• Congressional Record-House
- 3966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. M..A.RCH 19, VillGINIA. Carpenters Jacob Jacobson and Lewis S. Warford to be chief Stith Bolling to be postmaster at Peteraburg, in the county of carpenters in the Navy from the 20th day of February, 19.06, Dinwiddie and State of Virginia, in place of Stith Bolling. In upon the completion of six years' service. cumbent's commission expires April 26, 1906. Cllarles T. Holtzman to be postmaster at Luray, in the county WITHDRAWAL. of Page and State of Virginia, in place of Charles T. Holtzman. Incumbent's commisaion expired 1\Iarcb 4, 1906. Executive nomination withdrawn March 19, 1906. John 0. Jackson to be postmaster at Blackstone, in the John Hiller, jr., to be postmaster at Kenilworth (late New county of Nottoway and State of Virginia, in place of John 0. Orange), in the State of New Jersey. Jackson. Incumbent's commission expired February 10, 1906. WEST VffiGI~IA. Ricllard A. Hall to be postmaster at Weston, in the county HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. of Lewis and State of Weat Virginia, in place of Richard A. 1\:foNDAY, March 19, 1906. Ilall. Incumbent's commission expired 1\Iarch 3, 1906. Alonzo E. Linch to be .Postmaster at 1\Ioundsville, in the The House met at 12 o'clock m. cotmty of Marshall and Sta.te of West Virginia, in place of Prayer by Rev. A. B. CHURCH, president of Buchtel College, Alonzo E. Linch. Incumbent's commission expired 1\Iarch 4, Akron, Ohio. 1906. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and WISCO.
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