), indefatiga amount of the French fiTce which ble exertions at Tarifa (1 Jan., 1812), passed (9 Feb., 1810), 496. viii. 564; recommended fur promo Sierra de Francia, collection of French tion (1 Jan., 1813), x. 18. troops in the (30 Oct., 1811), viii. , Lieut. Colonel, remarks on his 373. , statement respecting San Sebastian Signals, arrangements for (24 June (16 0.l., 1813), xi. 199. 1810), vi. 224; stations, additional Snodgrass, Major, attack of the breach at rations given to oflicers and seamen Sau Seba3tian(2 Sept., 1813), xi. 03. at (2 Sept., 1810). 401 ; engineer to Sobral, mistake at (12 Oct., 1810), vi. take charge of (9 Sept., 1810), 421. 500; Sir B. Spencer withdraws from Silva, Madame da. decidedly honest, or a (15 Oct., 1810), 511; affair near, terrible rogue (20 Sept., 1809), v. 166. (20 Oof., 1810), 526; withdrawal of Silveira, General (Conde de. Amarante), the enemy from (15 Nov., 1S10), 623. retires across the Douro (4 May, 1809), Soldiers, British, their bravery, and iv. 299 ; hope of his being able to re humanity to the people of Portugal tain his post on theTamaga(18 May 16 March, 1811), vii. 363. TENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 189

Soldiers, British, after one campaign ley (15 May, 1809), 337; his retreat worth two or three newly arrived (26 a pendant for the retreat to Coruna Dec, 1812), x.5. (17 Ma,;, 1809), 341 ; pursued by Sir Soldiers' accounts, to be settled on the A. Wellesley (18 May, 1809), 343; 24th of every month (9 June. 1812), picture of his miserable retreat, loss ix. 221 ; when settled (13 Sept., sustained by him, and reasons why his 1812), 426; early settlements essen retreat could not be intercepted, 344; tial to discipline, 427. his object in evacuating Galicia, and Somers, Lord, letter to, condolence on coming to Zamora (8 July, 1809), the loss of his son (11 Oct., 1812), ix. 499 ; his column to be watched (9 484. July, 1809), 501 ; not able to attack Somerset, Lord FitzRoy takes home the Ciudad Rodrigo (14 July, 1809), 509; dispatch of the victory of Talavera his miserable condition, 510; arrives (fit , July, Military 1809), Secretary, iv. 532. Lieut. Colo at Plasencia through the pass of Baiios (3 Aug., 1809), 553, 558 ; says nelcy requested for (8 April, 1812), ix. the British are covered with glory, 47 ; (and tee recommendations of, in but must have been made prisoners dispatches of battles, sieges, &c.) had they remained two days longer Sontag, Major General, to proceed to at Talavera (13 Sept., 1809), 568. Torres Vedras, to take the command Soult, Marshal, might have struck a bril of the troops destined for the defence liant blow at, at Plasencia (2 1 Aug., of the redoubts (6 Oct., 1810), vi. 1809), v. 73; answer to the proposal 492. for an exchange of prisoners (7 iiepl., , intention to appoint him to a 1809), 131 ; amount of his corps in May situation of more activity (8 March, (19 Sept., 1809), 163; collecting his 1811), viii. 348. corps at Plasencia (20 Sept., 1809), Sorauren, Battle ov (1 Aug., 1813), 165 ; Mortier, &c, of their x.581. corps (26 Sept.. 1809), 186; letter to, Soto de Roma, thanks for the grant of exculpation of an officer who had es the (2 Sept., 1813), xi. 60; unjustifi caped (1 Nov., 1809), 269 ; probabi able felling of trees at (15 March, lity of his crossing the Tagus at Al- 1814), 583. coneta (18 Feb., 1810), 502; move Soult, Marshal, Due de Dalmatie, move ments of his corps (19 Feb., 1810), ment against Sir J. Moore (Jan., 1809), 506 ; amount of his force at Plasencia iv. 260; takes Oporto, 260, 261 ; pro (20 Feb., 1810), 508; corps enters posed. operations against (24 April, Lower Estremadura (28 Feb., 1810), 1809), 266, 267; disposition in his 531. corps to revolt and seize him and other , plan of expedition against Cadiz, principal officers of the army (27 April, by sea (13 Nov., 1810), vi. 619; ap 1809), 273; intention of retreating pointed to command an Army of the through Tras os Moutes (2 May, 1809), South (14 Nov., 1810), 621. 293 ; snare to induce him to declare , orders for, by General I'oy (29 himself King (7 May, 1809), 308; de Dec, 1810), vii. 86; troops marched testation of him in the aimy, 311 ; with from the siege of Cadiz (31 intended seizure of for disobedience Dec, 1810, 5 and 6 Jan., 1811), of Buonaparte's orders, ib. ; defeat 88, 112, 115; corps with which of a corps of 4,000 of his infan he destroyed 22,000 Spanish troops try (11 May, 1809), 321; passage (14 March, 1811), 361; instruc of the Douro, and expulsion of him tions for a' tacking him (18 and from Oporto (12 May, 1809), 322; 20 March, 1811), 372,374; gone to letter to, requesting medical attend Seville (21 March, 1811), 385; op ance for his sick and wounded in tion, whether he will try to save Bada- Oporto, 327 ; proposal for an exchange joz or Seville (30 March, 1811),413 ; of prisoners, 328 ; arrests the con fortifying Seville (21 April, 1811), spirators (13 May, 1809), 330; his 486 ; force in Andalusia (14 May, caielessness about the collection of 1811), 556; battle of Albuera (22 boats on the river (12 and 13 May, May, 1811), 587; effective force of, 1809), 323, 332; detai's of the re south of the Sierra Moreua (23 May, sults of the conspiracy (14 May, 1811), 599. 1809), 335; destroys his guns, and , amount of his troops returned to blows up his ammunition, 33ti ; par Seville (7 July, 1811), viii. 85; pro ticulars respecting the discontent jected attempt on the allies at Cadiz in Soult's army, and the commu (27 July, 1811), 155. nications made to Sir A. Welles- — — , operations to oblige him to evacu 19 INDEX.

ate Andalusia (24 March, 1812), ix. (7 June, 1812), w. 219 (9 June, 1812), 7 : breaks up from before Cadiz (29 222, note. March, 1812), 19; abandons bis im Sousa, Principal, intrigues of (8 April, mediate objects in Andalusia, from 1810), vi.25 ; extraordinary conduct of General Hill's movements towards (29 April, 1810), 67 ; can be got rid of the Tagus (25 May, 1812), 170; force if desirable (8 Sept., 1810), 417; under him in March, 1812, 172; num mode of effecting it (9 Sept., 1810), ber of troops he can assemble iu Es- 424 ; his mischievous and meddling tremadura (6 and 9 June, 1812), 215, disposition (13 Sept., 1810), 435 ; 223 ; insulation in Andalusia, and either he or Lord Wellington must intended direct operation to force quit the country (6 Oct., 1810), 494 ; him out (18 and 23 Aug., 1812), 370, difficulties uniformly thrown by, in 37fi ; evacuates Andalusia (9 Sept., the way of every proposition by Lord 1812), 414; abandons his position Wellington (25 Oct., 1810), 536; the and works opposite to Cadiz (13 country will be lost if this gentle Sept., 1812), 428, note; strength of man does not go to England (26 his force at the close of 1812 (23 Oct., 1810), 539 ; desire to be relieved Nov., 1812), 571. from (27 Oct., 1810), 556; meddling Soult, Marshal, relieved by Gen. Gazan and injurious proceedings of the Re ( 1 0 March, 1 8 1 3), x. 1 77 ; movement of gency after his appointment (1 Nov., his force towards St. Jean Pied de 1810), 571. Port (24 July, 1813), 563; amount , detail of his opinion on the uf his force, and unhkelihood of his mode of carrying on the war (30 attempting to force the passes of the Nov., 1810), vii. 16, aud of his conse mountains (25 July, 1813), 566; sent quent interference, 1 7 ; his pernicious from Dresden, 567 ; in front of Lord influence, and appeal to the Prince Wellington (28 July, 1813), 571; Regent of Portugal whether he should appointed Lieutenant de PEmpereur, continue a member of the Government, and Commander in Chief of the 18; forming an anti-English party French armies in Spain and the (Wan., 1811), 98; effects of his pro southern provinces of France (1 Aug., ducing in the Government a want of 1813), 576, 577 ; his Proclamation, confidence in the English (3 Jan., on assuming the command, 576, note ; 1811), 102; plot by (5 Jan., 1811), battles of the Pyrenees, 576, etseq.; 107 ; the British soldiers better legis his loss (3 Aug., 1813), 591 ; number lators than he (25 March, 1811), of prisoners (4 Aug., 1813), 592; pro 401 ; conditional dismissal of (6 May, posed exchange of prisoners with (10 1811), 519; recapitulation of his hos Aug., 1813), 625. tile conduct (25 May, 1811), 608. , bad military operation of, and re , will not be dismissed (21 Oct., treat by the Bidasoa (16 Aug., 1813) 1811), viii.351. xi. 7 ; all his positions on {heNivelle, , ground of the recommendation for carried, (14 Nov., 1813), 287 ; de his removal (26 April, 1812), ix. 8S. feated in his attack on the British , difficulty of realizing in Portugal, army (14 Dec, 1813), 365, 371 ; de money in his hands (13 Nov., 1809), feated atOrthez (28/Vj.,1814), 532 ; v. 272. Proclamation issued by, (8 March, Sousa, de (Conde de Funchal), scheme 1814 (20 March, 1814), 594, note; for establishing a bank at Lisbon, and retreats to Toulouse (25 March, 1814), for lending money on English securi 604 ; battle of, and compelled to evacu ties (25 June, 1812), ix. 247. ate the town (12 April, 1814), 629, Sousa. (See Villa Real, Conde de). 632 ; mission to, of Colonels Cooke Spain, expedition to the coast of (14 and St. Simon (12 April, 1814), 631 ; June, 1808), iv. 10; view of the state in case of not submitting to the Pro of affairs in (5 Sept., 1808), 141 ; visional Government to be pursued as amount of the French army in, i"6. ; a rebel (13 April, 1814), 641 ; letterto, plan of operations in, laid down, 144, containing a refusal of au armistice, et seq. ; proposed latitude by Sir A. unless he declares his adhesion to the Wellesley, to continue his operations Provisional Government (14 April, in, after removing the danger from 1814), 644 ; march against him (16 the Portuguese frontier (7 May, 1 809), April, 1814), 649 ; Convention of 313; authorized to extend operations Toulouse (18 April, 1814), 653; let iu (11 June, 1809), 410; delay and terto (19 April, 1814), 656. failure in entering, at an earlier pe South, French atmy of, amounted to riod, to what attributable (27 June, more than 50,000 men on the 1st April 1809), 470.


Spain, causes and consequences of Sir ing business (20 July, 1813), 554; A. Wellesley's departure from (20 disregard of the interests of, in the Aug., 1809), v. 59; causes why the negotiation by the allies, in the war may be spun out in (28 Oct., north (13 and 14 Aug., 1813), 633 1809), 251 ; facts illustrating the use 636. of the British army to Spain (9 Spain, question of the appointment of a Dec, 1809), 364, note; difficulty the Regent for (5 Sept., 1813), xi. 89,90; French will have in conquering (1 misery in, attributed to the vices and March, 1810), 539. constitution of the Government (10 , suffering of the French from a Jan., 1814), 433; letter to the King procrastination of the contest in Por of (12 April, 1814), 632. tugal (2 April, 1810), vi. 6 ; would Spaniards, their shameful treatment of have been out of danger, had the the British army (21 Aug., 1809), v. Spaniards followed Lord Welling 65 ; amount of their force, its charac ton's advice (2 and 4 April, 1810), ter and composition (25 Aug., 1809), 10, 12; right of succession of the 83, et teq. ; ill treatment of French Princess of Brazil (29 April, 1810), prisoners by (15 Oct., 1809), 227; 67; statement of comparative efforts folly of, against Lord Wellington's made by Spain and Portugal, 68 ; entreaties, in losing an army in La I amount and distribution of the French Mancha (3 Dec, 1809), 331. army in, 1st June, 1810 (19 and 24 , effect of their extraordinary san July, 1810), 283, 290; impossibility guine and self deluded character (11 of the French conquering it with their May, 1810), vi. 101 ; insulting sys present force (19 Aug., 1810), 363; tem pursued by, to induce the British absurdity of offensive operations in (1 1 army to take a part in their desultory and 13 Sept., 1810), 429, 435 ; all operations (18 May, 1810), 126; men in, objects of suspicion (11 Nov., fatal improvidence of (31 May, 1810),611. 1810), 16-4. — — , melancholy state of affairs in, , , scandalous apathy and neglect in from defects in the national charac the third year of their war (2 Dec, ter, aggravated by the false principles 1810), vii. 25 ; a mixture of haughti on which all the affairs of the country ness and low intrigue (13 Dec, 1810), have been conducted since it attempt 42 ; doubt of a Spaniard being satis ed to shake off the yoke of France fied with anything, ib.; unmditary (21 Dec, 1810), vii. 58, 59; misma manner in which they bring their nagement of affairs in, and remedies troops into action (25 March, 1811), proposed (23 Dec, 1810), 66, 67; 398 ; no anxiety about the result of number of troops that might be raised any operations, if they were as well by, so as to ensure the expulsion of disciplined as the soldiers of the na the French, 67 ; increasing political tion are brave- (23 May, 1811), 599; hostility of the people of, to the danger of moving in action, 599, 600. French (23 Feb., 1811), 290. , extraordinary mode of acquiring , affairs in, nearly irretrievable (27 and detailing intelligence (24 July, July, 1811), viii. 155; policy which 1811), viii. 142; origin and progress she should have pursued in her resist of the war by, without reference to ance of Buonaparte, and rock on Great Britain (2 Aug., 1811), 165; which she split (24 Dec, 1811), 483. weakness and treachery in every Spa , a million proposed to be given to nish transaction, 166 ; their repug (27 April, 1812), ix. 93; Spain and nance to allow British officers to com the Spanish cause, melancholy pic mand their troops (29 Aug., 1811), ture of, drawn by Lord Wellington 244. (23 Aug, 1812), 372, etteq.; not a , preference of, for short and simple man in, capable of comprehending modes of expression (2 June, 1812), any great concern (12 Sept., 1812), ix. 201 ; cry viva, but incapable of 422 ; extraordinary, that the revolu any useful exertion (18 Aug., 1812), tion in, should not have produced one 370 ; their extraordinary vanity, and man with any knowledge of the real hope of teaching them how to avoid situation of the country (I Nov., being beat,371. 1812), 530. , jealousy of military interference, , impolicy of allowing the Govern and willingness in co-operation (5 ment of to continue in their course of Sept., 1813), xi. 86; despaired of, folly (27 Jan., 1813), x. 55; defici from their miserable state (21 Nov., ency of in men capable of conduct 1813), 306; plundering and indis 19-2 INDEX.

cipline of, in France (7 Feb., 1814), (29 Dec, 1812), 9, et seq.; (pattim 502. to the end of the volume, and see Spanish arm;', must be fed as well the heads, Spanish Government, and as the British (20 Aug., 1809), Spanish troops). v. 59; grounds of separation from, Spanish army, formal resignation of the and nature of the implied engage command of, except under conditions ment between the two armies (24 (30 Aug., 1813), xi. 56; grounds on ,Aug., 1809), 77; question of a subse which the command is resigned (5 quent union for co-operation, 78 ; ex Oct, 1813), 163. cellence of their position to cover the Spanish character, its resistance to any passages of the Guadiana, and facility measure which thev do not like (25 of subsistence, 79 ; whole corps of the July, 1813), x. 569. Spanish army ran away at the battle Spanish colonies, consequences of a pre of Talavera, in Sir A. Wellesley's mature declaration of independence presence, frightened at their own fire in QU Sept., 1810), vi. 439. 80, (25 Aug., 1809), 85; its deficiency Spanish constitution, its pictorial in numbers, composition, discipline, beauty (27 Jan., 1813), x. 53;. and efficiency, to what attributable, defects and follies, 54, 55; discord ,S'i ; must be commanded by the com ant consequences from its theoretic manding officer of the British army, inconsistencies (29 Jan., 1813), 62 ; if the south of Spun is to be de remedies proposed, 63, 55 ; union fended (3 S-pt.. 1809), 113; question of civil and military powers not in of its being under the command of a consistent with the constitution (10 British General (5 Sept., 1809), 125; Feb., 1813), 101. impossibility of continuing in their — — , its defects illustrated (3 Feb., neighborhood so long as they 1814), xi. 496. remain in their present state of in Spanish corps, danger of moving in ac discipline and disorder (16 Sept., tion (23 May, 1811), vii. 600 ; incapa 1809;, 159; reasons for uot entering bility of undertaking any serious ope upon any system of co-operation with ration (11 Aug., 1812), ix. 348. them (30 Oct., 1809), 263; reasons , incapable of carrying on any ope against encouraging them to retire on ration from defective equipment (11 Poitugal (10 March, 1810), 563, Nov., 1813), xi. 276. 564. Spanish Generals, observations on (9 — -- , inattention by officers to sick in Aug., 1813), x. 620. (12 Dec, 181.), viii. 447 ; equipped, Spanish Government, necessity of their numerous and efficient, none such in increasing their forces, ami clothing, Spain (12 March, 1812), 660. equipping and disciplining their troops , mode in whicli the Staff and sol (1 Sept., 1809), v. 107. diers of, are paid -(6 and 14 May, , contrast of efforts made by, and 1812), ix. 125, 126, 146; plans for im- that of Portugal, to resist the French proving, 147; the command of all invasion (20 Aug., 1810), vi. 374. the Spanish forces conferred on the , probable offer by, of the command Marquis of Wellington (2 Oct., 1S12), of their armies to Lord Wellington, 467 ; approbation oy the Prince Re and intended answer (2 and 3 Feb., gent to accept the command of the 1811), vii. 224,227. Spanish armies, and request to the , inconsistent conduct of, in throw Spanish Government to signify when ing on the British the burthen of oc he shall assume it (22 Aov., 1812), cupying and supplying with provi 568 ; review of their wretched deteri sions all the places to the southward orated condition, powers required to (12 Dec, i811),viii. 452. restore them to a state of efficiency, , mode in which the English sub ami means indicated (4 Dec, 1812), sidy ought to be distributed (6 and 604 ; excellence of the Galiciaus for 19 May, 1812), ix. 125, 156 ; abuses «oldiers(10Z>«c, 1812\617. which have sunk Spain, described (14 , conditions on which the Marquis Mag, 1812), 146. of Wellington wishes to accept the , irregular ordering of General command, and statement of the re Abadia to Cadiz (7 Feb., 1813), x. quired powers (25 Dec, 1812), x. i. ; 95 ; insult offered to Lord Wellington review of the organization, alloca by the removal of Castafios, and sub tion, numbers, mode of payment, de sequent arrangements, and satisfaction fects suggested ameliorations, re demanded (2 July, 1813), 491 ; un sources, Sf., of the Spanish armies gracious conduct of, in recalling, and PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 193

refusing to promote, officers (24 July, into the British service (27 May, 1813), 5fi5, 566; ill treatment by of 1812), 176. Lord Wellington in the transaction Spanish territory, wise division of into relating to Generals Castatios and military districts (4 Dec, 1812), ix. Giron (7 Aug., 1813), 612. 605. Spanish Government, nature of its agree Spanish troops, more clamorous for food ment with Lord Wellington, when he than the British (8 Aug., 1809), v. took the command of the army (20 1 1 ; positions best adapted for their Aug., 1813), xi. 21 ; English Govern acting with effect (9 Dec, 1809), ment have no influence over thecoun- 345 ; little progress in discipline, cils of Spain (5 Sept., 1813), 88; its but utility of in fortified positions democratical conduct, how upheld, and . (27 March, 1810), 59S. intention of overthrowing it by Spanish — , in what case British officers Generals (5 Sept., 1813), 90, 91 ; re would be of use in forming (23 Dec, moves to Madrid (29 Sept., 1813), 1810), vii. 67; frightful state of dis 1 53 ; satisfactory conduct regarding tress of, and approaching interna the negotiations for peace (26 Jan., tional war between them and the Por and 3 Feb., 1814), 478, 496. tuguese, on their crossing the Portu Spanish infantry and cavalry, observa guese frontier (26 Jan., 1811), 193; tions on the extent of their power to their indiscipline and odious conduct cope with the French (9 Dec, 1S09), to the peaceable inhabitants ; should v. 345. be paid, 195 ; good behaviour in affairs Spanish legion, proposed levy of (15 near Badajoz (16 Feb., 1811), 269; Dec, 1810), vii. 47. 22,000 destroyed in two months by Spanish magistrates, conduct of, towards inferior French force (14 March, the allied troops (27 Nov* 1813), xi. 1811), 361 ; immoveability of, at 326. Albuera andTalavera(22 May, 1811), Spanish military system, terrible state 583. of (26 Jan., 1811), vii. 190. , inexpediency and impolicy of the Spanish nation, its backwardness in the employment ot British officers with military profession (25 Aug., 1809), (3 May, 1812), ix. 109, 110; con v. 85. ditions upon which the aid of one , necessity of giving them an army million sterling should be distributed, (3 Oct., 1810), vi. 480 ; money, arms, 108, 109, 111; repugnance of to equipment, and discipline necessary. submit to be disciplined by British How to be procured, a Spanish ques officers (17 Oct., 1812), 496; dispo tion, 481. sition to engage with the enemy, but , their courage and activity of a random character of their movements passive nature (23 Dec, 1810;, vii. 67. (1 Nov., 1812), 528. Spanish navy, remarkable circumstance , at Alicante, wants of supplied (28 of the officers of, siding with the Jan., 1813), x. 57; in Spain, reasons usurpation (3 May, 1812), ix. 110. for the absolute refusal to feed (6 Spanish officers, complaints of, in Lis April, 1813), 261 bon (20 Sept., 1808), iv. 160. , fatal consequences of assembling Spanish patriots, money sent to Ferrol them in one corps (16 Aug., 1813), for (30 June, 1808), iv. 20. xi. 6; supplied from Lord Welling Spanish prisoners of war, inutility of ton's magazines (20 Aug., 1813), 22, them to the allied army in Spain (9 23 ; gallant repulse of the French on Nov., 1813), xi. 272. the heights of San Marcial, in their Spanish soldiers, service that would be attempt to relieve San Sebastian (2 rendered to the cause by amelioration Sept., 1813), 67 ; starving state of the of (27 Feb., 1810), v. 524. brave troops on the day of the action , necessity of keeping them in (3 Sept., 1813), 73 ; proper positions order when they cross the Portuguese for the formation of magazines (5 frontier (20 March, 1811), vii. 382 ; Sept., 1813), 83 ; wants of the troops not one at the siege of Badajoz (1 on the Eastern coast, and in all parts June, 1811), 630. of the country, 85 ; inutility of whole , not paid first (14 May, 1812), ix. armies for want of means (3 and 8 146 ; requisites for forming good (14 Abe., 1813), 250, 262; plunderingby May, 1812), 147; conditions onwhich (14 Nov., 1813), 287 ; what could be a limited number are allowed to accomplished by bringing forward serve in British regiments (18 May, 40,000 Spaniards (21 Nov., 1813), 1812), 153; number to be enlisted 307 ; proposed mode of paying them o 194 INDEX.

