Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands Survey 2012 Contents

Page No:

Overview 3 How we award Trusted Brand status 7 The Trusted Brand logo and guidelines for its usage 8

Results - Brands: 20 common categories 9 Most nominated brands across Europe 10 All winners by country and category – share of vote 12 Comparison of winners by category – past 5 years 14 The local categories – winning brands 24

Results – Confidence and Trust: Institutions 29 European Union 34 Professions 37

Results – The environment Concern and attitudes 42

Appendix i. Response rate by country 2012 v 2011 46 ii. Respondent base 2008 – 2012 47 iii. Respondents by category by country 48 iv. Respondent profile – all countries 49 v. Respondent profile by country 50 vi. Population weightings 51

Sample questionnaire 56 Reader’s Digest circulation and readership by country 60 Contacts by country 61 2 Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands 2012 An overview

About the survey

• Reader’s Digest European Trusted Brands is now in its 12th year, it was first published in 2001.

• Fieldwork for this study, one of Europe’s broadest consumer surveys, is conducted annually and the results are available (free of charge) @

• In order to allow for tracking over time every effort is made to retain consistency in methodology, content and presentation of data.

• Research was conducted in 13 languages across 15 European countries.

• Hungary did not participate in 2012.

• The primary focus of the study is to find out which brands Europeans trust the most.

• 20 “brand specific” categories are common to every country.

• In addition to the 20 “common” categories each country had the option to include categories of their own choice (known as Local Categories).

• All brand questions are “open ended” giving the opportunity for any brand, however small or local, an equal chance of being nominated.

• This year 7 countries conducted their fieldwork on-line (see below). The remaining 8 distributed their questionnaires by post.

• In total 27,467 responses were analysed across the 15 countries. Over 7,000 respondents • Sample selection and results were weighted with the aim of reflecting the broad population profile of each country in Germany where the survey was undertaken. Response from those aged <19yrs was low. We therefore excluded this group from our analysis to avoid over weighting and misrepresentation of brand preference.

• Each country had a “target maximum” number of responses, this varied according their needs. Germany had an especially high target to enable detailed analysis and comparison between East & West.

• Respondents in Germany represent 27% of the total sample. So, to fairly reflect the personalities and opinions of all respondents, each country was given an equal weight. Hence “Average all countries” for trust in institutions, professions etc. reflect the “average of the average” across all 15 countries.

• Data processing and tabulation for all countries (postal and on-line) was conducted by Wyman Dillon Ltd. who are based in the U.K.

• Across Europe over 114,000 different names were nominated by respondents as their most Trusted Brands.

• Within each category names were excluded if they were not true brand names. This applied especially to categories such as vitamins (e.g. apple) and breakfast cereal (e.g. muesli). Sometimes brands not applicable to the category were nominated e.g. within the category of mobile phone. Where it was felt appropriate these have been included but would not be awarded winning brand status. 3 Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands 2012 An overview

Postal survey:

FREEFR PEN ENCLOSEDENE REE PE Countries: Austria, Croatia, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, NCL EE CL LO PEN www OSED .rdtrustedste dbrarann SEDS Switzerland Timing: end August – early October 2011 TakeTTaake papart in the 2011 Trusted part in the 2 Brands Survey today20 and s Sur 11 Truststed vey totooday and • Respondents were drawn from the Reader’s Digest customer database in YouYYoou ccouldcould wwin £500 August 201120 11 win £5 each country, apart from France. Dear Reader’sReader Dig ’’ss Digest Subscriber £500 re At Reader’sReader’ Digest, w est Subscriber s Dige your opinions aboutabest, weTrust.e value our customcustomers’ opinions very highly. Especially bout T Last year,year over 33,000rust. of you took part ineers’ a Reader’s opinions Digest ver survey to find out , over 33 the brands consumers,consu33,000 like of youyou, took trust par the most. I am w y highly y. Especially • Questionnaires were translated, and mailings managed locally, by personnel represent Great umers,BritainB inlike the you, twelfth trust Reader’s the m Digest M t iin a Reader’ Survey.Sur The studyBritain is being in theundertaken twelfth Read in 16 European countries, and its aim is vey. The study most. I am ws Digest sur to discover the brands,brdy is being attitudes under and values that shape your life andvevey the to livesfind outof in each Reader’s Digest office. ader’ riting now to ask you to your fellow brands, attitudes andtaken valu in s Digest M to ask you to 16 European countries,ost TTrusted Brands Europeans.Europopeans. rustedd Bra The informationinfor you give about your mostues trusted that brandsshape your will belife featured a nds mation y and its aim is ninair throughout the comingcoyou give year about in Reader’s your mos Digest m and the lives of which winning brandsboming will year be in able Reader’ to display as a sym st trusted brands w brands will be able to disp I hope you will findfin the survey interesting.s DDigest Your replies magazine. remain W confidential • 226,325 questionnaires were mailed across the 8 countries. Completed agazine. Will be fefeatured and you need onlyonfind include the sur your name andsplay address as a ifsym you would like to be We alsalsolso have a logo entered for the freefrenly drawinclude to vey yourw interesting name an bol of consumercons trust. g. Y sumer trust. just complete theree questionnaire draw to w and return itY inoour the replies postage remain paid con envelope questionnaires were shipped to the UK for data processing. nd address if you would l provided e questionnairein and £500. retur YouY don’t even need a stamponfidential to enter, . Yoou don’ t even need a stalike to be onn Only a special representativere group of peoplern it in like the you postage will receive paid e this am questionnaire, soepresentative w group of pe p to enter envelope , o w e would like to hear peoplefromfr you like as you quickly will receivas possible. • Questionnaires with no age/sex data were discarded. The 2012 database from you as quickly as po YoursYYoours faithfully ve this ossible. contains weighted data representing 14,747 postal respondents. This stistio Name (Research M reflects an average response of 6.5% to the postal survey. h Manager) PS: YouYYoou mustmust retureturn your completed questionnaire by xxxxx 2011 to enter the free draw turn your completed ques return it right. RememRem nowemember, you don’t even need a stamp so why not com berr, you don’t even neeestionnaire by xxxxx 201 w ? We have enclosed aeed ppen a for stamp you toso keepw with our thanks. 1 to enter the ues a pen for you to keephy notwith co For full details of response rates by country please see Appendix i completeplete and h our thanks.

QuestionnaireQQu On-line:

Countries: Belgium, Czech, Finland, France, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Timing: October 2011

• The sample selection criteria were identical to those employed for the postal survey

• Given the large number of brand categories to be assessed (maximum 38); two matched parallel samples were drawn in each country, with each set of respondents being asked to consider just half of the categories.

• Only the brand categories were split between the 2 respondent bases. All other questions were common to both sample bases.

• Response rate by country varied massively from to >13% in Czech Republic to 0.25% in Poland. NB once target had been hit in each country additional responses were not analysed

• Prize draw incentives were offered in 5 on-line countries, excluding France and Russia.

• In every country a pilot was undertaken before launching to the full sample. After the initial e-mail invitation to the full survey, reminders were sent in Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.

• The on-line questionnaire was designed and created centrally but translated locally. Fieldwork for 5 of the on-line countries was managed centrally by Framework Ltd. who also created the >13% response to electronic questionnaire. Invitations were issued locally in Poland and Russia. on-line survey in Czech Republic For full details of response rates by country please see Appendix i

Further details can be obtained from [email protected] 4 Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands 2012 An overview

About the questions - postal

• To begin, respondents were asked to indicate their degree of trust in 14 institutions including the euro and banks (no change from 2011).

• A new question about the stability of the European Union was added this year.

• They also indicated their level of trust in 20 professions ranging from football players to lawyers (no change from 2011).

• The 20 common product categories have remained the same for the past 7 years (since 2006).

• After nominating their most “trusted brand” in each category, respondents rated that brand in terms of “Quality”, “Excellent Value”, “Strong Image” and Yes, I’m a customer and “Understands customer needs”. They also indicated would recommend the if they were a customer/buyer of the brand they’d nominated and if they would recommend the brand brand to others to others.

• In addition to the 4 attribute qualifications (above), respondents were asked if their nominated brand could be believed if it claimed to be socially responsible

The environment

• Respondents were asked if they worried about the environment, and their attitudes to a range of statements (no change from 2011).

• New to the 2012 study is a question asking consumers if they felt brands should invest in protecting the environment.

• They were also asked if advertisers’ claims to be “environmentally friendly” are generally believable.

The on-line questionnaire:

The content of the on-line questionnaire was the same as for the postal survey, however the nature of the medium allows for more interaction. Categories were rotated and interspersed with questions about trust in professions, institutions and brand affinities. 5 Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands 2012 An overview

The 20 categories common to each country are:

Car Kitchen Appliance Camera Personal Computer Mobile Phone/smart phone Handset Mobile Phone Service Provider Service Provider Holiday Company/Tour Operator Bank Building Society Credit Card Insurance Company Petrol Retailer Vitamins Over 115 local categories Analgesic/Pain Relief Cough/Cold Remedy are included Hair Care Product Cosmetic Skin Care Product Soap Powder Breakfast Cereal

A list of the local categories (as chosen by each country) can be found in the results section

Countries included in the survey are:

Country Language Fieldwork Austria German post Belgium Flemish & French on-line Czech Republic Czech on-line Croatia Croatian post Finland Finnish on-line France French on-line Germany German post Netherlands Dutch on-line Poland Polish on-line Portugal Portuguese post Romania Romanian post Russia Russian on-line Slovenia Slovenian post Sweden Swedish post Switzerland German & French post

A sample copy of the postal questionnaire (in English) can be found in the appendix at the back of this book. 6 European Trusted Brands 2012 How we award Trusted Brand status

In each country/category the Trusted Brand is the one receiving the highest number of nominations. It is a simple and transparent approach that is easy for everyone to understand and communicate.

To be included in the published list of nominated brands a brand must achieve 10+ votes. This allows for more brands to be identified and thus evaluated.

The qualitative data/attributes After a respondent names their most Trusted Brand in each category, they’re asked to rate that brand on 5 criteria – quality, excellent value, strong image, understand customer needs and whether they believe any claims that brand makes to be socially responsible. Each has a maximum score of 5. The data reported for each brand consists of only the opinions of those respondents who voted for that brand – not the sample as a whole. Attribute scores have only been calculated for brands with 20+ votes.

Attribute Awards It’s possible to be top scoring against any of the attributes but not be the No1 “Trusted Brand” in a category. This is because respondents who vote for a brand may recognise a particular area of strength in just one or two areas. 7 European Trusted Brands 2012 Guidelines for usage of Trusted Brands logo

1. Permission in principle is given for winning brands to use the Trusted Brand logo across their full range of marketing and advertising materials, including but not limited to: • advertising campaigns • promotional literature (flyers, brochures, point- of-purchase materials, company newsletters, annual reports etc.) • press releases • websites • product (labels, stickers, shipping cartons)

2. Winners may only use the logo in promotional materials within the countries where they were awarded Trusted Brand status.

3. Winners must use the logo only in relation to the relevant category of their award.

4. Winners may only use the logo for the year in which it was awarded, unless the award has been won in multiple years, in which case reference may be made to the multiple years for which the award was granted. The year is from 01 January to 31 December.

5. No alteration of the logo design or wording is permitted without specific permission. Ideally, the logo should be in either the specified blue, black, or white out of a background colour but where the colours used by a Trusted Brand in, for example advertising, or packaging do not allow use of Trusted Brands blue logo, the logo may be used in other colours to tie-in with the corporate colours of the Trusted Brand. Only the whole logo can be used. There should also be space around the logo, as a guide this should be no less than the width of two stars from the logo edge.

6. Winners may not use the logo in conjunction with specific reference to any competitor or competitive product.

7. Winners desiring to use the logo must submit relevant copy and/or materials to Reader’s Digest for authorisation in advance of use. Reader’s Digest agrees to respond promptly to all such requests, and reserves the right to deny any use at any time at our sole discretion. It is further understood that Reader’s Digest may not be held responsible in any way for any claims arising out of the use of the logo by winners.

8. No endorsement of the winning brand(s) by Reader’s Digest or its editors is given or may be implied.

For further information or clarification contact Penny Mortimer [email protected]

January 2012 8 Results - the winning brands 20 common categories

20 brand categories are “common” to every country. They’ve remained unchanged for the past 7 years, with only minor amendments in the years prior to that. This year the category “mobile phone handset” was renamed “mobile phone/smart phone handset” to reflect developments in technology.

In addition to the common categories, each country had the option to include a range of categories of their own choice (known as Local Categories).

The winning brand (in each country) is the one that receives the highest number of nominations in that country. There is no award for an overall winner across the 15 countries.

The category questions are “open ended” giving respondents the freedom to nominate any brand of their choice in answer to the question: Tell us the brand you believe most deserves to be called your “most trusted brand”. This method gives all brands an equal chance of being nominated, regardless of whether or not they are locally or internationally known.

The following table summarises the number of countries where a brand won the Trusted Brand award. In 2012 Hungary withdrew from the survey reducing the number of countries from 16 to 15. The summary for 2011 has therefore been recalculated to take account of this.

