
17. of Metamorphic Rocks Associated with Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits

By Cynthia Dusel-Bacon

17 of 21 Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Occurrence Model

Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5070–C

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. U.S. Department of the Interior KEN SALAZAR, Secretary

U.S. Geological Survey Marcia K. McNutt, Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2012

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Suggested citation: Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, 2012, Petrology of metamorphic rocks associated with volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in volcanogenic massive sulfide occurrence model: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5070 –C, chap. 17, 10 p. 277


Importance of Metamorphic Rocks to Deposit Genesis...... 279 Names...... 281 and Assemblages...... 281 Deformation and Textures...... 284 Grain Size...... 284 Examples of Information Gained from Study of Metamorphic Rocks Associated with Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits...... 285 References Cited...... 285


17-1. /temperature diagram showing the principal eight metamorphic

; the Al2SiO5 polymorphs , , and and the three major types of pressure/temperature facies series...... 281


17–1. Characteristic for principal rock composition types in the various ...... 280 17–2. Diagnostic mineralogy and major-element of - and -grade metamorphosed alteration products associated with volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits...... 282

17. Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks Associated with Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits

By Cynthia Dusel-Bacon

Importance of Metamorphic Rocks to Sillitoe and others, 1996; Galley and others, 2007), reflecting residual enrichment of alumina during premetamorphic hydro- Deposit Genesis thermal leaching of alkalis under high fluid/rock conditions. Using visual identification of distinctive metamorphic miner- Metamorphic rocks associated with VMS deposits are als and their modal abundances, and determining the unaltered described in terms of their names, meta- composition of the precursor rock, alteration vectors can be morphic mineral assemblages, and metamorphic facies. A constructed on major-element ternary diagrams that identify succinct definition of a metamorphic facies, provided by the configuration of the fossil hydrothermal alteration zones Turner (1981, p. 54), states it to be “a set of metamorphic in VMS systems (Bonnet and Corriveau, 2007). Immobile mineral assemblages, repeatedly associated in space and time, major and trace-element whole-rock data can indicate whether such that there is a constant and therefore predictable relation the aluminous metamorphic minerals resulted from premeta- between mineral composition and bulk rock chemical com- morphic seafloor alteration/ of the or position.” Table 17–1 shows relationships among the various from primary protolith composition (for example, Barrett and metamorphic facies and characteristic metamorphic mineral MacLean, 1999). The mineral chemistry of some alteration- assemblages that develop in four principal bulk compositions associated metamorphic minerals, such as the Fe/Zn ratio of during conditions of a given metamorphic facies. Locations , also can serve as a vector to (Spry and Scott, of the most common metamorphic facies in pressure (P) and 1986a). Because many of these metamorphic minerals are temperature (T) space are shown in figure 17–1. refractory during , they have the potential to The majority of ancient VMS deposits have been affected occur in heavy mineral separates collected in till-covered areas by regional and deformation. Analysis of and, consequently, are valuable exploration aids for VMS metamorphic grades reported by Mosier and others (2009) for districts (for example, Averill, 2001). 1,090 VMS deposits from throughout the world indicates that Estimation of pressure and temperature (P/T) conditions of the 819 deposits for which data were available, only 3 per- calculated from , , and sulfide mineral assem- cent were reported as being unmetamorphosed. The rest were blages in a given deposit can help determine the relationship metamorphosed under the conditions of the following meta- between base-metal mineralization and metamorphism, spe- morphic facies (in decreasing frequency of occurrence): 62 cifically whether metamorphism pre- or postdated . percent greenschist facies; 13 percent metamorphism; The pyrrhotite (sphalerite-) thermometer of Froese and 11 percent facies; 7 percent sub-greenschist, Berman (1994) has been used by some workers to estimate -, or pumpellyite- facies; 2 per- peak metamorphic temperatures of sulfide assemblages, but cent - or -facies; 1.5 percent facies; Currie and others (2003) found that their results using this and 0.5 percent granulite facies. thermometer were unsatisfactory and speculated that partial Coarse-grained suites of distinctive, upper greenschist- inversion of pyrrhotite from hexagonal to monoclinic form had to amphibolite-facies minerals, including , , disturbed the distribution of FeS. The sphalerite geothermom- staurolite, kyanite, andalusite, , and gahnite (zincian eter, based on the FeS content of sphalerite coexisting with ), and upper amphibolite- to granulite-facies minerals pyrite and pyrrhotite, was used in the 1950s through the 1970s, such as sillimanite, , orthopyroxene, and orthoam- but it is not reliable. However, the FeS content of sphalerite phibole can define VMS hydrothermal alteration zones (for in pyrrhotite-sphalerite-pyrite assemblages can be useful for example, Morton and Franklin, 1987; Bonnet and Corriveau, constraining pressure during metamorphism, with the caveat 2007, and references therein). Aluminous minerals (garnet, that care must be taken in order to characterize sphalerite chloritoid, staurolite, or the Al2SiO5 polymorphs kyanite, paragenesis and identify sphalerite compositions that record andalusite, and sillimanite) commonly occur close to high- peak metamorphic conditions and not later retrograde effects temperature alteration pipes (Carpenter and Allard, 1982; (Toulmin and others, 1991). 280 17. Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks Associated with Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits

Table 17–1. Characteristic minerals for principal rock composition types in the various metamorphic facies. Modified from Blatt and others (2006).

[Al, aluminum; Ca, ; Mg, ] Facies rocks Ultramafic rocks Pelitic rocks Calcareous rocks Zeolite , Ca-, Serpentine, , , clays, , , , , quartz, , albite chlorite, dolomite, chlorite , clays Prehnite-pumpellyite Chlorite, prehnite, albite, Serpentine, talc, , Quartz, illite, , Calcite, dolomite, quartz, pumpellyite, , chlorite albite, chlorite, stilp- clays, talc, muscovite nomelane Greenschist Chlorite, actinolite, Serpentine, talc, tremolite, Quartz, , chlo- Calcite, dolomite, quartz, epidote or zoisite, albite brucite, , chlorite, rite, muscovite, , gar- muscovite, biotite net, pyrophyllite, Epidote-amphibolite , actinolite, Forsterite, tremolite, talc, Quartz, plagioclase, Calcite, dolomite, quartz, epidote or zoisite, serpentine, chlorite, chlorite, muscovite, biotite, muscovite, biotite, tremolite plagioclase, sphene magnetite graphite Amphibolite Hornblende, plagioclase, Forsterite, tremolite, talc, Quartz, plagioclase, Calcite, dolomite, quartz, sphene, , chlorite, o chlorite, muscovite, biotite, biotite, tremolite, forsterite, thopyroxene, magnetite garnet, staurolite, kyanite, diopside, plagioclase sillimanite, andalusite, graphite, ilmenite Granulite Hornblende, , Forsterite, orthopyroxene, Quartz, plagioclase, Calcite, quartz, forsterite, orthopyroxene, augite, hornblende, garnet, , biotite, garnet, diopside, , plagioclase, ilmenite Al-spinel cordierite, sillimanite, humite-, Ca- orthopyroxene garnet, plagioclase Blueschist , , Forsterite, serpentine, Quartz, plagioclase, Calcite, , quartz, albite, aragonite, diopside muscovite, , talc, forsterite, diopside, tremo- chlorite, zoisite kyanite, chloritoid lite Eclogite Mg-rich garnet, omph Forsterite, orthopyroxene, Quartz, albite, , Calcite, aragonite, quartz, cite, kyanite, augite, garnet talc, kyanite, garnet forsterite, diopside Albite-epidote Albite, quartz, tremolite, Serpentine, talc, epidote or Quartz, plagioclase, tremo- Calcite, dolomite, epidote, actinolite, chlorite zoisite, chlorite lite, cordierite muscovite, chlorite, talc, forsterite Hornblende Hornblende, plagioclase, Forsterite, orthopyroxene, Quartz, plagioclase, mus- Calcite, dolomite, quartz, orthopyroxene, garnet hornblende, chlorite, Al covite, biotite, cordierite, tremolite, diopside, fors- spinel, magnetite andalusite terite hornfels Orthopyroxene, augite, Forsterite, orthopyroxene, Quartz, plagioclase, Calcite, quartz, diopside, plagioclase, garnet augite, plagioclase, orthoclase, andalusite, forsterite, wollastonite Alspinel sillimanite, cordierite, orthopyroxene Sanidinite Orthopyroxene, augite, Forsterite, orthopyroxene, Quartz, plagioclase, Calcite, quartz, diopside, plagioclase, garnet augite, plagioclase sillimanite, cordierite, forsterite, wollastonite. orthopyroxene, , , akermanite Al-spinel Mineralogy and Mineral Assemblages 281

