Issue 14 - Friday, January 20, 1989
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Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Winter 1-20-1989 Volume 24 - Issue 14 - Friday, January 20, 1989 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 24 - Issue 14 - Friday, January 20, 1989" (1989). The Rose Thorn Archive. 748. THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ANYONE HAVING ACCESS TO THE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS COPIES OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL OR USE THE MATERIAL FOR DIRECT OR INDIRECT COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE WITHOUT DETERMINING THAT SUCH ACT OR ACTS WILL NOT INFRINGE THE COPYRIGHT RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY. ANY REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE PARTY THAT DOES SO. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Thorn Archive by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 1989 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Vol. 24, No. 14 initlibnsde Recta/4440K News Briefs Futurists featured during symposium on change Arder to speak on U.S. Constitution by Steve Ufheil which General Arter has re- "The role of the military in ceived include the Dis- the development of the U.S. tinguished Service Medal, the constitution" will be the topic Silver Star, the Legion of of a speech presented by re- Merit (with Oak Leaf Clus- tired U.S. Army Lieutenant ter), the Distinguished Flying General Robert Arter. Cross, the Bronze Star Medal, Since being named Special and the Air Medal (19 Consultant to the Secretary of awards). He also holds the the Army for the Bicentennial Joint Service Commendation of the United States Constitu- Medal, the Army Commenda- tion in 1986, General Arter has tion Medal (with Oak Leaf been a vigorous, eloquent, Cluster), the Purple Heart, and effective advocate for two awards of the Combat In- Bicentennial awareness fantryman's Badge, and the throughout the armed forces. Parachutist Badge. Under his leadership more Robert Theobald John Hague than 140 military installations General Arter's speech will have been designated as Bi- be held in the GM room at 7 Change is inevitable, and in to- ing place due to the development petitive economically during the centenial Defense Communi- pm on January 24. The speech day's society the tempo of of new weaponry, computers and 21st century. ties. is sponsored by the Bicenten- change is almost uncontrollable. robots, perceptions of human At 2:30 p.m., in E-104, Hague Awards and decorations nial Commission. rights and our will discuss The impact of change on our increased un- the latest develop- ments lives today and in the future will derstanding of the environment. in science and technolgy that be the focus of discussion Jan. 21 He has served as a consultant will change our lives in the Blue next Key to host during the first of a series of to cities and states who are plan- century. Prior to becoming ning for the chairman seminars open to the public at future. Theobald has of the Indiana faculty dialogue Rose-Hulman entitled "The studied the impact of changing Corporation for Science and federal welfare rules and tax re- Technology, Hague was as- by Steve Ufheil commons. Rose-Hulman Forum on dent form measures and has de- sociated for more than 30 years Once again the Blue Key Blue Change." Key is asking your veloped alternate methods for with the Naval Avionics Center Honor Fraternity is sponsor- help in formulating questions Providing insight into how our energy use for the Congerssional in Indianapolis where he served ing a student-faculty dialogue that concern the student body. world is changing and what our Office of Technology Assess- as executive director of the cen- to be held on Feb. 7. In order Simply write your questions lifesytle will be like in the 21st ment. ter and director for this event to of engineering. be successful, on a piece of paper with your century will be author and futur- The symposium's we need your help. theme was name and box number and ist Robert Theobald; John developed from Theobald's most Hague has conducted research The dialogue consists of send it to Adam Remaly, Box Hague, chairman and former recent book, The Rapids in the areas of advanced members of Blue Key asking of 1156. The questions must be president of the Indiana Corpora- Change: Social Entreprenuer- electronic techologies such as faculty and staff questions received no later than Jan- tion for Science and Technolgy; ship in Turbulent Times. large scale integration, surface concerning policies and pro- uary 27. A brief review of the and Rose-Hulman President Theobald will discuss global acoustic wave devices and mic- cedures at Rose. Past ques- questions answered during Samuel F. Hulbert. and sociological changes that are roelectronics. He has also tions have dealt with such the dialogue will be published affecting the rich and poor when chaired the Naval Air Systems topics as cheating, the master Alfred Schmidt, professor of in the Feb. 17 issue of the he speaks at 1 p.m. in room E-104 Command studies relating to plan, Rose mathematics and seminar coor- admissions stan- Thorn. of Moench Hall. avionics systems and technology dards, and litter in the stu- dinator, said the purpose of the for the 1990s. series is to make Rose-Hulman Hulbert will open the sym- students more aware of the posium at 11 a.m. in the Hulman Following Hague's presenta- Ragtime, jazz featured in changes they will encounter. Union with a presentation about tion, a one-hour discussion per- the improvements he believes iod is scheduled during which the fine Theobald has written ex- must be made in our educational audience will be able to question arts program tensively about the changes tak- system if the U.S. is to be corn- each of the three speakers. An evening of ragtime jazz dents. featuring the music of Scott His concerts begin with mu- Joplin, Eubie Blake, Meade sic from the 1890's work of "Lux" Lewis and other great rag maestro Scott Joplin, in- American jazz composers will cluding "The Entertainer" New computer algebra room opens be presented Jan. 21 at Rose- and "Maple Leaf Rag." Jazz Hulman during a concert by classics such as James John- by Jeff Valput pianist William Albright. son's "Mule Walk Stomp" and Last week the new computer During his performance, "Carolina Shout" are played algebra room (G-222) opened for which is part of the Fine Arts as Albright moves into the operation. The room is being Series, Albright will trace the boogie-woogie sounds of used by calculus students for growth of American ragtime Meade "Lux" Lexis' "Chica- math instruction and homework. jazz from its classic period to go Flyer" and others. 29 Vaxstation 2000 terminals the development of stride, the A native Hoosier, born in were installed, and these are net- blues, boogie-woogie and Gary, Albright teaches worked via the Vax 3200 server. swing. composition at the University Each of the terminals has a six The concert begins at 7:30 of Michigan where he re- megabyte hard drive so once p.m. in the Moench Hall Au- ceived a doctorate in musical loaded with software, they are ditorium. Tickets can be pur- arts. His honors include Ful- nearly self-sufficient. The in- chased at the door prior to the bright and Guggenheim Fel- structor's terminal has a logon performance. Prices are $3 lowships and awards from the monitor with a projection device for adults and $1.50 for senior American Academy and In- to aid in demonstrating concepts citizens and non-Rose stu- stitute of Arts and Letters. to the class. This project was funded in part by the National Science Founda- RHA begins VCR tape tion in the form of a grant. They provide ILI grants for the pur- checkout program pose of initiating improvement in education. The balance of the The new computer algebra system room in Crapo Hall opened by P.J. Hinton exclusively. money came from Rose-Hulman. earlier this month. Freshman Phil Poor (above) works on a It happens to every Rose Tapes may be borrowed According to Robert J. Lopez, Calculus ll assignment using MAPLE, a symbolic manipulation student at one time or another from the checkout room, lo- the main reasons the system was program. photo by Chns Sloffer in his undergraduate career. cated on the lower level of created are to make calculus a The weekend comes around Hulman Memorial Union more participatory class and to and you don't have anything from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat- give students a better grasp of than learning new calculus con- Leonard Dattilo, a freshman to do, or if there is something urday and Sunday and from 9 calculus concepts without over- cepts. ME, is not in favor of it. He to do, you don't have the a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays. emphasizing the techniques used One question raised by stu- stated, "I still think it's like giv- money.