Most nominated brands across the common categories • Yves Rocher is the most Trusted Brand of cosmetic in 5 • Nivea remains most Trusted Brand of skin care in each out of 15 countries. Regaining no1 position in Sweden of the 15 countries. Share of vote has increased in from Max Factor and topping Nivea in Austria. every country apart from Germany. • Although Toyota remains the most Trusted Brand of car • Nokia’s position at No1 in 14 countries is unchanged in 4 countries, VW has been overtaken by Citroen and although their year on year share of vote has reduced Opel in Belgium and Poland respectively. slightly in most countries. However, in Croatia Nokia’s share has increased from 46% to 50% of category vote. • No single brand dominates the category of mobile phone service provider. Orange is No1 in 3 countries • HP is now the most trusted brand of PC in 11 countries and T-Mobile is No1 in Croatia and Czech Republic. – taking over from Toshiba in Poland and regaining No1 from Acer in Belgium • No brand wins in more than 1 country in the categories of insurance company and internet service provider • In all countries, apart from Croatia and Slovenia, Visa is the most Trusted Brand of credit card. In Russia Visa For further information (e.g. brand attribute scores) and has increased its share of vote from 53% to 80% names of all runners up in each country please contact the country representative – details can be found on the final • Nivea has increased from 5 to 6 the number of countries page of this book. Croatia and Slovenia can provide results in which it is most Trusted Brand of hair care (from 1 in from years prior to 2011 when they conducted the study 2010) themselves locally. 9 Results - the winning brands Most Trusted Brands across Europe 2012

Most Trusted Brands across Europe 2012

Brands winning No. in 3+ countries: Countries: 2012 2011 No. Countries: 15 15 excluding Hungary Nivea (skin care) 15 15 Nokia 14 14 Visa 13 13 Canon 12 12 HP 11 10 Ariel 8 8 Kellogg's 8 8 Nestlé 6 7 Nivea (hair care) 6 5 Miele 5 6 Yves Rocher 5 3 Nivea (cosmetic) 4 5 Toyota 4 4 Centrum 4 3 VW 3 5 Avon 3 4 Aspirin 3 3 Orange 3 3 Sony (camera) 3 3 Shell 3 2

*Total for 2011 excluding Hungary 10 Results - the winning brands Most Trusted Brands across Europe 2012

Categories with most “multi country” winning brands:

Category Number of different Brands winning in brands winning more than 3 countries across Europe in this category

Skin Care 1 Nivea Mobile Phone 2 Nokia Camera 2 Canon, Sony Breakfast Cereal 3 Kellogg's, Nestlé Credit Card 3 Visa PC 4 HP Cosmetic 5 Nivea, Avon, Yves Rocher Soap Powder 7 Ariel Car 8 VW, Toyota Hair Care 9 Nivea Kitchen Appliance 9 Miele Vitamins 10 Centrum Mobile Phone Service Provider 12 Orange Pain Relief 12 Aspirin Petrol Retailer 13 Shell Cold Remedy 14 - Bank/Building Society 14 - Holiday Company 14 - Insurance Company 15 - Internet Service Provider 15 - 11 Results - the Trusted Brands All winners by country and category - share of vote na (28%) poritelna (35%) Ceska Sporitelna (35%) A1 (50%) A1 (40%) Proximus (40%) Proximus (39%) T Mobile (49%) T Mobile (47%) (42%) T-Mobile (40%) T-Mobile A1 (29%)Austria (33%) Telekom (38%) Telenet (43%) Telenet T Com (66%) T Com (54%) Seznam (26%) Seznam (30%) Tui (37%)Tui (37%) Tui Neckermann (23%) Neckermann (23%) Generalturist (37%) Generalturist (35%) Cedok (35%) (41%) Cedok 2012 2011 2012 2011 20122012 2011 2012 2011 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 HP (29%) HP (26%) HP (23%) Acer (17%) HP (32%) HP (30%) Acer (22%) Acer (27%) Jet (24%) OMV (28%) Shell (17%) Esso (18%) Ina (60%) Ina (53%) Shell (27%) Shell (32%) VW (22%) VW (23%) (9%) Citroen VW (11%) Opel (17%) Opel (14%) Skoda (39%) Skoda (40%) HP (34%) HP (36%) HP (29%) HP (29%) Dell (15%) Dell (16%) Visa (42%) Visa (51%) Visa (47%) Visa (48%) American Express (35%) American Express (35%) Visa (71%) Visa (62%) Upo (14%) (16%) Upo Whirlpool (21%) Whirlpool (13%) Miele (30%) Miele (35%) Visa (68%) Visa (72%) Visa (53%) Visa (57%) Visa (40%) Visa (39%) ABC (33%) ABC (35%) (44%) Total (33%) Total Aral (33%) Aral (33%) Persil (39%)Persil (36%) Persil Dash (43%) Dash (35%) Ariel (43%) Ariel (41%) Ariel (41%) Ariel (43%) Miele (39%) Miele (43%) Miele (29%) Miele (29%) Gorenje (52%) Gorenje (49%) Eta (41%) Eta (27%) Omo (37%) Omo (34%) Ariel (32%) Ariel (31%) (36%) Persil (39%) Persil Nivea (13%)Nivea (57%) Schwarzkopf (16%) (22%) L'Oréal Nivea (56%) Nivea (15%) Nivea (44%) Nivea (21%) Nivea (37%) Nivea (19%) Nivea (58%) Nivea (11%) Nivea (56%) Schwarzkopf (19%) Nivea (31%) Nivea (29%) Nokia (62%) Nokia (68%) Nokia (52%) Nokia (53%) Nokia (50%) Nokia (46%) Nokia (65%) Nokia (68%) Uniqa (28%) (26%) Uniqa Ethias (20%) Axa (19%) Croatia Osiguranje (47%) Croatia Osiguranje (43%) (25%) Ceska Pojistovna Ceska Pojistov Nivea (31%) Nivea (27%) Nivea (30%) Nivea (27%) Nivea (47%) Nivea (50%) Nokia (82%) Nokia (88%) Samsung (35%) Samsung (31%) Nokia (44%) Nokia (47%) Canon (32%) Canon (37%) Canon (34%) (29%) Canon Sony (35%) Sony (28%) Canon (27%) (27%) Canon Elvital (11%) XZ (10%) (20%) L'Oréal (17%) L'Oréal Schwarzkopf (13%) Nivea (14%) Aspirin (17%)Aspirin (28%) Aspirin (27%) Aspirin (32%) Dafalgan (55%) Muco Rhinathiol (10%) Muco Rhinathiol (14%) Dafalgan (52%) Maxflu (18%) Neofen (28%) Maxflu (13%) Neofen (20%) (13%) Bromhexin Mucosolvan (15%) Ibalgin (40%) Ibalgin (48%) Canon (56%) (55%) Canon Canon (27%) Canon (26%) Canon (34%) Canon (36%) Toyota (15%)Toyota (17%) Toyota Renault (25%) Renault (25%) VW (22%) VW (21%) Sonera (30%) Sonera (33%) Orange (53%) Orange (46%) (18%)Telekom Deutsche (15%) Telekom Deutsche Sonera (29%) Sonera (32%) Orange (51%) Orange (48%) (29%) Vodafone (28%) Vodafone Burana (48%) (51%) Burana Doliprane (49%) Doliprane (38%) Aspirin (30%) Aspirin (36%) Pohjola (25%)Pohjola (26%) Pohjola Axa (15%) Axa (17%) Allianz (21%) Allianz (23%) Kellogg's (53%) Kellogg's (52%) Kellogg's (78%) Kellogg's (75%) Nestle (43%) Nestle (30%) Emco (33%) Nestle (35%) Lumene (48%) Lumene (50%) Yves Rocher (21%) Yves Rocher (20%) Yves Rocher (17%) Yves Rocher (17%) Supradyn (19%) Supradyn (21%) Davitamon (11%) Supradyn (12%) Cedevita (32%) Cedevita (24%) Centrum (26%) Centrum (27%) Codesan (25%) Resilar (20%) Humex (12%) Humex (8%) Wick (34%) Wick (37%) Kellogg's (57%) Kellogg's (57%) Kellogg's (66%) Kellogg's (43%) Kellogg's (56%) Kellogg's (56%) Multi-Tabs (25%)Multi-Tabs (24%) Multi-Tabs (46%) Juvamine (25%) Juvamine Centrum (10%) Abtei (12%) Yves Rocher (21%) Nivea (14%) Nivea (21%) Nivea (29%) Nivea (55%) Nivea (47%) Avon (28%) Avon (34%) Osuuspankki (37%) Osuuspankki (33%)Agricole (20%) Crédit Agricole (19%) Crédit Sparkasse (41%) Sparkasse (40%) Raiffeisenbank (33%) Raiffeisenbank (35%) (26%) Fortis Paribas BNP (21%) Fortis Zagrebacka Banka (28%) Zagrebacka Banka (31%) Ceska S Aurinkomatkat (47%) Aurinkomatkat (35%) Med (17%) Club Med (15%) Club (56%) Tui (58%) Tui Category Austria BelgiumCategory Croatia Finland Czech France Germany Soap Powder Soap Powder Cereal Breakfast Credit Card Card Credit Vitamins Cold Remedy Hair Care Cosmetic Skin Care Bank/Building Society Company Insurance Petrol Retailer Pain Relief Holiday Company Internet Service Provider Car PC Holiday Company Car Appliance Kitchen PC Mobile Phone Handset Mobile Phone Network Camera Kitchen Appliance Kitchen Mobile Phone Handset Mobile Phone Network Camera Bank/Building Society Card Credit Insurance Company Insurance Internet Service Provider Petrol Retailer Vitamins Pain Relief Cold Remedy Hair Care Cosmetic Skin Care Soap Powder Breakfast Cereal Breakfast All winners by country and category - share of vote 2012 v 2011 All winners by country and category - share 12 Results - the Trusted Brands All winners by country and category - share of vote (31%) Die Mobiliar (33%) Die Mobiliar (34%) 2012 2011 2012 2011 20122012 2011 2012 2011 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 HP (28%) HP (29%) HP (13%) (18%) Toshiba HP (32%) HP (30%) Dell (17%) Dell (15%) Visa (39%) Visa (39%) Visa (57%) Visa (46%) Visa (54%) Visa (44%) Visa (42%) Visa (36%) Visa (80%) Visa (53%) Mastercard (63%) Maestro/Mastercard (59%) Visa (59%) Visa (65%) Visa (36%) Visa (38%) KPN (36%) KPN (31%)KPN (32%) Orange (28%) (28%) Orange (30%) TMN (50%) TP (22%) TMN (49%) TP (16%) Orange (42%) Sapo (36%) Orange (40%) Sapo (31%) RCS & RDS (40%) RCS & RDS (41%) Ariel (30%) Ariel (26%) Vizir (34%) Vizir (30%) Skip (70%) Skip (69%) Ariel (62%)Ariel (24%) Ariel (66%) Ariel (26%) Ariel (47%) Ariel (51%) Via (48%) Via (42%) Ariel (18%) Ariel (18%) Arke (12%) D-Reizen (15%) Itaka (22%) Itaka (19%) Abreu (68%) Abreu (65%) 45 (34%) Paralela 45 (26%) Paralela MTS (37%) MTS (36%) Mobitel (53%) Mobitel (53%) (59%) Telia (49%) Telia (70%) Swisscom (67%) Asus (19%) Asus (17%) (36%) HP (38%) HP (31%) HP (30%) HP HP (28%) (28%) HP Shell (32%) Shell (33%) Orlen (44%) Orlen (39%) Galp (57%) Galp (56%) (46%) Petrom (42%) Petrom Avon (14%) Avon (13%) (20%) L'Oréal (25%) Max Factor Yves Rocher (17%) (16%) Max Factor Nivea (22%) Nivea (20%) Miele (20%) Miele (23%) Bosch (17%) Bosch (21%) Miele (37%) Miele (42%) Philips (20%) Philips (19%) Nivea (34%) Nivea (31%) Nivea (37%) Nivea (30%) Nivea (43%) Nivea (32%) Nivea (49%)Nivea (15%) Nivea (40%) Yves Rocher (10%) Nivea (42%) Nivea (42%) Nivea (25%) Nivea (16%) Nivea (53%) Nivea (47%) Nokia (40%) Nokia (48%) Nokia (58%) Nokia (64%) Nokia (60%) Nokia (61%) Nokia (71%) Nokia (69%) Nokia (54%) Nokia (54%) Nokia (64%) Nokia (68%) Nokia (38%) Nokia (43%) Nokia (46%) Nokia (54%) Lukoil (38%) (39%) Lukoil (67%) Petrol (66%) Petrol OKQ8 (30%) OKQ8 (27%) (22%) Coop Coop (22%) Bosch (27%) Bosch (29%) Gorenje (71%) Gorenje (69%) Electrolux (41%) Electrolux (41%) (25%) V-ZUG Miele (23%) Nestlé (36%) Nestlé (37%) Nestlé (31%) Nestlé (33%) Kellogg's (46%) Kellogg's (48%) Kellogg's (63%) Kellogg's (64%) Canon (36%) (36%) Canon Sony (30%) Sony (35%) Canon (39%) Canon (38%) Sony (30%) Sony (30%) Canon (28%) (28%) Canon Canon (44%) Canon (44%) Canon (36%) Canon (38%) Canon (35%) (31%) Canon Toyota (11%)Toyota (11%) Toyota Opel (13%) Volkswagen (14%) (33%) Toyota (34%) Toyota Dacia (21%) Dacia (20%) Kruidvat (9%) Kruidvat (8%) Apap (31%) Apap (31%) Aspirina (33%) Aspirina (43%) Algocalmin (28%) Algocalmin (31%) Beeline (16%) Beeline (11%) Siol (44%) Siol (45%) (49%) Telia (48%) Telia Swisscom (57%) Swisscom (56%) Theraflu (19%) Theraflu (19%) Plus C (50%) Lekadol Lekadol Plus C (45%) Kan Jang (23%) Kan Jang (15%) Vicks (20%) Neo Citran (24%) Tez Tour (18%)Tour Tez (21%)Tour Tez (32%) Kompas (29%) Kompas Ving (33%) Ving (33%) (39%) Kuoni (38%) Kuoni Andrelon (29%) Andrelon (28%) Nivea (12%) Nivea (13%) (34%) Pantène (47%) Pantène Head & Shoulders (16%) Head & Shoulders (16%) Interpolis (15%)Achmea (31%) Avéro PZU (46%) PZU (43%) Mundial (21%) Fidelidade Mundial (21%) Fidelidade Astra (24%) Asirom (21%) Kellogg's (28%) Kellogg's (39%) Nestlé (53%) Nestlé (84%) Nestlé (38%) Nestlé (37%) Nestlé (59%) Nestlé (56%) Pentalgin (12%)Pentalgin Nurofen (13%) Lekadol (41%) Lekadol (42%) Alvedon (40%) Alvedon (42%) Dafalgan (28%) Dafalgan (26%) Complivit (25%) Complivit (23%) Cedevita (32%) Cedevita (26%) (11%) Friggs ACO (17%) (19%) Burgerstein (17%) Burgerstein Sberbank (56%) Sberbank (54%) NLB (36%) NLB (37%) Swedbank (38%) Swedbank (36%) Raiffeisen (30%) Raiffeisen (34%) Rabobank (41%) Rabobank (44%) PKO BP (28%) PKO BP (29%) (35%) CGD (37%) CGD BCR (30%) BCR (28%) Natterman (14%) (20%) Bisolvon Gripex (24%) Gripex (29%) (50%) Bisolvon (41%) Bisolvon Nurofen (29%) Nurofen (29%) Davitamon (21%) Davitamon (37%) Centrum (13%) Centrum (12%) Centrum (65%) (61%) Centrum Eurovita (32%) Eurovita (24%) Toyota (23%)Toyota (22%) Toyota Renault (16%) Renault (18%) (39%) Volvo (32%) Volvo VW (13%) VW (15%) Rosgosstrah (28%) (33%) Rosgosstrah (32%) (51%)Länsförsäkringar Triglav (53%)Zavarovalnica Triglav Zavarovalnica Länsförsäkringar Yves Rocher (13%) Yves Rocher (15%) Avon (13%) Avon (19%) L'Oréal (26%) (19%) L'Oréal Nivea (29%) Nivea (25%) Chistaya Liniya (8%) Head & Shoulders (10%) Nivea (13%) Head & Shoulders (13%) (20%) Wella (18%) Wella Nivea (18%) Nivea (15%) Category Netherlands PolandCategory Portugal Russia Romania Slovenia Sweden Switzerland Car Appliance Kitchen PC Mobile Phone Handset Mobile Phone Network Camera Holiday Company Bank/Building Society Card Credit Company Insurance Internet Service Provider Petrol Retailer Vitamins Pain Relief Cold Remedy Hair Care Cosmetic Skin Care Soap Powder Cereal Breakfast Car Appliance Kitchen PC Mobile Phone Handset Mobile Phone Network Camera Holiday Company Bank/Building Society Card Credit Company Insurance Internet Service Provider Petrol Retailer Vitamins Pain Relief Cold Remedy Hair Care Cosmetic Skin Care Soap Powder Cereal Breakfast All winners by country and category - share of vote 2012 v 2011 All winners by country and category - share 13 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Automotive 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria VW VW VW VW VW Belgium Citroen VW VW Toyota VW Croatia Opel Opel country not included country not included country not included Czech Skoda Skoda Skoda Skoda Skoda Finland Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota France Renault Renault Renault Renault Renault Germany VW VW VW VW VW Netherlands Toyota Toyota Opel Opel Opel Poland Opel VW Opel VW VW Portugal Toyota Toyota Toyota Mercedes Mercedes Romania Dacia Dacia Dacia Mercedes Mercedes Russia Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Slovenia Renault Renault country not included country not included country not included Sweden Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Switzerland VW VW VW VW Toyota

