[email protected] The BioRobotics Institute Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Content of the lectures • Natural part – theorectical (3h) • Artificial part – theorectical (3h) • Hands-on in Matlab (6h) The material on natural vision can be found on: Kandel et al., “Principle of Neuroscience”, McGraw Hill, 2013 Most of the material presented in these lessons can be found on the brilliant, seminal books on robotics and image analysis reported hereafter: 1. P.I. Corke, “Robotics, Vision & Control”, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-20143-1 2. R. Szeliski, “Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications”, Springer-Verlag New York, 2010 3. R.C. Gonzalez & R.E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing (3rd edition)”, Prentice-Hall, 2006 Most of the images of these lessons are downloaded from RVC website and, despite they are free to use, they belong to the author of the book. Human vision is a creative process, far beyond simple trasduction Psychol Sci. 2006 Apr;17(4):287-91. The impact of emotion on perception: bias or enhanced processing? Zeelenberg R1, Wagenmakers EJ, Rotteveel M. Psychol Sci. 2003 Jan;14(1):7-13. Emotional facilitation of sensory processing in the visual cortex. Schupp HT1, Junghöfer M, Weike AI, Hamm AO. what we can What we learnt What we want Light is «different» depending on the animal we insect Ludimar Hermann Shiny Herman grid We saw contrast, not absolute value of illumination The Craik-Cornsweet illusion