Final Report, Promo-Lex, January 29, 2015

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Final Report, Promo-Lex, January 29, 2015 The Promo-LEX Monitoring Effort FINAL REPORT On the Monitoring of 30 November 2014 Parliamentary Elections Monitoring Period: 15 September – 9 December 2014 Published on 29 January 2015 The Promo-LEX Monitoring Effort CONTENTS PRESENTATION OF THE MONITORING EFFORT FOR PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS OF 30 NOVEMBER 2014 1 I. SUMMARY 2 II. FINDINGS 4 1. Pre-electoral period 4 2. Performance of electoral bodies 5 3. Performance of local public administration 10 4. Performance of electoral contestants 11 5. Performance of local and regional media 16 6. Participation of the civil society in election monitoring 16 7. The day before elections 17 8. Election Day 17 9. Parallel vote tabulation and quick vote count conducted by Promo-LEX 23 10. Election validation 24 III. CANDIDATES’ FINANCES DURING THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE 2014 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS 26 1. Financial aspects with electoral connotations before the election campaign 26 2. Financial aspects with electoral connotations during the election campaign 26 IV. RECOMMENDATIONS 35 V. PROMO–LEX OBSERVATION METHODOLOGY 38 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 39 ATTACHMENTS 41 The Promo-LEX Monitoring Effort PRESENTATION OF THE MONITORING EFFORT FOR PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS OF 30 NOVEMBER 2014 The Election Monitoring Effort for the Novem- on their observation at the polling station. Stan- ber 30th, 2014 Parliamentary Elections is a proj- dardized observer reports prepared after direct ect implemented by the Promo-LEX Association monitoring, discussions, meetings with inter- as part of its Monitoring Democratic Processes Program. The Promo-LEX Association is work- the sole source of data for all the public reports ing towards advancing democracy in Moldova, oflocutors, the Election and consulting Monitoring official Effort. documents, are including its Transnistrian region, by promoting The Promo-LEX Election Monitoring Effort is and protecting human rights, monitoring dem- not a competitor in elections or a political oppo- ocratic processes, and strengthening the civil nent of any party or candidate running for Par- society. The Election Monitoring Effort is under- liament on 30 November 2014. The Promo-LEX taken as part of the Civic Coalition for Free and Monitoring Effort is not an investigation body, Fair Elections. The Promo-LEX Election Moni- and it does not have to provide evidence for its toring Effort includes 41 long-term observers - (LTOs) and 32 LTO assistants (MTOs) who mon- ers involved in the monitoring, signed a Code itor the electoral processes in all the electoral offindings. Conduct Before of the starting Promo-LEX their domesticwork, the electionobserv districts of the Republic of Moldova between 15 observer. The main obligations outlined in the September and 9 December 2014. On the Elec- Code are: good will, political nonpartisanship tion Day, Promo-LEX delegated short-term ob- and swiftness. servers to every polling station. The Promo-LEX Effort also conducted a quick vote count (Quick - Count) in a representative sample of polling sta- cal assistance from USAID, the Council of Eu- This project has received financial and techni tions, and parallel vote tabulation (PVT) in all rope, the National Endowment for Democracy, the polling stations. - ions formulated in Promo-LEX’s public reports - arethe thoseStefan of Batory the authors Foundation, and do andnot necessarilyNDI. Opin dardized templates based on visits to localities, DistrictAll the observers Electoral reported Councils, their and, findingson Election in stan Day, reflect the opinions of the donor organizations. Final report. On the Monitoring of 30 November 2014 Parliamentary Elections 1 The Promo-LEX Monitoring Effort I. SUMMARY CEC. Thus, 78 complaints were submitted and observers between 15 September and 9 Decem- analyzed. berThis 2014, report and presents refers tothe the findings analysis of ofPromo-LEX key elec- A reason for concern was the lack of transpar- toral actors in the parliamentary elections of 30 ency with regard to candidates’ expenses as re- November 2014. The views expressed in the re- ported in reporting forms submitted to the CEC, port are those of the authors and do not neces- under most chapters pertaining to expenses. Of the expenses declared, 90.5% went for advertis- sarilyPromo-LEX reflect found the views that ofthe donors. electoral and public ing, 2.56% were spent for public events, 1.28% - administration was balanced and that most the candidates conducted diverse and active election estimated at least 14,916,866 lei were not re- campaigns in a competitive environment. for transport, and 1.01% - for offices. Promo-LEX assessments, two electoral candidates exceeded The