the subsidy in food, &c (24 Nov., Staff, question whether officers promoted 1813), 315; extensive plunder in £ by to serve with Portuguese troops, may (27 Nov., 1813), 325; rations issued be employed on a staff situation (26 to by the British Commissariat (23 June. 1809), iv. 466. Dec, 1S13),393; pillaging by Spa , officers of, going home on account nish troops (23 and 24 Dec, 1813), of their health, who have claims to be 330, 395. re-appointed (14 June, 1813), x. 437. Spanish volunteers to serve with the Staff of the army, paid first in a Spanish British army, conditions of their en army (6 May, 1812), ix. 126 ; last in listment (18 May, 1812),ix. 153. Loid Wellington's (14 May, 1812), Specie, scarcity of in Eugland (15 146. April, 1810), vi. 37,41. Staff of the British army, Lord Welling , object of the Portuguese Govern ton has nothing to do with the selec ment in requiring larger proportions tion of officers tor (18 Oct., 1813), xi. of to be paid into the mihtary chest 204. (30 April, 1811),vii. 514. Staff allowance, in what case paid to a , the world deprived of its usual Lieutenant Colonel (16 Sept., 1811), supply, by Spanish mismanagement viii. 283. (2 Aug., 1811), viii. 165; gigantic Staff appointments, explanations re tfforts made by the British Govern lating to (1 July, 1809), iv. 481. ment to avoid the necessity of sending Staff Corps of Cavalry, formation of ('24 it to Portugal (27 Aug., 1811), 229 ; Feb. and 24 March, 1813), X. 140, difficulties of procuring from Spanish 229 ; soldiers from all cavalry regi America, owing to the unsettled dis ments allowed to volunteer into (6 putes with the mother country (18 April, 1813), 257; volunteering of Dec, 1811), 468. men for (21 April, 1813), 308. , difficulty of procuring in Great , odium attached to (28 Nov., 1813), Britain for a large expenditure (14 xi. 329. Nov., 1812), is. 554. Staff employment, proposed, of English Spencer, Major General, returning to officers sent to serve with the Portu Gibraltar (21 June, 1808), iv. 12; guese army (26 Aug., 1809), v. 91; amount of his corps (20 July, 1808), developement of the plan (8 Sept., 32 ; letters to, off theTagus (26 July, 1809), 132, 133. 1808), 44; arrives in Mondego Bay Staff officers, case of deficient vouchers (8 Aug., 1808), 65; authorized to ad- to their accounts (13 March, 1810), vauce 100,000/. to the Junta of Seville, v. 569. but leaves the coast of Spain before , rule for forfeiting staff pay when he received the instructions, 74 ; exa absent on account of sickness for mined on the Court of Inquiry, 219, more than two months (15 Aug., 228. 1811), viii. 201 ; (21 Sept., 1812), ix. , Lieut. General Sir Brent, second 444 ; of the army, inconveniences of in command in Portugal (1 June, calling them away to regimental 1810), vi. 166 ; arrival of, instead of duties (6 Dec, 1811), 610,611. lord W. Bentinck (13 June, 1810), officers not to be appointed to 191 ; Memorandum for (11 Oct., when required for regimental duty 1810), 505. (31 Jan., 1813), x.72. . , letter to (29 Dec, 1810), vii. 81 ; Staff officers of the Spanish army or Memorandum for (14 April, 1811), dered to the head quarters of the 464 ; route from Sabugal indicated army (2 Jan., 1813), x. 19. (17 April, 1811), 475; distances from Stallions, rode by the Spanish cavalry j Castello Branco to the Tagus (20 (10,%., 1809), v. 22. April, 1811), 484; Memorandum lor Stamping of paper money to prevent (15 Afay, 1811), 567. forgery (25 Oct., 1811), viii. 3 J8; of _ — , leave to go to England (25 July, paper money, in what proportion exe 1811), viii. 149. cuted (2 Jan., 1812), 527. Spherical case shot, order for thirty Standard, specie brought by (26 April, rounds of (5 June, 1809), iv. 387, 388. 1812), ix. 87; disappointment at the , its destructive nature proved (16 money brought by (12 May, 1813), April, 1812), ix. 61, 62; order for, 140. and for common shells (31 May, Starving army, worse thau none (8 Aug., 1812), 192. (See Shrapnell shells), 1809), v. 15. Stable duties, apprehended neglect of , inutility of in any situation (11 (27 Jan., 1810), v. 460. May, 1810), vi. 103. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 195

Stealing, simply, legal sentence for (27 Stockjobbing by a Government, loss of Nov., 1813), xi. 320. credit by (10 Dec, 1811), viii. 445. Stewart, Brig. General Hon. C. (Mar Stopford, Colonel (Lieut. General the quis of Londonderry, G. C. B.), ca Hon. Sir Edward) (27 Sept., 1809), v. valry affair near Grijo (1 1 and 12 May, 187. 1809), iv. 321, 323; his conduct at — — , made a Brigadier General (28 Oporto (12 May, 1809); follows the Feb., 1811), vii. 321. enemy to Sta. 01alla(24 July, 1809), , Major General, unintentional 523 ; his conduct at the battle of omission of his name in the list fur Talavera (30 Sept., 1810), 475. the order of the Tower and Sword (3 , arrives at Lisbon (1 May, 1810), March, 1813), x. 161. vi. 73, 74 ; conduct at Busaco as Ad Stoppage of pay, when the troops receive jutant General. rations, the property of the public (28 , letter to (14 April, 1811), vii. 463. Feb., 1810), v. 533; from soldiers, , conduct at El Bodon (29 Sep/., nine pence per diem (27 March, J 811), viii. 309; atCiudadRodrigoas 1810), 598. Adjutant General (20 Jan., 1812), 549 ; Stragglers, to be sent in as prisoners (4 de^th of Lady Kaiherine Stewart (12 Oct., 1810), vi. 483. March, 1812), 658. Strength of an army, inaccurate notion , Lieut. General Sir C, employed on of, from returns (30 June, 1809), iv. a mission to Berlin (10 April, 1813), 477. x. 273. Strenuwitz, Cornet, French piquet sur Stewart, Major General Hon. W., or prised by (11 and 16 Feb., 1811), dered to embark for Cadiz (5 Feb., vii. 253, 270 ; takes Clausel's aide do 1810), v. 487 ; dispatches to (27 Feb., camp (22 and 23 Feb., 1811), 280, 1810), 523, 525 ; stores and reinforce 282, 289. ment sent to (9 March, 1810), 560; , Lieut., taken prisoner (6 Nov., to draw a table allowance of thirty 1811), viii. 383, note; cartel for his shillings a day (27 March, 1810), exchange (8 and 12 Nov., 1811), 390, 598 ; operations of against the enemy 397. at Cadiz (28 March?l8\0), 604. , gallant affair of, at Maguilla (30 , desire to be removed to the Portu June, 1812), ix. 263. guese army (16 May, 1810), vi. 119; Striking his officer, conviction of a sol extract from Lord Wellington's letter dier lor (13 Feb., 1813), x. 114. to, on the subject, 120, note; to be officers in the execution of their sent to Portugal (20 June, 1810), 210. duty, frequency of (6 Oct., 1813), xi. , indisposition of General Hill (2 166 ; of non-commissioned officers, in Dec. 1810), vii. 26 ; considerations on the execution of their duty, prevalence- his proposed attack of the enemy on of {id Nov., 1813), 329. the left bank of the Zezere (8 Dec, Strong position, which can be turned, 1810), 36, 37; instructions to (24, troops not to be put into, unless 25 and 28 Dec, 1810), 68, 72, 80 ; they have an easy retreat (21 April relieved in his command by Sir W. 1812), ix. 73. Beresford(29 A;c,1810), 82. Stuart, Lieut. General Sir John, K.B., , Lieut. General, hopes of placing Count of Maida, probability of rein him in his old situation (22 Sept., forcements not being sent off by him 1812), ix. 447. (14 July, 1810), vi. 270. , intended removal to the 2nd divi , request that vessels sent to Sicily, sion (13 March, 1813), x. 185; con if troops cannot be detached, may re duct at the battle of Vitoria (22 turn to the Tagus loaded with wheat June, 1813), 450; retreats from the or flour — position of the French in Puerto de Maya (1 Aug., 1813),579. Portugal (17 Dec, 1810), vii. 52; , Sir VV., receives the order of the political and military reasons for Bath (23 Sept., 1813), xi. 131 ; pas Massena's not retreating into Spain, sage of the Nivelle (13 Nov., 1813), 53 ; troops not sent by him (26 279 ; passage of the Nive and battle March, 1811), 407. near Bayonne (14 Dec, 1813), 370; Stuart, Charles, Esq. (Lord Stuart de at Hellette (20 Feb., 1814), 522; at Rothesay, G.C.B.), arrives at Coruua Aire (4 March, 1814), 549 ; his name (21 July, 1808), iv. 36. why not returned for the medal of , succeeds Mr. Villiers as His Ma Busaco (22 Nov., 1813), 308. jesty's Minister at Lisbon, letters and Stirling, Colonel, recommendation of dispatches to (19 Feb., 1810), v. 507, (25 Ocf, 1813), xi. 219. et seq, o2 196

Stuart, Charles, Esq. (Lord Stuart Subsidy, Portuguese, augmented pay of de Rothesay, G. (J. B.), division of officers to be defrayed by (2 /im., the Kingdom of Portugal into dis 1810), v. 402; amount of thesubsidv, tricts — wish of the people of Lisbon monthly and annual (23 Feb., 1810), to be saved from the French (1 519. April, 1810), vi. 3; public opinion of 120,000/. per month (16 May, in England (21 April, 1810), 51; 1810), vi. 122; date of its augmenta succession of the Princess of Brazil — tion, and number of men for which it military billets (29 April, 1810), 71 ; was to defray the expense (27 Jnly, recommended to advise the King's 1810), 305; estimate on which the government to give the King's consent original was founded, and its subse to his acceptance of the office of Re quent increase (8 Aug., 1810), 338 ; gent (3 Aug., 1810), 323; observa its inadequacy to replace the loss of tions to, on the arrangements made revenue, 340 ; cargoes of corn in lieu iu Brazil for the government of of money (18 Aug., 1810), 364. Portugal (4 Aug., 1810), 328; effect , method by which the Portuguese on the English officers in the Portu Government ought to show its inade guese service of the conduct of quacy (26 Nov., 1810), vii. 9; erro the 24th Portuguese regiment (11 neous principles on which calculated Sept., 1810), 427; slight variations (26 /on., 1811), 193; nearly double in the accounts of transactions, 428; its amount received by them (19 Feb., croaking in the army, and absurdity 1811), 277 ; amount of in 1810 (23 of advancing into Spain, 429. March, 1811), 389; balance of, in ■ , pecuniary wants of Portugal, and what manner to be paid, after deduct modes of increasing the army (26 ing all payments and advances on Nov., 1810), vii. 9; plot against the account, 406 ; another million pro English (5 Jan., 1811), 107 ; caution posed to be given by the British Go in reforms of expenditure recom vernment (27 March, 1811), 408; mended, 108; principle on which he granted for the pay of 30.000 men. accepted his seat iu the Regency, with the addition of 130,000/. per and expediency of withdrawing (6 annum for additional pay (15 April, May, 1811), 518, 519. 1811), 472; corrupt misapplication, , proposed nomination as Chief ib. ; grant of, contained the estimate Commissioner for settling the disputes of the pay and the provisions (20 between Spain and her colonies (17 May, 1811), 576, 577. Nov., 1811), viii. 405, and note. , old and new, overpaid (17 July, • , made a Knight of the Bath (26 1811), viii. Ill ; conditions on which Sept., 1812), ix. 452, note; cannot be Lord Wellington will consent to in invested but by a person authorized crease it (2 Aug., 1811), 164; pay by the Crown (20 Nov., 1812), 564; ment, in advance (21 Aug., 1811), 21 1. when invested with his riband must — , over receipt of, since the 1st of order a feast and a ball (20 Dec, January, 1812 (10 Afay. 1812), ix. 1812), 630, 631; will invest him at 134; overpaid (24 May, 1812), 166 ; Lisbon (23 Dec, 1812), 634. opposition to its increase (5 Aug., ' , mode in which he is to be in 18 12), 343 ; overpaid, in payments in vested (14 /an., 1813). x. 31; letters money and kind, ib. ; irregularity in, to, purchases of corn (3 May, 1813), no excuse for the irregularity of the 342 ; of colonial rum, 345. payment of the troops (22 Sept., , observations on the dissatisfaction 1812), 446 ; wishes to have nothingto of the Portuguese Government (11 do with it (5 Oct., 1812), 470 ; obser Oct., 1813), xi. 184; and trc the vations on a scheme for providing funds weekly letters on the affairs of Por for paying (14 Nov., 1812), 552. tugal and the Army. , amount of paid in kind (3 May, Sturgeon, Major (19 Dec, 1809), v. 1813), x. 343. 380 ; price arranged for information Subsidy, Spanish, advantages of, with (9 Jan., 1810), 416. stipulations for specific services (26 , his services at the siege of Ciudad Jan., 1811), vii. 194. Rodrigo (20 /an., 1812), viii. 535. , probable abuse of the Spanish , Lieut. Colonel, at the battle of Government, and mode in which it Salamanca (24 July, 1812), ix. 306 ; ought to be distributed (6, 14 and 19 to lay a bridge at Almaraz (5 Oct., May, 1812), ix. 125, 146, 156. 1812), 469 ; killed at Vic Bigorre , its amount, and exclusive appropri (20 March, 1814), xi. 536, note. ation to military purposes (27 Jan.,


1813), x. 55 ; proposed plan of paying, Sun newspaper, indiscreet publication by purchases of corn (3 May, 1813), in,of intelligence from Spain (18 Aug., 3 J4 ; regular, of a million, given to 1810), vi. 365 ; remarks on the pa Spain by Great Britain in the year ragraph in (26 Oct., 1810), 540. 1812 (9 Aug., 1813), 619. Supplies, want of, to what attributable Subsistence for the British, neglect of by (8 Aug., 1809), v. 13; arrangements the Spaniards (13 Aug., 1809), v. 33. best adapted for securing (5 Sept., , impracticability of other countries 1809), 124; the most convenient mode following the French mode of obtain of settling for, to pay for them in mo ing (9 May, 1813), x. 367. ney (16 Sept., 1809), 158. Success, or failure, the British army bear , supposed facility of the French in neither (31 May, 1809), iv. 374, 380. obtaining from countries the seat of after the battle of Vitoria (29 June, war, attributed to terror (9 May, 1813), 1813), x. 473. x. 367. Suchet, Marshal, Due d'Albufera, Surgeons, regimental, regulation de amount of his force in Aragon (25 priving them of the means of carrying Aug, 1S09), v. 83. their medicine chest (11 Aug., 1808), , his strength and position, June, iv. 83. IS10 (19 July, 1810), vi. 283. , not the custom to consider them , repulsed at Saguntum (23 Oct., as prisoners of war (9 Sept., 1809), and 6 Nov., 1811), viii. 355, 386 ; v. 137 ; want of, prevents an attack retreats from Valencia (12 Dec, on Soult (14 Nov., 1809), 282. 1811), 458; defeats Blake at Va Surgeons, Portuguese, willingness to lencia (21 Jan., 1812), 561 ; (5 Feb., take charge of British sick at Elvas 1812), 595 ; marches into Catalonia (13 Dec, 1809), v. 365. (26 Feb., 1812), 636. Surprise, its effects on troops, exemplified , , force under him near Alicante (7 (23 Feb.,1SU). vii.289. Nov., 1812), ix. 540. Sweden, Crown Prince of, hopes of pre , defeated at Castalla (5 May, 1813), vailing on him to take the field (12 x. 352, 353 ; force brought liy him Feb., 1813), x. 114. into Catalonia (1 July, 1813), 478; , recommends Lord Wellington for instructed to keep Valencia, 479 ; eva the Order of the Sword (17 Jan., 1814), cuates Valencia (19 July, 1813), 546; xi. 462; letter to (28 April, 1814), withdraws his garrisons from Aragon, 677. and collects his force in Catalonia Swiss, desertion of (6 June, 1810), vi. (20 July, 1813), 558; his march on 171; battalion shut up, and surren Tarragona (8 Aug., 1813), 616; ran ders, at Puebla de Sanabria (8, 9, and away, 617; movements of from Cata 13 Aug., 1810), 342, 343, 353 ; to be lonia towards France (14 Aug., 1813), conveyed to England (19 Aug., 1810), 634. 366 ; return of its strength (27 Aug., , his operations against Lord W. 1810), 384. ' Bentinck (25 Aug., 1813), xi. 40; Sword of the pretended King of Spain, retires from Catalonia (5 Sept., 1813), presented to the Marquis of Wel 87 ; doubt of his intended march (23 lington (14 July, 1813), x. 529. Sept., 1813), 132; informed by Lord Wellington that he has no nephew a T. prisoner of war (23 Sept., 1813), 137 ; his undiminished force in Catalonia Tagus, operations against the (30 June, (26 Sept., 1813), 149; facility of his 1808), iv. 17; armament ordered to resuming his position in Valencia (16 proceed off, 20; attack upon to be the Oct., 1813), 200 ; evacuates Catalonia first object, and force embarked (15 (1 March, 1814), 539, 540; junction July, 1808), 28 ; strength of the enemy of part of his force with Soult's (13 on, necessitates a diversion to the and 20 March, 1814), 576, 592; northward (1 Aug., 1808), 53; direc proposition to deliver up the forts of tions for securing the boats on (1 May, Catalonia (27 March 1814), 607; Na 1809), 288,290; doubt if heavy ord poleon's abdication communicated to nance ought to be placed in the bat (15 April, 1814), 645; letters to teries on the upper (3 June, 1809), (19 April, 1814), 657; (20 April, 384; its liability to rises and falls 1814), 666, et seq. ; convention with, (17 July, 1809), 518 ; passed by Sir for the evacuation of the strong places A. WelUsley and Gen. Cuesta, after in Catalonia and Valencia (20 April, the battle of Talavera (4 and 6 Aug., 1814), 666,667. 1809), 560, 562. IDS INOKX.

Ta^us, doubts of the French attempting JBattlb oi' Talavera (29 July, 1809), to force the passage of (8 Aug., 1809), 532 ; killed, wounded and missing, V. 1 ; reasons for taking up the line 538 ; Memorandum on the battle, 539 ; of, 7,8; full of from 18 inches to two to one of the enemy against the 2 feet (1 1 Aug., 1809),26 ; reasons for British, 540. keeping transports in (6 Oct. 1809), Talavera de la Reyna, details of subse 213; when foidable, and probable line quent operations (8 Aug., 1809), v. 4; of attack of the enemy (26 Oct., 1809), number of wounded brought away, and 245 ; importance of having a fleet of left behind, 8 ; Spanish soldiers and ships in (28 Feb., 1810), 532; unim officers how punished for running away portance of a momentary possession of at the battle, 12 ; letters written to the the left bank by the enemy (8 March, French Generals requesting attention 1810), 555, 557; advantages and dis to the wounded (9 Aug., 1809), 15,16; advantages of a military occupation care of the wounded (21 Aug., 1809), of the left bank of the river (23 March, 68, 69; want of means of subsistence, 1810), 590 ; impossibility of occupy with an army even of 60,000 instead of, ing the left bank (24 March, 1810), 20,000, to have gone farther (25 Aug., 594. 1809), 86 ; amount of wounded added , tonnage in, sufficient to ship the to the French losses, by the battle (19 whole British array, ordnance, stores, Sept., 1809), 163; reasons why no and 2000 horses (1 May, 1810), vi. French corps could be assembled at by 80 ; necessity of having a large fleet the 20th Sept. (28 Sept., 1809), 193 ; in (2 July 1810), 240; passage of, by British officers wounded at, sent to the French army of Portugal (18 July, France (6 Oct., 1809), 210; battle of, 1810), 276; expediency of a large the hardest fought of moderndays, each naval force in (13 Sept., 1810), 438; side losing a quarter of its numbers lank of, cut down to facilitate the (3 Dec, 1809), 331 ; good behaviour boats' firing upon the enemy (8 Oct., of the French towards the British pri 1810), 497 ; strength of ground on soners at (17 Dec, 1809), 371 ; money the left of (17 Oct., 1810), 519; im advanced by them, and proposed re possibility of interfering in the affairs payment, ib. ; names of officers en on the left of (31 Oct., 1810),566, 567. titled to receive medals as being pre , reconnaissance of the ground on sent in the battle (l4Jan.. 1810), 423 ; the left of (5 Dec, 1810), vii. 31 ; pro letter to the Speaker of the House of bability of the enemy's attempting to Commons, acknowledging approba throw a bridge over (24 Dec, 1810), tion for the battle of (6 March, 1810), 68 ; passage of by the enemy to be 550. resisted, and efforts made to prevent , amount of the hospital at and the their establishing themselves on the men at Plasencia only 852 (11 April, left of the river, 69, 70 ; boats intended 1810), vi. 32 ; officer tried for absent by the French for the passage of ing himself from his regiment during (31 Dec, 1810), 88; slowness of works the battle (19 Oct., 1810), 524. on the left of (31 Dec, 1810), 93; , battles of the Pyrenees, on the an passage from the left bank by troops niversary of (4 Aug., 1813), x. 597. to Alhandra (3 Jan., 1811), 100 ; Talavera club, remarks on (20 Nov., repair of road along the left bank 1810), v. 302. (4 Jan., 1811), 104, 105; arrangements Tamaga, movement of Soult towards the tor withdrawing troops from the left (2 May, 1809), iv. 293. to the right bank (6 Jan., 1811), 114; Tamames, strength of the post at (31 small number of workmen employed Oct., 1809), v. 267; affair at, evinces on the works on the left of the river the mode of acting, best adapted for (13/an., 1811), 140; quitted by Mas- the Spaniards (9 Dec, 1809), 345; sena (J March, 1811), 345; coppered dispersion of the Spanish troops near transports to be detained in the (18 Dec, 1809), 374. (20 March, 181 1), 379 ; flying bridges Tarbes, affair at (20 March, 1814), xi. to be laid over (31 March, 1811), 418, 596. 420. Tarifa, expedition to (23 Oct., 1811), , examination of its banks for fords viii. 356 ; invested by the French on (2 Oct., 1812), ix. 464. the 20th December (9 Jan., 1812), Talbot, Lieut. Colonel, killed (11 July, 543 ; sortie from, 545 ; impossibility 1810), vi. 254 ; a great loss, 259. of defending it, 546; detail of the Talavera de la Reyna, position of the attack by the French, and of the vic enemy near (1 July, 1809), iv. 480; tory at the breach of (21 Jan., 1812), PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 199

561 ; state of the place, and disgraceful Telegraphs, directions for fixing, along retreat of the French (1 Feb., 1812), the Guadiana (29 Dec . 1 8 1 1), viii. 49 1 588 ; measures for its security, 588, («« Signals). 589; senior officer to command the Temple, Lord, motion respecting affairs whole of the troops at (25 Feb., 1812), in the Peninsula (26 /an., 1813),x. 40. 632. Tenth Hussars, destroy the French 16th Tarifa, pay of Commanding Officer at dragoons at Morales de Toro (2 and (16 April, 1812), ix. 60 ; staff ap 4June, 1813), x. 411,415. pointments at (22 May, 1812), 160; Tents, sufferings for want of (12 Oct,, inexpediency of works at, and utility 1810),vi. 506. of the island, I (i 1 . 162 ; improvements , robbing officers in their, frequency of the works at sanctioned (1 June, of the crimeof(27 Nov., 1813), xi. 320. 1812), 195. Testimony, written, proposed reception Tarragona, detachment of troops to (24 of, on Courts Martial (10 Feb., 1813), June, 1811), viii. 45 ; fall of (20 July, x. 107. 1811), 123 ; taken by storm, the 28th Thirty third regiment, takes leave of, of June (21 July, 1811), 132; re after belonging to it more than 20 ported capture of (8 and 12 Feb., years, in a letter to Colonel Gore (3 1812), 598, 603. Feb., 1813), x. 81. , expediency of an attack on (20 Thomar, request to Marshal Beresford to March, 1812), ix. 3 ; necessity of ob put his right at (19 Aug., 1809), v. 54 ; taining possession of, to secure the outrages at (8 Sept., 1809), 136; to communication with the army of Ca Espinhal, importance of the military talonia and the British fleet (1 July road from (19 Feb., 1810), 506. 1812), 265 ; its loss a fatal blow to the , arrival of the French column at French, and to be attempted by a di (28 Dec, 1810), vii. 80. rect attack, 266. Tietar, passage of by the British army , importance of retaking (29 March, (17 and 18 July, 1809), iv.517, 519. 1813), x. 243; instructions to Sir J. Tilson, General (afterwards General Murray for the siege (14 April, 1813), Chowne), his conduct at the bat 299 ; operations at, and reported cap tle of Talavera (29 July, 1809), iv. ture (24 and 26 June, 1813), 458, 464 ; 536. siege of raised (1 July, 1813), 478 ; , at the castle of Mirabete (21 May, Maurice Mathieu, Sir J. Murray, and 1812), ix. 185. Suchet, all run away (8 Aug., 1813), Tobacco, contraband (15 Feb., 1811), 617. vii. 263. , operations for the siege suspended Toial, affair near (30 Sept., 1810), vi. by LordW.Bentinck (25 Aug., 1813), 470. xi. 43 ; the place blown up by the Toledo, taken possession of by guer French, and evacuated, 45 (19 Sept., rillas (18 Aug., 1812), ix. 366. 1813), 124. , chimerical scheme for surprising Telegraphs, establishment of (15 June, the French at (18 April, 1813), x. 305. 1810), vi. 196; telegraph returned for Toplitz, treaty of (31 Oct., 1813), xi. its intricacy (20 June, 1810), 215; up 233. right, directions for preparing (20 Tordesillas, movements of Marmont at Aug., 1810), 371 ; at Guarda and Celo- (11 July, 1812), ix. 279; position of rico, precautions for destroying (3Sept., Santocildes about (5 Aug., 1812), 1810), 402; officers and seamen ma 345; surrender of the garrison (13 naging on shore, allowance to be made Aug., 1812), 355; bridge of, gained by to (19 Oct., 1810), 525,526. the enemy (30 Oct., 1812), 522; po , consent of the Secretary of State sition of the opposing forces at (31 to make an allowance to the officers, Oct., 1812), 523, 525; movement of &c, of the fleet employed at (9 Dec, the British from (8 Nov., 1812), 543. 1810), vii. 3!) ; wish to know the sum Tormes, march of the French from the to be allowed the officers and seamen (1 May, 1810), vi. 73. serving with the army (22 Dec, 1810), , retreat of the enemy beyond the 60 ; at Oporto, recommendation to de 05 May, 1811), vii. 567. fray its expense, 62 ; military, pay per , retreat of the enemy towards (24 diem fixed for the lieutenants, mid April, 1812), ix. 79; movements on, shipmen, and seamen employed at of the French and British (25 June, (24 Dec, 1810), 68; officers of the 1812), 251 ; operations of the British navy attached to, to return to their and allied forces on (8 iVor., 1812), duty (4 April, 1811), 429, 545 ; 80,000 or 90,000 of the enemy's 200 INDEX.