Kitchen appliances 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Miele Miele Miele Miele Miele Belgium Miele Miele Miele Miele Miele Croatia Gorenje Gorenje country not included country not included country not included Czech Eta Eta Eta Eta Eta Finland Upo Upo Upo Upo Upo France Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Philips Brandt Brandt Germany Miele Miele Miele Miele Miele Netherlands Miele Miele Miele Miele Miele Poland Bosch Bosch Bosch Amica Amica Portugal Miele Miele Miele Miele Miele Romania Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Russia Bosch Bosch Bosch Samsung Samsung Slovenia Gorenje Gorenje country not included country not included country not included Sweden Electrolux Electrolux Electrolux Electrolux Electrolux Switzerland V-ZUG Miele Miele Miele Miele 14 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Personal computer 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria HP HP HP HP HP Belgium HP Acer HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq Croatia HP HP country not included country not included country not included Czech Acer Acer Acer HP Acer Finland HP HP HP HP HP France HP HP HP-Compaq HP-Compaq HP-Compaq Germany Dell Dell Fujitsu Siemens Fujitsu Siemens Fujitsu Siemens Netherlands HP HP HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq Poland HP Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Portugal HP HP HP HP HP Romania Dell Dell Dell Dell IBM Russia Asus Asus Asus Samsung Samsung Slovenia HP HP country not included country not included country not included Sweden HP HP Dell Dell Dell Switzerland HP HP Dell Dell Dell

Internet service provider 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria A1 Telekom Austria Telekom Austria Telekom Austria A-Online Belgium Telenet Telenet Telenet Belgacom Telenet Croatia T Com T Com country not included country not included country not included Czech Seznam Seznam Seznam Seznam Seznam Finland Sonera Sonera Sonera Sonera Elisa France Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Germany Deutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom T-Online Google AOL Netherlands KPN Ziggo Ziggo Ziggo Het Net (KPN) Poland TP TP Allegro Neostrada TP Neostrada TP Portugal Sapo Sapo Sapo Sapo Sapo Romania RCS & RDS RCS & RDS RCS & RDS RCS & RDS RCS & RDS Russia Beeline Beeline Corbina Comstar Comstar Slovenia Siol Siol country not included country not included country not included Sweden Telia Telia Telia Telia Telia Switzerland Swisscom Swisscom Swisscom/Bluewin Bluewin Bluewin 15 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Mobile phone handset 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Belgium Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Croatia Nokia Nokia country not included country not included country not included Czech Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Finland Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia France Samsung Samsung Samsung Nokia Nokia Germany Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Netherlands Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Poland Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Portugal Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Romania Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Russia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Slovenia Nokia Nokia country not included country not included country not included Sweden Nokia Nokia Sony Ericsson Nokia Nokia Switzerland Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia

Mobile phone service provider 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Belgium Proximus Proximus Proximus Belgacom Proximus Croatia T Mobile T-Mobile country not included country not included country not included Czech T-Mobile T-Mobile T-Mobile T-Mobile O2 Finland Sonera Sonera Sonera Sonera Sonera France Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Germany Vodafone Vodafone Vodafone Vodafone KPN KPN KPN KPN KPN Poland Orange Orange Orange Plus ERA Portugal TMN TMN TMN TMN TMN Romania Orange Orange Vodafone Vodafone Vodafone Russia MTS MTS MTS MTS MTS Slovenia Mobitel Mobitel country not included country not included country not included Sweden Telia Telia Telia Telia Telia Switzerland Swisscom Swisscom Swisscom Swisscom Swisscom 16 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Camera 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Belgium Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Croatia Sony Sony country not included country not included country not included Czech Canon Canon Olympus Olympus Olympus Finland Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon France Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Germany Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Netherlands Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Poland Sony Sony Sony Canon Sony Portugal Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Romania Sony Sony Canon Sony Sony Russia Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Slovenia Canon Canon country not included country not included country not included Sweden Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon Switzerland Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon

Holiday company/tour operator 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Tui Tui Tui Tui Tui Belgium Neckermann Neckermann Neckermann Neckermann Neckermann Croatia Generalturist Generalturist country not included country not included country not included Czech Cedok Cedok Cedok Cedok Cedok Finland Aurinkomatkat Aurinkomatkat Aurinkomatkat Aurinkomatkat Aurinkomatkat France Club Med Club Med Pierre Et Vacances - MaevaPierre Et Vacances - Maeva Fram Germany Tui Tui Tui Tui Tui Netherlands Arke D-Reizen D-Reizen D-Reizen D-Reizen Poland Itaka Itaka Orbis Travel Orbis Travel Orbis Travel Portugal Abreu Abreu Abreu Abreu Abreu Romania Paralela 45 Paralela 45 Paralela 45 Paralela 45 Atlassib Russia Tez Tour Tez Tour Tez Tour Tez Tour Tez Tour Slovenia Kompas Kompas country not included country not included country not included Sweden Ving Ving Ving Ving Ving Switzerland Kuoni Kuoni Kuoni Kuoni Kuoni 17 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Bank/Building Society 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Raiffeisenbank Raiffeisenbank Raiffeisenbank Raiffeisenbank Raiffeisenbank Belgium BNP Paribas Fortis Fortis KBC Fortis Fortis Croatia Zagrebacka Banka Zagrebacka Banka country not included country not included country not included Czech Ceska Sporitelna Ceska Sporitelna Ceska Sporitelna Ceska Sporitelna Ceska Sporitelna Finland Osuuspankki Osuuspankki Osuuspankki Osuuspankki Osuuspankki France Crédit Agricole Crédit Agricole Crédit Agricole Crédit Agricole Crédit Agricole Germany Sparkasse Sparkasse Sparkasse Sparkasse Sparkasse Netherlands Rabobank Rabobank Rabobank Rabobank Rabobank Poland PKO BP PKO BP PKO BP PKO BP PKO BP Portugal CGD CGD CGD CGD CGD Romania BCR BCR BCR BRD BCR Russia Sberbank Sberbank Sberbank Sberbank Sberbank Slovenia NLB NLB country not included country not included country not included Sweden Swedbank Swedbank Swedbank Swedbank Swedbank Switzerland Raiffeisen Raiffeisen Raiffeisen Raiffeisen Raiffeisen

Credit card 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Belgium Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Croatia American Express American Express country not included country not included country not included Czech Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Finland Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa France Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Germany Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Netherlands Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Poland Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Portugal Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Romania Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Russia Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Slovenia Mastercard Maestro/Mastercard country not included country not included country not included Sweden Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa Switzerland Visa Visa Visa Visa Visa 18 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Insurance company 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Uniqa Uniqa Uniqa Uniqa Uniqa Belgium Ethias Axa Axa Axa Axa Croatia Croatia Osiguranje Croatia Osiguranje country not included country not included country not included Czech Ceska Pojistovna Ceska Pojistovna Ceska Pojistovna Ceska Pojistovna Ceska Pojistovna Finland Pohjola Pohjola If Tapiola Tapiola France Axa Axa Axa Axa Macif Germany Allianz Allianz Allianz Allianz Allianz Netherlands Interpolis Avéro Achmea Interpolis Interpolis Interpolis Poland PZU PZU PZU PZU PZU Portugal Fidelidade Mundial Fidelidade Mundial Fidelidade Mundial Fidelidade Fidelidade Romania Astra Asirom Asirom ING Asirom Russia Rosgosstrah Rosgosstrah Rosgosstrah Rosgosstrah Rosgosstrah Slovenia Zavarovalnica Triglav Zavarovalnica Triglav country not included country not included country not included Sweden Länsförsäkringar Länsförsäkringar Länsförsäkringar Länsförsäkringar Länsförsäkringar Switzerland Die Mobiliar Die Mobiliar Die Mobiliar Die Mobiliar Die Mobiliar

Petrol retailer 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Jet OMV OMV OMV OMV Belgium Shell Esso Total Esso Shell Croatia Ina Ina country not included country not included country not included Czech Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Finland ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC France Total Total Total Total Total Germany Aral Aral Aral Aral Aral Netherlands Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Poland Orlen Orlen Orlen Orlen Orlen Portugal Galp Galp Galp Galp Galp Romania Petrom Petrom Petrom Petrom Petrom Russia Lukoil Lukoil Lukoil Lukoil Lukoil Slovenia Petrol Petrol country not included country not included country not included Sweden OKQ8 OKQ8 OKQ8 OKQ8 Statoil Switzerland Coop Coop Migrol Migrol Shell 19 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Cough/cold remedy 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Belgium Muco Rhinathiol Muco Rhinathiol Vicks Vicks Vicks Croatia Maxflu Maxflu country not included country not included country not included Czech Bromhexin Mucosolvan Bromhexin Bromhexin Bromhexin Finland Codesan Resilar Resilar Resilar Silomat France Humex Humex Actifed Vicks Actifed Germany Wick Wick Wick Wick Wick Netherlands Natterman Bisolvon A Vogel A Vogel A Vogel Poland Gripex Gripex Gripex Gripex Gripex Portugal Bisolvon Bisolvon Bisolvon Bisolvon Bisolvon Romania Nurofen Nurofen Nurofen Nurofen Nurofen Russia Theraflu Theraflu Theraflu Coldrex Bromhexin Slovenia Lekadol Plus C Lekadol Plus C country not included country not included country not included Sweden Kan Jang Kan Jang Kan Jang Kan Jang Kan Jang Switzerland Vicks NeoCitran NeoCitran NeoCitran NeoCitran