Central Election Commission created 37 theflected set inlimit the of financial 5% of the statements. set ceiling Based they onare our al- electoral districts, but there were only 35 DECs. lowed not to declare, and ran the risk of having their registration to the race cancelled for failing and administrative-territorial unit from the left to declare campaign expense. Most undeclared bankAs in thewere elections not formed. of 2010, Without the DECs motivating for Bender its funds, as assessed by Promo-LEX, were spent on decision, the CEC established the amount of 55 organizing public events. million lei as cap funds that can be transferred to the election fund of a party candidate, and 2 mil- On Election Day, Promo-LEX observers found lion lei as the ceiling for independent candidates. that the level of material equipment of the elec- The CEC registered 27 candidates, accepted the tion process was satisfactory in 1978 polling request to withdraw from the election campaign - of one candidate, and asked the Court of Ap- ing to power supply, heating, quality of ballot peal to cancel the registration of Political Party boxesstations and (PS), voting with booths. certain The deficiencies voting was pertain mostly calm. There were isolated cases of voting with- parliamentary elections in Moldova, a candidate out proper documents, entering voting booths in was„Patria”. excluded Thus, fromfor the the first race. time The in CEC the accredited history of groups of several people, violations of the pro- 3,938 national and international observers, of cedure for voting based on the list for voting at which 2,676 were from Promo-LEX. The CEC the current location, attempted multiple voting, voting fraud cases, and bribery of voters. Simi- created PSs and PSEBs on time, but Promo-LEX members and representatives of the candidates The candidates had active campaigns and vari- found many irregularities in the PSEBs’ work. reportedlarly, on Election similar isolated Day, electoral cases. observers, PSEB ous electioneering activities. Thus, traditional rallies, concerts, distribution of promotional ma- Voters showed moderate interest in the election. terials, outdoor advertising and the media were The turnout was 1,649,402 voters, or by 83,542 used along with sports activities, cleaning events, voters less than in the 2010 poll. The specialized car rallies, door to door actions, disco parties and operation of the Promo-LEX Election Monitoring electoral tents. We note that several candidates - ever Promo-LEX reiterates its concern with the of the campaign. The candidates resorted to elec- Effort largely confirmed the official results. How- toralengaged gifts. in Were campaigning found numerous before the cases official of use start of lected from all over the country. Some protocols administrative resources and at least two cases minor deficiencies found in 245 protocols col- cation formula. The State Register of Voters was anonymous origin. Most electoral contestants ac- usedcontain in allmiscalculations the PSs during in the more parliamentary than one verifi elec- of inflammatory and derogatory campaigning of tions of 30 November 2014. This entailed major tively filed complaints and contestations to the 2 The Promo-LEX Monitoring Effort technicalFollowing deficiencies the trends observed, in the Register’s the Election operation. Mon- itoring Effort made a series of recommendations in good faith to help improve the electoral pro- cess and increase public confidence in elections. Final report. On the Monitoring of 30 November 2014 Parliamentary Elections 3 The Promo-LEX Monitoring Effort II. FINDINGS 1. PRE-ELECTORAL PERIOD (temporary) residence. Voters who do not have domicile or resi- dence registration are included in supple- 1.1 Introduction • mentary lists. Moldovan Parliament Decision no. 81 of 28 Voting with a temporary ID card proving May 2014 established that Parliament elections Moldovan citizenship and the domicile of would be held on 30 November 2014. The deci- • the holder was allowed. sion on the announcement of elections came into force on 15 September 2014. 101 members of Using Soviet type passports, model 1974, Parliament were to be elected during this poll. On was no longer allowed for voting. 15 September 2014, the Ministry of Justice pre- • In parliamentary elections, candidates are sented the CEC a list of 41 parties and sociopo- no longer entitled to free travel in public litical organizations with the right to participate • transport. in the parliamentary elections of 30 November 2014. For the Parliamentary elections in 2010, The State Register of Voters and voter lists the list included 31 entities entitled to participa- to be prepared by the CEC from this Regis- • tion. Of the four parties that applied for registra- ter and which were to be implemented since tion with the Ministry of Justice in the last three 2015, entered into
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