WE ARE PROMPT When m want any Brprsss, Ter­ WELLINGTON COAL ni tare 7u or Tiilt work done, ’ PAOIFIO TRANSFER JPailjî HALL A WALKER 717 Oormomnl It Phones M, |A Ull Oereouneat »L Phon, U Bam* Stored. H CAL WILL, Prep.


41 BRITISH GOVT. CONTROLS . INTRODUCED MILITARY / SOT..... "".I 2422 MUNITIONS PLANTS ONLY Ml SERVICE BILL TO-DAY “STARRING” PROVED MEN BETWEEN 18 AND London, Jan. 6.—It Is announced that 386 establishments have been added to the munitions work» controlled by the SAVED FROM PERSIA TO BE HINDRANCE government. The total number of 41, BACHELORS AND these works Is now 1,4#. 11,118 British Soldiers Killed tragedy Enacted So Rapidly Earl of Derby Tells of Difficul­ on Western Front In Survivors Have Little ties Met Under His WIDOWERS, TO SERVE That Period AEROPLANES GIVEN to Tell Plan Compulsory Service Measure Introduced by ALL THOSE SAVED BEAR MR. TENNANT MAKES SHOULD REMOVE MANY Mr. Asquith To-day Not to Apply to Ire­ STATEMENT IN HOUSE TRACES OF HARDSHIPS FROM “STARRED” LIST Fleets Prepared..When Ma­ land; Prime Minister Says Those Op­ chines Attacked Camp of' 39,383 Wounded; Big Offen­ Allies at Salonica Mothers Who Went in Search Men Who Had No Right posed to Conscription Will Support Bill. sive Took Place Between of Little Ones Never-" . Claimed to Come Under Seen Again That Heading '* Those Dates INCIDENT DESCRIBED BY London, Jan. 6.—Under the terms of the compulsory military ser­ vice bin introduced in the house of commons to-day by Mr. Asquith, CONSTANTINE’S BROTHER London, Jen. 6.-~The survivors of the London, Jan. B.-Tho nrltlah casual- London. Jan. 5 —The Earl of Derby's all males between the ages of 18 and ti who are bachelors or widowers P. and O. liner Persia, torpedoed in the without children dependent on thtm are liable for military service. (les on the western front from Septem­ Mediterranean, reached Alexandria, report on his recruiting campaign ex­ ber 26 to October 8, Including the bat­ Egypt, according to tha account sent plains why the cabinet found It neces­ tle of Loos, totalled 2.378 officers and Athens. Jan \ -Prince Andrew of Ireland i* excluded from the terms of the measure. by Reuter’s correspondent at that sary to bring forward a measure for (7.288 men. according to announcement MR. ASQUITH Greece, brother of King Constantine, point, all bearing traces of shock and compulsory enlistment of unmarried Mr. Asquith said no case had been made oat for general com­ lu the House of Cdmmons to-day by in an interview' to-day with the corre­ hardships. Most of them had badly Harold J. Tennant, parliamentary un- men. than 2,600.000 men In Eng­ pulsion and that the bill he was introducing would be supported by spondent of the Associated Press, de­ bruised and bandaged limbs. One C . i-secretary for war. land, Scotland and Wales enrolled scribed the aerial bombardment of the woman is In the hospital with a broken those opposed to conscription. A table showing the killed, wounded themselves, but after those engaged In allies* camp at Zellenltk, on the out­ leg. The prime minister opened his address with an analysis of the and missing follows: DEPRIVES ENEMY OF indispensable Industries and medically skirts of Salonica. by Austro-Gcrman The tragedy was enacted eo rapidly unfit have been winnowed out, about KUled-Offlcera. 771; other ranks. figures in the Derby report. He emphasized the fact that during tha machines on. December 30. that the survivors say-they hardly re­ 1,100.000 available to bear arms remain. 10,146. alized what was happening, conse­ -The bombardment and the reply of But there are 460.000 unmarried men Derby campaign nearly 3,000,000 men had offered their services. Wounded—Officers, 1,288: other ranks. quently they have little to tell. The the fleets anchored in thé roads of who failed to come forward, and the Even deducting those rejected on the ground of physical disability, passengers were at luncheon. Five USE OF RAILWAY government is now attempting to re­ 1R.086 Salonica,” said the prince, "ww one of Missing—Officers, 317; other ranks. the most extraordinary sights Imagin­ minutes later those who escaped were deem Mr. Asquith's pledge that the the total was still is excess of 2,600,000, ^ — f.848 able I was riding back from the morn­ In boats or clinging to wreckage and married men should not be called out so long as a considerable fraction of “These are wonderful, encouraging Totals—Officeri;' 2,378; other rank», ing’s work with my regiment when I the liner h»d disappeared. It was possible to launch boats only on one Russian Succès? at Czerno- unmarried men held back. figures,” the prime lnister said. 17.288 was startled by a doafening explosion some 200 yards away A great cloud side of the ship and only the promptest Unreliability of Starring ATTACKS PART OF "They ought to convince both our allies On giving the foregoing figures. Mr. action by the officers and crew enabled witz, Bukowina, Will Have Tonnant said it was Impossible to sep­ of black smoke arose, followed shortly In his report, which was addressed and our enemies that the people of them to launch four boats. There were arate the casualties In the battle of by three more explosions. Then cams Important Results to Earl Kitchener, secretary for war, this country have their hearts in the the familiar rocket-like sound of a no signs of panic. Everyone made the Looe, by which name he referred to the ths Earl of Derby says: war.” shell passing through the air. evidently most of the few remaining minute». “Many difficulties have been met SOCIALIST PARTY l ig offensive carried out by the British Substantial Number. fired by one of the warships In the Young Woman’s Story. with, but the chief difficulty has been oh that part of the line In France, from Mr. Asquith said he was unable, harbor. One young woman described her ex­ the unreliability of starring, or dis­ those tn adjacent areas. The figures, BIG OFFENSIVE HOLDS after making the largest possible “Naturally my first thought was periences a» follows: ^ tinguishing between those who should lie said, were casualties on the western hypothetical reduction, to consider the that for some reason the fleet was bom­ “I was sitting down at the table when nnd those' who should not be taken for German Socialist Member Be­ frcnt from September 26 to October 1. barding Salonica. Therefore I rode FIRST PLACE IN NEWS number of unrecruited single men as the explosion occurred. I ran at once the army. Instead of starring being straight to the nearest British post, rates Those Who Opposed anything but a substantial and even to my cabin for a life-preserver and an assistance, it has been a distinct which happened to be a hospital not considerable number. He added that twice was thrown down by the rocking hindrance to the canvass. far from the Greek camp. New War Credit Sir John Simon, whose resignation as ship. I got to my cabin, snatched a “More especially was this so In the LANCASTER, MEMBER “ ‘Why are you bombarding the city?* London. Jan. 5.—The Russian cam­ rural and seml-rural areas, owing to home secretary was announced yester­ lifebelt and rushed on deck. I had the I asked the officers. paign on the front from the Prlpet to the fact ihat it was known before reg­ day. thought the figures might be re­ utmost difficulty in keeping my footing Three Machines. the Roumania border undeniably takes istration day what branches of the duced to an Inestimable number. and again was thrown down. As I Berlin, Jan. 8 —Dr. Karl Wolfgang agricultural Industry would be starred, If he had shared this view, Mr. As­ FOR LINCOLN, DEAD ‘ Then for the first time I looked up reached the deck the liner lurched first place in the war news with the with the result that many men who ! [fine. Social Democratic member of quith «Hi.1 'the present contingency and saw three machines fully 3.000 feet heavily and T fell. Although badly announcement In a news agency dis­ in Hue from the northeast had no right- to- *» so vtstmed "tAf the reichatag. wrltlng in the Interna­ would net have arisen, but he could Shaken and bruised. I managed to ad­ patch from Petrograd that the Auetro- and turning Just over the. harbor to­ come under these particular headings. tional • Correspondence, bitterly attacks not think that. The primary obligation just the lifebelt and Jumped into the ward the northwest. In Which direction* Oermsn forces have evacuated Cxer- The sense of unfairness thus created the ’ minority of his party whlctT op- was-to keep faith at all costs with the Was Chairman of Railway sea, where I was rescued fifteen min­ end the Inequality of treatment to married men. they finally disappeared. nowltx, capital of Bukowina, which posed the sanctioning of ths new war “The bombs were dropped with the ute* later.” ------:---- r----- farther» has been roost detrimental 18 Exemptions Under Measure. Xommîîteê OfrttOuse Two bank clerk» going to Egypt had become untenable because of the these areas. The farmer himself Is not greatest precision, one after another, credit. 4 Exemptions from service could be rushed to the bridge and dived into Russian capture of the heights sur­ a starred men. but there are numerous cf Commons killing and wounding a number of the “Enemies who now, as Germany claimed under the terms of the bill the water. They were saved. Mothers rounding the city. cases of his sons and laborers being Silled soldiers, but not touching the stands, powerful and unified, refuse on the same grounds as In the case of who went in quest of their children Cxemowlts undoubtedly Is a valu­ starred as cowmen, horsemen, etc., city. Meanwhile the firing of the fleet all suggestions of peace." Dr. Heine men unattested under the Derby plan. never returned. Only two children able point for a further Rus­ though in many Instances it is known grew thunderous. In a short time It says, “certainly would not be ready to The grounds of exemption would In­ were saved. sian campaign. Ths Teutonic forces that they are really not so engaged. Ottawa. Jsn. 6.—With the death of became evident that the fire from the grant peace to a German empire clude conscientious objection to mili­ are already deprived of the use of the ft t. A. Lancaster. K. C. Conservative ! fleet was more dangerous than ths Should Be Revised. weakened by Inner dissension. They tary service. Other grounds for ex­ important railway from Cserrowlts to member for Lincoln, Ont., there will bombs from the aeroplanes, as some "It Is essential that the ^starred list would push across the border, defeat emption Included Ill-health, physical Haleetohtlky, while the line from Cser- le teri vacant seats In the house of of the shells aimed wild whistled di­ should be carefully Investigated and In our armies, kill hundreds of thou­ Infirmity, the necessity to support de­ SOLDIERS SHOULD nowlts to Kolomea is seriously men- commons when parliament meets on rectly over the town, one narrowly many cases of misdirection the star sands of our brothers and bring the ill pendent persons, and the fact of be­ Wednesday next. They are; Lincoln, missing Major Metaxas and a troop of removed and the man made available misery of an enemy Investment Into ing engaged on work of national Im­ Ont : East Hamilton, Ont.; East Orey, Greek cavalry returning from exercise. Csemowtts has changed hands four for military service. This applies to cur country. portance. “Pieces of sheila began to drop with times since tha beginning of the war. Ont ; London, OnL; Carle Ion. OnL; HAVE THE POSITIONS starred men In all Industries. '"Those Who destroyed pâfty unity to ...... Married Men.------—-—*— Brandon. Man.; Llsgar. Man.; King’s, frightful velocity, one even piercing “The issue during the progress of the order to oppose the war credit really The bill was limited specifically to two floors of a tram station and bury­ H. 8 ; Ueytlgouche, N. B.. and Prince, canvass of lists of trades which were did not want It refused. They en­ redemption of the promise he had ing Itself In the cellar. P E I. to be considered 'reserved occupations' joyed the luxury of their negative made publicly to the married men. The flag Is flying at half-mast to­ “Toward noon a fourth aeroplane ar­ TROOPS ORDERED NOT also has proved an obstacle. I recog­ votes only because they felt assured This pledge had been given at a time day on the parliament buildings in rived following the same course as the Crothers Denies He - Made nise It was essential that such lists that others would look out tot the when overwhelming evld« nee had been honor of E. A. Lancaster, who was others, though flying lowèr. The black should be Issued, but the fact remains safety of the Fatherland. submitted to him that married men One of the best known members of the maltexe crosses of the German air ser­ Statement Attributed to that trades and other than those men­ "Let me say It plainly once and for who were willing anti anxious to serve house In recent years Mr. Lancaster vice were plainly visible on Its wings. TO ENTER GREECE tioned In those lists have been apply­ Him in Dispatch all. that such tactics show neither were holding back In large numbers. presided over the deliberations of the Consuls Arrested. ing to be Included, and the men en­ They needed to be reassured that, hav­ railway committee, and was recognised courage nor love of truth." “Riding home along ., King George gaged In those trades are expecting to ing regard for their circumstances and ns an exceedingly capable presiding of­ street toward tea time. 1 was astonish­ be treated In the same way as the Split in Party. thé business they were carrying on, ficer. Owing to Ill-health he practically ed to see French soldiers and a dense Ottawa. Jan. 5.—Hon. T W. Broth­ Bulgarian Forces Instructed to starred men and have been deterred Under the heading: “Social Demo­ they could count upon their term of had to drop out of all parliamentary crowd of onlookers surrounding the ers, minister of labor, denies the from coming forward. cratic Spilt.” the Tageblatt repro­ survies being postponed mull all tha work last session. German consulate. Farther along the statement in a press dispatch from Fortify Frontier, .Says Bul- “Many men also who would willing­ duced ‘ a statement made by Karl younger and single men had b*'en call­ street, other cppsuiatoe presented .the.. London. u«t . to> the etieiM-that he- had ly.. 9W7n.Jt*£,hemselyss barred from Patera..who said;...... ed up. . tf that assurance ..had not litW At’Hiui Laneest** "wes Irttrir " Tyrian finance Minister - doing so by domestic, financial an# same sight The consuls were hustled stated that all now In the employ of been given at that- time there would In London. England, on September 22, “They (the minority) actually suc­ through the crowd, taken to the head­ the government capable of military business obligations.” have been danger dt the whole re­ . mo. his father being English and his ceeded In opposing the war credit and quarters of the French commander. training and without encumbrance» In fact Just after their comrades In cruiting campaign breaking down. mother Irish. He passed through the General Sarrall, cross-examined and were to be told- to enlist or give up Paris, Jan. 6.—The Temps prints the the west had spoken up in opposition “Where, ~theti-, should we be now?" high school at London, Ont., and took then put aboard the French battleship the law course at Osgoode Hall, To­ their positions. following from Salonica: to a peace due to weakness. » Patrie to the accompaniment through­ “My principle,” said Mr. Crothers to­ AGENTS OF GERMANY “If he were to be confronted with the ronto, later practising his profession. “The Journal Outronto. of Sofia, In­ "They strutted around proclaiming out of the stares and comments of day. “Is that If there are any positions same situation at the present time he On November 25. 1885, he married Mary terviewed M. Toniepeff, the Bulgarian they had shortened the war and they curious crowds.” In the public services held by young would take precisely the same course. IL C. Petit, a daughter of A. Hamilton minister of finance, who said: used the most certain methods of pro­ Asked whether he would return to unmarried men with no encumbrances He said he had recalved no protest Petit, of Grimsby, Ont. “ 'For reasons of the utmost import­ ARE BUSY IN PERSIA longing it. tor It Is plain to everyone Salonica. the prince replied: nnd the duties can be undertaken by ance the Bulgarian troops have been not entirely crazy that their procedure against his pledge. He was elected to the house of com­ “Of course I shall. Why should I disabled soldiers who have risked their given strict orders not to enter Greek was bound to awaken tmong the Measure Needed. mons first at the general election In not? Despite appearances, Salonica 1» lives and suffered for their country, territory, but to fortify strongly the enemies of Germa ty the hope that the Although he had been a strong sup­ 1300. Tn 1801 he was. elected by the still Greek." the soldiers should get the positions.” Conservatives as one of the party Greeco-Serblan frontier. Our relations empire eventually could be 'tired out.’ porter of the system of voluntary ser­ Mr. Crothers explained that these Trying to Force Persians to whips for Ontario. He was re-elected with both Greece and Roumania are Thgt this Is a fight to the last man vice, Mr. Asquith declared he was were hie personal views and that he better than before the war. This atti­ Form Alliance With Cen­ should be apparent." convinced of the necessity of the com­ • to the house of commons at the gen­ ha

Mr. Russel! stated that thla was not Wa Ara Prompt. Carsful, and Usa Only tha Baat In Qur Work correct. The wheels had been inspect­ r RUSSELL TESTIFIES ed and no question had been raised TWO DIVISIONS FROM about them until they had come here. He maintained that part of the enafuel­ ling had been baked on and part dried Concentrated Economy ABOUT BICYCLES on. Mr. Thompson stated that Major BRITISH COLUMBIA The bee! of a whole bullock is required to make a dozen For Your Relative or Thomas, the expert of the government, of if had stated that the paint was ordinary bottles Bovril. You can safely reduce butchers’ bills paint. Mr. RusSbll said that tit he had you use Bovril in soups.and stews. But—it must be Bovril, Sold First Lot to Government made Such g statement he was mis­ Hughes Says Object is to Raise m the Bovril bottle. No sitbstitutewill do. The strength Friend at the Front at $62; Price Later taken as to facts. 21 Divisions More and nourishment of Bovril canvot be compressed into "But Major Thomàa was quite1 em­ Jpheap cubes. Was $47,50 phatic in saying that the prices were in Canada . a package of excessive,’’ said Sir Charles Davidson. I know. He said that they should be $40. but in the face of that a month Î>ASCÀLL’S Ottawa. Jan. 5.-T. A. Russell, of the later recommended the department to Toronto, Jan. 5. At«a banquet here Canada Cycle & Motor Cd, was again buy another lot of 156 for $47.50." last night to Brigadier-General Logie on the stand before the Davidson In­ Mr. Russell said that the bicycles and his staff, given by the Toronto ASSORTED vestigating commission ycfMMtÿ af­ National Exhibition Board, ex-Tfcayor Big Specials in Lumber which they had sold for $47.50 had cost ternoon with regard to certain phases the firm $40.10. Joseph Oliver presiding, Major-Gen­ kfo. I Rough and Sited Common. 2x4. 6 and 8. per M...... gg CONFECTIONERY of the transactions of the Arm In sell­ eral Sir Sam Hughes, a guest of honor, Auditor-General Fraser then pro­ No. $ Rustic, any pattern, pvr M...... it 09 ing bicycle*, motor trucks and tires to announced tligt Canada proposed to duced correspohdence regarding the .No. 2 6x6 7 ft. Cedar,,Fence Poet*, each ...... v. .16 the government for the first Canadian raise the quota of troops necessary tn Express charges paid and‘delivery positively contingent. John Thompson, K. t\, purchase of Colt revolvers. No. 2 Doors, white they last, each...... i,oe bring Its war contribution to 5 divisions. here, and It Is not re-enamelled but chase of 6,000, the regular trade dis­ At present in training at home. Eng­ painted. What have you to say about count find not been obtained. If it had land and at the froh't Canada has,225i- Windsor Hungarian Flour that?" been the automatic piitola would have 000 soldiers. Two divisions, each of Packed specially for our trade. We want to introduceluce It tY>r full mforinjition apply WINDSOR GROCERY COMPANY which green matter had been was lied adian forces in uniform will numberl CANADIAN SOLDIERS 250,000. In addition, more than 100,- Opposite Poet Office Government Street oft by gasoline It Wtl « ..ntended that TICKET OrnCE—TELEPHONE 1969 gasoline could not wash off enamel. #00 skilled Canadian mechanics are Ottawa, Jan. 6. Tha following cas­ manufacturing munition*. ualty 11st was Issued last night. Sir Sam was confident that before First Battalion—Severely wounded ; the summer ended the full comple­ Pte. James North Hamilton, Ont. ment would be raised. * The Only Rolle^Oats MADE IN B. C. Second Battalion — Dangerously wounded: Pte. F. 4. Southall. FINANCES OF CANADA Wounded: Pte. C. T. I .earn. Aylmer. 1505 Douglas Street. ll/JlWUlUj B & K (Ê5ÏM) ROLLED OATS Ont.; Pte. Wm. Cox. England; Meut. DURING NINE MONTHS The Only Helled Oele MAV>K FROM B. C. OATS Malcolm Nellson. England. Besides—The Flavor I, DIFFERENT. The "EXTRA CREJtM" Flavor that Slightly wounded ; Pte. R. W. Tem­ Increase of $23,000,000 in Revenue Over places the i In a class by themselves. ORDER A SACK TOiDAT^FROM YOCR ple, England. ~ Cerree pending Period of Last Reported missing: Pte. George Gray. Freest Year. GROVER, and prove it yourself. IT SEEMS LIKE MAGIC England. tlie way our coal holds out. Our Third Battalion Killed in action: Ottawa. Jan. 6 The monthly state­ customers are always amazed at Pte. Vhoe. Phillips, Wales. ment of the department el finance shows THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. Died of Wounds : Pte. R. I. Hùgheat that the revenue for the nine months first at Jm>w much farther onr The Only Rolled Oats Millers In ft. C. England. ef the fiat at ytar ended Ixcerober 11 coal goes than! the ordinary. Fourth Battalion — Suffering from was $122.0fl9.0u0. and for the . orresponding There's ng, magic alxmt It. It la shock : Sgt. Fred Delaney, Vhannjjl period of tin» last fiscal year 669,1*16,000. simply because we handle the islands. ; an Increase of $23,000.006. beat coal mined. Try a ton and Payments on ordinary expenditure Wounded- Pte. Archie ffiner. Inger- learn where real coal economy during the nine months were $«4,096.600. as Ilea soH, Ont. against $«,•**.090 during the correspond­ Eighth Battalion -Died: Pte. Thos. ing period of the last flats! year, a de­ LUMP ...... $7.00 Kelley. England. fense of $11.060.000 Tlie « spltal ex­ NUT ...... $6.00 Wounded : Pte Jas Wilkie. Dau­ penditure was $20.006,000. a decrease of J. E. PAINTER A SON phin, Man.; Sgt. P. E. Henderson. Mid- ST/.ftWMMtt MS compared with the corre­ 617 Germerant Street sponding period of the last fiscal year dlebom. N. 8. Phone 536 Op. City Market Tenth Battalion — Dangerously Exclusive of the war expenditure, like wounded; Sgt. N* G. Buchanan, Eng­ financial position op December 11 under all heads showed a betterment of $38.- land...... >• 0)6,990 as compared with the first nine Fourteenth Battalion -Killed in ac­ months of the last fiscal year. tion; Pte. W. J. osgomde, Quelne. Missing: Sgt. Jus. Turcotte, Mort-

Woiînded: Pte. C. Kenney. Mon­ ENEMY CONSULS WILL BE treal. SENT TO SWITZERLAND k- kifteemh 8KU«difiiBaaStoiNiaMiffi& aud. suffering from shell shook: Ldeqt. H. - Paris, Jain--6 -The ministry of the in­ Met’heater, Brooklyn. N. "V. terior announces tiflàt the consuls of the Better Than to Give You the Utmost Value for Your Money; Would Give More Wounded. UeuL E. G. Waller. Klk- Teutonic allies arrested at ttolonira will if Possible, but There’s a Limit—and OUR PRICES REACH IT horn. Man. tnr brought to kfanmttte* tmT from there Sixteenth Battalion—Wounded: Pte. <>onduvted to the Swiss frontier. There Vno need to worry about not being able to get just James Murray, Scotland. ______The ministry further announces that In " Eighteenth Battalion — Wounded ’reprisal for the arrest by the Bulgarian what yon want in the way ôf éîeefriea! gonds. Tty’ iis first and pte. Cbaa. Dickson. Scotland. authorities of Uté Fr«-neli vies-cotisai and be eonvineed that wp can give roti just what you are looking CANADIAN WHEAT - Nineteenth Battalion- Kill**! in ac­ ■ ANTI COMBINE ESSENCES, all tion: Pte. John SicComhle, Scotland. of the archives of the legation, the gov­ for and at reasonable prices. FLAKES, large pkt. flavors, 8 oz. bottle 50^, 4 oz. bot­ ernment yesterday caused the arrest of Wounded; Pte J. K. Bryant. St the Bulgarian ’ official la char gw of the tle 35^, — Uatharlnee. Ont.; Pte. A. G. Miller, archives at tlie Bulgarian legation In B. &K. WHEAT Mount Denis, tint.; Pte. Wm. Barth, Paris As the official Is III. however, he ' CARTER » McKENZIE FLAKES, 4 lbs. f„r.. 2 oz. bottle ...... Toronto. was allowed to remain in his room, but Twentieth. Battalion — Wounded: under guard. THE HOME OF ELECTRICITY WETHEY’S PREPARED MINCE Sgt.-Major J. Iamhlan Torrle, Kaka- CREMO Phone 710 10-lb. seek . . : MEAT, f beka ikUa Ont View St., New Spencer Block 45c Twenty - First Battalion —- Slightly JOHN THOMPSON, K. C.. per packet...... | wounded : Pte. Edward Wilson. King­ JOINS 124TH BATTALION PURITY BREAKFAST ston, Ont. FOOD, 5-lb. sack...... ANTI-COMBINE TEA, in lead pack­ Wounded : CpI. -Charles Southgate. England. Ottawa. Jan. 6 —John Thompson, K. C. MONEY FROM STATES FOR ets. Nothing nicerI Twenty-Fourth Battalion Killed In who for eight months past has been en­ RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE gaged as counsel for the Davidson In­ WILD ROSE PASTRY action: Pte. Owney Muti- JEWISH WAR SUFFERERS 3 lbs. for...... I ■ VV vestigating commission, has decided to FLOUR, 101b. sack .. treal. discard hie legal gown for his majesty's Twenty-Fifth Battalion—Killed In uniform, and left for Toronto to-day to New York. Jan. 6.—The American ANTI COMBINE COFFEE,__very MEETS WITH SUCCESS Jewish relief committee announced to­ C. & Y. BREAD FLOUR,ajvvM| theme besturnl action : Pte. Vharle* Bell, Glace Hay, tfWe a commission with the 124th Rat nice. N. S. talion under IJeut-Cel. Chadwick. Mr. day that its fund for the relief of Bread Flour to be 1-lb. tin for Wounded. Sgt. J. W. Sutherland, Thompson, who is a son of the late Sir Jewish war sufferers In Europe had had; per sack. Oxford. N. 8. John Thompson, one-time prime minister -passed the million mark. The actual $1.55 CHOICE EVAPORATED ....Twenty-Sixth Battalion: Pt* Jôhn of Canada, has had prevtrm* mtttfnry ex- Gains Made in Czartorysk Re­ figure* given out were $1,007.893.65. INDEPENDENT CREAMERY3RBAMERY Hamilton. Tx>ndon, Ont pertenee. and 1t 1« said ttttrt he wW take There is not the sHghtost doubt now. PEACHES TfilJhJh BilHIInn ^ 1 gion, in East Gatieia, Na«f ' *» «rtd. that the rmtsk. c Lee.-<,'pl. J. W. «’Immley, Mai ysvillc. fVuihynla, Ttusvia). the enemy was Paris, Jan. \ l tch to the 20 tuljther. Ferdinand, were at his bed­ FRESH SMOKED FINNAN driven from the wood between Kbeh- ST. CHARLES, B. C. or CANADA side when he died Mr. Schumunn- Havas Agency from Salon tea says: HADDIE Print css Patricias r.Found dead. De- Heink was 28 years old. the father of uklnowka and the Podcherewltchl sta- “The British authorities have of. FIRST MILK rembee 23; Pte. J. Macdonald. Que two children . tl»>n. In the region of the Middle fared a reward of 50.060 franco 2 lbs. for 8 try Pa (East Galicia) uor troops crossed 3 large cans ... w.______...... <$10,000) for informa*uhv of th«» pr~- Seriously Ul: Pte. J. Patrick, En ç the line of Wire entanglements, oc­ m nee of German submarines In the SUPERFINE TOILET cupied enemy trenches to the east of Aegean Sea." • ANTI COMBINE OR SHIRMFF'S land. IF SUBJECT TO COLDS SOAP, 9 cakes for.... Ninth Canadian Mounted. Rifles—Se the village of Blelawlntxe and took JELLY POWDER, all flavors; riously ill : Pte. Jack D. LU lee r i p, HERE IS GOOD ADVICE by storm an Isolated fortified enemy Just end noble minds rejoice In ether England. mWn’s success, and help to augment tbnir 4 packets NICE SWEET NAVEL praise -Penn. ___ Third Field Artillery—Concussion: Don't load your stomach with cough "Northesst of Çscrnowlls (Bukowtna) for ...... ORANGES, per doz.. c Onr. O. F. OlUmore. Toronto. syrups. Send healing mediation we occupied a line of trenches and re­ 15 pulsed by the concentrated Are of our Eaton’s Armored Battery—Wounded : through the nostrils—send it Into the Cpl. Frank Radford. Toronto. passages that are subject to colds and artillery enemy counter-attacks, the No. $ Field Ambulance^—Wounded catarrh. Easy to do thia with Oa- enemy sustaining heavy loeseg" YOU NEED slightly: Pte. A. Plumbtree, Toronto; tarrhoaone. which cures a cold In ten Csernowlts Evacuated. to aid nature occasionally, when your Read Our Prices Right Through and Compare With Others Pte. J. H. Singleton. England. minutes. Even to the lungs goes the London, Jàn. 1.—The Petrograd Uwr te «luggieh. your etomach dis- healing vapor of Catanrhorsone—-all correspondent, of the Hkvas Agency an­ ordered or your bowel, inactire. Let PETROLEUM CARDS NEXT. through the bronchial tubes, nostrils nounces that the Austrians have evac­ thte rate, mid, dependable rmnedy and air passage»—everywhere a trace uated Cxernowitz (Bukowina). the Rus­ regulate these organs and put them London, Jan. $.—The Amsterdam of disease remains . will 'atarrhozone sians having seised all the heights In a eouod aad healthy conditio. correspondent of the Exchange Tele­ follow. You'll not have colds nor will •mlnating the town. CORAS & YOUNG graph Company ways that beginning on you suffer from sniffle*, bronchi tig or A Reuter dispatch from Petrograd January S residents of Berlin will be throat trouble If Catzirrhozc ne Is says that the Teutonic forces are re­ A*TL#OMSXHB OBOOSIS •Me 4o buy petroleum cards; which will id. Get It to-day but beware of ported to have exacuated Csernowlts. BEECHAM’S be granted only to those whose homes tgerma substitutes meant to de­ It adds that a large number of prison­ phones 94 and 96. Corner Fort and Broad Streets. ' Phones 94 and 96. are without gaa or electricity, or* who ceive you for genuine Catarrhocone. ers have been taken, including many satisfy the authorities that they need All dealers sell Catarrhosone, large Germans PULS light produced from petroleum ae a sise, two months* treatment, costs UiM Salssf MsiAiliBslH means of earning their HveMhooE, $1.00; small size, 60c,; sample size, 26c. Phoenix 'Beer—2 qts., for 16a isMwsysfcwa la 6»>>a. tfl VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1916 BITTER TRUTHS FOR | Angua Campbell tt Co., Ltd.—"Th* Fashion Ctntr*"—1008-10 Covernmeiit St. J ;-u WILLIS PIANOS, LTD " Successors to Harmony Hall Piano Co. GERMANS IN TRENCHES ______709 FORT STREET, NEAR DOUGLAS______- Small Newspaper Deals With Campbells’ January Sale Real Conditions in Germany; Every Day Winter Campaign Provides Many Economies Through­ London, Jan 6.—Evidence that the out the Entire Store German malcontents are not confining their efforts to protests in the relch- ■tag is forthcoming in the shape of a small four-page newspaper printed in during nineteen-sixteen will Gothic characters, headed with the / German eagle and the title Die Feld- f(h Womens Coats, post, which has fallen lntorthe hands-of be a happy one if there is a a member of the Royal Engineers near The contents of this production, evl- Suits and Dresses Vidtrola in your home. d« ntly intended to circulate among the German troops, are not calculated to n. There is still time to start the year to its cheer them up. Campaign Against Russia. Marked Down to Prices That music. Have any “His Master’s Voice” dealer A front page article Is headed : “The Corning Winter Campaign” (“Die Wilt Attract Many to This demonstrate the different style Vidtrolas.and Kommede WinterfeldxuK"). and it gives a lurid outline of the troubles Store Tô-day to play any music you would like to hear. which lie ahead of the German nrmlee in their winter warfare against "the Russians. “As a consequence of the skilful withdrawal of the Russians.” it says, "the German troops will hav* to fight, COATS AT 7.50 not only against the Russian generals, Worth Op to $16.60 but also against the pitiless field commander Winter The warfare that Many smart and practical styles to choose from, all perfectly was waged last winter in the flooded tailored from the beat of materials. district of the Yser, • gives only à faint picture of the battle which soon writ develop in the swamp* of Russia.” Hubmartne Campaign NAVY SERGE SUITS Another article deals In an equally Marked Very Special at $16.00 ______1 discouraging style with the Uerjnan submarine warfare, declaring that A special line of Women V'Manniali Tailored Serge Costumes. there is considerable disquietude in Germany because so many submarines Coats are satin lined. fail to return to harbor. Out they go at . $15.00 “Their opponents know why.” ob­ serves the writer, “and they also know Dresses $6.75, $7.50, $8.75 $10.50 Up that Germany possesser fewer sub­ marines to-day that she did at the be­ Vidtrola VI . $33.50 ginning of the war, in spite of the With 15 ten inch, double-sided Victor Records (30 selections, yevr own choice) $47.00 fact that in the meantime she has built a large number of them The Buy Furs To-Day ! Sold on easy terms, if desired ° British admiralty have found excellent EXTRA SPECIAL means of beating off the attacks of German submarines, but It prudently Women’s Silk All Furs Being Offered at Other Victrolas from $21 to $400 keeps the knowledge to Itself - The so-called ‘blockade’ of England has Vests become more futile than ever, tier- Reg to $3.90, for. I2.TS HALF-PRICE many may go on confidently wlth-dier Reg. to $2 75. for. $2.25 submarines sinking unarmed merchant ships and passenger steamships, but Re«. to 1216. for $1.75 Children’s Flannelette Nightgowns Reduced New Vidtor Records on Reg. to $1.54)., for. she does thereby more damage to her­ $1.25 Flannelette Gowns, to fit sixes 2, 4 and • years, good quality. Regular self than to her enemies - She suffers price $1.50. Sale price ...... 51.00 a moral and material loss combined.” Women’s All Another lot to fit else» *, 14. It and 18 years. Splendid quality. Regular the January Li^t Doctored News. Wool Combinations up to $1.26, for . . .TïTii...... OOc Under the heading. “The Censor in Germany," a third article gives speci­ Regular fS 25 Sole price. Corset Special at $2.75 There are many others you will also enjoy fic instances of the way in which the German authorities not only suppress St..... $1.75 Regular $4.00 Value unpalatable news, but deliberately Made from splendid quality White Jean, well boned. 4 good strong hose falsify articles in the press to give to Watson's All Wool Knit supporters, top fancy embroidery trimmed. In the regular course of Combination», high Hear Them To-day the public an erroneous impression of selling they are worth $4.04)------pair. Sale- - price *2.75 the state of affairs. nwk. long sleeves, Ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records—90 cents for the two selections Headed "Die Lebensmtttelnot ln/olge ankle length; aises <8 House Dresses All Reduced for January Sale Tenerung und W ucher (usury) in and 40. Only a limited Regular to $1.25, for...... $1.00 Regular to $2.25. for...... $1.75 Mv Bird of Paradise Helen Louise Frank Ferer* Deutschland.” another article discusses quantity. 17891 Regular to $1.50. for...... $1.25 Regular to $2.60. for...... $2.00 Kawelhau Walts Helen Louise Frank Ferera the alarming Increase In the cost of Per suit $1.75 Regular to $1 75, for...... $1.50 Regular to $3.00. for...... $2.50 A' litttle Btt -bf HVevett tVfôlW-T'eîlo-Plano) M. Kre TTO ” 4Mag 4* Qsrmaiur,-giving extracts from 17199 German newspapers showing how two Where the River Shannon Flow» McKee Trio" divergent explanations are offered by opposing Journalistic schools of thought Twelve-inch, double-sided Victor Records—$1.60 for the two selections for this serious state of affairs. CHILDREN'S JANUARY SALE <9«e section of the press, tt is shown, Angel's Dream -Walts Conway’s Band declares that the coat of food Is due COATS ALL or WHITE VOILE Nightingale Walts Conway's Band t>> actual shortage, against which any REDUCED ------—------measures taken by the government are WAISTS AT $1.00 Poet* and Peasant Overture— Part I victor concert orchestra Ineffectual, while other organs declare 1004-10 Govepnufnt Stmet-Pmo* 161 Poet and Peasant Overture—Part 11 Victor Concert Ofrhestra there is food enough for the empire, but that the dearness Is artificially pro­ Two Beautiful Red Seal Records duced through the usurious profits ex • b <1 by the merchants, against whom Spanish Dance (Violin) Mlsvha Elman 74lS$ the government neglects to take drastic with the prediction: "An. extreme i»v*>a Nocturne ( with 'Cello and Hatp)0 George Hamlin .4457 shortage in the nourishment of the cheaper In Belgium. G'tman people Is only a question of From the Kolner Tageblalt 1» quot time; it Is as certain and uneacapabte OUR AIM Write for free copy of our 460-page Musical Encyclopedia listing over «•I an Instructive letter from a German as the financial distress." In dealing with our customers is, and always has been, to satisfy. 6,1100 Victor Records including all standard and popular Selections on soldier In Belgium, who complains blt- t-rly: "It le sad. very sad. when we WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records at $0 cents for two selections. see how the Belgians. In spite of our department we give the same strict und careful attention to e-ery piece possession of their land, live much more SAYS DANfiER FACES of work entrusted to ua. whether large or small. heaply than our dear wives and chll dren at home, and many a father of a We Are Net Satisfied Unless Yeu Are BERLINER GRAM O PHONE CO., LIMITED family thinks anxiously of his dear THE UNITER STATES WE BUY "The excessive prices,”' asserts this retailer of disagreeable truths, the LITTLE y TAYLOR Fvldpoet. “actually restrain the con­ Watchmakers, Jewelers, Opticians. 617 Feet Street iW Lenoir Street, Montreal sumers from buying as much as they Germany Forbids Republic to need In order to live properly, and con­ Be to Itself, -De­ DEALERS IN imY TOWN AND CITY sequently foodstuffs. In spite of their ___ - - ONE PRICE IRON COAST TO COAST _ • scarcity, are spoiling in the hands of clares Reinach BtCKERDIKE WOULD VICTOR RECORDS-MADE IN CANADA the greedy merchants This spoiling has ______£52* JÊÜ HIS ’ *M*'"‘Hfm>helbha that, as ABOLISH HANGING lewstree's and Willard’s TRADE MARK M Vorwaerts openly declares, ‘there has Cheeelalts Jest Arrfvid now developed a trade In spoiled food- Paris. Jan. 6.—In an editorial article Ottawa. Jan. L-r-Robert BU kerdlkç...... -...... r: “ . ' ■ in the Figaro. Joseph Reinach, the of­ Liberal member for (he" 8t. Lawrence Also a fine assortment of Can- Vannot Escape Starvation, ficial historian of the war, write»: dlvistoln of Montreal, ha* secured the $4Ui and French Perfumes... first place on Xte order paper - for bills, See Our Windews for Holiday The same Journal is quoted. In com­ • The gigantic game of Germany is with hie bill to abolish capital punish­ Suggestions. menting on an advertisement of 500 already as good a» lost in K«rqg, but ment In Canada Mr, Blc kerdlke lias in­ FOR SALE BY cwt of meat for sale as cattle food, as ■he will attempt to replay it In the troduced this bill at every recent * anion, m-iking the blttér statement: "While United Ktsrtee before the end of the but the majority of the memb rs of the at present huge quantities of meat are century lf~Washington is not careful- bouse oh both sides have always been of the opinion that the time Is not ypt rip- everywhere spoiling, which often hard­ The negro question which issued from "cwrp4L OQulTsroéiê ly can be disposed of as cattle food, the Civil war is as nothing compared for such a reform In Canada, and the bill has been killed. tom mrwM JtT ^ Gideon Hicks Piano Go rhe people are no longer In a position, with the German peril which will arise Phone 301 aw ing to the high prices, to be able in shortly. A number of questions which members ny cases to eat sufficient quantities proposa to ask have been received already "Germany knows that the day wlien by the officials of the house. J. II, gin- 809 GOVERNMENT STREET of meat themselves.” the United States reaches the end of clair. Liberal member for Guysboro, N". „ OPPOSITE POST OFFICE The Feldpoet writer closes an article Its patience and declares war she will 8 . will ask If It Is the intention of the M'NEELY AND GRANT ONLY have no other course but to admit de­ government to name a minister of muni­ feat. In that Hay world liberty would tions A number of questions will be AMERICANS ON PERSIA be acclaimed victor. asked In regard to machine gun contri­ "Surely there la no other t'ountry In butions. while public works and the dredging at Port Nelson also will be pro­ Washington, Jan. 5—-The state de­ the world which would have submitted ductive of a number of questions. partment to-day received the following as has the United States to the pro­ report from the Amor1 consul at longed German outrages. At least the say. of officers of ffie"CTiltedv States QUO Marseilles: GERMANS NOT LIKELY TO navy.** ATTEMPTED SUICIDE phase *clvls Americanus' ought to be HIGHER INSURANCE RATE ‘‘Marseilles agents of the P. O. line ACCEPT GREY’S OFFER The foreign office has presented to IN ST. PETER’S, ROME In the Kitchen equal In value to the historic utterance, state that only twp Americans wer* the house of commons the full corre­ 'elvle Romanua sum.* yet more than MEDITERRANEAN ROUTE aboard the liner Persia. These -wen spondence between Ambassador Page OXO CUBES ere • roost eScieet one hundred Americana have, slept in American Consul McNeely, who Is Rome, Jan-. 6,—£be basilica in St. Ixmdon. Jan. S.-^An official Maternent and Sir Edward Grey regarding the •id to lh. ooefc. Th.y ere band, the depths of the Irish Channel for New York. Jan $.—-The activity of missing, and Charles G (-ant. of Boston, Issued last evening -said: case. Peter's was closed to-day lie cause end uniform la hi*, flavour end the past eight months. Austro-Qerman submarines in the Me­ who was saved." ' Sir Bdward Orey.jsecretary of for­ Antonio Glovannolo attempted to com­ food-valg, to that th< right quantity ."Have they been avenged* diterranean sea caused an advance in "Will the secretary of elate be con­ eign t-ffalra, ha» anakered the com­ QUIET ON WEST FRONT mit suicide In the , sacred edifice. le ata aaa be judged to a eieety. war risk Insurance by local companies A man walked into a grocer’s shop It la eurprlriafl how galehly a aook tent with the last Austrian note, whk-h. to-day on cargoes for Mediterranean and handed to the assistant a paper plaint by the Qermatis through the Glovannolo shot himself with a among ridiculous platitudes, mixes an Paris, Jan. 6.—The following state­ aaa prepare bar .«up. and eevouriee ports and shipments for the Far East containing some white powder. “I Amfrican embassy regarding the de­ vdiver. The wound was slight,- but infamous accusation of Italian sail- say,” he said, "what do you think,,|hat ment was issued by the war office with OXO CUBES. The OXO through the Sues canal. A rate of ten struction off the coast of Ireland of a as blood had been split the basilica ora? Is?*-” Just taste it and tell me your last night: CUBE way of cooking la aa great per cent. Is quoted on cargoes In ships German submarine and ere* by the was closed In accordance with the “I learn that already the western of belligerent countries, as compared opinion.” The grocer smelled it then “No important events occurred •a adraaaa oa old-f..hioa.d method* states demand action while the east British auxiliary vessel Bara tong by rules of the church and will not be re­ ea the eleetrie cooker ieoethe ooal-Sre. with three-eighths of one per cent, be­ touched it with his tongue. "Well, 1 during the night. Last evening our opened until It has been reconsecrated, demurs. Therein appears the United referring to various German outrages fore the sinking of the A one and the should say that was soda.” "That’s artillery destroyed in the outskirts of which ^probably will be to-morrow. States’ peril, and I know of none more just what I said,” was the triumphant Sir Edward Grey offers to submit such Yasaka Maru. Andrechy and In the region of Royes, redoubtable. Germany, which is sad­ reply. "But my wife said it was rat a house which had served as .shelters „ incidents. Including the Bara tong case, lî. B. “Imperial" Lager Beer, pint* dling itself on the United States, for­ The wisdom of the contented man Is to poison. You might try It again to to an Impartial tribunal, composed. for machine guns.” •1.06 per dozen. • CUBES bids her to-day to be true to herself." let God choose fur iiiin —Jertuujr Taylor. make sure.” NS VICTORIA T)AlIjYTTSTER, VV KTO'KKDAŸ.TA^rATrr3. TWW

