
May 3, ‘17 ז' אייר תשע"ז KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun Volume 47 Number 8

,רב זכריה בן רבקה Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley .רפואה שלמה for a 37th YAHRZEIT OF RAV BREUER

The 3rd of Iyar, which this year was Shabbos Kodesh Parashiyos Tazria-Metzora, marked the 37th The establishment of .זצ''ל Yahrzeit of our Kehilla’s revered founder and Rav, Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer our Kehilla, , and all the institutions and organizations that are a part thereof, was all a result of Rav Breuer’s vision and unbending dedication.

When Rav Breuer arrived in America (having been previously and Klaus Rabbiner in ), he was not content to merely ensure the existence of a Ashkenaz or the like. Rather, with all his strength, Rav Breuer saw to the rebuilding here of the famed Kehilla and Yeshiva structure which his grandfather and father, Rav and Rav Dr. Salomon Breuer, had established in Frankfurt under the guiding principle of Im Derech Eretz, unswerving adherence to Halacha under any and all circumstances.

B”H, this sacred legacy continues to live on in our Kehilla, and its influence is felt in the wider Jewish world as well. In our Yeshiva, Edwin Katzenstein (pictured) spoke to the Mesivta, Bais Yaakov Middle School, and upper elementary classes about his recollections of the Rav.


Following the dictum of , Shoalin veDorshin beHilchos heChag, etc, Rav Mantel—beginning after —dedicated his morning Divrei Halacha to those pertaining to Pesach. Additionally, Rav Mantel spoke to the Sisterhood (reported below) regarding Dinei Pesach and took questions.

The Thursday evening Shiurim on the two weeks preceding Pesach were dedicated to the Hagada and Inyanei Pesach, and were given by Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth and Rav Yaakov Perlow (pictured). Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 2

Our Yeshiva’s various departments prepared for Pesach by learning the Inyonei deYoma, creating Hagados and crafting beautiful projects.

Kashering took place the Thursday before Pesach. Rav Mantel supervised the morning session and Dayan Posen the evening one. Many thanks to the following gentlemen (including members of our ) and boys who assisted at the Kashering: Rabbi Rafael Bachrach, Mr. Shmuly Cahn, Rabbi Moshe Eisdorfer, Mr. Yisroel Gradman, Rabbi Michoel Meir Levi, Messrs. Yehoshua Asher Mantel, Yissochor Schoenberg and Yoel Meir Schoenberg, Rabbi Raphael Weis and Rabbi Aryeh Winiarz.

Thanks as well to the parents who agreed to the “drafting” of their sons! Coinciding with the evening hours, a van for the pick-up of Sheimos was parked outside of Shul, for the convenience of our members.

Kashering—as well as Mechiras Chometz and Biur Chometz—is provided annually to our members, as well as to the community at large, at no cost. We thank the Rabbinate and the Kehilla’s administration for the provision of these services. Many thanks to Mr. Shuie Pinter and Mr. Victor Sussman for all their work in the pre-Pesach preparations. Pictured, Rav Mantel sells the Chometz to Mr. Ronny Spann, with all the various Kinyonim. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 3

On Shabbos Parashas Tzav, Rav Mantel gave the annual Shabbos HaGadol Halacha-and Mussar sermon, in Shul. The Rav discussed the pernicious influence Mitzrayim—both of history and today’s ”Mitzrayim”—has exerted on Klal Yisroel. Citing Chazal’s description of the three Brochos (annan koshur al ho’ohel, ner doleik meiErev Shabbos leErev Shabbos, and brocha metzuya be’isa, corresponding to the Mitzvos of Tahara, Ner Shabbos and Challa) to be found in the tents of our Imahos, the Rav urged chizuk in the sphere of one’s house and family. The Rav offered a beautiful peirush on the Shir HaMaalos (128) which we sing every Motzo’ei Shabbos, and he discussed some of the very important ideas and foundations necessary for a flourishing, proper Jewish home.