Analgesic/pain relief 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Belgium Dafalgan Dafalgan Dafalgan Dafalgan Dafalgan Croatia Neofen Neofen country not included country not included country not included Czech Ibalgin Ibalgin Ibalgin Ibalgin Ibalgin Finland Burana Burana Burana Burana Burana France Doliprane Doliprane Doliprane Doliprane Doliprane Germany Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin Netherlands Kruidvat Kruidvat Kruidvat Kruidvat Kruidvat Poland Apap Apap Apap Apap Apap Portugal Aspirina Aspirina Ben-U-Ron Ben-U-Ron Ben-U-Ron Romania Algocalmin Algocalmin Algocalmin Algocalmin Algocalmin Russia Pentalgin Nurofen Pentalgin Pentalgin Pentalgin Slovenia Lekadol Lekadol country not included country not included country not included Sweden Alvedon Alvedon Alvedon Alvedon Alvedon Switzerland Dafalgan Dafalgan Dafalgan Aspirin Dafalgan 20 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Vitamins 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Supradyn Supradyn Supradyn Supradyn Supradyn Belgium Davitamon Supradyn Supradyn Supradyn Supradyn Croatia Cedevita Cedevita country not included country not included country not included Czech Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Finland Multi-Tabs Multi-Tabs Multi-Tabs Multi-Tabs Multi-Tabs France Juvamine Juvamine Juvamine Juvamine Juvamine Germany Centrum Abtei Abtei Centrum Abtei Netherlands Davitamon Davitamon Davitamon Davitamon Davitamon Poland Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Portugal Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Romania Eurovita Eurovita Eurovita Eurovita Eurovita Russia Complivit Complivit Complivit Alfavit Alfavit Slovenia Cedevita Cedevita country not included country not included country not included Sweden Friggs ACO ACO ACO ACO Switzerland Burgerstein Burgerstein Burgerstein Burgerstein Migros

Hair care product 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Nivea Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf Belgium L'Oréal Nivea L'Oréal Garnier L'Oréal Croatia Nivea Nivea country not included country not included country not included Czech Nivea Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf Avon Avon Finland Elvital XZ Elvital Elvital Elvital France L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal Germany Schwarzkopf Nivea Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf Netherlands Andrelon Andrelon Andrelon Andrelon Andrelon Poland Nivea Nivea Nivea L'Oréal L'Oréal Portugal Pantène Pantène Pantène Pantène Pantène Romania Head & Shoulders Head & Shoulders Head & Shoulders Head & Shoulders Head & Shoulders Russia Chistaya Liniya Head & Shoulders Pantène Pantène Pantène Slovenia Nivea Head & Shoulders country not included country not included country not included Sweden Wella Wella Wella Wella Wella Switzerland Nivea Nivea L'Oréal Nivea L'Oréal 21 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Cosmetic 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Yves Rocher Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Belgium Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Croatia Nivea Nivea country not included country not included country not included Czech Avon Avon Avon Avon Avon Finland Lumene Lumene Lumene Lumene Lumene France Yves Rocher Yves Rocher L'Oréal Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Germany Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Nivea Netherlands Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Nivea Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Poland Avon Avon Nivea Avon Avon Portugal L'Oréal L'Oréal Nivea Nivea Nivea Romania Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Avon Russia Avon Avon Avon Avon Avon Slovenia L'Oréal Max Factor country not included country not included country not included Sweden Yves Rocher Max Factor Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Yves Rocher Switzerland Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea

Skin care 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Belgium Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Croatia Nivea Nivea country not included country not included country not included Czech Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Finland Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea France Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Germany Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Netherlands Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Poland Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Portugal Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Romania Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Russia Nivea Yves Rocher Nivea Nivea Nivea Slovenia Nivea Nivea country not included country not included country not included Sweden Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Switzerland Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea Nivea 22 Results - the Trusted Brands Comparison of winning brands over 5 years

Comparison of winning brands over past 5 years Soap powder 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Persil Persil Persil Persil Persil Belgium Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Croatia Ariel Ariel country not included country not included country not included Czech Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Finland Omo Omo Omo Omo Omo France Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Germany Persil Persil Persil Persil Persil Netherlands Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Poland Vizir Vizir Vizir Vizir Vizir Portugal Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Romania Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Ariel Russia Ariel Ariel Ariel Tide Tide Slovenia Ariel Ariel country not included country not included country not included Sweden Via Via Via Via Via Switzerland Ariel Ariel Total Total Total

Breakfast cereal 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Austria Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Belgium Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Croatia Nestle Nestlé country not included country not included country not included Czech Emco Nestlé Opavia Nestlé Nestlé Finland Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's France Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Germany Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Netherlands Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Poland Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Portugal Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Romania Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Russia Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Nestlé Slovenia Nestlé Nestlé country not included country not included country not included Sweden Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Switzerland Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's 23 Results - the winning brands Local categories

Each country had the option to include a number of product categories in addition to the 20 common categories. These categories tend to be relevant to some countries and not others, or where the range of brands available is most likely to be local and not known outside the country. The number of additional local categories varied from 4 in France to 20 in Portugal and Slovenia. Sweden chose not to include any additional categories.

Across the 14 countries that included local categories, over 115 different product categories were included, and ranged from amusement park to yoghurt.

• 9 countries included coffee and/or tea but no brand won in more than 1 country

• 7 countries chose toothpaste – Colgate came top in 3

• In the 6 countries that included chocolate a different brand won in each

• The category of pet food was chosen by 6 countries, Whiskas is No1 in 4 of them

• C & A is the most Trusted Brand of clothing/clothing retailer in 4 of the 7 countries to include that category

• 6 countries included mineral water/bottled water as a category – all winners were local brands

For full details of all nominated brands by country and share of vote please contact your country representative – details can be found on the final page of this book 24 Local categories – 2012 winners

Local categories - 2012 winners

Austria Belgium Category Trusted Brand Category Trusted Brand Food Iglo Margarine Becel Milk products Nöm Shoes Geox Confectionery Milka Optician chain Pearle Soft drinks Coca-Cola Bathroom sanitary equipment Grohe Sparkling wine Henkell Probiotic drink Actimel Spirits Spitz Beer Jupiler Clothes C&A Ketchup Heinz Shoes Gabor Clothing store C&A Toothpaste Blend-A-Med Drugstore Kruidvat Coffee/Tea Eduscho Hearing aid Laperre Detergent Frosch Soy product Alpro Retailer Spar Radio network VRT 2 Cruises Aida Pet food Whiskas Cheese Maredsous Chocolate Cote D'Or Health insurance Christelijke Mutualiteit Deep frier Frifri Mayonnaise Devos Lemmens

Croatia Czech Republic Category Trusted Brand Category Trusted Brand Chocolate Kras Jeans Levi Strauss Milk Product Dukat Dishwasher Bosch Coffee Franck Spa Luhacovice Bottled Water Jana Mineral Water Mattoni Wine Kutjevo Creamery Kunín Olive Oil Zvijezda Washing Machine Whirlpool Retailer Konzum Radio Station Cesky Rozhlas Furniture Lesnina TV Station Ceska Televize Mattress Dormeo Toothpaste Odol Tea Franck Supermarket Kaufland Daily News 24sata TV Station Nova TV Cleaning Product Domestos Eye Clinic Svjetlost 25 Local categories – 2012 winners

Local categories - 2012 winners

Finland France Category Trusted Brand Category Trusted Brand Deodorant Rexona Gardening Retailer Jardiland Processed Food Saarioinen Organic Food Bjorg Coffee Juhla Mokka Mineral Water Evian Sweets Fazer Food Nouveau Riches Danone Functional Food Becel Cheese Valio Margarine Oivariini Natural Product Möller Retail Chain S-ryhmä Furniture Store Asko Optician Instrumentarium Custom Home Plan Jukka-Talo Real Estate Agent Op Kiinteistökeskus Electrical Company Fortum Cruise Line Tallink Silja Spa Naantalin Kylpylä Amusement Park Linnanmäki

Germany Netherlands Category Trusted Brand Category Trusted Brand Food Dr. Oetker Margarine Becel Milk Product Müller Homeshopping Wehkamp Sweets Haribo Dating Site Lexa Soft Drink Coca-Cola Pet Food Whiskas Sparkling Wine Rotkäppchen Clothing Store C&A Spirits Asbach Rice Lassi Clothes C&A Charity KWF Kankerbestrijding Shoes Rieker Coffee Douwe Egberts Toothpaste Odol Soup Unox Tea-Coffee Tchibo Optician Hans Anders Detergent Frosch Probiotic Drink Yakult Retailer Aldi Drug Store Kruidvat Cruise Aida Hearing Aid Beter Horen Soy Product Alpro Bed Auping Television Philips Bicycle Store Profile TV Network RTL 4 26 Local categories – 2012 winners

Local categories - 2012 winners

Poland Portugal Category Trusted Brand Category Trusted Brand TV Station TVN Catering Chain McDonald's Radio Station RMF FM Chocolate Nestle Watches & Jewellery Apart Baby Care Johnson's Investment Fund ING Coffee Delta Energy Supplier Enea Cooking Oil Fula Dietary Supplement Falvit Beer Sagres Herbal Preparation Herbapol Mineral Water Luso Food Producer Winiary Hair Colourant L'Oreal Juice-Water Zywiec Laxative Dulcolax Ice Cream Algida Supermarket Continente Oil-Margarine Kujawski Pet Food Friskies Cake-Dessert Dr Oetker TV Channel RTP Dishwashing Liquid Ludwik Multi Purpose Cleaner Sonasol Toothpaste Colgate Fabric Conditioner Comfort Pharmacy Dbam O Zdrowie Spread/Margarine Becel Drug Store Rossmann Sauce-Seasoning Maggi Clothing Store H&M Health Insurance Medis Grocery Biedronka Public Service Co EDP Non-Food Retailer Worten Radio Station RFM

Romania Russia Category Trusted Brand Category Trusted Brand Bakery Vel Pitar Anti-Aging Cosmetics Yves Rocher Dairy Product Danone Appliance Store M.Video Meat Product Cris - Tim Food Processor Bosch Cooking Oil Untdelemn de la Bunica Pet Food Whiskas Spice Fuchs Pharmacy Apteka 36,6 Mineral Water Borsec Seasoning Maggi Pet Food Pedigree Sedative Drug Valeriana Coffee Jacobs Shoe Care Salamander Soap Dove Shower Gel Nivea Toothpaste Colgate Steamer Tefal Deodorant Nivea Toothpaste Colgate Commercial Centre Kaufland Yoghurt Danone Electronic Chain Domo Clothing Chain Zara Private Hospital Medlife Newspaper Adevarul Radio Station Europa FM TV Station Pro TV 27 Local categories – 2012 winners

Local categories - 2012 winners

Slovenia Switzerland Category Trusted Brand Category Trusted Brand Fruit Juice Fructal Non-Alcoholic Drink Coca-Cola Toys Lego Clothes Charles Vögele Bottled Water Zala Hard Candy Ricola Beer Lasko TV-Cable Provider Swisscom Coffee Barcaffe Detergent Meister Proper Milk Ljubljanske mlekarne Pet Food Whiskas Margarine Rama Coffee Nespresso Shopping Centre Mercator Health Insurance CSS Bed Dormeo Life Insurance Swiss Life Paint Jupol Mattress Bico Investment Company KD Milk Product Emmi Telecomms Provider Telekom Homeopathic Similasan TV Station Pop TV Optician-Glasses Fielmann Radio Station Val 202 Chocolate Lindt Newspaper Slovenske novice Toothpaste Elmex Furniture Lesnina Sparkling Water Radenska Tea 1001 Cvet Chewing Gum Orbit Doors-Windows AJM 28 Results - trust Confidence in institutions

Average agreement across all countries Confidence No confidence Rank Institutions A great Quite a lot Total Not much Not at all Total deal 1 Marriage 29% 37% 66% 22% 8% 30% 2 TV and radio 6% 45% 51% 40% 5% 45%

3 Environmentalists 8% 40% 48% 37% 9% 47% 4 Internet 6% 38% 45% 40% 9% 49% 5 Press 3% 37% 40% 49% 7% 56% 6 Banks 4% 34% 38% 45% 11% 56% 7 Church 10% 27% 37% 35% 24% 59% 8 Legal system 6% 30% 35% 43% 16% 59% 9 Euro (exc Switzerland) 6% 30% 35% 45% 17% 61% 10 International companies 2% 31% 33% 50% 10% 60% 11 European Union 4% 26% 30% 49% 16% 66%

12 Civil servants 2% 24% 27% 52% 15% 67% 13 Government 3% 19% 22% 45% 30% 75% 14 Advertising 1% 12% 13% 56% 25% 81%

ⅷ Across the 15 countries included in the survey confidence in institutions is low. On average only 2 (marriage and TV & radio) are trusted by >50% of people. ⅷ Although marriage is trusted the most only 29% of people trust it a great deal. ⅷ People don’t trust advertising– 81% say they have little or no confidence in it. ⅷ Government ranks 13 out of 14. On average across all countries 30% of respondents have no confidence whatsoever in their government.

