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9-5-1908 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-05-1908 Journal Publishing Company

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forcement of all existing laws upon tongue, that we shall have a change t';at subject." and that change will help to retard if DEATH CLAIMS NEVADA TOWN The recommendation of the presi- FARMERS TOLD not to stop the tendency now from the DANGER dent that an act be passed providing farm to the town. , my friends, Is H0M0RE6RAN0 for the naturalisation of Japanese, Is Gift the danger of the concentration of our deprecated and unalterable opposition population in the great cities? I do to any Is naturalisation of Asiática not mean to say that the causes 1 have declared; the action of the national given are the only ones that hue DEMOCRATIC our y convention regarding injunctions in la- GOVERNMENT tended to build up the cities. ..early ARMYRAIDSON bor disputes Is reaffirmed and amend- everything has contributed, but these CARMEN'S ments to the anti-tru- st laws entirely Influences have all, when you trace m excluding labor unions and combina- them back to the cause, been operating tions of labor unions from their op- and the fact that the farmer's influ- eration and effect are favored. I ence In legislation not Legislative lias been what candidates are pledged It ought to have been Is one of these LEADER FLAMES to NEGLECTS CONGRESS endeavor to secure the prohibition influences. Take the rebates that STRIKE of race track gambling so also to sub- have built up great centers, de- to and mit the voters of the state a stroyed the smaller towns. Why have f constitutional amendment extending they been given'.' Because the farmer suffrage to women and favoring the THREE THOUSAND ARE lias nut had a voice in the regulation THIRTY-TW- ALEXANDER TROUPS DIES election of by ENCAMPMENT REACHES O THOUSAND IN United' States senators of the railroads, and so I might take direct vote. , THEM SUDDENLY IN NEW YORK HOMELESS IN RAWHIDE up other questions. And what Is the IMPORTANT DECISION NEW ENGLAND INVOLVEl) menace of the centralization of the TAFT SPENDS QUIET population in our great cities? I be- New Union Frail Mining Camp Buildings lieve the farm is the great training Editor of Haven DAY AT BASS ISLAND Proposals For Pension Legisla- Trouble Result of Discharge of Bryan Appeals to Tillers of Soil school and I know that the people and National Committeeman Burn Like Tinder Despite from the farm have strengthened the tion to Be Held in Abeyance Employes of Providence Trol- country, as we get farther from the of He Was High Heroic Efforts of Volunteer Middle Bass Island, O., Sept. 4. to Take More Lively Interest For Three Years; Salt Lake Connecticut; Judge Taft occupied himself assidu- soil we are less and less Impressed by ley Line for Alleged Violation in thee? great laws of nature ought in Party Councils, Firemen, ously with his correspondence today, Politics, State and Nation- that Wins Next Meeting, of to have 11 controlling In Agreement. the only variation being a short fish- al, influence our ing trip late in the afternoon. lives. Man as he lives, close to the The I Hper-ls- Morning ttoecUl I BOft, By Morning Journul Mnrcinl By Morning l Br Journal rimed Win lives clase to Sod. It Is easy to Lraaetl Wlrel I By Morning I , I Journal Uued Wlre.l - Increase in the number of letters re- Journul Suerlpil Wire 4. Rawhide,"- Nev., Sept. 4. -- Three teach religion to one who sees mir- Toledo, Sept. 4. Not for years New York, Sept. Alexander ceived' has been considerably larger the three Providence, R. I., Sept. 4 The ex- people AGRICULTURE FORGOTTEN performed every day. It is easy Troup, proprietor fend editor of the thousand homeless, a score or of late and the Toledo trip precluded acles will the Grand Army ol the Republic ecutive board of the Amalgamated As- to inspire regard for the Creator in more Injured and a property loss of letter writing for a day. IN ask congress for meas- sociation of Street and Electric Kail-wa- y New Haven Union, and a former APPROPRIATION BILLS one who tees every day the handiwork further relief over $750,000 is or dis- Secretary Garfield had a further Kmployes of America, de- democrat!,- national committeeman the result a of Almighty ures. Resolutions looking to an has conference with Mr. Taft before leav- the and labors constantly clared Itself in favor of a general astrous tire which started at 8:30 this amendment to for Connecticut, WU stricken with ing for his today. The subject amid the mysterious elements of nat- the service pension bill strike of the ::'.iiiiii member!! ,.f the In Dr. offlce Nebraskan Makes Aitful Plea life. heart failure In the waitinp room of morning Garner's located of the speeches he is to make in ural And on these farms we reducing to sixty ftVS years the age at association in New England, according in Kayhide have been tearing the men and the Étation even- the Drug company's build- Maine next week were considered. for Support by Preaching which a veteran can receive $20 a to a statement made here today by the Grand Centra! tnls women Whose influences have helped ing. The lire, fanned by u gale, swept Judge Taft will make two speech' month, General organizer William .1 Walsh, ing and died shortly after o'clock to keep tills pro- another amendtuB Ue pend- in Sandusky, Tuesday, one at the sol- Discontent to Prosperous country great and to of yuincy. Mass. Mr. Walsh said that con- rapidly south and easl, to Balloon ing widows pension bill to muke ellgi-ble"a- tonight without having reagined diers' home and the other a political mote the movements which have for delegates from fifteen divisions of Hie os avenue up Httwhide to objects sciousness. Me was years oiu. The and within fllty speech in the local theater there. The Farmers of His Own State, their the Welfare of tile world. soldiers' widows who were mar- street railway systems under the con- body was charge by W yards of the People's hospltul. Hut is reason why 1 taken in John Taft party will lenve here for San- there another am ried prior to date of passage of the trol of the ew York, New Hav.n A: 'l'oinpltnson, uecrge V. and Uver a ton and a half Of dynamite anxious that the farmer shall have a Greene dusky Monday night I Mum-li- l railway company been and from there By .Homing Journal l .iviw-.- H'lrel bill, were laid over In favor of the Hartford have toan ti. tfurton of the national was used In the demolition of build- Tuesday great Influence. As I have been to afternoon' for Cincinnati. Sept. (. .1. Instructed gather at New Riven, t Ic ings, which in a measure Lincoln, William Bryan si inlying CaUSCS 1 resolution grunting congress three ueihuc ra com in tee. stayed the Fran it H. Hitchcock will be here to- the of evil, as have Conn., tomorrow, to receive Instruc- non-poli- t' tt! years respite from old soldier legisla- Mr. Troup has just returned from llames' progress. morrow. today made two speejhes been studying the abuses that need tii tions regarding their future conduct. tion. an active campaign in Vermont in The volunteer lire department and to his home folks. The flrvt was M the be remedied, I have found that the It appeared to be the concensus The trouble started in this city When fiOU miller volunteers worked hero- l h un- behalf of the democratic nominee flats fair grounds ,vln he partici- Fundamental trouble mistaken of opinion of the leaders that too fifty-fou- r men on ihe Rhode Island ior governor and thi.s afternoon had ically, but on account of the Inflam- EDICT THREATENS TO . derstanding of .the laws of rewards. system, con- pated in the dedleatl.n of the r.tw much hammering for pension bills und company's street railway atteiiued a conference of the demo- able construction of the buildings, CRIPPLE UNIVERSITIES The farmer more than anyone else Is trolled by the New York, New Haven auditorium, the seen..d w.o Di- relief measures might soon creute an cratic leaders at the national demu- they were swept away like tinder. and at the brought Into close touch with the & Hartford railway, were discharged. 11 Ta Fui undignified élala- heaoquartera in tne Hoffman At o'clock the business portion baths home near '!,y, w'hiv a vine law of rewards. The farmer expression in the minds The company officials slated thai was new building was a hos- knows fruit-f- u bouse, II had been known lor some of Rawhide a smouldering muss Russian Educators Must Abandon Lib- dedicated as thai Cod has given him a of congressmen and reflect discredit w ere released because of a breach of rums, being pital for the aged. In his fair grounds learth, ncccs-.ar- y nine that the aged politician was. the llames tinany eral Parties on alu of the showers that are on the civil war veterans at the time of discipline, while the union men tpcech, 1 checked south of Bulloon avenue. which waj to muUl'iide l and the warmth of the sun, re-s- al Munertng (rom a weak heart. About Mamlaml. and In claimed that the discharge was the go persons, Mr. Mr-i- their lives when they would need ii year and a hall ago he was .strick- Among the first buildings to was conf'nc.l himself the farmer knows that if he is to con- I ot the formation of a Imal branch mostly to an .o raw the en while returning (rom a banquet Collins' hardware store, which con- appeal the formers to ven material into wealth, it must most assistance at the hands of of the Amalgamated association. ex- 4. take a livelier in legislation be by diligence the nation the) helped1 te in Brooklyn and it was more than an tained two tons of dynamite that St. Petersburg, Sept. The edict Interest und by intelligence; save. Mr. Walsh stated today that should of and of government, Another way hour beiore he could be brought ploded with a terrilic report, hurling issued yesterday hy the minister administration and the farmer is Impressed day by will be sought by the I strike be declared only the New Ha- both state He was lr -- lay, year by to congress liaek to consciousness. burning plunks and boards u great education to the effect that all pro- and national. year, with the idea that Veterans get before those ven system, including seven thousand troduced In a short, happ y Ids bits of legislation Before Unit, while on a speaking distance, setting fire to numerous fessors and instructors In the Imper- address reward is to be In proportion to which they feel can men, would at first be affected, but If Rus- Governor Sheldon, who has just been Ills merit." not wait. The of lour m Vermont years ago in buildings simultaneously. ial universities and schools in attention the Grand the grievances were nol quickly lour renominated hy the republicans for Mr. Bryan Army of the Hepublic delegates was company wilh William J. Bryan, who Wild excitement prevailed and the sia who are members of the constitu- this evening made an ad- the strike would be extended to Illegal poli- governor and who wits a captain in dress at the called by Kate Browtilee to was a elosc friend, Mr. Troup hud scene thirt followed was the sume as tional democrat or other dedication of Tabltha Sherwood other New Kngland street railway sys- Mr. Bryan's regiment In the Spanish-America- n home, a German Lutheran the status of the pending widows pen- suffered u stroke that caused his at Uoldtleld in July, 1900, ut the lire tical parties must either withdraw denomina- tems affecting HU.ono men. po- war. Mr. Bryan tional Institution t sion bill, in at present, Is ii lends great apprehension. oí Cripple. Creek In April, 1906, and from these parties or resign their referred devoted to he caro which it during big 'conflagrations somewhat humorously to his own and education of children s. required that applicants shall have Betore lounding the New Haven other in sitions, threatened to cripple entire and ( OfíNRCI H I T COMPANY camps. of of St. as a soldier and said that Mr. Bryga referred' In com- been married a number of years prior Union. ay. Troup was for several mining the faculty the University PREPARER FOH TROVR1 E Many people were slightly injured Petersburg. among the presidential candidates this plimentary terms to the work per- to the preeent dute. Thai the bill years on the .New Vork Tribune, ris- New Haven, Conn., Sept. 4. All the by Hying debris but note- - are reported The rector and vice rector of the year he was the only man with a war formed in the pust by the home and muy be altered to allow tin- eliglbllit) ing to the position Of nlghl editor and trolley cars 011 the principal lines In seriously hurt. Many of university, the of four depart- record. He Mild that underlying par- congratulated its founders and patrutis of those who marry up to the date assistant t Amos J. Cummlugs. At aets heroism deans the city today carried extra men on were ment a of the leading tisan feeling In this ciuntry was pat- on their charitable efforts. He was of the passuge of the bill, that mat-te- r ihe time of his death he was a mem- recorded. and number the front platform, all of whom were A was as nil sup- professors were up as constitutional riotism deeper and sdonijer than all especially interested in its success, he muy be placed in the hands of the ber ol the eastern advisory commit- famine feared the Strangers. It Is supposed that the ply houses grocery Were democratic candidate for electors In else, as illustrated by Ihe ready said, because he regarded the bonks pension agents. The same plan may- tee oi the national Mr. and stores Connecticut company is breaking lu committee. wlp--d (ant parltaWaflMry eleetloti. t' " k! .volunteers In as a neighbor, being located as It was, be used w ill) regard to the amendment, Troup 1,1m nedO 01 out the It'. new nu n. me isew Kngland Spanish-America- ii - A subscription was und probably over half of the war. His scarcely a mile from Fairview. A to the service pension bill. democratic progressive league unit of list started believed that General Manager Punderford of the in a lew minutes over $50,000 was the professors and tutors who are sonal experience typified this. Leis ihort reception to Mr. Hryan nnd the At the wish of General I. It Sher- Connecticut company tonlglil aunted a the New Kngland Bryan league. by M". visitors followed a cúbate pkhsonaii raised. A relief truin started from members of this party will refuse to than two years alter his defeat the address. wood his dollar dgj pension bill was letter to the employes of the Cotillee wh Heno at 4 o'clock carrying thousatius adjure their political allegiance and as McKlntey, he .said ha had volunteered not brought up for consideration and tlcul und New York and Stamford a will see Its his nervlces at Washington' for the war. DEMOCRACY TO WAGE HARD a resolution asking congress to pay POLITICAL I'HIEM) OF BRYAN of pounds of food and bedding. All result the Institution lines. In which he said thai the ques- re- This offer, however, was not aceepted, FIGHT IX EASTERN STATES of war t- - a day pension the mining towns of the slate came force of Instructors very materially tion of union or non-unio- n had noth- Lincoln, Sept. f. New of the New Sept. 4. Itaw-hld- e and he turned to his own stale, which York. National Chair- was laid over. death of Alexander Troup was quickly to the usslstance of the duced. ing to do with the discharge of the University of Moscow, which Is gave him a commission and he raised man Mack und mi'mbers of the east- Alter the installation of the newly brought to the attention of Mr. Bry- sufferers with cash contributions. The trolley men In Provldehee and pointed In Implre, Is in a simi- a regiment of Nebraskans. Most of ern democratic campaign committee elected national ofllceis at the niorn- - an Just us he was bed, The San Francisco mining exchange the largest the out tin' loss which Would Incur to the preparing for Gov-ern- held a three hours' conference this af- j ut once sent a contribution of $500. lar plight. A number of the professors the officers in his regiment, like in? session today, the lirand Army of ompany men If tin y strike and he immediately sent a telegram ternoon over and should A partial list of the heaviest losers (here have represented the constitu- Sheldon, he said, were republi- and talked the situation the Republic delegates decided Upon men In PrOViddnce, said, were to Mrs. Troup expressing great At- 'lie he his e, In each of the states along the 111, are the First National bunk of Huw-hid- tional democratic party in parliament. cans, although the majority of the Salt Utke City as the next 'cling discharged for violating the terms of , sympathy and sorrow. Mr. Bryan tace-tloual- y lantic seaboard. After g considera" Press-Time- s building, Mlzpah men enlisted were democrats. He place. agreement, said: Hon of reports written Mercantile company, Nevada Meat referred to the fact that his the from the national After Salt Lake City liad been "Mr. Troup was one of my clos- SUIT TO RECOVER VAST Klor-ida- y Committeemen present, it was decided market, the Northern (Tex llickards. regiment occupied a position in chosen for the next encampment, Vice Steamer in Hail Predicament. est personal und political friends. No that New York, Connecticut. Rhode ef B, K, Marks & Co.) Nevada club, How- LAND GRANTS IN OREGON midway between the camps of the Commander-in-Chi- Icott notified the Hoqualn, Wash., Rapt 4 The one has been more loyal In his sup- Island, New Jersey and Delaware were ler hotel and Kelly's dance hall. Itougli Uiders and the Second Mississ- encampment that Atilinta would be In large Norwegian Mathilda, port or more unceasing in his labors debatable states an active steamer The fire destroying the hoisting ippi. Tills was a dangerous position, and that the Held timo. which went aground on Whltcombe during the lust twelve years. He wus Portland, Or., 8ept. 4 Suit to re- be- campaign from now on should be fr works of the Bluff Mining company he declared, because the relutions Atlanta some time ago extended an Split, yesterday, is still hard on the an ideal citizen In public and In pri- cover lands granted the Oregon and Scc-on- waged to swing them into the demo- Hill properties, and the Grutt tween the Hough lllders und the Invitation to the Grand Army of the sand. She lies boadslde to a hejvy vate life, devoted to every good Grutt California Railway company now con- column. and Boys business ofllce, the last of the.se Mississippi were such that he cratic Republic to hold the next encamp- ground swell. unseliishly In by the Southern Paclfli com Members of committee reported Interested his country amounting to 10,000. which is the trolled CCttld not tell at what moment his the ment there but the invitation was not his is pany, and valued ut over $40,00(1, 060, that in their states every effort would and fellowmen. His death a of damage done to the mining Camp would be a battle ground be- pushed. A story printed in the east grief to extent was begun today by Special Assistant be made to secure the nominations of me and a great loss t our properties. tween them. thgt Atlanta wus turned down because p rty. to the Attornev (letieral B. D. Town- - the strongest candidates for places on were under wuy for a Addressing himself in a serious vein It was 11 confederate city has created AEROPLANE MAKES Plans on of United States in order to make town before the send, behalf the lo the farmers, he said, among other the state tickets great Indignation among the Influen- reconstruction of the government. The suit Is based on the more votes for Bryan and Kern. It ashes were thoroughly cool. tilings: tial Grand Army of the Republic dele- alleged failure of the railroad com- "My we more stingy In was determined to hold a meeting of gates who for many years have The Press-Time- s und Bustler news- friends, are every here, pany to live up to the terms of the fur-m- the eastern campaign committee be- P were saved, ulthougli the making the appropriations for the been working to bridge the gulf paper offices In disposing of lands in here. Mr. de- grant the for any other Urge class of Tuesday at headituarters the north and south. SUCCESSFUL mm machinery of the News' plant wus than Sen- tween will be bitterly Buffalo tonight and quefltlOB, The case our people, Why. it was a century af- Mack left for Samuel W. Burroughs, from Michi- stroyed. In- ad- fought by the railroad as the Innds ter our government was organized or ator Culberson, chairman of the gan, a member of the committee on The Are was brought under control of best tim- Committee, National Com- - volved represent some the about that, before we succeeded In visory and resolutions, made a statement to the CLAIMED By after destroying the entire business on Pacific coast H Daniel and Tomllnaoa left gro- ber contract! the getting a department of agriculture mitteemen Associated Press today in which be FLIGHT section, with the exception of one Chicago, not In the world'. established. We are in the greatest for said: cery store. This store has sold all of Committeeman Saulsbury i agriculture country in the world and National "As a matter of fact the depart- its provisions and1 unless food' Mississippi Town Burned. told committee thut the light In suf- agriculture Is the greatest In the ment from Oeorgla did not come tn rushed here, there will be much 4. Practical- largely to lo- DEATH Sumner. Miss., Sept. yet a Delaware was conllned purpose of asking for Inventor Wright Manages fering. our county, and almost hundred ef- Toledo for the to ly he entire business section of this got cal Issues but tint t with organized encumpment and the travelers are re- .ars elapsed before the farmer na- the national Two commercial placa was destroyed and one man, A fort ,ui the part of the state and Georgia's Grand Remain in Air Four Minutes to lost their llws in the a sent in the president's council cham- department from ported have M. Phlpps, wns suffocated while he tional committees, the democratic feel assured burning of the Ross hotel but this has ber. How backward we have been In Army of the Republic Commissioner of Immigration slept. Loss $100,000. in ticket would win. national encamp- and Fifteen Seconds, not been confirmed. recognizing the farmer's place our that to entertain the government and among our institu- ment, the entertainment will be loyal, Or- The town has been placed under Illy Morning Journal Special Wire and Long Identified With tions. In the time that has elapsed hospitable and truly patriotic, for It Is leased martial luw. Washington. 1 C, Sept 4 Orvllle of department fuct that the veterans of ganized Labor; End Comes DETECTIVE BARES since the creation this AUTOPSY PROVES a matter of Wright made another flight over the Ponfederacy living In Oeorgla have , SECRET SELLING of ugricultut'e a great deal has been the drill grounds at Port Meyer, Vlrglnlu-- yet department Is In Its nothing hut the kindliest feeling or as Result of Fall, done und that today. In which he encircles the Meld PRICE FOR COTTON you when I brotherly love and comradeship for infancy. What will think live times ill addition to going Its full you every we soldiers and Officially I By Morning Journal Huarfsl Wlis. tell that for dollar spend the bnglh before lending In Mud JORDAN LIEO encampment of the Grand directly front Washington, Wept. 4. Frank Pierce A se- MHE PLOT on thut department, we spend more the national ,,r Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 4. re- the which shelters the ma- Surgeant, commissioner general of Im- than $25 on the army and navy'.' Army Of the Republic Is in no way cret minimum selling price hus been casting any reflections chine. The total time consumed In migration, for over sixteen years grand of More than $2f, is spent in getting sponsible for flight flfteen settled on by the selling committee cltlxenshlp of Georgia and was four minutes und master of the Brotherhood of loco- This ready for wars we ought never to have upon the seconds, Ihe aeroplane! the National Farmers union. Boston Vaudeville Actor Killed 0 national leln motive Firemen, und one of the most no out- to one dollar that we spend on agri- their desires to entertain of Mr. price Is being guarded as one Strikers at Chester Held Under de-fir- e the control Wright throughout In lu-b- agriculture school is de- encampment at Atlanta If they so forceful characters the field of side the union Is to know whut it is. culture. The His Wife With Flatiron Is the flight. The wind was blowing at und veloping; its is one of at any future time." Immigration ullled questions This secret price will be given to all Heavy Bail for Conspiracy to advancement 10:30 p. m. at a rate of three and in country, died his apartments the great marked characteristics of Men, three-lifth- the at farmers, members of the union, who Opinion of Medical s miles an hour and Ihe ut In thin city toduy, Up this generation. I think I am safe In BROTHER'S BODY the Manor house will each be asked to guurd the se- Blow Street Cars, SEEKS speed of tin aeroplane was estimated uged years. many a saying In no department of f4 For weeks cret carefully and sell fur no less. that other Hy Morning Journal Huerlnl IaMd Wlrs IN TROPHICAL JUNGLES at thirty-liv- e miles an hour. Tlilitv of while learning been so much pro- 4. throw- paralytic, the result a fall IV I has there Boston, Sept. Evidence feet ground was greatest I It) Morolos Journal Soerlal IfMed re from the the visiting In Shepherdstown, W. Va.. In gress as in thut department which re- ing new light In the probable man- 4. height attained. DEMOCRATS DEMAND Chester, Pa.. Sept. Testimony I July, he hud shown much Improve- lates to agriculture. am glad to en- ner in which Honorah Jordan of Bontn Ana, Cl Sept. t. R. C This morning Mr. Wright replaced ment until Wednesday evening last, RIGID EXCLUSION ACT given by a detective, who, feom the courage the agricultural college. Why, Somervllle, known on the stage as Howe, of Bolsa, left here today for the rudder broken yesterdny anil this when 11 sinking spell set in from start of the Chester trolley strike, for years It has been deemed a purl Irene Shannon, was Killed, was re Guatemala to search for the remains afternoon the machine was taken to In accord- of duty the lo train law- Is by Howe, who which he never rallied. posing as n street pedler. said he the of itate vealed today, It claimed the of his brother. Converse the northern end of the drill grounds with expressed wish, hla body Callfornlnns Select Presidential elec- yers through law schools established who been village of Ixtapa, lo- ance his confi- medical examiners, have died near the Indian where the sturtlng apparatus is uflder-lake- r, wormed his way Into the will be cremated by a local tors and Adopt Platform. had by the government And we have performing an sutopny on the dis- about eleven yeurs ago, while wont- cated. At r,:B5 Mr. Wright nodded to and- - re- following a'brlef funeral service dence of the union leaders trained doctors through schools con- membered body of the wife of Ches- ing on a dredger The departure of his assistant, C. K Taylor, and the 3 lips confessions of Is to com- at o'clock next Hunday afternoon. Stockton, Cal., 8ept. 4. The demo- ceived from their nected with our state institutions, but ter S. Jordun. Mr. Howe on this mission machine was released, rec- my beginning to request of his Ilei Charles Holemead, assistant cratic átate convention which met a conspiracy to dynamite and destroy friends, we are Just Jordan, In his confession, stated ply with the dying Leaving the track, the machine was of by C. The bit- tor of St. Paul' church, will officiate. here yesterduy for the purpose of street railway property, caused the learn that the training the farmer that his wife was killed being brother. Kdward Howe turned upward by the operator and Is Just as Important as the training knocked down stairs and thut he then was a prominent attorney In Colo- dipping slightly, to rise as Ii choosing ten presidential electors, two sensation at the hearing of Patrick J. ter continued THIEF GIVES each of Ihc most benefitted directly by the expen- cut up the body nnd placed It in the rado where he amassed a fortune. made for the southern end of the FLEEING at large and one from president and national or- congressional districts, completad Its Shea, vice diture of the money that Is raised. trunk In which It was found by the Just before his death a few months field. Mr Wright mode several sharp KING ALFONSO SCARE be used In work and adjourned until this after- ganiser of the Amalgamated Associa- Head the amount spent on ships nnd police. lit,, he set aside 3.M0 to turns and at one point repeated the I). Phelan, Hallway then figure, If you can. what portion Whllp the medical examiners de- . h fur the remains of his mistake made yesterday bul he was noon at 4 o'clock. James tion of Street and Klcetrlcal re tier-mai- of gets the farmer. Take up to findings at this In Guatemala and their before de- San Sebustlan, Sept. 4. A sensa- of San Francisco, and Kugenc V. Lockhart, presi- that to cline state their brother able to right the machine Kmployes; William appropriations exam- family plot In Nomona one of tional Incident occurred here today of Los Angeles, were named as the other large and time, it wa learned that the movnl to Ihe scending trio near the earth, dent of the Chester division, and thir- with the exception of pensions, I do ination Indicated that Mrs. Jordan C. Howe has no Idea where the the most Impressive features of the as an automobile containing King electors at large. , were arraigned to- any large appropriation npst by on may be found but hoies to was ease Alfonso and Queen Victoria arrived The plutform adopted endorsed the teen strikers who not know of her death being struck th remains aeroplane's performance the In anything Ilk, with a Instrument, possi- from the natives. It wsa brought to earth In the city. The police at the time work of the Denver convention and day before Justice of the Peace Wi- which the farmer has head blunt find some due with which In to his numbers. bly a tlntlron, causing a fracture suf- way round on the last lup were in the act of arresting a thief, pledges support to Bryan and Kern lliamson at Media, the county seat. his share proportion when half There have been some of the methods ficient to cause death. Then, It Is Governor Hughes ;nt lo Ohio. An enthusiastic crowd witnessed te when the latter fired four shots from The first plank reads: were held The fifteen defendants I that with claimed, was strangled Sept. 4,(lovernor C. R. day's flight. Mr. Wright was greatly a revolver. Nobody wns Injured, but "We favor the total exclusion of of discrimination. believe she Buffalo. under 12,00(1 ball for court. The more In Ihe councils of the Jordan was arrulgned today and af- Hughes, who addressed a crowd of pi. .1 with the test and atmouneeu the crowd Med In all directions panic ill Aslutlc laborers from this country farmers ex to a charge 10,1100 persons at the Nlnanra coun- a flight tomorrow stricken, believing thut an attempt by extending the provisions of the of the detective made out Ihe nation, more farmers prepared to ter pleading not guilty lhat he would muke upon public thought of was to Jail lo await ty at Loekpnrt today, left here morning, If weather condlrtona are had been madtt to kill the royal Carey act to Japanese, Koreans and prima facie cose against the accused ert an influence murder taken fair 11. Youngslown, Ohio. couple. all other Asiática, and the strict en- - men. through the pen and pencil and by th a hearing on September tonight for favoroble. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908.

