THE EVENING STAN THIS SUN.—3:OO C-2 Amusements ?. WHERE P.M. x .TONIGHT IN LISNES AUDITORIUM (.) II llf 1 li I II AND WHEN UNTMSIItII 11 m HOLLYWOOD! THE PASSING Current Theater Attractions ROSALYN SHOW Tune To CHANNEL 410:30 P.M and Time of Showing Returning by Popular Demand TURECK "Mary Stuart** April 25 Stage opens ALL BACH PIANO KECTTAL at the National Theatre <2 wks) 'Room Close Arena Stage—Dark. SEATS AVAILABLE LAST 2 DAYS at Top' “Ring Round the Moon” starts to- HAYES CONCERT BUREAU I If morrow. (In Compb.ll->', 1101 G St. N.W. MORRISON PAPER CO. National—Dark. “The Dark |E. ' NAfionol 8-7131 St.inway Piano But That'lf' Is So 1009 Prana. Ava. N.W. Big at the Top of the Stairs” starts ’j' ( Home April 11. ot fmpaco froducti TONYCUrtis # By HARRY MarARTHUR Screen DEAN Star Staff Writer BUR MARTIN TV Ambassador—“ Guns of the &WI9ht I -SS.I zZ BIG NIGHT—OnIy the dogs and horses of Hollywood—- Timberland,” 1:15, 2:50, 4:30, X-Jll JANET LEIGH and possibly that pigeon named Herman in “The Gazebo”— zx For Your < 6:10, 7:50 and 9:30 pjn. 7/ tunatnc blase about the fact that Cys 'nus ! Siolioaurv and /nV | are remaining tonight is Oscar night. "Heller Capitol in Pink Office Supplies M The Patsy Award (for animals) winners will not be announced ‘TODAYS 1 / , Tights,” 11:50 a.m., 1:50, 3:50, 'II Com. to U Until the of 12. \ i evening Tuesday, April 7:50 5:50, and 9:50 p.m. ina IIH t- Mormon SL/ For the human actors, however, and moviegoers, tonight is i tlvL_,_ !- Dupont "Black Orpheus,” JjajUi I ygjM Pop., ( the night. The interest is not ™* ‘I : 1:10, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 p.m. NATURE 1009 Penna. confined to either. j Hollywood, There will be one • Ways.” two, Keith’s “Who Was That Ava NW It be more j! may even world- ¦ for the top animal star of the camp'TESW Lady?” 11:15 a.m„ 1:20, 3:25, j is firmlly opposed to bullfights 9:40 p.m. LIF£ ’OtjuJ v liLlm|l!/uK|luuU those 12 nominations, the • and bulls are in the rfiiddle Palace “Home From the '' j British movie-makers could be ) with it. On the one hand, bulls Hill.” 11 4:15, forward am., 1:35, 6:50 looking to tonight's s are cruel to horses, goring * and 9:25 p.m. T ° * z announcements of winners withi them painfully and often fatal- waP"- .rates, moviei/x . < Playhouse "Chance Meet- more than wry, wan hope. ly m large numbers. On the ing,” 11:45 a.m., 1:15,2:50,4:35, other hand, bulls get tortured 6:15, 8:05 and 9:45 death in the corrida and p.m. F/frns of Adore Than Merit IF Its chances are slim MAN WITH PROBLEMS Routine T Jto Plaza —"Nude in a White a bull- DRIVE-IN THEATERS , not one bull ever won THE 400 BLOW indeed, but if “Room at the William is the resident at Car,” 11:45 1:15, S’’—Fine French drama about a small boy fight. Campbell “Cell am., 2:50, Top” should win the best . 2455 facing the indifference of self-centered parents. pic- Death Row” in the movie of the same 4:30, 6:20, 8:05 and 9:50 p.m. PALMER DRIVE-IN > The AHA also takes dim ture Oscar, it would be the a Town “Cell 2455 “THE LAST VOYAGE”—Suspense kt. name, a melodrama based on the Death hangs high for Dorothy 704. Georg, Palmar Highway view of Mr. Ernest Hemingway Caryl and BP. Second British film to do Malone Robert Stack on a 3-SIM. so, Chessman Row," 5:20, 8 and 10:35 p.m. sinking ocean liner. for written well of case, now showing at the Town the first since “Hamlet” in 1948. having so THE MOI SE THAT Theater. Trans-Lux—“Suddenly Last ROARED”—The vastly funny account KARTOONS Laurence that Moment of Truth in what 7:30 If