After Mincha, Rav Mantel delivered the Shabbos HaGadol pilpul shiur, on the topic of Chomeitz shel Nochri beAchrayus Yisroel.

As in past years, catered Shabbos HaGadol meals were once again offered by the Achdus Group, in Moller Hall. We thank Dr. and Mrs. Johny and Naomi Hellmann for their efforts in the arranging and organizing of this much-appreciated program. The overflow crowd enjoyed sumptuous meals prepared by LeChayim caterers and were treated to Divrei Torah by Mr. Pinchas Katzenstein and Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman. Motzo’ei Shabbos featured the auctioning of Mitzvos and Aliyos for Pesach.

On Monday, Erev Pesach, Siyumei Bechorim were concluded after both Shacharis Minyanim. Rav Mantel was mesayeim Masseches Nazir, while Rabbi Elchonon Stern concluded Masseches . The annual burning of the Chometz then took place in the Yeshiva’s yard.


Thanks are due to our Chazonim who davened the very special Yom Tov Tefillos. Chazon Lasdun davened on the first days of Pesach—with Mr. Theodore Levi leading Mincha both days—Shabbos Chol HaMoed, and Acharon, while Mr. Yosef Levi davened on Shevii. Thanks also go to the Choir for their contributions to the Avodas HaYom as well. Our thanks also go to the Committee and to Mr. Victor Sussman for all the behind-the-scenes efforts required for the smooth functioning of Shul over Yom Tov; thanks as well to those individuals who purchased Mitzvos and Aliyos.

The annual Pesach Yom Tov lecture was given by Rav Mantel on the seventh day of Yom Tov. Rav Mantel discussed the fact that only Issur Chometz runs through the entire Pesach, as opposed to the other Mitzvos related to Geulas Mitzrayim which only pertain to Seder night.

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On the First day of Yom Tov, Rabbi Yossie Basker gave a Hagadah Shiur before Mincha. On the Thursday of Chol HaMoed, Rav Yehoshua Perlow spoke in the Beis Medrash, regarding the daily Mitzva of Zechiras Yetzias Mitzrayim. He also recalled fond memories of growing up in the Heights.

On the Friday of Chol HaMoed, Pirchei and Bnos Agudath enjoyed trips to, respectively, Bounce USA and bowling at Jersey Lanes.

The last day of Yom Tov featured the thrice-annual communal Matnas Yad visit to Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel. Not only do we owe the Rav a debt of gratitude for the Brochos bestowed during the Matnas Yad Mi-SheBeirach’s, we must also extend special thanks to the Rabbinate for all the various shiurim, sermons, Divrei Torah and Divrei Halacha given during the Pesach season—as well as year-round. Thanks are also due them for their answering the many Sha’alos; in this regard we thank Rav Posen as well.

A Ne’ilas HaChag was once again held on Acharon, after Mincha. Mr. Alan Ettlinger, who emceed, acknowledged and thanked Chazon Lasdun, the other Baalei Tefilla, and the choir for their enhancing the Yom Tov. Mr. Ettlinger also expressed his thanks to all the women of the Kehilla, for their labors on and before Pesach. Rav Mantel discussed how Shiras HaYam could also be counted (see Rashi in Parashas Shelach) as being eight days from Yetzias Mitzrayim, as well as the seven with which we are familiar. Building on this, and citing the Maharal in Gur Aryeh, the Rav discussed the significance of the numbers seven (Tevva- the Yam’s entire regular existence is al tenai, on condition, that it change according to the needs of Klal Yisroel) and eight (Bnei Yisroel in turn are zoche to this when they trust in HaShem, LeMaala min haTevva).

Rav Rubanowitz discussed ideas that can be learned from, respectively, Pesach, Matzo and Marror.

Pesach matzos were baked this year, as usual, in Eretz Yisroel under the supervision of our Rabbinate, under both the Haddar and Glicks labels. These, as well as Chabura and hand matzos, were available for order through the Kehilla office, and online on the Kehilla’s website. Many thanks to the Kehilla office’s Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 5

staff and volunteers, for the myriad activities again successfully executed, in preparation for Yom Tov. Special Hakoras Hatov is due to the Kehilla’s Kashruth Administrator, Rabbi Edelstein.

