1 Would like to thank the sponsors of this year’s local games

who have gained a Gold Sponsorship Award for their continued support of Special Olympics

2 We have crossed many boundaries of acceptance, acknowledgement and respect.

ear Athletes, Family this has only happened thanks Members, Volunteers, to you the athletes by your Sponsors and Friends performance on and off the oDf Special Olympics Gibraltar. pitch. Your joy of participation Another year has gone by after is forever present on your faces. our successful 25th anniversary Your dedication and wanting games which brought together to excel in competition is well such a cross section of our community, all The Opening/Closing rising to the challenge ceremonies are being of supporting and held in the Panathenean providing the best Stadium which hosted games ever. The the first modern wonder of these games Olympics in 1896. This is that families, was attended at the time coaches, volunteers, by 40.000 spectators. Torch Runners, and The roar would have the community, pitch been tremendous as in together with the roar will be when the ultimate goal of more than 180 nations supporting and making the three known. parade in with our little day event run smoothly and be a This year we are looking forward Gibraltar among them. This will source of joy for all you athletes. to competing in the Special be an extremely proud moment Sometimes we need to take a Olympics World Summer Games which we are all looking forward step back and consider what 2011, to be held in Athens, to. the achievements have been Greece, Games that figure very and what our future holds. In highly in all Special Olympics It is fitting to end with the 1985 we provided training in Programmes calendar. Gibraltar Special Olympics oath: two different . In 1993 we will be sending the largest “Let me win, but if I cannot win, offered four sports and in 2002 team in its history and will let me be brave in the attempt”. we went up to five and to date be competing in six different we now offer our athletes eight summer Sports. Our athletes will definitely sports including two winter For Special Olympics Athens it is make the whole of Gibraltar sports. a great honour to be hosting these proud. In these years we have also World Games as in the words of crossed many boundaries. Joanna Despotopoulou, President Annie M. Risso MBE Boundaries of acceptance, Organising Committee “It is Programme Chief Executive acknowledgment, respect and bringing the Games home”. Special Olympics Gibraltar.

3 Greetings from the Minister for The athletes deserve Culture, Heritage full credit and the Hon. Edwin J Reyes continues to be a privilege for everybody involved with Spe- me, both as Minister for Sport cial Olympics through whose pecial Olympics Gibral- and Chairman of the Sports and personal efforts much has been tar has undoubtedly Leisure Authority, to assure achieved. demonstrated great vi- everyone of our continued sup- I have no doubt that Special sion,S motivation and will-pow- port towards Special Olympics Olympics’ goals will continue er to get to the stage we are at Gibraltar. to be achieved but, above all, I today. Primarily, it is the athletes them- wish to unreservedly associate The selves who deserve full credit as myself yet again with the Move- recognises the benefits derived they have personally exempli- ment’s oath: “Let me win, but if from participation in sports and fied the phrase “where there is a I cannot win let me be brave in recreation activities and, there- will there is a way”. However, the attempt”. fore, wholeheartedly supports this success is only possible as Once again, I wish you all the the many events organised by there are always volunteers who very best for this year’s Games Special Olympics Gibraltar contribute in a most dedicated and for the future. throughout the year as an inte- and yet unassuming manner. Edwin J Reyes gral part of this philosophy. It My most sincere thanks to