downfall. Their armies will be for­ the male population since the last tunate, Indeed, if they hold any con­ census, certainly would not bç greater siderable part of their present lines as tluin 45,000. Our total enlistment, how­ tDAVID SPENCER, LTD the result of the present clash, yet ever, 1» expected to be 67,000, and obvi­ BURN J W Is but a foretaste of what they will ously as 1t, or nothing like it, cannot have to meet In the spring when be raised even by. forcibly enrolling Russia for the first time will have In every .physically fit man of military the field forces which will be complete­ age in the province, it is clear‘that if Kirks ly equipped. Four million fresh men, our authorities are In .. earnest with an abundance of equipment of appeals will have to. bp made to iro- 120 W omen s Stylish all sort# from the factoriesof highly mfilum. XtiUlhs... old men and the phy­ Jingle Pot Industrialized Japan, United States sically unfit, who If they reached the and Great Britain, besides her own battiefrunt would quickly succumb to Wellington Coal establishment*, will be a menace that the hardships of a heavy the weak* ninu armies of Germany and Lump, per tag...... $7.00 Austria well may anticipate : with We are confident that British Colum­ . Delivered. heavy hearts. There will be no more bia's creditable percentage, which, Winter Coats premature celebrations of Russia’s reckoned on, the basis of our available Nut, per ton...... $6.00 "military collapse" In Berlin and THE DAILY TIMES recruitable population. Is the highest Delivered. flatly (except Sunday) try of any province In Canada, will go still hlgiqr. But It should be remembered The times printing a pub- THAT PILE TRESTLE. On Sale at $ 10.00 and $ 15.00 LI8HINQ COMPANY, LIMITED that there is a fixed limit to the re­ Woes.....Corner Broad and Fort Street» cruiting possibilities of this province Business Office ...... Phone 1(M Oq April S. 1914, the city council by KIRK & GO. beyond which It would be dangerous Btfltortal Office ...... Phone # rpsojutlon decided to oppose the appli­ LIMITED to go. In Great Britain, notwithstand­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES* cation of the Canadian Northern Ph- One hundred and twenty of this season’s most popular and stylish winter ing the determination to place a gigan­ 1212 Broad St. Phene 139 City delivery , • month clflc Company to build temporary Coats for women are grouped into these two prices for a quick clearance. •y mill (eiclu.lv. at city). Sn.d» , . . . s,.|Hrk Water tic army In the field, every care Is Ul Ori.t Britain ...... N per annum ’1,18 !" IKIrK tt urer taken to keep the wheels of Industry Every (’oat is a better grade and qualities that were formerly marked for sale wU, B. A...... |4 per annum i sage was sent tq Hr. Barnard going. The railroads, the minés, the COPY FOR ADVERTISEMENTS j the member. and"*1 Mr. ltltchle, at milch higher prices, in fact the values ranged from $15.00 to $35.00, so no banks, the great factories, must bejtept All copy for display advertisements* the City’s legal representative at A Turkey Dinner To-night Biuat be st Times Office before < p. m. of In operation at all hazards, for econ* matter which (’oat you choose from either-assortment, you are sure of a right the day previous to the dsv of insertion. Ottawa, requesting them to Insist omic chan*. an. ante to put a tmtirtrei! thou wand • —First Floor Ascribed to him by the cabled reports that bridge as part of the. system in Anchovy op T«as«. men In the field, but we cannot Cream of Chicken Mulligatawny. wjiose behalf our credit has been -he-Je-A A±ry. akk_mSJL The first Ifi do— so -any more than we can __Consomme Printaniers Hu vale. Boys’ 75c Colton count gu\> I.. i^..- àlllwnt .1 technical pledged In the principal sum of m^re Filet of 8ol<- Itonnu Femme. recruit, a total of 67,000 m<*n Potatoes Mignonette. than 140,000,000. with annual Interest January Bargains Extraordinary German teem which. pnvbahtir. fit tor active service. striv-. », Veal Chops UrtAded-Florentine. charges ofi more than $2.000.hoo. The Outing Shirts Ing after the unattainable Invariably Cromeskies of, Chicken-Green Peas explains the * cable and telegraph Beignet* itoufle -Vsnttla Bout». InoJ£?Jied MiUinery $2.50 people <*f Victoria were led- to believe results in the impairment of the effi­ wire troublés of the tas^ few SiWd Beatrice. for 50c that a great transcontinental"railway ciency of what we do attain. Twenty- Prime Itiba of Beef au Jim —BerënIT Floor weeks. Next It was claimed system was going to establish island Young Turkey—Cranberry Bam'** seven thousand well-trained, physically Here’s a fine chance for boys to get Baked Potatoes. Rissole Potatoes^» that he - had connections according to first-class new Outing Shirts at small cost. an affliction, the fit men can do Infinitely more on the Green Pea* In Cream. ___ standard. That Is what the contract These Shirts arc strongly made professional definition of which, T>*ep Apple Tart Pumpkin Pie. fighting front than twice the number Warm Flannelette Nightgowns at Reduced Prices and finish'd with soft collar and endorsed by them provides. Our morn English Plum Pudding Hard and was said - to bfe suffering from a form made up largely of boys, old m>n and French cuffs. The colors are lug contemporary, which was the Brandy Bailee. And that just when women need them most. Them* gowns of influenza which affected the joints, others unfit for heavy exertion. Water Ice—Curacea. are well made from a nice warm quality flannelette, and will -cream, b!u«\ white and fancy most prolific of assurances, pledges, stripes. Sizes 13, 13Ej and 14. next It Was rheumatism, and finally We are now In a position to give good satisfaction in wear. There are three grades tc becoming more definite, the , reports undertakings, now seems to think In hts vehement pretests ngainst th* # —Main Floor. that the public ought to be cater to large or small private choose from. fixed upon the throat trouble from attacks made uj*on him in Britain ; parties. Our prices are moderate Flannelette Nightgown* of good quality, finished Kith (ip k.a yoke, which everybody knows he has suffered satisfied with any ■ kind of and the King of Gres»1» car*»- j and Dominion service prevails. lung slecves, open front and hue trimmed, u hit*' and pink. January branch works so long as It can an­ fully refrains from touching upon tltelr for years. A Parisian report says 'his You are invited to see us be­ Pal*.* price each ...... tISc Men's condition is so grave that an operation nounce their "completion." It really cause He Is despised by loyal people ! fore arranging elsewhere. Flannelette Nightgowns of heayy quality là wl.it*- and in pink, made for the removal of his larynx will be opght to guarantee on behalf of the everywhere because he. abandoned Set - ; in »llp-**v>r style, also *>pen tront, thre«—quarter and fuM hrngth Work Shirts railroad that Inasmuch as the company bla with whom his country, was bound : necessary. This w-ould deprive him of sleeves an*H«ee trimmed. ATI sizes and *Mn«(V S. entra full In has been permitted to depart, from the to make Common c*auHe In the event | ------, . ’~------" the power of. speech.. It would also put skirt January Sale prices each ...... !...... terms of Its contract, the taxpayers of of a hostile attack by Bulgaria. Not ! the United States will be asked to lead 50c and 75c an end to those blasphemous déclama Flannelette Nightgown nf heavy quality, made In slip-over style and Victoria also should not be held to the only did he disregard a treaty of which Jn t|,e prosecution and punishment of A Hrojig shirt for working men. cut lion» with which he Justified the devil­ with open fronts, finished withxyoke effects and embroidery the government of hts mvn kingdom j the arrh-offenders. However, such be- large in body and you choose terms of agreement relative to their trimmed. January Salt- price ...... SI.45 ish actions that have stained his soul iron, dark stripes and plain colors. proportion of the guarantees If the waa the principal author, but he, ing the case, apd President Wilson be- with the blood of millions. Death will —First Floor —Main Floor. trumpled upon the Greek constitution mg In office, we do not apprehend any treat Wilhelm of Germany many times company Is unable to pay. Either this to do it. When Bulgaria attacked Serbia, j haste in the matter. The case might beyond his deserts If it Intervenes be­ year or next year the province will be asked to meet the Interest on the guar­ Greece had between two hundred a«>d , properly be opened by a sharp note tween him and the punishment he Clearing Balance of Winter Cloakings anteed bonds in the shape of a loan in three hundred thousand men under from Becretary Lansing charging Bri- should receive on this earth for his ftrms. Had Ahe menaced Bulgaria tain with being responsible for I lie Values $2.25 to $3.50 FT A monstrous onslaught upon humanity pursuance of the agreement^ Victoria Selling at, yard ^...... tPXedU rhe solemnly bound herself to do. the loss of the life of the V. 8. consul w ho and civilization. will have to contribute a sub­ stantial share of that amount. Serbs would have been able to con­ went down with the. Persia. There is All our heavy XX inter Cloakings to go at a sacrifiée, which means it rare opportunity for t)te centrate practically all their forces no accounting for the Idiosyncrasies RUSSIA’S RECUPERATION. How would It do to ask for the remis­ against the Teutons, whom they could lady who wishes to have her new coat made up in her own particular fit y le or a coat made- sion of that obligation pending the per­ of present-day American diplomacy. have held, for the Austro-German lor tlic girls, to buy the materials at a great saving. The assortment of materials include formance by the com pu y of Its part of Last summer we were all on th*r tip- Balkan army never was large at any I Th^. Kaiser, we are told, is In danger u • “ntret t? heavy basket weave in greys, browns, rose, purple and burnt orange, rolled astradian in gi.ua.Teu- «*-».. « wweet tiw IMmk- JmMe. “rtlcijtotion. brhww’artft-mr; 1^ajtTwewit ’Hfeets, also heavy s* rgrs itrllffiwn and tan. At! double tonlc pincers would clench Uie~ITnv of that crippled Serbia, but the more for­ But even at that the AII-Highest still the Russian retreat from the Vistula. RECRUITING POSSIBILITIES. midable Bulgarian advance on the flank will be equal to inditing loving width; to 60 ins. Materials that will make up into handsome winter or early spring The Slave were attacked on the front and rear. It Is Id b» for Constantine to i epistles to his Illustrious allies, the Im­ coats. Values formerly priced at £2.25 to $3.50. Now clearing at, yard...... $1.50 before Warsaw and on both flanks, The contribution of British Columbia whihe about his neutrality at this perial and royal head of the house of —Main Floor the- enemy forces threatening three iind the Yukon, known as Military Dis­ Juncture He tns been notorlousty pro- I Hapshu: lt*HH Billfsa and trict .11, to the additional forces to Ferdinand the Fox. •fde>* of the squared formation of the German for a long time, and never 50 Sêamless Tapestry retiring armies "With remarkable raise Canada's military sfHMSgtb to tHrtf t---g- . J---- - ’ .-»4» «j» -4»- took any particular pains to conceal Let us have’ n larger army by nil Rugs at January Sale Special Purchase of Traveler’s Sample ekilk however, Ivanoff and Alexleff million has been fixed at' two dlvls- his sympathies^ Two years ago the j means but first and foremost let us Neckwear held the sides Intact while they with­ h ns. or M,W0 no n. This district, ac­ Prices French gqveminent had to make his j make the anuy we. hev» efllcient. A U> drew their front, contesting every ml|e cording to returns issued at Ottawa Vahmtt 56e. Germanophile proclivities the subject of well-equlppeil. well-trained force of Good .Serviceable Quality Rugs, of ground and Inflicting enormous yesterday, already has enlisted 21.70$ On sab* nt ...... serious representation* to Athens. $00,000 men is more than a match for woven without eum and a quality ' 15c losses cn the advancing Teutons. Ber­ nun. Thus, If British Columbia and + -4- -e that will give iierfret satisfaction in A « -impute sample range of ladies* new neckwear—revealing all four or five hundred thousand hastily the very latest styles and novelties, also materials and colors. lin and Vienna had celebrations every th" Yrrkon succeeded in raising two Nbw we know why Roosevelt refused wear. They come in two sizes—the thrown together and not one-third Include d Is a Very nice assortment of Firing ties, new slide ties, day and the entente capitals Were cor­ n**w divisions they would have to lead a Canadian army against the most useful for Victoria homes. four-in-hand, w id*- ends and many other styles. The mate rials eqvJfiptd or SjaIjhkL- ...... Mix* SxttWl, . -4F*g, 417.W grade respondingly "depressed. "Notwithstand­ cruftéd more than 57,000 men. This -ftnnw He 1» grooming* himself for the - T elt would sell in the regular way to 60c. Special earn...... 15.? for ...... $15.75 Russians had the situation well in cations are he will get it. Even Col. somewhat hasty. He said recently -Main Eloor. Indians, and our own non-recrult- —Second Floor hand. Masters of defensive warfare, abie foreign inhabitant a. It would Watterson. à lifelong and militant "I do not ’believe the people of America they escaped every snare and finally be nineteen per cent. If we Democrat, $anm>t endorse the foreign can sit Idly by and see liberty crushed Bargains in Boys’ Suits SMI bac k upon lines which could not i»e exclude them from the reckoning. No policy of Wilson. to earth, law and order overthrown A Clearance of Fancy Laces + -t- * Strong Hard wearing Suits made fcreed. The Teutonic losses in that count**)- in Europe haa reached that and civilization abolished." y Beautiful quality laces. Including Guipure, Bat ten burg and An American professor now rises especially for school boys. Ser­ drive, Including those resulting since Oriental—mosfly Insertion»—2 to 10 Inches wide, The»» are very re tin. nor can it reach It without en­ Turning with pity and horror from viceable tweeds and worsteds the from the difficulties and hard­ and announces that both Gréât Britain choice grades and pretty designs. [ listing women, very old men. the phy- chief materia]». Regular grades and Germany have violated every law the spectacle of twSUy-tvo little Valut* to 31.00, Clearing at yard ...... 25<* ships of fighting in a most Jtically laee pat Hated andecho >| chil­ to $7.50, clearing at ...... $5.75 which stood, in their way. He propones children murdered on the Persia, civ Values to 11.5*0, ’clearing at yard ...... 75«* unfavorable region. are ,. estimated ___ Better qualities clearing at $7.50 dren The authorities there claim that Values-tw $*.25 to 4».50. desrtng at yard...... ~rr 75^ am»^ $4,00 at two millions. T^iat enor- that both be punished and that the llisutlon will contemplate unmoved the —Main Floor the maximum number of men a highly penalties be 1 *i ft feted by neutrals. As suffering of t he Msck-sonled author of A Special Purchase of Fancy Laces Being $1.00 Values for 50c ibob» drtrir depleted their supply *tmffitsfi5ed country '«siruse fTBM first the chief of the neutrals, we presume It all at Berlin. ATI krnds of pretiy designs in ' white, cream, 'black "and cotoirik effective rwervik. Nwettiieless nil Savings on Women's Hose to last hr a war is equivalent to ten For samples see Broad. Street windows. sorts of prepuzteruils lLuius were made The Hosiery market continues tp per rent, of the total population. None —If.lt by the war-mud •* junb, and It was raise prices, and there's every , of the .beHiKcrent countries, with the ~1 U'fi W 'rfffll tbHnef uuvances. You *al«d that r.iif.»!.. >: ..I 3 Dozen White Woolen Sweaters for Girls- Tmwmfr xrepTlorreof Serbia In whose will therefore be ver>* wise in buy­ so badly eGj^pl^t! that to» more offen- HEADQUARTERS EDISON MAZDA LAMPS ranks many women, children ami -tbs ing your new stock—at present On Sale at $1.25 and $1.50 —g|ve wpera-ttons hv ber w ,utd he |k»s- Çrtoes—-«'ven fur next Fall wear. aged and unfit have been fighting, has BUT WORTH 92.SO sible until late next Mtm.no r and per­ Black Cashmere Hoea—«pedal per exceeded that percentage so far. More­ A very serviceable* Woolen Sweater Hi V-neck, <*oat shape, white haps for the remainder of the war. in- pair 15c, I pairs for, ..... $1.00 over. although the bulk of our popula­ Silk Hose In black, tan and white, only and sizes to fit girls 6 to 10 year#. A quality Well worth $2.60. rldentaMjr, the whimpering North - tion is concentrated on tin» coast, thou- special at pair 36c.. 3 pairs Special price while they last, each $1.50 and $1.25. ■dtffe preM agreed that Kgazt^ y indir- are distributed among the for ...... $1.00 Girls’ Woolen Sweaters In coot shape with military or roll collar, not be a serious factor for a verj long Silk Hose In black, tan, pink, nUe, fine knitjand all sizes from 1 to 12 year*. All colors to choose spfirsely s- itlcd districts many miles THAT time. * *‘ cardinal, sky. gold and white. from —priced according to sizes and qualities .77.$1.65 to $5.00 fr«*m thf ««entres of enHstuv-nt and * - ZM Hwh «f pwinw »■»« tiw ver o*i»i «pedal at pair ...... 50<* Separate Wooten Cepe to match, each ...... 75$» sources of information, a rendition —Main Flo, , - I buncombe. Lack of foresight 1» not a which makes the total of 21,#tOO already Russia failing, and ns everybody gained highly creditable might have- expected large ' fresh CHILLY Strong Boots for Boys at Russian armies were being formed even See Our Special Sale Offerings in Ladies’ Silk Rare Savings According to the last census the total While the active forces bud be^tm to SO.SO VALUES FOR *2.75 relire from the Tkmajre afttl C«» jo*tb- number ot males over twenty-one yotm Waists Marked $1.90, $2.90, $3.90 and $4.90 Boys Box Calf Blucher Boots, leather lined, also Boy Scout Box Ians. The tremendous offensive now °f eg*1 in British Golumbla ROOM They are January Sale values well worth investigating. Calf Blucher Boots. Regularly alone was 49.839. The ’ total |n being conducted by Ivanoff from tjte - —First Floor sold at pair $3.60. All sizes 1 to Ptftttglf to HukoWln.t shows how woe­ this province an,d • the Yukon now selling at pair ....$2.75 fully both Germans* and our pee- was ab >ut 65.fl*k> 4 * The nnmt>er of $2.50 BOOTS FOR $1.95. mules over eighteen, of course, would ytmlsts underestimated thé enor­ Can be made comfortable and home-like with an Bleétrie Heater. Youth*’ Box Calf Blucher Boots, bt» larger, but, on the other hand, we mous vitality and recuperative Electric heat Is fumetéss. and as pure and clean ms sunshine—giving out Woolen Sweaters for Men, $1.25 all solid leather and good wearing. must exclude from our reckoning men Mises 11 to 1314. power of the Czar’s empire. So for­ a pleasing warmth - and is a real comfort - brlngcr. A popular Sweater at a popular price, and quick selling will $2.00 BOOTS FOR $1.65. midable are those Russian armies re­ of more than fortv-eight years of age.* If you have not considered electric heat call and let us shew you Its "Little Gent’’ Box Calf Blucher garded by the Teutonic higher com­ We also must -exclude the males .be­ result. These Sweaters are well knit from woolen yarns advantages. Hoots—the hoots with the man­ ..... mand that von Mmkeneen and the tween el Alice n and forty eight of the and in V-neek style. The combination shades are grey

nish lasts and a rare favorite with ...... German and Austrian forres In south­ total foreign and Indian population of with navy, slate with navy and khaki with fawp. Medium lads. They are strongly recom­ ern Serbia and Bulgaria have been DM60. We must further exclude the sizes only. Special January Sale price...... $1.25 mended for wear, too. Regular $3.60 grade, now at pair. .$1.66 hurriedly withdrawn and sent to physically and mentally unfit. These —Main Floor —Mai*. Floor. éliminationf woirid reduee the aggregate & Oallcln. Berlin and Vienna Just DOW Hawkins Hayward .. ore having plenty of thrills but of an of available male effectives of military ELECTRICIAHl altogether different kind from those age at the outbreak of war to a figure 1607 Doubla* St. Téléphona%4S Opposite tity Hall which followed the grandiloquent an­ which probably would not exceed 46.000 DAVID SPENCER, LTD. nouncement S of Russia*» military and which, allowing for the increase of VICTORIA DAILY TIME*, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 5,1916

