Introduction by Director 2 Organization scheme 4 Staff Composition 6 Organizational Unit of Vice-Director for Economy 7 Organization`s Budget 7 Organizational Unit of Vice-Director for Science and Research 8 Division of Geological Research and Mapping 8 Division of Specialized Laboratories 26 Organizational Unit of Vice-Director for Geology and Projects 32 Division of Environmental Geology 32 Division of Geoanalytic laboratories 48 International Cooperation 52 Organizational Unit of Vice-Director for Informatics 58 Geofond 59 Division of Information Systems 66 Quality Management System ISO 9001 : 2000 75

Slopes of Kršlenica above Plavecký Mikuláš - Wetterstein facies of Veterlín nappe. Photo: M. Havrila

Annual Report 2008 1 SPEECH BY DIRECTOR

Dear colleagues, fans and plicity of the European Union there and their personal aging. We have friends of geology! was felt an urgent need to create realized the need to stop this trend a particular position of the Deputy for and reverse this adverse develop- After a year you are receiving projects and geology. Based upon ment. Based upon a selection prece- the information on the activities of a tender this position was occupied by dure Dr. Jan Madaras, PhD. was the State Geological Survey of Di- Dr. Alena Klukanová, PhD. Organiza- appointed as a Deputy for Science onýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) in year 2008. tion of projects preparation, whether and Research. We recognize the This time this annual is in some re- fi nanced from the contribution of the need to maintain and restore various spects wider than in previous years Ministry of Environment or from the specialties, although for the moment because we realize the urgent need EU funds, is extremely difficult and they are often of unfavorable for the for readers - to obtain more detailed requires special attention. Only well- economic situation of the institute. It and comprehensive information. designed projects that go through an is necessary to develop the scien- The year 2008 marked a change, assessment of the broader profes- tifi c quality of individual specialties, not only the change in the composi- sional circles within ŠGÚDŠ, enable because the reduction of expertise tion of the staff of our organization, high quality research outputs, as well leads to a superfi cial solution of the but also its organizational structure. as the resumption of close coopera- tasks. It is necessary to integrate into After the retirement of former tion of research teams. Through this a solution of the projects fresh gradu- ŠGÚDŠ Director Assoc. Prof. Michael approach a solution of geological is- ates of geological disciplines. To-date Kaličiak, PhD. And the Deputy for Ge- sues become more complex and the thouhts on the fading out of geology, ology. Dr. Edward Lukáčik, PhD., Dr. relationship between the inanimate or on low social order can not be Ľubomír Kucharič PhD.was tempo- elements of nature becomes more accepted. The doubtful veracity of rarily appointed to direct the organi- readable and understandable. views that the national raw materials zation. The function of the Deputy Among the organizations sub- sources security can be addressed for Geology was appointed Dr. Alena ordinated to the Ministry of Environ- only by imports of raw materials, was Klukanová, PhD. ment ŠGÚDŠ achieves the highest contested by the winter “gas crisis”. Since 01/09/2008 following the proportion of academic profession- The organization, such as ŠGÚDŠ selection procedure Dr. Ľubomír als with PhD., CSc. and DrSc. titles. is prepared to solve the national raw Hraško, PhD has been appointed as High level of education is pronounced materials sources security alongside Director. During autumn, the change in a diversifi ed mix of projects and the basic geological research and in organizational structure was im- activities undertaken, as well as the environmental issues. plemented that refl ects the changed in the quality of outcomes achieved. A prerequisite for successful con- circumstances in obtaining external ŠGÚDŠ continued in solving geologi- servation of activities of the organiza- sources of budget revenue of our in- cal research projects initiated in pre- tion responsible for conducting the stitute, a need enhance monitoring of vious periods. In 2008, it worked on State geological service duties, such professional provision of geological 33 projects funded through the state as ŠGÚDŠ is not only close coop- projects and the need to strengthen budget as well as on the Partial Moni- eration with partner organizations at the scientifi c level of the organization, toring System Geological factors. The national and international level and coupled with the need for personal re- above number of projects includes 5 the participation in the joint projects juvenation of research teams. new projects launched in 2008. nationwide and at international scale, Accounting for a necessity of en- In the longer term pronounced, but also work with actors at local suring the external sources of funds with some exceptions, the trend of community level. The competent poli- fi nanced particularly with the com- gradual reduction of research teams ticians in the municipal sphere must

2 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) be convinced of the necessity of un- tablished Council of principal investi- derstanding natural geological condi- gators is to coordinate activities within tions of their surroundings, but also of each task and to acquaint the project the need for understanding the conse- leaders with the methodological pro- quences of centuries-long lasting and cedures within other geological tasks, the present harm impacts to the geo- as well as to defi ne common issues in logical environment. This knowledge resolving the common tasks of geo- is a must for rational and sustainable logical research. exploitation of nature gifts. It uncovers From an investment point of view another dimension, which provides the most costly item was the recon- recently and will provide in the future struction and expansion of storage mankind in the form of various kinds buildings in the dossier Bratislava- of energy (geothermal energy, energy Trnávka. The reconstruction was resources) or in the form of space for fi nanced from own resources. The in- storing various waste (radioactive vestments from own resources were waste, CO2, etc.). Knowledge of the devoted to the purchase of computer geological environment at the same equipment and operating facilities. time helps to preserve ecologically Just for purchasing a server and an friendly environment on the surface analytical device to monitor waters of the Earth. This environment is also the MoE provided capital contribution necessary source of indispensable of 4 million Sk. We realize the neces- substance for human civilization, sity of constant renewal of laboratory which is ground water. A precondi- equipment, because they are an im- tion for the existence of geological portant part of ŠGÚDŠ involvement sciences at the direct communica- in solving society’s needs. tion with wider professional and laic This yearbook refl ects the ex- public. For this purpose various web traordinary patchwork of completed applications are being implemented, projects and activities carried out which ŠGÚDŠ intensively develops by specialists and support staff of and intends to further develop in or- ŠGÚDŠ. I would like to ecpress my der to address a geological, logically gratitude to ŠGÚDŠ former manage- organized and understandable visual ment, headed by Director Assoc. Prof. information to the widest possible Michal Kaličiak, PhD. and Author- number of users. ized Director Mgr. Ľudovít Kucharič, By the end of 2008, changes have PhD. for their work up to 31/08/2008. also occurred in the composition of In addition, I would like to thank for advisory bodies of the Director. Con- dedicated work in 2008 all workers in stitutional Council was abolished, all sectors of activity within ŠGÚDŠ. which activity was allocated to other I wish good opportunities to develop advisory bodies, regular economic in the upcoming years the entire In- meetings and operational director stitute in conducting geological serv- Dr. Ľubomír Hraško, PhD. meetings. The aim of the newly es- ices in the Slovak Republic. ŠGÚDŠ Director

Annual Report 2008 3 ORGANIZATION SCHEME

Building of the State Geological Sur- vey of Dionýz Štúr, Bratislava, in Mlyn- ská dolina. Photo: L. Martinský

4 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Director Dr. Ľubomír Hraško, PhD.

Vice-Director for Science and Research Dr. Ján Madarás, PhD. Vice-Director for Geology and Projects Dr. Alena Klukanová, CSc. Vice-Director for Informatics Dr. Štefan Káčer Vice-Director for Economy Ing. Anna Krippelová

Heads of regional centres

Head of regional centre Banská Bystrica Mgr. Štefan Ferenc, PhD. Head of regional centre Košice Dr. Zoltán Németh, PhD. Head of regional centre Spišská Nová Ves Ing. Jozef Stupák

Annual Report 2008 5 STAFF COMPOSITION

In 2008 ŠGÚDŠ employed sical number). By 31/12/2008 number of employees was recal- 238 persons on average (phy- it was 244 employees. Average culated into 233. Average number of employees in individual working places in 2008

150 Working place Average number Average recalculated number 120

Bratislava 149 145 90 RC Banská Bystrica 10 9 60 RC Košice 22 22 RC Spišská Nová Ves 57 57 30

ŠGÚDŠ 238 233 0 Bratislava B. Bystrica Košice Spišská N. Ves Number of women in 2008 80 Working place Average number Rate in % 70 Bratislava 72 57,1 60 RC Banská Bystrica 2 1,6 50 40 RC Košice 12 9,5 30 RC Spišská Nová Ves 40 31,7 20 ŠGÚDŠ 126 100 10 0 Bratislava B. Bystrica Košice Spišská N. Ves Overview of employees according to education

Education Number Rate in % 150 University (U) 139 56,7 120 Including: DrSc., CSc., PhD. 53 21,6 2nd level 86 35,1 90

High school (HS) 85 35 60 Apprenticeship (A) 14 5,8 30 Basic (B) 6 2,5 0 ŠGÚDŠ 244 100 U HS A B Age groups 100 Age Number Rate in % 80 Below 29 years 16 6,5 30 – 39 38 15,6 60

40 – 49 69 28,3 40 50 – 59 97 39,8 20 Above 59 years 24 9,8 ŠGÚDŠ 244 100 0 < 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 > 60

6 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OF VICE-DIRECTOR FOR ECONOMY Vice-director for Economy: Ing. Anna Krippelová INSTITUTE`S BUDGET

The State Geological Institute of Di- from the turnover products of 675 000 ter equipment worth of 1.8 million Sk, for onýz Štúr is a state contributory organi- Sk, accounting reserves 4 761 000 Sk, purchase of operating machinery worth zation fi nanced from the State Budget other rental income 2 085 000 Sk and 2.2 million Sk, for reconstruction and through the Ministry of Environment SR. other incomes 1 799 000 Sk. completion of documentation material This affiliation is realized through contrac- In the scope of control of the fi nan- stores in Bratislava Trnávka totaling tual contributions for projects solutions, cial contribution spent for the above ac- 21 470 000 Sk and the reconstruction Geofond activity and Dionýz Štúr Publis- tivities we have to mention the contract of boiler rooms in Bratislava Galva- hers, for state contracts projects solutions between ME SR – research-technical projects and other and SGIDŠ, accor- ŠGÚDŠ budget in the year 2008 193 606 000 Sk projects of the Section of the Geology ding to which the ŠGÚDŠ real costs in the year 2008 194 123 000 Sk and Natural Resources of the ME. individual activities ŠGÚDŠ revenue for the year 2008 are appreciated in ŠGÚDŠ returns budget in the year 2008 189 606 000 Sk varied in the amount of Sk 194 000 000. the form of person- ŠGÚDŠ actual returns in the year 2008 194 132 000 Sk Their sources were mainly funding from months and through Including: Contribution (current) by the MoE SR: 159 886 000 Sk the Ministry of Environment to tackle the estimation of Contribution (capital) by the MoE SR: 4 000 000 Sk the tasks of the Section of Geology and the cost for carried Natural Resources, and activities in the out works related Spending of contribution in Sk (current): 159 886 000 Sk fi eld of informatics, issuing publications to particular activi- Spending of contribution in Sk (capital): 3 999 600 Sk and maps, laboratory work, material ties fi nanced from Spending of current contribution fulfi lment in %: 100 % documentation, the Partial Monitoring the contribution, i.e. Spending of capital contribution fulfi lment in %: 99,99 % System of Geofactors of Environment common transfer. and Partial Monitoring System, part Another, equally Economic result 2008 9 000 Sk Waters totaling 159 886 000 Sk. Means important source of to address the other tasks outside the revenue are revenues from investments ni Street worth Sk 953 000. Moreover state budget and to address the chal- (primarily rent of non-residential pre- ŠGÚDŠ received funds amounting to lenges of international cooperation mises) equalling in total 2 085 000 Sk. 4 000 000 Sk in in the form of capital amounted to 24 926 000 Sk. ŠGÚDŠ Through these investments the com- transfer, of which 3 000 000 SK was source of revenue were also revenues mitment of economised and effective used to purchase special equipment for utilisation of temporary conducting monitoring of groundwater Nr. Institute`s Budget Factual Budget spare state property, and 1 000 000 SK for the purchase of 1 Concepts, programmes, methodics 0 Sk which is administered computer technology. by the State Geological Also in 2008, the Institute worked 2 Legislative tasks 0 Sk Institute of Dionýz Štúr, steadily through the State Treasury 3 Science, research – 111 82 967 000 Sk is fulfi lled. System. The Institute entered this in- 4 Monitoring, informatics 76 044 000 Sk The spending of formation system by July 1, 2004. The 5 Editorial activity 4 875 000 Sk funds was conducted in investments were provided continuo- maximum economical usly in accord with the way of fi nances 6 Investment activity 22 423 000 Sk and efficient way. The allocation, budgetary amendments and 7 International Cooperation 9 420 000 Sk individual cost items in the scope of limits and consequent fi - 8 Other tasks 16 013 000 Sk were drawn up the bud- nance plans in the State Treasury Infor- In Total 211 742 000 Sk get, and almost none of mation System according to individual them did exceed it in its programmes and functional as well as 4 cluster. This could be economic classifi cation. realized thanks to other tasks and Based on the new more complex 5 fi nacial resources obtained. accounting practices, we decided to In the previous year we mana- switch to a more modern, more deman- 6 ged to achieve a positive econo- ding and more evidentiary method of fi - mic result, although the minimum nancial agenda processing, which, after 7 one, reaching 9 000 Sk. completion of all working modules will 3 1, 2 8 The investments were largely gradually bring in the future much grea- used for procurement of compu- ter efficiency of the system. The factual performing of major tasks plan


The personnel of the Division of Geological Research and Mapping provide a systematic and comprehensive research on geological structures of the Slovak Republic territory, focusing mainly on • Regional and basic geological research, geological mapping, compilation and publishing of geological maps, • Research into natural laws of patterns of allocation of resourc- es and minerals and into the technological properties, • Raw minerals exploration, • geophysical works.

To ensure the above wide range of tasks, the Division of Geo- logical Research and Mapping is divided into the following de- partments: – Department of Crystalline and Palaeozoic (Head Dr. Vladimír Bezák, CSc.), – Department of Mesozoic and Palaeogene (Head Dr. Stanislav Buček, CSc.), – Department of Neogene and Quaternary (Head Dr. Michal Elečko, CSc.), – Department of Complex Raw Mineral Evaluation (Head Ing. Peter Baláž, PhD.), – Department of Geophysics (Head Dr. Peter Kubeš, CSc.). Gutenstein limestones of the Veterlín nappe on the ridge of Malá Vápenica. Photo: M. Olšavský Head of the Division: Dr. RNDr. Ľudovít Kucharič, CSc.

8 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Basic and regional geological research and geological mapping Research on geological structu- ological maps cannot be designed issues general, basic and thematic re and geological evolution of the for example large line constructions, geological maps at scales required. Earth‘s crust combined with geologi- tunnels, water works, repositories of The main activities of three de- cal mapping is a knowledge base of radioactive wastes or other objects partments of the Division of Geologi- geology as a whole. It creates a ba- relevant to the national economy. cal Mapping and Research focused sis for the applied geological discipli- Knowledge of the geological struc- on basic and regional geological nes, which results directly respond to ture is a prerequisite for locating research (Department of Crystalline current needs of society. The level of geothermal wells, groundwater fl ow and Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Pa- basic geological research is directly modeling in parallel with proposals leogene Department, Department translated into practical outcomes. It for measures to protect them, search of Neogene and Quaternary) inclu- is essential that the knowledge base for suitable storage sites for different de the work to create maps of the is continually improved. Lack or ou- types of waste and so on. territory of . In addition to tdating of geological information The synthesis of knowledge in these activities the Division was in- is often negatively refl ected both in geology provide geological maps. volved in other tasks in coordination the sphere of economic activity, as State Geological Institute of Dionýz with other ŠGÚDŠ departments and well as in environmental protection. Štúr is the only organization in Slo- geoscience centers in Slovakia and In other words, without the basic ge- vakia, which compiles, approves and abroad. Main results in 2008 By the end of 2008, after hard mited by the state bor- work and effort a team of geologists der. Given the small size from the State Geological Institute of of the sheets 25, 34, 44 Dionýz Štúr created and issued new and sheets 46 and 47 updated edition of general geologi- are depicted in a single cal maps of the entire territory SR print format, respectively. at scale 1 : 200 000 (Principal In- The geological maps are vestigator Dr. Vladimir Bezák, PhD.). amended by geological The General geological map cross-sections, tectonic consists of thirteen map sheets. Of units layout, the scheme these, only the sheet 36 (Banská of authors` participation Bystrica) is complete, the territories and attached universal depicted on the other sheets are li- legend. The compilation of maps at a scale of 1: 200 000 involved more than 40 geologists, parti- cularly from ŠGÚDŠ, but also from the Geological Institute of SAS, Faculty of Natural Sciences CU and Faculty BERG TU Košice and technical staff. The General geologi- cal map is a synthesis of current knowledge about the geological structure of General geological map of the Slovak Republic at scale Slovakia received since 1 : 200 000 – map sheet 26 Žilina

Annual Report 2008 9 the issuance of the fi rst series of ge- orientation in the geological structure ological maps 1: 200 000 in the 60- throughout the area studied. Therefo- ies of the last century. This synthesis re they are suitable for synthetic and is based on systematic geological scientifi c work in the fi eld of applied mapping in scale 1: 25 000 within the geology. Maps of these scales are integrated regions, which were prog- regularly compiled in many Europe- ressively issued in scale 1 : 50 000. an countries. The General geological

anda anticipation ofo geological ha- zards (landslides anda earthquakes), design of under- groundg repositories ofo radioactive and othero toxic substan- ces.c It indicates tec- ttonic disturbances iin the Earth‘s crust, which may have positive (accumu- General Geological Map of the Slovak Republic at Scale 1 : 200000 lation of mineral (V. Bezák et al. 2008) deposits, springs, etc.) but also nega- map will also serve to correlate geolo- tive effects (earthquakes, radon risk). gical structure shown on the maps of The compilation of General geo- neighboring countries in a scale of 1 : logical map of Slovakia 1: 200 000 200 000, and to wider geological cor- comprised also two other separa- relations internationally, particularly in te printed works, in addition to the Alp-Carpathian mountain system and maps and explanations to it: Tectonic in tasks arising from the intentions of Map of Slovakia at scale 1: 500 000 SinceSince ththee editioeditionn oof the European Commission. with explanatory notes (Bezák et al., the fi rst such map (map of the Little Each geological map shows diffe- 2004) provides a current picture of Carpathians) in the year 1972 to the rent geological rock types, so that the the tectonic activity of the area of present there were issued 47 regio- darkest colours refl ect the age of the ol- Slovakia and it amends the synoptic nal maps of the total 51 regions, in dest rocks and the brighter colors repre- geological structure and geological which Slovakia is divided. The geo- sent the youngest rocks. The geological units presented in the joint explanato- logical maps 1 : 50 000 provided the map serves to search for groundwater ry text. The book History of Geology groundwork for the compilation of the and geothermal energy resources, for in Slovakia in two volumes describes General geological map at a scale of ore deposits and non-metallic mine- in detail and illustratively the deve- 1 : 200 000. rals, oil and gas prospection, designing lopment of geological knowledge The geological maps of this scale of major engineering road and hydro- and history of geological surveys of are important because they enable technical constructions, assessment our territory.

10 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) An important mapping work is undoubtedly Quaternary Geological map of Slovakia at scale 1: 500 000 (in press 2009, Principal Investigator Dr. Maglay Juraj). This map is dedi- cated to a synthesis of Quaternary- geological lessons learned through a long-termed conceptual Quaterna- ry research in Slovakia. It provides a basic overview of the latest state of current knowledge concerning the geological structure and Quaterna- ry development of our territory. It il- lustrates the resulting structuring of the Quaternary cycle in the scope Geological map of Quaternary of Slovakia – thickness of Quaternary cover (J. Maglay et al.) of the geodynamic evolution of the Western Carpathians and the Panno- ceptual scope of this kind and scale of wide practical application in the nian Basin in Slovakia and its impact it presents a qualitative evaluation of fi elds of applied geology - hydrogeo- on the character of the distribution of the Quaternary deposits thickness in logy, engineering geology, geophys- genetic types of the Quaternary de- Slovakia closely related to each ge- ics, but also in the fi eld of aquacultu- posits. For the fi rst time in the con- netic type. The map has a potential re, agriculture or construction.

Geological map of Quaternary of Slovakia – genetic types of Quaternary deposits (J. Maglay et al.)

Annual Report 2008 11 European moufl on (Ovis musimon) on the slopes of the Small Carpathians Mts. between Plavecký Mikuláš and Plavecké Podhradie. Photo: M. Havrila

WhiteW Carpathians Small Carpathians MountainsM and the southerns part of the MyjavskáM pahorkatina UplandU (Principal In- vestigator Dr. Michal Pot- faj,f CSc.), Low Beskydy MountainsM - western ppart (Principal Investi- gator Ing. Martin Ková- ččik - RC Košice). The mmapping is carried out bby conventional metho- ddology with depiction in tthe topographic ground- SlopesSl off KršlenicaK šl i aboveb PlaveckýPl kýM Mikulášik láš – WettersteinWttti wwork in the scale facies of the Veterlín nappe. Photo: M. Havrila 1 : 25 000, in areas with ccomplicated geological sstructure at a scale of 1 : 10 000. There is ela- bborated a primary docu- Example of map sheets layout and sketch of the geo- mmentation of individual logical formations distribution in the Small Carpathi- documentation points ans Mts. (M. Polák et al.) in the scale 1 : 25 000, The compilation of regional geolo- these are subsequently gical maps of the territory of Slovakia processed and fi nally the at scale 1: 50 000, and text explanati- maps of the documentary ons continued with fieldwork in these points are drawn. Along with areas: Small Carpathians (Principal the documentation maps Investigator Dr. Milan Polák, PhD.), Zá- geological samples are horská nížina Lowland (Principal In- processed using different Paleogene basal conglomerate facies upon Gutenstein lime- vestigator Dr. Klement Fordinál, PhD.), laboratory methodologies stones ridge of the Veterlín nappe located on the Vápenica. (petrographic, ge- Photo: M. Havrila oochemical, pala- eeontological and iisotopic analyses, ssedimentological, mmicrofacies and mmicrobiostratigra- pphic research, eetc.). Technical wwork in areas cove- rred with thick Qua- tternary (Zahorska nnížina Lowland) iincludes shallow ddrilling, followed Portal of the cave Deravá skala in Mokrá dolina valley near Dr. M. Polák, CSc., documenting the rock exposure on Plavecký Mikuláš - the cave is formed in the Gutenstein lime- the ridge of Vysoká in the Small Carpathians Mts. Photo: by documentation stone of the Veterlín nappe, left erected layers of the Reifl ing I. Filo and evaluation. limestone. Photo: M. Havrila

12 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Dr. M. Havrila carrying out geological mapping in the Small Carpathians Mts.. Photo: M. Olšavský

Natural window in the Small Carpathians Mts. in Badenian breccia composed of Lower Triassic quartzites (behind an enterprise Tech- nické sklo Bratislava). Photo: A. Nagy

Záhorská nížina Lowland

Dr. J. Maglay and Mgr. M. Ábelová, PhD., at drilling and documenting shal- low boreholes in the Záhorská nížina Lowland. Photo: K. Fordinál

Foraminifera Borelis mello FICHTEL et MOLL. Sandberg beds, Miocene, lo- cality Kuchyňa, map sheet Jablonové (34443). Photo: D. Boorová

Cross-bedding in Quaternary sand dunes in the Záhorská nížina Lowland near Map sheets layout and mapping scheme of the region Plavecký Štvrtok. Photo: K. Fordinál Záhorská nížina Lowland. (K. Fordinál et al.)