Year on year comparison– average confidence across all 15 countries

Great deal/quite a lot of confidence 2012 2011 Difference

Marriage 66% 66% -1% TV and radio 51% 52% -2% Environmentalists 48% 48% -1% Internet 45% 47% -4% Press 40% 41% -2% Banks 38% 41% -6% Church 37% 38% -3% Legal system 35% 36% -2% Euro (exc Switzerland) 35% 43% -19% International companies 33% 35% -6% European Union 30% 36% -17% Civil servants 27% 27% -1% Government 22% 22% -4% Advertising 13% 15% -9%

Average across all institutions 37% 39% -5%

ⅷ Over the past 12 months confidence in all institutions has fallen by -5% across all countries. ⅷ Confidence in the euro has fallen the most (-19%) 29 Results - trust Confidence in institutions

By country Overall levels of confidence vary by country

Average levels of confidence all institutions/all countries (a great deal/quite a lot)

ⅷ In Russia few people have confidence in anything (23%) ⅷ Confidence in Finland is higher than average for all institutions apart from advertising and environmentalists

Confidence in the European Union (a great deal/quite a lot)

ⅷ Confidence in the European Union has fallen by 17% since last year ⅷ The greatest decline is in Austria (-36%) and the Czech Republic (-29%) ⅷ 51% of Romanians have confidence in the E.U. No change year on year ⅷ Only 14% of people in Switzerland have confidence in the European Union (26% lower than the previous survey) 30 Results - trust Confidence in institutions

Low confidence in the euro

ⅷ Across all countries 61% of people have little or no confidence in the euro ⅷ In Czech Republic, Poland and Sweden over 30% of people have no confidence at all in the euro ⅷ The question was not asked in Switzerland

Average confidence in the euro is just 35% 31 Confidence in institutions - great deal/quite a lot Confidence ininstitutions Results -trust Netherlands Switzerland Average all countries Germany Romania Portugal Slovenia Belgium Sweden Croatia Finland Austria Poland France Russia Czech

Total 1831 634 1964 1105 2060 1998 2156 7474 2114 1045 914 896 1384 1168 1050 1506 TV and radio 51% 52% 57% 56% 42% 70% 24% 59% 48% 37% 54% 50% 13% 59% 82% 67% Press 40% 41% 48% 38% 34% 56% 30% 45% 36% 38% 40% 33% 11% 43% 60% 48% Church 37% 28% 16% 39% 14% 62% 26% 30% 27% 36% 49% 71% 45% 19% 54% 37% Marriage 66% 67% 50% 74% 76% 76% 57% 67% 60% 68% 53% 81% 53% 72% 72% 65% European Union 30% 21% 41% 30% 20% 31% 29% 25% 26% 45% 29% 51% 22% 35% 29% 14% Euro (exc Switzerland) 35% 35% 51% 38% 14% 53% 31% 32% 36% 25% 32% 49% 27% 47% 21% 0% Government 22% 11% 13% 8% 5% 42% 17% 17% 23% 17% 20% 13% 20% 7% 56% 54% Advertising 13% 13% 16% 17% 13% 12% 10% 8% 11% 15% 12% 29% 2% 14% 10% 17% Civil servants 27% 30% 31% 19% 21% 41% 40% 27% 24% 22% 23% 22% 2% 20% 35% 45% International companies 33% 36% 32% 32% 31% 35% 27% 26% 39% 21% 28% 48% 21% 44% 34% 40% Legal system 35% 54% 31% 17% 14% 78% 34% 44% 50% 27% 13% 22% 11% 15% 62% 60% Banks 38% 39% 27% 32% 44% 76% 19% 25% 34% 44% 26% 46% 26% 40% 55% 36% Environmentalists 48% 67% 44% 51% 29% 28% 45% 60% 38% 53% 42% 60% 43% 49% 46% 60% Internet 45% 29% 58% 50% 66% 51% 34% 24% 60% 56% 40% 62% 28% 36% 44% 35% 32 Confidence in institutions - not very much/not at all Confidence ininstitutions Results -trust Netherlands Switzerland Average all countries Germany Romania Portugal Slovenia Belgium Sweden Croatia Finland Austria Poland France Russia Czech

TV and radio 45% 46% 43% 36% 57% 29% 75% 39% 51% 60% 27% 48% 83% 39% 16% 30% Press 56% 56% 51% 51% 65% 44% 69% 52% 63% 59% 39% 65% 85% 54% 38% 49% Church 59% 70% 83% 50% 84% 37% 72% 66% 72% 61% 32% 28% 50% 78% 44% 59% Marriage 30% 30% 49% 17% 23% 23% 42% 28% 39% 29% 26% 17% 41% 25% 26% 30% European Union 66% 77% 59% 60% 79% 69% 70% 72% 73% 52% 51% 46% 72% 62% 69% 80% Euro (exc Switzerland) 61% 63% 48% 51% 84% 47% 68% 66% 63% 71% 48% 49% 66% 51% 77% 0% Government 75% 88% 86% 82% 94% 58% 82% 81% 76% 80% 61% 85% 76% 91% 42% 43% Advertising 81% 81% 82% 70% 85% 87% 89% 86% 88% 80% 66% 68% 94% 81% 82% 79% Civil servants 67% 63% 67% 68% 77% 57% 59% 66% 75% 73% 57% 75% 94% 74% 55% 46% International companies 60% 52% 66% 55% 66% 63% 71% 62% 60% 74% 50% 48% 74% 50% 57% 50% Legal system 59% 39% 68% 70% 84% 21% 65% 49% 49% 70% 66% 75% 86% 80% 29% 31% Banks 56% 55% 71% 56% 54% 22% 80% 68% 65% 53% 52% 50% 70% 56% 37% 55% Environmentalists 47% 27% 55% 37% 68% 71% 54% 34% 61% 43% 37% 37% 53% 46% 46% 31% Internet 49% 64% 40% 36% 32% 48% 65% 70% 39% 40% 38% 35% 69% 59% 47% 55% 33 Results - trust Confidence in the European Union and the euro

The European Union will remain stable in years to come

Agree A great deal/quite a lot A little/not at all Average all countries 38% 62% Austria 48% 52% Belgium 37% 63% Croatia 39% 61% Czech 33% 67% Finland 31% 69% France 28% 72% Germany 55% 45% Netherlands 31% 69% Poland 29% 71% Portugal 36% 64% Romania 64% 36% Russia 29% 71% Slovenia 58% 42% Sweden 26% 74% Switzerland 28% 72%

ⅷ Most (62%) Europeans do not have confidence in the future stability of the EU ⅷ Concern is greatest in Sweden (74%) and lowest in Romania (36%) ⅷ The French and the Swiss (72%) do not believe in the long term stability of the E.U. whereas the Germans are amongst the most confident

Disagree – The European Union will remain stable 34 Results - trust Confidence in the European Union and the euro

Should the name “European Union” be replaced by “United States of Europe?” Yes No Don’t know Average all countries 15% 59% 26% Austria 19% 61% 20% Belgium 13% 63% 24% Croatia 11% 41% 48% Czech 9% 64% 28% Finland 9% 63% 28% France 21% 60% 20% Germany 18% 60% 22% Netherlands 12% 65% 24% Poland 8% 76% 16% Portugal 36% 30% 34% Romania 25% 54% 22% Russia 4% 71% 25% Slovenia 27% 43% 30% Sweden 9% 67% 24% Switzerland 8% 68% 23%

ⅷ Few (15%) agree that the European Union should be renamed the United States of Europe ⅷ 26% of Europeans don’t have an opinion

Disagree – Change name to United States of Europe 35 Results - trust Confidence in the European Union and the euro

Switzerland Switzerland

Sweden Sweden

Slovenia Slovenia

Russia Russia

Romania Romania

Portugal Portugal

Poland Poland

Netherlands Netherlands

Germany Germany

France France

Finland Finland

Czech Czech

Croatia Croatia

Belgium Belgium

Austria Austria

Average all Average all 5% 5% 5% 3% 3% 3% 5% 4% 3% 7% 6% 15% 3% 4% 4% 2% 15%59% 19% 13%26% 61% 11% 63% 20% 9% 41% 24% 64% 9% 48% 63% 21% 28% 60% 18% 28% 60% 20% 12% 65% 8% 22% 76% 24% 36% 30% 16% 25% 54% 34% 71% 4% 22% 43% 25% 27% 67% 30% 9% 68% 24% 8% 23% countries 33%44% 43% 32%18% 42% 35% 41% 30% 10% 46% 28% 21% 51%38% 22% 15% 55% 50% 16%62% 48% 30% 28% 15% 37% 39% 23% 52% 43% 39% 36% 63% 29% 33% 7% 45% 61% 49% 31% 52% 25% 33% 67% 28% 32% 26% 69% 54% 51% 55% 13% 72% 22% 31% 36% 4% 45% 26% 29%countries 48% 20% 69% 36% 53% 71% 64% 6% 64% 29% 26% 36% 58% 71% 19% 26% 42% 28% 74% 72% No Don't know European Union will remain stable in years to come Union will remain European Total deal a great Agree Union to United States of Europe Rename European 1795 623 1953 1097 2055 1990 2138 7313 2092 1039Total 764Yes 878 1351 1136 1037 1464 1798 624 1949 1095 2049 1993 2134 7342 2094 1043 762 881 1365 1137 1036 1468 Quite a lot Only a little Not at all deal/quite a lot Great A little/not at all 36 Results - trust Trust in professions

Average agreement across all countries Trust Don't Trust Rank Profession A great Quite a lot Total Not much Not at all Total deal 1 Fire-fighters 54% 39% 93% 3% 0% 3% 2 Airline pilots 40% 47% 88% 7% 2% 9% 3 Nurses 30% 54% 85% 11% 1% 12% 4 Pharmacists 24% 58% 83% 12% 1% 13% 5 Doctors 26% 55% 81% 14% 1% 16%

6 Farmers 20% 55% 76% 18% 2% 20% 7 Teachers 16% 58% 73% 21% 2% 23% 8 Meteorologists 10% 49% 59% 32% 5% 36% 9 Police 14% 45% 59% 31% 7% 38% 10 Taxi drivers 5% 40% 45% 41% 10% 51% 11 Judges 8% 36% 44% 39% 12% 51% 12 Lawyers 5% 36% 41% 44% 10% 54% 13 Priests/church ministers 9% 29% 38% 36% 23% 59% 14 Travel agents 2% 32% 34% 51% 11% 62%

15 Journalists 3% 26% 28% 53% 14% 67% 16 Financial advisors 2% 24% 26% 55% 14% 69% 17 Trade union leaders 3% 20% 23% 47% 26% 73% 18 Football players 3% 17% 19% 46% 30% 76% 19 Car salesmen 1% 15% 16% 59% 20% 80% 20 Politicians 0% 8% 8% 44% 45% 88%

ⅷ Fire-fighters are the most trusted profession, ranking No1 in every country. Across all countries 54% of people have “a great deal” of trust in their firefighters. ⅷ On average across all countries airline pilots are the second most trusted profession. They appear in the top 3 for each country apart from Austria, Belgium and Russia. ⅷ The medical professions: nurses, pharmacists and doctors have a high level of trust in most countries apart from Russia. ⅷ In every country, apart from Sweden and Switzerland, politicians are trusted less than car salesmen. In Netherlands both have equal scores.

Year on year comparison – average trust across all countries

Great deal/quite a lot 2012 2011 Difference

Fire-fighters 93% 93% 0% Airline pilots 88% 89% -2% Nurses 85% 85% 0% Pharmacists 83% 84% -1% Doctors 81% 82% -1% Farmers 76% 76% 0% Teachers 73% 75% -2% Meteorologists 59% 60% -1% Police 59% 60% -1% Taxi drivers 45% 45% 0% Judges 44% 46% -4% Lawyers 41% 42% -2% Priests/church ministers 38% 39% -2% Travel agents 34% 35% -3% Journalists 28% 29% -3% Financial advisors 26% 28% -6% Trade union leaders 23% 24% -5% Football players 19% 20% -1% Car salesmen 16% 16% 1% Politicians 8% 8% 2%

ⅷ The “all country” average score for each profession remains similar year on year. ⅷ Trust in financial advisors and trade union leaders has declined the most. 37 Results - trust Trust in professions

By country: Average levels of trust across all professions

ⅷ Overall trust levels are much higher in Northern European countries like Finland, low in the CEER countries and Portugal.

Trust airline pilots (a great deal/quite a lot)

ⅷ In Finland and Romania 54% of people have a great deal of trust in their airline pilots compared with 15% in Russia 38 Results - trust Trust in professions

Trust the legal professions (a great deal/quite a lot)

Judges Lawyers

Finland 71% 55% Sweden 70% 56% Austria 70% 55% Switzerland 63% 56% Germany 59% 53% Netherlands 57% 51%

France 43% 40% Belgium 43% 42% Poland 38% 39% Czech 28% 37% Slovenia 27% 25% Croatia 27% 25% Romania 26% 29% Russia 21% 39% Portugal 20% 18%

Average all countries 44% 41%

ⅷ Trust in the legal professions is especially low in Portugal and Russia, ⅷ There are also significant country differences in levels of trust in the police.

