" I ~ I 'i I THE JEWISH BSERVER in this issue ... Rabbi Joseph Breuer '7"::11, One Year After His Passing Ems/ L. Bodenheimer, with Rabbi Nasson Scherman .... , • . 3 The Rav's Last Interview, Lipa Geldwirlh .......••• , •... 11 Voting in Israel: From Dilemma to Sacred Obligation If The Dilemma-Two Sides to the Ballot, Ezriel Toshavi ..........•.....•.....•••.•........ 13 Participation in the Government, an analysis by Rabbi Reuven Grozovsky '7"::11, translated THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN 0021~6615) is published monthly, by Rabbi Joseph Elias . ............•...........•.... 15 except July and August, by the Gedolei Yisroel on Voting: In Word and in Action .... 18 Agudath Israel of America, 5 The '81 Urgency ................................... 21 Beekman Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid Mashad's Marranos, Nehama Consuelo Nahmoud •....•...... , 23 at New York, N.Y. Subscription $12.00 per year; two years, Masada Revisited, A. Scheinman ........••••.....•••••.... 33 $21.00; three years, $28.00; out side of the United States, $13.00 Postscript per year. Single copy, $1.50 Printed in the U.S.A. The Miracle of Yosef Mendelevich .................. 40 Second Looks at the Jewish Scene RABBI N1ssoN WotPIN Religious Pluralism at Home: Editor The NY Board of Rabbis ........................ 44 Editorial Board Religious Pluralism in Israel. ......................• 48 DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER Polish Unrest: Whom Do We Cheer? A. Scheinman .••• • 49 Chairman On Losing One's Mind, Bernard Fryshman ••.....•.•.•. 50 RABBI NATHAN BULMAN RABBI JosEPH ELIAS Two Poems by Chana Stern JosEPH FRIEDENSON Parents and Children .............................. 52 RABBI MosHE SHERER Perfection ......................................... 53 MtcHAEL ROTHSCHILD f Business Manager Letters to the Editor ................................... 54 Tttr JEWISH OesERVER does not I assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product or ser I vice advertised in its pages.
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