Fazeley Town Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council held in the Main Hall, Town Hall on Monday, 14th October 2019 at 7.45pm

Councillors Present: B Hoult, S Bree, M Hoult, J Atkins and J Sadler

Also Present: R Young, Clerk to the Council

Apologies: J Dann, D Dwyer, A Farrell and O Shepherd

Prior to the start of the Town Council Meeting, the Town Council received a presentation regarding “Places of Welcome” and the Town Mayor, B Hoult, distributed grants to local organisations.

B Hoult thanked Judith Parry for the information given regarding “Places of Welcome”.

77) Declarations of Interest

No declarations were made.

78) Minutes

It was proposed (M Hoult), seconded (J Sadler) and agreed that the Minutes (57-71) of the Town Council Meeting held on the 9th September 2019 be approved as a true and correct record.

Resolved: That the Minutes (57-71) of the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on the 9th September 2019 be approved as a true and correct record.

79) Actions

Brought Topic Description Updated Planned Councillor to Action Date Resolution Sponsor

Council Date 2018 Neighbourhood Working group. 14/10/19 JS Plan Details given of planning Further agent “Urban Imprint” plus meeting funding. Nov/Dec 2019 2018 Kingstons Canal Trust access to rear Ongoing BH A Buckman of Victory Terrace.

Minutes - 14.10.19 Page 1 Brought Topic Description Updated Planned Councillor to Action Date Resolution Sponsor

Council Date 2019 Additional Confirmed N.B. size to Ongoing AF Noticeboard Sandhu Store 105cm x 105cm

2018 Highway Matters Road safety outside Jet Installation of JA/BH Garage on Street. bollards – October 2019 2019 Website O Shepherd to update Ongoing OS/AF website.

2019 Town Hall Completion of painting Ongoing --- Painting deferred to Spring 2020.

2019 Lichfield Street Received confirmation not Replacement --- Bus Shelter owned by SCC and LDC. Perspex installed 2019 Land opposite Clerk to enquire with SCC Property JS Evans Croft regarding ownership of Services land. (SCC) to investigate

80) Town Mayor’s Announcements

➢ The Town Mayor, B Hoult confirmed he would be attending Remembrance Day Services on the 10th and 11th November 2019.

➢ Attended with M Hoult, Sir Presentation ( Policing) on 29th September 2019.

81) Questions: The Mayor (Committee Chairman), Deputy Mayor or Town Clerk to answer Questions under Standing Order 11

➢ No questions raised.

82) Clerk’s Report

a) Hedges in Parish

➢ The Clerk to contact Council regarding the cutting back of hedges from pavements in the Parish as the appropriate work had not been completed.

b) Town Hall Repairs

➢ Two Emergency lights replaced. ➢ PAT Testing completed. ➢ Faulty light over stage replaced. ➢ Car park door fittings repaired.

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c) Town Square

➢ Started to replace flowers in planters on Town Square.

d) Town Hall Kitchen Inspection

➢ Environmental Health (LDC) approved kitchen as used at present. Did suggest kitchen was re-painted.

e) Support

➢ Funding Advisor to review application options. ➢ The Town Mayor, B Hoult, reported that Parish Council had obtained funding from the National Lottery as reported in the local press. To review options for Town Council funding requirements.

f) Chapel Opposite Town Hall

➢ The Clerk to forward concerns to LDC regarding access to this site from Lichfield Street as a Change of Use Planning Application had been submitted to the District Council.

g) Mill House – Tolsons Mill

➢ The Clerk to enquire with J Parton-Hughes regarding any progress concerning enquiries with Lichfield District Council.

83) County and District Councillors Report

a) County Councillor’s Report

➢ No matters reported.

b) District Councillor’s Report

➢ No matters to report.

84) Planning

a) Planning Applications Received

i) 19/01340/TRCA Bonehill House, Park Lane, Bonehill Fell 1 No. Mature Sycamore

ii) 19/01387/FUH 20 The Green, Bonehill Single Storey Extension to Rear

iii) 19/01020/COU 51 French Avenue, Mile Oak Single Storey Extension to Outbuildings

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iv) 19/01313/COU The Methodist Church (Workshop), Lichfield Street, Fazeley Conversion of existing Chapel to form 5 No. Apartments and associated works.

v) 19/01415/TRCA Fazeley Cottage, Coleshill Street, Fazeley Felling of 4 No. Holly Trees