20 Barrett and MacLean, 1999; Piercey and others, 2001; Piercey, 2009).

18 Finally, exploration of VMS within regionally metamorphosed and deformed sequences can be financially

16 advantageous for the following reasons: (1) metamorphic Eclogite recrystallization and concomitant increase in grain size and purity of the sulfide minerals (and in some cases nonmetallic 14 minerals, such as kyanite within alteration zones) make their liberation and concentration easier and less costly; (2) ores 12 typically are thicker in the hinge zones of folds, thus facilitat- ing mining methods; and (3) selective mobilization during 10 metamorphism can result in local enrichment of metal grades Blueschist Epidote Not realized on Earth (Vokes, 1969, 2000; Marshall and others, 2000; Gauthier and Amphibolite Pressure, in kilobars 8 Chartrand, 2005).

6 Greenschist Rock Names Prehnite-

pumpellyite Granulite 4 Ky Sil Amphibolite Depending on metamorphic grade, common rock types And associated with VMS deposits that were derived by the meta-

2 morphism of mafic rocks are greenschist (chlorite-rich ), Zeolite greenstone, metagabbro, metadiabase, and amphibolite. Rocks

0 derived by the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks include 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 , , , quartz- schist, metagraywacke, Temperature, in degrees celsius , , , , and calc-sil-

EXPLANATION icate. Quartzofeldspathic or mafic can be derived from either sedimentary or igneous . High P/T (Glaucophane-) Wall rocks (host rocks) typically associated with silici-