Annual Report 2008 13 Folded Pieniny lime- stones in the Myjava Klippen. Photo: M. Potfaj

Biele Karpaty Mts. and Myjavská pahorkatina Upland

Scenery of the Klippen Belt above Turá Lúka. On the horizon Biele Karpaty nappe. Photo: M. Potfaj

Core of an amonite from Lipovec (Lubina settlement). Photo: M. Potfaj Carbonised plant debris in the Neogene sandstone in the quarry near Podbranč. Photo: M. Potfaj

Nízke Beskydy

Smilno, exposure near NW margin of the Smilno tectonic outlier, Smilno Formation; a) 2 beds of black (menilite) chert enclosed in black-grey claystone, b) black-grey to black claystoneM. Kováčik

Map sheets layout of the region Nízke Beskydy – western part – with depiction of the territory mapped in 2008 (M. Kováčik et al.)

14 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Uncovering of mammoth tusk from loess near Ratnovce in Považský Inovec Mts. Photo: M. Ábelová

In addition to work on drawing up geological maps the staff of the Division of geological research and mapping strongly contributed to the scientifi c research activities. In col- laboration with archaeologists they studied, for example, Bratislava‘s Castle extramural settlement history in the former Vydrica area.

Archaeological research of the Bratislava‘s Cas- Profi le through deluvial outwash deposits covering cultural layers of Slavic and Celtic settle- tle extramural settlement. Photo: M. Ábelová ments in the territory of old Vydrica below the Bratislava Castle. Geologists from the Department With microscope and of Neogene and Quaternary were electronic raster microscope also involved in fi nding and sub- the specialists in micro- sequent rescue, preservation and palaeontolology and micro- transport of mammoth remnants biostratigraphy evaluated from the loess sediments near Rat- rock samples from drilling, novce in the Považský Inovec Mts. geological mapping and lithostratigraphical research in the regions of Slovakia.

Solitary coral. A pebble of organogen- ic reef limestone of “Urgonian facies“. Late Barremian – Early Aptian, locality Lúčky – Hlboké, Chočské vrchy Mts. Photo: D. Boorová

Mammoth tusk at exposure and primary pres- ervation. Photo: M. Ábelová Association of Badenian foraminifers, Zbudza, Eastern Slovakia. Photo: A. Zlinská

Annual Report 2008 15 Ridge of the Lúčanská Malá Fatra Mts., view from Jedľovina. Photo: M. Olšavský

In 2008, work continued on a multidisciplinary project Update of geological structure of problem- atic areas in the Slovak Republic in scale 1 : 50 000 (Principal Investiga- tor Dr. Ľubomír Hraško, PhD.). With its broad thematic scope and focus the project freely builds on success- ful ŠGÚDŠ projects like multistage Regional geological research in Slo- vakia, Geodynamic model of the Western Carpathians and Tectogene- sis of sedimentary basins of Slovakia. The project „Update“ was prepared in accordance with the Concept of geo- logical research and exploration, as well as in accordance with the inten- tion of the Commission approving the project of Digital geological map of the Slovak Republic in scale 1 : 50 000. After the Commission approval the geological map outputs will be in- corporated as a new, updated map levels in a digital map. The project is implemented on the basis of annual Dr.D MilanMil HavrilaH il takingki measurements off stratifiifi cationi at al localityli SS SSEE fKof KamennájájP Porubab i in approved projects. Malá Fatra. Photo: M. Olšavský

Malá Fatra – view of the Hoblík massif from Valentov diel above Višňové. Photo: M. Olšavský In late 2007 and in 2008, in the biňa and Turčianske Jaseno si- scope of the project Update of ge- tes - relics of Middle Eocene reef ological structure of problematic limestone of Borové Formation) areas in the Slovak Republic in – Žilina Basin - site Nezbudská scale 1 : 50 000 the following tasks Lúčka - Borové Formation. In- were completed: vestigators: Dr. Stanislav Bu- cek, PhD. and Ivan Filo Inner Carpathian Palaeogene – Turiec Basin and the northwestern Microphotograph of Palaeogene Middle Eocene foraminifers from the vicinity of Nez- edge of the Veľká Fatra Mts. (Skla- budská Lúčka. Magnifi ed 5x. Photo: S. Buček

16 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Geological structure of the SW Veporicum – in the area of Sedem chotárov altitudinal point. Investigators: Dr. Ľubomír Hraško, PhD., Dr. Rastislav Demko, PhD., Mgr. Štefan Ferenc, PhD.

Sedem chotárov masssif (602,2 m) represents the south-westernmost segment of contiguous Crystalline and Kohút zone of Veporicum unit. To the west it overlaps thicker series of neovolcanites, in the south submerg- es below the Neogene South-Slova- kian Basin fi ll. Geological structure of Veporicum unit is here developed in two separate Alpine blocks – the South and the North ones. These are covered by different types of Young Geological map of the vicinity of Sklabiňa and Turčianske Jaseno at scale 1 : 25 000 (I. Filo) Palaeozoic envelope. By the end of the Middle Eocene sandstones, dated transgrading sea fl ooded the area of back to the base of today Turiec Basin. To date, only relics the Upper Eocene of subtatric sediments are preserved (SBZ 19, from 37 in the northeastern part of the Turiec to 36 million years). basin. Termination of shal- The marine sediments of the low water lagoonal Borové Formation are deposited on environment was Mesozoic Hronicum and Veporicum caused by a signi- (Fatricum) formations. There domi- fi cant deepening of nate coarse-detritic sediments, but the marine environ- locally had originated isolated lago- ment. onal environs, in which organogenic Based upon the bioherm limestones deposited and association of lar- small coral grew. ge foraminifers the Marine Borové Formation of the occurrence of the Turiec Basin dates back to the Middle Basal Formation Eocene - Bartonian (SBZ 17 to 18 in in the Žilina Basin the range of 37-40 million years). Or- at the site Nezbud- ganogenic limestones frequently con- ská Lúčka-quarry tain large foraminifers, which allow can affiliated to the their dating to the Upper Bartonian Borové Formation (end SBZ 17 - SBZ 18, from 37 to 39 of Middle Eoce- million years). Bioherm development ne - Early Barto- of the Turiec basin had long duration. nian age (SBZ 17), Towards the limestone overburden the which occurs in the bioherm limestones transit gradually similar position in into sandy limestones and fi nally pass the northern part into carbonate sandy sandstones to of the Turiec Basin. Geological map of the Sedem chotárov masssif, scale 1 : 25 000 Hraško et al.

Annual Report 2008 17 Manuscript of the geological cross-section through rock units in the area of Predná hoľa, Nízke Tatry Mts. (M. Kováčik)

In the southern block below the A refi nement of the crystalline ská Bukovinka. The amphibolites re- lower Triassic basement made of complexes continuation neovol- present fragments of thicker banded metaquartzites (Föderata unit) slaty canites below the basement in so- gneisses. Large group of xenoliths metaarcoses are present belonging uthern Slovakia are syenitic rocks. Pincinites and simi- to Lower Permian Rimava Forma- Investigator: Dr. Patrik Konečný, PhD. lar rocks are defi ned as the rocks for- tion. The metaarcoses are probably med by oligoclase to andesine, silica overlying Pre-Lower Carboniferous Neogene-Quaternary volcanic and glass, from which ortopyroxene Crystalline (presence of the Slatvina activitym manifestations in the so- and ilmenite can crystallize. Besides Formation of Upper Carboniferous uthern Slovakia enables an unique Pinciná these rocks are also present age has not been documented). The study of the composition of the rock in other locations. In the composition Crystalline belonging to the southern mass deep levels in the Earth‘s crust, of the crust were also involved albitic block is made of granitoids, but mainly which otherwise, are not accessible gneisses, gabbro consisting of am- of metabasics complex (amphibolites, to direct studies. The volcanic rocks, phibole, plagioclase and pyroxene in metadiorites, leptinites, hornblendi- while surging to the surface, captured varying proportions, diorites and va- tes, less gneisses) in substantially and carried up fragments (xenoliths) rious types of megacrystalls. greater extent than that shown in old of surrounding maps. The lower part of the northern crystalline rocks block is made of thin scales of partly from the deep metamorphosed Alpine migmatites. subsoil of the So- The immediate envelope of migma- uth-Slovakian Ba- tites is monotonous metamorphic sin. The xenoliths complex arcosic sandstones (Upper enclosed in volca- Permian?), which gradually passes nites in Lučenec into Lower Triassic quartzites and Basin and Cerová carbonate members of Tuhár Me- vrchovina Uplands sozoic (Middle and Upper Triassic). consist of rocks This refl ects the different positions of which were cap- the two Crystalline blocks over youn- tured at different ger Paleozoic and their convergence depth levels at the in the Alpine stage. time of volcanic or The area of Sedem chotárov magmatic activity. massif is famous for extensive histo- The lithology of ric gold mining sites. The gold was xenoliths is varied. exploited predominantly from delu- Detailed petrogra- vial-eluvial sediments even in the phy study revea- 18th century. led various types of Neogene sedi- Update of the margins of ma- ments, but mainly rine and brackish horizons in the crystalline rocks Neogene basins of the Western originating from Carpathians. deep basinal ba- Investigators: Dr. Ján Kráľ, CSc., sement. Extended Dr. Klement Fordinál, PhD., Mgr. are monomineral Emília Harčová, Mgr. Peter Čech quartz xenoliths (quartzoliths, si- This topic has been the backbone lexites); gneisses project of the Isotope Geology De- with plagioclase partment (in more detail in the chap- are relate only to Microphotograph of rock slice SB6 from the site Šiatorská Bukovin- ka. Rock: coarse amphibole-plagioclase gabbro: a) parallel nicols, b) ter Isotope Geology). the area of Šiator- crossed nicols. Scale: 1 mm. Photo: P. Konečný

18 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) From the identifi ed xenoliths types it is possible to derive profi le throught the Crust. It is assumed that the lower Crust is made of banded gneisses and amphibolites of Early Palaeozoic or Late Proterozoic age. The decisive Correlation of lithotypes from wells of the Javorie neovolcanites with similar rocks occurrences in metamorphic processes were asso- Veporicum (V. Kollárová and Ľ. Hraško.) ciated with the Alpine tectonic proces- The aim was to bring mineralogical and ry suit can be allocated to the Late ses. Miocene evolutionary stage is petrographic characteristics of rocks Carboniferous of Hronicum. Within marked by the generation of andesite found in the neovolcanites basement the low metamorphic green shales and alkaline magma. Monazites from in response to previously published (primarily mostly basic tuffs) there syenites were dated back to Oligocene data. New research has succeeded to were found altered small bodies of (35 million years) and even younger reinterprete some in the past otherwi- amphibolic dacites or andesites („ke- and syenites which underwent catac- se described types of crystalline rocks ratophyres“), but the extension of aci- lasis were dated based upon thorite from boreholes and to show a continu- dic volcanites or porphyrooides failed analyses for 17 to 20 million years; this ed expansion of essential rock types to be confi rmed. These metabasic corresponds to an earlier stage of the of the Veporicum Crystalline under ne- rocks along with associated clastic volcanic phase. Its products have not ovolcanic stratovolcanic complexes of metasediments in the zones of ma- reached the surface, but they were the Javorie Mts. ximum deformation have the same trapped in different crustal levels in the structural and metamorphic record as form of laccoliths. The age of pincinite Geological structure and meta- Veporicum envelope units. The Vepo- (9 to 15 million years) and equivalent morphosis of volcano-sedimenta- ricum Mesozoic - the quartzites with metamorphic rocks (9 to 13 million ye- ry zone on the northeastern fl anks relics of carbonates - often occurs in ars) shows multilevel stage of buried of Kráľova hoľa. form of rocky cliffs as tectonic outlier, Miocene volcanicism. Investigator Dr. Martin Kováčik, CSc. which we perceive as the basement The gneiss xenoliths from Šiator- of „Predná Hoľa complex“; recently ská Bukovinka cannot regarded as an On the origin of low metamor- termed as Hronicum Carbonifero- analogy of the South Veporicum me- phosed volcano-sedimentary rock us. In the structural transformation tamorphites of the hybridic complex. zone („Predná hoľa complex“), typi- of the studied zone a dominant role They could belong to unknown tectonic cal of striking horizons of metabasic plays the Pohorelá shear system ag- unit. Monazites Dating confi rmed Crea- rocks have been spoken multiple ree, which we correlate with the main taceous Alpine metamorphic stage. viewpoints. The focus of the work phase of Alpine tectonometamorphic consisted of fi eld and petrographic reworking of the Veporicum unit. A refi nement of the crystalline studies; attention was paid complexes continuation in the ba- to the primary lithological sement of the central zone of the relationships, meso- and Javorie neovolcanites. microstructures as well as Solvers: Mgr. Viera Kollárová, PhD., alpine tectonometamorphic Dr. Ľubomír Hraško, PhD. deterioration of rocks. The study of metabasic rocks The contact of the Veporicum allowed a relatively objec- Crystalline with the Javorie neovol- tive characterization of the canites, its continuation underneath degree of metamorpho- neovolcanic rocks and the xenoliths sis, which is a difficult task presence in the borehole KŠ33 re- within common clastic me- sembling chunks of crystalline base- tasediments or carbonates. ment gave a momentum to detect the Based on the results of Microphotograph of rock slice - detail of segmented slate presence of Veporicum Crystalline in the study we conclude that composed of carbonate, quartz and sericite (cross nicols). Holá Pálenica area east of the alt. point. Kráľova hoľa, upper boreholes realized in the Javorie Mts. this volcano-sedimenta- River. Scale: 0.5 mm Photo: M. Kováčik

Annual Report 2008 19 Panoramic view of Vysoké Tatry from Poprad Basin. Photo: J. Madarás

The learning about the Earth‘s ge- ological structure and creation of geo- logical maps is one of the fundamental mission of geology, which opens additi- onal directions in the fi eld of geology. Geological map provides a two- dimensional view of the geological structure of the territory. Accounting for a complexity of such structure, like in Slovakia, the interpretation of surface geology downwards is a chal- lenge also for professionals. The ef- fi ciency and the need for knowledge of geological structure underground is essential not only in gnoseological terms, but many applied geological disciplines (such as hydrogeology, en- vironmental geology and, the use of geothermal energy, etc.) are directly dependent on knowledge of geologi- cal structure in the depth. Therefore ŠGÚDŠ began to develop modern geological application - computerized three-dimensional (3D) modeling.

Project One of the stages of creation of 3D models using Petrel software is to make the surfaces of Upper Nitra Basin three- individual stratigraphic levels. The fi gure shows the process of making the surface of Paleogene dimensional geological modeling basement isobath in the Upper Nitra Basin (NW view of the basin). Yellow arrow shows Malá of the exposed territory (respon- Magura fault and its projection at surface, green arrow indicates North. sible investigator Dr. Kotulová Júlia), fi nanced from resources of the Mi- dimensional models of basin, which nimate and living nature and natural nistry of Environment SR, is one of should be ready in early 2010, will monuments. Geological-educational the fi rst tasks that are designed to serve not only experts in the fi eld of map of High Tatras is after the map of create 3D geological model. Three- geology and environmental issues, Cerová Upland and Vihorlat Mts. the but also the general public. Anyone third in the series of maps of this kind. of us will be able to form an idea of The project intention is to display Tat- how it looks and from what consists ra Mountains and adjacent areas ge- not only the superfi cial soil upon ology in a public-friendly form, i.e. to which he walks, but also about so- compile for this purpose a simplifi ed mething much, much deeper. geological map with main geological units and the basic features of the In 2008 the project of Geological geological structure. Deeper struc- Educational Map of High Tatras in ture will be illustrated by geological scale 1 : 50 000 continued (Principal sections. The geological map will be Investigator Dr. Bezák Vladimír, PhD.). amended on explanatory text. A spe- The purpose of issuing educational cial-purpose map will involve the main tourist maps is besides a contribution features of natural environment, par- to the development of protection of ticularly the biosphere and protected Upper Nitra Basin – interpretation of the our cultural heritage also creation of sites as well as interesting cultural- basement surface of Čausa Formation using sofware Petrel (NE view of the basin). awareness on the protection of ina- historical objects.

20 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) The main activity of RC Banská Bystrica staff in 2008 was the project of Maps of paleovolcanic recon- struction of rhyolite volcanites in Slovakia and analysis of magmatic and hydrothermal processes (Prin- cipal Investigator Dr. Rastislav Dem- ko, PhD.).

Rhyolite glass, obsidian with chaotic fl uidal structure, which is the result of varying de- grees of syneruption degassing. Miscellane- ous H2O content affects the resulting colour of Rhyolite glass with fl uidal structure. Location: the rhyolite glass, as well as the degree of its Lehôtka pod Brehmi. Microscopic detail of a devitrifi cation. Location: Lehôtka pod Brehmi. sample from the previous slide. Parallel nicols. Photo: R. Demko Photo: R. Demko The project is being solved is ad- rocks and ore mineralizations under- dressed in the scope of thematic units go petrographic, mineralogical and Lithofacies analysis, Mineralogy, Pet- geochemical studies using modern rography and Petrology, Paleovolca- analytical methods (microprobe, nic reconstruction, Compilation of X-ray analysis, fl uid inclusions study, 3D and 4D models Clarifi cation of isotopic analysis). development of small lacustrine ba- sins with limnoquartzites, Characte- rization of hydrothermal processes, Characteristic changes of rhyolite Mgr. J. Mikušová and Dr. R. Demko, PhD., at volcanism products, Characteristics sampling in the vicinity of Nová Baňa. Photo: and genesis of non-metallic mine- A. Janega rals. The emphasis is on detailed fi eld and laboratory study of rhyolite Kapitulské bralá cliffs. Exposed rhyolite extru- volcanism in Slovakia in space (3D), sions of the altitudinal point Pustý hrad. Photo: but also over time (4D). Sampled R. Demko

Reconstructed phase diagram for the primary rhyolite magma of Jastrabá Formation at ini- tial content of H2O = 4 % of mass. The model reconstruction is done using software MELTS (Ghiorso and Sack, 1995) and serves as an aid in interpreting petrographic characteristics of phenocrysts associations in rhyolites of the 3D model of the Nová Baňa vicinity with boreholes. An example of an output from 3D modeling. Jastrabá Formation. Authors: Ing. A. Janega and Ing. J. Smolka, CSc.

Annual Report 2008 21 Cover of Annual Raw VzĢah medzi obsahom "zeolitového" minerálu a amorfnej fázy na jednotlivých Minerals of SR 2008 (P. lokalitách vo východoslovenských neovulkanitoch (ložiskách a výskytoch zeolitových surovín - mordenitového-Mo a klinoptilolitového-Kl typu) Baláž et al.) 80,0 Byšta-Mo 70,0


Byšta-Mo 50,0 Majerovce-Kl PEO-1 59,0 30,0 PEO-2 48,5 40,0 Petrovce-Mo 40,0 PEO-3 79,1 11,1 M-1T 35,0Majerovce-Kl 39,3 M-2T 43,3 44,5 Kuþín-Kl Petrovce-Mo 30,0 KUC-1T 52,3 21,6 KUC-2T 47,3 33,3 NH-1T 57,6 Kuþín-Kl20,2 obsah amorfnej fázy (%) NH-2T 50,2 18,9 20,0 PC-1 60,9 11,5 Relation between “zeolite“ By-3AT 34,7 Nižný52,6 Hrabovec-Kl Nižný Hrabovec-Kl By-3BT 30,4 69,6 Petrovce-Mo By-3S 87,5 5,8Pusté ýemerné-Kl mineral content and amor- 10,0 phous phase at individual Byšta-Mo 0,0 sites in East-Slovakian neo- 25,0 35,0 45,0 55,0 65,0 75,0 85,0 95,0 volcanites (P. Bačo) obsah zeolitového minerálu (%)

Raw Minerals Department llaunched. La- bboratory works The subject of the geological wwere designed to project Analysis of Fuel-Energetic ccapture metal ca- Raw Minerals and Possibilities for ttions (Pb, Zn, Cu, Exploitation of the Prognosing HHg, Ni, Al, Cd, Resources Accounting for their SSr, Cs and NH4) Economic Effectiveness (Principal sself-contained in Investigator Ing. Peter Baláž, PhD., aan aqueous en- RC Spišská Nová Ves) is a com- vvironment abo- prehensive analysis and evaluation vve the threshold of energy raw mineral resources in anda emergency Slovakia. The results will serve as concentrations.c a comprehensive base for deciding Morphological 3D model of a wider surroundings of the deposit Nižný Hrabovec with a depiction of worked-out space by the year 1985 and Based on the re- on the use of energy mineral reso- situation of the quarry in 2007 (P. Bačo) sults of technical urces in the future. In 2008 activities tests we can state were focused in particular on the In 2008 continued a research work shows that zeolitized tuffs show good creation of a complete digital layers on the project of strategic environ- sorption capacity in relation to the Ni- of mining areas, protected deposit mental raw materials (Principal In- cation and in the concentrations above areas, prognosing sources and mi- vestigator Dr. Pavol Bačo, RC Košice). the threshold in relation to the cations neral deposits polygons. Updated The work was focused on digitizing Cd, Sr, Cu, Pb, Al and Zn, for which data on mineral deposits and eco- the graphic outputs of the projects the value of sorption efficiency ranges nomic databases, including graphic along with calculating the resources from 86 to 99% . documents which will be connected (geological maps, maps of explora- Interpretation of special laboratory in the form of raster grid to the da- tion works, geological and compu- work demonstrated the genetic trends tabase system. The evaluation is ting cross-sections) for the database in the distribution of productive com- underpinned by a technical-econo- inevitable to create 3D models. Thus ponent on various deposits of zeoli- mic conversion algorithm in Micro- were processed clinoptilitized depo- tes in their spatial geological position. soft Excel, which will serve to model sits (and sometimes montmorilloniti- On the basis of their potential can be economic evaluation of individual zed) rhyodacite Hrabovec tuffs of the interpreted source area (eruptions deposit objects. Nižný Hrabovec Formation - deposits centre) of rhyodacite tuffs and the fact Majerovce, Kučín, Nižný Hrabovec that the only place with the possibility The Yearbook Mineral resour- and Pusté Čemerné, deposit of per- of productive component enrichment ces of SR 2008 ((eds. Ing. Peter Ba- litized vitreous facies of the rhyolite is the Byšta site. láž, RC Spišská Nová Ves, and Mgr. complex Bor- Dušan Kúšik, ŠGÚDŠ Bratislava) suk - Malá Bara was issued for the eleventh time. It and perlite de- documents the status and use of raw posit Lehôtka mineral material base in Slovakia for pod Brehmi. 2007. The Yearbook was elaborated In the scope by the staff of the Department in of a technologi- collaboration with the Department cal research the of records and protection of mineral sorption and resources (Geofond). The aim is to desorption tests provide annually professional, busi- of perlitized ze- ness and public sector, as well as olitic materials government authorities with a set of was completed updated information on the mineral and a work on wealth of the Slovak Republic. Sorption effectiveness of individual cations by zeolitized tuffs of clinoptilized bentonites was and mordenite type (P. Bačo)

22 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Research staffs of ŠGÚDŠ and GEOMIN Jihlava at fi eld magnetometric measure- ments in the area of Čierne in the Kysucké Beskyd Mts. (from the left: M. Repčiak, B.Veleba, M.Abrahám, P. Kubeš, I. Miháľ, J. Melicherčík). Photo: P. Bačo

skás Bystrica) the representation of individual mi- wasw launched in nerals in ores and their complex 2008.2 The theme mineralogy. Equally important was buildsb on promo- the geochemical study of ores and tion-educationalt surrounding rocks. The study tied activities,a such up previous research (in the years asa Banská Štiav- 2006 to 2007) and has yielded new nican Geopark. knowledge about U(Mo) mineraliza- TheirT aim is to tion, its genesis and precise petro- bringb professio- graphical character of this interesting naln activities to deposit. thet wider pub- licl (in this case particularlyp rich pastp and pre- sents mining of An example of chromium (Cr) distribution in alluvial sediments from the ore and non-me- area of NW part of the Kysucké Beskydy Mts. (P.Bačo et al.) tallic materials in In 2008 in the scope of the project the region of Kremnické vrchy, Sta- of environmental research and eco- rohorské vrchy and Poľana Mts.). logical characteristics of ecologi- cal loads in the Outer Flysch of the Among major contracts outside Western Carpathians, Jablunkovská the budget of the Ministry of Envi- brázda (furrow) region (CR) - Kysuc- ronment we can present Applied ké Beskydy (SR) (Principal Investiga- Mineralogical-Geochemical Rese- tor Dr. Pavel Bačo, RC Košice) were arch of UMo mineralization of the made primarily geological fi eld works - deposit Košice IKurišková (Princi- sampling, geophysical measurements pal Investigator Mgr. Štefan Ferenc, and documentary work. We fi nished PhD., RC Banská Bystrica). Košice sampling of soils and river sediments IKurišková (former name Jahodná) Autoradiogramm of UMo-rich ore from the in the scope of the areal research and represents the most promising depo- Ist horizon of the deposit Kurišková. Photo: we began to implement the fi eld work sits of uranium ores in the Western Š Ferenc in the research on the geophysical pro- Carpathians. Research will focus fi le lines. All work is closely coordina- on various types of ore mineralogy Personnel of the Department of mi- ted with a team of workers of GEOMIN of only four known locations of ore neral resources in the RC Spišská Nová Jihlava, who are the partners from the deposits, and to study alterations of Ves contribute to addressing these ge- Czech side of this joint Slovak-Czech ores as well as surrounding rocks, ological projects: Basic hydrogeochemic project. mapm of Slovenský Based on the results of labora- rajr Mts. at a sca- tory work there were compiled dis- le of 1 : 50 000, tribution maps of tracked elements. BasicB hydroge- On this basis, the areas of increased ochemico map of contents of some elements, eg. Cu, BukovskéB vrchy Co, Cr, but also Hg, As, etc., were Mts.M map at a sca- delineated. le of 1 : 50 000, MiningM Waters SR The project Geopark Banská ini relation to rock Bystrica (Principal Investigator environmente and View of the village Ľubietová from old heaps of the ore fi eld Reiner. Pho- Mgr. Štefan Ferenc, PhD., RC Ban- to: Š. Ferenc mineral deposits.

