The Public Accounts Committee of the Danish Parliament Folketinget Christiansborg DK-1240 København K Tel. + 45 3337 5985 [email protected]

Biographies of the Members of the Public Accounts Committee 10.5.2007 Ref.: 06-001491-2

Peder Larsen, Chairman

The Socialist People’s Party

Member of Public Accounts Committee from 14 October 1987 to 30 September 1994 and from 1 October 1998, Chairman.

Born: 11 March 1950 in Indslev - Taarup, Fyn,

Education and profession: Accountant. B.A. Political Science. Commercial School 1993-1996, graduate in accounts and audit. Apprentice jobs in County. Business manager at the newspaper Århus Folkeblad 1978-1980. Head of the School Administration, SFOF Livø 1981-1983. Consultant Aarhus County. Employed in the audit company Jens Thoft, Aarhus 1991-2000. Independent audit company from 2001.

Political assignments: Treasurer of the Socialist People’s Party in Aarhus 1975-1976 and 1989-1999. Member of the assessment committee in the municipality of Aarhus 1986-1990. Member of the Taxation appeal tribunal of Aarhus 1990-1993. Chairman of The Socialist People’s Party in the County of Aarhus 1996-1999, Chairman of the committee of accounts of The Socialist People’s Party from 1991. Member and Chairman of Public Accounts Committee.

1/7 Henrik Thorup, Vice Chairman

The Danish People's Party

Member of Public Accounts Committee from 1998, Vice Chairman.

Born: 28 May 1946 in Gentofte, Denmark.

Education and profession: Managing Director. Trained as an insurance agent 1963-69. Head of Distribution Cafca Coffee Import 1969-1977. Insurance Agent Baltica 1977-1988. Head of Region, AI-Forsikring 1988-1993. Sales manager Post Danmark 1993-1996. Independent consultant 1996-2003.

Political assignments: Secretary of The Danish People's Party in the County of , Chairman of The Danish People’s Party in Gentofte/Hellerup. Member of The Board of Social Affairs in the administrative district of Copenhagen. 1. Vice Mayor in the County of Copenhagen 2002-2006. Vice Chairman in the Region of Copenhagen from 2006. Member of the Board of Danish regions. Member of the Board of Copenhagen Capacity. Member and Vice chairman of Public Accounts Committee.

2/7 Helge Adam Møller

The Conservative People’s Party

Member of Public Accounts Committee from 2000.

Born: 6 November 1942 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Education and profession: Danish Army Major. General Staff Course 1979-80. Served in the Danish special forces 1970-73. Trained as a combat swimmer with the Naval Frogman’s Corps 1970. Advanced parachute training (HALO) with American 10th Special Forces 1971. 1974-84 served as a company commander, Operations officer (S3) with the 2nd Brigade and with the Eastern Land Command and as Head of operations section of military region V. First lieutenant in the Royal Hussars Regiment 1967.

Political assignments: Member of the Folketing from 1984. Member of the Presidium of the Folketing from 2005 and Third Deputy Speaker. Member of the governing body and of the executive committee of the Conservative Party from 1998. Chairman of the parliamentary group of the Conservative Party from 1998 to 1999 and again from 2005. Member of the Standing Orders Committee. Chairman of the Danish delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Former Charirman of the Defence Committee. Member of the Public Accounts Committee from 2000. Member of Næstved City Council 1982-93, deputy mayor 1990-91.

Decorations and honours: Knight of 1st class of the Order of Dannebrog, The Nijmegen Medal (the Netherlands), 1971.

3/7 Johannes Lebech

The Social Liberal Party

Member of Public Accounts Committee from 2000.

Born: 12 September 1948 in Skive, Denmark.

Education and profession: MA Master of Arts. Lecturer. Former minister.

Political assignments: Minister for Church 2000-2001. County Chairman of the Social Liberal Party 1982-85, Chairman of the Social Liberal Party 1997-2000. Member of the Board of “Danmarks Radio” in 2000. Vicepresident of the European Liberal Democrats (ELDR) from 2002.

Member of the Public Accounts Committee.

Publications: ”Modern European Nationalism”, 1996.

4/7 Svend Erik Hovmand

The Liberal Party

Member of Public Accounts Committee from 2006.