OOOOOOOCOOCX FLEET SAILS FROM FAIRBANKS Í0 Í OUR An Ounce of THE JAFFA Household MELBOURNE NATION FOR A Grocery Co. Given Awav sils r-Uten- OOAY Vice President Much in De- Good Things to Eat. For Every Ounce of Adulterad h Í mand as Campaign Orator; as you will need for the Hitchcock Arranging Details,, Such I Two Sailors Killed by Moving the coming fair. Trains Only. Untoward Inci- (Bf Morning .l,,,,rnal gBMtal IíümiI Wirv.l Indianapolis, Sept. 4. 'Following out dents of Americans' Visit his pulley of consulting with republi- Special ENAMELED & TINWARE can leaders ot former campaigns to Capital. Whenever th- opportunity offers It Of every description: self. Chairmen prank H Hiehcock ar-- j rived hen- at B p.m. for o conference For roasters, butcher I choppers, Morning ! l.il Wire Food Illy .Inurou! with Fairbanks. He Melbourne, Sept. 4. This Is the last sp. rrt about an hour at Mr. Fairbanks' and kitchen , carvers, ,,r the si ties of entertainments in hon- borne and then started for Detroit, or of the men and officers oil the. Am- - where he will take the hoat tomorrow table cutlery, bread Mass island a SATURDAY ri Mii battleship fleet, wiitgh have morning tor Middle for i brought the people of Melbourne into conference with Mr. Taft. and cake makers At the railroad station lure Mr. mich pleasant and personal eontaet -' Hitcheo, k w as no t ly OeOTge Loek- TRAYS, PLATTERS, ETC. with tip-i- vtaitcrs, it dawned bright wood, seeretnry to the

í i Fr.-- if, Sims, who and i tit f o r if tb iniU up for the Secretar)' "f State ONLY state Iriclémetlt weal her of the early part lis acting chairman of the VloeChalrman Oeorfe Dlh RAABE & MAUGER car-ric- d Bacon of the in k and tii' program was secretary Carl lliddiek of Swift's Premium ; ;widdie,and 1 mt without a bitch or Interrup- the 'tale committee. He was escorted 4 to 6 lbs. average sides 115-- 17 N. First tion. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock In an automobile to the home of Mr. per pound 24c. the fleet sails away for Albany W (Fairbanks, where he found the viee-- j awaiting h.m. Australia, whore It will remain for president Swiffs Premium Hams There were many subjec ts conside- n k taking coal. red between Mr. Hitchcock iyul Mr. 12 to 14 lbs. average. The final official gr tings have y&lrbanka, hut the chlet queatlon dia-- i per pound 16c. of country lasno'e'eeeeeeee i o exchanged and ihe last persona was the tour the which the is to make Pint bottles Welches Albuquerque Lumber Co farewells spoken, and It s safe to s iv ' r the élÉbpleaa of the national nee ts und Grane Juice. 35c size, 25c. AND RETAIL LUMBER. that the hosts their depart Qommltteai ii Is expected that the WHOLESALE with sincere regret. vie. tour will cover praC-tlcaJ- I) Quarts Welches Grape Glass, Cement, Wall Paper and Rex Flintkote Roofing. and eapeclai The v to Mi lhonrm hail its sail all of the country Juice, Bottle, 50c. New i'ly fce used In trie territory 65c North First Street. Albuquerque, Mexict ompaniment in the death by acci- will be addresses during the tf-ttt-i dent if two of the men from the fleet. whor.. he mad' 2 oz. bottle Dr. Prices " i a t 1 Malt Whiskey y a aj,'n. taseeeeeeeees ti ttttt Duffy's Pure - campaign four is They urn- Arthur Docker, b sailer "'''t'ttttti Dlrectoit bf the speaking bureau W Vanilla Extract, 35c It has licen tested thousands of time! by the world s niort eminent from the New jersey, end bandhman natlunaj in con- Mlchaolaon. the committee have bottles. 30c. - from the Vermont, tuimed chemists. The decision tas alwav- icen the s imc "Absolutely pure the question of sending a I'oih ot the men were killed by mov- templation The Way and unadulterated." For forty-eig- ht year the b st known doctors have number of prominent .speakers with 10 lb. can of coffee and tin It's Done ing railroad traína white on excur giving Hit m a oresctibed it. As a tonic it is br-ttc-i (han ail th ! combinations of drugs y Mr. Fairbanks and to the jiuburbs. Tin were bu an bread box, regular 35c d, -- Boeclal fain or car for extended could be compounded. It is not only a stiniulani-fou- it is a medicinal t?d today with full military honors. , ..i Our ;uinW ia iivncufacturec that pur. ...It lias not unen grade of coffee. The oír doc- - The party American officers, who. ucwimuiw own mills, from vick of and it recognize) as such by physicians A feeding New York of ibis suggestion, but the iine.'tbm th the bst club, meara adopt 10 lbs. and the bndj of la (h ac- said, Whttkey is 3 form Of Ifqutd food already $tn of the aiiiomohiie up by Mr. Hitchcock as timber uthweat, tur Duffy's Pure Milt - Will he taken a i Hip in motor ears over the Hlaok- cording to the report of th govera-ment'- ' .. II life itself. soon as he aches Sow York, bread box, digested. A bottle in the house lave Itrfféftag, pefbapi were by John $.25. asparte, A inrfre ctoek of dry ptflr, accompanied sir made, the trip will begin soon Madden, the lieutenant gbvérnor! tf sprue dimension on hand. OUAIANfBB Duffy's i'ure Malt Whiskey October I and will occupy two 35c bottles Cranberry The state government this afternoon after Why not buy the whta It to a that tin. sensitive is the true elixir of life, VI or more. We uaruntce nioit Bperrj and the eelts Sauce in bottles, 15c. hap aa the kind.bt Mill Máh It aids iligrilinn. ;timiilaU::. the entertained Admiral ohr itomacli tenon Tbi9' Put blood. Beg - giro-ului.- superior officers or the fleet at an VVMskoi when it will retain ne other t invigoYstes the brain, builds nerve tiüsuc, in luncheon at parliament TO TEST TITLE OF HEIRS Our assortment our or nourishment." ti an up the heart and prolong lift. elaborate houe Sir Thomas Carmich OF BRITISH NOBLEMAN BAKERY DEPARTMENT Rio Grande Lumber Co Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is sold throughout the world by diuggists, a I. the goyernor of Victoria, and is complete today. Don't Fhon . Turner 1(1 and Manjui't. i,r-,.- many minister were pies UMBER . ,lealcr. r,r- - sMtwad direct for It.OOt lartfc bottle. . :t;,t" Etept. ".- - Tb, t ...... a,l.... ' ZL l.oiidon, titles ... . Í ... nr a ,. , ut. rio- Victorian premier, Thomas making cake .... inrnysician, f íviair onw nisgcy estates bf I.or.i Sackvlll who d ii bother that it in need ot advice, write uoruuinng iuny di liv an welcome. nt. led address of Kuole Park, Seven Oaks, September S, for Sunday dinner. Call Company, Rochester, New York, Stating your ca;.e fully. Our doctors aft rnoon there wate baaa battl This w in not be allowed ta i paaaud to his will send you advice free, together v.ith a handsome illustrated medical lucro o matchcH at tip- cricket and see what we have to and in O ICVV till, II' II. Lionel K. of of gratifying letters ground a regatta on Hobsoii bay, booklet, containing some the many thousands ami West, without II contest. A tlllll ol tempt you. , v petty received from men and women in all walks of life, both old and yóung, This nin the warrant, and solicitors has addresoed a letter t" the I officers o the fieei have been cured and benefited by the use of the world's i.'iiidiui newspapers pn testing agamst who entertained oil kftore by. the of-- , wire :i ii mi Lord Sackville BUILDERS' - thi in u;t in, in that The Grocery Co. greatest medicine. Heware of imitations and substii utes offered bv unrc- fleers of eOual rank of the contuion- - Jaffa v. as not married and pointing out that liable dealers who tell you they arc just as i;ood as" Duffy's Pure Malt navy ana m ic-- ; mnirary lorces then- was pending in the high court, tiocd c to r., Whiskey. Insist on the gejoume, k will cure torla and the stale government pro- jou. i an action in which EmeSt Henry Mail Sain ea vided a wonderful display of fir. - Orders tilled .bj Hackvllle w. t claims to be "eldest n nt ks at Albert Park legitimate son of Lord packvllte, B;lved. HARDWARE UUCP a to (dub .and honoring mini in order sav The HaWthotTIC lacrosse also by his wife, Josefa Duran." The a ot CHXXDOOCXXXXXX)OOCXXX"OOOv. their souls from the ludgnient of gave ball tonight in honot court ilisalloyed this claim In V.)f" bin TOLSTOI HANDED officers. s- -; Hod." alii ii'ugfwir imete that iln- pr Tie peyctlcal will be nft Tin Melbourne Daily Age publishes read i ,.Mt actlim v. ill be .r.ie. eded w'tth. preached upon from all pulpits un editorial article bidding I'urowcl! DUBOIS FACi iON IS HERE is only one way to get Ernesl In tin. apn of a Spanish dnncr Th,- in a leading ar- to i in- fleet, o which i; says: - "vo. 'n niyn who marr'ied Lord Sackville at Mad- TURNED LXJWN IN IDAHO good hardware in your house, on tin- , n. y. says: it been i Ughtful -- AS PAGAN ticle lical has camlml. i.itt. Lord S.iekville claimed thai Si shad, of Spanish inuulsl-ii"i- i The fratern Isa (tona are at an ehvl, hut and that is to select it yourself. "The the uora Duran had a husband living T mi aeeftlnn to one of the the memories that remain will be on Hi IS, Idaho, Hopt. 4, --The tickets darken ... hen she w ent through the marriage If you leave it to your contract most I reClOUH holidays of Kusslan enduring heritage of true affection. nominated by the Dttbi ils .mid anli-- ClVlltas ion -- the bil l Inlay of Hussla's America and Auslralia are traveling' Dubois factions of tr dcinocratie or, you need not be surprised Holy Synod Warns Believers to greater.) wiitir. Qoad teste should parallel routes t" the same goal, the! party In Idaho at the fee "H slate con if it THIEF ATTEMPTS is not of the best. The i ttK betterment of ihe race ami they have BOLD nt were lib d today from Honoring Birth- have evented holy synod from venllon Wulluc- Refrain anathi nitizing Tolstoi, ggainaf tin in, conflicting ambitions. The Austra TO STEAL MAIL SACK with the secretary of stale. best costs a little more, but day of Russia's Most Bri- grave1 threaheM. Wltheui sharing llana have grappled their American Tin antl-Dubo- ticket was necept-,- d Iooks a thousand times better. roUtO ' t beologiell View s, the Whoti cousins to tin Ir hearts a'Ith more than by Secretary of Slate .ansdnn as Xeiio. Nev , Bept. 4. A thief yester- tl peo- hoops of steel and they hope at no regular democratic ticket and the When you let the contract for lliant Writer, of Kussiali orthodox day afternoon opened the combination the il, distani time to renew their greeting was reject",!. Mandamus ple, iCUted and iineduciitt has th" express and mail car. which left this Dubois ticket your house, reserve the right r hi duty TolStOl .' it Ii a u gm, nti d n I." proceedings against the secretary of I By Morning .lutiin.il pri-Li- I riwil Wlrrl lull and to honor liar ei:y for Qoldtleld and stole large to A large Ol ns-- -' will at , in tH select your own hardware, St. Petershnrg, Sept, t. Tin- holy and it ould ungrateful ami kfttoble crowd Australians containing mail of much value. slate instituted nice ml, I' d tramway sta- - sack syaad ha sddreaaed an appeal to aH te ah Sin from doing so Kvery at the central Bteoling the sack, the thief supreme court by the Dubois faction. AND THEN INTERVIEW US. lion tonight to take enthusiastic leave Alter L baUsgnsH not t participate In the fervec member of the orthodox run Into the willows along the track of the It was a scene of BuUOuigieas, next Wednesday In honoi chitrcl believes the radgmegt ot Hod Americans. Where he bid it. officer Hillhouse, Good for the wildest good fellowship heart-- of Stomas of Count Um Tolstol'ñ eightieth birth- will it he guided by encyclicals and ' who had le en notified of the theft, "I took two Chamberlain's leal leave taking can be Imagined. a, h night, and day, on the ground Unit honor t en breatl m the spirit ol ths dark egefc" that hurried into the hushes and found the and laver Tablets last I fifty per I dared sn appoctenl si the ihurcb sack. Inn failed t" find the man. feel cent better than says .1. .1. would be a stumbling block t" youth rate IasI night Officers Hillhouse hnve for weeks," Firestone! Wagner Hardware Co unit persons ol weak faith. ami Rockwell arrested a man at the of Allegan, Mich. 'Th-- ire ce-i- The aneyc Ileal U marked for its hit- CHICAGO SENATE DEADLOCK depot by name of talaly a fine article for blUiousneas."- - FtliDOS Southern Pacific the Skamplad ter languuftf. on the charge of illnu; a For sale by all druggtsta CENTRAL AND FOURTH fowen ' "T'dstol denied the Savior and grip. The Officer believe is the flee. blackstld from the hurch.'' II says man wanti - 'Since 1901 In- has rank"-- t among th' IV;:RGHANT DEAD IN p.igunx Believers must abstain in !Di Alleited iXninoml Thief Seized, Han Francisco. Sept. 4, Abraham VEHICLES Haymand wlheburger was arreste Harness We Make IN OUR - OF EVERY - Foes of Governor Threaten to here today n a warrant from Chi- uel Mandell, Multiniillion- i - SHOP Fully Ema .u". charging him with baaing atol- and Decripition Resign ft om Legislature in en diamonds valued at fl.HOO. MONEY ait Department Stoic Pro- - GUARANTEE Its I a r r ALL pn nor, txpues in owiuer- - Preference to Voting for What Ails You? Cummins Senator, Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, SADDLERY l.i as have frequent headaches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste In morning, "heart- SUPPLIES Illy Morning Jourmil Sorclul I I Vlr burn," bnlrhing of gas, gold risings In IN YOUR I lit M. lining Journal special la.ia.il Wlr Mrs Moines. Iowa. Sept. I. Seng' stomach gnaw or Berna, Swltserlaae, Iksgt, 4 -- Knian- throat alter eating, t"r Dowairs reaolutton providing for burn, tout breath, di.y spells, poor or a mer-cha- Sat Mandril, tnnlilniillloniilrc a . ., the election of I'uited States sena .tr! t appetite, na at Hue-- and ill- - night Alll-.so- ii uur are d races FIST ' ' Chicago, here butt tor to Sttcened the late Senator kindred symptom? "as i,,- as the rcntttt of Injuries lee' ived In a to .lu id Wednesday. September If joTNycvo any considerable number ol I, carried by a vote of to 1 in I. ;it ntution. While the thssilHjveTNnptoms you are suffering Low as ill the railroad , Lowest" 1,1 the li,i 1, : n ,!, ileus huliil' fülltirl V aHghting from trata Mr MandeM's ,,, ,,. ,,. .,,,,., frotnNllouiuys?Sarpld liver with candidate of the f.r.li'.jcrcr Hy'cn loot slipped and In- fell heavily iiis i itand-pavt- ti ra, received the one vote Mnür.al t lsmade up .u Hn- ,mTh J. KORBER & CO. 2 14 N. St. n.v - The patters did not msiCe 2nd head slrlklmt lb'- 'lactones. stand atati I'l"'"1', kllltvv i, good or morning to ; to Ills n: uatance, hut their tnreal the, for the i, cure ol I itullr.ii-llt- f tit landers ruslled medical sciel'.'e innqiept iirlotlng th. - bolt the caucus in a body unless ijov- - Hint In had ru en rendered un- -- iicli áTñfltñía eonditioiK. Is a most wait. h.k.l, (tthrr. It Iwluaan). round It i, mo ., mm heetliy ernor Canmins eliminated hlmeefi tonic, U ,ii.- aMSgSS In us phvsoinn sfflcieat liver Invlgorator, stomach Mliol, ti,' ni i ti urul when UUSinioiied After mi examination the from the slnut contest bowel and nerve, strengthoner. fllnl N i, I.. HUHrr. If. Jttnr w,r. regulator physician said that Mr. Mulldells leg the canOna convened hut six Ths "Qoldea Medical Discovery " Is not Ltllnr hd,I r,,t unrm that are at p resent Of these Hani lib tun, of was broken and he wus suffering from a patent nusilclne or secret uostrum, s FIRST NATIONAL rink If r ran'l prndtir. th. BANK ,i He nml Beely, of Qreen, walked ih..i. ii i sever ncusaion the brain full list of Its Ingredients being printed i. t.M rni out, daehuing thai tiny would eon-su- it lln ti a lloapftal in an biillle-wrapp- cr II fttu iaM In " .'I f alathmrrr v.ii e.inve.vcil lo on Its anil attested under their constituents and that in tire w lllOW . .,.l-- atnbulani ' oath. A glance at Its formula ill r (k nuil,, Irl u. figura nt th y desired them to vet'- OF ALBUQUERQUE, N. At first Ii va. thought that Mr. v thill It no alcohol, or harmful M. 4,lh Raa, IVrh.n. n. ran Mugift'.t i", Cummins they waeM resign that contains III Mandell'i Inlurleg wmild not prove habit-formin- drngs. It Is a luid SVtrael a,rlitiug thai Uu jr,m ...i..l. Three of the four remaining ,11,1 001 ail IgSgeeag o nous, lint h gre.v suddenly worse inadnwlth puro, ISipia-reSn-ed glycerine, r alnaja k.p a f.f voted Baugi n ', o dl-- ,1 Hi, vole anil one for a , i mid deaplte fforu of tin proper strength, from the roots of the Lira ni, ur t fr rtnrritm-rlM- niitis at close of tip if UNITED surgeon erimr 'uni the following American forest plants, STATES DEPOSITORY and Utrt Baa k jual wllal Well pletUHWi native I - il bv caucus declared himself I. Mr Mande, was iierompanl- viz., Golden Seal root, Stono root, Blsck ra. a. Ii a. hwr Irani ',, with the if the caucus "II f a nur his wife, his dsughter. and Cherry bark, Quean's root, liloodruot, and nhn i..ii .hihiu tint Uto," declared, uiv DEPOSITORY A. T. & S. F. RAILROAD , compl. evident lo he "that CO. mlf la Ib avalué ul rim r. ka4 gegnd hildri n. Hi had Jusi Maiidralm root. ,1 ,,r was on friends want me to make the race and la 111. altrartl.MMnai drawlaa mor siw illerl.Uld ntiil Th following leading medlcnl authorities, ,l, a hen 1 m in Hi, hands of my trlei-inls.- among a ( sxlol th fopsgoiHg ," iiior. .1 Mr ,u li h nalr ii,.' or oin iliiif for I'urls host other, Aa effort SfM inn do bv ii publican' I k ii s fui Hie cure ot )UHl such slhneiits as be REPORT OF CONDITION MAY la pr- - ihe n. blent i ciirred. It. .1. . 14, ISni. thai thai Hurt . ra4 adjust ths fai Hon:, dlflVr- - aboresymplornalndH'alei Pnif.lt. Tb. enose of deillh la declared to tonlRht in II. Ii of .1,'ITervin Med. Collirr. I'lilla : I'mf w b . b tl i M UnlT-o- h.e.. 1... n homorrh.-nr- of the liraili. ' "' eulminitl this afternoon II Wood, DoOf f Pa.: I'ruf.Rdwln ItRSOl'ltCKR stiind-pnttor- MAHIMJIBa in Hie of tin- to M Hale. M II . of lUblll lliaiUI Meo. r.illeüe. following com iission. Mr Mandell refusal IvIuC. M Antle r ot I'utn-mln- Chicago; Prof. John tl i ,i ristMUS which Scud-ilei- . di,,i without huving regalnad eon- - pgr! In a pul Ami'ili'an IHipenhtttorv ; I'rof Ii". M Loans anil Ills, i,,, nla $1,635,118.67 "' $ 200,000.00 s, being In nomination It was said that M II. Aulborof Hia-cll- Medicines: I'tof iou inw. Arrangements are I opponents of Cummins would eon .. ,i., lol ,i M II.Meii Dept.. I'nlv of Iloiuls, securities, ami real enlato 89,836.22 surplus ..mi jw 62,591.91 In iransporl ih- body to lh the N. Y.i I'rof I I'll. v Ellli,gwal. M It.. Author ml a deadlock In he Medi- Ir. I 'iiii, ,i Htatcg and until these are com- lieu, to nal ami thai of Matarla Medics and I'rof. :t Government Honda 308.000.0Ü nlallon 200,000.00 - cal ('ollrgiv, ''lilcsgo. Send nanie and ad 1. II would in- inevitable pleted, Mrs Man, ami We other n c ,i Card It V. Pierce, Buf- Cnsli i, I anil In . . 929,433.69 I' ' on pro- - dren lo lr mi ha, hanks 2,499,796.67 THE member,, af the party Will remain Tonight .i .I port Ihe falo, V V.. and rrcelv. .'rrt booklet (Iring h. re. nosed primar i,nn I meal wne mad, extrai'H from writings of all the above medi- cal autlim endorsing, In ilu MORNING The bill il". h mil demand that the and tnanv oth.i atmngcl t,slbl terms, each and every In Cash rrSolircCN 1,237,433.69 i,i,' i: Work. pally tick. I I,'' voted II merely lb V'"i!,'M of wbl, ii Oold)ii ai Mm or " JOURNAL Toronto, Sept. Canadian Paci- j man, Is n wi lt n re,u, st for the part' ry It ,d. i. V vole-i- - fir Plnaaatlt Pellei rv,itate and fic official-- ' report that nil of Hon haltot with ii stateiio nt thai the ,,acb. lifer and lawels They TOTAi S2,962,388.58 TOTAL - lnlr.'i $2,962,3ftSJI or l JOB ROOMS old cm r inapectors who wen- nut ,,ti i member the part) whoe pr' p,av In rigijinii'i ion lili "flolden a ' I -- 4".ll,-a-t " If iiowels r mw li nt work iiguin t- - iiiary ballM In- HSkS, This measure lM"',,vrrv strike are 'buck Hpkt.,1 Tüas'r. til, ano uga, rosUai netsilv aecid abb t both no lions tmf ai BIIOIIEROUE MORNING JOURNAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. MAJOR LEAGUE GO TO BELEN, NEW MEXICO BASEBALL The Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico. Located on the Belen Cut-O- ff of the A. T. & S. F. Railway

CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND GALVESTON National League. BELEN 18 THIRTY-ON- E MILES SOUTH OF ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. ON THE MAIN LINE OP THE SANTA FE SYSTEM LEADING EAST AND WEST FROM Won. Lost PC TO SAN FRANCISCO AND OLD MEXICO. AND Now York 74 45 .622 THE BELEN T0WNSITE AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY OWNS THE BELEN TOWNSITE-1,- 000 BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS 25X140 FT. WIDE AVENUES STREETS. Pittsburg 75 47 .615 Belen, New Mexico. Ilea la the valley of the Rio Grande. It has ílne liado trees and a beautiful lake. School Houses, Churches, a Conuncrelal Club, Mercantile Storet of oil classes. Patent Roller Milla, a Winery, the Chicago 74 4!) .602 new Hotel Belen, with all modem improvements; restaurants. Brick Yard, two Lumber Yards, etc, etc, etc. Philadelphia 65 53 .551 Cincinnati 58 64 .475 BELEN IS THE LARGEST SHIPPING POINT FOR WOOL, FLOUR, WHEAT, WINE, BEANS AND HAY IN CENTRAL NEW MEXICO ALL FAST LIMITED, EXPRESS, MAIL AND 71 .418 Boston 61 AND NORTH AND SOUTH. St. Louis 43 76 .361 FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA FE ROUTE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH BELEN, EAST WEST, Brooklyn 42 77 .353 House, a commodious depot, mall and express ofBce; roundhouse League. The Santa Fe Railway Company has here the largest terminal yards on Its system from Chicago to California which with an elegant Harvey Eating American 4,086 care. lota adjoin the depot grounds and Harvey Eating House; streets graded, sidewalks laid out; aliade treets, etc Won. Lost. P.C for eighteen stalls; tracks to accommodate Hie offered for sale PERFECT, WARRANTY DEEDS GIVEN THE VRICES OF LOTS ARE LOW: TERMS EASY, ONE-THIR- D CASH; DA LANCE ON NOTE AND MORTGAGE FROM ONE TO TWO YEARS AT 8 PER CENT INTEREST; TITLE Detroit 70 50 .583 St. Louis 69 62 .570 WRITE FOR MAPS AND PRICES, OR OTHER INFORMATIONS Chicago 69 53 .566 Cleveland 7 56 .544 Philadelphia 60 61 .497 JOHN BECKER, President. WM. M. BERGER, Secretary. Boston 59 64 .480 THE BELEN TOWN AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Washington 51 67 .432 New York 40 82 American Association. and Sehreck. ready to keep his part of the agreement be In the box for the Occidentals and PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Vickers twirling Won. Lost. P.C. At Columbus-dlanapoll- s. Columbus. 4; In- - and announced his team ready to play Fred Letarte will do the for o. 6. BASEBALL CRISIS the game. The Browns continued to the Happys. Weiller Is a southpaw Washington, :: New York, big variety of curves with DRS. SHADBACH & TULL Louisville 84 59 .587 Sept. game At Milwaukee, 11 St. sidfestep the matter and Padilla was and has a Practice Limited New York, will try to phase the strong Indianapolis 82 59 .581 Washington and New York 8. in hot water most of the time, hav- whloh he Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat between go by on the Huppys. Letarte also Columbus 80 62 .563 (n a shut out for the locals. ing nothing definite to as far batters Oculist and Aurlst for Santa Fe Coast resulted games hus reputation as a first class slab Bank Toledo 78 62 .553 Scon H. e. BECOMES LESS as the remaining of the series a Lines. Office State National r. As a artist, has wonderful speed and con- Building. Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1:30 Minneapolis 68 72 .490 Washington . 001 001 5 0 ILLUMINATING GAS was concerned. last resort he 1003 to supreme court, the trol and does good head work for a to 6 p. m. Kansas City 68 74 .479 . . 0 6 1 appealed the New York 000 000 000 FATAL FOR THREE Interest- WUwUukee 64 77 .454 executive committee and the hoard of young lad. One of the most Batteries Johnson and Street; games Is St. Paul 41 99 .290 control of the congress, and ing sides to these Juvenile HOMEOPATHS. Chesbro, Doyle ami Kieinow. lined up St. Paul, Sept. 4. Peter J. Schollcrl ACUTE the decision was handed down that that the youngsters who are today with the "kid" DRS. BRONSON & BBONSON Western League. and his wife of St. Paul, and Lewis the Browns must get busy and play on the diamond Homeopathic WESTEHN LEAGUE. agreed upon teams, are the boys who must be de Won. Lost. P.C. Christiansen were found dead today out the series as Physicians and Surgeons. Although they have been to a cer- pended upon to deliver the goods lor Omaha 76 54 .585 in Mr. Schollert's house here and Drug Store. Phones: Of- Sioux City, Sept. 4. Coupled with extent forced to play Sunday's the representative team of Albuqurque Over Vann's 75 56 .672 Hans Hendricksnn was found in a BROWNS AND GRAYS tain 628; 1059. Albuquor-qu- o, Olrn Stead was hit in a years. fice residence, 68 66 .507 wildness hard dying condition from brentrhing I- game, the Browns have not been within few won N. M. 67 67 .500 the pinches, and the Packers an lluminating gas. Victor Schollcrt was TO PLAY OUT SERIES caught napping. .Nearly the Whole uninteresting game from Den- 60 68 .469 today a son ol Schollcrt, and was team has been at the park practicing DENTISTS. ver, Peter FINED FIVE THOUSAND 50 85 .370 The game was called in the overcome but will recover. every day for the past week and all eighth. Christianson and Henilrickson were Tournament Officials Insist the men are in good condition for the FOR ATTEMPTED GRAF I DR. J. 13. KRAFT NATIONAL LEAGUE. Score R. H. E. visiting the Schollerts. contest. It goes without suying that Dental Surgeon. Sioux City 400 100 27 6 0 Schollcrt was a painting contractor Upon Preliminary Games to the game will be a red hot one from Rooms Barnett building. Phone 6 3 I). Sept. 4. Victor U Chicago, 0. Denver 000 000 11 and was wealthy. start to finish. There Is so much at Washington. C. 744. Appointments made by mall. Pittsburg, decorator and (I. Pittsburg. Sept. 4. Pittsburg and Batteries Furchner and Shea; Select Team to Represents stake that the game will be a life and (!. Bloede, president of the Victor L. H. CHAMBF.RLIN. D. l 8. Chicago met hero today in the first Olmstead and Donough. death struggle. Bloede company of Baltimore jointly BALL GAME OF Albuquerque at Irrigation they of game series of the battle If the Browns arc victorious Indicted wilh Edwin Van Dyck, for- Dentist. the four city. place in the racu for the Des Moines. 7: Lincoln. 3. LABOR CELEBRATION have as good a chance as the Grays mer ink expert of the bureau of en Oldest established office In the for second Congress, game National League pennant, the locals Lincoln, Sept. 4. The locals to win the third of the series. graving and printing in this city for Office in Cromwell Block, Corner lUOCeed In winning out, winning by a score of 1 to 0, in the .slumped again today and dropped an- If the Grays alleged conspiracy to defraud1 the gov- Second and Bold avenue. Browns Grays to Try they will commence at once to W, M. tenth inning of an unusually exciting other game to the s. Bonno and Conclusions Daniel Padilla, manager of the Ba ernment In connection with contracts Albuquerque, sir. ngthen the h am by importing the game. was in poor form and was batted for at Traction Park Monday. rcias Grays, yesterday appeared before for supplying the government with side was able to score dur- eleven hits. Olmstead, however, three professionals allowed each team ink, pleaded guilty today and whs CHAS. A. ELLFR Neither of oí ing innings and at the time pitched a tight game. the board control the Irrigation participating in the tournament. fined $5,000 which was Immediately Dentist. the nine The committee which has Charge Of Bldg. both were equal In the number of hits Score R. H. E. congress and also before the executive paid. Van Dyck will be tried later. Room 14 N. T. Armljo the Uthor day celebration to be given 1025. Albuqueique. secured. The game was a pitcher's Lincoln 000 200 0103 5 1 committee Of the baseball tournament, JUVENILES To BATTLE Phones 869 and 4 at Traction park Monday afternoon FOB SUPREMACY TODAY New Mexico. battle to the finish. Des Moines .. 003 000 1307 11 and registered a strenuous kick re- Get Results! Im-ste- few-day-s Journal Want Ads Engagements Made by Mull. In the tenth inning Chicago was Batteries Bonno and Weigart; has been pretty busy for the past garding the local haschull situation, Who will be the winner of today's retired in order. Clarke, the first and Hecklnger. lined Up a program of game between the Occidentals and the and has before each of them, ami as a result KBUOBT singled Happy-Go-Luckys- C. E. man Up for the home team, sports, which, it Is believed, will draw the second of the scries of three games ? That has been past Stelnfeldt. Lcieh advanced him Pucbio. 7; Omaha. 6. out one of the biggest crowd's of the which will decide whither the Crass the all Important question before the PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dentbrt to second by a sacrifice and Wagner Omaha, Sept. 4. Kagan was In season, in addition to some last horse or he Browns will he the official A- younger clement of baseball fans for (iftl.o: Whiting Bldg., over Vann's sent him to third on a single to cen- distress during most of today s game riu.tng. there will be a red hot game lbuquerque team during the tourna- many days past. Will Joe McCanna, Drug Store, álbuqueraue, N. M. ter Schulte threw to livers, who ind his wildness at critical times of baseball between the Browns and ment, will lie pluyed o Traction park captain of the Happys, come down to ATTORNEYS. made a wild throw to the home pinte. cost him Hi" game. The champions the Grays. A small admission price of Sunday afternoon) and the third1 game the sporting editor id' the Morning ASSAYERS. re seven, Wagner going to second, Clarke got thirteen hits to the visitors twenty-fiv- e cents, which Includes the of the series will be played Labor Journal tonight and tell him that his JOHN W. WILSON op-p- oi W. maining on third. Abbattichio struck but those of the latter were more pro- day, won out, or will O'RIelly, Attorney at Law JENKS grandstand, will be charged, the Monday afternoon. team Joe Asssyer. out, but Wllson"s single to center une, to go to winning ball team. in captain of the Occidentals, be the man Made. New Slate National ceeds the The Browns were defeated the Collections Mining and Metallurgical Engineer. scored Clarke. Omaha 011 000 2116 13 3 Monday morning will be a big first game of series by score to have the honor of making that Bank Bldg., Albuquerque, N. M. there the the 60 West Poetoffloe Boi K. H. E. Pttehlo 001 120 8 3 near- 6 B 1 Fruit uvoiuc. Score 0037 labor parade ll ll expected that of to last Sunday There was statement H. 1 - R. W. D. BRYAN 173, or tit office of F. Kent. Pittsburir . . 000 000 000 7 Batteries- Uagan and Gondlng: ly even union man In town will be quite a little friction tfctween the man- The Interest centcrct In this final 11 Attorney at Law 113 South Third street. Chicago ..000 000 000 00 4 3 Owen alid Smith. in line. The banks am) number gf ager of the Browns, the captain and game between the Occidentals and the Willis, Gibson and Office in First National Bank building Batteries the stores and business places will be several of the players after the game Happys reached fever heat last nigh', CIVIL ENGINEERS. Phelps; Brown and Kling. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. closed either a whole or half Of the had been played and It loOKed for a and it is safe to say that the contest Albuquerque, N. M. day and a large attendance will no time as If the team hail been split in this afternoon will he a hot one. PITT ROSS SURGEONS. Boston. 3; Brooklyn. 2. At Kansas City First game: Kan- doubt be present at the park In the two. Owing to these differences the Dr. Bobert Smart has agreed to PHYSICIANS AND County Surveyor. IT. Depart- Brooklyn, Sept. 4. Boston won to- sas City, 2; Minneapolis. 1. Second afternoon. Browns wore not enthusiastic about umpire the game for the boys. No Attorney before S. Land R. L. BUST Civil day'a game from Brooklyn 3 to J. game: Kansas City, 8; Minneapolis. playing the second game of the series admission will be charged and it Is Physician and fafgeoa ment. Lund Scrip for sale. Gold avenue, opposite Score H. H. E. 4. Window frames, 91.75. Albuquerque tomorrow. expected that a large crowd Of fans Rooms 6 and 8, N. T. Arml.lo build- engineering. Boston 020 100 000 3 6 0 At Toledo Toledo, ll Louisville, Planing MUI. Padilla, however, declared he was will be on hand. Dave Weiller will ing, Albuquerque, N. M. Morning Journal office. Brooklyn 000 010 1002 9 1 Batteries Tuckey and Graham; Mclntyre and Bergen.

New York. 8: Phlladelplda, 1. Philadelphia. Sept. 4. The Phila- delphia National leaguers, who still This Mark Stands This Mark Stands for Things Fall weur and entertain hopes of winning the pen- While all lines of house-furnishin- for nant, were defeated easily by New use are ready in ample IWtfVS York toduy. before a large crowd. have the call assortments every de- hit Sparks' curves all partment Is attractive In The visitors In this week's store news over the field, scoring two runs on newness for the approach- Hi ni Inning and not be- ECONOMIST hits the first stocks are THE four other season and the show following with a single and ing every Brid well with a tripule In the sec- ing neglected. The other ALBUQUERQUE'S EXCLUSIVE DRY (IOODS HOUSE. is mure charming Sparks' place day. All who will arc ond. Then Moran took I departments offer inter- In a and held New York check for KIT GOODS, MILLINERY AND WOM1CTC8 REABY-TO-WEA- GARMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. cordially invited to enjoy while. McCormick and Doyle secured esting bargains. single I'll OhE ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. MAIL ORDERS KILLED PROMPTLY. it freely. Dooin, each of whom made a MdSe, of Integrity, Mdse of Intefritv and a trlpple. were the only home off players who could get a hit I Wilts. The latter had perfect con- not give a pass. Twice Our Annual Sale of Blankets, Comforts and Household Linens is Now in Full Blast size 15x33 In., special per doz. $1.00 trol and did Sll LEI'S AND PILLOW CASES. towels, a man on as I Linen buck hemmed, size Philadelphia had third Pnncrill Brand Sheets. you Wo 16x30 in., per $l.3b man 54x90 Inch, were 65c, now 55c A few weeks gag Albuquerque will welcome thousands of stronger! within her gates, are prepared? dozen the result of a tripple with one comforts, ready sheets, ready to use Linen huck towels. In mined, size runner i 63x90 Inch, were 70c, now 60c are with the most complete line of hoiisefurnlshlngs sucn as blankets, made out and failed to get the pillows ceses, bed spreads, sheetings, table linens, towels, etc. eVe our window displays and note the special 16x32 In., per dozen $1.60 of occasions, Wlltse 72x90 Inch, were 8e, now 70c towels, home. On one the now 76c prices for this sale. We advise you to buy now, desirable qualities ure scarce and prices are advancing. Linen huck hemstitched, I 81x90 Inch, were 86c, size 18x33 In., were 20c en., now 15c struck out the side. 90x90 inch, were 9'ic, now 80c R- H. E. gray or white, special COMFORTS. COUNTERPANES. Linen huck towels, hemstitched, Score Pillow Cases. ket. ...$1.50 ea., 220 012 14 2 Very Special Volara Gray widtc or All our comforts are filled wilh cot" All our hemmed bed spreads aro size 18x36 In., were 25c now 20c New York ... 1008 42x36 inch, were 20c, now ..16 Linen huck towels, hemstitched, . 001 000 1 4 4 Tan. ton, no shoddy, and come both sew- pearl finished. Philadelphia 000 I Inch, now . 45x36 were 2214c ..17Vie $2.76 quality velvet wool ed tied. No. 77 V, crochet spread, regu- sl.e 20x38 In., were 35c ea., now 25c Batteries Wlltse, Bresnahan and 50x38 inch, were 25c. now 20c finish and blanket. 10-- 4 size $2.10 No. 58 comfort, regular $1.25 val- lar $1.50 value at $1.25 Necdham; Sparks. Moran and Dooln. No. 31 bed spread, reg- . Peppertn Sheetings, Hlenehed. $3.75 quality velvet finish wool ue, special $1.00 Hemmed Turkish Towels. 7- - 4 wide, 27 now 22 Vic 11-- 4 size $2.95 .'I special comforts, selling regular- ular $2.25 value at $1.75 LEAGUE. or yd. Vic. blanket, These are well made and thick und AMERICAN 8- - ly silk-olin- e No. 502 reg- 4 or 2 yd. wide, 30c, now 25c $5.00 quality velvet finish wool to $1.50, tied or sewed, IJemmed bed spread, will wear well. 9- - 4 or 2VÍ yd. wide, 32 Vie, now 27 Vic blanket, plaid and checks, an or sateen covered, very ular $2.50 vulue at $2.15 Bleach fringed, Cleveland, Ü. No. 1S00 bed reg- Turkish towels, Chicago, ti 10- - 4 or 2Vi yd. wide, 35c, now 30c exceptional good blanket, very special $1.25 hemmed spread size 18x36, regular price 12 Vic 4. today 2 regular $3.00 at $2.50 Chicago, Sept. Chicago special at $4.25 special comfort values ular value ai h, now per dozen $1.35 Ullca or Atlantic Brand Sheet. reg-ul- put Itself within two games of the All Wool Blankets. values to $1.95, sewed or tied, No. 210 hemmed bed spread, Bleach Turkish towels, fringed, 54x90 Inch, was 75c, now 65c 10-- 4 $3 American league leaders by defeating $4.50 value gray blankets, sllkollne or sateen covered. 50 value at $3.00 size 18x40 In., special for this now 70c 11-- 63x90 Inch, was 85c, 4 size, special , $3.95 . Special $150 3 to 2 in Innings. and Fringed Sprciiils. sale 16c each Cleveland eleven 7 2x90 inch, was 90c. now 75c 2 $7.0(( value gray, tun or white, numbers of comforts selling 1 1 V Check slightly, but No. r . regular $1.76 value at $1.60 Bleach Turkish towels, hemmed, White outnltchcd Mx!0 Inch, was $1.00, now 85c 11-- 4 size, special $5.95 regularly to $2.50, tied or sew- fielding pulled No. 125 Vi. regular $2.00 value at $1.76 size 18x32 In., special for this the latter's brilliant 90x90 Inch, was 11.10, now ....90c $7.50 value plaid blankets 11-- 4 ed sateen or sllkollne covered. holes. Tannehlll's 90x108 inch, was $1.25, now $1.00 No. I75VÍ. regular $2.60 value at $2.16 sale 15c each him out of several size, special $5.95 Special $2.00 No. l95Vi. regular $2.75 value at $2.35 Unbleached Turkish towels, hem- two bagger with two out ended the Pillow Cases. White All Wool Blankets. ;i special numbers of comforts No. ,nni. regular 3.50 valuó at $3.10 med, size 22x36 in., 18c value, wool regular prices to $3.75, sewed struggle. Parent and Lajole collided 42xP,6 Inch. WON 22Vie, now . .17Vi: $3.50 value white blanket No. 210Vi regular $3.76 value at $3.36 for this sale 6 for $1.00 at first In the eleventh, both being 45x36 Inch, were 26c, now 20c 11-- 4 size $2.95 or tied sateen or sllkollne cov- $4.50 wool ered. Special $3. WO Cut Corners Fringed Spread for badly shaken up. 50x38 Vi Inch, were 30c, now ....25c value white blanket 10- - 4 .$3.95 3 specials In fine comforts, sat- ' Brass Bed. Crashes. B. H. E. size s Score Sheeting Bleached. $5.50 wool een or sllkollne covered, reg- No. 115a, $1.76 value at $1.60 Is 1 value whlto blanket Our stock very complete. Ono 000 9 7- 4 . . . No. 40u, $2.26 value 1.75 Chicago .. 002 013 - or W yd. wide, 32c, now . 30c. 11- - 4 size $4.50 ular values to $4.60. special .. $3.50 at Collón crash, 16 In. wide, jmld ooot ooo 00 2 7 2 8- 4 2 . No. 175n $2.50 value 2.25 CHevOtand 200 - or yd. whle. 37Vic now .32Vie ( 11 lorn hi Wool Blankets. Ha by comforts for cribs, made at everywhere at 7 Vic a yard, In 9- - No. $3 50 vulue 3.00 Batteries White and Sullivan; 4 or 2 vd. wide, 40c, now ...,35c $6.00 value all wool white blan- plain or wilh ruffle, special 50c each 1500a. at per yard 5c No. 210a, $4 00 at 3.50 this sale, 10- - 4 or 2Vi yd. wide, 45c, now 37 Vje kets, 10-- '. size $5.00 value Check and Bemls. No. 1300a, $5.00 value 4.50 Cotton huck crash, 16 In. wide, $7.00 value all wool white blan- CURTAINS SWISS CURTAINS. at uhuhI 8 l-- , No. 1400a, $6.00 value 6.00 price yard rale 10-- 4 size $6.00 $1.25 value lace trimmed ruffle at St. bowls, l Detroit. 2. PILLOW CASING. kets cut corner spreads come price, per yard I v $9.50 vulue all wool white blan- edge, spclal 95c These Unbleached ltnon crash, 17 In. SI. Louis, Sept. 4 By defeating PeppwHJ. fringed or scalloped and are the kets 11-- 4 size $8 50 J;'.on values lace edge with In- wide, usual 12 Vic quality, sale-price- , Detroit 4 to 2 this afternoon St. Louis 42 In., was 17 Vic, now 15c $10 00 value all wool white blan- sertion, special $1.50 thing for Iron or brass beds. per yard ic Ameri- 4H In., was 20c. now 16 12-- drew nearer first place in the kets 4 size $9.00 $1.50 value embroidered Swiss Glass linen crash, 17 In. In., now 1 8c wide, can league pennant race and now but 50 was 22Vi'. Crib Blankets. lace Insertion special $1.15 TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. red or blue check, regular 12o 54 In., was 25c, now 20c a game and a half separates the lo- These come In all white and nur- $2.00 vuule, ecru on hoblnet, SPECIALS. quality, sale price per yard ...10c 5 pes. Hssoted patterns hotel lin- cals from Detroit, which still holds Utico. sery pictures woven In them. special $1.06 now 18c 7 5c value 38x60 In., special each . .60'" $.100 value Arabian hoblnet ...$2.25 ens, selling regularly at 65c yd. first place. 42 In., was 20c, Special 50c SHEET SPECIALS. 4 r In., 22 Vic, now 20e $1.50 value, 36x60 In., special pr. $1.00 Nottingham i,h Córtalas, R. H. E. was 5 pat- Score 22 Vic $1.75 val.. 3(x50 In., special pr. $1.50 $1.25 value, white or ecru special 95c pes. assorted dots and dice Bleached sheets, 81x90 In., seam- 001 10 4 11 I II In., was 25c, now St. Iouls .... 200 now 25o Until Holies, Blankets and Couch $1.60 value white cream or ecru terns, bleached hotel linens, ed In center, regular (0c value S 54 In., was 30c, Detroit 100 000 0202 7 are by the yurd Throws. special at fl.15 regular 76c value, special . ...65c special at .' 50a The above price 9 pes. as- Batteries Powell and Stephens; you buy dozen or pillow These come In fancy plaids, checks $2.25 value white ecru or Arabe bleached Scotch linen, Bleached sheets, 72x90 In., no If a sheets 90c val- Wllletts and Schmidt. sheeting by the piece We al- and flowers woven on a contrasting special at $1.75 sorted designs, regular aeama. regular t5c value, spec- Hummers and cuses or ue, 7 5c 6 ground. $.1.60 value English bnhlnet cur- sale price ial at 55c low you per cent discount. ev- 10-- 4 tains, or $2. 50 It us. bleached Irish linens, 63x90 In., no lakes Double Header. $1.50 value size special at.. $1.26 white Arabian at.... Bleached sheets, Boston 2.50 11-- 4 size special 1.95 odd 111 tains. ery Imaginable design, regulnr seams, regular 60c value, spec- 4. won two BLANKETS. value at.. Sept. Boston 12-- 4 $1.26 $1.00 $0c Boston. 10-- 4 2.50 value size special 2.25 Some single pairs. Some single value, sale price ial at 7 1 90c vulue site cotton blanket at.. Philadelphia toduy to 12-- Niipktns to any linens at games from grey or white, special 75e $.00 value 4 size special at.. 2.50 curtains. Will be closed out at about match above 12-- 4 $1.26. $1.60. $1.75, $2.00, $2.60. $3.00, 10 1. 10-- 3.60 size apeclal 3.00 half regular selling prtcei. I ( and to $1.00 value 4 sise cotton blan- value at.. I'll! W s s R H- - E- - 4.00 value 12-- 4 size special 3.50 and $3.50 dosen. First game ket, grey or white, pedal ,...90o at.. 42x36 In., regular UVic value, 7 10 S 11-- couch covers tapestry NAPKIN SPECIAL. Boston 020 210 20 $1.25 value 4 sise cotton blan- Tapestry also special sate etch lie 6 0 covers In all sizes made by the Made of glass crash, fringed, per SPECIALS In Towels and Crasher. for this . 000 100 ket, grey or white, special ...$1.10 table Philadelphia 0001 2 6c Cotton towels, fringed, else 14x28 45x36 In. pillow cases, regular Dy-ge- rt 11-- 4 cotton blan- Art Loo ti Mills wll) be placed on sale dozen Batteries Young and Crlger; $1.50 value. site In., were i0o a dosen, are now. ,50c 16c vel.to, special for this aa'e ket, gray or while special ...$1.25 less than 20 per cent off regular Fringed bleach napkins, regular He and Blue. - 1.26 per dozen value, special ..7Ec Cotton Huck towels, henyned, each $1.76 value 11-- 4 size cotton blan- price Second gsme R H. E. Boston 3Í0 130 10 li 13 0 1 I re MMtum Philadelphia . 000 001 0001 TaX ECONOMIST (Week Ending September 6, 108.) Batteries Arelanes and Donohue; 4 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908.