לשנה הבאה בירושלים


The Kehilla’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, May 21 at 7:45 PM in Moller Hall following Mincha/Maariv in Shul at 7:05 PM..

The agenda for the Annual Meeting shall include the following:

Report on the activities of the Kehilla during the year 2016. Financial report for 2016 and budget for 2017. Elections. Miscellaneous.

The offices of the following gentlemen as Trustees will terminate with the holding of the Annual Meeting:

Daniel A. Levi Yehonoson Rothschild

The offices of the following gentlemen terminate as members of the Board of Advisors with the holding of the Annual Meeting:

Samuel Bodenheim Dovid Brownstein Manny Meyer Mosheh Siegel

All elected candidates for the Boards of Trustees and Advisors serve for three years. The members of all other elective boards and committees serve for one year.

In accordance with Article VIII, Sec. 1 of our By-Laws, we list below the nominations of the Nominating Committee for elective boards and committees.

Polls will open at 7:30 and the election process will take place until 9:30 p.m. In accordance with our By-Laws, only male members are entitled to vote at meetings of the membership. Proxy designation forms are available from our office.

The Annual Meeting may lawfully transact business only in the presence of a quorum of at least 25 members. In the event that such a quorum is not present at the time for which the Annual Meeting has been called, it is anticipated that those present will call for an adjourned Annual Meeting to be held one-quarter hour later, i.e., at 8:00 p.m.

Our Annual Report for 2016 will be ready shortly. The 2016 financial report will be available at the Annual Meeting and will be mailed to members upon request. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6

NOMINATIONS (* denotes an incumbent)

Board of Trustees: - 2 vacancies for terms of 3 years each Herbert Israel Ephraim Rosenstock Rabbi Joel Stern

Board of Advisors - 4 vacancies for terms of 3 years each Harvey Basker * Shmuel Bodenheim * Dovid Brownstein Yosef Cohen Rabbi Schemuel van Messel

Board of Controllers - 3 vacancies (for terms of 1 year each) Harvey Bernstein * Fred Edinger * Yitzchok Gutterman * Gerald Lanzkron

Nominating Committee - 5 vacancies (for terms of 1 year each) * Albert Blank * Dr. Paul Breuer Rabbi Yehoshua Fulda * Pinchas Katzenstein * Moshe Meir Klugman * Ralph Mansbach


Although by the time you read this we will be well on our way to Shovuos, it is not too late to give thanks to our esteemed Rav Mantel for the very informative Inyanei Pesach shiur he delivered to the women of the Kehilla on Wednesday, March 22/25 Adar. He acknowledged our hard work and empathized with us, recognizing what a busy month we had coming up. While the halochos do not change from year to year, they bear repeating so that we can review all the myriad details we need to know, whether staying at home for Pesach or spending the Yom Tov elsewhere. After an inspiring Dvar Aggadda, the Rav summarized many of the laws pertaining to kashering the kitchen, davening/bensching on Pesach, the Seder proceedings as well as many other important Hilchos Yom Tov. He reminded us to be sensitive to people who may need invitations for the Chag and to include them at our tables. Rav Mantel's shiur was clear and instructive, anticipating the issues that many women find challenging as they strive to create a chometz-free yet peaceful environment in their homes.


Approved and encouraged by Rav Mantel and Rav Meir Levi, the Washington Heights Torah Center was conceived to fill a vacuum in much-needed Torah outreach in Washington Heights. Of recent years, there has not been a daily program of limud available for people who are unaffiliated with a fulltime Kollel or Beis Medrash program in the Heights. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 7

The WHTC is additionally intended to motivate talented local yungerleit with an opportunity to inspire a chavrusa. The program includes meaningful stipends to appeal to yungerleit, and even those with full time occupations, who are well versed in Torah and are prepared to dedicate themselves for a morning or night seder before Tefilla. The program is conveniently located in the Bais Yosef (Agudah) Shul, will be affiliated with Agudath Israel of Upper Manhattan, and will include a Monday through Thursday Maariv at 9:40pm.