Intermediate P/T (Kyanite-Sillimanite) clastic-mafic-type VMS deposits contain the most distinctive , which may include metachert, magnetite -for- Low P/T (Andalusite-Sillimanite) mation, - and chlorite-rich schist, coticule (fine-grained quartz- rock), tourmalinite, albitite, and rarely Figure 17-1. Pressure/temperature diagram showing the marble. Chlorite- and muscovite-rich rocks, albitite, and mag- netite iron-formation commonly form stratabound lenses or principal eight metamorphic facies; the Al2SiO5 polymorphs kyanite (Ky), andalusite (And), and sillimanite (Sil) (after envelopes around the massive sulfide ores and can extend to as Holdaway, 1971); and the three major types of pressure/ much as 10 m into the adjacent . Thin, stratiform temperature facies series (after Spear, 1993). layers of coticule, tourmalinite, and metachert can extend for some distance into the stratigraphic hanging wall or laterally for hundreds of meters beyond the massive sulfide deposits (Slack, 1993). Characteristic country rock associated with, but Another important piece of information that can be spatially more distal to, the siliciclastic-mafic type massive gleaned from the study of metamorphic rocks associated with sulfide deposits and their adjacent wall rocks typically include VMS deposits is the identification of metamorphic protoliths pelitic schist, metagraywacke, and greenstone or amphibolite, ( types). In many instances, it is difficult to see depending on the degree of postore metamorphism. through the metamorphic overprint of the deposits and host rocks, but knowledge of the protolith assemblages is essential to reconstruction of the lithologic association at the time of Mineralogy and Mineral Assemblages mineralization and, in turn, the tectonic setting of the deposit. Trace elements and rare earth elements (REE) known to be Many of the mineral assemblages that developed during immobile during low- to moderate-grade metamorphism seafloor hydrothermal alteration associated with the formation (below upper amphibolite- to granulite-facies conditions) of VMS deposits are similar to those that may form during include Nb, Ta, Zr, Ti, Cr, and Y. These immobile elements are postore, regional, low-grade (zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, especially useful for identifying the magmatic compositions of and greenschist facies) metamorphism (Franklin and others, metamorphosed igneous rocks associated with VMS deposits 2005). Syngenetic alteration zones are generally semiconform- and for providing important information on the heat flow and able to the deposits and can extend up to tens of kilometers tectonic environment of VMS formation (see Lentz, 1998; along strike and below the paleoseafloor to the depths of 282 17. Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks Associated with Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits subvolcanic intrusions. Semiconformable alteration has been are distributed with depth from near-surface diagenetic and documented in bimodal-mafic successions (for example, zeolite assemblages to a spilitic greenschist-facies assemblage, Noranda: Gibson and others, 1983), mafic-ultramafic domi- and eventually to an epidote-quartz assemblage. However, in nated successions (for example, Oman: Koski and others, a long-lived, convective hydrothermal system, overprinting 2003), and bimodal- successions (for example, Kuroko: of alteration assemblages during progressive alteration and Ohmoto and others, 1983) but is poorly documented in felsic- burial occurs (Franklin and others, 2005), complicating the siliciclastic- and siliciclastic-mafic successions (Franklin interpretation of alteration or metamorphic textures. Regard- and others, 2005). Metamorphic minerals developed at low less of these complexities, the distribution and relationship of metamorphic grades include chlorite, quartz, epidote, zoisite, chlorite-rich and sericite-rich schists in the wall rocks , sericite, albite, , and carbonate, depend- to VMS deposits can indicate the presence of primary altera- ing on protolith composition. In addition to these common, tion zones that developed during submarine mineralization. low-temperature minerals, zeolite minerals (for example, For example, Slater and others (1985) suggested that chlorite analcime, , , and ) typically schists in the Ducktown VMS deposits were metamorphosed form in the cavities or vesicles of volcanic rocks at zeolite- chloritic feeder pipes in the footwall to the deposits, and that facies metamorphic grade, generally at temperatures less than the sericite-rich schists formed by the metamorphism of altera- about 250 °C. Prehnite-pumpellyite facies conditions are tion zones analogous to those that are common in the hanging transitional between those of the lower grade wall of Kuroko deposits. Identification of alteration zoning and the higher grade greenschist facies and generally occur patterns can be difficult, however, given that the alteration in temperature and pressure ranges of about 250–350 °C and pipes may extend beyond the ore deposit and merge laterally 2–7 kbar, respectively. Characteristic mineral assemblages of and (or) vertically with semiconformable alteration zones, the prehnite-pumpellyite facies that developed in mafic and and that the metamorphosed feeder pipes and semiconform- ultramafic igneous rocks and in pelitic (mud-rich) and calcare- able alteration zones can include similar metamorphic mineral ous sedimentary rocks are shown in table 17–1. assemblages (Franklin, 1984; Morton and Franklin, 1987.) The distribution of the mineralogical and geochemical Chloritoid- and staurolite-bearing assemblages can result from characteristics of the low-grade assemblages can be used to greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism of Al-Fe- identify large-scale, zoned hydrothermal alteration systems Mg-rich alteration pipes or semiconformable alteration zones around VMS deposits and to differentiate them from super- (Morton and Franklin, 1987; Spear, 1993). imposed, low-grade, postore regional metamorphic assem- Fossil hydrothermal zones are also recognizable by blages. Typically, broad zones of semiconformable alteration diagnostic mineral assemblages developed in VMS districts will show increases in Ca-Si (epidotization-silicification), that have been metamorphosed under upper amphibolite- Ca-Si-Fe (actinolite-clinozoisite-magnetite), Na (spilitiza- and granulite-facies conditions (Morton and Franklin, 1987; tion), or K-Mg (mixed chlorite-sericite ± K-) (Galley Bonnet and Corriveau, 2007). Diagnostic greenschist- and and others, 2007). In a simple system, alteration assemblages granulite-facies mineral assemblages developed in different

Table 17–2. Diagnostic mineralogy and major-element geochemistry of greenschist- and granulite-grade metamorphosed alteration products associated with volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. From Bonnet and Corriveau (2007).

[Fe, iron; Mg, magnesium] Alteration Diagnostic minerals: Diagnostic minerals: granulite Diagnostic Similar rocks type greenschist facies facies composition (at granulite facies)

Advanced argillic , pyrophyllite, Sillimanite, kyanite, quartz Al2O3, SiO2 andalusite, , topaz

Argillic Sericite, illite, pyrophyllite Sillimanite, kyanite, quartz, Al2O3, SiO2, K2O,

biotite, cordierite, garnet Fe2O3, MgO

Sericitic Sericite, illite, quartz Biotite, K-feldspar, sillimanite, K2O, Al2O3, Fe2O3, ± Pelite

kyanite, quartz, cordierite, garnet MgO, ± SiO2

Chloritic Chlorite, quartz, sericite Cordierite, orthopyroxene, Fe2O3, MgO, ± Al2O3, Pelite

