And Others Measuring and Enhancing Organizational Productivity

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And Others Measuring and Enhancing Organizational Productivity DOCUMENT RESUME ED 206 731 TM 810 649 AUTHOR Tuttle, Thomas C.: And Others TITLE Measuring and Enhancing Organizational Productivity: An Annotated Bibliography. Interim Report, April 2, 1980 through June 30, 1980. INSTITUTION Maryland Univ., College Park. Maryland Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life. SPONS AGENCY Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, Texas. PEPORT NO AFHRL-TR -81 -6 PUB DATE Jul 81 CONTRACT F33615-79-C-0019 NOTE 129p. EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCR/PTOPS *Annotated Bibliographies: *Human Factors Engineering: *Measurement: Measurement Techniques: Organizational Effectiveness: *Productivity: Quality of Life: Work Attitudes: Work Environment IDENTIFIERS Air Force ABSTRACT This report resulted from visits to over 50 organizations in the Air Force, Army, Navy, and in the civilian sector, automated and manual searches of journals, and computerized databases. This report is a comprehensive annotated bibliography of the literature on productivity measurement and enhancement. The report is organized into four sections: Introduction, Methodology, Organization of the Annotated Bibliography, and the Annotated Bibilocirraphy. The latter contains 339 citations organized into five categories:(11 Productivity - -An Overview:(21 Productivity and Quality of Working Life Improvement: (3$ Productivity and Quality of Working Life Case Studies: (4) Productivity Measurement: and (5) Related Biblitgraphies. (Author/GK) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ****1010010********4110*###*#*#**10*****111******************a***************** AFHRL-TR-81-6 MEASURING AND ENHANCING IR FORCE ORGANIZATIONAL PRODIJCTIVITY: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOURAPHY 1 H By U.S.OSPAFTWIT OF IIDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION U Thomas C. Tuttle CENTER (ERIC) Robert E. Wilkinson Thedocument his been reproduced as received from the person or organdatior Wallace L. Gatewood ongsnating it Lindsay Lucke Minor changes have been made to improve Maryland Center for Product..... reproduction WAN and Qualit? of Rot-king 1.1fe Points of view or opinions state, ^ this docu- tmerttit of Marland ment do not necessanly ',WORM* officialNIE ( ollege Park, Maitland 20712 pottbon or policy N MANPOWER AND PERSONNEL DIVISION Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235 R E 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY S July 1981 AF E4 L 0 Interim Report for Period April 1980 June 1980 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES U INFORMATION CENTER ;ERIC) R 1,proed for pohlt, re.fraw. thIrilillion unbolted LABORATORY AIR FORCE SYSTEMS COMMAND BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE,TEXAS 78235 ti NOTICE other When U.S. Gov:trnment drawings,spez.ificatioop. or other data are used for any purpose 1 than a definitely related Government procuremvitoperation. the Government thereby incurs the Government may have no responsibility nor anyobligation whatsoever. and the fact that formulated, furnished, or in any waysupplied the said drawings, specifications, orother data holder or any is not to be regarded by implication orotherwise, as in any manner licensing the sell other person or corporation, or conveying anyrights or permission to manufacture, use, or and patented inventionthat may in any way be related thereto. Quality of This interim report was submitted byMaryland Center for Productivity znd Contract Working Life. University of Maryland.College Park, Maryland 20742. under F33615-79-C-0019, Project 7734. with theManpower and Personnel Division, AirForce Charles N. Human Resources Laboratory(AFSC). Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235. Weaver was the Contract Monitor for theLaboratory. releasable to the This report has been reviewed b) theOffice of Public Affairs (PA) and is National Technical Information Service(NTIS). At NILS, it will be available to the general public, including foreign nations. This technical report has been review(d and is approved for publication. NANCY GUINN. Technical Director Manpower and Personnel Division RONALD W. Terry. Colonel, USAF Commander III SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Deis Filtered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COM?LFTING FORM 1 REPORT NUMBER 12 GOVT ACCESSION NO ,3 RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 1Fillil -TH-81-6 4 TITLE (and Subtitle., S TYPE Or REPORT A PERIOD COVERED IF ( RIN(, 1 \I) I- \II Of I\(, 0H(. 1 \I/ 111\ 11 Iniernn PRO TI% ITN %\ 1 \ NO I 111. 