It is the hope of the organizers that by devising a multi-track schedule everyone will have an opportunity, night and/or day, to add quantity and quality to their Limud HaTorah in a communal atmosphere that will give all participants on-going daily chizuk. The program begins May 1st for its first 8 week z’man. Please come and join us. See flyer attached, and call (212) 795-4202 for more information.

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Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening Minchas Chinuch shiur will IYH take place at the following times: מעריב DATE SHIUR TIME Tuesday May 9 8:00 pm 8:50 pm Tuesday May 16 8:05 pm 8:55 pm Tuesday May 23 8:15 pm 9:05 pm

Rebbetzin Mantel’s weekly Tuesday morning Nach Shiur for Ladies will IYH resume Tuesday, May 9th. The shiur takes place at 10:15 AM in the Agudah Shul.

Thursday Night Chumash Shiur

The shiur will take place in Shul before the 2nd Maariv (see times indicated).

Rabbi Chaim Fisher 7:55 אחרי-קדשים May 4 Rabbi Yehuda Ehrman 8:05 אמר May 11 Rabbi Eliyahu Roberts 8:10 בהר-בחקתי May 18 Rabbi Akiva Lustiger 8:20 במדבר May 25

Sisterhood Shabbos Shiurim

The following shiurim will take place in Dr. Moller Hall, 90 Bennett Avenue at 5:00 PM.

Mrs. Devorah Strauch אחרי-קדשים May 6 Miss Rochel Alpert אמר May 13 Miss Rivka Greenberg בהר-בחקתי May 20 Mr. Albert Blank במדבר May 27

(ז"ל Fort Tryon Ladies Shiur (in memory of Mr. Marc Breuer

Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer 7:10 אמר Mrs. Devorah Strauch May 13 7:00 אחרי-קדשים May 6 Mr. Albert Blank 7:25 במדבר Miss Rivka Greenberg May 27 7:15 בהר-בחקתי May 20 Dr. Rivkah Blau 7:30 נשא June 3


Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Klugman on the birth of their great-grandson, born to their grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Shapiro. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Yaakov Schwab.

All our good wishes to Meir and Rivka Breuer on the Bar of their son, Mark. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Drs. Paul and Brocha Breuer and Philip and Elka Nelson.

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Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Fink on the engagement of their daughter, Tziporah, to Shlomo Feit. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Feit and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Marx.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hellmann on the birth of their grandson. Our best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Hellmann and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shimon Soloff.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marx happily announce the engagement of their granddaughter, Hindy Marx to Yisroel Ungar. Mazel tov to the parents, Heshy and Aviva Marx.

All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Gutterman on the birth of their great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Yaakov and Devorah Brisk and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Dovid Lobel.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edinger on the engagement of their son, Zachariah, to Malka Strasberg, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Michael Strasberg.

Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Nosson Adler on the engagement of their daughter, Bracha, to Tzvi Blonder.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Spreiregen on the engagement of their granddaughter, Esther Wolf to Akiva May. Mazel tov to the parents, Yonah and Yael Wolf and Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Moshe May, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Ms. Chava Torand on the birth of a daughter to her children, Avrumi and Natasha Torand.

Rabbi and Mrs. Meier Brueckheimer happily announce the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Rav Aryeh and Orit Brueckheimer of Beitar Ilit.

It gives us much pleasure to extend our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Esti Tomaszewski upon her engagement to Itzik Weinberg. Mazel tov to the parents, Joseph and Guitele Tomaszewski of Los Angeles and Mordechai and Chaya Weinberg of Bnei Brak.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Gutman on the engagement of their daughter, Chana, to Jonathan Cohen of Montreal. Mazel tov to the father of the Choson, Mr. Yaakov Cohen and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Azoulay and Mrs. Mimy Cohen.