Oh JMuqaerque ernur bt a vary buay man. and It la not tlefieid and the insignificant snaps of routes of gruln from the northwest to1 at all strange that in the multiplicity muffled small arms would be no more Kurope include both the Inland and. What the Editors of his public duties he has overlooked distinguishable than the barking of the ocean transport, and that railroad morning Journal llr- Met that the lime limit In these little dogs In the dlttance Yet there I rates and steamship rates have to be j of the Southwest Ii s railroad! For Sale casi-- will expire with the present lerm remains the fact that the whistling oí considered together The John B. Fsblttlisd bj ln of court, and our purpose In calling the rifle ball may disclose the presence men do not discuss the ocean freight Are Saying rates, In any Co. his attention to the matter at this of an enemy, and. perhaps, even his though they intimate that FARMS Journal Publishing necessary whole time la to 'Jog'" his memory, that he location. The trained ear of the vet-er- a reduction the burden They'll Soon Be iu the Air. may no I permit an oversight on his soldier work out wonders In must not fall upon them. A reduction ii tan At this date the political horizon Small and Large D A. MACPHKRSOM Praaldant part to put a club into the hands of of eastern railroad rates necessary to Stetson trlangulation on the basis of a bullet's It K K or is not very much darkened with can ii 8. HI Bin hit) enemies. meet the competition of the watci RANCHES a. B. HEMSO wmnm singing. didates but the skylight will soon Bualneaa routes leading to Montreal, they de D. 8. BOICHKR Manaair The sitíele from the Optic, tO which break away and tin y will come forth above, is follow- - i dare, would be "wholly unremunera $35 to $60 have referred as .It'lMSE TAI I s s'lTMPKIt. like pigeons from the roost. Flag-- ! Bntrrcd aa ciaat matear it tha "All of New Mt xieo should turn out j live." Hem. wnd N. at., undar n staff Boat. f flea at Albuauerqua. gain-e- d Per Acre Hats and work to aid QoverUor Curry for Whether the advantage lately of at March 1. 1171. ía passing through Ohio on his way i Onrta is territory, by Montreal be permanent or the' The Worm Tnrtfo. Governor Curry siding the to the fishing water he is to RIO where Is GRANDE VALLEY MOBN1M1 JOIRNAI. 1 THE more any one man ever did result only of temporary conditions,! Laying all joki aside, it time THE than other a week. I i AS OK NEW spend Judge Taft tried his something l.r.AI'IM. KKI'l HI.N I'AI'EB aid It. the phyolcal facts to which attention that this mans town did LAND CO. Are the BEST SI ITOHTlMi THE rMIM'll'LK hand or tongue at short addressee, about the large number of phono- IUHU. BLIt'AS 1'ABTY AM. THE the moment he was seated In is called arc obvious. Water transpor- Of THE Kill "from from the rear platform of a railroad graphs which Infest this region. The viui' AMI THE METHIHW OF THE RE the governor's chair It has been his tation by the St. Lawrence has been BORRADILE PUBLICAN PABIA' WHEN TREV pooch, and liked the experience. And owners of uch machines should be J. Dole ambition "' accomplish as much made very cheap, and It requires no Mac the crowds liked him. He aroused compelled to keep them In the sub- Gold. We are the exclusive per-- ; Comer Third and gooii u he possibly could crowd Into and made some excellent intimate .study of schedules to urbs, for in the business putt of town paper ceive difliculty of Ar-tes- ia Laratr rlrculalloa tliaa aa otbar la h:s term of office. points, straightway it is suggested the cheapening they are certainly out of place. New MeiUo. The only prpr ! Nw Mcileo "Democrats and republicans alike i.in.l transportation from the lakes to Advocate. agents for THE STET- nary dar la u that he should repeat the performance praise his work and the work that he on an extensive scale, taking the. Atlantic seaboard to meet this' to his young master; The of faera Kxp08.lt Ion Will Be Beady. Penance has mapped out for the future. compi titiou. Mel. over, ail the elab- Michael out good here and there in doubtful states ano Hos-vve- Moran points the --The Mnmlnt .loarnal haa a miner J A. Graham, secretary of the ll SON SPECIAL DERBY " I give my personal guarantee that orate efforts' that have been made by is In ewven most trouble-BOItt- C rntluc Ihica la artoriiad aj adding to the snap and ginger of the Commercial club, returned last that the paper la AJIiunuaniur ni aa "(her there shall be no election frauds." he legUlatlon and regulation to control boys; Facing Death In a Halloon, sthrr ' campaign. night from Albuquerque, where he al!; lu New Milii. Tba AaaaMoaa Nuwa- - equalize transportation a thrilling story of experience of has promised the democrats who have) And the Washington regards land tans have was making arrangements for the the $5.00. Klrerlory. Star a boy in a balloon; Ilarefoot's Outing Cried that they were robbed In thfri 'made the adjuMtn.i lit of particular Pec 61 valley's exhibit at the big show a good suggestion. Tin repub shows what kindness did to a poor lit- pat. With a politician of professional charge to particular condition more next month. He states the fear !N WORN CIICCI I.ATION. lican candidate has the roll equipment that tle street Arab, iind The Kducatlon of NEW STYLE' L'ST difficult tnun before, so that the ruil- -' of some In build- aspirations making a declaration - this section that the Mexico, such of a successful stumper- good looks, a Chipmunk, tells all about the train- - Territory of New ques- roads quite plumibly coOtl nd that ings would not be ready In time for County of Bernalillo. m. the democrat! would scoff and good nature, evident sincerity, a plain ing of one of these interesting little what tin grain shippers ask of them the exposition is entirely groundless, D. 8. Huucher, arpearlng before tion What hae they done? They and direct way of stating his case, and animals. All the articles are of more -- lie visited the grounds the and first beina duly worn have accepted the word of Qovernor meana a general reduction of income and found than usual Interest, the titles being: budnes-manage- respect for himself and others. There work well advanced. Kvery contrib- declares und aya that he Is Curry as they would not have accept- Which they very decidedly cannot af- I'nusual American Children; Lawn Publishing is nothing of the bigot or the narrow utor tO the Pecos valley exhibits SEE of The Journal Tennis: A Home Industry for Boys: New ed the oath of another They know in ford. should have fine products ready Company of Albuquerque, Mx partisan his composition He knows for What Can a Young Man Do; How a Ico, and during the month o he means what he says, for lie has There is a general disposition, when- shipments ready for shipment Sep that how to make friends and makw them. Butterfly Is Horn: and Farming the April. 190, an average of 4.461 copies meant what he said and done what ever business conditions appear un- temebr 0; not later. At Albuquerque, of The Albuquerque Morning .'ourna. Such a candidate, at this day and Salt Sea. The various departments THEM said he would I favorable, to turn to the railroads for Mr. Graham found the Koswell floor each day. lie from theflrst. With such a man aa Mr. Hryan oppns-- arc full of the things that appeal t were printed and circulated ' grain space cut down to lMj scpiare feet, "It is the duty of the people- of New not be re. to keen relief. The correspondence over the boy with a hobby. Kighty illus- (.Signed) I) S. HOl'CHKR. imr blm. should mired but he .succeeded in having it en- Manager. Mexico to k'i down to the polls this rates, which is in many ways inter- trations. $1.00 a year. The Sprague Business to his front porch, As Mr. Vandedr-liil- t larged to L.'OO square feet, which roe. fall and Vote into the scats of the ter- esting, P ails to tin reasonable conclu- Publishing Co.. Detroit, Mich. lorn and subscribed to before said about-th- e public, w hich at will be plenty of room for a magnifi- to notary puhK- - In and for the 'erri-torj- r ritorial legislature such men as will o sion that freight schedules are by no Soft Hats, $1.50 county aforesaid, this 9th that time was iu his way. dignity be cent exhibit of farm products. R6 and i., the territorial capital and work means the only things that Influence v. ell llecord. WHY ESTANCIA VALLEY IS 0 day of May, 190. Mowed.! Judge Taft has all the dig- i, in hand w lib i lov rnor i rutty for the course of trade, and that the com- $6.00. (Signed) II N. PACKBRT, nity he needs and will sacrifice none the Inte sis r New Mexico. I'dty or i plex problems of the world's com- "Our Mark." SOME PUMPKINS. Notary Public by going out to meet the people at - pi una matte ra should be put as Idej merce involve many other and much Mark Smith never started a cam- their . If votes are to he made Youman's Derby $5.00 ynt-i- palgn In this territory under more i TERMS Off HI HM HIPTION. ami it should In the object ol the l broader coisltbTatloiis geographical as The of tlie Batánela that Way afford to make favorable circumstances: he Muds his Editor Daily. I'jr carrier, "n nvnlh ora this territory to sec that llov veil as economical, than can be set- h m. Party in perfect unity and made Democrat has them all obliterated Dally, by mull, "it mnth ernur Curry is given legislature tled offhand by any hoard of trade. Youman's Silk Hats, Phere i onu s up th question. An stronger by the fad that the territor- when it (omcs to fascinating fairy which will ussist him every pos- ial platform Is vigorous in its declara- - I I - - - - NEW MEXICO ill r made in that way by a pres. Tin- following is worth close Al ill HI mil slide in, nun r and hind him not at 'tabs Idential candidate Mr, llryan's cafe Emperor William 'has made another tions along the same lines for reform $8.00. all. as marked by platform'. scrutiny; I peace speech. Ai titrasabUrg oh Sun- the national cited. The great hurrah he raised a I.OUM- - I KITOIIK. We want our territo Arizona democrats will grow enthus- Once upon a time there lived man ni: both In t&9 and I! did not capltal- - day he said: "I rejoice thai the peace Li i .heel of iastic in upholding the principles on the topmost peak of the Manzano t's help lurry heave ixe In election. While is true, we of Kurope .rests upon tuo solid found- that for in Presrott ami In follow- mountains, who was a wizard In who have not yet that progression." Those notified may consider what would have been ations to be easily upset." Later in ing the lead of theman who has never pumpkins culture. This was long ago ihe reception committee ot the irriga- the effect of a front porch campaign the speech We learn, as we suspected, failed to carry the banner to victory in the year of nuO A. B. C when the tion Congrea of the number of per- n i fHB 4 I TV COUNCIL. by him In 1894. Had he gone home that the solid foundations consist of in this territory. The democrats of! Batánela valley was covered With a it a son they can iccommodate with boda i mm Chicago thai year and confined' the "power on land and sea of the Arizona, like the democrats of the en- great body of water: when was lived dating Hi' s. sslon. should do so nt It has loon suggested that during his efforts to interviews w ith party German people in arms," and that tile country, are enthusiastic over Ihe mighty lake wherein little y lishes, big fishes and all manner of on . b ause the committee is the next two or three w eeks the city leaders and newspaper correoppndenta "Germany is determined to keep them brilliant prospecta of national success de. The wizard bus assigning to room tile library, to visiting and the fact that the near approach varmints. . L. Washburn i council have the name if tsl in his and addresses on fhelr high level." The Kaiser's full-moo- n of statehood will stimulate them in created what lie called the person who havi made application all over town put up at the street cor-i- s delegatlpna delivered from his front pence always have a martial speeches then- eftorts In make the democratic pumpkin, which grew Uj an enor-- l for accommodations. This suggestion an excellent st. ps. would lie have polled six mil- to be admitted that nets. ring, hut it lias victor y of 10S the greatest ,.Ver re. mous size, one of these pumpkins, Company And tin- - suggestion is especially Im- lie d Inn-e- x a to on. and should act upon. lions and In.lf votes Not likely. the early fears that he would try corded In the history of the terrl- - In the year of three ciphers, attained portant at lime localise a num- - ten-roo- this lag tin time of the position the Conditions were such that his side swagger through Kurope With a clank- tory. Biabes Review. the dimensions of a house 122 8. id. Hi W. Gold. of persons who . It to ber had enrolled their town will be rail of itranger who are i.. di d a stirring up. and he rtlrred S O I (I na e ii.ii 1, i ii .i. land there it stopped and refused une.. - among Ihos wining to accom- totally Ignorant of localities, and a grow any larger. This was about the AMONG THE MAGAZINES middle of May, and the wizard h modate Visitor in the matter of rooms tin y w ill be assigned to rooms in all It is to he admitti I that then la a Here, is the neut and neighborly way puzzled, as hi could not see dUrlBg the tWO weeks of tile congress parta of the town, the names of streets difference between he two cases, in which the New York Herald puts a w hy It should stop at such pigmy size and exp.i, Hi, m. have since sent notice put up at the corners, will aralat thorn Judge Taft is more f a national fig- - "An expert political speaker Is a "Mrs. Elisabeth Hunt, when the growing season had hardly to i e Mint they liave Brooklyn item: the ..tiiniitt. very greatly in finding out "where ure now than Mr. Hryan was in 1S90. wonder," writes John t. McGutcheon a idea 71 of Brooklyn, today celebrates In r commenced. Then brilliant ".hanged their minds." ami while they are at." As of eight years' I rv ice in in the September days the result The sister borough Alildeton's ".Ha struck him, and. after three ST. VINCENT'S soon persons in some Instances, at candi- instil birthday. This is a work that would only cost national office, the republican can make a two-hou- r (Study In his pumpkin laboratory, he boasts of many attractions to seduce speech and bast, may have sufficient reason for a trifle, and while it would be an ac- is one of our leading national came torth equipped vvitn suiticieni date neighbor Into removing there, and never say a thing thai he has to tat, backing OUl df their agreement, this necessity to strangers, would not yet. he iis knowledge to Increase the size of his ACADEMY tual figures. And personally, in back. He cab wave Old Glory unt'l one of these is that dwelling Brook- planto- - a hole In side it th. less embarrassing i He choPBOd the makes none be Wholly Useless to Ollf home folks, much of a stranger to Ihe countrv. the atmosphere curdled with en- to lyn conduces to long life. Kveii when of that pumpkin and hitched fifteen to th. committee, to assign persons beoausct the town grows so fast bat Comparatively tun few people have thusiasm. He can hypnotize nn aud- Boarding and Day School come one doesn't reach a gnat age over horses to one or the seed and pulled certain ro.uns and Hive them g many us. We get out -- MX ' bi ience into thinking that he a of after eeti him i, id. very many, Wa has made it out. He brought forth four- For Young Ladies report that "the. lady soys there the time seems longer." a marvelous speech, vet no one then back and ol our own immediate localities, fro sure, would like in see blm. and teen tons of dynamite and blew a - will a and Misses. she has changed her mind and con- qU Itllj find some difficulty ip getting may be. remember word that he has Danger in slumping'.' There said. He large hole in tlie ground. He hauli I tny one. di partment officials have can weave a word picture c tided sin will our bearings, tut there is danger in ev erything. Treasury Ihe seed to a slanting place near the In charge of Sisters of - that win make yon think of the sing- This tutu It niy reo- to be a recommended t" the senate committee edge of the hole. unhitched tlie Judge Taft has shown himself ing of hhds and the tinkling of full- Charity. For particulars, o, .i. e X pi I that all cltiaena of ( III OPIl l. on finance that in revising the tariff horses and the seed rolled in. After liOI.IHII4. very ready man No democratic ho. ing water, but blathed If you can tell Superior, . HI do th Ir whole doty, returning from abroad be per- a few days work with mad scrapers address Sister Ibuquerque primed for the Job would find It citizens what it's all about beyond the fact If anv Considerable number refuse opium inov is spread-kin'- s mitted to bring t:'tm worth Of personal the seed was covered With a tine coat York Ave., but CMy to confuse or trip him with ques- that you must rush nenrlong and vote Sixth and New - oí fertile soil and the work of plant- to carry tlicit fair bar. of the , ing rapidly in China. and P vlg- baggage instead of $101) as now allow- for tile Hon. James J. Jiggitt for - tions. The republican managers should state ing was finished. It grew very rast Albuquerque, New Mex- It i n for tiios. a itli more orous m taurea to suppress the amok ed by law. senator. He egg make a osaran consider this. The campaign, after a German and in all directions back ward, for- patriotism, i ) with vote for an Irishman, vies COl pride, and local ing of tii drug are in full accord lilt, will warm up. "f nurse, ii.it and nearlv ward, sideways, upwards, and would d ii the been a versa, lie can paint the wicked trusts "buckle down t it." and its declaration that it lias Judge Taft should stand a watch Bt not atQp growing. The sfms grew in la in such a vivid and startling way more. hi ..or of Albuquorqua cur.-- e to the country. that pOT be- The i lie furnace door should do his sha;', Southwes tern you equa portion and the leaves vv must resolve never to use a match ?l sink' In tliis natter, anil can- A special cable dispatch from Hung came as large as clouds, so large, In- of the stoking. again or eat food that has In It. to lei tin good n til of the Kong to New York Herald notes siuar deed, that the sunshine was shut off not afford the News Notes He tempera his pubUb utterances to be compromised because fs growth of reform und teibj of ror the remainder Of that season. He city th this MABIIIMI'. GAS i:dlHS, the prevailing fashion in public perron have not auiflcleOt civic pride the discreditable action of the local opinion. He diagnoses had to move his house sixteen times the direction to give pumpkin room, but It go In failing to dose tils of the wind, the to do their duty ernmeat of gas en- According to the Las Vegas Optic, and trims his sails ac as jg yel- l The success lile suction availed him nothing, the We must remember thitt into t.v opium dives. tin- Vegas Light Power com- cordingly. The speeches he delivers to gine In small displacements has been Las ami low ball backed up against it and llfo-t'.- ni. if w Hong Kong Is tile brewers over across the opportunity "f a nd And everybody knows pany has defaulted Interest payment tracks Ved on the mountain. confirmed by the performance of the Will not sound like tlie speech Iho it down all of these thouMUrta tl ptople a British ctown COlony In th hands on its (300,0110 of outstanding bonds. that he dually came to a close, one send Itrltish cruis. r Rattler, On board of delivers at the I'hautauqua Things to their Domes, in all parts oi of a governor and executive council. The appointment of a receiver is ex- niectlne evening there was an awful rumb- liaek which experimental machinery of this down at Cherry I íro ve." a tirld, ImpreSSed With the enter U a great change in the ICnglish pected. ling on the mountain and the wizard Die There haa been installed It marks - gener- character was taking place. prise, th- public spirit and the sentiment since the days when Brit- It knew something alao ihe praiseworthy efforts exerted of gas escap- Dot Odd. over bal- I Large quantities ale That pumpkin had gotten For ous it' I" 11 Of OUÍ pi", th affair ain made war to compel China to open (Walter Pulitzer, iu "Success Maga- - with such characteristic progr.ssivc-nso- j ing from the Oriental gas well pve anced, broke loose from the vine and Mill ii. such a valuable advertisement her ports to tin noxious drug so ex- Une. by the admiralty in determining miles south of Lakewood. The well j fell Into lake with such force that we never hud before tensively In That it is usually man With the fur the town as produced India. propul-rto- 3611 willi more the It it. the value of various forms of Is now down feet nothing to splashed all the water out of Boys and In a a do who can ulld i innol reasonably hope for The British people have forced are expecting never spare away In a big for ocean-goin- g ships, and fur- every lick. Tile owners you a The wizard was washed years to come, for It will tin- part of moment? great msnj change of front on their ex- It to be a gusher if gas could be wave that swept over the mountulu. nishes, moreover, a sadly needed That though "love is blind" It can hi orp tii, it will viry soon make every government and orders have been U to gush. The pumpkin rotted away in a lew ample for our emulation, especially In said "always Iind the wuy"? Girls pises "! ptop'ttv in the town worth at I to the colonial authorities to as- centuries and left the valley, fertile a Id priority has been es- That a good lover Is not good If ho's Is today. fii where our I Lciitip, of the bureau productive, as It Is toduy. legal ip much as it sist China in banishing the national 'iimmlssioner loo good to be true'.' and Invited all tablished. of Indian affairs, has Instituted an in- The kind they need for their Win n - if, .ilt' i having curse, POiiure to observe these orders That an author s royalties arc of- we Ii is extremely probOble, the New vestigation of the reported use of the Gambling tins.- - people to to sec us. has led the Chinese community al ten far from royal? walk to and from school. cine Herald says, that the Hauler mescal button by the Indians of Ari- your life against IB cents Is Just ex- m a indifference t" their cm-for- t Hi Kong to pi tltion for the closing fork That in the mathematics of matri- stolid i of ex- Is the dope habit actly What you arc doing If you neg- lo-.- will Tor a readjustment zona. It claimed In a s. lfl-- h and Th. of thí" .I tests call mony one and one make three'.' They are strong enough and In at them of the dives Inaction for, an alarming increase among lect a cough oi' cold on the chest In- get isting theories in hull propulsion, shows That once a fellow wins a girl's Inhospltsbli manner, tin- town will government now like the activity It Ballard's to gnat as was the step from recipro- the redskins. hand he is under her thumb? stead of treating with stand the hardest a blin k eye" nil around the world of the home government In the last Byrup. A 25 cent bottle machinery, this is not well-to-d- o Is Horehound cating to turbine es- - That the man generally win o i re It. loo. century. Is Inspired by desire for the Manuel Clibarrl hud a narrow of this aplaudid remedy will cure an kind of wear. and with transition to mar hard to do? the degrading drug. comparable the ape from drowning In the Little ordinary cough, heal the lungs und revenue from - That a heart must be brok'-- THE GOVKIIMIK." itime gas producing and gas luiicunn- river, about three miles several a your entire system. They fit the feet of a s.s Colorado times before it Is rendered' unbreak- act as tonic for tendar ing engines, its advantages are many, of st Johns, Ariz., a short time by H. O'RIelly Co. l III "XOIHKIJCMH" KIFIK. north able? Sold J. aid growing economy of handling and to turbu- child comforta- caution, tin Lu notably its ago while trying ford that gilt-edge- hove That d security often I cost, cheapest coal can on horseback. bly and have enough '. ;a i Iptli t Thursday aftemooii ha official tests of the noise- of fuel for the lent stream guilt edged? DEATH CLAIMS VETERAN may gov. ja-- be used; the number of firemen big an editorial cordially upholding less rifle t conducted demonstrate Thut tlie responsibilities of mar- -- style to please the auto- C. D. Helwfg, of Kutisas City, a well BRIG. GENERAL CORLISS Ihi straightforward, manly It la noisy than be greatly reduced owing to the riage are the little ones? Curry tor that while much traveling man. died In Tucson eye of the most is pursuing. Wf copy the it Is being matic character of the fuel supply. known ooorse in tin ordinary aim far from days ago as the result of being In and, with equal consumption. Its a few Now that, according to Frederick Denver, Sept. t. Brigadier Qeneral particular people ame herewith, and tuk pleasure perfectly silent. While the service gun by a switch engine In the rail- neatly struck Todd In The World's Work for Sep-t- i Augustus W. Corliss. UHttSd States giving tin ritlment therein egpti ssej can lie Ileum at a instance ,i power promise to be double was hurb-- several ,,,ni road yards. He is army, retired, died at his home in this I propelled mber, the airship really here, we our unqualified endorsement. When yards, the new weapon's ills, barge that fecund with steam by impavt und ,dled some feet the who live on the ground will iind a city today. Hi' was born in North FOR BOYS my there shall be no In conditions, at u hulls. He was sixty-roa- r the governor tilde, the aumc hours afterward, strange element awaltftig us when we Yarmouth. Me.. March 26. 1837. Hi', to ill si t:, to $2. IHI we election fraud this year." believe distance of only 1,100 yard), a reduc- years old. go aloft as navigators or even as pas- Entering the army as u volunteer lo 3 81.25 lo IL',25 in- ( AN i Ion. lili that h' mean Just what says, and tion of ihe sound radius by 74 per cent, iu w roMPirn sengers. Familiarity with the air In 1861, General Corliss made a bril- 'J lo ó! II. SO to $2.r.o A ,H. iuahkevitg, one hi and will do 6 per The home of brings new well-know- n In the civil war. various say- - Just what neatis, at a cost apparently of about groin knowledge One liant record The Increased exportation of of prominent cltiaena of tin town Spanish-America- n just what he prorata! slid no hon- ei nt in velocity. It Is claimed by the the aviator, saya Mr. Todd, states Indian campaigns and the FOR GIRLS Montreal baa bssh giving much Hoy. Mora county, was destroyed He est man or any party could ask him to Inventor that the velocity losa can he from of that, when he la fifty feet above the war. was shot in the 8 tu 11 $l.uu lo t.M rg attempts to save conse-QnsM- to ahlppi at Boston. New hy lire recently, all Kl Caney in 1 1 any except to order hl dis- regained by the use of u longer barrel concern áarth in his machine, he can fOSl the shoulder at and ' j io a SI. 25 to luía do moie contents being futile. The family col- Philadelphia. who have Its presence of every tree, large rock, lost part of his spinal U 81.75 to trict Bttome) in Colfax county to than that of the special arm employed York and how the lire j to $2.50 competition were out of town and stone fence and stream that be passes umn. Oeneral Corliss spent two years the non who were in A I il 0 yards tin- rifles thought that successful Tho Is bring to trial the lest. started is a mystery. loss above. The World's Work, by In Celnfugos, Cuba, during the recon- coun- a with Montreal could be maintained the for ele. Hon frauds In that renort sounded like the click of placed at $3.000. way, is period ami was rall-rott- paying especial attention to struction afterward i nly by a material reduction In d ty two years ago If we are not mis- hammer on an empty shell. aeronautics, and will governor of Hinuu, in the Philippines. managers other articles taken the statute of limitations will The effective range of a rifle aimed rates. The tiHfflc of John BarnÚm, marshal of the east follow that will keep right abreast or He was with the American troops run against those Indictment In the at an Individual mark la not far be. Ihe trunk line systems have made a aide In Hnton, Is under arrest ror the whatever progress may yet be made which aided in putting dow n the bOSSt - bystander course of a few week. n.l If tin par- yond 1,00(1 yards, in normal condi- negative reply to this proposition.' accidental shooting of a rebellion in China. He was retired In NAVAJO rall-load- s. r our m. n ai r March, I wo I, being tic Indicted are not brought to trial tions At 1.50 ysrds It Is practically The question presented to the named Hubert atsnn. fh picturesque features or the then a colonel. In the hospital antr four In Jail as tin west well symbnllied In and three years later by act of ui- - at this term Of iourt they will go free of no moment to a single, detached they say, la whether they shall Hreat are the i result r a general row In jpnerul make-u- p of Ihe picture of The gross, was made brigadier general In That would be unjust -- oi ii. whether his enemy sec ot "reduce their pfeaent reasonable and by default i. saloon In the Hate City. It has not Young Ranchman, which decorate recognition or his distinguished serv- Blankets both to the persons indicted and to the hears him or not. At 2,000 yards, how- luwfúlly related rates on export grain was the developed that Harnum chlerth0 t.OVer or the September Amerlcnn ices. His death resulted from Height's A MAN VT. parlies are not Is jioaalble to fire effectively competition of cer- - SHII'MI public, for If those ever. Il i" meet the performer but anyway It must nVi Htu ,ni. oontOnta Of the magazine disease. - uncon- ' iim; PATTERNS RIGHT simple to them requires Int.. a mas- of infantry or cavalry. route to Montreal, which are n circus. w se- - ami guilty Justice tnlnly have been prove delightful reading. The AT - reran that tlo v Mhould not be compelled to Thus Ho- smokeless weapon, silent at trolled by any regulative authority, at i "" rials by Houston, Tomllnson. and Rural Balanced itaiiou our own spend, the remainder of their live un- that distance, would b of great effic- liberty to charge what they piase, and Manuel n!ln.le. Télela Homero. Optic, with Mr. Welr"s vivid expsr- - formula, roniimscd ol eer kind of - Wilson lei il ponlir) der tin- cloud that an Indictment fixes iency in rack conditions. prepared to carry grain traffic at little peter Ort'r. and Hownrd wire nOM Hnder the Orent White Canvas, need. Reef scraps, bones, DAVIS & ZEARING free-for-a- ll rarvlng charcoal, oyster shell, upon thrg, und If they are guilty aim It la to be remembered that the gun or no nroflt in order to secure return participants in a Hre continued. Among the many llm grain anil , -. - In on the west In Issue are; Ken a (IcIHcivil Till') HOl'MK pie to Ihe public. and the. which round at LáOO yaril only as a .- hi..i, ,,ff..f .ion,, idlirht mar- the old Crow saloon short stories this seed. Order sack FTJKNIKlIKltH Justice vegas n wun m any cuy. K. W. n I. demand) manor be practically gin or profit." lile in lais me "Hi" main. ions League uie leinng finuiini inri oi me 205 est Gol cause of good government ha click would 002-00- of the gentlemen well tnlt some or the thrilling experiences of Kcc, 1 S. Ihi. Phone Id. v be d Tor the noiseless In conoMtkns. Cntll I'm hi this way. the iinstlun s.em) - that De rttotlld putilsh. service before ihe vv . iv over s W'll the Kentucky pioneer with the ln - I beén'sllenl Du re must to carry II must ,. V rroaa off. nae of which thet hSVi artillery evolved Its own answer. be; lil. r ,,rf..M.I. r u:im lie i lo 111. ,ll ,.i. Tii.. Minn of Snot n iiwIimih m-l- i atilnmi i Ml til..,. - Indicted. We all know that th. gov - jbe alaye a heavy racket on the h.t j und. r.tood. of course, that the export j grand Jury In I2,9n bond snows the splendid devotion or a pony Planing Mill. jOUmal Want AdS Get RCSUltS ' THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOUfflAL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 190d. 5