Harvey were to top , Summer,” 10:15 a.m., of a tiny war 2:30, 2:50, duchy’s against the United States. GRANT. . a that the best actor vote, he would,I it considers phony sport 7:30 and 9:50 5:10, p.m. “ON THE BEACH”—Dramatic story Operation Petticoat” be abandoned the of the world's last be the first star of a British/should by Warner—"Ben-Hur,” (Color: 7:51 8 p.m. whimper, after a totally destructive nuclear JACK WEBB. race. would be a war, picture to do so since Laurence . human It “30” OPERATION Olivier in “Hamlet.” pleasure to go along with the Statler-Hilton’s plush Embassy PETTICOAT”— as a beleaguered 10:17. sub If association for the fact Room it willbe Mary Lou Brew- skipper playing unwiUing host to a plague of girls. . Simone Signoret wins in! except Dancing "PILLOW er. TALK”—Doris ’ the . that I can remember the time .. . At the Casino Royal it Day, Rock 7 other star catagory (the ¦ Succoii! You owt Hudson, comedy LOtw s SO 8 8722 ACADEMY; d'amdur. .LX best chance "Room ’ I reviewed a bullfighting movie. will be Betty Madigan, who al- MT. at the Top” it to younalt to VERNON OPEN AIR I took the dim view and ways seems to manage her has to in the news “SAPPHIRE”—Yvonne Mitchell and get tonight), try my method!" Nigel Patrick in a first- a letter from a bookings so she can be home rate British she will be the first actress in a i promptly got whodunit, tidy and i A WARD suspenseful. OPERATION leading torero inviting me to for the holidays... .The Shore- THE PETTICOAT." British film to win. She also , STORY ON PAGE ONE”—Rita At 8 10 Hayworth abandons NAME down to Mexico and ham Blue Room gets new t“lniuro ‘NO ON THE come en- BULLET." will be the second French star . City : glamour to a play housewife on trial for murder. At 6:45. 10. to take home The’, he’d bloody well show me the tertainment this week, Too, with f Get an Oscar. \ NOMINEE Acquainted Offer first, one you don’t think. Moment of Truth. Billy DeWolfe, one of the defter FOR even BEST FOREIGN FILM ADULTS ONLY Stanley Warner Theaters .... humorists on the cabaret WINELAND TREATERS of as French any more, was ; trail, QUEENS CHAPEL opening tomorrow USTMAKOLM Claudette Colbert, in 1934 for night. On the AMBASSADOR Ager Rd. of Hamilton (aft Quean, r AFTER DARK—Erie Correa, www mmRNWH ADC DRIVE IN same bill, through April 16, will “OUNB Chapel Rd ), W Hyatts. Min,, from “It Happened *O-50 OF THE TIMBER* AND.’* Sri. One Night.” who hasn’t been around these *45 spg. Alan Ladd. Jeanne Crain. Frankie and WA. 7-2ROO ' be Dancers Bud D_C. and Cece Rob- *ll ONIY Another first for an English i since brings his I Avalon. 1:15. 2:55. 4:35. 6:15, IN-CAR HEATERS parts 1952, inson. 7:55. 9:35. JAMES STEWART in movie " could be scored by Her- • orchestra back to the May- RI KR 20,000 Laughs Under the Sea. •* * * mione « Tyrone Power. 7:(>U, 10:50 to emphatize the association's withthese TIVOLI «• ' BEPUBLIC ’3*3 You $l. N?W. 301 DRIVE-IN theme “Kindness Pays in Many % inr, Ooor.Oaenl2:3oP M Doors Open 1* 45 PM. Nominated Late Show Tonight "THE BRAMBI E On Route 301, Waldorf, Md. " Academy Award. Best Story. "OP- BUSH RICHARD BAR- N ” BURTON. Via Branch A,e (Rte. 5;, direct to ERAT IO PETTICOAT Cary BARA RUSH, JACK w Proud Grant, Tony Curtis. 2:25. 5:50, CARSON Nte. 301, 30 Mine, from Washington People 9:15: “COUNTERPLOT” Forrest 1431 You ’’ N w TONY CURTiS~CARY“dRANtr ROOKERaawwuaaH Ta Tucker. 1:05, 4:30. 