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TO-DAY SHOOTS HIMSELF IN Victoria Times, Jan. 6, 1891. A Small Cash Mr. Herbert Joaves for New Westminster this evening to Mag ihf PRESENCE OF FAMILY The Whisky of Great Age baritone solos In the “Messiah." >-• -, v""‘ v To-morrow the sixth of January', i* the twenty-eighth anniversary Payment Mild and Mellow the commencement of the terrible winter experienced by the residents the province In 1862. There was good sleighing for six weeks, during whi< h Down and Only HUDSON’S BAY G.O.L. time It was freezing hard, and fodder having run out, almost every bead of Frails J, McGrath, Sailor and Ontmt-OM tfffiiwr HvwtBck in. the «kty and • province, peiiahed. pp,-, li ,,-,- , , "Mining Man, Suicides in It is understood that one of the measures to be Introduced into the legist, $1.00 a Week lature at the coming session will be one similar to the pharmacy law exist His Home ___ : SCOTCH WHISKY Ing elsewhere, and governing the drug trade. It» effect will be the com e2.oo •uilsory pass In fr rtf^thi1 required examination In chemistry before qualification These, Are the Remarkably Easy Terms by Which to make up a prescription. Have you tried H. B. Imperial Invalid XXXX Stout ?— A somewhat sensational suicide took You Can Secure a It's good. Per, dozen Quarts ...... $2.00 place last ex'enipg at 2058 Oak Bay Per dozen pints is...... $1.00 Not the Same.—The Times i* re­ ayenue. when Francis Joseph McGrath, THE JURY quested to state that the Pte. Dyson, an able seaman of the crew of H. M. S. Qualitx Guaranteed l»y who was involved in the diatiirtuinçe Shearwater, took 'his bwp life-by put­ last night at the police station, is not ExVr.v reader of this newspaper ting a bullet througli hi* brain.1 The Columbia Grafonola the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ü. A. Dyson, $20 is a member of a daily jury. Each of this city. ait was committed In the kitchen of day the claim* of rival mnnufac- This if> an opportunity that no one who appreciates good THE HUDSON'S BAY CO. rérs and merchants are set forth A A A the home practically in the prescrive music can afford to overlook. Consider what it meahs—a Family Wine and Spirit ’Merchant». Incorporated 1670 &in the ad\ ertlsing. rV Coucher Case. — The preliminary of the xx ife and fixe-year-old daughter And the great Jury of readers hearing of Ernest H., Uoucher. on of the man. small first payment places the instrument in your home, you Open Till 10 p-m- Telephone 4253 charge of manslaughter in connection liasses on these and gives ils Ver­ Mr*. McGrath is unable to give any and your family enjoy, it, use it, own it to all intents and pur­ 1312 Douglas Street. We deliver. with the death of Mrs. Wood, .will to dict by purchasing or leaving alone. reason for the action of her husband, morrow be formally remanded for i poses, and you pay the balance at only $1.00 a Week. In a very as she knew of nothing that " should By that verdict the callous ad­ day longer, and on Friday he will put short time—-almost before yon realize the fact—you have paid vertisers must stand or fall. lead him fo endow* life. ‘Chief Syme. in hie defence. <•1 the Oak Bay police forcé "hay b eg for it in,.full, and you have for all time an instrument which There is no appeal. A A ' A conducting inquiries to-day, but these will supply the heat that the mimic world has to offer. The advertising only succeeds as To Consider Complaint.—The li­ also fall to throw any light on motive*. it is made helpful and Appealing to cense commissioners -are meeting to­ The story which Mrs McGrath tells Take Five Minutée and Visit Our Showroom. Hear the your needs. morrow afternoon to deal with the is a very clear one. Her husband hud complaints made against the Cornus come home about ha If-past six o’clock, Columbia for Yourself. Do it To-day BRIEF NEWS OF hotel by the license inspector, in which nçd. entered the room where *he and a young girl is involved, and to issue the little girl wejx^ preparing to go Bedding Needs Phoenix Beer—2 qts. for 28ff out, first K> a moving picture theatre THE CITY A tt A the formal orders for tg£> renewal of ____ Élan kete—Cemfertere licenses for the ensuing half year. and later to some time with Give to aid the Union Jack; friends. Tliey asked him to go with AAA Good, warm Bed Clothes are There are those who'U not them, but lie refused the Invitation. Wm. Stewart, Men'e and Lad lea' Voluntary Aid Detachment. —*■ The FLETCHER BROS. an absolute necessity these chil­ back. Maying lie would stay In for a while. Tailor shop, Campbell building, corner ly nights. Patriotic Aid Society. 1216 Broad 8L usual drill of the voluntary aid detach When Jie went out of the room and Into Port and Douglas streets • Western Canada's Largest Music House AAA ment will t>e held to-morrow afternoon the kitchen he took with him his re­ ■* Below are a few splendid ☆ tt a at live O'clock at the Alexandra club. Shew Cards, W. Blake, phone 3566. volver. a heavy old^fasHiônéd Hmttti A 1121 Government Street, and 607 View Street values. Sec them in eer win— The C. C. Funeral Coc-Always open. It Is desired that there should be 1424 Government St. n esson with a nine-inch barrel and of ^ In the New Spencer Building Private parlors and large chapel. Rea- AAA large attendance of the members of the .38 calibre. . ___ ... White Wool Blankets, sir<- ^ or convention, to he held at Van­ Helen Badgley'e Classes in Sociking realize what had occurred. Then she Have you noticed Standard Steam couver. January 17,-26. arid the election Laundry branch office In Dominion for cht.tfr.tn. young peopl*. ladies, ran to her husband, who Imd fallen of officer*' for the ensuing term. All Walter S. Fraser & Go., Limited Hotel block. • business-- women, leathers, advanced forward, with the Mood streaming delegates are requested to attend. * tt tt students, iuén d raffia tic art meet from the two wounds in the skull. She Telephone 3 P. 0. Drawer 788. Wharf St., Victoria Silver Spring Beer, 2 qts. for 26c. • Monday iifternoqmt and u*. ening*. AAA ran out screaming and neighbors who A A ’i, A phone 6022L. / 1 # Course of Sermons.—Rev. V. II. War- heard her went in to the assistance of For That The Umbrella Shop. 610 Pandora St • nicker will iiegm next Sunday evening McGrath. AAA A * A A J H. B. "Impérial" Lager Beer, pints, in the First Baptist church. Dominion H. f. Pullen, who live* next door. NEW PATRIOTIC SONG ■n > . 1 Weather Strip. 5c. Per Foot. R. A. 1 foi 26c. * theatre, a course of sermon* in which Arthur .1. Bird, of 2085 Chaucer street, Brown A t*o., 1302 lAmgla* Ht. • AAA four great question* will be answered. immediately to the back of the Mc­ Pirty= AAA Public Meeting. — The Cl vît Re­ They are: “How to Live on Twenty- Grath home, and Sergeant Kilsby. of Words Writtei by Lieut. Guy, of Es­ University School i M. B. “Imperial" Lager Beer, pints, trenchment .aaaociation have invited four Hours a p*y;“ “Is the War Pro­ the 88th Fusiliers, who was visiting quimau Navy Yard. Being You want your cuegts1 to really i 3 for 266, • the members of the ln»ard of school moting or I»estroying ReligionT’ *The Mr. Bird at the time, responded to the Sung at Pantages. enjoy theroaelvtf. AAA trustee* to be present at a meeting of -Modéra Dance Should Dancing -Be cries for assistance ami TrafFIed to the for Boys I You Can Study Economy and still the above association to be held this Encouraged in Our Schools?*' *A ’ live in comfort at the Prince George house. It was quite evident that Mc­ The following patriotic song, written Recent aneceasej at Mentit ünt- evening. January 6, at 3 o'clock Trumpet Blast or a- l»ve Song. Grath was dead, the bullet having reratty Second place In Canada j hotel. This fine hostelry right In the by Lieutenant Guy, of the Esqulmalt nomads sharp In the board room. 419 Belmont Which?" passed clean through the brain from •hi »ll at the Royal Military Col­ ; heart of the dty (opposite city ball • building, -eiqwettw -thW' pn*t fit e. The A A A n*vy yard, i* bring sung at Pantages lege. Kingston Canadian Nary. ! offer* to a limited pumtier of desirable aide to side. It had then lodged in the B. C. Bur re yore" Preliminary. school board are invited to five an ac- this week: j guests the very best accoimnodatlofi Veterans' Club Meets.—The Veter­ wall near the doorway within two or Cadet Corps and Shooting. Sépar­ çount for their stewardship for the ât» and special arrangements for Chocolates ;al the lowest cost. No/ar fare* to ans' Club of British Columbia, will three feet of where Mr*. McGrath and Thy clarion call .sweeps oVr the seas. year 1915, and also to express their hold their weekly meeting in con­ the little girl had been at the moment. Motherland, my Mothtt#*»ml. Junior Buys. ; pay. steam heat, hot and cold running views regarding further economy In in plenty w ill add imi tensely V» j water, phone, etc.. In >\ erv room. Kle- junction with the Victoria Legion of Dr. Kenning was summoned by tele­ Thy voice is borne upon the brecse, Motherland, my Motherland. BOYS TAKEN FROM the evening's entertainment. j valor to all floors at any hour of the their expenditure for school purpo««** Frontiersmen at Camoeun building, phone. and arrived in a few minutes, for the year 1916. All taxpayer* are •1203-05 Langley street, tq-night but he could only confirm what was Thy children yield unto the call— 8 YEARS Or A0B AND They are delicious, wholesome, | day or night. Absolutely fireproof. cordially Invited »•> present. Heat* Home, kindred, life, their very all, Katvs from <9 per month, with all fa-, i Wednesday >. at 8 p. m. sharp. All apparent to those who had fir*t found UPWARDS universally appreciated, and reserved for iadv taxpayers. To guard the* teat thy empire fall. men who have returned from the the body. Chief Syme waf also called, Raster term commences Wednes­ cilities. Inspection cordially Invited. • AAA Motherland, m> Motherland. A tt tt front, all ex-soldiers and sailors, and and he took charge of the body, which day. Jan. 5. 1916 ARE ALWAYS IN GOOD See Our Spéciale at $1.00 and $2.50. Silver Spring Bear, 2 qts. for 26c. • ail members of .the Veterans' Club of he had removed to the rooms of the The foe is battling might aitd main. XVarden-Rev. W W. Bolton. M.A. TASTE. Grown Millinery Parlors. 921 Fort St. AAA * British Columbia are requested to II. C. Funeral company.' An inquest Motherland, my Motherland. (Cantab.). AAA Retrench by having things repaired attend! is being held thi* afternoon by coroner Thy women are among the slain. Headmaster-J. C. Barnacli. Ksq Red Cross Society.—A meeting of (London Unlrerslty) at -Wilson* Repair Shop, 614 Cor­ AAA Stanier. who saw the body before it Motherland, iny Motherland. the Oak Bay committee of the Can^ With deeds most fou! hi* blood-stained Fee particulars and prospectus morant. Gramophones especially. * Ambulance Class*».—Dr. Hudson wilt wa* moved from the house. e pi ly the Headmaster. adtan Red Cross society, will be held r< ^. ^gocciJL AAA » deliver a lecture to the laidles’ Home McGrath was a man of fine physique The craven host Ills murderous band Silver Spring Beer, 2 qts. for, 26c. • in the Mu hid pu I hall. Oak Bay and wne a familiar figure on the street Nursing via** in the Y. W. V. A. on Shall ne’er set foot upon -thy ..strand. avenue, tomorrow ii i.l6 0. m. and at Esquimau in hi* naval uni A A .A Mnttrtaj January 10, at 8 p. m. and Motherland, my Motherland- Heat Up That Bedroom with a Fa­ A „A A on Tuesday. January" 11. the examin­ form. He was over six feet in height i. (gnaw ! Claims for Damages.—Claims for mous Oil HtoVe, $4. at R. A. Brown A ation will take place. Dr. Tomalln will and broad shouldered. A great part Hark to. proud Belgium * cry of pain. damages alleged to have been done to Co., 3362 Douglas 8t. • commence the course of lecture* on of his life had been spent out of doors Motherland, my - Motherland. Branches—1115 Douglas Street, and AAA the premises' of Chinese proprietors first aid to the Injured about the mid­ and h- had the rugged, ruddy, healthy And shall that cry be heard In vain. in Williams’ Drug Store, cor. Silver Spring Beer, t qts. for 25c. • which were raided by the police on dle of January, and the ladies desiring appearance of the man whose training Motherland, my Motherland. Government And Port Streets. AAA search warrants last week hax-e put In t-> Join «his . isked to send in‘tills w ay rendered him aide for an \ Hear Poland moan from out the du*t. Furnaces Installed. Watson A Mc­ through Moresby and O'Reilly, and their names to Mrs. Wallace Grtme exertion and almost Insensible-to fa­ To satisfy the Pnmrtsn lust. Gregor, Ltd., 647 Johnson St.______Jb these .will be considered by the hoard (369L.) tigue. He had spent many 'years hi And martyred Cavell with thé Just, of police commissioners on Fridav the royal navy and was a member of Motherland, my Motherland, AAA A A A ommercial Dr. 8. G. Clemence, Dentist, has ftemoon. As the premises were the R. N. reserve. As soon as war Oak Bay Council.—William A. Jame­ moved to his new and up-to-date of- being used for illegal purposes and broke out he rejoined the service and What Is the price yie foe shall pay. son has announced himself as a can- Motherland, my Motherland ticea. -V4e«*~ -»d Broad w*reete. entrance wax denied the police . by the was placed on the strength of the didaTeTor councilor at Oak Ttay. Two When Bight—not Might—■hall hold the No. 46-47 Arp' Bldg. • barring, of the doors against them,! Shear.wiB*'1’- other new candidate* are Charles Wil­ •way. AAA necessitating the breaking down of lie was an excellent sailor, and had son and the present reeve. W. K. Oliver. Motherland, my Motherland. Phoenix beer—2 it ta., for 25c * these. It is not likely that any favor good reputation among his mates There arc two retiring members. Coun­ Among the nation* of the free AAA win be shown to the request for com­ and his officers. Ht* long servie cilor. Elliott and Councilor Crease. The name fore’ef accursed Shall W. pensation; Fn *11 these pîaéër where previously made him a good man as Pefieh With Nuaurflee-^Tftdit fnr Nominations close on Monday. Coun­ Despised, dishonored Germany. MAKER» OF floor and furniture. ^ ox., 25c., at gro­ opium smoking or gambling Is carried leading seaman, and he wa* popular Germany, yes Germany. cilor M. P. Gordon is a candidate for HIGH-CLASS cers. Made In Victoria. ° • on there are always doors constructed with the men. While” living here since the reeveship being vacated by Mr. his retirement from the navy he had A A A of double thickness and these have Then sons, of Britain grasp the sword. DESIGNS Oliver, and to date Iherf D no men- been engaged in mining and had exten- Motherland, my Motherland Those of üa are TFTrtWllfnfi “ - -rr—- apringg. CfiûRAymGs DECAY—The rmrrlTrttiP inuntrtnw4Ry nf opposition hneiests hi tht»1 vturtlirrn "pan "fff AWtl fT'Wah *Hh sleet the Hew—tan ksedet Muet he something more than kind. enabling them to be shut at any alarm to Mr Qordpi. ^______the provint e. Motherland, my Motherland. Patriotic Aid Society. 1216 Broad St. by the pulling of a cord. Friday’s lx>rd God of Battle, be our shield ILLUSIRATIONS Danger Signal meeting will be the last of the present AAA A » A Fire Alarm Equipment.—The instal­ And guide ns tttt the foe men yield, CATALOG MOI* The first sign of decay is a Silver Spring Beer, 2 qts. for 26e. * police hoard. Prahibitianists Meet.—l-ist evening Or giant us death upon the field, at the Y. M. Ç."À. over one hundred lation of the telephone ecryjee in the A SPECIALTY danger signal which. If you are new tire alarm quarters I* in progress Qf Motherland, our Motherland. wise, y me will heed. It Is a sure enthusiastic men and women interest­ today, and there 1* every prospect indication *.f more trouble to ed in the prohibition movement sat down tô a worker*’ supper which was that by the end of thi* week the In­ Austrian soldiers hit* one advantage stallation will haxc hem;completed, over friend* and foes non" that floods are To-day. with up - to - dhte supplied by the ladies’ Auxiliary of tt A A playing so great a part In the war. for methods of dentistry, that old Slfywfl*#aqggMwpitoe|| right:** the Y. M. C. A. At the conclusion of tliey are all swimmers. Since tfhe battle Death Was Accidental,—The verdict time fear Sf the agony which the meal plan* were discussed and per­ of Konlggratr. when so many thousands of the jury which yesterday heard the had to be endured, has been en­ fected for a thorough canx-ass df the were drowned In the Elbe, every Austrian ex blent c touching the circumstance* of tirely eliminated By the. use of city to solicit signatures for a peti is taught swimming as part of his mili­ the death of James Webster wa* that Line my modern method ^ tlon to the provincial gox-ernment, re tary training. MOTORISTS! questing it to submit the question of he had died while under the influence MOUTHESIA pnihlbltlon to the people at an e«|Ik of an anaesthetic, that there was no I < an positively guarantee that date. What proved to he a very in blame to anyone and that It was pure- you will feel no pain. *y accidental. Let Plimley’s Be Your Headquarters for Repair, and trmtinf part of the evening was the Telephone me for an appoint­ canvassing demonstration made t»y Mr. P A A" A ment to-day—my work ie fully Pringle, who canvassed five voters. Ward VII. Meeting To-night.—In A Public Meeting guaranteed—my chargee are Accessories connection with the Saanich munici­ J7P PHQTO AAA K ENGRAVING moderate in the extreme. pal election, a ward meeting will be Will be held in the Council Chamber, Oaklands Pride, I. O. G. T.-on Tues­ Tt frêquentTÿliappene iliat some irifling item ahout your held In the Gorge Presbyterian church City Hall, on LMZ COMPANY, LADY IN ATTENDANCE. day evening. December 28, the mem­ ear rei|iiires replacing, or that some repairs have to lie carried at 8 o’clock to-night. The name of bers of Oaklands Pride Juvenile Tem­ Harold M. Dtggon will be submitted out on short notice. In short, you want to know of a garage ple. International order of Good Tem­ for councilor of the ward and nomin­ Thursday, January 6,1916 where your wants will lie attended to without delay, and plar*. entertained their parents and Dr. Albert E. Clarke ation* will also be recelx-ed for school at 8 o'clock p. m. friends in their lodge room in the Oak­ DENTIST where you can lie certain of moderate charges. tjusteew. for which there are three va- lands Methodist church. The superln^ for the purpose of hearing an address Telephone for appointments, 302 At Plimley's you will find just such an establishment, tendent, Mis* A. Aubel, occupied the1 by Offices In Reynolds’ Building chair. A short programme was ren­ Yates and Douglas one where the repair plant is up to the minute, where the “Of course. T want my daughter to charges are reasonable, the stock of accessories the most com­ dered, after which each child present have some kind of artistic education. J.A. CUNNINGHAM, ESQ. CATARRH received a l*ag of candy and an orange I think I’ll let her study singing," said PRESIDENT OF THE B. C. MANU- WM prehensive in the city, and where your business ia appreciated. as a gift from the temple. Those who Mrs. Neighbour. "Why not art or FACTUREES* ASSOCIATION We-iitvTtè you to call and inspect our liig repair plant and took part in the entertainment were: literature?’’ suggested Mrs. Highbrow. BLADDER To the educated ad reader, on the subject of complete stock of accessories. Edna Ashton, Millie McGregor, Grace "Art spoils canvas and literature i. -, Wilson, John Crowe, Jessie Roy. Mina "SHIPBUILDING IN BRITISH QUALITY OF GOODS ia of firat waste reams of paper. Singing merely McGregor, Jessie Shearer. George produces a temporary disturbance of * COLUMBIA."-V ^ 24 Hours 727-735 1-Ane, Lena Butterfield, Rhoda Bn** the atmoephere,” was the reply. importance—price concessions sec­ Jet It. Thomas Plimley Florence Bryant, Lassie Crowe. Mr*. A. STEWART, Wilson. Mrs. Butterfield and Mr. City Hall, ~ Ma,-or JSs?© At 4h« general election of 1847 the ’Ut>------1 YniiKiiAM»^ Cooper. Victoria, B.'C, Jan. 3, 1916. ondary. rsle “got In” by a majority of one ******** *lXV>‘lYYWWir*U»A' ------


SOCIAL AND PERSONAL FRIENDLY HELP ASSN. All personal Iteir«a lent by mall for publication must b# signed with the name We Claim to and address of Use sender. ACKNOWLEDGES GIFTS B. Relmers, of Metchoein, Is stopping at the Dominion. dtore Heure: S.30 a. m. to • p. m. HMMMhMiaaaMadftHdlhHtfhMamaâaL. Generosity of Many Donors ;s Save You David Thoirisoh, of Prince Rupert, is at the Dominion. Much Appreciated;"Many A » ft Purchase UndermusYms Now Mrs. Rod Cameron, of Vancouver, is Cash Offerings at the Dominion. Diamond Bargains The Inducements Are Particularly Attractive Money and ft ft ft W. A. Clement, ■ of Toronto, is stay On all our Diamonds, Rubles, At Its meeting yesterday morning the Every requirement has been anticipated in this ing at the Dominion. Sapphires, Emeralds, Pearls and Friendly Help association acknowl­ ft ft ft other gems, we offer sale. . Libera1 assortments arc represented in edged with thanks a long list of dona­ Mrs. G. E. Hamilton is a guest at every line. All garments have been selected Do It! tion» from citizens In connection with the James Bay hotel. 15% DISCOUNT with painstaking regard as to quality, style and When a rash buyer paya the same price in a store as the credit ft ft ft This reduction we will allow alsp Christmas hampers, In addition to gen­ customer#—there’a something wrong. Take no chances of B. W. Briggs, of Portland, Is staying on Sliver 17-itv*e, "orks and erous gifts for general relief work dur­ iinisli. paying the other fellow's bill—deal here where all are treated at the Empress hotel. Spoons. ing December, as follows: : Cash from—Th» provincial govern The daintiest TJndennuslins of the season are alike and pay one price—Kirk ham’s Cash Price—the lowest. ft ft ft All Other fioods at Half °rice O. A. Dunn, of Calgary, Is staying ment, Hon. James Dimemulr. A Man­ offered at exceptionally moderate prices. - At­ Wrist Watches. Reg $37 50. sion Friend, Mrs. Fletcher. Hon. W. J. at the Dominion hotel. Sale price .$18.75 tend this sale and make it a point to see every ft ft ft : Macdonald, A. J. Farrell,' Mrs. W. R. Jobson, of Fort George, is a guest Strap Watches. Reg. $11.50. Wood, John Brown. Hon. J. 8 special value. You could not wish for a better Sale price ...... $5.75 Heimcken, Mrs. W. R. Higgins, A Sin­ JAM SPECIAL TO-MORROW ' uf tli.- Dominion hotel. opportunity to purchase garments of this ■» a- Strap Watches. Reg. $25.00. cere Friend. L. H, S«illy,- Mrs. Saunders, ft ft ft Mrs. J. H. Gillespie. Mrs Christ!*, Crosse & Blackwell's QQ „ Horace Dover, of Vancouver, Is stay­ Sale price ...... $12.50 rivty. Choose-now. % Wm. Fernle. Mrs. B. W. I’earse, All 7-lb. tins. Only...... Oti V Cuff Links. Reg. $4.00. Sale ing at the Dominion hotel. Mrs. Worlock, Mrs. Geo. Powell, Mrs. y- ft . ft ft r price .. $2.00 Bed Currant, Damson, Gooseberry and Plum If. Hoifcrtson, J. O.^Grahnme, Miss K. E. E. Olftdman, of Peterboro, Is a Lockets. Reg. $5.00. Sale Adair, Fmnke8erc, Mrs. Ferris,, Mrs. Remarkable Values in White Delivered only with otlrer goods. - guest of the Dominion hotel. price...... $2.50 C. F. Todd, F. W. Nnrfe, J. A. Mara, ~~ ft ft ft - • Pearl Rings. Reg. $10.00. Sale Mrs. Jeffreys, Mrs. Rowley, Mrs. Tuft's C. R. JIarald, of Beattie, register#^ Waists Genuine Macaroni, 3 lhs. Senna, pkt., 4# and.... 8# price ... ,...... $5.00 8. 8. Class. Miss E. C. M«>*»re, Mrs. at the Empress hotel yesterday. Robbins, Mrs. Crawford, Miss Mc- -7s for ...... 19# Nice Table,Apples, per box, ft ft f> DowelL 11__ E. Beasley. Mra Galletly. Those-are the greatest values we.-have, ever- Castor Oil, bottle, 10(\ 18# only ...... $1.38 C. R. TTyrnh, of French Creek, is Mrs. G„ A. McTovish, E. Crow-Baker, . ■ ■ ■ , ; . . 1 Sfiertt, Kill & offered in White Waists. A selection that will and...... 20# Golden Star Tea, lb.... 35# Miss Dawson, .Dr. T. J. Jones, Oak Bay ft ft . ft Friend, Mrs. Browne. Dean of Colum­ interest every woman who seeks the host at the Listerine, bottle...... 24# or 3 for ...... 98# W. I». Ilampd h and family, of CZtl- bia, Mrs. Hclsterman, Miss Thom, Miss gary,* are registered at the Dominion, Duncan, Ltd. price. There are A great many styles from Beef, Iron and Wine, bottle, Tetley's Tea, 1-lb. canisters, R-’sscll, Mrs. Carter, Miss Blackwood. hotel. 1 - • . ;• ------— ^CSRtrgl •4,T*lw#_ Anonymous, Mrs. R. T. Elliott, O. B. . for______...... 44# ^ rr \r which,to choose. All of which clearly depict the 25# and ______4UC. Grmond, yrti. T.- rwen. Another Friend. A. f*. Carter and Mrf. Carter, ot View and Bread Streets Camphorated Oil, bottle 10# Our Special Coffee, lb.. 35# Mrs. On Cviy-Allan, Mrs. A slit on, D. latest fashion ideas. Included are pretty em- Vancouver, are staying at the .Dominion and ...... 20# Lowney's Cocoa, tin. lO#, R. Kcr, Mrs. Pierce. Mts. Graham, embroidered designs on white Mull, Muslins hotel. Mrs Austin, Mrs. Itnthnm, Mrs J. H ____ft ft ft:-. .------| and Voiles showing latest effects in Jamaica Ginger, bottle 20# 22# and ...... 43# Todd. E. Htnwhwm. Mrs.1 Mnyd. Jv Wil­ tin- hem-. H Bnmell.MrR. TT Brunei! nrvTWÎR* Petroleum Jelly, -jar. 6# Laurentia Milk, 3 large tins inembers Who-had so kindly worked In liams. Miss Amy Angus. Miss A, stitching, Satin Striped Voiles, neat Dimity M. Hruneil. of Vancouver, arc guests at Rerny, A Forgotten Friend, P. Burns and...... ,.12# for...... 25# the Dominion hotel. behalf of the funds of th** chapter was stripes, smart effects in Black and White Prints passed. ic Co., William Hick. L. Goodacre. J. Dr. Cassell's Tablets, per San Juan Cleanser, 4 tins ft ft ft E Painter & Son, Hall A Walker, ti and attractive models in Plain White Pique. for...... 25# Harry Blisor, of Ponder^ Cooper, 81Ï- W, Grunt, Iti-ardon .A Vernon, tlllitert pkg...... 47# sor A Co,, accoulitghtfl, Winnipeg, Is View the,window in which the various models T> Christie, Beacon Hill School, also visitor at the Aberdeen. SUPERFLUITIES STORE Sir James Douglas. Girls’ Central. are displayed. You will readily recognize that With every jar of Palmolive Cold Cream or Shampoo we give ft ft ft Red Croce Society ie New Selling Spring Ridge, Quadra St., Oak lands. Seattle guests at the Empress hotel the values offered are decidedly attractive. you 25c worth of Palmolive Soap free. 8*>uth Park. Margaret Jenkins, Vic yesterday Included Mr. and Mrs. C. It Articles Donated From Store in toria West and Bank St. Schools. Black, W. A. Dudley and C. 8. Pierce. The Belmont Block. y'-: Clothing was received from—Miss At 85c, $1.00, $1.15, $1.25 ft ft ft > ltyall. Mr. Westgate. Mrs. It. McPou Vancouver arrivals at the Empress The superfluities’ sales committee hotel*'' yesterday Included Edward of the Red Cross ha* decided to con gaii. Mro Loewln, Mrs. H. G. Wilson, Miss Perkins, Mrs. Toms, J. D. Virtue, nrt>x*ks, James Brooks and James Mr- tlnue the siile of good* to the public, Ml ms Lettlce. the Detectives, Mrs. Pen­ EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN but will not sell by action. They be nell. Mrs. Robbins, Mrs. Linns, Mrs ft —ft ft kh ve better prices can be obtained by CORSETS CORNER GOVERNMENT AND PORT STS. Bass, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Toller, M The engagement is announced of telling from tin? store direct to the Ross. Mrs. Good lake, Mrs. Kettle. Mrs. Fashionable models that will immediately appeal to Stanley March, a member of the 67th public. One store has been retained in Rolfe, Miss Carr, Mrs S. M. Leigh every woman who seeks exceptional values in Corsets Grocery, 178 and 179. Delivery, 6522 battalion, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. the Belmont block where the articles 5tnr Howell, Mrs. A D. Hardie, Mrs. »f modest cost. This offering is decidedly interesting PHONES: Fish and Provisions, 5620. Meat, 6621 Jam- - March, thin city, to Miss Flor­ for sale are on view and may be Hooper^ Mrs Pease, Mrs. H. O, Bar ence Levens. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bought at reasonable prices. nurd, Mrs. Dunsmulr. Miss Dill, Mrs and worthy of your immediate attention. Levens, also of Victoria. There is a display of tapestries, Thomas, Mrs. Loth la ni Mrs. Heister- ft ft ft rugs, pictures, ornaments and house­ man, Miss McKay, Mrs. Herbert, Mrs Values Are Special at $1.00, $1.35, $1.60 | Hon. Lorn»- A. Campbell, minister of hold article* of value, many of them Rough, Mfs. Tobin. Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs j mines, has returfn-d ffom^bis home In unique. There has . been a steady de­ Schwangcr, Miss Montieambert. i Itosslainl. where he spent the Christ- mand for superfluities since the idea Miss -Caley, Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. Duncan ! uias and N« we YearThollday. H. Is was originated, and the Red Cryis Ross, Mrs. Nichol, Mellor Apartments, 765 Yates Street, Victoria. Phone 1876 We solicit your patronage to making arrang*-m -nti to take up the society makes a further plea that R. B. UoblnsonZ Friend, Freil Lands examination of the position of the un­ gifts will be continued to the society berg. Mrs. Crease, Mrs Full, Mrs 675 Granville Street, Vancouver finished -a II way projects guarvatîel for sales purposes. Only small articles, Watson. Mrs. Blnnkenhnch. Mr s. R. F Inspect our stock of quality by the government, a schalrnian of the such as can be displayed in a limited Green. Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Bttrraclougb. tommitte# of the executive ".wn II to space, ore sought. dge. irv. hlch this has been given by Prepier Monday was the first day of the Shoes were received from—Spencer’s. furniture in our modern store opening of the store, and the sales Mutrie’s, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Whlt-^ ft ft ft amounted to about $30. The store Is at ■field. Wm. Fernle. ljcui. Gary, and other otBcerv of the trarttng - uttFtiTfnn; fcnd has -bei-tr Uy«tl« from—Ths Baby’s AW; Mrs. unit were- in charge <>f fh<« *ompany visited-toy many people coming to Vic­ Tom Gore an*! Mrs. Colgdarrlpe. TIMES BUILDING out of the high rental district from the 67th Battalion. Western Scots, toria who ha^e obtained articles of Comforters from—Mrs. Flett. which visited Pantag* w last evening in value at very reasonable prices. With Oil stove from—Mr. Maynard. t body for the purpose of hearing Carj*et from—Mrs. Rl<‘htlale. the stock continuously being disposed where prices are the lowest— Miss Blllh* Beaton, who is apt>earlng Bread from—Golden West Bakery. of, the committee needs more gifts to Iher.- this week. 8*‘verul memliers of Potatoes and other vegetable from— meet the demand. the Western Scottish heard -Miss Sea- Dr. R. Her. Mrs F. Pemberton. Mrs OFFICES TO The Standard Furniture Com­ ;rtmr- when- stn^ was on the trpheum J.,H. imiespte and the stall-holders In circuit, and, hearing that she was In WEATHER BULLETIN. the market. Victoria this week on the Pantnges Groceries were received fr-hn —C. A. pany, 731 Pandora Avenue. bill, decided to visit the thejitre and Daily Report Furnished by the Vic­ Krb, Mrs. Gv«>rgo iTaylor. Mrs. Drewry, RENT once again hear the favorite. Her toria Meteorological Department. Mrs. Brow«t Mainland Light to moderate landers, Mrs. J. A. Worthington. Mrs. ('lass, (Metropolitan Methodist church), Civic Retrenchment Asset ' une the sickle, tend the flocks, as well Mrs. Hneeli nresided at the first of ■wind*, mostly cloudy and milder, with F D. f-lttle. Miss lattice, Mrs Rob- as the spinning wheel,- and have the Its 1916 meetings of the Florence Night snow or slwl. Mrs. Sears. Mrs. Jacob, Mrs. O. Jay. ation Meeting Will Beheld vitality and health to enjoy it. Ingale Chapter. 1. O. I>, K.. held <»n Hepbrls. Mr. E. Jacobs, Mr. I^eonholm, Wesley VTctbrla—Barometer, 3n:iE temperature, —Canadian women should Like fnorè Monday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. church (Victoria West). Beacon Hill at Belmont House maximum yesterday, 33. minimum.26, care to preserve hStith and vitality The financial statement for the month THE NEWEST REflEDY school, Fernwood school, Soyth Park by avoiding nervous, run-down condi­ wind. 4 rail* h M. L. ; weather, cloudy. ended showed that the expenditure of hool. Girls’ Central school, Roys' Cen tions, and for this purpose our local Vancouver - Barometer. 30.16, tempera- FOB tral school, George Jay school. Spring Die JttwpLer. tiut Ing .Decemher cam&,lv tur*. nmalmuid -y^urday^-Ai. JuinumiUL, ‘Druggist. V. B. Campbell, Vic­ tttdgo nrtiool, Mom Street school,. Bank *$7.95. leaving a balance of $195.72., Th*i «3; 4 H*U*'« K.. wesllu r, cloudy. Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy. $1» Civic Retrenchment aasoetititon toria. H ('.. has a most valuable regent appealed/Her members to devote Entrance Barometer. SOW; tempera* street school, Burnside school. Victoria ha* Invited the school trustées to ex- mbination of the three oldest tonics West school. King’s Road school. North uno day a.-month tp fr*‘lplmr wllh the turc, maximum yesterday, 36; minimum. Kidney, Bladder and Uric Add trou oies plain tK^icrk of the li^iool year b Weak, run­ Ward school. Quadra Street school, Red Cross work at the Temple build bring edftery tu many. When the kidneye down, over-worked just try It. them at a meeting to be held to-night ing. Members who were not present Kamloops—Barometer. 30.24; " tempera­ are weak or diseased, these natural Alters GàJÉiàiïds sciromr -KingiTiTn srrm ture. maximum y#*t-rday. scru ; mini­ do not cleanse the blood eufllclently, and school. High school, Margaret Jenkins at Belmont houne.. More particularly are asked to make an effort to set aside mum. aero; wind, calm; ftalher, clear the poisons are carried to all parte of the school. Students of the Normal school NOT TO BE MISUNDERSTOOD AT day and In form the regent no that body. There follow depression, aches LOOK YOUR BEST the possibility of retrenchment In the BarkervIHr—Barometer. 30.00; tenlpera- per Miss MacKensle, Victoria West Do­ BERLIN. th*. list can be complete*! at the earliest and pains, heaviness, drowsiness. Irrita­ coming twetvi months will be dealt ture, nuixlmura yesterday. M; minimum, mestic Science class. South Park Do­ possible moment. sero; wind, calm ; weal lier, vclear. bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu­ A» to Your Hair and Skin matism. In some people there, are sharp mestic Science class, George Jay with. The negotiation hopes the It was announced that the annual lhlncc Rupert -Barorrn-ter. 2U.Î6. tem- Nowhere else in the world, naine in the back and loins, distressing school, Brintoffe Grocery, Keeler's Gro­ Cuticura Win Help You Irunles H will set- their way'clear to ef meeting of -the «harder would take pt rature, maximum yesterday. 32; mini­ ing perhaps in the United bladder disorders and sometimes obetln- cery, Mutrte'.e Grocery, Reardon & Ver­ fert a further reduction of f20,000 to place on Monday February" 7, at the mum, IT; wind, cairn; weather^ cloudy. «te dropsy. The uric acid sometimes ^ The Soap to cleanse i could there possibly be uttered by Tatoosh Baromstar, 30.10; temperature, non. t’ook St. Grocery, Mrs. George Ointment to soothe and 1______$25,000 in the est I ma t es. nr submitted r. w. c. a. forms Into gravel or kidney stone*. When high officer of a government at war maximum yesterday. 34; minimum. 30; the uric add affects the muscles and Taylor, Jèune, Doris, Jean and Athaltc in-ant eupcr-creamy emollients preserve tentatively to. tho council last month. Among the correspondence was a let­ a speech like that -of David Lloyd wind. 4 Ailles E., weather, cloudy. Joints, It causes lumbago, rheumatism, Gibson. Arthur and Nancy Mildon, ter from Miss Campbell of the Zenana the natural purity and beauty ûf tbo I hr. Lewie Hall intend» , to explain Georg** in parliament, with Its refrain Portland, Ore - Barometer, 30.16; tern gout or sciatica. This te the tisse to try Mrs. R. A. Brown, Clement -O’Leary, •kin under all conditions. Bible and Medical Mission, who en­ « Amirlc." Send 10c. for trial package. operation of the parente1 aesocl- of ”Always too late!” and lis picture peraftife, maximum yesterday. 32; mini Swift Canadian Co. closed a letter from M au juin Oalkwad. During digestion uric add la absorbed Each Free by Mail •tions which exist on the other side of of past, present and future defeat mum, 28; wfrtd. 4 mites N. W.; rain, Oil New clothing was received from the Indian nurse, towards whose train­ stiiur, e- Cranbrook ...... Pierce's mother, who was a widow, and said— mer, contemptuously. “Jist wrltln* The trustees will be asked some acteristic of the race that the blacker p. m , Tuesday : “Mamma, do you really and truly love fellers, eh?" Then he caught sight of questions with regard to night schools the military situation may seem, and 3 •tribe your symptom». It will be ei- Temperature. me?’’ “Why. of course, my dear. Why an author with at long, solemn face, being made self sustaining, the main­ the gloomier the utterances of re­ .. S3 emlned wltb.et eay eseeeee to yen. and Highest ...... Doctor Pleree or hie SUB of Amletlng do you ask?" “And you will prove It to and hla eyes sparkled. “That’s the tenance of a separate health officer sponsible statesmen or soldiers, the .. 23 Lowest ...... Pbyilelane will Infcrm yeo truthfully. mef’ "Yes, If I- can." “Then go marry one I like," he said with decision, put­ when the etly has a health adviser, further from the British heart Is Average ...... ! 18 the man round the corner who keeps ting his finger on the writer's mourn­ school supplies, and pupils slaying on thought of quitting. Minimum oh gras ...... the sweet shop." ful countenance. "Oh, yes; . nearly after the age limit Is reached. Nor Is this the courage of the for­ J.D.A. TRIPP Maximum in .. 82 Reed all about younelf, your eyetem, everyone likes him," agreed the young there are four retiring candidates lorn hope. Whatever has happened or Plans Vlrtuaee Bright sunshine, 6 hours 64 minutes. phyelology, anatomy, hygleoe, simple All pattern and trimmed hats to man. “His humorous writings are—’’ on this ocsaaioii. Including the chair­ may happen In the operations on lsnd, General state of weather, clear. Teacher et piano gad coach for borne cures, etc.. Id Use » Common Sense clear at cost price at Crown Millinery “Don’t know nothin’ ’out his wrttirf man of the board. As no other candi­ so long as Great Britain’s navy Medical Adviser*a book of 10M pages. vocalists. Studio, MU Colllason St but I like his face." "Why so?" date beyond these gentlemen have of­ masters the seas she Is invincible; a Big ten days’ stock-reducing sale of Send to Dr. V. a Pierce, Buffalo, ITT, Parlors, Ml Fort flt . • Phone 4T3IL. Millinery at Crown Millinery Parlors. SO cent, in ooe-eent stamps fee a slow- ’Cause he’s the only feller that looks fered themselves. nor is there any fact equally well understood at. Lon- con test, whatever don and at Bertie—New Xes* Sun. | 9*1 Fort 8L • bound copy. Customs prepaid. PSeenix : qts., for 2So like he was sorry for what he'd' done." I