Trust the police) (a great deal/quite a lot) 39 Trust professions - great deal/quite a lot Trust inprofessions Results -trust Netherlands Switzerland Average all countries Germany Romania Portugal Slovenia Belgium Sweden Croatia Finland Austria Poland France Russia Czech

Total 1831 634 1964 1105 2060 1998 2156 7474 2114 1045 914 896 1384 1168 1050 1506 Airline pilots 88% 94% 87% 84% 91% 97% 88% 91% 89% 83% 78% 90% 67% 92% 92% 92% Police 59% 78% 57% 50% 40% 94% 55% 79% 65% 51% 52% 32% 16% 49% 83% 81% Priests/church ministers 38% 38% 19% 33% 16% 67% 33% 37% 25% 31% 38% 54% 49% 18% 62% 45% Car salesmen 16% 17% 24% 15% 18% 24% 9% 11% 14% 16% 5% 14% 16% 19% 19% 19% Nurses 85% 95% 95% 83% 88% 94% 91% 92% 92% 74% 74% 60% 55% 92% 94% 92% Politicians 8% 5% 7% 2% 2% 8% 5% 9% 14% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2% 26% 24% Doctors 81% 90% 91% 78% 81% 91% 84% 84% 89% 64% 74% 76% 51% 87% 91% 89% Travel agents 34% 43% 50% 9% 32% 58% 28% 27% 35% 32% 23% 31% 21% 29% 43% 50% Taxi drivers 45% 54% 51% 34% 10% 80% 37% 58% 38% 35% 32% 38% 42% 49% 60% 56% Football players 19% 12% 15% 15% 13% 28% 7% 15% 14% 18% 13% 16% 39% 28% 37% 21% Pharmacists 83% 96% 94% 77% 73% 94% 83% 87% 87% 78% 74% 79% 54% 82% 91% 91% Financial advisors 26% 24% 32% 28% 29% 24% 18% 17% 21% 30% 14% 35% 31% 21% 42% 28% Teachers 73% 66% 81% 78% 73% 88% 69% 66% 77% 70% 64% 68% 75% 75% 75% 75% Farmers 76% 79% 78% 68% 73% 80% 72% 77% 85% 65% 69% 68% 79% 77% 86% 82% Meteorologists 59% 71% 61% 74% 57% 66% 47% 58% 54% 52% 58% 71% 29% 81% 48% 63% Firefighters 93% 97% 96% 86% 97% 98% 96% 95% 95% 93% 79% 93% 85% 95% 95% 94% Lawyers 41% 55% 42% 25% 37% 55% 40% 53% 51% 39% 18% 29% 39% 25% 56% 56% Judges 44% 70% 43% 27% 28% 71% 43% 59% 57% 38% 20% 26% 21% 27% 70% 63% Journalists 28% 28% 38% 26% 24% 25% 20% 31% 28% 32% 27% 35% 14% 40% 28% 31% Trade union leaders 23% 23% 34% 21% 21% 31% 18% 26% 30% 12% 11% 13% 11% 19% 34% 35% 40 Trust professions - not much/not at all Trust inprofessions Results -trust Netherlands Switzerland Average all countries Germany Romania Portugal Slovenia Belgium Sweden Croatia Finland Austria Poland France Russia Czech

Airline pilots 9% 4% 11% 5% 8% 3% 10% 7% 10% 14% 4% 9% 29% 6% 6% 5% Police 38% 21% 42% 39% 59% 6% 43% 19% 34% 47% 29% 66% 81% 49% 16% 17% Priests/church ministers 59% 60% 80% 56% 83% 33% 65% 60% 74% 66% 42% 44% 47% 79% 37% 52% Car salesmen 80% 80% 75% 73% 81% 76% 89% 86% 84% 80% 74% 83% 78% 79% 79% 77% Nurses 12% 4% 5% 7% 11% 6% 7% 7% 7% 23% 6% 38% 42% 6% 5% 5% Politicians 88% 93% 92% 88% 97% 91% 93% 88% 85% 93% 76% 95% 94% 96% 72% 73% Doctors 16% 9% 9% 14% 18% 9% 15% 14% 10% 34% 7% 22% 46% 12% 8% 8% Travel agents 62% 54% 49% 80% 67% 42% 69% 70% 63% 64% 57% 66% 73% 69% 55% 46% Taxi drivers 51% 44% 47% 54% 89% 20% 60% 39% 60% 63% 49% 59% 53% 49% 39% 40% Football players 76% 86% 83% 73% 85% 71% 91% 82% 84% 78% 67% 81% 53% 70% 61% 75% Pharmacists 13% 3% 5% 12% 26% 5% 16% 11% 11% 19% 8% 18% 41% 15% 6% 6% Financial advisors 69% 73% 68% 60% 70% 75% 80% 80% 77% 67% 64% 61% 63% 75% 55% 68% Teachers 23% 31% 18% 12% 26% 11% 29% 31% 21% 28% 16% 30% 21% 22% 23% 21% Farmers 20% 19% 21% 21% 26% 19% 26% 21% 13% 32% 11% 29% 16% 20% 12% 14% Meteorologists 36% 26% 38% 15% 42% 32% 51% 39% 44% 44% 22% 26% 66% 16% 49% 33% Firefighters 3% 2% 3% 3% 2% 1% 3% 3% 3% 5% 3% 4% 11% 2% 2% 2% Lawyers 54% 42% 57% 63% 62% 44% 58% 44% 47% 57% 62% 68% 56% 72% 41% 41% Judges 51% 27% 57% 61% 71% 28% 55% 38% 41% 60% 59% 70% 74% 70% 27% 33% Journalists 67% 69% 62% 63% 74% 75% 77% 66% 70% 65% 53% 62% 81% 56% 69% 65% Trade union leaders 73% 74% 65% 67% 78% 68% 80% 71% 68% 85% 69% 84% 83% 78% 63% 61% 41 Results - the environment Concern about the environment

Worry about the environment:

Great deal/quite a lot A little/not at all

Average all countries 80% 20% Austria 81% 19% Belgium 71% 29% Croatia 93% 7% Czech 74% 26% Finland 76% 24% France 81% 19% Germany 79% 21% Netherlands 47% 53% Poland 89% 11% Portugal 90% 10% Romania 92% 8% Russia 96% 4% Slovenia 95% 5% Sweden 65% 35% Switzerland 78% 22%

ⅷ On average across all countries 8 out of 10 people worry about the environment. ⅷ In Croatia, Romania, Russia and Slovenia over 50% worry “a great deal”.

I worry about the environment (a great deal/quite a lot)

ⅷ Concern about the environment has changed little year on year. ⅷ People in the Netherlands worry the least about the environment, although over the past 12 months their concern has increased by 17% 42 Results - the environment Concern about the environment

Statements about the environment Agree Disagree Rank Average agreement all countries Strongly Tend to Total Strongly Tend to Total

1 Environmental brands are too expensive 38% 40% 78% 3% 16% 18%

2 Big companies don't care about the environment 37% 38% 75% 4% 17% 21%

3 I'm willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products 17% 50% 68% 8% 21% 28%

4 I prefer to buy Fair Trade 23% 41% 65% 7% 23% 31%

5 I don't believe advertisers when they claim to support the environment 18% 43% 61% 5% 30% 35%

6 I’d like to buy brands that are good for the environment but they're not as effective 12% 44% 56% 9% 30% 39%

7 Climate change is exaggerated 13% 29% 42% 22% 32% 54%

ⅷ Most people across Europe believe that environmentally friendly brands are too expensive (78%) ⅷ Over half disagree that claims about climate change are exaggerated ⅷ They also think that big companies don’t care about the environment (75%)

Year on year comparison – average across all countries Agree strongly/tend to agree 2012 2011 Difference

Environmental brands are too expensive 78% 74% 5%

Big companies don't care about the environment 75% 74% 2%

I'm willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products 68% 67% 1%

I prefer to buy Fair Trade 65% 61% 6%

I don't believe advertisers when they claim to support the environment 61% 58% 5%

I'd like to buy brands that are good for the environment but they're not as effective 56% 52% 8%

Climate change is exaggerated 42% 42% 0%

ⅷ On average over the past 12 months there is no change in people’s views about climate change ⅷ We do however see an 8% increase in the number of people who say they’d like to buy brands that are good for the environment but don’t believe they’re as effective as other brands 43 Results - the environment Concern about the environment

Prefer to buy “fair trade”

ⅷ 65% of people say they prefer to buy fair trade products ⅷ This preference is greatest in Croatia, Romania and Russia

It’s very important that companies protect the environment

ⅷ 92% of people in our survey agree that it’s important for companies to actively protect the environment ⅷ 48% think it’s “very important” ⅷ People Croatia, Romania, Slovenia and Portugal have the strongest views about companies responsibilities to the environment 44 Results - the environment Concern about the environment

Aware of advertiser claims but don’t find them credible

ⅷ The majority of people (82%) have noticed advertiser claims that their brands are environmentally friendly ⅷ Of those who have noticed, just over half (54%) don’t believe these claims ⅷ Scepticism about advertiser claims is greatest in France and Netherlands 45 Appendix i Response rate by country 2012 v 2011 19,782 2,000 3,506 17.7% : On-line *Apart from Poland and Russia all e-mail invitations were issued from the U.K. issued from Poland and Russia all e-mail invitations were *Apart from etc.) guards *Delivery rates varied significantly by country (old addresses/Spam for analysis not all on-line responses *As each country had a "maximum" target included in the prize draw but all were processed were sent were no further reminders *Once a country hit its target rate due to a cap of response *No. analysed v number mailed isn't a true reflection on maximum target France and Russia in every country apart from offered *Incentives were in France and Poland by very low response rate is affected response *Average Mailed for Analysis Analysed v No. Mailed % Mailed for Analysis Analysed v No. Mailed % Number Target Number No. Analysed Number Target Number No. Analysed Hungary CountryPostal AustriaCroatiaGermany E & WPortugalRomaniaSlovenia 130,000Sweden 12,000Switzerland F & G 8,700 postTotal 11,625 9,000 2012On-Line 7,500 37,500 1,000Belgium French 8,000 1,000Belgium Flemish 11,000 1,000Czech 7,474 226,325Finland 1,500 1,000 634 19,824France 1,000 1,105 20,089Netherlands* 1,000 16,500 5.7%Poland 914 1,506Russia 896 5.3% 1,000 on-line 12.7%Total 1,168 1,000 15,501 1,050 on-line + postTotal 14,747 28,544 130,000 17,723Not included in the 2012 survey: 7.9% 315,279 4.0% 1,074,400 11.9% 12,000 14.6% 754 8,000 1,209 410,000 848,075 2,000 9.5% 6.5% 9,000 2,000 2,000 21,115 11,811 2,000 30,500 37,500 1,000 7,500 7,000 1,000 3.80% 6.02% 14,000 2,000 2,060 223,811 10,000 7,148 1,998 2,114 2,000 1,000 27,467 2,156 1,500 1,000 724 1,000 2011 12,720 17,750 16,500 20,483 1,022 13.29% 1,045 1,000 7.00% 11.93% 5.5% 2.6% 1,384 0.68% 963 1,675 1.50% 1,056 1,000 1,000 14,864 1,005 15,500 12.8% 0.25% 6.0% 1,271 17,151 28,393 6.55% 566,811 192,924 8.2% 4.5% 343,000 14.1% 2,000 6.6% 1,027 14.4% 1,660 30,000 12.7% 2,000 2,000 30,500 2,000 20,799 14,000 2,000 2,501 5.8% 8.1% 29,498 1,973 2,999 2,000 2,098 14,634 16.1% 956 5.2% 11.5% 10.6% 1,420 1.1% 4.3% 3.2% 6.8% Commentary: to each country's requirements according by country differed *Maximum targets to allow for the split sample increased for on-line countries were *Targets excluded in every country *Respondents aged <20yrs were to on-line survey in France by very low response rate is affected response *Average and Poland Postal: and then to Reader's Digest local offices returned were *Completed questionnaires dispatched in bulk to the UK for analysis they only dispatched the *As each country had a "maximum" target for data processing quantity required rate as the overall response *Number analysed v number mailed does not reflect countries only dispatched their target analysis excluded from with no age/sex data were *Returned questionnaires Response rate by country 2012 v 2011 46 Appendix ii Respondent base 2008 - 2012 634 724914896 908 963 1,056 987 984 990 608 820 1,025 1,299 901 1,9641,1052,0601,9982,1567,4742,1141,045 2,688 1,022 2,5011,384 2,9991,168 2,0981,050 7,1481,506 1,973 1,973 956 2,886 1,338 1,420 2,050 1,005 included in multi country study Not previously 7,919 1,271 2,106 1,675 920 863 1,301 1,660 1,514 1,364 863 7,037 1,336 1,026 included in multi country study Not previously 854 844 1,287 1,094 1,359 945 1,030 5,267 1,082 1,183 1,012 1,158 993 864 Belgium Croatia Czech Finland France Germany Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovenia Sweden Switzerland Total 27,468 29,499 26,434 19,486 17,730 Austria Yearly comparison - quantity analysed year on past 5 years Yearly Country 2012 2011Commentary: for Germany is significantly higher than other countries to enable detailed comparison of E & W response *Target *In 2010 6 of these countries conducted their fieldwork on-line (all shown in italics) joined by Finland 2011 the on-line countries were *From response *As part of their on-line methodology each country doubled target 2010 to answer only half the brand questions was required *Each on-line respondent 2009 2008 47 Total respondents by category by country