Annual Report 2008 23 Dr. P. Kubeš, CSc., carrying out fi eld magnetic sounding in Vysoké Tatry Mts. Photo: Ľ. Kucharič

Geophysics Department which was missing in Geophysical In- formation System up to now. The next In 2008 ended the project of Mag- major output when addressing the ob- netic Map of Slovakia (Principal jectives of the project is a synoptic map Investigator Dr. Kubeš Peter, PhD.). of magnetic anomalies sources at a Overall, about 16 000 geomagnetic scale of 1 : 200 000, which contains in- points were measured. Total number formation on space-distribution of mag- of validation profi le measurements netic rocks, not only in the Pre-Tertiary (points) with 50 m step was 925. After basement rocks, but also on potential additional measurement of territory products of Tertiary volcanism. lacking geomagnetic measurements and after data processing an uniform In 2008, by the fi nal report work Challenging Access to measuring points in Flysch Carpathians. Photo: P. Kubeš magnetic database in the form of grid was completed in scope of the pro- 125 x 125 m was completed, which ject Databank of Geophysical Me- a relational database, object-oriented enabled the construction of magne- asurements - Vertical Electrical geophysical information system and tic maps up to scale 1: 50 000. Soundings (Principal Investigator Dr. geophysics databank with a set of The principal output of the geolo- Gluch Augustín). The project intention relevant documents from 6982 VES gical project is unifi ed Magnetic Map was to create the geological databa- measurements reaching a length of of Slovakia in scale 1: 500 000, which se of geophysical measurements in the spacing AB = 200 - 6 000 m from provides a holistic view of the magnetic the modifi cation of VES in the de- the Podunajská nížina Lowland. rocks extended at the territory of Slova- signated areas of the territory of SR Processed are all necessary data kia. This is particularly the northern part (districts: Galanta, Dunajská Streda, and information necessary for inter- of the territory where we have assumed Šaľa, Senec, Bratislava II and V, Nové pretation, or reinterpretation of archi- the presence of magnetic rocks. The Zámky, Komárno and partially Pezi- ved VES. The results may contribute unifi ed database served for compilation nok and Bratislava I and III) with an to the solution of geological structure of magnetic maps in scale 1 : 200 000, area of about 5228 km2. The output is in the studied area, for example in

Magnetic map of Slovakia at scale 1 : 500 000 (P. Kubeš et al., 2008)

24 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Situation of VES objects in the area of Po- dunajská nížina Lowland, scale 1 : 200 000 (A. Gluch et al.)

database and registry of the geologic-geophysical work re- sults (Dr. A. Gluch, RC Spišská Nová Ves). Since the launching of the work (2005) the Geophy- sical archive and database have included 87 total archival optical media (DVDR) with more than determining the thickness and litho- morphology and in-depth ratios and it 47 000 fi les in a volume excee- logy of Quaternary and partially also has allowed its fi nal classifi cation. We ding 360 gigabytes; Neogene sediments. used the modeling software GMSYS – Set of map of environmental Compiled geophysical information (Geosoft). Other works were underta- geofactors - Ľubovnianska vr- system (GfIS) provides a groundwork to ken at other workplaces of ŠGÚDŠ. chovina Upland and Spišská the public but also to state administra- This concerns special technology Magura Mts. – with complex so- tion, municipalities and higher territorial and laboratory tests microprobe ana- lution of the part Natural radio- units (e.g. for major investment pro- lyses, petrological and geochemical activity (Dr. A. Gluch); jects), and to vocational high schools research focused in carbonatization – RAW - Assessment of geologi- and other entities comprehensive and reactions of CO exposure, injecting cal and geoenvironmental fac- 2 tors for a deep repository for relevant documents and information CO2 into the rock environment and about exploration and the results of identifying the hydrogeological pro- the collection of highly radio- measurements by one of the geoe- perties of rocks. active waste – gasometric (ra- lectrical methods - VES. The benefi t To assess sequestration in aqui- don) survey was completed; is the smooth joining of database with fers there were processed geophysi- – Partial monitoring system – Ge- those of the surrounding states, since cal results from Myjavská pahorkatina ological factors 05 - monitoring of the application software is a world stan- Upland in the wider surrounding of radon volume activity in the geo- dard at processing and visualization of the borehole Lubina 1 and as well as logical environment; data of this kind (eg, the outputs of the deep sounding exploration from the – Geological Information System project GEOMIND), permanent and Danube Basin. A similar analysis was - GeoIS, Geophysics subsystem safe storage of results on optical stora- done in the East-Slovakian Basin and (Dr. A. Gluch). ge mediums, and easy manipulation of the Upper Nitra Basin. archived information and data. A part of this project was also an The Geophysics Department international project GEOMIND who- also participated in the projects se aim was to inventory and prepare solution in cooperation with other metadata of the results of VES mea- organizational units of ŠGÚDŠ: surements and gravimetry of the terri- tory of SR (investigator Dr. Szalaiová – for U.S. CO CO 2 storage options V., Geocomplex, as, Bratislava). Steel Košice (Dr. Ľ. Kucharič, PhD.); In 2008, the project of Quantita- – Maps of geophysical evidence tive Parameters of Selected Geo- and information in the regions logical Structures Suitable for the of Záhorská nížina Lowland, (Princi- Storage of CO2 continued Malé Karpaty Mts., Nízke pal Investigator Dr. Kucharič Ľudovít, Beskydy – the western part PhD). Magnetometric survey enhan- and Biele Karpaty Mts. (Dr. ced the contours of selected ultra- P. Kubeš, PhD., Dr. Ľ. Kucha- basic bodies. This served to further rič, PhD.); Example of archiving of structure-geological and work focus, particularly in terms of – work in building-up and fi l- geophysical map – Hydrogeothermal structure potential volume of single body, its ling of geophysical archive, Marcelová, M = 1 : 25 000 (L. Zbořil, 1986)


Personnel of the Division of special labo- ratories provide analytical service work for other organizational units of ŠGÚDŠ, espe- cially for the Division of geological research and mapping, Environmental geology divi- sion and Division of geoanalytical laborato- ries. Besides these tasks they are also in- volved in the projects of geological research and exploration.

The Division consists of the following de- partments: – Department of Applied Technology of Raw Minerals – RC KE (Head Ing. Ľubomír Tuček), – Department of Electron Microanalysis (Head RNDr. Patrik Konečný, PhD.), – Department of Isotope Geology (Head Assoc. Prof. Ján Kráľ, PhD.). The Division is directly subordinated to CAMECA SX 100. Photo: L. Martinský a Vice-Director for Sciences and Research.

26 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Department of Applied Technology of Raw Minerals (ATNS – RC Košice)

In search how to clean contami- nated water in efficient and fi nan- cially less expensive way, Košice Department of of Applied Technolo- gy of Raw Minerals (ATNS) ŠGÚDŠ tested ecologically sound natural materials in Slovakia, namely zeo- lites, bentonites and perlites. In the scope of the project of Strate- gic environmental materials (Princi- pal Investigator Dr. P. Bačo, RC Košice) the ATNS Department has implement- ed laboratory work, designed to cap- ture cations Pb, Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Al, Cs, Sr, NH4+ and phenol contained in aquatic environ above the threshold and above the emergency concentra- tions using sorbents prepared from the materials studied in static conditions. The aim was to achieve a high sorption efficiency (over 90%) with the residual Technological analyses of a sorption of pollutants` cations by natural sorbents – Ľ. Kovaničová, concentration of cations in water lower, K. Čechovská and Ľ. Tuček. Photo: Z. Németh than the values specifi ed in the appli- cable legislation. concentration, absorption capac- in the case of natural minerals - Mg/ Based on the results achieved ity) the conditions are determined Ca silicates. The aim of the ATNS (efficiency of sorption, residual under which the particular type of Department laboratory research in rock (sorbent) the scope of the project Quantita- will be capable tive Parameters of Selected Geo- and suitable for logical Structures Suitable for the (Principal Investiga- a removal of Storage of CO2 specifi c harm- tor Dr. Ľ. Kucharič, PhD.) is to accel- ful ingredients erate and make usable in industrial along with de- production a process of a chemical

termination of reaction of CO2 with appropriate selective prior- minerals. Technological research ity. Sequestra- of factors affecting the reactivity of

tion (disposal) the mineral components of CO2,

of industrial optimize parameters, namely CO2 carbon dioxide temperature (T), pressure (p) and duration (time) response - duration (CO2) by car- bonatization of the CO2 reaction.

under natural In 2008 we validated CO2 reac- conditions is tions on fi ve samples of ultramafi c very slow proc- rocks from the sites Hodkovce, Jasov J. Derco carrying out Rtg-diffraction analyses at the ATNS labora- ess, especially and Rudník. Technological adjustment tory. Photo: Z. Németh

Annual Report 2008 27 Nesquehonite (needle-shaped miner- als) and hydromagnesite (spherical)

evolve at CO2 absorption by serpen- tinite under ordinary PT conditions. Photo: P. Bačo of samples included grain size and Nesquehonite (Neq) and bar- thermal treatment, homogenization, ringtoniteite (Bar) crystallised within the process of induced quartering, silicate analyses (CHA), carbonatization at 50 °C due

X-ray. diffraction analyses (RTG), dif- to a rection of a CO2 mixture with H O with metaperidotite ferential thermal analysis (DTA) and 2 differential termogravimetric analysis – serpentinite:: a - idiomorphic crystals of nesquehonite in (DTG). binocular lens; b - idiomorphic Pilot reaction of pre-treated sam- crystals of nesquehonite and ples with CO were made under cer- barringtoniteite in binocular 2 lens; c - idiomorphic crystals of tain PT conditions in a laboratory nesquehonite, barringtoniteite, low-pressure reactor with continuous Ca-nesquehonite (CaNeq) and mixing of suspension made of a sol- Si-hydromagnesite (SihMag); re- id phase - serpentinite - and a liquid fl ected electrons, d - detail of hy- drated enstatite relict and newly phase – water, while the suspension crystallized barringtoniteite and was exposed to carbon dioxide. nesquehonite in refl ected elec- trons (M. Radvanec). After carbonatization and crystal- lization reactions there were prepared solid, highly pure carbonate minerals - especially nesquehonite, hydromag- nesite, less barringtoniteite, dypingite and also tiny grains of magnesite, dolomite and calcite, which fi xed fi rm-

ly CO2 in their lattices. In addition to these projects the ATNS Department implemented in 2008 technological, laboratory, environ- mental, mineralogical and petrographic work on another 7 projects granted from the state budget and works for 23 organizations outside the government budget (universities, SAS, Czech Geo- logical Survey, associations).

Crystallized product of artifi cial carbonatization

originating from the reaction of CO2 mixture with H2O with metaperidotite - serpentinite - at 200 ° C: a, b - a mixture of spherical form of hydromagnesite (hMag), nesquehonite (NEQ), barringtonite (Bar), sergeevite (Ser) and dypingite ( Dyp) in binocular lens; c - zonal grain of mixture of hydromagnesite (centre), sergeevite (centre), nesquehonite (frin- ge), barringtonite (fringe) and calcite (Cal); refl ec- ted electrons; d - the relationship of calcite and dypingite in refl ected electrons; e - carbonatization changed original diopside to association of calcite, hydromagnesite, dolomite (Dol) and magnesite (Mag); association of nesquehonite, hydromag- nesite and dypingite resulted from transformation of the original chrysotile (serpentinite); refl ected electrons f - relationship between hydromagnesite, Ca-magnesite (CaMag) and magnesite in refl ec- ted electrons (M.Radvanec).

28 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Department of Isotope Geology

The main analytical work of the the ratios of different vibration-rotational Department in 2008 were isotope spectra of molecules of different mass analyses of stable isotopes in sam- (isotopomers) contained in water by la- ples of surface and groundwaters (18O, ser absorption OAICOS (OffAxis Integ- D/H, S) and analysis of solid samples rated Cavity Output Spectroscopy). (mainly carbonates) for isotopic ana- The main activity of the Department lyses of 13C and 18O. Analytical work was the work on the project of Updated Assoc. Prof. Ján Kráľ, PhD., operating was part of several institute’s projects Geological Map of Slovakia at scale analytical equipment LWIA DLT100. Photo: (Updated Geological Map of Slovakia 1 : 50 000. The main objective of the L. Martinský at scale 1 : 50 000, Partial Monitoring sub-themes T08/06 - Clarifi cation of System - Groundwater, Elaboration of marine and brackish horizons bounda- To solve these stratigraphic issues Hydrogeological Conditions Synthesis ries in Neogene basins of the Western we used strontium isotope stratigra- of Slovakia) and some analyses were Carpathians was to determine differen- phy. A crucial point was a comparison done for external customers. ces in the isotopic composition of 87Sr/ of the isotopic composition of 87Sr/86Sr Since January 2008, analytical 86Sr in Miocene carbonate fossils tests and carbon and oxygen isotopes in work associated with the introduction of different ages (marine, brackish and fossil tests. There were studied the of new technology measuring isotope freshwater, stratigraphically affiliated to tests of foraminifers and molluscs from ratios D/H (or 18O/16O) in samples of Egerian to Pontian) and compare them sites in the Vienna Basin, Danube Ba- waters with salinity up to 4% has been with developments in the 87Sr/86Sr isoto- sin and Turiec Basin. The results show launched. Analytical equipment LWIA pe composition of contemporary sea- that the Neogene seawater of Central DLT100 was supplied by the US com- water. 46 Sr isotopic analyses of 13C/12C Paratethys was more or less compa- pany Los Gatos Research Inc., in late and 18O/16O became the basis for de- tible with the world ocean waters till December 2007; it allows to measure fi ning process of seawater turning to Sarmatian. According to the numerical brackish water in the studied scale of the SIS (Strontium Isotope aarea, i.e. the transformation Stratigraphy) onset of fi rst signals of oof the marine environment seawater brackishing in the studied oof Paratethys into the central samples occurred 12.2 million years PPannonian freshwater lake. ago. Fresh water in this area is of spe- TThe Neogene sediments of cifi c character – the isotopic ratio of tthe Western Carpathians strontium is less than contemporary aare represented by different seawater. Isotopic signal in the fos- lilithofacies from shallow-wa- sil tests confi rms mixing of strontium tter to deep-water ones, often from freshwaters derived from limesto- wwith little diversifi ed associa- nes and radiogenic strontium from ttions of organisms in which crystalline rocks, whereas the isotopic ddifferent taxa have a wide composition of fossils of freshwater en- sstratigraphic distribution. This vironment changed over time. The rate hhinders accurate stratigraphic of brackishing was signifi cant becau- ddefi nition of these deposits. Results of strontium isotope stratigraphy of Badenian fossils se from the period of 11.6 million ye- and position of samples analyzed on the curve of 87Sr/86Sr Some sedimentary basins ars ago there have been documented isotopic evolution in the marine water in the corresponding experienced sudden loss of notably brackish environment basins period, expressed in numerical time scale. White triangle their connection with oceanic throughout Central Europe basins. represents the limestone sample with bryozoans (SN-22) environment, they started to stratigraphically affiliated to Sarmatian. Although the isotopic The results of the project can composition of carbon and oxygen from this sample con- be isolated with consequent serve as an exact basis for more ac- fi rms its origin from notably brackish environ, the that-time environment brackishing and curate reconstruction of palaeogeo- water had kept its marine strontium isotope ratio, because genesis of endemic species graphic, palaeoclimate and tectonic its age estimated in the range SIS corresponds to its strati- associations graphic age. evolution of the territory under study.

Annual Report 2008 29 Cu-oxide – electron SEI image of crystals

Department of Electron Microanalysis tered electrons (BEI), which give ap- proximate information on the chemical In 2008 the Department of Electron 0.4 μm with routine precision up to 0.01 composition of the sample. The ca- Microanalysis (OEM) provided the ana- wt. % and in the case of trace elements todoluminescence detector senses the lytical work and preparation of samples measurement up to the tens of ppm. In visible light that is emitted from some for customers in Slovakia and abroad. addition, the device can draw up a line materials when bombarded with accel- Besides the analytical work the OEM and areal distribution of the elements erated electrons. The catodolumines- workers actively participated in solving contained in a sample (i.e. so called cence (CL) images give information the tasks of geological research. line profi les and x-ray maps). on the interior structure of the sample The Department of Electron Microa- The facility enables to measure regardless of its chemical composition. nalysis consists of the following work- chemical composition of solid mate- Electron microanalyzer CAMECA places: electron microanalysis, raster rial. The analyses are non-destructive, SX 100 with embedded ED detector electron microscope, sample prepara- i.e. the sample is not destroyed in the KEVEX DELTA + serves to identify indi- tion and research into fl uid inclusions. analysis. Samples must be electri- vidual chemical elements present in the The electron microanalysis lab- cally conductive, therefore the labora- sample. The device setup allows meas- oratory is the only one in Slovakia tory provides their carbon coating using urement even without the presence of equipped with top electron microana- a vacuum evaporator JEOL JEE4X. the operator (non-assisted measure- lyzer CAMECA SX 100. The device In addition to spectrometers, the ment, especially during night hours), of French production has been in op- device includes detectors, which al- which contributes signifi cantly to the in- eration since 2001. Thanks to four spec- low scanning of electron images: im- crease of the analyses effectiveness. All trometers in allows to acquire chemical ages formed by secondary electrons results are provided in digital electronic analyses of elements from boron to ura- (SEI), reporting on the sample surface form. nium within a point of a diameter from and the images formed by backscat- Electron microanalyzer is mainly used to work in the fi eld of geological research, but its application is also in other sectors: metallurgy, construction, environment, health, electronics, engi- neering, painting, restoration, etc. The most important event in the De- partment in 2008 was the equipment update by mounting further, the fourth spectrometer and supplement of the previous control software SX RAY 100 operating on a SUN/ UNIX basis by the control software SIGHT PEAK work- ing within a PC/Windows environment. CAMECA SX 100 in 2001 to 2008. The reconstruction was supervised by Mr. Daniel Razon from the CAMECA Company. This additional spectrometer allows more accurate measurement of light elements, especially of fl uorine, better optimization of the measuring time and shorten the measurement time for certain types of analysis. The services of the Department of Electron Microanalysis in 2008 used 195 clients from Slovakia (geologists from ŠGÚDŠ, GI SAS, Faculty of Natu- ral Sciences CU University in Bratislava and other organizations), as well as CAMECA SX 100 from 2008. Photo: L. Martinský

30 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) BudzynSE – BEI electron image of per- tites in feldspars contained in granulites the scientists from the institutes from images with a maximum magnifi ca- als, rocks and palaeontological objects. abroad (Poland, Czech Republic). tion of 30 000x. It is applied for pal- In 2008, the works continued in the For customers we performed the fol- aeontological and environmental scope of the TSÚS Bratislava order lowing analytical work: purposes with a provision of the com- (Technical and Testing Institute of Chemical analysis, BEI and SEI plete processing of samples from the Constructions) to produce simpli- images metal coating to photodocumentation fi ed petrographic descriptions of – silicate minerals, oxides, carbon- completion. Because of specifi c tech- aggregates extracted from different ates, Mn phase, nical problems, the device is out of regions of the Western Carpathians – sulphosalts and sulphides, Au and service. The laboratory is capable to according to EN 9323:1999, which is Ag minerals telluride, provide gold-coating of samples. in line with current European standard – minerals with REE, zircons, and The Laboratory of sample prepa- EN 9323:1996/A1. We elaborated the U- and Th- minerals, ration is equipped with brushing and petrographic descriptions of aggre- – Nb-Ta minerals, polishing facilities for sample prep- gates which may serve as a basis for – phosphates and sulphates, aration of the Struers Company. individual organizations to establish – cave minerals, The laboratory provides cutting and themselves on the EU markets. – mineral phases occurring in tail- polishing of materials, preparation of In 2008, the Department’s staff was ings ponds. thin sections and polished thin sec- involved in dealing with these geologi- CL images of quartz and zircon. tions, polished specimens, as well as cal projects: X-ray maps of minerals and rocks. special oriented samples and plates - Maps of palaeovolcanic reconstruc- Monazites dating. for gaseous-fl uid inclusions study. tion of rhyolite volcanites in Slovakia The Laboratory of research into and analysis of magmatic and hy- fl uid inclusions is equipped to meas- drothermal processes; ure the homogenisation tempera- - Update of geological structure of tures and melting temperature of problematic territories of the Slovak fl uid inclusions LINKAM II, as well as Republic at 1: 50 000. by high-quality optical microscopes Sources of income the OEM Depart- NIKON and JENAPOL and Olympus ment in 2008 BZK318_zrn03 - catodoluminescence CL im- binocular magnifi er. All devices can The OEM funding fl ows from sev- age of incremental zones in zircon attach a digital Olympus CAMEDIA eral types of activities: from internal and In addition to work in the fi eld of Camera, whereby it is possible to take external contracts for the laboratory of geology the electron microanalyzer microphotos. electron microanalysis, from the labo- was applied in research in anthropol- In 2008 the Department provided ratory of sample preparation, from the ogy (study of the remains of human services for geologists from ŠGÚDŠ, GI geological projects in the OEM agen- teeth channelling), research of the SAS and FoNS CU to study fl uid inclu- da within ŠGÚDŠ and from providing chemical composition of secondary sions and taking photographs of miner- works by the order of TSÚS Bratislava. minerals precipitating in the wells and water tanks and monitoring of loess composition in order to determine their geotechnical properties. Maintenance of the equipment and trouble-shooting was carried out by the own staff (correction of problems with the equipment deaeration and refrigeration cycle). Disorders caused this year only a short shutdown of the device operation. The Laboratory of raster electron microscope (SEM) is equipped with an electron microscope JEOL JSM840. The device can create SEI electron Sources of income the OEM Department in 2008


The staff of the Division of Environmental Geology performs research and exploration of the Slovak Republic focused mainly on: • implementation of hydrogeological research and exploration in order to know in more detail the formation and distribution of groundwaters and how to protect them by: • quantifi cation of hydrogeological properties of the rock environment, • the spatial distribution of primary and secondary substances in waters, • knowledge of temporal changes of chemical composition, • forecasting of the quantity and quality requirements under the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; • hydrogeothermal assessment with specifi cation of the amount of geothermal water and geother- mal energy in defi ned areas of prospective hydrogeothermal regions or structures in Slovakia; • implementation of engineering geological research and exploration in order to know the details of geological environment and related geodynamic processes with the intention of the optimum land use, building different types of construction works, as well as the protection and further development of the environment; • monitoring of geological factors of the environment. This is a continuing evaluation of the current state of geological environment and forecasting its changes. In accordance with the throughout society requirements the methodology gradually transits from the monitoring phase to early warn- ing levels of selected parameters and to the online transmission of their excessing values; • implementation of hydrogeochemical research and exploration in order to know in more detail natural composition and the state of pollution of geological components of the natural environ- ment (groundwater and surface water, sediments, soils and rocks), toxic elements and sub- stances, as well as to understand the patterns of distribution and redistribution, migration and the forms occurrence within the natural environment.