4 The Road to Athens by Anne Mesilio

pecial Olympics Gibral- tar will be participat- ing at the forthcoming WorldS Summer Games in Ath- ens, Greece, the place where it all began over 3,000 years ago. These are now known as ‘mod- ern’ games after a lapse of 2,700 years when in 393AD the Roman Emperor Theodosius declared the games corrupt. In ancient Greece during the Games, truces were made to allow travellers and spectators to travel safely and vestiges of this tradition will be evident as on sponsorship. Working to- five years has enabled us to Special Olympics athletes from gether Special Olympics and provide year round training over 180 countries, accompa- its sponsors help change lives where athletes learn the skills nied by coaches, volunteers around the world. that take them to World Games. and families will gather in the With achievement comes cour- Panathenaic Stadium, which age and confidence and Special hosted the first ‘modern’ Ol- Olympics is a place of welcome, ympics in 1896. These Games acceptance and the chance to know no boundaries as Special live the Oath, “Let me win, but Olympics transcends all geo- if I cannot win, let me be braver graphical, nationality, political in the attempt”. philosophy, gender, race, age or By your sponsorship, you are religious borders. When Eunice helping build a safer more ac- Kennedy Shriver started Special cepting world for everyone, and Olympics in 1968 it was to offer You, by your generous sponsor- this power to connect people people with intellectual disabili- ship help our inspiring athletes and promote inclusion is greatly ties everywhere ‘the chance to achieve their goals (read Mal- valued by Special Olympics. play, to compete and the chance colm’s story) and your partner- Thank you. Sometimes these to grow’. ship with Special Olympics will words do not say enough and Twenty seven athletes will travel help raise awareness in the com- silent gratitude hardly counts, to represent Gibraltar in Athlet- munity thus enabling inclusion but thanks is the highest form ics, Aquatics, Bocce, Bowling, and acceptance of people with of thought and to this add the Equestrian and Football. A con- intellectual disabilities. “Every joy of achievement, the spirit of tingent of forty people will make child comes with the message sharing, a place to grow and the this trip, the largest ever from that God is not yet discour- opportunity to try, which you Gibraltar to attend Games. aged by man”. (Rabindramath provide and you have more than Special Olympics is a non profit Tagore, (1861-1941). words could ever say. making organisation and to send The love and loyalty of our Thank you. our athletes abroad we depend sponsors over the past twenty

5 Special Olympics European Summer Games 2010. Warsaw, Poland by Annie Risso

ibraltar was repre- beautiful costumes of the region. directly behind Gibraltar in the sented at these Games The welcome was officiated by parade. by four athletes, Sally the Mayor of Lowicz ably as- Our athletes blossom at these AnneG Mauro, Malcolm Miel, sisted by the Head of Police who Games and there are opportu- Miguel Rubio and Francis promised the stay would be a nities to meet up with friends Mauro. memorable one. The Final Leg made at other Games. Francis of the Law Enforcement Torch Mauro, who had trained dili- Run arrived in the village and gently both in Gibraltar and Lo- among the runners were Francis wicz for the 5000mt marathon Williams and Guillermo Mascar- achieved a credible 3rd place in enhas from Gibraltar. his first attempt at international level. Well done Francis! Sally Anne Mauro achieved a 2nd place Silver medal in her 200mt sprint and her consistent pace in the 100mt sprint saw her ‘sprint’ from 3rd to 2nd place, Newcomer Darren Robba stood achieving another silver medal. in for Athletic head coach Caine Well done Sally! Miguel Rubio Sanchez and heading the team faced tough competition and was Annie Risso. As in all achieved 4th place in his 200mt European or World Games the sprint, followed by 5th place team participated in the Host in his 100mt sprint. Well done Town Project. This required the The team were able to train in Miguel as he discovered he had team to arrive four days prior the mornings but the afternoons broken his personal best record. to the Games. This is a great were taken up with learning The athletes are aware that they opportunity for the athletes to about, and cooking traditional do not always win medals but learn about Polish culture and at Polish food as well as visiting checking their times is a good the same time share their own museums to absorb the great indicator of their progress. Gibraltarian culture. Polish culture. Malcolm Miel, normally a Our host town was a pretty town As exciting as this was the swimmer, has for years wanted called Lowicz where the team athletes were raring to go and to participate in athletics and stayed in a small hotel near the soon it was time for the Open- his opportunity arose in War- Sports Academy of Lowicz. ing Ceremony. This was held saw. He achieved a third place Heading the steering committee in the new Legia Warszawa Bronze Medal in his 50mt sprint for the towns welcome was Ka- football stadium and though not making a dream come true. mil Sobol and what a welcome completely finished was mag- Well done Malcolm! that proved to be. Children nificently decorated for the oc- Congratulations to all the ath- from different schools congre- casion. The production was first letes who always make us proud. gated in the village square and class and one of the singers was the athletes’ were treated to Simply Red who was leading the traditional music and dances in Great Britain team which was

