Extensions of Remarks E1476 HON. ED PASTOR HON. TED POE HON

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Extensions of Remarks E1476 HON. ED PASTOR HON. TED POE HON E1476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2012 ultimate sacrifice defending his country. I wish Mr. Speaker, in light of all Ms. Sonia Gutier- ing husband, father, grandfather, brother and to extend my condolences to Petty Officer rez has done for the community of Wash- friend.’’ His colleagues thought of him as a Beauchamp’s parents, Jack and Diana, and ington, DC, it is only fitting that she be hon- ‘‘daring, yet humble person’’ and the world his sister Cheyenne and brothers Christopher, ored for her many years of dedication. Her thinks of him as one of the greatest heroes of Brian and Timothy, and hope that they con- tireless passion as a principal, counselor, ad- all time. tinue to find solace in his lasting impact on vocate, and organizer has contributed im- He left his mark in space and on earth. this grateful nation, his fellow soldiers, and our mensely to the betterment of the immigrant Whether or not ‘‘someone goes up there and community. community and our community as a whole. I cleans up his footprints’’ like he had hoped, f ask that you join me in recognizing Ms. Gutier- he’ll never be forgotten. rez and her continued service. And that’s just the way it is. HONORING SONIA GUTIERREZ ON 40 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE f f CARLOS ROSARIO INTER- MOON MAN NEIL ARMSTRONG HONORING THE 11TH ANNIVER- NATIONAL PUBLIC CHARTER SARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 SCHOOL HON. TED POE OF TEXAS HON. DAN BENISHEK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ED PASTOR OF MICHIGAN OF ARIZONA Tuesday, September 11, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, years ago, Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Tuesday, September 11, 2012 a view of Earth from 238,900 miles away Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speaker, I ask seemed impossible until Neil Armstrong be- Mr. BENISHEK. Mr. Speaker, I wish to rec- my colleagues to join me in recognizing the came the first human to reach the ognize the 11th anniversary of the September many achievements of Ms. Sonia Gutierrez unreachable. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong 11 attacks to commemorate those who per- who is celebrating 40 years of service as landed Apollo 11 running on fumes and set ished as well as the first responders, volun- President and Founder of the Carlos Rosario foot on the moon, where he left a foot imprint teers and bystanders who acted so valiantly International Public Charter School in Wash- of a little less than an inch deep. ‘‘Houston, on that day we will never forget. ington, DC. Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed,’’ Eleven years later, the events of that tragic Since 1972, Ms. Gutierrez has dedicated were the words he radioed in the moment he day are still vivid. It was a day marked by fire her life to educating and empowering diverse achieved a national goal and changed the and ash. By dust and smoke. By tears and immigrant communities in our nation’s capital. course of space exploration. sorrow. But it was also a day that showed the In her capacity as Director of the Program of In the 2 hours and 19 minutes of the moon- world what type of people call America home. English Instruction for Latin Americans walk, Armstrong became one of the most sig- While we witnessed the great evil which (PEILA), Ms. Gutierrez transformed the small, nificant American heroes. His out-of-this-world man is capable of producing, we also saw the under-funded English as a Second Language accomplishment drew the attention of our am- great heroism and good nature of America’s (ESL) program into a comprehensive adult bitious nation and people worldwide. Six hun- citizens. It showed the selflessness of our first education program, known today as the Carlos dred million viewers watched and listened to responders who rushed into burning buildings Rosario International Public Charter School. his historical landing that day. As he said, to save the lives of people they never even At the school, Ms. Gutierrez has led a highly ‘‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap met, or the countless people, including resi- qualified, diverse, and dedicated team of fac- for mankind.’’ I watched live Armstrong’s first dents of Northern Michigan, who stood in long ulty and staff to improve the lives of over steps on the moon on an old black and white lines to give their own blood or donate their 60,000 adult immigrants. Ms. Gutierrez’s pas- T.V. in Texas. time or materials to rescue workers and the sion and tenacity are evident in her unwaver- Armstrong was described as a man who recovery effort. ing dedication to these individuals, giving them ‘‘cherished his privacy and always appreciated There were certainly countless other acts of a chance to transform their lives. the expressions of good will from people heroism and bravery on that day that the Ms. Gutierrez’s service has not only im- around the world and all walks of life.’’ Two world will never know. Terrorists may have pacted the students at Carlos Rosario, but the weeks ago, we lost this man who, in turn, been able to knock down our biggest build- DC public at-large. Her ongoing leadership made a national dream come true and in- ings, but they have never been able to dimin- and inspired vision provide opportunities for spired people around the world and all walks ish the kindness and generosity that the Amer- the DC immigrant population to become in- of life. ican people and millions of our neighbors vested, productive citizens and members of He was born August 5, 1939 in around the globe have in our hearts. On that American society who give back to family and Wapakoneta, Ohio. When he was 6, he sad day, residents from all corners of our community. climbed into a plane for his first ride. His talent country reaffirmed what it means to be an Ms. Gutierrez has received recognition from was born at a young age when he began American united with our neighbors across the District of Columbia, the DC Board of Edu- crafting model airplanes and had impressively this vast land. It is my hope that all Americans cation, national and local Latino organizations, collected enough books for a well-stocked can continue to represent the spirit of those and from organizations in the African-Amer- aviation library. His above-average intellect who perished through our actions and conduct ican and the Asian communities. In 2001 she was noticeable in his performance in his high towards one another. was one of the first four inductees to the Hall school math and science classes. After his On behalf of the citizens of Michigan’s First of Fame of the National Charter Schools. She graduation, he attended Purdue University but Congressional District, I wish to recognize the holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Admin- only stayed two years to go on and fly combat extraordinary actions of ordinary Americans on istration and a Master’s degree in Adult Edu- missions in the Korean War as a Navy Pilot. that fateful day and express my condolences cation specializing in Supervision and Admin- Eight years later, he went back to the univer- for those who were lost on September 11, as istration of Adult Education Programs. Ms. sity and graduated with a degree in aero- well as those who lost their lives in the military Gutierrez established the Council of Latino nautical engineering. Then, he joined the Na- conflicts that stemmed from this attack. Their Agencies in 1977 and together with Jose tional Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, heroism and sacrifices will never be forgotten. Gutierrez and other community leaders was later becoming NASA, where he started his f instrumental in creating the mayor’s Office of path to his historical leap into space. Arm- Latino Affairs. strong made a name for himself during his LIEUTENANT GENERAL ROBERT Ms. Gutierrez continues to make trans- seven years at a NACA high speed flight sta- ARTER formative contributions to immigrant and non- tion at Edwards Airforce Base in California. immigrant communities alike in DC and nation- His immeasurable accomplishments were re- HON. SAM GRAVES wide. She is presently focused on ensuring warded in September of 1962, when NASA OF MISSOURI the growth and long term sustainability of the chose him to be an astronaut. Little did they IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Carlos Rosario School’s award-winning model. know, they also selected the man who would Tuesday, September 11, 2012 In 2013, a new workforce development sat- later become the first human to set foot on the ellite site, located in northeast DC, will be moon. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, it is dedicated to Ms. Gutierrez—the Sonia Gutier- Armstrong thought of himself as a ‘‘nerdy’’ with great pleasure that I rise today to recog- rez Campus. engineer. His family thought of him as a ‘‘lov- nize the outstanding service of Lieutenant VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Sep 12, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11SE8.004 E11SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 11, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1477 General Robert Arter of Lansing, Kansas for has become the largest private long-term care an active member of The Church of Jesus receiving the Alexander Doniphan Community insurance program in the nation with about Christ Kirtland Restoration Branch. Service Award. Lieutenant General Arter ex- 270,000 enrollees.
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