Yoga is a term widely popular in the world today. The various methods being practiced now-a-days in the name of yoga are based on physical or utmost on mental planes. The different yoga sans (physical postures), the six practical methods of Hath yoga-, , , Nauli, Tratak and kapalbhati & a number of other breathing exercises help the practitioner to keep fit physically and to some extent mentally only. The sadhanas (practices) under Raj yoga, yoga, Laya yoga & such others utterly fail to make the practitioner realize his own self and the Ultimate Truth the all perverting conscious entity- --we address differently in our various languages.

Vihangam yoga is the only technique which is practiced on the spiritual or conscious plane. The practice of this yoga enables persons to get freedom from all tensions – physical as well as mental. It frees the practitioner from the habit of taking narcotic drugs and other intoxicants that upon his health. It makes him able to lead a cheerful, healthy and disease – free life, doing his worldly duties well and in a correct way. It establishes social peace and fraternity and makes the whole of the world a place for enjoing bliss that everyone hankers after so much.

vihangam yoga is a spiritual science. It is not based on any blind belief or superstition. Its regular practitioner actually sees how much peace of mind and what other invaluable experiences he is attaining. A person treading on a particular path actually sees from which point he began and how far he has reached. Similarly the practitioner of vihangam yoga takes into account the blissful experience he has been having as he is advancing onward. Vihangam yoga is an old scientific method of the ancient sages and seers of India. In course of time it passed into oblivion. It has been recently renovated by His Holiness Maharshi Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj of vrittikoot Ashram, village + post-pakari, district-Ballia (U.P.) India, Born in the lineage of in the year 1888, this great sage practiced Vihangam yoga for seventeen years right from his boyhood. Having realized all the ins and outs of this secret science he took a pledge to disseminate it throughout the world, to people of all religions, castes, creed, sex, age and countries.

The mere practice of the first lesson of vihangam yoga for ten minutes every morning and evening makes the practitioner feel that he has taken a right path, which will lead him to the ultimate goal of life - - realization of in speak able state of blissfulness and all round peace and prosperity.

Those desirous to learn the practical technique of Vihangam Yoga are requested to contact: ------




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