All our good wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Mendy Meyer on the birth of their son, and to the grandparents, Mr. Manny Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. David Berk of Petach Tikvah.

Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Bodenheim happily announce the birth of their grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Chana and Refoel Schellenberg. Our best wishes to the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Hansi Bodenheim and Mrs. Sara Adler. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10

Our best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Bechhofer on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Moshe Leib. Mazel Tov to the grandmother, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer. Mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Strauss on the birth of their great-grandson, Benjamin Meir. Mazel Tov to the parents, David and Elisheva (nee Strauss) Baras of Efrat, the grandmother, Mrs. Claire Strauss of Bergenfield and the grandparents, Ed and Sondra Baras of Shomron. Hershel and Jeanette Baum are delighted to announce the birth of their grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Shaya and Temima Baum and the grandparents, Simcha and Hadas Klagsbrun. Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Nathan happily announce the birth of a son to their children, Shaya and Rena Nathan. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Binyomin Jacoby of Far Rockaway.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Stern on the engagement of their daughter, Basya to Moshe Tzvi Strauss, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Yekusiel Strauss of South Fallsburg. Mazel tov to the chosson’s grandparents, Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Meyers of Silver Spring. Mazel tov also to Mr. and Dr. Leon Strauss on the birth of a great-granddaughter born to their children, Chaim Zvi and Miriam Moller of Ramat Beis Shemesh. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Strauss of Ramat Beis Shemesh and Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Moller of Hendon, and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Nechemia Zabrowsky of Ramat Beis Shemesh, Rabbi and Mrs. Berel Cohen of Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. William Moller of Hendon.

Our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Weiman on the engagement of their daughter, Elana, to Naftali Jacobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jacobson.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Samuel Moeller on the engagement of their daughter, Malky to Mendy Fisch. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Fisch and the grandmother, Mrs. Rivka Moeller.

Heartiest mazel tov to Eli and Alice Schuck on the engagement of their granddaughter, Michal Weiser to Daniel Fox. Mazel tov to the parents, Zvi and Yael Weiser and Mr. and Mrs. Fox.

It gives us much pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Eisdorfer on the birth of their son.

Uri and Tzipi Kirschner wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Racheli, to Moshe Tischler of Lakewood. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kirschner.

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• Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night, and, during the Sefira, to count the Omer. • Mincha Gedola in Shul – 1:30 PM thru May 25 1:35 PM May 29 – June 22 1:45 PM June 26 – August 31 • Produce from Eretz Yisroel which requires terumos and maasros to be taken is currently available in the stores. If you have shaalos about this procedure, please call the Rabbinate.


The auctioning of Mitzvos and Aliyos for Shovuos will take place on Motzoei Shabbos Parashas Bemidbar immediately following Maariv.

The Shovuos Night Learning will begin at 11:30 PM in Dr. Moller Hall. The Rav will speak at 12:30 AM.

· The Yom Tov Lecture will take place on the first day of Yom Tov after 8:05 PM Mincha in Dr. Moller Hall.

The Matnas Yad Reception will take place on the second day of Yom Tov at the home of Rav Mantel. Times will be posted.

· A Neilas HaChag will take place following 7:40 PM Mincha on the second day of Yom Tov in Dr. Moller Hall.

Forthcoming Events: • Tuesday, May 9 Sisterhood Lecture – Mrs. Nancy Novack on “The Power of Positive Thinking” – 7:45 PM (Note time) • Sunday, May 14 – Ladies Auxiliary Lag B’Omer Brunch – 10:00 AM • Tuesday, May 16 – Sisterhood’s Annual Bnos Melachim Video Presentation • Sunday, May 21 – Annual General Meeting of Members of the Kehilla – 7:45 PM • Monday, May 29 – Annual Kollel Breakfast – 9:00 AM • Sunday, June 11 – PTA Presents “Murray The Sock Man” – School Playground Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 12


