Book Iii Troilus and Criseyde Book Iii
BOOK III TROILUS AND CRISEYDE BOOK III BOOK III Invocation to Love 1. O blissful light, of which the beam•s clear Adorneth all the third• heaven fair; 1 O Sun's lief, O Jov•'s daughter dear, beloved of the Sun Pleasance of love, O goodly debonair, Pleasure / benign (one) In gentle hearts ay ready to repair, always ready to dwell O very cause of heal and of gladness, health Y-heried be thy might and thy goodness. praised 2. In heaven and hell, in earth and salt• sea Is felt thy might, if that I well discern, As man, bird, beast, fish, herb and green• tree Thee feel in tim•s with vapour etern. 2 influence, power God loveth, and to lov• will not wern; won't forbid And in this world no liv• creäture Withouten love is worth or may endure. is worth [anything] 3. You fierc• Mars appeasen of his ire, You placate M. And as you list you maken heart•s dign; as you wish / worthy Algat•s them that you will set a-fire Always They dreaden shame, and vices they resign; You do them courteous be, fresh and benign, You make them 1 In medieval astronomy Venus, to whom this invocation is addressed, occupied the third of the seven spheres. She is also, of course, the lover of Mars and goddess of love, the spirit of love that affects all things in Nature. Taken in part from Boccaccio, the invocation is ultimately derived from Boethius, the late classical / early medieval Christian philosopher who celebrated the power of Love (though not Venus) which holds all of God's creation together.
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