'Ait "Marctieri Through1 StfeelsjB,liuak Iran Gates at Station in Under Police Guard to Court Miniature Riot Last Night; House for Hearing Three Arrested

There waa a wild time about th*e po­ Eighty-nine Chinese, convicted in tlie Police court last month on a charge of lice station for a couple of hours last being inmates of a gambling house, ap­ night, and for a time It looked as If a peared before Judge Lampinan In the mob of soldiers might work havoc with county court this morning to appeal the new premises which have been In against the magistrate’s conviction. occupation little over a month. Some of the Chinese were on ball pend­ It was practically a riot, but the po­ ing the hearing of the appeal, and sonic lice were too few in number to be able to cope with it in the inflamed condi­ who were unable to get ball have been tion in which the soldiers were, led on held at the provincial Jail to await the hearing. largely by a couple of young fellows who are no strangers to the police cells 749 Thoso who were at the Jail were but who have lately enlisted. A large brought to- the city this morning in picket was sent out from the Willows the lnterurban train, and who after some time, but of course It took YATES STREET were on ball Joined them there. considerable time to get In, and by that ABOVE DOUGLAS 4 The Chinese were formed into' fours.1 time the affair was practically over. od, guarded bv a number of uni­ What caused the riot was a r base­ formed police ofllcera were mardhed less rumor of ill-treatment of a soldier In the roadway along Douglas and down View streets to the! courthouse. who had been taken charge of by the Telephone military! police. Pte. Dyson, qf the 99th Seen in the distance they looked like a Fusiliers, was taken out of the Mani- company of uniformed recruits, nnd on W» Bar by th«- military police as he 1759-3581 arrival at the courthouse were duubbed was drinking after the hour at which by the .onlookers there who knew the bars become out of bounds in the number of the company, oa th» 89th. evening, half-past nine o’clock. When Battalion. On the way through the taken skit hv Ricked arid bit and strug-j We deliver What We streets they caused considerable excite­ gled along Yates street and down Advertise — That’» Why ment, people running from many di­ Broad street as far as the Hotel Can­ rections t’o get a look at the procession. ada corner, and of course a crowd We’re Busy Thé expectation of the public turned quickly gathered In which were both io laughter whea -the ntn-ej procession ctvrtums" and soldiers. " -r-- vr—~ "H reached them. Finding that they needed help ,the There wefe too many of the Chinese B. C. Sugar (PI ffff picket called on the city police for as- . 20-lb. eottou aktP-l- «tlU to get into the apace of the court room, . and Constables i:.u so the cases of those whr> were, not on Godfrey raspooded. At this point the ball were called first. These were excitement had the effect on Dyson of marched Into court, and the ethers who bringing on an epileptic fit, and he cbl- People's Favorite Butter, 3 had surrendered their ball Were guard­ lupsed on the sidewalk. Home fool ed in the corridor. Following the en­ started the cry that he had been t...... $1.00 SCENfe FROM “ JUST JIM,” WITH HARRY D. CAREY, AT THE VARIETY THEATRE tering of an appearance of the -first clubbed by the police, and the soldiers This Putter compares favor­ batch, an«l the hearing of the opening at once began to get nasty and hustled ROYAL VICTORIA. has two good" comedians who make the her to prepare for a Journey. Before on the oasis- He shoots and kills The of this case, they were taken from the the officers. In the melee the unfortun­ ably with any 40c Putter in most of their opportunities for fun- Martine and hie laughter leave. Jean pet Hon, and Jean coming upon him, court and returned to the provincial ate Dyson got erushed and bruised by the city. tells him how the lion saved her life. Jail, The second pftrty ti>en entered For the last time to-night "The making. "OklahQfrja Bob" Albright writes Christoph a * follows: "Good­ his supposed friends. the court room and were spectators of? Three of the ringleaders of the Absentee," with Robert Edeson in the might lié termed the plece-de-reslst- bye; they are tak. g me to a con­ the proceedings while- they!lasted this crowd of soldiers vyere Charles star role, will be yie attraction at the vent." Marline's serva. *. eees Jean give TWO NEW CANDIDATES The People's Tea, great ance of the feast: For Bob and his re­ morning. Hanson, of the 88th Fusiliers, who has Royal Victoria. There is nb doubt markable barttene-eepmao maid, this note, follows her to W. C. Moresby, appearing on behalf value, __ QAn E*-Alderman PsdifV KH7f James Bell de-several appearkpres tn lTie police that in this five-reel feature the the­ voice, are always welcome to Victoria Christoph’s shop, where he vvercotnea of the whole eighty-nine, applied to court dock on various charges, and per 11)...... OXzXe Christoph and knocks him unconscious Are in Field for Aldermanic atre has secured something that should audiences. His Imitations of Ch&uncey have the conviction by the Inagistrate Ft es. Leon. Lamofit and Patrick Mc­ with a blow. He then takes Christoph Honors. qvashf-U on the ground that the war­ be seen by every business man and Olcott, A1 Jolson and of J. K. Emmet, Grow, Of the lOSrd lt.utt • ii .n. These to a dungeon beneath Marline's home. rant under which the premises where m n endeavored t>> rescue Dyson from Fresh Ground Pure OP. every working man in this city. ft are great. He also sings "My Hero," Jean and her father cross the desert The number of candidates for the al,-, they were arrested was defective, in­ the officers and -struck at them and deals with labor difflaültiè* that are Coffee, per lb.... V as à* baritone-soprano duet, and à new with a caravan of camels. dermanic contest grows very slowly^ asmuch as it was made in the day obstructed them, at the same time in­ presented to every man Some time or patriotic song, "Motherland." the words In the meantime, Christoph comes to James Beil, a resident of the city for time, and was not for the preraliA s citing the crowd to do the» same. another whether he be employer or of which were written by a naval of­ his senses, wrenches loose a bar in the the past 25 years, and formerly in the asked for in the application Ipf Sergt. By »he«*r strength the officers got to employee. The theme Is that of an ficer at Esquimau. dungeon window and escapes. He Hardware business, announces his can­ Fry for a search warrant. the patrol box and the wagon was 70-80 Large absentee who has built up a successful The Potts brothers—twins, and they again encounters Jean's maid, who didature to-day. Mr. Bell, although The application asked for a warrant called. On Its arrlvel there was an­ industry and retired to enjoy the re­ Prunes, 4 lbs.. 25c look It—put on a rollicking comedy tells him where Jean. has been taken. not previously a candidate for mu­ to search No. 1 Fan Tan alley, and It other struggle before the three men sults of his work, giving small con­ sketch, assisted by two pretty women. After Jean has been placed in the con­ nicipal honors, has taken considerable was shown in the evidence that there could be got into it and taken to the sideration to those who labor»i with It is entitled "A Double's Troubles," vent. she escapes and in time reaches interest in municipal matters, ami will are two places in Fan Tan ally known station. There wtis at first a move­ Quaker Peaches, heavy him and for him. who contributed from ell suit • a cavejq the desert, where she makes be able to devote the necessary time to as No. L. It is contended that the ment to follow the wagon to the their Just portions to his material ad­ ed they are to present It. Miss Billy syrup, friends with a lion. Christoph fhut the work. warrant Vas not- explicit enough. station, but cooler heads in the vantage. The whole story is a live one Seaton, a charming Spokane girl, is Another Is forthcoming In the also crossed the desert ; has visited the There Is a further defence that the crowd prevailed for a time. As * im” *...... and should not be missed. heard in a number of good comedy person of Alexander Peden, a mem­ convent and is told that Jean is no men were not In a gambling house. »op.n as the crowd dispersed Dyson ballads and the Standard brothers ber of the council of 1911 longer there. He returns to the desert C. L. Harrison for the crown present­ was taken to the station and there he PANTAGES THEATRE. provide a fine acrobatic number to from Ward V. Mr. 1‘eden was an ac­ Brown Beans In search of Jean. Word reaches Jean's ed similar arguments to those advanced was attended to by Dr. I^ennox, and open the bllL father that she has disappeared, and tive member of one of the busiest coun­ at the police court hearing, and hie ordered to be removed to the Jubilee 5 lbs...... 25c Merry musical maids, dainty dancers, cils of recent years, and served he engages Balsamo-the Bedouin pirate honor reserved Judgment on the argu hospital. clever comedians and a pk-asing MAJESTIC THEATRE. of the desert, to search for Jean. Bal­ through a year when much of the local ment until Tuesday morning. Home of the more rowdy of the srrijpxling of vocalism and daring acro- samo follows Jean's trail, discovers improvement work was Inaugurated. .CMM&v-Sfcl JLBii.-Wi&HicJiF worked up No. 1 Japan Rice OCj, ■ f combine to make- the week's - rtvK -nueftTfr to - nirnt wm tier, and strboV» and the mate of As chhtrfiltrtt of* ike--eenwtery commit­ ktfls COUNSEL ABSENT. again, and a move was headed for the Kite,. .. 77 ZtJC amusement at Fantages as satisfying be siiown a special two-part film en­ the lion, which has become Jean’s pet. tee, he was active in the construction police station, but in their ignorance as could well be. A delightful dessert titled "A Sultana of the Desert.” It He then forces Jean to Accompany him of the Ross Bay seawall, which was Appeal Court Judges Say Absent th«* new ringleaders, including a for this feast of entertainment is pro­ tells how Jean, the daughter of Mar­ In another oasis. Balsamo attacks undertaken as a direct attempt to save Couneel Are Not Entitled to Con­ brother of Hanson’s went to the old vided by the "Fashion Girls,” a bevy tine. the French exporter, loves Chris­ Jean, but the lion enters nhd kltts the coast erosion. Th* work was then car­ sideration of Court. premises on Cormorant street before Polar Star, the People’s of pretty girls who are extremely toph and the love is requited. How­ hamllt. Christoph, In search of Jean. ried out, leaving a substantial sur­ finding their mistake. Then the crowd, Flour. Introductcyy price easy to look at. They offer a musical ever. Jean's father objects to the two ftitlVf Oïï tlH desert and finds her plus. Since 1912 he has not made an An eppttcaUon was made in the which was constantly increasing and comedy act of the tabloid species that, lovers meeting. He discovers Ihe alive, with her pet lion. Jean's father, effort to return to civic life. He is court of appeal this, morning on' be­ in which was a preponderance Of 1 resides the eight attractively costumed try sling place of Jean and Christoph. hearing nothing of his daughter, also well-known In Insurance and sporting half of an absent counsel to have a soldiers of the different regiments, 17.7.. $1.50 chorus girls and two women principals. Taking home, his daughter, he orders starts a search for her, and arrives circles in the city. case 'In which the absentee was to ap­ moved around to Fisgard street and Satisfaction guaranteed, pear set hack - on the list because the made a demonstration In front of the counsel could not reach Victoria In police station. time. The chief Justice said the court The Iron gates closing the entrance Large Tin Quaker was not inclined to grant consider­ doors to the building and to the side Tomatoes .... 10c ation to counsel wno did not fill their entrance used for bringing in prison­ appointments, but as there was in ers had been closed and locked before convenience to the counsel on the other the arrival of the shouting and singing Nice Onicns. great Off/» ■à|e wh<. was present, tin* mob. The foremost caught hold of have to grant the Indulgence. the lron bars and shook them, demand­ value, 10 lbs...... V Variety Photoplay Theatre The chief Justice said the court owed ing the release of the three men. There absent counsel no consideration, arid were shouts to the crowd of “Let us Mr. Justice Martin also objected to break down the place," "We’ll burn the Imperial Jelly Pow- DP „ counsel not being present to comply building.” "They’re killing them In­ ders, 4 pkgs...... t. (J C with the requirements of the list. side." and these served to further In­ a cense the mob. Home of the soldiers Coming-Thursday, Friday and Saturday—This Week were admitted to the alleyway, and it OUR GOODS ARE Is Yiiir Tongue Furred ? was explained to them what was the matter with Dyson, but the rest oft be SECOND TO NONE The Diatinguished Broadway Star Have Yeu Headache ? crowd wanted the prisoner released. No. 1 Quality and Low The iron gates at the entrance door were forced, but the sight of tie- of­ Prices Our Permanent How few feel well this tithe of the ficers In the doorway daunted the year? The whole- system needs Asset crowd and they tried to get no further. honssrl—ningi Ihe Mood Is impure; K needs enriching. Nothing wllT7l<>~TBe" Major-Armour anil the yink- t of ih- 67th Western Scots nrrLef tin- defensive force, which remained drawn table extracts and juices, Dr. Ham up In front of the building for some •liions Pills are safe for the young and Apples time, (he other soldiers and the rhrti old alike. Try this wonderful family Ians drifted off. per box .... 95c medWine to-day. it wiW «I.» you a world' Tibia morning Hanson, Tsm wi and of good. Whether for biliousness, McGraw were hrmtght up on charges headache, lack of appetite or consti of unlawfully obstructing ft peace of­ patlon. Dr. Hamilton's Pills will quick­ ficer, Constable Godfrey, in the dis­ “ JUST JIM ” ly cure/ 26c. per box at all dealers. ”7 7-....25c charge of his duty. A remand was ob­ tained until to-morrow morning Diamonds hâve been discovered in fallen i-tt>n.i:un »> ot the members --f the In Four Wonderful Acts meteors. No. 1 Bran $1.10 TAKE THE picket of military police which first ▲ POWERFUL took Dyson In hand Is required 100-lb. sack... STORY THAT ‘‘A marveloufl 4-act photoplay feature, so crowded with romance, FAMILY witnesses. - TOUCHES TO SEE There Is- a good deal of criticism incidents, accidents, love, adventure and thrill» aa to be indescribable. among citizens of the Inadequacy of No. 1 Middlings (Shorts) EVERY THIS PAITA6ESTHEATRE the military pickets which ttYe being WONDERFUL sent Into town to enforce the rule HUMAN You must see ‘Just Jim* to appreciate juBt how wonderful it is.”—A WEEK OF JAN. 3. against soldiers drinking In bars after :r .7 $1.20 HEART PHOTOPLAY nine thirty. There Is no obligation on Leading New York Film Critic. Beautiful Scenery and Stunning fh

A. take a look at these FEW PASSENGERS ARE ATLANTIC LINER WHICH CARRIED LOCAL TRANSPORTATION 9 Vi ACRES COMING ON NIAGARA l ARTILLERY MEN SAFELY TO LIVERPOOL AIX CLEARED, "" 1 METCHOSIN DUST. ' ■’4-*/ On main. road, opposite church ’ST'TT™ and aCTvddl...... -r Australian Liner. Will Dock ONE OF THE CHOICEST Here on January 16; Travel .. Travel via Canadian I •..•me In < "tmevliot, pith in,; PIECES IN THE DISTRICT ' Is Very tight ...... s S ADRIATIM. from Nt-w Tort...... Anyone Intending to go In for 8. 8. ORDUNA. from New York PoulW riilafhg' mhould hot fall to. 8. 8. SCANDINAVIAN, from St, John...... nke a look at It Inward bound from Sydney, the Can­ 8. S. Nfc,W AMSTERDAM, from New York..'...... PRICE >396.00 PER ACRE adian-Australian liner Niagara, Capt. 8. 8. FINLAND, from New York...... 1 erma to stilt the purchaser. Rolls, called at Auckland, N. Z„ on 8 8. TI’SCANIA, from New York jf. ;...... Will accept an automobile as part December 28 and aL that time carried 8. S. NEW YORK, from New York...."...... payment 107 pa^engers In all classes. The twln- sln.-ker is expected at Honolulu on 8. 8. PRETON A. from St. John...... 4 ... A ] Friday and will arrive here «>»-• Thurs­ ». Ml JC'1 Come In and let us give yoir full warn For steamship and sleeper reservation, write, phone or call particulars. day of next week, providing weather ■gig i if it tie iflUi * L. D. CHETHAM - conditions un- favorable In the north 1102 Government f Pacific. Street General Agent All Atlantic Steamships SWINERTON & Nonhhound travel at the present 1 : me Is very slack.-' This Is the off­ MUSGRAVE season, but owing to the war there art* not so many people coming this way Winch Bldg . 640 Fort St. n« there have been during the same period in preceding years. The Ni­ agara will arrive here with the light- ' e®t list ktioWh lit mAhy1' years, as a number of the passengers who were on 4562 board when she left * Auckland will ATLANTIC SAILINGS TO ENGLAND BECOMING disembark at Honolulu. fn connection with Northern Pacific Railway. Hookings fur the out word trip are 8. 8. MISSANABIE 8. 8. •“‘‘Adriatic.'*Adriatic.** 26.000 tons,tone, fromfrnm NewVo» Yorkv-.-.u- ^ very iu-avy. H-.nolulu la rapidly be 8. 8. “Philadelphia.'' 11.000 tons, from New York!!! coming the winter resort for the .. ®***,‘d **■ ri,'-lv~t here early In the week of the arrival at Liverpool uf the MI.mnoble Wllh ,he ,rom the >th Regiment Th„.h,p docked on ,h. other .hie ,..t week, hu, the n e» wo de,eyed în „,,n.!,«.»,„„ 8. 8. "Orduna." 14.00u tons. from. New York...... North American continent and thou ...... Jan. 15 t?. 8. “Finland," 12.185 tons, from New York.;.... •"nils of poopfo have already reached ...... Jan. 10 8. 8» 1 uicMia," 14,500 ton*, from New York..... • ------tl . re to spend a (aw weeks or months • • ri.i... . Jan: « -- :------— ■=—-— - The Ni.it;am Is bringing to fairly 4)^ IDENTIFICATION, serving as passports ar­ Steainers Leaving San Fran- hf,evy 7rgo ,,f b^r- mutton, beans, ranged WITHOUT COST. FOR ALL BRITISH SUBJECTS GoVnC ooii » iair 0|la an(l ancrai merchandise. LIGHTHOUSE TENDERS CREW STILL STANDING THREE BOATS BROKEN cisco Unable to Accommo­ TO GREAT BRITAIN Shlmpo. M tru Is Coming. riM^T l'l,'r* w#l wv# y?“ J"V 'Inronwnlcncc In embarking on al»am»r or- date All Passengers Word l* expected almost anv dav ------: landing In the Oltl4*oMRh,y.------:—...... th# steamship Hhlmpo. Maru, umler PREPARING FOR TRIPS BÏ DISABLED VESSEL 0NÏ4R0SLAÏEBÏSEAI cheeked tbrewglv to- meawshfp PTér ^'TST ____ rharter11-, the tnraka SK.i^n kvihIoc .. .. u,tie passengers inconvenience which left Yokohama last month. She with V. 8. Customs. Sun Jun. -, _"TIhtu nr* ,ho“M >» hrre to-morrow—but in, FÏfn«.,0r Tr*"«-AII»ntlr gm.m.hlp I.|n»« , ' Imiii, i h*» bfên veceruin and it. way Thessaloniki is in Serious tor r.t.. re.»rv,tion, cail o. or ,d«Tr„ ... ,.h «tun..tniK* «miiw t#lH« Fride, before rile i, aton-dde. The teebro Already Has. Left for Russian Volunteer Liner Has E. L ilaefcweed Gt5Srti A*-nl ■i»'1»™ p.r«h- r«hw»t. the Pal Ifli- to accommodate the demand Slump., h», 900 ton» of cargo for di»- Gulf; Estevan Sails This . Plight; Urgent Call Sent Rough Passage Across Pad-' wmwm1214 Government Street. Phone 456 or from the cast for flrat-ila»» pasuag., to j charge at this port She a ill pro,...... Week and Quadi a Next Out for Assistance - A D CHARLTON, A. G P X'. Portland. Ore. Honolulu and this la but the beginning •from here toSeattle, where she fic; to Load War Supplies lead a full outward cargo-* for of « movement of tourist travel to the Orient. west that is likely to surpass the ex­ l>or; str. Alcatraz, for Greenwood; str. The steamship Kuml Maru has ln*en After remaining in port over the New York. Jan S—A wire legs mes­ pectations of the most enthusiastic added to the Iran* Pacific fleet of the Marking the return of the Russian I v!ell, "f « «-rgd fur the Lm k The Union Steamship This was the outstanding statement on December 26 and Is expected to the lighthouse tenders are being dis­ tiUte. arrived t»i William Head thls|* n,?^ch 11 ne- uftyr «Rachargiwg l.ww tons mrr lu—a. -jdiac iidaiun ul" Pacific paaw.ngarl show up off Ca}K‘ Flattery_pp January States, indicates, that the Greek t4eum~ ft!' She ‘is under orders to proceed morning at* 4 o’clock from Vladivostok \‘ff New York freight loadixl at Balls Company traffli yesterday by Cal. E. Stone, re­ patched on various cruises by the ma­ ■hlp Thessaloniki l* In a serious plight. hatting* from Vancouver to- cently selected to AH the newlj treated direct to Seattle :ina: At- daylight she Wo* granted praihtue. •ortland. Ore.. Jan. 4.— Sailed: vnixcr. rvpert. aitANnr manager „fI**?* '* «W (bin and re- and called off Victoria at 9.2# o'clock BAY. 8KKRNA *nd NAAS pmt of iiassenger traffic Hunter, got xrway-yesterday morning. | “Have wearchealsy., San Fruncls< , Sailed : newly established run between San WEIRD TRIP HEARD FROM, ;,r.d hi* provisions are running low." I *’# !!'*'I l‘mn" and “,M>n !he •nd W** * ,0r,ni*'I!.v J,n | Francisco irml Honolulu Monday next Tim m.i,ib,T» of the cmw „r ,ho!U , » * " t*r,,r San Frnn- Not Enough Accoimmxlatlons Catalina Islands. Cal.. Jan. 5. Ofll IJy’hr»e lehdof, win «II mak. »hort Tlm^aiomki ar, »,...... board ,h.- v».- tile 'and Ta<-oina...... to load a cargo of j ciaco GEO MeGRBOOfL A,.„t “There was some question." contin­ atirtg as his own crew, cork and dish ,ruW». .«ending la .tbk all» to l»vl- *« .HaplU their threat, to ata,„don war supplies for Vladivostok 1003 Oowmin-nt St. Pho„, IK- a.ithin In !<|e X ancouver Island district. j,er Africa. Jan. 1.—Arrived; »tr. WilMam ued Stone, "when the Great Northern wiiher. Capt Thomas W Drake, The Yaroslavl was here last year to Chatham, from San Franc isco. was put on the Honolulu run. as to ; hi* way from Seattle to lirasII. in When the Leehro left yesterday, she I Capt' *i-‘ Hoakenscn. of the steamship, load a- cargo < f war supplies,.. along New X ork. Jan. 4.—Arrived : sir. whether the volume of travel would j thirty-two-foot power schooner, is in had orders to strengthen the range Stockholm, wirelesaed that the The**a-{, 1 1 ,ht‘ 'le\. No\ogorod and Tamlw>v warrant the maintenance of such a 1 lights In the Fraser river, shift a buoy loniki had asked to be lowèd. but that !Thfficiuls. The The**aloniki * crew reported j *B>-atly restricted. The ship* will load Day Steamer to In reiefpt of telegram* from New York. ! their cargo on the abitnd until well L. i»rak », Kan Francisco; atr. Com - Captain Drake s craft, the Sir Fran­ It Is quite likely that when the fc>- they were not Allowed to leave the Philadelphia. Boston and the other ship although Hlie was leaking badly in the spring when they w ill steam 't<> | a:|chf „ ,‘<,7<‘n_Rix pr- H. t\; str. Ad­ cis, has a four-horsepower gasoline en­ tevan sails for the west coast she will lar ge eastern cities requesting de luxe j New York and hurry their carg.ws Intc miral ~Dewkÿ, Tacoma : str. Queen, San gine. which he keeps going night and carry officials of the naval department/*”'^ en*llV were out of commls- reservations, but we are far from be­ the pc»rt on the White Hen Diego, via San Francisco. 11.20 a. m.: Seattle ing able to comply with them day. even while .he sleeps. who will inquire Into the performance ...... „ ...... „ . *'»* are not standing by, but we Badly Battered *tr. Governor, Vancouver. It. (*., via THE 8. S. SOL DUC- "The Hawaiian Islands and the Pa-. of the Clnyoquot surfboat crew In cop- have h(>anl thllt other have gone Tacoma, 2.20 a. m. cm. -t «.-ni »t pr»«m ...... VANCOUVER MA.RINE NOTES Usetion with the loss Of the Chilean to the Thessaloniki * assistance “ wdre- The Yaroslavl hud a very teijipestu- l-eavesLeaves CC. pP. RR. wharf dally ex- I nm lpal objective* of the great bulk Hhlp Carelmapu Ottawa has i>een no- , ,g,RjW| r#pt Haakennen ous voyage aero** the Pacific. She rept Sunday at 11 80 a. m . for Port Watching the government ..RMraaM.. .p*i Jivk.. Ç dan Uticd.xif, the cânuiuÿtancca. itmi it /- •law...— —.»» »w«ar-8mWH>i«'WKElH -mfr ,M11 f"1** 't""* !■ mV. rort Townernd and Seat Up lmv*l is *4ire to increase with the pony's steamer Wnt-ir-. Capt. Parka hu* «I.» I- ______. , . ’ u* hl* wa came over the port irrlvln* 6»»ltl. «30 p. m. Hvturn! ■'...... lirrltv.1 y,»ler,lay m-rnlng from Prim» ordered. The officials will assemble at : the Thessaloniki curried a Way the forward part Above all, the British publie ary not In». l»»v». 8»«ltl. flalip »,c»C( -Hmrtr ha ...... «.V ,„h «», of éan^d Clnyoquot and hear the* testimony of ol thé bridge, mnashed three lifeboat* I Pr**P«red to give their present parlia Saturday at midnight, arriving and started the pilothouse No one in|m,'m °r Kovernmmt, a blank cheque \ irtorla S (W a. m IK. -.vnt. of Uo tevrt «*» fr.m, th.) lhr„ rertie#, of the Ufe-saxer*,. andrsome <.f the resi­ the crew gqstuTfieiT InjuiTc* ^■•cure Information and limn. Middle western 8 3 1 T»eople , fleh. Capt. Parks rejmrts heavy snow­ dents of the town arid To A no. tnr an Indetermtnatf pe-olfi. a tern The Estevan has considerable work Tambov Follow*. porary truce to criticism must not be storms In the north and rough weather ALASKA FREIGHTER E HI.»CKWOOD. Agrnt fa i removed from — to do on the west coast Rhe is carry­ The Tambov |* following the Yaro- aken as a sign of failing vigilance. 13» Oovarnmrnt 8L Phone U in Mlllbenk Sound Ministers have chosen their oppor- Apparently always desirous of com­ ing a new buoy with which to mark the nwrnm" ^rnln^ wRl'-p^,'”0| lun,!>' for IhAre happ.-,,, bining a sea trip with their railroad The <-*. P. R. steamer Princess May. Capt. McLeod, also arrived yesterday c hannel roc ks During a rec ent storm fours and It was for this reason that the buoy which was moored there was TO LOAD FOR JAPAN VancuurerX anenuver and aft», dl„ h„r*l„g...... »hlft... .. " *hl" particular moment to be even morning, coming from Juneau. She reason than usual for all the Pac Iflc const steamships were so well carried out of position. Another gas- to th. Sound to load for Vladivostok I patronized last year " missed most of the snow storms. She The ateamer» are email veaael* and trouble which a general election en­ tkeegh Steamers U brought forty passengers, but little whlstllng buoy will be put down c>n tails. But the public, who have done far arollne reef to replace the one which among the oldewt In tlie fleet The S»e Franeisee, Lei freight. Yarnelavl I» Î.619 tons and th» Tam­ more to mend matter* than ministers, The steamer Wathemo, of the Cana was broken rec-ently by collision with Seward Will Make Her First have no idea whatever of abdicating Angeles, San 3le 7> some obstacle. bov I» 1617 tun» The Yaroslavl an. THE TIME BALL [dian-Australian lino. Is due here be launched In 1JJ! and th» Tambov such hold a* they have oh parliament Lesv« Victoria FHdays s Quadra lt> Triangle. Voyage Offshore to Relieve P. m.. f. S. President or tween Jsmmry < and % fmm Australia later: "'■: —- -- - —...... and through parliament, on.the govern Governor. The time ball on tne Belmont build­ and FIJI. The steamer, commanded by The Quadra, w hich kept I up steam freight Congestion nient, there are worse things, as they Leave Seattle Tuesdays. 11 a. m.. s. * ing will be raised halfway at 12.45. at Capt Barlow, left Sydney Deoeml>er 4. while the other tenders were blowing nalizc, than a general election, even Congre»» or Queen. tho top at 12.55, and dropped at 1 p m. and was reported from Suva December down, in case an emergency should In war time. On of them, for Instance, daily. F. Napier I>enison. superinten­ 12. She has sugar for this port and arise, is now having hyr tad lets at­ m SHIPPING is an Ill-conducted war. and another T» Alaska dent. the Observatory, Gonzales will proceed fr<>m here to San Fran­ tended to. It is expected she will get" Health*, Wash.. Jan. 5.—For opera­ U an inconclusive" peace. Nothing, of 8.8. City of Seattle Heights. tion between Heat tie and Japan in the course, in the projected bill can destroy cisco on her way back to Australia. way at the first of next week hound “(INTELLIGENCE Leaves Seattle Jan. 6. 26. general freight trade, Frank Watt-r- the ultimate check which ex^ery parlia »r Triangle 1*1.hmI. \ i.« the ln*ide pass­ Calling « Prince Rupert Ketchlkai. age. Hhe h is a vast amount of work h-ni*f .St Co., yéèterdsy chartered the ment has on every government. The big *t«el irelghter 8«ward from the danger is that this parliament itself Wrangel, Junesu. Skagway to do and will he gone about a month. Aberdeen. Jan. 4—Arrived: Htr. 8o- R. F. Rlthet * Os. 1117 Wharf St Alaska Steamship Company for three lanofl from 8an Francisco. Hailed: may cease by degrees to be even ap­ TIMES SHIPPING CHART month*. The 8**wnrd i* usually laid Sir*. Hvta. Carmel ami Tamalpal*. for proximately representative of the ILL OCBORKS M» Government St SANTA CLARA ASHORE •ip during the winter lull in ALudui Situ Franc*»*»». country; and in any case It is dlsadx anfage that" ITS composition DEEP SEA ARRIVALS traffle, but the charter will keep her Hun Froiwisro, Jan 1.—Arrived Rr. should lie scrutinized from time to The Landwehr is that part of the Ger­ ____ Stgamer N'alparaJso Jan. 5.—The America In active lommiralon until the North- str. MwitsL from Wellington; kt_r. w»* 1 ,-Iuooag».. Agents .. inauiarf of Wing perpétua led, in- man army which has completed the terra **st ca mer'"S*anta L'1 1 • ■ "hi- 1. sTOlT Herrin77' fJ.wi* " a « F Jdtflnltel y. What the public want. In of sorvh e wtth the from New Yi*rk NoicniW 25 for Yal* Waterhouse CTomnanv wiir take pf>*««•*• conscription laws. Its is Bbimpn Mam. fl ...... Kob# .nRi ‘ Jsn. T sfoin next Friday. Honv AW fact, is a bill whlcT, will obviate the ..Bolls .... « l’ R Jan. 13 parais», is stranded In the Fngllsh nar­ s ,fL t V8 e<1 Str' Adeline in’imedlule constitutional difficulty and what similar to that occupied by the Tarnba- Maru Cl. Northern...... •Hongkong Jan. 13 rows of the Magellsn Strait» Tlie The Howard will enjoy the distinction ^ »r. ,var" ,n the Newcastle district for net»'. mmcMt.TImc HtiTlrh» lit Tlmelft Several year* ago the Alaska steam cypress attains a height of one hundred Chicago Maru...... llorl . . 8.1» R. P. Rlthet...... Jan 7 Loop, from San Francisco. -,t 130 i. rn.; |,‘nabI,n* co*1 w *»• usnwporled down |# ...Hongkong |h. m. ft.lh. m. ft |h. m ft.'b m ft. ship Uompany chartered the Seward i., ninety-five foot with a girth %t I Akl Mam ...... Noma . 4J0S JV P, 444tba4r,.... . • • Hongkong Jsn. H atr. Hesel Dollar, from Hankow, via t6r!?,me ...... IS « 9» H 21 13 ...... thé Pacific Mall Steamship fCompany tmt ....- ” Mont eagle ...... Halley . Ï.M C. P B...... Hongkong . Jan. II San Francis»*», at 9 a m ; str. Govern- Niagara...... Holla . 7.660 C. P. B...... Jan 19 2 ...... | 16:23 tO-*: 13B63 ...... for winter operation in the San Fran ' ; 11 • t> !*• > I;* Sî ft . ; .. •• Hr...-Panama route. Whenever con ••r. from Scuttle Sailed Str G.»\ern- W 4 ...... U m i i «1.61* .. v. .. dltlon* Justified, the eompany has or. for Vancouver. R. C,; str. Admiral 3 ...... Ii:# i»Z :l i« s.« ...... Duwey. fur Seattle; sir. Davenport, for COASTWISE SERVICES 6 ...... 6.82 & 6 . 914 3,3 ,12:36 ? « 0 5 way* ehacterod the vessel for the win «; s, K 6- 10:13 7 9 14 » U 22 B 13 1er moniYr msthrut of holding her Han BE■ For Vancouver From Comox ■ «Ü «« IMS ,3 1» * »•, £1 :»> ? 1 Id!# in Seattle. \ ancouver. R. C., JaiL_l=rArrived: 8Min»r Pftncess Victoria les re* dally- 9 .. .. 7:10 8.7 ! 12 57 A-à W 54 7.6 i . . .. With a cargo capacity of 5,000 ^ons, str. Polyphemus, from Liverpool, via 1 Steamer Charmer arrive» every Sunday. 6 :11 3.» i 7 33 X t 14 3" 5 7 1» «6 6 * at 2 SO p. m . .and pteamer Prince»» Mary 10 .... the 8.-ward Is the largest freighter in th»» Htralt of Magellan. San Francisco daily at 11.45 p. m. For Prince Rupert ii 0:49 4.7 i *:-» *9 15.44 4,8 59 12 ..... 1:16 5 * « 23 9 0 Mi «« « «...... HeaJtie’s northern service, she Is and Victoria. R. C. Sailed: Str. Caddo, From Vancouver Steamer* Prince Georg* and Prince John 13 ...... t S^i 6.2 | 17:83 A3 j...... Seattle* produce, haine been built In for Lobllus; atr. Melville Ikdlar for Steamer Princess Adelaide arrives dally leave Tuesday» and Fridays at |o .» m Tl .. ! 9 21 9 2 ft It 2 n 1 ...... I POT at. the plant of the Seattle Con­ RveretI and Tacoma. 15 . ..»i' .. .. 9 19 9.2 ! 18:51 23 i...... at 8 p. m., and steamer Princess struction & Drydmik Company, San Pedro. Jan 4.—Charles I.chtonen. Alice at €.80 a. m. From Frinco Rupert -*-• 16 .. >: is z i ...... 17 ...... 1 16 «6 9 2 19.57 1 6 ...... Capt. John Johnwin, hn regular a sailor on the steamer Ohio, died to­ For Seattle Steamer» Prince George and Prince John 1* ...... | H I* 9 1 20:27 1.4 !...... master, will command the vessel dur day following the amputation of both St erner Princess Adelaide leaves dally arrive Mondays and Fridays at 6 a. m. 19 ... 1 11:53 5u 26:361,1 ...... hig the transpacific charter, and will his legs last night. While returning 2t) .. . T:IH *5 ! 1:56 1.4 ! 12:32 3.8 21 2* 1.6 at 4.10 p. m. For Skagway retain his old officers and crew. to the steamer In the Southern Pacific From Seattle 21 ...... 7:14 *2 i S 3* 1.6! 13:14 3.5 21:5* 1 9 V. .. .. 6:57 8 0 | 10:21 7 6 | 14 "2 * 1 22 Ti 2 4 slip, he was run over by*a freight train Steamer Prince** Ms y sail* on Jan. 7. To-day Kruppa* works cover 1.000 acres Steamer Princess Victoria arrives dally Jan. 81, and Feb 4 22 ...... 6:41 7 9 | 11 1* 7.0 II 54 7.6 | 23 67 3 1 in the Pacific Electric yards and both at 1 p. m. »..... 6Ad H.6 j 12:30 6 4 {16 66 6.» | 28;41 .19 of ground. Kven before the war rush his legs crushed The str. President For Fort Angola* From Skagway i .01 9 2 j 13.21 .«6 |8 .id 6...... ■eimmeneed the firm were employing * ..... i 6:16 4 8 i 7:13 1.5 14:8» 4 * ! 20 30 5 9 *<0 men at their main works at Rasen arrived to-night from 8aFrancisco Steamer Sol Doc leaves dally except Steamer Prince»* May arrive» Jan. 4. Jan. n ..... 0:18 5 6 1 7:36 8 * 15:2* 3 3 ...... and Puget Sound, tender command of 18. and Feb. 1. and thouaatyl* of others In their collieries, Sunday at II » •• m- 2* ..... 1 ...... ! 7 44 9.3 16 24 3 6 ...... shipbuilding yard*, and private testing Capt. Harry Cann. w ith passenger» and From Port Angolas For Heiberg 29 ...... I ...... | 8:10 9.7 | 17:18 2.1 !...... 30 ...... I 8 53 9 » 18:06 1.4 |...... grounds It Is estimated that over 260.000 freight for the Pacific Coaat Steamship Stenmer Sol Due arrives dally except Steamer Tees leaves on first and twen­ 31 ...... j ...... 9:4» 166 18.56 6.9 ...... people depend on Krupps for their llvelL company, and will proceed down the tieth of each month. | ! i Sunday at S o. m. hooepnrtures in ballast a. m. * as eboxe given. about 7.000.6*). were: Str. Avalon, for Wlllapa Har- VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY S, 1916