The Division of Environmental Geology is divided into the following departments: – Department of Hydrogeology and Geothermal Energy (Head Dr. Peter Malík, PhD.), – Department of Engineering Geology (Dr. Ľubica Iglárová), – Department of Environmental Geochemistry (Dr. Dušan Bodiš, PhD.).

Head of the Division: Direct subordination to the Vice-Director for Geology and Projects

32 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Oxbow of the Váh River enclosing Kúpeľný ostrov (Spa Island) with famous surges of mineral curative waters in Piešťany. Photo: D. Marcin

Department of Hydrogeology a Geothermal Energy In 2008 the Department’s staff also made important studies: Piešťany - Groundwaters of all genetic types conditions, groundwater amounts and buffer zones of curative mineral wa- and a whole range of mineral content hydraulic properties of rocks and a ters and Occurrence of geothermal and temperature, which is present on complete compilation of fi nal reports, waters in the southern part of the our territory, represent an object of including editing of texts and maps. Skorušinská panva Basin (08 08). the study of the Department of Hy- drogeology and Geothermal Energy Key outcomes of on-going and at ŠGÚDŠ. With a groundwater cir- completed geological projects in culation a rock environment is closely 2008 linked in which their circulation is on- The backbone projects of the De- going. The rock environment is char- partment of Hydrogeology and Geo- acterized by different permeability thermal Energy in 2008 were: Basic and different degrees of disintegration. hydrogeological maps at a scale Professionals working in this Depart- of 1 : 50 000 (Principal Investiga- ment provide qualifi ed fi eld hydrogeo- tor Dr. Peter Malík, PhD.), GIB-GES logical mapping results processing - Complex geological information in the form of GIS, hydrogeological base for conservation and land maps and maps of hydrogeological management (Principal Investigator documentation, design and evaluation Mgr. Peter Malík, PhD.), Hydrogeo- of geothermal wells as well as hydro- thermal assessment of Rimavská geological boreholes drilled in order to kotlina Basin (Principal Investigator search for ordinary drinking water. The Dr. Daniel Marcin, PhD.), Assess- staff provides geological supervision ment of geothermal water bodies (P( rincipal Investiga- tort Dr. Remšík Anton, Hydrogeological drillings VLÚ1 and V4A showing the curative mineral waters in Pieš- PhD.),P Basic hydro- ťany. Photo: D. Marcin geological research ofo Handlovská ko- International Activities of the De- tlinat Basin (Princi- partment in 2008 represented mainly palp Investigator Mgr. a project The Environmental status ČernákČ Radovan), and sustainable management of RegionalR hydroge- transboundary Hungarian-Slovaki- othero mal assess- an groundwater bodies – ENWAT, mentm of Fatricum belonging to a range of structural unitu of Rudnianska projects of the EU Interreg IIIA, which kotlinak Basin (Prin- ended on April 15th, 2008. The per- cipalc Investigator sonnel of the Department were also DDr. Daniel Marcin, involved in international projects PPhD.). The team is of the European Commission Mul- aalso involved in solv- tilingual cross-border access to Hydrogeological borehole VLÚ1 tapping mineral curative water in iing other geological groundwater databases - eWater Piešťany. Photo: D. Marcin tasks: Upper Nitra (multilingual cross-border access to at wells drilling, design and evaluation Basin - three-dimensional geologi- databases of groundwater) and the of hydrodynamic tests, sampling and cal modeling of the exposed area, International Atomic Energy Agency skilled interpretation of the results of RAW - an assessment of geological – IAEA, entitled “Combined hydro- analyses of the isotopic composition and geoenvironmental factors for a logical and isotopic assessment of groundwater, comprehensive as- selection of deep repository of high- of the Váh catchment vulnerability, sessment of regional hydrogeological ly radioactive waste. Danube river basin, Slovakia.

Annual Report 2008 33 Juraj Melicherčík taking water sample during the hydrogeological map- ping in the Slovak Karst Mts. in autumn 2008. Photo: Š. Jankulár

A dense stand at surges line, plains at the foot of the Slovak Karst a challenging obsta- cle to the hydrogeological documentation. In autumn 2008 the vegetation wade Peter Malík Turnianska kotlina Basin in the Slovak Karst Mts. in autumn 2008 during reconnaissance works is struggling through. Photo: Š. Jankulár for compilation of basic hydrogeological maps at a scale of 1: 50 000. Photo: S. Mikita

The backbone projects of the Depart- In 2008, there were compiled basic ment of Hydrogeology and Geothermal hydrogeological and hydrogeochemi- energy solved in 2008 can be character- cal maps at a scale of 1: 50 000 of the ized as follows: regions Žitavská pahorkatina Upland Basic hydrogeological maps at and Pohronský Inovec Mts., Sloven- a scale of 1: 50 000 (Principal In- ský kras Mts., Rimavská kotlina Basin, vestigator Dr. Peter Malík, PhD.). Bukovské vrchy Mts., Bánovská kotlina Basin, Žiarska kotlina Basin, Súľovské vrchy Mts. and Žilinská pahorkatina Up- land, Slovenský raj Mts., eastern part of Cerová vrchovina upland and Gemer ter- races and northern part of the Danubian plain. These maps - a total of 10 regions - are essential sources of spatial hydro- geological information. The scale of the maps allows to depict hydrogeochemical Mgr. František Bottlik during hydrogeological hydrogeological conditions (two sheets) mapping in the Slovak Karst in autumn 2008. and to document all Photo: Š. Jankulár the necessary hy- drological informa- tion in geographic information systems in the form of spatial databases, which to- gether with the other 26 regions complet- ed in the past are located in the Web format HTML at the ŠGÚDŠ website.

Steep and muddy bot- toms of valleys made of Lower Triassic rocks in Each mapping geologists would be delighted by such treated and ac- the Slovak Karst. Pho- cessible spring. Ing. Peter Bajtoš at the spring in the Lúčka Village in to: Š. Jankulár the north of the Slovak Karst Mts. Photo: Š. Jankulár

34 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Dry valley Sograd in the environment of the Poltár Formation above Triassic carbonates of the Slovak Karst Mts. Photo: D. Marcin

from drilling material from the bottom tation (with geographic, quantitative, of the borehole FGRk1 in Ivanice. qualitative and supplementary infor- Assessment of geothermal wa- mation) and assessment of the geo- ter bodies (Principal Investigator Dr. thermal water amounts based upon Anton Remšík, CSc.). The aim of the results of realized geological works, project is to ensure a complex base of including their recent exploitation data on the geothermal water exploi- and further balance in the scope of geothermal water bodies along with elaboration of prospects of trends Easy to overcome barrier during the fi eldwork and resources management. in hydrogeological mapping of Pohronský Inovec Mts.. Photo: S. Mikita The sources of geothermal energy in Slovakia are mainly represented by geothermal waters, which are related Regional hydrogeothermal as- to Triassic dolomites and limestones sessment of the Rimavská kot- of the Inner Carpathians tectonic lina Basin (Principal Investigator Dr. units, less to the Neogene sands, Daniel Marcin, PhD.). The solution sandstones and conglomerates, or the was associated with the implemen- Neogene andesites and pyroclastics. tation and evaluation of geothermal These rocks as collectors of geother- well in the Rimavská kotlina Basin mal waters outside the spring area are and assessing overall geothermal located at depths of 200 - 5 000 m and conditions of the area. The project there occur among them waters with was running throughout 2008. of temperature from 15 to 240 ° C. Based a scientifi c value is especially new on the distribution of geothermal wa- paleontological knowledge gained ters and aquifers and the geothermic fi eld activity there were identifi ed in the Slovak Republic 26 prospective areas, Geothermal well head in FGRk1 Ivanice. Photo: or structures suitable to generate geo- Daniel Marcin thermal energy. X Tornaľa – Morské oko spring - morphological- ly interesting surge of water creating a deep crater-shaped object (Rimavská kotlina Ba- sin). Photo: D. Marcin

W Surge of mineral wa- ter from the well RKZ1 in Bátka (Rimavská kotlina Basin). Photo: D. Marcin

Annual Report 2008 35 Mgr. Daniel Marcin performs precise hydrometric meas- urements of discharge in Veľká Čausa in the Hand- lovská kotlina Basin. Photo: J. Michalko

and activities in 3 areas located on the defined cross- border groundwa- ter bodies. The project ended on The basic hydrogeological re- April 15th, 2008. search of the Handlovská kotlina Combined hy- Basin (Principal Investigator Mgr. drological and iso- Černák Radovan). The solution lies topic assessment in a broad range of hydrogeologi- of the Vah catch- cal works including hydrogeological ment vulnerabil- mapping, discharge measurement, ity, Danube river the regimen monitoring of the quan- basin, Slovakia. tity and quality of groundwater and It is an interna- Participantsn of the 1st fi eld seminar of the Slovak Association of Hy- tional project of drogeology in the area of Ležiachov, Turcianska kotlina Basin. The in- surface water, geophysical work, as terpretation gives Dr. Michalko, PhD. Photo: P. Bajtoš well as technical works, which in- the International volved drilling of two hydrogeologi- Atomic Energy cal wells. Data from these geological Agency (IAEA) 12958 / RBF, which October 8 to 10, 2008. The Depart- works are used in the characteriza- aims to fi nd appropriate methods of ment staff prepared for this event tion of complex regional hydrogeo- separation of groundwater runoff in and extensive information material logical conditions of the territory, large river basins using relatively in the form of excursion guide to in establishing the relationship be- cheap isotope techniques. Also in the major hydrogeologic sites of tween ordinary groundwater and 2008 the Department cooperated Turčianska kotlina Basin, the Veľká mineral (geothermal) water, and in with the Institute of Hydrology SAS Fatra an Žiar Mts. and Upper Ni- calculating the amount of ground- in Liptovský Mikuláš. tra. water in the region. The geological Joint compilation of fi le formats works are coordinated with investi- and access to international project gators of projects Bojnice - curative of 16 EU countries and the Europe- thermal waters and the Upper Nitra an Commission under the projects Basin - three-dimensional geologi- eContentplus - eWater Multilingual cal modeling of the exposed area, cross-border access to ground which are solved in parallel. water databases was implement- In the period of 2006 - 2008 ed together with the Geofond per- the Hungarian State Geological sonnel. The task was completed in Institute (MÁFI) and ŠGÚDŠ im- mid-2008. plemented work in an international In 2008, in addition to activi- project of the series INTERREG IIIA ties aimed at addressing spe- - Environmental state and sus- cific projects, the staff of the tainable management of Hungar- Department of Hydrogeology and ian-Slovak cross-border bodies Geothermal Energy ŠGÚDŠ in of groundwater - ENWAT. Its main cooperation with the Slovak As- aim is to compile a single geologi- sociation of Hydrogeology (SAH) cal, hydrological and environmental participated in organizing the 1st spatial-information system, which is field seminar of SAH – Groundwa- a useful tool to support the imple- ters between Turiec and Upper mentation of the Water Framework Nitra - diversity and coherence, threat and protection, held in Karst spring Lazce in Necpaly valley - the Directive ES/2000/60 in both coun- most concentrated exploited surge of ground- tries. It is the basis for other tasks Blatnica and Turčianske Teplice on water in Slovakia: Photo P. Bajtoš

36 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Department of Engineering Geology

Main results in 2008 exactness represent The main projects of the Depart- the observed territo- ment of Engineering Geology in 2008: ry and in larger scale Partial Monitoring System - Geo- certain landscape logical factors (Principal Investigator unit The monitoring Dr.Alena Klukanová, PhD.) serves for objective The monitoring system and informa- understanding of the tion system is the most important tool characteristics of the to ensure environmental quality, which environment and as- is at the same time the basis of cur- sessment of spatial rent and prospective activities and in- and temporal chang- tentions in the sphere of environment. es within the moni- The environmental monitoring is a sys- tored area. Partial tematic spatial and temporal observa- Monitoring System tion of well-defi ned characteristics of - Geological Factors (CMS) is a com- Synthesis of the results of monitoring measurements on the site Veľká environmental components (usually Čausa for the years 2006 to 2008: 1 - borders of active landslides, points arranged in certain monitoring pound of nation-wide 2 - borders of potential landslides, 3 - local landslides and slumps, network) which with some degree of Monitoring System 4 - displaced volcanic rock blocks, 5 - geodetic network points, 6 - in- ofo En- clinometric boreholes, 7 - stable parts of the territory, 8 - signs of viron-v landslide movement activities, 9 - moderately active state, 10 - active state, 11 - highly active state mentm ofo the Slovak Republic. crucial role of researchers is to inform ItI is focused particularly the responsible authorities and the af- ono so-called geological fected population, or the territory on hazards,h i.e. natural or the current monitoring results. In the anthropogenica harmful scope of these activities, complete in- geologicalg processes formation on the monitoring results for thatt pose a threat to the previous years is placed and regularly naturaln environment and updated at the ŠGÚDŠ website (www. ultimatelyu to humans. GivenG the adverse action According to the concepts of ofo natural forces in recent rationalization and updating of yearsy a growing number environmental monitoring in 2008 ofo emergencies, natural continued the measurement in disastersd is evidenced, ths scope of the following sub- whichw have a negative systems: impacti on the lives and 01 Landslides and other slope de- healthh of people or their formations. – In 2008, the mayors of property.p In particular, the municipalities, or administrators thist concerns frequently were noticed on the actual state of repeatedr landslides at slopes stability and, at the same time differentd places of SR. there were suggested optimal ways TheT results of monitoring of further monitoring with eventual di- providep information nec- rect interaction of local governments. essarye to adopt meas- Written information was sent in No- Long-term changes in monitored parametres at the site Veľká uresu in order to prevent vember 2008 for the Mayors of Hand- Čausa emergency events. The lová, Bojnice, Bojničky and Vinohrady

Annual Report 2008 37 terpriset (site Lip- tovskát Mara). The copiesc of this infor- mationm have been sents to the Section ofo Geology and NaturalN Resources ofo the Ministry of EnvironmentE and thet Section of Cri- siss Management anda Civil Protection ofo the Ministry of InteriorI of the Slo- Results of observation of the groundwater level changes by automatic vakv Republic (for- level gauges placed in the wells J1 and AH2 at the site Okoličné in merly the Office of 2008, illustrating together with daily rainfall and temperature from sta- tion SHMI Liptovský Mikuláš-Ondrášová (locality Liptovská Mara). Civil Protection of the Ministry of Inte- nad Váhom (locality Hlohovec- rior). During the monitoring in 2008, Installment of inclinometric borehole KI1 Posádka), Dolná Mičiná, Fintice, we again found a number of facts to at the landslide site in Veľká Čausa, in the which we drew attention in previous background borehole AH1 with automatic Kvašov, Malá Čausa, Veľká Čausa level gauge and precipitation gauge. Photo: D. and Vištuk, as well as ŽSR head- years - especially regarding the con- Sitányiová, October 2008. quarters (locality Okoličné), Sloven- tinued deterioration of the monitoring ský plynárenský priemysel - Slovak and remediation facilities at several slope stability state. In 2008, con- Gas Industry (locality SlanecTP) sites. These adverse factors often tinued efforts to ensure the highest and Slovak Water Management En- lead to deterioration in the observed possible respond and forecasting ef- fectiveness of monitoring activities. In this context, the warning system was placed on the site Veľká Čausa with set up test set critical level of ground- water table and at the same location were created conditions for the in- stallation of continuous inclinometer. We expect that information obtained will contribute signifi cantly to derive the relationship between the state of groundwater level and physical activity of sliding masses and new knowledge will serve not only for lo- cal but also general applications for the establishment systems protect- ing the environment against the ad- verse and often unexpected impact of slope movements. 02 Tectonic and seismic activity of The distribution of the observed monitoring profi les and points in the roadcut near Banská the territory. – The movements along Štiavnica. PF1 and PF8 – stereo-photogrammetric measuring profi les; Stands 1 and 2 of - the the faults measured by dilatometers observation points for measuring by dilatometer Somet (points B) and for the shifts measure- TM 71, were measured at 6 sites: ments (points N), Stand 3 - profi le for measurement of micromorphological surface changes of Branisko, Demänová Cave of Free- the rock wall; it enables to observe the evolution of of rock massif weathering.

38 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) dom, Banská Hodruša, Vyhne, Ipeľ All macroseismically ob- and Dobrá Voda. For the majority served earthquakes were of faults minimal tectonic activity or seismometrically localized. movements was detected, some of The epicentres of mac- them were even stopped. The only roseismically observed exception is the site Demänovská earthquakes were located Cave of Freedom, where there was on the territory of Slovakia recorded a revival of movements. (1 in Banská Bystrica and In 2008 from the records of seismic 2 in Eastern Slovakia). stations were interpreted over 5 390 03 Anthropogenic teleseismic, regional or local seismic sediments of an environ- events. There were localized about mental load character. Dr. A. Gluch at sampling groundwater at Sivá Brada near Spišské Podhradie. Photo: M. Procházková 70 to 80 earthquakes with epicentres – Within this subsystem in the area of the Slovak Republic. are included the sites of deposited Hodruša-Hámre, Kremnica, Špania There were observed 3 macroseis- anthropogenic sediments, includ- Dolina, Dúbrava, Pezinok) which mic earthquakes in 2008 in Slovakia. ing ponds, which threaten the indi- were defi ned as risky. Monitoring vidual components of the of engineering geological aspects ggeological environment. In is focused mainly on areas of ur- 22008, the following sites ban sites. Its platform includes the wwere monitored: Myjava, identifi cation and documentation of MModra, Šulekovo, Bojná, subsurface worked out areas, which KKrompachy-Halny, Šaľa, are a potential source of instability, CChalmová and Poša. To and data collection on temporal and eensure continuous record- physical characteristics of older and iing and assessing informa- current cave-in processes occur- ttion on the status of these ring at the surface. The monitoring ssediments, these param- of hydrogeological aspects applied eeters have been studied: standard method of discharge ppH, conductivity, CODCr, measurements at specifi c unstable ddissolved substances, profi les. The geochemical monitor- cchlorides, Cu, Zn, Fe and ing at the majority of sites was up- aammonium ions. graded on the extended range of 04 Impact of mining on parameters of water quality in order tthe environment. – Monitor- to be able to document long-term ingi progress on the sites of changes in concentrations of not bbrown coal mining (Upper yet identifi ed critical contaminants, NNitra mining district, four but also other important compo- mmajor systems of galleries: nents which are released into the HHandlová near Ryba, Cigeľ environment. The specifi c problem MMine, Hlboká and Lehota that occurred in 2008, is the dan- ppod Vtáčnikom), magnesite ger of sudden surges of mining aand talc mining ( Jelšava water from abandoned mine works Locality Handlová – landslide dated 1960 – results of in- LLubeník, Hnúšťa – Mútnik located above populated territories. clinometric PEE fi eld measurements in 2007 and 2008. and Košice-Bankov) and in This concerns, for instance, re- 1 – landslide borders, 2 – inclinometric boreholes in typi- cal profi le, 3 – PEE fi eld activity in the years: a – 2007, the regions with ore min- peated sudden discharges of mine b – 2008, 4 – assessment of the PEE fi eld according se- ing (Rudňany , water from exploited mining works lected criteria: a – moderate activity of the PEE fi eld (level Smolník, Novoveská in the Nová štôlňa (New Gallery) in 2), 5 – scale of the deformation vector of inclinometric cas- Huta, Rožňava, Nižná Spišská Nová Ves in the local area ing for the period IX/06 – V/07 – VI/08 (number indicates a depth [m] of recorded deformation below surface). Slaná, Banská Štiavnica, Pod Tepličkou in Spišská Nová Ves.

