SHET/TER's PATENT SERPE\ Plastering Lath, Forsaie by Mccormic
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IgJl* U J J-JP1 !".!gW*H—BggLl J ■ wbw Grama and Bmsmxm &ROCSRICS tkC. NSW ESTABLISHMENT. OOODB. DOMESTIC GOODS. 8AM, fefecHSS & SCOTS, #ortr£. Loaf, lump, and brovrn Sugars, ROBERT B. RUST & Co. | & 3-4 and 4-4 Brown and Common Black m WILSON ANDERSON. Strong Rio and St Coffee, leave to inform Sheetings, Sup’r fur hats, Domingo the citizen* of 4-4 and 9-8 received and aredow Cun 3-4, Bleached Shirtings, Sup'r white Beaver do. just open- Powder, *) BF,GMartinsburg, and the public general a handsome assortment of Cotton and Brown Dril- Palm and white HAVEing fancy Imperial, | ly, that they hare just opened in the store Osnaburg Leaf wool do. am! which are G. P. Ladies staple goods among the Imperial, TEAS. room formerly occupietFby Mr. Wm. T. lings, Kid Lasting and Morrocco following, viz: Young Hyson, | Compton, corner of Burke and Queen Pittsburg Cord, and Cord Drillings, Shoes, blue, black and Cloths And Black Super fancy j streets, a very large assortment of Angola Cassinelt and Col'd Sateens, Do. Calf skin and Horse leather and and N. Orleans and vVest India do. Cassimeres; Angola, Grecian, Molasses; SPRING AND SUMMER Plaid, and Furniture Misses’ children's shoes llotten Cavendish and Bedlicking, <Sf dp bootees Cassimer; Erminetts, Hassar, Plug Tobacco, goods; Gent's and Havanna, Spanish, Half and Cottons, Calf Morrocco Pumps, Diagonal, Canton and cords; Spanish, which sre the viz: 3-4 Do. Pittsburg common Segars, among following, and 4-4 Indigo Checks, Cal) and Strong Shoes, brown Irish and French brown Blue, black, brown, London Linens; Race and ground green, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Chain, Can- Do. Calf skin summer zzmj I and white Linen Ginger, Pepper, smoke and Adelaide Boots, Drillings, French and Allspice, Cheese, Crackers, Cloths; dle wick, lor sale COUSINS. Rice, Blue, black, drab, cinnamon and laven- dfc- Jpc. Cheap by Crape ditto, American Nankeen; brown Powder, Shot and lead, &c &c. AH which will he sold lox. HOG MIRE Had you ever asousin, Tom ? der of Jp BOYD. Holland, Russia All of which we will sell at reduced Cassimeres; Did your cousin happen lo aing? Sheeting, Ilurlapse, pri Black and Brown Princetta, HOCMIllE 4- BOYD. May 7, 1835. Sister* wc'ru all tho ces. ROU>t B. ROST &. Co. Lasting by doatrn.Tont, Osnaburg, Dowla-, Spc.; Silk, Valencia and 1835. a brochelle; May, 7, But a couaiu’a different thing ; and Martailles Irish May 21, 1835 TOBACCO, SNUFF, & Aral tind if ever kiss'd her Tom. Vesting; Linens, ! Canton cord, moleskin and beaverteen SEGAR8'. you'd you TENT Roanoke Leaf fHut let this be a aecret between us,) Lawns, Linen-Cambrics; a beautiful Angola and Kouen cassimeres; stokabs & ccmmzssxon Natural To- our would have DR. D. PAoaceo a That j iip« been in a blister, assortment Painted Muslins, French MURPHY, British, French and domestic calicoes HOUSE, superior article; Dulcissimus Tom, of ; Calicoes and removed hit office to the houte White and brown Uavendish; Roll, Small Twist, and Com- Tor they ’re not of the aiater Cambrics, Ginghams, linen drillings, GEORGETOWN, D. C. genua. HASon King street, situated on the cor mon'lobacco; Spanish Black Italian Gro de White, buff and Sateens; Scraps, Cut and Lustring, Swiss, ner Mr. J. Billmire’s where striped fe STEPHEN have taken Dry. Rappee,Macouba and Scotch There la something, Tom, in a aiatcr'a lip, Col'd Gro opposite Hotel, Painted muslins, and Snuff de Naps, and Sarcenets, he be found at ginghams ; 1AUCK-i that Three Brick and Tidball When you give her a good night kief, may all timet, when not White and Marsadles large Story Copenhagan mixture. Span’ That aavora «o much Cambricks figured ; Ware on of Jackonets, House, the corner of and tsh, half and — relationship, Bishops Lawn, professionally engaged. White and brown Irish linens High Spanish, Common Segars That occurs amiss ; V\ nothing ; Plain and Book and Swiss Mus- 30, 1835—tf ater Streets, oc- for sale at the Store of a Fig'd April Russia Georgetown, recently Drug But cousin’s lip if once you unite sheeting, burlaps and ; lins and Plaid Satin stri- osnaburg cupied by Mr R. Woodward. will R. Wdh youra in the quit-teat way, Bobinets, <%• A SECOND 6 4, 8 4, and 12 4 table They M‘SHERRY. Instead SUPPED OP SUDXDZEXl diaper; be pleased to attend to the orders of 7, 1835. of ateeping a wink that night, ped Jaconets, Bobinett Footings and White and brown table then May Tua’ll be the GOODS. covers; friends in the sale of dreaming following day. a country any, and ev Quillings; Fancy Hdkfs., great va- JACOB B A Black, brown, blue, yellow and TO ALL DUKE & OO. pink ery article