Nuggets Golden
Jan. 1930 (AO) JOHN JENSEN, CALFE at the Raymond Theatre, treasurer of the Los Angeles The Pasadena ... 4/25 CLAUDE L. NUGGETS atre Organists' Club, had two of REIMER, Loew's State, Los Angeles from the his compositions purchased by Fox ... 5/25 CHAUNCEY HAINES Film Company, and has several Jr., Egyptian in Long Beach ... GOLDEN others to be released soon. 6/25 JULIUS K. JOHNSON, Forum Jan. 17, 1931 (MPH) "CON" Theatre, and HERBERT KERN, MAFFIE, formerly of the Para Criterion in Los Angeles . 11/25 mount in Portland, Oregon, is taking FRANK LANTERMAN, Glendale's EARL ABEL'S position at the Para Alexander ... The following mem mount in Los Angeles, and Abel is bers of the Los Angeles Theatre taking LEO WEBER'S place at the Organists' Club were playing west Texas Theatre in San Antonio. coast theatres in 1925: R.E. BECK ER, Grauman's Egyptian, Holly Dec. 26, 1931 (MPH) ALBERT wood; L. BEAUMONT CONKEY, HAY MALOTTE of the Los Angeles theatre & Masonic organist; PRICE Western Theatre, offered a very DUNLAVY, Jr., Hollywood The pleasing, though unpretentious solo, atres Inc.; EDWARD C. HOPKINS built around the Waltz hit, "Pagan in Pasadena; FRANK LANTER Moon". His work is, at all times, MAN, Alexander's 3/10 Wurlitzer, Prospected by Lloyd E. Klos that of the true artist. His regis Glendale; JOHN E. HILL, 2/10 tration is perfect, so that one may Wurlitzer, Beverly Theatre; F. Next month, northern California sit back and forget that it is merely QUENTIN LANDWEHR, Grau will be the scene of the 20th annual another waltz which he is playing, man's Million Dollar; JULIUS K.
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