Born: 8 December 1945 in Slemminge, Sakskøbing, son of farm-owner Johannes Hovmand and Gunnild Hovmand. Married to Lone Hovmand.

Education and profession: Journalist 1970, Studied engineering. Trained as a carpenter 1966. Former minister. Editor the Prime Minister’s Office 1974-75. Political Affairs reporter with the newspaper “Dagbladet”, Ringsted 1971-75. Employed on the news magazine “NB” 1970.

Political assignments: Member of Public Account Committee from 2006. Minister of Taxation, November 27th 2001- August 2nd 2004. Minister of Housing, December 18th 1990 – January 25th 1993. Minister of Energy, March 12th 1986- June 3rd 1988. Group chairman from 2005. President of the Nordic Council, 2001. Chairman of the Intelligence Services Committee, 1993 – 1998. Member of the council of representatives of Denmark’s National bank, 1990 – 1991 and from 2005. Chairman of the municipal Affairs Committee, 1982-1983. Member of the Finance Committee, 1978-1979, chairman 1982-1986 and 1988-90. Member of the management committee of the parliamentary Liberal Party, 1978-1979 and 1982-1986, vice chairman, 1990 – 1991. Member of the Folketinget from 1975.

Affiliations: Chairman of the Young Liberals in Central Lolland, 1963-1966. Chairman of Ringsted Tenants Association “Sdr. Park”, 1970- 1974. Member of the management committee of the housing association “Ringsted Almennyttige Boligselskab”, 1974-1986. Chairman of the Central Nature Conservancy Association, 1972- 1975. Member of the board of directors of the newspaper Lolland Falsters Folketidende, 1981-1986. Member of Ringsted Town Council, group chairman, 1976-1986, deputy mayor, 1979 -1986. Chairman of Ringsted Municipal Works, 1981-1985. Member of the programme council for Vestsjælland, 1974-1982. Member of the board of directors of “Vestsjællands Trafikselskab” 1979-1982. Member of the governing body of Ringsted Commercial School, 1990-1994. Member of

5/7 the national executive of the Young Liberal Party, 1965-1968. Member of the national executive of the Liberal Education Association (LOF), 1966-1968. Member of the central board of the Danish Society for the Conservation of Nature, 1975-1979. Member of the board of directors of KTAS, 1978-1986. Member of “Privatbanerådet”(The Private Railway Council), 1978-1982, of the Railway Board, 1978-1979. Member of the board of directors of “Kryolitselskabet Øresund”, 1982-1986. Member of the board of directors of “Naturgas Sjælland”, 1990-1994. Member of the council of representatives of DONG (Danish Oil and Natural Gas Company), 1988-1990. Member of the board of directors of Nucon A/S, 1989-1990, and of Bikubens Pension Fund. Chairman of `Lolland – Falsters Folketidende Fond from 1993.

Publications: ” Det nære samfund”, 1973 (Neighbouring Society) and ”Virksomheden og Trafikministeriet”, 1978 (The Company and the Ministry of Transport).

6/7 Mogens Lykketoft

The Social Democratic Party

Member of Public Accounts Committee from 2006.

Born: 9 January 1946 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Education and profession: MA Political Science. Former minister. Head of department at The Economic Council of the Labour Movement 1975-1981. Employee at The Economic Council of the Labour Movement from 1966.

Political assignments: Member of the Folketing from 1981. Minister for Foreign Affairs 2000-2001. Minister for Finance 1993-2000. Minister for Taxation 1981-82. Chairman of the Social Democratic Party 2002-2005. The Social Democratic Party’s economic and political affairs spokesman 1988- 1991, political spokesman 1988-1993 and 2001-2002, and foreign policy spokesman from 2005. Member of the Income Tax Committee 1975-1977 and the Board of Assessors 1976-1981 and 1984-1993. Chairman of the Folketing’s Fiscal Affairs Committee 1984-1986, of the Folketing’s Trade and Industry Committee 1987-1988, and of the Economic and Political Affairs Committee 1988-1990.

Publications: “Magtspil og Sikkerhed” (Power Play and Security), 1968, “Kravet om lighed” (The Demand for Equality) 1973, ”Skattereform ’78” (Tax Reform ’78), 1978. “Kina” a book about China, co-author together with Ms Mette Holm, 2006.
