The Narmer Catalog
The Narmer Catalog Source No. Bibliography 5031 ADAMS, B.G., 1974. Ancient Hierakonpolis. Warminster. p. 3; 0082 ADAMS, B.G., 1995. Ancient Nekhen: Garstang in the city of Hierakonpolis. Surrey. pp. 123-24; p. 124. 0078 ADAMS, B.G., 1995. Ancient Nekhen: Garstang in the city of Hierakonpolis. Surrey. p. 48; 5026 ADAMS, B.G., 1995. Ancient Nekhen: Garstang in the city of Hierakonpolis. Surrey. p. 51; 5027 ADAMS, B.G., 1995. Ancient Nekhen: Garstang in the city of Hierakonpolis. Surrey. pp. 48-49; 5026 ADAMS, B.G., 2000. Excavations in the Locality 6 cemetery at Hierakonpolis 1979-1985. British Archaeological Reports International Series 903. Oxford. p. 20; pl. Vb. 0125 Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung ( Berlin ) : http://www.smb-digital. de/eMuseumPlus? service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=607035&viewType=detailView 22607. 4746 Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, personal communication, 2015. 0116 Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, personal communication, 2017. 0110 Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, personal communication, 2017. 0117 Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, personal communication, 2017. 0100 AMÉLINEAU, É. 1899. Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos (1895-1896): compte rendu in extenso des fouilles, description des monuments et objets découverts (Band 1). Paris. pp. 299-300; pl. XLII (left, 2nd one down). 0175 AMIRAN, R., 1970. A new acquisition – an Egyptian First Dynasty jar. The Israel Museum News, 4, 2: 88-94. pp. 88-94; p. 88, pl. 1; p. 93, pl. 2. 0123 AMIRAN, R., 1974. An Egyptian jar fragment with the name of Narmer from Arad. Israel Exploration Journal, 24(1): 4-12. pp. 4-12; p. 5, fig. 1.1; pl. 1. 0123 AMIRAN, R., 1976.
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