disposable force in Spain, on the making a vigorous effort to relieve it river (19 Nov., 1812),561; crossing (23 Sept., 1813), xi. 133; reasoning by the French (26 Nov., 1812), 578. on which to ground the expediency cf Toro, French movements near (11 July, attacking, 133, 134. 1812), ix. 279 ; the withdrawal of the Toulon fleet, defeat of (15 and 20 Nov., garrison no misfortune (18 Aug., 1809), v. 285, 300; number driven 1812), 367; garrison carried off' by ashore (20 Nov., 1809), 301, note. foy (25 Aug., 1812), 379; CastaGos Toulouse, rapid retreat of Soult to (25 requested to stop its destruction (3 March, 1814), xi. 604; Battle ot,and Sept., 1812), 394; span of the arch entry of the British army (12 April, of the bridge (1 Nov., 1812), 527; 1814), 629, 632 ; proceedings at, 639 ; bridge repaired by the French (8 Convention of (18 April, 1814), 653. Nov.. 1812), 543. Tower and Sword, Order of conferred Torre de Moncorvo, a very fertile dis on British officers (5 Feb., 1813), x. trict (3 Jan., 1810), v. 407. 88; must have the Prince Regent's Turrens, Lieut. Colonel, examination of permission, 90 ; permission requested on the Court of Inquiry (1808), iv. to accept the Order (10 Feb., 1813), 216— 238. 106; question of title of Sir to be , Colonel, letter to, drafting of assumed by, 109; Circular to the horses, and formation of provisional Knights of, permission from the battalions (2 Feb., 1813), x. 76. Prince Regent of Great Britain to Torres Novas, concentration of the accept the distinction (15 March, French force at (2 Dec, 1810), vii. 1813), 187; knights not to take the 27 ; communications with the enemy appellation borne by English knights, at, from Lisbon (6 Feb., 1811), 237. 188 ; riband not seut with (26 March, Torres Vedras, assembly of the French 1813), 232. army between, and Lisbon (18 Aug., , applications by knights of, to 1808), iv. 101 ; position of the British assume the appellation of an English army after the action of the 21st (30 knight (1 Nov., 1813), xi. 243. Aug., 1808), 132, 133. Traidoras, las, conduct to be pursued , proposed occupation of, and sub towards (7 Sept., 1812), ix. 397. sequent operations in case the corps Train of the British army, employment stationed there should be forced (20 of Spanish subjects in (5 Jan., 1811), Oct., 1809), v. 236; requisition of vii. 109. working parties for (26 Oct., 1809), Trancoso, directions for patrolling from '214; stores to be provided at (31 (30 July, 1810), vi. 310; alarm for Oct., 1809), 264; intended recon the post at (31 July, 1810), 311; naissance at (30 and 31 Jan., 1810), movement on (16 Aug., 1810), 362; 466,473,477. importance of the post at (3 Sept., , district No. 1., troops allotted for 1810), 402; head quarters of the (6 Oct., 1810), vi. 489; number of French at (15 Sept., 1810), 441. redoubts, cannon and men required Transport, deficiency of means of, and for their defence, 492 ; diligence and for what purposes strictly applicable - ability of the Engineer officers by (16 July, 1809), iv. 515. whom the works were constructed (21 , necessity of means of (8 Aug., Nov. 1810), 631. 1809), v. 11; neglect by the Spa — — , lines of, planned by British En niards in furnishing means of, and its gineers (6 Oct., 1811), viii. 325, 342. consequences (13 Aug., 1809), 33; , ungrounded claim for originating necessity and determination of re- the plan of positions at (24 April, tiiing from Spain from want of (18 1812), ix. 81.- Aug., 1809), 51; means of, not half Torres, Seiior Lozano de, letter to, on in Portugal what they are in Spaiu an arrangement for supplying the (21 Aug., 1809), 66; facility of English army (14 Aug., 1809), v. 40 ; finding for Spanish purposes (31 causes of Sir A. Wellesley's departure Aug., 1809), 102; best mode of en from Spain (20 Aug., 1809), 60; his suring (5 Sept., 1809), 124. shame as a Spaniard at the treatment , refusal of supply of means of, by of the Biihsharmy (21 Aug., 1809), the Portuguese (11 May, 1810), vi. 65. 104; scarcity of means not occa Toitosa, lost, without sufficient cause sioned by the consumption of cattle (14 March, 1811), vii. 361. (15 July, 1810), 273; services per , amount of the French garrison formed by Spanish muleteers (2 Nov., left in, and probability of Suchet's 1810), 575, PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 201

Transport, remedy for the deficient carry away the British army from means of (27 Dec, 1810),vii. 79 ; land, Lisbon (10 March, 1810), 563. history of the cause of the confusion Transports, horse and infantry, oiders concerning (23 Jan., 1811), 177, for sending home (12 May, 1810), vi. 178; for the British, conducted en 106; none to be sent home (8 Oct., tirely by Spaniards (18 Feb., 1811), 1810), 497. 276 ; Spanish muleteers the only in the Tagus, arguments for not means of, in the British army (30 reducing them (21 Dec, 1810), vii. March, 1811), 417; the troops in 56, 57, 59 ; ordered to be sent home, cantonments, arranged to have means to save money (22 Dec, 1810), 64; no fur three days (8 April, 1811), 436; more to be sent away (9 Jan., 1811), means of, purchased by the British 124 ; use of, for the removal of cattle Commissary General (21 April, 181 1), (11 Jan., 1811), 127; coppered, to be 488. detained in the Tagus, remainder to ., the great lever of the commis- be sent home (20 March, 1811), 379; saiiat, done entirely by Spanish mule expense of, in 1810 (23 March, 1811), teers (12 June, 1811), viii. 7; regu 388, 390. lations for enforcing the supply of , statement of the tonnage in tho carts, boats, &c (25 June, 1811), 49 ; Peninsula, and allocation (4 June, objections to parts of Dom Miguel Fur- 1813), x. 416; arrangements for con jaz's proposed regulations on the sub veying prisoners and invalids to Eng ject of (29 Aug. 1811), 242 ; requisites land (11 Aug., 1813), 627. to render the present system perfect, Transportation for life, sentence of to be 243; means of, in the campaign of passed on no soldier, for any crime 1810, distributed, according to the but desertion (10 and 18 Feb., 1811), number of troops of both nations then vi. 249, 273. in the field (16 Sept., 1811), 286; , necessity of his Majesty's plea mode of procuring pursued by the sure on sentences of (14 Aug., 1811), French in Castille, 288 ; owners of, viii. 194. proposed regulations for (28 Nov. Trant, Colonel, letters to (1 Aug. 1808), 1811), 427; object of the law in num iv. 56; (3 Aug., 1808), 60; Memo bering the means of (29 Feb., 1812), randum for (8 Aug., 1808), 76; letters 644. to (14 Aug., 1808), 88; (3 May, , neglect of the Portuguese in fur 1809), 297 ; appointed Commandant nishing means of, for the siege of of Oporto (13 May, 1809), 330; Badajuz, and tendency of the Portu Memorandum for (14 May, 1809), guese law (27 March and 2 April, 336; to continue to command in 1812), ix. 14,25 ; fraudulent returns of Oporto (12 June, 1809), 416. means of (18 May, 1812), 154 ; con , proposed retention by of his ap sequences at Burgos, from the want of pointment on the Staff (20 Oct., means of (23 Nov., 1812), 574. 1809), v. 241. Transports, tonnage of, intended to be sent , nature of his situation on the to England, if Soult should be beaten Staff (9 May, 1810), vi. 99; loss of or crippled (7 May, 1809), iv. 306; his services how felt by the Govern thanks for the horse transports, 307 ; ment, 100. proposed limitation of the number of , Brig. General Sir N., letters to (31 May, 1809), 375; all the three (13 May, 1810), vi. 107; (11 Aug., months' infantry ships and horse 1810),350; to cover the road leading ships to be sent home, 375, 376 ; dis towards Oporto (19 Sept., 1810), 455, charge of, 379 ; infantry transports note ; attacks the escort of the French recommended to be sent to Oporto to military chest, near Tojal (30 Sept., convey to England the French pri 1810), 470; prisoners taken by at soners (1 June, 1809), 380; for 3000 Coimbra (20 and 27 Oct., 1810), 527, horses may be sent to England (7 June, 555; application of, for tonnage to 1809), 392, 397; amount of tonnage send to England 3800 French pri to be sent home (30 June, 1809), 476. soners (26 Oct., 1810), 541 ; character in the Tagus, expediency of some of his report (13 Nov., 1810), 619. latitude respecting the disposal of , Order of the Tower and Sword (30 Nov., 1809), v. 323; return re conferred on (9 Oct., 1811), viii. 332. specting required (15 Jan., 1810), , treacherous position at Guarda 427; in the Tagus, will not hold (17 April, 1812), ix. 66; opinion on more than 22,000 (24 Jan., 1810), his plans and operations (21 April, 446 ; amount of tonnage supplied to 1812), 73. 202 INDEX.

Trant, Brig. Gen. Sir N..leave of absence Twelve pounder, heavy English iron, (5 June, lb 13), x. 417 ; justice of his its utility (6 May, 1812), ix. 118. claims, 418. Twenty fourth Portuguese regiment, at Tras os Monies, threatened passage into Almeida, pass into the French service by the enemy (28 June, 1810), vi. (31 Aug., 1810), vi. 396; seventeen 232. officers and 500 men desert (7 Sept., , zeal of the militia of (7 Sept., 1810), 414; all but 200 desert (13 1812), ix. 403. Sept., 1810), 432, 438. Tieachery, suspicion of in the Govern Twenty ninth regiment, the best in the ment of Portugal (15 Aug., 1811). army, recruits wanted for (12 Sept. viii. 1 98 ; Spanish, its results (2 Aug., 1809), v. 146. 1811), 165, 166. Tyranny, disgusting, desire for its over Trick, couduct to be adopted in oppo throw (23 May, 1811), vii. 600. sition to (27 June, 1809), iv. 468. , existence of in the Portuguese army (8 Sept., 1809), v. 133. U. Trocadero, proceedings of the enemy to secure their positions on (8 and 11 Unanimity, the foundation of the April, 1810), vi. 24, 34; not aban strength of Lord Wellington's pro doned by the enemy (11 June, 1810), ceedings (27 Aug., 1810), vi. 385. lS4 ; advantage of seizing (28 June, Unanimous army, commanded by Lord 1810), 232; measures for striking a Wellington (3 Hec.,1809), v. 331, 332. blow against the enemy's establish Usagre, affair at (30 May, 1811), vii. ments (2 Aug., 1810), 317, 321 ; naval 623. means left in the merchants' yards by the Spaniards, 321. V. Troop ships, advisable detention of (2 AW., 1810), vi. 576. Valdez, Lieut. General, appointed Cap Troops, baneful consequences of com tain General of Cadiz (6 April, 1813), manding those held together solely x. 258; arrangements for a distinct by opinion (11 Nov., 1810), vi. 612. division of troops under, 267. , British, cause of their unhealthi- Valenca, Marquez de, case of (13 Oct., uess(4Aug., 1812), ix. 339. '1811), viii. 340, 341 ; proposed escape , active employment of, limited by of (29 Oct., 1811), 361. the means at the disposal of the Valencia, probable submission of Spani Government which employs them (14 ards to the French when the latter Feb., 1813), x. 118. are in possession (14 Aug., 1811), Truxillo, movement of heavy cannon viii. 192; affairs of (23 Oct., 1811), from (3 May, 1809), iv. 296. 355 ; political and military injury — — , supplies received from (11 Aug., from the loss of (4 Dec, 1811), 435, 1809), v. 25; proposed magazine at 436 ; the expedition into, the most (13 Aug., 1809), 32, 34; arrange important next to that into Portugal ments respecting the magazine (14, which the enemy could undertake (18 18, and 19 Aug., 1809), 41, 49, 55; Dec, 1811), 470. insufficiency of the magazine to feed -, projected attack on (1 July, the British army one day (20 and 21 1812), ix. 265; advantages of renew Aug., 1809), 58, 64 ; conduct of Don ing the war in, 266; operations to L. de Calvo (21 Aug., and 30 Oct., force the enemy to evacuate (14 Sept., 1809), 64, 258; contradictory conduct 1812), 431; amount of the French of the Spaniards in moving their force in (26 Oct., 1812), 514; force troops from, for want of provisions arrived from (7 Nov., 1812), 540. (16 Sept., 1809), 159; arrangement , conduct of the allied troops in (8 for a division of the magazine at, Jan., 1813), x. 25,26; proposed ope between the two armies (30 Oct., rations for obtaining possession of 1809), 257 ; insufficient state of the the open country of (1 July, 1813), magazine the immediate cause of 479. Lord Wellington's withdrawing from , proposed attack on the small posts Spain, 258. in (23 Sept., 1813), xi. 135; condi Tudela, exculpation of the magistrate tions on which the garrisons of forts of ill Aug., 1813), xi. 30. in, are to be withdrawn (27 Jan., Tweeddale, Marquis of, report of his con 1814), 480. duct by General Hill (30 Oct., 1811), Valencia de Alcantara taken (25 March, vii. 388. 1811), vii. 399; (27 March, 181 1),410. PENINSULA AND SOUTH OV FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 203

Valladolid, muskets and artillery found Vic Bigorre, affair at (20 March, 1814), there by the French, [owing to xi. 596. Spanish delay (23 Aug., 1812), ix. Victor, Marshal, Due de Bellune, pro 373. posed operations against (24 April, Vandeleur, Major General (Lieut. Gene 1809), iv. 267; measures adopted to ral Sir John), conduct of at the assault prevent his crossing the Tagus (2 May, of Ciudad Rodrigo (20 Jan., 1812), 1809), 291, 292 ; takes Alcantara (19 viii. 553. May, 1809), 345, 346; cannot venture , inability to give him a brigade of to invade Portugal with his whole cavalry (26 and 28 April, 1813), x. force (21 May, 1809), 350 ; intercepted 330, 333; conduct at the battle of letter from to Marshal jourdan (27 Vitoria (22 June. 1813), 451. May, 1809), 364; proposed destruction Vanity, unconquerable^ of Portuguese of, by co-operation with Cuesta (30 and Spanish officers, lead them into May, 1809), 371 ; will soon be in as bad errors (26 Jan., 1811), vii. 194. a scrape as Soult (31 May, 1 809), 380 ; Vaudoncourt, General Guillaume de, in passes a division of his army over the correct statement of, respecting the Tagus by the bridge of Almaraz (7 battle of Toulouse (12 April, 1814), June, 1809), 398 ; operations against xi. 638. (11 June, 1809), 410; retiring (17 Vega, Don Andres Angel de la, Inl-an- June, 1809), 430; battle of Talavera lon, letter to, on the defects of the (29 July, 1809), 532. constitution, and proposed remedies , his loss in killed and wounded at (29 /on., 1813), x. 61-66; review of Talavera, and force left (8 Aug., the Marquis of Wellington's motives 1809), v. 7; knew positively on the and objects in his propositions of the 23d July of the intended attack on 4th and 25th Dec, and entire frus the 24th, 9 ; his inactivity after the tration of his purpose by the Govern defeat of the Spanish army at Me- ment (3, April, 1813), 252-255 ; his dellin, to what to be attributed (4 character of the Liberales (4 May, Sept., 1809), 120; observations on 1813), 347 ; answer to his congratu his escape from Estremadura (9 Dec, lations on the recent success of the 1809), 350, note. army (16 July, 1813), 530. corps, organization of (2 May, Vellore, causes of the mutiny at (13 1810), vi. 81; strength of before March, 1812),viii. 661. Cadiz (20 June, 1810), 210; his Venegas, General, position, and opera- strength and position, 1st June, 1810 lions for, in the movement of Sir A. (19 July, 1810), 283. Wellesley towards the Spanish fron — — , strength before Cadiz (18 March, tier (1 July, 1809), iv. 480; line for 1811), vii. 372; defeated at Barrosa the proposed advance of towards (6 March, 1811), 393. Madrid (31 July, 1809), 547. , corps of at Vejer (9 Jan., 1812), , strength of his position in the viii. 544. mountains of the Sierra (15 Aug., Victoria, Duque da, title of, conferred 1809), v. 47 ; success against the on the Marquis of Wellington (22 enemy, in the neighborhood of April, 1813), x. 316. Aranjuez, of a detachment of his Victory, rule of one step of promotion army (21 Aug., 1809), 69; disobedi for bringing home tidings of (4 Aug., ence of orders to be at Arganda close 1813), x. 600. to Madrid (1 Sept., 1809), 106 ; re Victuallers, more expensive than store quest for copies of accounts received houses (31 May, 1809), iv. 375. from by Government (7 Sept., 1809), Vigo, proposed operations at (30 June, 132; would have carried into execu 1808), iv. 17. tion the operations allotted to his — — , importance of securing (30 Oct., army (30 Oct., 1809), 255; confi 1811), viii. 370. dence in his patriotism and abilities Villages, abandoned by the inhabitants (22 Dec, 1809), 387 ; Governor of on the approach of the French (15 Cadiz, highly deserving of confidence Aug., 1810), vi. 360. (7 Feb., 1810), 489; preparations for Villa-muriel, affair at (26 Oct., and 1 provisioning Cadiz, proposed to (22 AW., 1812), ix. 517, 528. Dec, 1809, and 27 and 30 March, Villa Nova, inquiries respecting the 1810), 387, 603, 608 ; observations on occurrence at, in what case to be his conduct, and on his consent for final (6 March, 1810), v. 549. calling for British assistance to Cadiz Villa Real, proposal to cut off the re- (27 Feb., 1810), 525. treat of the French at (7 May, 1809), iv. 308, 309. 204 INDEX.

Villa Ileal, Cuude de (19 Aug., 1809), 205 ; his successor well chosen — esti v. 54, note. mate of expenses of the British Go Villares, ufl'air on the heights of ('25 and vernment in Portugal (6 Oct., 1809), JuVmot, 1812), ix. 251, 262. 209 ; Lord Wellington's opinion on Vill.itti'. General, returns to the block points referred to in his dispatch of ade of Cadiz (18 Jug., 1812), ix. 367. 2d Oct., 1809, 216 ; share of receipts Villa Vt'lha, advantages of a bridge at and advances (31 Oct., 1809), 266; (30 March, 1809), v. 96 ; company of acknowledgment of his fair and kind British infantry to be forwarded to manner (6 Dec, 1809), 335, 336; the bridge of (27 Jan., 1810), 461; encouragement to foreigners to desert, importance of the bridge (31 Jan., 336 ; question of the increase of force, 1810), 477. 337 ; money concerns (27 Dec, 1809), , instructions for destroying the 390; objections to pledge the British bridge at (9 July, 1810), vi. 253; in Government to pay money to Portu structions for destroying the fords at gal, which he is not certain he shall (23 Aug., 1810), 379; formation of be able to pay (6 Jan., 1810), 414 ; bridge at (29 Oct., 1810), 561 ; bridge objections to engage to pay money in at, hope that it is destroyed (9 Nov., Portugal by bills to be negociated 1810). 601 ; movement of the French now or at any future period (14 Jan., to, and bridge at destroyed (10 Nov., 1810), 424 ; necessary conviction that 1810), 604; burnt (11 Nov., 1810), Great Britain has undertaken too 609. large a pecuniary concern in Portu , flying bridge to be sent up to (31 gal — motives for not asking for more March, 1811), vii. 418,420; hopes than 30,000 effective British troops, that the orders for the Hying bridge 425 ; determination to hold his ground at, will have been given to somebody for the sake of the honor and interests who will obey them (11 April, 1811), of the country — in all events shall be 458 ; the Juiz and the Escrivano able to carry away the British army, ordered to appear before the special 426 ; impracticability of increasing commission (27 April, 1811), 509. the funds (25 Jan., 1810), 452; obser Villiers, Right Hon. John (Earl of Cla vations on the expenditure of the rendon), letter to (23 April, 1809), iv. money received, 453 ; suggestions for 264; instructions to General Macken the relief of the distress of the Portu zie (1 May, 1809), 290 ; his offer to guese army for want of provisions, procure Sir A. Wellesley assistance 454-456 ; arrangements for assisting to copy his dispatches declined (2 the Portuguese troops and commissa May, 1809), 292 ; letters to (4 May, riat with provisions and magazines 1809), 299; concern at his intended when they require them, 457 ; incon departure (11 June, 1809), 412. venience of assisting the Portuguese , movements of the French towards Government with bills drawn on Bri Plasencia (12 Aug., 1809), v. 30; tish credit (28 Jan., 1810), 464 ; starving state of the British army, neglect of the Portuguese Government 31; letter to (21 Aug., 1809), allot in adopting any of the measures ment of the supplies of money, 61 ; recommended for the improvement of silver in bars to be taken by the Por their financial concerns, for the sup tuguese Government — lines at Oporto port of the efficiency and authority of (30 Aug., 1809), 99; thanked for his their government, or for the efficiency pains in making inEngland a favorable of their army — purchases of wheat impression of the operations of Sir A. from Mr. Phillips (30 Jan., 1810), 469, Wellesley (4 Sept., 1809), 117; cou- 470; suggests the procuring money riers, soldiers going to mass, conduct for bills on England from persons of detachments (8 Sept., 1809), 134 ; gone to Ayamonte (3 Feb., 1810), 485 ; Madame da Silva's list of detenus refusal to agree to the proposition, of (12 Sept., 1809), 144; his ready as the Commissary General of the Bri sumption of responsibility when he tish army taking upon himself the can do good — use of the King's name responsibility of managing the Com in the communication to the Por missariat of the Portuguese troops (7 tuguese army (15 Sept., 1809), 154; Feb., 1810), 490; succeeded by Mr. amount received for bills, and fifth Stuart as His Majesty's Minister at part at his disposal (16 Sept., 1809), Lisbon (19 Feb., 1810), 507, note. 158; additional pay to the Portu Villiers, Right Hon. John (Earl of Cla guese officers (29 Sept., 1809), 198; rendon), advance of money to Capt. regret at his departure (5 Oct., 1809), Eliott — Massena collecting for an at PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 205