6 the whole team gelled from day Law Enforcement Torch one despite being a wide range of nationalities which included Run Final Leg: Poland Dutch , Polish , Greek ,Turkish ,Irish ,Belgian ,American and of course Gibraltarian. by Guillermo Masceranhas It was a great experience meeting people from different countries and cultures, we all got on very well with each other in all the places we visited. We also met very nice people working very hard in organising all the events, also our every need from the time they picked us up from the airport or train station, till they took us back when we had finished, was catered to for us to carry on with our fantastic journey. A great ex- perience also was running with the Special Olympics athletes and seeing them enjoying hold- ing the torch with the “Flame of Hope”, you can see in their faces the enthusiasm and determina- he Law Enforcement On the 3rd of September I tion and the effort they put into Torch Run for Special found myself going to Malaga the run, some of them not even Olympics Gibraltar is Airport to start a 3 week jour- wanting to hand over the Torch alwaysT busy raising awareness ney across Europe taking part to another athlete no matter how and funds for the local Pro- in the Law Enforcement Torch long and how far they had been gramme and 2010 was no ex- Run for Special Olympics. running, great to see. ception. I have been involved locally with The trip as a whole was great es- On national Games day they hold the Torch Run since the early pecially the pre leg, the Polish a run around Gibraltar but last years as a liaison officer for the experience was different. To year it took on a new dimension DFRS and doing the annual local start with our arrival at Warsaw when they intrepidly ran in the Run to raise money & awareness airport was great and we were June heat up, up to over a 1,000ft for Special Olympics but this was picked up by a police van at the above sea level to our historic St. my first time at a European Final foot of the aircraft, and taken Michael’s Cave where we were leg so I wasn’t sure what to ex- straight through to the luggage holding celebrations in honour of pect. continued page 15 our 25th anniversary. This was The Torch Run pre final leg an exciting year as Gibraltar had started in Turkey visiting Slov- been included as host city for the enia, Gibraltar, Luxemburg, Paris “Flame of Hope” in its journey Brussels and then travelling to through several European cities Warsaw (Poland) to spend four on its way to Poland for the Eu- days where the Special Olympics ropean Summer Games. During Summer Games were held. this final Leg, two runners from Our team for the pre leg con- Gibraltar would take part, Francis sisted of 15 people ,10 of which Williams and Guillermo Mascer- were runners the others were anhas whose story follows. members of the support team,

7 Athlete Profile

Malcolm Miel

alcolm will celebrate his 35th birthday on 3RD June, the Mpenultimate day of the World Summer Games in Athens, Greece, then its back home gan the heartache years before a to Gibraltar and shortly after diagnosis was finally arrived at in that a visit to UK for one of his UK when he was around twelve medical check ups. years old. That he will have been at the Myotonic Dystrophy, two words Games is a testament to his which shed light but did not ef- courage and tenacity of spirit fect a cure as his mother so hoped which has helped him weather for. He has a form of muscular so many challenges in his short dystrophy(wasting) which affects life. His commitment to being muscles and many other organs a Special Olympics athlete has in the body. This is an inherited given him ‘a place to go, some- disorder, and Susan and Mal- thing to do and make friends’. colm’s two brothers all have been His words speak volumes about diagnosed with this to varying the years he was feeling ‘lost’ degrees. when no one, least of all himself Malcolm left school at fifteen knew what he wanted, though years old, barely able to read or the need to ‘belong to some- write after disrupted years of Dr’s thing’ was strong in him. visits, being able to walk only on From the day of his birth, his tip toes and often wearing a sup- mother Susan knew ‘there was portive brace, enduring his feet something wrong’ and so be- encased in plaster of paris to help

