Extensions of Remarks E1477 HON. ELIJAH E
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September 11, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1477 General Robert Arter of Lansing, Kansas for has become the largest private long-term care an active member of The Church of Jesus receiving the Alexander Doniphan Community insurance program in the nation with about Christ Kirtland Restoration Branch. Service Award. Lieutenant General Arter ex- 270,000 enrollees. Although it is an employer- Ida left these thoughts to those she loves: emplifies the attributes of General Alexander sponsored program, 100% of its costs are ‘‘Goodbye to my family and friends. I hope W. Doniphan, and has carried on Doniphan’s funded by enrollees, not the federal govern- that the paths we have traveled and passed legacy through a lifetime of service. ment or taxpayers. were good ones. I pray that we will meet Lieutenant General Arter has distinguished The Program has increased awareness in again in God’s Kingdom. Make the most of himself as a military leader since he first re- the federal community about long term care and celebrate your gift of life. So grieve for me ceived his commission in 1950. He has held issues and needs, helped enrollees provide for awhile, if grieve you must, then let your grief numerous command and staff positions includ- the high cost of long term care, and provided be comforted with trust. It’s only for awhile that ing command of the 1st Battalion, 506th Air- participants with the opportunity to take control we must part, so bless the memories with your borne Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (Air- of their future long term care needs. Before heart.’’ mobile) and command of the First Brigade, we created the Program, long term care serv- Ida Keiper passed away August 6, 2012 at 101st. His commitment to excellence in lead- ices were not covered by Medicare or the the age of 76. Her legacy lives on through her ership and command has led to great recogni- Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. family and the people she touched with her tion, including being named the Commanding The Department of Veterans Affairs offered selflessness and generosity. She is survived General of the United States Army Military only limited benefits, while Medicaid provided by her husband, Charles W. Keiper and their District of Washington and Commanding Gen- coverage only to the very poor. Since 2002, four children, Charles W. Keiper II, Faith eral of the Sixth United States Army. Even the Program has paid out almost $200 million Keiper, Linda Pallotto and Cindy Iozzia, four after his retirement, he continues to address in claims, with a claim approval rate of 97– grandchildren, Sara, Michael, Spencer, Nathan the needs of both civilians and military as a 98%. and Lauren, and five siblings, Pete Perazzola, member of the Governor’s Military Affairs Co- As the American population, and the baby Nick Perazzola, Stella Nixon, Lundy Fisco and ordinating Council. boom generation in particular, continues to Agnes Pinkney. I offer my condolences to the Lieutenant General Arter has also been in- age, there will be an increased need for vital family and all those whose lives who have strumental in the training and education of long term care services in this country. In been touched by her gentleness and grace. servicemembers. He has served as the Com- 2009, more than $250 billion was spent na- Italian mothers and grandmothers are a spe- manding General of the Third ROTC Region, tionwide on long term care services, including cial breed and Mama Keips was as special as Deputy Commanding General for the U.S. nursing home and other assisted-living serv- they come. She will be missed. Training Center in Fort Ord, and as Deputy ices. According to the Department of Health f Commandant, for the U.S. Command and and Human Services, at least 70% of people General Staff College. He went on to hold a over age 65 will require some long term care COMMENDING THE KINGS MOUN- position as the Superintendent of Wentworth services at some point in their lives. TAIN CHAPTER OF THE SONS OF Military Academy, and he maintains an active I am very pleased to recognize the great THE REVOLUTION FOR OBSERV- and vital role in the education of future leaders achievements of the Federal Long Term Care ING THE 225TH ANNIVERSARY OF as Chairman of the U.S. Army Command and Insurance Program in assisting enrollees and THE SIGNING OF THE UNITED General Staff College Foundation. their families in financing their future long term STATES CONSTITUTION ON SEP- Lieutenant General Arter has also been care needs and in shielding their retirement TEMBER 17 committed to furthering business and eco- savings and assets from the increasing costs nomic development in his community. He has of long term care services. I look forward to HON. DAVID P. ROE served as President and CEO of the Armed the continued success of the Program as it OF TENNESSEE Forces Bank in Leavenworth, Kansas and re- begins its second decade of voluntary cov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mains a member of their board. He is currently erage for our dedicated federal community of Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of civilian and postal workers and members of the Greater Kansas City Area Chamber of the armed services. Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I rise Commerce and a member of the Business Ex- f today to commend the Kings Mountain Chap- ecutives for National Security. ter of the Sons of the Revolution for observing Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me in ap- REMEMBERING IDA KEIPER the 225th anniversary of the signing of the plauding Lieutenant General Robert Arter for United States Constitution on September 17. I his selfless acts of generosity through vol- HON. TIM RYAN am proud of these men for remembering Ten- unteerism. I know Lieutenant General Arter’s OF OHIO nessee’s part in obtaining our independence. colleagues, family and friends join with me in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The limited, constitutional government that we enjoy was made possible by the sacrifice thanking him for his commitment to others and Tuesday, September 11, 2012 wishing him happiness and good health in his of American patriots. At the Battle of Kings future endeavors. Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Martin Mountain, the Overmountain Men from Syca- Luther King, Jr. said ‘‘everyone can be great f more Shoals, Tennessee defeated British because everyone can serve.’’ I rise today to forces, creating a turning point in the Revolu- THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE remember and honor the life of a model of tionary War. By taking up arms to free a na- FEDERAL LONG TERM CARE IN- service, Ida Keiper. I used to tease her and tion from tyranny, these men exemplified Ten- SURANCE PROGRAM call her ‘‘Mama Keips’’ because I knew she nessee’s volunteer spirit. was Italian and she reminded me so much of I sincerely thank the Kings Mountain Chap- HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS my Italian grandmother. She was born in ter of the Sons of the Revolution for observing OF MARYLAND Grindstone, Pennsylvania, in 1935 to the late this important day. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Antonio and Emma Perazolla. She spent the f majority of her adult life in the Mantua, Ohio, Tuesday, September 11, 2012 area. Her life cannot simply be measured by IN HONOR OF CAPTAIN ALAN G. Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the number of years raising children, the good POINDEXTER to congratulate the Federal Long Term Care Italian meals prepared or the countless hours Insurance Program on its 10th anniversary. spent helping with homework. Her service HON. SAM FARR The Program was established by the Long- went beyond the walls of her home and OF CALIFORNIA Term Care Security Act, and I am proud to stretched across the community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have been the lead Democratic cosponsor of Ida was a member of numerous organiza- that legislation. The Program provides long tions such as the PTA, the Boy and Girl Tuesday, September 11, 2012 term care coverage to active and retired fed- Scouts of America, and the Crestwood Band Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to eral and postal workers and uniformed Patrons. She also served on the Democratic honor the life of an American hero, Captain servicemembers who participate in the pro- Central Executive Committee for over 20 Alan G. Poindexter, United States Navy, sim- gram, and it covers care received at home, an years and was a member of the Federated ply known as ‘‘Dex’’ to those of us who were assisted living facility, or a nursing home. Democratic Women of Portage County Ohio. blessed to know and work with him. Captain Since the Program’s implementation in 2002, it In addition to her volunteer work she was also Poindexter’s deep sense of patriotism, selfless VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Sep 12, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11SE8.008 E11SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2012 dedication to others, jovial nature and innate Combat V and various other service awards. LAMENTING THE FACT THAT H.R. leadership capabilities were evident in all fac- Always active, Alan’s recreational interests in- 2362 DID NOT PASS ets of his life. Whether serving his Nation for cluded motorcycling, cycling, photography, 26 years as a combat-proven Naval Aviator, running, weightlifting, boating, hunting, fishing, HON. JAMES P. MORAN decorated Fighter Pilot, experienced Test and spending quality time with family and OF VIRGINIA Pilot, respected Astronaut and Space Shuttle friends.