Rebbetzin Tova Mantel (100 Bennett Avenue) mourns the passing of her mother, Mrs. Maly Rothschild Mrs. Moseson, Miss Basya Kaplan and Mrs. Devorah Bornstein mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Henrietta Kaplan (1446 46th Street, Brooklyn) Mrs. Diane Schuster (12 Lyncrest Drive, Monsey), Mrs. Miriam Carmen and Mrs. Annie Nussbaum (66 Overlook Terrace) mourn the passing of their mother and sister, our member, Mrs. Joan Richard (3108 Fountainview Drive, Monsey) Mr. Leslie Knoller (14720 76th Road, Flushing) and Mrs. Betty Pilicer (1075 E. 16th Street, Brooklyn) mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Margot Knoller (385 Ft. Washington Avenue) Mrs. Sophie Taub (110 Bennett Avenue) mourns the passing of her husband, our member, Mr. Samuel Taub



Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Iyar) ...... 86.70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helmreich for Yahrzeit of her brother, Yaakov Eisenmann, z.l. (19 Nisan) ...... 100.00 Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Perlstein in loving memory of Arnold and Else Haas, a.h...... 250.00

בס"ד I would like to thank you for your visits and phone calls your cards and donations, your companionship and the delicious food you sent to me .ע"ה ,while I was sitting shivoh for my beloved mother, Marjorie Lowe

You brought great comfort to me.

Dvora Hersh

Photo credits for this issue: We thank Messrs. Alan Ettlinger and Ben Ettlinger, Mrs. Shuli Gutmann, and YRSRH for providing the photos featured in this issue

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We are pleased to announce the publication by ,

in conjunction with the Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer Foundation,


The Hirsch Anthology

באר השר

A Compendium of the Writings of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch

This 600-page volume contains excerpts from the writings of Rav Hirsch on more than 240 topics (Education, Shabbos, Eretz Yisroel, , etc.) to facilitate the accessibility and further study of the Hirschian teachings. באר This English edition is based on the Hebrew edition of .(which was compiled by Yitzchak Baror (Breuer ,השר

Copies may be ordered through our office at $27 per copy (incl. shipping). Please make checks payable to K'hal Adath Jeshurun and send to KAJ, 700 West 186th St, , NY 10033.

Moadim Perspectives: Pesach-Shavuos is once again available. Containing 24 essays on these Yomim Tovim from the writings of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch Rav Dr. Salomon Breuer Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer Moadim Perspectives: Pesach-Shavuos contains inspiring teachings from these great leaders of our Kehillo that will serve to acquire a deeper appreciation for these festive days and enhance the spiritual level which these Moadim provide.

Copies may be ordered through our office.

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From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