MFN f Note These They count on you!------Live Wire Sale Snaps Our boys in khaki are fighting or dyings—as fate Wo have some mighty fine values to offer the men CRIPPLED LOCAL TEAM WAS BADLY SOCCER STAR wills—tii the greatest’ war the British Empire has who visit us to-morrow. Below are noted but a few ever been called upon to share. They are cheerful random snaps front our immense stock. BEATEN BY PORTLAND LAST NIGHT in the face of danger because they sincerely believe that YOU WHO CANNOT GO are seeing to it that NOTE THE PRICES—CALL their dear ones do not want. Are you going to betray AND SEE THE QUALITIES Oenge was sent to the bench for three that trust Î Visitors Displayed Brilliant minutes for body checking. The teams Form and Downed Victoria were buttling at a terrific pace when the gong sounded with the visitors In Big Values in Pyjamas 10 to 5; Jimmy Riley Was CAN THEY TRUST YOU? Second Period. Principally in flannelette ami noisette*, neatly trimmed with Pick of Local Team Right after the resumption of hos­ If you feel that you can’t spare anything; if you frogs. Regular *3.00. (Î1 tilities, Portland set out to make their Live Wire Sale ...... Ae • V victory decisive. They pressed In on feel that it is not up to you to give anything; if you Victoria, and Tobin sent In a hard Portland took a firmer grip on thv shot which he claimed bulged the net. feel that the Victoria boys at the front arc asking league leadership last night by their Kd. Brynjolfsen. the goal umpire, how- ’ for charity 10 to 5 defvat of Victoria at the local ever, ruled that the puck did not pass ; m DON’T GIVE A CENT Shirts Tweed Caps : Arena. The score very well Indicates Ut. Hurt Rleinan replaced Brynjolfsen | the nature of the play. Portland work­ usu. goale».ul umpire,umnlea andee •«.! play(.lev lwasIlirBs resumed.l-oeiimtsl In extra large sizes. IS'/j ed like a machine, showing a unique Bubble Kerr was playing a brilliant A very wide range, very method of attack which greatly be­ They don’t want charity! All they ask is for us at and 19. ' Reg to fcZ.25. gauic on the wing, as was Harris for specially priced HTF ~ wildered the local defence. They out- Portland. Dunderdale was given three home to do our duty as they arc doing theirs. Live Wire at only . . . . IUIk checked and outskated Victoria for al­ minutes in the penalty bo* for cross­ Sale...... I tlU most every minute of the game. Con- checking. t hit-ring that Victoria Were without the Portland were now playing rings service.* of Ho* In centre Ice. and that around. Victoria, and sent In scores of A I D their leader. Lester Patrick, was suf­ shots at McCulloch. Seven minutes of fi ring from a strained knee which SOCIETY play had passed when Oatman adored PATRIOTIC wouldI scarcely permit him to take the on a_ from Harris. Oenge was Laditj’ Sweater Coats ice. the showing of the locals was very pass 1210 Broad Street Gloves seat t«* tii.* bench f<>. three minutes for K x ft a fine i|ualitiea; creditable. Though outplayed they In odd tines. Dent’s and werv not outgamed. amt . fought tit# rough work Victoria again* assumed the offensive Just 50 seconds from the Opposite Colonist Office Perrin '* makes, Reg. shades of geecn only. visitors every inch of the way. R. gidar at **.50. Live end of the perk*!. McDonald made a to *2.25. Live Wire After thv first peri««d the result was pass to Riley, who scored. Portland gfe ■. $1.00 Wiry rever In doubt! Portland's coinhlna- had mu< h the better of the play in this ; Sale . $3.75 tion waa excellent while the loci __ ^ ^ | ___ uk In centre Jcc. Kerr sent Final Period. V. I. A. A. A. DANCE. JAMES GREEN numerous crosses from the wing, but us Gunmaker end Safe Expert Portland's superiority was plainly no one was ever near the goalynouth We repair guns, rifles and pis­ The opening dance of the Van­ tv take them. 4 buy were wasted. Thi,x manifest In the final ln-riod They vn>.l\ tols, golf stick*, cricket bats, cro­ outplayed Victoria After four minutes* h h«-me players did not appear to be ac­ couver Inland A. -A. A. will I $ quet mallet*, fishing rods, skates, customed to each others play, the ab­ of play they brought their total up to] h.-M to-night in the Huh quar­ lawn bowls, re-stringing tennis Iim *lx goals, Oatman scoring on an tndi- : tern, corner of Catherine and Ed­ racquets, a un barrel boring is a ac nee of Box certainly breaking wp the jtprt ial feature of our business. vidual rush. Harris received a cut on 1 ward streets, Victoria West. The team WOfk. 1319 Government 8t„ Upstairs the nose when he collided with Mc­ hall ban lieen beautifully decor­ Victoria start <1 with Mike O’l^ary Phone 1734. Donald. but he continued to play, i ated for the occasion. < ixard's In centre Ice substituting for Bo*, and Tommy Dunderdale was sent to the I three-piece orchestra will be In Jimmy Riley on the defence In place of bench for three minutes for roughing LIEUT. GEORGE HVMERS attendance, and will provide all Formerly st «45 Teles Street, now in New Spencer Building theater I*atrlck. They held their own it. and during his absense Johnson j nicely for u time, but about half way the latest airs. Dancing will scored on an Individual rush. The : Formerly fullback fur the Hons of start at 9 o’clock and continue 1117 Government Street through the period Portland broke England. who will captain the 103rd ’’Moose waa chased to the t>enalty box j until 1.30 a. m. The dance is In­ thMUfih for a brace of goals, and for three minute* for «nws-checklhg ' Battalion team tn the Peden *€•!► Patrick went to r«7ver. shifting Malien vitational. anti anyone desirous McDonald. Portland were continually j games of obtaining ait invitation will to centre. This appeared to enliven the pressing. Irvine broke through the j Victoria team, and \hey pressed hard phone 1664 RL* A buffet supper Victoria defence and passed to Tobin, will be served during the even­ and cauoed Murray plenty of worry. who scored Portland's eighth goal, and C^/-/6.A P. C. H. A STANDING ing. m BATTALION IS Portland certainly l«Hiketl the team to three minutes later Victoria’s line of. lient for the t hamplonshlp. They have W L. F. A. Ptv defence wer * again pierced by Harris. ; h beautifully lui hi need aggregation. The ...... 5 1 21 15 1J who passed to Oatman, who beat Mc­ Portland ...... wing men. Harris and Tohln. plcyed ...... 3 3 21 * Culloch with u hard shot In front çf ENTERED IN CUP TIES «-attic ...... wonderful hockey last night. Dunder- VICTORY OVER SEATTLE Vivt«»rta ...... 2 4 27 27 4 the goal. Harris was the dangerous PRINTERS WIN EASILY dale also was gning at tip-top apefd. Vancouver ...... 2 4 18 26 4 man He was making spectacular Oat man has no equal at rover, Johnson FROM THE PRESSMEN Individual Record. rushes through the Victoria lines and G. A. its and Irvin»* on the defence are brilliant no one seemed capable of stopping him. Opening Round Will, Be Played Patrick. Victoria l<> 4 14 and Murray in tlv- nets is h MBVl Portlands last goal came about five Si Griffis Decides Game in A return bowling match yesterday be­ Morris «cattle 7 2 9 He Is us cool as Ice, and has the art minutes from time, when Harris passed tween the Colonist Pressmen «ml Print­ on Saturday; Thistle Dumlcrdalc. Portland .... 6 3 9 of turning aside shots. All the men are to Dunderdale, who scored. Favor of Home Team a Few ers at the Arcade Alleys resulted la a win Bo*. Victoria 4 4 8 good"mixers, and appear to be stronger VJcsila was substituted for Oatman Seconds From Time for the Prihters. The former meeting , Club Meeting I 6 than either Heuttle or Vancouver, and Barbour for Harrjs In the final resulted in a win for the Presemen. 3 fetch, b\ Oatman, Portland ...... 4 j Victoria w*-rc not playing up to the'.r minutes of the game. Oatmajn’s period Brown, of the Printers, had high wore r }v* S i Wnlktr Seattle resting on the bench was brief, for he and Ulfh average. 4 6 usual standard. Kerr in4 McD« naW Harris. Portland were gt*wl, and showed a bushel **f replaced Tobin three minutes from Printers. The opening games of the Peden «.up Taylor. Vancouver .... Vancouver, Jan. 8. — Vancouver’s Brown ...... 191 141 153- 4** stuff, while Kenny Malien was work­ time. Victoria made a dying effort to Series will be piftfN 01 SMunlny ne^t McDonald. Victoria ...... Stanley Cup holders looked real Chlslett ...... 113 152 114- 379 ing hard at all times. The defence cut down Port la ml’s lead. Kerr made a when the Thistles will oppose the N'av> Malien. Victoria ...... world's champions at the Arena rink Sanborn ...... 121 145 138— 404 CYCLE RIDERS KILLED ON pair Osage and Riley w w/* good. Lester rush up the left wing ami evading-all Wilson. Seattle ...... last night when thejT registered their More ...... $L, 186 15» 171- 485 eleven at Beacon Hill. Walter l»rlm#r did alt that could, be expected of him opposition passed to Patrick, who BAKERSFIELD SPEEDWAY will officiate as referee. and on the Puecan. Vancouver second consecutive victory of the Griffis, Vancouver ...... in his crippled condition. He wits eon scored. Just a second or two before 5» 697 581—1,758 same day the Wests will meet th«1 season over the Seattle club by a Kerr. Victoria ...... tiimally pressing in, ami in the final the gong sounded Patrick made a rush Prf semen. Bakersfield. Cal., Jan. 5.—Frank Mont- score pf 4 to 3 in a game that whs Jackson at the Royal Athletic park. Oenge. Victoria ------**f lb* «aim scored.goal and j Uuvswgh,. »ud posted to Genge. who m m is?- 47* luNwnv W Lue eAagolee, -.was killed. Wm, Gowàrd " ill reft n • Riley. Vi. torla ...... Dux, ,1 the way for another one. making ««•«•red the final goal of the game. run of thrills from start fo finish ït Edmond* ...... m l'W 115- 333 Goudy. of Nan Diego, received injuries At last night's meeting «.f the foot­ Ma« kay. Vancouver ...... a ne.it pass to Oenge in the goal mouth. The Teams: took the teams about five minutes to ...... 129 113 104- 348 from which he died, and Otto Walker, of get warmed up lo their work, but when ball association In the Y. M.* C. A. the Stanley, Vancouver ii.iv.. Freddie McCulloch irfadc some brilliant Victoria.' Position. Portland...... 122 139 147- 42* Oakland, was seriously Injured In a Ihgrd Battalion team applied for-, en­ Foyston. Seattle saves at times, but fell down In a few McCulloch-.T...... Goal...;..5P5.. Murray the players finally did hit their stride motorcycle accident on the Bakersfield trance Into the cup games, and was ad­ Cook Vaneouveg ...... easy shot* Ills work Inst night did Riley ...... Point...... Irvine they put up the finest exhibition of 123 519 838-1,67» speedway yesterday. The three were In O'Leary. Victoria mitted. It will make Its initial ap­ r ot compare with his displays in former One* ...... Cover Point...... Johnson hockey seen lit the city this season. a practise race when Walker, who was ^Barbour. Portland ...... pearance on Saturday. January 15, op- Mall-n A Patri. k kflMMS The locals outplayed the visitors, but WILL REDUCE FOLD. ahead, was thrown from his machine. Johnson. Portland ...... games. Montgomery ami Goudy, trying to dodge ' posed to the 67th Battalion, and on the First Period Kerf ...... l/t-ft Wing...... Harris they found Harry Holmes right at the Irvine. Portland O'Leary A Malien. .Centre..,.. Dunderdale him. crashed through a fence. Mont­ same day the Mth Battalion will meet Rowe. Beat tie ...... After the face-off Portland pressed fop of his form, and there was only Chicago, Jan. 6.—Joe Tinker, new gomery died on his way to a hospital Not th Ward. All games mill start at M« lxmald ...... Right Wing...... Tobin thirty seconds of playing time left manager of the Chicago National base­ Rickey. Beattie ...... hard, sending In a number of shots, but Hubs- Barbour, I’kslla. and Goudy fonr hours later. The men 2.10 o’clock promptly. Carpenter, Seattle ...... their atm was poor. They clustered when Captain HI Griffis Intercepted a ball team and old manager of the are well-known In California motorcycle Goal Nummary. The local association wired to Van­ F. Patrick. Vancouver .... around the Victoria net like bees, but pass in front of the Vancouver nets local Federal team, announced to-day racing clnles. They were practising for couver asking them to come to Vic­ BeUborn. Vancouver ...... all attacks w re beaten off. Riley First Period. and wiggled Ms way through the op­ that he would take all the first-class a race on Sunday. toria on February 12 for the fourth Niyhol. Vancouver ...... secured the puck from the Victoria goal 1 Portland - TotCn from iHimlerdale. 7 35 position for the counter which enabled men of each team—thirty players in t’ksila. Portland ...... game of the Inter-city soccer series. To mouth and made a spectacular indi­ 2 Portland— 1 fvIne ...... 4.0) the champions to break home In front. all—to the spring training camp with M’GUIRE RELEASED. 3 Victoria—Malien from Kerr ...... 2.96 ----- date the series stands one victory vidual rush through the Portland lines, Beattie got off in front In the first him. AWARDED DAMAGES. 4 Victoria— RHejr...... 2 <10 apiece, while one game was drawn. and sent In a hard shot at Murray 5 Portland- DudMerdale ...... 1 49 five minutes, , hut the champions ”1 am going to take south with me Detroit, Mich., Jkn. 6.—“Jim" Mc­ Thistles Meet To-night. who blocked It successfully. Portland 8 Portland—Oatman from Harris...... 39 evened up almost Immediately after. twelve pitchers, four catchers, nine In- Guire. veteran catcher, who for sev. Ht Louis, Jan. 8.—A verdict of a c< ntinued to pres«, but could not break Rickey put hie team on the road to An important meeting of the Thistle Second Period. flelders and five outfielders,” he said. era] years has been employed by the Jury In the state circuit court In May. Football club will be held to-night In Into the scoring column. Riley was victory again with a well directed shot Who they will be 1 cannot say at Detroit baseball club as scout and 1*12, which awarded Jack O’Connor sent to warm the bench foi three min­ 7 Portland-Oatman from Harris...... 7.20 « the Broad street hall at 8 o’clock. All 8 Victoria—Riley from McDonald... .K> W which beat Lehman, and the Metro present. W> may make a trade before coach, baa been released by President utes for roughing It. The pace whs politans managed to hold their ad I members are urgently requested to be damages of $5.000 against the Ht. we start, and that, of course, will Navln. His place will be taken by Louis American League Club because terrific. N-ver before had local funs Third Period. J present. vantage until the second period was change my Hat.” "BUly" Sullivan, former catcher and been treated to such a brand of hockey. » Portland—Oatman ...... 4.18 O’Connor waa discharged aa manager under way, when the red shirts evened one-time manager of the Chicago Seven minutes had elaps.Ml when Tobin 16 Portland - Johnson ...... 2.16 REDUCE SPRING SCHEDULE. while he waa under contract for an np the count. , In the third session Americans, who recently signed a De­ and Dunderdale heat the Victoria de­ 11 l’.-i tl.md -Tohln from Irvins ...... 2.* other year, was affirmed by the Ht. Vancouver appeared to have the vic­ troit contract. ft nee, the latter sending a. cross to 12 Portland—Oatman from Irvine...... 3.99 Lou la court of appeals to-day. 13 Portland—I>underdal* from Harris. .35 tory clinched when Lloyd Cook scored SPEEDY FORWARD Philadelphia. Jan. 6.—The number of Tobin who beat McCulloch with a hard McGuire expects now to devote all games to be played by the Philadelphia 14 Victoria—Patrick from Kerr ...... 25 a brilliant goal, but a couple of hie attenUop to hie business at Albloiv WINS MEDAL. shot into the corner of the net. 18 Victoria—Oenge from Patrick...... IS minute* later Pete MuMoon’e pets got American League baseball team during ______Sft Victoria rallied and kept Murray in Mich. its spring training trip in the south Penalty Nummary busy again and evened up the score. “T 1t ,r iLJa^ j.-putf’v- his toes. Kerr took the puck up the -- .. . .-.-ri - X1-. , ■■HiMimsi along W'wThgAWrtiilW ft TW p*W lfltn PENN LAND COACH. tion of all contests with the Philadel­ o, CMlrf of New York junior MM- Riley, Victoria, 1 minutas, Gange, Vic­ at a pKenomenal clip until this stage of ropollt.n irolf champion. Wen th* gold centre, but the Portland goalie came phia Nationals. Vonnle Mack, manager toria, 3 minutes. the game, and some of them appeared Philadelphia, Jan. 6.-■-Robert C. M- medal for the beet acore In the qualify­ out of his cage and Just succeeded In of the Athletics, announced that the Second Period: to be about ’’all in” but they kept well, coach of the Washington and Jef­ ing round of the thirteenth annual beating O'Leary to the disc. Play was Phillies’ management desired to call off about even at this stage. Dunderdale Dunderdale, Portland, 3 minutes; Genge, plugging along, and the fans were ferson football squad for several years, midwinter golf tournament here to- certain of the games, and that he had took the puck down the Ice and ml seed Victoria, 3 minutes. sitting back in' their seats prepared was to-day selected as head coach for dey. Hie card was 'seventy-three. decided not to meet the National the open net. the disc being returned to Third Period. for an overtime struggle, when Griffis the University of Pennsylvania came through with the winning League champions at all It the entire Portland’s end. where Irvine secured. ' Minderdale. Portland. 3 minutes; John­ eleven for next season. -j Phe.ni» * Ota. for * schedule could not be carried out. Beer— SI* and. evading the entire local team, son. Portland. 8 minutes. counter. Folwell was captain of the Pennsyl­ notched goal number two for the visi­ •ubatUutsa. The teams: vania team In 1907, and after gradu­ Vancouver Pool lion Seattle ters. Patrick then took the Ice. which First Period. ating he coached the l«afayette squad seemed to Inject confidence Into the Lehman...... Goal .lioln Patrick for O’Leary. for two years afterward going ta locals. They pressed hard. Kerr was. Patrick...... Point .. t, .Carpenter Washington and Jefferson. _ doing brilliant work on the left wing. Third Period. Griffis... . A Cover Point ...... Rowe “Johnnie Walker” He sent in a nest cross to Malien, who Ukeila for Oatman. Barbour for Harris, Taylor...... Rover ...... Walker beat Murray with a hard knee high Oatman for Tobin. Duncan..... Right Wing...... Morris DARCY IS COMING. KILMARNOCK shot. Two minutes later Victoria equal­ Officials. Stanley...... Centre ...... Foyston ised the score. Riley making an In­ Refers# Tern Phillips Cook...... Left Wing ...... Rickey Milwaukee» Wis» Jan. 6.—“Snowy- dividual rush through and scoring. Judge of Play—C. Wakeley. R*fer*e -Fred Ion. Judge of play— Baker, boxing promoter of Sydney. N. Only one minute later Tommy Dunder­ Timekeepers-J. A. Taylor and W. H. B. J. Black. 8. W., haa authorised Tom Andrews, Extra Special dale broke the tje. and Oatman. taking Wtlkereon. Goal summary: First period—1. local promoter, by cablegram to ar­ a pass from Harris. Just before the Goat Umpire*—C. Burnett B. glemon Seattle. Foyston. 2.16; 2. Vancouver, range, If poffittble, with Mike Gibbons, and E. Brynjolfsen. gong sounded, put Portland two u». Taylor from Duncs.n, 1.46; 1, Seattle, of St. Paul, and young A beam, of New Rickey from Wilson, 11.16. Second York, for twenty-round bouts with CODE TO OUtT BEAVERS. period—4. Vancouver, Cook from Ortf- r Darcy, the Australian middle­ MANY SHAWNIQAN LAKE fia 11.16. TMrd period—6. Vancouver. weight champion. Negotiations with The Beet in 1830 and— Gibbons and Ahearn are now pending Beattie, Jait 8.—Dodo Brlnker, the Cook. 10.00;$, Beattie. Morris from for its true flavor, exquisite bouquet end perfect SPORTSMEN HAVE ENLISTED popular ex-Washington baseball star Foyston. 5.00; T, Vancouver, Grlffla according to Andrews. ~ mellowness. and last year captain of the Vancou­ 4.80. ------;***LV ' ”•------:------r- . . C. E. Leuehltn, cepteln of the Bhew- ver Beavers, may not be with Bob Penalties:. (All penalties three min.) VICS. BEAT FALCONS. Uneurpeesed In 1918 nl».n Lake Athletic Club beeketbell Brown when the Mason opens this First period—None. Second period— teem tor th* r*et three yeere. hue en­ spring. Drinker has applied for the Mor. Duncan. Third period—None. Winnipeg. Jan. 8.—The Victoria* listed la th* Nth Battalion, C. B. F. position of coach of the purple an» took a commanding lead in eeries B. insist upon th* squakk bottle He «Iso In a vary popular oarsman, gold squad this Season and If he get» MACK SIGNS STAB. of the patriotic hockey league by eas­ having retrod hew, tor th* ghawnlgan the Job will not report to Vancouver. ily disposing of the Falcone here last Lake Senior tour at their annual ra- Middletown. Conn.. Jiüi. T.—LM*r À. night by the score of 9 to 6, la a fair­ WHOLESALE AGENTS ttae. Other prominent sportsmen of CHAVEZ BEAT BUCK. banning, of Harvard. Ill- captain of ly interesting game. The Victorias had SWBleae Lake who have enlisted are the speed end smothered their oppon­ S new I» the tranche*. Jack IK* Weelo an university baseball team, SMOKY HARRIS Kansas City, Jari. 8.—Benny Chaves, has signed a contract with .the Phils ents all the way, while they rushed In Peterson, with th* Mth Daring Portland wing player, who waa line style. The combination and shoot­ Plther & Lefser, Ltd Wlinam Smith, «th Bet- Colorado featherweight, won a ten- del phis Americana It waa learnet Prank round decision over Tommy Buck, of here to-day. He Is a left-handed cully the beet man on the Ice iaet ing of both teams was weak. VICTORIA VaHOOTTVIB, 1. 0. Harry Philadelphia last night. Chaves sent pitcher and batted over .40# last m night. Harris had four assists to hie credit. Phoenix Baer—2 qta., for 2 So *** Buc)t to the fleer in the ninth round.