orthoamphibole, phlogopite, ± SiO2 sillimanite, kyanite

Carbonate propylitic Carbonate (Fe, Mg), Carbonate, , epidote, Fe2O3, CaO Calc-silicate rock of epidote, chlorite, sericite, hornblende, diopside, sedimentary origin, feldspar orthopyroxene marble or mafic rock Mineralogy and Mineral Assemblages 283 hydrothermal alteration types, as well as in unaltered proto- metamorphism (garnet + omphacitic pyroxene) at high tem- liths, are given in table 17–2. Bonnet and Corriveau (2007) peratures. Glaucophane-bearing, blueschist-facies assemblages caution that recognition of sericitic, argillic, and advanced have overprinted the Devonian-Mississippian Arctic deposit in argillic hydrothermal alteration zones in granulite-facies northern Alaska (Hitzman and others, 1986) and the Jurassic– gneissic is severely hampered by the resemblance of Lower Cretaceous VMS deposits in Cuba (Russell and others, their metamorphic mineral assemblages to those developed 2000). An example of the high-temperature end of this high- in unmineralized sedimentary rocks and paleosoils that were pressure facies series is the amphibolite- to eclogite-facies metamorphosed under granulite-facies conditions (table 17–2); metamorphism that overprinted the Paleoproterozoic rocks of they accordingly recommend that identification of VMS-type the Sylarna deposit in Sweden (Grenne and others, 1999). hydrothermal alteration be based not only on distinctive meta- An intermediate geothermal gradient characterizes morphic mineral assemblages, but also on field observations of metamorphism in continental collisions and orogenic belts relict primary volcanic structures and textures and field indica- (fig. 17–1). Barrovian metamorphic zones, formed under tors of hydrothermal activity, such as the presence of meta- these conditions, are defined by the sequential appearance in exhalites, stockworks, or sulfide mineralization. Recognition pelitic rocks, with increasing metamorphic grade, of chlorite, of metamorphosed chlorite in footwall alteration pipes is more biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite, and sillimanite straightforward and it is commonly expressed as cordierite, + K-feldspar. The Ducktown mining district, Tennessee, a orthopyroxene, and orthoamphibole (anthophyllite or ) siliciclastic-mafic-type VMS deposit in the Blue Ridge meta- in the inner alteration zone, where the chlorite may be more morphic province, was metamorphosed under greenschist- to