Annual Report 2008 39 category C (the threshold above which remedy measures should be taken), we observed in 2008 at 3 sites [Nitra-Chalmová (Hg), Štiavnica River mouth (Pb) and Hornád - (Hg)]. 08 Volume unstable soils. – In areas with occurrence of loess sed- iments, mostly at Trnava Upland, Soil radon, third quartil of the radon volume activity kvartil in the air contained in soil at the site occurs soil collapse in relation to Novoveská Huta rainfall and territory surcharge. In 05 Monitoring of radon volume ac- at the Devin Castle a comprehen- the past, underground spaces in tivity in the geological environment. – sive monitoring system was installed loess served for storage of corn, The main natural sources of radon is in November 2005, following a lim- as well as shelters, in which peo- the geological environment, and the ited functionality of the monitoring ple hid from the Ottomans. At the short-term (seasonal) and long-term equipment in August 2008 occurred occurrence of such facilities, com- changes in the concentration of ra- short-circuit during a storm in elec- bined with heavy rainfall and load don in rocks (soils) and groundwater trical equipment and all measuring (e.g. ploughing) can occur sudden should be documented and compre- facilities were out of service. In 2005 collapse. In the village Veselé be- hensively evaluated. Sites selected it was installed fully automated moni- tween Trnava and Piešťany, the for monitoring of the radon volume toring equipment (type GEOKON2) overburden of 3 m thickness and activity (RVA) are located in areas at the Spiš Castle. In June 2006 2 m diameter collapsed due to with confi rmed presence of increased we installed monitoring equipment prolonged heavy rainfall and the radon risk. Repeated sampling and SOMET at the Trenčín Castle site ploughing. Other cases occurred in measurement of RVA in fi eld and and we revitalized measurements of Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Below the laboratory conditions was conducted early Gothic Church of St. George in apartment house in the basement at 14 sites (seven sites for, soil ra- Kostoľany pod Tribečom. created a deep crater more than don as well as seven sites for radon 07 Monitoring of river sediments. three meters deep and two meters in groundwater). Complete results – The monitoring subsystem is wide and undermined the stability of the radon monitoring in 2008 and represented by a network of 48 of the house. This reason was a previous years have demonstrated reference collecting sites. The long-term run-off from drainage be- RVA changes in the geological en- selection of representative sites low the basement. Since the house vironment - short-term (seasonal), has refl ected the positioning of was probably built upon backfi lled long-term (order of years), but also sampling points in the areas with well, the water had no problem to random (local, temporal, climate, anticipated anthropogenic load, create a deep crater. Another ex- etc.). The knowledge of variability of as well as in the areas with a de- ample was the creation of a crater radon in rocks and waters are clear cisive infl uence of natural factors about two and half meters deep benefi ts for the objective evaluation on the chemical composition of and three meters diameter from of radon risk from the geological en- monitored parameters. Sampling evening to morning in the garden vironment. points characterize approximate- of a house in Trnava. The territory 06 Stability of rock mass under ly every 70th km of signifi cant collapse occurs also at places of the historical objects. – In 2008, we stream in the main basins of Slo- impaired pipelines. We have cases focused on monitoring sites: Spiš, vakia. In 2008 there was recorded of craters creation in the fi elds of Strečno, Orava, Uhrovec and Lietava exceeding of reference concentra- irrigation facilities distorted. Castles, Devin Castle, Trenčín Cas- tion (Category A) at 35 locations Partial Information System. – tle, church Kostoľany pod Tribečom. (from 48). Exceeding of the limit Data obtained by measuring of the At Plavecký, Pajštún and Čachtice concentration of category B (likely monitoring points in 2008 were Castles the monitoring gauges of the stronger pollution) has been re- treated continuously and tanked SOMET type were installed in 2003, corded at 12 sites. The excess of within Partial Information System

40 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) of Geological Factors (PISGF). Pri- Information System of important according to their nature into 11 catego- mary data were archived and fur- geological sites of SR. ries. The aim is to create an open-fi le of ther processed. On their basis there Thanks to a varied geological struc- 500 to 600 sites of geological heritage were derived secondary data which ture and complex geomorphological of the Slovak Republic. Background in- serve for evaluation of monitoring evolution the territory of Slovakia is formation provided particularly geologi- processes and the environmental rich in numerous geological attractions. cal text-guides to Slovakia issued on status. In 2008, the software was Some sites are protected under Law the occasion of CBGA and Internation- updated, which is a component of a 543/2002 Coll. of 25 June 2002 on the al Geological Congresses events, as detailed PISGF level. For the sub- Protection of Nature and Landscape by well as major monographs (e.g. Mišík, system 01 Landslides and other the highest, 5th degree of protection as M., 1976: Geological fi eld trips in Slo- slope deformations due to changes National Natural Monuments, Natural vakia). Site Selection is also based on of input parameters on the casing Monuments, Nature Reserves and Na- own knowledge of project participants of the observed boreholes the al- tional Nature Reserves, some of them and study of relevant literature. In the gorithm for observing the ground- are declared by the Convention on the scope of creation and loading of the water level depth was modifi ed. In Protection of World Cultural and Natu- database, we also expect input from a the subsystem 03 Anthropogenic ral Heritage. Most of the stratigraphic broad professional and laic community. sediments of an environmental load and palaeontological sites are not The staff of the Department is character the software was extend- protected by law, but from a scientifi c also involved in addressing these ed on assessment of the chemical and academic point of view they are geological projects: Upper Nitra composition of samples taken. The extremely valuable geological objects, Basin - three-dimensional geologi- Software environment was adjusted which should be maintained for future cal modeling of the exposed area, in order to complement the chosen generations as geological heritage. The RAW - an assessment of geologi- indicators depending upon the ap- project was launched in August 2008; cal and geoenvironmental factors plied monitoring methods. its completion is scheduled for the end for selecting high-level radioactive Data processed at a level of of the year 2011. Currently there have waste deep repository, Engineering detail PISGF were exported to been selected 451 sites that are divided geological investigation Lozorno. a synoptic level, which allows spatial display of monitoring results by mapping output, graphs, and tabular sheets. Selected data from the in- formation system are avail- able to all customers from the sphere of professional and laic public on the web- site of the Partial monitoring system of geological factors Using PHP technology, the data are visualized to meet requirements of an Internet user. The Website of the Par- tial monitoring sub-system of geological factors are linked and made available on the website of the State Geologi- cal Institute of D. Štúr (www. and enviroportal (

Annual Report 2008 41 Department of Environmental Geochemistry

Main results of 2008 are evaluated in terms of Proposal for assessment of back- minimum anthropogenic ground concentrations of selected impact and maximum im- metals in water bodies of the Slovak pact of natural factors such Republic (Principal Investigator Dr. as geological environment Dušan Bodiš, PhD.). - The project start- and mineralized ore zones ed in cooperation with SHMI, SWM, and the chemical composi- WRI and IH SAS, ŠGÚDŠ functions as tion of river sediments. investigator organization. Besides the This way a new database actual determination of background was created, which served concentrations of heavy metals in wa- for evaluation of back- Preparation for water discharge measurements from the adit ter bodies of SR the aim of the project ground concentrations of of the Martin gallery, Dúbrava mine Sb deposit, Nízke Tatry was to summarize all available infor- selected elements in sur- Mts.. Photo: P. Bajtoš mation related to the content of chemi- face waters. The research team made selected water bodies in Slovakia. The cal elements in surface waters, with a its effort to apply the proposed meth- methodology proposal was based on focus on potential natural resources odology in a complex and at the same processing of information originating and excluding potential anthropogenic time users’ friendly way with account- from various approaches to the issue sources. The objectives also stemmed ing for the current state of knowledge retrieved from the world literature. In from the consideration that the results on surface water quality in Slovakia. determining the natural background of a comprehensive processing should The fi nal report is based on two concentration in abiotic media can serve as a basis for further analyses basic elements. The fi rst one is a be used variety of approaches. At the and interpretation in the future, as the methodology proposal for determining same time number of complications work of similar nature in Slovakia has background concentrations and the can occur which may lead to the views not been solved, yet. Initial input data second one is a real determination for expressed, that it is more or less not

Background value of As in water bodies in Slovakia

42 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Measurement of groundwater table level in borehole GOR1 Photo: P. Bajtoš possible to fi x the background concen- different nature (combined approach). resentativeness optimization, analytical tration (meaning global), in practice. In addition to spatial information on the techniques and other relevant informa- This view is supported in particular by calculated background values for indi- tion about the formation of the chemical the function of different matrices within vidual water bodies the assessment composition of natural waters in Slova- environments, which are donor of ele- involved the following particular spatial kia. From the results it is clear that given ments with different concentrations in information (thematic layers): the specifi c natural conditions of Slova- surface waters. In the specifi c natural • geological background (the chemi- kia, the applying of a single background conditions of Slovakia it was inevitable cal element content discriminated element concentration for all water bod- to address particular issues: lithogeochemical types), ies is not relevant. • based on the nature and reproduc- • occurrence of mineralized zones ibility of input data and their distri- and ore-mineralized areas (if chem- Assessment of geological and bution by representativeness; ical element evaluated appeared in geoenvironmental factors for se- • to develop a conceptual model for the mineral association as the main lecting high-level radioactive the creation of conditions corre- one), database of heaps, mine waste deep repository (Principal sponding to the chemical composi- works and environmental loads, Investigator Dr. Slaninka Igor, PhD.). tion of surface waters; • chemical composition of river sedi- The project objective is to characterize • to optimize the procedure and visuali- ments in Slovakia, the geological environment in the most zation of background concentrations. • chemical composition of ground- prospective locations (mainly sedi- The basis provided the analysis of waters in Slovakia, mentary), with an emphasis on veri- input information, which consisted of a • principal, or partial catchments in fi cation of methodology for assessing database of chemical analyses of sur- Slovakia, prospective study sites of deep-repos- face water quality monitoring by SHMI • typology of surface waters, etc. itories of RW in the Slovak Republic. and SWME from years 1993 - 2007 The water bodies without and database of one-shot samplings the input data the values of in the scope of the project Set of maps background concentration of environmental geofactors. This were determined from anal- analysis revealed the need for unifi ca- ogies and expert reviews. tion of SHMI and SWME databases. The outcome are the Consequently, the input data for de- background values of heavy termination of background concentra- metal concentration for each tions were retrieved from consolidated water body allocated. Their database of SHMI and SWME and relevance is divided into three the geofactors database. The infor- categories depends heav- mation in this database represents a ily on the existing input and total content of a chemical element in reproducibility, whereas the water. After visualization and analysis, reproducibility of results is of monitoring and sampling points for greatly affected by sampling, any single data the set was split into applied analytical techniques water bodies with real values and with (especially in the area of limit those lacking data. Under the monitor- values), their numbers and for ing and analysis of monitoring and one the determination background shot sampling points we understand concentration itself by repre- an elimination system means of those sentativeness of a basic mon- inputs that are demonstrably affected itoring network. These factors by anthropogenic activity. and uncertainties arising from Complexity of this approach is the current knowledge about particularly in combination of real cal- surface water quality ask for culated values of background concen- the future to refi ne information Gasometric survey on the profi le of PF2, Hodejov site, trations with other spatial information of and monitoring network rep- M = 1 : 10 000

Annual Report 2008 43 ttions and the the following representation of carbon- rranges of pos- ate minerals in weight%: dolomite 4.9 to ssible tectonic 22.5%, calcite 5.3 to 11.3%. Optical po- ffailure along rosity was studied in fi ve samples from tthe measured the borehole GOR1. ggeophysical In the scope of hydrogeological pprofiles PF01 modeling fi nal regional hydraulic model aand PF10 in was created and works started on the tthe territories of local hydrogeological model. Follow- ddetailed meas- ing the implementation of the borehole uurements of ar- GOR1 measurements of the ground- eeas A, B and C. water levels in the borehole were proc- TThe additional essed and a series of recovery tests mmeasurements was carried out in the borehole after sserved to test a prior pumping out of the borehole. tthe applica- ttion of CO2 Assessment of the potential im- mmeasurements pact of geochemical environment on Implementation of short term pumping test with a constant drawdown in the borehole GOR3. Photo: P. Bajtoš in soil air in population health status in the area a few short pro- of Banská Štiavnica (Principal Investi- The main emphasis of work in 2008 was fi les. In the scope of the assessment of gator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rapant Stanislav, to successfully manage the projected drilling works mineralogical analysis of DrSc.). The geological project objective technical works (drilling GOR1 and 5 samples of tested core recovery was is a complex assessment medicine- GOR2), processing core recovery and carried out. In the recovery samples was geochemical of the Štiavnické vrchy subsequent analyses. In the scope of the revealed the following mineral composi- Mts. Within this regional research a project was implemented 100m borehole tion of the original samples: silica 20 to high-risk content of potentially toxic ele- GOR1 using a drilling technology of a tri- 32%, plagioclase 10 to 21%, K-feldspar ments is studied (in particular, As, Cd, ple core barrel. Three piezometers were from 0 to 10%, clayey mica 19 to 32 %, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn) in the geologi- installed in the borehole at a depth of 10, chlorite 4 to 5%, dolomite 10 to 19%, cal environment (soils, waters and sedi- 50 and 100 m. Consequently, there was calcite 6 to 9% and smectite. Quantita- ments) in the food chain (locally grown realized the monitoring borehole GOR2 tive mineral composition will be refi ned vegetables) and biological materials of and it was built in accordance with the by calculation of chemical analyses. The humans (hair and nails). Based on the objectives of the project. volumetric analysis served to determine preliminary processing of the results Most of geophysical work was com- obtained it can be pleted. This involved particularly the cconcluded the follow- completion of the measurement of ra- iing basic facts: don emanations and the subsequent Groundwater. – interpretation. In the scope of other geo- MMore than 50% of all physical works were carried out consul- waterw samples, espe- tations and interpretations in response ciallyc residential wells, to results of other works. Gasometry doesntd meet the cri- was applied in a modifi cation of radon teriat of the Slovak concentrations in soil gas measuring, standards for drinking because this inert gas (a breakdown water.w However, the product of 226Ra) is very signifi cant in contentc of potentially terms of prospecting. toxict elements ex- After a comprehensive treatment of ceedsc the limit values the results gasometric measurements ini only approximately Archiving of special samples taken from borehole GOR1. Photo: there were interpreted tectonic disloca- I Slaninka 8% of cases, namely

44 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) M. Petriščáková at fi eld me- asuring of gamma-spectro- metry. Photo: P. Šesták in the areas with most intense mining togeochemical samples - vegetables Environmental and health in- activity. Mostly, the contents of Pb, As, - confi rmed that approximately 40% of dicators of the Slovak Republic Zn and Hg were exceeded. In the vast samples of vegetables and potatoes, (Principal Investigator Assoc. Prof. Dr. majority of residential wells has been at least in case 1 of the reference el- Rapant Stanislav, DrSc.). - The main recorded classical anthropogenic pollu- ement (mostly As and Pb) exceed the objective of the project is to solve rela- tion: NO3, Cl, SO4, Fe, Mn and NH4. established limits of Food Code of the tion of the contamination of geological Soils. – Approximately half of all Slovak Republic. In the vast majority of environment with the health status of previously sampled and analyzed soil hazardous elements in vegetables and the population of the Slovak Republic. samples show excessed limit values potatoes, the increased content is ac- In the scope of the project the indica- of potentially toxic elements contents, companied by their increased content tors of the geological environment particularly As, Pb, Zn and Cu. Cities in the soil.. contamination are processed and with historic mining activity, for exam- Analyses of biological materials. – The evaluated (especially potentially toxic ple, Banská Belá, Banská Štiavnica, analyses of hair and nails revealed that elements) - environmental indicators Štiavnické Bane, Svätý Anton and oth- approximately 25% of the samples show and indicators of demographic trends ers reported in soils in the gardens and a slightly higher content of potentially toxic and population health status - the orchards more than 75% excess of limit metals. These increased content values health indicators. values of the ore elements contents. A are linked in particular to an increased Environmental indicators. – comparison of samples from rural ar- content of hazardous elements in soils Based on a preliminary assessment eas and urban areas clearly revealed and phytogeochemical samples. of the bibliography data the old ideas a higher content of elements within the Rn measurements in residential ar- about the contamination of geologi- latter ones. eas. – This part of the work was real- cal environment of the Slovak Re- Ecotoxicology samples. – Even ized by the Slovak Medical University. public have been confi rmed. When given the fact that soil and sediment The results of the work carried out show drafting the environmental indicators samples were collected from the critical that although the Rn content in different the data from Geochemical Atlas of “hot spot” areas, the analysis showed communities is typical of high variance Slovakia, part Soils and Groundwa- that the elements content has a eco- of values, the overall content of Rn in ter have been used as. These were toxicological effect; mostly, however, the Banská Štiavnica area is roughly at the amended on relevant data from the moderate to low ecotoxicity. average level of the Slovak Republic. maps of environmental geofactors, Forms of occurrence (speciations). – From a preliminary assess- ment of analytical forms (speciations) of ob- served toxic elements it follows that the sample taken from the munici- palities, i.e. in samples from the gardens of fam- ily houses, is a slightly increased share of bio- available (fraction I) and relatively bioavailable (fractions II + III) forms when compared with soil samples outside the municipalities. Phytogeochemical samples. – Collection The picture is an example of a very important environmental indicator of As in groundwaters of the Slovak Republic. It and analyses of phy- is one of the most wide-spread medically important environmental contaminants of the Slovak Republic.

Annual Report 2008 45 ttheir degree of pollution. Partial objectives of the ggeological project: • compiling Geochemical atlas of surface waters of the Slovak Republic, • compiling a geochemical database of surface wa- ter Slovak Republic, • characterization of the The image depicts an example of a health indicator - the relative mortality for circulatory system disease, state of pollution of sur- which is the most common cause of death in the Slovak Republic. face waters of the Slovak from hydrogeological projects and a link to environmental factors. The Republic, projects of geochemical-health ori- selected indicators will be used in • defi ning background and thresh- entation stored in Geofond. In the 2009 for the fi nal assessment, to- old values of chemical compo- case of groundwater, the database gether with environmental indica- nents accounted for 22 types of was updated by a total of about 1 800 tors. water bodies in terms of geologi- analyses and of 1 650 soil analyses. Geochemical Atlas of Slovak cal substrate, The results are processed for the Republic, Part 7 - Surface Water • the assessment of potential im- municipal registers. For each of the (Principal Investigator Assoc. Prof. Dr. pacts of global climate change on approximately 2 800 municipalities Rapant Stanislav, DrSc.). - The main surface water quality in selected of the Slovak Republic were calcu- objective of the geological project areas, lated mean values by weighted av- is to express in the map form and • processing an information system erage method, the arithmetic mean, through explanatory notes the natu- on the chemical composition and median, minimum, maximum and ral and anthropogenically induced qualitative characteristics of sur- standard deviation. For each munici- distribution of chemical elements in face waters for the needs of local pality of the Slovak Republic there surface waters of the Slovak Repub- governments and state executive has been received the apprehension lic, to assess their chemical com- at the level of Self Governing Re- of the level of environmental indica- position, quality characteristics and gions and districts. tors for about 30 elements/parame- In 2008 the ters, both in the case of groundwater, work was fo- as well as in the case of soils. These cused particu- two basic geological environments larly on water will be assessed in the fi nal report sampling and along with the health indicators. analyses. All-in- Health indicators. – Within the all there were subproject Health indicators - indi- collected and cators of demographic trends and analyzed 435 health status of the population of samples of sur- the Slovak Republic in 2008 the face waters. Par- subcontractor provided processing, tially A search standardization and prioritization over the older of indicators of health status on the analytical data grounds of their potential relation was conducted. to environmental indicators. Overall In total, the da- health indicators database consist- tabase included ing of 100 indicators was narrowed more than 500 for subsequent processing to 30 Cave-in zone of worked-out siderite-barite-sulphide vein Droždiak near literary analyses Poráč in Rudňany ore fi eld - mine water infi ltration area of the mine Rudňany major indicators, which may have Photo: P. Baláž of the data.

46 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Sampling of mine water from the Sb deposit Pezinok surging out from the Gallery Budúcnosť. Photo: P. Bajtoš

Set of of maps of environment analyzed and a database of rocks in Mining Act (mine water with a known geofactors of Ľubovnianska vrcho- the studied region was compiled. mine owner) and the Water Act (mine vina Highlands and Spišská Magu- In the scope of preparation of water from abandoned mines). ra Mts. – The geological project has maps of natural radioactivity be- Implementation outcomes of been solved since 2007. In 2008 the gan work on the gamma-ray spec- the project will be useful in several main part of the work was focused trometry and work on radon risk sectors (particularly environmental on completing various sampling me- map. Obtained measurement data and water management, as well dia studied, laboratory processing are continuously processed. There as health and education) and their and evaluation of analytical results, were implemented the fi eld works to organizations (SHMI, WRI, universi- as well as fi eld work on the hydro- measure radon and sampling in or- ties), in the environmental sphere geological map, maps of natural der to compile the maps of natural (the sources of pollution, the elimi- radioactivity and engineering geo- waters radioactivity. Collected and nation of old loads), in the economic logical maps. There were compiled processed were 65 samples for grain fi eld (relation to raw mineral materi- engineering geological zoning map, size analysis, which is inevitable in als), research (usable quantities of map of susceptibility to slope move- order to interpret the results. groundwater, water supply) and not ments and map of site optimization The results of the work are con- least in the legislative fi eld (defi ni- for spatial planning. tinuously processed in digital form tion of mining water, the handling, For pedogeochemical map there within the individual data layers cor- were collected 86 soil samples, 40 responding to the methodologies be- rock samples and 34 samples of ing developed for a set of maps of groundwater for maps of natural wa- environmental geofactors. ters quality. For the hydrogeological map was Mine waters in Slovakia in re- compiled a database of wells and lation to rock environment and springs, their coordinates, yield, or mineral deposits. – The geological drawn quantities with a correspond- project objective is to develop a com- ing reduction were recorded, techni- prehensive overview of mining water cal specifi cation of the objects and sources in Slovakia in terms of their the available data on the chemical quantitative and qualitative param- composition of groundwaters. A sig- eters in relation to the possibilities of nifi cant part of the work on the map their practical use and in respect to of the natural waters quality has been the risks of negative impacts on the focused on the completion of water environment. The knowledge is up- sampling and analytical processing. dated about the existing conditions At the same time the partial results determining the quantity and type of from already analyzed samples were regime, as well as the processes of evaluated. forming their fi nal chemical composi- Measurement of mine water discharge in the gallery Martin, Sb deposit Dúbrava, Nízke Ta- For geochemical map of river sedi- tion. The component of the solution is try Mts. Photo: P. Bajtoš ments all the samples were analyzed. hydrogeological and hydrogeochemi- Pollution in the region is low com- cal documentation of mine waters responsibilities, etc.). The proposed pared to other regions. The monitor- sources, sum-up and classifi cation classifi cations of mine waters will ing of chemical elements revealed a of their quantities and the creation of allow, according to several crite- higher Ni content (maximum 349 mg/ GIS on mining waters of Slovakia. ria, their classifi cation into different kg) and Cr (1 840 mg/kg). Increased Mining waters originating from types, and subsequent clarifi cation content of these elements has a geo- the effects of mining works drainage of the type of variability in space chemical origin and binds to specifi c in water-bearing rock environment using the regional and interregional lithological type - claystone. are a specifi c, anthropogenically in- comparisons in relation to types of For geochemical map of rock duced water type. In terms of current extracted mineral deposits and the types, all collected samples were legislation they are governed by the surrounding rock environment



Activity of the Department of Geoanalytical Laboratories (GAL) in 2008 was aimed at providing full service of analytical work on: • scientific and technical projects, • projects of the Section of Geology and Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment, • national monitoring of groundwater for the Ministry of Environment, • public and private organizations.

