APPENDIX D-2 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES RARE PLANT SURVEY AND MAPPING, WRA, 2018 Rare Plant Survey Report Stonegate Subdivision Project CITY OF CHICO, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: City of Chico 411 Main Street Chico, CA 95928 WRA Contacts: Amanda McCarthy
[email protected] Date: February 2017 (Updated March 2018) WRA Project Number 26061 2169-G East Francisco Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94702 (415) 454-8868 tel
[email protected] This page intentionally left blank. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WRA, Inc. (WRA) conducted floristic, protocol-level rare plant surveys within the approximately 317-acre Study Area for the proposed Stonegate Subdivision Project in the City of Chico, California. The surveys were conducted to determine the presence or absence of rare plant species with potential to occur and to document all plant species and plant communities present in the Study Area. Prior to the most recent field survey effort, WRA reviewed the California Native Plant Society (CNPS), the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) lists to determine which species have been documented in the vicinity of the Study Area. Based on a review of occurrence records including previous surveys and a comparison of species habitat requirements with Study Area conditions, it was determined that 12 rare plant species have the potential to occur within the Study Area. Surveys were conducted by trained botanists familiar with California flora. The surveys were conducted by walking transects spaced at approximately 50-foot intervals across the entire Study Area and were floristic in nature (i.e., all plants observed were identified to the lowest level possible, often subspecies or variety).