8 straighten them and when this He had made his dream come This cheerful little fellow did not work it was off to UK for true. portrays the motto for the more of the same. He could and In between all of this he suffered Games delivering a dynam- did ride his bicycle everywhere a femoral blood clot and is now ic message of optimism and but yearned to play football like on Warfarin(blood thinning drug) determination which cap- his brother Miguel, also a Spe- for life. His heart gave trouble tures Malcolm’s passion for life. cial Olympics athlete. He was and he has been fitted with a It also epitomises the true spirit of now twenty four years old and cardiac pacemaker but his spirit Special Olympics which he has as cycling was offered in Special never faltered. He is back and demonstrated over and over again. Olympics he went along………. forth to hospitals for operations He is not alone; his story could and learned to swim! This was and check ups, and yet can be be any one of millions of athletes, to herald the end of his ‘lost’ found in the swimming pool, on all overcoming, all striving to years as he found an outlet for the track and at Bocce training be the best, all united under the his energies in swimming and for competition in Athens, and, encouraging banner of Special athletics despite needing sev- oh yes, he has also fitted in a gall Olympics. However, it is his eral operations on his feet as the bladder operation somewhere unique story of triumph and he tendons were pulling and restrict- in all of this! He only speaks of has been ‘brave in the attempt’. ing growth. He continued to what he can do, what he wants to His serious sense of purpose has train and dream and last year at do, never what he cannot do and demonstrated the principles of the European Summer Games in his mother agrees that ‘Special dignity and equality which makes Poland he achieved a third place Olympics is the best thing that us all equal. Bronze medal in his 50mt sprint. ever happened to us’. Anne Mesilio

9 Pic ‘n’ Mix Events from the Previous Year

10 ICS ‘N’ PMIX. vents ofE pre- vious year.

Pic ‘n’ Mix Events from the Previous Year

11 Special Olympics

Directors National Director/Director of Games Annie Risso Administration Marisa Henrich Public Relations Anne Mesilio Entertainment Francis Williams Volunteers Brian Fernandez Hospitality Paola Poggio Swimming John Golding, Ana Marie Golding Track and Field Caine Sanchez The concept of Special Olympics was born Football Brian Fernandez, Raphael Celecia, Steven Tosso in 1962 when Eunice Kennedy Shriver SPECIAL For further information on Special Olympics and how to volunteer your time or help in any way, please contact Programme Chief Executive Annie Risso, tel no: +350 20050764, email [email protected] started a day camp for people with intellec- OLYMPICS Visit our website: specialolympicsgibraltar.org tual disabilities at her home. ATHLETES ix years later the first inter- respected members of society OATH national Special Olympics through sports training and com- Games were held at Soldier petition. On her way to the first ever Field,S Chicago in the USA. Research has shown significant Opening Ceremony of the first Special Olympics World It was here she said in her improvement in athletes sense Games, Eunice Kennedy made opening address, “the fact that of self, social skills and inter- the final draft of the Oath and exceptional children-children actions due to participation in opened the games with these with intellectual disabilities- can Special Olympics. words; be exceptional athletes- through The Spirit of Special Olympics, “In ancient Rome, the gladi- sports they can realize their skill, courage, sharing and joy ators went into the arena potential for growth,” and a new incorporates universal values with these words national programme, Special Ol- which transcend all boundaries on their lips; ympics, was born. It was to of- of geography, nationality, politi- “Let me win, fer people with intellectual dis- cal philosophy, gender, age, race abilities everywhere “the chance or religion. but if I cannot win, to play, the chance to compete Special Olympics and Paralym- let me be brave and the chance to grow.” pics are two separate organiza- in the attempt” Now, 43 years later it is a global tions recognized by the Interna- “Today, all of you young ath- movement, operating 30,000 tional Olympic Committee. letes are in the arena. Many events annually for 3.5 million Special Olympics provides of you will win, but even persons with intellectual disabil- sports opportunities for individ- more important, I know you ities in more than 180 countries. uals with intellectual disabilities will all be brave, and bring It is a non profit organization of all ability levels. Paralym- credit to your parents and dedicated to individuals with in- pics provides sports opportuni- your country. tellectual disabilities to become ties for elite-level athletes with Let the games begin. physically fit, productive and disabilities. Thank you.”