48 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Scope of analytical work Scope of analytical work meets the requirements of the projects solved in ŠGÚDŠ and legislative regulations for water, soil, sediment and waste. • geological materials, rocks, coal, soils, sediments: Determination of trace elements by AESICP method (J. Nováková). Photo: D. Mackových • comprehensive analyses of composition and physico- toxic trace elements in soils • Emissions, working at- chemical properties of ma- and sediments to estimate mosphere and combustion terials within the range of the environmental risk, products: matrix and trace elements • ecotoxicological tests of acute • analyses of toxic metals in fi l- from hydrogen to uranium toxicity. ter screens, in ultratrace, trace and • water - potable, mineral, sur- • analyses of gases and organic macro-concentrations, face, underground, mining and substances. • thermal analyses, waste: • mineralogical and petrograph- • basic physicochemical analyses, ic analyses, • analyses of trace elements, International Projects • preparing mineralogical speci- • organic compounds, mens, • special analyses of water for The Department of Geoana- • essential soil mechanics tests construction and engineering lytical Laboratories (GAL) in for engineering geology. geology, 2008 concluded an international • Environmental and geochemi- • microbiological, hydrobio- contract for the EuroGeoSurveys cal samples - soil, sediment logical and ecotoxicological project: Geochemical mapping of and biomass: evaluation. agricultural and grazing land soil • inorganic elements (from hy- • Waste and sewage sludge: of Europe (GEMAS), in which it is drogen to uranium), • analyses of waste properties, solely responsible for the receipt • organic compounds, • ecotoxicological tests of acute of approximately 5 000 samples of • sequential extraction to de- toxicity, agricultural soils and grass from 34 termine bioavailable forms of • expertise to landfi lling. European countries for handling with

Preparation of samples for the EuroGeoSurveys project Geochemical mapping of agricultural and grazing land soil of Europe. Photo: archive GAL

Annual Report 2008 49 them, their storage and preparation. The participa- Sample preparation consists of dry- tion in international ing, sieving, partition, randomization, and national com- preparation of duplicates and label- parative trials (INT) ling of soil samples. Deliveries of in the year 2008 samples began in the second half of covered a wide area 2008. The project is the preparation of the analyzed ma- of two design standards in a number terials and compo- of 100 kg, which were prepared in nents. Overview of the GAL. In 2009, splits (sub-sam- involvement in the ples) will be further sent to European INT and the evalua- laboratories for analytical process- ing. ŠGÚDŠ ensures all procedures tion results is shown QA/QC required for the performance in the table. of this contract, in particular proce- Total number dures, validation, records, internal of analyses in quality control, preventive mainte- interlaboratory nance, procedure to evaluate the ac- tests was 588; of Microwave decomposition of solid samples (V. Kandriková). Photo: curacy, completeness and accuracy the unsatisfactory L. Martinský of records, storage and labelling of results were 22 tests. The overall analyses of wood chips, sawdust samples. success of international and national and wood briquettes. The test was benchmarks for the year 2008 for all organized by association TEKO Measurements quality types of materials, matrices, and all Prague. tested components was 96.3%. assurance To ensure quality control of ana- Determination of macro- lytical results of biofuels and alter- Permanent control of measure- native fuels the laboratories for the and micro-elements in ments quality was ensured by the fi rst time successfully participated geological materials GAL participation in interlaboratory in international tests to verify the comparative trial tests. competence of laboratories for Inter-laboratory comparison test GE- OPT organized by the Open University Participation in international and National CT in United Kingdom MATRIX ANALYSES ORGANIZER is aimed at verifying the competence of Water: potable – phys.- chemical analysis, VÚVH Bratislava geochemical labo- surface – trace elements, ratories carrying out waste – special organic analysis, analysis of different – ecotoxicologic tests, types of geological – microbiologic tests, materials. Selec- – hydrobiologic tests. tion of test materi- Uhlie – základné parametre TEKO Prague als represents the Biofuel – základné parametre, C, H, N, Cl TEKO Prague samples from dif- Soil – the main, accessory and trace ISE-WEPAL, Netherlands, ferent geological lo- chemical elements 2x a year 4 samples cations. Among the types of tested ma- – special organic analysis SETOC-WEPAL, Netherlands, Sedimenty terials were gran- 2x a year 4 samples ites, volcanic tuff, Geologické materiály – the main, accessory and trace GeoPT, the Open University serpentinite, marine chemical elements Great Britain, 2x a year sediment, basalt,

50 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Mass selective detector of the company Agilent GC MS

selections of samples Evaluation of GAL success rate in GeoPT tests representsr different typest of clay, river clay,c forest soils, 100 sandys clay, sandy 99 soils,s stony soils, anda so on. The tests 98 involvedi an average % 97 ofo 40 laboratories 96 acrossa Europe. In thet scope of the pro- 95 gramg ISE (Interna- 94 tionalt Exchange Soil 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 AnalyticalA Exchange) Year area analyzed twice a yeary four samples forf the total contents Achieved results quality in ICT – main and trace elements in geological materials in the period of 20042004-2008-2008 Al,A As, B, Ba, Be, C, Ca, Cd, Ce, Cs, Co, shales, sandstone, etc. The tests are Determination of macro- Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, I, K, La, Li, Mg, organized twice a year, involving more Mn, N, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Si, than 70 laboratories around the world. and trace elements in soils Sn, Sr, Ti, TIC, TOC, V, Y, Zn and Zr. In the chart are recorded the results of Long-term good quality - 97% or evaluation of GEOPT tests success for The University of Wageningen more - confi rms the correct choice of the period 2004 - 2008. The quality of in the Netherlands is the organizer analytical procedures for sample to- achievement is at 95% or more. of an international inter-laboratory tal decomposition and application of From the results of interlaboratory tests comparison programme for analytical analytical techniques in the assays for each element for the period it can be laboratories for analysis of soils. The GEOPT. seen that the ingested sample preparation methods and choice of analytical tech- MPS - ISE Program - major, minor and trace elements in soils niques (RFS method of pressed tablets 100 and fused beads, the method of AES and 99 ICP, and Flame AAS and hydride tech- 98 nique) were correctly % applied to each type 97 of analyzed matrix 96 and in the scope of chemical elements 95 determination there were not revealed any 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 signifi cant, or system- Year atic deviations from the reference value measurements. Quality achievement in MPS - ISE Program - major, minor and trace elements in soils

Annual Report 2008 51 ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OF VICE-DIRECTOR FOR GEOLOGY AND PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION MULTILATERAL AGREEMENTS Agreement on cooperation in the sphe- re of the geological mapping along the borders with Hungary and neighbouring countries of Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania and Slovenia. MÁFI, Budapest (since 2003, without time limitation). BILATERAL l–“’’ AGREEMENTS Geologisches Bundesanstalt, GBA Vienna, Austria (since 1960, without time limitation). Czech Geological Institute. ~„•–„š„ ČGÚ Prague, Czech Republic iyh{pzsh}h (2005 – 2010). s™Œ™ Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics. w•„Š˜ˆ AS CzR Prague (2005-2010) Hungarian Geological Institute. v•>„‘– }Œˆ‘‘„ kˆ •ˆ†ˆ‘ MÁFI Budapest, Hungary (2005 – 2010). i˜‡„“ˆ–— s˜ „‘„ Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. ATOMKI Debreczen, Hungary (since 1995, without time limitation). State geological Institute. PIG Warszawa, Poland (2008 – 2013). Geological Survey of Finland. GTK Espoo, Finland (2005 – 2010). Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Miniéres. Orléans, France (1996, without time limitation). Slovenian geological Institute. Natio- zsv}hrêylw|ispj nal Academy of Sciences Ukraine, jhuhkh i•„—Œ–„™„ GeoZS Ljubljana, Slovenia (2006 – 2011). ~Œ‘‡–’• Institute of geology and geochemistry of Fossil Fuels. jopuhê Lviv, Ukraine (1999 – 2010). iˆŒŒ‘Š University of Windsor. Canada (without time limitation). South African Council for Geoscience. zv|{oêhmypjh Pretoria, South Africa w•ˆ—’•Œ„ (since 1997, without time limitation). Chinese Academy of Sciences, Insti- tute of Geology and Geophysics. Beijing, China (since 1999, without time limitation).

52 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) The researches in the project ENWAT during the second workshop of the 4th working stage, 10–11/03/2008, Nitra. From the left: Károly Brezs- nyánszky, Juraj Michalko, Teodóra Szőcs, Igor Slaninka, Peter Malík, Gábor Gaál, Jaromír Švasta, Dan- iel Marcin, Gergely Havas, Jozef Kordík, František Bottlik, Katarína Možiešiková

defi ned by different methods and project is funded by EU Structural INTERNATIONAL models using new isotopic research Funds Interreg IIIA neighbourhood PROJECTS methodologies. programme of Hungary - Slovakia - Ukraine. In the work were mainly in- Geological phenomena will not 2 Certifi cation of reference materi- volved staffs from the Departments stop at the state borders. Their joint als in sediments of Hydrogeology and Geothermal solution with neighbouring states is In the scope of own control and cer- energy and Environmental Geo- a prerequisite for successful solu- tifi cation programmes the Geoana- chemistry. tion of many problems. International lytical Laboratories cooperated with cooperation should be regarded as more than thirty prestigious labora- a natural part of the projects of geo- tories around the world. The GAL logical research. It provides meth- provided organization and expertise odological advances, high level of skills for an international round En- issues solution, as well as address- viPT1 test involving 11 Slovak and ing common issues related to geo- 33 foreign laboratories. Since 2000 In the project proposals were logical structure, development and the Geoanalytical Laboratories have outlined three focus areas of trans- other geological aspects beyond the been active member of the interna- boundary groundwater bodies in state border area in particular. Some tional analytical organization Inter- Poiplie, river Bodrog and the karst projects require international support national Association of Geoanalysts. national parks Slovenský kras or projects from our part. Aggtelek. The projects are aimed In 2008, ŠGÚDŠ solved the at risk assessment with regard projects resulting from foreign co- to cross-border spread of con- operation programs: 6 FP EU Sci- ence and Research, IAEA, Interreg IIIA, IIIB, CASTOR, eContent plus - eWater, GEMAS. Each of them had different funding rules (the accept- ance of eligible expenses), or co- fi nancing, depending on whether ŠGÚDŠ is a coordinator or contrac- tor in a project. Major projects: 1 Evaluation of the hydrological conditions of the upper Vah by methods of isotopic analysis In cooperation with the Interna- tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) InterlaboratoryInterlaboratory tetestst EnviPT4 (trace (trace eleelementsments continued the project solution in in sludge) 3 Environmental state and sustain- able management of Hungarian- Slovak transboundary groundwater bodies (ENWAT) The tasks were published in the form of ENWAT Project Results posted on the project website: From 2006 to 2008 the State 2008 aiming at a goal to acquire new Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr knowledge about the basic nature of cooperated with the Hungarian State taminants, groundwater pollution runoff in smaller and large catchment Geological Institute (MÁFI - Magyar and quantitative impact of any in- of the Váh River and at the nature of Állami Földtani Intézet) in the scope crease of exploited groundwater relations between the basic runoff of this international project. This quantity in the assessed regions.

Annual Report 2008 53 Project GeoCapacity - Slovakia - map of

CO2 sources with an annual production of

CO2 more than 0.1 Mt. Red arrows point

to the main regional sources of CO2

The starting point was to provide data necessary for comprehensive hydrogeological-hydrogeochemical assessment and modeling of the territory, especially geological ma- terials, hydrogeochemical-hydroge- ological data, monitoring data, data on the nature of land use and loca- tion of potential pollution sources. The overall project objective is to contribute to the improvement of qualitative and quantitative indicators of groundwater in the cross-border bodies by 2015. The main objective is to compile a single geological, hy- drological and environmental spatial information system, which should be a useful tool in supporting the imple- mentation of the Water Framework Directive in both countries; it should Area of East-Slovakian Neogene basin with create a basis for other tasks and two and three-dimensional models of Sarma- activities related to groundwater and tian sediments the environment in the regions con- The coordinator was the Dan- cerned. ish Geological Survey. In 2008 the The collection, processing and project held two workshops - in April Area East-Slovakian Neogene basin with fi nal evaluation of these data using in Dubrovnik (Croatia) and in Octo- three-dimensional model of individual strati- graphic levelsí. the model solution provides MÁFI ber in Hévíz (Hungary). Personnel (Hungarian State Geological Insti- of ŠGÚDŠ documented there the sources of CO2 (source = factories, tute) in Hungary and ŠGÚDŠ (P. results achieved. The fi nal report of heating plants, etc., producing fl ue Malík) in Slovakia. To last but not the project was compiled and fi nal- gases containing CO2) with an an- least the project aims to disseminate ized and a da- information on the rational approach tabase of point to use and protection of groundwater sources of CO2 through regional seminars, issuing and other inputs leafl ets and via a dedicated website was adjusted. The website contains They were ana- summarized data of the project in lyzed two case Slovak, Hungarian and English. studies - from East_Slovakian 4 GEOCAPACITY Lowland and The project was fi nanced from Central Slova- the European Commission (Princi- kia Neovolcan- pal Investigator Dr. Kucharič Ľudovít, ites. In 2008 the PhD.). ŠGÚDŠ was one of 25 par- project ended ticipants from all over Europe. The successfully. main objective of the project was In Slova- to determine the Europe‘s potential kia was at the Hydrocarbons deposits of East-Slovakian Neogene basin, for which has been set the capacity of the CO storage. Overall, the hydrocarbon de- for underground storage of CO as 2 2 time addressing posits in the East-Slovakian Neogene have a storage potential of 49.9 a means to combat climate change. the project 26 Mt CO2.

54 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) EEuropean Union were also iinvestigated in the scope of

tthe project of CO2 NET EAST. ŠGÚDŠŠ is a participant in the solutionss (responsible contact personp Dr. Kucharič Ľudovít, PhD.).P CO EAST NET is 2 Homepage of the project CO2 NetEast web thet Coordination Action co- presentation fi nanced from the European UnionU under the 6th Frame- – co-organize an annual seminar of

workw Program for research, the network CO2 NET and hold technologicalt development 2 regional workshops in the new Website of the project GeoCapacity and demonstration activities. EU Member States and Candi- nual capacity of more than 0.1 Mt The main goal is to extend the ex- date Countries; isting European cooperation in the – to disseminate the latest scien- CO2. Their total annual production fi eld of CO capture and storage in tifi c knowledge and raise general was about 22.8 Mt CO2. Geological 2 solution to the problem of elimination the new EU member and Candidate awareness about the technology of Countries. Under the umbrella of carbon capture and storage of CO of CO2 produced by industry is the 2 imposition of appropriate structures the project ŠGÚDŠ operates Slovak in the new EU Member States and deep below the Earth“s surface. In national information portal for tech- Candidate Countries not only dur-

Slovakia, in the capacity, safety, but nology of CO2 capture and storage ing the project, but also afterwards; also in economic terms, have been (http:// – to contribute to the establishment identifi ed as the best deep-deposited co2neteast.htm). The project partial of contacts between interested in- rock strata containing salt water. One objectives include the following ac- stitutions in new EU member and area that meets criteria for safe stor- tivities: Candidate Countries and their age, is also far below the surface of – provide support to new member counterparts in the old Member the East-Slovakian Lowland. Within organizations of the network NET States using existing networks, the layers of Neogene sediments of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide Knowledge especially CO2 and Energy NET Pannonian and Sarmatan age, ac- Transfer Network), established in (European Network for Research cording to the preliminary rough esti- the new EU Member States and in Geo-Energy) and establish Candidate Countries and enable links with the European Technol- mate, could be stored 3 355 Mt CO2 them to actively participate in the ogy Platform for emission-free Another possible CO2 storage structures offer worked-out deposits activities of the network; thermal power plant (ETP ZEP) of hydrocarbons; however they are small in capacity. But on the other hand, they are well researched, safe, and gases or oil have been safely stored in them for several million years. Extracted deposits could well serve as storage sites for CO2 for lo- cal industrial sources (if for various reasons they could not be used for building underground gas storage fa- cilities).

5 NET CO2 EAST The issues of greenhouse gases Geological cross-section of borehole GK4 (Bzovík) - an example of the geological structure storage into the geological envi- potentially suitable for CO2 storage. Explanation: 1 - volcano-sedimentary complex, 2 - clays, ronment in some countries of the 3 - sandstones, 4 - carbonates, 5 - crystalline basement, 6 – faults

Annual Report 2008 55 The project implementation is en- an access to sured by consortium of 7 research data on groun- institutes from EU New Member and dwater through Candidate Countries and the Norwe- mobile com- gian company Statoil, which is an in- puters such as Example of introductory webpage of eWater portal dustrial project partner. The project PDAs combi- takes place from 2006 to 2009 ned with GPS also for experts whi- and language chosen by the user. le working in the fi eld. Since eWater Another result are the new/en- 6 eContent plus - eWater architecture complies with INSPIRE hanced standards for the repre- The eWater international project, principles, new data suppliers will be sentation of geophysical data and which was successfully completed able to distribute their data through geophysical extension of the ISO in August 2008, created a portal the system. Infrastructure for spatial metadata standard, including the that provides access to maps and hydrogeological data created in the XML standard. It is a platform of- hydrological data of twelve Europe- eWater project can also be used in fering the use of geophysical data an Union countries. It was created other international applications. across borders without restriction. with fi nancial support from the Eu- GEOMIND provides metadata, i.e. ropean Commission project called 7 GEOMIND information on the data of vertical Multilingual access to international The project was solved in the electrical soundings, electromag- databases of groundwater (www. scope of eContentplus with the netic measurements in time domain 50percent fi nancial share of the Eu- (TDEM), the data from magnetotel- The main objective of this pro- ropean Commission and the 50per- luric and telluric measurements, ject was to increase the international cent participation of the Ministry of gravimetric data, the data from air availability of spatial data quality in Environment. The aim was to crea- and ground magnetometry and ra- order to ensure quality, localization te a multinational multilingual infor- diometry, comprehensive air data, and exploitation of groundwaters, mation services supported by the data from magnetic observatories access to them, and the possibility Internet - Web portal GEOMIND. on 2D seismic profiles, and 2D and of their reuse. The system is capable of provi- 3D seismic tomography, seismic, The international portal is desig- ding cross multilingual metadata and seismological refractive pro- ned for the European Commission service with Access to providers files, vertical sounding and petro- and national water authorities, water of the data in a common format physical data. suppliers, data service providers, in- surance companies, organization for supervision and planning, and the general public. The central element is a central web portal, where the participating countries of the European Union may present their hydrogeological data. Through the multilingual interface, users can visualise information abo- ut wells (hydrogeological wells) and hydrogeological maps in several lan- guages of the European Union. The system provides similar synopsis of data from different countries through the general format, although indivi- dual countries use their national da- tabases with different data structures. EWaterMobile application can allow Preview of website with access to metadata

56 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Geoportal of the project INSPIRE

The solution involved 9 countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, Ger- many, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithu- ania, Poland and Slovakia). Works were completed in August 2008. The portal has been launched into portal OneGeology is being created in projects of INSPIRE, GMES, GEO, TER- operation in October 2008. order to share information with the par- RA FIRMA, EUMETSAT and others. ticipants and with the public. 8 OneGeology Europe During the two years duration Created and enduring partnerships: The aim is to make an access to ŠGÚDŠ was involved in several pro- Even in 2008 there was a bilateral geological spatial data across Europe. ject packages. The project and interim cooperation with relevant institutes The project, in which participate 30 outputs from it are available on a se- abroad in order to solve the problems organizations (21 of Europe‘s geologi- parate page of geological research and explora- cal surveys), represents a signifi cant tion. In the framework of internatio- contribution to the geological commu- Membership in an independent nal cooperation individual experts nity in building the global information club ENERGY worked actively in various working infrastructure on the environment (IN- ENERGY is a fe- groups, committees and associati- SPIRE, SEIS, GMES and others). The derative organization ons, for example.: Working Group for solution will enable European geologi- of scientists from 29 Implementation of the EU Framework cal surveys to maintain technological European countries Directive 2000/60/EC on Water, the leadership in the global initiative One- involved in the use of geoenergies. The International Association of Hydroge- Geology. One of its objectives is to ope- main objective of the association is to ology (IAH), Commission on the loess rate an unprecedented idea of Google provide full support for industry-oriented issue within INQUA, Working Group Earth for dynamic imaging of geologi- research, development and demonstra- of COST 620 and 652, the Commit- cal maps of the world. At the same time tion activities. This goal can be achieved tee of Geochemical Group FOREGS, a new web language for geology, Web only by mutual cooperation of scientifi c working groups ABCD-GEODE, aand industrial IUGS433 - magnesite and talcs, etc. eentities, suppor- tted by the asso- The contribution of international cciation. By mid cooperation 22008, our institu- • international cooperation at top ttion established a level, ssecretariat. This • the presentation of the results of aassociation pro- Slovak science and research in pposed and imple- geological sciences, mmented projects • acquiring new knowledge necessa- GGEOCAPACITY ry for further streaming of research

aand CO2 NET and their application in practice, EASTE which • the possibility of involvement in the werew accepted resolution of multilateral projects byb the European with direct results for end-user, Commission.C • improvement in apprehension of The organi- European expert and bureaucratic zationz conducted milieu, networking, intensivein negotia- • integration of science and rese- tionst on a coordi- arch to solve global problems of natedn approach environment, anda involvement • representation of ŠGÚDŠ and Web portal OneGeology in programs and Slovakia, at the same time.

Annual Report 2008 57 ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OF VICE-DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATICS Vice-Director for Informatics: Dr. Štefan Káčer

The State Geological Institute of Di- onýz Štúr has long made íts effort in the collection and management of data- bases and information from all areas of professional activities. SGIDŠ is build- ing a comprehensive information system dedicated to improving and streamlining workfl ow in terms of professional geologi- cal activities, as well as in support of eco- nomic, administrative and management activities. During 2008, the integration of business applications into a single infor- mation system GARIS with multiple mod- ules (business system, accounting, cash, budget, assets, management system and geological projects) was carried out. In building SGIDŠ Information Sys- tem on professional activities in 2008 the project of the Geological Information System – GeoIS, was solved. It repre- sents the process of system integration of all relevant sources into a coherent and technically optimum form. On 1 April 2008 in the presence of some 150 guests in- cluding the Czech Geological Survey two public services were formally released: • Map server, • Digital Archive of Geofond.

Dr. Štefan Káčer and Assoc. Prof. Michal Kaličiak, CSc. During a ceremony of making available map servers and digital archive of SGIDŠ.Photo: L. Martinský

58 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) DIVISION OF GEOFOND

Due to change in legislation • collection, storage, record- Organizational changes at the turn of 2007/2008, the ing, processing and dis- in 2008: activity of the Department of closure for customers in Geofond was partly extended particular: • The Department of Regis- compared to the previous years. • reports on the results of ters and Records and the Under the new Geological Law geological works, Department of Mineral Re- 567/2007 of Coll., Regulation • calculations of mineral sources merged into single of ME SR No. 51/2008 and deposits and groundwa- Department of Geological SGIDŠ statute and the SGIDŠ ter supplies, Exploration, provides the following tasks: • Diploma, Doctoral, ex- • The Central Geological Li- • registration of exploration pert and similar work of brary re-joined the Division areas, keeping the register geological orientation, of Geofond, of defi ned and proposed ex- • reports of study stays • The Department of Infor- ploration areas; and travels abroad with mation Systems merged • keeping a register of old min- a geological focus; with the the Department of ing works; • record keeping of educa- GIS and this newly created • keeping of evidence on ex- tional-promotion fi lms and unit is involved within the clusive deposits, which after videocassettes fi xed in ge- Division of Information Sys- their prospecting termina- ology; tems. tion are not exploited, and • control of materials re- their protection; ceived in terms of com- • reporting geological works; pleteness and readability, The Division of Geofond • elaborates statements to and elimination of the defi - consists of: investments from the view- ciencies; point of mineral resources • processing and updat- – The Central Geological deposits protection, territo- ing the documentation on Library rial stability and registered the geological mapping, (Head Mgr. Olšinová Olga), geological works; mineral deposit, hydro- – The Department of Written • annual elaboration of Bal- geological, engineering, Documentation ance of Exclusive Deposits geophysical, geochemical (Head Mgr. Radoslava of the Slovak Republic and and other exploration of Kunská), the annual elaboration of Re- the Slovak Republic terri- – The Department of Geo- view on Quantities of Ordi- tory; logical Exploration nary and Thermal Waters; • building a Central Geo- (Head Mgr. Dušan Kúšik), • records, management and logical Library and mak- – The Department of Mate- preservation of material doc- ing available primary and rial Documentation umentation; secondary sources of in- (Head RNDr. Michael Stolár). • in the scope of the State In- formation in printed and formation System building electronic form; of a information system of • processing of geological in- Head of the Division: Geofond; formation on request. RNDr. Milan Gargulák, CSc.

