September, 1957
00003007t0000,000000000 0,0, 00000,0000000000,0000,0000,0,,000,,000, 000 000 000000000000,000, V " 1111V7 • • z • fP .NO, %4- s 4r;:**, "rat 14 1 4 al It "RA 6, ..„ ■• • ' 104 • 4•• 1, I' -;ff. \ • ' 111'1:14*7 • 414.4 • •""*. VI • .4 t ;o• 0 A 4+1111E • September, 1957 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OF CANADA CON TEN TS VOL. 10 NO. 3 FEATURES Inspection Vessel Joins Fisheries Fleet 3 Canada's Sardine Fishery 4 Mobile Fish Inspection Laboratory 8 New Methods in Cannery Operations 9 CANADIAN FISHERIES NEWS Newfoundland 4-H Club Features Fish 10 Canadian Fisheries Exhibit in New York 10 Pacific Survey 11 Pollution Pipeline 11 Toxicity Tested 11 B. C. Tuna Fishery 12 New Research Vessel 12 Fisheries Figures For July 13 FISHERIES NEWS FROM ABROAD Chemical Paper Tests Fish Freshness 15 Nigeria Buys Icelandic Stockfish 15 Norway: Export Table, January-June, 1957 16 CURRENT READING 17 COVER PHOTOGRAPH: An important part of a New Brunswick sardine canning plant is the packing section, which is manned ex- clusively by women. For further details on this industry see ar- ticle beginning on Page 4. The contents of TRADE NEWS have not been copyrighted and may be reprinted although ence to the source would be appreciated. For further information regarding TRADE NEWS to the Director of Information and Educational Service, Department of Fisheries, Ottawa, C Inspection Vessel Joins Fisheries Fleet The "Belle Bay" at her launching_._ PECIALTY is the word for the motor launch "Belle Bay" which slid down the builder's ways S When the "Belle Bay" goes into service in at Owen Sound, Ontario, late in August to join the November this year she will be fully-equipped with far-flung fleet of the federal Department of Fish- scientific and navigational devices to fulfill this im- eries.
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