ACTA GEOGRAPHICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE, Vol. 54, 2010, No. 2, pp. 247-263 MIGRAČNÉ PROCESY V MIGRAČNE ÚBYTKOVOM FUNKČNOM MESTSKOM REGIÓNE: EMPIRICKÝ PRÍKLAD FMR SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES Ladislav Novotný Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Katedra regionálnej geografie, ochrany a plánovania krajiny, e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: The research of migration processes within functional urban regions (FUR) in geography is usually aimed at regions of the biggest cities or towns. In Slovakia this kind of research has been recently focused on Bratislava, Košice and Prešov FURs. The goal of this paper is the identification and causal analysis of migration processes in the FUR where the core town is smaller and where the rate of net migration in whole FUR is negative. Good example of this kind of region is Spišská Nová Ves FUR. The region is experiencing an incre- ase of population. This is, however, due to significant rates of natural increase which are typi - cal especially for communes with high share of Roma population. From the view-point of the migration, Spišská Nová Ves FUR is declining. Therefore, the partial aim of the paper is the examination of the relationship between net migration rates of individual communes and who- le FUR. Key words: functional urban region, Spišská Nová Ves, net migration rate, population, decen- tralization, suburbanization 1 ÚVOD Populačné zmeny v mestách a ich zázemiach sú v geografických kruhoch pomer- ne rozšírenou témou. Aj na Slovensku sa viacerí autori zaoberajú hodnotením buď cel- kového alebo migračného pohybu v rôznych územných celkoch. Azda najviac pozor- nosti sa venuje skúmaniu suburbanizačných prejavov v zázemiach veľkých miest, na Slovensku najmä Bratislavy, Košíc a Prešova.