Annual Report 2008 59 Department of the Central Geological Library The main activities of the Library in 2008 The Central Geological Library hence for the reputation of the en- Library’s fund. – Its composi- (CGL) is a geological specialist li- tire SGIDŠ. Thanks to her our library tion is the result of many years of brary with a nationwide scope, fo- has become the Central Geological systematic building - acquisition, cusing on the area of geology and Library not only in name but in its processing and storage of literature related disciplines. Through a pro- scope. Ms. Dvorská launched and focused primarily on geology and fessional acquisition it acquires, built up a large number of contacts related fi elds. By 31/12/ 2008, the processes, stores and provides ac- with libraries, as well as literature Library processed 70 812 volumes cess to domestic and foreign scien- publishers on all continents and of monographic and periodical litera- tifi c and professional documents. thanks to her tireless effort to get ture (books and bound periodicals The obtained documents are proc- to the Library every quality profes- years) and 55 794 non-bound num- essed in such a way which enables sional literature she has succeeded bers of periodicals and 569 titles of the readers and users to ensure the in achieving the Library has a very magazines. Scrapped were 56 publi- most efficient access to information high quality and a rich fund of the cations. in written and electronic form. The geological literature. From the Library’s collection Library fund is processed in a da- During 2008 the Library engaged during the year 2008 were bor- tabase system ProfLib, which also a number of new workers, so that Li- rowed 3 508 documents both in serves as an electronic catalogue brary staffing is now stable and can absence and presence form, in ad- - directly in the library, but also on continue the activities that were un- dition to 180 papers in the form of the website of SGIDŠ. This system dersized for the state of suspended a regular circular lending services contains currently a processed bib- workers. to regional centres SGIDŠ. In this liography from the eighties of the Another important step in 2008 period the Library attracted 43 new previous century till today. was the purchase of bar code readers and with previous years The year 2008 was signifi cant for readers with tags; by the end there are enrolled 573 readers two reasons. The fi rst are personnel of the year about 1 300 books and users (excluding employees of changes. In 2008 in the Library took were already identified. This step SGIDŠ). place several key personnel chang- means a more efficient record of Databases (in electronic form) es, starting with the retirement of a literature, an easier orientation in and related search services: long-term head Mgr. Milada Dvorská. the fund and the borrowings and Foreign databases contain- We would appreciate at this point overall this is another step in the ing abstracts from the sphere of her 25-year work for the Library and computerization of CGL. the geology and environment in CD-ROM (total about 5 million records): • GEOBASE (annual increment of about 50 000 records), • GEOREF (annual increment of about 70 000 records), • EMBASE (annual increment of about 30 000 records). In 2008, these databases proc- essed 3 662 searching records. Proflib database. – Electron- ic catalogue being built since 1990 is updated on records of new publications, selected arti-

Study room of theCentral Geological Library. Photo: L. Martinský

60 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) cles and bibliographic records. Search in ProfLib is available at ments. In 2008 we collaborated with By 31/12/2008 the catalogue 217 partner institutes from 59 coun- contained 38 808 entries. It spe- In the framework of international tries. This way we acquired 675 titles cifically registers a record of ab- cooperation the Library acquires of journals, monographs, studies, sence loans. To this date, these through international exchange into proceedings, maps and other docu- represents 7 366 entries. its fund numerous primary docu- ments.

Department of Written Documentation

The Department Written tre took over and processed 11 traction of texts from the .pdf files Documentation (archive) has packages registry records and through the application of optical a major role in collection and made shredding of discarded character recognition OCR the processing of reports and opin- documents. files for “full text” search are gen- ions on geological topics, their subsequent storage in electronic form, and cata- loguing. The archived fi- nal reports are provided for a study in the Archive study room, which is open daily for professional and laic public. Upon the requirements it im- plements reprographic and scanning work. It fulfils the duties of the SGIDŠ Regis- try Centre. The fund of geological reports and reviews regis- ters a total number of 88 167 units. The increment for 2008 are 873 new final reports. Physical inspection revealed 28 546 annexes to the final reports. Within the WebCM database were inserted 1 376 Digital archive of Geofond erated. Thus, those processed re- new bibliographic data from the ports, which have no restrictions final reports and evaluations. Since April 2008, the archive on access by law, or their restric- The archive recorded for 2008: has provided services of the dig- tive time limits have expired, are • 575 new researchers, ital archive of Geofond. Upon prior inserted into the WebCM system • 2 606 visitors, initial registration in increments the and are available for registered re- • 19 631 geological docu- final reports received in text form searchers. mentation loans. in the archives of Geofond under- By 31/12/2008 2 200 final re- Reprographic services upon goe a preparatory process before ports were completely processed the requirements of visitors to publishing their content online. and made available in the digital the study room and SGIDŠ staff The process begins with scanning archive. 43 147 included xerox copies of the whole report into a file in pdf In 2008, the digital archive reg- geological documentation in the format, followed by adjustment, istered 174 researchers, 1 371 on- formats A4 and A3 and scanned alignment, cropping, reduction line loans and 2 759 online visits of 92 070 pages. The Registry Cen- and storage. Subsequently, the ex- registered researchers.

Annual Report 2008 61 Sample of map application of geological exploration

Department of Geological Exploration processed in the fi nal reports since 1996. By this analysis, we found Register of mineral depos- Register of Survey Areas hundreds of old mining works, its exploration (SAs) and the Proposed Ex- which will be processed and incor- • In 2008 was processed and re- ploration Areas (PEAs) porated into the register in 2009. leased the Balance of exclusive • We documented and processed 44 • We have worked to create an old min- deposits resources SR with SAs and 50 PEAs. We have proc- ing works application, which will be the status by 01/01/2008 and essed the changes SAs, PEAs, accessible through a map service. Evidence of non-reserved min- transfers within the changes of eral deposits with a status by SAs owners, stopped proceedings, Register of landslides 01/01/2008. suspension of proceedings, exten- • The landslides database increased • There were processed a total of sion, revocation of PEAs and SAs on 82 new landslides and 11 fi nal 612 expert opinions upon the re- (70 items). We have developed 50 reports were processed dealing quest of organizations that carry statements to the proposals of SEs with the issue of slope failures. In out construction investment, for the Ministry of Environment and the landslides database registry and municipalities that process 80 statements to the confl icts of in- were verifi ed the following items: physical planning. We have also terest for SEs applicants. The con- width and length of landslides, issued 4statements to the invest- trol of outputs, reports and maps the vertical difference, height of ment in construction Protected involved 30 items. a main scarp and of accumulation Deposit Areas, which are kept • We worked to create an application zone and there were fi xed the er- and protected in SGIDŠ Bratis- for Survey Areas, which will be ac- ror codes. Total number of regis- lava. We provided 50 statements cessible through a map service. tered landslides is 11 488. to proposals for the Ministry of • Preparatory works were launched Environment SR and 80 state- Register of Old Mining in order to make the register acces- ments to the confl icts of interests sible through a web application. for Exploration Areas applicants. Works (OMW) • In 2008 we worked in particular on Number of items in this agenda is its modernization. In order to cre- Register of boreholes sky-rocketing year by year. • The exploration boreholes in the regis- ate Web applications a geodata- • We developed and submitted to try entries increased in 2008 on 3 156 base was created, which includes the Ministry of Environment 9 pro- records and 1 717 topographic inser- data from the original project: Slo- posals for depreciation of stocks tions. Total number of units recorded vakia - draft for remediation of old of exclusive deposits following in the register of boreholes is 741 151 th mining works - inventory, search the conclusion of the 119 Reg- and 10 164 topographic insertions. Of survey, status by 31/12/1996. istration of the KKZ (Commission this number is stored in the database • Two variants were compiled to for Resources Classifi cation) of 79 935 inventory sheets (ISs). In writ- th update the register in the form of 15 October 2008. ten form 95 784 ALS are at hand. • We continued in an update of a proposal sheet, which passed the Scientifi c Council, and now they EDs and NEDs GIS layers, as Register of hydrogeologi- well as the creation of layer should be discussed by Geologi- containing the mineral deposit cal Board. The fi rst option includes cal exploration exploration SR (connecting line complete inventory of OMW in min- • There were processed hydrogeo- elements into polygons and their ing areas and the second is pro- logical reports with an increment verifi cation). posed to introduce more spatial of 361 wells. There were recorded • We have worked with Ing. Baláž on tracking of OMW in the selected and processed HG reports without compilation of the Yearbook Miner- region (Banská Štiavnica ore fi eld). wells, but also different HG opinions, al Resources of the SR 2008. • We prepare the methodology and thesis and studies in the form of the • We have worked with Ing. Baláž on explored the possibility of taking annotation records (143 records). compilation of the Yearbook Min- over existing data on OMW, which • There were recorded and proc- eral Resources of the SR 2008 were included in the DPs and were essed the 90 HG reports contain-

62 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Preview of Atlas of territory stability in scale 1: 50 000

ing pumping tests and chemical • There were completed in the layer • This way we checked 87 objects in analyses which were carried out 1996-2000 the data in both parts the databases. We carry out an up- on existing wells. of the register (text and graphic); date of the authors’ and organiza- Register of landfi lls they are prepared for map print- tions’ encoder. The processed data • Update of the registry entries was outs (scale 1 : 200 000). are submitted to the Department of conducted in response to the reports • Check of the correctness of data IS Geofond for printing of updated of District Offices for the Environment. in databases was conducted; 173 maps (scale = 1: 200 000). There were updated 20 districts from objects were controlled. This con- the total of 46 in Slovakia. We com- trol of individual items has been Register of geophysical plemented the following information, carried out in order to ensure en- coverage in particular: landfi ll monitoring, way hanced information for users. Subregister of profi ling and areal of reclamation, removal of landfi ll. Thematic map coverage: geophysical coverage: The database was updated on the • There were completed in the layer • There were completed written lacking data: method of coordinates 1996-2000 the data in both parts of and graphic parts for the period of determination, method of thickness the register (text and graphic), prepar- 1986-1990. In the graphic part of determination, method of date de- ing for printing and control of printed the database there are processed termination of landfi ll foundation and maps at scale 1: 200 000, check of 575 insertions from 13 map sheets waste disposal termination, method interlink between the Oracle data- (scale = 1: 200 000), to which we of Z-coordinate determination, func- base and ArcGIS. 3 091 text records prepared groundwork for graphic tionality and frequency. Verifi cation and 131 maps were checked. processing. Graphic part of the among inventory sheets and digital • In a subregister of thematic map da- register of this layer is processed in processing was carried out in the tabase the Works were completed the form of objects and submitted landfi ll database. The increment and they were submitted to the De- to the Department of IS Geofond were 6 landfi lls. partment of IS Geofond for printing for printing of maps of geophysical • We had an intense contact with of thematic maps coverage. Subse- coverage of the territory of Slova- the staff of District Offices for the quently, check of printouts was con- kia. We continued the works on Environment – we exchanged with ducted (scale = 1: 200 000). completion of text part of the reg- them 60 e-mails concerning up- • There was carried out an update of ister for the period of 1986-1990, date of the information in databas- a classical register; in the layer 2006- which contains 248 processed es, delivery of databases, maps, 2010 13 records were processed (at records from 9 map sheets (scale information from the register, etc. the interim scale 1 : 200 000). = 1: 200 000). • There were elaborated 7 reports • There was carried out a check • There were solved previous tasks concerning the issues of landfi lls. of mapping groundwork (scale = related to the register for the pe- • The overall number of registered 1: 200 000) for the period of 2001- riod of 1996 – 2000; conversion landfi lls reached 8460. 2005 and interlink of data of a clas- to a digital form was done for the sical registry with identifi cation data entire area of SR, which serves in the Oracle database and ArcGIS as groundwork for printout of geo- Register of map and the- databases. There were checked physical coverage map. matic map coverage 227 written records and 13 maps. • There was carried out an update of General map coverage: • In order to ensure enhanced in- a classical register in the layer 2006- • There was carried out an update of formation for users we carry out: 2010; the processed records (at the a classical register; in the layer 2006- – check of correctness of linked interim scale 1 : 200 000) were al- 2010 12 records were processed and data within database fi les with located to 4 objects (within SR). 142 objects were controlled. the source data within classi- Subregister of geophysical sounding: • There was carried out an update cal part of the register, • There were in-fi lled wells with sound- of a classical register; in the lay- – correction of text without punc- ing (excerption from fi nal report sup er 2006-2010 3 text and graphic tuation characters, to archive a number 82 000). In the records were processed (at the – amendment and extension of text and graphic parts of the data- interim scale 1 : 200 000). description of individual items. base 620 wells were completed.

Annual Report 2008 63 Form for fi ll- ing the regis- ter database of mineral deposits

Register of geological creation of applications for saving Austria. The number of scanned works reporting of geological data and processing of attachments to geological reports • 92 investigators (providers) of ge- map groundwork for GeoIS. climbed to over 4 000. This con- ological works registered all-in-all cerned mainly the scanning of fi nal 507 geological works. Of the total • Technical support of the regis- reports, but particularly the annexes, records geological works (742 for ter of exploration areas. – In the which will be used for map applica- the whole year) only 285 reports previous year the register service tions. From the Departments’ digital were delivered (the information was assessed and a new database archive 600 annexes were retrieved as of 09/01/2009). In 6 cases the structure was designed and real- and 650 maps of various formats evidence was abolished. Records ized. At the same time the applica- were printed. are inserted into a database MS tion started to be developed, which • Update of HG wells database. ACCESS. In order to simplify the should enable the user to access – From the database 30 orders submission of registered geologi- the information online (through In- were processed. This concerned cal works we envisage the crea- ternet). In the scope of the register mainly wells selection meeting tion of web forms. 47 SAs proposals, licence, revoca- specifi c criteria. tions). Upon the request by the Min- • Support for the landslides reg- The Department of geological ex- istry of Environment 30 statements ister. – The Department digitized ploration received a computer sup- were delivered and 47 statements landslides from the map ground- port for of a brand-new Department to the confl ict of interest. The De- work at scale 1 : 10000. For the of GIS, which is currently incorpo- partment provided also large-scale future we will put more effort into rated in the IS Division. printing of SAs (6 pieces). preparatory works for map appli- The GIS Department work has • Scanning and printing. – 1 720 cations. The essentials will provide been focused mainly on design and historic maps were borrowed from Atlas of slope stability of the Slovak management of geological works, the Geologische Bundesanstalt in Republic at scale 1 : 50000. the digitization and editing of map data, printing maps and posters,

Example of relational database of mineral deposits (MS-Access)

64 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Preview of upcoming appli- cations of old mine works

• Support for the borehole reg- Department of Material Documentation ister. – We enhanced the coop- eration with the borehole register In 2008, the Department of Geo- customers). During inspection of and we processed about 5200 logical Material Documentation focu- boreholes there were studied and boreholes – creation of text fi les. sed on several activities: re-deposited 8 boreholes with a to- • Landfi lls register. – The Depart- • Reconstruction of stores in Trnáv- tal length of more than 12 000 m. ment examined 300 landfi lls for ka, Galvaniho Street, 8 in Bratisla- • In 2008, two excursions of more the needs of registry. It also pro- va. The construction works on the than 50 visitors visited the objects of duced 53 orders for the registry. store were completed by 31 De- geological documentation material. • Oracle Database environment. cember 2008. The reconstruction – The Department signifi cantly con- of stores for core recovery at this The current volume of perma- tributed to the creation of a paleon- workplace expanded a storage nently stored geological documenta- tological database of fossils. capacity to nearly triple the ori- tion material: • Geophysical register. – For the ginal capacity, namely for 2 000 • The base material of geological needs of the register, we adjusted standard pallets. In the future this documentation Bratislava, Gal- data sets from different periods, store will preserve permanently vani Street 8, has consistently eg. years 1985 - 2000, 1986 - 1990 stored material geological docu- deposited 836 standard pallets of and so on. All-in-all were corrected mentation, treated and deposited material (the standardized pallet more than 80 tables (removed according to adopted rules. size 120 x 100 x 80 cm, weight more than 1 000 duplicates). • There continued a processing of cannot to exceed 1 500 kg). • Statements. – The Department took permanently stored geological • The base of geological documen- over complete processing of map documentation from the territory tation material in Kráľová pri Sen- annexes to the statements on capital of the Slovak Republic – buildin- ci has deposited 1 084 standard investments. There were processed g-up of a modern imposition of pallets of material. more than 300 statements. a single geological documenta- • The base of geological documen- • Department of written docu- tion material in the form of uni- tation material in Betliar has de- mentation. – In 2008 our technical fi cation of packaging material for posited 230 standard pallets of support was expanded on support a single standard, unifi cation of material. of the Department of written docu- marking using a uniform stan- • Temporarily saved and yet not mentation - archive. In the scope dard and harmonize the system classifi ed material includes appro- of the Digital Archive Project (Web- of deposition by pallet and shelf- ximately 150 standardized pallets. CM) were processed and checked pallet way, as well as centralized (OCR technology) around 3 500 storage of geological documen- pages of text (over 250 reports). tation material on three basic • Register of old mine works. – stores of geological material do- The register underwent person- cumentation. nel and technical changes. The • We worked towards a single mo- Department of GIS was involved dern system of recording the docu- in creation of map application that mentation of geological material. will be put into operation in 2009. • From other organizations we took • Register of mineral deposits. – over 1 440 m of material, in parti- In 2008, a new data model was cular geological documentation of created, the database was re- the drilling cores recovery and en- vised, a map application was put gineering geological boreholes. into operation and at the same • Permanently stored geological do- time started the adjustment of the cumentation material was viewed exploration coverage layer, which and upon authorization of the Mi- in the next year will be attached to nistry of Environment were col- existing data fi les. lected samples by 12 persons (3 Deposition of drilling recovery. Photo: M. Stolár


The Division of Information systems aims to provide activities that are used for the collection, management and pub- lication of geological data. The main ac- tivities include: • implementation of information sys- tems of SGIDŠ according to adopted Regulation, • processing of proposals for informa- tion systems, • ensuring the implementation of the geologic information system GeoIS, • providing support for the Division of Geological research and mapping in developing information systems, • updating web pages according to in- structions of the person responsible for providing information in accord- ance with Act. 211/2000 Coll., • creating security and archival copies under the current legislation provided for secured information systems, • SGIDŠ publishing activity.

The Division of Information systems consists of: – Department of Geological Informa- tion Systems (Head Ing. Jozef Mižák), – Promotion Department (Dr. Ladislav Martinský), – Department of Computer Technique and servers administration (Ing. Juraj Balúch), – SGIDŠ Publishers (Gabriela Šipošová).

Head of the Department: Ing. Miroslav Antalík

66 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Department of Geological Information Systems List of map server applica- tions: Based on the decision of the servers. Maps were created in col- 1. Geological Map SR v M 1 : 50 000 SGIDŠ Director the staff of the De- laboration with professional super- (Digitálna Geological Map SR in partment of Information Systems visors of each geological discipline. scale 1 : 50 000, SGIDŠ, Bratislava, Geofond was by 01/04/2008 trans- Their primary task was to determine; ferred to the Department of Geologi- the so-called data fi elds, i.e. a logi- 2. The geological structure of Europe cal Information Systems. This way cal grouping of existing or proposed in scale 1 : 20 000 000 (Geological the department was founded, part of data sources, transformation and Structure of Europe, Lexa J., 2002, which is involved in solving geologi- data sources to supplement in the M 1 : 20 000 000, Atlas of Land- cal projects, particularly the project resulting data structures, selection of scape of the Slovak Republic); GeoIS, and the second part in the application equipment and staffing 3. general geological maps (Structural construction of geographic informa- Scheme of the Western Carpathi- tion systems of Geofond - technical Both services, map server and ans and Adjacent Territories, J. Lexa support of the Geofond registers ad- digital archive, can be run separately et al., 2000, scale 1 : 2 000 000, Ge- ministration. from the website SGIDŠ www.geol- ological Map of the Slovak Republic, The basic layer of map server J. Vozár, Š. Káčer et al., 1998, scale GeoIS - Geological Information is Digital Geological Map of Slovakia 1 : 1 000 000, Geological Map of the System (Principal Investigator Dr. in scale 1 : 50 0000 which, together Western Carpathians and Adjacent Š. Káčer) with several map series provides us- Territories, J. Lexa et al., 2000, scale In terms of importance and vol- ers with a web browser. Individual 1: 500 000); ume of work done in 2008, the great- maps are available for viewing, or 4. Synoptic maps of SR scale est emphasis was given to prepare printing, making use of functions that 1 : 500 000 (Regional Geological Divi- maps works and gradually making are described in each map service in sion of Slovakia, D. Vass et al., 1986, available at the newly created map corresponding handbook. scale 1 : 500 000; Geomorphological

Gateway to the SGIDŠ map server at Gateway to the digital archive of Geofond

Annual Report 2008 67 Single and original legend of the Digital Geo- logical map of SR at scale 1: 50 000