tack — circumspection of the French — vernment being beaten on the (I good state of the Portuguese army — April, 1810), vi. 13; disposable in wish for some counteraction to un fantry requested (19 Aug., 1810), 370. founded newspaper writing (5 June, , increased sickness in regiments 1810), vi. 170 ; answer to his favorite which had been at, to what attribut notion on supplies of money (30 Aug., able (15 Dec, 1810), vii. 50; con 1810), 395 ; his life endangered by tinued sickness in (12 and 16 Feb., the mob of Lisbon (14 Sept., 1810), 1811), 256, 270. 440. fever, its effects on the troops (11, Vimeiro, Battle of (21 Aug., 1808), iv. 18 Sept., and 2 Oct., 1811), viii. 276, 108; killed and wounded, 112; ord 293,315; cases, reappearance of in nance and ammunition taken, 1 13 ; the army (8 Nov., 1811), 391. armistice (22 Aug., 1808), 118. , danger of exposing the troops Vitoria, Battle of (22 June, 1813), x. from to the weather (20 March, 446; ordnance, &c. captured, 433; 1812), ix, 4. spoil obtained by the soldiers at the Wales, Prince of, appointed Regent, battle (2'J June, 1813), 473; fatal by bill, with restrictions (10 Jan., state of indiscipline after the victory 1811), vii. 125. (2 July, 1813), 473, 496 ; accounts of Walker, Lieut. Colonel (Lieut. General the battle when received at Dresden SirT. VV., G.C.B.), in command of (13 Aug., 1813), 633; (15 Aug., the 50th regt. at the battle of Vi- 1813), xi. 3. mciro (21 Aug., 1803), iv. 109, 111. , proposed building at, for a maga , judicious and gallant conduct in zine for the British army (14 Oct., the assault of Badajoz (7 April, 1 8 1 3), xi. 1 89; principle of d istribution 1812), ix. 40 ; the state of his wounds of medals for (I April, 1814), 620. (20 May, 1812), 158; letter to (18 Viveres, Junta de, insufficiency and dis Aug., 1812), 364 ; compensation for honesty of (13 May, 1810), vi. 109. loss of baggage (2 Dec, 1812), 598. not one line of truth in their re Wallace, Lieut. Colonel 88th regiment turns (8 March, 181 1), vii. 349 ; pro (Lieut. General Sir A. Wallace, posed abolition of, and substitute pro K.C.B.), conduct at Busaco (30 Sept., posed (26 March, 1811), 404; aboli 1810), vi. 472. tion of recommended (8 April, 1811), , commanding a brigade at the 439. battle of Salamanca (24 July, 1812), , abolition of {To June, 1811), viii. ix. 305. 48 ; total abolition, to receive the Walsh, Lieut. Colonel, Towu Major new subsidy (25 July, 1811), 148. of Lisbon, empowered to grant war , proposed abolition of, and stop rants for subsistence (28 April, 1809), page of payments still making on iv. 280. account of that infamous board (7 , nature of his appointment (20 March, 1813), x. 169; its monthly Sept., 1809), v. 164; services ren receipts after its abolition (12 April, dered by, 165. 1813;, 285. War, the Spaniards really children in Vivian, Colonel (Lieut. General Sir H. the art of (25 Aug., 1809), v. 85. Vivian, G. C. B.), gallant attack of, , a terrible evil, but inflicted in a near Toulouse (12 April, 1814), xi. less degree by British troops (14 632. May, 1810), vi. 114. Vizeu, commissariat arrangements at , a financial resource with the (2 May, 1809), iv. 295 ; movement French (31 Jan., 1812), viii. 582. towards, of British and Portuguese in the Peninsula, necessity of sa (7 May, 1809), 312. crificing the interests of individuals Volunteering from the militia, measure in, to the cause of the nation (1 1 for reviving the spirit of (24 Sept., March, 1813), x. 182; supporting 1813), xi. 141. war, impracticability of the system Vougn, attack on outposts on (7 May, (V May, 1813), 367. 1809), iv. 309 ; driving in of the ene , violence of enmity with which my's posts, north of (11 May, 1809), conducted, and hope of its being the 320. last for some time (4 Sept., 1813), xi. 78 ; in an enemy's country, concili W. atory conduct enjoined, and mode of Walcheren, return of troops from the mitigating its evils (5 March, 1814), expedition question, (16 probability Sept., 1809), of v. the 160. Go 551,552. Water, the only beverage of the British 200 INDEX.

troop9 for the last month (21 Aug., pillos — wants of the army in bread 180'J), v. 71. and means of transport, 35, 36 ; re Water decks, 4000 requested (19 April signation of Cuesta (14 Aug., 1809), 1810). vi. 49. 42; loss of the Pass of Bafios (15 Waters, Major (Major General Sir John, Aug., 1809), 44 ; deficiencies of sup K.C.B.) (26 June, 1809), iv. 466. plies, and object of collecting Mar , Lieut. Colonel, goes with a Hag of shal Beresford's corps on the frontier, truce (9 and 12^«y.,1809),v. 16,31 ; 45 ; flight of the Spaniards from the Memorandum for (14 Aug., 1809), 41 ; bridge of Arzobispo — relative numbers Spanish cannon found by him, loaded and position of the two armies, 46 ; (25 Aug., 1S09). 85; goes to Eng preparations in the expectation of a land (26 Oct., 1809), 24 7. j call for assistance by Venegas, 47 ; , letter to (20 Sept., 1810), vi. 456. want of forage for the cavalry, and , taken prisoner (4 aud 8 April, destruction of the Puente del Carde- 1811), vii. 428, 442; escapes (13 nal (16 Aug., 1809), 48; measures April, 1811), 461. taken by the Spaniards to prevent . at the head of the Adjutant Gene the British army from foraging (18 ral's department at the battle of Sala Aug., 1809), 50; informs General manca (24 July, 1812), ix. 306. Cuesta that if the British army were Weekly report, copy of, sent to the Por not supplied with provisions and tuguese Government (11 June, 1810), means of transport, he could not vi. 184. remain in Spain at all, 51 ; false as states, to be sent to Lord Castle- sertion by General Eguia (21 Aug., reagh (27 June, 1809), iv. 470. 1809), 63; conduct of Don L. de Cal- — status, regular transmission of to vo and Seuor Lozano de Torres, 64, Lord Liverpool (2 Jan., 1810), v. 403. 65 ; comparative humanity of Spa Wellesley, Marquis, K.P., his appoint niards and Portuguese, 66 ; cause of ment, why not a subject of congratu not being able to co-operate in any lation (22 Muy, 1809), iv. 353; pro movement to draw the enemy from posed visit to (7 and 8 June, 1809), La Mancha (22 Aug., 1809), 74, 75 ; 397, 401 ; doubt of his passing by on intention of stopping General Eguia's the 29th (4 July, 1809), 492. movement to the rear (24 Aug., 1809), , detail of arrangements for opera 76 ; alarm of the Government of Se tions of the army, offensive or defen ville at the withdrawal into Portugal, sive — review of the state of Spain, 76; question of further co-operation and of the Spanish armies — sug with the Spanish troops, and nature gested national uniform (8 Aug., and extent of the original implied 1809), v. 10, 11; defensive plan of engagement, 77 ; excellence of the operation recommended for the Spa position of the Spaniards on the nish nation, and position for their Guadiana, and review of the chances principal army, 12 ; requested to of resuming the offensive, 79; urge an adherence to the rule for shameful misbehavior of the Spa communications with the Spanish nish troops before the enemy, 80; Ministers — necessity of moving into comparative numbers of the British Portugal by detachments, for want of and French, 81: continued delay of food, 13; approbation by the Junta the Spanish ministers in furnishing for the actions of the 27th and 28th supplies and means of transport (28 July — honors and presents declined Aug., 1809), 93; necessity of collect and accepted, 14; Herculean task un ing the troops, on the retreat of the dertaken by Lord Wellesley — wish Spanish army from their posts on the for a personal communication — con Tagus (30 Aug., 1809), 100; pro sequences of a starving army, 15; poses payment for shirts and sheets probable loss by Cuesta of his artil supplied by the Spanish Government lery (9 Aug., 1809), 18, 19; want by — employment of Spanish carts in the army of draught for the artillery Portugal (31 Aug., 1809), 101 ; ar (10 Aug., 1809), 22; movements of rival of cavalry in Portugal from Ca- the French from Plasencia — want of ceres — of Spanish army behmd the good will in the Spaniards towards Guadiana— facility of the Spanish the British (12 Aug., 1809), 32; army obtaining means of transport impracticability of General Cues- for their own purposes, and neglect ta's plan of dividing the provisions in providing them for the British at Truxillo between the two armies army, 102 ; reasons for not wishing to (13 Aug., 1809), 34; movement remain on the Portuguese frontier (1 to the Mesa de Ibor and Cam* Sept., 1809), 103; reasons for refusing PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 207 the offer by the Spanish Government 252 ; at Cadiz, to sail on Friday (13 of the command of the corps of Nov., 1809), 272. 12,000 men — review of the military Wellesley, Marquis, K.P., to be pressed means of the French and the allies, to encourage the exportation of flour, in respect to offensive operations, &c, from Ireland for Lisbon (15 June, 104, et tea.; conduct of the Cabildo 1810), vi. 198. of Ciudad Rodrigo, 109; reasons , letter to (26 Jan., 1811), vii. 191 ; against the prospect of success in letter to (16 March, 1811), 366. offensive operations, even were the , not one letter written to or re army increased to 40,000 men — im ceived from on any public subject possibility of connecting the defence since he quilted Spain in 1809 (5 of Portugal with that of Spain — re Sept., 1813), xi. 87. quisites m case the army should be Wellesley, Hon. H. (Lord Cowley, hereafter detained to defend the G.C.B.), succeeds Marquis Welles south of Spain, instead of Portugal ley as ambassador to the court of —necessity of the commanding offi Spain (15 Nov., 1809), v. 286, nole; cer of the British troops having the (25 Feb., 1810), 521, note; letters command of the Spanish army (3 to (21 March, 1810), 585; (27 Sept., 1809), 113; Bom Miguel For- March), 599 ; (30 March), 608. jaz desires the assistance of the Bri (8 April, 1810), vi. 26 ; (15 April), tish army to be extended to Spain, 40; (29 April), «G. 114; observations on Mr. Cannmg's (25 Nov., 1810), vii. 6; (1 Dec, dispatch of the 12th August (5 Sept., 1810), 22. 1809), 123,125; proposal for an ex , made a Knight of the Bath (6 change of the wounded officers in April, 1812), ix. 31 ; letter to (3 the hospital at Talavera (7 Sept., May, 1812), view of the policy of 1809), 131 ; copies of the accounts employing British officers with the from Venegas, 1 32 ; absence of Colo Spanish troops, and of the condi nel without leave (12 Sept., tions on which the aid ought to be 1809), 147; letter to be delivered by distributed, 108; expediency of enlarg the Marquis de la Romana (15 Sept., ing the authority of the Commander 1809), 155; conduct of the Spaniards in Chief in the Peninsula, 112; let to General Sherbrooke (16 Sept., ter to, on the pecuniary abuses in 1809), 159 ; exposed situation of An the Spanish army (14 May, 1812), dalusia and Seville (17 Sept., 1809), 146 ; plans for improving the Spa 162; 220,000 men the number sup nish army, 147. posed to have been in Spain in 1808 — , conduct of the Minister at War — strength of the different French (31 March, 1813), x. 247; impolicy corps, their losses, and amount of of proposed law for the exclusion of their force (19 Sept., 1809), 162, 163; foreign troops from Spanish garrisons misrepresentation by the Marques de (2 April, 1813), 249; recommended Malespma (21 Sept., 1809), 168; to take a house at Seville (4 May, results of Spanish imprudence and 1813), 348 ; instructions to, re of national pride — unwillingness of specting the remonstrance (6 Aug., the people to continue to furnish 1813), 606. necessaries to the troops (22 Sept., , dispatch to (20 Aug., 1813), na 1809), 170, 171; consequences of as ture of the agreement with the Spa sembling the Cortes, 172; unwar nish Government, as to Lord Wel rantable detention by Eguia of a lington being the channel of commu French officer (26 Sept., 1809), 185 ; nication tor the removal of officers, French force in Estremadura and xi. 21 ; case in which he must resign Old Castille, 186; answers to notes the command of the army, 22 ; ne of the Duque ile Alburquerque and cessity of measures for subsisting the Don Martin de Garay (27 Sept., Spanish armies, 22, 23; justification 1809), 187-191; false intelligence of the conduct of the allies in the from Seville (28 Sept., 1809), 192, storming of San Sebastian (9 Oct., 193 ; exertions of Don Alonzo de la 1813), 171 ; line of conduct recom Vera to supply the wants, of the Bri mended for, towards the Cortes (23 tish army (1 Oct., 1809), 203; de Oct., 1813), 216; affair of O'Dono- tention of Captain Thevenon (5 Oct. ju, 231, and uf the atrocious libel 1809), 205 ; wish to see him at Se (30 Oct., 1813), 233; letters to (16 ville (25 Oct., 1809), 244; refutation Jan., 1814), 452,453. of Don M. de Garay (30 Oct., 1809), Wellesley, Sir Arthur, Wellington, SOS INDEX.

Viscount, Earl, Marquis, ami Duke the Order of the Tower and Swoid of.— (30 Oct., 1811), viii. 374; mistake Some progress had been made in this ar in not conferring the Order (12 Dec, ticle of the Index, when it was found 1811), 451,455. that, from the nature of the subject, it Wilson, Sir Robert (Lieut. General), would swetl into a volume, and that re position of near the Douro (29 April, ference must be made to almost every 1809), iv. 283 ; his arrival at Esea- page of the work. Nor would it after lona with the Lusitanian Legion (24 all be satisfactory, since it would be July, 1809), 527. come nearly as laborious to search for , his march through the moun any fact in an Judex as in the let tains of Berar (14 Aug., 1809), ters themsetves. This article has there v. 37 ; contests the pass of Baiios fore been left in blank. (15 Aug., 1809), 43, 44; details Wellington Park, proposed purchase of of his arrival and defeat at Buiios Q 5 Sept., 1812), ix. 432. by Marshal Ney (21 Aug., 1809), and additional land in Somerset 67 ; his activity and intelligence, shire, proposed purchase of (27 Jan., ib.; at Castello Branco, watching 1813), x. 46 ; purchase of (17 March, the enemy's motions (7 and 8 Sept., 1813), 205; amount for which the 1809), 127, 133, 134; Spanish bat two manors are contracted for, 206. talions with him, in want of pay (7 Wheat, loss of horses from giving them Sept., 1809), 129; stands of arms de wheat instead of barley (28 Aug., livered to (8 March, 1810), 559. 1809), v. 93. , grant of a medal to (11 July, , the next best thing to specie to 1811), viii. 91 ; possible mistake by send out (26 March, 1811), vii. 406. which he obtained permission to ac , deficiency of crops in England, cept the Order of the Tower and 1811 (17 Dec, 1811), viii. 462, note. Sword, intended for Brig. General Sir and wheat flour, supplies of to be John (12 Dec, 1811), 451, 455. obtained from Brazil aud the River Wimpffen, importance of cutting off the Plata (4 Aug., 1812), ix. 333; good, communication between Suchet and refused by Portuguese Commissaries the King (14 June, 1813), x. 440. (26 Sept., 1812), 452. Windham, Mr., illness of (12 and 18 Whitbread, Sam., Esq., thanking him June, 1810), vi. 189, 201; dead (22 for the mode of expressing the favor June, 1810), 219. able change of his opinion respecting Wine taken at Oporto, doubts as to its affairs in Portugal (23 May, 1811), being legally considered as prize (23 vii. 600. May, 1809), iv. 359. Wbittingham, General, proposed co , officers and soldiers none for the operation of on the Eastern coast of last fortnight (13 Aug., 1809), v. 36 ; Spain (11 April, 1812), ix. 55; exported to S[,ain, for the use of the strength of his division at Majorca British army, whether to pay duty (17 May, 1812), 151. (28 Nov., 1809), 316. i ', Observations on his Memorandum . new, issues of rice to check its of the 24th April, 1812, respecting bad effects (27 Oct., 1810), vi. 550; drafts of supplits from the country no soldier can withstand the tempta (9 May, 1813), x. 366 ; objections to tion of wir.e (2 Nov., 1810), 576. his being paid from the military forms no part of the soldier's ra chest at Alicante (8 June, 1813), tion when he receives fresh meat, aud 425. in what cases issued (5 Nov., 1811), Wilson, Colonel (Major General Sir viii. 378 ; selling of clothes, &c by John) (17 Jan., 1810), v. 430; in soldiers to purchase (7 Dec, 1811), structions to, in case the enemy enter 441. Portugal by Zarza la Mayor, 431. , ration of, issued to British or , prisoners taken by at Coimhra Portuguese (3 May, 1813), x. 346. (20 Oct., 1810), vi. 527; importance , sale of arms, &c by the soldiers to of his services in the rear of the procure, and consequent outrages (22 French (27 Oct., 1810), 543. Aug., 1813), xi.31. , annoys the enemy's rear on the Wine Company, of Oporto, shamed into march from the Alva (5 Jan., 1811), lending a sum of money (1 June, vii. Ill; dependence on, in Minho 1809), iv. 383. (3 March, 1811), 331; affair near . enormous profits of (13 Apru Celorico (27 March, 1811), 410. 1811), vii. 463. — — , Brig. General, request to accept Witnesses, reluctance of Portuguese to PENINSULA AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VOLS. IV. TO XI. 209

attend as (13 Sept., 1811), viii. 279; against Soult at Oporto (13 May, necessity of the attendance of, to ob 1809), 331. tain punishment of the offenders (4 York, J hike of, drafting of regiments (27 Oct., 1811), 322;' order for sending, June, 1811), viii. 55; date of his re-ap to give testimony before a Court pointment to the command of the Martial (27 Oct., 1811), 359. army , ib. note ; congratulation on his Witnesses, case of refusal of Portuguese re-appointment (29 June, 1811), 61. to attend as (5 Feb., 1813), x. 88, 89. , formation of provisional battalions Wives of officers and soldiers, rations (6 and 20 Dec, 1812), ix. 609, 631. to (12 Sept., 1809), v. 143. , preference for old regiments, and Wounded soldiers, ammunition carts proposed sending home third squa allotted to remove (13 Aug., 1809), V. drons of inefficient regiments (26 33, 36 ; wounded, British, contrast in Dec, 1812), x. 5 ; thanks to, for the the treatment of by Spanish and Por appointment of Colonel of the Blues tuguese (21 Aug., 1809), 66 ; wounded (31 Jan., 1813), 71; drafting horses British officers, impediments thrown of cavalry regiments (10 Feb., 1813), by the Spanish government in their 103; orders for drafting certain re release from captivity (15 Oct., 1809), giments (11 March, 1813), 182; 227. provisional battalions to be sent , 7000 of the British army wounded home, 183 ; transfer and drafting of in the service of Portugal (17 June, horses of hussars and dragoons (27 1811), viii. 29. April, 1813), 332, 333 ; takes away . , Court Martial for neglect of four regiments of cavalry (25 May, wounded soldiers (30 Dec, 1813), xi. 1813), 400; letter to (16 July, 1813), 403-405. on receiving the staff of Field Mar Wrede, General, makes Buonaparte a shal, 532, 533. bridge of gold (22 Nov., 1813), xi. 308. Written testimony, suggested reception of on Courts Martial (10 Feb., 1813), x. 107; not receivable by a British Zamora, request to stop its destruction Court Martial, unless in extraordinary (3 Sept., 181 2), ix. 394 ; garrison car cases; expediency of Courts Martial ried off by the French (7 Sept., 181?), receiving when on foreign service, 403. (15 March, 1813), 192, 193; clause Zaragoza, French corps destroyed near for receiving (16 March, 1813), 200. (21 July, 1808), iv. 37; repulse of an Wurmh, Major, killed at Burgos (26 attack of the French on (23 July, Oct., 1812), ix. 512 ; recommendation 1808), 41. of his family (2 Dec, 1812), 598. , proposed attack of the redoubt by General Duran (20 July, 1812), x. 553 ; enemy's fortified post at, sur renders to Mina (11 Aug., 1813), 631. Zarza la Mayor, advanced guard enters Xele Politico, union of his office with Spain by (27 June, 1809), iv. 470. that of Captain General (27 Jan., Zayas, General, detached from Cadiz 1813), x. 52. with 6000 men (27 March, 1811), vii. , deficiency of in authority (7 Dec, 411. 1813), xi. 349. Zezere, order for defence of positions on (1 May, 1809), iv. 288. , force requisite for its defence (23 Y. Jan., 1810), v. 436 ; and disposition of the troops, 437. Yellow fever, disappearing at Cadiz (21 , instructions for opposing Regnier's Nov., 1810), vi. 629. movements (31 Aug., 1810), vi. 397; at Carthagena, prophylactic mea proposed reform of the works on the sures against (12 Dec. 1811), viii. river (1 Sept., 1810), 398; operations 450. for General Hill (4 Sept., 1810), 402 ; York, Duke of, letter of instructions to rates of payment to peasants em Lieut. General Sir A. Wellesley, on ployed on the works (6 Sept., 1810), his taking the command of the expe 405 ; bad bridge of the enemv on the dition at Cork (14 June, 1808), iv. river (10 Nov., 1810), 604 ; directions 10 ; letter to (22 Aug., 1808), battle for striking a blow against the French of Vimoiru, 113; detail of operations forces on the left bank (13 Nov., /

210 INDEX.

1810), 618 ; operations of the British and 7 Jan., 1811), 106, 118; jealousy in the event of the enemy retreating of the French at the above recom across (15 Nov., 1810), 624. mended measures (12 Jan., 1811), Zezere, movements of the French on (22 136; march of Mortier to the (16 Nov., 1810), vii. 1; fortifying the Jan., 1811), 147, 148; movements of heights on the two sides (24 Nov., the French in consequence of Mar 1810), 2 ; military impolicy in de shal Beresford's formidable prepara stroying the bridge of (8 Dec, 1810), tions to oppose their coming out (24 36, 37; collection of boats by the Jan., 1811), 181; gun boats brought French on, and measures for destroy down from by the French (24 Feb., ing them (24 Dec, 1810), 69; ope 1811), 313; quitted by Massena (7 rations for its defence (25 Dec, 1810), March, 1811), 345; bridge of boats 72 ; bridges established on by Mas- to be laid over (31 March, 1811), sena (29 Dec, 1810), 84, 85 ; guns 418, 420; flying bridge placed on (13 best adapted to command the com April, 1811), 461. munication from, to the Tagus (5 INDEX. No. III.


Ambassadeurs, Introducteur des, claim of presents by (26 Sept., 1814), 133. Abdication by Napoleon Buonaparte America, North, projected expedition (25 June, 1815), 507; its insufficiency, to, its force, and Generals command explained to the French commission ing corps (5 May, 1814), 2, and note. ers (26 June, 1815), 512. America, U. S., desire to mitigate the Aberdeen, Earl of, letter of condolence war with (5 Nov., 1814), 172, 175; to, on the death of his brother at the refusal of the American Government (19 June, 1815), to accede to the terms offered (21 488. Nov., 1814), 187. Adam, Sir F., Lieut. General. See dis American ports, blockade of (5 Aon., patch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 1814), 172. 483. American privateers, complaint of their Aides de camp, objections to promotion fitting out, in the ports of France (4 of, by brevet (24 Sept., 1814), 130; Sept., 1814), 96 ; their names and list of, attached to the Duke of Wel guns (8 Oct., 1814), 143; mode sug lington, transmitted for medals (26 gested to prevent their resorting to Sept., 1814), 131. the French ports (26 Nov., 1814), Alava, General Don Miguel de, recom 194. mendation of (13 June, 1814), 58; American seamen, on their way for em report of his being in the Inquisition barkation atL'Orient (30 Oct., 1814), (20 Oct., 1814), 151; appeal to the 165. King of Spain in his behalf (22 American vessels in the Garonne, claim Oct., 1814), 152. See dispatch from of (29 Jug., 1814), 90. Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 484; ap Anglesey, Lieut. General the Marquis pointed an extra Commander of the of. (See Uxbridge, Earl of.) On the Bath (17 Sept., 1815), 636. promotion of the officers of his staff Albufera, Due d' (Marshal Suchet), (25 July, 1815), 573 ; Cross of a evacuation of Spanish fortresses to be Commander of the Order of Maria continued (15 May, 1814), 15 ; eva Theresa transmitted to (3 Aug., cuation of the French territory upon 1815), 582. the evacuation of the Spanish for Angouleme, Due d' (14 May, 1814), 5; tresses, 16 ; provisions in the Spanish colonial produce at Bordeaux will be fortresses (1 June, 1814), 36, belong delivered up on payment of duties (15 to the Spanish Government, 37. May, 1814), 14 ; receives the Order of Alliance, copy of the treaty of (27 the Golden Fleece (11 June, 1814), March, 1815), 282. 51; his proceedings in the South of Allied Powers, Declaration of, on the France (10 April, 1815), 295; capi evasion of Buonaparte from Elba tulates (15 April, 1815), 311. (14 March, 1815), 269. Antwerp, observations on its retention Alien, Baron C, Lieut. General. See as a military post (22 Sept., 1814), dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, 123 ; ground of the refusal of the 1S15), 483; receives the thanks of French demand for expenses in con the two Houses (6 July, 1815), 547. structing the fleet at (24 Oct., 1814), *2 212 INDEX.