Mg-rich, and by talc, phlogopite, or one of the Al2SiO5 poly- amphibolite-facies conditions in a Barrovian metamorphic morphs, in the outer, locally Fe-rich chlorite alteration zone series. The known sulfide deposits of this district are restricted (Morton and Franklin, 1987; Bonnet and Corriveau, 2007). to the staurolite-kyanite zones (Nesbitt and Essene, 1982; Most of the upper amphibolite- and granulite-facies, Slater and others, 1985). Metamorphism occurred during the polydeformed alteration systems have been identified in Pro- Taconic (450–480 Ma) and conditions ranged from terozoic and gneissic terranes (Morton and Frank- chlorite grade in the west to staurolite (-kyanite) grade in lin, 1987; Roberts and others, 2003; Bonnet and Corriveau, the east (Slater and others, 1985). Pyrrhotite, the dominant 2007). The Archean Geco deposit, a bimodal-mafic-type VMS sulfide, is present as stringers parallel to metamorphic cleav- deposit in the Superior province in Canada, is an example of ages and appears to have formed from pyrite during regional a polydeformed, upper amphibolite-facies deposit in which metamorphism; coarse euhedral pyrite as syngenetic hydrothermal alteration is indicated by zones of much as 30 cm in diameter within the pyrrhotitic ore reflect abundant sillimanite, anthophyllite, garnet, and cordierite. All prolonged growth during metamorphism (Brooker and others, of the volcanic rocks in the Geco deposit are metamorphosed 1987). Textural features and variations of sulfides present in to schist and gneiss, and felsic metavolcanic rocks that host the the country rocks with increasing metamorphic grade have ore consist predominantly of muscovite + quartz ± sillimanite been interpreted to record significant remobilization of the schist, interpreted as metamorphosed sericitic alteration zones sulfide constituents during regional metamorphism (Runyon (Friesen and others, 1982; Zaleski and Peterson, 1995). In and Misra, 1981; Slater and others, 1985). The bimodal-mafic, addition to the development of Al-, Fe-, and Mg-rich assem- Archaen Izok Lake deposit in Northwest Territories, Canada, blages during the metamorphism of alteration zones, plagio- is an example of a deposit metamorphosed under granulite- clase-rich rocks associated with some of the orebodies in the facies conditions—the high-temperature end of an intermedi- siliciclastic-mafic-type Ducktown and Gossan Lead VMS ate thermal gradient (Franklin and others, 2005). districts have been interpreted as metamorphosed sodic altera- A steep geothermal gradient characterizes metamorphism tion zones (Nesbitt, 1979; Gair and Slack, 1984). Mapping in island arcs, ocean ridges, and contact aureoles (fig. 17–1). of the intensity and distribution of anthophyllite, cordierite, Characteristic minerals formed in pelitic rocks in this low P/T sillimanite, garnet, quartz, muscovite, and staurolite also led setting define Buchan metamorphic zones in which biotite to identification of footwall alteration zones and the discovery → cordierite → andalusite → sillimanite. Synmetamorphic of the bimodal-mafic Archean Winston Lake deposit, Ontario intrusions, including those in extensional settings, are com- (Severin and others, 1984; Morton and Franklin, 1987; monly heat sources for Buchan-type metamorphism. More Thomas, 1991; Bonnet and Corriveau, 2007). localized metamorphism in the vicinity of an Metamorphic mineral assemblages indicate not only relict can result in a contact aureole of mineral zones around the VMS-type hydrothermal systems and T and P conditions dur- heat source; minerals developed during contact metamorphism ing metamorphism, but also the thermal gradient and, hence, (hornfels) may include the same minerals that formed during the crustal environment in which metamorphism occurred regional Buchan metamorphism but, depending on the degree (fig. 17–1). A low geothermal gradient characterizes meta- of synplutonic deformation, contact metamorphic minerals morphism in zones with high-pressure, blueschist- may be texturally distinct in lacking a preferred orientation. facies metamorphism (glaucophane + lawsonite or epidote However, the division between Buchan and contact metamor- + albite ± chlorite) at low temperatures, and eclogite-facies phism is artificial in some settings, such as in Maine, where 284 17. Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks Associated with Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits metamorphic are subparallel to the margins of plutons Most VMS districts have been affected by -and- and metamorphism is best described as regional contact meta- thrust-belt style deformation because the mineral belts formed morphism (for example, Guidotti, 1989). Mosier and others in short-lived extensional basins near plate margins, which (2009) list numerous deposits in Kazakhstan (for example, became inverted and deformed during subsequent basin Kusmurun), Uzbekistan (for example, Kuldara), and China closure (Allen and others, 2002; Tornos and others, 2002). (for example, Bieluwutu) that experienced postore recrystal- Examples of folded, faulted, and sheared VMS deposits are lization during contact metamorphism. given in the section of this report covering physical descrip- In addition to deciphering thermal conditions from tions of the deposits. As mentioned above, one result of metamorphic minerals in host rocks, certain sulfide minerals folding, which has the potential to be of great significance for preferentially recrystallize with increasing metamorphic grade. mining operations, is that an originally relatively thin layer of For example, zincian spinel ((Zn,Fe,Mg)Al204) can form from ore can be thickened to economically viable dimensions. The either metamorphism of Zn-oxide phases, desulfidation of most common explanation for thickening of the sulfide mass is sphalerite, or the breakdown of Zn-bearing such as flow of sulfides into fold hinges during deformation. How- staurolite (Heimann and others, 2005, and references therein); ever, some workers have pointed out the controlling effect pyrrhotite (Fe1-xS) can form from higher temperature recrystal- that could be exerted on fold localization by a mass of sulfides lization of pyrite (FeS2). The composition of zincian spinel has already present in the rocks being deformed (Vokes, 2000). been shown to be an effective exploration guide to metamor- A discussion of the deformational and metamorphic phosed massive sulfide deposits (Spry and Scott, 1986b; Hei- fabrics and textures developed in sulfide assemblages present mann and others, 2005). However, Heimann and others (2005) in VMS deposits is beyond the scope and focus of this chapter, demonstrated that the composition of the host rocks and the but excellent overviews are given in numerous publications alteration types present in a given deposit should be consid- (for example, Stanton, 1960; Craig and Vokes, 1993; Vokes, ered when choosing the spinel compositions to be used as an 1969, 2000; Marshall and Gilligan, 1993; Marshall and others, exploration guide, especially where the rocks are magnesian. 2000).

