May 3, ‘17 ז' אייר תשע"ז KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun Volume 47 Number 8 ,רב זכריה בן רבקה Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley .רפואה שלמה for a 37th YAHRZEIT OF RAV BREUER The 3rd of Iyar, which this year was Shabbos Kodesh Parashiyos Tazria-Metzora, marked the 37th The establishment of .זצ''ל Yahrzeit of our Kehilla’s revered founder and Rav, Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer our Kehilla, Yeshiva, and all the institutions and organizations that are a part thereof, was all a result of Rav Breuer’s vision and unbending dedication. When Rav Breuer arrived in America (having been previously Rosh Yeshiva and Klaus Rabbiner in Frankfurt), he was not content to merely ensure the existence of a Minhag Ashkenaz Minyan or the like. Rather, with all his strength, Rav Breuer saw to the rebuilding here of the famed Kehilla and Yeshiva structure which his grandfather and father, Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch and Rav Dr. Salomon Breuer, had established in Frankfurt under the guiding principle of Torah Im Derech Eretz, unswerving adherence to Halacha under any and all circumstances. B”H, this sacred legacy continues to live on in our Kehilla, and its influence is felt in the wider Jewish world as well. In our Yeshiva, Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein (pictured) spoke to the Mesivta, Bais Yaakov Middle School, and upper elementary classes about his recollections of the Rav. CHODESH NISAN Following the dictum of Chazal, Shoalin veDorshin beHilchos heChag, etc, Rav Mantel—beginning after Purim—dedicated his morning Divrei Halacha to those pertaining to Pesach. Additionally, Rav Mantel spoke to the Sisterhood (reported below) regarding Dinei Pesach and took questions. The Thursday evening Chumash Shiurim on the two weeks preceding Pesach were dedicated to the Hagada and Inyanei Pesach, and were given by Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth and Rav Yaakov Perlow (pictured). Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 2 Our Yeshiva’s various departments prepared for Pesach by learning the Inyonei deYoma, creating Hagados and crafting beautiful projects. Kashering took place the Thursday before Pesach. Rav Mantel supervised the morning session and Dayan Posen the evening one. Many thanks to the following gentlemen (including members of our Kollel) and boys who assisted at the Kashering: Rabbi Rafael Bachrach, Mr. Shmuly Cahn, Rabbi Moshe Eisdorfer, Mr. Yisroel Gradman, Rabbi Michoel Meir Levi, Messrs. Yehoshua Asher Mantel, Yissochor Schoenberg and Yoel Meir Schoenberg, Rabbi Raphael Weis and Rabbi Aryeh Winiarz. Thanks as well to the parents who agreed to the “drafting” of their sons! Coinciding with the evening hours, a van for the pick-up of Sheimos was parked outside of Shul, for the convenience of our members. Kashering—as well as Mechiras Chometz and Biur Chometz—is provided annually to our members, as well as to the community at large, at no cost. We thank the Rabbinate and the Kehilla’s administration for the provision of these services. Many thanks to Mr. Shuie Pinter and Mr. Victor Sussman for all their work in the pre-Pesach preparations. Pictured, Rav Mantel sells the Chometz to Mr. Ronny Spann, with all the various Kinyonim. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 3 On Shabbos Parashas Tzav, Rav Mantel gave the annual Shabbos HaGadol Halacha-and Mussar sermon, in Shul. The Rav discussed the pernicious influence Mitzrayim—both of history and today’s ”Mitzrayim”—has exerted on Klal Yisroel. Citing Chazal’s description of the three Brochos (annan koshur al ho’ohel, ner doleik meiErev Shabbos leErev Shabbos, and brocha metzuya be’isa, corresponding to the Mitzvos of Tahara, Ner Shabbos and Challa) to be found in the tents of our Imahos, the Rav urged chizuk in the sphere of one’s house and family. The Rav offered a beautiful peirush on the Shir HaMaalos (128) which we sing every Motzo’ei Shabbos, and he discussed some of the very important ideas and foundations necessary for a flourishing, proper Jewish home. After Mincha, Rav Mantel delivered the Shabbos HaGadol pilpul shiur, on the topic of Chomeitz shel Nochri beAchrayus Yisroel. As in past years, catered Shabbos HaGadol meals were once again offered by the Achdus Group, in Moller Hall. We thank Dr. and Mrs. Johny and Naomi Hellmann for their efforts in the arranging and organizing of this much-appreciated program. The overflow crowd enjoyed sumptuous meals prepared by LeChayim caterers and were treated to Divrei Torah by Mr. Pinchas Katzenstein and Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman. Motzo’ei Shabbos featured the auctioning of Mitzvos and Aliyos for Pesach. On Monday, Erev Pesach, Siyumei Bechorim were concluded after both Shacharis Minyanim. Rav Mantel was mesayeim Masseches Nazir, while Rabbi Elchonon Stern concluded Masseches Sanhedrin. The annual burning of the Chometz then took place in the Yeshiva’s