15fi; works to be destroyed at (3 Roy Somerset) right arm at the bat MarcA,1815), 263, etseq.; advantage tle of Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 489. of having collected at, a battering Beauvais, complaints of highway train and rockets (20 May, 1815), robberies near (27 Sept., 1815), 647. 407; declared in a state of siege (18 Belgium, number of troops for an action June, 1815), 478. in, British and Prussian (3 May, Apsley.Lord (17 May, 1814), 22. 1815), 346. Arcangues, M. d', payment for injury Bellerophon (H.M.S.), surrender of Buo done to the church (15 May, 1814), naparte on board of (19 July, 1815), 1 7 ; sum for the commune {June, 566. 1814), 48. Benedictines, English, request for the Armistice, on the march to Paris, re restoration of property belonging to fusal of (26 June, 1815), 512; terms (21 Nov., 1814), 186. on which it can be made (2 July, BSnevent, Prince de. (See Talleyrand.) 1815), 527 Beresford, Sir W. C, K.B., peerage to (9 Army, British, strength of, on the morn May, 1814), 4, note; letter to Lord ing of the battle of Waterloo (18 June, Beresford (11 Dec, 18 14), 208; prin- 1815), 486, 487. ciple on which the Spanish medal , French, discontent in (26 Nov., fur Albuera should be recommended, 1814), 193 ; (5 Dec, 1814), 205. and short description of the battle of of Occupation. (See France and Waterloo (2 July, 1815), 529 ; results Occupation.) of the battle of Waterloo ; recom Aftruupements, directions for dispers mended to resign and come away from ing (29 Oct., 1815), 675. Portugal (7 Any., 1815), 589. Austrians, monthly subsidy to the (24 Berri, Due de, answer to his almost April, 1815), 329. illegible letter (9 May, 1815), 365; letter to, on the morning of the battle of Waterloo'(18 June, 1815), 476 and B. 477 ; directions for his junction, on Bagot, Hon. C., directions to, for carry passing the French frontier (20 June, ing into execution the 2nd and 4th 1815), 492. additional articles of the Treaty of Billets, arrangements for obtaining (29 Peace (5 Jan., 181 5), 232. Oct. 1815), 674; in what case to be Barnes, Maj. General, Sir Edw. (Adjt. made good by force, 675. General). See dispatch from Water Blacas, Comte de, Order of Charles III. loo (19 June, 1815), 483 ; offered the (4 Oct. 1814), 139; declined (7 Oct, command in the West Indies and 1814), 141 ; grounds for not detach declines (23 Oct., 1815), 669. ing three or four battalions (16 May, Bath, Order of, remodelled (11 Jan., 1815), 392 ; for not risking the entry of 1815), 243 ; complaints of officers not a corps of foreign troops in France (20 being appointed Knights Command May, 1815), 405; operations in case er of the Order (5 Feb., 1815), 260, a fortress iu the first line should sur 261 ; proposed modification by the render to the King, 406 ; papers found Duke of Wellington (28 June, 1815), in the Tuileries (23 May, 1815), 519, 520; proposed substitution of 418; testimony to his Zealand fide - ' List of Knights Companions' instead hty(28/«w,1815),521. of third class (12 Sept., 1815), 630; Blaye, fort of, never in the English pos preference for the arbitrary principle session (13 June, 1814), 60; (29 Aug., in distributing its honors (14 Oct., 1814), 90. 1815),661. Bliicher, Marshal Prince, hint to, to Bathurst, Earl. (SeeSecretary of State.) write inJFrench (23 April, 1815), 323 ; Bavaria, reasons lor confining the treaty number of troops under, in Belgium (3 with, to the number of troops and the May, 1815), 346 ; Memorandum, on sum already specified (20 May, 1815), the strength and position of the 411; expenses of fitting out a batter French Armies (16 May, 1815), 394, ing train, by whom to be paid (6 &c See dispatch from Waterloo June, 1815), 445. (19 June, 1815), 482; suffering from Bayonne, period for breaking up from his fall (26 June, 1815), 510; de the blockade of (15 May, 1814), 10; tailing the circumstances under which troops from to embark at Pasages the French Commissioners have made (June, 1814), 48. propositions (2 July, 1815), 526; on Beaufort, Duke of, letter to, announcing communicating the thanks of the two the loss of his brother's (Lord Fitz- Houses (4 July, 1815), 539 ; requested LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE. — VOL. XII. 213

to delay his intended destruction of ment (6 April, 1815), 290; eligible the bridge of Jena (8 July, 1815), places for covering it (13 Oct., 1815), 549 ; arguments against its destruc 660. tion (9 July, 1815), 553; sword pre Bruxelles, Mayor of, thanks to for care of sented to. by the City of London (19 the wounded (13 Aug., 1815), 604. Oct., 1815), 667. Biilow, General, See dispatch from Wa Bordeaux, secret expedition from (5 and terloo {19 June, 1815), 482. 14 May, 1814), 2, 6 ; what captured Buonaparte, Napoleon, desire to remove property to be considered booty (14 him from the Isle of Elba (28 Aug., May, 1814), 7, 8 ; value of the colo 1814), 88 ; speculations at Paris on his nial produce and property captured, views in Italy (20 Sept., 1814), 118; and arrangements respecting it (29 his direct and indirect influence over Aug., 1814), 90 ; indulgence and jus Europe (26 Nov., 1814), 192; his tice of the proceedings relative to the evasion from Elba, and invasion of captures (1 Sept., 1814), 93; (9 Sept., France (12 March, 1815), 266, 267; 1814), 100; mode in which the Bri Declaration of the Allied Powers tish troops entered Bordeaux (11 (14 March, 1815), 269; arrange Sept., 1814), 104 ; order to the Bri ments to be adopted by common ac tish Commissary to make over leaf cord of the Powers of Europe, in con tobacco (21 Sept., 1814,) 120,121; sequence of his invasion of France delay in making compensation to (6 April, 1815), 290 ; vindication of British merchants, under the order of the Declaration against (5 May, 1815), the 30th July (20 Dec, 1814), 221. 351; 110,000 men the force with Borghese, Prince de, hotel of (4 and which he can attack the Netherlands 13 July, 1814). 71, 76 ; price paid for (11 May, 1815), 372 ; his power will the purchase (29 Aug., 1814), 88. not be of long duration, even without Bouillon, Duchy of, how affected by the the aid of the allies (12 May, 1815), modification of the frontier (11 Sept., 378 ; his address to the Grande Armie 1814), 102; oath of allegiance admi (UJune, 1815), 469; affairs on the nistered at, unauthorised (24 Oct., Sambre, and battle of Waterloo (19 1814), 155; object in sending Gen. June, 1815), 478; abdicates in favor Guilleminot (3 Nov., 1814), 169; of Napoleon II. (22 June, 1815), 496 ; castle, ought not to be occupied by the futility of his abdication (25 June, French (4 May, 1815), 348. 1815), 508 ; his Address to ihe sol Bourbon, house of, popularity of in diers of the army before Paris, 509 ; France (20 Oct. 151. 1814), answer to a demand for a passport for , the establishment of in France, the (28 June, 1815),515 ; the Duke of Wel only chance of peace for Europe (20 lington determined not to be his ex May, 1815), 410. ecutioner (28 June, 1815), 516 ; sur Bourbon, Due de, quits France (15 renders on board H.M.S. Bellerophon April, 1815) 311. (19 July, 1815), 566. Brazil, danger to the Portuguese set Buonaparte, Joseph, quits the canton tlements m (20 Sept., 1814), 118. of Berne at the request of the French Brevet promotion, principle of bestowing Government (20 Oct., 1814), 151. it (13 April, 1815), 307 ; rule regard Burrowes, Colonel Sir M., orders to, not ing (25 July, 1815), 573. to attack Toulon (22 Aug., 181 5), 6 12. Brigades, practice followed in giving Bute, late Marquis of, request that the the commands of to Colonels (6 Sept., body may be allowed to pass, for em 1815),628. barkation at Calais (24 Nov., 1814), Browne, Lieut. Col. Sir J. (Major Gene 191. ral), good conduct of in the battle Byng, Maj. General Sir J. (Lord Straf fought near Badajoz (14 Oct., 1815), ford, G.C.B.) See dispatch from 661. Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 481. Brunswick, Duke of, places his troops at the disposition of the Prince Re- C. geut (6 April, 1815), 290; his troops to join the British army (10 April, Cambray, state of the people at (22 June, 1815), 298; ration to which entitled 1815), 496; town captured (25 June, (1 June, 1815), 433 ; killed. See dis 1 8 1 5), 503 ; the King of France and his patch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), Court placed there (26 June, 1815), 480. 510. Bruxelles, the enemy not to be allowed Cambridge, Duke of, respecting the to get possession of even for a mo King's German Legion (2 June 214 INDEX.

1815), 438; (6 Jane, '1815)," 446, Wellington taking his seat, on the 447 ; on drafting the Hanoverian re 28th of June, 63. giment into the King's German Le Chaplains, caution in the appointment gion (30 Aug., 1815), 621. of (11 Jane, 1814), 50. Cambrone, General, of ' La Garde Im- Chapman, Colonel, recommendation of periale,' taken prisoner at the battle (22 Sept., 1814), 125. of Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 489. Chasseurs Britanniques, desertion in, Cameron, Colonel, 92nd reg., honorable by what occasioned (12 June, 1814), mention of, killed at Waterloo (29 57. June, 1815), 523. Chaumont, determination to renew the Campbell, Lieut. General Sir A. (9 treaty of (18 March, 1815), 272. Dec, 1814), 207; wishes his Baron Chouans, alarm occasioned by (5 Dec, etcy to be limited to his daughters 1814), 205. (\7 Sept., 1815), 633. Clancarty, Earl of, succeeds the Duke Campbell, Colonel Sir Colin (Lieut. of Wellington at Vienna (18 March, General), directions to, about the house 1815), 274; review of the relative of Princesse Borghese (12 April, numbers of the Allied and French 1815), 300; on the personal staff at armies (10 April, 1815), 295 ; plan of Waterloo (19 Jane, 1815), 184. operations detailed to, with Memoran- Canada, expedition to (5 May, 1814), 2, dum(13 April, 1815), 303, 304. note; regiments sent to (11 June, Clergy, the real power in Spain (20 1814), 53; a naval superiority on the Oct., 1814), 150. Lakes a sine qui non (22 Dec, 1814), Clinton, Lieut. General Sir H., offered a 224. command on a secret expedition from Cannes, landing of Napoleon Buona Bordeaux (14 May, 1814), 6. See dis parte near, on the 1st March (12 patch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), March, 1815), 266. 483. Canning, Right Hon. George (Ambas Clinton, Lieut. General W., orders to sador at Lisbon), request of the use of for the march of tro9ps to Tudela (1 apartments in the palace las Necessi- May, 1814), 1. dades (15 Dec, 1814), 215 ; letter to, Cole, Lieut. General Sir Lowr}-, ap 216. pointed President of the Court Mar Cannon, number of pieces of, with the tial for the trial of Sir J. Murray (31 Prussian corps on the Meuse (21 May, 1814), 35; (11 June, 1814), 52; April, 1815), 320 ; number taken from letter to (2 June, 1815), 435. the French at the battle of Water Collier, Sir G., his wish for a baronetcy loo (19 Jane, 1815), 482. (11 June, 1814), 54. Captain, rank of, the most difficult to be Colonels. (See Brigades.) attained in the army (15 Oct., 1815), Colville, Lieut. General, Hon. Sir C., 663. takes Cambray (25 Jane, 1815), 503. Captains General, expediency of their Commander in Chief of the Spanish not interfering with judicial decisions armies, office of, formally resigned by (29 May, 1814), 33. the Duke of Wellington (13 June, Casa Flores, ordered to withdraw from 1814), 57. Paris (23 Oct., 1814), 154. Commissary General, Memorandum to Castlereagh, Lord, arrangements for (6 June, 1815), 444. relieving him at Vienna (27 Dec, Commissioners, French, answer to, for a 1814), 226, 227. (See Secretary of suspension of hostilities (26 Jane, State for Foreign Affairs). 1815), 512 ; interview with five at Cavalry, British, to march through Etrees (2 July, 1815), 533. France (14 May, 1814), 8 ; (15 May, Commons, House of, parliamentary 1814), 16, 19. grants by to the Duke of Wellington, , French, amount of (19 May, 66, note; details of proceedings on the 1815), 403. 1st of July, 67 ; thanks by for the Champ de Mai, called together by battle of Waterloo (9 July, 1815), 554. Buonaparte (10 April, 1815), 296; Conclusion of the dispatches and ac (13 April, 1815),303; officers ordered knowledgment of the obligations of to attend it (26 May, 1815),426. the Compiler, 717. Chancellor, Lord, letter to, acknowledg Conde, Prince de, cavalry arrangement ing the receipt of the approbation of at Chantilly (16 July, 1815), 560. the House of Lords for the battle of Congress, position of France and Eng Orthez (16 May, 1814), 21 ; the Lord land at (1 8 Aug., 18 1 4), 81. (See Se Chancellor's speech on the Duke of cretary of State for Foreign Affairs.)


Constitution, Spanish, partisans for (15 Dickson, Lieut. Colonel (Major Gen. Sir May, 1814), 17 ; popularity of its Alex.) (11 June, 1814), 53. overthrow (25 May, 1814), 27; the Discontent in France, causes of (26 establishment of a wise and free con Nov., 1814), 192. stitution urged and wished by the Domingo, St., views of the King of Duke of Wellington, ib. (31 May, France respecting (21 Sept., 1814), 1814), 35. 120 ; desire of the French to repossess Contribution of a hundred millions of the colony (23 Jan., 1815), 259. francs on the city of Paris, proceed Dornberg, Count, Maj. General. See ings respecting (9 July, 1815), 552 ; dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, to be paid by France, fixed at 700 mil 181 5), 483. lions of francs (1 Oct., 1815), 653. Douglas, Colonel (Major General Sir Convention of Paris (3 July, 1815), 542. James), recommendation of (14 Oct., Cooke, Lieut. General. See dispatch 1814), 148. from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 4^0. Dumouriez, General, congratulated on Cortes dissolved (17 May, 1814), 23; the result of their labors (13 June, motives for submitting to their au 1814), 6O; state of the public mind thority (22 Oct., 1814), 153. in Paris — good intentions of the King Cotton, Lieut. General Sir S., K.B., — impoverishing effects of the revo peerage to (9 May, 1814), 4, note. lution (26 Nov., 1814), 192 ; useless Cuirassiers, French, amount of (19 May, to discuss military affairs without 1815), 403. knowing the bases (22 May, 1815), D. 415; never gained so great a victory (20 J urn, 1815), 490; fears about Dalhousie, Lieut. General the Earl of, France (5 Sept., 1815), 627; on the enclosing letters and Memoranda, on political state of France, and the ap the command of the army devolving pointment of Fouche (26 Sept., 1815), on him (16 May, 1814), 20; left to 649. superintend the embarkation of the Durham, city of, thanks to for their troops at Bordeaux (14 June, 1814), generosity (29 July, 1815), 576. 61 ; sword presented to by the Depu ties of Bordeaux (15 Dec, 1814), E. 214. Dalmatie, Due de (Marshal Soult), ap Eagles, taken at Waterloo (19 June, pointed Minister of War (5 Dec, 1815), 484. 1814), 205. Elba, anxiety for news from (7 Nov., Davoust, Marshal, Prince d'Eckmuhl, 1814), 176. (See Buonaparte, Napo military convention with (4 July, leon.) 1815), 541; approval of convention, Ellis, Sir H. W., Colonel 23rd regt., 544. honorable mention of, killed at Wa Declaration of the Allied Powers (14 terloo (29 June, 1815), 523. March, 1815), 269; remarks on the Embassy to Paris, letters and dispatches speeches in Parliament on the word during (5 May, 1814), 2. (See Secre ing of it (5 May, 1815), 351. tary of State, Secretary for Foreign De Lancey, Colonel Sir W., killed. See Affairs ;) reasons for refusing an ap dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, plication for a situation in (11 July, 1815), 483. 1814), 74. Demosthenes, request by an English Emigrants' Estate law, nature and cha gentleman to have at his own house racter of (20 Oct., 1814), 151 ; (24 materials from the public libraries for Oct., 1814), 157. an edition of (1 1 Dec, 1814), 208. Evacuation of the French territory, pre Denmark, King of, thanked for the parations for (22 Oct., 1815), 668. Order of the Elephant (10 Jug., Expedition, secret (5 May, 1814), 2. 1815), 605. Denon, M., his answer respecting the pictures belonging to the King of the Netherlands (23 Sept., 1815), 643. Family compact, objections to (8 Sept., Deserters, rarity of two Governments 1814), 99, 100. agreeing to give up on both sides Fane, Lieut. General Sir H., recom (13 Nov., 1814), 180. mended for the Order of the Tower Desertion, power of sentencing a soldier and Sword (13 Nov., 1814), 179. for, to general service as a soldier (2 Feltre, Due de, persons provided with May, 1815), 339. his passport, permitted to pass into 21C INDEX.

France (2 June, 1815), 437 ; letter to, the allied troops in (10 Nov., 1815), general ideas on affairs, and offers of 685. assistance (14 June, 1815), 463; di French army, statement of its force to rections to Sir C. Stuart to commu oppose the allies in the field (10 nicate with (28 June, 1815), 516. April, 1815), 297 ; troops, number of Fletcher, Colonel Sir R., tribute to (10 on the 30th of April (7 and 8 May, Sept., 1814), 102. 1815), 356, 359 ; strength and com Fontainebleau, treaty of (21 Aug., 1815), position of (16 May, 1815), 394. 615. Freyre, General Don Manuel, regret Forjaz, Dom M-, ground on which the that his health will not permit his Duke of Wellington espoused his being Minister at War (31 May, cause (11 Dec, 1814), 208. 1814), 35. Formoso, Cape, restrictions of the Frontier of France, re-established and French slave trade to the south of (3 modified (11 Sept., 1814), 103. and 4 Nov., 1814), 168, 170; (11 G. Nov., 1814), 179. Fortifications, unpopularity attached to Garonne, break up of cantonments, and (22 Sept., 1814), 127. troops ordered to descend (15 May, Fortresses, expense of maintaining, &c, 1814), 10. to be paid by France (1 Oct., 1815), Garrisons required for the fortified 653. places in the Low Countries (23 April, Forts of France, excluded from the 1815), 324, &c. division of captures (15 Sept., 1815), Genappe, retreat upon (19 June, 1815), 633. 480. Fouche. (See Otranto, Due d'.) General Orders, by the Commander of France, private audience with the King the Forces, on returning to England of, on the subject of the slave (14 June, 1814), 62; to the army trade (lb Aug., 1814), 83 ; re-establish about to enter the French territory ment and modification of the old fron (20 June, 1815), 493; congratu tier (11 Sept., 1814), 102, 103; lating the army on the result of their alarm in Germany on the aug glorious victory, and announcing the mentation of the army of (22 Nov., conclusion of a military convention 1814), 190; restlessness of the French (4 July, 1815), 545 ; on breaking up people, at the prospect of a peaceable the army (Nov., 1815), 716. government (17 Dec, 1814), 218; Genoa, question of compensation for impossibility of inducing the Govern barrack bedding taken at (8 Sept., ment to do justice to others iu affairs 1814), 97; (21 Sept., 1814), 121. of finance (19 Dec, 1814), 220; peace German infantry, orders for their march establishment of (2 Jan., 1815), ing on Tudela (1 May, 1814), 1. 230 ; entry into, by the Duke of Wel German Legion, to come to England, lington after the battle of Waterloo from Bordeaux (26 June, 1814), 70 ; (20 June, 1815), 493 ; recommenda claim of deserters from (13 Nov., tion to the King to enter (24 June, 1814), 179; conduct at Waterloo (19 1815), 502; reasons for preferring June, 1815), 481; recommended to be a temporary occupation to cessions removed to the service of Hanover (14 (11 Aug., 1815), 596—599; Memo Oct., 1815), 662. randum on the temporary occupation Ghent, progress of defences of (17 of part of France (31 Aug., 1815), April, 1815), 312 ; instructions for in 622 ; number of parties, and defi undating the country in the neigh ciency of real patriots in (5 Sept., borhood (29 April, 1815), 337; (3 1815), 627; necessity of her people May, 1815), 344. being made sensible that Europe is Gneisenau, General Count, explanation too strong for them (23 Sept.. 1815), of intentions, too strong to think of 645, and that a day of retribution must retreat (15 April, 1815), 311. come, 646 ; frontier line fixed as in Gordon, Lieut. Colonel Hon. Sir A., dies 1 790, with cessions of enclaves (1 Oct., of his wounds. Sec dispatch from Wa 1815), 652; amount of the army of terloo (19 June, 1815), 484 and 488. Occupation, for five years, and of the Graham, Lieut. General Sir T., K.B., contribution to be paid by her, 653; peerage to(9 May, 1814), 4, note. (See to pay 50 millions of francs, to cover Lynedoch, Lord.) all the expenses of the troops (3 Oct., Graham, Lance Serjeant, Coldstream 1815), 654; complaint of General Guards, recommended to Mr. Nor- (.'unite de Vaubois, of the conduct of cross's bounty (24 Aug., 1815), 617.


