ISSN 2664-4169 (Print) & ISSN 2664-7923 (Online) South Asian Research Journal of Biology and Applied Biosciences Abbreviated Key Title: South Asian Res J Bio Appl Biosci | Volume-3 | Issue-4 | July-Aug -2021 | DOI: 10.36346/sarjbab.2021.v03i04.001 Original Research Article Honey Bee Floras along the Agro-Ecology, Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia Abera Hailu Degaga1*, Minyahel Tilahun1 1College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Wolkite University, P.O.Box 07, Wolkite, Ethiopia *Corresponding Author Abera Hailu Degaga Email:
[email protected] Article History Received: 29.06.2021 Accepted: 03.08.2021 Published: 08.08.2021 Abstract: Ethiopia is home to diverse plant species that provide nectar and pollen as bees forage. In this study, honey bee forages were assessed in three different agro-ecology districts, Jimma Zone, Southwest, Ethiopia. Random sampling techniques was used to collect the data, ninety beekeepers were interviewed using structured questioner. Key informants were interviewed with in all study areas. ANOVA of GLM and Regression were done using Minitab statistical software. Accordingly 42 honey bee’ forages; 28 trees, 6 shrubs and 8 herbs were mentioned by respondents which belong to 22 families, Fabaceae and Asteraceae were the first and second dominant family respectively. Natural forest trees, cultivated crops and fruits were identified as bee forage. Beekeepers experience and their knowledge on seasonal availability of bee forage and honey bee poisonous plants found in their locality were also assessed. In the study area traditional forest beekeeping system is practiced to produce honey. Different bee forages bear flower at different months and visited by honey bees for different number of days.