PROFESSIONAL CARDS BUSINESS DIRECTORY APARTMENTS FOR RENT FARMS WANTED SAANICH MUNICIPAL V.fading up. He said the claims of the A1 » v KI i I'iXKM ti.N’TS under this head. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under this be MELLOR APARTM F.N-ni S21 Broughton I WANTED—Information regarding good dtposUora were fil three da?»*», the rc:.t per word insertion; V cents cent per word per Insertion; 1 li Street, adjoining Roy*| Victoria Thea­ farm or unimproved land for sale. DOMINION TRUST CASE flrat befag thvftç Who banked when h**' hr».* p.*r l'VWith..^ tre. To let. modern apartment» (unfur- ______ELECTIONS lion» Î cents p-r word: « cents O. Liât. Minneapolis Minn. th* company was the old limited com­ word per week. TO cents per line per nia bed), hot water and bet water hast- — ■ BATHS Apply Meltoe Bros.. LU.. M» FOR RENT—HOUSES (Unfurnished) pany. the second those who bankçii ironth. Ko advrotletment for lese than Broughton atreet. » tt 1 ELECTION OF REEVE AND BATH#— Vapor, and leclrta light, ma»- *• rents. Nrt sdvirthseroeet charged for alter the company got a provincial hu» than |1. 6 tOR RENT—HOUSES AND APART­ COUNCILORS BEFORE APPEAL COURT MS ' u;i4. cJùrupvd>". Mvs. Barker. 912 charter to accept deposits in 1912, and AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE MENTS. furnished and unfurnished in Fort street Phone itiSw. •H parts of the city. Lloyd-Touni 6 the third thoee Wtiv £?.!Pe In after tbe POTTERYWARE PUBLIC NOTICE •• hereby given to JITNEYING to end from trains, boats. Rusoall, 1012 Broad street ground floor. repeal of the provincial charter in cyjURORODISTS SEW Eli PIP* WAHK—Field ttlea. ground ‘ aggage and passengers. Phone 924L Pemberton Building. Phone 46SL the electors *f the Municipality of March 1914. The three classes were fire clay. ote. B, C. pottery Co. Ltd., r ------3996 c. C. Smith ——ICABINB TO RBNT—Clean, and a Q««et Saanich, that I require the presence of PA I HAN’T Hr'AHKAT BATflA. massag; and corner Brad and Pandora streets Liquidator Wàiits All Deposi­ each represented by one depositor In chiropody. Mr It. H Barker, from the JITNEY CARS—People wishing to hire locality. 84.6* per month, water and light said elector» at the Royel Oak Hall, National Hospital. London. 811 JoU<* fljtney cars by the hour or for short 1 Included. Apply Albert Spencer. Graf- the stm now before the court. •CAVENOINO. Noyai Oak, B. C„ on Monday the 10th tors Held Responsible for Building. Phone 3446. J17 ♦rlps should telephone Jitney Aesoola- I ton street, Beaumont Post Office. Esqul- What the liquid itor objected to. Mr* tlon Garage, number Î06L | malt. flO d«y of January, 1816, at 12 a'cloek VICTORIA RCA VENDING CO. —Ofllce. Martin *aid, waa that there would be DENTISTS Oo (hoan) far the purpose of electing per- Law Costs in Test Suit OANCING. SEVERAL new hou».a to rent at low A. Inrgc expense in settling 4he «lalms Ashes and rsrhage removed. rate». The Griffith Company. Hlbben- •of* to represent them in the Munici­ Uli l.KWIS HALL. Dental Surgeon. of all the creditors and deptwitoral Jewel Bh>ck. cor. Yates and Douglas D AND V. CLUB—The next w»cial dance. 1 Bon* Bulldlwg.______- pal Council as Reeve and Councilor#. SHOE REPAIRING Burne of them had nothing and ff mat» street#. Victoria. B C. Telephont-#; WVdne*Kfaj . January It. ât Connaught |TO~ LKT-7-rooined house. 9* Dalla* Rit The mode of nomination of candidâte# When the Dominion Trust Company Office 557; fte#WI»nee. 122. FOR SATISFACTION In shoe repairing, Hall, View street. For Invitations sp­ Apply Montri Ave. Phone *2ML •“•0 be aa follows: The candidates shall went against them they would not pay 1>M W F. FRAHFR. 301 5 Btbbart-Pease try Arthur Hibbs. 61$ Trounce Aw., Ply Qua Brown it. VI pond. i ,*1e tried out and the position of each creditor come fa and prove hla heirs. Mrs. Barker. 912 Fort afreet of each person proposed. In such manner VICTORIA TRUCK * DRAT CO.. LTDl furnace ; garden, fruit trees, chicken the whole of the depv>sltor#, numbering cla.lm or to abandon It. Mr. Justice —Office and stables. 749 Broughton EXCHANGE ( liar title property her# houses, on two lots. 3026 Fifth St. Jo as sufficiently to identify such candidate, ENGRAVERS about four or five thousand, might be Murphy, he argued, had done a gross Telephones 11 47*8 1791 and part cash for ft section on prairie. FOR RENT-4 roomed house. Duvheaa and m the event of a poll being necessary, 'HALF-TONK AND LINK KNUliAWNO- Northwest Real Estate, 71» Yatea St St., tio, « roomed house. Mon troue Ave., such poll will be opened on the 15th day determined. Mr. Justice Murphy •njustice, "Kl had put a heavy toad on Cemm-Tclsl work a specialty Deelrns taxidermists. Finch Building. ______ft or January. 191*. at the following places: directed that the selected claims be the other creditors. z Thousands of de- 910 a month We make a specialty of «•or the First Ward, at Cedar Hill School for advertising and business stationery W ILL EXCHANGE 16» acre Improved renting, call ami gee ue. Northwest r(teitors would get the benefit if the B C. Engraving Co.. Times Building WIIKUUV * TOW, taxid-rmists. sue Houae; far the Second Ward. at Old triet» out, and that meanwhile any ressors to Fred Foster. 629 Pandora, farm. Alberta. 12 acres Vernon, dear Real Estate. 719 Yates St . Finch Bid ;i*Ui»n the liquidator might propose In liquidator ..lost thy action, and they O-ders received at Times Business Of corner Broad street. Phone 3921. title; 10 acres. Armstrong, clear title. Toimie Srlityi House, Bok-sktne road; fie». FOR RENT—5-roomed cottage, all con for the Third Ward, at the Hall. Gordon connection wllh the claims of the other would pay nothing if they lost. Standard Realty. 07 Say ward Blk. ft veniencos. F. Cherry. 522 Joffre m Head; for the Fourth Ward, at Mc- 6KNKUAL ENORAVKR. Stencil Cutter vacuum cleaners. depositor* should be stayed. ' Yester­ Mr. Justice Galllher; “There la a •"il ft-al Engraver Oeo Crowtbef, 91» EXCHANGE—tf* here Nov» St .ul» fete», Eaqulmalt ____j Kenxie Avenue School, Carey road and HaVK THE AUTO VACUUM for you; two htHMMt etc., clear title, will ex­ McKenilc avenue; for the Fiftli Ward, day the ruling of Mr. Justice Murphy, principle In each of thp three classe» Wharf street, behind Ppet Office. satisfaction assured. WHT NOT dAVE A HOUSE «*w° U* change for lota. Standard Realty. 517 furnac when ytfu can have It for <10 at Royal Oak Hall, for the Sixth Ward. staying proceedings fa connection with to b« decided. It ran be done In one LEGAL. Sa y ward Itldg J3 per month? Apply Ttfl Robertson street •« the Temp-ranee Hall. Saanich; for the the other claims was appealed before suit aa well a* in five hundred. You Seventh Ward, at Miles’ Garage, corner the court of appeal on the ground that Bft VDKttAW Mr STAC POOL*, barrlstm WOOD AND COAL FURNISHED-ROOMS. Tillicum and (Jorge roads: And such poll­ my you want each person notified be­ at-lsw, etc., ttt Bastion St Victoria. FOR RENT-HOUSES fFwrmahad. ing places will be open from > o’clock the Judge had no Jurisdiction tn th government had engaged E. P. Davie. the liquidator to tight at hla own Ti— DANCK8, CONCERTS. ETTC.—Phone WINDOW CLEANING. |TO LET-Small window on Douglas St l?*.1, *u"lc'Pel or Provincial Assessment Walter CbarW. 271X. HELP WANTED—(Fomalo) In bottines# part, suitable iur shoe re­ Roll, of five hundred dollars IepreOTJtTttir^epqrttog. lie i-nv. If you wfa all right f«,r you. iXJ.VT FOROfcrT TOTo PHONE 1705. Jai and above any registered judgment or if you lose you don't pay anything.’ i:i.P to assist with housework and. two pair shop; a good opentng. 1419 Douglas (Kited the facts regarding the failure NOTARY PUBLIC Bay Window Cleaning Co.. *41 Govern- charge, and being otherwise duly qualified si the von i pan y and the suboequent If wA go to the privy council it may ihent street. small children; small salary, good hum*. 1 aa a municipal voter. Phone 395K2. or Box 1116 Times. ^ J61 ' STORK- to rent cheap, well fitted, The quallflcatloone for a Councillor legal proceedings in connection with the c( at 110,00c. If we get Judgment we W ANTKD GtrV fer UglH bouwneoFk. L connection. 641a Fort **&t. + .waH British subject could get cost# off the depositor if he estate and Insurance, ndtery puww. mTNDOr'L ______.... ryint «to m cleaners and Janitors 2509 Oovernnaeat ply 1132 Chapman St ____ J5 J and fiarfrtg been for the three month# #6 Hr might have it 'Sow; but' hb and Quadra. <»n lot M35**3. with stable next precdnlg fche day of hla nomination might n. t have It then.” nursing. good Waitress wanted at FOR SALE—LIVESTOCK. alao- 4-rooin flat over store. J. Gunn, tne registered owner. In the Land Regfs- Mr. Justice Martin: “Your objection Apply Janies Bay Hotel. Metchoaln P. O. "f ,and or "*• property situât* PKIVATK MATERNITY HOME <11. ESÛUIMALT DISTRICT FQR BALE Horses and wagons. ✓ would vanish If they offered securityr* S64 Queen* Ave. Phone Mrs. WANTED - Competent cook. g« an Oak Bay Ave, NEWELL M RPRATT. *91 Kaquimalt sefVance Apply Phone 319BL. - SADDLE HORAE, suitable for lady, by value, Qg the last Muni, ipaj or Provincial Mr. Martin: ‘'Ye#, if the government W. H. Handley. 4&CL. f5 roa« I. deah-r *n drv good*. heelery, day or half-day.------“ 1965 or BUR. IF YOU HAVK WORK for a few hours, ot tf «o,,5n,1!ul M',|t ** Dr0 hundred and WANTED—ACREAGE. would secure the cost that would ladles’, children's and men’s furnishing*, 1*2 McClure atreet. nrty dullara or more over and above any SHORTHAND. boots and shoes, hardware, enamettrar». days or weeftes. won’t you æod la your satisfy ua, but no one. not even the name to the Municipal Free Labo- ONE AND TWO-ROOM OVFHJH registered Judgment or c harge, or being a WANTED—For rent, about 25 to 19* acres, SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 1011 £oire,r””* crockery, stoves and ranges. ■ porting let tn Times Building.. Apply at Tîmee homesteader, lewàee from the Crown, or about ten miles from town. Telephone government, can step in against the floods, school supplies, etc What we Bur-an and let us send you the man or Ofllce. rule* of the supreme court, and we Street. Shorthand, typewriting. book woman to do that work 7 pre-emptor. who has resided within the «711 u J7 1 eeptng thoroughly taught. ■ A. Mac- haven't got w»*ll .get for you. A full Municipality for the space of one year or' maintain that Mr. Justice Murphy ha# line of children’s boo|s and shoes and FOR BALE—ACREAGE. FOR SALE—ARTICLES. more Immediately preceding the nomina­ over-stepped the jurisdiction. It may school supplies on hand for the coming MISCELLANEOUS tion. and who la assessed for five hundred FOR SALE OR RENT—1» a< r* *. 60 cul­ appear as a matter of public benefit SURVEYOR term. Phone 4791L. REPAIRING of plaaterlng neatly done [TRY RUFFLE for prompt and good dollars or more on the last Municipal or Man, 746 tivated. house, barns, located 14 mile# SCHOOL SUPPLIER and stationery of Phone 2446. ft work. The Bicycle Repair Provincial Assessment Roll, over and but it I# against the rule of the court.w BATEMAN HVTCHINSON. Civil En­ Yatea street Phone *62. from Victoria; will sell ^livestock and gineer and British Columbia Land Sur­ various d -sc-lpt »bovè any registered Judgment or charge, Implements; or would exchange ■’for good .Mr. Justice McPhllllpe: ’Would not Esvjuimalt road, between Head street IF YOU HAVK ANYTHING To PELL nnd h. ing otherwise qualified as a muni veyor. Chancery Chambers. Langley fm cash, ho matter what.lt is Jacob ENGLISH parlor Millard and bagatelle farm' on the Mainland. For prices and the *^,i,cUor b* responsible for the atrrot. P. Q Bes ISA Phono Mi. SM Ity limita. .laides, pianos, to. rent at pad* Sales ripai voter. terms, apply «8XO Vedar Hill road. f$ Akronson. 1*7? Johnson street, seen Given under my hand at Rnysl Oâk, hand dealer Ptione 1747 * horse pow­ dally all classes furniture. Furniture wanted for cash. Select Auction Rooms. British Columbia, this 28th day of Decent Mr. Martin’ “Tee. but he might not BUSINESS DIRECTORY JAMES BAY DISTRICT er car at your service troe. ______• have anything then. It la poasible P COX.~pialio *tuner. graduate of] 813 Fort 8t Phone 2272. To the Electors of the City o H. J. WAYS. James Bay Meat and Fish R. R. F -SEW ELL. that might happen in ihla province. ÂliVErtTISEMFNT» tindi-r IM. held, t School for Blind. HaVfax. 15» South BIG ten dayi stock reducing sale of cent per word per Insertion. 1 Inser­ Market The Quality Store. Try ms for millinery at Crown Millinery Parlors, „ _ v. , Returning Officer. Victoria When the end comes every man fa [s good, tender, roast beef. Phone 1689 J6 Turner afreet. Phone 12121» J15 N.B -No nomination pap^r will be acted tions. 1 cent, per word; « cent, per 921 Fort St every class of depositors should be re­ word per werk: 5» cent, per Un. per DURING WINTER SEASON. A. R. upon by the Returning Officer (except In JAMES BAY BOOT REPAIRING DE­ WANTED 1 single set of delivery har­ caa# of absence of hoinfnee) unless It li Ladle# and Gentlemen; month. Ko edrertieimenl for In then POT. In the new block, corner Menâtes Hatch. B«llev llle street, will repair and sponsible. The Judge cannot change 10 rente No edrertlseraent eherged for ness 1*08 Douglas. Phone 706 or>.^08L accepted in writing by the person nomin­ I 1>eg leave to announce that I will and Bimcoe streets Phone «KUX. j* paint hosts, at low rates; also chea^p ated. and every nomine# will b«* rt-qm st-d the section of the act. The liquidator less than II to make a declaration that he la qualified. be a candidate for the position of al la an officer of the court, and if he DAMDRIDOVL Ford car specialist. Oak HYBRID and American asaleaa and derman at the forthcoming election, does not act properly the Judge can BAKERS OAK BAY DISTRICT rhododendron», own root rosea, heather, Bpv av-nu - Phone 4346 ______I respectfully solicit your vote and In- summon# him to show cause. Hç cap RENNIE A TAYLOR, the only pnulne AVENUE TI I BATH E— Hlgh-claaa motion hollies, kalmlaa. cotoneaatera. berberle, picture# shown nightly at 7 o’clock. JONK8. carpenter and csblnetmaksiT buddl-aa, pernettyaa. and other choice SAANICH MUNICIPAL remove him or commit him, but he Butt-r Nut bread bak-rs Wholesale Jobbing work promptly attended to. and retail. Imperial Bakery. Fern wood matin»» Saturdays at I. shrubs. Price list on application to O Youra respectfully, cannot direct him to do what the Fence work. etc. Phone 1C73L. 837 Fort Fraser. UrluMet. B. C. JU ELECTIONS road. Phone 7*4. HOME-MADE PASTRIES of unsur­ atreet DONALD M LKAN. statue does - not require." passed delicacy made dally by Misa I YOUR OPPORTUNITY - We are clear- 140 Medina 8L The chief Justice: “It is a test action BOATBUILDERS Sto.idsrt. 1846 Oak Bay avenue. Phone LOST AND FOUND. I, Ing out a few men’s suits and overcoats ELECTION OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES *«ML d23 I at <9 75 and <1175. also English rain without the consolidation of all Boats AND LAUNCHES designed and LOST—Near Tiltleum road. between coal# at 89.75 Froet A Frost. W*at parties concerned7" built to order; repairing, hauling out. DRY GOO Ml—We have a nice assorted PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given te To the Electors of the City of superintending and surveying promptly •tock of Xma* cards, toys and novel­ Gorge and Burnalde, young bull terrier: hotme BMg.. Government St. » fl Mr. Martin: “Yea. We want to attended to R F. Stephens. 1235 Sun- ties. Bon Marche, corner Fell street and rewprd. Phone 3H28 ft LARGE OR SMALL STUMPS can tha electors of the Municipality of Victoria liquidate the concern with a# little Bjrajde Ave. Phone SltSL. Oak Bay avenue. v STIÎXyËD from 1902 Cook SL. black destroyed at the coat of a few cent» Saanich, that I, require the preeence of expense aa possible, and to do this all cocker spaniel with owner’s name on each by our chemical process; no hard said electors at the Royal Oak Hall, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. collar; reward at above address. J5 labor Involved and no explosives used I Ad les and Gentlemen# --- depositors should come in on suit or LODGES Royal Oak. B. C.. on Monday the 10th Write ■ for particulars Id- al Stump 1 beg to offer my aervicea for re- throw up their claims.’’ CARPENTER AND BUILDER - ' DAUGHTERS AND MAIDS OF ENG­ lows car. ev Destroyer Ce:. 160 Broadway East. Van­ day of January, ISIS, at 12 o’clock Th'rketl Alterations, repairs, lobbing LAND B. 8 —Lodge Prince»» Alexandra. solid' gold automatic extension bracelet, election as School Trustee, and there Mr. Armour argued that Lhe liqui­ couver. B. C. noon) for the purpose of electing per leakv roofs repaired and guaranteed. No. 16 meets third Thursday S p. ra., gift from an officer at the front to hla I fore solicit your vote and Influence dator was an officer of the court and Phone W9L. H» Orange Hall. Yates Street P. Millier. child. Reward If returned to 2*14 Fowl FOR SALE Malleable and steal ran eons to represent them on the Beard of waa subject to the direction of the Ray road ______B ] 81 dbWn. D per week. 2811 Oovemn on my behalf. CARPEXTRT -Alteration» retm'w -W. P. A. CatteraU. W. Secy.. MM Lia- School Trustees. court which must have some super­ Phone 1136*2 LOOT—Gn Friday evening, fin 24. In small The mod- of nomination of candidates Yours respectfully, ALL PATTERN and trimmed hate te vision of his acts. The only question . aJOA'ES,. Jobbing carpenter. brown purs»; reward Phone 54*71» J5 anaM be as follows; The candidates shall LEWIS HALL. Hear -at com pch»e at *.‘rown. Mitiinery writing. the .~wv4t4*g- to be decided was if the depositors, Phone 1*731. ROOM ANDBOARD. $"•? Is-Lîi Vf r ï Parlors. 921 Fort St. ft Shall be subscrib'd by two voters of the POUND NOTICE. were creditors. The main question CORDWOOD EAT AT HT IVES. 819 Fort Rest % ALL ULACK SOIL end manure delivered municipality as proposer and aeconder. was how to decide It at the smallest Wsrraa, W. P., 1113 Leonard dt A. M and shall be deliver***» to the Returning BEST QUALITY dry fir cordwood. 1* In James. W Soc'y. fl* Discovers St cours* home rooked meal In ^owti. 25c. Ph»n» 1W. fit (Jflloer at any time between the dale of No tl»1*- Is hereby given that on Friday, expense to the four thousand odd de­ Vlàltlng membsrts cordially invited. Steam heated room 2 meals. 91 day. LADDERS -Strong, light ladders. 14 ft. the 7th day of January. 191*. at the City positors. blocks. 86 85: 12 In . epllt, 15.79; carrying Mrs. Joe McDowall. Proprietress ff the notice and I p. m. of the day of the la «e extra. Lloyd-Young A Russ'll. SONS OF ENGLAND, B. 8 -Alexandra long and shorter, window ladders, step- nomination, and shall state th« name»; Pound, tiarbally Rood, at tbe hour ef 12 Mr. Justice Martin:'1,You have five ladder#. In «lock and mad» to order o’clock noon. I shall sell, by public W Broad street. Pemberton Building. Lodge. 116, meets first and third Wed- SITUATIONS WANTEtt—(Meto' residence and occupation or description thousand people here, and a committee Phon<- 4532 needeya Friend»* Hall. Courtney Jone#. ||7 Fort SL Phone M73L. nft tf of each person proposed. -4n such manner auction the following animal, vis.: One A. Wyman. 927 Pembroke St. p YOUNG MAN. Invalide.1 from- th» army, SEE OUR SPÊC1AIR at 81 «0 and 1158. aufllctentiy to Idcntfify such candidate, •orel horse, unless the said animal be was appointed. The others can re­ CHIMNEY SWEEPING. dent; Jan P. Tempi*. MU Burdett St. wants .work of any kind, handy BMI Crown M!llln.rr Parlor.. K1 Fort St! *, »« « •"» b'lri« nrerMry. redeemed and the pound chargea paid af pudiate you. You cannot say you re­ around hotel or private home, city hotel . ------—------——------Ffrh poM will be opened on the 15th day or before the time of sale. CLEANED*» yêâ» present those people. They may be CHIMNEYS ■ônï~op'ënolani> r. e -fm*. ^ tin reference. Box 1991. Time». J9 ] FORor; _____SVI F! P.rkrr. J—I ■!.hot___ run__ ; -nar. _ of Jan"«rr I»l« at the fotiowtn* place»: F. CLOUGH, perlence In Victoria) Lloyd. C LOTH ING AN D f’URNl Fl II KG goods hRn It |2Sl'1.', W.W W Greener rifle,rifle. 912.!»;II? SO; ForF«r the>h« First.rir.t Ward,ur.'iLi at Cedarn.n.. Hill..... v.School » Pound Keeper. men of straw. Why not offer a bondV’ Î183T.1 Teland I-odge. No. 1M. meets 2nd and Marlin rifle. « repeater, <7 8*; carpen­ Victoria. B. C\. January 4th. 1916 Mr. Armour: “if they are men of 4th Tuesdays In A.O.F. Hall. Broad St salesman of unusual ability, experienc­ Houae; for the Second Ward. at Old CHIMNEYS CI.EANED- Defective flues President F Oaeson. Church ltd.. Oak ed tn adverttatar and store management, ters’ steer trunk. 961*; Henry Dlsstori Toimie School ftouae. Bolesklne road, straw, they have a right to try out filed, et» Wm. Neal. 1*19 Quadra St Bay; A. U. Brindley. 1*17 “ well known 1A Victoria and In a posi­ saws. 81; racket braces. Si 28; Dixon for the Third Ward, at the Hall. Gordon MORTGAGEE’S BALE. their case. The court can mould its Phone 1*19. pencils. Sc; field glasses. 94 56; East­ Head; for the Fourth YYard, at Mo broke St. city. tion to Influence considerable trade, de­ own procedure. This method of ob­ CHfMVRY «WJ*n!f5SS r.l.T I^TAI. ORANOB A**onATir>N-U O. sires position with progressive firm All man postcard cgmera. 812 50; Jhinlop Kenxle Avenue School. Carey road and outer tires. It M; Dunlop Inner tube». McKensle avenue; for the Fifth Ward will be received by the under­ taining a decision was made for saving PhAiv Cken uut thorough L 1*10,.______meets _ to Orang,?Ornée» Hall. rain.__ vommuiUcgttoBi çgnfideiitijii, p. o, _Boa signed up to J he 8th day of January. 1916 work guaranteed. 91: htoyde carriers. 9195: targe- carbide KAyat (tak HaH; for the Shrth Ward, expense. —------• J» atreet. second and fourth Mondays m ______ft lamps. 22.75; carbide. 16c per tin; .fil­ tl •* Tempérance l|alL Saanich; for the for the sale, under and by virtue of the J. Warren W. M.. Il* Leonard f I HAVE a few Chinese men and boy* I lette safety raxors. 92 75: Wade # But­ F-v. nth Ward and f'ralgflownr School Power of Sale contained In a certain The chief Justice: “The court has COR8ETRY. Geo A. Morgan. R. S . 2122 Irma St. wanting work; cpoklng. or will do any" District, at Miles’ Garage, corner Tillicum mortgage, of th«* following property : Lots power over Its own proceedings.” cher rasors. 45c; playing cards. 16c a 25 and 36 of Sub-Lit 39, Fern wood Estate. fcpiBEI.I.A COKBETS-Comtort.wllh OF P.-Far West-V!-toris Lodge. No kind of work : on steamers. In private pack or I for 25c: bicycle pump#. 2S<*; and Gorge roads. And such polling places it was intimated that Mr. Justice families, or willing to go anywhere. Victoria City, according to registered -straight lines; boning guaranteed un 1. Friday. K. of P. Hall, North Park bicycle enamel. ' lie |>*r tin Jacob “•ill be open from 9 o'clock a m to 7 Murphy’s procedure was taken to pre­ rust able and unbreakable, one year. St A O If Harding. K. of R. ft &, 9 Phone 2514. G. R. George, IT'S Govern­ m.. of which every perion is hereby Map 164; and also Lots 17 and IS, part of Æ Aaroneon'a now and second hand store. Sections 74 and 75, Fern wood Estate. Map vent the forcing out of hundreds of Profe-mg, heated Ford. 1912. roailst r. Just lMB OWj >r«^nptor -who has resided wttbtn the 313. Thence northerly and parallel to said No ***. meet# at For sat sra* HalHafl hauled and all worn parts replaced, westerly boundary of gaid Lot twenty past officer of tire company. The StS Johnson atroct Plum • 2966 Broad street. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays wanted about» middle of January, good Municipality for the space of one year or permanent t^tianf Must be reasonable tire» all good make a good delivery feet to a point. Thence westerly along point was whether Brydes, acting W. F Fullerton. Sec*y. more immediately preceding the day of the northerly boundary of said Lot 55 FURNITURE MOVERS rent and close In. j« rhasol#: price. 1275, 1912 five paasenger. hla nomination, and Is assessed tor five under Dower of attorney to do specific LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. No 72* excellent condition : 925 worth of extras; hundred dollars or rtrore on the last Muni nient10* ,nChe* to lhe P°inl ot commence- thfags*for the confpany, could be JEEVES BROS. A LAMB, furniture and Meets at K. of P Hall. North Park St. -e, <475 cash. 1916 Ford roadster, WANTED TO BUT-Small Taylor safe: cipal or Provincial A#s»«ament Roll over Xloer. The court piano movers. Large, up-to-date, pad­ second and fourth Tuesdays. Dictator. ; touring. <616 complete with ftlec- and above anr registered JUdgm-nt or Terms of sale cash, or 66-pro cent, rash ded vara, express and trucks Storage, A. t* Holmea, 1*29 Fern «treat C. must bs cheap. Box 11*9. Tilnei trlc headlight», electric horn, tools, and and 6* |**r cent, cm mortgage for two decided he could be so classed packing and shipping. Ofltee. 7* View Copelsnd. sroretary. 123* Minto street, e charge; or^being a homesteader, leaser .repair outfit, etc. Any of the above from the Crown, -or pre-emptor who ha* years with Interest at 8 per cent, per and dismissed the ' kppead/ ' The Street. Phone 1167. Stable. 167 Gorge P O Hhx 1*17. care on easy terms. Wood Motor Com­ annum payable quarterly. road. Phone MB A FIGURE on plastering a house and r.-sided within the Municipality 'for a flgets of the oaufe are ’the plaintiff building chimney. Apply Box pany. Limited, 101» Rockland Avenue period of on* year immedtalely preceding Furtbro particulars may he obtained on HELP WANTED—CMala) Time#. Phone 4»u0. ft application to the undersigned wants Brydes examined in regard to FURRIER the nmrrtnatkm. and during the remainder »f said year baa been the owner of aaid or w KH«a,r not nrereMTUy plaintiffs employment as physician WANTED—Good baker. BOX 11*6. Time* WANTED TO PVR. HASE-A milk j HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ÏHEb. FOSTER. 1216 Government street. ro-in.l ; give fall particulars. Box 11491. land, of which he former!v waa a home­ Xtot-J th. ath .toy ot Di'oembir. Isa. in attending a director of the company Phone 1197. .______ft steader. lessee from the Crown, or pre- ■ v good smart boy. about 15 FQR RENT—Furnished housekeeping who white In Vancouver from London roome; gas cook etove, kitchenette, open emptor. and Is assessed for five hundred „ _ . ALSxi» MARTIN. METAL WORKS to 18 year» of age. Jo learn the cloth­ WANTED TO RKNT-On* Ford no- flree; comfortable and select. dollars or more on thhe last Municipal or »» Pirn berton BMg Vlrtori. R c taken 11). The bill amounted to ing business and d« general Junior work about, for a couple of month»; must Provincial Assessment Roll over and Mui tgag-r « Mullettor 10.700: The suit was held up pending around atom. Apply O'Cahnell’a. Ltd., Superior. ------g* II PACIFIC SHEET MRTAL. WORKS- In good condition. Address R. above any registered Judgment or dberg* discovery examination of Bryde*. Cornice work, skylights, metal wln- 1117 Government St. ~ ft Whyte. 422 Dallas Bd. and being ot lier wise qualified by this Act : doara. metal, elate and felt roofing, hot Charles Wilson, K. C„ appeared for EARN WIRELEFF—New clause# ce WANTED TO BUT sloven. heateVa. and NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT, to vote at an election of school trustees IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE air furnaces, metal eeUfttga. etc. IM9 the appellant, and Mr. Stockton for Yatea street Phone 1771 monctng January 1 Particulars and all claaa of furniture. Phone 797». ft In the said school .district, shall be eligible 0» MARY CR0S8LEY DECEASED. prospectus free on request Columbian notiub IS HEREBT GIVEN that to be elected or to eerve as a school trua- the respondent'. C#M#ge of Wireless. 7»ft Fort Jit W ANTE D-Carp enter»’ toots, clotl «Ui. kt eUCh ecember. 1915. assigned all a IV F. SEWELL. exist, and fairly happily at th»L with­ MILLWOOD WWW , A. Return,n» Officer. Province of British Columbia, are request­ Railway Association, cere Times. 1747. — n 1 her personal estate, real estate, credits Cameron" woop CO mili.wdod. n N B-No nomination paper will be acted ed to wnd by post prepaid or to deliver out daily newspapers. Such an In­ and effect#, which may be ielsed and sold to the undersigned, solicitor tor Rdward Per cord. I1.M per I cord; kludlln*. C EMPLOYERS OF HELP who may now ROPE Junk rope wanted, Alaaka Junk |under* éxècntlon. to ms. George Wgltaoe upon by the R#fartiIng Officer (excertT In dividual was discovered the other day •T tn the Immédiats future require cone of absence of nominee) unleee it la Person, the executor of the said M*ry per | cord. •killed or unskilled labor, eltkar male ,‘i-wt°re etree*’ oorner Cormorant Anthony, of No. 908 Jones Building, Vlo- Croealey, their name* and addrenre . in ^he Peak district. In the course of accepted in writing by the person nomln- full t-rilrutore In -ritlngofthelr etohnî PAWNSHOPS. or female, should send In their name# 0* tori*. B. C.. Accountant ated. end •very nominee will be requested conversation the discoverer of the old *t once to the- Municipal Free Labor WANTED-Second-hand tool# of all de­ AND FCRTHBR TAKE NOTirK thnt to make a d-daratlon that he la q ual I fled. ;^BS^!«De?toreti%L “• ««w fellow found that events which had  A BONBON’S LOAN OFFICE mov-d to Bureau. scription#. Alaska Junk Co., 1421 Store * merlins of creditor» will be held nt mi •nid offle» on Turjd.r. the 11th dnr of passed into history were still fresh MS Government street, east to Colum­ greet, corner Cormorant. Phone 1702. JU NOTICE AND TAKE notice that after tho bia Theatre. M tf WANTED TO RENT—HOUSES Jsnusr/, 1*1*. nt M* o dook In the after­ Kith day Of January the Mid Edward news to him. “My good man,” he RUBBER—Junk rubber wanted. Alaska noon. for tho purpose of dladuMlnp the Junk Co.. 1421 Store street, corner Cor­ Pear,no. will proceed to distribute the aa- said In shocked tones, “this is ..lament­ PLUMBING AND HEATING WANTED TO RENT—7 or 9 roomed mod- Mint, nffalr* Nolle. I. hereby glide that all p— morant. Phone 1701. ju Mt. of the Mid deceased among tha par. able. Why do you not subscribe to VirTOniA PI.I-HBINO Civ fit' ■Bi 'urnlahed, within ÎS AH crodltorn are further required to having claim# against William Dean, late aona entitled thereto, having regard only minutes P. 0.| or will trad# with pro­ fll. with mo full particular, of th.lr to the claim, of which ha.hall fhen g* newspaper, and dors street. Phones 34*5 and 14fi*L. RAGS—All aorta rags wanted, it pays of Gordon Head. B. C.. are required to some daily or weekly perty farther out Phone 2959. JS to save rage. Good money to you If you claim, nnd the nature of aocurttlra. If •end same to the undersigned. Solicitor had notice: and that the said Edward thus keep yourself in touch with what tLl HIllNO AND REPAIR-Coll «ork any, held hr them, an required by Uw. WANTED—By doctor and wife, \wt of bring to Alaska Junk Co., 1421 Store St, for the Executor# of aaid deceased. And Pearson will not bo liable for th. mm is going onr “We-eV* aaid the old s«. Fu.sord, IMS Pouslss. Phone TSS. February or March. 4 or I roomed cot­ corner Cormorant Phone 12769. ji* on or before th. 10th fmr of F.br, take notice that after the 10th December assets or ony Itort thereof to any paraoaa Hrt*. nftor which date 1 w‘ man, "I have been thinkln’ of doing t-ok PROMPT ATTENTION for ptornk- tage or bungalow, I bedrooms, furnished >14 tor 1911, the Executor* will proceed to dlatri- Of whooa_Claim, he .half not then have 1ns rcpslrk, Phones à sr ESL M. F. dt.tributelatrtbute *-tl* MMto. k*Tto* regard only i the assets of said deceased among summat of that But. ye seeT when or unfurnished. wRh garage, dose In. clothing. L Herman. > «non claim. M .hnll ttonT>. b.for. ore. Oelg-r Box 10*8, Time#. J7 __ persona entitled thereto, having re­ Doted »t Victoria. B. C.. the Uth day my father died, ten year agone, be left Doted nt Victoria a 0„ thla gth 1», gard only te ouch claims of which they I Daoambar. A. D. mi WANTED—House# to rent} strict attan- WANTED-A1I w have had nodes. W. H. LANQLBT. ' me a pile of newspapers four foot yBJuiz*------lO. w. ANTHONY, Dated November ». mi high, and I ain’t near got through SB —' 0*0. A, morfst. them yeti’*