drawn against the prisoner u.serts made up to a lute hour last night, but i Is mmmmmmmm FOR that there cheating somewhere and ÜAYLIGHT the police have an important clew and nnnnriirnniinT inn (35,000,000 consequently fraud. No charge of BURGLAR rlt is likely that an arrest will be made counterfeiting is made an;! the defense today in connection ith the affHlr. aurntmtuuMí) j asserts that mere fact the that coin j The Washburn store suffered a similar is purchased for lees than its face depredation about a year ago PUBLIC SCHOOLS value not more than It actual bullion CAUGHT WITH RULED value does not make its circulation u AGAINST crime, un this basis it Is contended the passing of the present silver dol-- I INDIANA GOVERNOR GOTHAM lar would be wrong. Altogether the pF i ease when It comes to trial promises THE GOODS SLOT MACHINES some Interesting features. SUMMONS EXTRA Unless ail amalgamated association NEW 600,000 SCHOLARS FOR of rice throwers Is formed the, time-honore- d A, J, MAL0Y RECOVERS Opinion Handed Down TYPE custom of hurling shoWers of at COMING SCHOOL YEAR rice nt newly married couples is likely STOLEN SILVERWARE Santa Fe Which Holds That to become a thing of the past. Kven SESSION old shoes may be barred, by City and this Machines Constitute Games Called Upon to Decide ottii-i- I action for conductors and por- Wandering Negro Crook Falls ters on trains entering and leaving of Chance and Are Under the Whether Goat Is a Crime or this city have started a crusade Into Hands of Police Shortly j Hanley Anxious for NEW against the custom and are taking It Power to Ban, a Disease; Circulation of up After Looting South through their unions, it is report- Third Deal Sternly With Night Rider ed. The people who indulge in rice Trade Dollars Special Mjpateh I tbr Morninc Journal. 1 Raises Queer throwing have no union, although it Street Residence, Invaders From Kentucky, Santa IV, N. M., Sept. 4. The su- Problem, has been rumored that the (Jlacon-tlnuan- preme court today handtd down a of this gentle pastime will John Thomas, a burly negro about I By Morning be fought by rice importers who J.,urril BtMdal Wlrel holding slot RUM bines Co- WpteiaJ fear twenty-fiv- e years age, that of was place, . Machinery forrionleni Morning Journal. a fall in the market should the cus- Indianaoolls. he! Kept. Oover-no- r games in the county nstitute of chance and are there- N" York. Sept. 1. Preliminary es- tom be abolished. The reason Jail last night charged Hanley for th' this afternoon issued a fore under the ban according to the timates place the amount money crusade of the conductor! and por- with robbing the residence ,,f .. J for un of call extra session of the legis- by ters is not It not Maloy, .T2H law passed the last needed fnr the maintenance of the sentimental. does South Third street, of lature to meet even propose to advance civilization. Sept,,ri,,. ls T, legislature. The case came up as u public schools large amount Of valuable aitver Watt during the coin- It is purely and seltish. A COUttty local option law and a plan to test case from the sixth district und ing year. utilitarian and now at hand, at the Pullman car through which about other articles of Jewelry Most oi give the gov, film extra power the ruling of the territorial tribunal enormous to deal total of tSá.OOO.OOO. This forty pounds of rice have been sprin- the stolen property was found or. with night ridei ; in southorn Indiana reverses the decision of the lower NEW In the aggregate is a greater sum by kled Is about as difficult a job In the Thomas' person when he was arrested win be considered. court which held the slot machine was far than Is spent In free education In house cleaning line as can he found. In a vtatement issued by gover- not a gambling device in the meaning any The burglarly was committed ni broad the .other city In the country, though For that reuson the porters are nor he gives the following rsaspna for 01 tne law, and sustains lie- conten-- i in its daylight between 11 and in o'clock percapita distribution it Is ex- against rice throwing since it mean Irslrjng special powers to deal with tlon of the territory which prosecuted ceeded in several municipalities. Plac- much work at the end of the run. yesterday morning and was one of tin the night riders: the cases in QUealiOn that the slot ma- ing the school attendance at 600. 000 Furthermore before the rice Is cleaned most bold and daring robberies that "In tin- iiirly spring numerous raids chines arc within reach ol the ter- children, the cost for each one during up It does not udd to the attractive- has been recorded here for some time werb made In til- part of the state ritorial law. Presses the year will amount to about $!i8 a ness of con- bordering upon The .court adjourned the car, for which the Thomas was in the Ohio river by this afternoon ((Cure arrested the lowel decJ-ion- which Is surpassed by a consid- ductor Is responsible. Hence this an- "night ridels' resulting in the without having handed down s time-honore- Santn Fc yards by Special flfricer Bab- erable number of cities throughout the tagonism to this d cus- destruction of a number of tobacco in any Other cases or any general country. In Nnv York, ho WeVeT, be- tom. While the matter may seem a bitt about 7 o'clock las; night. Tb, beds where yonu,. plants were being public interest. cause of the pop- grown DM a up-- . concentration of the small one Its true importance is better robbery was reported to chief of po- preparatory to transplanting 111 iMiring wecK number ol ulation, the cost of education is com- it is knovVn on the lields and) ptlcant! were admitted to the bar. understood when that lice McMlllin at o'clock v, sterdax real; threat ailng let- paratively ovv. Kven with the tre- an average live newly married couples rera written warning tobacco growers The following wets admitted on l- afternoon. The chief Immediately got mendous sum of $,1.",. 000, (100 at its dis- are bombarded with rice every day on ef personal violence and burning of icenses from other states; (!. C. Mor posal it Is busy on the case 1 doubtful whether- the city trains leaving New York. It is esti- and issued orders property. have done what I could, gait, Lake Arthur; William F. Baker, will be able to afford educational fa mated that more than 100.OOO pounds that all suspicious looking characters under the limited authority conferred French; A. Q. Pollock, Santa IT ..d cilities to all who want them. This of this food product Is wasted in this be taken up for investigation, Offloai upon the governor by law end With mond c. WBaon, Atamogordo; Eugene amount represents an incrcne of ".- - way every year in city. he meager fund- - in my Forbes, WlUard; 3. C. Davis, Ai testa: the Further- Babbitt ran across tne negro neat hands to OnO.000 over last year when thousands! more rice throwing is on by persons l II. Thompson, Hilda; Francis R, frowned Abajo, three mftea louttt ,,t' town. Th these and protect the of children had to get along with only doctors who hold it to be dangerous property or W I, Albuquerque, colored man looked suspicion to Bab- person! and citizens in partial facilities. Probably if the! a The following applicants were ex- - and point out the case of bride- bitt and he proceeded to Investigate. hat section of the state. The whole of this $7,000,1100 increase- could s',, ,nm who only last week almost die,? "In a week's time tin- amincd, passed the examination ami Job Department Thomas, however, was advi rati to be tobacco crop be used for taking care of pupils N'rw from the effect grains ol vill be IlilUSi ,1 in hefts u lid were admitted; J. c. Baphtoaa, Albu- of several ing put through a course of ipustlon cut and York might for the first time find It- -j which lodged In eur. Alto- Many threatening querque; Hiram M. Dow, Uoewell; p rice his ing and attempted to keep on bis way barns. letters are uble to care for all of tlicni. More! tin- Bhery, Alain ogordo; PranoJa G Wllaon, of the Morning Jour- gether indictment against this Babbitt on tgain being received, warning tobacco insisted the man giving ai ; than if,. non. coo of this Sum will go to custom Is a heavy one. growers not to cut their crops ;,t peril Santa F, ib oige I; Craig, Albuquer t account of himself and also saj ivhen teachers, however; $S,OO0,OO6 put of destruction or crop bams by que; .1. A. .Miller. Albuquerque; Her- he had made the raise of a f.-- sus- and nal, long the Into effect the proposed inciense In Ire. in dur- bert W. ClurU. Baal Las Vegas; Allen While the COUtltry lias managed to picious looking packages b) The condition! Kentucky 12,000,000 carried I Ke; W iiieir talarles and for the a poet up to ing he, last year, one-thir- d of" the U. Fletcher. Santa Frank survive without laureate lllm. The negro finally told Of- salaries of new principal! and teachers the bus beeh compelled Shea ron. Sania Fe, now this deficiency will soon be sup ficer that he had a date to maintain acknowledged In day schools. Next year, too, found little Junl leader the plied If the curious bill which a New daiehed military patio! at coat of 140,090 will be spent on play ground! near the railroad track at Is 1436)000 will at next ses- b and tin- threats now being to Yorker introduce the in and was1 on his way AibuqUetT-'til- e year to ' as compared to $isr,iin0 this congress is passed. bill repeat these crimes in Indian-- Impel sion of This (O dispose of it. Babbitt took among the printing Kvcning schools where a part of the FlCtlOn I III MOTON 10 QUASH Is Intended solely to create by legis- look at the arid Ule tO take the have tile la will need $iitix,-0- 0 "tunk" was surprise! overflow oared for ! hope thai the general assembly will ' lative methods the office of poet lo find thai it as tin- Maio silver- d and truant schools (26,000. A- lve iieli authority and place such the federal government. The trainer ware which hail been stolen a few houses of the ttendance ot'lic, rs, the dread of pupils of the measure argues that there Is funds at executive dianoaal as shait Is hook- hours before who; o onlj ambition playing fed- be necessary to meet what may be- already an official historian to the The negro was taken into ousted.' ey, will cost 1122,000, this being the government that the glory come at any moment, a grave situa- IIIICIINIS Southwest, is now bet- eral and and brought to sum which the city will have to pay the city jail Where hi and greatness of the country make an was put through a tion. to compel Altogether this stitt examination education. Official poet an absolute nece-slt- . b)f "The protection oi property and 114 appropriation, while It Is Chief MeMillcii, The prisoner kepi tremendous Furthermore, he modestly provides in a prebend these person and protect the ter than ever prepared can- educa- stiff upper lip and declared up an, Surprise Sprung on Piosecu-tlo- h hardly expected to for all oceeu- - nation of lives of its citizens arc his bill that be shall be the first flown that be bud found the swac tional needs is likely to stand for some any tmniig tin- prime reasons lor tic pant of the new office, "not for cached mar foleta, However, aftet in Race War Trials at lime as a municipal record. purely (or the nainteiiance of any government, 1 to handle all financial reasons hut tin- chief had pointed out several lis honor of it," as he puts it. So if the an not cons, tu that the government Springfield. or a diseaesc'.' crcpancies in the story. Thomas final I J Is a goat a prims office is It will not only be if tic commonwealth shall fail In this astonishing question Which created "i"kv down and confessed that he hai classes book This is the brought about by a 'ew Yorker bat behalf." of and done the job. The I In a perfectly serious ra has hcen mgro said that In By MnrniiiK tauraal gpaelal I.eaiwiU Wlr filled by on,- as well. The method of had gbn to .Maloy legal talent Mter the resld, tic- about , 4. put up to the city's selecting proper man for such q Spriliglleld, Ills Sc,l. The first police de- the noon yesterday to ask tor BRITISH TO TAKE UP commercial work. heated controversy,. The ibmetblnt of rfoters, w ho participated In khc Job would naturally prove a difficult 10 cut. on,- - the partment holds the animal to be a dis- Finding no at home he de- one. Competitive trials it Is feared cided CLAIMS AGAINST CASTRO recent race waF tO kppear for trial it to the health de- lo bleak into the bouse .in,: steal ease, anil refers would result In placing the Judges In ome partment, There the eater of tiii cans ellt;. bles. was Hoy Young, who today entered a asylums. Also if the official pdel Had. Entran?1) to (he and theatrical posters hns been sol- house was made bj Fort Of Spain. Trinidad, Sept. l.- - plea of guilty to the charge of burg- to write campaign verse the matter prying open a rear emnly denominated a crime, and not window with lary, larceny, arson and riot. He con- would be still complicated, I Mr Vlncehi Corbetti the British min- within the health de- further jimmy. Once aside the bous, coming as such is be a highly Inter- fessed to set to many ne- back There certain to Thomas found thai he had oppor- ister to Veneicula, arrived here having lire partment's jurisdiction, referred bill the n esting debate when this conies tunity of a pojlce, Judicious as the (UeS-tlo- life time to make a haul on tin steann-- Commodbre. gro homes. Young swore that bis to the before congress. and may seem, it will now have to be promptly proceeded to do In her.- regard- ay, was !',. whereupon Judge Crigh-tof- l to h Rumora tirculatton officially in order that the went the china closet and helpefi sentenced him to the I'otitiac re- decided himself ing the vi-- it of the Brltteh miniitei proper department of the city's guard- to all the avdilable .1 Ivor war, formatory. oí handy tllege the Vcneseutan d to deal with size that be cvvHd find that consul A surprise w as sprung when the at- W ians may be Instructed MURDERS ODE Among e make anything of goats now troubling the the articles taken Were a sil-ve- unauccessfully to the governoi torney for Abe Raynor, an alleged the plaugue bead purse east side. These animals seem II valued nt $Jf,: a bor if Trinidad, to prevent the landing at mob leader Indicted lor murder In lower on fork, thousand-pag- suddenly to have superseded the cat silver knives, forks and toa. Port of Spain of General Nicholas He-- ' connection with the lynching ot dcotl from a e maa s POOH!, and a number Of indo, '. revolutionist, en- a the popular pet among the other valu- the neieulan BurtOQ Wfd William Donnigan, num- NIGHT RECORD able things. Si? conn- lii-- d of this crowded district and so S Thomas then found he ind that Vincent has her. tered n motion to qnaah al the seri- way to the vis- erous have they become and so pantvy, and after partak- o induce the government to accept letmanU on tin ground that they an- book to a O- ing of a hasty lunch, get-- to ous their depredations that some made his i .vhat the consul failed accomplish faulty. Indeefl w ay. says minis- fficial action must be taken. Another report that the QeOrge Rlchardion, who was " Is thought that the situation closely resembles that IN LINCOLN Thomas went h ter will make representations toward; for assault upon Mrs Hallam. iting card and make peculiar to Harlem be- Jsleta after committing the burglary the retmpoaltlon i rsitrtfttvg regula- and who was lated exonerated, was supposed to be and the,, district was filled up with doubled his tracks back rid' tion! com ernlng the exportation of today ordered released from tie fore that Ing on a freight right. fashionable apartment houses. Within train as far as Abajo arms. Btobmlngton Jail. It was his arrest, it Prices, the women and He evldi ntly did this to It is British the last month two old throw the also rumored that the following a ruis,- Identification of him killed Hackman Shot Dead by Drunk- off the It out. government to up by throe children have almost been and also to intend take Mrs. Hallam thai precipitated the wnlcn lengthen his story finding Of Hiitish syndicate wiiose lowest consistent by these omnivorous animals en Passenger; Youth Murder- of the the race war. Sheriff Werner went 10 by no more improper Wag at Meta, fo t). evMt that he salt and match concessions in Vwt BiOOmlngtOn to certify to the order wvre animated was at, to consume I fOOfl tin by lured with the goods on. Near- leuja were annulled by President Cm releasing lliehardson, who left the desire than pottce ed and Robbed ly all of with first class work. of their victim. The the stolen articles were re- Jail tonight. elthea fo turned to Mrs department on being appealed to Muloy by Chief McMil- lan last night. Thomas the suppression of the Unannounced arrived here was no pound from the north at ti o'clock yeeterda) XXXXXXXOOOOOOOGO that there 111) Morning Juurnnl Igüial l.rimed Vlr morning Although a young" ,ti()11 , this animal man h health 4. seems to he well up on suppression was the duty of the Lincoln. Neb., Sept. Theodore criminal wnvs dt-e- M a and has evidently been In e. LUMBER department, thus making It Barnhouae, a young man w ho eon- -' the tolls SUPERIOR & MILL CO. department, after ca, i f. It Is believed the name he gave The health duets a small grain brokerage office itóirtüii ,;k;-- ltiBÍ!!!ÍWlI!iail!li;;ü!uiiii!:i announced itself unable the police at the time he w,,s arrested investigation, town of Adams, A known a jat the mar Lincoln. was assumed for the occasion. any ' Maiiiifaciiircis of gaah, poofg, Mouldlngn, etc. n discover In When referring the matter back to was found dead In his room at the arrested Thomas had most of DKAJLKRfl IN LUMBER, LATH AM) SHINGLES. Crime the stolen properly on ce thus making the goal Savoy hotel lot,- tonight shot through concealed his WHOLE 8ALB GLASS. pol anima ii person. Chief McMillan, however, had a s.s iders assert that the the heart on the dresser, some dls-- I Dader the Viaduct. Albuqnerquo, N. M. a crime and m- a description of ,11 the articles stolen .', , disease and lying, lay J r are wa ling hi. tunee from where he was and miared aeveral of them from the jOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK c-al other things and they can look U,r a revolver. The r,ollce suy It would lot turned oyer to him by the negro. classification before have been Impossible for Barnhouse Thomas THE the goat plague. admitted that he had cached relief from to have shot himself, lie was lying several bulky articles mar the Santa , as if in repose on the bed. K.irller Hack now .generally for- n south of the city. The pris- The trade dollar, In the night Barnhouse and a com-- I oner was In Ov U.ry handcuffed and accompanied gotten hut once famous patiloti, Robart Brown of Firth, ac- by officer liarqnstte, currency of the country, fcg lad Hie way to (he companied by tWO young women. Hie place where he had hid the stuff li, come to light again w, re In room. party way. While th the hotel The earlier In the day. All the nrtides n a most surprising beeM says - MILLINERY - had di Inking beer. Brown were found to hi- MORNING ,UH a PU- Intact. Ot h- 'I'.-- """ are he and the women left Barnhouse Mita will not be fully b a id probably asleep. When n bel boy later went M'AKiinrriN 1 up for some time, the matter rtork ioain cleared to the room he found Barnhouse VISIT. I H bi R6LARS now has a legal Mpecl stands dead, He seemingly had beet) rob- l ne police dcpnrtmr-n- l also had the - It " ,. which make- he bed as no monee valuables were drag net out yesterday for the burg- thai ft may ..ot ahvar would sec, In Ma clothing. Brown was detained lar or burglars who entered the K. I.. Our new location early by demands an display of fall hats U, the police. Washburn clothing store JOURNAL been arrest,,! some time Jn has Another murder 1st! tonight, was midnight we have a line up-to-d- i i-- after yesterday morning and and chioce of patterns. p.-- Tn. tr ha eity for the. Ut that of Joseph Wiitklns, a hack driv- 'tole a nmit It y of underwear, sox and one time a rrfgttUf er, who was shot twice while in his Oth. r articles of wearing 1 lilted Mat apparel. The ,,ev Issued In the back by a young ma! named W. A. robber) was dlaooverad by Merchant ihta coin has never !., Willi,-- Is In Naturally i whose home either Alma Policeman Htyhbargaln 1 the vlawpolnl about and from or ll.iwson, Neb. Willie Irled to es- o'clock yesterday morning pass- -- its In ahonld tin rum W cupo, was ' DRESSMAKING liar, are but eat, tilled a public ing Washburn's stoic Officer Higbbar- - JOB Most los lvalue. of. , watchman, who saw the shooting galli nolle, d " Sltp.-ose- that the lights, which us LuiMbta be.ause Of their Willie, of with two companions and the gaily burn in the store all night, had Its also one of our specialties and we fine of as to keep them nut the haekmnn, have a line arclt, s.Habl were making the rounds of he n turned out. He proceeded to of trade and render then the disorderly house district, anil the suitings to choose from. Suits in tois In and discovered the front made and fitted our own ,' prtirtum locolncdle. parly got Into a quarrel. All hud been door A ha-t- y number h ch unlocked, examination considerable drinking heavily and Willie, while ail "f the interior or ihe store work room .oared lii eli-n- la on dtcloed sve recently milting the shooting, told a discon- the fact that the place had been en- imerestmr nected ROOMS nthlseitvhav. 11; -- storv. tered by moons of a rear window and 10 wh' tl.er they raU . ues.io as i several articles stolen and the atnek An arn-- t has be passed. Hanker Thomas May Uam l eg. In general disarranged Rmploycs of been made r..r so doing and the New York, 4, According admitir 8ept. to Ihe store w. re notified by telephone of .,, .created, while a close friend of K. B. Thomas, a thee robbery bought theae dollar! and two clerks arrived frankly th.it he eliumre for the worse has taken plnee within a few As Miss fioto a moments. far as Crane . . cents at.lece In the condition of Mr Thomas, who OOUld be passed learned nothing of much then themi I W all street flvm and was Injured In an automobile a, value had been taken Klw dollars In ,1 face value, conienu " dent several weeks ago nt Iong Beach. Coin, whhh had been In money Millinery the coins In left the and Dressmaking Parlors committed HO e.ime since Tomorrow will be a consulta-- 1 drawer, had . F.n- govern- there been overlooked,-- -' nutation Were Issued by the Hon of physicians to decide whether irahoe to the plací was made the magis- from a ment. On Wie other hand Mr, Thomas' condition will permit of window which faces on a court In the Comer Central and Fifth PHONE 944 trate who ordered the complain, the amputation of hi leg. i rear of the store. No arretts had been THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908.