Grandee of Spain. (Sire Household). Hanse Towns, troops of, placed under Grant, Lieut. Colonel Culquhoun, pro the Duke of Wellington (19 May, posed employment of, at the head of 1815), 400. the Intelligence department (29 April, Hardinge, Lt. Col. Sir H., recommended 1815), 336. to the Prince of Orange (12 Dec, Grant, Sir Colquhoun,Maj. General. See 1814), 211,212; mission of, to obtain dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, information respecting Buona1 arte 1815), 483. (14 March, 1815), 269; satisfaction Grenville, Lord, pamphlet sent by, of Blucherwith (5 May, 1815), 354, transmitted to the King of France 355 ; on the mutiny of the Saxon ('29 Oct., 1814) 163; (30 Oct., 1814), troops, not to be trusted (5 May,\H\5), 166; proposed translation of his 349 ; mutiny of the Saxon troops, speech (9 Jan, 1815), 239; reasons not to capitulate with (6 May, 1815), for not publishing it in French (1 1 355; state and strength of the French Jan., 1815), 241; Homer, copy of army (7 May, 1815), 356 ; enemy's presented to the King of France (25 force on the Sambre (ll May, 1815), and 27 Nov., 1615), 705, 708. 372 ; respecting Frenchmen (14 May, Guards, Foot. See dispatch from Wa 1815), 384 ; enclosing a Memorandum terloo (19 June, 1815), 483. on the French armies (16 May, 1815), , Life and Horse. See dispatch 394 ; on the Duchy of Bouillon (2 1 from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 481. May, 1815), 411 ; on the battering Guadaloupe, prisoners from, placed at train (20 Afay, 1815), 407; Brig. Ge the disposal of the French Government neral, loss of his left hand in the battle (11 Oct., 1815), 657. of Ligny (30 June, 1815), 523; a Guiana, proposed occupation of the cross of the Order of Wilhehn re colony by the French, from the rati quested for(14 Oct., 1815), 660, 661. fication of the Prince Regent in the Havre, unfounded quarantine enforced Brazils (5 Nov., 1814), 175 ; dispatch at (21 S'pt., 1814), 120. written to Lord Strangford on the Hay, Mrs., recommendation of, for some subject (16 Abe., 1814), 185. provision (18 May, 1814), 23. Guilleminot, General, reasoning of, on Hervey, F. B., Colonel, Commissioner the boundary of the Duchv of Bouil for framing and signing the Conven lon (3 Nuv., 1814), 169; 'signs the tion of Paris (3 July, 1815), 542. Convention of Paris (3 July 1815), Hesse. Elector of, number of men really 544. furnished by (9 Aug., 1815), 593. Guillen, Don Alexis, services of (30 Hill, Lieut. General Sir R., K.B., in May, 1814), 33. formed of the expedition to North America (5 May, 1814), 2; will pro bably accept the command, 3 ; peer H. age to (9 May, 1814), 4, note; Lord Hill goes to England (16 May, 1814), Hnlkett, Sir C, Lieut. General. See 20 ; Secret Memorandum for, in case dUpatch from Waterloo (19 June, of attack (April, 1815), 337; inade 1815),483. quacy of his pay as a Lieutenant Hallowell, Admiral (1 July, 1814), 70. General, and proposed table allow Hamburg, Bank of, claims of (26 Oct., ance to (5 May, 1815), 354 ; move 1814), 159; (30 Oct., 1814), 163. ments detailed to (9 May, 1815), 366. Hamelin, Madame, contradiction of See dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, false reports respecting (24 Nov., 1815), 483. 1815), 704. Holland, Lord, Talleyrand's conversa Hanoverian Legion, scheme for re tion with on the slave trade (13 Sept., ducing (17 April, 1815), 314. 1814), 113 ; answer to his letter of the Hanoverian subsidy, sum paid for (24 24th September (13 Oct., 1814), 145. April, 1815), 327. Home, Colonel, 3d Guards. See dis Hanoverian troops, comparative high patch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), rate at which subsidised (16 May, 481. 1815), 391; number of men, and Hope, Lieut. General Sir John, K.B., rate per man, of the authorised sub peerage to (9 May, 1814), 4, note. sidy (19 May, 1815), 401 ; soldier, Hougoumont, furious attack at (19 June, situation of to be improved only by 1815), 481. an increase of pay (23 Sept., 1815), Household, Minister of the, Madrid, re 641 ; claim of payment for (16 Oct., quest to have the honor of being ad 1815), 665. mitted into the King's presence as a 218 INDEX.

Grandee of Spain of t lie first class (30 May, 1814), 34. K. Hume, Dr. (1 Oct., 1814), 137, note. Huningue, to bo rased (1 Oct., 1815), Keith, Admiral Lord, arrangements for 653. the embarkation of 12,000 rank and file, &c, at Bordeaux (15 May, 1814), 13. Income tax, opposition to, in England Kellermann, General, attack of the Bri (17 Jan., 1815), 247. tish army at Quatre Bras (19 June, Infantry, old, advantage of (28 June, 1815), 479. 1815), 518; British, the best troops Kempt, Major General, expedition to in theworld (23 Oct., 1815), 668 ; po Canada (5 May, 1814), 2, note; (11 licy of maintaining it. 669. June, 1814), 53. Sir James; see dis Intelligence, charlatanisms in procuring, patch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), (22 May, 1815), 416. 483. Inundations, order for making, 337; (3 Kennedy, Sir R., Commissary General, May, 1815), 344; atAudenarde (4 captured property at Bordeaux (14 May, 1815), 347; from the Yperlee, May, 1814), 7; proceedings rela evils from, remedied] (30 May, 1815), tive to his promotion to a baronetcy 431. (26 Nov., 1814), 194. Irun, bridge of, by whom built, re Kent, Duke of, letter to, on the services paired, and proposed destruction (1 and promotion of the 1st Royals June, 1814), 37 ; unpleasant feelings (13^.7,1815), 306. respecting, at Paris (8 Sept., 1814), Killed, wounded, and missing at the 99. battle of Waterloo, Returns of, 485. Italy, speculations at Paris on Buona Kolli, Baron, claim to jewels taken parte's views in (20 Sept., 1814), from (12 Hepl., 1814), 112. 118. Kruse, General. See dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 484. .T. L. James II., proffered surrender of the papers of (2 Oct., 1814), 138. La Belle Alliance (19 June, 1815), 482. Jaucourt, Comte de, charged with the La Have Sainte (19 June, 1815), 481. foreign department (15 Sept., 1814), Lainc, M. (See Bordeaux.) 117; detention of two British subjects Lambert, Sir John, Lieut. General. .See at Marseilles (18 Sept., 1814), 118; dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, letter to, on the execution of the 2nd 1815), 483. and 4th additional articles (26 Sept., Lameth, General C. de, misrepresenta 1814), 132 ; claim for maintenance of tions respecting the convention for the prisoners of war in England trans evacuation of Santona (15 May, mitted to (30 Sept., 1814), 137; com 1814), 9. plaint to, of the fitting out of Ame Liberales, intention to raise the pro rican privateers in French ports (8 vinces (17 May, 1814), 22; impri Oct., 1814), 143; unauthorised pro sonment of (25 May, 1814), 27. ceedings at Bouillon (24 Oct., 1814), Liberty of the Press. (See Press.) 15S ; division of the lleet and stores Life Guards, 1st, charge made by at at Antwerp, 156 ; case of the Bank Genappe (19 June, 1815), 480. of Hamburg (26 Oct., 181 1), 159 ; Liusingen, Baron, testimony to the me American seamen on their way for rits of the 1st hussars, K.G.L. (26 embarkation at L'Orient (30 Oct., May, 1814), 29. 1814), 165; complaints to, of enor Liverpool, Earl of, letter to, conveying mous tonnage duties levied on foreign acknowledgments for the advance shipping in the ports of France (23 ment to the Dukedom, and for the Nov., 1814), 188; readiness of the rewards to his gallant coadjutors — British Government to facilitate the intention of going to Madrid, to for exportation of building materials from ward the adoption of a constitution the possessions in North America (2 calculated to contribute to the happi Dec, 1814), 201 ; complaint to, on the ness of the nation (9 May, 1814), 4; subject of the Leo (3 Dec, 1814), acknowledgments for kindness to his 202. mother, 4 ; slave question — removal Jena, bridge of, destruction of, prevented of Buonaparte from Elba — law on the (8 and 9 July, 1815), 549, 553. (See liberty of the Press (28 Aug., 1814), Bliicher.)


88 ; proposed sacrifice of a West shut up in Paris, and Buonaparte off India colony to France for the aboli (2 July, 1815), 530; thanks for his tion of the slave trade (2 and 13 cordial assistance (30 Sept., 1815), Sept., 1814), 94, 113; impolicy of 652. offering any territorial cession (12 Malmaison, restoration of pictures at (20 Sept., 1814), 108 ; alarm at the Tuile- Sept., 1815), 639. ries (3 Dec, 1814), 202; arrange Malo, St., unjustifiable detention of a ments for relieving Lord Castlereagh British subject at (12 Sept., 1814), at Vienna (27 Dec, 1814), 227 ; let 109. ter to on receiving another mark of Manufacturers, enticing of from Eng the approbation of the Prince Regent land (15 Oct., 1814), 148. (28 June, 1815), 519. Marie Louise, Empress, duchies allotted Lobau, Comte de, taken prisoner at Wa as a provision for her and her son (21 terloo (19 June, 1815), 489 ; to be sent Aug., 1815), 615. toWesel (18 July, 1815), 563. Maria Theresa, crosses of the Order of, London, City of, swords presented by principle on which distributed (14 (19 Oct., and 8 Nov., 1815), 667, 683. Sept., 1815), 632. Lords, House of, introduction of the Marmont, Marshal, Due de Raguse, Duke of Wellington, 63. (5 Dec, 1814), 204. Louis XVIII. and his Court, placed at Marseilles, order for evacuating (22 Cambray (26 June, 1815), 510 ; por Nov., 1815), 700. tions of France opposed to (26 Sept., Marshals, French, rivality among them 1815), 649. (15 Dec, 1814), 217. Low Countries, transactions and cam Mayors, oath of allegiance to be taken paign in (5 April, 1815), 287. {See by (15 Dec, 1814), 217. {See Brux- Netherlands.) elles.) Lowe, Major General Sir Hudson, ex Medals, rules and occasions for, fixed by pediency of the force under his com Government (5 Feb., 1815), 260. mand remaining at Marseilles (31 Memorandum — to the General Officers July, 1815), 577. and Heads of Departments, for the Lucie,Ste., proposed sacrifice of toFrance, break up of the troops (15 May, 1814), for the abolition of the slave trade (2 10. Sept., 1814), 95. to His Catholic Majesty, 40. Luxembourg, importance of the posses for Proclamations (June, 1814), 48. sion of the fortress to the defence of for the Quarter Master General the Netherlands (18 Aug., 1814), 81. (June, 1814), 48. Lynedoch, General Lord, allied army on the defence of the Frontier of under the command of, in the Nether the Netherlands (22 Sept., 1814), 125. lands (Aug., 1814), 81. Amendments proposed in the Re gulation on the Slave Trade (15 Dec, 1814), 215; and Memorandum on the M. amendments, 214. on the plan of Operations proposed Macaulay, General, letter to (31 Oct., against the French army (12 April, 1814), 166. 1815), 304. Macaulay, Z., Esq., letter to (12 Sept., of places to be occupied for the 1814), 107. defence of the Low Countries, with Macdonell, Lieut. Colonel (Maj. Gen. the distribution of troops (23 April, Sir James). See dispatch from Wa 1815), 324. terloo (19 June, 1815), 481. Secret, for the Prince of Orange, Macfarlane, Lieut. General, extent of &c, 335. his command in the Mediterranean to the King of the Netherlands, (19 Sept., 1815), 637. &c, detailing the strength and com McGrigor, Dr. Sir James, recommenda position of the French army (16 May, tion of (26 July,18U),70. 1815), 394. Mackintosh, Sir James, request to faci to the Commissary General (6 June, litate his historical investigations (14 1815), 444. Nov., 1814), 180; (12 Dec, 1814), for the Deputy Quarter Master 211. General — Movements of the army (15 Maitland, Maj. General Sir P. See dis June, 1815),472. patch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), for the Due d'Otrante (4 July, 483. 1815), 545. Malcolm, Rear Admiral Sir P.. French to Viscount Castlereagh, on the 220 INDEX.

temporary Occupationof part of France collection of troops in Italy under (23 (31 Aug., 1815), 622. Nov., 1814), 190; his strength and Memorandum for (he Deputy Quarler prospects in Italy (5 Jan., 1815), 236 ; Master General, to be communicated amount, and character of his army, to the General Officers Commanding 237 ; proceedings against, in case he Corps aud Divisions (29 Oct., 1815), should attack the Austrians in Italy 674. (28 March, 1815), 285 ; necessity of to Viscount Castlereagh, on the his being destroyed (8 May, 1815), twenty five millions of francs as Prize 362; treachery of (23 May, 1815), Money (6 Nov., 1815), 682. 418, 419 ; troops not to be employed respecting Marshal Ney (19 Nov., against without orders (19 Sept., 1815), 694. 1815), 636, 637. , for Sir G. Murray, Quarter Master Murray, Lieut. General Sir George, K.B., General (23 Nov., 1815), 701. Quarter Master Gen. at Toulouse (14 Metternich, Prince, congratulated on May, 1814), 9 ; expediency of detaining the successful operations in Italy, him till the French territory is eva and informed of the impossibility of cuated (15 May, 1814), 18; congra failing in the Netherlands (20 May, tulated on his appointment to Ame 1815), 409; presented by the Prince rica (22 Dec, 1814), 224; regret at Regent with a snuff-box, with his his having gone to America (23 July, picture set in brilliants (15 Aug., 1815), 569 ; Quarter Master General, 1815), 607. Memorandum for (23 Nov., 1815), Meudou, irregular complaint of hunting 701. in the forest (27 Sept., 1815), 648. Murray, Lieut. General Sir John, pro Military, French, discontent of (15 Sept., ceedings for his trial (30 May, 1814), 1814), 117. 33; place, President, and Judge Mina, arrested (20 Oct., 1814), 151, Advocate (30 and 31 May, 1814), 34, 152; displeasure of the French Go 35; principal charge against him (11 vernment (23 Oct., 1814), 154; re June, 1814), 52; Court Martial to be leased (24 Oct., 1814), 157 ; transac assembled in London (26 June, 1814), tions relatiug to the arrest (14 Nov., 70 ; acquainted with the reasons for 1814), 181. so doing (1 July, 1814), 70; grounds Minister at War, Madrid, case of the on which the Duke of Wellington Principe de Anglona and General proposes to prove his charges (19 Barutell (21 May, 1814), 24 ; recom Jan., 1815), 248. mendations of officers for promotion Museums, French, property in belonging (28 May, 1814), 31 ; expediency of to foreign powers, why should be re Captains General not interfering in stored (23 Sept., 1815), 642. judicial decisions (29 May, 1814), 32, 33 ; organization for Spanish troops N. in time of peace (2 June, 1814), 45. Minister at War, Paris, request to, for Napoleon. (See Buonaparte.) provisions and transport for the British Nassau contingent, amount of (2 June, columns (14 May, 1814), 8. 1815), 436 ; pay and clothing lor the Mitchell, Colonel. See dispatch from troops of, the demand for on whom to Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 483. be made (16 Oct., 1815), 664. Montesquiou, Abbe de, oath of allegi National Guards of Paris, standards ance proposed by for Mayors (15 Dec, delivered to by the King (8 Sept., 1814), 217. 1814), 99; formation of a corps of, Moral lesson to the people of Frauce in near Paris (30 Oct., 1815), 676. requiring the restoration of the works Netherlands, occupied by the allied of art (23 Sept., 1815), 641, 646. troops, 81; Memorandum on the Morillo, General, embarkation for Ame defence of the Frontier of (22 Sept., rica (12 June, 1814), 54. 1814). 125 ; Prince Sovereign of, Muffling, General, appointed Governor letter to (25 Sept., 1814), 131; of Paris (5 July, 1815), 546 ; request transactions and campaign in (5 of the second class of the Order of April, 1815), 287, et set/.; list of for the Baih for (15 Oil., 1815), 663. tresses to be occupied for their defence See dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, (23 April, 1815), 324 ; cost of works 1815), 448. executed (28 April, 1815), 335 ; letter Murat, intention to go to Vienna (21 to the King of, on arrangements for Sept., 1814), 119 ; reports of his the garrisons (5 May, 1815), 350; movements (7 Nov., 1814), 176, 177 ; on the mutiny of the Saxon troops LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND PRANCE. VOL. XII. 221

(8 May, 1815), 364; appointed a 1814), 121 ; the applicant's ignorance Field Marshal in the service of the of French, 122; (1 Oct., 1814), 138. King of, 365 ; King of, patent creat Opium, facilities to the trade in, desired ing the Duke of Wellington Prince of by the French Government (5 Nov., Waterloo (23 July, 1815), 570; steps 1814), 174. for obtaining property belonging to Orange, Prince of, Collar of the Order (16 and 23 Sept., 1815), 635, 639, of the Golden Fleece transmitted to 64 1 ; approbation of the King of, on (25 Sept., 1814), 131 ; assured of the obtaining his pictures; sum appro- pacific intentions of the French Go f priated for the construction of fort vernment (11 Dec, 1814), 210 ; offi resses fur (13 Oct., 1815), 660. cer recommended for his military Neutrality, objectionable rule in the secretary(12 Dec, 1814),211 ; works French' system of (18 Oct., 1814), required for the defence and garrison 149. (17 April, 1815), 312; Secret Memo Newspaper paragraphs on the slave randa incase of attack (April, 1815), trade, how treated in Fiance (8 Oct., 337 ; detail of communication with 1814), 142. (8 May, 1815), 363 ; arrangements in Newspapers, sinister effect of the formal the army (9 May, 1815), 365; posi contradiction of certain false reports tion of the army to meet a sudden in (24 Nov., 1815), 704. attack (11 May, 1815), 375, 376 ; see Ney, Marshal, intended motion on the dispatch from Waterloo, (19 June, pension to B uonaparte (15 Sept., 1814), 1815), 483; congratulations on his 117; defection of (27 March, 1815), marriage (14 Aug., 1815), 606 ; hope 284; Memorandum respecting (19 for the recovery from his wound (14 Nov., 1815), 694; execute.! (Dec, Oct., 1815), 660 ; asking for the order 1 8 15), 7 14 ; expected agitation in Par of Wilhelm for Colonel Hardiuge (14 liament about, 716. Oct., 1815), 660. Nismes, religious affairs at (28 Nov., Orange, Prince Frederick of, orders to, 1815), 710 ; Jacobinical conduct of the to march on the road to Alost (10 people (Dec, 1815), 715. May, 1815), 371; orders before the Norcross, the Rev. J., letters to, on his battle, 473 to 476; near Valen bounty (31 July, 1815), 578; (24 ciennes, 508 ; on a complaint of the Aug., 1815), 617. French government (6 Nov., 1815), Numbering of divisions (15 June, 1815), 678. 469. Orders. (See General Orders.) Orders for the defence of various towns O. (7 June, 1815), 450. Occupation of France, temporary, prefer Orleans, Doc d', letter to, causes of the able instead of territorial cession (11 King being driven from his throne (6 Aug., 1815), 596 ; plan of, 600 ; Memo June, 1815), 447, 448; duty of his randum on (31 Aug., 1815), 622; Highness coming forward in the army of, proposed amount of (1 Oct., Kiug's service, 448, 449. 1815), 653 ; Memorandum for quar Orthez, battle ov, approbation of the tering troops of (29 Oct,, 1815), 674 two Houses (16 May, 1814), 21, 22. to 676; army of, arguments for al Otrante, Due d', Memorandum for (4 lotting 30,000 real men for the ser July, 1815), 545 ; grounds for not dis vice (4 Nov., 1815), 681. approving of his letter (26 Sept., O'Lawlor, Brig. General, recommended 1815), 647; history of his nomination, for promotion (28 May, 1814), 32. 649. Olferman, Colonel, wounded, gave great satisfaction in command of the Bruns wick troops (20 June, 1815), 490. Olivenca, modes for obtaining posses Pack, Major General Sir D., offered the sion of for Portugal (25 May, 1814), command of a brigade in the expedi 28. tion from Bordeaux (14 May, 1814), Ompteda, Colonel. See dispatch from 7 ; thanked for his readiness to go, Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 483. though not recovered from his wound Operations, plan of, to be adopted by the (26 May. 1814), 28. See dispatch allied armies (12 April, 1815), 304; from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 483; defensive, secure, movements to be offered the command in the West adopted (8 May, 1815), 360. Indies (23 0cl., 1815), 669. Ophthalmia, request to facilitate re Paris, uncertainty and uneasiness in the searches on the disease (21 Sept., public mind (13 Oct., 1814), 146 ; INDEX

(20 Oct., 1814), 151 ; preparatory the slave trade entirely in eight years movements for the march to (8 May, (11 Jan., 1815), 243. 1815), 360; march to (20 June, Portuguese troops, break up, and march 1815), 493, et seq.; Convention of into Spain (15 May, 1814), 10 ; ad Paris (3 July, 1815), 542 ; recom vantage in having (12 April, 1815), mendation of General Muffling for 301 ; necessity of British troops Governor of (5 July, 1815), 546 ;rop- with Portuguese to give confidence posing his contribution on the city of (5 May, 1815), 354. Paris (8 July, 1815), 549. Portuguese subsidy, amount of (5 May, Parma, fair claim of Spain to (1 June, 1815), 354. 1814), 40. Pozzo di Borgo, Count. See dispatch Pasley, Colonel, recommendation of (22 from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 484. Sept., 1814), 125. Press, opposition to the law on the Passports, complaint of extortion for liberty of, in the French House of want of (24 Nov., 1814), 191. Peers (28 Aug., 1814), 88 ; defeat of Percy, Major the Hon. H., carries home the Government on the preamble (2 the dispatch and the Eagles taken at Sept., 1814), 95; opposition to, by the battle of Waterloo (19 June, whom made (8 Sept., 1814), 98. 1815), 484. — — , liberty of in Spain, abolished (1 7 Peronne, captured (27 and 28 June, May, 1814), 23. 1815), 513, 517. Prevost, SirG., Lieut. General, right in Perponcher, General. See dispatch from his decision at Lake Champlain (22 Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 479. Dec, 1814), 224. Philippart, Mr., never communicated PrinceRegent, gratitude expressed to (28 with (9 May, 1815), 367. June, 1815), 519; (2 July, 1815), 530. Picton, Lieut. General Sir Thos., K.B., Prisoners of war, balance for the support killed. See dispatch from Waterloo of, in favor of the Prince Regent, re (19 June, 1815), 482. nounced by him (26 Sept., 1814), 132 ; Pictures, &c,the King of France's con prisoners, British, dishonorable treat duct respecting (15 Sept., 1815), 634; ment of, by the French (3 Aug., belonging to the King of the Nether 1815), 582. lands, steps taken to recover them Privateers, fitting out of, in French (16 Sept., 1815), 635; obtained (20 ports (18 Oct., 1814), 149. Sept., 1815), 639 ; detail of measures Prize money, plan for distributing to adopted to obtain them from the the army (6 Nov., 1815), 682. French museums ; moral lesson (23 Proclamations, Memorandum for in the Sept., 1815), 641 ; removed from the south of France (June, 1814), 48. gallery oftheTuileries, 643 ; construc Proclamation on entering France (22 tion of the military convention, 644. June, 1815), 494. Polignac, Comte Jules de (afterwards Protestants, protection afforded to by Prince), establishment of gendarmerie the King of France (28 Nov., 1815), — M. Mallaret (15 May, 1814), 14. 710. Ponsonby, Major General the Hon. W., Provisional Government, establishment requests that the cavalry brigade may of at Paris (25 June, 1815), 508. bear the word " Salamanca " on Prussians, strength with which they their standards (12 July, 1814), 75 ; will enter France (2 June, 1815), Sir W., killed. See dispatch from 438; attacked at Thuin (15 June, Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 483. 1815), 473; concentration of, at Som- Pontoise, Sous Prefet de, reasons for bref, andbattle; thanks for their co his being made a prisoner of war (13 operation at the battle of Waterloo and 19 July, 1815), 556, 566. (19 June, 1815), 478—484; troops, Pontoon establishment, arrangements of inexpediency of allotting'fortresses. for (12 June, 1815), 459. their occupation (17 Oct., 1815), 666. Portugal, Prince Regent of, recommen dation to of an aide de camp of Ge neral Pamplona (1 1 July, 1814), 74; Q. seat for tne operations of his troops Quarter Master General. Secret Me under the treaty of alliance and co morandum in ease of attack (April, operation (16 April, 1815), 321; 1815), 337; Memorandum for the recommended to employ his troops movements of the army (15 June, with the allies in Flanders (16 May, 1815), 472 to 476 ; Memorandum for 1815), 398. the army of occupation (29 Oct., Portuguese Minister, oilers to abolish 1815), 674 to 676. LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE.— VOL. XII. 223