12 Special Olympics Gibraltar National Summer Games Organising Committee 2011

Directors National Director/Director of Games Annie Risso Administration Marisa Henrich Public Relations Anne Mesilio Entertainment Francis Williams Volunteers Brian Fernandez Hospitality Paola Poggio Swimming John Golding, Ana Marie Golding Track and Field Caine Sanchez Football Brian Fernandez, Raphael Celecia, Steven Tosso

For further information on Special Olympics and how to volunteer your time or help in any way, please contact Programme Chief Executive Annie Risso, tel no: +350 20050764, email [email protected] Visit our website: specialolympicsgibraltar.org

Would like to thank

europeaxess media for the design and layout of the Special Olympics Yearbook

13 Games held in New Haven, Con- necticut. Gibraltar’s International celebrity songwriter/composer Albert Hammond led the team at the opening ceremony, while John Aonso represented Gibraltar as a torch runner. 1996 - A team of 6 athletes trav- elled overland to to par- ticipate in the 1st Jeux Des Pet- its Pays. Two coaches attend a training course in Luxembourg 26 Years of Success to re-instate Motor Activities pro- gramme in Gibraltar. 1997 - A coach from Gibraltar is 1985 - In July that year Special First Emergency Services Torch selected by Special Olympics In- Olympics Gibraltar was repre- Run is held in Gibraltar. Special ternational to become a European sented at the first ever Summer Olympics Gibraltar is officially instructor in MATP. 14 athletes Olympics Games held in Dublin. recognised as a sporting body in and six coaches attend for the sec- Six athletes, two bowlers, three Gibraltar. ond time the World Winter Games swimmers and five coaches trav- 1990 - In March Special Olympics to be held in Toronto, Canada. elled to Ireland. It was following Gibraltar holds its first athletes/ July saw a team of 11 athletes and the success of the local team at coach Training Camp. In July the five coaches attend the UK Na- these games that a group of peo- largest ever team from Special tional Games held in Portsmouth ple decided to set up a Special Ol- Olympics Gibraltar with 14 ath- in Swimming, Bowling and Track ympics Programme in Gibraltar. letes and seven coaches take part and Field. First time ever Special 1986 - The Special Olympics Gi- in the 1990 European Summer Olympics UK invites Gibraltar to braltar Programme is officially Special Olympics Games in Glas- its National Games. 11 athletes recognised by Special Olympics gow, Scotland. The team returned took part in swimming, track and International. with a record number of medals. field and bowling. 1987 - A team of four athletes and 1991 - In April the second ath- 1998 - 2nd Jeux des Petits Etats two swimmers with coaches trav- letes coach training camp is held. take place in Diekrich, Luxem- elled to America to participate A team of 8 athletes participate in bourg. First time ever MATP ath- in the 1987 International Sum- the International Special Olym- letes are invited to participate, mer Special Olympics in South pics Games held in Minneapolis, Karen Becerra and Michael Clin- Bend, Indiana. This is the first St. Paul, in July. Gibraltar is rep- ton received Gold Awards. Our time that Gibraltar is represented resented in athletics, swimming six other athletes brought back 4 at International Special Olympics and bowling. Admiral Sir Derek gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze. Games. Reffell, 1999 - Special Olympics Gi- 1988 - A team of 7 athletes and took time to accompany the team braltar emerged triumphant in 2 coaches participate in the Na- to the Games. the Special Olympics Summer tional Games of Portugal. Al- 1993 - Special Olympics Gibral- Games ‘99 in North Carolina, though the National Games have tar participate in their 1st World USA, winning a total of 13 med- been held since 1985, Special Winter Games. A Floor Hockey als, 6 gold, 6 silver and 1 bronze. Olympics Gibraltar is given the team consisting of 12 athletes 2000 - Special Olympics Euro- go ahead to enlarge the National participated. Francis Williams pean Games 2000 held in Gro- Games. Two visiting teams from represented Gibraltar as a torch ningen, Netherlands. Gibraltar Special Olympics Portugal and runner. won a grand total of 10 medals, 5 from compete against lo- 1995 June/July - A team of ath- gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze. First cal athletes. In June, to coincide letes participated in the 9th In- time 5-a-side football team attend with the National Games, the ternational Special Olympics European Games.