Car Kitchen PC Mobile Network Camera Holiday Bank Credit Insurance ISP Petrol Vitamins Pain Cold Hair Cosmetic Skin Soap Cereal Total respondents bycategorycountry Appendix iii

Austria 2012 566 545 360 486 461 456 309 543 390 490 311 419 217 316 260 390 228 399 461 177 2011 665 634 431 602 500 538 445 632 471 586 329 497 216 369 282 471 268 504 544 219

Belgium 2012 864 797 821 882 824 760 522 650 649 738 806 739 316 621 405 584 461 577 585 499 2011 1,160 1,070 1,050 1,200 1,051 949 672 702 802 979 1,031 1,002 421 856 355 778 597 757 754 619

Croatia 2012 1,002 946 729 975 936 874 595 1,009 847 903 599 871 693 828 606 790 841 800 989 634 2011 918 827 622 897 859 763 606 911 760 814 477 786 630 782 566 753 818 806 910 575

Czech 2012 886 792 759 890 849 819 519 803 606 678 593 735 366 628 547 605 426 606 688 348 2011 1,106 1,028 823 1,130 978 1,020 658 957 730 869 581 902 303 710 678 689 487 736 836 428

Finland 2012 931 868 871 948 882 872 676 895 763 917 822 867 541 846 440 688 463 602 741 500 2011 1,347 1,280 1,268 1,402 1,391 1,241 1,089 1,405 1,246 1,375 1,323 1,267 774 1,258 628 1,080 742 950 1,214 818

France 2012 955 851 876 726 769 834 248 730 643 745 816 430 139 466 306 478 412 509 534 349 2011 901 823 822 676 842 762 300 797 647 772 854 625 246 539 444 559 455 559 678 475

Germany 2012 6,479 5,876 3,996 5,051 4,812 4,635 3,373 6,056 3,884 5,310 3,496 4,780 2,017 3,834 2,764 4,434 2,520 4,420 5,298 2,236 2011 6,413 5,965 3,951 5,119 4,689 4,816 3,691 6,093 4,056 5,506 3,277 4,971 1,893 4,059 2,988 4,485 2,494 4,477 5,308 2,396

Netherlands 2012 927 807 859 921 797 848 484 564 517 797 822 804 435 684 423 621 414 590 614 388 2011 870 785 791 874 752 797 447 514 499 732 783 764 384 634 353 580 378 541 578 388

Poland 2012 485 465 451 500 435 465 252 417 373 408 389 446 312 421 384 356 349 367 396 301 2011 421 414 387 430 404 400 210 400 302 395 279 403 313 388 371 341 249 340 371 271

Portugal 2012 855 817 698 779 786 650 655 787 645 736 637 736 526 673 559 659 543 620 754 670 2011 921 886 784 880 893 765 736 902 727 838 689 817 565 787 566 724 492 643 808 729

Romania 2012 814 774 613 834 787 616 325 814 543 725 602 709 410 536 551 608 595 627 805 497 2011 973 959 757 988 972 823 507 960 740 837 794 907 593 686 783 815 828 834 980 705

Russia 2012 443 489 421 532 487 447 120 311 173 251 308 301 223 319 263 312 231 294 381 107 2011 546 587 526 635 576 562 208 534 421 405 411 442 380 454 417 432 339 399 479 225

Slovenia 2012 1,080 1,057 733 1,017 1,027 880 838 1,052 830 1,066 812 1,030 374 796 720 818 560 802 986 481 2011 949 913 657 907 877 790 741 933 756 926 685 907 410 699 664 708 537 719 891 468

Sweden 2012 957 903 721 872 854 797 680 917 793 904 725 826 290 700 409 607 357 527 762 594 2011 1,191 1,092 860 1,112 1,053 974 845 1,125 916 1,057 857 994 340 875 504 725 456 611 956 726

Switzerland 2012 1,342 1,269 1,079 1,290 1,269 1,159 1,001 1,260 1,054 1,090 1,043 1,069 568 873 693 958 601 1,006 1,034 771

48 2011 1,513 1,395 1,174 1,438 1,398 1,278 1,083 1,431 1,157 1,230 1,123 1,142 576 955 762 1,030 650 1,052 1,164 825 Appendix iv Respondent profile across all countries


Single person

Adults only

Over 60

Under 60

Over 50 Excluded from analysis Excluded from Under 50



Total 17%24% 16%31% 25%28% 18% 33%53% 23% 26%19% 41% 29% 55%23% 59% 31% 18% 0% 0% 51% 22% 0% 0% 20% 24% 52% 38% 24% 34% 48% 14% 0% 43% 63% 45% 0% 23% 0% 10% 49% 0% 8% 19% 16% 100% 62% 11% 38% 30% 33% 26% 19% 100% 39% 32% 5% 41% 0% 38% 0% 13% 0% 6% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 48%52% 100% 0% 0% 100% 49% 51% 48% 52% 50% 50% 44% 56% 50% 50% 47% 53% 46% 54% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 20-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Adults only Single person Families TotalWomen 15-19 27,469 13,306 14,163 11,314 16,154 19,703 7,766 14,497 5,258 6,401 Men Total 16 countries Total Respondent profile across all countries across Respondent profile 49 Respondent profile by country Respondent profile bycountry Appendix v Netherlands Switzerland Sex/age/household Average all countries Germany Romania Portugal Slovenia Belgium Sweden Croatia Finland Austria Poland France Russia Czech

Total 1831 634 1964 1105 2060 1998 2156 7474 2114 1045 914 896 1384 1168 1050 1506 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Men 887 305 948 528 1000 969 1030 3642 1039 519 451 425 622 578 518 733 48% 48% 48% 48% 49% 49% 48% 49% 49% 50% 49% 47% 45% 50% 49% 49% Women 944 329 1016 577 1060 1029 1126 3832 1075 526 463 471 763 590 532 773 52% 52% 52% 52% 51% 51% 52% 51% 51% 50% 51% 53% 55% 50% 51% 51%

Under 50 755 148 1073 602 1132 988 1221 1863 539 625 491 317 820 401 231 868 44% 23% 55% 55% 55% 50% 56% 25% 25% 60% 53% 36% 59% 34% 23% 58% Over 50 1077 487 892 503 928 1011 935 5611 1574 420 423 579 564 768 820 639 56% 77% 46% 45% 45% 51% 43% 74% 75% 40% 46% 64% 42% 67% 79% 42% Under 60 1314 449 1405 803 1491 1353 1562 5113 1567 951 640 608 1078 851 709 1126 73% 71% 72% 73% 72% 68% 72% 68% 74% 91% 69% 68% 78% 73% 69% 75% Over 60 518 186 560 302 569 646 594 2361 546 94 274 288 306 318 342 381 27% 29% 29% 27% 28% 33% 27% 31% 26% 9% 30% 32% 23% 28% 33% 25%

Adults only 966 369 1000 622 1062 971 966 4132 1161 558 466 513 715 674 599 689 53% 58% 51% 56% 52% 49% 45% 55% 55% 53% 51% 57% 52% 58% 57% 46% Single person 351 140 385 93 295 474 386 1829 530 81 110 73 98 161 272 331 17% 22% 20% 8% 14% 24% 18% 24% 25% 8% 12% 8% 7% 14% 26% 22% Families 427 68 535 374 650 502 731 891 375 395 327 267 542 255 133 355 26% 11% 27% 34% 32% 25% 34% 12% 18% 38% 36% 30% 39% 22% 13% 24% 50 Appendix vi Weighting factors applied in each country


With the intention that the survey results will have maximum relevance to marketers, every attempt has been made to ensure that, as far as possible, they represent the views of the population in general rather than purely "Reader’s Digest readers". Not only will brand preferences vary but so will levels of trust in different professions, institutions and the European Union. For these reasons weightings were applied to the respondents to bring them in line with the population by age + sex.

STAGE 1: local identification of respondent names. Prior to mailing and e-mailing, each edition was advised to identify a sample of subscribers who, as far as possible, might represent the population profile by age and sex.

STAGE 2: Respondents were classified according to their age and sex prior to comparison with the population profile. Weightings were then applied to each respondent according to whether their sex/age group was "over" or "under" represented v the population profile. Most countries had a significant under representation of younger people (15 – 19yrs) we therefore excluded them from analysis in all countries.

With the aim of producing a weight of no more than 2 in every cell, age groups were “collapsed" (grouped) together as far as was meaningful.

The following tables show country by country the weights that were applied and the final age breaks that were achieved prior to analysing the results.

The 7 on-line countries had a split sample (half the sample was asked to respond to 50% of the brand categories and the remaining half the other 50%). In every case the 2 samples were weighted independently e.g. Czech 1 and Czech 2.

Some countries were unable to provide precise population profiles matching the needs of the survey. This is why, even though they may have received a high response within certain age groups, it’s not possible to weight them back to the population. 51 Appendix vi Population weightings applied in each country

Austria Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-59 21.92 35.40 1.61 M 60-69 18.61 6.41 0.34 M 70+ 12.78 6.27 0.49 W 20-59 24.45 35.31 1.44 W 60-69 14.98 7.04 0.47 W 70+ 7.26 9.58 1.32

Belgium 1 Belgium 2 Group Resp % Popn %Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-49 12.42 27.53 2.22 M 20-49 10.06 27.53 2.74 M 50-59 18.33 8.47 0.46 M 50-59 18.38 8.47 0.46 M 60+ 32.08 12.27 0.38 M 60+ 31.93 12.27 0.38 W 20-49 11.61 27.05 2.33 W 20-49 12.73 27.05 2.12 W 50-59 13.75 8.45 0.61 W 50-59 13.35 8.45 0.63 W 60+ 11.81 16.24 1.37 W 60+ 13.55 16.24 1.20

Croatia Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-49 15.20 27.53 1.81 M 50-59 14.03 8.96 0.64 M 60-69 10.95 5.45 0.50 M 70-79 6.24 4.42 0.71 M 80+ 1.09 1.43 1.32 W 20-49 22.08 27.01 1.22 W 50-59 15.02 9.22 0.61 W 60-69 11.58 7.53 0.65 W 70-79 2.71 5.97 2.20 W 80+ 1.09 2.47 2.27

Czech Republic on-line 1 Czech Republic on-line 2 Group Resp % Popn %Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-39 8.69 19.85 2.28 M 20-39 9.77 19.85 2.03 M 40-49 8.59 8.41 0.98 M 40-49 9.08 8.41 0.93 M 50-59 15.44 8.58 0.56 M 50-59 13.67 8.58 0.63 M 60+ 18.53 11.69 0.63 M 60+ 17.87 11.69 0.65 W 20-39 11.10 18.66 1.68 W 20-39 11.72 18.66 1.59 W 40-49 11.87 8.04 0.68 W 40-49 11.04 8.04 0.73 W 50-59 13.32 8.84 0.66 W 50-59 16.21 8.84 0.55 W 60+ 12.45 15.94 1.28 W 60+ 10.64 15.94 1.50 52 Appendix vi Population weightings applied in each country

Finland 1 Finland 2 Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-49 9.12 25.24 2.77 M 20-49 9.10 25.24 2.77 M 50-59 16.67 9.09 0.55 M 50-59 16.05 9.09 0.57 M 60+ 33.33 14.17 0.43 M 60+ 28.94 14.17 0.49 W 20-49 9.31 24.18 2.60 W 20-49 11.55 24.18 2.09 W 50-59 12.84 9.17 0.71 W 50-59 15.85 9.17 0.58W 60+ 18.7318.14 0.97 W 60+ 18.51 18.14 0.98

France 1 France 2 Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-39 6.53 18.89 2.89 M 20-39 6.94 18.89 2.72 M 40-49 9.84 9.36 0.95 M 40-49 8.57 9.36 1.09 M 50-59 15.83 7.94 0.50 M 50-59 13.97 7.94 0.57 M 60+ 18.78 11.57 0.62 M 60+ 23.60 11.57 0.49 W 20-39 10.82 19.36 1.79 W 20-39 13.10 19.36 1.48 W 40-49 12.70 9.00 0.71 W 40-49 11.46 9.00 0.78 W 50-59 13.86 7.87 0.57 W 50-59 11.66 7.87 0.67 W 60+ 11.63 16.02 1.38 W 60+ 10.69 16.02 1.50

Germany Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-59 25.47 34.63 1.36 M 60-69 16.18 6.90 0.43 M 70-79 10.36 5.66 0.55 M 80+ 5.67 1.53 0.27 W 20-59 23.84 33.78 1.42 W 60-69 10.01 7.29 0.73 W 70-79 5.53 7.50 1.36 W 80+ 2.94 2.70 0.92