than that I wish you all that is good, when he refused to gjlve the lad money, good-bye, and good luck." the Information was given the [K>llce. PRESENTATION MADE The regret of his many colleagues LI Private Robert Wilson, of tiie 60th at hearing these words of farewell was Highlanders, told Hhe court he was temporarily submerged in the singing crossing the street when the motor car ANOTHER HOME SNAP .Jjttt "Pur He's a Jolly Goqd Fellow," IN APPEAL COURT hit him on the back and knocked him SIR RICHARD M’BRIDE down. Mr. Grift\Ut-J)lcked him up and JluHHell street, Victoria West, almost new five-room bungalow; sung with great enthu«iu»m by every­ one present. -Three roof-lifting cheers asked if he was hurt, to ‘which he re­ basement, all modern conveniences ; close to school and carliue. and a thunderous tiger for Sir Rich­ plied that he was not. Later he found ard were followed by the same expres­ that he had lost hie tobacco,, a hand­ Civil Service Employees Attend sion In honor of Lady McBride, the ex- Action Brought Under Wood­ kerchief and 75 cents, but on being preinter withdrawing after a grave further questioned by the. magistrate Price, Only $1900 Ceremony in Legislative bow of acknowledgement. men's Lien Act; Judgment he remembered that he had found the Chamber This Morning. There were present: A. C. Flumer- is Reserved tobacco and handkerchief. f .Tr~~ • •_ “ Very Knsy Terms, . ' felt, minister of finance and agricul­ kJ3>there was no doubt that there ture; Dr. H. E. Young, ex-provincial a if. *" 1 been a failure to report, which re­ secretary: 8. F Tohnlo* deputy 4hin- quirement 1* Imperative amJ does not The civil service employees at the ietvr of mines; Robert A. Renwlc)t. The court of appeal this morning depend upon what any person injured deputy minister of lands; t>. N- Mc­ heard th* appeal of Mill» against the may say, a fine of $5 was Imposed, HAVE parliament buildings this morning held Intyre, deputy commissioner of fisher­ A ca»e against J. R. Carmichael for Smith Shannon Lumber company, an P. R. BROWN a formal leave-taking of 8ir Richard ies; J. P. Babcock, assistant fisheries driving on the wrong side of the road, McBride In connection with a pre­ commissioner; J E. Griffiths, deputy appeal by the plaintiff against judg­ in which a man had his leg broken, 1112 Broad St. ment for defendants given '^at Van­ sentation ceremony that was held minister of public works; W. E. Hcott, was adjourned for a week. J. A. Aik - Monty to Loan Written. deputy minister of agriculture; W. couver. The appellant claimed $315 man is acting for Mr. Carmichael. shortly before noon in the legislative Fleet Rolwrtson, provincial mineralo­ money earned as wages In his employ­ chant her. About half past eleven gist; Cohn Campbell, superintendent of ment ns a hook tender ’for the Pacific deputy ministers and clerks froth the provincial police ; John P. McLeod, various departments to the number of deputy attorney-general ; F. C. Gamble, Slope Lumber company, who got out LEADING CITIZENS about three hundred assembled in the government engineer; W. H. Cullin, and supplied logs to the respondents Moved big hail, and shortly afterwards the king’s printer: Fred. L Crawford, man­ in the appeal. J. A, Maclnnes appeared ager of tlie Bank of Commerce ; Dr. The Leading Coal ex - premier, entered from the door to for the appellant and Mr. Senkler for CHEER EX-PREMIER Alex. Robertson, superintendent of the left of the throne. the respondent. Bei'huee It I» quickly and easily lighted, and moon makes a hot and His appearance was the signal'; ftyr education; W. Upton Run nulls, lnspec- The commencement of the lof of trust companies; It. K. Gosnell, The appellant's claim was under the year 1916 finds us established ,in steady lire. Leweat In aeh. long applause, which was interrupted, premier's secretary; E. O. 8. 8<-hoIc- Woodmen's Lien Act, In which It is our nftwr premises. however, by the reading of a presenta­ OUR MOTTO—FULL MEASURE flcld. provincial librarian and archi­ provided that person» taking a con- tion address by K. O. 8. Rctndefleld, Sir Richard McBride is Given I'omplete In every* respect and vist; F Ryan, king’s messenger; It. tract with a company. employing men provincial librarian and archivist, who stocked with nil that is l>est II. Pooley, M. P. P-. and many of the who would perform the labor in the Hearty Send-Off on De­ and- up-to-date, our p&w store stood at Sir Richard’s right, and facing contract should, before paying ac­ civil service employee», i*oth from the has elicited the most compli­ him in such a way that he could be counts, obtain from the employer» of parture for England , - buildings and other offices in the city mentary expressions of admir­ Mackay & Gillespie Ltd heard distinctly from all parts of the as well as a number of civilians In the the workmen a reveipte«l wage sheet. hall...... L... _ ation from all who haw seen ifc» Phones 149 and 622. Office, 738 Fort Street galleriel. It Is claimed that the log* were de­ The address was as follow»: livered according to contract, but that In our premises we have es­ To 8ir Richard McBride, K. C. M. G-. Mill», who worked for the other prfrty Sir Richard McBride left Victoria this tablished a complete afternoon for London, to assume offici­ K. C» LUU-. Etc., Etc. to the contract, did not get pai«l, and INVESTIGATING HARBOR that the respondents t** the appeal n the occasion of your relinquish­ not take the precaution of getting u Tn sptte- or the snowstorm there Ww a | Answers to Times LOCAL NEWS ing the office of prime minister of T_hlk re«*<«lpted wage sheet. —7 large gathering at the C. P K. wharf province an offiee which you have The question was raised this morn- to bid farewell to the ex-prcmier. ..— FACTORY And Now tt'e Trans ter Tima- Wv hidtl au«l. adorned for a pertwt oT over Jng that the logs were already ln^ the While the majority of the gathering twelve yegr**—tv assume t K^fnifn>fffittf Want ^ds. .ârry a full line of all binders, datera HQP)| watrV- when t fie rv» |m >n«tt-n fi « »»k ' 'i 'o*?- a rrfkhds and eauiftped, with, tiie most modern rnd—oftit-c uuiiplicM. Kvswn'-y-- Pintle* «gent.general of British U- sceMlon of them, ami that th*4r contract heads-of departments in tha-civU sur­ appliances for the manufacture of jewt-lry and for the repair of The following replie» are WaiMiK to bJ Connell, -Limited. printers, stationer» lumbift. in the capital of the empire, called for purchase in this way. It was vive, there were als » u numl»er of leacl- -ailed for: and engraver». • the members of the' civil service desire Ottawa Officials Here ta Look contended that—whatever liability the int: citixens represent me every walk watt hes. clocks, etc. This branch 799- SI'» 826. ML 977. 9WL 1W4. MW. to express their deep appreciation of other company had Incurred towards of life. Among those noticed present 1 of our busim-»» is in the hands w. n**. xtiï. saw. the kind eortstdetotHm and panwnal Into Matter of C. E. McQon- of competent mrrf of wide ex­ W. A. of 8. P. C. A.—The W A of MHI4 Was made before the respondents in and «round the entrance were lion. .-as. x. courtesy which have always distin­ perience. 8. I*. C. A. will meet on Friday. Jan. entered Into the contract. Û. E.‘ Tlsdall and Hon. A; T*. Firmer- guished you in your long association alr's Work on Piers Z^ftt 2M lu the Y. W.-C. A. -^ Mr, Maclnnes argued that this was felt, membera of the present cabinet: whh ihcrn. and at the same mm t«. as- not so, for that some of the logs were Mayor Stewart, Aldermen DU worth Bring Your Watch and Jewelry TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY fr ☆ tr iiurc you of their continued affection cut and delivered to the water after doesn't ami Okell,. G. H. Barnard. M.P., Bishop Repairs to Us. We Premiss You IGGONISMS^A , man W!1« Florence Nightingale Chapter, I. O. SSII ---...... II. lilllHIy **| mously decided to ask, you to accept a accounts without explanation are to II. tl. Pooley, M.P.P., H. F. Reims* 11. yBtrmr memento ^ unable to aay definitely, but the _ VnU from Cooper ft Pott^ ""JJÇJJJJ*' ■ ' ’ •» **=*= " v-v be credited the” action of thé dpfnlfiton Slret Tailor»," 7V8 Y a tee str.ecrxfelro* Lady Douglas Chapter.—Thé Lady amount would be about lltO. ahd could ...r... R. E- G«)S- W.H. Wilkerson your long year» of service in and for nell, F. J. O’Reilly. ÎIcnry Çr«»ft, and ■ «Nik. Douglas Chapter. 1. O. D. K., will be the province, but, at your suggestion, department of public works In start­ be decld«*d by a reference ,to the regis­ JEWELER n:any leading citizens. Th-- political HOCKING. James Bay plumber, lu pttemlam-e on Friday at the United the forrm of the presentation ha» been ing an investigation Into the irrvgu- trar. He contended nevertheless that friends of the late premier were pracr mail.-, rhng«-» connected. plumbing re- Service clubrooms. It is requested that changed to the furnishing of a ward laritifH which are alleged to have taken whole -of the claim was arguable Ina»- 1113 Government St. Phone 3771L, 34» St., James Streep ttcaily all there. the members turn out In good numbers In the Provincial Jutdlee hospRni. place "lit connection frith C. E. Mc­ much as Mill# hat-Live business man with $*>\ A * A the Sir Richard McBride ward, it is new harbor works. _ Included In the- delivery after It was to t ike 'half Interest in *«•«*,l manufac­ ht*gun. 67th Battalions, respectively, on thv French Matinee.—The Alliance Fran­ felt by all of u* that in making tliia The assistant deputy mlwiater of turing con - rn nhmst to op-m a branch 'Causeway and Belleville street, the In 'Victoria. Would bo r.quired to take çaise will hold an Anglo-French mat­ suggestion you have |tVM n mark of public work» and one of the^englncers The court reserved Judgment. m.pn cheering heartily as the premier * charge of sunte. For full particulars, inee In aid of wounded French soldiers your affection- for the lam! - of j'our .if the department arc here at present apply V o. Box 491. Vancouver. j* and Lady McBride passed. At the CHILDREN, HAVE YOU A PHOTO on Saturday. January’ 8, at 3 p.*m. at birth and of your concern for the un- making a personal Inquiry on the EVIDENCE OF SOUND BUSINESS wharf Hlr Richard held a brief reeep- WANT K It—Vianu. good tune, touch. and the residence of Mr». A g new. 1828 fort nit* m tint* hour of trial. 11 IS gr-un'd. into the matter, un«l they w ill CONDITIONS OF MOTHER OR FATHER 7 tk», while the piper’s band of the 67th condition, for cash, state prive, but no Rockland avenue. Several well known the earnest. wish' of the civil service mpke a report to the minister. tkw't- neste»-* «*♦ Imp-u lnnt a fancy one. Apply Box 1119. Time». JT Battalion 1 layed eattabU mua c T1' • local artists bave consented to assist, tliat tin- Sir Richard McBride ward Yesterday afternoon th* y went out The Great West Life Again Breaks Its : ... : the platinum studio MATERNITY NURSING HOME and there will tie other attractions. may long ser* r u n-’Me purpoee in the on a 'dredge and had several bulrki t«- Own Record and Retains Pre­ reasonably (licensed >. Mrs. M alleviation of suffering and staifti as a mier Position. premier went along the bangway to A read Building, A . A A ful of material dredged from the bot­ Entrance Broad. View and Govt. pey, SMH View street.______lasting memorial of one whose tom in order that they could estimate the steamer. Prayer Service.—The second of the The ex-premier will go east over the ;XUHAXelng that between 3§c and l‘J Inspector Hatcher and Constable Flor- 219 Superior philanthropie,and charitable effort ha*« first complete year of the war. Among treeevs, sell very cheap. of the church. Rev. J. B. Warnicker a cubic yard. — ettie Are Going With J7 endeared her name» to all classes of the these special mention m.i p WILL CASE HEARD will deliver the address, and 11- - chair x niiniltfr nf statement*._some of Fifth Regiment. BlfiAVTlFVl. LOT. on Blackwood St. umunlty and her departure will I» them based on documentary evidence, The Hreal-Wesï'TJfé Assurance com­ good view, nice oak trees. - Ins- In city will be taken tiy Rev. Dr. T. Scott. Formal Case Brought in Connection regretted far and wide throughout the ame .-*it m the 'cours *>r th- r*-« * nt pany, two of whose director* g re re*l Qii.irtennuster-Sergcant Frank ,Hat- wortii 11.7 '*'. will *11, fur •• cash. K Rev. C. A. Sykes last evening was the dents of this city. Hon. A. C Humer- With the Estate of Late Her­ White &• Sons.__ ->yyyiM8«ii^c:.- province." ' proceedings n to settle the owner­ bert W. Lies. lu-r, license Inspector, is leaving the. ~ I^Ti'cTT by wwWWYtw» *wi behalf ship «if certain papers'll?* bi ts, en Dor- felt, minister «‘f mxn« •- and 'Mr Fre*i police form tn join the «iversens ite- \V.VNTeT) FUR VASII 5 or *'• roomed Nation, mvi whose manager'for Van- cot tag 1 ôr buhgdtott : must b * t bor­ J m K. Mi'llory «u4 X. McDonald, in tac-hini-nt of the 6th Regiment, C. G. A., Mini «trial Association.—The Minis­ In the supreme court this murnina ough I y Ynotl rn and within twenty intn- In uiknowledging the cordiaf senti­ whirl. Il.nry C Hall art I’d for Majlory «•nnver Island Is Mr. J. Rurtt Morgan. and he is now being followed' by Con­ terial association held Its annual Mr. Justice Macdonald heart! a format w»|k of po*t offlvv. state full par- ments expressed in the address of Document* Indien, that John K. Ncl- The letter 1» Just in receipt of a t*-le- stable James G. Horen ce. who Is going tlculurs and lowest price to Box 1122 luncheon at 1 -o'clock on M-mduy, at grntn from his company's head office suit to prove (he will of the late Her­ Time». presentation Sir Richard, speaking son. late sui»erlnt» ndent of r spectacle caae» feeling, said: at about $50,600. The property was three weeks. tton of g^ftrers and the address by Rev. "Gentlemen of the committee and ’ • 827.410.686, in,.king the at > .»? In prohablv In vicinity of lntere**ctfon of contract, and it la alleged that, being left to his wife, but as the testator had Constable Florence has seen service Yav * and Broad streets, about 5 o’clock Robt. Connell. The election resulted friends: This is a most delightful the company’s history-. Thi» i* also financially interested In it, he was re­ tieen a short time before the. making before, having been for five -years in Tuesday. January 4th. Finder please In Rev. J. R. Warnicker being appoint recognition that the members of the : ’• ninth wieceeelVe > ear *i whl h ike phone 1322R. Reward. fl sponsible for over-cla»»lftcati«>n In of the will confined tb a home the Royal Garrison Artillery, and In ed president for the emming year; and civil servie** have extended to lue this order to increase the profits. Great-West Life agent* have secured that corps was In manÿ parts- of the r(5 LKT—Kequtraait, new tl.re -roomed Rev. A. B.‘ Curry, of Hampshire road morning. 1 have nothing but the hap more buslr^as irv Canada, than th» for persons of unsound milttt, the cottii*; > and ihree-foonjed apartment, chamber Judge at Vancouver had de­ empire. He ha* been for seven years Methodist church, secretary. Rev. I test recollection» of my long year: PUBLIC MARKET. a^etn-y force of any other company— • : clined to make an prdcr on the will with the police force here, and has 86851. or 22S5R. J7 Rol>t. Connell's address was on "Re­ of service In the country, which hav** a most striking evidence of increasing H- and advised that a court hearing shown himself n very capable officer. ligion and the War." a matter handled permitted me to enjoy the friendship Thcre was a fair market to-day con­ confidence on the part of the publie. W. E MILIkF. express and transfer should be taken. . . ■ 1 He has the best wishes of all his com­ FUrhiture r>Mtovfr4. bAggag-^ rottectr* tty a -.very interoaiiitg manner, and ,«$wl eu-oi>ei atbm of wores^of the Luîu m sidering the state of weather. The. fob- Nor Is .British Columbia an exception In the suit to-day LetUla J. E. Xëes rade* In his return to the colors, and and delivered. Phone 327**1 tl. H giving rise to a long and almost and gentlemen who compose the civil lowing average prices prevail: in this regard. ^toJfll the Great-West was the plaintiff Slid Dorothy W. their hopes for a safe return. ■ • equally Interesting discussion. Rev. J »eisvice of British Columbia. It has bTottr-Apples, No. 1. $1.40; No. 3. Life took the lead In this province also, and with a production of $2,041 Lees was the defendant. TIh‘ wit­ glove, left hand, between City hall and B. Warnicker presided, and there were l»een an inspiration to realise that I" $1.10; I «ears. 3 cents per lb. Johnson street Will finder leave at nesses to the will were called and sixteen members of the association had around me such splendid and such Dairy produce— Butter, 40 to 45 cents 6K7.00 for 1815 It will probably main­ engineer’s department. City ball. tain this position. testified that -when they signed the presenL efficient colleagues, and It has been per lb. ; egg*. 45 and 50 cents g>er d«»Z 1 .*»KT A red « »*< ker spaniel pup Phon< soufre of constant pride to know that will at the request of the late Mr. OBITUARY RECORD AAA Vegeta Id**»—Cabbage. 1 cent per lb.; ..itm -... ______ï[ British Columbia can lay claim to hav­ Lees in his presence and after he had 1 turnips, 1 cents per lb.; parsnips. I F..L. HAYNK8. I at*- watch an«f chrOtltr» Arising Out of Wages Claim.- When ing «m»- of tin* finest civil services in MILK VENDORS’ QUANDARY signed, 'he was In a sou ml state of The death took place this morning a^ rpctrr iriulrr 4« Mi sera. Elklngon. gov- cent per. 111.; Brussel 1» sprouts. 6 lb* Mr». Daisy l^nc0 rents forthcoming for the Issuance of license turn same forthwith ami avoid further per lb. ; milk fbl chicken's. 25 to 28 . DIED SUDDENLY eityt «ftft Tim nmcr.i! e he had ordered the woman out- first. comparatively small thing to a large renewal*. These renewals are called ÿiït Æa'SMiui.' trouble. J7 doaiMfr. tha by. .last/ to -be a»* on.h'Ttmn*:to*o he I >„d topor^nt .SCflX,. il| Ull InIWMt £«bkuaeu.4«fcJLl •Arthur -Ftwdsr Expires-Wht4« WeBtlnp tr* m the family residence. Rev. J. G. WAuKTHD A? k.»w»m>F' ■ Tflff fl6 nfSre fôrce Ilian ne- Ing development It ha^ been quite no cents per lb. uary tS. : No certificate can be issued -eti-a. Apply at luU" biaoaUard Ht. ff. "Along Street; Well-Known ThKster officiating. cessa ry, ahd In this he was borne out to those of us who had some fish Frc»h herring. 7^ cents per till the milk vender or wholesaler pro­ Among Surveyors. FOR RENT—FurrrtsS-rl bungalow. Ap- by Hugh A. Gourlay. The complainant concern In the public builncss of this lb.; cod. 10 cents per lb.; halibut, 12Vi duces' his certificate that his herd Is ply 14?» tjfant Ht. _ J7 The funeral was held this morning bail a woman friend who < orroborated country that we had assembled a staff cents per lb; smelts, 10 cents per lb.; free from contagious diseases. This FOR RENT—VumforLahly T/uruialtcd hud-, I Arthur Finder, well-known nmopg of Victor Bolton, a former inmate of TigT in tier assertion that she was not of ladles and gentlemen of which any crabs, 12Vi cents each; shrimps. 20 certltiiMtte has been given Tn the past room. A^ply 1*29 tirant Ht. J7 surveyors in this province fot* several the B. C. 1‘rosteKtant Orphanage. The Hrst asked to lenx e. The court, in dla- government might well be proud. cent* per lb.; smoked salmon, 11 cents by the government veterinary officer. W A NTK fV-Th« h «ni e h t v ( experienced head years past, died suddenly on the street service» were held at 10.45 from the n ...... in- wsa of opinion "It was always my ambition," sir per th.; fillets. 16 cents per lb.; • kip­ As the off teal* of the department of ■ mi noo* to-day/ He was seized with a Ü. C. Funeral rltaprl. Rev. A. De B. that probably the corryduinant had Richard continued, "to see the civil pers, 10 cents per lb.; bloaters. 10 cents agriculture are disinclined .to make department ; good salary paid to com- stroke of apoplexy while walking on Owen conducting the services. A iwtent hand. Only ones having held" forgotten that she was told to get out. service af British C’oltimhla reach the tests where they would be compelled Fort street, near Oak Bay junction, number of the children from the Or­ similar position need apply-to Box **. or did not notice it In the excitement standard set by the civil service of to order the condemnation of stock and was carried by street mtlwaymcri Times ______. JM phanage were present, as well as of the moment. th«» old country. The civil servants of without compensation, the situation is who saw him fall Into the Oak Hay FARM TO LET—10 tvres. all cultivated. British Columbia to-day feel that they t.umbers of grown-ups. and thclre were difficult. The city officials could not ntormary whbre hi expired in ft Spftj ji*> fruit tree», good ti-room hous •_ chick- hryptv-l. »" called after (kclr ,inventor. are very vitally Interested In a very many exquisite floral tributes. ?'£> f’-A-n ’ */;/<■'• Um —tet minutes. b*fü*e* and batus. . City iUtdteraga. tl*e Biitisb Gcneial Rhrapnf!, »r«« thin wonderful and- very resourreful Csun- m Fnlon H«nk Rhon=- 8» .» as many of the producers are located Be. l^>»noK was called but when He cases nf tough sterl containing a large try at points up the Island, and. on the arrived he found that Mr. Finder wa* FOR HALE » ’HEAP—HijT-roomed resid­ number of bullet»—In tie* British artillery "They also realize that they can take Thos. D. Hedger is *|»endlng the win­ WILSON AND LANSING ence. with 3 acres of land, suitable for Gulf Island*. beyond any aid. The iKdlce ambulance 263 him! In the French and German 300. a part in the publie work of making Chicken* *#r small fruits: dose to sta­ ter in Los Angeles. < alifornla, and is went out with Constable Slmwyer. and HELD CONFERENCE TO-DAY the province of British Columbia one Some temporary arrangement will tion, Kr O., and stbiv. Apply D.. t»'ob- not ex$K-cted to return to Victoria until brought the body to the rooms of the bfp mn ______------Hasten to the end which Jhou ha* be­ of the brightest Jewels of the em be sought until Inspection can be re­ Mardi or April B. U. Funeral company, from which the Washington. Jan. 5 - President Wil­ fore fhoe. and. throwing away Idle hopes, pire. newed. The health department is EXCHANGE acres, improved, house, „ I" » * * funeral will take place. son summone^l ^Secretary Lansing to ttc.. n.-ar Vernon, for bungalow-, fltand- come to thine own aid. -Marcus Aurelius. "I cannot tell you how badly I feel dally lh receipt of inquiries as lo wha*t On New Tear's Day. at $.80 p.m. The late Mr. Finder wa* a native of the White House early to-day for a ar.l I tc^hv 1*17 Hay waul Block J7 in leaving you all. But I have the course la to be adopted, but no answer very pretty wedding was solemnised at England, but had been In Canada for conference on the International situa­ FOR GopdL fresh cow. 1>. .Homl- satisfaction of knowing that I leave can be given, because otherwise the the home of Mr. Gower, 2036 Fern wood many year*. He served in the Royal tion. It Is understood the chief topic ersoo'. Mibu;'s Landing, B. (*.. Book» TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY behind me many true old colleague» department would be called upon to road, by the Rev. Andrew Walker. The Northwest Mounted pôllee-fof a num­ under discussion, was what consti­ River road. ______JH SMALL FLAT or suite of 7ooms. heated, and friends. I wish you all weH, break Its own by-law. contracting parties were William J, tutes an armed vessel. Secretary Lans­ FOlTjft>-Tuesday, muu'-y. Owner ran want <1 about middle of January, good "I wish too, that we maÿ all see the ber of. year* and was stationed at have It by applying, to . 9» Caledonia Gower and Miss M. A. Williams. After ing carried a large porpolio containing pmnant-nt tenant. Must be reasonably end of the war soon." said Sir Richard many point* in _ the old territories. Avenue describing the rame and pay­ rent tmd close In. Box MW. Times. J« the wedding guests had been served to MOTOR CARCASES When the South African war broke out papers on the submarine warfare con­ ing for tills ad. flox 11g>. Titms _jS In concluding. "I know that you will a sumptuous dinner, then- were sbngs he enlisted in the Strathcona Horse, ducted by the Germanic allies. R limH rfl HR A tfi^-Bonk* on «Mir lik-nt- BORN each do your part to bring to British and speeches. • ^Tj Fine for Failure to Report Accident, •• Columbia the prosperity that Is des­ and served with that corps through the Hy with the ten tribes. * House of MOBLEY—At . Mj-s. impey’s maternity * * * I the Law Requires, Within Self-denial does not h»long to religion Israel " Dr. Poole's Fifty Reasons. Kcj D. H Mobley. tined to be hers In the years to come. Mr and Mr* Among the British baronetcies con Six Hours. as characteristic of Itj It belong* to hu- Israel In Britain, by Col. Oarnler. $t-; n daughter, It Is quite within the range of pos­ At the close of the war Jre came to ferred at the New Tear was that of uian life: the lower nature mu*t always L«*nt Ten Tribes, by Reader Harfts, K DIED sibility that some of us may meet British t’olumlda. and practically every r, ran b • obtnlneer 22. member -of the Church of England. ■** that of the Untied_ .Kingdom, abo««t trict Phone 2121R between « and 9 of Houth Vancmiver, and Mlw Usai» permitting me to be associated with father Is one of the leading organisera Mr. Griffith said he had been on Ms one million greater than tliat of the p. Jn- B i/ogan. the ward to be established in the In the. dry go«>ds and wholesale stores way to report the accident when the Life Is a lease Imposed on the occupant white population of the British Empire, EGYPTIAN COFFJBE served Thursday Funeral service at the house at 2.16 Royal Provincial Jubilee Hospital of In London, and has been a member of voimp, fellow he had hit said it was not without previous coinmunk'atinn* of the i which Include* « large numt*»r çf i»-ople a*i«l J-Tiday afternoyne at Wd Broughton p. m. Friday. Interment at Rosa Bay several commissions. w< rih while, but after December 2$, conditions In the contract —Da Forest. j of German and other nationalltlre. St » Cemetery. ----- —J_____ British Columbia. I can say 12 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. .TA KIT A BV r. 1916

For the greatest heat and economy HOW PIPER LA1DLA W WON THE V. C. OUR COAL F. W. STEVENSON & CO. LUMP $7X10 Per Ten. NUT (Lergest In the City) 164» Per Ten HALL & WALKER STOCKS Distributors Canadian Collieries (Dunsmulr) Ltd.. Wellington Cos la L/AND BONDS 1232 Government Street. Phone S3 104-106 Pemberton Building Tel. 362