Quathe Bras, battle near the farm of of their fidelity (21 May, 1814), 25; (18 and 19 June, 1815), 477, 479. assurances of the allegiance of the two armies, 26 ; conversation with (1 R. June, 1814), 38; Spanish loan (4 Aug., 1814), 79 ; necessity of adopt Ration, for the Brunswick troops, men ing wise measures of internal polity and horses (13 May, 1815), 380; — abhorrence in England of the slave rations to he furnished by France, trade, 80 ; transactions relative to the rates at which fixed (3 Oct., 1815), arrest of Mina (15 Nov., 1814), 182; 654 ; ration to subaltern officers, and resignation of (30 Nov,, 1814), 197. valuation (24 Nov., 1815), 702. San Fernando, mode of bestowing the Raucourt, Mile., disturbance at her Order suggested (12 June, 1814), 55. funeral (19 Jan., 1815), 250. San Juan, General, merits of (2 June, Reciprocal search, objections to by the 1814), 46. French Government (5 Nov., 1814), Sardinia, subsidiary treaty with (May, 172. 1815), 342 ; King of, box with his Rennes, riot at (19 Jan., 1815),250,251. portrait, returned (28 Oct., 1815), Republic in France, prospective esta 673. blishment of (23 April, 1815), 324. Saxon troops, mutiny of at Liege (3 and Retreat, too strong to think of (15 5 May, 1815), 346, 349. y*pn/,1815),311 ; from QuatieBras Saxony, King of, his contingent to join to Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 480. the British army (1 1 April, ISIS), 300. Revenge, private, ought never to be a Schwarzenberg, Marshal Prince, detail motive to mankind (10 Nov., 1815), of movements to, based on the force 685. of the allies, their position, and the Revolution, French, total ruin of the strength of the French (9 May, 1815), country, occasioned by (26 Nov., 368; Memorandum on the strength 1814), 192. and position of the French army (16 Richelieu, Due de, succeeds Prince de May, 1815), 394, &c ; letter to (2 Tallevrand in the ministry, proposed June, 1815), 437 ; army on the Rhine bases'for a treaty (1 Oct., 1815), 652 ; (2 June, 1815), 438; the complete alterations in his draft of a counter- success of the battle of the 18th of project of a military convention (24 June (26 June, 1815), 510. Oct., 1815), 670. Secretary or State for War and the Robberies, highway, measures for pre Colonies (Earl Bathurst), 5 May, venting (27 Sept., 1815), 647, 648. 1814, probability of Sir R. Hill ac Robert, General, refusal of to march by cepting the command of the intended the route indicated (17 May, -1814), secret expedition — orders for the em 23. barkation, and march of troops — num Ross, General, expedition of (11 June, ber of men to be sent, 3. 1814), 53. — , 15 May, 1814, march of the cavalry Russia, Emperor of, additional subsidy to Mantes — advantage and expediency . required for (28 March, 1815), 285 ; of conveying the infantry by sea — * thanks to, for his present of a sword wish of the Duke of York, 19. ornamented with laurel (30 June, — , 15 May, 1814, enclosing copy of in 1815), 524; detailed statement to, of structions given to the Commissary the position and movements of the General, in regard to property cap armies of occupation {Dec, 1815), tured from the enemy in France, 20. 713. — , 16 May, 18 14, expediency of making Russians, not arrived on the Rhine (2 over to the Commissariat at Gibraltar June, 1815), 438. stores at Lisbon, 22. — , 18 May, 1814, requests permission S. to accept from the Emperor of Russia Salamanca, request that the word may the Grand Cross of the Order of St. be borne on the standards of the heavy George, 24. brigade of cavalry (12 July, 1814), — , 27 May, 1814, impossibility of exe 75. cuting the order preventing passages San Carlos, Duque de, communicates for officers in King's ships, 31. appointments in the administration, — , WJune, 1814, unfairness that Sir J. and decrees at Valencia (17 May, Murray should be tried by officers all 1814), 23 ; review of the 4th and 3d junior to himself — refusal of Spanish army, by the Duke of Wellington, officers to be examined viva voce on address to the officers, aad assurances oath— reasons why the Court should •224 INDEX.

he assembled in England— charges Secretary of State for War and against him, 52. the Colonies (6 April, 1815), review Secretary of State for War and of the low state of military prepara the Colonies, 11 June, 1814, regi tions — Would be satisfied with 40,000 ments sent to Canada — supply of good British infantry, with cavalry stores, 53. and 150 pieces of field artillery fully — , 11 June, 1814, regiments shipped horsed, 291 ; requisition of Sappers from the Gironde, 53. and Miners, and of pontoons fully — , 11 June, 1814, Sir G. Collier's wish horsed, 292. for a baronetcy — his services and zeal, — , 7 April, 1815, enclosing copy of 54. letter from General , 293. — , 1 2 June, 1814, discharge of the Chas — ,12 April, 1815, advantages of Portu seurs Britanniques in France, recom guese troops over others — difficulty of mended, 57. getting German troops to serve with — , 13 June, 1814, ammunition sent the English army, 301,302. after the expedition to the Bermudas, — , 13 April, 1815, plan for augmenting 60. the King's German Legion, 305. — , 13 June, 1814, fort ofBlaye — surren — , 13 April, 1815, request of forge der of claim to ships, (ill, 61, carts or portable forges, 306. — , 14 June, 1814, regiments ordered to — , 14 April, 1815, improbability of two embark in the Gironde for Cork, 61. Austrian regiments being surprised — , 14 June, 1814, announces the return by Murat — object of taking possession home of the different troops, and his of Rome in the name of the King of coming to England, 62. Rome, 310. — , 29 Aug., 1814, advance of 2000 dol — , 21 April, 1815, deficiency in the lars to ,89. supply of pieces of artillery, and — , 29 Aug., 1814, value of captured pro of other equipments — of horses, and perty at Bordeaux, and arrangements 'price for which purchased in the respecting it, 90. country — suggestion for substitute for — , 4 Sept., 1814, claim for payment for drivers, 319; number of guns and ar a house burnt near Bordeaux, 97. tillery with the Prussian army, 320. — , 21 Sept., 1814, ignorance of the — , 24 April, 1815, proposed naval ope French language by , desiring ration at the mouth of the Seine, 331. to investigate diseases of the eyes in — , 24 April, 1815, requests permission Paris, 122. for officers of the 3d hussars to wear — , 22 Sept., 1814, enclosing Memo the insignia of Orders conferred by randum ou the defence of the Nether the Emperor of Russia, 331. lands, with observations on the reten — , 24 April, 1815, enclosing a Memo tion of Antwerp as a military post, 123. randum of the number of horses to be — , 12 Dec, 1814, groundless apprehen bought in the country absolutely ne sions of the Prince of Orange — recom cessary, with the number of drivers, mendation of Lieut. Colonel Har- 332. dinge for secretary, 212. — , 24 April, 1815, application for some — , 9 Jan., 1815, claim of Sir G. Collier allowance by M. O'Singer, 334. to a medal for San Sebastian, 239. — , 28 April, 1815, enclosing a Memo — , 12 Jan., 1815, reasons for wishing to randum on the occupation and de have seen the list of officers, before fence of the Low Countries — cost of the Order of the Bath was conferred, works on the 15th April, 335; sug 245. gested completion of the work at Os- — , 18 Jan., 1815, will attend to the tend, 336. Ionian islands if he should go to — , 2 May, 1815, purchases of horses Vienna, 247 ; advantage of fortifying stopped — request of two companies of the Netherlands ; the King of France seamen, with the pontoons — move without an army, no King, 248. ment of Buonaparte to make an at — , 22 Jan., 1815, supplementary lists tack — Bavarians across the Rhine, for medals how occasioned, 256. 344. — , 5 Feb., 1815, just claim of two — , 4 May, 1815, offer of the Prince de officers for the Order of the Bath, 260. Bouillon — unjust occupation of the — , 6 April, 1815, acknowledges the castle of Bouillon by the French, 348. receipt of his Lordship's letters, and — , 5 May, 1815, expediency of sending the dispatch containing his Commis forthwith to Antwerp the vessels con sion of Commander of the Forces on taining the battering train, 353. the Continent of Europe, 291. — , 5 May, 1815, Portuguese subsidy— LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE. VOL. XII. 2:25

necessity of Portuguese troops having Secretary of State for War and British with them, to give them con the Colonies, 13 June, 1815, re fidence, 354. quests sanction for ordering work at Secretary of State for War and Ostend, 463. the Colonies (5 May, 1815), in — , 19 June, 1815, Battle of Quatre adequacy of Lord Hill's pay as Gene Bras, 16th June, 479 ; retreat from ral Officer, and proposed tabic allow Quatre Bras to Waterloo, 17th June, ance, 354. 480; Battle of Waterloo, 18th — , 5 May, 1815, request that Lieut. June, 481. Colonel Hardinge may remain at the — , 19 June, 1815, number of prisoners Prussian head quarters, 354. — Comte de Lobau and General Cam- — , 6 May, 1815, the King of the Ne brone, 489. therlands places his army under the — , 20 June, 1815, refusal of the Portu Duke of Wellington, 356. guese Government to employ their — , 8 May, 1815, enclosing copy of the troops in the war — directions for Mar commission as a Field Marshal in the shal Beresford's operations against King's service, 364. Bordeaux — nonsense of operations by — , 12 May, 1815, reasons for not ac emigrants, 493. cepting the services of the seamen — , 22 June, 1815, entry into the French with the pontoon train, 380. territory — desertion of the French — , 14 May, 1815, request of a further troops — retreat of the 3d corps — supply of tents, 387. hopes of Colonel De Lancey's reco — , 16 May, 1815, thanks for informa very, 497. tion in the letter of the 12th, 399. — , 23 June, 1815, misconduct of Com — , 17 May, 1815, necessity of some missariat officers, 501. measure for detaining, till the conclu — , 25 June, 1815, Cambray taken by sion of the campaign, men whose escalade — arrival of the King of period of service expires in the course France at Cateau, 507 ; trick of Buo of the next three or four months, 399, naparte's abdication in favor of his 400. son — proposition to suspend hostili — , 18 May, 1815, bread waggons, 400. ties, and appointment of provisional — , 19 May, 1815, enclosing a letter to government — object of the alliance, the Prince Regent of Portugal, 400. according to the 1st article of the — , 19 May, 1815, settles the organiza treaty of the 25th of March, 508. tion of the bridges, and declines the — , 25 June, 1815, bad state of the seamen, 405. troops, and of the equipment of the — , 22 May, 1815, ckarlalanisme in pro army, with the exception of his old curing intelligence — Mr. , 416; Spanish infantry — disgust at the con doubt of the Portuguese troops being cern, 509. so good as they were, 417. — , 28 June, 1815, surrender of the cita — , 23 May, 1815, papers communicated del of Cambray — given over to the byM. de Blacas, and case of Murat's King of France — surrender of Peronne treachery, 419 ; has issued no procla — march to Paris, 517 ; position of mation or order upon any political Grouchy — propositions for peace, and subject — enclosing copies of letters, answers of the Duke of Wellington regarding operations, 420. and of Marshal BlUcher, 518. — , 24 May, 1815, disposal of a woman — , 28 June, 1815,Order conferred by the who has murdered a British soldier, Grand Duke of Baden, 518. 424. — , 28 June, 1815, thanks for reinforce — , 2 June, 1815, wish to have Mr. Lar- ments — old infantry — Spanish infan pent as Judge Advocate, 439. try — Prussians desirous of keeping — , 6 June, 1815, reasons for delaying their own prisoners, 518. the augmentation of the regiments of _, 28 June, 1815, Wurtemberg Order the German Legion by volunteers from of Merit conferred, 522. the Hanoverian regiments of the line, — , 29 June, 1815, amount of killed, 447. wounded, and missing, British and — , 9 June, 1815, recommends the pur Hanoverians, on the 16th, 17th, and chase of horses at forty guineas each 18th — loss of Colonel Cameron, and for officers of the 1st hussars, 457. Colonel Sir H. W. Ellis, 523. — , 11 June, 1815, requesting authority — , 30 June, 1815, Brig. General Har to repay 120 advanced by dinge lost his left hand on the 1 6th at Marshal Mortier at Talavera for the the ; approbation of use of the British hospital, 459, his conduct, 523. 226 INDEX.

Secretary of State fob War and the of Maria Theresa has been conferred Colonies, 30 /une, 1815, inutility of by the Emperor of Austria, 581. Mr. — 's intelligence, 524. Secretary of State for War anb the — , 2 July, 1815, requisition of arms and Colonies, 8 Aug., 1815, desire of the accoutrements for Hanoverian and Emperor of Russia to be assisted with British troops, 531. 1 0,000 stands of arms from England, — , 2 July, 1815, enclosing Lieut. Gene 591. ral Colville's report of his attack on — , 8 Aug., 1815, merits of Colonel Sir Cambray, 531. N. Trant, 591. — , 2 July, 1815, affair at Villers Cot- — s 8 Aug., 1815, intended review near terets — passage of the Oise by the Chalons by the Emperor of Russia — allied army — passage of the Seine by permission to accept the Order of St. Marshal Blucher — fortification of the Andrew not sent, 591. heights of Montmartre and Belleville — ,10 Aug., 1815, great Order of the — number of troops in Paris, 532 ; House of Saxony, conferred by the reasons for not attacking the enemy King, 595. in their fortified position — interview — , 20 Aug., 1815, recommends that an with the Commissioners, 533 ; rea allowance may be made to the troops sons for never treating with any of for the ordnance and stores captured, the Napoleon family 536 ; conditions under the command of Lord W. Ben- or an armistice, 537; arrival of the tinck, 614. King at Roye — surrender of Quesnoi — , 20 Aug., 1815, Military Order of to Prince Frederick, 538. Maximilian Joseph conferred by the — , 4 July, 1815, operations of Prince King of Bavaria, 614. Bliicher on the left of the Seine, and — , 21 Aug., 1815, enclosing a list of repulse of the French at Issy — move Officers upon whom the Emperor of ments of the British towards the Pont Russia has conferred decorations of de Neuilly — Convention of Paris, different classes of the Orders of St. 541,542. George, St. Anne, and Wladimir, — , 8 July, 1815, interview with the Due 616,617. d'Otrante, and refutation of the false — , 30 Aug., 1815, mode of obtaining representations by the French Com British colors supposed to be at Paris, missioners respecting the restoration 622. of Louis XVIII., 549-552. — , 8 Sept. 1815, leave given to the — , 8 July, 1815, entry into Paris of the Commanding Officer of the marine allies and of the King of France, 552. artillery to return to England, 629. — , 13 July, 1815, object of the requi — , 17 Sept., 1813, acknowledging ob sitions of provisions and forage on the ligations for appointing General Alava country, by regular receipts, 557. an extra Commander of the Bath — — , 13 July, 1815, parties on whom the arrangements for the Waterloo medal, Convention of the 3d inst. is binding, 636. 557. — , 17 Sept., 1815, requests permission — , 18 July, 1815, offer of the Emperor to accept the Sardinian Order of the of Russia to confer the Order of St. Annonciade, 636. Andrew, 565. — , 24 Sept., 1815, enclosing a list of — ,19 July, 1815, case of the Sous officers who have received the Order Pre/et of Pontoise, kept as a prisoner of Maximilian Joseph from the King of war on his parole, 566. of Bavaria, 646. — , 20 July, 1815, as the troops are kept — , 8 Oct., 1815, enclosing a list of offi for nothing, urges the sending as cers upon whom the Order of Wil- many as possible, by Ostend, 57. helm has been conferred by the King — , 20 July, 1815, wish to get rid of — of the Low Countries, 655. — , a mountebank, 567. — ,11 Oct., 1815, prisoners from Guada- — , 23 July, 1815, Order of the Elephant loupe placed at the disposition of tho conferred by the Kingof Denmark, 570. French Government, 657. , — , 23 July, 1815, enclosing letters, and — , 14 Oct., 1815, requesting detailed copy of patent from the King of the instructions respecting the disposal Netherlands, conferring the title of of British and foreign troops — forma Prince of Waterloo, and the Order of tion of the British subsidiary corps of ,William, 570, 571. 30,000 men — recommending the re — , 2 Aug., 1815, enclosing a list of offi moval of the German Legion to the cers on whom the Cross of a Com service of Hanover, 662. mander and of a Knight of the Order — , 15 Oct., 1815, services of Genera LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE. VOL. XII. 227

Muffling, and wish that the second of Spain and his ministers — negoci- class of the Order of the Bath should ation at Valencay — Fernan Nunez — be conferred on him, 663. hope of being in England soon after Secretary of State for War and the 20th, 51. the Colonies, 23 Oct., 1815, forma Secretary of State for Foreign tion of the British contingent — old Affairs, 18 Aug., 1814, England and British infantry that served in Spain France arbitrators at the Congress, the best in the world, 668; expen and necessity of establishing a per sive parts of the military establish fect undertanding with Talleyrand, ments to be reformed — Hanoverian 81, 82. contingent, 669. — , 25 Aug., 1 814, presented to the King — , 23 Oct., 1815, offer of commands in of France — desire of the King to act the West Indies to Generals Pack in concert with the Prince Regent's and Barnes, 669. Government for the maintenance of — 29 Ocr., 1815, case of , who was the peace of Europe, 83. in the service of Buonaparte, 673. — , 25 Aug., 1814, private audience with — , 22 Nov., 1815, orders given to the the King on the subject of the aboli troops at Antwerp, Ostend, and Brux- tion of the slave trade, 83 ; hostility elles to embark for England, 699. of the legislative body to the abolition, — , 24 Nov., 1815, arrangements for 84, 85. officers' rations, and for saving to the — , 1 Sept., 1814, determination of the public the expense of bat and forage King to restrain the trade on the coast money, 702 ; the officers of the Bri of Africa north of the Line, 93. tish army deserve to be, and should be, — , 1 Sept., 1814, captures by the army well paid, 703. at Bordeaux, 94. — , 27 Nov., 1815, requesting permission — , 1 Sept., 1814, commerce of the two to accept the Order of the St. Esprit nations, and suggested fluctuating from the King of France, 708. tariff, 94. — , Dec, 1815, relating to a copy of — , 2 Sept., 1814, continuanceof pension the Memorandum — Ney's case the to Madame , 95. principal cheval tie bataille in parlia — ,8 Sept., 1814, barrack bedding taken ment, 716. at Genoa, 97. Secretary of State for Foreign Af — , 8 Sept., 1814, passing of the law for fairs {Vise. Castlereagh), 15 May, the regulation of the press, by the 1814, fnclosing copy of correspond House of Peers — death of the Minis ence with the Due d'Albufera, respect ter of Marine — exclusion of the slave ing the evacuation of Spanish for trade north of Cape Formoso — ap tresses, 17. proaching departure of Talleyrand for — , 15 May, 1814, political parties in Vienna, 98 ; standards delivered by the Spanish army, 17. the King to the National Guard, in — , 17 May, 1814, evacuation of Spa the Champ de Mars, 99. nish garrisons will be continued by — , 8 Sept., 1814, Spanish treaty with Suchet — the Liberales quitting Ma Great Britain may be communicated drid, 22. to the King of France — secret article — , 17 May, 1814, decrees issued by the — Spanish emigrants — destruction of King, at Valencia, 23. the bridge of Irun — objection to any — , 21 May, 1814, allegiance of the 3d hostile alliance in the nature of the and 4th armies, 27. family compact, 99, 100. — ,25 May, 1814, modesof obtainingthe — , 12 Sept., 1814, details on the sub cession of Olivenca for Portugal, 28. ject of the treaty with Spain, and the — , 1 June, 1814, conversation with the secret article, 109. Duque de San Carlos — state of do — , 12 Sept., 1814, case of , who mestic and foreign politics at Ma has no powers to attend the Con drid, 37, 38 ; the Government in gress, 111; proposed cession of an formed that they would not receive island to France, in consideration of even the unexpended part of the sub an abolition of the slave trade. 112. sidy till they settled their internal — , 12 Sept., 1814, departure of the concerns on liberal principles, 39 ; Prince de Benevent — cause of the claim to Parma, in the event of the delay in obtaining an answer to his cession of Olivenca — danger of their note of the 26th utt., 1 12. throwing themselves into the arms of — , 12 Sept., 1814, claim to jewels France, 40. taken from the Baron Kolli 112. — ,11 June, 1814, civility of the King — , 15 Sept., 1814, Prince de Benevent Q2 228 INDEX.

created Prince de Talleyrand, and Secretary of Stats von Foreign departs for Vienna — arrangements in Affairs, 15 Oct., 1814, enticing ma the administration — Ney's intended nufacturers from England, 148. motion respecting the pension of six — , 15 Oct., 1814, pensions and half millions of livres agreed to be paid to pay granted to French Emigrants, &c, Napoleon and his family, 117. 148. Secretary of State for Foreign Af — , 17 Oct., 1814, translation of the fairs, 2 1 Sept., 1814, enclosing.-! state prices current in London, 149. ment of port charges ou British and — , 18 Oct., 1814, complaints of Ame other ships in the ports of France in rican privateers fitting out, &c, iu 1792, 122. the harbours of France, and objec — , 21 Sept., 1814, case of Mr. , an tionable rule in the French system Irishman, desirous of being permitted of neutrality, 149. to return to Ireland, 123. — , 20 Oct., 1814, Emigrants' estate law — , 22 Sept., 1814, anchoring of British — discontent in Paris — in what quar convoys in Basque roads, instead of ter the danger lies — removal of Joseph under the Island of Aix — note ou the Buonaparte to Zurich, 151; slave subject of debts due for the construc trade — violence of M. Lai no — arrest tion and armament of vessels in ports of Mina, 152. ceded by France, 129, 130. — , 24 Oct., 1814, release of Mina— pub — , 26 Sept., 1814, claim of presents lic discontents — extension of the Emi upon the introduction of a foreign grants' estate law in the Chamber of Minister, 133. Deputies, 157. — , 27 Sept., 1814, proposes making — , 24 Oct., 1814, draft on Mr. Bi.l- official, the offer and refusal of a well for the purchase of the Ambas cession to France for an immediate sador's house at Paris, 158. abolition of the slave trade, 134, 135. — , 28 Oct., 1814, claim by , as a — , 29 Sept., 1814, enclosing copy of a British subject, on the French Go note to M. Jaucourt, requesting an vernment, 163. answer to the note of the 26th August, — , 30 Oct., 1814, claims of the Bank of 136, 137. Hamburg, 163. — , 1 Oct., 1814, case of the gentleman — , 30 Oct., 1814, distressed English who, without understanding a word soldiers and seamen at Bordeaux, of French, came to Paris to make 164, 165. inquiries regarding the state of oph — , 30 Oct., 1814, the same — and march thalmia in France, 137. of American seamen to L'Orient, 165, — , 2 Oct., 1814, application by the 166. Commandant of the French estab — , 1 Nov., 1814, objections of French lishments in Bengal for a licence Ministers to make any addition to the from the British Government for an expenses in the estimates — represents American built ship to take him to to M. Jaucourt the injury to the his destination, 138. Prince Regent's Government, from — , 2 Oct., 1814, offer to deliver up the delay on the subject of the slave papers of King James II., 138. trade, 167, 168. — , 7 Oct., 1814, case of Mr. , de — , 3 AW, 1814, orders for confining the tained at Montpellier for debt, 140. French slave trade to the southward — , 10 Oct., 1814, proceedings on the of Cape Formoso, 168 ; inexpediency publication in a Dutch newspaper of of unnecessary disclosures and dis directions respecting the carrying cussion, 169. on the slave trade by French sub — , 3 Nov., 1814, question regarding jects, 144. the Duchv of Bouillon, 169. — , 13 Oct., 1814, steps taken to urge — ,4 Nov., 1814, settled, 171. the French Government to perform — , 5 Nov., 1814, slave trade — recipro their engagements respecting the re cal search by ships of war, 172 ; case striction ot the slave trade, 146. of vessels forced by weather between — ,13 Oct., 1814, uneasiness and discon Cape Formoso and Cape Palmas — tent in the public mind ut Paris, 146; suggested formation of establishments causes of the disunion and inconsis for neg.oes in the French settlements, tency in the measures of Government similar to those of Sierra Leone, 173, — complaint against the French Go 174. vernment, for delay in executing — , 5 Nov., 1814, proposed facilities to the additional articles of the treaty in trade of the French East India Com favor of the British creditors, &c, 147. pany in opium, 174 ; answer to the LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE. — VOL. XII. 229

request for facilities to procure timber , 219 ; ill advised nominations from America, for buildings at St. made by the King, 220. Pierre and Miquelon — proposed in Secretary of State for Foreign terference regarding the early posses Affairs, 19 Dec, 1814, unwarrant sion of Guiana, 1 75. able proposition of the French Com Secretary of State for Foreign missioners, to pay claimants on the Affairs, 5 Nov., 1814, requests pass French Government with one third port for a private ship proceeding to of the original value of their several the United States, 176. securities, 220. — , 7 Nov., 1814, movements of Murat — , 20 Dec, 1814, mismanagement of in Italy, 177. 's affair, 222; mission of the — , 14 Nov., 1814, transactions respecting Prince de Laval to Madrid — attempt the airest of Mina, 181 ; harsh dis to limit the prohibition of the slave missal of the Conde de Casa Flores, trade to Cape Three Points — Turkish 182. colleague, 223. — , 21 Nov., 1814, exportation of timber — , 26 Dec, 1814, proceedings in the for St. Pierre and Miquelon, 187. two Chambers , 225. in the case of General — , 23 Nov., 1814, statement of the con tracts for the purchase of the Ambas — , 26 Dec, 1814, purchase in Canada of sador's house and stables at Paris, timber for St. Pierre and Miquelon, 189. 225. — , 23 Nov., 1814, explanations by M. — , 26 Dec, 1814, apprehensions by Jaucourt, respecting the augmenta Glasgow merchants trading to St. tion of the French army — military Domingo of being captured by French movements in Italy under Murat, cruisers, 226. 190. — , 27 Dec, 181 4, proposition to relieve — ,26 Nov., 1814, sailing of the Lion, Lord Castlereagh at Vienna — expedi f rom L'Orient, 193; proposed station ency of a personal interview with the ing of a ship of war to cruise off King's Government in London, pre each French port to prevent the re vious to going to Vienna — affairs of sort of American privateers, 194. Naples, 226. — , 28 Nov., 1814, seizure of papers at — , 2 Jan., 1815, prorogation of the two Villejuif, 195. Chambers — organization of French — ,30 Nov., 1814, justification of the infantry and cavalry, and total Government, 197. amount of the French army — mea — , 30 Nov., 1814, prospect of a credit sures adopted for reinforciug the able settlement at Vienna — resigna army, 230; collection of troops in tion of San Carlos, 197. Alsace, 231. — , 1 Dec, 1814, case of General , — , 2 Jan., 1815, rules relating to belli 199. gerents in French ports, to be applied, — , 4 Dec, 1814, blockade of American till the ratifications of the Treaty at ports cannot be relieved for the pur Ghent are exchanged at Washington, pose of exporting" timber to St. Pierre 231. and Miquelon — number of vessels for — , 9 Jan., 1815, proceedings on the which passports would be required, proposition of the French Commis 203. sioners to discharge the claims of — , 5 Dec, 1814, false report of a plan British creditors with one third of to attack the King on his way to the their several amounts, 239. Odeou. 204 ; ministerial appointments — , 9 Jan., 1815, release of British pri —Marshal Soult, 205. soners in the American ship Mac — , 5 Dec, 1814, no intention of the Donnovgh, 240. French Government to lower the — , 10 Jan., 1815, determines not to go poit duties on passage vessels, to England, before setting out for 206. Vienna, 240; presence of Lord Cas — , 11 Dec, 1814, complaints of the tlereagh absolutely necessary, 241 . conduct of the Tiber, 209. , — , 15 Jan., 1815, note of the Chevalier — , 15 Dec, 1814, effects of the appoint de Brito, 245. ment of Marshal Soult — banishment — , 15 Jan., 1815, steps for the restora of a General of cavalry — oath to be tion of works of art in the Alexander, taken by mayors, 217. belonging to the King of Prussia, — , 18 Dec, 1814, application to secure 246. a fraudulent bankrupt, 219. — , 15 Jan., 1815, complaints by the — , 19 Dec, 1814, arrest of General Marquis d'Alfieri, 246. 230

