The London Gazette, July 23, 1907. 5031
THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 23, 1907. 5031 ' War Office, Whitehall, The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, Lieutenant 23rd July, 1907. George M. Reynell is seconded for service in CAVALRY OP THE LINE. the Army Service Corps. Dated 1st July, 5th {Princess Charlotte of Wales's) Dragoon 1907. Guards, Supernumerary Captain John Norwood, Princess Louise's {Argyll and Sutherland High- V.C., to be Captain in succession to Major landers), Major and Brevet Colonel John G. W. Q. Winwood, D.S.O., who holds a Staff Wolrige-Gordon retires on retired pay. Dated appointment. Dated 1st June, 1907. 24th July, 1907, 6th, Dragoon Guards (Cardbiniers), Lieutenant ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. Kenneth T. Ridpath is seconded for service on the Staff. Dated 28th June, 1907. Royal Army Medical Corps, LieutenanfcColonel Edwin 0. Milward is placed on retired pay. ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Dated 24th July, 1907. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, Lieu- MEMORANDA. tenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Richard F. McCrea is placed on half-pay. Dated 21st Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Arthur July, 1907. C. Daniell, half-pay, retires on retired pay. Major Robert A. Vigne to be Lieutenant-Colonel, Dated 24th July, 1907. vice R. F. McCrea. Dated 21st July, 1907. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick J. Tobin, D.S.O., Supernumerary Captain Henry M. Drake to be The Royal Irish Rifles, to be Brevet Colonel. Captain, vice H. E. Street, appointed Adjutant. Dated 21st July, 1907. Dated 3rd July, 1907. Lieutenant-Colonel Rowan H. L. Warner, Lieutenant Hugh R. S. Massy is seconded for half-pay, retires on retired pay. Dated 24th service under the Colonial Office.
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