yard. PESACH 5777 Thanks are due to our Chazonim who davened the very special Yom Tov Tefillos. Chazon Lasdun davened on the first days of Pesach—with Mr. Theodore Levi leading Mincha both days—Shabbos Chol HaMoed, and Acharon, while Mr. Yosef Levi davened on Shevii. Thanks also go to the Choir for their contributions to the Avodas HaYom as well. Our thanks also go to the Synagogue Committee and to Mr. Victor Sussman for all the behind-the-scenes efforts required for the smooth functioning of Shul over Yom Tov; thanks as well to those individuals who purchased Mitzvos and Aliyos. The annual Pesach Yom Tov lecture was given by Rav Mantel on the seventh day of Yom Tov. Rav Mantel discussed the fact that only Issur Chometz runs through the entire Pesach, as opposed to the other Mitzvos related to Geulas Mitzrayim which only pertain to Seder night. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 4 On the First day of Yom Tov, Rabbi Yossie Basker gave a Hagadah Shiur before Mincha. On the Thursday of Chol HaMoed, Rav Yehoshua Perlow spoke in the Beis Medrash, regarding the daily Mitzva of Zechiras Yetzias Mitzrayim. He also recalled fond memories of growing up in the Heights. On the Friday of Chol HaMoed, Pirchei and Bnos Agudath Israel enjoyed trips to, respectively, Bounce USA and bowling at Jersey Lanes. The last day of Yom Tov featured the thrice-annual communal Matnas Yad visit to Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel. Not only do we owe the Rav a debt of gratitude for the Brochos bestowed during the Matnas Yad Mi-SheBeirach’s, we must also extend special thanks to the Rabbinate for all the various shiurim, sermons, Divrei Torah and Divrei Halacha given during the Pesach season—as well as year-round. Thanks are also due them for their answering the many Sha’alos; in this regard we thank Rav Posen as well. A Ne’ilas HaChag was once again held on Acharon, after Mincha. Mr. Alan Ettlinger, who emceed, acknowledged and thanked Chazon Lasdun, the other Baalei Tefilla, and the choir for their enhancing the Yom Tov. Mr. Ettlinger also expressed his thanks to all the women of the Kehilla, for their labors on and before Pesach. Rav Mantel discussed how Shiras HaYam could also be counted (see Rashi in Parashas Shelach) as being eight days from Yetzias Mitzrayim, as well as the seven with which we are familiar. Building on this, and citing the Maharal in Gur Aryeh, the Rav discussed the significance of the numbers seven (Tevva- the Yam’s entire regular existence is al tenai, on condition, that it change according to the needs of Klal Yisroel) and eight (Bnei Yisroel in turn are zoche to this when they trust in HaShem, LeMaala min haTevva). Rav Rubanowitz discussed ideas that can be learned from, respectively, Pesach, Matzo and Marror. Pesach matzos were baked this year, as usual, in Eretz Yisroel under the supervision of our Rabbinate, under both the Haddar and Glicks labels. These, as well as Chabura and hand matzos, were available for order through the Kehilla office, and online on the Kehilla’s website. Many thanks to the Kehilla office’s Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 5 staff and volunteers, for the myriad activities again successfully executed, in preparation for Yom Tov. Special Hakoras Hatov is due to the Kehilla’s Kashruth Administrator, Rabbi Moses Edelstein. לשנה הבאה בירושלים GENERAL MEETING The Kehilla’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, May 21 at 7:45 PM in Moller Hall following Mincha/Maariv in Shul at 7:05 PM.. The agenda for the Annual Meeting shall include the following: Report on the activities of the Kehilla during the year 2016. Financial report for 2016 and budget for 2017. Elections. Miscellaneous. The offices of the following gentlemen as Trustees will terminate with the holding of the Annual Meeting: Daniel A. Levi Yehonoson Rothschild The offices of the following gentlemen terminate as members of the Board of Advisors with the holding of the Annual Meeting: Samuel Bodenheim Dovid Brownstein Manny Meyer Mosheh Siegel All elected candidates for the Boards of Trustees and Advisors serve for three years. The members of all other elective boards and committees serve for one year. In accordance with Article VIII, Sec. 1 of our By-Laws, we list below the nominations of the Nominating Committee for elective boards and committees. Polls will open at 7:30 and the election process will take place until 9:30 p.m. In accordance with our By-Laws, only male members are entitled to vote at meetings of the membership. Proxy designation forms are available from our office. The Annual Meeting may lawfully transact business only in the presence of a quorum of at least 25 members. In the event that such a quorum is not present at the time for which the Annual Meeting has been called, it is anticipated that those present will call for an adjourned Annual Meeting to be held one-quarter hour later, i.e., at 8:00 p.m.
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