0 BIM li H:1111'111 ' %mil 1(1811 311 June i(180 6 PERFORMING 030 REPORT NUMBER 7 Au THORe., 8 CONTRACT OR GRAN' NumBEFIrs 11 lllll ia. ( I little I in(1,11I Illko lioln.ri 1- 11111.111-nn I' i itd ";-79- -MI 9 1La1 1611 ..I 1,611Nomwl 9 PERFORM NG ORGAN,Z ATIDN NAME AND ADDRESS 10 PROGRAM ELEMENT PROJECT TASK larIJIlti 1 elite!' tor Prodto 11%11% and QualiR of %Xork111;.! I de Rt. A A WORK UNIT NUMBERS I 111%..r.11% of Vlarland 6270 iF 1 lark%Lir% land 211712 7:i1.11810 11 CONTROLLING DFFIS:E NAME AND ADDRESS 12 REPORT DATE 11() kir f or( f 1111111J11 EirullneIaborator%11f ',I) Jill% 1981 lir4,01. 11r Fun r Flaw. l'exa. 782 iT, 13 NUMBER ,F PAGES 128 I. mow l' DRING AGEN _y N AME A ADDRESS(II different from (.,strolling Offire IS SECURITY CL ASS (of this report, 1.11111111,Arf JIHI Perolliiel DR p.10,1 ( 1111a..afird Brnok kir I one Ku... !...a, 78.2i, is.DECLASSIFICATION DOWNGRADING I SCHEDULE 16 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT of this Report) 1pprined bur !midi. reltat di-ardnitionunlimited 17 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT of the hatract enteredIn Block0, If different Iron, Report) IA SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19 Kf 'I WORDS (Confrnue un re ere,Ir If necessary and Identify by Work number, nrganuatinn produl 11% 11% prodly IRik1 riterm iprotho 11%11% 20 ABSTRACT'( lotto',o rover.. iile If neteneery end ident'4 hi Sloth niiinher) I he repnr1 n1111. d f rmii 11.0- 141ovr -)11 oirg,i111/.111foll III Ow 11rI lin, 1' 1111 1 rill lilt\,n and III OW 11%111.1111'1 It ,1111111.111,1 .111.1 111.11111.111',If1 Ile, 01 loornal .11I11I oripilleri/eil 11,11,1 ki fill.. IIIIIIIffet11.111% I report i ,1 .1111110.11011 111111lograilk of III, 1111TallIfttill IITIMIlli 11% IR 111I.,111t1'ilitml and 1.1111.1111 criirril .... DD IFIOANRM73 1473 F Di T.ON OFI NOV 6515 OBSOLETE Iio 1,lo.41 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whin 9.r Eorerod) St MMARY Objective This report provides a comprehensive annotated bibliography of the literatureon productivity measurement and enhancement. BLekground Largely because of pressure on the Military Services to justify budgetrequests, concern about productivity has increased in the Department of Defense (DoD). particularilyin the Air Force. In response to rcquireinents from the White House and the DoDthat government productivity be improved, the Air Force completed a comprehensive productivity improvement plan inNovember 1979. This plan directs all major commands and operating agencies to develop theirown productivity plans, to appoint productivity principals as contact persons for productivity matters, and toreport productivity accomplishments annually to Air Forceheadquarters. To fulfill their responsibilities under this plan. both productivity principals andoperating managers should understand the meaning of productivity in the Air Forceenvironment and should learn about the available approaches to productivityenhancement. Approach The references pertaining to productivity cited in the bibliographywere compiled from automated and manual searches of journals and computerized data bases. In addition, relevantdocuments and references were obtained from visitsto over 50 organizationa in the DoD (Air Force, in the civilian sector. Annotations Army, and Navy) and focus on summaries and conclusions, andselectively include author affiliations and methodological considerations. Specifics The report is organized into four major sections: Introduction, Methodology,Organization of the Annotated Bibliography. and the Annotated Bibliography. The Annotated Bibliographycontains 339 citations organized into five majorcategories. Productivity An Overview Productivity and ()Jain% of Working LifeImprovement Productivity and Quality of 14 orking LifeCase Studies Productivity Measurement Related Bibliographies Conclusion This bibliography provide, a comprehensive compilation of relatively recent referencesdealing w'.11 the subjects of productivitymeasurement and enhancement i 5 PREFACE As part of an Air Force Human Resource Laboratory (AFHRL) contract research effort, Taxonomy and Codification of Productivity Criteria, Contract No. F 33615-79-C-0019, an extensive literature review was conducted. The review focused primarily on approaches to measuring productivity of organizational units. The definition of productivity was a broad one encompassing the concepts of efficiency and effective- ness. The review also included studies of methods of enhancing pro- luctivity, giving precedence to those which madeuse of "hard" criteria in the evaluatioa or measurement of results. This report provides an annotated bibliography of studies in these two categories. the volume of published material in the areas of productivity and organizational effectiveness measurem,,nt and enhancement is vast and has increased greatly in recent years. This bibliography represents a comprehensive coverage of this literature. The research effort was completed under AFHPL Work Unit 77340810. It is part of a larger effort to establish a comprehensive skills and management program to improve personnel utilization, retention and productivity.
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