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WE ARE PROMPT When m want any Brprsss, Ter WELLINGTON COAL ni tare 7u or Tiilt work done, ’ PAOIFIO TRANSFER JPailjî HALL A WALKER 717 Oormomnl It Phones M, |A Ull Oereouneat »L Phon, U Bam* Stored. H CAL WILL, Prep. NO. 3 YOL. 48 VICTORIA, B. 0., WEDNESDAYj JANUARY 5, 1916 UITH INTEODUC PULSION BILL 41 BRITISH GOVT. CONTROLS . INTRODUCED MILITARY / SOT..... "".I 2422 MUNITIONS PLANTS ONLY Ml SERVICE BILL TO-DAY “STARRING” PROVED MEN BETWEEN 18 AND London, Jan. 6.—It Is announced that 386 establishments have been added to the munitions work» controlled by the SAVED FROM PERSIA TO BE HINDRANCE government. The total number of 41, BACHELORS AND these works Is now 1,4#. 11,118 British Soldiers Killed tragedy Enacted So Rapidly Earl of Derby Tells of Difficul on Western Front In Survivors Have Little ties Met Under His WIDOWERS, TO SERVE That Period AEROPLANES GIVEN to Tell Plan Compulsory Service Measure Introduced by ALL THOSE SAVED BEAR MR. TENNANT MAKES SHOULD REMOVE MANY Mr. Asquith To-day Not to Apply to Ire STATEMENT IN HOUSE TRACES OF HARDSHIPS FROM “STARRED” LIST Fleets Prepared..When Ma land; Prime Minister Says Those Op chines Attacked Camp of' 39,383 Wounded; Big Offen Allies at Salonica Mothers Who Went in Search Men Who Had No Right posed to Conscription Will Support Bill. sive Took Place Between of Little Ones Never-" . Claimed to Come Under Seen Again That Heading '* Those Dates INCIDENT DESCRIBED BY London, Jan. 6.—Under the terms of the compulsory military ser vice bin introduced in the house of commons to-day by Mr. Asquith, CONSTANTINE’S BROTHER London, Jen. 6.-~The survivors of the London, Jan. B.-Tho nrltlah casual- London. Jan. 5 —The Earl of Derby's all males between the ages of 18 and ti who are bachelors or widowers P. and O. liner Persia, torpedoed in the without children dependent on thtm are liable for military service. (les on the western front from Septem Mediterranean, reached Alexandria, report on his recruiting campaign ex ber 26 to October 8, Including the bat Egypt, according to tha account sent plains why the cabinet found It neces tle of Loos, totalled 2.378 officers and Athens. Jan \ -Prince Andrew of Ireland i* excluded from the terms of the measure. by Reuter’s correspondent at that sary to bring forward a measure for (7.288 men. according to announcement MR. ASQUITH Greece, brother of King Constantine, point, all bearing traces of shock and compulsory enlistment of unmarried Mr. Asquith said no case had been made oat for general com lu the House of Cdmmons to-day by in an interview' to-day with the corre hardships. Most of them had badly Harold J. Tennant, parliamentary un- men. More than 2,600.000 men In Eng pulsion and that the bill he was introducing would be supported by spondent of the Associated Press, de bruised and bandaged limbs. One C . i-secretary for war. land, Scotland and Wales enrolled scribed the aerial bombardment of the woman is In the hospital with a broken those opposed to conscription. A table showing the killed, wounded themselves, but after those engaged In allies* camp at Zellenltk, on the out leg. The prime minister opened his address with an analysis of the and missing follows: DEPRIVES ENEMY OF indispensable Industries and medically skirts of Salonica. by Austro-Gcrman The tragedy was enacted eo rapidly unfit have been winnowed out, about KUled-Offlcera. 771; other ranks. figures in the Derby report. He emphasized the fact that during tha machines on. December 30. that the survivors say-they hardly re 1,100.000 available to bear arms remain. 10,146. alized what was happening, conse -The bombardment and the reply of But there are 460.000 unmarried men Derby campaign nearly 3,000,000 men had offered their services. Wounded—Officers, 1,288: other ranks. quently they have little to tell. The the fleets anchored in thé roads of who failed to come forward, and the Even deducting those rejected on the ground of physical disability, passengers were at luncheon. Five USE OF RAILWAY government is now attempting to re 1R.086 Salonica,” said the prince, "ww one of Missing—Officers, 317; other ranks. the most extraordinary sights Imagin minutes later those who escaped were deem Mr. Asquith's pledge that the the total was still is excess of 2,600,000, ^ — f.848 able I was riding back from the morn In boats or clinging to wreckage and married men should not be called out so long as a considerable fraction of “These are wonderful, encouraging Totals—Officeri;' 2,378; other rank», ing’s work with my regiment when I the liner h»d disappeared. It was possible to launch boats only on one Russian Succès? at Czerno- unmarried men