Netherlands 1 Netherlands 2 Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-59 15.66 37.01 2.36 M 20-59 18.21 37.01 2.03 M 60-69 22.95 6.47 0.28 M 60-69 21.65 6.47 0.30 M 70-79 14.12 4.46 0.32 M 70-79 13.78 4.46 0.32 M 80+ 5.10 1.23 0.24 M 80+ 4.82 1.23 0.25 W 20-59 20.86 37.12 1.78 W 20-59 21.46 37.12 1.73 W 60-69 14.66 6.80 0.46 W 60-69 11.12 6.80 0.61 W 70-79 5.83 5.24 0.90 W 70-79 7.48 5.24 0.70 W 80+ 0.82 1.67 2.04 W 80+ 1.48 1.67 1.13 53 Appendix vi Population weightings applied in each country

Poland 1 Poland 2 Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-29 9.36 11.28 1.21 M 20-29 11.00 11.28 1.03 M 30-39 11.19 10.22 0.91 M 30-39 13.20 10.22 0.77 M 40-49 11.56 9.46 0.82 M 40-49 8.60 9.46 1.10 M 50+ 13.76 18.72 1.36 M 50+ 15.60 18.72 1.20 W 20-29 11.56 10.53 0.91 W 20-29 11.00 10.53 0.96 W 30-39 19.63 9.57 0.49 W 30-39 15.00 9.57 0.64 W 40-49 9.54 8.71 0.91 W 40-49 14.20 8.71 0.61 W 50+ 13.39 21.53 1.61 W 50+ 11.40 21.53 1.89

Portugal Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-49 12.04 27.80 2.31 M 50-59 10.50 8.18 0.78 M 60-69 14.00 6.48 0.46 M 70+ 12.25 6.86 0.56 W 20-49 23.19 25.91 1.12 W 50-59 9.96 8.18 0.82 W 60-69 10.72 7.04 0.66 W 70+ 7.33 9.56 1.30

Romania Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-59 15.96 33.57 2.10 M 60-69 12.28 5.08 0.41 M 70+ 16.18 8.75 0.54 W 20-59 30.58 34.28 1.12 W 60-69 15.74 6.03 0.38 W 70+ 9.26 12.29 1.33

Russia 1 Russia 2 Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-49 19.94 29.14 1.46 M 20-49 22.72 29.14 1.28 M 50-59 15.48 8.30 0.54 M 50-59 14.03 8.30 0.59 M 60+ 14.88 7.48 0.50 M 60+ 12.90 7.48 0.58 W 20-49 26.79 30.10 1.12 W 20-49 27.49 30.10 1.09 W 50-59 15.03 10.35 0.69 W 50-59 15.99 10.35 0.65 W 60+ 7.89 14.63 1.86 W 60+ 6.87 14.63 2.13 54 Appendix vi Population weightings applied in each country

Slovenia Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-59 22.35 36.05 1.61 M 60-69 13.01 6.30 0.48 M 70-79 7.36 4.76 0.65 M 80+ 2.23 2.40 1.08 W 20-59 33.22 36.76 1.11 W 60-69 13.10 6.43 0.49 W 70-79 7.02 4.86 0.69 W 80+ 1.71 2.45 1.43

Sweden Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-59 16.00 34.33 2.15 M 60-69 17.24 8.00 0.46 M 70-79 10.10 4.47 0.44 M 80+ 9.24 2.55 0.28 W 20-59 22.67 33.16 1.46 W 60-69 10.29 8.06 0.78 W 70-79 8.67 5.11 0.59 W 80+ 5.81 4.33 0.74

Switzerland Group Resp % Popn % Weight Group Resp % Popn % Weight M 20-49 11.62 29.10 2.50 M 50-59 15.47 8.60 0.56 M 60-69 10.76 5.64 0.52 M 70-79 9.56 3.76 0.39 M 80+ 6.11 1.58 0.26 W 20-49 18.13 28.46 1.57 W 50-59 14.34 8.54 0.60 W 60-69 6.24 6.28 1.01 W 70-79 4.78 5.30 1.11 W 80+ 2.99 2.72 0.91 55

Appendix vii

Sample questionnaire

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ake p p ame u our fellow Euro ours faithfully re ust com he brands cons o discover the hrou Last Take part in the 2011 Trusted Trusted part in the 2011 Take T Ta Brands SurveyBrands today and could win £500 You Y Yo August 2011 Au Digest Subscriber Dear Reader’s Rea Especially Digest, we value our customers’ opinions very highly. At Reader’s Reader’ your opinions about Trust. y Digest survey over 33,000 of you took part to find out in a Reader’s Last year, the brands consumers, like you, trust most. I am writing now to ask you t Brands Digest Most Trusted represent Great Britain in the twelfth Reader’s re The study is being undertaken in 16 European countries, and its aim is Survey. S to discover the brands, attitudes and values that shape your life lives of t your fellow Europeans. y The informationThe info you give about your most trusted brands will be featured also have a logo Digest magazine. We throughout the coming year in Reader’s t which winning brands will be able to display as a symbol of consumer trust. which winnin replies remain confidential I hope you will find the surveyI hope you will interesting. Your and you need only include your name address if would like to be and even need a stamp to enter, don’t entered for the free draw to win £500. You entered just complete the questionnaire and returnj it in the postage paid envelope provided. provided Only a special representative group of people like you will receive this Onl questionnaire, so we would like to hear from you as quickly possible. questionnaire, s faithfully Yours Y Yo Name (Research Manager) N(Rh N PS: PS: you don’t even need a stamp so why not complete and Remember, free draw. f have enclosed a pen for you to keep with our thanks. return it right now? We return it rig

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oto bl ter t e e pri uste ll raw rawn f dd dd h r h h Prize Draw Rules Priz All completed questionnaires must be received by xxxx 2011 to entered into A Entry to the draw is valid only with a completed 2011 t the free prize draw. Brands SurveyT Trusted questionnaire. No responsibility is accepted for prize d draw entries lost, mutilated or damaged in the post by any party involved in The £500 prize will be awarded to the first survey respondent t the prize draw. d drawn by the organisers after closing date. No correspondence will be entere entered into. Those under 18 years of age, employees or agents RD Digest Association and their families are not Pu Publications Ltd and the Reader’s The winner will be notified as soon possible eligible eligible to take part in the draw. after the closing date and details can be obtained by sending a stamped self- a (please insert your country’s Brands Survey, a addressed envelope to 2011 Trusted name, hometown, Digest may use the winner’s a address here). Reader’s p photograph and opinions in future publicity or promotional material, entrants agree agree to such usage by participating in the Draw.

s h c r return t even , esea ou wish to ta r w, y t e rk a r m ey by The Reader’ ou don’ fo v Y Yo il

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Name N Address Address Code Post Email* Email* To guarantee your entry to the £500 free draw, return your completed questionnaire guarantee your entry to the £500 free draw, To T even need a stamp! don’t You today. in the reply envelope provided in t Please use the space below to write in your name and address if you wish take partP in our free draw. *Please tick *Pl purposes in the future. Your name and address will be used solely for the Prize Draw purposes in the future. Your the information you supply will be used only for the purposes of this survey by The Reader’s Digest Association Ltd. p th Di 56 Appendix vii Sample questionnaire


to others? to

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customer customer Understand Understand

, we’d like you to rate it across five different criteria

image Strong Strong

. It really doesn’t matter if you don’t own or use matter if you don’t . It really doesn’t

value Excellent Excellent Tick ‘yes’ if you would recommend the brand, company Tick is ...

is the top score you can award, and

Quality 5 is ...

is ...

A brand which knows what its customers want and produces a product that is ... is ...

I believe this brand when it claims it’s making an effort to protect the environment I believe this brand when it claims it’s is ...

your most trusted brand in each category Offers value for money to the customer Tick ‘yes’ if you are a customer of the brand named or have bought/used that Tick Consistent brand identity – a distinctive which says something about the customers who use it is ... Provides good quality, well made, designed products/services. Provides good quality,

is ...

My most trusted brand of… 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Car BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Large kitchen appliance BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Camera BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Personal computer BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Mobile phone/smart phone handset BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Mobile phone service provider BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Internet service provider BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Holiday company/tour operator BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE by circling the appropriate number – where Quality: Excellent Value: Image: Strong or service to others. 4. Tell Us About The Brands You Trust The Most Trust Us About The Brands You 4. Tell we’d like you to tell us the brand believe Listed below are some product categories. For each category, most deserves to be called your ‘most trusted brand’ some of the products listed – your opinions will be equally valued. Once you’ve named Understand Customer Needs: satisfies those needs Socially responsible: and/or support the wider community I’m a customer: in the last 12 months. you recommend this brand to others?: Would

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Sample questionnaire

to others? to

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6. How impor e 6. How important is it to you that companies engage/do something for the environment? 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Local category 13 cate BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE BL Local category 14 1 BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE BL Local category 15 1 BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE BL 59 Appendix viii Reader’s Digest circulation and readership across Europe

Country/Edition Circulation Adult Readers Countries/editions included in ETB 2012:

Austria 36,987 100,000 Belgium Dutch 32,170 116,101 Belgium French 29,850 107,170 Croatia 25,000 75,000 Czech Republic* 80,000 129,600 Finland 187,404 549,000 France 249,219 1,035,000 Germany 710,690 2,200,000 Netherlands 106,597 420,000 Poland 75,000 382,000 Portugal 83,479 211,000 Romania 56,156 163,000 Russia 135,900 Not available Slovenia 22,500 79,000 Sweden 49,600 77,000 Swiss French 32,555 79,000 Swiss German 103,175 288,000

TOTAL EDITIONS INCLUDED IN ETB 2012: 2,016,282 6,010,871

*Circulation for Czech Republic includes Slovak Republic 60 Reader's Digest Countries included in ETB 2012: Local Contacts

Country Belgium Country Croatia Ad Director Piet Bontje Ad Director Maja Kecerin e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +31 20 567 8287 Tel No. 385 1 6315 265 Research Responsibility Merijn de Haen Research Responsibility Maja Kecerin e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +31 6 4742 8754 Tel No. 385 1 6315 265 PR Responsibility Marco van Hierden PR Responsibility Maja Kecerin e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. 31 20 567 8240 Tel No. 385 1 6315 265

Country Czech Republic Country Finland Ad Director Marie Kacerovska Advertising Sales Helena Lajunen e-mail Marie [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +420 222 071 259 Tel No. +358 400 977 966 Research Responsibility Lucie Srpova Research Responsibility Tiina Suomela e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +420 222 071 284 Tel No. +358 9 503 4655 PR Responsibility Lucie Srpova PR Responsibility Tiina Suomela e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +420 222 071 284 Tel No. +358 9 503 4655

Country France Country Germany and Austria Ad Director Hervé Hellec / Ad Director Anett Groch Marie-Aude Rocheboeuf e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected], Tel No. +49 211 498 7914 [email protected] Research Responsibility Solvey Friebe Tel No. +33 1 57 21 11 75 / e-mail [email protected] +33 1 57 21 11 77 Tel No. +49 211 498 7938 Research Responsibility Sarah de Botton PR Responsibility Uwe Horn e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +33 1 57 21 11 28 Tel No. +49 711 6602 521 PR Responsibility Hervé Hellec / Marie-Aude Rocheboeuf e-mail [email protected], [email protected] Tel No. +33 1 57 21 11 75 / +33 1 57 21 11 77

Country Netherlands Country Poland Ad Director Piet Bontje Ad Director Rajmund Tochwin e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +31 20 567 8287 Tel No. +48 22 319 3280 Research Responsibility Merijn de Haen Research Responsibility Aleksandra Brenda e-mail [email protected] e-mail aleksandra_brenda@rd,com Tel No. +31 6 4742 8754 Tel No. +48 22 319 3284 PR Responsibility Marco van Hierden PR Responsibility Monika Kalisiewicz e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +31 20 567 8240 Tel No. +48 22 319 3204 61 Reader's Digest Countries included in ETB 2012: Local Contacts

Country Portugal Country Romania Ad Director Maria Carmo Diniz Advertising Sales Ovidiu Muresanu e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. + 351 21 381 0113 Tel No. +40 20 19 814 Research Responsibility Maria Carmo Diniz Research Responsibility Ovidiu Muresanu e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. + 351 21 381 0113 Tel No. +40 20 19 814 PR Responsibility Maria Carmo Diniz PR Responsibility Ovidiu Muresanu e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. + 351 21 381 0113 Tel No. +40 20 19 814

Country Russia Country Slovenia Ad Director Nora Medvedeva Advertising Sales Teja Rutar e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +7 495 258 55 58 Tel No. +38 61 307 8008 Research Responsibility Nora Medvedeva Research Responsibility Mojca Plevnik e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] No. +7 495 258 55 58 Tel No. +38 61 241 3630 PR Responsibility Nora Medvedeva PR Responsibility Lidija Petek e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +7 495 258 55 58 Tel No. +38 61 241 3648

Country Sweden Country Switzerland Advertising Sales Juha Pyykölä Ad Director Yakub Kambir e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +358 9 503 4562 Tel No. +41 (0)44 455 7327 Research Responsibility Tiina Suomela Research Responsibility Solvey Friebe e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +358 9 503 4655 Tel No. +49 211 498 7938 PR Responsibility Jessica Blomqvist PR Responsibility Uwe Horn e-mail [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +46 510 849 70 Tel No. +49 711 6602 521

Europe wide Co-ordinator Penny Mortimer e-mail [email protected] Tel No. +44 7887 895228 62