Oeneral Electric 146 Winona EXCELLENT ROOM AND reat Northern pfd 138 Wolverine 144 V AND Great Northern Ore Ctfe 6t North Butte 8 BOARD. FINANCE Illinois Central 141 Butte Coalition 26 Interborough-Me- t 11 Nevada 1C THE ROMERO AD SIGN Co $4.00 Per Week and Up. do pfd 33 Calumet and Arizona 120 MRS. M. E. NORRIS, International Paper 10 Ariaona Commercial 27 do pfd 67 I Oreen Cananea 11 110 East Coal Avenue. Pump 14 COMMERCE International A NEW SYSTEM A New Way of Get- Iowa Central 16 Chicago lloart of Trade. Kansas City 27 IN ADVERTISING New Southern Chicago, Sept. 4. Profit taking ting Business ED. do pfd 61 F0URNELLE i sales had a weakening effect on the Louisville and Nashville 109 wheat market today but prices showed Carpenter and Builder Wall street. Mexican Central 16 .only slight declines, the future deliver- Jobbing Promptly Attended To Minneapolis and St. Louis 27 ART BULLETIN ADVERTISERS New York. Sept 4 The stock mar- .... ies closing ut net losses of jr to Minn.. St. P and Sault St.M. ..122 Owing congestion in Shop Cor. Fourth and Copper. ket was affected as usual lv the in- cents. to tne Missouri Pacific r.6 the September delivery that option Phones shop. io3: Residence 553. fluence of a three day holiday. Heal- . . 32 Missouri. Kansas and Texas 'closed at a gain of 6f c. Corn ing's wtri' confined largely to the clos- do pfd 64 and oats and provisions closed easy. With Ample M earns and Unsurpassed Facilities. up National Lead 84 ing of contracts by the traders. W heat for September delivery was iiiinin nTiinu nr who are averse to the risk of a lona New York Central 105 still badly congested because of the mAmNu ulUUi Ur The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque L. B. PUTNEY period in which stocks can not b New York. Ontario and West. . 41 congregation of large holdings In naTABuauED mi 74 I O dealt In. while some sudden event and Western strong hands and at one time sold at Kxtends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation and Solicits New Ac- wanl ruca. FlMr. Fm4 aa Orala iniKhi the speculative North American 65 Solomon Uní fur Mitchell Hons chuce situa 62i a lull cent premium over liecember. counts. Capital, $150,000.00. Officers and Directors: Luna, Pres. Al HI gi KKQt S Asstet-no- SI HON tlon. It became manifest that. In tie Northern Pacific . . . n.i?i closing irregular, September nelng Idem; W. S. Strlcklcr. Vice President and Cashier; W. J. doliuson, t ..... A. M. Black-wel- l, decline of yesterday traders had op- Pacific Mall . . . -- 5 firm and the new crop months easy. INDUSTRIAL Cashier; William Mcintosh. George Aroot, J. C. Baltlridge. Pennsylvania . . O. E. Cromwell. erated with some freedom on th. ....124' RiiUnir temoeratures throughout the short side of the market. The de- People's Gas . 96 oorn b,.n huving dissipated frost dani- - W. L. Trimble & Co. mand which advanced prices toda Pittsburg. C. C. and St. L. 7677 age fears, the corn market was sub- Uvery, Feed and gale Stables. Urst-clas- s was attributed to fiOTarllH operation Prsaaefl Moal car 34 jected t'o considerable rising which EDUCATION Turnouts at reasonable ratea. from that source. Not only the wtock Pullman Palace. Car 161 166 caused some weakness. The market Telephone S. N. Second St. exchanges but the commercial ex Hallway Steel Spring 41 closed easy with prices to 0 i Ranges generally are to"1ie closed ii Reading 1 29 PRESCRIPTIONS? lower. Republic LIQUOR the country tomorrow as an extension Stee 23 Oats were dull and easy. At th Number of Schools of This CONSOLIDATED CO. of the labor holiday on Monday Tin O pfd 80 close prices were higher to WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY! Mtieeemor to Mallal a Kakia Bock Island Co 17 Baetaeehl (Jloml day's dullness was the result. For e lower. ic Kind Far Inadequate to Itl WEST CENTRAL A1HENTJE. TEXiEPHONE 7SB and ign markets gave evidence of a sub do pfd 33 The feature of the trading In pro- rHOI.ESALK DKAI.KBM IN sldence of In A Loula and San Fran. 2nd pfd 25 the uneasiness caused visions was liberal sales of lard and Country's Needs Say Those WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS the ..ionicen n situation. Preliminarv St. Louis Southwestern .... 17 ribs by local packers which caused do jifd 44 Who Know, Wi Hanoi, everything In Una. Writs estimates of the week's currenci moderate weakness. The market clos- (or ItliMtratcd Catalogue and Prtaa Uet, EUoea BheffMd '! movement indicated a falling off ii steel and Iron ed easy with prices off 2 to 12 ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS M'id to daalers only. ühlpments to New York but not Southern Pacific 108 with previous Talaphoa 111 ft cents compared the New York, Sept. 2. James W. Van CORN BR riRgT sufficiently to turn the tiiie (f th. do pfd 119 Eastablistied 1884. R. Hall, Proprietor. ST. AND COPPM AT close. Cleave, of St. Louis, president of the F. movement In favor of the interior Southern Railway 20 Curs, Pulleys, Orata National of Manufactur- Iron and Brasa Castings, Ore, Coal and Dumber Chicago thi do pfd 50 Association Bars, Babbitt for Buildings RpWtl from confirm New ers, in V.tal, Columns and Iron Fronts Tenneeaee Copper 38 Orleans Cotton. an address before the National Repairs nn Mining Milling V i'hlnery our Specialty. DRS. COPP & PETTIT llghlness of the demand for fund; Cotton-Middlin- g and 4. Society tti'- Me-lo-o - Mew Orleans, Sept. for Promotion ol indus- New from Interior lunik. Tin- larRe sur- Tex is anil Pacific 1 4 Foaadry East Side of Railroad Track. Albuquerque, H cents. Education, "in DENTISTS. plus by the Sew York bank; Toledo. St. Lottie and West 26 trial stated that l05 he, our manufacturera had doubled the the subject of little interés-fro- do jifd 66 Room 12 N. T. Armijo Bldg. leaves number wage earners which we had the bunking Standpoint Mon I'n Ion Pn ifk 164 St. IjOUl WOOL at in 18S0; they work.-- up marly three Phone 547. will he given to the loan itcn: do pfd 87 St Louia, 'Sept. 4. Wool Steady; attention times the value of the products and In tomorrow's bank statement. Th' United states Rubber us medium grades, combing and clothing MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY received nearly three times the wages weeks speculation has not been ac do pfd . . . 100 11010! light tine ll(16e: heavy 2(H, of the years. The number of ALBUQUERQUE. MEXICO enough to InvltO any great loan United states Steel 46 fine HOUc; tub washed ::7c. earlier NEW B. H. BRIGGS & live industrial schools which have been CO expansion but banks haw been If o Pfd 111 Capital nd Surplus, $100,000.00 I created during this period II small ported large buyers of bonds us "tali Copper 45 Metals. The compared with the needa of the coun DRUGGISTS means of employment of funds Hold Virginia Carolina Chemi 2S Sept. 4 Copper was New York. try. The door of industrial education INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS rroprletors at Inga of this class tlgut do pfd 10S In at 10s for spot of securities higher London t0. must be thrown Wide open to every Alavaratto Pharmacy, Cor. Uold loan Item in the form of VVabush .12 for The local iai in the and 61. Il futures. schools so his superior originality, lllcblaad Phannaey, Cor. Baat Cm teal up by the clearinc do pfd 26 unchanged with that Broadway. statement made market was weak but Versatility may an IVeetlnghooM Electric. 75 elec- initiative and have T. house. The sluggish demand fron lake quoted at lU.iioíi 13.7!;! open - field lor their exercise." I, I V Y PATT1) N (I currency tendl rathe VVesi.rn I'nion IS. 62 and casl- E R ANO B O A It I STABLES the Interior for trolytic at Ill.tiHfj Many men with rillKD BTHKBT. Wheeling (1 labor have looked to confirm doubts of the rnte of busi and Lake Krle 'nt $1 8.1 2 W 311-31.- 1 West Telephone 57. Albuquerque, New Mexico ing 13.37. distrust upon the movement for in- Silver Avenue. recovery There was a slmlla Wisconsin Centra! 24 was unchanged at 13, 2s, 6d liens i.ead dustrial education but this feeling is MEAT Reduction drawn from the return 0 Total sales for the day. tfiG.lum In and at $4.SSi 4.60 in the MARKET London gradually disappearing. Bamuel b. All building operations in August made m diures. again Intii the. Kinds of Freeh and salt Meata local market. Donnelly, secretary of the general ar- and others machantes Steam Sausage Factory. by Bradstreets which Indicated u loo" BoOda were active and firm. Total Spelter was also unchanged In both high schools'.' Where is that decision aleo par bitration board ..I the New York F.MIL KLEIN WORT. from the aggregate expenditures fo value tM'0,900, United markets. London quoting 19, lis, 6d to be made? It must be a choice or u Masonic - Hullding Trades, is a member of the Building, North Third Street purpose in .Inly and also muci States bonds wen- unchanged on lafl York 14.70 4.7B. Bar si- we upon new that and New board of education In thai city. Mr. selection. Here conic a higher proportionate loss from An 'or the Week. lver Mexican dollars tile. In our ele- Donnelly is also on the board of man- function for the teachers gust of year than was reported álc In my ARTHUR E. WALKER last agers of the National Society for the mentary schools, and judgment In July or June The fallin Impor- either BORTON STOCKS AM) ROXDS. Xcw Fork cotton. Promotion of Industrial Education. they have no function more Fire Insurance Secretary Mitaal off was especially large M New Yors tant. The teachers of the elementary Building ggg. ( losing Pilcrs. New York. Sept. 4. Cotton futures Referring to the incorporation of vo- Association. Phone City. Reports wire current of som. schools ought to sort the pupils and 317 Vn West Ccatra! Avenue. Money opened steady at I decline of 12 cational schools In the public school large coming order for new steel rail points, and closed barely steady at sort them by their evident or prob- Call Loans 2 0 3 system, Mr. Donnelly said: "Our by railway companies hut the rallroui. a of points. able destinies. Time Loans 3 it 4 net advance 101 public schools have featured litera- stocks were heavy in spit. "Here is the teacher's guide In sort- equipment ture and devoted too much time to tin- Thos. F. Of the general strength of the mar- Boadi ing children. Kach child must lie put Keleher EXCAVATION FOR literary development of the imaginat- T.L.ATHKR ANT) FINDINGS ket. The commodities market wa: Atchison Adjustable 4h :,.. 'CANAL ut that work which the teacher be- ive.) faculties. There has been too HARNESS. SADDLEF, PAINTS, ICTG. dull and featureless under the InflU' Atchison 4s Ü lieves that child can do best. It used AUGUST BREAKS RECORD much one-side- d presentation of our approaching holiday and Mexican Central 4s way to to do ence of the great men to the children. Washing- to be the set children 408 West Central Ave. no Important deductions wen- draWI Railroad the things that they could not do well: ' ton as the agriculturalist, and Jeffer- The week's exporta Washington. D. C. Sept. 4. Effi- doctrine, I am to from them. Atchison 00 son as the architest and builder have but that thankful a expansion ris-In- do say. is outgrown. We learn- VK A HF. BUILDING A BltF.AD VENICE wheat allowed notable pfd nr cient work Is being done on the Pana- The now have OF AMERICA been neglected superintendent Is to g..H4,20 bush. ls compare Bolton and Albany 2 1 K ed that the best way in education TRADE. ma canal as evidenced by the report of the New York public schools, Dr. Finest Beach Resort In the with 2. 2.1.7 10 In this week last rati Boston and Maine 12ft to llnd out what the line is in which of such proportions that home bak- World. cabled to the Washington office of the Maxwell, has extolled' . the merits of Bathing, ftoatl.iK, Fishing, Danc- Copper warrants declined In l.ondor Boston Elevated 134 the child can do best, and then to ing is. rapidly becoming the exception ing daily, s system which discover free concerts, etc. the recovery in Isthmian Canal commission from Col- 'a of schools of very without affecting Fltchburg pfd 123 In give him the happiness achievement rather than the rule. The best Villas and Bungalows clean, I'nl and reveal genius born low estate.' cool of copper industrials. The Mexican Central , . lf. onel Qeorga Qoethals. chairman of the la that line. of home bakers have learned that and complete, $17. DO to $35.00 per i We ask for a system that not only re tei states steel stocks developed V Y . ft. H. and II 142 "Here we may come bnck to the our bread is at least as good as any month. Aoply Villa Office, Venice. com in Ission. veals the genius ot music, the genius California. strength only when it became known I'nion - best definition of democracy. 'Democ- they can bake. It is cheaper, too. Pacific 164 Tin- total excavation for the month of art, the genius of lite Tature, the Plerpont Morgan had come U MK, i racy,' says 'la order In Try a or two If Li that J Ihiiicou. of August was 1,261, 56! cubic yards genius of statesmanship, but one that Pasteur, that loaf and then tell us. - first time after hi; Arge. state which permits eilch indi- you can, why you with his office for the inter chemical 26 place measurement, against 3,i68,n4fl reveals the of mechanics and the should bother THE WM. FARR abroad, today. Cloalnf pfd to put forth his utmost effort.' baking when we do it so COMPANY return from do 94 cubic yards in the previous month und the genius of industry " vidual well and stocks: Amer. Pneu. Tube r A very useful sentence that to hang cheaply for you. Wholesale and Retail l,fS, 111 cubic yards in August last Under the auspices of the National ')Kal.Cn IN VHKHH AND HALT MMATft I danly up in rooms where labor unions meet: Amalhr m hey went donw the American Sugar 133 year or an increase of 1,963,814 cubic Society for the Promotion of Indus Sttuaagc a Specialty 78 V 1 an excellent doctrine tlnU to tench in Amalgamated Copper Amer. Tel. and Tel 30 yurds over the corresponding month In J Education, problem of the re For Cs.ttle and Hogs the trial the college In the coun- R)ggat Mar Atn.r Car and Foundry 40 merican Woolen 24 1907. to every school and Pioneer Bakery set Prloee Is PaJd. lation of Industrial education the try." do pfd 1S 4 do pfd 92 '4 Tho cubic dally output for August. public school system is being thor- American Cotton on Dominion Iron and Steel 16 190s, was 25, 096 cubic yards against of 207 SOUTH FIRST STREET. oughly studied by a committee ten GROSS, KELLY & Amer. Hide and Leather .pfd .. 20 Edison Electric Ilium 12'. 494 cubic yards in the previous the chairman of which is Dr. Henry S. To Be Happy COMPANY 2 You American ice securities Oeneral Electric 146 mouth and only 4 7,729 yards in Au- Prttohctt, president of the Carnegie you must have good health. Wholesale Merchants . M Massachusetts 9 good If your liver American Linseed Electric gust, 1907. Foundation for the Advancement of can't have health o Resolved that all orders for o L omotive 64 do pfd 46 -t is not doing its duty slow but sure Wool, Hides and American reaching. A rep ,.- will be praoePted o supplies of any all kinds e Pelu do pfd 10.' Massachusetts (as 56 going on all time un- and a Specialty. lloppity Hop. at the coming convention. poisoning is the o and for all purposes be made out o .Smelting nnd Helming . . 94 S Cuite, 1 Fruit 133 Ballard's ALBl7Q.trKRO.rjij IiAH V Amer Are you Just barely getting around The anniuil meeting of the National der such circumstances. a on the regular requisition blank e fUJAl do pfrl 107 United Much 5 makes n perfectly healthy by the aid of crutches or a cone? Society for the Promotion of indus- Herbine a of the Irrigation Congress pro- - American Sugar Iteflnlng I Sift do jifd ojji liver keeps tile stomach and bowels Ü. UnlotS you have lost a limb or have trial Education will Ue held at Atlan- e vldeil for that purpose, and said e SANTA American Tobacco, pfd 9..S S Steel fi In- acts as a tonic for the en- TIME TABLE. a deformity If your trouble is rheu- ta, C,a., November 19. 20, and 21. right and a requisition must be signed by Ft American Woolen MH ;M 111 dustrial education as it relates to the tire system. Sold by J. H. O'RIelly Mining-Adve- matism, lumbago, sprain, stiff joints, a chairman of the auditing com- - e Anaconda Mining Co 47 nture Co. or anything of like nature use Bal- prosperity of the country will be dis and e or In by a Atchison 0 )j mlttee, his absence ths and in no cussed ut a banquet on the evening a e do pfd 95 A Holies 3g lard's Snow Liniment acting chairman; that all bill you can throw away your crutch- of November tilth when the president YOUTH e e Atlantic Coast Line 90 Amalgamated 79 time LOVE CRAZED Incurred must be properly vouch es and be as well as any one. Price of the Qeorgtg branch, Mr. Asa O e ered before payment audited e Baltimore and Ohio !i6 Atlantic 7 of At and 25c. f.0c and J 1.00. Sold by J. H. Candler, who Is president the KILLS RIVAL THEN SELF e ut any meeting of the auditing e do pfd 5 Bingham GO tanta chamber of commerce, will pre- - j O'Klelly and Co. e committee, by the chairman of e Brooklyn RapM Tran-i- t 54 Calumet and Hecla 658 speakers include the Hon. B. Hrown. 1 e committee, or In e 7 2 Centennial 2S educa-sld- e. Waco, Tex., Sept. 4. Pock Watson said his absence Canadian Panne ITnlteit States commissioner of . 2KV copper lark's Slock Food. It e by the acting chairman e (Effective .lime 17, 1IM1R.) Central Leather Ranga 7 Dr. Iloss anil Governor Hoke Smilh will ex in HlUabOro shot a young man named I contain-- - a mihiII portion ut op- do pfd as .ily West 9 linked Curl Horn and Miss St he! Kilal. e W. S HOPEWELL. e rrom l ho in- - tend the welcome of the state. Other Hail ArrWa. I). part . meal, .Insl sufficient to reduce llic 1. Central of N'. w Jersey ..I9IO208 Franklin 13 speakers Include the Hon. E. Hrown. erator for the Southwestern Tele- a haln.ian. e No. Ki.uthern Cal. ghrpraaa.. 7:46 p 8:Soi Itonslty il palatable for the No. I, California 12 20 p Cheaapeako and uhio 42 Oranby 100 und make of educa phone Company, then turned ills pis- e It. K. TWITCHBLL, e Limited i p grain United States commissioner No. 7. North. Cal. Faat Mat! . . 10:61 p 12:46 a Chicago (lr-a- t tl Isle Royale 23 animals when sprinkled on the tol on Moth men died al- e e Weslern tion: lion James Wilson, secretary of himself. Secretary. No. I, SI P. A Max. City tfiip. . II :46 p 12:1 a 'und I hi' elements needed for in- Chicago Western Mass. Mining 6 luis most butantly. Mien Bdaal is believed e B. SPITZ. e oat-- No. and North - agriculture; Mr. Andrew f'arneglc, From the W .ii creasing the gppetlte promoting iiigcs- wottitdejl, j, Chicago, Mil . and St Paul .... 144 '4 Michigan 14 of so- to be fatally e Chairman Audit. Com. e CMcaa" Faat Mali I 40 a stomach, and the president the national No. 4, Chicago Ilia C c. C. und St. Louis U Mohawk 66 tinn and keeping the liter e A. MACPHER80N, e Limited 1:90 p I 24 p working or- ciety, Dr. Carroll D. Wright, .former r. No. I, CU. a Kan. Ottf HUp. . 1:4 p 1:U p Colorado Fuel and Iron 5fi Montana Coal nnd Coke 88 anil bowels in ii bealttll o QBCRÓB ARNGT. e g&c and mi.oo package. United States commissioner of labor WOMAN SHOT DEAD feooa Vallar Train. Colorado nnd Southern 25 Old Dominion 42 der. Au: iter college. No. 11, Amarillo, liurgc pail 11,00. Better than any and now president of Clarke Roiw.il ant do 1st pM 64 Oocoota 111 program will be BY JEALOUS WIFE Carlabad food on the market. This we The balance of the No. II, rtim Carlabad. fila do 2nd pfd 59 Parrot . . 26 took Ro.a.ll E. W. Pee. urj-do- i S. 1st. announced shortly. and Amurillo 11:11 p guarantee. PIPE-CLEANIN- Consolidated One I4K Qulncy 93 Dr. EMot on Industrial KiNucalion. G. From the Mouth 10. Sept. Karl.v No. 10. Corn 19 Shannon 1,1 I'lionc Wichita Falls. Tex.. t. Chi.. Dan. A K. C. Bt. .1:10 a 7 : a Products The statement of Dr. Charles W. No. 10 at 170 78 today Lilly Wheutly shot and I.amr wita'branoh train Delaware and Hudson Tamarack Sllot. of Havnrd, It Is the duty of wis for Banta Fa and nop at all local potnta In Week. that Wife if Denver and Rio (irattde 26 Trinity 14 Iowa o Rem senator Next to sort the children, is still killed by Mrs. Walter Allen. Nam Mexico. T. B. PURDY. Acent. Sept. 4. Th.? teachers do pfd 5 United Copper 10 Des Moines, Iowa. being actively discussed whenever and the proprietor of the St. Chufles hotel limbert-De-mn- r Distillers' Securities 33 I'nlted States Mining 41 house today passed the when ver teachers meet. It Is Inter- In this city. Miss Wheutly was In a resolution providing Erie ... 25 United States Oil 25 concurrent esting In this connection to note the enrriage with Mr. Allen when the a term senator 1? H V'fl FriEhCK FÍLMALE do 1st pfd 41 Utah 47 for the election of short exact woids of President Bitot's ad- shooting occurred. do 2nd pfd 31 Victoria 5 September 9. dress delivered before the National So- PILLS. Hi-I- d A Sara, Ck or t , . ciety for the Promotion of Industrial Woman for Murder. .taiv Uct.M taM H n. on "Industrial REVCr KNOWN TO FAIl. Owl i, tun.- Education. Speaking Omaha, Neb., Sept. 4. This after- itwiioi) i.uavrairewti or liffiiniulrti. Hail t. ,,n.i ft ir $1 ,U prr fc rrjil cr.j Education as an Essential Factor In noon the police arrested1 Miss Leona VI.: iLarn rlgj,(i tw taii fo wfH r inc. ai lili RWH UWm Our National Prosperity" he said. In Bunnell or Mrs. A. Rise and will de i oir rdfri tb part: tain her at the city Jail in connection UNITED MEDICAL CO., OK Tí, UNOAtTCM. P. "In recent times we have begun to with the murder ut midnWht Tues- take a rather different view of educa- day last of Dr. Frederllck Itustln. No Sold In Albuquerque by J. I!. O'Kielly. tion from that we used to take. Wi charge wus placed against the woman used to think Of education as some- but she admitted she was the last per- thing that was going to last perhaps son In the company of the physician or eighteenth year, i to the fourteenth before he reuched his home on the and repairing Is one of our specialties. DIARRHOEA or In extreme cases to the twenty-fou- r fatal night, and she will be held for Making joints elbows and la another. or twenty-sixt- h year. We no developments. We expert way. are Plumbers in all longer think of education In this branches and are noted for doing Education should be continuous good work thoroughly, in a reasonable There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to throughout life and particularly It tlmv, for a reasonable price. We use effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses of should lie continuous during the years only the best materials and employ of youth. The trade gchools should only the most reliable help. We be continuation schools for those chil- i mm, taould be pleoaed If you will favor us dren who are unfortunately obliged to with you. next plumbing Job. Tou leave the regular public school sys- won't regret It. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera tem by the time they are fourteen, or even earlier. Thedeanesillahtcst "We want these Industrial schools, and most comlortawe Standard Plumbing and Diarrhoea Remedy these trade schools for children of POMMEL and from fourteen to seventeen or eigh- heating Company teen yenrs of age. But how are we SLICKER to get the children Into these At the some time In in most cases one dose is It never fails and can be going r m ut m i fact sufficient we orgnnlze schools? Suppose the cheapest In the Noll.v. AMD WOMEN. is equally ichoola; are the children to be It Mil relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It how end because All wster aceountH tire now due and Dm ll(ti for unnatural got Into them? wears longest payable before the 5th of the month. dlai h. itM.laflamnatloaa, valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many place by the help of O.VHIM4 V lmiauoni or nii "In the first 350 Evetywherci Water Htipply Company's offlee, 219 aTaJ nrtauu of afiooas aiaabraaaa. law, extending the limit of compul- West Gold. Eji r..Mto CiMteiataa. ralnl.41, and not attrln-f.- children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met Every garment Mm or poUonoui. sory education. But how shall the ouaranteed ay m m i aald Dr.aat.ta, be certain chil- 4- JaTaP tvith greater success. Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents. decision made that waterproof Catslog free ml Joe JazBav c' ' - r Mut la plain wrappar. dren will go Into Industrial schools, a . riw,r a rt aVUfAM t ft. a rf si bf .tn..., arepald, for ordinary high schools, TOwf (AMMMH CO ttetiTfU TOÜONTO Ci Try a Morning Journal Want! ti oo. ..rih.ui.un. others into the OUaaiai taat wS tml. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNlljG JOURNAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908.

the base ball fans of the southwest have been getting busy and thus far Assistant Secretary Haver, who has SKINNERS charge of the tournament, has received entries from Globe, Arizona, Hager-ma- JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS GROCERY New Mexico, and El Paso. The Albuquerque and Santa Fe teams will make five entries und others are ex- pected from Trinidad and Las Vegas.. 1 HELP WANTEDMaie FOR RENT Rooms. THE FOLLOWING GOODS . I Hfeeetrrolof-- High grace of- WANTKD mm to fill Í FOR RENT A nice room wit mod- ("Do not scratch the mosquito bites: fice, mercantllu and technical posi- It Is not the proper caper. ern conveniences. Inquire (OS W. RECEIVED THIS tions in the southwest. South wtern Silver, or phone And It serves to Irritate," Husiness Association, 201 E. Central Personal Property Loans 1136. tf Interview in morning paper.) avenao, Albuq.uerq.ua. N M Phone FOR RENT Furnished rooms at WEEK: "nce the world looked good to me, 8S7 tf 1 IB West Hunlng avenue. tf I was ignorant, and happy, SALESWOMAN WANTED At the Money to Loan TWO "fÍÑÉOOMS for rent; mod- Lindquist's Crackers. Though the air for miles around Economist. ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. ORGANS. ern. 60 W. Silver. Phone 1136. Echoed scratchily and slappy; WANTED Two ladles' or one gentle- Horses, Wagons and other Chattels; also on Ra-- FOR RENT Two nice large rooms National Biscuit Com- King! I'd swat him. Just like that! man's or lady's ticket to Los An- Salaries and Warehouse leeipts. as low as tin. 00 und as high a., for light housekeeping. 121 South When he stung, he', rarely catch It geles on or before twenty-nint- J. g i f.0.00. Loans are Edith street. was pain, ecstacy; A. B care Journal. a24 quickly made and Phone 163. tf pany's Crackers. There then trlctly private. Time: One month to you, - Where he bit you would WANTED Errand boys ut the Kcon- me yesr given. Goods to remain In FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms scratch ItJ oniist. your possession. Our rates are rea- at T24 South Second street 820 New Salt Mackeral. ("Poison lurks In finger tips; sonable. Call sea bor- WANTED Workman with" to and M before POR RENT People let the Skeeter bite 'em. rowing, gteumshtp ticket to and The most sanitary and repair furniture at house. 311 W. from all parts of the world. te rooms at the Rio Grand! Milker Herring. Then they scratch and make It worse, Silver. Do be carecful.' I'M B HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY IHjMiVest Central. 82; Room 3 and 4, Grant Hldg. Codfish. Same old Item.) PRIVATE OFFICEH FOR RENT Tn re rooms for light Gone Is all the Joy of life. HELP WANTED Female. OPEN EVENINGS housekeeping. 404 North Second. More poor souls than I declare It, WANTED Girl for generat house SOBH West Central Avenue FOR RENT Front roomurñtehed Por when we are well Jabbed now. work. Apply Mrs. J. F. Fleischer, outside entrance, buth and electric We can only grin and bear it. 519 West Tijeras. tf lights. Call 410 S. 7th st or phone Why should highbrows thus butt In, STORAGE. 1440. No health seekers. tf Woe 'and trouble WANTED Woman for housework. ealmy hatching? $25.00 a month. 20Í, N. Hill. sG WANTED Pianos, household goods, FOR KENT Furnished rooms mod- J. A. Skinner In my erring 1 s glad etc.. scored and packed safely WANTED Woman for general at ern for men of employment 320 s. What are bites without the scratch- reasonable rates. t'hone 640 The Edith St. ing? housework. Inquire 108 S. Aron. Security Warehouse & Improvement :i Co. Offices, Room- - 3 Full RENT Three GROCERIES New York Sun. WANT KD A gooil saleslady expert-- end 4. Grant furnished rooms In ,lc- - Flock, Third ' treet sod Central Ave. at 412 South Broadway, call 417 enccd lady's cloak and suit - FIRST South Arno. t- 205 S. SREET Corking Time. pal tin,nt. Must speuk English and I ' ' ! An Irishman entered a country Inn Spanish. Call Paris Fashion Special- 444 R ENT Two furnished rooms and called for a glass of the best Irish ty Co., 211 South Second. for light housekeeping. 41B North whisky. After being supplied ho WANTED- - Housekeeper. Apply 101! Sixth. tf TRY trunk It und was about to walk out Forrester Ave. FÓRtKÑT Front room, nTo"v when the following conversation took Experienced nurse Central; strictly private. place: WANTED and TO MAKE IT If housemaid, German or French pre- KENT Nicely furnished Front you have not tried Landlord Here, you sir, huven't ferred. Apply 00 N. Fourth. room suitable for teacher, no sick paid for whisky you that ordered. CASH need apply. 1017 South Arno. Our Irishman What's you WANTED A good woman for kitch- Delicious that say? help- Landlord I said you paid en work, washing dishes and hadn't wages to right ON for that whisky you ordered. ing cook. Good the FOR SALE Ice Cream M. t Real Estate. IJTTIjE IN TKWS Irishman Did you pay party. Hotel Bel en, Helen. N. tkxas west for It? THESE SMALL POR you landlord Of course l' did. APPRENTICE WANTED For mil- SALE Two cottages, corner of should order a anil Irishman Well, then what's the linery department at the Econo- mini Mountain KOad. 32.000. ADS. 2 S sample at once. dlctlve greaser. Is responsible for it. good of both of us paying for it? mist. Foil SALE acres of good land." WESTERN PLAY Tlt-BIt- s. near main ditch, 4 city; 10 He meets his just deserts, however, In WANTED Girl or woman to take miles north of must be sold quickly. A. hand to hand light with the care of child; privilege Fleischer, seeeaseetaMa 212 South OUT OF TOWN ORDERS hero, snld to be one of the most thrill Quite legitimately, of learning stenography and type- 4 Second street. ing stage combats ever devised. Mrs. 'Harold," said his father, sternly, writing. Inquire Mrs. Milllken, Li- for SALE 720 acres of land ad PROMPTLY FILLED. Feigl has been especially happy in 'how did you ml that telle without brary Bnllding, FOR SALE Miscellaneous. joining Pecos River forest reserve: her character drawing and has peo- your mother's knowing It?" sultnblvgor cattle ranch: trout stream: WANTED Girl for general house- POR SALE All kinds of nousa hold pled her play with well contrasted since you must know, pa," replied part under cultivation; cheap If token big. work. Slfi South Walter. furniture. Futrelle Furniture Co., The Matthew Dairy types. There Is "Oklahomey," a the smart Infant, calmly, 't got It, so west end of viaduct. tf before October 1st. Address P. O. blustering, good-nnture- whose pen- to speak, syrup-tltiously- ." Exchange BOS No. 218. BIO North Srd Street. chant for "White Mule Rye" greatly FOR SALE A brand new protecto-grap- h Office 420. ni JrVAimD of the kind recently re FOR SALE A BARGAIN IF Phone Farm distresses his llancep, the "Widder Don't be afraid to givo Chnmber-latn'- a TAKEN 1007. ÍTaTyv?siikí tented here in the city. Taken from AT ONCE A Phone Peppercorn." There is "Tank." whose Cough Remedy to your child- three acre ranch two vate family. English, music, draw- the agent in exchange for services, nnd n town ira of money Is ex- ren. , no half miles of all under of It contnins Idea the value qplunl 6r other ing, palntlpg. elocution, etc. Salary with the intention of selling It. Will ditch with pressed in speeoh. "Thar comes a harmful drug. lie sold under price. Call at two room house Breezy Story Dealing the It always cures. For reasonable. No1 objection to a ranch. much nd good crop on place. Texas," In every life when money sale by all druggists. the Journal office. the Wise time man's Excellent references on request Ad- Son, Heal Estate holds more eonsolln' hand than re- and Rental Agents. With Characters of Border a dress Miss Grace LeMin, Tullarosa, POR SALE Pony, buggy and har- DI B. Central Ave. ligion." There Is Sam Sorrel, from ness. Or will trade for good milch N. M. tf WOULD YOU $100 TODAY State, Comes Week from buck in Mississippi, a tenderfoot of the BOW, SI ;i West Silver. GIVE kind, and, best of all, there REPUBLICANS FOR $1.000 A YEAR FROM NOW? easiest" MAY FOR SALE A heavy Gould force Tonight, Is cute little Texas West, whoso heart WyiTED: If we permitted you to pay a little pump, with cylinder , handle and is as true as the sight of her silver-MAMHtt- il wXNTr?ídM town fur the down and a little monthly, would vou rackerS pulleys for power. Used very little. do It, áAtvl "Texas" has been best Health and Acclden. Insurance In one of the best guaranteed C. V. rp yes-terd- A Vlsalla, California, Steel fork Mr. MeCtlntOOk til lu splendidly, every set of scenery real estate S per cent dividend invest- staged WIN company operating in this territory. stock saddle and bridle. Good as new. to make arrangements for a Then too, tm NORTH ments? Only n few hundred f being masterpiece. Good commission, references required. 173, 09 dollars Box or opening at Elks' accoutrements P. O. West Fruit needed to give you a comfortable In the theatrical Reason nrooerties, oownnv and F. O. Box 274, Roswell. N. M. s20 avenue, city. Mr. McCllntooh is advance accessories are all genuine, having come. Best of bank reference. WRITE theater. AGENTS Wanted an ex- -- Of play, WANTED POR BALE Ten head or rirst class TODAY: beet) bought nt the scene the Albn-iuerii- PACIFIC NORTHWEST agent for "Texas," which Is to appear perienced man or woman In ic Missouri and Kentucky mules. Can ft one night only, Saturday. namely Buckhead ranch, Vol Verde GARDUÑA REALTY ASSOCIATES, Fargo here for and one In each county to be seen for the next ten days at Hun- Bldg., .September 12. county, Texas. Portland. Oregeti. sell ostrich plumes, Mexican drawn ters Wagon Yard, 200 N. Broadway. Just "Texas," which is o play of west- Mr. Frank Conway and Miss Nora waists', etc., at retail prices. work, W. ern life und dealing with character of Shelby head the big company. Other make large profits. Largest di FOR SALE Span or large mules. still If. Kent. 112 South Third street. FOR RENT Dwellings. Receivedl the south western plains bordering on well known members are: Miss Ethel National Committeeman Dun- rect Importen In the U. S. selling 2. S. 4 Clifton, Miss Louise Sanford, Miss ex- - POR SALE- - Furniture of a live For RENT and Mexico, was written by Jane liauldtn through agents. Write today for h, ITeigl. of Tjone Look wood, Miss WlnOtl Bridges, It É room house. 30Ü East Odd. uises, furnished or unfurnished. a native the Star slate, Grace can Declares Is Rapidly lusive agency, n. Gcldbérg Sons W. V. Futrelle, Boo S. FULL LINE F. Gorffltf, Mr. Kdward Seccond. tf and whose knowledge of the plains is Mr. Ted. Nebraska. SALE--Bartle- tt -, omaii.i. POR Pears. German coh-cer- A1- For RENT Five and seven room therefore a birthright. The stury Bailey, Mr, Beitnard Fairfax. Mr. Becoming Doubtful State; ap- Prune and Bradshaw Plums, modern cottages, close In. Paul the love of Jack Dallam, cow- ti St. John, Mr. Harry Mnltland, Mr. National ples and Crab apples. The Mathew 3 4, y, Webb, Mr. Kd- Claims Three Congressman, WANTED Boarders. Teutsch, nnd Grand Building, tf boy and Texas ranger, for little Texas Harry Tans, Mr. Lou Farm, Phone 3S4. Wist. Hie daughter of a big ranch ward Smith and Mr. Joseph Coleman. SANITOKHJM. Rosed a la Place, locat 'OR KENT .1 room brick, modern I By POR SALÉ A good baby carriage, Cracker owner. The accompaniment of villainy The engagement Of, "Texas" is for Monilns Jeenal Special UfMsi Wlr ed on Lorkhart ranch, near Indian Highlands, close In. $26.80. G room 1L'. New York, Sept. 4. cheap. Call 21" South Sixth. 3 Is very strong, anil P;spialc, a vin- - one night, Saturday, September The subcom- school. Under management of grad- furnished, $:U,.00. room frame. $10. Company's mittee, composed of National Commit- uate nurses. Rates reasonable. Miss- Ft it sa i .V. it iba. goose feathers, lohn M. Moore Realty Co. teemen Ward", Du phone 1176. w-- Pont and llrooker, es Moorman and Bartlett. call III Marquette, FOR RENT - 4 room (urnlahed cot appointed to Vir- consider the West WANTED Boarders. Good board and gentle family car- tage, l.eckhart ranch. Telephone ginia republican gubernatorial tangle, FOR HALE Fine Products room. Very reasonable. 113 North riage hOrae for sale. Call at Patter- 712, or cull of address Leckhart held further consideration of the mat- Sixth street. s8 s7 ranch. COLFAX COUNTY DETERMINED ter tonight. son livery stable. After the committee had adjourned FÓRMALE Bartlett pears and apples Fob RENT- - Beautiful C room cot- - Mr. Ward announced that no decision WANTED Money. at 2 cents pel pound. Krctfle'S tig, at 918 South Third. New Ranch, north of fair grounds. tf house, new furniture, bath, every would be announced until Wednes- tTso o"n day. WANTED To borrow chat POR BALE Two ranges, kitchen thing modern and Will tel mortgage. Address E. Y., Morn renl for six months tb right party TO EXHIBIT An Informal meeting of almost all ing Journal. ab cabinet ami dining table. Call 1111 . at 150.00 per Inquire at T.N.Linville IKE the members of the executive coni-inillc- Second. month. Will was held at headquarters to house. day and the general situation was LEGAL NOTICES. 08 W. Central. Phone 138 OOSed. the WANTED Miscellaneous. disc Senator Penrose said NOTICE. FOR RENT Storerooms meeting was only to a premillnnry WANTED Pipes to repair. Joe Rich FOR RENT Store room, 25x100. at next week when Beautiful Little Building at Exposition Grounds Now Ready formal conference Tax Now Due. ards' Cigar Store tf 11.1 North First St. half block off Hitchcock returns from the Road Chairmen law requires every able bodied WANTED 200 young chickens, two Centrul Ave. As good a location In West The for $10,000 Trainload of Exhibits of Resources of ages twenty-on- e to four months old, also hens, one city for any kind of business. In the National Committeeman Duncan, man, between the of sixty to annually pay a year old. Advise kind, age and price. quire of Consolidated Llijuor Co. from North Carolina, Is here for I and years', County. rotkd or, in lieu Will Shllllnghum, East Las Vegas, Great Northern with Chairman Hitchcock. tax of three dollars City Scavenger conference sum, b.ir on public New Mexico. declared that North Carolina wns of such to the lie days. Sec. 3, Cahpter 62. WANTED- - Phaeton und gentle horse POOL & BILLIARD TABLES Company rapidly becoming a doubtful state. road three of Legislative Assembly. pay livery Antt-tru- st The spirit of enterprise and public lighted with incandescents and at night convention," snhl Mr. Acts the Í7th will for keep nt good FOR SALE pool and bil "Our state The supervisor of Road District No. for use during September and October HAVE PI REMOTO YOUR exposition by the people of Colfax the Whole building will glow with Duncan, "was one of the greatest re- liard tables, supplies and bar fix GARBAGE. light. comprising Precincts Nos. 12 and Address J. L. C., care Journal. tures. Sold on easy payments. Cata- county Is a thing to make the rest publican gatherings ever held in the City Clean your lot. cess-po- and Into this building the county will 26, which precincts Include the logues free. Charles Passow aV Sons, New Mexico and the whole south- state. We nominated a strong ticket 46c of put Its showing of fruits und vege-tabl- of Albuquerque, accepts the office P. O. Box 1084, Dallas, s20 closet. Ono cnll per week, up and we expect to elect three or four SODA FOUNTAINS Texas. week, west sit and take notice. grain, Its Splendid mineral without compensation and Is devoting per month; two calls per tit and members to congress." The Colfax cdunty building the Its photograph! and other time and energy to thu discharge of 7fic por month. com- exhibit. WE HAVE several bargains to offer exposition grounds is practically ofllce nnd Information the duties of the office to the end PERSONAL exhibits. The For a sprained Ankle. In both new and second-han- d soda plete. A few finishing ton, bee on the occupy that proper use be made of the road bureau will a raised platform A may be in DR. NACAMUL1 will be back at his PHONE 540 inside, the Installation ,,i the lights sprained ankle cured we good fountains for Immediate shipment. In the center of the big room, the ex- re- fund and that have roads. office from Europe September II, building will be ready for about one-thir- d the time usually Easy monthly payments. Write or nnd the being ranged and grouped The character of roads to be built 1 908. Room 4 Grant Bldg. the hibits quired, by applying Chamberlain's phone for our attractive proposition the trainload of exhibits which around the walls. Colfax county has and the line of work are determined Is to Pain Hulm freely, and giving It ab- The Grosman company, Dallas, Texas. great northern county going building and prepared an ex- by the Good Roads Association. Vlesigned to built a solute rest. For sale by all drug- send, exhibits which are which would have been worthy Mr. S. M. Porterfleld is authored every which county hibit gists. show resource the of such nn exposition as that at St to receive payment of the road tax WANTED. Bargains in Real Estate has to offer, were buildings at ind for the convenience of the public Louis. There state BRAN AND SHORTS. WANTED To buy men's The building Itself Is unique In its KANSAS can do so ot second 5 cot- the St. Louis exposition which did not will make cnllfl when he In good $2660 room modern, frame unique in materials used Be- -t and eheapM bran to be hud. hand clothes of all kinds architecture, compare with this one in attractive- - payment c.n be mode at Porterfldd shape. Highest prices paid In cash. tage, stationary washtube, sleep- of the most at- $1.ei.- per hundred. No mill sweepings Co., nnd altogether one ness and the work Is one of which and 216 West Gold avenue. The ScnJ postal. WS will call. H. Frank ing porch; North Walter street. bujldlng , ver and refuse oatw ami wheats ground In tractive exposition enterprising northern people have law ylll be strictly enforced. 121 North Third street, phone 882. $2250 6 room, modern brick, C. Ches worth, of the this. Sacked under pure food law the erected. Mr. J. lust cause to feel proud. W. II. GILLENWATER, large rooms, Fourth ward. who designed it, has been .ame that governs the sale of flour. Supervisor. WANTED New Mexico land In tracts Clm'nrron, Mr rhuwiirtli will leave for his of 100 to &ñ,0(IO acres. county room frame, nu atruei superin- I Veil hv tin. larsrest dairies in this State $11006 Maloy's here for the past two weeks home tonight. He Is a busy architect and price per acre. Address N. H., car line; easy terms. and ySStef" ctatty, Groat feed for the horse r NOTICE FOR PUBIJCATION. tending the construction and contractor but hns taken time care Morning Journal, Albuquerque room frame cottage, completed his la- cow and poultry. Ogajj (fimruntee with $16004 day had practically from regular work to take personal N. at. nicely finished, and two room building Is designed after every order. All sl.e IM'dVM delivered Department of the Interior, II. B adobe, cement finish; lot, bors. The charge of this building. He expects M ft lodge at ClOUdCTOft ISc' worth to car lots. K. W. I ec, 02- - Land Office at Santa Fe, N. 8. Broadway. the beautiful little to return for the exposition. In the August mox. helped to build. 01 S. 1st. 16. 4th, MISCELLANEOUS $3000 6 room brick cottage, mod- which Mr. Chesworth Mr. George H. Webster, of Phone la hereby given Feder- were meantime Notice that By practical ern, extra nice: close In. It Is of rough bark slabs which Cimarron, who Is head of the exposi- ico Otero, of Bernalillo county, who. stove recaí king a Colfax county saw WANTED. foundrymun. Drop a postal and I $2.100 frame with bath; shipped here from tion committee In Colfax county, will wants on Dec. 17th, 1006, made Homestead good outbuildings; lot 71 by purpose. A projecting Lenrnard & Lindeman's band wll cnll. 1016 South NOW mills for the take personal charge of the exhibits cornet players Application. No. 10406 (0601) for lot James Stewart. lit! lawn, IS; shade tree; 4th which two voting amateur 12. 20. Township 11 N., Range roof shelters a broad veranda, installation. as to good Section Edith. ward. logs and Must furnish references 6 E., N. M. P. Meridian, has filed no cot- IS THE TIME Is supported by four huge pine to Its own exhibit ami character. State experience. $2500 New 4 room frame for- In addition tice of Intention to make Final Com fin- also brought from CottfU county county has & LINDEMANN. tage, modem, beautifully TO I'P YOUR PRESERVES costly preparation Colfax LEARNAKD Proof, to to THE MINNEAPOLIS cel- PIT ests. Hough pine logs support the Albuquerque, N. M. mutation establish claim ished, concrete foundation, AND .11)1, I.IKS. contributed $2,500 to the general fund the land above described, before U good on :iud the or 5J2 KOI SECOND STREET. lar, outbuildings; Highlands roof the Interior lldl of the congress S. Court Commissioner, at Albuquer- Til 4 bunt- for the entertainment you get a cup Will he rcoiKMicd for btislncss on the $21 i0 New room brick cottage, have fine flavor "the building will be decorated In shown a For fifteen cents can que, N. M on day of Sep Native fruits and from start to finish has the 17th first of iieplcmlior by Mr. L. C. KUiw modern; fourth ward, on car and appearance anil arc clieaper ing and papered with canvass, gMng a hearty to of coffee, a piece of pie and cheese tember, 1908. line. public spirit nnd evenings. art. The place linn Isvn newly rctSStf than ever It an appearance of perfect finish. spenks well for Its Most delicious these cool Claimant names as witnesses: Jusn newly furnished, a few $20006 room frame cottage, bath nnd large pan that forget the "pie" social by .the Otero, of Albuquerque, N. M.; Celso tt nnd romis Broad mission windows people. Dont' for light housekeeping. Ulve us a windmill, new ebopa and oar 4 1 Albuquerque, N. M Leave us your order for els of glass In the rounded ends of the W. C. T. IT. at 0 W. Gold, Sntur Garcia, of Juan tall. Itates reasonable. line. FKACHKS. PEA Its, PLUMS, give It light and Grounds Getting In shape. day evmilng. Buy a pie for your Hun- - Gutierres, of Albuquerque, N. M. building abundant Albuquerque, N. M TOMATOES, GRAPES, ETC. Is grounds are rapidly made, 26c Manuel Rnel, of the whole effect benutlful. The The exposition day dinner. Home each MANUEL R. OTERO. A. FLEISCHER ami We will MC Unit HN get the cost It now about nnd all of the build-in?- ., VICKY HKKT. building as stands getting into shnpe Roglster. L. E. FOLDS 12.200; for the building alone. are aearUut completion. The lar UAL rant, rwsraAxion, Miasm this '.OAKS. In addition to the building Coital ger buildings are ail done from the Notice to ..nil. - mid Builders Real Estate, Renting, Insur- OKI. county proposes to spend more than tasteful Santa Fe building to the ma- URINARY The Stonemasons Union No. X, of P.. Beeond. Phone 74. IR.000 In the preparation of Its exhibit chinery idled, while the decoration of DISCHARGES Albuquerque, ft. M. B. and M. I. U ance and Loans. II m will cover every resource In Is well advanced. Work will not sllow any more than which the rtounds i HKMKVKD 114 onf 209 W. Gold Ave. the county from potatoes to coke. On on the I Ig mountain of conl which the contractor to work on the wall nt the front of the building lighted by American Fuel company and the Vic- 24 HOURS any one Job at the same lime. This Is Phone 600 Maloy will appear the seal of company are building Is pro- to contracting firms e eeUse see in U.e A. J. electric globes tor Fuel VaS V aW Id .... to apply all An ad nt Hath ( p county. Two greHt arches of coal rapidly and the magnitude of Is two of more In psrt-nershl- Moswliig the gressing ule he r (MI0Y1 when there allied columns of the Central Ave. and coke will shade the walk leading this exhibit Is becoming apparent. Any firm violating this rule Journal Want Ads Get Results Journal will prabeMy rest 514 West a par- Hall Assured. to the building which occupies Plenty of lKut' gflMrr y ronlrrfmlt will be considered unfair. those vacant nanus wlthun Usa position near Since announcement of the big CAMZANO, Rao. twmty-futa- r Phone 72. ticularly fevered the the AIL DRt'OIIISTS NICK seat hours. grandstand. These arches will be prize trophies for amateur base ball PRESIO V. CATA LA NO, Pres. Try a Morning Journal Want. 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. What Enterprise and Modern Engineering Have Done in Fertile Bluewater Valley