[the war, but all the men were cleared .out b fore Germany fame, by the mo­ bilization. It contained th • bus!.-*t In­ Sea Power Is dustrial plants, the richest coal and Iron I iniuea. The poas-aem,, of both has h—n I of great advantage to Germany. and Germany’s I Yam - has Suffered severely by the loss | of them. Hut. on the other hand. Ger­ many has lost all of her colonies; most Doom of them have been actually conquered; only German Fast Africa Is still p.___ Mail and Empire, tically intact, and even here the British have occupied the coast All German ‘-.colonial investments , have b*en swept In rntrriiiK the war Or ma h y hoped awuv Tills however, only a relatively and expected to defeat France and Rus- minor loss compared with the )..*» 0^148861 Hia with ear *. Her statesmen counted U»e use of the seas. Germany Is sbov. nut p rliaps upon permanent British all else a country highly industrialist STOCK OFFERINGS IN neutrality, but upon a t-mporary par­ which lives by exporTOni Its products of alysis of British statesmanship, which German efficiency to all parts ,.f th would permit her generals to repeat the w^orhl She Is not self-support tug in tha MARKET UNSETTLED succvsa of VCD and enable h-r to con- sens * that Franc • is, but, like Great ROSTER SHADE LOWER frout Great Britain with a stupendous Britain, she I» primarily a fa< lory, her accomplished fact. Th» prompt entrance national Incimu*- depends on the returns of Great Britain into the war wholly slu* gets for her manufactures, plus tt*«* Iraaafarmed the situation. says the New freight her gr-nt merchant marine earns Speculative Sellers Featured V*M*k Tribune and. (Hpft? "the military In transporting tlu-se product* hml bring failure of the British to the present ing bark raw materials and fowl as Heavy Traders in moment", has^'been' the dominant factor change and Demand Slacker in the defeat of Germany; that is. in the *» The ,Sea. the Hea Day’s Dealings —^—-for Session — 4 ------foiling -and thwarting of w4nrt were the right to use the sea Germany can I main PUtpus.-a of German atatesnianship only regain. 1n two wa.V.^U) , onipri- 1 ______ILth” beginning., in losing; control ,»f |he Hng Great- Britain tor- reithahlah l'a.w. 1 '•ea. -or rather In toeing the abiltfy to ua* "‘*nd$. -.1 ' %Z» •>! . • '•mi’fv Ins.KtitJ •- . . .the .aew, ti*nn*»v- hw • VI Pel... „rt»ttrrus. WWÏ-ÎISgjr ~ ' - rile l. fnis fixed by Great Britain as I New York. Jad 5 Tiadera evidently | ncgle, eful orri »r f,jr the most part ^campaign, which survives, now only as h ‘ 4ttken t>r tile prevailing |.*vH* to take ' ^ the other of defeat But up to th-l 1,1 Pt for a f"w stoi.k*. th” trend was . IfUtlll U fhany. ha» ïî«t terri at trust a proportion of profita on long u Visional Hlilp ,,f relatix e|y small iidport- able in the smalleal war-- »« exert any] IE iniira. pxpeptiog a s^vri* jolt to be eg-. 6 ahfr. ended th-' naval tdiase of th- war force upon Great Britain to comp I hr| relii^at gcaduaUy. Ontsltfe an.I brought W lull is far. Ip# „nl\ to give up the mastery of the seas I stock market f»« tors were in coQtrvf. and "-.rere of » d- islnn In any campaign fhat has been Every effort made by the Germans has t'ne -tiling influeyivvs w ere supposed tv *ln"*r orl«l" » T»— t«y. un- ended in derisive defeat If you set •prtng from prospective difficulties in in- Rteadin-.-sa In New York *« « urilitM and The German Disaster. eventual against the -German ta-cupatlon of H.Vft | An . dUW« •riftctai .*al -s there Issues H.re on- strikes at tin* "heart of tlie square miles of French territory the I •well sentUn-ni. ai, unfoundeft nmior of w»’re Goroftation. which stu« k real disaster that this war has already British control of the sea you have! foreshadowed for German Industry. Be­ measured the exact condition b-tween ! the serious ill-health of the German a ,ve-|*a,nJ ,eve,« Canada GonsoHdsted this in fore the war Germany dominated RUs- the contending powers of (ha west H | ign w as made the rxt us* for a aacrl- ! Toronto aetuall> selling f0i it? L J, sian markets; she was able, through the Is plain that no hardship of France Is I XU* of issu *., atid prf- es taxed through | Uad. the latter bring acvurJ? Mr of- strpport -ronsriTnitg rfnr' ^ nr^.t -lîvr.r-iîîrr *------ijalb- . terms .-.of- lie* Tr-sfr of Prankf.-irt to iieTT ramperetm-' «mt, ffiât of' Germany, V- advantageously In France Bm both cumstances. the amount of long stock ' canae ’ Fran- e, thanks to Brltlst. s-a l A-ked Itusaia and France have, taken back their dishnlged was not phenomenal, specula­ «Blackbird Syndicate power; la aide to get coal and iron from • j Fan. Cu|»p»r < N, in.OO 123» economic freedom and both, have strong!> al>roagn. Low. Bid. ICO» Alaska Gold ...... I’oronntlon "Gold t Vnquestlonably British products, and at Lille and at Itoubalx. at 8t fjti ntin ::.m »! Si?™-» ...... u those of the I*nlted States conceivably and Tourcoing that la. the rhtogs *.**en- Allls-Chalmer* .....S.. will receive more favorable tariff treat I **». pfd ... .v*.,. Bal to national Ilf* and Vomf.n i are mt m, rw fjgj1,{•;*■> z‘n' ...... ment Ahan German When the war is over made elsewhere — - - • x -- A ui.. Cqai . Pdt*,-... Again, up to the present moment Great Amn. Agr. Chemical Tli i -tcflllllvray Coal ____ * 4 Portland Canal ...... Britain has romp-ted with Germany on After the War. Beet Sugar .... ««t m Can...... ‘ i Itambler Cariboo a parity in her home markets and In Nuw ,f were to be considered L« those of her colonies Nothing is more to-day. It is plain that Germany would Far * Fdy...... "’i ; I t-«f Cliff _...... -The certain than that after the war there hare to evaluate France, and Belgium I*rlor to th> assault on the German Steel Fdy ...... j Standard Lead tasault. Piper i«aldlaw continued play­ ',y* j Snowstorm ... will hi». Imperial preference, and prob­ ell In no other way could sh* per­ tranche* at Loon In tVptembvr. Piper when their h ig h - ex plosive shells burst Woolen ...... ing his pipe* till he was wounded. For Locomotive I." Srewart M & D ably International preference, between suade the British to permit her ships to Daniel Laid law. with absolute cool- in It* midst and sent it among our France ,and Great Britain and their re­ sail tile seas, and she ,has no present thia act of superb bravery the piper Smelting ...... j *s“»c«n star ...... ness, mounted the parapet during the own men. For a minme or two it had spective colonies. means of compelling such British con­ was awarded the V. C. In a published Sugar ...... lii I 8t"wart I .an.I worst of the bombardment and played a bad effect on my company; but in a 1S74 ! V,C,0r1a |,hoPnlx Brew. What Germany Has Lost. sent Hut this would be to restore things interview Piper Laid law gave the cir­ Tel & T*i ‘ ... to their exact statu* before the war it the regimental march of the King’s flash Lieute. ant Young sized up the Anaconda cumstances under which the episode Now. taking the war as a contest be- would mean that for her tremendous Own Scottish Border- ra, “lilue Bon­ situation, and. noticing I had my Atchison ii( American twreen Franc- and Great Britain on the took place. ' sacrifices Germany had galn-d nothing nets Over :he Border.” The effect of Pipes, exclaimed. For God a sake Balte. A Ohio ...... ‘ , ( anadian Marconi .. one hand and Germany on the other, "There was a light wind that morn­ from Franc- or from Great Britain "hut hhi' splendid example was Immediate, I-aidlaw. pipe them together."1" Th. BHblehem Steel ...... Vt'i f'rf>rk what has happened1 First of all. (Jer- ing, he said. "It was blowing a bank ;I*Iand Investment ..I.*.;., had lost her colonies Conceivably the and the vompan.S dashed out to the braye piper 4s here seen playing the Brooklyn Itap. Tran* of gag towards the German trenches * 1* it...... , ' . "'«‘on Club 43**1424 H3 Polxttit.sirftar iw bad «••mquefed tiw con­ London. Jan 4.—The total number Distillers Sec. tinent 8he could to be sure, send her BT SIR EDWARD GREW MONTREAL STOCKS of men ready to bear arms obtained Erie ...... As Business manufacturers to Hussla and to Fran.». • 1st pfd...... If they were prepared to resume friend­ from enlistments during the period be­ Goodrich ...... fRy F. A. Borden J Col ly relations, hut would they be? _____ tween Oct. 23 and Déc. 15. is estimated Great Northern pfd Moalrsal, ,J.„ 5 -Tsaferdav. mllln, Invites Germany to Have Im­ In Lord Derby’s report at 1,044.4M. Gt. Not. Ore off*. ^* <«n.d. l a, l-’oundry apparcntlv Gets Better uggenhelm ...... partial Tribunal Investigate Aft#r dtdutibwe from.îhe lots! num Inspiration .. . TWO WERE KILLED »>er of attested men of the various .Baldwin . " WBZK AFTER WEEK, it behooves every man Germap Outrages _ . La*, ku WiBUia- •s tndispeiisahle tTir civil occu and woman who wantj to get hia or her full share Kas. City Southern pat ions, the numbers available for L-hlgh" Valley ...... of retaining prosperity to be rare that no oppor- 4N0 ELEVEN INJURED tnnlties for profttabla enterprise are overlooked. 1 Lend on, Jan 5.-Thv sinking of th- wnrt OT.en ma,,i. ,l men Add,,,, ,^'p. WUIt- Star Itnrr Arabic, the (Ir.truc- those who enlisted for immediate ser­ s-<-uritiP« Cou^rv * *rr:;rn other DON T rOEOBT THE LITTLE THINGS which N Y Atrbrak- . 'untie, acre net influenced by the llon o, a Brlllah etibmnrlna by a Orr- vice, the total ready to bear arm* is Nat Isead Phenomenal In an(|>..„'™ often lead to big ones. Many a man has passed Wreck on C. P, R. at Moose man » ?rVi ____ WANT AD" can do for you; WHEAT FROM LIVERPOOL -34 231 ! Fan. C«i FU After >0 o’clock lart night, with the plaining of circumstances alleged to Studebakei tvrpn t; m have attended the destruction of a Ger­ Te*nn. Copper ...... L54 I«$j;; Do-, pfd . result that Fireman l-.gruc, of the Trl- «22 44t|t>dar Rapid* w ~w....sr~ man submarine by the British auxil­ (Hy F: W. 8t«v,naon 4 ,~o 1 Vfilon Rsclfk ..... • n* x RENT OFFICES eNy Bxpre** who Hved tn Moose Jaw, iary cruiser Baratong, the foreign sec flilcaeii, Jan. 5 —Cabifa cem, strong,, t' 8 Rûhb.’r^!...... r«7i thla morning and vhll. th, advance foi V. 8 8t«*e| ...... 54 M2 ! Dona. Bridk* . 70i and M. Macdonald, of Regina, serious ret ary wrote; ...... wÿ «62 j Dom. Cann-r* • ______RENT STORES epo't In Liverpool wa* not e.|tial to th, l>v . pfd...... *61 injuries were sutaimd by three p«*r- "His majesty's government notes • ...its m ------Chicago market fraatanlà» M 1, .4^«!lM<.>J0arr..------1171 ; Dtiui* i. * s vt}0 .Sr**L stUlaiaotk. «witmfgtr twtmfflTtmr milllW^'TOSg*,i;»' , ,, »* IMfii: WP< HH. ™ RENT APARTMENTS ___ ilitni sshui___ wnthrnyP »a. Car. < 'hentlvai surprise, the anxiety now becoming evident that Liverpool 1, Western FnJon ...... 4f»J 4^5 4*1 j 111* Traction An engineer lies pinned to the earth ...... a ...... expressed ...HU SÉLi BUSINESSES ,by the German government that the awakening to the seriousness of ne In­ «* m 1L of Wood» Ml* We*Unghouse ...... «et . 134 | under his engine tlesplte the most ener­ principle* of civilised warfare should ability tu secure adequate supplies, High Granby Otveiem) «1 <»78 l.anrt*mid“ Cu. . EXCHANGE PROPERTIES W LatflFentid> Power IMS gy tic efforts to move him. be vindicated. U U true that the In­ freight rales etc making shipments of Willy a Ova. • ■ 60 "•CURE OAPTtAL cident which suddenly reminded Ger­ wheat from Australia and Argentine to Tout aalys. pa,w. —* ...... an m Tlie two ixassenger train* collided In Europe prohibitive and It Is believed their NV 8. 8!-t*| com -*314 FIND PARTNERS the midst of one of the most severe many that such principles exist la one Ogilvif* Flour Co...... IWi luo 1*1 In which Urn alleged criminals are principal oourca of supply ml jet conic storms which have visited this district from North Amerl-s Canadian ship­ Ottawa Power ... 133 RENT VACANT ROOMS TO-DAY’S TRADING ON i • in years. British and not German, but his ma­ ments will be Very small until after the Pvnmone Ltd. Tlie switchman at the aaat-fnd switch jesty's government do*.» not for a mo­ opening of navigation, this leaving the Quebec Railway «0 SELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS THE WINNIPEG MARKET IS of the main .Moose Jaw yards Is held ment suppose that It Is the intention United States practically In control of Shawnigan ...... SELL AUTOMOBILES 8te*-| of Can...... 134 Mt 134 responsible lie is under am to restrict unduly the scope of any export business for s ene time to Lame. W.nnlpcg, -Jan. Wmnipe» judicial investigation which r The above snuatlon reused the price of 7221 • î r.r. : :. - - -=«t SELL STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES Following ia the official list of killed North-,,, wheat closed at 75'to IT, ur»d»r pfoironto Ry...... 74 and Injured thought proper to institute.’’ Wheat I» advance to a higher level to Minneapolis No | Northern. The Wlnnt SELL DOOS AND OTHER PETS Twin City . Ml Killed- Fireman Lagrue. of Moose peg future, market, after a .trong morn­ Winnipeg Kl-c. !C FIND LOST ARTICLES Jaw; M. MàcilonuM. of Regina, a trav­ Op»*n High Low does ing ante a wale fluctuation, cloned On", TO INCREASE OUTPUT -126^124» 124 126 cent higher. Tim high p,hM ef the mom- SECURE COMPETENT HELP eller for BHRnmwrs —HSrcanilfe ..lit *1141 is* OF WAR MUNITIONS !*t 11*4 118* Ing on May wa» ia| and on July exactly 1 PRICES. Injured—Engineer George Moulding, I he aanie May flax much,cl J|,i .....t (By F. W 8t* 771 :«é 7«| rloecd |c higher Ml A C«.) Moose Jaw. chest bruised; M. A. Bur- THESE ARE JUST A PEW OF THE MANY London. Jnn. I-The House of Ootn- 7*4 77| 77* Wheat— Open Clos* qulst. passenger, foot out; Harry Sklr- •Amn. Marconi A » ktd USES YOU CAN MAKE OF A "Want Ad" menng to-dny passed an amendment to ...... 121! 1228 Buffalo ...... 3? 4 row. Moose Jaw. passenger." head cut 4*| 4* 48 the Munitions net which Is expected to J“I>' ...... 122 1-1 Can. Car Fdy 1 1» THERE'S HARDLY A FAMILY IN VICTORIA and leg bruised; H. H. Anna, baggage-1 4*4 4«é 404 Gets— ...... *) man. Saskatoon, nose broken; f\ L. ' facilitate the menufacture of muni­ Do . pfd...... *? WHO CANNOT take advantage in some way or tions. — ...... «1 «, ...... 97 Samuel. MontrAl. passenger, right side lf.04 18.75 18.82 Can. Cupp -r ...... *4 other of the tremendous power of TIMES bruised; F. K. Ouesa, Moose Jaw. pas­ Ht. Hon. David Lloyd George, min-’ 19.36 18.97 19.20 Hav ...... „K tq.. <’*n. Mar.-oni ... Crown lt»e»rvea 11 senger,, left knee bruised; F. B. Fulmer. later, of munitions, said: fash prices Wheal -I Nor , 116 2 Nor "WANT ADS" to render service in the affairs of Daly West ...... «1 Moose Jaw, shoultler, neck, head and •Everything depends upon whether 14.44 490 10 00 II; J Nor . 1(»4; No. 1 KK: No. 8. K No Dome Mines' ...... 3à 1Î every day life. Give the matter a tittle thought arm* bruised; Engineer Joseph Walk­ -we turn out munitions In. sufficient 10» 10.10 10 27 I. 88: f-cl. 78. ... 282 quantities to bripg the campaign to an Em. Phone ...... er, Moose Jaw. minor Injuries ‘to gfrafp Oats—2 C. W «T, l c W . 37| c, , 13J Mi and you will see how a Times "Want Ad" can end this year...... M.I7 10 36 10.17 i or eed. 37|; I feed. 3(1; ! feed. 36 | and ribs broken; W. A. Harvey, El­ How.- 8mm,J ...... 28 ;w ...... ». 10.16 10.76 10.62 10.47 Barley-No. 8. 811 Na-4. SC; feed « help yon. bow, Bask., passenger, bruised; George •If the workmen do not stick to their Gold Con. ... ■-••4-74 — ' 71 % % % flax-1 N. W. f., IBS; 2 (• «• ,w ... 1 1-14 Riddell, Regina, badly bruised, leg workshops I can not tell what the re­ metal market. iioiiinger ...... >* broken in three places and suffering sult will be.** New Torn. Jen 4-Le.i |6T,l bid: % % % ...... 24 AMERICAN MARKETS. K»*rr Lake ...... Then Put Your “Want Ads* from shock; George Robertson, fire­ •palter not quoted. Topper firm; elec- ...... H 41 man, badly scalded about the legs and The Interest of mankind is peculiarly trolytle. tfixeth Iron ateady and un­ No I Northern wheat at Chicago: Min.* of A ma 34 attracted by example* of signal goodness changed. Tie strong: spot. Ill bid .. Dpen Close. Nlpleelng ...... « 74 in the Victoria Daily Times In high places; for that testimony to the * % % “*>• ...... *...... l»l 127» Standard Lead .. 7j Jul>' ...... Ill 1|8| ... 1J Every dollar that yon gtve worth of goodness is the most striking Stewart ...... NEW YORK SUGAR. NO. 1 Northern wheat at Minneapolis; .... 61 61 Helps a soldier’s wife to live! which is borne by those to whom ail the New York, Jan. 8.—Raw sugar steady Steel of Canada means of pleasure and self-indulgence lay ,, Open. Close. *7 37| Patriotic Aid Society. 1*1» Broad SL centrifugal, H4WH6I. molaeac. trees .... « ------M. Arnold. Yv ...... •"•••;...... 124 t2l| Totfapah ...... ■July ...... 133 122», ... 23 3 .


stances and hasten the time when un­ sanitary conditions, will bo longer B.C. FURNISHES BIG threaten life itself. GEORGE OLIVER. POWDER MILITARY FORCE 813 Edward street. SAANICH IS HEALTHY NO ALUM bs WEI LEU’S DAILY Letter* nddre*s»d to the Editor and In­ tended for publication must. be short ana Medical Health Officer, However, READ THE LABEL kRilily written. The longer an article Points Out There Has Been In- Total Number for Activât Ser­ tho shorter It* chance of Insertion. All crèase in Lunacy. commun testions niuat be nr the »'an19 vice Overseas/Since August, f-W™ writer;—«a— The' —publication—...------orre-je*c tlOtt article»* 1* S matter entirely in the dla- At the Saanich cot m It mooting yes -tiJii at the Editor. No reapou»ibiUl> tnnfay iflrnuai Dr. Denton STORE NEWS 1914, Over 18,600 - e*»uined by the paper for MBS. sub­ Holmes, medical health office^ pre- mitted to the Editor. sefilM ft report on the of the district during the year, as follows: NORTHWEST SEWER. The following statements showing fit "In presenting my annual report for tlie number of «flllcers nnd men who 191£> 1 am pleased to be able to tell h»Ve left British Cu/lumbla already with To^fhe Editor,—With your permission you that the Saanich district still pre­ Canadian expeditionary forces since t»me satisfaction Is In prospect, for itary district No. 11 (British Columbia the initial case. The only -fly In the 726 Fort St. BRUSSELS and the Yukon) has sent on active ser­ little is In evidence amongst those who ointment , has , been the increase in lunacy cases, and these have occurred 6,500 *q. ft. floor space. vice tip'to date 12,789 officers and men. bava bapa aampallai t«» Bra undar mostly among the foreign element. Il Including the first Canadian contln- unsanitary conditions In Victoria West. It Is now aimost three years since would not have bet n surprising had gent detavhnv nt „f 3.047 that went into Phone 552 Colbert's they occurred among the white popu­ vamp at Va leur tier before proceeding the ne-cssary money was appropriated lation considering the great strain of to the old country. Of this total of 12,- fpr the northwest aewer, after huge expenditures In previous attempts to living which y'o many have had to 789 there "we re 138 officers and 12,331 deal with a matter, which at no time ■ men. There are now under arms in presented engineering difficulties, and on account of ihdustrtal conditions." CARPETS LiriUah CulumWa. however., ftn addi­ START THE perhaps this may become more appar­ Dr. lfolmes thanks the members of tional 5.898 (”29 officers and 3,«69 men! ent when I say even the lowest part the council, the staff and the police for YEAR RIGHT Double the pleasures of life in your home by brightening up your rooms members of the Canadian expeditionary of th<* ground Is .«om* 4-7fect above* sen f >! • v Hv. aiting ordvi a to proceed to the Tott’fe glum, we- know, btrt stay - level, and at that only u feAwhundred In the game. You'll last through with well selected Brussels Carpets,- You’ll "enjoy seeing our great variety of fri.ni. and this number is beirtg in­ feet from tide water. At this ^in< tur<\ 191$ if you , Oriental, floral, conventional and other designs of this hard-wearing weave of creased daily through recruiting in I would say, there Is no apparent ma­ LAW EXAMINATIONS Carpet, the good qualities t>f which are conceded by everyone. These can be those unit* that have not yet reached son why that section of the work,. full, atti iwtto. , wh-tch-comprlse* the combine surfa.-c Benchers Issue List of Those Who 10IN THE Y.M.M. and ' - prove yotir health and made .up with tic .without border, and are laid without- extra charge. tVrsh ft will hr noted that the figures do water end sewer drain from the K. * Passed at Last Examination. prices, per yard, $1.12$£ to $1.80. pot Include any men under arms In this N. tracks to harbor,. could not have vitality- by making use of oiy ^ military district other than those be­ extensive physical department bpen constructed at least two years ago The following are the results of the longing to the Canadian expeditionary equipment, 'and bathing facili­ without any additional expense, thus recent law examinations as issued by inree. and as hundreds of home defence te s. relieving all the suffering and' expense the Benchers of the Law society at the are stationed «bout the coast and along which have followed In the train of 12u9 Blanchard. Phone 2980 last quarterly meeting: the main lines of railway and telegraph this oversight, or worse, on part of Preliminary—-Miss V. V. De Beck. R. communication throughout the prov­ the engineering department. Simple r. Field. R A Kennedy, D. R. Mac­ ince. aa aeU as at the internment Now what really did happen*» Tlie Floor donald. main sewer was laid on Here wood vamps, the number actually In service First Intermediate— A. L. Shaw. T. road, at a depth of 22 feet, and filled in. In the inform of his majesty's army B. Jones, K. Myers. W. H. Fampbell, Houses Built at Pleasing is considerably increased. But without any apparent reason. Tlie surface drain which enters the same À. 8. Duncan. II. G. Mecredy, E. A, $16 per Month and The statements follon : Boyle, F. Pratt, J. A. Fetherston- tMatetuen* shewing buiuImu: of udlvers tunnel waa left out, and le the worst Fancies haugh. II. A. From H n. J. L. Pyke. Color and men who have left British Columbia weather In tlie year In the wettest sec­ Upwards with Canadian expeditionary contingents: tion of the undertaking they are now Second Intermediate—J. H. Grant, M. Officer* Men T1 M. Grossman. A. Graham. H. L. W. Rugs and farjiets that seem to “lit” and Corps. t x Office endeavoring to put In this surface Subscribe to the Patriotic 1st Contingent . ,-1...... 124 X’3 3647 drain. Do* this look like the work of Topper, E. (’lark, W. Murray. J. W. les MS Fund Harmony make the room just what you want it—really Draft for It C R (Bermuda) . a $5.000 engineer, with some $1.1.000 per Raeburn. CycMsts* Platoon ...... 2 SB 47 Ktudentn for Fall—II. C. De Beck, E. a home delight—are the kind you’ll find at the 1 26 12* year of asatstancc*» That Is at least Draft for P.P.C.L-I...... * one question which every taxpayer V. Finland. D. M. Gordon. F. 8. Cun- Is what we suggest and can B” 8n:tlon. No 4 Fid. liffe. P. E. Pierce, T. E. Wilson, R. A. D. H. BALE “Home-Maker Store.” 78 might ask themselves when this cry for Ambulance Depot ...... ' * Braden. O. 11. Lardner. Car. Fort and Stsdaeoaa An 90 retrenchment is so much In evidence supply tor your new dra- .Apart from the very desirable qualifica­ Draft 6th Fid. Co. C E...... Articled < "lerks Jfor Admission—E. V. 30th Battalion ■?...... 34 977 Tlien again the question arise*, why Finland, II. <\ De Heck, D. M. Gordon, peries. A pleasing,- restful tion of being remarkably inexpensive, the t**...ft 5th Reg. C O A. <8t. was this work not done In efther of Lucia) ...... * the three summers past, when men F. P. Vunllffe. T. E. Wilson, P. E. bedroom can be carried out closely-woven Scotch Wool Carpets, in new No. n Co. C A î* C * were calling so urgently for work, nnd Pierce, O. H; Lardner. R. A. Braden. art designs and .colorings, are particularly Draft for Item'!. Dept. i«t. the money had already been provided, Brtilah Columbia Solicitor for Call— in a great many color Jean. Que.) ...... 1 and not at this time of year w hen men Jonathan Ross. suitable for parlor, bedroom, nursery and-den A” Section. No. I Fid. under wholly unfavorable conditions Enstern Canadian Barrister and So­ schemes by using our varied 78 Phone your or- d£263 Ambulanie Depot i...... 4 are unable to do Justice to themselves licitor for Call and Admiskton—E. L. during the winter months. They have that 29th Battalion ...... T. 11»» lines of Chintzes and Cre­ 5*2 or the taxpayers? Perhaps some of the Paterson. dainty appearance so much desired, lend * 2nd Reg. C M R ...... 28 council who have publicly stated the English Barrister for Call—O. J B" flvctlon. 4th F-A. .... 3 7*« THE HUDSON'S BAY CO. tonnes. Words cannot ex­ ratepayers are getting value for their Spreull.- themselves readily to a simple decora fiver Draft 6th. Fid Co O R...... 15 WINE DEPARTMENT press the charm and beauty Draft 47th Battalion ..... 1»* Boo money from the engineer will kindly 1312 Douglas St. Open till 19 p. z». scheme, harmonizing easily with inexpensive jbraft 11th Reg. <' M R .. 1 W explain away those confusing circum­ Phoenix i -2 qts.. for 25c of our selection. It must be chintz and cretonne draperies and loose cov­ Draft “R" Section. No. 1 . Fid Ambulance Depot .. seen to be appreciated. Cash ers, are durable, easy to^lean, and the colors 48th Battalion ...... *...... 3S arc fadeless. They come in six different 'izes Moorman* Artillery lx aft 3 prices, per yard, 23 Draft Ctli Fid. Co «' E...... at Cash Prices of $8.35 t»> $41.85. Draft tlth Reg. C MR. ... $1.13. ' No. « tïçneral Hos[i tal .. lira ft "B'' faction No. 1 1,1. Ambulance l>‘jwa • - _ , 57 f'yetiet Pin toon ...... 1 3Ù Draft bill FM Vo. C-E...... 45 c. The Best Nest for Draft 47tii Battalion ...... 5 Draft 5th U**g. < G A. .. 2 7.2 Chorea The 1st Fan Pinner Battalion 1« 545 W1 Draft "R" Section No. 1 PM. Ambulance Depot... 1 76 or Rest 2Ô0 2TÔ Draft Mth Battalion 3 1 >r«il 1th It,S. I'.U.A. (81. Choice of A good comfortable Mattress will give —» —65- 471 h Hattalimi ...... -K 1115 1(51 you perfect rest every night, and do away with Draft ' B'' S-, thm No 1 1 Fid. Ambulant- • Depot... 3 75 78 that tired feeling in the morning. Trv it and Draft »th KM. Co. < K ■ 2 57 » a Range see. It does not cost much to he comfortable 1147 Draft Sill Reg. C O A. ... 3 8* Ml StVitus when you deal at “WELLER'S.” Our Mat­ Draft If .SMivii No. 1 is one of the most serious Fid AmhiilwniM* Tiepot .. 1 36 81 problems of every house­ tresses give your beds that smooth, handsome Fycllst Platoon ...... 1 m 31 appearance so much desired. Bhim* Ik-latl*. let Can Flo- keeper's life. The kitcheu net-r Battalion ...... X » Draft Mevh Trane Ttrlv- range is one of the hardest CASH PRICES Dance worked articles in the house. Weller’s “Premier,” full size...... $8.10 Totals ...... *38 12.36112.1B Statement showing the number of offi­ cers and men of the Canadian Expedi­ It is therefore a real econo­ Weller's “Empress,” full size...... $10.45 Ne. tionary force under arm* In British Co­ Mrs. Oeo. Chteholm, R.R. 1. Ormfton, my to buy the very best you lumbia on December 20. 191" Ont, writ*: "I here- need Dr. Ohwe'e Weiler’s “Peerless,” full size____ $10.80 Officers Men TL Nerre Food for my little girl for what the can afford. WeUer’s mod­ 11th Rrglnifnt. C.MR...... 28 649 677 doctors pronounced Choree, e dises» of - |t" a..,- Field Ambulance 5 J67 | J72 the nsrvee, I consulted our fsmlly doctor, ern, sanitary and perfectly 1153 and he gave her e liquid medicine, but do constructed ranges combine SHth Battalion ...... 34 79$ whet We would, we could not get her to IDSrd Rattallqh swallow it A neighbor advised the use more features of economy, January’s Chilly tôïnd Battalion ...... T> 1134 of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, end, being in 72nd Battalion ...... 33 1070 1M pill form, she took It without Any trouble. durability, and convenience, | 121st Battalion ...... 13 623 536 She was seven years old. and got pal# sod ...... 16 128 142 and are handsomer in pro­ — Nights Hist Battalion run down. The muscles of the face were Totals ...... 229 WM9 6$.fi affected, and ,U feec.me a pttlful Atfht:.. portions and general ap- | She seemed to Improve right along under Are forcible reminders of the fact that you this treatment, and waa entirely cured by pea ranee than an/ range HOME PRODUCTS WEEK using air hot*. She is nine years eld have overlooked the replenishing of your sup­ now, and you cannot ffnd e larger, ever made of cast iron. The ply of Blankets. Be sure and secure a few Plan of dlvelopment Association Com hsalthier-looklng child for her ago. 1 tirehox is constructed on the mitts* to Be Enlarged to Include shall always be grateful for what Dr. extra pair of our beautiful Scotch Wool Blank­ All Vancouver Island. Chase'a Nerve Food hae done for us, and I same prineiple as the fur­ ets, woven from the wool of the -long fleeced can recommend It to all nervous people. ■*' The committee in charge of the You are at liberty to use tbla atatement, to nace-of an ocean liner, wide sheep of the Cheviot hills. You’ll appreciate Home Products Week met yesterday that other» may beneSt" and shallow, s>> that com­ the lightness, warmth and pleasant touch of afternoon .in the tvf ihe'Vk toilu our Blankets. Their splendid finish* durabil­ and Island Development aasoclàtlon,- In children nervous exhaustion frequently takes the form of rickets, St. Vitus’ dance bustion is perfect and every and decided to enlarge the scoi>e of the or fits. In less advanced stage* there are nervousness, excitability and irritability. ity and great warmth will ap]tcni to the par­ undertaking so Dial ft would include degree of .beat is expended Vancouver island, instead of only All guch conditions indicate the need of Dr. Chaos's Nerve Food to crunch the blood ticular and caretul housewife. Victoria, aa at first proposed. The and nourish the starved and depleted nerve cello. Being natural and gentle in action, where desired. Cash prices committee yesterday die uK*ed the and at the same time powerful in its restorative and reconatiqiotive influence, this food $31.50 to $85.30. CASH PRICES i * question of accommodation, and It en re is admirably suited at a treatment for weak, puny, nervous girl» and boy». It was decided to request AM. Bergent to We would draw your at­ 8 lbs...... $7.90 make a report on the matter at the make» them strong, hearty and robust, and enables them to next meeting of the committee. ^— develop Into healthy and useful men and women. tention to our leader, a high- 9 lbs...... $8.80 It was also determined that at the HO rents a boa, I for S2.54, all dealers, or closet range, connected and lb*., extra quality...... next meeting consideration will lie Kdmaason. Rat* * Co., Ltd.. Toronto. , 6 ...... $7.65 given to the organisation here of a T/A set up for Cash Pike- of 7 lbs.,, extra quality...... $8.55 Victoria bra lie h of the British Colum­ $42.50. bia « onsumens' league, which it is pro­ quality...... $10.35 posed to Incorporate with the new or­ Come in and let us show 8 lbs., extra ganization. the “Buy-at-liome Club," 9 lbs., extra quality .. «...... $11.25 recently organised. you its many good qualities. There was a discussion on shlp- r. Chase's HulMlng. and It was decided that the movement should be With the object of constructing permanent yards hero rather than the Immediate construc­ tion of shlpe for temporary trade pur­ Victoria's poses. It was decided to suggest this to the board of trade to-day so that It ran be taken up for discussion to­ morrow morning by representatives of erve Food the boards of the various coast cities Who are to adopt resolutions to %• sub - milted to the got ernment Dr. I 14 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1916 «— ■ — ...... a ASSESSMENT MU EHXI H .ROSS RETURNABLE MONDA Macfartsns, Lang A Co. Biscuit Special Winter Apparel and Bedding at ~ Marie, per lb...... 85$ Rieh Oat Cake, per lb. ... .35$ Malted Milk, per lb...... 30$ IUI1» UfalarE. ner IK SK4 Notices Almost Ready for Is Dees#.», per Kr : ... vM# Osborn*, per* lb...... 35$ 9 suer- Vancouver’s January Sale Prices Atlas, per lb ...... 30$ Cafe Nslr, per lb...... 30$ Example Granola Digestive, per lb...35$ Choose Assorted, per lb. .. 30$ SalejtfJVcrmWoQjg^ Arrowroot Finger, per lb... 30$ Thin Arrowroot, per lb. ...30$ Children’s Flannelette Dresses Family Assorted, per lb. . .30$ Breakfast; per lb...... 50$ The assessment roll Is to be present SWEA TER CO A TS to Clear at 75c Ginger Nut, per lb. ‘a.... .80$ Extra Petit Bourre, per lb. 36$ I to the city council At Its meeting Honey, per lb...... 36$ Wheaton, lb. 30$ With the anew beginning to flurry on Monday next. No information They come In a good weight ma­ Oval Rich Tea, per lb. ....35$ Small Abernathy, per lb. . 30$ there should be a rush for these warm ■ liable aa to tt).e extent of the red terial, in dark serviceable colors. Ginger Button, per lb...... 30$ Milk Chocolate Finger, per lb., sweater coat». They are made In a on land assessment. That there t . « •• •• •• ...... 40* good style; the roll collar» can be but­ Small Capstan, per lb...... 80$ will be a further reduction Is fully The styles; too, are neat. Several toned close to the neck. They are ripa ted, and In fact that Intima­ 739 Yates Street Phone 3310 dozen are hecfi for you to choose made with two patch pocket». In car- tion was given by the mayor to dlnal only. Sale price, » 1.90. from in various sizes. meeting of citizens on December While the value of Improvements THE EXCHANGE MANY MEETINGS AT generally regarded In a new country as TIS FORT STREET. bound to rise, it Is significant that the January Sale of Smart­ Phone 1787. Vancouver assessor has found It neces For repair» to old-fashioned ly Trimmed Hats Silk Dresses at Clearance Sale Prices furniture. CITY HALL THIS WEEK sary to cut $4,200,000 from the valua Packing and shipping carefully tton there, as compared with the previ­ Reg. values to $7.50. CJO Qr ous year. The assessment on land in January Sale price vO These Dresses come in colors, materials and Vancouver has fallen another $6.500,000. And to now $139,000,600 on land and styles that have become such favorites this season. Each Day is Filled Up With En­ $75,000,000 on Improvements. Reduction Reg. values to $13.50. ÜJfT AA There are shades, styles and fits for all individual In assessment naturally Affects the tax January Sale price «P Ve V V gagements, Windii rate, and the figures which will be types and tastes. Four lots are here for you to se­ made public next week will have Among these two lots almost lect from. - Year's Woik material bearing on the local situation Gift any woman should find one that The notices, to the number of some $5.00 Neat dr,,,,, mad, of a vary good quality 11,000 to 12,000 are almost ready for wijl suit her particular taste. 4**‘if at the assessor’s ntWwi, and when me,sail ne silk. The style, although simple, Suggestions A meeting of the Joint committee ap­ fbt owners and their agents receive Some of oùr prettiest models ■hows excellent taste and good -three. Colon are navy, pointed last week to make u settlement them, It Is fully expected at the city have been included. Come early wisteria and sax. They were originally marked at the French Ivory Toilet Goode, with regard to the contribution of ball there will be a great Increase In regular price of f 1S.OO. Bannlch to' the cq«« of to* northeast thv^ appeals for consideration of the and get the best selection. Ebony Toile* Goods., Perfume» <- ourl of revision . After the outcome sewer is being held to-day, Uak Bay's $12.75 K."m® very |lretl* dreeaee«re among this lot. In Cut Glaaa, Bertyme Atorolx-. vteim for compentwftim for ttrd" pro­ of ihe Wilson -cases at the court of Cbr example, one la made of deep lavender era, Chocolates. vision of sewerage facilities Is a mat­ ai peal In November, there is not the ‘lightest doubt that mercantile prop Cotton Filled Comfort­ Charmeuse satin; the aklrt la made In a three-tier effect, Bee ottr displays in both ter for adjustment between the city and Oak Bay, according to the Saanich ort.v will be the subject of appeal to a 4 while the Mouse is made with sheer We slcv,, ,„fl ,-ok, * windows. ers at Sale Prices authorities, who contend that Its* paye­ large .extent, whatever the assessment " lhe ms'erlal. Another dm. of unusual daintiness may be. To meet that situation the ment to the city discharges the liabil­ An assortment of beautiful color­ " n'*''8 of "e,e blue messallne; the blouse Is made In Ces- ity agreed upon. The meeting is to legislature will probably be asked by settle this question. the executive of the Union of B. Ç, ings in.a wide variety of designs. nck effect, with collar and cuff, of organdie. Navy messa- JOHN COCHRANE Municipalities to recast the appeal To-morrow afternoon the license The Covers are made of fine silko- ,.'r "which6 ma t<>rlal u,ed ln another pretty dress, the skirt CHEMIST commissioners meet, when formal ar-' .clause of the Municipal Act. exactly line and the tilling is of layers of columnsh” * ïretty fancy yok*: the blouse having a N.W. Cor. Tates and Douglas Sts.. defining the power of the court before I rangements are to be completed with dress,. ><'ke of pretty shadow lace crush girdle, other Established 1890. whom appeals from the assessment finest cotton. They are beautiful regard to the license renewals, as the ktj les " 18 ,'*d ln *ax- navy, Mack and tan. In various annual fees are due on January 16. may be heard. and warm, and yet very light. On Flrday morning takes place the Victoria, In common with other muni­ cipalities,. began to have a marked. In?, Reg. price *2.50. January Sale conference between the city . solicitor $17.75 Those desiring a dress for afternoon or and water commissioner, on behalf of crease In assessment about ten years price ...... 91.80 12 in. ani 16 in. Blocks the city, and thé Saanich municipal n*° TIIFthat time the city assessment evening wear should ask to see these engineer and solicitor, to make some T*" com',d,‘raW !<**» than some of Reg. .price $3.50. January Hale dresses. Among them ate some of the prettiest dresses we Par Card $5.00 arrangement whereby the waterworks V1** neighboring municipalities are to- price ...... 92.95 have seen this season. The finest weaves of crepe-de-chine, systern which Is ready for transfer day* **ut from then until 1914 values silk poplin, charmeuse and messallne silk has been used In 4 ft. Wood, per coni...... $1.00 from the city may be legally transfer- ro85*" ^ i* admitted by assessment ex Reg. price $4.00. January Sale 2 ft. Wood, per cord...... $4.5$ red temporarily, pending the legisla- Perts to-<1ay when real estate Is scarce- price...... 93.00 the making, while such popular colors as labrador blue, silver grey, -violet, wisteria, navy and black are shown. tlon which Mr. ffannlngton has ad­ ly negotiable, that an arbitrary value Berk (cut) per cord. $5.50 Regular values to $$5 .00. vised Is necessary. Mr. Hannlngton has to be assumed, or otherwise there Keg. price $4.50. January Sale Cedar Kindling, per cord $3.25 contends that the by-laws which are would not be an assessment basis. price ...... 93*95 required will have to receive the assent I Victoria Wood Co.. of the electors In each municipality, { Office and Yard, 809 Johnson St. as well as that of the lieutenant-gov- | B. C. FEDERATION Phone 2274 ernor in council, whereas the district councilors think they have ample power of Suits under the provisions _ of the Saanich Electric Light. Water and Sewer Act OF LABOR MEETING ~ These four groups come in all the wanted sizes and there S5 OO U 1,lde*d a very em

    pay for such of 1914 Some decision on the matter, ^ * smart coats as are to be found among this lot. however, will be reached for a recom­ are plenty of styles, but the numbers in some eases are very Plaids, tweeds and fancy coatings in navy, grey, stripes and POSTAL DELIVERY mendation to the councils interested. limited. This is a good reason why you should not hesitate to check. The regular values are as much as $15.00. People In the district to be served come down and look them over, or if you wish, try some of fO QQ At this Price, too, you have a large number of very Impatient at the delays which Industrial, Compensation Will • neat, stylish coats to select (pom. Colors are have occurred. Be Chjéf Issue Before Con them on. The values are extraordinary. brown. Belgian blue, plaids, green, tweed, red, navy, black and Several meetings have been arranged IN THE PENINSULA many two-toned effects. Regular values to $32.50. for Friday afternoon. The Retail Mer­ vention This Month Plain and semi-novelty suits in smart style» that should chants* association has been promised 86.75 S 13 7S Th*‘8e are m

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