7:55. Door.Onen 12:30 p NATIONAL ' M. “Operation Petticoat’’ V "SINK THE BISMARCK." KEN- Also “Ride a_Crooked “AMERICA'S FIRST THEATRE" UPTOWN NETH MORE. DANA WYNTER. M!lp”_ ...With This Starts 7.15. Adults. sOc; Chlldre"n 2 S.. Doors Open fl.oo P.M Nominated 23"> * ,d N t- Wks. Only! LANCCTONblUlbalUn Free ifFjy Academy Award. Best Story "OP- Open 2.45 P.M STARTS WED . APRIL 6. ONE ERAT IO N PETTICOAT." Cary " ” Mats. Wed.-Sat. "THE STORY ON PAGE ONE RITA WEEK. ‘ TOBY TYLER Grant. Tony Curtis. Dana Merrill, ANTHONY ON STAGE IN PERSON Magnificent HAYWORTH FRAN- 6:45. 9:15 CIOBA: "WEB OF EVIDENCE." VAN JOHNSON. Wash. Lee Shopping Center j RYRDDinU Ft. 7 ’I Opp Myer JA. 1>33 ' Story "ON THE BEACH.” GREGORY PECK. AVA GARDNER Feature STANTON 10 SIDNEY LUST THEATERS ART THEATRE ” 6:43 and 9 Just Off Rhode island Ave. N.E. FHE PARKING 18th, 1 Ample Parkina Facilities. LA 6 6099 ESTATE ...Academy ” RELTSVIUE DRIVE-IN "WASHINGTON’S ART THEATER” J 2*° "OPERATION PETTICOAT CARY TONY LAST 3 DAYS GRANT. CURTIS. W£. 5-5000 On U. S. No. 1, north i SHIRLEY YAMAGUCHI ; • fMrT • TOWWi! —Matonue Award- of U. of Md. OR, from Wash. Bo’to. f wiLsoM ~I73?Aw;,rBOB,vd- Pkwy., take Beltsville Rosearch Cen- Stars in the uncut, uncensored ver- : Rion of most controversial “OPERATION PETTICOAT.” CARY ter exit. Children free. Open 6 30. Japan's j film. : x GRANT. TONY CURTIS JOANftPHORL Cary Grant. Tony Curtis. "OPER- ATION PETTICOAT. Color. 7:15, “SHANGHAI ROSE” i BUCKINGHAM 23 N Rd ’ Winning 9:45. 5 ]A 7G^ , At 6:00 and 9:00 Plus : I TREI TOSHIRO MIFUNE < Je’THE LAST VOYAGE.” ROBERT PAKKI ffix ! ~ ALLEN STACK. DOROTHYJ4ALONE. , Returns to the screen in a great » Cary Grant. Tony Curtis. s"OPERt Director gtory of Japan s great Civil War. ATION Color. 6:45, I SJ IBEI PETTICOAT.” “SWORD FOR HIRE” ; OJEj 9:20. "THE MOUSE THAT ROARED." At 7:30 and 10:30. : PETER SELLERS. JEAN SEBERO. Starts Thurs. "THE RESPECTFUL < BETHESDA 2- 2130 North Glebe Rd/ W John Huston PROSTITUTE” and “PORT OF » Cl ror Cary Grant. Tony Curtis. "OPER- SHAME.” 1 0.2 , A 7 4Jd6 ATION PETTICOAT,’’ Color. 1.3, "THE MOUSE THAT ROARED." 5:Q5. 7:15, 9:30. PETER SELLERS. JEAN SEBERG. (nSRFFI) 1703 Kin 9 St - KL 9 3443 Shows IIKi&U CHEVERLY Forking Spoce YUL BRYNNER. KAY KENDALL. Cary Grant. Tony Curtis. "OPER- | CASH McCALL." JAMES n by fUA KAZAN , : UMlint f p kin TE 6. 1000 ro or 9 A . . HYATTSVILLE '“OPERATION PETTICOAT.” CARY Cary Grant. Curtis. "OPER- V I ? TICKETS NOW ON SALE * I Tony > RICHARD BURTON. BARBARA GRANT. TONY CURTIS The ATION PETTICOAT.” Color. 6:45. Screen RUSH. “THE BRAMBLE BUSH.” in I Box Office Open 10 A M. to 9:30 P.M. I b~-okb c' 9:20. , < 2 Color. Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. | rinri r 2103 Fa Av* Nw< ¦ HAYWOOD VinUbL RICHMOND FE 7 4470 Can Cary Grant. Tony Curtis. "OPER- || 4 Blocks From the White House roi DORIS DAY. 1 P M ATION PETTICOAT.” Color. 6:55, n't JAMES STEWART. Matinee Daily Continuouj 9:25. s “THE MAN WHO Alfred Hitchcock EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT TOO in Color, n Woman THONY PERKINS. ADMISS N 8 j~w Tomorrow. DEBORAH KERR. FRED ASTAIRE "ON THE BEACH." T?O ‘ N And AllThat Is !. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS.** at 7:00 and 9:25 PM. 2 st In Man NAYLOR ’\‘ [ Aidniiir Bmiman \ ¦tafl Unconquerable [ jQ CARY GRANT. TONY CURTIS in ROTH'S THEATERS -In An Unforgettable b "OPERATION PETTICOAT” sapphire Ample Nockviile, Md. DAMASCUS, md starts WEDNESDAY VTI 11 DRUIDUnUill ¦AIRFAX j| JI MB VILLA Parking POpler 2-9371 | TODAY THRU WED UNDE* NEW MANAGEMENT GREGORY PECK "ON THE BEACH “1 "OPERATION PETTICOAT” ? 1* » TONY CURTIfi, ' BWMER PLACE.” 6 3*. 9 10. Shoe|C CARY GRANT.