Iyar 11 Prof. Dr. M. Schueler-Ffm 20 Samson Heckscher- 1 Leo Berberich-NY 11 Jeanette Klugmann- Hamburg 1 Rose Golde-NY Nuernberg 20 Isidor Katzenstein-NY 1 Jenny Ascher-Ffm 11 Max Plaut-NY 21 Sara Eva Baer-Ffm- 1 Peppi Beil-Helsinborg 11 Richard Scheuer- Treblinka (Sweden) Gelnhausen-NJ 21 Julius Klugmann-NY 1 Sara Wolf-NY 12 Dora Spier-Bad Schwalbach 22 Hannchen Suessfeld- 1 Ida Plaut-Kirchhain 15 Salli Edinger-Mainz Hengstfeld 1 Robert Zunz-Karlstadt 15 Miriam Stern-Mittelsinn 23 Rebbetzin Chaye S. Posen- 1 David Goldschmidt-Ffm 15 Samuel Muenz-Altengronau NY 2 Julius Abt- 15 Siegfried Strauss-Mittelsinn 23 Therese Klugmann-NY 2 Hermann Adler- 15 Miriam Oelbaum-Ffm- 23 Ida Rosenthal-Gelsenkirchen Ruesselsheim Brooklyn 23 Recha Dollefeld-Rotenburg 2 Tilli Prager-NY 15 Gretchen Ansbacher-NY 23 Alex Dollefeld-Rotenburg 2 K. Maier-Schoelkrippen 16 Regina Vorchheimer- 23 Felix Ascher-Ffm-Sobibor 2 Sidney Selig-NY- Thuengen 23 Manfred Salomon-NY 3 Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer-Ffm- 16 Ferd. Polian-Ffm 24 Rosa Fulda-Emden NY 16 Auguste Levis-Ffm 24 Max Altheimer-Ffm 5 Bella Hanauer-Crailsheim 16 Fred Plaut-NY 24 Arnold Sulzbach-NY 5 L. Goldschmidt-Ffm 16 Arnold Haas-NY 24 Theresa Klau-Altheimer- 5 Regina Scheuer-Ffm 16 Jennie Bierig-NY Ffm 5 Eugene Weil-NY 17 Albert Emanuel Basker-NY 25 Jenny Blattner-NY 7 Liesel Rosenberg-NY 17 Cecile Loewenstein-Baden 25 Kurt Meyer-Gelsenkirchen 7 K. Gerstle-NY (Switzerland) 25 Julius & Bertha Halberstadt- 7 Malka Gruen-Berlin 17 Max Oppenheimer-Mainz Koblenz 7 David Selig-NY 17 Elias Daniel Moos-NY 25 J. Schoen-Vacha 7 Samuel Frank-Geroda 17 Leo Rosenstock-NY 25 Menki Zimmer-New York 7 Meta Frank-Geroda 17 Nanni Nussbaum-Fulda 25 Lina Flamm-NY 7 Benjamin Rynski-NY 18 Emma Stobezki-Heilbronn 26 Max Eisner-Duisburg 7 Eli Wechsler-NY 18 Siegfried Blanck-NY 26 Mrs. Sabina Eisner-Duisburg 8 M. Walter-Kleinsteinach- 18 Helen Andorn-NY 26 Gustav Fellner-NY Muenchen 18 Claire Sulzbach-NY 27 Sara Moller-NY 8 Isidor Fromm-Muenchen- 18 Feist Sondheimer-Ffm 27 Ruth Rosenblatt-Brooklyn NY 19 Loeb Levi-Muenchen 27 Selma Rechtschaffen-NY 10 Jenny Kirschheimer-NY 19 Leo Gerstle-NY 27 Rita Stern-NY 10 Paula Nussbaum-Ffm 19 Fritz Darmstadter-NY 28 David Klugmann-NY 11 Clara Reich-Leipzig 19 Max Oppenheim-NY 28 Jeannette Mosbacher-Ffm- 11 Sara Siegel-Hergershausen 19 Joseph Levisohn-NY NY 11 Emilie Bondi-Berlin 20 Jacob Pincover-NY


GARY EICHHORN Showroom 1898 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210

Telephone: 718-375-5333 Fax: 718-252-9300

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SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez. To determine whether your garment is shaatnez-free, garments may be dropped off at the Kehilla office, 714 W. 186th Street at the following times: Weekdays 9:30 – 4:30 Fridays 9:30 – 12:00 If you are not available at these times, please make an appointment by emailing [email protected]. If you do not have email, call 917-359-2873 and leave a message.

Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises.

Please note that it is important to leave on tags with information where garment is manufactured and list of materials contained in it. ______

Chevra Kadisha When the services of the are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following immediately:

OFFICE OF THE CONGREGATION 1-212-923-3582 RABBI EDWIN KATZENSTEIN-730 Ft. Washington Avenue 201-579-0483 LEON GERSTLE – 100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639

All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.

CONTACT INFORMATION Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

Kehilla Office: 700 W. 186 Street Rav Zachariah Gelley (Study) 347-640-0264 New York, NY 10033 212-923-3582 /212-923-5936 Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345 Fax 212-781-4275 E-mail [email protected] Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 90 Bennett Ave (Social Hall) 212-923-8984 Rav Chaim Kohn 718-252-3343 Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Email [email protected] Mikve - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Fax 845-356-2938 Beth Hamedrash Payphone 212-928-9981 Email: [email protected] Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected] Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 www.moriahseniorcenter.org

HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750