Deformation and Textures Grain Size Basaltic rocks affected by low-grade, seafloor metamor- The grain size of metamorphic rocks associated with phism generally preserve relict igneous textures, whereas VMS deposits generally increases with metamorphic grade those recrystallized during subsequent regional dynamo- and also is dependent on the metamorphic protolith. Likewise, thermal metamorphism show variable degrees of mineral the grain size of associated sulfides in a deposit varies as a alignment into planar fabrics. In sedimentary rocks, it may function of the primary mineralogy and the extent of metamor- be difficult to differentiate between primary soft deformation on the seafloor and postore regional deformation phic recrystallization. Primary sulfide minerals of most Zn-Pb- and folding. The presence of brittle deformational features in Cu deposits are fine grained and intergrown, whereas those of a deposit is one indication of postore chilling of the hydro- the majority of Cu-Zn deposits are generally coarser grained thermal system prior to deformation and, consequently, would (Franklin, 1993). The form and grain size that sulfide miner- argue against deformation being synchronous with deposition als take during metamorphic recrystallization depends on the of the VMS deposit. Textures, such as aluminous nodules in pressure and temperature conditions during metamorphism, high-grade quartzofeldspathic gneiss and lapilli or larger block the of the fluid phase, and the deformational proper- fragments in associated aluminous gneiss adjacent to clearly ties of the minerals (for example, Stanton, 1960; Craig and recognizable metamorphosed lapillistone units with similar Vokes, 1993). In general, progressive regional metamorphism sized fragments, are fairly reliable evidence of prior VMS- appears to cause an increase in the grain size of sulfide ores, type hydrothermal alteration (Bonnet and Corriveau, 2007). provided deformation has not been too intense (Vokes, 1969). Detailed thermochronology of the igneous ages Very coarse (3–7 cm diameter) are present in a distinc- of metaigneous host rocks associated with VMS deposits is tive schist unit at the Elizabeth mine, Vermont. Although the required in order to differentiate between host rocks to VMS garnets formed as a result of heat supplied during the postore, submarine mineralization and tectonically-juxtaposed litholo- regional Acadian (Early Devonian) metamorphism, the bulk gies that originated distant from the site of mineralization. composition required to produce them came about as a result Determination of metamorphic cooling ages for various host of pre-Acadian subseafloor metasomatism (Slack, 1999; Slack rock minerals that have a range of blocking temperatures also and others, 2001). Large hornblende , as much as plays a crucial role in constraining the postore thermal and 10 cm long, also are present at the Elizabeth mine (Slack and deformational history of VMS deposits. others, 2001). References Cited 285

Examples of Information Gained greenstones and associated with these deposits, including those in the Sambagawa belt of Japan and Windy from Study of Metamorphic Rocks Craggy, Canada, have trace-element signatures indicative Associated with Volcanogenic of alkalic, within-plate (Slack, 1993, and references therein). Massive Sulfide Deposits Thermobarometry of host rocks and sulfides, together with structural studies, have yielded important information In their study of the siliciclastic-mafic type massive regarding the timing of metamorphism, deformation, and for- sulfide deposits of the Vermont Copper Belt, Slack and others mation of sulfide deposits. In a detailed study of the conditions (2001) obtained major, minor, and trace-element geochemi- of metamorphism of sulfide deposits and associated host rocks cal data for mineralogically unusual amphibolite-facies wall in the Bathurst mining camp, New Brunswick, Currie and rocks located within 80 m of the Elizabeth mine orebodies and others (2003) documented that greenschist-facies metamorphic compared those data to compositions of unaltered metasedi- conditions for the silicate assemblages occurring within, and mentary and metabasaltic (amphibolite) wall rocks in the district. Bulk-rock contents of immobile elements indicated an in the host rocks of, the deposit were identical to those of the exhalative origin for coticule, metachert, and iron-formation. sulfide assemblages. This congruence of P/T conditions shows Geochemical data for the other unusual lithologies in the that the deposits formed prior to peak metamorphism during district—quartz-muscovite-carbonate-staurolite-corundum the first metamorphic episode, consistent with a syngenetic schist and quartz--albite rock—suggested that these origin for the Bathurst deposits. Sphalerite barometry, applied rocks are tholeiitic that underwent extensive seafloor to the appropriate sphalerite-pyrite-hexagonal pyrrhotite alteration and metasomatism prior to Acadian metamorphism assemblages, gave consistent between various (Slack, 1999). Evidence for their basaltic origin consists of structural nappes. Peak metamorphic temperatures, provided high Cr contents and -normalized REE patterns by arsenopyrite and chlorite-phengite thermometry, also were that are broadly similar to those of unaltered metabasalt from consistent between the Bathurst deposits and the structural the wall rocks. 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