South Africa and the Transvaal
— — RECIPIENTS OF THE VICTORIA CROSS 'Queen Victoria was pleased to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross on the following officers, non-commissioned officers, and men, whose claims were submitted to her Majesty's approval, for their conspicuous bravery x in South Africa, as stated against their names : Captain Matthew Fontaine Maury yards through heavy fire, dismounted, and Meiklejohn of the Gordon Highlanders. picking up the fallen trooper, carried him out At the battle of Elandslaagte, on October 21, of fire on his back, at the same time leading 1899, after the main Boer position had been his horse with one hand. The enemy kept up captured, some men of the Gordon High- an incessant fire during the whole time that landers, when about to a sault a kopje in Second Lieutenant Norwood was carrying the advance, were exposed to a heavy cross-fire, man until he was quite out of range. and, having lost their leaders, commenced to *Lieutenant H. E. M. Douglas, Royal waver. Seeing this, Captain Meiklejohn rushed Army Medical Corps. —On December 11, 1899, to the front and called on the Gordons to fol- during the action at Majesfontein, Lieutenant low him. By his conspicuous bravery and Douglas showed great gallantry and devotion fearless example, he rallied the men and led under a very severe fire in advancing in the them against the enemy's position, where he open and attending to Captain Gordon, Gordon fell, desperately wounded in four places. Highlanders, who was wounded, and also Captains C. H. Mullins and R. John- attending to Major Robinson and other wounded stone, Imperial Light Horse.
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