14 continued from page 7 in small towns outside Warsaw the ceremony we had a 10 k run pick up and straight through out- where we were very well received around Warsaw. side were a small ceremony took by the towns authorities , all of In the Opening Ceremony we saw place to receive the “Flame of them making presentations and all the teams taking part in the Hope” in Poland. speeches to the runners and Spe- games entering the stadium and I also had a great time in Poland cial Olympics athletes, who were we had pictures taken with the although not in the beginning, also very happy to see us and had Gibraltar team, the ceremony was but it got better, I met some peo- a great time during the runs. impressive and very well attended ple from all over northern Europe After the run through the towns and very well organised, it was a it was a pity that most of them did we were taken back to Warsaw great experience and a great hon- not speak English so for the opening ceremony of the our representing Gibraltar and the we couldn’t communicate very Special Olympics European Sum- local Torch Run and I have made well ,but they tried, we had runs mer Games, after the rehearsal for some friends for life. continued from previous page Track and Field. It was the first an Zamitt, participated in Aquat- time away from Gibraltar for Vir- ics. 2001- February/March Gibraltar ginia Wink with Graham Brook- 2007. A team of 19 athletes and participates in Special Olympics ing and Christopher Joyce. 10 coaches participated in the World Winter Games in Anchor- 2006 - , 7-a-side football Special Olympics World Summer age, Alaska in Floor Hockey. The event. The team travelled over- games held in Shanghai, China. team won a Bronze Medal. 1st land in the brand new Lord’s Tav- The team brought back a record time ever participation in Oslo erners’ minibus and achieved a number of gold medals. for the Cup. A unified silver medal. 2008. February saw the floor 7-a-side football team travelled in -Special Olympics, Gibraltar hockey team participate in Inns- July to participate. reached a milestone when 20 bruck, Austria’s National games. 2002 - After this experience the years working in the International Football team travelled to Cyprus unified team participated in the Programme was recognised with to participate in Small Nations Czech Republic in a single sport a successful Opening Ceremony football tournament. event 7-a-side football. at the National Games. 2009. Special Olympics World 2003 - World Summer Games - Special Olympics Europe Eura- Winter Games 2009, Boise, Ida- held in Dublin, Ireland. First time sia CEO Mike Smith presented ho. A floor hockey team and 2 Chief Minister Peter Caruana at- Programme Chief Exectuive An- snowshoers participated at these tended a World Games. nie Risso with a plaque to Com- games. They achieved a Bronze 2004 - Special Olympics World memorate Gibraltar’s 20th Anni- medal in floor hockey, and a Sil- Winter Games 2005 Nagano, Ja- versary. ver and Bronze in snowshoeing. pan. -Athletes were invited by Special 2010. Athletes competed in an Floor Hockey team participated, Olympics Spain to participate in Andora seven-a-side football coming 4th. That year a group of Barcelona’s 7th National Games. tournament. They participated in lower mobility athletes travelled - First time ever European Youth the Isle of Man’s first Summer to Olomouc, Czech Republic, to Games were held in Rome. 2 ath- Games and the European Summer participate in a single sport event, letes, Douglas Pitaluga and Dorri- Games in Poland.

15 16