85) Correspondence

a) Lichfield District Council

➢ Report of Food Hygiene Inspection. ➢ Business Event – Funding. ➢ Forward Plan – 14th October 2019. ➢ Central Building Control Partnership. ➢ Waste Less Plastic Poster. ➢ Neighbourhood CIL Annual Report 2019. ➢ Friary Grange Leisure Centre Cabinet Report. ➢ Lichfield District Parish Forum – 17th September 2019 Minutes. ➢ Polling Station Questionnaire.

b) Staffordshire County Council

➢ Bus Service changes. ➢ My Staffordshire Newsletter October 2019. ➢ Plantation Lane Flooding – Email from K Wawrzynczyk to A White. ➢ A White – Flooding in Fazeley and Mile Oak.

c) Other Correspondence

➢ SPCA Bulletin. ➢ Victoria Drive, Albert Road and Mill Lane Residents’ Association Newsletter. ➢ RMS Sports – “Parish Plan to Achieve Community Vision”. ➢ Lichfield City Council – Mayor’s Cards for Christmas – 3rd December 2019. ➢ Support Staffordshire – Survey. ➢ Urban Imprint – Overview of Company. ➢ Grant Requests for December 2019: • Residents’ Association. • Tamworth Volunteer Litter Pickers. • Tamworth and District Scout Council.

➢ Mazars LLP – Annual Return 2018/2019. The Clerk reported that Mazars had approved the Annual Return commenting “Annual Governance and Accountability Return is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met”. Requested the Town Clerk produces the Bank Reconciliation to the Standard Proforma.

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86) Town Mayor’s Power to Act

➢ Muga repair (Mile Oak Recreation Ground). ➢ Town Hall Electrical repairs. ➢ Town Hall Door repair.

87) Authorisation of Non-Confidential Payments

The following cheque payment was authorised:-

Date Cheque No. Details £

14/10/19 306390 HMRC (PAYE) 539.19

TOTAL £539.19

Resolved: To sign and issue the above cheque.

88) Summer Fete 2020

Lee Bates gave details of the following:-

➢ Involve local organisations, including Sir Robert Peel Hospital.

➢ Coordinate all matters relating to Fete.

➢ Create Working Group to organise.

➢ Police and Fire to attend.

➢ Obtain dates when field could be used (adjacent to Park Lane).

➢ L Bates to attend January 2020 Town Council Meeting with update.

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89) Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Town Mayor, B Hoult, requested the Press and Public present to leave the meeting.

90) Minutes

It was proposed (J Sadler), seconded (M Hoult) and agreed that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting (72-76) of the Town Council held on the 14th October 2019 be approved as a true and correct record.

Resolved: That the Minutes (72-76) of the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on the 14th October 2019 be approved as a true and correct record.

91) Progress Report and Actions

a) Mile Oak Community Centre

➢ O Shepherd to progress this matter.

b) Youth Annexe – Use by ENACT

➢ It was proposed (J Atkins), seconded (M Hoult) that ENACT should be charged £7.50 per hour for use of the Youth Annexe.

Resolved: To charge ENACT £7.50 per hour for use of the Youth Annexe.

92) Authorisation of Confidential Payments

Councillors were requested to approve the following payments:-

Date Cheque No. Expenditure £

14/10/19 306373 P Harding (Repair door) 120.00 14/10/19 306374 Fazeley Residents’ Association 50.00 14/10/19 306375 1st Fazeley Beavers 50.00 14/10/19 306376 1st Fazeley Cubs 60.00 14/10/19 306377 Friends United 100.00 14/10/19 306378 Tamworth Community 150.00 14/10/19 306379 1st Mile Oak Brownies 90.00 14/10/19 306380 LDC (Balance of invoice) 350.00 14/10/19 306381 Mazars 360.00 14/10/19 306382 Town Council Purchases 352.56 14/10/19 306383 L K Young 1,084.92 14/10/19 306384 ESPO 147.51 14/10/19 306385 Eon – Youth Annexe 107.04 14/10/19 306386 Eon – Street light 27.72 14/10/19 306387 LDC – Premises License 180.00

Minutes - 14.10.19 Page 6 14/10/19 306388 P Junkin 131.36 14/10/19 306389 R Young 1,140.98 Total: £4,502.09

It was proposed (J Sadler), seconded (S Bree) and agreed to issue the above cheques.

Resolved: To sign and issue the above payments.

The meeting closed at

B Hoult Town Mayor

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