Western North American Naturalist

Volume 75 Number 1 Article 12


Ten Thousand Birds: Since Darwin by Tim Birkhead, Jo Wimpenny, and Bob Montgomerie

Howard O. Clark Jr. Garcia & Associates, Clovis, CA, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Clark, Howard O. Jr. (2015) "Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology Since Darwin by Tim Birkhead, Jo Wimpenny, and Bob Montgomerie," Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 75 : No. 1 , Article 12. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/wnan/vol75/iss1/12

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Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology since events relevant to the chapter topic. The Darwin. Tim Birkhead, Jo Wimpenny, and chapters are written such that they can be Bob Montgomerie. 2014. Princeton Uni- read independently and are packed with so versity Press, Princeton, NJ. 524 pages; much information that a second reading is $45.00, hardbound. ISBN-13: 978-0-691- warranted. The text is well documented with 15197-7. URL http://myriadbirds.com citations and annotations. The book tends to be biased toward research within the Western The authors have produced a very readable, Hemisphere; however, key discoveries in Africa albeit hefty volume on the history of ornithol- and Australia are covered. Also the book con- ogy since Charles Darwin and the publication tains 2 appendixes (a list of key ornithological of On the Origin of Species (Darwin 1859). histories and a list of 500 ornithologists), a Birds are great study subjects because they notes section, a reference section, an index, are beautiful, mainly diurnal, and easily ob - and image credits. served. Research on birds has contributed The volume strikes a fine balance between more to the study of zoology than any other photos and text without being overly photo- group of animals. centric. Photos are strategically placed within The book is divided into 11 chapters and the text, and the photos feature research topics covers a wide range of topics, including the (i.e., the birds) and the researchers, either as origin and diversification of species, ecological portraits or in the field. adaptions for breeding, form and function, The final chapter about the future of birds instinct, behavior and adaption, sexual selec- (Chapter 11, Tomorrow’s Birds: 389) is worth tion, and population studies. The focus is not mentioning in detail. The title of the book, only the history of the scientific discipline of “Ten Thousand Birds,” refers to the approxi- ornithology, but also the scientists and re - mately 10,000 species of birds in the world; searchers behind the science. The authors however, with the current rate of extinction, take great care to humanize the research and this number is dropping. The authors discuss discoveries by detailing how the researchers reasons for declining bird populations, such explored new ideas and tested new hypothe- as loss of habitat and fragmentation of land- ses. Some of the more entertaining parts of the scapes. The authors cite Meffe and Viederman book are when scientists disagree with one (1995:327) as a succinct summary of the issue: another and question the validity of each We can no longer simply do the science and other’s ideas. Disagreements only make the hope that someone else uses the information science more rigorous, and more often than to make good laws that protect species and not, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. their ecosystems . . . the major advances in Many great avian researchers are featured, conservation action will take place not in sci- including Alfred Newton, Erwin Stresemann, entific laboratories or field research sites, but , and David Lack. More than 700 in the political and economic arenas, because researchers and their accomplishments are present limitations in conserving biodiversity mentioned and discussed in the book. do not typically occur through lack of knowl- edge, but rather poor implementation—the Each chapter opens with a painting that policy arena. symbolizes the topic and ends with brief biog- raphies of contemporary ornithologists. The With the current rate of habitat loss, prompt paintings represent work of 11 noted wildlife and effective action is needed but strong scien- artists. The biographical content is drawn from tific evidence is often not enough to stimulate interviews with, and writings of, the featured such action. Legislation and a new economic persons. Also included in each chapter is a paradigm are necessary to conserve species on timeline diagram that illustrates landmark the ecological community level. The writing is

127 128 WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [Volume 75 on the wall, and for many species, the time for races in the struggle for life. 5th edition. John Mur- saving action may have passed. Ten Thousand ray, London, England. MEFFE, G.K., AND S. VIEDERMAN. 1995. Combining science Birds is a solid read for students of nature, and policy in conservation biology. Wildlife Society avian enthusiasts, and scientists. Hopefully the Bulletin 23:327–332. take-home message is a renewed appreciation of earth’s wildlife species and a sense that we are Howard O. Clark, Jr. certainly not alone on this wonderful planet. Garcia & Associates 993 Ezie Ave., Clovis, CA 93611-2019 LITERATURE CITED E-mail: [email protected]

DARWIN, C.R. 1869. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured

Western North American Naturalist 75(1), © 2015, p. 128


Uncertain Path: A Search for the Future of What is the fate of these mountain landscapes? National Parks. William C. Tweed. 2011. As we hike down the John Muir Trail, Tweed University of California Press, Berkeley, unfolds the rich history of the National Park CA. 248 pages; $24.95, paperback. ISBN- System. He argues for the reform of its man- 13: 978-0520271388. agement policies—reforms necessary to meet the demands of our changing climate. He To grasp the true meaning of “nature,” identifies issues that have been ignored and “natural,” or “wild,” one must journey down proposes the redefinition of the NPS covenant. William Tweed’s Uncertain Path. Tweed sets out By embedding forest science into his evoca- on a 240-mile hike along the John Muir Trail, tive wilderness stories, Tweed teaches us the looking for a new perspective on wilderness. foundations of wilderness management. His His goal is to analyze the covenant of the Na- book is a timely and honest assessment of the tional Park Service (NPS), written to preserve future of America’s backcountry. parklands “unimpaired” for future generations to enjoy. Tweed is knowledgeable; he worked Julia J. Hicks for 3 decades in the National Park System. University of Colorado at Boulder With his deep, unwavering love for backpack- E-mail: [email protected] ing in the Sierra Nevada, he draws us in.