Thousands of Acres of the Richest Land on Earth Made Ready For the Homebuilder

Blucwnte, Development Company Completes Big Irrigation Project and Insures to the Broad Bluewater and San Mateo Valleys a Water Supply as Certain and as Sure as the Surrounding Hills.

The and Outlets Are Unique In the Science of Irrigation Engineering

apltal Invreted, mi gnltuds of tin of a transcontinental railroai close to composed of elements from the decay ir, im of land erVed and tlv every acre under the project a id K of sandstones, volcanic rocks and Ui r of the Wfld rhich has been quick connection .vn n market limestones, they are very fertile and ilmed, is ihe proje t of til" Hlue which will consume everV pound of light, They have the property of water Development company whl) produce tin- urea cat! produce; their moisture so lhat not so n ui), i u.it, i t, ihe broad aeitu i :tho certainty or perfect title; '.he ab- much moisture is required for Irriga up- - the fertile Hiuiwali r mid Sun dale.' solute surety of a perpetual .valer tion many types 41I' " ' or as other soil , alleys in north weal Valencia comfy. pl. at all seasons nn.i Under all con- Another Interesting comment is bv weal of AllMKltierque, "n th: ditions, combino with soil and climate ÍÍ01 miles Oeor gs a. Anderson, consulting line of tin Banh p Iroud, to make farming under f.ie project Ideal. ami a well known member of . Bluewater prod t. it i Ki all of the more prominent engineer- i tiio.id. hi' 1!. ..I--- ,. I .,., l,, riv known, is a aplej ing societies of the I'nited States and enterprise, faith Hi. land ater supply for the Bluewater Canada. project Is BTnowater modern engtn taring derived from the Mr. Anderson lias written: I, onj.; years lit'" tr and Cottonwood strenms, wil.'li tiicw befn The soil throughout almost the en- lion of the llluewal their supply from a vatorh. iávlflg tire irrigable area is 11 fed clay, of ll, tin- In I) I5U r tin area of lmo square miles almost Klin laml ,':.! unlformty good Quality and great and San Mateo valleys w. ivi noised all of which is covered by heavy tim- is by Depth. The color is due to the pres- a - of eptlonol fertility. h- eiiiaton ber and much of which prottfetpd ei so perma-i- ence of oxide of Iron, a valuable con- of centui lea lias in ought down and d - nattonetl forests that the 1 stituent for crop producing, and posited a rich anil almost ...i' tomloss of the supply is assure for all time, while the soil Is of decomposed sand- which responds marvellously to, The dam forming the reser- OAT lil'.l.l) IN BM'EWATER VALLEY I I I I I I I V I V stone, it is character, HI lli, IN lili It M.I cultivation, ami even before the lirst voir Is located at the Junction oi ihe not sandy in experiment at farming was attempted! two creeks at a distance ol About Both soil ami sub-so- il ate extremely the Waist deep wild mass whlrh lew1 twelve miles from Ihe valley and at fertile. cheapness, the abundance of free "There was about twenty thousand illAKI.V be had levfttlOtl of 1,800 soil la of a does over the vutleys, furnishing) abundant i about feet above "The character that range for gtoc contiguous to the acres of verj tine land in sight which Cur.' of H tanda, ru-s- lo- PIS' pa tute for the thousands of cattle and them. The reservoir sité vais not require much water for the propa- farming lamí every side, will on- lays first nie for irrigation, quite as 'l projects tit,' ,1 ophtenl Mexico io' of nation cheep which grazed over the region, cated bj the I'nited Suites OeolOgtcil gation of crops. It Is not lumpy, nor aide men with onall means to make good as the best of our lands In Nor- found In tío r being made clamation service, now In Survey us signs ij operation, !? many .veins gave abundant and is known L'ni'ed States tloes it show of 'baking.' The homes and build up aluabl proper- - thern Colorado. In actentlAi' Irrigation id th' piar- - have done much more than to a, Qeological Reservoir No. it is an soil conditions will in a high e i oil ace of the productivity of the result ties at a very small cost "After looking over the ground there Ilea uppll Uon of modem th,- reclamation of land ideal reservoir site needing only higher, in my judg- the land. In this altitude, about (.000 the duty of water, "It seems to me to be an excellent be no question as to the fertility ligation m thuds in the waste directly under them. have dam to perfect it. The tot il ar-- a un- ment, It The f at, annual rainfall in the valley than have placed' elsewhere of the 'Chp whole valley is cov- Bun-ma- n :: place to a Community of placet! of id.- Land or lerved to tin., of the bodied In the reservoir Is . 4 acres in report, with prospect of make small attract attention in approximately seven Inchon, tin the this the an ered with a rank growth of aceda ex- The who rondl-h- r making It one of the largest a Stock growers and feeders. .My iMtt, stadias homeseekcr, the man in learch of the watershed of the Bluewater reservoir.. Rrtinlal extension of the Irrigable area with stock cepting where it is covered with a laja I ,n 11 lion in th. ted district! of New mall farm. to the possibilities of which is 8,1 , 10.IMW feet above ur "u"eT atapna given Quantity of water. Observation f,,r several years has been heavy growth of wild hay or alfalfa. It t.rail o will llinl h- - old-tim- New M llllVe ... - 8torlnf U(T feet of wat.r. gen- th ami they level, th, rainfall for a ten v !f "The irrigable land presents, that stork growing under condifiera as is plain that w ith a good water service, t i - sufficient to Impound two ceara Hindering leakins ncertain alxo attrai tin- attention of eapl- average has been about is inches, n Water erally, a uniform Surface, with gentle they appear to exist ti.ere is the safest heavy crops of all kinds can he raised eea Dm-eki- ! PPly ' .000 in equbl Which Mlt earlier tal to ilbllltlea of private aim f Hh.ew.tter O' acres cttlUvuttvi ami regular slop. s. well adapted for business for men of small means. Be- in this valley. Hminent engineering talent ,vas used oii. of Si Mi nturl" s. rlgath so that there i in company to make this land pro-- i irrigation purpoaea, ing on a through line of railroad, "To up I in the sum tlte whole situation, now gUing way to in , :tn- - hi are. labia water lource In ;is fuliest capacity ami bring ihe construct ion of the ,la, u .luch Is a model of Its kind. The .'lull Is 3811 feet long, of massive CO'lhtrUCtlon ami its outlets are so arranged that 'A It i Is ready to stand the test of n'es. A uniiie and very Important feature 'of the construction aiitl one rhlcfl makes this project 01 especial 'nteresti to Irrigation experts Is the fact that Ihe outlet Is In no Way connected with ihe dam. The outlet Is by means of a tunnel sis reft in aiameter mil uiiven lit Óne Hide of the reservoil' through I'OUR HUNDRED i'KlOT fi'', HO LI 1 1JMB BTONB ROCK, emptyim,' Int.. I the narrow, rock-rlbhei- l Bluewater canyon, from which it emerges nine miles from the reservoir in the broad r caJUÜS which rHttrtbUtS it iver the farming buida, The gate by which the outlet Is con- - I trolled and the now of water stopped or regulated. Is located in the center lot' this tunnel and is operated from the gate house on the cliffs above, bv means of a sixty foot vertical shaft It is an Irrigation s stem I mil I In solid 8 rock and expert engineers Who have I studied 11. declare that it is indestrttct-- able At the month of Hliiewuter cnnyoli the Water passes Into the main canals, j broad and well constructed upon care-If- nl engineering Unes; In fact, every ditch and lateral of the Hluewater sys-- I ten Is a model of modern irrigation. Future Qarden f Kdcn. with a water supply as permanent as the hills from Which It comes. with u climate ami a soil adapted to j the successful Krowlna of almost every variety of Held crop ami every product I Of the gurden th. mods served jMMMMMBaaMaB aaaBBBBBHBBBMBBBBJBj by tin- - Hluewater project arc destined to be transformed before much time I e.ri Mil i s i: VlMKTI MY CHEAP l.AIM) : IN IILIT.IVATRR VAI.LI'V. lo M i;i s i i :; CTAIiltHN MI.I. has passed Into one of the grout c M KI HUltl i ll W Hi' AtTOW ELMKCYIfKIIK IN RAsTKHM si A l i.s Irrigated districts of the went, Tills project ranks a one of the largest private Irrigation enterprises TOE IIUUOATKI), i fft'iynvATEn IN HM KWVli i: VAM.rY, w- PRACTICAME LEVEL AND carefully aarvejrfdl, -n bum. the t today of any C0fta!der i,m AUi ai, intorj- it to its highest stage of cultivation, ever undertaken and Its lands t.re cer- OF THE SAME GENERAL CHARACTER luippeti with modern gites. an in- - able oiume ih ,i has not lis irrlfa-lio- n 'rii. company therefore constructed tain to become one of the most Impor- nuiun.f of proper hoarding of the nterprKu either in operatten, the splendid Irrigation system with ,n tant of the wealth sourcOH of wesfern way 'I'll,- . norm Ir- - ram-al- N'.-- "A wide range of he water upplj and of the mofct con-v.nle- under or projected. gfi b reservoir to Impound .Mexico. products can facilities for shipping any of their would ady that there is an opportun- . Ih c n ry mid effective aeft I. Q wilt um ontlaj of aaypltal which going in Hie higher altitude ami it The climate of the Bluewater and successfully raised, Including all the products arc good. ity here for quite u large nettlement Bad that tlx old ayateei is atvlng araa out) Into the government, but by broad camilrt tlirougb Ihe ,alic San Mateo Valleys Is ideal. At an ele Cereals, alfalfa anil other grasses, "The limited area of irrigiblc lands with comfortable homes and profita- below, reclaiming '.he vitl-- i sugar the new with a rapidity that I int.. th. priva. projects in thin all urc.i in vatlOÉ of about six tiioaennd feet the beets, vegetables of all descrip- In that ami contiguous territory will ble farming operations, as the murkete ti . ,.f ii making It both Mrprtettlg mil pleasing lii. pi, oi has only "in Meaning; that In ki ncrca ami summerx lire always deliirhtful. The tions and Ihe hardier fruits ." always give the farnier In that neigh- are close at hand." tti,- uosnlble to bring even farm to its sum- ehnnge lias but un meatilng. ..ml vestment in Irrigated muds of temperature at noon during the Air. A J. McCUBe, former state en- borhood a good market in the mining Richard J. Hint, ui. u prominent . W M in re-li- e highest state of cultlvutl.i't ami pro- mer 92 degrees, that iitejriing it i hut the farmera, til 0 safe ami that the uveniKes about while gineer of Irrigation for Colorado, made camps, government posts and lumher- - member of the American Society of Ir- ductivity. Immediately and absolutely the winter nre those of land of .vhi ir IWIWI to the great SoMtb' tums from land ..re large and the an examination of the Bluewater pro lug camps adjoining." rigation I'.ngineers, writing of the soil 'Milu, ut dependant's upol thi amfall. sunshine, cold enough at this altitude west In ever Increitwlng numb. Mr, sure. ject some time ago ami MM of Its Jumes J. Armstrong. Irrigation ex-- In Hluewater vulley, says: hevt to lie Invlgornting. but never eevere l nave learned ami Jrt learning with of the private Irrigation proje ta The Bluearater prajeei 'i itraal soil: pert of Denver, has thrown an Inter "A to the fertility and adaptability It enough to be trying. The almost per- euormuun value, the now in operation III New Mexico, tin many advantages which eNle out very n 1 y upon com- of Blue-wat- each da) the petual sunshine and the clear, bracing "The fine of soil, the esting light the lands by the soils and lands, under the th- - crops to most Important. from the ttaadpoini us unusually favoceu. The presence system, I pleattid yields, rertaln air make the region Ideul for man healthful climate, the abundance of paring them with the fertile lands of huve no hesitancy In ihe li.nl, Colorado, He suys: xprt salng an who la seeking health an well as a line material ami fuel ami Its northern entire approval. As It livelihood, The altitude ia not ho high hh many of the Colorado districts where all kinds of fruits are success- fully grown tint! while the orchards thus far planted upon the Bluewater lauds ar not yet old enough to pro- duce, the orchards of the Shu Maleo region neiirhv and at an altitude al- most 1.000 feet higher, are so auccess-fu- l t hat the value of the Bluewater land for apples, cherries, pears, and all of the small frulls la definitely niuewafer Kdls. The noil of the Hluewater lands Is remarkable In Ita richness and has excitad the Interest and Ihe very fnvor-iiM- e comment of every sciential and soli physicist who has examined It. The opinions or sevcrnl or these eleii-tls- t bus been given In writing from time to time and these opinions are sufficiently Interesting to merit repe- tition. President Tight, of the llnlveraliy or New Mexico, has aaid of these Innda: , The agricultural landa of the com- L' A pany lie wholly In oiie of theee basin-lik- e 9 tilled sections. The soils, ther-for- e, UiH-itl'- ! I l V( SI N 111. I VALLEY I 9CKXM OK THE Ill.l'K. W ATI It It I: tlllt are very deep, and as they are MAKI HAY THK MIIM'.S lAVATLR THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. 9 One More Prosperous Farming District Added to New A Mexico s Producing rea Deep, Rich Soil and Abundant Water Combine With Perfect Climate to Make Farming of All Kinds Ideal

ifcwdfiaeiaeiMÍCKflBfc mi m fcgsrfii hm MM. i liTOÉl Engineers Declare the Bluewater Development Company's Project in Northwest Valencia County Will Stand the Test of Ages; Successful Completion of the Undertaking Means Much for the Wealth Producing Power and Future Development of Western New Mexico

