October 2016 the President's View
THERE IS S IN UNITY TRENGTH RATION O DE F E L F A B A O W R O I AFL-CIO AFL-CIO D e a s ow Moines I NEWS IOWAVolume 16, Issue 3 Official Publication of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO October 2016 The President's View . Four New Iowa Area Labor Organizations Announced Federation (WILF) in the north west Jasper, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lucas, Vista, Calhoun, Carroll, Cass, Cher- and west coast of Iowa. Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Mon- okee, Clay, Crawford, Dickenson, Great River is comprised of the roe, Polk, Poweshiek, Story, Van Bu- Emmet, Freemont, Hamilton, Harri- following counties: son, Humboldt, Ida, Kossuth, Allamakee, Clayton, Lyon, Mills, Monona, Mont- Clinton, Des Moines, gomery, O’Brien, Osceola, IFL President Ken Sagar Dubuque, Fayette, Page, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Henry, Jackson, Pocahontas, Pottawattamie, In order to form a more per- Lee, Louisa, Mus- Ringgold, Sac, Shelby, fect union, the AFL-CIO has been catine, Scott and Sioux, Taylor, Union, working with the Central Labor Winneshiek. Webster, and Wood- Councils to merge them into larger Hawkeye is com- bury. and more financially stable organi- prised of: Benton, Three have hired zations with the ability to support Black Hawk, Bremer, staff, Great River full time staff. Buchanan, Butler, Ce- has hired Julia Mc- There are now 4 Area Labor Or- dar, Cerro Gordo, Meekan, South Cen- ganizations in Iowa. They are the Chickasaw, Delaware, tral has hired Sandy Op- Great River Area Labor Federa- Floyd, Franklin, Grundy, stvedt and Western Iowa tion (GRALF) on the east coast of Hancock, Hardin, How- has hired Scott Punteney.
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