Syracuse University’s African American and Latino Alumni Magazine Fall 2018 | Vol. 7 | No. 2 ManuscriptSyracuse OTHC Scholars Nordia Mullings, Nerys Castillo-Santana and Amber Hunter Syracuse Manuscript INSIDE THIS ISSUE Rachel Vassel ’91 Contents Assistant Vice President, Program Development Arianne Dowdell G’96 From the ’Cuse 2 Senior Director, Operations and Partnerships Alumni Enjoy Martha’s Vineyard 3 Adrian Prieto Director of Development, Program Development OTHC Mentorship Program 4 Miko Horn ’95 Director, Alumni Events 6 OTHC Leadership Program 5 Angela Morales-Patterson Assistant Director, Alumni and Donor Engagement Student Spotlight 6 Susan C. Blanca Administrative Specialist, Program Development Our Time Has Come Scholarship Donor List 10 Campus News 14 Angela Morales-Patterson Editor-in-Chief Alumni News 20 Renée Gearhart-Levy Writer 16 Alumni Milestones 26 George Bain Editorial Assistance In Memoriam 27 Quinn Page Design LLC CBT Wins Gold Case Award 29 Design Melanie Stopyra Project Manager Office of Program Development 18 Syracuse Univerity On the Cover 640 Skytop Rd, Second Floor Syracuse NY 13244-5160 315.443.4556 f 315.443.2874
[email protected] Opinions expressed in Syracuse Mancuscript are those 26 of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of its editors or the policies of Syacuse University. © 2018 Syracuse University Office of Program Our Alumni Bleed Orange! Development. All rights reserved. 29 FALL 2 0 1 8 | 1 FROM THE ’CUSE SOMETHING NEW! It’s difficult to start something new. Often, we tend to hold on to what is familiar, comfortable, and safe. Back in the day, we used to say that someone is “feeling brand new” when that person was being bold, sassy, happy with, or proud of themselves.