Secretary of State fob Foreign 271 ; renewal of the treaty of Chau- Affairs, 17 Jan., 1815, expediency mont — proposition for making the of Lord Castlereagh's being allowed Sovereign of the Low Countries a to bring the public business at Vienna contracting party, ovei ruled — question to a close — opposition to the conti of subsidy, and force which Great nuance of the income tax, 247. Britain engaged to employ, 272. — , 17 Jan., 1815, anxiety for Lord Cas- Secretary of State for Foreign tlereagh's return, 247. Affairs, 18 March, 1815, mission of — , 19 Jan., 1815, disturbance at the Lieut. Colonel HardingeJ to obtain funeral of Mile. Raucourt at St, Roch information of Buonaparte's progress, — riot at Rennes, 250, 251. 273. — , 22 Jan., 1815, announces his in — , 18 March, 1815, wish of the Allied tended departure for Vienna, after Powers that he should proceed to the seeing the King, 256. Netherlands, to take the command of — , 23 Jan., 1815, departs for Vienna, the troops, 274. 258. — , 18 March, 1815, recommendation to — , 23 Jan., 1815, obtains an alteration reinforce the army in the Netherlands, in the reglemenl, carrying the prohi with cavalry and artillery — increase bition of the slave trade to Cape For- of subsidy— Prince Hardenberg's re moso, 258 ; grounds of the concession quest for arms and ammunition — on this point on the part of the affairs at Paris, 274,275. French Government — St. Domingo, — , 23 March, 1815, measures concern 259 ing Antwerp referred to Commis — ,25 Feb., 1815, march of Austrian sioners, 275. troops into Italy — Murat — proposed — , 25 March, 1815, claim of assistance pecuniary assistance for four months by the Marquis de St. Marsan, 276. — Bavarian business, 263. — , 25 March, 1815, progress of the ge — , 3 March, 1815, enumeration of neral treaty, and preparation for set works at Antwerp proposed to be ting out for the Low Countries, 277. destroyed, 263 ; cause of Antwerp — , 25 March, 1815, congratulation on being formidable to Great Britain as the American peace — character of the a port of naval equipment — impro declaration — Murat and the bability of the course of the Rhine , 278. being again in the permanent pos — , 25 March, 1815, difficulties of con session of France, 265. cluding a treaty with the Allies on — , 12 March, 1815, affairs of Bavaria the plan of the treaty of Chaumout, and Switzerland, 265, 266. and cause of the delay, 278; sti — , 12 March, 1815, evasion of Buona pulated sum to be paid by Great Bri parte from Elba, and landing in tain, for the deficiency of her contin France — proceedings of the Allied gent, and power of Great Britain of Powers, 266, 267. selecting the Power to be paid — mo — , 12 March, 1815, collection of Aus tives for the grant of subsidies, 279. trian troops, and positions of corps — , 26 March, 1815, doubt of the truth consequent on Buonaparte's invasion of the intelligence of Ney's defection of France, 267; Russian army — ob — warlike measures with regard to jection to being member of a council France, to be adopted only on the in of management —pecuniary assistance vitation of the King — the fixed desire to Austria — certainty of success for war on the part of the French, the against Buonaparte — recommends cause of bringing back Buonaparte — putting all the force in the Nether the King's desire for peace, the lands at the disposition of the King source of the danger which threat of France, and offers to join it, 268. ened him — no chance of peace should — , 18 March, 1815, exchange with the Buonaparte prove successful, 280, Prince de Wrede of the ratification of 281. the Prince Regent for the ratification — , 26 March, 1815, tenor of the Decla of the King of Bavaria's accession to ration — character and strength of the the Convention of the 3rd January, troops in the Netherlands — proposed 270, 271. contingent of Portuguese troops, 281. — , 18 March, 1815, pays 500/. to the — , 27 March, 1815, Copy of the Treaty Bavarian chancery, 271. of Alliance, and Powers invited to — , 18 March, 1815, progress of Buona accede to it, 282. parte, and eagerness of the different — , 27 March, 1815, the King quits Powers for the common protection, Paris — junctMn of (Npy with Buona LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE. — VOL. XII. 231

parte — desertion of the troops of the additional million to Russia when to camp of Melun, 284. be given, 420 ; strength of the Rus Secretary of State for Foreign sian army, 421. Affairs, 28 March, 1815, impossi Secretary of State fob Foreign bility of granting additional subsidy Affairs, 24 May, 1815, draughts of to the Emperor of Russia, 285. treaties — rate per man of the monthly —,28 March, 1815, operations against payment, and stipulation that the Murat, 286. treaty should last only till the end — , 28 March, 1815, pecuniary assist of the year, 423, 424. ance requested by Prince Talleyrand — , 26 May, 1815, amount of the de for the French Mission at Vienna, mand of the Allies on account of 286. the deficiencies of Great Britain, — ,5 April, 1815. affairs of Geneva — 427. North of Italy — Murat, 287; diffi — , 26 May, 1815, contre projet for culty on the subject of subsisting the the King of Bavaria, delivered by armies in France — expediency of a Colonel Washington, and refusal of a better system than one of requisition guarantee — battering train, 428. on an enemy's country, 288. — , 8 June, 1815, Hanoverian subsidy, — , 7 April, 1815, transmits a copy of 454; objections of the Adjutant Ge the Declaration of the 13th March, neral to certain charges, 455. 293. — , 8 June, 1815, contest with General — , 14 April, 1815, recommendation of Decken, 455. Mr. L. Hervey as assistant to Sir C. — , 28 June, 1815, Hessian subsidy — Stuart, 310. principle adopted in regard to the — , 22 April, 1815, estimate of pay subsidies to all the Powers of the ments in lieu of troops — Hanover, second order, 521. 322. — , 2 July, 1815, advantage of fortifying — , 24 April, 1815, Hanoverian subsidy, Genoa — question of an alteration in 327. the employment of the subsidy fund, — , 24 April, 1815, impossibility of em 530. ploying a force of British troops in — , 14 July, 1815, two English officers the south of France, 328. shot — critical state resulting from — , 24 April, 1815, monthly subsidy to oppression practised on the French tho Austrians — second demand from people, 558. the Russians, 329. — , 11 Aug., 1815, arguments against — . 2 May, 1815, treaty with Comte demanding a great cession from d'Aglie,341. France, and for thinking a temporary — , 2 May, 1815, Buonaparte's intention occupation the most desirable, 596. to attack the Allies — Sardinian treaty — , Aug., 1815, on the best mode of — Hanoverians — arms for the west securing the performance of the treaty and south of France —inexpediency of of Peace by France, in connexion landing Portuguese troops at Bor with a system of occupation, and the deaux, 343. reteution of certain fortresses, 600. — , 10 May, 1815, Hanoverian subsidy — , 17 Aug., 1815, claim of the King of — contingents of Wurtemberg and Denmark undtr the treaty of acces Bavaria — assistance to the Austrians sion, 609. in Italy, 372. — , 24 Aug., 1815, requests the payment — , 12 May, 1815, requests a copy of to his bankers of 963l., to be dis the dispatch respecting the Subsist tributed among certain gentlemen for ence Commission, 379. services performed in the embassy at — , 19 May, 1815, treaty with the the Court of France, 619. Grand Duke of Baden, 404. — , 31 Aug., 1815, Memorandum on the — , 19 May, 1815, Pozzo di Borgo and temporary occupation of part of the treaty of the 3rd January, 404 ; France, 622. French Swiss troops, 405. — ,12 Sept., 1815, excess of the amount — , 20 May, 1815, subsidy to Bavaria, of effort above engagements, 630. 411. — , 19 Sept., 1815, principle of conduct — , 23 May, 1815, case of Murat's to be pursued by the British Govern treachery, 418; proclamation falsely ment towards France, 638 ; proposed attributed to the Duke of Wellington, permanent council at Paris of the Mi 419. nisters of the four Allied Courts, 639. — ,23 May, 1815, rate per annum for — , 23 Sept., 1815, detail of the mea each man, of the subsidised troops — sures taken to obtain the restoration 232 INDEX.

of the pictures, &c, belonging to the which the Duke of Wellington encou King of the Netherlands, from the raged publications concerning it, in museums, 641, et seq. Paris (11 Jan., 1815), 242. Secretary of State for Foueion Smuggling, censure of officers engaged Affairs, 3 Oct., 1815, anxiety of the in (3 Nov., 1815), 679. French Minister for the march of the Smyth, Col. Carmichael, Royal Engi Prussian army, 653 ; sum fixed to be neers, recommendation of (22 Sept., paid by France to cover all the ex 1814), 125. See dispatch from Water penses for the troops, and amount of loo (19 June, 1815), 483. rations to be supplied, 654 ; arrange Soignies, forit de, good position for an ment respecting table money, 654, army in front of (22Sep/.,'1814), 129. 655. Sombref, battle near (18 June, 1815), — ,6 Nov., 1815, Memorandum on the 477, 478 ; (19 June, 1815), 480. Twenty five millions of francs as Somerset, Lord Edward, Lieut. General. Prize Money, 682. See dispatch from Waterloo ( 1 9 June Sedan, unauthorised proceeding of the 1815), 483. sous Prifet of (24 Oct., 1814), 155. Somerset, Lord FitzRoy. See dispatch Seine, proposed naval operation at the from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 484 ; mouth of (24 April, 1815), 331 ; Pre loss of his arm (19 June, 1815), 484, fect of the Department of, answer to 489. his complaints (24 Aug., 1815), 617. Soult. (See Dalmatie, Due de.) Senegal and Goree, otter of ordnance South of France, impossibility of em and stores at, to the French Govern ploying a force of British troops in ment (30 Oct., 1814), 165. (24 April, 1815), 328 ; impartial con Sicilian Majesty, dispatches forwarded duct of the King to religious sects in to (27 Oct., 1814), 162. (28 Nov., 1815), 709, 710. Sick and wounded soldiers, the Duke of Spain, King of, decrees promulgated by Wellington's constant attention to (5 (17 Mag. 1814), 23; allegiance of the Aug., 1815), 588. 3d and 4th armies (21 May, 1814), Sierra Leone, detailed information con 25, 26; popularity of the King — expe cerning, requested (5 Nov., 181 4), 1 73. diency and necessity of his giving Situation, invidious, placed in, in the dis Spain a free constitution urged (25 tribution of foreign orders (14 Sept., May, 1814). 27 ; Memorandum to his 1814), 632. Catholic Majesty, 40 ; transmits to the Slave trade, frenzy in England for its King his resignation of the office of abolition (20 July, and 4 Aug., 1814), Commander in Chief of the Spanish 77,80; proceedings with France re armies (13 June, 1814), 57 ; objection lative to its abolition (24 and 25 to any hostile alliance with France in Aug., 1814), 82, 83, et seq.; expecta the nature of the family compact (8 tion of obtaining its prohibition north Sept., 1814), 99 ; power of the clergy of the Line (31 Aug., 1814), 92 ; sin (20 Oct., 1814), 150; appeal to the cerity of the French Government to King in behalf of General Alava (22 abolish the trade in five years (15 Oct., 1814), 152 ; thanks to the King Sept., 1814), 114; (4 Nov., 1814), for his letter of the 29th July (21 170; hostility of the daily press in Aug., 1815), 615. France to the abolition (8 Oct., 1814), Spanish army, political parties in (15 142; efforts made by the Duke of May, 1814), 17. Wellington to effect the abolition, Spanish patriots, effurts mode in their and difficulties of the task (13 Oct., behalf (13 Oct., 1814), 145. 1814), 145 ; orders for confining it to Spanish troops, break up, and march the southward of Cape Formoso (3 into Spain (15 May, 1814), 10; organi Nov., 1814), 168; objections of the zation of, proposed (2 June, 1814), 45. French to the reciprocal search (5 Speaker. (See Commons, House of.) Nov., 1814), 172; injury to owners Stael, Madame de (11 Nov., 1814), from the detention of vessels between 177. Cape Formoso and Cape Palmas, 173 ; Staff, numerous, reductions in (14 April, restriction to Cape Three Points, and 1815), 309. singular notions in France of the ob Staff appointments, rule adopted in jects of the abolition in England (14 making (21 April, 1815), 316; and Dec, 1814), 212, 213; Amendments list of those preferred — officers of proposed by the Duke of Wellington promoted to the prejudice of officers in the Regulations on the trade (15 ofthe line (12 Oct., 1815),659; of the Dec, 1814), 213, 215 ; principle on army of occupation (4 Nov., 1815\ 681. LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE. VOL. XII. •233

Staff Corps, Cavalry, ou the establish captures made at Bordeaux (9 Sept., ment of (1 Aug., 1815), 579; ground 1814), 100; (11 Sept., 1814), 104; of the allowance of one franc per diem of the Duchy of Bouillon, 102 ; pro to the soldiers of (11 Oct., 1815).658. ceeds to Vienna (8 and 12 Sept., Stewart, Lieut. General Lord, G.C.B., 1814), 98, 112 ; says that no inclina- letter to, detailing the strength of nation existed to agree to an imme the French army, the positions of the diate abolition of the slave trade, and allied forces, and necessary plan of observations on the proposed territo operations (8 May, 1815), 359; letter rial concession (13 Sept., 1814), 113; after the battle of Waterloo (25 created Prince de Talleyrand (15 June, 1815), 566. Sept., 1814), 117 ; recommending him Strong places, disrepute into which to join the King forthwith in France brought by the revolutionary war (22 (24 June, 1815), 502 ; conference at Sept., 1814), 126. Gonesse (8 July, 1815), 550; on the Stuart, Sir C., occurrences at Madrid (25 provisions for the troops in Paris (24 May, 1814), 27 ; (ambassador to the Aug., 1815, 617. King of the Low Countries and to Tariff of trade, fluctuating, proposed, Louis XVIII. at Ghent) ; subsistence between France and England (1 Sept., . of the allied armies (13 May, 1815), 1814), 94. 381 ; on drivers, and on the inunda Ter la Haye (19 June, 1815), 481. tions of the Yperlee (30 May, 1815), Thuin, attack of the Prussians at (15 430, 431 ; letter to on the morning of June, 1815), 473. the battle of Waterloo (18 June, Tiber, H.M.S., complaints of the conduct 1815), 477 ; pointing out Cambray of (11 Dec, 1814), 207. for the King of France to come to Tournaj-, movement of British troops of (25 June, 1815), 507 ; transactions the garrison within the French fron on approaching Paris (28 June, 1815), tier (31 Oct., 1814), 166 ; (1 Nov., 516; (2 July, 1815), 535; (8 July, 1814), 167. 1815), 550, &c Treaty of Vienna (25 March, 1815), Subsidiary corps, British, amount of (14 282. Oct., 1815), 662. Trip, General. See dispatch from Wa Subsidy, Spanish, amount for the year terloo (19 June, 1815), 484. 1814 (20 July, 1814), 78. Subsistence of the army in France, ar U and V. rangements for (5 April, 1815), 288 ; of the allied armies, mode in which United States, desire of the Prince Re regulated (13 May, 1815), 381 ; ray gent to mitigate the war with (5 AW., ons of, arrangement of (13 and 14 18141, 172, 175. May, 1815), 381, 386; arrangements Uxbridge, Earl of (21 April, 1815), 318 ; respecting, communicated to Prince secret Memorandum in case of attack Metternich (14 June, 1815), 466, 467. (Aprit,\ 1815), 337 ; delay in brigad Success, no doubt of (20 May, 1815), ing the cavalry until all arrive (15 409 ; predicted (18 June, 1815), 477. May, 1815), 390 ; report of the Suchet. {See Albufera, ,Duc d\) strength of the French cavalry (19 May, 1815), 403; arrangements in the cavalry (1 June, 1815), 432, 433. T. See dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 483; deathblow to Napoleon Table allowance, arrangements respect (23 June, 1815), 499; order for col ing (3 Oct., 1815), 654, 655. lecting the cavalry (15 June, 1815), Talleyrand, Prince de, expediency of a 472. (See Anglesey, Marquis of.) perfect understanding with (18 Aug., Valenciennes, release of the officer ar 1815), 82 ; request to, of an audience of rested, for firing a gun at, loaded with the King to deliver papers on the slave ball (8 Oct., 1815), 656. trade (24 Aug., 1814), 82; measures Vandeleur, Sir John, Lieut. General. urged for his adoption (26 Aug., See dispatch from Waterloo (19 June, 1814), 85; requested to procure an 1815), 483. opportunity for presenting to the Vanhope, General. See dispatch from King a letter and medal of the Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 484. Prince Regent (31 Aug., 1814), 91 ; Vaubois, General Comte de, answer to complaint to, of the fitting out of his complaint of damage done by the American privateers in the ports of troops of the Netherlands (10 Nov., France (4 Sept., 1814), 96; case of 1815), 685. 231 INDEX.

Vienna, favorable turn of proceedings misconduct at, averse to bringing in at (30 Not., 1814), 197, 198; ar stances of before the public (12 Sept., rangements for relieving Lord Castle- 1815), 631 and (14 Nov., 1815), 691. reagh at (27 Dec, 1814), 226, 227 ; de Waterloo fund, suggestions for distri claration of the Allies at the Con bution of (28 Sept., 1815), 650. gress at, on the escape of Buona Wavre,' Prussian army retires from (19 parte from Elba (13 March, 1815), June,' 1815), 480. 269, 270 ; treaty of alliance at (25 Wellesley, Right Hon. Sir H. (Lord March, 1815), 282, 283. (See Secre Cowley), hopes to be at Madrid tary of State for Foreign Affairs.) in time to prevent mischief (11 Vincennes, must be attacked (7 July, May, 1814), 5; stipulations in his 1815), 547, 548. treaty with Spain, and extent of his Vincent, General Baron. See dispatch instructions — frenzy in London about from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 84. the slave trade (20 July, 1814), Vitrolles, M. de, not in danger ; and the 77 ; proposed system of duties on menace to retaliate on the family of British commerce to America, to be Buonaparte, ridiculous (14 April, collected in England, and transmitted 1815), 309. to the Spanish treasury, 78 ; wish of Vivian, Sir H., Lieut. General. See dis the King of France that the Spanish patch from Waterloo (19,/«m?, 1815), treaty should not be made public (12 483. Sept., 1814), 107 ; proceedings in Spain (20 Oct., 1814), 150 ; irritation W. of the French, from the want of the Wagram, Prince de, offer to the King plunder of the world (17 Dec, 1814), of a pack of hounds (1 Dec, 1814), 218 199. Wellesley Pole, Right Hon. W. (Lord Wales, Princess Charlotte of, answer Maryborough), letter to respecting to a recommendation from (29 Oct., speeches in Parliament on the De 1815), 673. claration of the Allies at Vienna (5 War, the consequences of, to the coun May, 1815), 351. tries in which carried on by the Wellington, Duke of. (See Waterloo, French (10 Nov., 1815), 685. and the two heads of Secretary of Washington, Colonel, note to, respecting State.) the aid required by the King of Bava Whittingham, Colonel, merits and ser ria (6 June, 1815), 445. vices of (2 June, 1814), 47. Waterloo, an eligible position for a Wilberforce, W., Esq., efforts to obtain battle (22 Sept., 1814), 129 and note; the abolition of the slave trade — un orders for movements of the army favorable impressions of the French, previous to the battle (15 June, and mode of overcoming their notions 1815), 472; Battle of' (19 June, respecting the conduct of England 1815), 478 ; strength of the British (15 Sept., 1814), 114, 115; answer to army at (18 June, 1815), 486, 487; his letter relating to the encourage one of giants ; and prayer of the ment of the slave trade in France (8 Duke of Wellington that he may Oct., 1814), 141 ; informed of the re have no more such (26 June, 1815), striction of the trade to Cape Three 510; number ofkilled.&c, an the 16th, Points (14 Dec, 1814), 212; popular 17th, and 18th (29 June, 1815), 523; prejudices in France on the subject — the battle a pounding match, steadi necessity of keeping the discussion ness of the British infantry (2 July, out of the newspapers, and of concili 1815), 529 ; acknowledging the ating public opinion, 213. thanks of Parliament for (9 July, Wimpffen, Don L., recommendation of 1815), 554 ; title of Prince of, con (13 June, 1814), 58 ; parting letter to, ferred on the Duke of Wellington by acknowledging the kindness and con the King of the Netherlands (23 fidence of the Spanish Generals, 59. July,lS\5), 570; the battle the hard Wood, Sir G., Colonel. See dispatch est fought for many years (7 Aug., from Waterloo (19 June, 1815), 483. 1815), 589 ; reasons for historic diffi Wrede, Marshal Prince, Memorandum culties in writing an account of such to, on the strength and position of the a battle as that of Waterloo (8 Aug., French armies (16 May, 1815), 394, 1815), 590 ; time when the battle &c; letter to, 397 ; proposed position began, and order of the attack by the of, approved (7 July, 1815), 547. French, but recommends to leave the Wurtemberg, period to which the sub battle as it is (17 Aug., 1815), 609; sidy can be paid (8 June, 1815). 456. LOW COUNTRIES, WATERLOO, AND FRANCE. VOL. XII. 235

Y. Z.

York, Duke of, thanked for his letter of Ziethen, General, affair near I ssy (4 July, the 5th (9 May, 1815), 370; flattered 1815), 511 ; appointed to command hy his approbation (28 June, 1815), the Prussian troops in France (27 519; on the order of the Bath (12 Nov., 1815), 707 ; arrangements for Sept., 1815), 630. his command (30 Nov., 1815), 712.

The names of a great number of the superior officers have been placed in the Indexes, for the purpose of reference to the actions in which they were engaged. It was found, however, almost impossible to give insertion to the names of a number of others, equally merito rious, without sacrificing the principal objects of the Index, viz., con densation and facility of reference to matters of public importance.

London : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street.


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