held back. figures,” the prime lnister said. 17.288 was startled by a doafening explosion some 200 yards away A great cloud side of the ship and only the promptest Unreliability of Starring ATTACKS PART OF "They ought to convince both our allies On giving the foregoing figures. Mr. action by the officers and crew enabled witz, Bukowina, Will Have Tonnant said it was Impossible to sep of black smoke arose, followed shortly In his report, which was addressed and our enemies that the people of them to launch four boats. There were arate the casualties In the battle of by three more explosions. Then cams Important Results to Earl Kitchener, secretary for war, this country have their hearts in the the familiar rocket-like sound of a no signs of panic. Everyone made the Looe, by which name he referred to the ths Earl of Derby says: war.” shell passing through the air. evidently most of the few remaining minute». “Many difficulties have been met SOCIALIST PARTY l ig offensive carried out by the British Substantial Number. fired by one of the warships In the Young Woman’s Story. with, but the chief difficulty has been oh that part of the line In France, from Mr. Asquith said he was unable, harbor. One young woman described her ex the unreliability of starring, or dis those tn adjacent areas. The figures, BIG OFFENSIVE HOLDS after making the largest possible “Naturally my first thought was periences a» follows: ^ tinguishing between those who should lie said, were casualties on the western hypothetical reduction, to consider the that for some reason the fleet was bom “I was sitting down at the table when nnd those' who should not be taken for German Socialist Member Be frcnt from September 26 to October 1. barding Salonica. Therefore I rode FIRST PLACE IN NEWS number of unrecruited single men as the explosion occurred. I ran at once the army. Instead of starring being straight to the nearest British post, rates Those Who Opposed anything but a substantial and even to my cabin for a life-preserver and an assistance, it has been a distinct which happened to be a hospital not considerable number. He added that twice was thrown down by the rocking hindrance to the canvass. far from the Greek camp. New War Credit Sir John Simon, whose resignation as ship. I got to my cabin, snatched a “More especially was this so In the LANCASTER, MEMBER “ ‘Why are you bombarding the city?* London. Jan. 5.—The Russian cam rural and seml-rural areas, owing to home secretary was announced yester lifebelt and rushed on deck. I had the I asked the officers. paign on the front from the Prlpet to the fact ihat it was known before reg day. thought the figures might be re utmost difficulty in keeping my footing Three Machines. the Roumania border undeniably takes istration day what branches of the duced to an Inestimable number. and again was thrown down. As I Berlin, Jan. 8 —Dr. Karl Wolfgang agricultural Industry would be starred, If he had shared this view, Mr. As FOR LINCOLN, DEAD ‘ Then for the first time I looked up reached the deck the liner lurched first place in the war news with the with the result that many men who ! [fine. Social Democratic member of quith «Hi.1 'the present contingency and saw three machines fully 3.000 feet heavily and T fell. Although badly announcement In a news agency dis in Hue from the northeast had no right- to- *» so vtstmed "tAf the reichatag. wrltlng in the Interna would net have arisen, but he could Shaken and bruised. I managed to ad patch from Petrograd that the Auetro- and turning Just over the. harbor to come under these particular headings. tional • Correspondence, bitterly attacks not think that. The primary obligation just the lifebelt and Jumped into the ward the northwest. In Which direction* Oermsn forces have evacuated Cxer- The sense of unfairness thus created the ’ minority of his party whlctT op- was-to keep faith at all costs with the Was Chairman of Railway sea, where I was rescued fifteen min end the Inequality of treatment to married men. they finally disappeared. nowltx, capital of Bukowina, which posed the sanctioning of ths new war “The bombs were dropped with the ute* later.” ----- -------- ------:---- r----- farther» has been roost detrimental 18 Exemptions Under Measure. Xommîîteê OfrttOuse Two bank clerk» going to Egypt had become untenable because of the these areas. The farmer himself Is not greatest precision, one after another, credit. 4 Exemptions from service could be rushed to the bridge and dived into Russian capture of the heights sur a starred men. but there are numerous cf Commons killing and wounding a number of the “Enemies who now, as Germany claimed under the terms of the bill the water.