Practically All Products of the Temperate Zone Have Been Grown With Marvellous Success

however. Is by no mean confinad to ami bale, and from that It Is very easy the tract and there is frequent mail expert testimony. The Bluewater re- - to figure out the net profit per acre service both from east and west. The gioii Is by no means B "new" one. Por each season. The crop never fails. Urvey Of the proposed WATER I.MIIMilNt; PROM THE OUTLET TrWKI, sua FEET Arizona and .... &uir tjtk ajf.i . years Air K. JflHaHniaTflNl THItOt (.11 SOlttD ROCK (Mi l's. SOITII SIDE OK RAM. some small tracts of laud have II. Brock on his Hbiewuter Colorado railroad passes directly BM7KWATEB RESERVOIR been In actual cultivation, not as test farm, sowed alfalfa broadcast upoll through both valleys. plats hut as the homes of farmers sod land in the spring of 90S. He The farmer who goes to the lilue-wate- r depended upon now as a who the land for their has fine and healthy stand valley Is not entering a "new" I living and these men had demonstrat- as could be The in lays out of doors, have seldom seen l.lme aids also in the decomposition desired. alfalfa region. He Is not shut off frión - ed, long larger region grows im- 26,000 acres so perfectly adapted to oí animal and vegetable matter, such before the undertak this luxurlunth Wl"' munication with his friends and with ing was begun, that the land will pro small stalk ami abundance of I Irrigation as these. About qnehalf the as vegetante mould, manure, etc.. and the world. He has the advantages dure, with proper cultivation, prnc-prodii- rt that enables slock to eat It clean. acres the Wester section consists quickly of close mnll connection, of the tele- tends to convert them Into ticully every farm of the Oats is crop that is sure of famous red loairt so eagerly be used another graph, of gooil schools and of enter- the available plain food. Lime can temperate zone. ami a wonderful producer. The yield sought after in otfrrreglon. it H charg- advantage nn freshly swamp prising, energetic neighbors, for the to drained s all the way from 86 tu sa bushels ed with mineral ekiments, deep, warm, lands and also on lauds newly clear- Altogether about .ana a. re: hav. Class of settlers who have gone into i to tne ncrc and the quality is mu x easily worked and Retentive or mois- ed. The presence, oí' a constant sup- been In cultivation. lli. ioi.b.1- I,,. .1. ,' ..... ceiled. The Rluewater Development ,. ture. This is largely .the product of ply of lime In this soil is therefore of It Is not practicable, as a rule, fori j., of tllH M wM (.,ss. The re-- now has on exhibition in Its , , , Thjere is a di- de- Company ,.,.,, volcanic rocks. distinct Importance. The the farmer who goes upon new land , considerable uiui-vf- vision between It and the lower, or composed lava Is considered the great- to turn his attention immediately to muuuvnuv Bi'e'i.u ampie (( way of scenery. The broad val levI mini nes 01 oats punen in gray limestone mqdf lands. Its intensive farming, and the forage random are themselv es beautiful, while Mount est soil rcnewer known. value while in the milk, the stalks of which In crops Held crop usually receive Tav lor looms in I lie distance stand- 'The latter are JWfCetleiu vegetable, has been demonstrated frequently and are six feet high In and these the ing In plain view from every point in field will a attain height of seven feet. the surrounding country, like a mlghtv been grown Indian corn has this V. llTlt,. ' I,'...' .1.1.1.. lltlll'Mlll " , season with stalks eleven feet high m .., .....- ,' ... illT-- ,1.11111. I'l 111.- Ifl - and the y Is very heavy I.'t'llll muy peantiiui. muewater canyon is Hluewater wheat is prize winning a winning, typical Rocky county took first prize Mountain Valencia wheat chasm and it has not been spoiled in at l the Chicago .x. lonttlon and has building of SCEYE rnovr or BI.t'EWATEli nwt ii among the theproJect, the water been the prize winners at finding its way down with all the every one great of the expositions, beauty of a natural stream. The res- and the Bluewater product Is fully ervoir furnishes a magnificent sheet land and the water are both absoluti on the hind or from lUyerS expressing equal to the best grown in the coun- of water and both boating and bath ly free from anv taint of alkali. I satisfaction with the country and the ty. Inter-oplnio- n Bluewater products have been ing are popular with the settlers, it This from the standpoint of the set- land. Some of these letters are prise winner! wherever exhibited. being the rule to spend Sundays on tler: the man who U going to build eating as showing the of prne- - grown i..i-.- . mm,. ranev aun uve nave oeeu ;,iw. i.i,u f,i, lake is 1.1 a home. th ai farmers as to the possibilities of upon large experimental plats and M Hlu.ked ,,is year with Wisconsin To New Mexico, to Albuquerque and the laud. The following Is from Mr. have produced wonderlul results. brook trout and other game lisb widen to all the surrounding region. the Hugh Thornton of Highland, Callfor-- ! showing conclusively that the region are to do well in region means much. It nía, wiio recently vlfited Hluewater. iwMiiflimgelrMillei known the Hluewater project Is well adapted to every one of the Home building in the Hluewater val- means Increased population. Increased Highland, Cai.. Aug. l'.tos. staple Held crops - E. v. i ley is not mi experiment Every- wealth, one more large and prosper- Mr. Koss. Albuquerque, N. u The farmer who . arcs to give up al thin gs is In favor of the honu bullder. ous farming community, one more I tear sir: tana growing can produce timothy He Is certain of his crop" for fully source of Increased bus, nes.--. In reply to your letter asking my

i- and mlltett with equal success. The potatoes grown In the Bluewater valley are equal to the very finest pro- duct of the (reeley and other famous potato growing districts of the west It is Invariably the case that Irish po- tatoes flourish and produce marvellous crops in nil of the higher altitudes of; New Mexico and the Hluewater valley seems to have gone them all one bet- ter In the matter of yield. Potatoes BM'EWATER RAM I ROM THE WATERSIDE, SHOWING MASSIV! "OHM ATIOX produce from 10)094 to 40.000 pounds! to the acre while specimens have been grown this season which weigh more1 peasants venture al- the first attention, Alfalfa, the great grape, small fruit and forage lands. Italy where the than i' '1 ounces each. Onions, planted, Both soil divisions are tractable, deep most to the mouth of the crater of staple forage of the southwest, and as a Held crop, also do well The sugar their, and vine- and readily watered and drained. The Vesuvius with farms one of the most valuable crops that beets frown In this region analyzed :.'l surface loam or deposits are from 15 yards in order to obtain it can be ' produced, nourishes almost per cent saccharine matter and the to 3U feet in depth. Beneath the tufa Comment like the above from nv n from planting. It produces three cut- (oblen wax bean, one of the staple Is forty or volcanic soil there at about: win. know is convincing; in itself, an ting; per season and the average yield crops of the southwest. produces pan. lt feet, a volcanic hard insurance that this reclamation prn- - - from a ton to a ton and one-ha- abundantly. "The limestone soils are underlaid with gravel and hard strata. Drainage waters for well use can be obtained in the volcanic or red soils at fTom thirty to forty feet. The sultplane waters are about the name depth in the lime rock solls( admirably adapt ed for alfalfa). In short, these soils will produce abundantly all the crop of the temperute zone. This will be found to be' on excellent sugar beet section. All root crops as well as grain, forage and leguminous products BLUEWATER RESERVOIR, VIEW PROM 'I'll I", EAST will thrive abundantly. The natural - Tin- range 4tj grasses are of the best. V TfKKBKKBtBLiKÍR t iÉflHHktH and foot hills furnish wild fruit s. 1,000 acres of the land has been in The main offices of the Hluewater opinion of Hluewater valley. 1 am gooseberries, raspberries Rocky Moun- té Development company in ph ased to an follows: to cultivation and the mnn who doubts Albuquerque reply As the tain cherries,' plums, etc.. In almo may go ami see for himself the grow- are at the corner of Second street land It is as good for general farming dance. High altitude timber is ample ing grain und alfalfa, the potatoes and Cold avenue, where K. Z. Ross, as anv 1 have seen In California or for years to come, scrub oak, cedar and truck. A perpetual water right manager of the project, is in charge the middle west and has the great ad- mesqulte. pinion or scrub pine. Coal goes with the land and with a soil that The offices are likely to prove one vantage of being ensy to cultivate. has been found within six miles. Min- yield Itself readily to cultivation all of the interenting places during tin The water supply is. in my opinion eral float has been found. PIQS tim- the farmer has to do Is to go nnd coming Irrigation congress, for there ample or can be easily made so to ber is near by. Fine limestone rock put his plow Into the land. The whole will he on display some of the finest meet the demands even through ex furnishes the kiln men. nnd there art- tract Is level, uncut by gullies and specimens of grain and vegetables tended drouth. Kor a home the Hlue- works in operation producing about 90 free of stumps und rocks. ever shown anywhere. In addition, water valley Is so situated that ntof.t pure 1 noticed or 95 per cent lime. station Is the company Is Just now completing anv une might be content to live there building also." Lumber at Hluewater excellent stone worth eight to fifteen dollars per a set id' magnificent photographs of permanently'. Aonther writer says of this soli: thousand: wood, coal, lime and build- the project and the lands under it, Very truly, soil photographs which show the reservoir 'One feature of the Hluewater ing stone may be had for the hauling lirc.ii THORNTON. and one that is of first Impórtanos, is surrounding hills and a good and the canals, the Itroail valleys, anil from the This is but one of many slmllnr let- the constant fertilisation by natural l)IT( lllNt; (H H ITS at WORK IN RI.UEWATBR VALLEY home may be built as cheaply as In the fields with alfalfa waist high, natn causes. The wash from the snrroud- - any locality In the west. Water for that hide a fair sized man. wheat and ters which show how practical farmers in bills brlmrlnc down to the land a domestic use may be had from the corn and all the products of the re- view this project and the land under Is to per acre per cutting, a yield All varieties garden truck nour- an- On IJ .nnutnnt aunóle of the rich decomposed Ject destined make homes for that of sheet Pure clear water that under- gion. These pictures not fine It. The time is coming, and coml t( of prosperous of lava and lime. The chief function of hundred farmers and means ready money: for alfalfa at ish and with the tine truln service lies both the Hluewater and San Ma- examples of artistic photography but very rapidly, when the Hluewater ut.rt to prove one o the great pro- as lime in farming is to Improve the me- wealth Hluewater station sell steadily at a and close connection wi'h market teo valleys at a depth of front 100 to they show conditions exactly tbe San Mateo valleys will be humming by loosening heaV) ducing districts of New Mexico. year avernge of $1(,.00 are and are well worth seeing. chanical condition 'round PKH truck gardening Is sure to become one 180 feet, although the water that with Industry and when they will JM and also by holding together! Wluit tlx Land Will Produce. TON DM BOARD TtlR CARS. It down the reservoir Is The Albuquerque officen are In con- tain the homes of a huppy and pros- clavs of the chief Industries, it may be comes from and giving body to light sandy soils Tile value of the Hluewater land. costs less than J4.r,0 a ton to produce clear and clean and wholesome. The stant receipt of letters from settlers perous people. coupled successfully with dairying and poultry raising nnd without either, anil standing alone, will prove lucra- tive. The cabbages and cauliflower grown In the Bluewater valley have a size nnd crlspnenn not attained else- where and are especlatl.v easy of cul- tivation while practically every truck garden product from rhubarb to pumpkins Is equally successful. The small, highly cultivated furm Is the future money maker in Ameri- can agriculture and with Innd of the highest fertility, an assured water supply, absolute Independence of weather conditions and an Immediate and crying market, conditions In the Hluwatcr valley are almost Ideal. The district is particularly favored as to markets. Albuquerque is but 107 miles away and Albuquerque is the chief distributing und consuming mar- ket between Denver and Us Angeles. To the west are the coal mines at tiullup. the lumber camps of the Zunt mountains, and lite stations along the Hanta Ke, where there Is a ready mar- ket lit high prices for all kinds of farm products. There are two railroad sta- tions in the valley, Bluewater and Toltec. and every acre under the pro- HHHHgHIgHHHBHHHHI ject Is In close touch with the rail- road. All of the Hanta Ke system's IRRIGATION 1)1 I t II IN 111. I I AVA I KK VALLEY transcontinental truln pass through IHttHi.VTIN IHTt II. i'l' IWATK VAI.l.EV 10 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908.

y4MIMIMMHHMMMHHHMIIMlMIMMM and will remain here for several at month. GEO. W. HJICKOX COMPANY J Prof. T. A. Bhattuek and Baron K. IN HBXXW Utaurai, of Tokio. Japan, passed tU OLDEST AXO UHM nWIUT BOC8B MCW any morning cons-ur- through the yesterday stock sxwati aim raw en route to Washington, D. C. uno in tocb WATcna bjepaib them well Mian Stateson, who hds rmá." 11 . Ilieiil MnH Al.Bt QlEKUrC H. Alberta been spending: the vacation month in F L L for Springfield. A rv,l this city, leaves today 585 Mo., where she will resume her studies at Drury college. Private Ambulance William O. Coulodon, the well The One Cf. plasterer, today a h. strong Office Strong Block, Second known leaves for and Copper. two weeks' visit with his daughter, Mrs. Kreeiove, in Canyon, in Funeral Director Telephone: Of doe 7ft. Resi- Señorita Sure Way rapidly com- Sundovul county. Our fall goods are dence 508. ing in and being placed on sale. and Embalmer Bupt-- Fairview and Santa Judge Frank W. Parker, of Las I Lady Assistant Barbara Cemeteries. Cruces, was In the city last night re- Our new suits for fall made by turning home from Santa Fe, where G he has been sitting with the supreme to have money Is to save it. The one court. sure way to save Is by depositing It In DOOOOOOCCO Hart Schaffner xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Qonzales, of a responsible bank. You will then be LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST 411 West Pacific avenue, are the par- exempt from the annoyance of having ents of a daughter, born Friday morn- - It burn holes In your pocket, and & Marx iiik. repiemoer Mr. uonzaies is " aside from the fact that your money Skating Rink Benjamin work- employe of the WelUef and will be safe from theft, the habit of are marvels of style and your morning paper ('tore. of mod- twIt tlph'i - saving tends to the establishment manship and our prces th, POSTAL TEI.ROH.APH CO. fir- Judge E. A. Mann, of th'- sixth ju- - gen- THE MOST POPULAR log roar nm, gnd addraaa and th thrift, economy, discipline and a paper will be delivered or a pedal mm dklul district, was In the city lust eral understanding of business prin- erate AMUSEMENT PLACE meeeencer The telephone ! No. If. night returning to his home in Alamo- - O ciples to your success. gordo from Siintu Fe, where he has essential IN rela- KNOX HATS THE CITY. been attending the .sessions of the su- To those wishing to establish Forecast preme court. tions with a safe-stron- g bank, we STETSON HATS Wellington, Sept. 4 and R. a heartily extend our services. Arizona Attention O. A. There will be In all shapes, both New Mexlco-da- y; Saturday and Bun- - O. Post colors and Tonight Fair regular meeting of K. Warren cooler. at Odd Fellows' hall Saturduy, Sep- and soft. Prices $3.00, bh'i Read i:ngiMi stiff tember I, at 7::in p. m. Edward John- i n- -t a i.ike Woman J, u. ad- $4.00 and $5.00 IjOrÚ Insure In the Occidental Life. son, commander, Caldwell, A for a Day jutant. Bosggg b y A. L. Carver, of Laguna, was here HANAN SHOES Mr- -, C. A. I nink yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Moon, of Grand Canyon, Ariz., are visiting friends in State O Dear Heart Mr. Mrs. L. C. Walker were The DOUGLAS SHOES and city. Mr. Moon was formerly pro- Roars, itne Everywhere here yesterday from Socorro. the prietor of photograph studio in this New toes are being added to Blue points oysters shipped In Seal-shi- but is now employed by the Har- National Bank fully carriers at the San Jose market. vey system as a speclul Indian urtist. our regular stock and Morning, Afternoon and Harry F. Lee Is In California, call- Roy H. Hannon, for several year! Albuquerque guaranteed. Evening Sessions. ed there by the serious illness of his past employed by A. Holders' under- mother. taking establishment, litis accepted a FOR THE BOYS The Albuquerque banks will be clos- position as clerk in the Castenada ho- Vegas and left for that We wish to announce the ar- Only One Moving Picture ed all day Monday, on account of La- tel at Las bor day. place yesterday morning. D rival of some Very Handsome Beginning Performance Captain E. G. Austin, of the New The Albuquerque Women's club School Suits, Extra Pants as at 8:30. Mexico cattle sanitury board. Is in the held its first meeting for the season City on business. of LB08-0- 9 yesterday afternoon at the well as shirts, shoes and waists. on West Gold avenue. The CXDOOOOOOOOCOOOO(XOX)OOOC Fred FornofT, captain or New club house Call and See Us the was well attended and the Mexico was visi- meeting mounted police, a began Its year of work with tor in the city yesterday. club every Indication of Increased success. Mrs. a. Hoimboe left last night for COLOMBO millinery an extended in Apprentice wanted for SIMON STERN visit with relatives THERE IS NOTHING SO NICE AS FRESH EGGS for break- Colorado und California. department at Iht Economist. The CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER HAVE THE REAL THING IN Frank H. Strong has returned from The bearuard and Llndemann Boys' fast. WE S Theater Morning to St. Louis, where be has been for sev- band treated the Journal night. EGGS cents per dozen Phone 471. eral days buying furniture. i very enjoyable serenade last FRESH RANCH at 35 is improving very rapidly E. .1. McMahon. of the The band trainmaster leadership of Director Fred E. F. SCHEELE - - - - 1024 North Fourth Street. N'ew Mexico division of the Santa Fe, under the K. Ellis and its playing last nlghf was here yesterday on railroad busi- an orga- ness. would have done credit to CHANGE TONIGHT nization of full grown musicians. Maloy to the city last Paul returned TO MEET THE EVER IN- night after spending two months fish- Joseph O'Loughlln, son of Mr. and REPUBiLIGAN ing and hunting in the Jjemes moun- Mrs. M. O'LaUghlln, of 310 West Coal DONATIONS WANTED CLUB Den- CREASING DEMAND That Mother-in-La- w Was a tains. avenue, leaves this morning for ver, w here he will resume his studies FOR Mrs. J, P. Of Magda- k a Bore. MrFarland. at the Bacred Heart college. The ! lena, is in the city visiting her sister, by his ir ni i.! A young man is accompanied III Workman's Honor. Mrs. Lake Walsh, of North Sec- CHILDREN'S ORGANIZED 7S mother and sifter Mary, who will Cider Industry. ond street. spend a few days visiting in Denver year Arnold'sBest A Useful Present for a Child. W. It. Orendorff, for the past before returning to this city. I For manager Of the Crystu.'! theuter, left City , who New Songs. last night for Denver, where he will Frank Light of Silver Committee of Woman's Auxi- EMEUS I Oxford reside Indefinitely. will represent New Mexico at I'uiversity for the next tour years, liary Will Be at Woman's Mr, and Mrs. Frank A. Stortz and night for Emporia, Kan Saturday Flour - left hist daughter Grace, returned on the llmlt- will remain for several days Club Building This Afternoon visit where he and Much ed yesterday after a sIk weeks' vIsltinE before proceeding to England Rousing Speeches in Ne) York and Vermont Gifts, ONE MORE CAR JUST CRYSTAL Mi. Light spent the past few days in to Receive Enthusiasm at Meeting in Saleswoman wanted the Econo-- i Albuquerque bidding his man Only TO HAND. it young man mist. friends farewell. The Woman' Precinct 5, AN Oxford scholarship A committee of the Mrs. D. D. Coverdalo wishes to won the Rhodes venr t'nlversity of New of the ChMkien's Home Society, Large sacks $1.60 her fail and watate millinery lust at the Bartlett Penis, 6 lbs. for .. .2! PICTURE SHOW Mexico. n charge of the equipping of the home At a meeting which packed the Opt nlng for Tuesday nfternoon and Qood Soap, 7 .. .26 Small sacks 80c at Toilet bars evening of September 14). Music by received for children in Albuquerque, will be school house in arelas to the doors UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The police department has 5V4 lbs. Sweet Potatoes .. .2fi orchestra. notice of a reward of 11,000 offered the Woman's Club building today from last night, the Ban las Republican club THE FLOUR THAT IS were elected Cauliflower, ner lb 10 Mrs. M R. Nlbluch, of Boston, Is In for information which will lend to 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. to receive dona- was organized, officers AT bylaws submit- 13 lbs. Potatoes 2B ALWAYS GOOD. the city the guest of her aunt, Mrs. the apprehension of Fanueil D. I. tions for the home. The committee and a constitution and lawyer, who Is ted adopted. The meeting was one per E. P. Chapman, Iff South Broadway. Hethune. a New York will hold a donation reception and all and Native Wntermelons, CENTS be In some part of tfie movement, of the most largely attended ever held '10 believed to friends of the are urgently lb 01 y ÍIM1 retí or southwest. Bethune is de- nvlted to attend and do what they in the precinct ami was marked by IN HOUSE OSTEOPATH, Gov. Best Gasoline, per gallon . . .25 ANYWHERE THE DR. CONNER, scribed as being live feet, seven Inches in for this worthy cause, which the ev ry evidence of enthusiasm. :t T. Annljo. speech suite and 4, N. In height, 150 pounds weight, large Indies have explained In the follow- - E. 8, Stover made the opening Sweet ( 'urn, per dOI 30 ALBUQUERQUE CASH seen was was repeatedly In- blue eyes and when last ng circular: of the evening und Good Salmon, 2 cans for .. .2") dressed In gray double-breaste- d suit. fhe Woman's Auxiliary of the Chil terrupted by cheering. A. B. Stroup fol- 4 Fel-Xapt- soap ... .25 MADAM Hethune wandered away from New dren's Home Society al your help In made a brief but effective speech, bars GROCERY CO. York while under a mental strain, furnishing the house which they have lowing the completion of the organisa- Co. brought on from overwork. a detention home. The city tion. hubbs Laundry rented for boys' STEWARD-IAM- B boys Econo- and the school board have ap- - The Leanard and Llndemann HOMER H. WARD, Mgr. Wanted errand at the ouncil very accept- f nnu band furnished the music mist. proved their unaermaing oie UP.G0ES S15 Marble Ave. "Our Work is Best" Will Am 0 Her Donation In n appropriated money for the salary of ably. The following officers wore filed1 against Bobble The charge truant officer who Is already em- - elected: Lew Days. by Crystal Ice company. WHITE WAGONS Babbitt the ploved and will occupy this house and President Simon Tafoya. amount of Vice-preside- ( barging theft of a certain nt J. A. Garcia, - take charge of all children detained money collected by him from ice eus- Seeretiiiv mid Treasurer E. C Sugar . 1 W0LKING & SON orvppew.j TU.i 1,,,'u there. toiners, bns oeen churches nnd opera houses have Chaves. squured the account and tne Our ERMOTOR WINDMILLS, TANKS father Icen filled with people earnestly seek iw.- - be lirniiRlit nacii lui itmm. AGAIN, BUT TODAY IT AND will not ing some practical plan to help care Wild. at Williams ano lHILLINO, IHUVING AND UIC- - He was Intercepted After much IS 151-- 2 LBS. BEST as the charge against for these children. ORCED PAIRING. inter r.leased thought and labor this auxiliary has L F was withdrawn. Bobble Is be CANE SUGAR, $1.00. him n and we give you an op Albuquerque, New Mexico. THE DIAMOND PALACE continued on tO be. formed mm EVERITTLEADING JEWELER. lieved to have will your R- portunity to show desire und N. watch Inspector Sssaca i R. - nt,.it,u nr San Francisco. He has TEL. 1485 707 EIGHTH 107 Central Ae.. Albuquerque. e to In this great work by an ne-slr- ingness assist several times expressed arueni us this nnvy nnd It is believed asking you to help furnish TO TAKE A REST join the 1 to house. OUR WORK OB liAlIN HICH N4f he will accomplish this am nit ion thai We need a range and kitchen furni ON LADIKN COLLARS. Sill Iff arrives on the coast. WAISTS, KKIHTH when he ture: single iron beds and bedding for AND HICK chairs, white SUITS IS UNSUHPASSKlr. IMPfc snmc; dining table and Dsmocratic Candidate for RIAL IAUN DRY. HACK-- OF POST Cor sale. $2.."0l slock In the swas namel ware dishes, knives, forks and OFFICE, Hale i j e J tika Sheep and Und Co. for lo spoons, towels, tame unen ano neo Congress Goes to Ojo Cali COMPANY k- or WHITNEY l. sold at imr in hl.x - or Si" linen. Apples our noMr;STro finish t jukt i TIIHVti AND SATISFIES OIjH ,.tcr uiililn the next few days. A committee will be at the W omens Allow THE - ente Springs to Throat YOU TO ItH Ummi offered In N Mci- September PATRONS. IF WANT HARDWARE. investment Club rooms next Saturday. liAUN-DR- WHOLESALE I mw UP TO DATE HAVE YOUR 4i. Call Saturday or linmy ni !i, to receive donations from H:30 a.m. to Recover, A few more of those at lc DONE BY THE IMPERIAL Pumps, South Broadway. T. L. McSioeu to p.m. During the afternoon from per lb. Order early as they do LAUNDRY. HACK OF POSTOFFICE. Tinware, Enameled Ironware; Iron Pipe; 2:30 6 o'clock, light refreshments not long. Stoves, until (special Dlepstrh to tbe Morning Journal I last IPKCIAL SALE. will be served. Lar-razol- o, OUR POLICY 18 QUICK SALES Belting, Mine and Mill Supplies, etc. SATURDAY'S Fe, N. M Sept. 4. O. A. Valves, Fittings, MUS. MA A RET E. MEDLER Pres. Santa AND SMALL PROFITS. LET US 3fe can of Shilling's Best baking ltd democratic candidate for dele- MRS. J T. MeLAUOHMN. Secretary SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN SAVIi WAGONS, IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MACHINERY. powder SOc gate to congress, went to Ojo Callente YOU MONEY ON YOUR GROCER I enns of Sausage and kraut hot springs today for a rest, after com- I I S. P. G. PRATT CO., 814 ? M, 10 c EXCELLENT PROGRAM of county. Mr. Mail orders solicited, Albuquerque, N. Sliced bacon In cans pleting his tour Taos SECOND l.arav cans of milk lc AT SKATING RINK Lurraiolo has been forced to cancel MONARCH u. lb. can of Huyler's cocoa .... 2f( his speaking dates In San Juan county The OUR ASSORTMENT OF CANNED ARE A - - lie owing to the condition of his throat. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ami " " ' ' - AND Fancy salmon In flat cans IM Last Night was "Society" night nt He has been delivering two and three SELECTED STOCK. COME IN F. fl- - PRATT U lb. of sliced beef In glass .... 2n the rink and one of the best crowds speeches each day for several weeks EXAMINE THEM. of represen- CO. 214 SOUTH SECOND. tlrane-Nut- s. ner nkg llr of the season, composed and the continued efrort has resulted GROCERY CO. Jersey Farm cherries, per can 20c people of Albuquerque was In a condition of his hroat which ro- - Loudon's Extra standard tative lie pregent and enjoyed the excellent pro- ulres rest It Is not known how long EVERY ONE IS TALKING ABOUT Comb honey YOU of 2fc gram. The festure of the evening's he expects to remain at Ojo Callente. OUR FliAT WORK. IF HAVE CREAM 2 pkgs. Cream Wheat NOT GIVEN US YOURS. DO KO PURE ICE was the solos by Mrs. Ijirraxolo addressed a large crowd For on Sight scouring soap ui entertainment Mr. W. Central Phone 80 Sell 307 BACK oWI on NOW. IMPERIAL 'AONURY. 1 .l. nt tur unan I"' Frank, and the violin solos nnd n the county court house at Taos OF POSTOFFICB. 1402 pkgs. of Jellycon 25c j gato by Prof John I Clbbs. Mrs. Thursday. PHONE I good voice 20c pkgs. of coeoanut ir.c Frank was In exceptional I- IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY 20c can of sorgum 16c last night nnd sang two beautiful Penllenllary Commissioners. THING DAINTY IN THE GROCERY 6 Be songs In a very pleasing Members of the territorial bound of ( b. csn of tnmatoee...... llustrated Best Treatment for Barn. LINE YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND IT Albuquerque Carriage everywhere." are arriv- a 12 Vc grade of pea 10c manner. "Roses. Boses. penitentiary commissioners If for no other reason. Chamber- AT F. G. PRATT CO., 314 SOUTH . 2 fie were the titles of a meeting of the board SECOND. California asparagus, per can and "Hear Hesrt," ing here for Salve should be kept In every VEH1CLT3S HABITO by Mrs. Frank. By will be held tomorrow, Rou- lain's Company Tin: MASE, the songs sung which on account of Its great val- WAGONS SADDLES will repeat them at only Is expected to come household KIKKK. IToprletor. special request she tine business of It al- AZTEC FUEL CO.. MILL, FAC- CORNER Vf. ue In the treatment burns. WOOD tonight's session. up. pain almost Instantly, and TORY AND MOUNTAIN was at his best with lays the PINION FENCE POSTS: GALLUP Indicted, Mr. Olbbs also Is severe one, heali. California Itankere I unless the Injury a COAIj. 4W3.RO TON. BUY First and Tijeras violin and delighted and charmed I nd in ci for Jury Bribery. LUMP PER sev- the parts without leaving n scar. This 1151. Ban Francisco, Sept. 4. Atter with his masterful In- Han Francisco, Sept. 4. E. 8. the ANY OLD TIME PHONE his audience Is also unequaled for chapped dsys of Intermittent lnvetlgs-tlo- n classical selec- Blake, the contractor, who was salve eral terpretation of several hands, sore nipples and diseases of FEE'S ROOT BKKA. Til BKEH defunct of attempted bribery by John OF QUALITY. WALTON'S DRUG Into the altalre of the tions. skin. Price, 25 cents. For sale grand Jury moving pictures, which were M. Kelley, a venireman In the Abe the STORK, Market street bank, fhe The by all druggists. tndsy relumed Indictments against not the least of the program by n long Buef trial and who was nrrested this was FEE'S GOOD ICE CREAM. AND CO. W. B. Nssh, a former cashier and di- wnvs. were uo to the rink standard morning at South San Francisco, CHARLES ICE CREAM SODA. WALTON'S llffil) Q. very entertaining. The songs tonight Indicted by the grand Jury rector of the Institution and I and were DRUG STORE. Haven, cashier who succeeded n,l idetures will be repeated tonight and Is held under bonds of 110.000 Journal Want Ads Get Results the night Nash. The Indictments rhnrge the The program changes tomorrow The Indictment contained but one WINDOW SHADES opportunity specifies Kelley as the Wholesalers of Everything falsification of accounts. Nash and mA nnleht la the last th! count and I In stock snd mads to order, lowest to Try Morning Journal Want Fu-Irel- ls Haven are In custody under bonds of amusement loving public will have prospective Juror to whom the bribe a prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. LAS VEGAS ALBUQUJERQUE SANTA ROSA llvo.ouo In each esse. attend before the change Is alleged to have been offered Furniture Co. . ,