Division of Slovakia, E. Mazúr and kanová, 2002, scale 1: 500 000, Atlas The maps stored on the map M. Lukniš, 1986, Atlas SSR, scale of Landscape of the Slovak Republic; server are thematically divided into 1 : 500 000; Neotectonic Map of Slo- Sources of Geothermal and Mineral 7 groups according to content, scale vakia, J. Maglay et al., 1999, scale Waters, M. Fendek, K. Poráziková, and purpose of the map data. Besides 1 : 500 000; Metallogenic Map of the D. Štefanovičová, M.Supuková, the Digital Geological Map of Slova- Slovak Republic, J. Lexa, P. Bačo, M. 2002, scale 1 : 500 000, Atlas of kia in scale 1: 50 000 all services are Chovan, M. Petro, I. Rojkovič and M. Landscape of the Slovak Republic; provided also in English. Along with Tréger, 2004, scale 1 : 500 000; Map Contamination of Soils, J. Čurlík and the individual attributes of the maps of Lithogeochemical Types of Slo- P. Ševčík, 2002, scale 1 : 500 000, the entire application environment is vakia, J. Lexa and K. Marsina, 1995, Atlas of Landscape of the Slovak also translated in English. scale 1 : 1 000 000, Geochemical Republic; Selected Geodynamic Atlas of the Slovak Republic, Part Phenomena, A. Klukanová, P. Liščák, For the geological information III: Rocks, GS SR, 1999); M. Hrašna and J. Streďanský, 2002, system, subsystem Geophysics 5. Maps of Atlas of Landscape SR, scale 1 : 500 000, Atlas of Landscape (Dr. A. Gluch) outputs of selected scale 1 : 1 000 000 (Quaternary Cov- of the Slovak Republic; Mineral Re- geophysical methods (gravimetry, er, J. Maglay, J. Pristaš, 2002, scale sources of Slovakia, J. Zuberec, M. magnetometry, natural and artifi cial 1 : 1 000 000, Atlas of Landscape of Tréger, J. Lexa and P. Baláž, 2004, radioactivity, geoelectrical survey - the Slovak Republic; Map of Impor- scale 1 : 500 000); VES) were processed, which will be tant Geological Sites, Liščák P., Polák 7. Hydrogeological Map of SR, scale gradually presented within GeoIS M., Pauditš P. and Baráth I., 2002, 1 : 200 000. on the website. scale 1 : 1 000 000, Atlas of Land- scape of the Slovak Republic; Main hydrogeological regions, P. Malík, and J. Švasta, 2002, scale 1 : 1 000 000, Atlas of Landscape of the Slovak Republic; Suscep- tibility of Soils to Acidifi cation, J. Čurlík, 2002, scale 1 : 1 000 000, Atlas of Landscape of the Slovak Republic; Territory Suitability for Waste Disposal, A. Klukanová and Ľ. Iglárová, 2002, scale 1 : 500 000, Atlas of Landscape of the Slovak Republic); 6. Maps of Atlas of Landscape, scale 1 : 500 000 (Engineering Zoning, M. Hrašna and A. Klu- Map of the total natural radioactivity in SR, scale 1: 500 000 (A. Gluch, 2008)

68 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) In the scope of the project also • registered researcher (full ac- cerns mainly processing of graphic GeoIS application WebCM was cess): and database part. In the regional developed as a superstructure of • search in bibliographic data, centre the personnel is also respon- IBM DB2 Content Manager – Dig- • „full text“ search, sible for the computer network ad- ital Archive of Geofond. The ap- • opening of PDF fi les of scanned ministration, internet connection and plication provides access to final text parts of reports. borrowing service for publications reports and the expert opinions of the original database of the Geofond ar- chive. To the ba- sic bibliography data there are continuously at- tached scanned texts and annex parts of final re- ports in PDF for- mat. Extraction of texts of final reports through the applica- tion of optical character rec- ognition (OCR) system provides “full text” search directly in the text of the re- port. Since the time complexity in terms of the long-term proc- ess, in the sys- tem the latest Search result with an option of fi nal report opening increments will be incorporated first, and gradually The Department of GIS partici- (bibliographic fund, archive of fi nal the older ones. pated also in preparatory works for reports and written documentation). The digital archive of Geofond printing of digital maps – Geological The Department’s employees of RC can be accessed anonymously or Map of Slovenské rudohorie Mts. in Spišská Nová Ves participated rel- as registered scientist with defi ned – East and Quaternary map SR in evantly in fi nal stage of the project rights: scale 1 : 500 000. General Geological Map of the Slo- • anonymous researcher (without An autonomous compound of the vak Republic 1 : 200 000, in preparing obligatory registration): Department of GIS are employees of graphic groundwork of map sheets • search in the bibliographic the regional centre in Spišská Nová and entire SR for offset printing. By data (an extended number Ves. Their main activity is focused in the end of 2008 was completed also of data in the detail of a re- participation in solution of geological fi nal version of the legend to the geo- port); projects solved by SGIDŠ. This con- logical map.

Annual Report 2008 69 Creative workshop for kids in the atrium of the Ministry of Environ- ment SR in the scope of the Days of the Earth. Photo: L. Martinský

Department of Promotion • Theme: Days of the Earth – in the course of April 2008 in the scope Promotion and dissemination of the Days of the Earth SGIDŠ of the results for publics prepared special educational ex- Promotion and dissemination of hibit of rocks for children, which the geological information for profes- participated in the Creative work- sional and laic publics was one of shop in the atrium of the Ministry the objectives of SGIDŠ activities in of Environment SR. the year 2008. Presentation of SGIDŠ in the Presentations at conferences, atrium of the Ministry of Environ- seminars and in museum: ment SR: Department of Promotion of contrib- • Theme: Infl uence of geological utes to the Institute’s promotion in the Ing. Z. Németh, PhD., Dr. L. Šimon, PhD., Dr. factors upon quality of life – 9 scope of conferences, seminars and D. Plašienka, CSc., and Dr. A. Nagy, CSc., at posters were exhibited present- specialized expositions in museum: unveiling of the memorial tablet of A. Kmeť. ing a wide range of geological • Enviro-i-fórum. – In the scope of Photo: L. Martinský factors impact upon quality of life. the 4th conference Professional tablet was made in the year 1968 At the same time the showcases Forum on Environmental Infor- and it was planned to be installed presented the latest geological matics held on 10– 12/06/2008 in directly on Sitno Mt. during the publications and maps. Date: Zvolen the activities of the Insti- World Geological Congress, which 17/12/2007 – 14/01/ 2008. tute were presented besides the was hosted by that time Czecho- lectures also by posters in the slovakia. However, this couldn’t Stand of Institute with optional happen. For years the tablet was purchase of SGIDŠ publications. preserved by the volcanologists of

Poster presentation of SGIDŠ in the atrium of the Ministry of Environment SR. Photo: L. Martinský

Dr. L. Martinský in the Stand of Institute at the conference Leaflet to the exhibition Enviro-i-fórum. Photo: J. Vlachovič Planet, on which we live • Unveiling of a memorial tablet of the Institute Eva and Karol Karo- Andrej Kmeť. – During the annual lus, later for about 20 years by Dr. meeting of the Slovak Geological A. Nagy, CSc. He proposed to in- Society held on 11/12/2008 in the stall the memorial tablet within the premises of SGIDŠ in the Centen- premises of SGIDŠ. nial of the death of Andrej Kmeť • Planet, on which we live. – In the the memory plate was unveiled to scope of the International year of commemorate this foremost Slo- the Planet Earth the SGIDŠ cor- vak naturalist, which sifnifi cantly roborated in the exhibit project of contributed to geological research Nature Museum SNM Planet, on Example of the exhibit of rock types in the sco- pe of the Days of the Earth. Photo: L. Martinský of Sitno Mt. and its vicinity. The which we live.

70 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Example of a showcase with geological col- lections at the mezzanine fl oor in SGIDŠ in Bratislava. Photo: L. Martinský

Presentation of SGIDŠ on in- him. The materials consist of various promotional materials and, fi nally, ternet, acquisition of historic ma- documents, logbooks, photographs external printing orders. terials, update of collections in and other materials. Along with showcases, new printer: these materials, we borrowed also Other promotional activities of • SGIDŠ on internet. – Department the historical maps of the territory of the Department: of Promotion provides a complex Slovakia in the scales 1: 28 800 and • SGIDŠ Annual presentation of the Institute at the 1: 144 000. 2007. – Like website. The advantage of web • The geological collections each year the presentation of the Institute is ex- in the showcases of SGIDŠ. Department tremely successful www.geology. – The Department of Pro- of Promo- sk address which was by acquired motion in collaboration with tion prepared Institute through the efforts of the Dr.Alexander Nagy, PhD., com- completely Department of Promotion. In 2008, pletely revamped technical and technical and presentation of Geoanalytical Labo- geological collections at the graphic lay- ratories and digital archive was com- mezzanine in the SGIDŠ build- out as well as pletely revamped in the scope of the ing in Bratislava. The reorgani- printing of the map server startup. A completely sation will continue in 2009 by Institute’s An- new section was added allowing graphic update of the descriptiveve nual 2007. access to these applications and labels and additional graphics. • DTP and graphic work. – The De- presentation of publications on the • New print production machine partment of Promotion provides website was adjusted. The Depart- Konica Minolta bizhub C6500 / DTP and graphic work for the pro- ment has completely programmed e. – By the beginning of 2008 the motion of the Institute, as well as and regularly updated single web for research and

presentation of the project CO2 other purposes East Net (http:// - all work is car- co2neteast/ co2neteast.htm). ried out through • Acquisition of historical materials modern software from the GBA Vienna. – In collabora- Adobe CS3 De- tion with Dr. Eva Zacharová we man- sign Premium. aged to borrow for scanning historical • Provision of material on Dionýz Štúr, Slovak ge- events with au- ologist who was a long-time Director diovisual tech- of the Austrian Geological Survey; nology. – The our Institute is named in honour of Department of Promotion man- ages and ensures DDepartment of Pro- the operation of audiovisual mmotion successfully equipment used at conferences, llaunched the opera- seminars and other actions ta- ttion of new print publi- king place in the premises of the ccations on the produc- Institute and beyond. ttion machine, which • Photographic services. – The is well equipped with Department of Promotion pro- bbindery enabling V1 vides official photographic doc- aand V2 bindings. The umentation of Institute’s events. ddevice provides low- It is equipped with technical ccost print publications equipment for macrophoto- isissued in SGIDŠ, as graphs for research as well as Historic geological maps of the territory of Slovakia in scales 1: 28 800 and 1: 144 000 borrowed from the GBA Vienna. Photo: L. Martinský well as fi nal reports, for Institute’s promotion.

Annual Report 2008 71 aand isotope geology, geophys- icics, tectonic and structural SGIDŠSGIDŠ ggeology, hydrogeology and Publishers ggeothermal energy, engineer- iing geology, petroarchaeology), State Geological Institute offDi Di- activities of the wwhereas some journal volumes onýz Štúr issues professional geolog- Slovak Geo- aare monothematic. In the year ical literature in the following editions: logical Society 22007 the SGM issuing was in- MINERALIA SLOVACA. – period- and other geo- tterrupted. Since the year 2008 ic journal, which was issued twice in logical institutions and associations, the journal has been issued as mono- two double- about the scientifi c and professional graph under the same title. iissues (1 – events, as well as about progressive GEOLOGICAL WORKS, RE- 22/2008 and trends in the Slovak and foreign geo- PORTS. – non-periodical journal in Slo- 3 – 4/2008) logical community. vak language In order to ensure an in- wwith English creasedc publication impact of aabstract. Jour- thet journal the contributions nnal is focused ini English are preferred. Ab- oon present- stractss and summaries are ining the results alsoa provided in English. of ThereT has been adopted also bilingualb issuing of titles of contributions,c as well as bi- in English language. linguall texts (S-E) in the part The Year issue 2008 Geovestník.G was printed in an The dissemination of the attractive graphic journalj is supported also by layout and full-colour fi gures. The intense and prompt distribution of of the latest entire impression were issued in the the materials in .pdf format online at geological SGIDŠ printing office. research in The journal consists of four parts. SLOVAK GEOLOGICAL MAGA- all disciplines In the part Original articles there are ZINE. – periodic journal, which was to wide pub- published original scientifi c articles issued in English language twice a lics. Some of Slovak and foreign authors. The year till 2006. It is the wide-spectrum journal volumes are monothematic. In part News provides a room for short geological journal presenting contribu- the year 2008 there were issued GW, reporting on acquisition of ttions of domes- Reports 114 and 115. a new geological knowl- ttic as well as REGIONAL GEOLOGY OF THE edge. The part Methodol- fforeign authors. WESTERN CARPATHIANS. – non- ogy-Research introduces IIt is focused on periodical journal in Slovak language synoptical contributions by ppublishing of with English résumé. Journal is focused top-specialists from Slo- sscientifi c and re- on publishing results from carried out vakia; the objective is to ssearch achieve- boreholes. It provides information of provide the PhD-students mments in the regional character. Besides fundamen- and university students ssphere of geo- tal lithostratigraphic and tectonic data with to-date general geo- lological sciences it brings data on ore mineralization, logical information. The ((regional geolo- hydrogeological conditions, thermom- part Geovestník presents ggy, petrology and etry, palaeothermics, geochemistry, or contributions of informa- mmineralogy, further thematic data in accord with the tive character about the ggeo¬chemistry realized boreholes purpose.

72 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) CONFERENCES, SYMPOSIA, WORKSHOPS. – non-periodical to engineeringengineering geo-geo journal in Slovak language with Eng- logical maps. lish abstract. Journal is focused on OCCASIONAL publishing contributions from scien- PUBLICATIONS. tifi c events of monothematic charac- – bibliographies, annuals, bulletins, guides, terminological dictionaries, ter prevailingly. In the year 2008 there Paleogén – podtatranská skupina (Li- methodical manuals. In the year were issued Proceedings of the Sixth tostratigraphy of WC: Palaeogene – 2008 there were issued Engineering Conference Geology and the Environ- Subtatric Group ment Proceedings of the Conference Geological and Geotechnical Termi- Geochemistry 2008 and Proceedings nological Dictionary, Annual SGIDŠ of the Conference SlovTec 08. for the year 2007 and EXPLANATIONS TO GEOLOGI- Raw Minerals 2008 – CAL MAPS. – Sare indispensable Annual compound of the geological maps is- MONOGRAPHS, sued by SGIDŠ in form of independent ATLASES. – themati- titles. They contain explanatory text to cally focused books. general and regional geological maps Monographs are is- in Slovak with English résumé. A sig- sued in Slovak lan- nifi cant compound of text explanations guage with extended are also geophysical data, data on raw English résumé, even- mineral resources and environmental tually in the bilingual geofactors. Of a specifi c orientation impressions. In the there are explanations to some derived year 2008 there was maps, as for instance explanations to issued a monograph tectonic and metallogenetic map and Litostratigrafia ZK:

Department In 2008 we successfully imple- of PC Techniques and mented the following tasks: • conversion to a new provider of Servers Administration internet connection – SANET; the The Department provides the Institute acquired fast and quality following permanent activities: connection 100Mb/s through opti- • administration, maintenance and cal fi bre cable; upgrade of computer network, • based upon Resolution of MDaT • administration of registration sys- SR the email address of all em- tems (telephone operation, en- ployees was changed to a shape: trance into the building), fi [email protected] • technical service on computers and and at the same time the elec- peripheries beyond warranted time, tronic mail was centralized to • technical software service and con- servers located in Bratislava; sultancy for SGIDŠ employees, • Specialized data facility Thecus • services in the scope of Internet for data administration was put connection, in operation, which enables local • administration of anti-virus and as well as external exchange of anti-spam protection of the com- data between central station in puter network NOD32, which is Bratislava and individual regional K. Fazekaš checks the connection (VPN) with regularly updated from the centre. centres regional centres. Photo: L. Martinský

Annual Report 2008 73 Exposition Fossil Art at 33rd World Geological Congress. Photo: Š. Káčer

PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS experts from Slovakia and abroad. Conference program was divided 33rd World Geological Norwegian Convention Centre in into four thematic areas. The fi rst of Congress Lilleström near Oslo; these, called The current problems • more than 40 parallel lecture and of geological research and explora- On 6 – 14 August 2008 held the poster sections, a number of ex- tion, raised contributions on current world’s largest meeting of the geolog- hibitors, courses, workshops and trends in the application of engi- ical community - the World Geologi- business meetings; neering geology in the construction cal Congress. The Congress hosted • about 50 pre- and post-confer- practice – especially in transport con- also 4 SGIDŠ representatives, Dr. ence excursions; structions, but also for building works Milan Polak, (Presentation System • themes of the day – 7 themes to and addressing non-traditional tasks of Geological Mapping in the Slo- the theme of the impact on soci- (for example, a survey to search for vak Republic, poster New General ety as the initial presentation and deep repositories of RW). Geological Map of Slovak Republic the everyday presentation of Sta- The second main theme focused at scale 1 : 200 000), Assoc. Prof. Dr. toilHydro, the main sponsor, dur- on components of the geological Stanislav Rapant, PhD. (poster Ap- ing the lunch break: environment and methods of evalu- plication of Risk Assessment Method – at the beginning of life and ation. Among the basic components on European-Wide Geochemical survival - Darwin was right? the biggest focus was on the rocks. Baseline Data), Dr Ivan Baráth, PhD. – Climate change, past, present, In addition to the synopsis of the En- (lecture GEOMIND – Geophysical future – what is anthropogeni- gineering Geological Atlas of Rocks Multilingual Internetdriven Information cally induced? in Slovakia there were presented Service) and Dr. Štefan Káčer (One – Geohazards – can society several contributions focusing on Geology Symposium, SGIDŠ Deputy cope with them? various specifi c properties of soils at meetings IUGCIGC, ICOGS). – Water, health and the envi- and rocks and the factors that affect Initial presentation at the congress ronment – pose groundwater these properties. was for the fi rst time dedicated to in- a hazard? In the third block of slope move- formation systems. Prior to the official ments and other geodynamic phe- nomena was presented a wide range opening of Congress by His Majesty Geology and Environ- King Harald V, the project One Geol- of issues related to research, reme- ogy was introduced by the project co- ment diation and monitoring of slope de- ordinator Dr. Ian Jackson from BGS. formations. The initial contribution of Interesting information about the The Sixth Conference Geology the topics reported on the content of Congress: and the Environment took place on the recently fi nalized work –Atlas of • it was organized by the Nordic 18 and 19 September 2008 in Great Slope Stability of SR. Two contribu- countries in the premises of the Hall of Dionýz Štúr, SGIDŠ, Bratis- tions addressed the issue of seismic lava. Organizers hazard. ofo the conference The fourth thematic block was werew the Slovak devoted to pollution of geological AssociationA of En- environment. Even the name implies gineeringg Geolo- a great diversity of problems to be gistsg (SAIG), State dealt under these range of tasks. GeologicalG Insti- Presented contributions dealt with tutet of Dionýz Štúr issues of environmental loads, water (SGIDŠ)( and The pollution, but also the modern ways DepartmentD of En- of amelioration of the environment. gineeringg Geology, SGIDŠ issued the Conference FNSF CU Bratislava. proceedings of scientifi c papers, The conference which at 230 pages presents 41 con- USGS stand at the 33rd World Geological Congress. Photo: Š. Káčer wasw attended by 94 tributions.

74 State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 9001 : 2000 Manager of quality, procurement, and foreign relations: Dr. Ján Greguš, PhD.

State Geological Institute of Dionýz control audit – the auditors from SGS results of the SGIDŠ interlaboratory Štúr has built a quality management Slovakia, spol. s.r.o. (ltd.). The auditor testing laboratories are linked to the system since 2001 (ISO 9001) and found that SGIDŠ has established and system of assurance and quality con- since 2003 (ISO 9001: 2000), the effect maintained a management system in trol. The quality management system lasts up to 27/04/2010. accordance with the requirements of is designed to check the steps of proc- Based on quality management sys- the system and demonstrates the abil- esses related to SGIDŠ thereby mini- tem in SGIDŠ, the report on the qual- ity to systematically meet the agreed mizing errors generation. The SGIDŠ ity management system for 2008 was requirements for products or services showed implementation and monitor- prepared in accordance with ISO 9001: within the scope of activities and policy ing of the main projects and objec- 2000 in order to examine the function- objectives of the organization. We car- tives and monitoring of procedures in ing of quality management system in ried out 2 internal audits (28 – 30/05/ order to achieve them. Added value in the State Geological Institute of Dionýz 2008 and 26-28/11/2008) and 1 con- organization’s processes is generated Štúr. It was aimed to evaluate the per- trol audit (19/11/2008). They included there, and it is therefore necessary to formance of processes, assessment of a review of all processes in the State apply the process management ap- compliance with policies and objectives Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr to proach (ISO 9001: 2000) taking into of quality. The overall evaluation covers determine compliance of the carried account the structure, sequence of im- a period of 12 months of 2008 and the out activities according to ISO, wheth- plementation processes, linkages and results of two internal audits and one er these activities contribute to creating support information systems control audit for 2008. products ac- Detailed fi ndings from these audits ceptable to the are included in reports on the audits, customer. The which include evaluations of the compli- aim was also to ance output produced by the complex identify potential geological SGIDŠ in 2008. Own inter- opportunities nal audits and review audits by auditors for improve- from SGS Slovakia, spol. s.r.o. (ltd.), the ment. Custom- verifi cation system and following proc- ers’ complaints, esses: Acceptance and negotiation which could of contract (offer), Contract creation, jeopardize the Scheduling of orders realization (con- functioning of tracts), Buying, Management Proc- the Quality Man- ess (project) management information agement Sys- process (project), Metrology, Marketing tem, were not Strategy, Marketing Planning , Creating recorded. Inter- of a quality policy, Creating of quality nal audits pro- objectives, Planning of quality manage- gramme serves ment system, Management responsibil- as an effective ity, Management review, Management tool for main- of human resources (education), Data taining and im- analysis, Document management, proving system Records management, Management of management of non-compliance, Corrective actions, processes. Preventive action, Audits of quality and Permanent Monitoring of customers satisfaction good quality of tested in accordance with the approved the SGIDŠ out- internal audit plan for 2008. puts in terms of All processes of quality man- precision and agement system in SGIDŠ during accuracy as November 2008 were examined by well as good

Annual Report 2008 75 SGIDŠ – ANNUAL 2008 Issued by State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Bratislava 2009 Compiled by: Dr. Ján Madarás, PhD., Dr. Alena Klukanová, CSc., Dr. Štefan Káčer and Dr. Ladislav Martinský Authors:: Ing. Miroslav Antalík, Dr. Pavel Bačo, Ing. Peter Bajtoš, PhD., Ing. Peter Baláž, Ing. Juraj Balúch, Dr. Ivan Baráth, PhD., Dr. Vladimír Bezák, CSc., Dr. Dušan Bodiš, CSc., Dr. Stanislav Buček, CSc., Mgr. Radovan Černák, PhD., Dr. Rastislav Demko, PhD., Mgr. Štefan Ferenc, PhD., Dr. Klement Fordinál, PhD., Dr. Milan Gargulák, CSc., Dr. Augustín Gluch, Dr. Ján Greguš, PhD., Dr. Ľubomír Hraško, PhD., Dr. Ľubica Iglárová, Dr. Štefan Káčer, Dr. Alena Klukanová, CSc., Dr. Patrik Konečný, Dr. Júlia Kotulová, PhD., Dr. Martin Kováčik, CSc., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ján Kráľ, CSc., Ing. Anna Krippelová, Dr. Peter Kubeš, CSc., Dr. Ľudovít Kucharič, CSc., Mgr. Radoslava Kunská, Mgr. Dušan Kúšik, Dr. Pavel Liščák, CSc., Ing. Daniela Mackových, CSc., Dr. Ján Madarás, PhD., Dr. Juraj Maglay, Dr. Peter Malík, CSc., Dr. Daniel Marcin, PhD., Dr. Ladislav Martinský, Ing. Jozef Mižák, Dr. Alexander Nagy, CSc., Ing. Zoltán Németh, PhD., Mgr. Oľga Olšinová, Dr. Silvester Pramuka, JUDr. Katarína Príhodová, Ing. Martin Radvanec, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stanislav Rapant, DrSc., Dr. Anton Remšík, CSc., Dr. Igor Slaninka, PhD., Dr. Michal Stolár, Gabriela Šipošová, Ing. Ľubomír Tuček

Translation: Dr. Pavel Liščák Graphic design and technical processing: Dr. Ladislav Martinský Cover Photo: Dr. Ladislav Martinský Press: State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Department of Promotion Impression: 100 pieces