consigned lo their care, as well PERSONS And the think it no riety; Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Gloves Cambrics , people harm, Tom, just and in ad- also, in the of of de- CONCERNED. With a oauainlohear all receiving opening Cross barred, &. jmrchate goods every you talk; of kinds; a large White dition to a former striped plain jacconel; it that the And no one faela supply of ARE supply, Fancy &, scription, lor which will know2 a any alarm, Tom, and Plain and hg’d Swiss, book, and mull they chargee undersigned, At a cord Hose and Ladies Domestic DRY moderate citizen of in quiet cousinly walk ; half hose; GOODS, consisting in commission. The premises BE Berkeley County the of muslins; Hut, Tom, you'll aooa find what I happen to French Morocco, Lasting and Leather part they have rented are Commonwealth of desi- Blue and yellow English Nankeen very commodious, Virginia, being know, Shoes; Fur Silk and huts. Painted Jaconetts, New ; having an excellent Wharf attached there- rous to pay all his debts docs That such walk* often into Palm-leaf Style Ging Black de and just hereby grow alraying. lutestring, gro Naps gro w all and with a bams, to, which ill admit of the of a notify And tho voice# ufeoutina are aometimea ao low, Together targe su]ij>/y de receipt every person having claims of and Caroline; against him to Uoarttn knowa what be ! English Domestic Calicoes, considerable of Flour, or other ar- come to his house in only you’ll faying DOMESTIC GOODS, CoIM gro de Naps and quantity order Brown Irish and Florences; ticles on would to settle and receive Burlaps Linen, bobinet and cotton storage. They here take payment of any a. Then there happen ao oftuft, Tom, Hardware, Queensware, Woodcnware American Thread, lace and mount due Nankeens, occasion to say, that will no thereon. BAl pressure of hands and fingers, and Groceries. they spare 1000 yds 4 4 Brown Muslins, edgings; to the All persons indebted are kooks that were moulded to aoilrn, dress Hdk’fs of pains promote interests of their respectfully re- Tom, the latter will a 4 4.5 0 Fancy every description, Aad tonra on which Among befound su- 4, 4, Bleached Muslins, friends, who make their quested to come forward and memory lingers ; Black, while, and Italian may consign- pay7 the And ere walk it half the perior article NO Su- Suffolk green, pink and amount owe long your over, stringa of Tea, VITAS, Briihngs, ments, confidently trust they may not they him. ffl your heart are all into play, gar house Orleans Blue and blue mix’d cotton Crape; tie pul Cheese Drillings, disappointed. .. JOEL My tku voice of those fair 6f molasses, Gauze and taffeta Ribbons all WARD. demi-siaterly things, Strip’d and Printed Jeans, colours; Nov. April 16, 1835—If Bi ns* quite thu moat Jfc. White and black blond veils Marlinshurg, 20, 18S4. brotherly way. Spun Cottoni: with a ; invite the attention of dealers as together fresh They of Pipings, galloons, braids and ribbon Aal the kb| df a aiater flatter supply Groceries, Queens and Stone NEW may bring you, Tom, they themselves, their goods will wire ; SPHZNG AND SUMMER -HBVr ttioh tem-a as Ware, Gras* and CHOPPING- aagula woo, give satisfaction both as to and Hardware, Grain * fear if price Silk, Florentine, and cut yoHreouain shoaid sing to you Tom Scythes, &c. for sale low. plain velvet 900 USy, take her for an angel too; quality. ^Voo’d June 11, vesting; subscriber informs subscriber WtS ao esarieua a note is that note of theirs, April 23, 1835. French and Italian respectfully bis having taken a lease Barcelona, cravats ; u fglHEa. or the Thrt you'll fancy tho voice that cave it, friends, customers, and the in property of Mr. nniNOLEB FRESH Bandanna, pongee and public Alexander Um been all (ho while singing tho National ron bale. GROCERIES. Spitalfield likfs; general, that he is now and Stephen, at the north end Hohhinett, Grecianet, and receiving open- of Martinsburg, Air, subscriber has a few thousand HAMME, &, Co., have just insertings ; ing a very general of lately occupied the Messrs. loatmd of the Psalms of David. ffllbba Black, slate and random Cotton supply by Geisen- gond lap shingles, which he will sell JACOBreceived an additional of white, dorffas a woollen supply hose Do do Silk SPRING & SUMMER factory, and con- low, he made to Prime ; do. GOODS; verted having t'oece had a ranaia llTat Application may Mr. Strong Rio,} Ad of the same into a anng, Tom, Brenner, in Gent’s Black, white, and random cotton which, as heretofore, lie is chopping mill, has Aad her name be whose care have been Do Java, C COFFEE. disposed the to may namuluja now. they to sell on pleasure announce to his Bet Do 1 2 hose; white and brown thread 1 2 the very best terms.